#Reclining vestal
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Pietro Saja - Reclining vestal, circa 1800.
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libidomechanica · 10 months
Untitled (“Desire”)
A limerick sequence
Desire! Trot, and once grow the demons all. I am water of their    will keep, while new-born mind!    He saw the day, he with the Bondage of spruce, near and not find.
In my fashion. I come! While I languish in melody in their caused. Such    a steeds, and give a musky    Fawn of weeds, and up and darkle. I leave thoughts like to me?
To the great effect. The best like tanners gave,—I claims, the transfer her turn    around the Dust, this godhead    o’er their heart alike chast minds interfered, and clasping arms.
Somewhere had been poison’d pride, ride or son of the Earth in the quantity    encumber’d yet, love and    I staid, strive with rusting Destinies. Therefore we may be sad.
Such form a synonym for Thee—Oh Shame. I wish with a gloom is a hat,    or a world in frontiers    he crept from the shepeheards God, the poor loves. We turn thine eyes.
Full and omnipotent, and Years for sophomore glorious born our wives a    maid? Or natives of the    daylight to knows: to such things rushed love with my absence of Doom.
Like an eagle in it; but shoes in a kind of love! The gender this    exordium? He draws two loving    rash one. Had Cathering throng, to the women do in me?
All vital think so, though life’s buried. His think upon. That faculties, with    immortality! From    the poor rogues? Her mind; it is just another count dust species.
Pant on my speak thy resolute, and what could the day; but the wishes before    and a dreamers to    cease; from the falling can tell! And when the found she asleep sound.
The oscillating hinge. Not even know, and if you had but by and fell    strong in a sheet. Of thou    graunt the floor of porcelain held Love’s mighty wrought I mistake?
With some little lap-dog breede both night’st his still? Come, Sleep; here either woman,    which we dwells, also be    you could distant; the shrine, and she asleepe did not limit much.
What the appointed time your shrine! To feel like skaters of the prince or war?    ’St, in ghost nobly, and    heav’n first their boys, or promises be best part of my Prayer!
Do I dare to those partner, and lips to know through the red-ribb’d ledges drawing    orator as the    difficulty smooth’d itself advance, her fear to you: I love!
The temper or woes. A things of the Baltic’s navigation. We driving.    Sickly sight of peach. And    crying had, to turn around; by lovers, asleep in hear white!
I make in every polished now-a- days. Wrappers in and cleanse his aid, as    one the flood is finished    now there where again, for love, thy look, give for friend hath the dead.
The purest sent, while your queen of marriage preventeen, felt a dog then. The    endgame of dream she smile,    to menage loath to forgetful pain a kind of course beguiled.
Reclining on my properties in my fashion. The pirouettes of good    night, but that all. With shall    go well by the red rust don’t say so, to give my thee this World.
And twist the deep in them in a suit here. Other short at twal’ at night. ’Ring    rocks. Amid the bedral,    in the English green Thirst like a ball of yours, I rather win.
And from his speech t’ engarland and began to fair vermin, a favour    among thee, view set a    love resisted, or like it. A vestal’s side answer above.
The pillowes, swim before was turned again, and eating view, fair, thy glories,    Love our forever.    To master of sympathies, tis so deem’d really place for mend.
The lining through lean Hunger and I presume? I care na by. Lilies on    Hermes had to swing arms    of manhood stormy stour; ye geck at me too, at the earth Hell!
Worlds could I abhorred and rage, danged down, and no blemish, but when leap, and    knuckle. Without shoes, no    mask I try on. But herself to Heav’n-born, a good where nearly.
From young, and plaster is cramm’d with a sword! Quiet’s call bad properties in    what you this,. It’s like a    great examples daily fed, where to haue for much did Juan’s snare.
Could chain, and take so longed. Did he peek or Latin laureate’s statues, friends,    by his clothed by dead eyes    throne: see now, by Honour is purchased by a bare arms that much.
And all those hand error, she never could read the Cyprian lord, above    than the Fiend do not like.    Whose longer roves sweetly kept in a suit thy mould, my dear!
She sumptuously-feathered shades, and round with mirk and unto the blood. Still, let    us taste thy mother    danger if thy servile clocks with capsules in the care na by.
While praisde notes, peel your eyes hatching sun restores where be and Priests in nothing    the dark. The bonie lass, that    men breaks the way to new Elysium, but promise of thine.
Asia, whereon was broken he rose. And clasping angel fell, where one dozen    new men curses. Her    secret for the better noon, for your poor; gross clay stranger guest.
To rail at the lowest they hang nodding thy purity. When too late, its    peace, perhaps with oyster-    shells, while it down, but Juan, what of thou vnlucky thought buried day.
With it a tear. Our souls in undistinguish wrung his mourning with sails of    burning sun. Till strike mine.    The sun will stop as the cathedral; but wisely kept the year.
Where will to his paltry things, the grave at the stairs ascending view, fair, ay    me so wondrous battle-    song that fate it. Be better this the beauties parcht; her days seen!
By all them a curbside pools that ye can reach, within when Love’s latest bed.    Yea, all my thumbs press most    through bound these deeply on your blood, by which the most evil call.
Since the chest—And took there is beam once I see how his scythes hang a man,    her man of eternal    Laws are bad. Yet each ray;— but only troubled, those her father?
I said her fire is a pile of them! Politic, cautious, harebrained, and awful    arches vary the    sky?—Convert; or else hearsay, or will smother, ere we are tears.
Through the yellow soft illusions, before abhor and her far, and hates remain!    To whom I sing, lone,    to the ledger lives a little jealous dreadful impulse rest.
What! Opens her bosom work, containing pyne I, you knowest spoke and bleeding    his tongue and therefore    on the heart and when the squardon my hearts, and ran before his.
The screech owl to my fault; I crave the wine. Or speak gentle, got I know than    seamen. The clicking hand    luck’s all them, bleeding like Eve’s arrow for me not, grow again.
Unless I knew it; but doubt if across the sure when the moon, that never;    tis all the sternly dealt    their pain I could rather this first and lost.—Ah then I am.
Some veins of love just like the old grand sunflower! So checking hero thorough    the day’s working purple    through th’ horizon peeps, and keep this career homage.
The Hall, dropt for him, by each pray’r? Dear fatal shore who sternly dealt their way;    but thou so wear! They know    little space and so it seeme my death repent old man came we?
My morning in the last I say; I stretched pose, fixed on the solitary    past and death-like a wink,    whenever had been sae smart, wealth, the kiss’d the road! Tho’ they will.
In silence stroke of eight of Allah; unto the Soul of your passions strook.    Bring thy foul affliction’s    son, a waxen, and twist, and the fallow; even their own fires.
The shepherd, sitting Castlereagh! Not too precipices, glaciers, volcanos,    orange a thing with    her leave for the tear come, with lightly taut in the marble flood.
The time for laik o’ gear maks you truth, blowne away by the Thundering me.    The greedy of these begin    with came down and to sometimes for a forests. Made prostrate.
Thy image on the slavish, save sooth, would bend his favour that we drown’d me    a sweet are your second    I felt with discreet surpassed. As she dies away. Some to me.
In the trees watching heart-of-hearts a sever: it must now she is but coughs    will was endeavourite,    and him to the Oda, upon the sphere, and all the restored.
The artery of love some heart. A jargon, a billows be well-proportions    garb with fearful things,    and teaches on thy mighty violent remain, here all our life!
That seem with every scholar poor souls resolved on an English green boast offered    young lip began in    a nest of mankind began to make you. Both my valentine.
How do well the drank him not Prince mourns for things remounts Amyntas; then press    will hardly over, from    her white. As may sleep aloof or smother would be together.
He, being my finger of the dead? How happy regions of Leda, shall    see me. What sad, sorrow    departure, as he went, and a way as any bed alway.
And then soul, let go! The prime Desires, warm from the doom was pre-    existinguishing place could be    a saint he was not for each. We tore out of a thousand bar.
I that to whom the falling down toy. Help, come and that would ne’er a flowing    pearl, and look vainly for    half a gale; but not even as wheat … it may be of Biron.
Oft have your visit. Stunned with a kiss, and care! And Glory into an    embarrassment, to the Trial    Men, and sere, my name to, else than uncrossable laws: both make.
Attended, they remove, and look at the forests, lover, answer: There, where    threads the highest mould my    fellows close. I should represent,—condense, in a rill—or raise.
Like a trumpet’s call his faynting refuge, slippery asphalte yards oft uttered    men say Now I look. And    dusky caves, black with one of those curse than therefore than vile tongue.
Nor a clouds among throne, his own mouth that, may looks odd in thee rhetoric    to design. With increased    in mountains of Leander made returns to the country maid.
Good morrow—for the goods when wind below. And with shame, in wonted water    shall fiction may think at    least something him be gilt by the question with my valentine.
Thou messengers turn’d a goodly ground. And every glance, those dark are summer’s    doom assigned to Cupids    might hath the doolfu’ tale; then she love to plain terms he must weep!
Give salutation may like to woman’s heart by night, ere with a flames to    buy slave of the Banquet    orders of what at thy fathers but force this. Of all our voice.
His Highness will scandal now an apple. But from a school’d onely plane    of maybe it’s to sometimes    men string of my lot to meditate upon. He will come.
In beauty was endless like to a hair were so white! Descending which no    more; such as the spring;    sharp satires, long-settl’d eies when showed their works or a crime, Sir.
From a Corner for what you pleasure it within that faith, to the this, by    the ground. Their campfires    the altar rise, and her tears with the most of much of women.
Where I leave me thoughts to die. All the good do t ye, gentle wren shall sweet    might be moved, thy image    starts, puts on making of pleasure, in case of the spy you proved.
The outside ring: and every morning turned, he sail’d, and warm th’ unfruitful    passionate shall feeling    page music fled, and what is its back too. Me but mine eyes.
Nor durst he dwelt, though natural nursing so close, and spend shame? These are riding    in the hostile she saw    them but breath, only cross, and what he and me! Like stone here fedde.
Frightened me in secret deeds like allay, so gentle grew, your young, whose in    everything but such,    Amyntas—oh! God know me, they may passion for whom your black wing.
’Clock: and with soft land; where is no tide he to Rhodian creature distant In    the black sacrament. New    strung each man does not a torments of warring its back from Sin?
With stay this services. And Iphigene the ghastly didn’t matter happy    stately died, who fain by    that burning rails: and as yonder is not hear, with lovely bones.
This man’s forming flames! Oh sing, and start a white glow tells have you grandfather,    war! An’ has neither worth    with graves, and nubby, your sad, that cross, how men they thought you are.
His condition with schnapps’—sad dogs! And modest trim, but here Katinka, until    tis to praise rehearse.    And now beginning, hear, no more fast and yellow and closed dead.
Told jokes in Stygian empress, for love to be broke out of a certainly    aged—what had been    poison’d by unrest. As might you could puzzle to hope. The low.
There must transgressing up like to stir by night by kindly give for the morning.    But see it ruinous    eyes where invented bird’s forming Polly Stewart, their tryst.
The Governor any body makes it bleeding worlds are apt to pass you    question of love. And    meticulous; but go, and far be it furre: it is like Morning.
Twas on him thence came we? Myself in at them make a maiden posy, for    incorrigible spread,    not pray you, was given to love’s delight, my deeds stolne from there.
Nor does nor over will. Too often kiss you, with her aid that once it was    too much less cold as I    heard thrown down he labour tost, and if you offered services.
Opening sun; for love. When I would lose, he spake his pouch of being down    in a moral chimneys,    slipped by a flattering back, but ye may: the land the frighten’d.
To lead to stores which a mist: the ocean I could grant apple do what nature    speak back to decay,    and down with their tryst. Or lear, but, trowth, I care I have to loue.
Beneath he stops your Georgians might delight like a childhood in the respiration,    pays. And there honours    cruell might be, by only know whate’er the Hall, dropt for it!
And who watch them born in Roncesvalles’ battle, men must go, and Helvoetsluys,    they have I held myself.    That they were neglected. And how about him all things grow.
I’ll tak what bards can young and change. With many scorned of day. Through the shine, and    nothing her body thus    he cried, th’ enchas’d with all injustice goes, where is Spain.
Toward signs painted to keep themselues to mix with Dudu turn’d up to blossome,    with shining to earth,?    And more sublimate, and see your own shy, shadow, Cynara!
That their taste,’ as one pole, that much more? At lengthened beautiful lay that    eternal—just the lamps, as    shed and herself, at once lost. To keep the addition, a green.
Star, entitled of amorous crowned for his bonnet crowd above my Nanie,    O; but the crouche, which don’t    know about here are coverture. And I am grieved, I look.
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Fine Line
For @razzlezronnie as requested for a Raffle prize!
Warnings: non/dubcon elements, rough sex, violence.
This is dark!Bucky Barnes and explicit. 18+ only.
Summary: You and Steve are agents with benefits. You and Bucky are not. What happens when you toe the line between two super soldiers?
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It started off innocently enough. You always had a quick tongue and slower filter. Mission after mission with the golden boy, Steve Rogers, and you couldn’t help but tease him. He was so staunch on being the valiant avenger that you were suffocating. You tossed out the subtle jabs; ‘frisbee boy’ and ‘Mr. PSA.’ He really didn’t appreciate it but his exasperation was entertaining. Almost endearing. And then he snapped.
The two of you were on reconnaissance. You had just finished your observation and were headed back to the safe house. He was yawning as you drove and you remarked that you thought the serum would’ve been akin to a 24-hour energy for life. He didn’t laugh. Really, he didn’t get the reference, much like the majority of your jokes. You chuckled for him and kept your eyes on the road; another dry comment about the grouchy old veteran.
His hand was on your thigh in an instant. You almost swerved as he squeezed it, the heat of his palm travelling up your leg. You looked over at him, daring a glance away from the dark road. He stared you down, blue eyes alight in the dim. You were suddenly out of jokes. You cleared your throat and concentrated on the wheel once more. He didn’t move his hand.
You pulled over five minutes from the safe house. You couldn’t focus. Before the engine was dead, he was unbuttoning your pants. You seat was reclined and he was on top of you. It happened so fast that after you were in shock. He wasn’t the innocent boy from the 1940s; he was a man. He had shown you that. Your next mission ended much the same. When it was just you two, you couldn’t help but indulge in each other. Him to mute your witticisms and you to ease his vestal demeanour. He was far from pure.
It was all fun and games until you were joined by a third wheel. You gathered that Bucky didn’t like you much. You always caught his quiet glares and grumbled words. His blue eyes burned into you and he blatantly kept his distance from you. When you were with Steve, Bucky’s arms crossed and his eyes rolled. Was he jealous or just loathsome? You couldn’t really figure him out. He was kind of like this with everyone.
“You guys sure would be a sight showing up to the VA,” You jibed as they climbed into the car. You took the backseat as the super soldiers sat in the front.
Bucky muttered as he started the car. Steve chuckled. This would be a long mission. Even if the Cap had managed to loosen up, his crotchety old pal hadn’t. You weren’t really sure what could get through to that one. He was as robotic as his arm. You wondered if perhaps they had programmed the humour right out of him. You sat back and crossed your arms. You wished it was just you and Steve. You would at least have something to look forward to then.
The car ride was long. Quiet. When at last you arrived at the rendezvous, you were anxious to get out. You stretched as you stepped out into the early evening air and yawned. Steve’s door opened but he sat a moment before climbing out. “How are those joints, old man?” You teased. He cracked his knuckles and laughed.
“Better than yours,” He returned as your shoulder made an audible click.
You chuckled as you went around to the trunk to get your bag, meeting Bucky there as he pulled it open. He scowled at you as he took his bag from the bunch. “Old man,” He muttered, “Better than a dumb girl.”
“Excuse me?” You forgot about your bag and followed him as he made to step away.
“You heard me,” He sneered. “You’re not funny, you know that? All your smart little remarks.”
“I never said I was.” You snapped, “It’s called making conversation...being human.”
He rolled his eyes and brushed past you. “Steve, hurry up. We should figure out who’s on first watch.” You shook your head and headed back to the open trunk, grabbing your bag just before Steve closed it. You followed behind him, keeping your distance as Bucky walked at his shoulder and spoke to him in a low voice. Great. Bucky wasn’t the third wheel; you were.
Inside was as basic as any safe house. Some cots in a common room. Small cooking area with a rusted old sink; a bathroom with a creaky door; shuttered in windows, and no room for privacy. Amazing; trapped in a single room with the grouchiest old man in the world. Even if Steve were there, you wouldn’t have a chance to ease the tension. Maybe you could sneak out to the car for a quickie.
No, you watched as Bucky set up his cot all while chattering with Steve, he’d know. You couldn’t imagine his reaction if he knew you were fucking his best friend. You assumed he was jealous of your banter with Steve. The man was a lone wolf with separation anxiety. Ever since he had joined the team, he had been oddly predatory of his old comrade. Especially towards you.
You unfolded your own cot and sat on it, pulling out the worn issue of The Picture of Dorian Gray from your bag. You had read it in high school and picked it up again whenever you needed distraction. It was the same issue you had gotten as teen. As you opened it you looked over the top, Bucky sitting with arms crossed on his cot as he stared you down. “What do you want?”
“I’m on first watch,” He said evenly, “You’ve got second. You should probably sleep…” His eyes read the cover of the book, “Put away your little fantasies.”
Steve was blissfully oblivious to the interaction. He was already across his cot, his back to you as he tried to lull himself to sleep. That or he was used to Bucky’s attitude and figured you could handle yourself. Whatever. You kept your book open and laid back on your caught, one hand under your head as you found your place. 
“Don’t worry. I’ll be well rested.” You smiled and heard his mutter. It was worth it just to piss him off.
The next day, you volunteered to go out for reconnaissance. It would be a nice break from the irritable soldier sitting across from you; glaring constantly; huffing at each word you said. You spent the whole day watching the arms dealer; tailing him. The drive alone was two hours and by the time you returned, the moon had replaced the sun. All that and you hadn’t gotten much more than you had gone in with.
You pulled up, the hairs on your neck rising as you found Steve sitting on the front step, his duffel at his side. You got out of the car and neared him. “What’s going on? Did the old buzzard lock you out?” You kidded.
“Not exactly,” He stood, “Tony called. He needs me elsewhere.”
“No,” You said in a low drawl. “You can’t go.”
“I don’t have a choice,” He shrugged, “Trust me, it sucks as much for me as you. I was hoping, well, maybe we’d sneak away tonight but...so it goes.”
“We only have one car,” You argued.
“Keep it. I have a ride on the way. You’re only lucky you got here first. I’d hate to go without a goodbye.” He sighed and you heard the distant sound of tires on gravel. “Seems you got here just in time.”
“Fuck,” You swore, “Maybe I’ll sleep in the car.”
“Look, I know Bucky can be a jerk. That’s just him,” He watched over your shoulder as headlights flashed, “He’ll get over it. He’s not good with strangers. Just...try to keep the sass to a minimum and focus on the mission.” He looked to you and smirked as his eyes strayed to your body. “When you get back, I’ll help you forget all about it.”
“Fine,” You really didn’t have a choice. 
You crossed your arms and gave a begrudging goodbye as the black car pulled up and Sam greeted the pair of you. You shook your head as you watched them drive away. You stared out into the night as you paced outside the door. You should just throw yourself to the coyotes rather than the wolf inside.
Within, Bucky was on his cot. Silent. You didn’t dare look at him and focused instead on finding your own. You sat and pulled off your shoes. Your civilian clothes weren’t as comfortable as your gear. You yawned into your hand. He was oddly quiet. Unbearably so. You reached down to your bag, hoping to distract yourself with Oscar Wilde’s prose, but your book wasn’t there. You glanced around until finally your eyes rested on your only company.
He had your book in his hands, his eyes flashing across the page. Your blood boiled and you stood, stomping over to him. You went to snatch the book but he caught your wrist before your fingers could close around the pages. He snapped the book shut with one hand and tossed it aside, sitting up swiftly as he kept hold of you. 
“It’s a good book,” He said, “Figure since Steve was off, I’d keep myself busy.”
“You could’ve asked?” You yanked away but he kept his grip on you. “Let go.” He eyes you, a subtle smirk on his lips. He slowly released you and sat back. You reached for your book and grumbled as you retreated back to your cot. “Fucking Mr. Roboto over here.”
He watched as you opened the book though you were unable to focus on the words. “I’ll take first again.” He said after a moment.
“Whatever you want, Arnie,” You muttered as you flipped the page.
His feet hit the floor hard as he stood. You ignored him as he neared you, his metal fingers covering the page before you. After a brief struggle, he won the book from you and held it up in front of your face. He bent the spine back entirely and tore it in half. “I’m not Steve,” He snarled, “I won’t put up with your bullshit.” He dropped the remnants of the book, “One more word…” He held up a single vibranium finger.
“Fuck off,” You spat and turned yourself to lay across your cot; your back to him as you crossed your arms. You were upset about the book more than him. It had been with you for years; had gone with you everywhere. It was stupid but it had been a little good luck charm for you.
As you closed your eyes, you were suddenly short of breath. Cold metal closed around your throat and you were pulled off the cot. You slammed to the floor as Bucky let you go and the wind was knocked from you. He planted his booted foot atop your chest and you grabbed onto it desperately. 
“What the fuck?” You gasped.
“You’re overdue for a lesson in respect,” He growled, adding weight to his boot before sliding it off of you. He turned so that he stood with his feet on either side of you, falling to his knees before you could wriggle away. “That tongue of yours,” He smacked you and your head snapped to the side. “In my day, a woman knew when to shut up.”
You struggled beneath him, trying to shift his weight from on top of you. His metal hand caught your wrists and pinned them over his head as he leaned over you. His face was just above yours. “Someone needs to put you in your place,” You felt his other hand moving around lower, the zip of his pants had your eyes wide. You tried to snake out from under him but his hold on your wrists and his thighs around you had you trapped.
“Please, don’t,” You whimpered. The fear turned your blood cold. “Bucky!”
“Bucky!” He mimicked and slapped you again. “This is going to be a lesson learned the hard way.” He sat back on his haunches, still gripping your wrists, as he shoved his free hand into his pants. “You could start by shutting the fuck up.” He pulled his cock out and you kicked your legs desperately.
His stroked himself until he was hard as you tried not to look at what he was doing. You glanced around desperately. Even if you shouted, it’d do you no good. It was a safe house. It was in the middle of nowhere. 
“Would you fucking stop?” He slammed your wrists down and searched around. He grabbed your shoe and swiftly unlaced it, ignoring your fists as they slammed against his thighs. He caught your arms and forced them over your head. He tightly bound them with the shoelace, the flesh burning as you found the knot immovable.
He shifted back slightly and tore open your fly, the button flying across the room with a ping. He moved off of you briefly and tugged at the waist of your jeans. As you tried to kick him, he pulled them down your legs along with your panties, untangling them roughly. Freed from your bottoms, you rolled onto your stomach and tried to get yourself up. He kicked you forward onto your face, your nose cracking against the floor.
He dragged you back by your ankles and knelt between your legs. He hooked an arm around your neck, his weight on top of you as you felt his cock prodding at your ass. You whined and banged your tied hands helplessly against the floor. You felt the blood as it spouted from your throbbing nose. He held the base of his cock as he guided himself to your entrance. You tried to angle your pelvis away from him and he removed his hand to tuck under you and forced your back to arch.
His tip pressed against your hole as you were pinned below him. You dropped your head and bit your lip as he began to enter you. You were dry. He slammed into you in one sharp thrust and you shrieked into the wooden floorboards. “Fuck,” He sighed, “What’s the matter, bitch?” He growled in your ear, “Hmm? You not used to a real man.” His arm tightened around your neck and you gurgled. The blood from your nose slid down the back of your throat.
His thrusts were agonizing. When at last your body began to respond, you were both relieved and ashamed. He chuckled darkly as he felt it too. He was jolting your whole body, your bare thighs catching on slivers along the floor. You tried to twist your wrists free but there was no give in the laces. Your walls ached, your entrance tender as he continued to work into you.
How could Steve leave you here with him? Did he know Bucky was like this? The thought of him made it worse. What would you tell him? What would Bucky tell him? What could you say?
Bucky unslung his arm from around you and pushed himself up so that his weight was centered on his pelvis, crashing into over and over again. You were prone, limp, your nerves flurrying to an unwanted orgasm and you shook beneath him. He rutted on top of you, holding your lower back as his hips bucked into you.
He removed himself from you suddenly. You laid cold and numb before him as he rested on his haunches. His cum shot across your ass, sprinkling along your back. You panted, unmoving, a husk disposed of. He stood, dragging his boots around you as he did his pants up. He slid his foot under your stomach and kicked you onto your back.
“The next time you spout of that little mouth of yours, I'll make sure to put it to good use.” He toed you one last time before he sank into his cot, hands under his head as he sighed.
His snores were the only sound as you curled up where he had left you.  You spent the night forgotten by both super soldiers. Alone and painfully awake.
tags: @thepettyavenger @tuyetnhivo @thosecikinnn @glitterypinkkitty @thoughtlesstales @selinbaskaya @vitamingrant @lilithhellfire @bbyspiiice @blackpantherimagines @kweenkxtrina @heavenlyblyss @letsagomario @collette04 @secretlyactivated @xxm3xxj @roses-and-absinthe @asleep-amid-the-flowers @mrsbarneswillseeyounow @breezy1415  @alexakeyloveloki @beautiful-and-strange @phoenix21love @momc95 @buckycaptspideypool @justballoonfishthings @ms-munchkin @whosmarisaaarw @kxllyxnnx @calspixie  @imdiegohargreeves @satinprincessxo @amethyst-the-thot @docharleythegeekqueen @iiqueer-vibesii @carol-damn-vers @l0rd-disick @jilldsumner @hufflebucky @lanabanana-86 @nerdypinupcrystal @notyourtypicalrose @pink1031 @agent-spidey @wassupbitchesssss @lucifersnipnips @thirstyforsomeyandere @xxm3xxj @roses-and-absinthe @stuckybarton
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jammiesmelser · 8 years
Used 2016 Dodge Ram 2500 Laramie for sale near Winston Salem
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336-996-5780 Used 2016 Dodge Ram 2500 Laramie for sale near Winston-Salem North Carolina at Vestal Buick GMC in Kernersville. http://cli.re/16ramlar
Card vice gives the 2016 Dodge Laramie an overall rating of 8.5 stars out of 10. They gave the vehicle a 9.0 rating for performance and economy and a 9.0 rating for cabin space and comfort. U.S. News & World Report give the vehicle an overall rating of 8.8 with a critics rating of 9.4. They found the vehicle to have excellent fuel economy with the Turbo diesel engine. They liked the comfortable ride and the quality interior.
Our 2016 Ram 2500 Laramie is a one owner with a Carfax buyback guarantee. It features a 6.7 L turbo diesel engine with an automatic transmission and four-wheel-drive. You'll enjoy leather seats, heated seats, power Windows and door locks, Bluetooth technology, dual zone climate control, cruise control, and much more. This vehicle still carries the factory warranty and has the added benefit of a Vestal value card. Please visit our website to find out all the details on this great looking vehicle.
Featured equipment: 4 Doors, 4-wheel ABS brakes, 6.7 liter inline 6 cylinder engine, 8-way power adjustable drivers seat, AC power outlet - 1, Air conditioning with dual zone climate control, Audio controls on steering wheel, Bluetooth, Climate controlled - Driver and passenger heated-cushion driver and passenger heated-seatback, Clock - In-radio display, Compass, Cooled - Driver and passenger, Cruise control, Driver memory seats, Engine hour meter, External temperature display, Four-wheel drive, Front fog/driving lights, Head airbags - Curtain 1st and 2nd row, Heated drivers seat, Heated passenger seat, Heated steering wheel, Leather seats, Memory settings for 2 drivers, Overhead console - Mini, Passenger Airbag, Pickup Bed Type - Regular, Power steering, Power windows with 2 one-touch, Reclining rear seats, Remote power door locks, Split-bench rear seats, Stability control, Tachometer, Tilt steering wheel, Traction control - ABS and driveline, Trailer hitch, Transmission hill holder, Trip computer, Universal remote transmitter
Visit our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVUI7NamJlPAxt6H593u1_Q
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from Trucks, Cars and SUV's for Sale http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKnH-5barX0
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himalayanasiatrek · 6 years
Best Guide to Nepal – Nepal Tour Package Guide
To the north of India and south of Tibet (China), lies the Nepal, nestled in the mountain ranges of the mighty Himalayas. Nepal is situated in the heart of the Asian continent and has served as a meeting place of two of the world’s greatest civilizations –the Indian and the Chinese. From these civilizations, Nepal has developed an individual culture which dates back t a period much earlier than the Christian era or that of Gautam Buddha, who was born in Nepal 2600 years ago. The group of small prosperous kingdoms comprising the land had already been established for many centuries. Nepal has often been described as the Home of Gods and temples or shrines are dominant on the Nepalese landscape. For centuries it has remained, unsullied by foreign invasion, as the land of legend and the Forbidden City.
Sightseeing Place for Nepal Tour Package:
Kathmandu Valley: The Kathmandu valley is situated at an altitude of 1336 meters and capital city of Nepal also. The rich tapestry of the cultural heritage of Nepal is synthesized in the Kathmandu valley, the home of the ancient and sophisticated Newari culture. The Newars are the indigenous inhabitants of the valley and the creators of the splendid civilization of its three cities: Kathmandu, Bhaktapur and Patan. The skillfully built temples and palaces, delicately engraved stone and metal images, carved wooden columns and pillars, and the history laden shrines and Chaityas of these three historical cities stand testimony to the Newar’s artistic achievements.
Kathmandu Durbar Square ( Hanuman Dhoka) : Kathmandu durbar Square is the historic seat of royalty and with its old temples and palaces , epitomizes the religious and cultural life of the people. It is here that kings of Nepal were crowned and their coronations solemnized. Best things inside Kathmandu Durbar Square are: Taleju Temple (1549 AD) , Kal Bhairav  : the god of destruction , Nautalle Durbar  , Coronation Nasal Chok , the Gaddi Baithak , Big Drum , Jaganath Temple and other temple & shrines. The other main thing of inside Kathmandu Durbar Square is Kumari Temple. Kumari (Vestal Virgin ) or the Living Goddess , who represents a very ancient Hindu deity of Nepal locally known as Taleju , is Buddhist by birth. The building has intricately carved wooden balconies and window screens. The Kumari acknowledges greeting from her balcony window. Once a year , during Indra Jatra festival , the head of states of Nepal (President) seeks the Kumari’s blessing.
Budhanilkantha Temple: Budhanilkantha Temple is one of the holy temple for Hindi followers which is located north side of Kathmandu at the base of Shivapuri hill a remarkable colossal statue of Lord Vishnu, reclining on a bed of snakes. This is one of the masterpieces of stone scoltures of the Lichchhavi period.
Changu Narayan Temple: Changu Narayan Temple is one of the oldest temples in Kathmandu Valley which was built by King Hari Dutta in 323 AD and listed in UNESCO. Now days From Nagarkot to Changu Narayan Temple and vice versa is one of the famous one day hiking tour in Kathmandu Valley.
Khokana : Khokana is a typical Newari farming village which is located southern part of Kathmandu that encircles the two cities of Kathmandu and Patan. Khokana village begins with a wide of cobbled street and in the middle of the main street lies the temple of Shekali Mai, Khokana’s local mother Goddess. Khokana is famous for mustard oil , which is still made in traditional way and spun woolen yarn.
Namo Buddha : Namo Buddha is situated on a hill above Panauti : a unique Newar community village . In here, you will visit Thrangu Tashi Yangtse and very peaceful place. Nowdays Namobuddha to Nagarkot is one of the best hiking route near Kathmandu valley.
Bhaktapur Durbar Square : Bhaktapur or the city of Devotees still retains a medieval charm and visitors to this town are treated to myriad wonders of cultural and artistic achievements. The past glory of the Malla rulers continues to be reflected st the Durbar Square. Bhaktapur is famous for wood carving and the Bhadgaolen topi or Cap. Bhaktapur Durbar Square includes The Golden Gate , The Palace of 55 Windows Batsala Devi and more things in there.
Patan Durbar Square : Patan Durbar Square is located in the heart city , constitutes the focus of the visitors attraction. The Square is full of ancient palaces , temples and shrines , noted for their exquisite carvings. Inside Durbar Square , there are 3 main chowk or courtyards named Mul Chok , Sundari Chok and Keshar Chok . The main attraction is a maserpiece of ston architecture , the Royal Bath Tushahity .
Around Pokhara Valley : Pokhara , an enchanting city nestled in the tranquil valley , is starting point for Nepal’s most Trekking Package in Nepal   like Annapurna Region Trekking : Annapurna Base Camp Trek , Upper Mustang Trekking , Ghandruk Ghorepani Trek. The serenity of Phewa Lake , Begnas Lake and magnificence of the Fish Tail , Dhaulagiri and Annapurna Range rising behind it create an ambience of peace and magic. Pokhara Valley surrounding by thick forest , gushing rivers , clear lakes, and the world famous views of the Himalayan.
Chitwan : Chitwan is one of the fines national park in the Asia renowned for its dense concentration of wildlife and top class tourist hotel , which provide the opportunity to see animals in their natural habitat. Chitwan which means the heart of the jungle is among the last surviving examples of the continuous band of forests and grasslands which once extended from the Indus river in Pakistan to the Burmese boarder. The main attraction here is the Chitwan National Park , one of the largest forest regions in Asia with wildlife such as the rare great one – horned rhinoceros , several species of deer , sloth beer , leopard, wild boar, fresh water , amazing sunset view from Rapti River , Tharu culture and their life style.
Lumbini : Lumbini , the birthplace of Siddhartha Gautam , the Shakya prince and the ultimate Buddhha, the Enlightened One , is the pilgrimage destination of the world’s millions of people faithful to all schools of Buddhism. This nativity site, identified by Indian Emperor Ashoka’s comme –morative pillar is listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.
The main attraction at the Lumbini remains the sacred Garden spread over 8 sq km and possessing all the treasures of the historic area. The Mayadevi Temple is the main attraction for pilgrims and archaeologist alike. Here we find a bas relief of Mayadevi, the mother of Buddha giving birth to him.
There are other famous places to visit for Nepal Tour Package like Nagarkot , Dhulikhel , Godawari, Bandipur , Sarangkot, Palpa, Daman, World Peace Stupa.
For exploring Nepal, Himalayan Asia Treks has given some outlined itinerary like Kathmandu Pokhara Tour , Kathmandu Pokhara Chitwan Tour , Nepal Circuit Tour .
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2016 GMC Sierra for sale near Greensboro
Check out this 2016 GMC Sierra for sale near Greensboro North Carolina at Vestal Buick GMC in Kernersville. This GMC Sierra is a One owner with a Carfax buy back guarantee. This Vehicle offers four Wheel Drive with an SLE Value package. It has a 5.3L. V8 engine and a Six speed automatic transmission. Some of the features you will enjoy include Back-Up Camera, Remote Start, Bluetooth & Audio, Steering Wheel Audio Controls, Tow/Haul, Cruise Control, Climate Control, Hill Descent Control, Cargo Lamp, AM, FM, SXM, CD, AUX, Power Windows, Mirrors, Locks, Seats, Traction Control, Cloth Seats, Owners Manual. This vehicle comes with a GM CERTIFIED WARRANTY and a Vestal Value Card.
US News Scorecard gives the vehicle a number 1 ranking in Full Size Pickup Trucks and a number 3 ranking in used full size pickup trucks in the 25k and over category. They give this vehicle a 9.2 Safety rating with an overall score of 8.6. JD Power uses a 5 point rating for reliability and they give the vehicle a 4 star rating. Some of the features liked about the vehicle include it user friendly infotainment system, expansive seats and its precision steering.
2016 GMC Sierra Options
AIR CLEANER, HIGH-CAPACITY (Included with (Z71) Off-Road Suspension Package or (VYU) Snow Plow Prep Package.) (K47)
AIR CONDITIONING, DUAL-ZONE AUTOMATIC CLIMATE CONTROL (Requires Crew Cab or Double Cab model. Included and only available with (PCY) SLE Fleet Preferred Package, (PDU) SLE Value Package or (PDA) Texas SLE Value Package.) (CJ2)
AUDIO SYSTEM, 8" DIAGONAL COLOR TOUCH SCREEN WITH INTELLILINK, AM/FM/SIRIUSXM, HD RADIO with USB ports, auxiliary jack, Bluetooth streaming audio for music and most phones, Pandora Internet radio and voice-activated technology for radio and phone (STD) (Upgradeable to (IO6) 8" Diagonal Color Touch audio system with Navigation and IntelliLink.) (IO5)
COOLING, AUXILIARY EXTERNAL TRANSMISSION OIL COOLER (Included and only available with (L83) 5.3L EcoTec3 V8 engine.) (KNP)
DEFOGGER, REAR-WINDOW ELECTRIC (Included with (PCV) SLE Fleet Convenience Package, (PCY) SLE Fleet Preferred Package, (PDU) SLE Value Package or (PDA) Texas SLE Value Package.) (C49)
ENGINE, 5.3L ECOTEC3 V8 WITH ACTIVE FUEL MANAGEMENT, DIRECT INJECTION and Variable Valve Timing, includes aluminum block construction (355 hp [265 kW] @ 5600 rpm, 383 lb-ft of torque [518 Nm] @ 4100 rpm; more than 300 lb-ft of torque from 2000 to 5600 rpm) (Standard on T*15743 models.) (L83)
FOG LAMPS, THIN PROFILE LED (Included with (PCY) SLE Fleet Preferred Package, (PDA) Texas SLE Value Package, (PDU) SLE Value Package or (GAT) All-Terrain Package.) (T3U)
GVWR, 7200 LBS. (3266 KG) (Requires a Crew Cab or Double Cab 4WD model and (L83) 5.3L EcoTec3 V8 engine or (L86) 6.2L EcoTec3 V8 engine.) (C5Z)
HILL DESCENT CONTROL (Included and only available with (Z71) Off-Road Suspension Package.) (JHD)
POWER OUTLET, 110-VOLT AC (Included with (PCY) SLE Fleet Preferred Package, (PDU) SLE Value Package or (PDA) Texas SLE Value Package.) (KI4)
QUICKSILVER METALLIC (Available at extra charge.) (GAN)
REAR AXLE, 3.08 RATIO (Standard and only available on (L83) 5.3L EcoTec3 V8 engine. Not available with (RD3) 20" ultra bright machined aluminum wheels, (NZH) 20" ultra bright machined aluminum with painted accents or 22" LPO wheels.) (GU4)
REMOTE VEHICLE STARTER SYSTEM (Included with (PDU) SLE Value Package or (PDA) Texas SLE Value Package.) (BTV)
SEAT ADJUSTER, DRIVER 10-WAY POWER (Requires (AZ3) bench seat. Included with (PCY) SLE Fleet Preferred Package, (PDU) SLE Value Package or (PDA) Texas SLE Value Package.) (AG1)
SEATS, FRONT 40/20/40 SPLIT-BENCH, 3-PASSENGER. Includes driver and front passenger recline with outboard head restraints and center fold-down armrest with storage. Includes manually adjustable driver lumbar, lockable storage compartment in seat cushion, and storage pockets (STD) (Not available with (GAT) All-Terrain Package.) (AZ3)
SLE PREFERRED EQUIPMENT GROUP Includes Standard Equipment (3SA)
SLE VALUE PACKAGE includes (AG1) driver 10-way power seat adjuster when ordered with (AZ3) seats only, (N37) manual tilt and telescopic steering column, (BTV) Remote vehicle starter system, (T3U) LED front fog lamps, (UG1) Universal Home Remote, (C49) rear-window defogger, (KI4) 110-volt AC power outlet, (CJ2) dual-zone climate control, (Z82) trailering equipment, and (G80) rear locking differential for 2WD models only (Requires Crew Cab or Double Cab models. Not available with (PDA) Texas SLE Value Package or (PCY) SLE Fleet Preferred Package. If (LV3) 4.3L EcoTec3 V6 engine is ordered (N37) manual tilt and telescopic steering column will not be included.) *GROSS* (PDU)
STEERING COLUMN, MANUAL TILT-WHEEL AND TELESCOPING (Included with ( (PDU) All Star Edition or (PDA) Texas SLE Value Package. Not available with (LV3) 4.3L EcoTec3 V6 engine. Requires (KI4) 110 V power outlet and (A95) front bucket seats or (AG1) 10-way power adjuster with (AZ3) 40/20/40 split-bench seat.) (N37)
SUSPENSION PACKAGE, OFF-ROAD includes Z71 chrome side front fender emblems, monotube Rancho brand shocks and (K47) air cleaner, (JHD) Hill Descent Control, (NZZ) underbody shield Includes (UHN) 18" x 8.5" (45.7 cm x 21.6 cm) bright machined aluminum wheels. requires 4WD models, Not available with (RBZ) P255/70R17 all-season, blackwall tires or (QSS) P275/55R20 all-season, blackwall tires.) (Z71 without (UHN) wheel is included in (GAT) All Terrain Package. (Z71)
THEFT-DETERRENT SYSTEM, UNAUTHORIZED ENTRY (Included and only available with (BTV) remote vehicle starter.) (UTJ)
TIRE, SPARE P265/70R17 ALL-SEASON, BLACKWALL (Included and only available with (RC3), (RBX), (RBW), (QSS), (QXN), (RI8) or (RC7).) (RC4)
TRAILER BRAKE CONTROLLER, INTEGRATED (Requires (Z82) Trailering equipment. Included with (NHT) Max Trailering Package. Available as a free flow option on Regular Cab when (ZW9) pickup box delete is ordered.) (JL1)
TRAILERING EQUIPMENT includes trailer hitch, 7-pin and 4-pin connectors (Included with (GAT) All-Terrain Package, (NHT) Max Trailering Package, (PDA) Texas SLE Value Package or (PDU) SLE Value Package.) (Z82)
TRANSMISSION, 6-SPEED AUTOMATIC, ELECTRONICALLY CONTROLLED with overdrive and tow/haul mode. Includes Cruise Grade Braking and Powertrain Grade Braking (STD) (MYC)
UNDERBODY SHIELD, TRANSFER CASE PROTECTION (Requires 4WD models. Included with (GAT) All-Terrain Package, (VYU) Snow Plow Prep Package or (Z71) Off-Road Suspension Package.) (NZZ)
UNIVERSAL HOME REMOTE (Requires Crew Cab and Double Cab models. Included and only available with (PCV) SLE Fleet Convenience Package, (PDU) SLE Value Package or (PDA) Texas SLE Value Package.) (UG1)
WHEELS, 18" X 8.5" (45.7 CM X 21.6 CM) BRIGHT MACHINED ALUMINUM (Not available on 2WD Regular Cab models. Included and only available with (Z71) Off-Road Suspension Package, (GAT) All Terrain Package or (NHT) Max Trailering Package.) (UHN)
The following article 2016 GMC Sierra for sale near Greensboro is available on vestalautos Blog
from Vestal Buick GMC - Feed https://ift.tt/2QwXOij via http://vestalautos.com
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Attributed to Pietro Saja - Reclining vestal, circa 1800.
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vestalbuickgmc · 7 years
Used 2015 Toyota Highlander for Sale Winston Salem NC 336-996-5780 Have a look at our 2015 Toyota Highlander for sale near Winston Salem NC at Vestal Buick GMC. http://cli.re/15toyhi This Toyota Highlander is a one owner with a Carfax buyback guarantee. This vehicle features a 3.5 L V6 engine and offers a 6 speed automatic transmission. Low mileage on this vehicle provide you with the balance of the factory warranty and this vehicle comes with a Vestal value card. Some of the nice outstanding features on this car include pushbutton start, sunroof, heated front leather seats, auto liftgate, heated side mirrors, backup camera, Bluetooth technology and much more. Be sure to visit the above link to find out all the extra features that are on this vehicle. Vehicle Features: 270 hp horsepower, 3.5 liter V6 DOHC engine, 4 Doors, 4-wheel ABS brakes, Air conditioning with dual zone climate control, Audio controls on steering wheel, Automatic Transmission, Bluetooth, Clock - In-dash, Cruise control, External temperature display, Front fog/driving lights, Front-wheel drive, Fuel economy EPA highway (mpg): 25 and EPA city (mpg): 19, Head airbags - Curtain 1st 2nd and 3rd row, Heated drivers seat, Heated passenger seat, Interior air filtration, Knee airbags - Driver, Leather seats, Multi-function remote - Trunk/hatch/door/tailgate, Navigation system - With voice activation, Passenger Airbag, Power Activated Trunk/Hatch - Power liftgate, Power heated mirrors, Power windows with 2 one-touch, Rear air conditioning - With separate controls, Rear heat - With separate controls, Rear spoiler - Lip, Reclining rear seats, Remote power door locks, Stability control, Sunroof - Express open/close glass, Tachometer, Tilt and telescopic steering wheel, Traction control - ABS and driveline, Transmission hill holder, Trip computer, Universal remote transmitter, 10-way power adjustable drivers seat. Check out our Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVUI7NamJlPAxt6H593u1_Q Other Videos You Might Enjoy: 2015 Chevrolet Tahoe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDS9xolP1RU 2013 GMC Terrain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBRpDXfeB9M
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2012 Toyota Tundra for sale near Winston-Salem
336-996-5780 2012 Toyota Tundra LTD for sale near Winston-Salem North Carolina at Vestal Buick GMC. http://cli.re/12toytun
Looking for a nice truck with lots of room? You may want to check out our 2012 Toyota Tundra. This vehicle comes with a 5.7 L V-8 engine and is four-wheel-drive. Some of the great features that you’ll enjoy on this vehicle include heated front seats, sunroof, steering wheel controls, climate control, running boards, tow and all mode, and much more. This vehicle features a Vestal warranty and comes with a Vestal value card. Be sure to check out our 2012 Toyota Tundra for sale at Vestal Buick GMC in Kernersville.
Featured Equipment: 4 Doors, 4-wheel ABS brakes, 4WD Type – Part-time, 5.7 L liter V8 DOHC engine with variable valve timing, Automatic Transmission, Bed Length – 66.7 ‘, Clock – In-dash, Cruise control, Daytime running lights, External temperature display, Four-wheel drive, Fuel economy EPA highway (mpg): 17 and EPA city (mpg): 13, Head airbags – Curtain 1st and 2nd row, Heated Windshield Washer Jets – Wiper park, Interior air filtration, Intermittent window wipers, Knee airbags – Driver and passenger, Limited slip differential – Brake actuated, Passenger Airbag, Pickup Bed Type – Regular, Power heated mirrors, Power windows with 1 one-touch, Privacy/tinted glass, Rear defogger, Reclining rear seats, Remote power door locks, Speed-proportional power steering, Split-bench rear seats, Stability control, Tachometer, Traction control – ABS and driveline, 381 hp horsepower.
Our Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVUI7NamJlPAxt6H593u1_Q
Other Videos You Might Enjoy 2014 GMC Sierra 1500 https://youtu.be/j9rJGCJTdpA 2016 GMC Sierra SLT https://youtu.be/7mL4EPoeNnY
from Trucks, Cars and SUV’s for Sale https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3lQl-TqqvI
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2sOuwiJ
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caseynacc1 · 7 years
2012 Toyota Tundra for sale near Winston-Salem
336-996-5780 2012 Toyota Tundra LTD for sale near Winston-Salem North Carolina at Vestal Buick GMC. http://cli.re/12toytun
Looking for a nice truck with lots of room? You may want to check out our 2012 Toyota Tundra. This vehicle comes with a 5.7 L V-8 engine and is four-wheel-drive. Some of the great features that you'll enjoy on this vehicle include heated front seats, sunroof, steering wheel controls, climate control, running boards, tow and all mode, and much more. This vehicle features a Vestal warranty and comes with a Vestal value card. Be sure to check out our 2012 Toyota Tundra for sale at Vestal Buick GMC in Kernersville.
Featured Equipment: 4 Doors, 4-wheel ABS brakes, 4WD Type - Part-time, 5.7 L liter V8 DOHC engine with variable valve timing, Automatic Transmission, Bed Length - 66.7 ', Clock - In-dash, Cruise control, Daytime running lights, External temperature display, Four-wheel drive, Fuel economy EPA highway (mpg): 17 and EPA city (mpg): 13, Head airbags - Curtain 1st and 2nd row, Heated Windshield Washer Jets - Wiper park, Interior air filtration, Intermittent window wipers, Knee airbags - Driver and passenger, Limited slip differential - Brake actuated, Passenger Airbag, Pickup Bed Type - Regular, Power heated mirrors, Power windows with 1 one-touch, Privacy/tinted glass, Rear defogger, Reclining rear seats, Remote power door locks, Speed-proportional power steering, Split-bench rear seats, Stability control, Tachometer, Traction control - ABS and driveline, 381 hp horsepower.
Our Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVUI7NamJlPAxt6H593u1_Q
Other Videos You Might Enjoy 2014 GMC Sierra 1500 https://youtu.be/j9rJGCJTdpA 2016 GMC Sierra SLT https://youtu.be/7mL4EPoeNnY
from Trucks, Cars and SUV's for Sale https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3lQl-TqqvI via http://ift.tt/29PubqI
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roewart64 · 7 years
2012 Toyota Tundra for sale near Winston-Salem
336-996-5780 2012 Toyota Tundra LTD for sale near Winston-Salem North Carolina at Vestal Buick GMC. http://cli.re/12toytun
Looking for a nice truck with lots of room? You may want to check out our 2012 Toyota Tundra. This vehicle comes with a 5.7 L V-8 engine and is four-wheel-drive. Some of the great features that you'll enjoy on this vehicle include heated front seats, sunroof, steering wheel controls, climate control, running boards, tow and all mode, and much more. This vehicle features a Vestal warranty and comes with a Vestal value card. Be sure to check out our 2012 Toyota Tundra for sale at Vestal Buick GMC in Kernersville.
Featured Equipment: 4 Doors, 4-wheel ABS brakes, 4WD Type - Part-time, 5.7 L liter V8 DOHC engine with variable valve timing, Automatic Transmission, Bed Length - 66.7 ', Clock - In-dash, Cruise control, Daytime running lights, External temperature display, Four-wheel drive, Fuel economy EPA highway (mpg): 17 and EPA city (mpg): 13, Head airbags - Curtain 1st and 2nd row, Heated Windshield Washer Jets - Wiper park, Interior air filtration, Intermittent window wipers, Knee airbags - Driver and passenger, Limited slip differential - Brake actuated, Passenger Airbag, Pickup Bed Type - Regular, Power heated mirrors, Power windows with 1 one-touch, Privacy/tinted glass, Rear defogger, Reclining rear seats, Remote power door locks, Speed-proportional power steering, Split-bench rear seats, Stability control, Tachometer, Traction control - ABS and driveline, 381 hp horsepower.
Our Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVUI7NamJlPAxt6H593u1_Q
Other Videos You Might Enjoy 2014 GMC Sierra 1500 https://youtu.be/j9rJGCJTdpA 2016 GMC Sierra SLT https://youtu.be/7mL4EPoeNnY
from Trucks, Cars and SUV's for Sale https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3lQl-TqqvI via Truck and Car Feed
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jammiesmelser · 8 years
2015 Lexus RX 450 for sale near Winston Salem NC
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336-996-5780 Used 2015 Lexus RX 450 for sale near Winston-Salem North Carolina at Vestal Buick GMC in Kernersville. http://cli.re/15lexrx450
US News Ranking and Reviews rated the 2015 Lexus RX 450h number 2 in luxury midsize SUVs. The critics seem to love the excellent fuel economy, the high quality well-built interior along with the quiet comfortable ride and generous cargo space. The overall rating on this vehicle is an 8.6 out of 10 stars and the critics rating gave it an 8.7 out of 10. He received an excellent safety rating of 9.3 out of 10 stars. JD Power and Associates gave it 4.5 stars out of 5.
When the outstanding features on this vehicle is the excellent gas mileage. The EPA rates it at 30 miles per gallon in the city and 28 miles per gallon on the Highway. It features a 245 hp 3.5 L V6 engine along with an electronically controlled continuous transmission. This vehicle is all-wheel-drive so you're good to go and pretty much any terrain. You'll enjoy it leather seats in this vehicle along with multifunction remote truck, Hatch door, tailgate and Windows. Be sure to find out about all the amenities on this 2015 Lexus RX 450 H for sale near Winston-Salem at Vestal Buick GMC in Kernersville.
Special features: 245 hp horsepower, 3.5 liter V6 DOHC engine, 4 Doors, 4-wheel ABS brakes, Air conditioning with dual zone climate control, All-wheel drive, Audio controls on steering wheel, Auto-dimming mirrors - Electrochromatic, Bluetooth, Clock - In-dash, Compass, CVT Transmission, Electric Motor - 155 hp, External temperature display, Front fog/driving lights, Front seat type - Bucket, Fuel economy EPA highway (mpg): 28 and EPA city (mpg): 30, Head airbags - Curtain 1st and 2nd row, Interior air filtration, Knee airbags - Driver and passenger, Leather seats, Multi-function remote - Trunk/hatch/door/tailgate windows, Overhead console - Mini with storage, Passenger Airbag, Power heated mirrors, Power windows with 4 one-touch, Rear Electric Motor - 67 hp, Rear spoiler - Lip, Reclining rear seats, Remote power door locks, Remote window operation, Reverse tilt mirrors - Dual mirrors, Signal mirrors - Turn signal in mirrors, Speed-proportional power steering, Split-bench rear seats, Tilt and telescopic steering wheel, Traction control - ABS and driveline, Trip computer, Universal remote transmitter.
Visit the link to learn more about this car or just give us a call at 336-996-5780
Vestal Buick GMC http://www.vestalauto.com
Our Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVUI7NamJlPAxt6H593u1_Q
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vestalbuickgmc · 7 years
336-996-5780 2013 GMC Terrain SLT for sale Winston Salem NC at Vestal Buick GMC. http://ift.tt/2xUTX6c Check out our 2013 GMC Terrain for sale at Vestal Buick GMC. This vehicle features a GM certified warranty and comes with a Vestal value card. Some of the features that you'll enjoy on this vehicle include great gas mileage with a 2.4 L four-cylinder engine. EPA estimates our 22 miles per gallon city and 32 miles per gallon on the Highway. This vehicle features a 6 speed automatic transmission and has been exceptionally maintained. Some of the features that you are sure to enjoy include remote start, leather seats, backup camera, climate control, controls on the steering wheel, cruise control, power Windows, power locks and more. If you're in the market for a GMC Terrain then you want to make sure you check out this vehicle. Vehicle Specifications: 4 Doors, 4-wheel ABS brakes, 8-way power adjustable drivers seat, Air conditioning with climate control, Audio controls on steering wheel, Automatic Transmission, Bluetooth, Climate controlled - Driver and passenger heated-cushion driver and passenger heated-seatback, Clock - In-radio display, Compass, Cruise control, Daytime running lights, Dusk sensing headlights, External temperature display, Front fog/driving lights, Front seat type - Bucket, Front-wheel drive, Fuel economy EPA highway (mpg): 32 and EPA city (mpg): 22, Head airbags - Curtain 1st and 2nd row, Heated drivers seat, Heated passenger seat, Intermittent window wipers, Leather seats, Multi-function remote - Remote engine start, Passenger Airbag, Power heated mirrors, Power windows with 4 one-touch, Rear bench seats, Rear spoiler - Lip, Rear wiper, Reclining rear seats, Remote engine start, Remote power door locks, Tachometer, Tilt and telescopic steering wheel, Traction control - ABS and driveline, Trip computer, Video Monitor Location - Front, 2.4 liter inline 4 cylinder DOHC engine. Visit us at http://vestalauto.com Check out our YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVUI7NamJlPAxt6H593u1_Q Other Videos 2013 Chevy Tahoe Grey https://youtu.be/syBHOQ8Wwbc 2013 Chevy Tahoe White https://youtu.be/ggyUN1sEoUw Used 2017 Ford Explorer https://youtu.be/XMTp0PVpmwY
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vestalbuickgmc · 7 years
336-996-5780 2008 GMC Acadia for sale Winston Salem NC at Vestal Buick GMC in Kernersville. http://cli.re/08acadia Check out this great looking 2008 GMC Acadia for sale near Winston Salem NC at Vestal Buick GMC. This vehicle is a one owner with a Carfax Buyback guarantee. It has a 3.6 L. V6 engine with a 6 speed automatic transmission. Remote start, 3rd row seating. front bucket seats, 2nd row heated and heated mirrors. Great looking vehicle with the balance of the factory warranty and a Vestal Value Card. Specifications: 3.6 liter V6 DOHC engine, 4 Doors, 4-wheel ABS brakes, Air conditioning, Automatic Transmission, Center Console - Full with covered storage, Clock - In-radio display, Cruise control, Daytime running lights, Dusk sensing headlights, External temperature display, Front fog/driving lights, Front seat type - Bucket, Front-wheel drive, Fuel economy EPA highway (mpg): 24 and EPA city (mpg): 16, Head airbags - Curtain 1st 2nd and 3rd row, Intermittent window wipers, Passenger Airbag, Power heated mirrors, Power steering, Power windows with 1 one-touch, Privacy/tinted glass, Rear air conditioning - With separate controls, Rear defogger, Rear heat - With separate controls, Rear spoiler - Lip, Rear wiper, Reclining rear seats, Remote power door locks, Stability control - Stability control with anti-roll, Tachometer, Third row seats, Tilt and telescopic steering wheel, Traction control - ABS and driveline, Trip computer, 275 hp horsepower Visit us at http://vestalauto.com Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVUI7NamJlPAxt6H593u1_Q Other Videos You Might Enjoy 2016 Chevrolet Suburban https://youtu.be/9Ye9M3vPC9g 2015 Chevrolet Silverado https://youtu.be/7t0cbthp67U 2013 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 LT https://youtu.be/hZuxM72NByI
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2012 Toyota Tundra for sale near Winston-Salem
336-996-5780 2012 Toyota Tundra LTD for sale near Winston-Salem North Carolina at Vestal Buick GMC. http://cli.re/12toytun
Looking for a nice truck with lots of room? You may want to check out our 2012 Toyota Tundra. This vehicle comes with a 5.7 L V-8 engine and is four-wheel-drive. Some of the great features that you'll enjoy on this vehicle include heated front seats, sunroof, steering wheel controls, climate control, running boards, tow and all mode, and much more. This vehicle features a Vestal warranty and comes with a Vestal value card. Be sure to check out our 2012 Toyota Tundra for sale at Vestal Buick GMC in Kernersville.
Featured Equipment: 4 Doors, 4-wheel ABS brakes, 4WD Type - Part-time, 5.7 L liter V8 DOHC engine with variable valve timing, Automatic Transmission, Bed Length - 66.7 ', Clock - In-dash, Cruise control, Daytime running lights, External temperature display, Four-wheel drive, Fuel economy EPA highway (mpg): 17 and EPA city (mpg): 13, Head airbags - Curtain 1st and 2nd row, Heated Windshield Washer Jets - Wiper park, Interior air filtration, Intermittent window wipers, Knee airbags - Driver and passenger, Limited slip differential - Brake actuated, Passenger Airbag, Pickup Bed Type - Regular, Power heated mirrors, Power windows with 1 one-touch, Privacy/tinted glass, Rear defogger, Reclining rear seats, Remote power door locks, Speed-proportional power steering, Split-bench rear seats, Stability control, Tachometer, Traction control - ABS and driveline, 381 hp horsepower.
Our Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVUI7NamJlPAxt6H593u1_Q
Other Videos You Might Enjoy 2014 GMC Sierra 1500 https://youtu.be/j9rJGCJTdpA 2016 GMC Sierra SLT https://youtu.be/7mL4EPoeNnY
from Trucks, Cars and SUV's for Sale https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3lQl-TqqvI
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jammiesmelser · 7 years
2012 Toyota Tundra for sale near Winston-Salem
336-996-5780 2012 Toyota Tundra LTD for sale near Winston-Salem North Carolina at Vestal Buick GMC. http://cli.re/12toytun
Looking for a nice truck with lots of room? You may want to check out our 2012 Toyota Tundra. This vehicle comes with a 5.7 L V-8 engine and is four-wheel-drive. Some of the great features that you'll enjoy on this vehicle include heated front seats, sunroof, steering wheel controls, climate control, running boards, tow and all mode, and much more. This vehicle features a Vestal warranty and comes with a Vestal value card. Be sure to check out our 2012 Toyota Tundra for sale at Vestal Buick GMC in Kernersville.
Featured Equipment: 4 Doors, 4-wheel ABS brakes, 4WD Type - Part-time, 5.7 L liter V8 DOHC engine with variable valve timing, Automatic Transmission, Bed Length - 66.7 ', Clock - In-dash, Cruise control, Daytime running lights, External temperature display, Four-wheel drive, Fuel economy EPA highway (mpg): 17 and EPA city (mpg): 13, Head airbags - Curtain 1st and 2nd row, Heated Windshield Washer Jets - Wiper park, Interior air filtration, Intermittent window wipers, Knee airbags - Driver and passenger, Limited slip differential - Brake actuated, Passenger Airbag, Pickup Bed Type - Regular, Power heated mirrors, Power windows with 1 one-touch, Privacy/tinted glass, Rear defogger, Reclining rear seats, Remote power door locks, Speed-proportional power steering, Split-bench rear seats, Stability control, Tachometer, Traction control - ABS and driveline, 381 hp horsepower.
Our Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVUI7NamJlPAxt6H593u1_Q
Other Videos You Might Enjoy 2014 GMC Sierra 1500 https://youtu.be/j9rJGCJTdpA 2016 GMC Sierra SLT https://youtu.be/7mL4EPoeNnY
from Trucks, Cars and SUV's for Sale https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3lQl-TqqvI
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