#Red Magic 3S
nightbunnysong · 1 month
Unlocking the secrets to hair growth
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Whether you're dealing with thinning hair, or simply looking to enhance your look, understanding the science of hair growth can be a game-changer. In recent years, people have turned to simple, natural remedies with compelling anecdotal and scientific support. This article explores three key practices—cold showers, rosemary water, and a diet rich in specific nutrients—that could transform your hair care routine.
1. Cold showers
Cold showers might seem daunting, but they offer more than just a wake-up jolt. One of the most intriguing benefits of cold water is its ability to improve blood circulation. When you expose your scalp to cold water, your blood vessels constrict, and then rapidly dilate, flooding the scalp with nutrient-rich blood. This process enhances the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to hair follicles, potentially boosting hair growth.
Moreover, cold showers help to reduce scalp inflammation and irritation—two common culprits behind hair loss. A calmer, healthier scalp creates a better environment for hair to thrive. So, while that cold rinse might make you shiver, it could also be giving your hair the vitality it needs.
2. Rosemary water
For centuries, rosemary has been revered not just for its culinary uses, but for its medicinal properties. When it comes to hair care, rosemary water is gaining recognition as a natural tonic that could help stimulate hair growth. The magic lies in compounds like rosmarinic acid and caffeic acid, which have powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties.
These compounds do more than just cleanse your scalp—they actively enhance blood circulation and protect hair follicles from damage. In fact, research has shown that rosemary oil can be as effective as some prescription treatments for hair loss, making it a natural alternative worth trying. Regular use of rosemary water might just be the key to revitalizing your hair and maintaining a healthy scalp.
3. Eggs
Eggs are often celebrated as a superfood, and when it comes to hair health, they certainly live up to the hype. Rich in high-quality protein, eggs also contain biotin (vitamin B7), which is essential for the production of keratin—the protein that forms the structure of your hair.
But there's a catch: to unlock the full benefits of biotin in eggs, they need to be cooked. Raw eggs contain avidin, a protein that binds to biotin and prevents its absorption. Cooking denatures avidin, freeing up biotin so your body can absorb it more effectively. So, the next time you whip up an omelet or scramble some eggs, know that you're not just satisfying your hunger—you're also nourishing your hair.
4. Additional tips
Beyond cold showers, rosemary water, and eggs, there are several other science-backed strategies you can incorporate into your routine for optimal hair health:
Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Found in fish like salmon, flaxseeds, and walnuts, omega-3s are vital for scalp health. They help reduce inflammation and provide the essential fats needed for strong, healthy hair.
Zinc: Zinc is crucial for tissue growth and repair, including your hair. A lack of zinc can lead to hair loss, so make sure to include zinc-rich foods like pumpkin seeds, nuts, and shellfish in your diet.
Vitamin D: Often dubbed the "sunshine vitamin," vitamin D plays a role in creating new hair follicles. Regular sun exposure and foods like fatty fish or fortified milk can help keep your levels in check.
Iron: Iron deficiency is a common cause of hair loss, particularly in women. Incorporating iron-rich foods like spinach, red meat, and lentils into your diet can help keep your hair strong and vibrant.
[photos from Pinterest]
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everafter-life · 2 months
Less Than Three - Disko Wrap (Ricardo Autobahn remix) Inspired ID Pack
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Name: R4wr
Age: 15 (Permateen)
Species: Transcomputer
Pronouns 3rd: It/It/Its, She/Her/Hers, Th3y/Th3m/Th31rs, Love/Love/Loves, Tech/Tech/Techs, Phone/Phone/Phones, Pix/Pixel/Pixels, OMG/OMG/OMGs, LOL/LOL/LOLs, <3/<3/<3s, 👾/👾/👾s, 📱/📱/📱s
Pronouns 1st: Me/My/Mine, Pi/Py/Pine, 0/0e/0y/0ine
Genders: Neutravoid, Lovegender, Gxrl, Techcoric, Scenecoric
Orientation: Queer, Biromantic, Aplflux, Panaesthetic, Hypersensual
Roles: Optimist, Attraction Holder, Comforter
Cis IDs: Cute, Scene, Azodiac, High Empathy, Happy, Hopeful, Silly, Extrovert, Cringy, Nightcore Enjoyer, Gr00med, Cyber Stalked, Virtual School, Poppy, Perma In Love, SH Addiction, Black Hair, Dyed Hair, Red Eyes, Permablush, Fat, Tooth Gap, Cuspid, Autism, Hypersexual, Lisp
Trans IDs: Mary Sue, Magical Girl, Kodo, Digital, Zodiacflux, Permanight, 2000s, Panbirthday, Idol, Furry Artist, N3cro, L0licon, Agere, Virtual World, Japanese, Tiny Apartment, Proship, Suibaiter, Homewrecker, Cheater, R@ped, Sev-Gr00med, Permagr00med, Suibated, Kidnapped, Nullsleep, Permadating, 2D, Amorabled
Paras: AAM, Detrans Kink, CNC, Autoaptophilia
Interests/hobbies: Vocaloid, Touhou, Gaming, Music, Roleplaying, Drawing
Sign off: 📲❤️
Typing Quirk: L337 Speak, All caps, Emoticons after every
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tartsinarat · 5 months
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Woo okay, because I like designing ocs as it’s fun and doesn’t take too much energy so here’s my basilisk oc… number 3!!
…Aka the poor guy who got her organs harvested by Belos in order to use in the making of Pip.
Even though they’re straight up dead and have been dead for years I still love his design and vibe.
She’s a similar type of basilisk to Vee, this is important as that specific type of basilisk has extremely strong magic draining rate.
Vee and 3 did know each other, but Vee was really young. They met each other during experiments that they had to do together in order have their magic draining rate tested and compared at the same time to see which one had the fastest speed, uh 3 won most of the times they did this which is unfortunately why he ended up basically being a sacrificial lamb
To make this even more horrific fun
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Some traits of 3 still ended up in Pip or well mostly his curse, obviously physically like the ears, tail floof shape and splotchy patterns as well as his red irises rather than the typical grimwalker magenta but also bits and pieces of personality/mannerism
Though Pip can’t copy other people but his curse is able to mimic voices/ sounds it hears perfectly which it uses to hunt/ trick people because of the basilisk parts being mixed in
it’s as smart as a parrot but in the way where it can repeat stuff for specific people and kinda knows what context to use it for though you’re not able to have a full conversation with it as it won’t understand anything
This really freaks Vee out when she first saw Pip in his full cursed form and it started copying 3s voice screaming in pain. (Its not got the memories of 3 or anything, its a split off part of Belos’s curse who would have heard 3s screams from when Belos vivisected her for fresh parts)
Pip later had to awkwardly explain to Vee that he has no control of it and is its own thing separate from him.
Vee is convinced it’s messing with her mentally especially as it does similar stuff to Hunter by using Belos’s voice randomly at 5 am to scare him awake.
It is very much messing with her and Hunter for its idea of funnies but this backfires hard on it as every time it takes over Pip it gets locked into the backyard like a dog (this actually makes it stop doing the creepy voice stuff after a couple times because it hates being outside in the cold.)
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On a lighter note I can’t un-see how 3 looks kinda like the Salmonids from splatoon, that was completely un-intentional and I only realised like a while ago that he reminds me of them lmao
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esoteric-chaos · 2 months
Working with Technology Deities
{My post is Cross Posted from The Cobalt Athenaeum aka my original post}
This is all largely UPG and SPG based.
Technology deities are a type of egregore, you can call them a pop culture deity if that feels better. They are the embodiment of the tech domain itself. A primordial being, at least in the way I work with them. They have no faces, names or gender to me. They just are their domain and energy itself. Incredibly powerful in their own right. They can be found the same way a pop culture deity can be, you can see more in our Sister Server Westruun (the blue one) aka The Cobalt Athenaeum.
How Do I Work With a Tech Deity?
You can work with them like any other deity, the largest difference is incorporating them into your tech magic. Are you a streamer? A YouTuber? Or even a blogger? Perhaps work with the Algorithm god. They rule over (in my personal experience) the Algorithm, wisdom, confidence, perception, and change. They can help you boost your numbers, your presence, boost confidence and much more. Incorporating them into your life would surely aid you in your goals.
Make a space for them, build a relationship, make offerings and petition them. You will not regret it.
Tech Deity Examples and Correspondences
I’ve worked with a deity of a social media site and the deities listed below. I will not be posting everything and everyone's correspondences I have worked with, I believe it is important to base your own correspondences and this will be a sample but you can get a general idea from here. These are all my correspondences from working with them. You can use the same ones listed or feel out your own when you meet them.
Algorithm Deity God Of: The Algorithm, wisdom, perception, change, confidence Plants & Trees: Basil, Clary Sage, Maples Elements: Air Celestial Body/Planet: Mercury Scents and Incense: Clary Sage, Ginger, Peppermint Stones & Gems: Tigers eye, Lapis Lazuli Tarot card: The Fool Colours: Light blue, grey, red Candle Colour: Bold Red Offerings: Coffee, caffeinated teas, water, sugar (quick rush), carbs (energy), omega 3s (brain food) Things to use to work with them: analytical data, statistical data, copy of information for social platform, goals. How you can work with them: To grow your social media presence, and data studies, to learn how to be less resistant to change as well as to be, look and appear more confident.
Cloud Deity God Of: All known, unknown and held information on the internet, knowledge, memory, balance (both destructive and non-destructive knowledge) Plants & Trees: Rosemary, Thyme, Cacti, Cedar, Ferns Elements: Water Celestial Body/Planet: Saturn Scents and Incense: Rosemary, Jasmine, cedarwood Stones & Gems: Turquoise, Red Jasper, Sapphires Tarot card: Magician Colours: purple and pink Candle Colour: Purple Offerings: Herbal teas, water, omega 3s (brain power), savoury, spicy Things to use to work with them: Memory stick, notes, notebook, photos, computer, phone, books, camera How you can work with them: Memory recall, sourcing information, retaining information, studying, school, balance in your life
Web Deity God Of: The internet, duality (positive and negative), change, expression Plants & Trees: Fungai, Palm Trees, marigolds Elements: Fire Celestial Body/Planet: Sun Scents and Incense: Orange, Rosemary, Cinnamon Stones & Gems: Amber, Obsidian, fluorite Tarot card: The World Colours: Yellow, Orange, Green Candle Colour: Orange Offerings: Alcohol, water, sweet, spicy, carbs, any junk food Things to use to work with them: Electronics that can access web pages How you can work with them: Finding duality in the world, working with them via searches and teachings, how to stop resisting change, self-expression
Conductor Deity God Of: Electricity, power, energy, action, travel, courage & fear Plants & Trees: Oak Trees, sugarcane, lemon trees, Lemon balm Elements: Electricity Celestial Body/Planet: Venus Scents and Incense: Orange, lemon, Ginger Stones & Gems: Quartz, Citrine, sunstone Tarot card: Swords Colours: Yellow, white, gold Candle Colour: Yellow or Gold Offerings: Coffee, alcohol, water, soups, fruits and veggies, carbs, protein Things to use to work with them: Battery, anything electronic, metals How you can work with them: Powering wards, spellwork and yourself. Action-based plans and spellwork, exercise and general movement, travel, working on self-courage and fears.
This is a highly controversial topic and quite frankly I will not have any arguing on this post. If you simply do not believe in this? Move on. If it's not harming anything or anyone why do you care? The answer is you don't. I will block you from my page if I see anything. General discussion is fine, but being nasty? No.
Would you be interested in the rest of my posts? Check out the Masterpost.
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Hiiii I'm here for the constellation game!!
2 - Al- Haytham (or pick another genshin character if you're not comfy with him ❤️)
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mariii, good to see you!! thank you so much for joining!! finally, writing for al-haitham even though i haven’t finished the archon quest yet ehe~
i went into this thinking everyone would be rolling 3s or 6s but apparently 2 is the choice number jshsh; slow dancing is one of my favourite tropes and i hope i did both the trope and al-haitham justice with this piece ♡
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trope: slow dancing [space nr. 4]
pairing: al-haitham x gn!reader
genre: fluff
warnings: none, just floof <3
second constellation event masterlist
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Leaning onto the parapet of one of the many raised platforms in Sumeru City, you rested your head in your hand as you let out a dreamy sigh. Before your eyes, one of the most beautiful sunsets you had seen in a long time coloured the sky in the most vibrant shades of pink, red and yellow. It seemed as though nature wanted to celebrate alongside the people of Sumeru, the chatter and music of the festival in the streets below audible even where you were standing.
“It's almost magical, isn't it? Just look at all the pretty colours, Haitham~” you sighed again, melting a little more into the hand supporting your head.
“Actually, there's really nothing magical about it at all. We perceive sunsets and sunrises to be colourful because of a phenomenon called light scattering.” Al-Haitham had closed the book he was reading and came to stand next to you, looking towards the setting sun in time to miss you rolling your eyes. “The scatter is caused by small particles and molecules in the air changing the direction of the incoming light rays. Although, the colour we perceive is determined by the size of the particles and the wavelength of the light. Red has the longest wavelength of all to us visible light, so when the sun is at the horizon and the light has the longest path through the atmosphere, all other colours are blocked out. That's why we deem sunsets to have a reddish colour.”
“You don´t say; I thought it was actual magic and someone painted the sky every evening. Way to kill the mood, nerd,” you deadpanned before bumping your shoulder into his. After all, you didn't mind him going on scientific tangents, otherwise you wouldn't be able to stand being near him all the time. Besides, his voice was delightful to listen to, so he could talk all he wanted. 
Tearing your eyes away from the horizon, you focused it instead on the illuminated streets below. The festival was in full swing now as people ate, drank, chatted and danced. “Looks like it's getting pretty lively down there.”
“You know how people get when there´s something to celebrate, they lose all inhibitions.” Subtly, Al-Haitham shifted to study your expression out of the corner of his eye. “But I guess, it's not a bad thing to let loose every once in a while. Do you want to go down and join them?”
“No, not yet. I´d rather stay up here with you for a little longer.” Shifting your weight to look at him properly, you tried to gauge his reaction but he's always had a pretty impressive poker face. “Unless you don't want to?”
“No, I think you´re far better company than any I could find down there, so I don´t mind at all.”
“That's good to know,” you smiled before your attention was drawn to where a band had started playing. You recognised the song immediately. It was a popular romantic waltz and couples flocked to the centre of the plaza hand in hand. Oh, how you longed to share such a dance with someone one day. Against all your might, the butterflies in your stomach were fluttering towards the man next to you and you tried to shake the feeling by concentrating on the movements on the streets again.
There were a lot of things you could say about Al-Haitham. But not that he was dumb. And he wasn't oblivious either. Naturally, he had noticed the ‘stolen’ glances you had sneaked his way when you thought he wasn't looking. He had also observed how your face lit up when you saw him or when he remembered your favourite flower he ‘just happened to come across’ during his expeditions. But up until now, it had never been the right moment to tell you how he felt. Or, at least, that was what he told himself when he let another chance pass by.
There was something compelling about the way you looked under the festival lights though. And when Al-Haitham saw the dazed look in your eyes as if you observed something magnificent in the far distance, he decided to take a leap that night. Holding out his hand to you, he cleared his throat to bring you back to the present.
“May I have this dance?”
Right off the bat, he knew it had been worth it when the surprise on your face morphed into genuine joy, the smile you offered him, as you placed your hand in his, more vibrant than the past sunset. Guiding you to the centre of your own little dance floor, he did his best to focus on you and not on the pounding of his heart.
Unbeknownst to the man in front of you, you were trying very hard not to trip over your own feet before the dance had even begun. With the way the blood was thumping in your ears, you doubted you´d be able to make out the beat of the music over it. When you came to a halt in front of your dancing partner, your brain had finally caught up with what was happening and that it was actually happening.
Just to have that moment of clarity whisked away from you again the second Al-Haitham placed his hand on your lower back and pulled you closer to his strong chest. With his lips nearly brushing your ear, he lowly whispered “Is this okay?”
You were very proud of yourself for the stammered “Yeah” you managed to breathe, not being under the impression your vocal chords could create a sound at all.
It turned out you needn't worry about hearing the music in the first place. Al-Haitham was an excellent dancer, confidently guiding you through the motions with measured steps and an elegance that was befitting of royalty, yet was also so very him. Needless to say, it didn't take long for you to fall into step with him and forget the world around you. Right now, it was just the two of you.
“I didn't know you could learn how to dance from being surrounded by books all day,” you joked to alleviate your nerves.
“Why so surprised?” he questioned, “I'm hardly the type of scholar to hole myself up in the library all day long.”
“Clearly,” you mumbled. Suddenly, you were hyper-aware of the defined muscle your left hand was resting against.
Despite your nerves being set ablaze by the proximity, you couldn't possibly tear your eyes away from his dual-coloured ones. He seemed to downright glow under the moonlight, his bright hair catching and scattering the gleam in such a way he seemed to be adorned by a halo. And to you, he could´ve very well been ethereal.
The song slowed down and you went from effortless turns and twists to a gentle sway, like two flowers bending in a breeze. At first, you were confused as to why Al-Haitham released your hand. Then, your lips parted in surprise when he slowly laced his fingers through yours, gaze lingering on your now intertwined hands. The way he looked at you was so soft, you thought your knees might have buckled and given out were it not for him holding you upright.
“I haven't dreamt in a long time but if I had, I think this is what my dream would have looked like.” There was such an unfamiliar vulnerability in his voice it might have startled you in any other situation but right in this moment, blanketed by the light of the moon and a million stars, unveiling true emotions seemed the most natural course of action. “(Y/n), there is something I´ve been meaning to tell you and I´ve realised I can't wait any longer. No matter what your answer will be, I will accept it, so long as it is the truth.”
“Al-Haitham..” You gave his hand a reassuring squeeze as you fought hard to keep your hopes from soaring to the sky lest they came crashing down around you should your heart be broken by the one who had held it so carefully up until now.
“I´ve never felt for anyone the way I feel for you. Normally, concentrating on my research is no problem at all but lately I´ve been finding it hard to focus when thoughts of you cloud my mind. Whether it´s debating asking you to join me for lunch or wondering if you'd like one of the pins in the shop display, it's as if I can´t go anywhere without being reminded of you. It´d be maddening if it was anybody else. But because it's you… I don't mind.” He closed his eyes and exhaled deeply before holding your gaze once again. “What I'm trying to say is, I like you, (Y/n). A lot. The only question remaining is whether you feel the same for me?”
“You´re just full of surprises, aren't you?” You couldn't suppress the joyous giggle bubbling out of you but before he could retreat his hand from yours, you tightened your hold. “I guess that's just one of the things I like about you. A lot, I dare say.”
“Just what have I gotten myself into with you?” Despite his words, he couldn´t hide the spark amidst turquoise and orange nor the amusement tugging at his lips.
“You said you'd accept my answer as long as it was the truth and considering I was being very honest just now, you have to live with it. It's too late to backtrack,” you teased.
“Oh, I wasn't trying to take anything back. I'm merely starting to devise counter measures for the brat I seem to have on my hands. I have a few ideas already.” With one swift tug on your still intertwined hands, you collided with his solid chest, the hand on the small of your back making sure you´d also stay there. The fingers of his left hand danced along your jawbone in feather-light motions, leaving goosebumps in their wake. As you watched a smug smirk settle on his handsome face, you wondered just what you had gotten yourself into. Following the movement of his thumb over your bottom lip in a barely-there caress, Al-Haitham contemplated a moment before speaking again.
“It seems to me as if dreams might not be so nonsensical after all.”
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tag list: @mccnstruck
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silent-dragon · 8 months
TWST Student OC Profile - Dalí Ming
"Calm and chaos—leave everything on the canvas." - Hwei
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Ming's Theme
Personal Info
Name: Dalí Ming(Prefers just to be called Ming)
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Species: Human*
Birthday: December 6
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Height: 178cm/5ft'10in 
Orientation: Omnisexual
Eye Color: Varies(See More Info Below)
Hair Color: Dark Teal
Homeland: Pleasure Kingdom of Caskcut
Twist of Lukai Hwei from League of Legends
College Info
School: Night Ravens College
Dorm: Octavinelle
School Year: 3rd
Best Subject: Art
Club: Film Research Club
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Other Info
Occupation: Painter,Empath,Artistic Visionary
Favorite Food: Small Handheld Foods
Likes: The Number 3,Art,Painting,Vast Scenery,Creativity,Affective Science,Psychology,Colors,Emotions,Questions,Paint Brushes
Dislikes: Darkness,Loneliness,Ruined Art,Uncontrolled Fires
Talents: Painting with Magic,Traditional Art,Reading Emotions,Poetic Speaking
Unique Magic: “Hues of You” ~ Any paint or liquid substance Ming has on a paint brush can be infused with emotions that if applied to a living being's skin will affect them. 
Personality: A kind and compassionate young man with a vast curiosity of the world and the living beings within it. He has a scary and powerful imagination that affects him so much that what is real and what is not,exists in the same world to him. He can see the colors of people's souls and read their emotions, often advising others to not dwell in those colors for long or to cope with the stains of the past. He is a bit difficult to understand but if you open your mind to his deep words all will become much clearer. He loves meeting new people of all kinds.
Bio: The young artistic visionary spreading his love for art and feeling one's emotions. From his homeland people will say he is an unfortunate boy as he is the sole survivor of an incident at an art academy he attended for most of his life…all taken away in smoke and flames. Some feel he has gone mad from grief while others say he has adapted to something new and it's beautiful. He is kind but always questioning,making friends but also wanting enemies…it's an endless interesting time in his presence. He yearns to figure out the light and darkness in his heart or mind that call out to him…he is unsure.
More Info:
Ming's eyes change colors constantly depending on his mood or the mood of the person he is staring at. They shift between Purple,Red,Blue,and Gold. Their meaning always has multiple reasons.
Purple ~ Pain or Hope
Red ~ Anger or Passion
Blue ~ Sadness or Peacefulness
Gold ~ Despair or Overwhelming Emotions
The magic paint swipe that follows Ming is just his palette that can change all colors. It vasts into his giant paint brush when he needs to put it away but usually walking around with it as artistic inspiration can happen anywhere.
*Ming is indeed human but given his abilities he may be something else entirely but who knows.
He can only use magic via paint or liquid substances.
His giant paint brush can function as a flying broom.
Like in usual too engrossed artist fashion Ming will forget to eat and sleep properly. This is why his eye look so tired and his body is so small.
Ming likes to eat and receive things in 3s of possible. He will only eat 3 grapes then wait hours til he will do so again.
Since can see the emotions of people right away he just considers everyone is his friend or is fine with him because the colors are so telling when someone says they are his friend.
Is genuinely fearful but also excited to meet people who seem to lack emotions...
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yalocalfanficaddict · 10 months
*vibrating to the point of combusting over the need to write something and title it with a Hozier song/lyric*
Ayo, new music obsession just dropped! Here's a random prompt list of Hozier stuff because my mind is rotting! Anything with Pt 1 and Pt 2 beside it, is just complimentary titles for potential series titles.
Take me to church:
Giggle At A Funeral
Born Sick
Like A Dog At The Shrine
Offer Me Your Deathless Death
Take Me To Church (A lil obvious with this one, but just imagine the Corpse Bride AU's)
My Lover's The Sunlight (Pt 1)
She Demands A Sacrifice (Pt 2)
This is Hungry Work
No Masters Or Kings (Pt 1)
When The Ritual Begins (Pt 2)
Let Me Give You My Life
Angel of Small Death and the Codeine Scene:
Toying Somewhere Between Love And Abuse (Please just hit me with the back of a metal chair) (and by metal chair I mean angst)
The Wretched And Joyful
Shaking The Wings Of Their Terrible Youth (Arch-angels? Anybody?)
Freshly Disowned...Frozen Devotion
Sweetened Breath And Tongue So Mean (Removed pronouns for inclusivity)
Feeling More Human
I Lay My Heart Down (Pt 1)
It's Bloody It's Raw, But I Swear It's Sweet (Pt 2)
Wonder If Better Now Having Survived (Pt 1)
I'm Alive (Pt 2)
Jackie and Wilson:
From Behind The Red In My Eyes (Literally any character with red eyes will rule this title)
No Better Version Of Me
Most Familiar of Swine (Enemies to Lovers WHERE YOU AT??)
Wretched And Divine (I don't watch Good Omens, but think of the potential!!!!)
Laughing Away Through My Feeble Disguise
Found Me Just In Time
My Mid-Youth Crisis All Said And Done (Pt 1)
Never Felt So Young (Pt 2)
Call Me "Baby"
Hands Through My Hair
Soothe Me Daily
Raise 'Em On Rhythm And Blues
It'd Be Great To Find A Place We Could Escape Sometime
Dead And Buried In The Yard Outside
Watch The World Go By (Pt 1)
Watch It Burn And Rust (Pt 2)
It Wasn't For Us (Pt 3????)
Cut Clean From The Dream (Childhood Friends To Strangers???)
Let My Mind Reset
Looking Up From A Cigarette
Someone New:
Don't Take This The Wrong Way
You Knew Who I Was (Pt 1)
Every Step I Ran To You (Pt 2)
Electing Strange Perfections
Just A Little Ol' Little Bit
Everyday With Someone New (Here me out...Soulmate AU)
(There's An) Art To Life's Distractions (Pt 1)
The Art Of Scraping Through (Pt 2)
Some Like To Imagine
I Guess Any Thrill Will Do (Grumpy x Sunshine adventure!)
My Heart's Already Sinned
How Pure, How Sweet A Love
'Cause God Knows I Fall In Love (Denial for their feelings >>>)
The Stranger The Better
To Be Alone:
Never Feel Too Good In Crowds (Angst? Trauma Recovery?)
Crude And Proud Creatures Baying
All I've Ever Done Is Hide
When You Kill The Lights And Kiss My Eyes (FORBIDDEN LOVERS!!!!!)
I Feel Like A Person For A Moment Of My Life (Pt 1)
But You Don't Know What Hell You Put Me Through (Pt 2)
Kiss The Skin That Crawls From You
Oh, To Be Alone With You (Pt 1)
Questions I Can't Ask (Pt 2)
Not A Trace Of Me Would Argue (Whipped characters be like)
We Should Run Away
From Eden:
Something So Tragic About You (Please combine the next few lines as Pt 1s, 2s, 3s, etc. as you see fit!)
Something So Magic About You
Something Lonesome About You
Something Wholesome About You
Get Closer To Me
No Time For Me
You're Familiar Like My Mirror Years Ago
Idealism Sits In Prison
Chivalry Fell On It's Sword
Innocence Died Screaming
Something So Wretched About This (Hozier's favourite word unlocked lol)
Where To Begin?
What A Sin
To Hang From A Tree
In a Week (Ft. Karen Cowley):
I Have Never Known Peace
Like These Insects That Feast On Me
Our Heartbeats Becoming Slow
Two Corpses We Were (Pt1)
Two Corpses I Saw (Pt 2)
I'd Be Home With You (Could be used as a Hurt/Comfort or a Hurt/No Comfort)
The Slumber That Creeps To Me
I Have Never Known Color (Soulmate AU!!)
Flesh Calmly Going Cold
Your Hand In My Hand
So Still And Discreet
When The Weather Gets Hot
After The Foxes Have Known Our Taste (Pt 1)
After The Raven Has Had It's Say (Pt 2)
Just A Little Rush
To Feel Dizzy, To Derail The Mind
My Heart's In Atrophy
Nursing On A Poison That Never Stung (Pt 1)
Our Teeth And Lungs Are Lined From The Scum Of It (Pt 2)
We Are Deaf (Pt 1)
We Are Numb (Pt 2)
Something Isn't Right (Trapped in an Alternate Universe, anyone?)
Little Words
Slaves To Any Semblance Of Touch (Touched Starved Character's are gonna have a field day with this one lol)
We Should Quit But We Love It So Much (Never meant to be romances >>>)
Drag Me Away From It
Work Song:
Workin' On Empty
I Just Think About My Baby
I Could Barely Eat
Nothing Sweeter Than My Baby
Once From The Cherry Tree
Give Me Toothaches Just From Kissin' Me
When My Time Comes Around (Pt 1)
Lay Me Gently In The Cold Dark Earth (Pt 2) (THE ANGSSTTTTT)
Three Days On Drunken Sin (We aaaall know the smut writers will have a field day with this one, haha!)
An Empty Crib
No Grave Can Hold My Body Down
What My Hands And My Body Done
If The Lord Don't Forgive Me
Heaven And Hell Were Words To Me
Like Real People Do:
Why Were You Digging? (Pt 1)
What Did You Bury (Pt 2)
Those Hands Pulled Me From The Earth
(I Will Not Ask You) Where You Came From
Eyes Always Seeking
In Some Sad Way, I Already Know
It Will Come Back:
You Know Better, Babe
Talk To It Like That (My mind went STRAIGHT to the gutter when I read it out of context)
Don't Give It A Hand, Offer A Soul
Leave It To The Land
Don't Let It In With No Intentions To Keep It
It Will Come Back
Smile At Me Like That
Hold Me
I'm Something Else When I See You (Myyy heaaart!!! Grumpy x Sunshine title for sure!!)
You Don't Understand, You Should Never Know
How Easy You Are To Need
It Can't Be Unlearned
The Warmth Of Your Doorways
Oh, Please, Give Me Mercy No More (WHUMP POTENTIAL!!!)
A Kindness You Can't Afford
Howling Outside Your Door
Foreigner's God:
Moved In Shameless Wonder
The Perfect Creature Rarely Seen
When The Land Was Godless And Free
Into The Empty Parts Of Me
My Heart Is Heavy
Always A Well Dressed Fraud
Never For Me
The Purest Expression Of Grief (HEAR ME OUT!! HEAR ME OUT!!)
Tender Charm
The Broken Love I Made To Them (Changed pronouns for inclusivity!)
Foreign To Me
Cherry Wine:
Eyes And Words Are So Icy
Like Rum On A Fire
Hot And Fast And Angry (Mad smut mad smut mad smut mad smut mad-)
I Walk My Days On A Wire
Oh Mama, Don't Fuss Over Me
The Blood Is Rare And Sweet As Cherry Wine (*glances at the Twilight fandom nervously*)
The Sheets Of Some Other
But I Want It, It's A Crime
Not Around Most Of The Time
I'm Their's And They're Mine (Inclusivity!!)
Fight And Fury Is Fiery
Loves Like Sleep To The Freezing
Sweet And Right And Merciful
It's Worth It (Pt 1)
It's Divine (Pt 2)
In The Woods Somewhere:
My Head Was Warm, My Skin Was Soaked
When I Awoke, The Moon Still Hung
The Darkness Hummed
I Prayed My Mind Be Good To Me
Into The Trees With Empty Hands
His Bone Exposed, His Hind Was Lame, I Raise A Stone To End His Pain (A lil long, but I think it sounds nice✨)
What Caused The Wound?
To Save A Life I Didn't Have
Forgot All Prayers Of Joining You
My Dearest Love, I'm Not Done Yet
Something In The Woods Somewhere
Run To Me, Lover
Until You Feel Your Lungs Bleeding (HANAHAKI?? HANAHAKI!!)
To Be Twisted By Something (A knife? A rope? Possibilities are endless!)
A Shame Without A Sin
Rushing To The Shore To Meet
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Writing Excerpt: Enna's Prequel
In honor of the 2/3s winner of the poll I made last night, here's something I wrote last week.
(The winner was ''Anne gets rescued by a group of assorted sapphic women'')
Word Count: 1,227 Tw/cw: Blood/human sacrifice, murder, referenced death, the protaganist being afraid that someone close to them might die, fighting, weapons, blood. I think that's it, let me know if I missed anything else. Context: Anne got kidnapped by a necromancer (Eleanor) who wants to use her (and enna) as the sacrifice(s) to kickstart a summoning ritual. She wants to use them because of who their dad is (loosely an angel (if you know d&d they're assimar)) and the magic that gives them. This is the scene of Effie, Enna, Thea, and Lauralei all going to rescue her, because none of them want her dead or an eldritch being trying to kill them all. Effie is Anne's girlfriend/partner/future wife, Lauralei & Thea are her friends, & Enna is her twin sister.
At the bottom of four layers of catacombs was a secret trapdoor, guarded by a man named Barnabus. Now, he was dead. Enna pushed the door open and descended down the flight of stairs beyond it. She wasn’t expecting what was at their bottom.
In the center of the room was a carved stone circle. It was detailed with hundreds, if not thousands, of symbols and phrases that Enna could never hope to understand. At one side of it, placing half melted candles into worn grooves, was an auburn haired woman. She was taller than Enna by at least a foot and everything about her screamed two things. She was a necromancer, and she was rich.
Her dress was ebony black and made of fine, heavy cloth. It was the kind of fabric that it would cost a hundred gold just to get wax out of, but here she stood, wax dripping past her skirt. Her hair was braided into a crown, and at the top there was a hair comb. It had a blood red ruby in its center, and the rest of it was gold. Her make up was flawless, and her skin the color of clouds.
Chained against the wall was a woman who could have been Enna herself. She was small; slightly built to begin with and months of near starvation having taken their toll. Her hair was limp, her cheeks hollow and her eyes half closed. Her ankles and both her wrists were shackled, and one arm was bent in a way that no one’s should be. The only thing that told her Anne was alive was the twin pulse beating alongside her own and the slow rise and fall of her chest.
“Oh, excellent, you’ve made it just in time for the main spectacle,” she said, her voice filled with a malice that contained far too much glee for Enna to be comfortable with. Her voice was smooth—like velvet. “I would so hate for you to miss it,” Eleanor continued.
“What are you doing to her,” demanded Enna, feeling a short figure push against her back and knowing that Effie was behind her on the stairs.
“Oh,” laughed Eleanor, “Nothing I wouldn’t do to you. I was hoping I would get to kill all three of you, but,” —and here her voice took on a darker turn— “Zenderian killed the boy before I got the chance. Pity, that, but no matter. The two of you combined will be plenty strong enough for what is needed. Who knows, there might even be leftovers!” She giggled.
Enna let the arrow fly.
The giggling cut off abruptly. Suspended in the air in front of Eleanor’s throat was the arrow. It floated in space, bobbing gently in a nonexistent breeze. She reached up and plucked it out of the air like she was plucking a raspberry off a bush. “A steel tipped arrow. How… quaint.” Her lip curled, and she flung it to one side. It clattered against the flagstones.
Effie moved to Enna’s side, where she had a clear view of the room. She drew a vial from her belt, and hefted it in her hand as if to chuck it at Eleanor. Then she looked at Anne, and how close the two women were, and she lowered it.
“That’s right, little gnome. Just surrender now, and everything will be perfectly fine.”
“No! It won’t be! It isn't! You’re trying to kill my partner, who I love very much and would like to not be sacrificed for the birth of an eldritch demon.”
Eleanor stood to her full height as Effie withdrew a small crossbow from her back and two more figures moved past Enna to flank her and Effie. She drew a long and wickedly curved knife from her belt. It’s handle was worn, and the iron blade was sharp enough to gleam in the half-light.
“Oh, darling,” she purred. “Birth? No, this is just waking them up. They’ve existed for a long, long time.” She raised the knife behind her.
Effie hissed. “Fuck. You.” She pulled the trigger on the crossbow, watching as a pair of bolts fired straight for her.
Sure, she couldn’t use her potions. But that didn’t mean Effie was defenseless. She was a damn sight with a crossbow, and this one she had modified herself. The bolts weren’t steel, not completely. Copper did not, as a rule, mix particularly well with magic. It was practically impervious to it, which made it a very good weapon against spellcasters. In this case, necromancers.
Effie’s bolts shot, one and then another, cutting Eleanor off mid monologue. The first missed. It landed in the mortar of the wall behind Eleanor. The other didn’t. It flew straight into her upper arm and buried itself there. Eleanor screeched, and raised the knife with her uninjured arm. With the point she drew a careful line down Anne’s chest. The cut was shallow; about six inches long. It began at her throat. Blood began to bead along the edges, and slowly drip into the carvings below. It began to spread out in the carved circle. Eleanor began to smile. It was cold, and cruel, and the most terrifying thing Enna had ever seen in her life.
She didn’t know what scarred her more: Eleanor’s smile, or the fact that Anne didn’t react to the cut at all. The only sound she made was the slow ‘huff’ of her breathing, barely audible over the noise. At the same time, footsteps all at once began in the corridor to the left and immediately got louder. Temerity and Geir emerged from the archway. They were both armed to the teeth.
“Fuck,” said Lauralei, eloquently.
“You three deal with them,” said Thea. “I’ll get Anne.”
They nodded. Enna looked at Lauralei. “Make her feel it, will you?”
“Oh, she will,” said Lauralei grimly.
Just like that, the battle began. Enna dropped her bow and drew two of her daggers. She locked eyes with Temerity. The assassin drew her own blades.
“Fair fight?” she offered.
“Fair fight. No magic.”
“No bows,” countered Temerity. The two women circled each other.
“Fine. Three knives?”
“Don’t press your luck, Enna.”
“Alright. No bow, no magic. Agreed?”
“No magic, no bow,” said Temerity, and made the first move.
We must here pause in our narrative to clarify three things. One (1): Temerity was first and foremost an assassin. Her targets never saw her coming. Having one who could was throwing her off. That didn’t mean she was a shoddy fighter in the open—quite the opposite, in fact—but it did mean that just for the next few seconds, Enna had the upper hand.
Two (2): Temerity fought dirty.
Three (3): So did Enna.
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acourtofthought · 2 years
I try to understand the logic of the Elriel stan. Many things make sense, but others don't.
They are convinced that the forbidden romance will exist between them as if it were some other book we find lying around.
They are convinced that Elain's ignoring Lucien is a sign to Elriel. Being that: we saw Feyre and Nesta fight the bond even though they were already in love.
They are convinced that 3 brothers to 3 sisters is obvious and even clap for Vassien when we have no clues, other than Lucien's loyalty which is something emphasized in the books.
But they ignored that: Sjm would mate Nesta and Lucien, so it wouldn't be three sisters for the batboys.
They also ignored that Lucien is so loyal that he doesn't speak ill of Tamlin having reasons and that he almost died and was whipped out of loyalty to Feyre and his friend.
They think Lucien's concern for Vassa is loving, but I see someone who admires a queen who loves her people and someone who is her friend above all else. They ignore all hints of romance between Vassa and Jurian.
Vassa and Jurian are at each other's throats, but their thinking of the future is the same. Doesn't this remind you of endgame couples?
They are even playful with each other. Vassa appears to be as tempestuous as Jurian, someone as sharp as he is. I see this endgame couple.
Yes, Elriel has moments in the books, but I don't see those endgame double signs. One of the two would have to change drastically to fit into each other's lives. And SJM had three books to match them, and she didn't.
How do they not see the red flags? And what do you think of the many number 3s in this universe?The Elriel stan are very attached to this.
Good Morning!!! Happy Friday!!!
Starting at the bottom and the question regarding the number 3.
My best guess is that SJM (based on her studies and the different lores that she samples from), likes the number three because it's considered "the perfect number, the number of harmony, wisdom, and understanding. It's also the number of time - past, present, future; birth, life, death; beginning, middle, end - it was the number of the divine. Three is often the magic number in fairy tales."
And I do think there may be something to that within the series because we constantly see mention of "birth, life, death" and "beginning, middle, end".
But I don't think SJM would make her endgame couples based around the number 3 which is a bit corny. Her references to the number three have a deeper meaning.
Like the sisters conquering a mountain which is showing their personal journey's. Or Feyre being likened to "Birth and the Beginning", Nesta being likened to "A Goddess of Death" and Elain being likened to "Life".
But like you said, she NEVER intended three sisters with three brothers since she initially thought Nesta would be with Lucien but that ship fell apart when she realized they wouldn't be well matched after their characters further developed. What took her by surprise though is that Elain WAS a match for Lucien. E/riels are going to just have to deal with it but SJM always wanted him with one of the Archeron's and the compatibility of Elain and Lucien has only gotten stronger since she realized they'd be mates.
And every path they try to take "forbidden love, Elain shies away from Lucien, Vassa and Lucien are going to be a thing" are so easily disproven by just looking at the rest of the series. It does them no good to only focus on E/riel moments as evidence of something because there is way too much information given everywhere else that is required to create the full picture. There IS NOT forbidden love because there is no love. Rhys ONLY told Az that because he couldn't admit to being over Mor and did not give him any reason to think he wasn't just using Elain for sex.
Forbidden love is:
"But Daddy, I love him!"
"I don't like the family he's from, you are to stay away from him!"
"What of Mor, Az?" Az ignored the question.
"So you'll what? Seduce her away from him? Azriel said nothing. He hadn't gotten that far with his planning, certainly not beyond the fantasies he pleasured himself too.
And turning a blind eye to SJM using the same language for Jassa as she did in an interviews for Nessian is just ignorance. Plus Lucien is a really good friend to the females in his life. He comforted Feyre, stroking her hair and calming her with his words when she pretended to have that nightmare. He covered her with his jacket even after she used him in her schemes. He JUST met Vassa during a time of war yet they want to pretend that's romantic coding? Because he blushed over Feyre telling him he sounded like an acolyte? He blushed because he was embarrassed that he was showing support for Vassa and Feyre turned it into more in front of his Mate who he still looks at with longing. At this point, Lucien is more like a dad watching Vassa and Jurian bicker with one another than there being anything romantic.
I'm just not sure why you'd want to base your opinion on only half the picture and that's what E/riels tend to do. They pick apart only the things that support their ship and ignore every other part of the book which easily shuts down their ideas. Yet they want to claim we're the ones with reading comprehension issues.
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salt-volk · 2 years
event prediction fun game!
HEY yall lets make event predictions n see who gets closest when it actualy comes out!!! a lil more light hearted stuff to post along all the drama
heres mine:
the new mini town will be some sort of forest theme maybe with a rock cliff aesthetic too
new npc will have red hair or black hair n will be male or gender neutral
npc name will start with a D or maybe an S
they will be possibly be an animal person since lots of event npcs have been humany up to now, n maybe a bird person bc there havent been many of those
yall may be right that the teams are 3 teams based on each 3s forest witch but i wonder if therell be a 4th team like irin or smthn whos an alternative against all the witches entirely
the summer wings n other items will still come out but recolored maybe. or theyll have another item with same stats n placement as the wings
part of dv story that changes depending on which team wins is going to decide the direction for 3s forest but i dont think it will be "which witch wins control of the forest" more like that the forest will either be destroyed entirely or saved
or maybe smthn in event outcome will determine which full town we get next like if there are multiple possible town concepts lined up this locks us into one of them being made first before the others bc the story now takes us there sooner. anjie said a long time ago they were looking into less linear story paths (so not having to complete every town in order from louis hill to vaer before being able to unlock a new town. instead having new towns branch out from ealirer existing towns) so this would be a good set up for that. also gets around the "cant release new town until we fix vaer reef" thing. not just a mini town but maybe new big town location set up to branch from 3s. 
there will be a new humanoid looking event pet
some sort of bad magical energy that can spread out of 3s forest n infect other areas too 
the teams will end up working together in the end somehow story wise 
a new post border will be released 
new npc shop will be how they cycle in old monthly sets OR will be a "pawn shop" type a thing
some sort of animal messenger or guide 
idk how but marvel will show up maybe
one of the clothing items will be controversial somehow
new food item or multiple food items
pets will not be involved in the battle competition part of things 
okay thats all ive been thinkin about! rlly wanna hear others predictions even if theyre silly! just throwing stuff out there who knows maybe youll be secretly a prophet lmfao
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astra-infernalia · 1 year
hello! if it’s okay could i pls have a reading on how you would describe me/my personality to my future spouse? i’m P 🌌 and my pronoun is she/her (if needed) and public would be fine. thank u in advance!
Describing P 🌌 to her future spouse
Hello P! I drew 7 cards from Mary-El Tarot for your reading:
Your relationship dynamic with your future spouse;
Your contribution to the relationship dynamic;
Your future spouse’s contribution to the relationship dynamic;
What your future spouse will like about you;
What your future spouse will dislike about you;
How you should describe yourself to your future spouse;
In the black and white image on the left, I numbered the cards in the order in which I drew them. In the colored image on the right, the cards themselves are displayed. I will provide image descriptions for each card within the reading.
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Starting Notes
This 7 card spread features 2 non-court minor arcana cards (both of which are 3s), 3 court cards, and 2 major arcana cards. The recurrence of the number 3 (a pair of 3s and 3 court cards) seems significant, suggesting a theme of communication, while 2 pairs (the matching minor arcana cards and the 2 major arcana cards) seem auspicious for a future partnership.
All of the court cards appearing in this spread belong to the suit of cups. This abundance of cups brings a sense of emotional idealism to this reading.
1. Relationship Dynamic - King of Cups
This card displays a nude, bearded human figure with white hair. The figure is carring a trident in their left hand and drifting in pond water, surrounded by blue water lilies and lily pads. The image is evocative of the idea of being or becoming one with nature.
The King of Cups is a mature person who has attained mastery of their emotions, their ideals, and their inner world. As a card representing a relationship dynamic, the King of Cups is fortuitous. It suggests a fulfilling, stable emotional connection and/or a relationship based on powerful, deeply held values and beliefs.
It should be noted that the King of Cups, as a court card, often directly represents a person. Given that the other two court cups in this spread represent your traits, this card might represent you, if you vibe with the term “king” in any sense. If you are attracted to masc-aligned folks or to butches or enbies who might like to be called “king”, this card might directly represent your future spouse. Given that this card is for your dynamic, it could represent both of you.
This card suggests a relationship that brings and/or requires the pursuit of emotional mastery for both of you.
2. Your contribution to the dynamic - 3 of Wands
This image depicts a red face with a single open eye. A small black snake intersects two crossed wands or keys and slithers up onto the eye, as if to strike at it. The snake’s tail coils at the bottom of the image, with a hexagram emerging from the tail. In an occult context, a hexagram can represent a convergence of elements (e.g. elemental triangles overlapping) and/or the magic of King Sholomo (Solomon). This image is evocative of magic and of a “call to adventure” that may open your third eye.
In general, in tarot, 3 of Wands represents movement, action, and adventure. The suit of wands represents passion, which contrasts against the stable suit of pentacles representing your future spouse’s contribution to the relationship dynamic.
These cards suggest that in your relationship with your future spouse, you are likely to be an initiator, a planner, and someone who brings creative or sexual energy to the relationship. You may challenge this partner in positive ways.
You may also be, at least initially, more interested in magic and metaphysics. I get the impression that at first you may pester them, even antagonize them, with spiritual guidance, like a gadfly buzzing around their third eye. You will need to find a balance, integrating the gentleness of the King of Cups into any mentorship that occurs. But in this dynamic, you hold keys that could bring spiritual growth into your partner’s life.
3. Your future spouse’s contribution to the dynamic - 3 of Disks
This card depicts two figures clothed in flowing orange robes. Their arms are entwined, and they are carrying a baby together. One person has the symbol for the North Node on their hand. The other person has the same symbol on their hand, but the hand is turned about 90°, evoking the South Node. This image is suggestive of teamwork (possibly culminating in destiny), family, nurturing, and physical comfort.
The traditional meaning of 3 of Disks/Pentacles in tarot is teamwork and cooperation toward material goals. This version of the card emphasizes creative potential and the idea of investing in a long-term commitment with a partner.
This card provides a fascinating contrast to the previous card, 3 of Wands. Both your contribution and your future spouse’s contribution to your relationship dynamic are represented by minor arcana cards numbered 3, suggesting that you are on similar wavelengths in terms of contributing to the relationship. But your future spouse will contribute disks (or pentacles), which are associated with material wealth and physical health, rather than wands, which are associated with passion.
With this in mind, as the card for your future spouse’s contribution to your relationship dynamic, 3 of Disks indicates that your partner may take a more pragmatic approach than you. They may be level-headed, focused on practicalities, and able and willing to provide for your physical needs. They may be interested in starting a family with you.
4. What your future spouse will like about you - Knight of Cups
This card depicts Sir Percival, the knight of Camelot who quested for the Holy Grail. Percival wears ornate armor and has an extra eye on his chest. He carries a cup, which may be interpreted as the Holy Grail. The cup is held against Percival’s abdomen and is overflowing with blood. A white flower grows from the cup. This image is reminiscent of romantic, chivalrous folklore and of heroic questing knights.
In traditional tarot card meanings, the Knight of Cups is a person on an emotional quest or journey. They are not as emotionally mature or wisened as the Queen of Cups or the King of Cups, but they have found a quest worthy of embarking on and have already begun that quest. As the “story” of a tarot deck goes, a successful knight may mature into a queen or king. This is particularly relevant, because the King of Cups represents your relationship dynamic.
This card suggests that your future spouse will appreciate the strength and depth of your emotions and ideals when you apply them toward making your dreams come true. In particular, the 3 of Disks above indicates your partner will be a pragmatic or materially conscious person, and they will like the way you turn your feelings into drive, momentum, and real change. Considering the 3 of Wands’ implications of adventure, they may also enjoy traveling with you.
Combined with the King of Cups, the Knight of Cups here suggests that when you apply your emotions toward a goal, your partner will appreciate it, and it will contribute toward a relationship dynamic that involves emotional mastery and fulfilment.
5. What your future spouse will dislike about you - Page of Cups
This card depicts a human figure in an ambiguous landscape evocative of water. The figure is facing away from the viewer, and they have fish tattooed or painted on their back, neck, and scalp.
The Page of Cups is another court card, likely representing you. It is absolutely not a negative card in traditional tarot interpretation, but in comparison to the Knight of Cups, the Page of Cups has some shortcomings. The Page of Cups is moody, idealistic, and searching for a worthy quest, while the Knight of Cups has already found something they want to pursue. In the story of tarot, just as knights can mature into kings and queens, pages can mature into knights.
This card, combined with the last, suggests that your future spouse will appreciate your emotional energy, moodiness, and idealism, but they may become frustrated when these manifest in immature ways. They may be especially frustrated if you brood for long periods of time without a goal in mind.
Consider also that in this image, the page is facing away from the viewer, while Percival faces the viewer. The Knight of Cups suggests your partner will value your emotional honesty, and the 3 of Disks suggests they will be practical and goal oriented. If your brooding has any goal at all, even if that goal is self-growth or processing stress and trauma, your partner will be happier if you tell them what you’re trying to achieve and why.
5. How should you describe yourself to your future spouse? - XVI The Tower
The Tower, a major arcana card, is among the most iconic cards and symbols in tarot. In this deck, The Tower depicts a great spire engulfed in smoke and flames. This particular spire looks a lot like a partially collapsed Statue of Liberty burning. In general, the foremost keyword for The Tower in tarot is “disaster!”. Before I say anything else, I want to say that I think The Tower has much more to say in this reading than “bad things”.
In psychoanalysis, a tower represents the ego, specifically one’s conception of the ego as an isolated, individual thing. But no one is an island, we are all connected, and the illusion of oneself as separate from and in control of the environment can come crashing down in the blink of an eye. In Jungian analysis, the tower is associated with doomed hubris. The prototypical image of the Jungian tower is seen in the story of the Tower of Babel. In tarot, the complex symbolism of a tower is often reduced to “suddenly, the world is upside down!”, which is perfectly apt in many spreads where The Tower appears.
Here, I think The Tower calls attention to you, yourself, as an individual with an ego and an image that you want to refine and present to the world. It also calls attention to you as someone with strongly held beliefs and a willingness to destroy the status quo and even your own ideas if it turns out they go against your ideals.
To me, The Tower says here: Be honest, and show them who you are, even if it means showing them your disasters.
Since this tower is Lady Liberty burning, it also says: Make sure they know you are a freedom fighter.
My reading suggests your future spouse will love you for who you are. They will tremendously value emotional honesty and forthrightness in your relationship, and they will dislike emotional cageiness. They may be frustrated if you keep your heart sealed away.
In this deck, the Knight of Cups holds a bleeding cup against their chest. The Tower invites you to go a step further. It is ok to be wounded, to talk about your personal crises, and to be honest about your pains, and it is ok to be vocal about your frustration when the world doesn’t live up to your ideals.
7. Outcome - XI Justice
This card depicts Ma’at, a goddess of justice and truth. In this image, she holds her characteristic feather. She partially faces the viewer and looks to the right, toward the side of the spread where I placed your prospective partner’s card (3 of Disks). In this context, I have a strong impression of Ma’at who is Justice looking toward the future and toward your future spouse.
As a tarot card, Justice represents balance, fairness, truth, and cause and effect.
In this reading, Justice emphasizes your role as a person willing to fight for positive change. It also acts as a further call to emotional honesty and a reminder that your future is in your hands. If you are true to yourself and the depth of your emotions, you and your future spouse will have a deeply satisfactory dynamic as embodied by the King of Cups.
If I were describing you to your future spouse, based on this reading, I might say, She is a deeply emotional individual who resonates with your ideals. Your relationship will be one of emotional mastery and stability, but both of you will have to work to acheive the maturity necessary for such a relationship. When the time is right, you will want to settle down with her.
Or I might say, You’ll think she’s a hot mess, and you’ll love it.
Ultimately, the task of representing yourself and your feelings to your future spouse is in your hands. My deck and I want to encourage you: always be true to yourself.
Thank you for dropping by! I hope that I was able to provide some insight. 🩷
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theredstring · 9 days
Boring, rigid adulthood is looming upon the lives of Filipino teens as graduation is steadily creeping on the school calendar. Playing tag across the verdant rice fields and climbing ant-infested mango trees are no more for thoughts about college and more responsibilities are now at the forefront of their minds.
The feeling of reminiscing the times when life was simpler, is the reason why The Red String is here to share our list of Top 10 Nostalgic Pinoy Countryside Activities.
TOP 10
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Trying to run as fast as you can while making sure you won't fall down the rice field truly is a thrill that is unforgettable. Even when your luck turns sour you end up caked in mud, the laughter of your friends ringing around you will surely lift your spirits up again
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Shooting 3s on a rickety basketball ring with your friends is a certified Pinoy classic. The sound of a well-loved (read: worn down) basketball being dribbled and the shuffle of flipflops on the sidewalk is something Filipino teens can easily relate to.
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No neighbor is safe as soon as someone starts to share the latest gossip they have of their neighborhood. While group of friends are either hanging at their favorite tree or are sitting on one of its branches, the gossip mill is guaranteed to turn and teenagers have a lot to say about it.
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Those who grew up near fish ponds know how much of a comedy gold mine it is. Deviously waiting for friends to step on the soft part of the banks and get stuck on the mud seems to be a favorite past time among these people.
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Walks seem boring at first glance, but it cannot be further from the truth. There are many interesting things along the path, and once the group finds something interesting to dissect and laugh at, the giggles are sure to carry throughout the whole walk.
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The beach is a place of relaxation and fun activities. Picking up random shells along the shore and disturbing random crabs creeping under rocks will escalate into splash fights and eventually, a deep dive into the ocean's salty waters.
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A universally loved game. As soon as that "Tagu-taguan, maliwanag ang buwan," is heard, it's now man-for-themselves.
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Earning the place of Top 3, karaoke sessions are enjoyed by every age group. Once again, the combination of a karaoke machine and a mic to belt notes on establishes itself as a tried-and-true favorite past time of Filipinos.
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Now in Top 2 are road trips. The revving of motorcycles and the wind blowing on your face are beautiful sensations, enhanced by the small talks and laughs shared within friends along the road.
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And of course, the most nostalgic one of all - the conversations had at the end of the day. When the activities start to mellow out as the sun sets on the horizon, when exhaustion starts to seep in - it is when magic happens. Reflections, confessions, a few more jokes - all trying to prolong the day and keep the magical moment from ending.
And that's the end our list! Thank you so much for reading!! For updates and any inquiries, please get in touch with the writer and the models in their social media platforms linked below:
✒️🎭 Rian Margarete
📷🎭 Rose Nicole
📷🎭 Jiezel Joy
🎭 Mary Divine
📷🎭 Kate Ashley
🎭 John Carlo
🎭 Allen
🎭 Renzo
🎭 Detlef
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lanatures121 · 5 months
What are Omega 3 fatty acids and why are they so good for us?
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Omega-3 fatty acids, on a cellular level, nourish the body system to promote general health as well as improve the look and feel of skin and hair. Our bodies work like machines having many components that depend on Omega-3 fats for proper functioning hence making them essential. Unlike other types of fats, these can’t be produced by our bodies so we have to get them from what we eat or through taking supplements.
There exist three main categories of omega three fats which include:
Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA): EPA is known for its strong anti-inflammatory nature; it greatly helps in keeping the heart healthy among other benefits like relieving arthritis pain or reducing symptoms related to inflammatory bowel syndrome (IBS). Primarily found in oily fish such as sardines, mackerel, and salmon.
Alpha-Linolenic Acid (ALA): This type comes from plant sources like flax seeds, chia seeds, or walnuts. It can be converted into DHA and EPA by the body though not effectively enough always thus low conversion rate but still beneficial.
Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA): DHA is a major component of brain cells as well retina where it plays significant roles. Fatty fish contain high levels of this nutrient required for cognitive function support; improving vision acuity etc., including fetal development during the pregnancy period up until early infancy stages.
Omega-3 Deficiency: Warning Signs
Regrettably, a large number of people do not include fish or other Omega-3-rich foods in their diet. This causes a lack which shows itself through such signs as:
Itchy dry skin
Brittle hair and hair loss
Fatigue and low energy levels
Trouble focusing or concentrating on things
Joint stiffness and pain
Mood swings or depression
Omega-3s for Beautiful Skin
The skincare benefits of Omega-3s are widely recognized within dermatology circles. Let’s unpack why these fatty acids are so magical when it comes to skin:
Soothing Inflammation: Inflammatory flare-ups can worsen conditions like psoriasis, eczema, and even acne. EPA has anti-inflammatory properties that help calm irritated skin down by reducing redness thus making the complexion more even-toned.
Boosting Defense Mechanisms: Acting as a shield against external toxins and pathogens, our bodies rely on the skin to protect them from harm. Essential lipids needed for healthy skin are produced due to omega-3 fatty acids being taken thus helping maintain the integrity of this barrier function which retains moisture throughout keeping off dangerous elements and leading to a youthful appearance.
Turning Back the Clock: While we cannot stop aging altogether, there are ways we can reduce its visible effects such as wrinkles or fine lines with the help of Omega-3s. They improve collagen synthesis thereby enhancing the elasticity of your skin hence making it look younger.
While Omega-3s offer a wealth of benefits for skin and hair health, it's important to remember that they work best as part of a holistic approach. Here are some additional tips for achieving radiant skin and luscious locks:
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Stay Hydrated: Drinking enough water is essential for overall health, including the health of your skin and hair. Aim to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day.
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Protect from UV Rays: Sun damage can lead to dryness, brittleness, and other hair problems. Use a hat or protective hair product when spending time in the sun to shield your locks from harmful UV rays.
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Avoid Heat Styling: Excessive heat from styling tools can damage hair and strip it of its natural moisture. Limit the use of flat irons, curling wands, and blow dryers, or use them on low-heat settings.
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Reduce Stress: Stress can take a toll on your hair's appearance and overall health. Practice stress-reducing techniques such as meditation, exercise, or spending time with loved ones.
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Get Regular Exercise: Physical activity promotes circulation, which delivers oxygen and nutrients to the scalp for healthy hair growth. Aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise most days of the week.
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Keep it Clean: Wash your hair regularly to remove dirt, oil, and product buildup that can weigh it down and dull its shine. Use a gentle shampoo suited to your hair type.
Omega-3 fatty acids are a powerful tool for promoting healthy hair growth and improving overall hair health. By nourishing follicles, reducing inflammation, and enhancing texture, these essential fats help create stronger strands that are less likely to break or fall out prematurely.
Remember that Omega-3s work best when combined with other healthy habits like maintaining a balanced diet, staying hydrated, protecting from UV rays, avoiding excessive heat styling, reducing stress, regular exercise & keeping clean. So why not add salmon or flaxseed to your next meal plan?
I recently started taking an omega-3 supplement and have noticed a positive difference in my joint health and cognitive function. If you're considering adding omega-3s to your routine, be sure to do your research to choose a product that meets your individual needs.
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drvitaltips · 6 months
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megamobilestylesposts · 8 months
Discover the Astonishing Benefits of Fish Oil for Skin Health
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The Timeless Charms of Fish Oil for Skin Glow
Hello Glow Enthusiasts!
Today we're diving into the deep blue sea of skincare to explore the extraordinary benefits of fish oil for your precious skin.
Join us on this journey as we unlock the secrets behind the radiant glow and health that fish oil can bring to your complexion.
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The Elixir of the Ocean: What is fish oil?
Let's start with the basics. Fish oil is derived from the tissues of oily fish such as salmon, mackerel, and sardines. Packed with omega-3 fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), this golden elixir from the sea is not only a treat for your taste buds but also a feast for your skin.
Beneath the surface: Skin benefits of fish oil
Hydration haven
Fish oil acts as a natural moisturizer, helping your skin retain moisture and fight dryness. It works from within to promote a smooth and well-hydrated complexion.
The radiant glow from within
The omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil play a critical role in maintaining skin health. They support the skin's natural barrier, resulting in a radiant complexion that glows from within.
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Say goodbye to redness and inflammation! Fish oil has anti-inflammatory properties, making it an excellent ally for calming irritated skin conditions such as acne, eczema, or psoriasis.
Age Defying Elixir
Experience the age-defying magic of fish oil. Its antioxidant properties help fight free radicals, reducing the signs of premature aging and leaving your skin looking youthful and vibrant.
Sun protection support
While not a replacement for sunscreen, fish oil can provide additional support against sun damage. Its anti-inflammatory properties may help soothe sunburn and minimize the effects of UV rays on your skin.
Acne Armament
Battling pesky breakouts? Fish oil's anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties can help treat acne, promoting clearer, healthier-looking skin over time.
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How to dive in: Incorporating Fish Oil into Your Skin Care Routine
Dietary Delight
Include more fatty fish in your diet. Salmon, mackerel, and trout are not only delicious but also rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Consider adding fish oil supplements after consulting with a healthcare professional.
Topical treatments
Look for skincare products that contain fish oil or omega-3 fatty acids. These can include serums, moisturizers, and even masks designed to nourish your skin externally.
Fish Oil-Rich Foods for Glowing Skin
In addition to supplements, incorporating fish-oil-rich foods into your diet can boost the skin-loving benefits. Consider adding these oceanic delights to your plate:
Salmon: A delicious source of omega-3s, salmon supports skin hydration and overall skin health. Grill, bake, or steam for a tasty skin boost.
Mackerel: Rich in both EPA and DHA, mackerel is a fantastic choice for promoting skin radiance. Try grilled or pan-seared for a delicious meal.
Sardines: Packed with nutrients, sardines provide a powerful dose of omega-3 fatty acids. Enjoy them on whole-wheat crackers or tossed in salads.
Walnuts: For a plant-based omega-3 boost, indulge in walnuts. Snack them or sprinkle them on your morning yogurt for added skin benefits.
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Cautionary Currents: Things to Keep in Mind
While fish oil offers an ocean of benefits, it's important to navigate with care:
Consultation is key: Before adding fish oil supplements to your routine, consult with a healthcare professional to make sure they are appropriate for your individual health needs.
Source Matters: Choose high-quality fish oil supplements to avoid potential contaminants. Check the source and processing methods to ensure purity.
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Conclusion: Sail into Skin Bliss with Fish Oil
There you have it-the underwater treasure trove of benefits that fish oil brings to your skin. From hydration to anti-aging, this marine wonder has the potential to take your skincare routine to new depths. So dive in, embrace the glow, and let your skin sail into bliss with the wonders of fish oil.
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oregion · 11 months
Unlocking Culinary Magic: Delicious Recipes with Cold-Pressed Flaxseed Oil
In the ever-evolving realm of healthy cooking, one ingredient has been making waves for its incredible nutritional benefits and versatility: cold-pressed flaxseed oil. Derived from the tiny seeds of the flax plant, this golden elixir is not only a nutritional powerhouse but also a culinary delight. Let’s explore the enchanting world of recipes and culinary uses that make cold-pressed flaxseed oil a must-have in your kitchen.
1. Vibrant Flaxseed Oil Vinaigrette:
3 tablespoons cold-pressed flaxseed oil
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
Salt and pepper to taste
Method: Whisk together the flaxseed oil, Dijon mustard, and apple cider vinegar until emulsified. Season with salt and pepper. Drizzle this vibrant vinaigrette over your favorite salads for a burst of flavor and omega-3 goodness.
2. Flaxseed Oil Infused Roasted Vegetables:
Assorted vegetables (bell peppers, zucchini, cherry tomatoes)
2 tablespoons cold-pressed flaxseed oil
Fresh herbs (rosemary, thyme)
Salt and pepper
Method: Toss the vegetables in flaxseed oil, ensuring an even coating. Sprinkle with fresh herbs, salt, and pepper. Roast until golden brown. The flaxseed oil adds a nutty richness to the roasted veggies.
3. Flaxseed Oil Smoothie Elixir:
1 banana
Handful of berries
1 tablespoon cold-pressed flaxseed oil
1 cup almond milk
Honey for sweetness (optional)
Method: Blend banana, berries, flaxseed oil, and almond milk until smooth. Add honey for sweetness. This nutrient-packed smoothie is an excellent way to kickstart your day with omega-3s.
4. Flaxseed Oil Drizzle for Pasta:
Cooked pasta of your choice
2 tablespoons cold-pressed flaxseed oil
Crushed garlic
Red pepper flakes
Parmesan cheese
Method: Toss the cooked pasta with flaxseed oil, crushed garlic, and red pepper flakes. Finish with a generous sprinkle of Parmesan cheese. This simple drizzle elevates your pasta to a whole new level.
Culinary Magic in Every Drop
Cold-pressed flaxseed oil isn't just a nutrient-packed addition to your kitchen; it’s a culinary magician, transforming ordinary dishes into extraordinary delights. As you embark on your culinary journey with this golden elixir, remember to store it in a cool, dark place to preserve its nutritional potency.
Experience the fusion of health and taste by incorporating these recipes into your repertoire. Cold-pressed flaxseed oil not only brings a nutty and earthy flavor to your dishes but also delivers a powerhouse of omega-3 fatty acids, making your meals both delicious and nutritious.
As you savor the culinary delights of cold-pressed flaxseed oil, let the magic unfold in your kitchen, one drop at a time. Elevate your dishes, elevate your health – that's the enchantment of flaxseed oil.
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