#Reasons to see an orthodontist
rosie-kairi · 6 months
Society if Ephemer had braces
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kirakirabug · 1 month
I think I need to have a check up at the dentist ...
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l-cereta · 2 months
#this is a vent post I just want to… have it written down somewhere#I’m doing better now btw I’m also writing all this out to try and create a buffer so you have to put in effort to see the rest#but also no one should feel obligated to read anything this is just for me to expurgate it#anyways. um. hoping that’s long enough#so after a largely shitty and fucking unpleasant week (computer failed… lost all my data… lost all my stickers… headaches w senior year…)#i get my wisdom teeth out today. which id known abt for a while it wasn’t a surprise but I was getting a little antsy#abt how my mom had pushed for me to not be sedated and instead get nitrous . so I’d be conscious for the whole procedure#right after breakfast i call about other options but it turns out the other options require you to fast beforehand sooooo nitrous it is#I’ll also mention that I drank the night before and had a slight hangover so maybe that interfered somewhat#but maybe six or so minutes into the surgery I start tearing up and eventually fully sobbing forcing them to stop#because the idea that these people are taking apart my body is so distressing to me#and like… it really did feel like this intimate violation#reaching in and taking something that was mine#idk i felt and feel so bad for just letting that happen… like. it was my body. they didn’t have any right to do that#that’s the first time I’ve ever had surgery and it’s weird — i feel like most things i can manage pretty easily#for example going to the dentist or orthodontist#even if I don’t love it it’s fine I manage. i get my blood drawn semi regularly. It’s Fine.#but for some reason something about this experience… like it was genuinely such a traumatic moment which feels really silly and stupid#considering the stuff other people go through. but really it felt so bad the whole time i was laying back knowing i couldn’t do anything#but mentally over and over going ‘this is my body THIS IS MY BODY’#and I just had to let that happen. genuinely one of the worst experiences of my life and i was suicidal in high school
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genspiel · 8 months
i fucking hate having teeth i fucking hate having teeth i fucking hate having teeth i fucking hate having teeth
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dissociacrip · 5 months
i saw that one disability-related post a while ago about dental care but i can't find it again so i'm gonna mention a few things as a (mild to moderately) mentally & physically disabled person, whose teeth hurt when i eat sweet stuff now + i've had a root canal due to a fall + i'm learning to take care of myself, that may or may not help other folks with their dental routine
note: i am not a dentist & this info is mostly what i've gleaned secondhand from dentists, so yeah, i am not an expert in any capacity
water flossers aren't as effective as regular flossing (doing both is actually what's most effective) but they're better than nothing & helpful in cases where coordination problems or other issues might prevent regular flossing technique (i imagine this also depends on the quality of the water flosser)
if you use one of the plastic pre-made floss picks things, rinse the string off in-between each time you use it to floss one side of a tooth, it's tedious but it mimics moving to a new (clean) part of the thread like you do with regular floss
if you get an automatic toothbrush, get one that does circular rotation rather than just vibrating or whatever, as this mimics the tools they use in a dentist's office + imitates the circular motion you're expected to make with a standard toothbrush (which is also hard with coordination issues), i got one that does this pretty cheap from walmart (it's an oral-b but i forgot the specific type) + it automatically times it for you
if you have white spots on your teeth that are uneven with the shade of the rest of the tooth those are potentially white spot lesions due to demineralization; whitening products can make this worse rather than help it, but some products can help with remineralization such as mi paste topical tooth creme, which contains calcium and phosphate (i have yet to try this myself but it seems to get suggested by a lot of dentists, orthodontists, etc. for white spots on teeth & it's also supposed to help with sensitivity and tooth health in general because the white spots are lesions so it's not purely cosmetic!)
it's advised to not rinse your mouth immediately after brushing as this potentially dilutes & reduces the effects of the flouride (if you use fluoride toothpaste), stuff says to wait at least 15 minutes or so
just giving your teeth a quick scrub (even if it's without toothpaste and just water) is better than not brushing your teeth at all
if you have trouble seeing a dentist for financial reasons, try to see if there are income-based or charity dental services in your area, sometimes dental schools also provide low-cost/free dental care
that's all i can think of for now, i wish i had more advice for people who struggle to be able to brush their teeth at all in general but this is all i got unfortunately :(
additionally - you're not bad, useless, gross, or a failure if you struggle to (or can't) maintain oral hygiene; this stuff is much easier for some people than it is to others & those who take it for granted like to forget that, no one deserves to be mocked or looked down on for being disabled & struggling to/not being able to do """basic""" stuff like this!
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samwisefamgee · 2 years
I have been awake for so long and I finally finally finally got into bed with intent to sleep well for a full night and I have been physically incapable of sleep for hours
#why does this happen every time I try to improve things#i was finally able to eat healthily and in a reasonable the other day and the day after I was literally unable to eat anything#*reasonable amount#it’s fine it’s cool I’ll subsist on half of what I need cause apparently what I actually need will kill me too!!#like the circumstances of living are already so fucked and hard to get through and in every way my body and mind can decay they will#permanent permanent permanent decay#I’m so tired#and tired of living here surrounded by more perpetual decay#rot in the walls and dripping murky water#tired of tinnitus. tired of my eyesight still getting worse. I’m almost legally blind now and I’ll never sit in silence again#I need to shave my head because being this bald is actually disgusting#my teeth hurt. they ache every day and I can feel and see them shifting far out of place from where my treatment was meant to leave them#i cannot afford to go to the dentist to fix anything or head back to the orthodontist#my bones ache. my joints hurt. it’s too early for this#I’m 23#why does it ALL still get worse so fast#i cannot take it all getting worse for that long#what physically and mentally I have lost that was requisite intrinsically to my passions will always haunt me#my greatest failure is falling apart in mind and body before I ever EVER got to start my own life#and now IF by some shooting star I actually DO get where I’ve been trying to it will ultimately be as a shell of the person I’d planned on#and if you are reading this know words could not begin to tell you what numerous and fantastic dreams are no longer possible because of this
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3liza · 2 months
"why do you hate progress so much???"
i dont! show me an apartment tower that houses 20 families and the rent is capped at $1/sq ft and i'll shut up! show me an office conversion like so many people have in Leipzig! airbnb condos and 5-over-1s with permanently-empty ground floors (or as we have in seattle, just regular apartments on the ground floor for some reason?? like looking right onto the sidewalk???) or as someone pointed out, always a fucking orthodontist, is not progress! no one is being additionally housed! rent never ever goes down! there is no shortage of suitable housing units for people who need housing, what's in short supply, and this is completely on purpose and will not change until it is forcibly and perhaps violently changed, is housing units people are actually allowed to live in!!! no one is moving that needle by building this dogshit and everyone keeps going whoaaoo but wee built so much Housing whered all the Housing go, we better build more Housing! no its ok you dont need to provide an elevator as long as you dont go over 5 or 6 stories, it'll be our little Deal for you to build more Housing because we need Housing so bad. i see you finished building the Housing but somehow nothing has changed. thats so weird, well, lets grade this stand of century-old fruit trees where the local schoolkids like to play in the shade and build more Housing and maybe it will work this time
every single time i walk past the blindingly white new condo block that has had uncurtained 24-hour-lit plate glass windows showing perfectly undisturbed model units (somehow theyre all model units??) with a big realtor sign outside right next to the permanent new private cop in his car which have all been there without Housing anyone for over a year (after bulldozing an entire apartment building) i think about all these stupid arguments ive had on tumblr about Why Do You Hate Building Housing and feel insane. you can just walk outside and see the effects. the effects are nil because housing poor people is not profitable and will have to be done at gunpoint if it's done at all. sorry
edit: but i stole the solar powered sidewalk lights right out of their barren chipped bark planters where nothing grows so hooray for the working class. hooray
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gurggggleburgle · 4 months
expanding off my original : i know when qinghua says i get benefits he doesn't mean vacation hours and dental but can you imagine post I'd like to say it both makes complete sense that demons would invest in dental insurance as normal in society and also not in the slightest and that's what makes it funny.
What I mean is common conception and idea about demons is they all regenerate to an extent. We know that Sha Hauling regrows her nails in a near instance (which means being a lesbian requires so much focus in bed to restrain that) and we can assume that teeth are not being left out. See humans don't usually need to worry too much about their teeth being punched out of their face or grinding their own teeth apart with rage and jaw strength. Demons have fighting as a huge part of their social culture and I don't think its a stretch to say in demon flirting sometimes you accidentally knock a tooth. Having superhuman strength doesn't mean you aren't chipping your teeth and also if you worry about this and can just pull out a tooth and regrow it stands to reason that's a normal enough thing you can do. But also, you wanna make sure that comes back clean. Some demons might have diets that make them at risk for certain gum diseases, demons who have teeth that continuously grow might have certain cleanings they get done. There are endless teeth possibilities. Conceptually I think the idea that demons treat dental care as near the top would be both fitting and funny.
Because I want a fic where Airplane has to go to the dentist and Mu Qingfan is like I'm sorry I'm not an orthodontist and so he's forced to go to a demon world dentist and is super scared and like oh god he's gonna leave my mouth a bloody gummy mess.
But like actually its like the best dentist experience man has ever had. The dentist is nice, his pain taken care of, they use flavored gloves and let you take some home to chew on later, honestly he's knocked out on laughing gas so its basically just one big old nap for him and its great. And its virtually free with his health care plan? Sign him up for a followup this shit is the king!
And Mobei-Jun gets to be all smug about how his kingdom has 12/10 dental. Alternatively 20k fic just about how Mobei-Jun hates the dentist. But specifically because they stopped letting him have flavored gloves during his appointments.
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ambiguouspuzuma · 2 months
They identified the body by her dental records. Her bag was full of them.
"Well, she was definitely some kind of dentist." Detective Sidwell dropped the copies back to the desk. "That should make the identification easier."
"Dr Jane Doe." Sidwell's colleague, Detective Lita, was inspecting the other crime scene photographs. The gory ones. "With a nice big cavity, it seems - carved right in the middle of her chest. She bled out all over the place, although she'd probably say that's because she didn't floss."
"What are we thinking for our suspects?" Sidwell asked, ignoring the jokes. One of them had to stay professional, to focus on the job at hand - and somehow that burden always seemed to fall to him. "A colleague? Patient?"
"No, it looks pretty frenzied to me."
"I'm serious."
Lita took a moment to think it through. "I don't see it, to be honest. I know people hate going to the dentist, but not to the point of murder. In fact, I'll bet you it's nothing to do with her job at all. Dentists can get stabbed for the same reasons as anybody else, right? A fight over her love-life, a mugging gone wrong, heading down the wrong alley at the wrong time, that sort of thing."
"I'll take that action," Sidwell said, holding her to the bet. Professionalism had its merits, but the job could get pretty bleak if they didn't find their own ways to keep things light. "What's your wager? Buy me a coffee?"
"Sure, you can pick me up a latté from the new place downtown." Lita smiled her crooked smile, her teeth stained brown from coffees past. No sugar, though. I wouldn't want to be disrespectful."
With his compensation agreed, Sidwell knuckled down to work on the case. He knew he'd need to do the lion's share of the investigation, as he always did, and the bets were a way of getting something out of it. Or motivating Lita to put a shift in, when it looked like things weren't going her way. She wasn't often too focused on following up leads, but could roll her sleeves up when a bet was in the balance.
Theirs was an unusual partnership, and certainly not an equal one. Lita's lack of professionalism extended far beyond the jokes, and Sidwell often felt that she was less of a help than a liability. He was left to follow up forensics requests she'd forgotten to send, rewrite notes which she'd misplaced on the landfill site that she called a desk, and generally carry her through the working day.
She sometimes apologised, or thanked him with a drink, but showed no sign of trying to be better. Even on this case, charged with catching a murderer, she seemed disinterested in the details. A savaged corpse was enough motivation for Sidwell to chase down every suspect, and he wondered what exactly it would take to capture Lita's attention in the same way. If even this case failed to move her, he didn't understand why she'd wanted to become a cop in the first place.
"Tell me again," Lita asked. "You think she was some sort of orthodontist?"
"A rogue one, according to these reports. She messed up people's teeth intentionally, just so they wouldn't match their dental records. That's why she had so many in her bag. It looks like some local crime ring hired her to sort out their goons, so that they'd never be identified if they were killed."
It had been a tough one for Sidwell to get his head around - it felt like getting laser eye surgery to make yourself more short-sighted, or asking a plastic surgeon to add more wrinkles to your forehead, but it did seem to make sense from the perspective of a killer. If teeth could be reshaped at will, anybody on the system could be fitted with a brand new set, removing any prospect of a match. It was certainly easier than having to dissolve them.
He hadn't realised how often the police relied upon dental records to identify bodies - especially those who'd been disposed of carefully, with the rest of the face disfigured and hands removed - or quite how malleable those patterns were. It was like if there was a whole industry for designer fingerprints or DNA, shaping perfect whorls and helixes, and the state still treated them like unique identifiers. How many past matches had they missed because of Jane Doe's meddling? Even she could be on their database somewhere, hidden behind an unrecognisable overbite.
"A heterodontist, if you will." Lita brought him back to the present.
"I didn't realise the mob had a dental plan. So what are we thinking? One of the grunts saw their disappearance coming, and swung by to give her a stainless steel filling?"
"This feels like a professional hit. Maybe the higher-ups, if she knew too much. But either way, this isn't just a random attack, right? She's not been murdered for something unrelated to all those murders she helped to cover up. You have to concede that would be too big of a coincidence."
"Yeah, yeah, I know what you're saying," she conceded, hands up in mock surrender. "I'll buy you your drink. Where do you want to go?"
Even then she dragged her feet. Lita made him wait outside whilst she went back to get her jacket, then spilt his coffee at the first attempt and had to go back to the counter to replace it. Sidwell might think her a sore loser, if she wasn't like this about literally everything. Even when he finally had the cup in his hand, he suspected that she'd somehow got his order wrong.
"What's in this drink?" He recoiled at the first sip, but went back for a second. It wasn't unpleasant, exactly - just unexpected. Notes of almond, and something he couldn't quite place. "You just asked for normal milk, right?"
She shook her head. "I added a couple of shots. You deserve a little treat."
"That's not going to be good for my teeth."
"I'm sure our victim will forgive you." Lita grinned, as if to prove his point. "You're the one who was right about her, so you're allowed a little indulgence."
Sidwell tried to be polite, to set an example to her as much as anything. No wonder she'd been at the counter for longer than usual. The coffee wasn't awful, if he ignored the other flavours. Was this what she went for every day? He wondered if the sugar was to blame for her performance, which alternated from erratic to lethargic, like a hyper child who crashed in the afternoons.
Lita watched him drink in silence for a while, then seemed to find the courage for a question.
"Do you think that I'm incompetent?"
Sidwell weighed it up - probably for a second too long. So this was why she'd wanted them to grab a drink together, one way or another. She needed to talk about her career, away from the precinct. "I wouldn't use that word."
"So what word would you use?" she pressed. "Competent?"
"Well... okay, maybe not. Sorry."
Lita nodded. "No, that's good to hear. It'll work on the next guy."
"Huh? Are you transferring from the squad?" Sidwell tried to feign dismay, but knew that she'd always been the better liar. "Is this goodbye?"
"Sure," she said. "Call it a leaving drinks."
"You don't want something?" He gestured with his cup before another deep sip. "Gods, this is potent stuff."
"Only the best for my old partner." She sat back, watching him with something almost like nostalgia in her eyes. "A way of apologising, I suppose. How many of our cases have I delayed, or outright obstructed?"
"Oh, I wouldn't say obstructed," Sidwell told her, trying to find something nice to say. The truth was that she'd often been as much a hindrance as a help, and he'd be glad to get a better partner in her place. "That suggests that you were doing it on purpose. You were just... there's a lot to learn. I'm sure that you've always tried your best."
"That's right," Lita said, although she didn't seem too worried about it. "And if criminals profited from my mistakes, even the failed prosecutions, that's just because I was learning the ropes."
"Yes, I'm sure it's something like that." It didn't sound great when she said it. They were supposed to be detectives. Not for the first time, Sidwell wondered how she'd earnt such a sacred responsibility, or why she'd even wanted it. "But that's why you have a partner. To support you."
"Like you've almost solved this dentist case, all on your own."
"Almost, yeah."
"And you're sure it was a professional hit, from the group she did the work for? There's nothing I say that can persuade you otherwise?"
"I'm sorry, but no," Sidwell said. "You can check out the other angles if you like, and I'd never dissuade you from doing so, but I'm pretty convinced by my current leads. Why, do you know anything you haven't shared?"
"Of course not," Lita said, lying through her crooked teeth. Had he ever noticed quite how bad they were? "You've won me over. That's why we're here, right? I'm sure your theory is correct, and you'll get their names in due course. You just enjoy the rest of your drink to celebrate. Like I said, you deserve it - every last sip."
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quietwingsinthesky · 2 months
really weird question but do you think doctor who villains have to go to the dentist and the orthodontist like the rest of us or
i think they have to go to the dentist i think they have to go to the space dmv i think they have to do their space taxes. we don't see any of this because its not relevant to the doctor's journey. and also he doesn't go to the dentist. the real reason he regenerates so frequently is because he keeps getting too many cavities and this is easier than getting them filled.
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thejacketscloset · 2 years
Hold my hair up, darlin. (ice packs on my neck)
Soap had a real bone to pick with whoever invented wisdom teeth, and whoever decided they needed to be removed in some shitty complicated and painful process. He had thought for most of his life that he’d gotten out lucky, seeing as he never had a reason for them to be removed when he watched all his friends complain about the pain before and after their surgery’s in High School. He’d honestly gone years without thinking about the teeth, until an unfortunate recent development.
It had started some time at the beginning of the week, he had been doing some casual sparring with Gaz on their day off. Gaz had gotten a pretty good hit against Johnny’s jaw, nothing too concerning, but it ached like hell even long after they were done sparring. Soap hadn’t thought it was concerning though, he was used to bruises and sores lasting. After about two days of aching though he lamented about his pain to Price, and of course the old bastard had been worried about it. 
Next thing he knew Price was asking him all these questions about his pain and his fucking dental history of all things. Soap thought the concern was stupid, and let Price know more than once, but now there was no stopping the stubborn man now that he had the worries in his head. He was practically scheduling an orthodontist consult within twenty minutes of the questioning, and of course that had only led to Soap having a surgery scheduled later that month that he had been ordered not to cancel just because he didn't want to  because apparently dental health is just as important and price didn’t want Soap whining about his jaw constantly on the field.
It was all bullshit to Soap, but no one seemed to agree with him. 
Embarrassingly enough, when Soap had complained to his lieutenant it somehow ended up getting him put in Ghost’s care for his recovery, which was the complete opposite of what Soap had been hoping for. Typically Johnny would be eager to jump on any opportunity to spend more time with Ghost out of work, but being dragged around by him while he’s high-as-balls off anesthesia wasn’t something Soap considered to be quality time.
 Soap tried convincing Price not to rope Ghost into it, telling him he could deal with the recovery himself, but surprisingly both Price and Ghost shot that suggestion down immediately. 
You’ll need a ride home Johnny, and I already agreed to. I’ve seen you shit-faced after bars plenty of times before, quit worrying about this, it won't be any different.
Just like that Soap was out of options, so with no other arguments left he simply moped up until his surgery day. Ghost had gone with him to the procedure before-hand, even thoug+h he only needed to be there after it was done, which Soap wouldn’t deny was nice. 
Ghost ended up waiting nearby for the whole procedure, being right there when the nurses finally brought him back out of the recovery room in a wheelchair. In true Soap fashion he was complaining, it was hardly understandable through his thick accent and slurred words, but Ghost found himself fighting off a smile underneath his mask at the sight of it. 
The nurse hands Soap off to Ghost and wishes him luck, and as soon as he’s asking for cooperation Johnny is being stubborn. Ghost asks his sergeant to stand up quickly so he can be transferred into the passenger seat, and he’s met with Soap’s colourful vocabulary. 
“Ma heid’s mince, Ah’m not getting up” Soap grumbled and leaned his body away from Ghost’s reach, lazily swatting away his hand. 
“I thought you agreed you wouldn’t be stubborn after?” Ghost complained right back, there was no real annoyance to his words though. He ignored Soap’s swats and practically hauled the Scott up by himself into the passenger seat. 
“Ah umnae stubborn..” Soap mumbled, his head lolling off to the side. He watched quietly as Ghost reached across him and fastened his seatbelt for him, he probably could’ve done that himself if he had asked.
“Sure you aren’t.” Was what Soap got in response before Ghost closed the door and moved over to the drivers side. Even in his loopy state soap could recognize the amusement dripping from Ghost’s tone. 
Soap is basically falling in and out of awareness during the drive back, everytime Ghost glances over him he can see Soap looking at him fondly. It makes his face feel warm underneath his mask, and he tries not to think too much about it, Johnny probably doesn’t even know he’s staring. 
“Is there something on my face Johnny?” Ghost asks quietly when they’re just turning down the street that Soap’s flat is on. He glances at Soap once again to see the other’s reaction, but it just looks like he's scrunching his face up in pain. “You alright there?” 
“Am pure done in” Soap says gruffly. He runs a hand down his face before letting out another groan and rolling his head to lean away from Ghost.
Ghost chuckles a little at him and says "You're alright Johnny, we'll get you laying down once we're back," in a soft tone. He doesn't really think Soap is listening to him but suddenly he hears sniffles coming from the other. Ghost doesn’t even have a chance to ask if something was wrong again before Soap is crying quietly and babbling words that Ghost just can’t quite catch. 
Ghost looks over to Soap again, and his heart squeezes slightly at the sight. The sergeant is basically pouting at him, his lip wobbling with tears pooling in his eyes. The sight was honestly jarring to the lieutenant, though in any other circumstance it probably would’ve been a bit amusing. Soap spoke up again, this time more clearly, and Ghosts concerns were put to rest. 
“You’re just being so nice to me” Soap practically wailed,taking uneven voices in his emotional state. “Ah feel bad yer stuck dealing with me when ye should be having a damn break.” 
Ghost was stumped for a second, taken aback by Johnny’s sudden confession. After a few seconds though he composes himself enough to respond properly to his friend, hoping to prevent him from getting any more emotional. 
“I’m not ‘stuck’ Johnny, I agreed to do this willingly. ‘Couldn’t have you hurting yourself even more before we even get to recover, Price gave special orders to keep you from doing something dumb.” 
Soap shook his head in response, quiet sniffles could still be heard from his side of the car. “Yer so carin L.T. I woulda been fine on mah own. I’m glad yer here.”
Ghost felt his face go warm under his mask once again, and he gripped the steering wheel a bit harder than what was needed. It felt wrong to hear all that from Johnny in that moment, like those word’s weren’t yet ready for his ears. If Ghost was going to listen to his sergeant spew bullshit about him caring he wanted it to be when he wasn’t high, with some humor to his tone. It felt less intimate that way, it was more comfortable for Simon to listen to. This was different though, this felt like Johnny’s private thoughts were out on display for the world and he didn’t even know it. It made Ghost’s stomach twist uncomfortably. 
"Relax Johnny, don't go saying things you'll regret later."  Ghost said in the same soft tone, but his words felt more heavy. Please god don’t say anything more, and please god don’t remember this later. 
“Ah willnea regret it Si,” Soap all but whispered, his sniffling had calmed significantly. The soft tone and the use of Simon’s nickname makes his stomach flip uncomfortably again. “Ah know ye need to hear it, ye really are wonderful. The team dinnea say it enough”
Ghost stayed quiet, kept his eyes trained on the road ahead, and didn't dare look at Soap again. He wasn’t sure why he felt almost afraid of what he might see, but somehow he knew whatever face the sergeant was making would break him one way or another.
By some grace of god they make it to Soap’s flat in one piece, and Ghost has to drag the other inside while he’s half-asleep. The second Soap hits the bed he’s fully out like a rock, and Ghost shakes his head fondly at the sight. It was expected though, he would need to sleep quite a lot to let the medication wear off. Ghost silently pull’s Soap’s blankets over him and makes his way outside of the bedroom, hoping to find something else to occupy his mind for the next few hours. He knew well what happens when he lets his mind wander. 
They always fall back to a certain persistent Sergeant he just can’t seem to deny a place in his mind and heart.
a bit nervous to post this since it would b my first proper fic on here but whateveerrrrr you'll surely all be nice to me!
this is part 1 of a probably 3 part but potentially longer fic I'm gonna write! also give it a looksie on ao3 if that's your jam!
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brosser-les-dents · 4 months
sorry if this isn’t your area of expertise, but why should I wear my retainers? I haven’t for months and it hurts a lot to put them in. my teeth work well with no issues, and they look perfectly fine! aside from all the money they cost, are there any actual good reasons I should keep wearing them?
thanks for this blog, it’s super helpful! :)
There's a lot of reasons to wear your retainer! Did they explain it to you when they gave it to you? If not, Tsk on the orthodontist. This is why I think so many people have issues taking care of their teeth, lots of orthos and dentists aren't taking the time to explain why you need to do things, and just telling you to do it. It made such a difference to me when a dentist finally started explaining why to do things, not just that I should.
Your retainer is what's going to keep your teeth in place after braces. Your teeth may feel solid in your head like they're cemented in, but they're not. Without using the retainer, your teeth will shift over your life. Lots of friends I know who got braces in their teens had to get braces as adults bc their teeth shifted. And that might not be a big deal if you don't care if you have crooked teeth. But crooked teeth could lead to not being able to clean your teeth properly and getting cavities in the future.
And yes if you're not wearing it every day, they will hurt, bc your teeth have now shifted.
If you start wearing it regularly again, it will stop hurting. See if you can slowly start wearing it again, first for just an hour a day, then 2 hours, then 3, etc, till you can handle putting it in all night again.
Remember to brush and floss, everyone!
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ameliaszahmet · 2 months
Sierra and Sharon - and how 2 fangirls can ruin great characters
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For those who don’t know Braceface is a canadian show about a high school girl. In one episode she went through a breakup with her boyfriend Alden. Her own unsatisfying love life has lead her to pair 2 gay friends of hers solely based on the fact that those 2 are gay , listen to Celine Dion and have a few similarities
Similarly ,the same reasons applied to fans who support Gwuncan
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they both like same movies, one is punk and the other goth and like horror stuff
What they fail to realise is these characters have COMPLETELY different personalities that make them unique and hence their reasons why they chose trent and courtney in the first place.
Gwen is a girl who likes deep , meaningful conversations with people like Trent , she likes her alone time ,her privacy where she can create art and live in her own world while Duncan is an attention seeking delinquent who likes to create trouble 24/7 cuz he wants attention, a clear thing that Courtney offered him constantly.
In the “Games , Set , Match episode” , Sharon decides to set her 2 gay friends for a date without their approval while secretly watching them from behind the door to see how it’s going
This level of stalking sounds familiar?
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While for her it seemed like the best idea ever , for Dion and Huston was the most uncomfortable moment of their lives.
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Sierra: “i get it , love is love just like me and cody woody” gwen:” yeah we’re exactly like you guys”
Sierra thinks her love for cody is “true love” and she thinks he loves her too. In her mind she pictures “true love” A very different concept of what gwen and duncan had thought of hence the disapproving look on their faces at her comment cuz she is blinded by love and thinks that in front of her duncan and gwen ‘s love represent “true love” like her and cody . but in fact it was a subtle message from the writers that even they have no idea why they paired these 2 together.
both Huston and Dion decide to do the same to her to teach her a lesson
You wouldn’t get how it feels unless it’s done to you !
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Dion and Huston repay the joke and set her up with a guy who is a vegetarian like her , dresses like her , has braces , goes to same orthodontist , likes animals and he wants to become a vet.
Dion :” we decided to find someone just for you . You look so cute together and have Soooooo much in common!”
Sharon:” Like what , braces ? We have nothing in common!!! “
Huston: “but you two are perfect for each other !”
Sharon: “no we’re not! . This is so uncomfortable this is soooo annoying … this is …
Sharon:…..exactly what I’ve done to you guys “
Dion: “yep, sorry we had to do that hun, but you wouldn’t get it”
Luckily , she got the message and realised how uncomfortable it is to set two people up solely for the shallow reasons her friends have 2 or 3 things in common and fail to consider their own lives, experiences, past and goals and what made their characters great in the first place. Their styles is not a true definition of their PERSONALITIES Gwen , like Raven from Teen Titans , she enjoys horror , darkness, she embraces it hoping for protection still she is scared of it cuz she doesn’t want to hurt people that she cares for .
Gwen wants to form that deep connection to someone that goes way beyond the “similar aspects “ and she doesn’t particularly hope it is a person who looks like her, since she already had a lot of friends who share her tastes in goth stuff and that was way before total drama. If it was that easy , she would have had a strong love with one of her similar goth friend back home already. Gwen is hoping she can find someone that understands SHE IS MORE THAN HER “HORROR ASPECT “ and just a sensitive soul who is not bad but good . Something that Trent could see and accept. She loved the sweet moments when Trent cared for her , more than she liked the dark side of her. She hopes to bound with people like Geoff , Trent , Leshawna and sometimes just be a normal girl who enjoys normal stuff like shopping , a small girly talk between friends, a party . Small things that makes life meaningful for her.
Duncan on the other hand has no interest for such things. Even if he has “ a soft side” he was never proud of that. Everybody has soft moments even Heather and Alejandro. But that is not HOW THEY WANT TO BE SEEN. Duncan enjoys darkness , he enjoys being bad and he enjoys that Courtney is attracted to his dark side. He also enjoys playing with her cuz she cares enough to tell him stop ! He keeps doing bad stuff cuz he wants Courtney to give him attention and to care for him.
Duncan craves attention , he likes it loud he likes to be seen heard and break rules for his own convenience. He likes darkness so he can use it for bullying. Something that Gwen was never impressed of.
Duncan: “being bad is cool!!”
And a clear thing that Gwen is against of. cuz “i m not a villian, i ve done so many good things….”
Gwen is a sensitive artist , she likes to keep it down , she finds comfort in horror stories cuz darkness offers her protection from people who don’t get her. She wants someone to get her through her heart , a deep level of understanding that only Trent achieved.
“idk how much it takes for sierra to get it “
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heyhellohihowareyou · 10 months
I fucking hate life right now.
So usually around holidays I have a decision to stay with my mom or go to my dad’s house and while my little brother always makes the decision to go to dad’s, I always stay with my mom since I don’t want her to be alone and stuff.
To add on to this, my braces are currently very messed up. Due to the fact that I haven’t been properly taking care of them and my parents haven’t taken me to the orthodontist since when I was still in the eighth grade. I didn’t tell either of them because I thought it would sorted out once I visited the dentist but I never went. I didn’t want my teeth to get worse so I figured I tell my dad the next time I saw him face to face since he’d have a calmer reaction than my mom.
That was supposed to be today. Since my little brother decided to sleepover at my dad’s for his winter break, I stayed with mom. I made the choice to go over to dad’s on Christmas Eve and celebrate Christmas with mom.
I spent this morning getting ready and had my mom wash my hair and for some reason she asked to see my teeth. Out of all the days to see what my teeth looked like, she chose today. Despite her never asking to see what my teeth looked like even before I had braces. In situations like these I never know what to do because in my head there’s a bad outcome and an even worse outcome. It was either I show her my teeth and try to explain to her what happen and she probably smacks me in the face and tells me I can’t go to dad’s or I don’t show her my teeth and stay silent and she still tells me I can’t go to dad’s.
I chose the latter and you can see where that got me. I don’t know if this is much to be upset about to you guys but it is to me. It’s not even too much about the fact I wanted to tell dad about my teeth today. I haven’t spent time with him all year and I miss him so much. I also have other younger siblings and relatives that miss me too. The one time I decided to go see them everything falls apart and I hate it.
And mom’s in a bad mood too so I have to stay with her yelling at me all day.
I really don’t want to be in this house anymore.
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bunnygirl678 · 10 months
Guess who's back, back again, with a new AU, it's me, this is self indulgent and gameverse, I have dad!Green so I wanted dad!Red, gonna write it, look for it next october lmao, as with all of my aus feel free to take the idea and run with it, draw it, write it, decorate it on a cookie, idk what else
Anyway, general background, being a dentist takes 4 years of dental school after university.
-Prof Oak is Dr. Oak a dentist who owns his own practice, Pallet Smiles
-Red and Green are bffs since birth, Green’s dad was a dentist before he and Green’s mom died when Green was 5
-they get to high school, best friends the entire time, both harboring secret feelings for each other
-senior year, prom, Green asks Red to prom, pretty much admitting his feelings, Red declines
-Green pulls away after that, the reason Red declines is because he thinks that Green was just asking as a friend (both idiots lol) and he didn’t think he could go to something as romantic as prom with Green just as a friend when he wanted more
-both of them are heartbroken, they graduate, they were supposed to go to Viridian U together and study dentistry
-last minute Green decides to go to Kalos U instead
-that’s the last they see of each other
-Red dates in college, he’s bi so he dates girls too, when Red is 22 just starting dental school, she ends up pregnant, they have the kid then she bounces leaving him with a baby, Gold
-he moves back in with his mom, gets a part time job at Dr. Oak’s dental office and continues his studies slowly becoming a dentist
-his son gets older, then at 30 Red finally finishes school Gold is 8
-he immediately gets a dentist job (and massive pay raise) at Pallet Smiles
-Dr. Oak has been complaining about Green since he left for Kalos, especially when Green told him he was becoming an endodontist rather than a general dentist
-Daisy is an orthodontist, her and the prof decide to open a specialty center connected to the regular office
-Red doesn’t really care, he’s busy with his new job and raising his son, he’s sworn off dating at first cause he was busy but really because he was still in love with Green
-Announce they’re getting a new endodontist
-he’s like a superstar in the dental world pioneering a new procedure style
-Red gets to work, the hygienists are gossiping about the hot new endo, Red’s like gonna ignore goes to breakroom who's there but Green
-both are like oh shit
-Green invites Red out for drinks to ‘catch up’
-they very quickly fall back into being bffs, Gold loves Green, thinks he’s the coolest
-both are like, ‘yeah still have feelings for him’
-some drama with gramps (gonna actually write this so you know some things need to stay secret lmao)
-finally Green admits that he was crazy in love with Red, and honestly still is, he’s kinda planning on leaving again, cause you know he can’t deal
-Red’s like what??? I was in love with you! 
-We’re both idiots
-happily ever after as a power couple in dentistry
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v-h-lupin · 1 year
Moony with Braces pt 2
Sirius gets him magical color changing bands, which are actually just charmed, transfigured rubber bands. They make it easier for Remus to smile for some reason
although the charm includes them turning gold and red for every quidditch game, which remus found obnoxious but professor mcgonagall seemed to like them when he arrived for commentary.
james keeps taking his cigarettes because he found out from Lily that youre not supposed to smoke with braces
hes just glad that braces doesnt restrict him from alcoholic beverages
he's gotta hide his mouth while walking off to the whomping willow in case anyone sees him and wonders why he doesnt have his braces on
the Wolf Does Not Like The Braces, And Broke Them Immediately. Morning remus was not happy about that.
"I'm just glad I wasn't given headgear..." "you have to show us what headgear is now."
"Thats a torture device, moony-"
spells can bounce off metal. do with that what you will
5th year boggart isnt the moon yet, bc he's got friends and the prank hasn't happened yet- so the boggart is the effing orthodontist
Bonus: Lily having braces and they become braces buddies
also bonus: Professor Lupin feeling sympathy for the poor muggleborn students whose parents wont let them get their teeth fixed with magic
also just- just look at david thewlis, okay
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