#Really ought to try cullen skink sometime
thessalian · 2 years
Thess vs Food Stereotypes
Okay, really getting tired of this.
I didn’t want to hijack the post doing the rounds about “British kids try biscuits and gravy for the first time” and people getting judgemental about British cooking based on a few kids whose idea of ‘biscuit’ is very different than the American version and one British uni student’s aversion to spice. Thing is, though ... I live here, and I moved here from Canada (Montreal, even, which has a reputation for being as foodie as Paris but with a lot more politeness) by way of the United States. I’ve seen the stereotypes from all three countries, and when it comes to England, I’ve been everywhere from tiny hamlets to ... well, London, where I currently reside.
A lot of “traditional dishes” lack for spice here, true. However ... did y’all forget, while you were going, “American versions of recipes from other places have such flavour because poor / low class immigrants brought the recipes here”, that Britain was a fucking empire? We bitch about British colonialism all the time, and fair enough, but no one seems to have considered the huge variety of food that brought to this tiny wet little island. Even in the tiniest hamlets you’ll generally find an Indian takeaway, always family-run, always by families who came from the country from which the cuisine originated, some as recently as a generation ago. Bigger cities, and especially someplace like London? You’ll find a lot more. Hell, I live near an area that’s a blend of Afro-Caribbean, Nigerian, and Filipino, and the food you’ll find in the area reflects that. And I don’t just mean restaurants either; people who live here are clearly making that stuff at home, if the local markets are any indication. It’s the same all over, with a lot of emphasis on Indian, Pakistani, Nepalese, Filipino, and the foods of various African nations. Britain colonised these countries, and maybe the white people don’t make as much use of the spices they got by doing so as they could? But some do.
Also ... dude, they have herbs here. And they use them. Stews are full of thyme and sage and bay leaf. Sauces are a thing - mint for lamb, applesauce (not the sweet dessert kind; the kind where the tartness of the apple is maintained) for pork, fucking horseradish for beef. Root vegetables like parsnips and carrots are often roasted in a honey glaze, and never underestimate how a flavour profile changes if you change what fat you’re using for roasting a potato. (Seriously, just try roasting potatoes in goose fat.) Gravy? They have gravy; not as thick, and more generally devoted to the flavours of the juices of the roast, but they have gravy.
Britain has a different, earthier, occasionally sweeter flavour profile to a lot of its traditional dishes than other countries, yes. And there are a lot of people in this country who fear anything more than one clove of garlic, yes. However, there are Americans who fear anything that doesn’t taste of grease and mayonnaise, too (which is the stereotype, I’m afraid). So maybe can we lean less into the stereotype and, while trying unfamiliar foods, also do some research and try a variety of those unfamiliar foods instead of judging an entire country’s palate based on a couple of school kids who don’t know the American South’s version of a biscuit? Just be happy they’re loving it.
And go try some bubble and squeak sometime. Lancashire hot pot. Cornish pasty. Cullen skink. Hell, shepherd’s pie! It’s not all boiled everything, y’know.
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