#Rebekka Frank
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hoerbahnblog · 6 months ago
GlockenbachWelle - mit Martina Bogdahn
Prinz Rupis Buchtipps: "DER BÜCHERPRINZ oder: Wie ich Verleger wurde" von Wilhelm Ruprecht Frieling
Die 26. Welle mit Rebekka Frank (Hördauer ca.67 Minuten) https://literaturradiohoerbahn.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/RebekkaFrank.mp3 Willkommen bei der 26. Ausgabe der GlockenbachWelle. „An jedem Tag, zu jeder Stunde konnte die Nordsee eine andere sein. Mal schaumig, aufgebauscht und nah. Dann wieder leise, flüsternd und weit in der Ferne. An warmen Sommertagen funkelten die Wellen, als…
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graphicpolicy · 4 years ago
Kent Williams, Jim Woodring, The Balbusso Twins, and Beehive Books Present Illustrated Editions of Classic Books on Kickstarter
Kent Williams, Jim Woodring, The Balbusso Twins, and Beehive Books Present Illustrated Editions of Classic Books on Kickstarter #Books #Prose #Kickstarter
Award-winning painter Kent Williams, legendary Frank cartoonist Jim Woodring, and the renowned Italian illustrators known as the Balbusso Twins are collaborating with Beehive Books to create lush, new illustrated editions of literary classics and forgotten gems. Having previously released six award-winning volumes with acclaimed artists Rebekka Dunlap, Brecht Evens, Dave McKean, Paul Pope, Yuko…
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Adorján, Johanna: Eine exklusive Liebe Adorján, Johanna: Geteiltes Vergnügen Adorján, Johanna: Männer Adorján, Johanna: Ciao
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Endler, Rebekka: Das Patriarchat der Dinge: warum die Welt Frauen nicht passt
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Foley, Elizabeth; Coates, Beth: Was würde Frida tun? 55 Life Lessons von den coolsten Frauen der Weltgeschichte (2023)
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Fricke, Lucy: Die Diplomatin (2024)
Gameau, Damon: Voll verzuckert - That Sugar Book
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Gottman, John: Die Vermessung der Liebe: Vertrauen und Betrug in Paarbeziehungen
Green, John: Das Schicksal ist ein mieser Verräter
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Hasel, Verena Friederike: Lasse
Haushofer, Marlen: Die Wand (2023)
Hawkins, Paula: Girl on the Train
Heinrich Böll Stiftung: Iss was?!: Tiere, Fleisch und ich
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Hoffmann, Jilliane: Cupido
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Hugo, Victor: Les Misérables
Jonasson, Jonas: Der Hundertjährige, der aus dem Fenster stieg und verschwand Jonasson, Jonas: Die Analphabetin, die rechnen konnte Jonasson, Jonas: Mörder Anders und seine Freunde nebst dem einen oder anderen Feind
Kang, Han: Die Vegetarierin
Kaiser, Gunnar: Unter der Haut
Kaiser, Susanne: Backlash - Die neue Gewalt gegen Frauen (2024)
Kästner, Erich: Doktor Erich Kästners Lyrische Hausapotheke Kästner, Erich: Der Herr aus Glas Kästner, Erich: Drei Männer im Schnee Kästner, Erich: Der Gang vor die Hunde Kästner, Erich: Emil und die Detektive Kästner, Erich: Pünktchen und Anton Kästner, Erich: Das fliegende Klassenzimmer Kästner, Erich: Das doppelte Lottchen Kästner, Erich: Die Konferenz der Tiere Kästner, Erich: Als ich ein kleiner Junge war
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Kraus, Chris: Das kalte Blut
Kreisman, Jerold J.: Ich hasse dich - verlass mich nicht: Die schwarzweiße Welt der Borderline-Persönlichkeit
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Lunde, Maja: Die Geschichte der Bienen
Maack, Benjamin: Wenn das noch geht, kann es nicht so schlimm sein
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Moers, Walter: Der Bücherdrache Moers, Walter: Ensel und Krete Moers, Walter: Die 13 1/2 Leben des Käpt'n Blaubär Moers, Walter: Die Stadt der träumenden Bücher Moers, Walter: Rumo
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Nandi, Jacinta: Die schlechteste Hausfrau der Welt (2025)
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Pin, Cecile: Wandering Souls (2024)
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Preußler, Otfried: Krabat
Primor, Avi: Süß und ehrenvoll
Rabinyan, Dorit: Wir sehen uns am Meer (2024)
Raich, Sarah: Hell und laut (2024) - bestes Buch des Jahres [Stand: 08/24]
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Raich, Tanja (Hg.): Das Paradies ist weiblich (2024) - Miku Sophie Kühmel: Material - Kristof Magnusson: Die Sache mit dem Namen - Sophia Süßmilch: Die Matriarchin. Ein Abrechnung - Julia Korbik: Dreizehn - Gertraud Klemm: Der feuchte Traum - Linus Giese: Queertopia - Mareike Fallwickl: Tamina Blue - Emilia Roig: Das Ende der Unterdrückung
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Reisinger, Eva: Männer töten (2024)
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Rönicke, Katrin: Bitte freimachen: eine Anleitung zur Emanzipation (2021)
Rollinger, Maria: Milch besser nicht: Ein kritisches Lesebuch
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Roupenian, Kristen: Cat Person (2023)
Rowling, J. K.: Harry Potter und das verwunschene Kind; Ein plötzlicher Todesfall; HP 1-7; Die Märchen von Beedle dem Barden
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Schnarch, David: Die Psychologie sexueller Leidenschaft
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Seifert, Nicole: Frauenliteratur: abgewertet, vergessen, wiederentdeckt (2024)
Shelley, Mary: Frankenstein
Shpancer, Noam: Der gute Psychologe
Simsion, Graeme: Das Rosie-Projekt Simsion, Graeme: Der Rosie-Effekt
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Ulitzkaja, Ljudmila: Eine Seuche in der Stadt
Watson, S. J.: Ich. Darf. Nicht. Schlafen.
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Yudkin, John: Pur, weiß, tödlich.: Warum der Zucker uns umbringt – und wie wir das verhindern können
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Leitfaden für britische Soldaten in Deutschland 1944
Lelord, François: Hectors Reise oder die Suche nach dem Glück
Precht, Richard David: Wer bin ich - und wenn ja wie viele? Eine philosophische Reise
Raich, Tanja: Schwerer als das Licht
Saint-Exupery, Antoine de: The Little Prince
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hestolibrary · 8 years ago
Larry fics - A playlist
a list of songs that inspired fic titles
A All My Stars Aligned - St. Vincent: i'll be someone who won't be forgotten (read here)    Angels in the Room - Delta Goodrem: i just know i have found the place my heart belongs (read here) All of Me - John Legend: Both Showing Hearts (read here) A Little Death - The Neighbourhood: make me feel like i am breathing (read here) All You Need Is Love - The Beatles: Nothing You Can Do (But You Can Learn How To Be You In Time) (read here) Alone Together - Fall Out Boy: Let's Be Alone Together, We Can Stay Young Forever (read here)
B Back for Good - Take That: Just Tell Me The Song And I’ll Sing It (read here) Bloodstream - Ed Sheeran: feel the chemicals burn in my bloodstream (read here) Bend me, shape me - American Breed: bend me, shape me (read here) blue jeans by lana del rey: Say You'll Remember (read here) // Promise You’ll Remember That You’re Mine (read here) Breathless - The Corrs: Come on, leave me breathless. (Tempt me, tease me until I can't deny this) (read here)
C Cake By The Ocean - DNCE: Blind From This Sweet, Sweet Craving (read here) Cherry Wine - Hozier: walk my days on a wire (read here) Come & Get It - Selena Gomez: So Baby Whenever You're Ready (read here) Closer - Tegan and Sara: The Night Sky is Changing Overhead (read here)  Crazy For You - Madonna: It's All Brand New (read here)  Canvas - Rezonate: this unnatural path, it spans infinitely (read here)  Crystalised - The xx: things have gotten closer to the sun (read here) Colly Strings - Manchester Orchestra: like dying young idols (read here)  
D Daughters Of The Soho Riots -  The National: i have your dreams (and your teeth marks) (read here) Don’t Stand so Close To Me - The Police: Just Like That Book By Nabokov (read here) Dreaming of You - The Coral: Dreaming of You (read here)
E Everything Has Changed - Taylor Swift ft. Ed Sheeran: Everything has Changed (read here) Everybody - Ingrid Michaelson: Happy is the Heart that Still Feels Pain (read here)
F Feels Like Coming Home - Jetta: Feels Like Coming Home (read here) Fader - The Temper Trap: hold a hand for cover (read here) Friends - Ed Sheeran: we're not friends, we could be anything (read here) Fallingforyou - The 1975:  In This Light (read here) Fire and Ice - Olivia Bray: We’re mesmerized (we’re fire and ice) (read here)
G Gods & Monsters - Lana del Rey: Gods & Monsters (read here) Give Me Love - Ed Sheeran: we'll play hide and seek to turn this around (give me love like never before) (read here)
H Happiness Is A Warm Gun - The Beatles: I Need A Fix Cause I'm Going Down (read here)    Heart Out - The 1975: Figure My Heart Out (read here) Heroes - Mans Zelmerlöw: don’t tell the gods (we left a mess) (read here) Hero - Sterling Knight: If you're the one for me then I'll be your hero (read here)     Human - Gabrielle Aplin: come closer show the marks upon your skin (read here) Home - One Direction: baby we could be enough (i'll make this feel like home) (read here) Happier - Ed Sheeran: I'll smile to hide the truth (read here) Happily - One Direction: Be with me so happily (read here)
I I want to fuck you like an animal - Nine Inch Nails: like an animal (i wanna feel you from the inside (read here) I’ll be yours - Placebo: You’ll Breathe Me in (You Won’t Release) (read here) In The End I Started - Brinck: in the end I started thinking about the beginning (read here) I’ll Be Home For Christmas (If Only in My Dreams) - Frank Sinatra: If Only In My Dreams (read here) I Miss You - Kacey Musgraves: Every Arrow That I Aim Is True (read here)
J JFK - Lana Del Rey: a million roses (bathed in rock n' roll) (read here)   
L Last Goodbye - Jeff Buckley: Just Hear This and Then I’ll Go (read here) Laura Palmer - Bastille: led by your beating heart (read here) Lego House - Ed Sheeran: lego house (read here) Look After You - The Fray: What's mine is yours to make your own (read here) Losing My Religiong - R.E.M.: That’s Me In The Spotlight (read here) Light Year - Gregory Alan Isakov: another hazy may (read here)
M Magic - Coldplay: call it magic, call it true (read here) Miss You - The Rolling Stones: You've Been Starring In My Dreams (read here) Mercy - IAMX: could make your whole world sweet (read here) Moth’s Wings - Passion Pit: like a bastard on the burning sea My My Love - Joshue Radin: It's All Brand New Because of You (read here)  
N Not The Sun - Brand New: you've set on me (read here) No Control - One Direction: in the heat where you lay (read here) // taste on my tongue (read here) National Anthem - Lana del Rey: Baby Heaven's in your Eyes (read here) Nothing Is Too Wonderful To Be True - Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (The Musical): turn any corner, there's something new (read here)      
O Oath - Cher LLoyd: for now (and forever) (read here) One - Ed Sheeran: take my hand (and my heart and soul) (read here) Oh So Quiet - Betty Hutton: it's oh so still (read here)     
P Enya - Paint the Sky with Stars: Paint The Sky With Stars (read here) Punk Rock Princess - Something Corporate: i’d burn this city down to show you the light (read here)     
R Relief Next to Me - Tegan and Sara: Relief Next To Me (read here) Red Brick Heart (Album) - Performance: Red Brick Heart (read here) Rhiannon - Fleetwood Mac: taken by the wind (read here) Ribs - Lorde: reeling through the midnight streets (read here)
S Scar Tissue - The Red Hot Chili Peppers: I'll Make it to the Moon if I Have to Crawl (read here)    Something Great - One Direction: come on jump out at me (read here) Someone New - Hozier: electing strange perfections (read here) Some Trust - The Fray: Fake you're full and feel tomorrow (read here)   Sweater Weather - The Neighbourhood: So Put Your Hands (In The Holes Of My Sweater) (read here) Sing When You’re Winning - Robbie Williams (album): Sing When You’re Winning (read here) Still Take You Home - Arctic Monkeys: But I'll Still Take You Home (read here) Sunday - Earl Sweatshirt ft. Frank Ocean: Loving You's a Little Different (read here) Shine - Years & Years: everything i can arrange, every part of me you change (read here) Stones Around The Sun - Lewis Watson: we're only stones around the sun (read here) Speak Now - Taylor Swift: speak now or forever hold you peace (read here) Sugar - Maroon 5: don't let nobody touch it (unless that somebody's me) (read here) Sk8er Boy - Avril Lavigne: Can I Make It Any More Obvious? (read here)    
T True Love - P!nk ft. Lily Allen: you’re an asshole (but i love you) (read here) Tröjan Du Hatar - Norlie & KKV: The Shirt You Hate (read here) Take Me To Church - Hozier: let me give you my life (read here) Thinking About You - Radiohead: shit, i still love you (still see you in bed) (read here) This Is Gospel -  Panic! At The Disco: Truth Be Told (I Never Was Yours) (read here) Temporary Fix - One Direction: we’ll call this what you like (read here) // feel you on my neck (read here) Thunder - Boys like Girls: you’ll always be thunder (read here) Tea for Two - Doris: Tea For Two and Two For Tea (read here) Toxic - Britney Spears: Taste of a Poison Paradise Tomorrow - Daughter: just the outlines of our hands (read here)
U Unbelievers - Vampire Weekend: Unbelievers (read here) Underwater - Mika: with your love we could breathe underwater (read here)
V Various Storms & Saints: Florence + The Machine: you’re bleeding, but you’ll be okay (read here)
W When We Were On Fire - James Bay: A Fallen Star That Shines No More (read here) Whirlpool - Sea Wolf: hoping this cold blue water scrubs me clean and spits me out again (read here) Whatever You Like - T.I.: it ain't trickin' if ya got it (read here) Whatever You Like (T.I. Cover) - Anya Marina: whatever you like (read here) Wake Me Up - Ed Sheeran: and now a piece of me is a piece of the beach (read here) Wolf Am I (And Shadow) - Mewithoutyou: walk heavy on delicate ground (read here)    Way In The World -  Nina Nesbitt: Way in the World (read here) Wear It Like A Crown -  Rebekka Karijord: Wear It Like A Crown (read here)
X XO - Beyoncé: your heart is glowing and i'm crashing into you (read here)
Y You Got Time - Clare & the Reasons: You Got Time (read here) Young and Beautiful - Lana del Rey: Young & Beautiful (read here) Your Name Is Tattooed On My Heart - Screeching Weasel: Your Name Is Tattooed On My Heart (read here) You Drive Me Wild - The Runaways: you drive me wild (you know you do) (read here) You Are The Blood - Sufjan Stevens: You Are The Blood (read here)
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