ashrayus · 1 year
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vamp-yro · 1 year
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lo que el tragic toxic divorced yuri le hace a un madafaka
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mushirem · 1 year
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more s7
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iaf · 1 year
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Season 4 Episode 7
Who were the animators for this episode and how do I ensure they get a raise??
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xinyuehui · 1 year
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Shijie, I like you. Let's leave here together, we can live somewhere else or even leave Xuanwu. Find an island where no one knows us, open a bun shop and live a happy life. We don't have to follow any more commandments, and no more...
Lyrics from ♩ 芊芊 (Qian Qian) // 回音哥 (Echo)
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spezzaru · 1 year
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I've been in love with Scissor Seven for a few years now and it's still so criminally underrated in English speaking spaces... please Scissor Seven fans.. find me.. blehhhhgggh
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bonnieisaway · 7 months
anyways while I was editing earlier we have almost a precise ranking of power for the shadow killers despite most of them not actually ever saying/their official ranking never been mentioned. and most of this is either just mentioned in passing or can be guessed from the way the show presents them. up to season 4 spoilers ahead btw
so like, obviously Seven (in his prime, at least - do you think the second spot ever took his when he disappeared btw? like do you think there was a time where he was just labelled missing for ages before somebody else became number one?) was rank number one, it's said and talked about like a million times, Seven was conclusively the highest ranked and most powerful shadow killer by 18 years old.
along with this we hear one other thing: Green Phoenix is mentioned to be the (physically) weakest Shadow Killer. given how much people are sticklers for the rankings we can presume this puts him at the lowest of the seven, even if he chose to appear weaker than he is and his focus is majorly on cunning and wit rather than martial prowess, I assume this is where he's offically ranked honestly
everyone else has never had their number mentioned - or if it was said in some obscure place i don't know it's not on the wiki, but let's be fucking for real nothing is on the wiki seriously one of us might wanna update that thing one day anyways - but I believe we can roughly guess where the rest of the killers rank given by their actions in the show and the order which the show presents them.
which - this might be a controversial one tbh - puts Redtooth fairly low on the list. he is physically more powerful than Green Phoenix, but Green Phoenix is able to outwit Redtooth twice, and Green Phoenix is technically the one who kills Redtooth. But also, Seven at fairly low strength was able to fight Redtooth and almost won on his own. Redtooth is also mentioned in season 4 that naturally, he was physically weak and actually struggled with picking up qi and such - he does not have a natural nor honed talent and his power ENTIRELY relies on the Blood Demon inside him. So he's easily outwitted, he's physically weak without the Blood Demon which, up until season 4 was still restrained heavily, Seven is able to handle him all the way back in season two. Notably, Dai Bo and the rest of the cast are unable to handle him however, even though most of them are built to handle aggressive opponents liked Redtooth.
But it's mainly the fact he appears and is 'defeated' so early in the show that makes me truly believe he ranks so low. Obviously we probably haven't seen the full capabilities of Redtooth and most of the cast however, and this is a ranking with the seal. Obviously he seems to be set up to absolutely rock White Fox's shit in season 5, but it's still really important to keep in mind that this is purely the Blood Demon.
after him the other shadow killer we have the most information on is Blackbird, who Seven ultimately beat into the fuckin ground but boy did we sure almost die getting there!!
So from what we know about Blackbird, from season three, is that unlike Redtooth, he is physically strong, and similar to Green Phoenix he's largely driven by his trauma and his need to validate something that's missing within him, but his weakness seems to really only be his own ego - his weakness (aside from the sun like a fucking vampire. cringelord) is when he can't win, when he is struggling, his frustration is ultimately his downfall. This is one of - if not the only - few fights where 'prime' Seven - or even just Seven as he is now - does not appear to be physically stronger than somebody, and he's actually just barely faster than Blackbird (being able to fucking FLY he's still got a bit of an advantage but Seven's reaction time is evidently quicker, and Blackbird comments that Seven's ambushes and speed used to be infamous - a prowess that Blackbird is almost capable to keep up with) but he wins the fight with wit and outsmarting them. And ultimately, Blackbird's weakness was himself.
Which is a lot to say he's really strong. But it's hard to place him anywhere on the leaderboard without a key thing that Manjusaka says:
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"It seems you're the best after all," as she turns to Blackbird. This is (presumably) the direct translation, because in English Manjusaka actually says something different that I wanna touch on again later, but she turns to Blackbird and says he's the best after all. Which would imply: Blackbird took the spot for number one when Seven was missing. Blackbird had been second to Seven in the league - and some of his contempt for Seven may be because of that. This conclusively puts Blackbird in the number two spot for me.
The next three we have even less information on, so it's really hard to put them in precise spots. As for Manjusaka though we have this: she is very cunning and manipulative, and the other Shadow Killer we know to be infamous for their cunning and wit was the lowest ranked - because the ranks seem to have FAR more value in raw martial prowess and strength than wit. Along with this, Manjusaka never actually works alone. In English in season 3, when she turns to Blackbird, she says "I guess we're just better together," which puts a lot of emphasis on her working with somebody, and emphasis on the fact that she's USING the fact that Blackbird is so high rank so that she can be powerful by proxy. She's also the only one who seems to defend her other Shadow Killers - though they aren't immune to her own scrutiny, Manjusaka outright kills three people for shit-talking Redtooth.
Along with this - Manjusaka dies to Green Phoenix (coughprobablycough) and leaves her as an opponent Seven will never (probably) fight. The Shadow Killers have kept appearing in an order of higher and higher ranking, and Manjusaka is the third to ever appear, and of the three, ALL THREE have died and one came back. Just like, the order these characters have appeared in, they usually appear in increasing power and every season has ended with Seven fighting or about to fight a new, powerful Shadow Killer. Manjusaka dying already leaves her feeling fairly low ranked, given the pattern the show has exhibited.
Manjusaka is also tied to Shimen and are inseparable - what Shimen and Manjusaka lack the other make up for. Shimen appears slow yet viciously strong and stone faced, he's nothing but muscle and qi, and Manjusaka is fast and stealthy - she teleports around, she uses deception and poisons to best her enemies. They're also hardly ever depicted apart. They're only separated twice - when Shimen leaves the fight with Blackbird due to general disinterest, and when Shimen and Manjusaka split up in season 4.
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(these two symbols fading into each other feel like they represent Manjusaka and Shimen)
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They're constantly depicted together and fluently work together. They coordinate easily when that's not the normal for the Shadow Killers - infighting is banned and that's it, they aren't required to get along. But these two are two inseparable halves of one whole, they are both arguably strong on their own but they have glaring weaknesses that the other fills. Their weaknesses, to a point, are when they're separated. This also would seemingly put them next to each other on the ranking - together it feels like they make up one, unstoppable person, and it makes sense that separately they are at similar ranking/strength, just simply excel together, and weaker rankings would be the most likely to bond together to form stronger ones.
Not to mention, Manjusaka dies on screen at the end of the season four and that's it, and Shimen's fate is left entirely unknown because he doesn't appear again and only the leader approaches Green Phoenix. But during the opening for the entire season we see one shot of Shimen we never actually see during the season:
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Shimen left alone and unconscious without Manjusaka. And he leaves the Blackbird fight unharmed, he obviously leaves the encounter with Ouyang Zang (is that his name ? straight up might've misspelled it sorry ) alive because he appears again afterwards, and it seems to imply that without Manjusaka, Shimen is left weak and vulnerable. So these two, to me, feel like they're exactly next to each other on the rankings - and possibly ranked somewhere in the middle
Which now only leaves White Fox, who we know the least about personality wise but we've seen some of his martial abilities (AKA: hey guys I can make a nitrogen bomb from my finger. wanna see) and watched him fight the prince of Stan, which does lead to the conclusion that he is fairly powerful, though it seems it's not really physical strength but his qi, speed, and reflexes that let him overpower his opponents. Given the rankings I've given the other Shadow Killers it naturally leaves him at a semi-high spot.
Which leaves me with my final (guesstimated) ranking of the Shadow Killers, with Seven during his prime, Redtooth's seal still not broken:
White Fox
Green Phoenix
Shimen and Manjusaka feel interchangeable in their spots, honestly? And I would almost put Redtooth above Manjusaka ...? But it kind of feels natural that he's below her. Also, I went back and skimmed the show to see if anybody else was introduced by ranking, given that a lot of people in the show had been previously, and I only found these scenes:
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Which are all only labelled 'the seven greats' according to the translation, unless somebody here speaks Chinese and their rankings are actually said/implied in the Chinese characters and Netflix just didn't translate it which wouldn't even surprise me honestly Netflix just fucking does that sometimes
so yea 👍 that's my estimation on the rankings of the Shadow Killers maybe the show will prove me right eventually. this post took me like 2 hours to make. help
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nekojirou · 10 months
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cammy-mcspammy · 2 months
They love eachother trust
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mr-retnuh · 4 months
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I had to do it
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ashrayus · 11 months
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the character ever!!
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vamp-yro · 1 year
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the greatest girlfailure to ever girlfailure
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splatanastamprr · 1 year
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doomed yuri
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creepycoffins · 6 months
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I'm alive, I'm revived, I survived, you surprised? Gonna cry about it? You should see the other guy!
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littlefanficprincess · 4 months
Bloody Red
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Pair: Redtooth x (gn) reader
Song: The wolf by SIAMES
"Cause you can run. But you can't hide, I'm gonna make you mine"
(A/n): There is literally not Redtooth x reader in existence. So I guess mine is the first (atleast on Tumblr)
Red tooth strolls through a dark forest. His eyes boredly moving around, observing the area surrounding him.
He pauses in his step when he notices a white light glowing through the trees. It was hard for him to ignore, it was quite alluring to him.
Taking a peek, he spots you. Sitting in a spell circle, you were mediating. Your hands were planted on the ground, giving off the same glow. You were surrounded by a white power which formed a Hasu flower.
"Now what can this be? A Sorcerer, an alchemist, or just a try hard?" The demon gets a toothy grin on his face. He approaches the person, looking at your appearance.
You could hear his voice and footsteps, but try your best to ignore it. He notices that, amusing him very much. He wonders how long it will take for this concentration to dissapear.
Pacing around behind you, Red tooth begins taunting "What pathetic thing are you doing here?"
Seeing your eyebrows furrow, he knew he was on the right path. He places his index ontop of your head, trailing down to your neck. It continues down to your shoulders and then your back.
You didn't know who it was, or what they truly wanted. But you did feel their powerful aura, so you just hoped they would let you be.
He leans in close, close enough for you to feel his breath on your ear. It felt warm compared to the cold air surrounding the two of you. "Now come on, you trying hard to ignore me. Why can't you give me a little glance~" He whispers, getting a little too close for comfort.
You could feel your hands somewhat tremble, but you power through. Calmly, you breath through your nose, in and out. Trying your best to lower your nerves.
But flinch when you feel both his hands on your shoulders, his sharp nails slightly digging into your clothes and your skin. He didn't seem to be interested in drawing blood, but it was still horrifying.
"Now if you don't mind me touching you, you surely you won't mind me taking a bite" He leans, mouth wide open with his sharp crimson teeth.
Before he could chop down. You turn around, sending a beam of energy his way. Your eyes open to reveal a pair of (e/c) irises. You find that he had dodged the attack.
A very pleased smirk was present on his face. His body was slight hunched from jumping out of the way. His vision trained on your figure.
Your body freezes, realizing who was pestering you. Redtooth, One of the shadow assasins and nicknamed: The Vampire of Xuanwu. Off all people on this land, why him?
"Not so tough, are you?" He says, before dashing towards you. You could barely react before you were pinned against a tree, being held by the neck. Letting out soft grunts, you could feel his nails jab into your neck.
Grapsing his wrist, you struggle in his grip. Your legs dangle a feet above the ground. You hate how helpless you felt, feeling like a single move could be a death sentence.
"You amuse me, I've hadn't had joy like this in a long while" Redtooth mentions, his piercing eyes gleeming. "Now I can't have some killer to end your life when I'm gone. I'll leave little message"
You could only watch as he leans in, brushing your clothing aside. You breath gets stuck in your throat, feeling his teeth pierce through the skin on your shoulder.
Slowly, your vision begins to drift away. It was blurry by the time he lets you fall you down the ground, as if you were a doll he was done playing with. He dissapeared from your vision, off to who knows where.
You try your best to stay awake, but it was hopless as you fall asleep. Unknowingly to you, you were laying there for hours.
By the time you woke up, it was already the next day. You were still laying against the tree, sitting on the grass. In the corner of your eye, noticing a red mark on her shoulder.
Raising your hands, your fingers trace along the mark. Feeling it, you realise it was from the bite Redtooth gave you. The gears turn in your light, until you understood what he did.
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Because I made a deal with that old woman.
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