#Red Ketchum
pokemon-ash-aus · 5 months
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Little mother’s day thing! Happy mothers day to all the parents out there!
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pokemon-mv · 1 year
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Thunder Yellow Chapter 2: What He Saw in the Grass
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krishgupt · 5 months
Ash Betrayed (Part - 7)
At 9 AM, Ash woke up with Pikachu by his side. After freshening up He had a spoon of protein powder, a cup of milk and a liter of water. He then went on a 2.5 KM run with a bottle of water and treats for Pikachu.
At 10 AM, after his run with Pikachu, he goes to Professor Oak’s Ranch to spend time with his pokemons. After a few hours of being with his pokemons, he sat with Professor Oak and Gary, trying to learn from their research.
At 2 PM, Ash came back to Ketchum’s residence where he cooked lunch with Delia and Mr Mime. Afterward, he helped Delia in other house chores.
At 5 PM, Ash helped around the Farm and the rest of the time was spent on training and spending time with Delia before finally going to bed at 11 PM.
This was Ash’s routine for about a month before something happened which changed his life.
Ash was sitting in front of his TV. It was about 3 PM and Ash was seeing a Pokemon Battle between Sabrina and a Ghost trainer. Even with type Advantage, the Trainer was struggling.
“Ash! I am to Viridian Bank? There are few documents I need to get,” Delia said.
“I can do that,” Ash said, but Delia reject the idea.
“Come on Mom! You have to make Dinner, I am free right now,” Ash continuously persuaded Delia. Finally she agreed and wrote something on a piece of paper.
“Give this paper to the Banker and see will bring the documents,” Delia said as she held Ash’s hand.
“Ash, only bring documents written in this paper, nothing else, don’t even look at any other documents or anything,” Delia said in an extremely concerned and ‘Please don’t do this’ voice.
“Umm………………. Ok? Let’s go Pikachu,” Ash said in a confused voice.
Ash was in Viridian Bank. There he handed the Paper to the Banker who took Ash and Pikachu to Ketchum’s locker. The Locker was stacked with various documents and files and thus the banker was struggling to pull out the documents.
“You sure you don’t need help?” Ash asked.
“N-No! I-I-I got this World Champion!” Banker said before he finally pulled out the documents, along with other files and documents. The Banker, who had fell on the floor, gave a sighed.
“#%@% my life,” The Banker said and looked at Ash, whose eyes were staring at file which was actually a photo album. The Banker, seeing this, immediately tried to change the topic. He was given proper orders that Ash was not supposed to see this Photo Album.
“I-I will clear this up, you take the documents you need and leave sir!” The Banker said as he picked up the Album and other documents.
“I want that Album,” Ash said in a cold voice.
“W-What Album sir?” The Banker tried to act dumb.
“Give! Me! The! Album!” Ash said in an even more cold voice.
“//Listen buddy, My partner may seem calm but he can mess you up, better hand off what he wants,//” Pikachu said.
“S-S-S-S-Sir, M-M-M-Miss Delia has specifically told us not to-” Before the Banker could complete the sentence, Ash interrupted.
“Miss Delia is my mother and I will talk to her! Give! Me! The! Damn! Album!” Ash said and this time, the Banker handed him the Album with the other documents.
“Thank you,” Ash said as he left.
“Well, I can kiss my job goodbye,” The Banker said with a facepalmed.
Delia, Gary and Oak were searching around Viridian city, it was 11 PM and Ash hadn’t returned. They were searching separately to cover more ground.
“Where are you, Ash!!!!!” Delia said, looking around. Suddenly, she felt something on her leg and looked down to see Pikachu.
“//Hey Delia, I…………………. I assume you here for Ash?//” Pikachu said as Delia lifted him.
“Pikachu! Here you are! Where is Ash thou?” Delia asked in an extremely concerned voice. Pikachu jumped and signed Delia to follow him. While Delia ran behind Pikachu, she called Professor Oak to inform him that she will soon found Ash.
Finally, Pikachu took her the place where Ash was. Ash was sitting on bench. Delia, seeing this, took a sigh of peace and started to walk towards him. But the closer she got, the more she realized that Ash had ‘The Album’, she did not wanted him to see. She took a sigh, knowing she had questions to answers. She slowly walked toward to him.
“Can I sit here?” Delia asked in a calm voice. Ash answered her with a nod. Delia sat next to him. Both were unsured what to say.
“Why?” Ash broke the silence.
“I……………………………. I didn’t wanted to lose you,” Delia said.
“What does that even mean? I WANT ANSWER MOM!!!!!!!! YOU LIED TO ME ABOUT US DON’T HAVING ANY EXTENDED FAMILY!!!!! YOU LIED TO ME ABOUT WE DON’T HAVE ANY PHOTOS OF DAD!!!!!! YOU LIED TO ME ABOUT DAD DYING BEFORE MY BIRTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Ash shouted as Delia remain silent. That all could she do after lying for so longer.
“Why! Why you hid the photos of your and dad’s wedding! Why did you hid photos of my birth! Why did you hid photos of our extended family! And why one of them look like Queen Ilene of Rota!!!!!” Ash had so many questions. Pikachu lower his head and just heard. He was as confused as Ash.
“I-I I know own many answers…………………………. I-I betrayed your trust which I only wish to restore son, please, give me a chance,” Delia as tears started to come out of her eyes.
“Go on Mom……………………… I tru- No, I will listen,” Ash said, cutting his own sentence as he looked away. Delia sighed and took a photo from the Album. A Photo of her late Husband, Red Ketchum
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“T-This, is your father, his full name, Sir Red Ketchum, Prince of and Aura Captain of Rota,” Delia said as looked at her with confused eyes.
“W-What? H-He was Prince of Rota?” Ash asked as Delia nodded.
“Yes, Prince of Rota, and the Aura Captain, the highest Military Position of Aura Foundation of Rota,” Delia said.
“Aura Foundation? From what I heard they were a-” Ash asked.
“Officially, they are just a Private Self-Help Organization which reports to Rotan Monarchy, but in reality, it is an Independent Civil and Military Organization which Organized Aura Users into force for good,” Delia said.
“And as for the Prince part, you are the third Cousin of Queen Ilene, your Father was the second cousin of late Queen Anne,” Delia stated in a matter of fact voice.
“How did you met Dad?” Ash asked.
“You dad was a Prince and held a powerful position in a security society, but he was an extremely humble and simple man. A man whose eyes I somehow caught. I used to work in Bakery, which was regularly patronized by Rota Royal family. One day, you dad, he was in disguise and thus no one knew he was The Red Ketchum. That was the first time I met him. I used to make small talk with customers, but with you Dad, I completely forgot I had work and just kept talking to him. This continued for about six months, we had even exchanged numbers. Talking to him, listening to him, it was heavenly, before I knew it, I was in love. Soon after, he one day called to come to a place. It was a small church of Arceus, just outside the city, near the exit. There, he told me he loved me and asked if I felt the same. I answered him honestly that I did. Then he told me the truth about himself. I was a little heartbroken about the lying………………. And was also scared………………………. I was scared about the fact that his family, The Royal Family of Rota, will never accept me, an immigrant from Kanto, that the public will not accept having an immigrant Princess. And thus I ran. I ran and kept running from him. I didn’t came to work, I didn’t leave my home. He continuously called me, message me, but I didn’t replied. I knew he loved me but I didn’t want any slander to come to him because of me. Finally, I asked him to meet me, in the same church as the last time. I was going to tell him something about me which will make him hate me,” Delia said.
“What was that?” Ash asked as Delia broke into tears.
“I-I am scared Ash, that if I told you, you will hate me,” Delia said.
“I can never hate you Mom,” Ash said as he held Delia hands.
“Ash……………………………….. I-I-I-I-I-I-I told him I was in Rota for a mission……………………………... A Mission for- A Mission for,” Delia tried to complete the sentence as she looked at Ash. She knew about saying this, nothing will be the same.
“I was in Rota for a Mission, a Mission for Team Rocket! And my full name is Delia Corleone, daughter of Madame Boss and Elder sister Giovanni
Boom! Cliffhanger! 
Previous: Ash Betrayed (Part - 6) – @krishgupt on Tumblr
Next: Ash Betrayed (Part - 8) – @krishgupt on Tumblr
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cassioppenny · 8 months
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get bird jumpscared idiot
art for mine and @citrongarde's au :3
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pokemonbrotherhood · 2 years
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The main focused cast of Pokémon Brotherhood
Red with his Pikachu
Ash with his Pikachu
Leaf with her Clefairy, Jigglypuff, and Lucario
Dawn with her Piplup and Lopunny
Blue with his Eevee and Gengar
Gary with his Umbreon
Astrid with her Absol
Misty with her Togetic
Brock with his Ninetales
Lucy with her Seviper
Max with his Gallade and Charmander
Bonnie with her Gardevoir and Dedenne
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malama-art · 1 month
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They’re brothers in my head
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askleafthemewtwo · 2 years
1. No NSFW or inappropriate questions
2. You can can give anon gifts or magic to the characters. But you can only do it to the Mewtwo twins not the Ketchum siblings.
3. Not everything will be canon in the future as there'll be lots of retconning in this askblog, I haven't thought about the story yet.
4. This is a 13+ askblog where people can sometimes swear (Except for this Ketchum siblings) and there might be subjects such as abuse, or any dark themes in the future.
5. This is a Pokemon Roleplaying askblog. You can RP and talk to the characters of this universe whatever you want.
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oakgreenoak · 6 months
Something I've always found kinda interesting about Red and Green in gameverse is how they turn some of the Stock Shōnen Protagonist/Rival tropes on their heads.
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This is really long character analysis of these two and various media counterparts of theirs, so I'm gonna stick it under a cut.
In some ways they fit their roles quite well - aside from the obvious colour associations, you have Red as the hero whose sense of justice is stronger than his sense of self-preservation, and you have Green as the privileged rival who cares about beating Red above all else.
But, if you look at it another way - Green's got the light spiky hair, the hot-headed and boisterous personality, the drive to Get Better And Win. He's designed to read as really open and chipper, yet snarky. Sure, he isn't dumb, but he's arrogant, and he's got something of a one-track mind; the guy finds himself in the middle of a hostage situation because he's just that hellbent on fighting his rival, and does not seem to be thinking about anything else. He's also got a motivation - given how the Professor talks to him in the championship room and supplementary material like his Generations appearance, it's not a stretch to think the reason he's so driven to Get Better And Win is to prove himself to his grandfather. It's shown in later games and supplementary works that he's become somewhat of a mentor as he got older and wiser.
Red, on the other hand, is a quiet loner whose only motivation seems to be to get stronger for the sake of getting stronger. He's level-headed and dark haired, his cap rounding off his edges and obscuring his face. He's heroic, but not really sociable, as evidenced by the fact he spends the Johto games alone on a mountain without having told anyone where he went. He seems isolated in a way that later games' protagonists really don't. He may have always been a step behind Green, but he's always better.
Equally fascinating to me is how other adaptations have changed the base designs around and rewritten personalities to suit different purposes, while still being visually recognisable as counterparts to their game-selves.
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For example: Red and Green's counterparts in Special slot WAY more neatly into their stock shōnen roles, with Red as the boisterous hero and Green as the broody rival, and it's reflected in their new designs.
Red's hair becomes spiky to reflect his more excitable nature. His hat, in turn, never obscures his face; it's always either tilted back to accommodate his fringe or turned backwards. Green's hair, on the other hand, is not quite as spiked upwards and instead falls into his face, frequently obscuring his far eye in the same way game!Red's hat does.
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And then, of course, the anime balanced them in a totally different direction.
Instead of scrapping Green's personality wholecloth, it's become exaggerated in Gary. He's not the broody antihero rival, he's the arrogant, privileged, better-than-you rival. He's always ten steps ahead of Ash, always pisses him off, and is ALWAYS better until the end of his run. The anime also emphasises his intelligence far more, with him doing things like rattling off dex info and the speed of light in mph off the top of his head, to further contrast him with Ash.
Ash, who is of course THE shōnen protagonist. He's dumb, but determined, and always ready to help people in need. Unlike game!Red, the power of friendship (with more than just pokémon) is central to him; any given season of the show is defined as much if not moreso by his travelling companions and interpersonal relationships as it is by whatever he's actually doing.
It's funny to me, though, how most adaptations seem to find the fact that gameverse Red and Green have swapped some stock roles as something to fix. Even Origins, which is probably the closest a high-profile adaption has come to game-accurate, made its version of Red louder and more standard-hero-esque.
I'm not knocking any of these things, of course, just observing. I adore both Special and anipoke. I just think that the way the game characters are written could lead to some interesting dynamics were it to be explored more.
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dentarthurdent · 1 year
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games vs anime ; local old man cannot stop pitting children against each other
whats his deal? between this & pokespe oak knowingly using a bird against an 11 yo girl who's afraid of birds from bird-related trauma im beginning to suspect he just secretly hates kids
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randomtheidiot · 1 month
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A comprehensive list of every Pokémon champion to ever breathe + how I think they feel about swearing. Constructive criticism is only allowed if your opinions are funny.
Template under the cut.
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retrogamingblog2 · 1 year
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pokemon-ash-aus · 1 month
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Sm!Red for the soul. A kiddo now uwu
Just some lil design aspects for him, especially leaning more into looking like Ash partially cause Mew side adapts more to what he wants :3
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pokemon-mv · 1 year
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Thunder Yellow Chapter 3: New Friends, New Adventures!
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cassioppenny · 10 months
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cooking something with @citrongarde :3
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pokemonbrotherhood · 2 years
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Red Ketchum and his Pokemon team
Red Ketchum is one of the main heroes of the Pokemon Brotherhood story. He is the older brother of Ash Ketchum and Chase Ketchum. Red is a happy-go-lucky and curious trainer who aims to past the limits of himself and his Pokemon to battle different strong trainers and Pokemon. Red's Pokemon Pikachu (Elder) - This Pikachu is the older brother of Ash's Pikachu.He is the type to help lead his fellow Pokemon especially when their trainer isn’t present. He is a capable and confident leader that Red can put his trust and faith into. Though, he does have a difficult time controlling his temper over issues important to him. He’s busy being responsible for everyone.
Venusaur - Red received him as a Bulbasaur from a berry gardener who is out to help people and Pokemon with berry supplies. Venusaur is the level-headed and tend to keep everyone in check and keep them honest. Venusaur doesn’t take it too kindly when those who tell lies & half-truths. He is the type to figure out situations and find ways to defuse them. Basically, a team dad.
Charizard - Red received him as a Charmander who's previous trainer is unable to train him until Red comes to understand it.  Charizard is definitely Pikachu Elder’s best friend & second-in-command. He can be a little hotheaded, but when he put his mind into it, he can take charge. He’s also protective of his teammates. Though there are times he challenges Pikachu Elder’s authority.
Blastoise - Red and Officer Jenny were able to stop and even help him as a mischievous Squirtle, as he only cause trouble due it trying to cope that he was abandoned. Red caught it and befriend it. Blastoise is rather ease-going. He loves go around and having fun and is definitely the most friendliest. He is the type to keep everyone entertained and stimulated. And he can be a little trigger happy at times, especially during celebration like after a battle.
Snorlax - Red caught as it was eating the Vermilion City food supply and blocking the path outside of Vermilion City.
Espeon - Red received the Eevee from Celadon City Condominiums building.
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oldwebsurfing · 1 year
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Found at: http://geocities.com/Tokyo/Teahouse/1924/pokemonimages.html
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