rajrichard · 3 years
Whenever you come across an accusation that Historic Christianity is a copycat religion, you can wholeheartedly pay no attention to the accusation, for it is tenuous, asinine, and sophomoric.But we do not dismiss this accusation without any credible reasons. Both the Christian and the non-christian historians/scholars reject this accusation. Read more...
Read time: 5 mins
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rajrichard · 3 years
Israel and Palestine are in conflict again! This is when some Christians wonder whether to support Israel or not.
How do we decide who to support?
Read time: 3 mins
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rajrichard · 6 years
We live in a time and age in which a vegan is glorified and a pro-lifer (anti-abortionist) is condemned by the secular world! This situation confuses many Christians – the young and the old. Youngsters seem to think that being a vegan is to be kind to the animals. While this may be true, they, on the other hand, believe that the mother has the right to choose whether or not to continue with the pregnancy. Animal life, today, has a greater value than human life. Or so it seems! What does the Bible say about animal rights? How could a vegan, who cares for plant and animal life, care less about human life? Finally, can a Christian vegan endorse abortion? Read more…
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rajrichard · 2 years
Just as there will be varying rewards in heaven, will there be different degrees of punishment in hell?
Read time: 2 mins
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rajrichard · 2 years
Those interested in learning more about the reliability of the Bible should study the topic of “Undesigned Coincidences.”
Here is an introduction to this topic. I hope this encourages you to dig deeper into this very interesting topic.
Read time: 6-7 mins
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rajrichard · 2 years
How has homosexuality been evolving in India and what is its next step?
Read time: 2 mins 
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rajrichard · 2 years
Some Christian leaders teach that God would not answer any prayer of unbelievers other than their prayer of repentance. But the Bible portrays God answering the prayers of unbelievers. So how do we reasonably respond to this question?
Read time: 2 mins 
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rajrichard · 2 years
Having just celebrated Easter, do we know why Easter is not celebrated on a given date of any year like Christmas? How is the date for Easter determined every year? Read more...
Read time: 3 mins
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rajrichard · 6 years
The ongoing persecution in China is not only against Christians and the churches, but it is a part of an evil 14-year plan against Historic Christianity. Understanding ‘Sinicization of Christianity’ and the role of the “Three Self Church” will provide a complete picture. Hence prayers & support could be more appropriate and meaningful. Read more…
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rajrichard · 2 years
Five credible reasons to believe in the New Testament.
Read time: 3 mins 
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rajrichard · 3 years
The Bible asserts that jealousy is a sin and at the same time it reveals that God is a jealous God. Is the Bible implying that God is sinning? How can a holy God sin?
How do we resolve this apparent contradiction?
Read more....
Read time: 2 mins
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rajrichard · 3 years
Find out how God is blessing the Ukrainian church during this Russian invasion and how HE is using the Ukrainian church to teach us certain invaluable lessons.
Do read....
Read time: 4 mins 
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rajrichard · 3 years
Could there be two Gods? Or could there be two maximally great beings? Read more to know the answer...
Read time: 2 mins 
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rajrichard · 3 years
Some well-meaning and sincere Christians claim that the King James Version (KJV) is the most literal translation of the Bible. Is this a valid claim?  Read more to know the answer...
Read time: 2 mins
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rajrichard · 3 years
The year 2021 yielded many significant biblical archaeological discoveries, of which the following are mentioned here:
(1) Synagogue that Jesus may have visited.
(2) Biblical name used 1100 years before Christ.
(3) Additional Dead Sea Scroll parchments.
(4) Sandstone Inscription of the Egyptian Pharaoh Hophra, who was mentioned in the Bible.
(5) Missing wall of biblical Jerusalem.
Read time: 4 min.
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rajrichard · 3 years
Why are there only three persons in the Holy Trinity? If there are three persons, there could have been two persons or four persons or more. So why not one, two, four, or more persons in the Blessed Trinity?Read more.
Read time: 3 min.
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