#Redwall fic
Redwall (Book 1) Oneshot Fic
A sympathetic backstory arc for a villain who didn't need to have been. 
Killconey is a ferret, a ferret who has worked his way up the chain of command almost to Cluny himself. He's a ferret, so he's a murderous rogue. There's no other option, he knows that from experience.
Excerpt: Killconey, one of Cluny’s top captains, stood in Redwall Abbey and hated Basil Stag Hare. He looked down at the ridiculous, patchy creature, and felt the rage grow. “Good grief, shouldn’t think a blaggard like you ever had a mother,” Basil sniffed disdainfully. Killconey had met hares before. ** “Don’t make it hard’r on yerself than it’s goin’ to be, Kipper,” his mother said, twisting and scrambling to face Kipper as she was dragged away. “You be a good lad an’ maybe they’ll let you live. Tell ‘em you don’t mean no harm, Kip. Tell ‘em you’ll be good.”
Words: 853
A Blaggard Like You (there is no forgiveness in tomorrow for someone of your blood) - GaybossTooCloseToTheSun - Redwall Series - Brian Jacques [Archive of Our Own]
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radioactivepeasant · 1 year
Fic Prompts: Folklore Friday
Someday I'm going to finish writing this story. It would help if I could actually remember where I put my notebook that had the outline and third chapter in it lol
This is a bit from the first chapter, setting up the main character, Dantes. For context, rulers in the kingdom of Hieracium are elected, and each takes the family name of the very first ruler of the kingdom -- an unlucky woman who was volunteered for the job because she knew how to do math related to switching currencies and nobody else did. So the Ulfric Clan isn't a bloodline, it's more of a title.
His father and mother had raised him to work as hard as any farmer or farrier or fisherman. Their particular branch of the ever-growing Ulfric clan had not always been rulers, the late Queen Mother had reasoned, and there had been no guarantee that Dantes would be elected as Maya's successor when she retired. Better to be a Jack-of-all-trades than to find yourself out of work with no practical skills.
But Dantes was more than happy to pull his share of the weight in both the capitol and the city. Perhaps his advisers did tend to gently poke fun at his habit of treating the staff like housemates rather than employees trying to do their jobs. And perhaps some foreign dignitaries looked down on Hieracium a little for having a ruler who was willing to scrub flagstones and scatter reeds with the scullion staff. But the Hieracia people loved him for it. It was a reminder to those within their kingdom and those watching from without that rulers were only mortals, like their subjects.
Dantes had just finished setting a cauldron of water to boil when the head cook shuffled into the kitchen. He smiled at her, dusted off his hands, and began to measure tea leaves into an enormous pot.
“Morning, Mrs. Bolton,” he said cheerfully, “Were the dormitories warm enough last night? I saw frost on the windowpane this morning.”
The elderly woman wrapped her pink wool shawl a little tighter around her shoulders and sucked on her teeth thoughtfully before pushing past the king to add several cups of dried oats to the cauldron. Her hands were not as steady as they once were, and she looked altogether too pale.
“Here, give me that,” Dantes said, trying to take the next cup of oats from the cook. “Sit down and warm yourself before you freeze!”
“Leave off, you!” The cook retorted, gently batting his hand away, “I’m a grown girl, I can handle it well enough.”
She made a face as the last of the oats for the porridge disappeared into the water, and held her hands out to warm them over the steam.
“Truth be told,” she admitted, “Twas a mighty cold night. I can’t speak for the others, of course. But me and Mr. Bolton, we do chill easier than we used to.”
Dantes tutted sympathetically. “I’m sorry to hear it,” he said. “I’ve heard that in Nermorn they’ve begun using little coal stoves to heat rooms without fireplaces. Shall I order some for the dormitories? I’ve heard they’re a little messy, but efficient.”
Mrs. Bolton patted his arm with the bold familiarity of one who had known him for most of his life.
“You’re a dear, your majesty,” she told him fondly. “Now you seat yourself! And, and, take some breakfast while you can, afore the rest of my kitchen miscreants wake to scrape the pot clean! I’ll not have it said of me that I let a king go hungry.”
“Yes marm,” Dantes chuckled. He let her push him to a stool by the fire -- no mean feat for a little old woman half his size -- and hand him a steaming bowl of porridge. 
It was bland stuff. Dantes waited until Mrs. Bolton’s back was turned, and tossed two handfuls of nutmeg into the pot. He swiftly brushed his hand off on his trousers, lest the traces give him away, but his attempt at concealment failed anyway.
The instant the cook smelled the nutmeg, she crossed her arms and sighed. “Now sire, you know we need that for baking! You can’t turn every staff breakfast into something fancy.”
“I can try,” the king retorted, with a most unkingly pout.
A few of the other cooks, bakers, and kitchen staff trailed in as the fire warmed the stones. They each greeted the king respectfully, then collected their bowls of porridge and drifted away to begin their morning routines. There was bread to be baked, turnovers to be filled, and enough food to feed a castle to be prepared.
“Colin, get another pot of porridge going,” Mrs. Bolton ordered one of her assistants, “Tis cold enough to freeze the marrow this morn. Make up ten bowls for Jemmy to bring up to the night watch -- and mind you don’t let certain individuals meddle with the recipe!”
“We’re down to one more sack of oats, marm,” the flustered man warned, “All the rest went into the oat farls last night. For the upstairs’ breakfast, remember?”
“Nevermind,” Dantes interjected, pointing his spoon in Colin’s direction. “I’ll see to it that we buy more the next time we ride through Ainselv.”
The king visited the city of Ainselv often. It was only four hours’ ride from Iconos, the capital of Hieracium. As it was a little newer than Iconos, and a little larger, it had a much nicer library, and much nicer merchant stalls. Being so close to the shores of Lake Striga, they had first pick of the goods shipped across the lake from Nermorn. Being further east, Iconos often got what was left over.
“Ordering food is the cellarer’s job, your majesty,” the Assistant Head Cook said in mild reproof.
“Well I’m in charge of all the jobs, aren’t I?” Dantes defended himself, “I can give the cellarer less work today if I like!”
“Sure, and you’re not only looking for new tomes of frightful tales, your majesty?” Mrs. Bolton’s assistant teased.
“Now see here, Mrs. Poppy!” Dantes laughed, then spent an embarrassing two seconds cleaning bits of porridge out of his beard. “See here! That was one time! Heavens, come home with a book instead of a bull once, and you never live it down!”
“Who forgets an entire cow?!” Mrs. Bolton called from the dough table.
“A bookwyrm, that’s who!” Dantes retorted. “I’ll make that oat order, never you fear. Besides, I may as well find something new for the court intendant to read.” He made a face. “She’s up all hours like an owl with those tawdry war romances. May as well find her something with a little more substance, eh?”
“I...don’t know that the Lady Hawksbit is the sort who would care for your tales of knights and monsters, sire,” Mrs. Poppy muttered, but said nothing more about it.
Dantes poured himself a mug of hot mint tea, wished the kitchen staff a pleasant morning, and excused himself. “Off to work!” he announced, “It’s Thursday: out-of-doors work today.”
“Ooo! Mind you wear lots and lots of coats, sire!” squealed a scullion's child on the way to breakfast, “Mother said it’s wicked cold today!”
“And she’s quite right!” Dantes answered. “Oh, Charley, tell the butler I’m requiring a rotation of breaks by the fires today, won’t you? We want no frozen fingers here! Laundry will keep until the sun is properly up.”
“Yes sire!” the child chirped, “If there’s to be lots of breaks, will we get to play in the snow?”
“That’s a question for your mum, not me!” the king called over his shoulder. He took the stairs two at a time and came out in a cozy parlor that had once been an office.
Dantes had never really relished the idea of doing his share of the kingdom’s bookkeeping in the same windowless room his mother had favored. He found it unbearably stuffy in the warmer months. Upon taking the throne, one of the first things he’d done was to make sure his private office had windows that could be opened in the summer. That did incur the risk of pigeons coming to investigate the budget, but there were worse things in life.
Dantes hastily sipped his half-cooled tea as he backed out of the study and made his way up the north stairs to the grand hall. On Thursdays, instead of hearing from advisers all day, Ulfric Dantes was more accustomed to holding court for only four hours. Ministers of agriculture, water control, public health, and other departments related to the kingdom’s overall environment would present their reports to the king during this time. If anything was amiss, the king would ride out to personally contact whoever had been placed in command over the town named in the report. Married rulers usually delegated this sort of thing to their spouses, as that was the job of the vice-rulers. But Dantes remained cheerfully and stubbornly single, and liked to take care of things himself.
Thursday afternoons were generally spent in one of Hieracium’s six cities, holding town hall meetings with city government and civilians alike. They usually had much more specific ideas of what the royal court could improve upon than the advisers in Iconos did.
And, thus far, none of the civilians had tried to badger the king into some kind of political marriage. That was another point in their favor.
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trisshawkeye · 1 year
It is springtime, and the seed that is Redwall Abbey is beginning to grow.
My Fandom5K assignment, focussing on Martin the Warrior in the aftermath of Mossflower. It was lovely to get another chance to write some Redwall!
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mossflower-trails · 2 years
So there are a few story influences on my writing. I cite The Bartimaeus Cycle most often because it really influenced my first-person style and humor.
But looking at my LoZ fanfiction, Redwall is all over it. Like, "draws a fantasy map and writes songs" kind of influence. If I'm not careful I'll end up with 4k words describing a feast 🧍🏾
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castielafflicted · 10 months
14, 15, 8! For the end of year asks. I'd also ask your most easten sandwhich but I know that one (it's cawis, hiiii)
hi cawis!!!!!
8. Game of the year? Tears of the Kingdom, even though I keep forgetting to keep playing it.
14. Favorite book you read this year? Something to know about me is that I fucking hate picking favorites. I think I can safely say it's a tie between @icaruspendragon's poetry book Lazarus Rises: amongst other things and The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster. The first sunk its teeth into my soul and makes me cry every single time I read it, and I have yet to be able to read it only in part. It somehow demands of me to read it in one sitting. The second is a book I loved as a kid and enjoyed even more as an adult.
15. What's a bad habit you picked up this year? Almost all of these fics were Supernatural. Also I stopped opening my mail regularly which is Bad™
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Ask game here
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pitviperofdoom · 4 months
There is a not insignificant part of me that has always wanted to write a zombie horror fic set in Redwall, wherein it's never directly stated but the average reader can probably suss out that what's actually happening is a rabies outbreak.
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olderthannetfic · 11 months
I recently came across an anti ao3 blog and the pinned post was an essay about how being exposed to sexual content as a teenager gave them ptsd and an older user “groomed” them. And like the screenshots they showed were maybe a little inappropriate but not anything near grooming.
They also claimed they were traumatized by a thorki fic that they claimed had a graphic rape scene so of course I looked it up and it was like mildly kinky with the characters giving full consent. The fic was tagged with the ship and rated E.
Like, it’s not possible to be traumatized by a fic. I’ve read books and seen movies I thought were disturbing or emotionally difficult that lingered in my mind. I’ve read books that gave me nightmares (my meds make me more susceptible to vivid dreams). None of that is trauma. When I was 14 I came across the story Guts by chuck palahnuik bc someone in the redwall forum I was on posted it and this was before tws or cws were prevalent. And guess what I lived lmao
Genuinely if you can’t handle your emotions about fic you either shouldn’t read it or get mommy or daddy to preview it for you
TBH, I have no idea what all can cause lingering trauma. Brains are weird.
But I too have seen such blogs including probably that exact one, and it's tragic how much they don't get what actually happened to them. Typically (and definitely for that one if I'm thinking of the same one), they were a dumb 14-year-old who wanted attention, and they kept doing more and more things that made them uncomfortable, like writing more sexual fic than they wanted to or staying in conversations about dark or sexual topics or consuming some media because someone dared them to.
If they'd had a decent adult around to talk to, maybe they'd have learned the ability to say "no" or maybe they wouldn't have been so desperate for attention and validation from randos or maybe they could at least have processed the experience in a useful way. But they didn't.
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wolfjackle-creates · 7 months
1000 Follower Celebration!
I'm blown away, honestly. The last time I had any notoriety in a fandom was back in, like 2007 or 2008 when I was on the Dibbuns Against Bedtime fan forums for Redwall. I was made the head of my dorm as the site started dying because I was the most active member in said dorm.
But you all? You're here because you like something I'm making? It's so wild to me. I appreciate every single one of you. Every like, every reblog, every comment. They warm me up.
I've been thinking over the last few days what I want to do. The obvious answers—prompt fills, polls to determine what I write, story snippets—I do all that with too much regularity. And I'm trying to avoid taking on more fics as I focus on the ones I've already got going.
So we're gonna do something a bit different this week.
Over the next week (From Wed 2/21 to Wed 2/28) send me the title of one of my WIPs (listed below) and I will respond with a few paragraphs. Not my usual 1.2-1.6k that I like to do for WIP Wednesday, but a few paragraphs. At the end of the week, I'll compile them all and post everything in a single post.
I won't be adding all the links like I usually do with each addition to a story until I post that final draft, but I'll tag everything with "[story name] 1000" so you can click that and follow along with the fic in some sort of order.
There are six WIPs eligible for the game! Please limit yourself to one fic per ask, but you may send in multiple asks. I will request that, for now, you limit yourself to one request per fic (aka a max of 6 requests per person). If I find that I'm able to keep up, I may waive that request in the upcoming days. But it will depend on how busy my inbox (and life) get.
Bring Me Home
Answer My Call
I'll Carry Your Heart (Until I Find You Again)
Want to Hold On and Feel I Belong/Bad Reveal AU
I totally forgot about the Empathy!Verse when I did my last ask game. Mostly because that has been entirely written on Tumblr and I...kinda forgot to transfer it to a Scrivener document. Ooops. 😅
Something to Feel isn't on this list because I want to dedicate my time to it today. I'm close to the end, I think, and already have one ask in my inbox about it that I totally meant to get to before now (if it's your ask, I promise I haven't forgotten you!).
Brief Story Summaries
Bring Me Home: Tim and Danny are online friends and know each other's secrets. Currently in the arc where the Young Justice and Team Phantom help Danny escape after a reveal gone wrong.
Ghost!Robin: Jason is haunted by the ghost of the Robin he used to be. Danny finds out when Jazz introduces him to Jason over a meet-the-in-laws dinner. Currently, Jason and Robin are meeting with Frostbite to learn what may have happened.
Answer My Call: Jazz is sending texts to Danny after he escaped a GIW facility and they can't talk. But it turns out Jason is the one who's actually been getting them.
Carry Your Heart: Jason and Danny meet in the Ghost Zone while Jason is dead. They become friends. But Jason runs to Desiree to wish for his life back. A wish she fulfills. Danny goes to visit him, only to find his core left behind in a lair that's in ruin.
Bad Reveal AU: Danny is living with the Waynes when he finds out they're also the Bats. He freaks out because he believes the bats are working with the government (aka the GIW). So he shoots Bruce and runs away. The bats are now trying to convince him it's safe to come home.
Empathy!Verse: Liminal!Jazz is studying in Gotham and feeling the lack of other liminals to interact with. After getting used to the undercurrent of emotion that follows all interactions with ghosts/liminals, humans just feel...flat. Then one day, she literally runs into another liminal as she's going to the library. Jason Todd. Only... he doesn't know what it means to be liminal. So Jazz is there to show him.
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canmom · 8 months
Wait is ratfic not fiction about rats???
I can talk about fiction about rats too! Let's talk about some British childrens' book series! And one American comic book.
The four relevant works for our discussion would be the Redwall series by Brian Jacques, the Welkin Weasels series by Garry Kilworth, the Deptford Mice series by Robin Jarvis, and the Mouse Guard series by David Petersen. All these works portray a world inhabited by semi-anthropomorphic animals that are at the scale of real world animals. And indeed all of them include rats, albeit mostly as antagonists.
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Redwall is perhaps the one that has most penetrated internet pop culture, thanks to articles like this one on SomethingAwful which mocked some of the series's recurring elements while painting Brian Jacques as a bit of a nazi. I ate those books up as a kid, but in retrospect I truthfully can remember only snatches: the shrews' battle cry of 'logalogalogalog!', the pages of elaborate descriptions of feasts.
Redwall is a big sufferer from the 'evil races' problem. A certain arbitrary set of species (e.g. rats, stoats, weasels, ferrets) are ontologically evil, and various other species are standins for various stereotypical British social classes (e.g. iirc moles are always working class). As unfortunately tends to be the case, it even makes the strange decision to double down on this - I believe in one of the books, a member of one of the evil species is raised in the Abbey, but inevitably his evil nature comes out when the good rodents and mustelids are once again threatened by an army of bad rodents and mustelids.
Nevertheless, as repetitive and ethically dubious as these books are, they do conjour a very specific flavour which makes them memorable. The author's enthusiasm for food as child of the Blitz shines through, as does his evident love for the idyllic Redwall Abbey. There's a lot of really charming elements like the 'logalogalog' thing. Having these read out to me as kid was great, it had a bit of a panto feel, where I could join in with the expected beats.
The first Redwall book implies that humans exist in this world, but this is subsequently quietly retconned to an only-animals fantasy world.
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The Welkin Weasels series is a lot shorter at six books, and you may well bounce off the author's enthusiasm to insert puns and references all over the place (I recall one book managing to set up "badgers? we don't need no stinkin' badgers"), but from what I remember of them they benefit from having more explicit horror elements which makes the stakes much more engaging. I recall the weasels trying to weasel their way into a crypt full of horrible pitfalls and finding it very tense as a kid.
There is once again a sympathetic-unsympathetic species divide - weasels are our plucky heroes, while stoats tend to be aristocratic and cruel. However, it does play out a little differently: the first three books are in a medieval fantasy setting with explicit magic, but over the course of the novels, the mustelids manage to rediscover humans, leading to a timeskip forward into a more steampunk setting where the animals and humans have built a joint society together.
Honestly, I would quite like to reread these books! They may well not hold up today, but it would be fun to revisit them.
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The Deptford Mice series by Robin Jarvis - author of Deathscent, a highly memorable novel in which Elizabethans have been transported by aliens into a space archipelago where all the animals are robots which run on the four humours - is a pretty fun one, although my memory is very foggy. It's set in our world, in London, and as I recall the first book involves an evil cat wizard attempting to resurrect the Bubonic Plague from the plague pits. I recall a scene in which rats dig up the plague pit and have their paws melted by the lime coating it. Beyond that I can recall very little but I definitely think it merits inclusion in this list of rat fic.
Once again we have the good rodent/evil rodent problem. Mice and rats are almost identical creatures, so it's weird that the sympathetic/unsympathetic divide falls so consistently.
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Mouse Guard is an American comic series about mice with little cloaks and swords. Making it be a comic is kind of a great idea because you get to see how cute they are at every turn. The mouse guard are responsible for defending the other mice from threats such as snakes. They have a pretty high mortality rate.
I'm... actually not super familiar with the comics, but they inspired a roleplaying game by the creators of Burning Wheel, using similar mechanics - e.g. its beliefs system, the simultaneous-resolution combat system. That got a lot of buzz around the late 2010s. So if you want a game to play as an rat at the tabletop, it's probably a good one to check out!
We might also at this juncture mention the wildly popular novel Watership Down, which imagines an elaborate rabbit society complete with a substantially fleshed out rabbit religion. I wrote about the animated film for Animation Night a couple years back - it's quite a memorable one.
Sadly, this is mostly mousefic (with a bit of weaselfic). I don't know of any true ratfic - centred on rats as protagonists. Perhaps this is an opportunity for someone out there to write ratfic ratfic to correct this imbalance.
edit: omfg i forgot the rats of NIMH. thanks to both the people who reminded me of that one
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chocolatesquirrel · 3 months
Man I wasn't even intending to colour these, I just got really bored
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Anyway linking sketch because links to the characters' fics are there
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doyou000me · 6 months
Fandom Peeps to Get to Know Better:
Tagged by @lurkingshan - thank you for the tag!
3 Ships You Like:
Luca and Vincenzo. They're my rare pair hell ship and I'll keep it afloat singlehandedly if I have to. Luckily I don't, because there's two of us holding up the fort on Ao3, and @ristique-xy and I are basically feeding each other at this point.
For those of you who haven't seen it, Vincenzo is a Korean drama from 2021. Vincenzo is the main character and Luca has like 5-10 minutes of screen time in the entire series. Nothing can convince me that they're not murderous lovers for life.
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Yoh and Mizuki from My Personal Weatherman. I watched it, moved on, and then was reminded of it after a certain picture and discussion with @candidamay, which made me go back and rewatched MPW and now I'm trying to write a fic for them. It is resisting me but I shall employ stubbornness and persevere.
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Kinnporsche. Again, I watched the show when it came out and moved on. Now incredible fanfics (go read Bad Bet by @luckydragon10 and The Power In The Taking by @iffervescent. Both are excellent and very NSFW - proceed with caution and heed the tags) and tumblr in general are slowly making me slide down the slippery slope into the fandom. Can't say I'm putting up any resistance. The Kinnporsche plotbunnies are breeding in my already overpopulated head.
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Honorable mentions: PayuRain and PrapaiSky. Need I say more?
First Ship Ever:
My first ship must be something like 15+ years ago, so I really don't remember. Also, I don't think I've ever been big on exclusively shipping one pair of characters, so OTPs aren't really my thing. I tend to pick one favourite character and then ship them with pretty much any other character depending on what dynamic I want in the moment. I still do, but now I've started entertaining the idea of just throwing them all together in one big poly relationship.
Last Song You Heard:
Wonder by The Rose has been playing on and off in my head the last few days
Favorite Childhood Book:
The Redwall books by Brian Jacques.
Currently Reading:
Nothing. I tend to read in short, intense bursts (like a book/long fanfic in 1-2 days), and then I read nothing for a while.
Currently watching:
Love is Better The Second Time Around
Deep Night The Series
Bloodhounds (rewatch with a friend)
Sandman (watching with a friend)
Currently consuming:
Yoghurt and musli with banana. It's breakfast.
Currently craving:
Tagging @ristique-xy @functionalasfuck, @cryingatships, @candidamay, @7nessasaryevils because I'm curious about what's going on in your heads! Do it if you feel like it, ignore it if you don't :)
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inexplicifics · 10 months
For trademark: Good simple food, especially if bread is mentioned. Sort of like if I pick up a book without looking and it mentioned Strawberry Cordial I know it's in the Redwall universe, if I stumble on a fic and it describes the bread being good (texture and flavor rather than just saying it's good) I check the author and find out it's you.
*delighted giggling*
Good bread as a trademark makes me very happy! And being compared to Redwall makes me even happier. Childhood formative book series for the win!
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kithtaehyung · 1 month
Ryen, you magical human being. 🦄
Teach me your ways. 🤩
I'm serious.
How do you do it!!? How do you write banger after banger? 🤘🏻
*bows down* 🙇🏻‍♀️
Here are a few of my questions. Please ignore if they're too personal. 🥰
How long have you been writing? 🗓️
Are there any books you recommend one should read/study to improve their writing skills? 📚
Any writing communities/website recommendations? 🫂
whoa, thank you so much?? this is very nice of you to say! i can answer the questions, too, though i don't really have an answer for the third one other than searching for writer servers bc i would rec nanowrimo but not anymore!!
but as for writing? i've been writing since.. 2007? oh my god i'm old lol but to be fair, i took a five-years long break from 2014-2019, starting back up again to update my aot fic five years later LMAOOO people were in the comments like "holy shit is this real??" dlkjfskl but anyway.
any books? honestly anything that grabs your attention! fantasy, thriller, sci-fi, whatever genre you vibe with or at least find interesting.
broaden your horizons, read and look up words you don't know or understand, look for writing styles that resonate with you. like for me, i did nottt enjoy passages that had 2840 sentences describing the scenery or food (redwall i love you but i'm looking at you lol) but i enjoy quick/fighting/action scenes, and being challenged as a reader instead of being given everything. just see what works for you!
if you want specific books i myself liked, that would have to be another list hahaha
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thetriggeredhappy · 1 month
Running Blind is one of those fics that makes you question why do you bother with officially published books, since clearly not all of them reaches this kind of quality... Wicked good writing! Sorry, had to join the praise train :> but you deserve it~
yes comma read Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (Douglas Adams), Castaways of the Flying Dutchman (Brian Jacques, also known for Redwall), and Holes and its sequel(?) Small Steps (Louis Sachar). good books.
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andromeda4004 · 5 months
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by @carry-the-sky, thank you!
How many works do you have on ao3?
7 (8 by the weekend!)
What's your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
Exclusively Good Omens at this point, not that I don't enjoy others. But the more I give myself permission to write for fandoms, the less likely I am to ever get around to finishing off my own OCs' story.
Top five fics by kudos:
Morningstar Abbey (Regency AU, T rated, 116K)
Mission: Ineffable (spy action AU, M rated, 25K)
Vaster than Empires (non-angsty S3, E rated, 5K)
The Serpent of the Loch (historical crack, T rated, 8K)
Antoinette (1920s wives AU, T rated, 118K)
Do you respond to comments?
As much as possible, although it does sometimes take me a while. I prefer to do them at my laptop than on my phone (typing is quicker) so sometimes I catch them up in a batch.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
That would be The Truth I cannot Speak, a post-1827 Edinburgh diary entry from Aziraphale where he reflects on all the things he cannot tell Crowley, and might not ever get the chance to now. That one has poetry!
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I do tend towards the happy ending for preference, but I guess Morningstar Abbey would be happiest, since it ends drinking wine in the garden the day after the wedding 💕
Do you get hate on fics?
Not yet, I haven't.
Do you write smut?
I do now! Vaster than Empires was the first E rated fic I've shared, and I have a new one coming out this weekend for the High Pollen Count sex pollen event.
Craziest crossover:
Mission: Impossible, probably! Although that's not a crossover, it's a human AU. I haven't written a classic crossover yet, and I don't know that I will, it's not quite my style.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of, and I've only been doing this just over a year, so seems unlikely.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not yet, but one lives in hope!
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I would love to! I do like beta reading and providing some collaborative suggestions when people are looking for them, so I suspect I'd enjoy formally co-writing something with an author I clicked with.
All time favorite ship?
It's got to be the Ineffable Husbands/Wives/Partners. The ship that keeps on giving!
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I try to focus as much as possible when writing, to avoid having too many half-done works at once, so I don't have any WIPs which are languishing at the moment. Except for my original work, but that will get finished, just quite slowly!
What are your writing strengths?
Plots and dialogue. I like to tell a story, a whole thing, with lots of developed characters and psychology and subplots, which leads me to the weakness...
What are your writing weaknesses?
Stopping! All my fics end up longer than I was hoping because I can't stop writing them! And on the smaller scale, simple things like working out where to stop a scene, I just can't do it! Rather, I can because I've worked at it, but it has been effort to get better at this.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
Love it. I'm fluently bilingual, and have basic functional language skills in two or three more (or I do with a bit of warm-up!), but verbal is not the same as written, so I do try to get a native speaker to beta anything more than a word or two.
First fandom you wrote in?
In the beginning... the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.
Yep, first fandom I remember writing things for was H2G2, back in the 90s when everything was on paper. Although I have been in fanclubs since Discworld as a teenager and further back I think Redwall as a kid?
Favorite fic you've written?
No, don't make me pick! They're all lovely! Although probably Mission: Ineffable, because I'm currently enjoying revisiting that AU to work on a sequel.
tagging! (no pressure!): @afrenchwriter @sabotage-on-mercury @suavissimapenna @hotcrosspigeon @homemadeapplecider @voluptatiscausa and anyone else who sees this and wants to play :)
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conkers-thecosy · 2 months
Ten Questions for Writers
Tagged by the lovely @mintedwitcher - Thank you!
Q1. how many works do you have on ao3?
Seven on this account, but there are a fair amount of orphaned works by me floating about, too!
Q2. what's your total ao3 word count?
Q3. what fandoms do you write for?
Only bagginshield just now.
Q4. do you respond to comments? why or why not?
I do! I've probably missed one or two recently, but I do my best to answer everyone! I think it's so important to respond to people who take the time to leave comments, I've made some amazing friends that way and it's always so fun to chat about fics I've read or written!
Q5. have you ever had a fic stolen?
Sadly, yes!
Q6. have you ever cowritten a fic before?
I haven't, I've never really had the opportunity. I can't work on multiple projects, so the timing has never been right!
Q7. what's your all-time favorite ship?
Bagginshield! I can't help myself, and I don't want to!
Q8. what are your writing strengths?
Oh lordy, I have no idea! I guess I'm good at zeroing in on small details and expanding them into a story?
Q9. what are your writing weaknesses?
Pfft haha, well. We'd be here all day! Thing is, I always say I'm actually not a "good writer" - I'm a good storyteller. The actual technical part of writing isn't my strength at all!
Q10. first fandom you wrote for?
I started with Redwall, then Utena, then Sailor Moon, then Yami No Matsuei, then Jane Eyre, then Rurouni Kenshin, then I wrote some original fiction, then I came back to fanfic with TESO, and now The Hobbit!
Non-obligatory tags for the following: @fantasyinallforms @lordoftherazzles @sunnyrosewritesstuff @domesticgoddesswriter @filiswingman @thatfancygirlinblack and anyone else who'd like to take part!
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