#Real Pokémon RP
madama-butterfree · 1 year
Debunking the myth that Tinkaton and Corviknight can get along because this is something I’ve had to fight other trainers on.
Look. I am completely aware that trainers alike may disagree with me and say that any Pokemon can get along. Yes, this is true and unlikely pairs can still find solace in each other’s company. BUT THIS IS NOT TRUE FOR TINKATON AND CORVIKNIGHT. IT WILL NEVER BE.
Tinkaton are apex predators. They are on the very top of the food chain. Corviknight happen to be their main and most reliable source of material for their impressive weaponry— but also their main source of amusement! It is true that Tinkaton in fact DO sometimes hunt for sport! They will gather resources when they need to! But their hunting in turn also assists others of their line who might come across the body. This also helps other Pokemon who might find the metal a quick and easy meal, and their bodies aren’t made entirely of steel, so parts that can decompose further help fungi based Pokémon find the best nutrients and helps the ecosystem flourish. So while it’s technically still for sport, there is also a good cause that can come from there to assist other’s of its line and other Pokémon in general! It’s all just the circle of life.
But generally speaking, it’s completely true that regardless of this, Tinkaton actively hunt Corviknight for its own amusement as well! These things are VICIOUS and it takes someone incredibly fit for the job to raise them accordingly— this is usually best saved for steel or fairy type experts, but any trainer who can wrangle it safely is usually considered fit *enough. (*A Tinkaton should never just go into the hands of someone with zero experience with Pokemon known to be defiant or dare I say reckless.)
Back at the point at hand, here’s the thing: Look, I know the thought of raising the two together and them “being friends” is super cute in theory. You might think you can start early and get them used to each other from their primary evolutions in Tinkatink and Rookidee. Cute, right?
Regardless of what you think, Tinkatink might be small and look scared all the time, but is STILL capable of destructive habits. And it is in their genetic makeup as they evolve to become more depended on themselves. Their predatory instincts will eventually kick in regardless. (Reminding you once again that this is a line of apex predators) Raising the two together is a death sentence for the eventual Corviknight. Corviknight are exceptional at taking commands and sticking to them and have great memory. But this can lead to it’s downfall because if raised alongside it’s predator in hopes the two can bond, this in turn teaches the Corviknight to openly trust other Tinkaton without question— which also in turn gives “unfamiliar” Tinkaton an easier target and can ultimately lead to your Corviknight’s demise.
Also, this is also considered dangerous for the Tinkaton itself! Usually picky about the types of metals used in tinkering it’s hammer, Corviknight happen to have the perfect complexity that keep their hammer together at all times which is why they love them so much. Tinkaton are also exceptionally intelligent Pokemon. Teaching a Tinkaton not to hurt your Corviknight from it’s prime can (but it’s not guaranteed it will) teach it that it should not hunt any Corviknight, therefore putting itself at risk of danger for not having the proper resources for it’s mallet AND resorting to hunting OTHER steel types it usually wouldn’t. It’s a lose-lose situation. The Tinkaton cannot properly defend itself in a battle, and now other steel types— including trainer owned steel type Pokémon— are at ultimate risk because you wanted to challenge a “stigma” that is completely fact checked and true.
Even if your Tinkaton and Corviknight seem not to have any trouble with each other, they are not friends. They have been raised to “get along with” or “tolerate” each other. Even then, they are naturally built in with the fight or flight responses for each other. Your Tinkaton is likely still thinking “kill” in the back of her head, and your Corvinknight is likely thinking “flee”.
ASIDE FROM ANY OF THIS, CORVIKNIGHT ARE STILL THE PREY AT DEFAULT. Your Tinkaton could choose to snap at ANY GIVEN MOMENT. And Tinkaton do not just faint Corviknight! THEY KILL THEM. They are not “rival Pokemon” that get into constant scuffles. They are predator and prey. Corviknight are AFRAID of Tinkaton. This does not make them rivals because they just aren’t rival Pokémon like Zangoose and Seviper that fight each other! TINKATON FIGHTS CORVIKNIGHT. CORVIKNIGHT FLEES. ITS ONE SIDED (BUT PART OF THE CIRCLE OF LIFE.).
(Tip: To consider Pokemon “rival Pokemon”, there has to be a shared about of action between both. Both have to have the will to fight the other should They need to. If it’s one sided, they are not rival Pokemon.)
If you own a Tinkaton and Corviknight together in your team, you SERIOUSLY need to rethink things because this is not safe for anyone and could even face legal charges!
(Fun Fact! It is considered an act of terrorism to keep a Tinkaton on your team should you visit Galar! Because of the flying taxi service in Galar running solely on Corviknight, having a Tinkaton travel with you is like opening it up to an all-you-can-eat buffet, and can actively put civilians in immediate jeopardy. Tinkaton is one of the select few illegal/banned Pokemon to bring into certain areas/regions. This is why if you’ve ever traveled to Galar from Paldea, you are required by law to go through a team check, regardless if you have a Tinkaton or not. Should you have one, you are immediately sent to a pc and required to deposit the Tinkaton into your box. You are heavily supervised while doing this. You will not be able to get away with anything. You can have your Tinkaton confiscated or even removed entirely from your ownership should you ever try to retaliate on this law.)
Now, you are completely allowed to raise a Tinkaton and Corviknight separately! But they should always stay separated! It’s best if you enforce that the two don’t even know of the other’s existence! Should you have one on your team, you should NEVER have the other.
(Side Note: I am completely aware that the elite four member Poppy of the Paldean league owns both Tinkaton and Corviknight together respectably. It’s a really difficult thing to fight because this is something people use to argue with the idea. They love to throw this around. The league is a form of government. This isn’t a law Geeta could have enforced herself because the Champion doesn’t actually enforce every law, especially if Poppy is getting away with this. Poppy is still very young and likely unaware despite the laws being set in stone. She might be aware but keeps ignorant, cause like I said, she’s a very young trainer. Plus, her being very young makes holding her accountable to a law very difficult since she’s not even old enough to face corporal punishment. I’d like to say that first of all: don’t trust a five year old to advocate for a lie when they haven’t even stepped foot in a fifth grade classroom. I believe Geeta picks favorites and gives them benefits, but she didn’t hear anything from me.
Take my word for it; just because someone of high, respectable rank does something, it doesn’t make it right.)
Please take my word for this. This is a PSA from your’s truly. ~🦋
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mary-inkay-cosmetics · 5 months
I just found out 😱 that @the-wonderguard-project 🪳 is transphobic 🤢🤢🤢 and I 👨‍💻 am launching 🚀 a fundraiser 💲 to buy eggs 🥚🥚🥚 and throw 💪 them at Wonderguard Project members 🤡🤡🤡
100% 💯 of profits 💲 from any makeup 💄 sales 🤑 goes to egging 🥚 transphobes 🤢
#bossbabe #girlboss #workfromhome #buildyourempire #eggyourtransphobes #cookeggsforyourhusband
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Question for trainers who wanted to become champion and quit:
Why did you stop?
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frostbite-yinny · 11 months
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I geniunly think the best part of my life was going on my adventure.
Not just catching and battling Pokemon but meeting so many people. Seeing so many places. Sleeping on the couches and floors of the Pokemon centers. Letting older kids scare us with scary stories. Trading TM's. Scaring younger kids with scary stories. Camping out in the wilderness. Stubbornly continuing to travel in rain and snow, only to get scolded by older trainers. Cheering each other while battling gym leaders.
Even the shine of the stars over us as we camped was so bright.
And the world never looked so large as we huddled next to the campfire.
Giggling and swearing that we saw a legendary.
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the-aurora-weaver · 28 days
I have been taken away! Taken away from the comfort of my bed by this beast!
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Absolutely incredible news coming in from Hoenn this morning. The Hoenn President has this morning announced Mt. Pyre an official protected area!! This is only the second such move from Hoenn after their coral defence act a few years ago to protect Pokémon in deep sea areas.
Mt. Pyre has had a long history of poaching due to the large amount of Vulpix near the peak of the mountain. The tails are collected and sold off in new age spaces as talismans or other jewellery. Among the more than 700 Vulpix that live up there is even a shiny Vulpix that will now get to live out it’s days free from anyone who might do it harm.
The act means that there will now be environmental guards posted around mt pyre at all hours as well as a strict no catching policy for trainers making their way through the area to pay respects to departed pokemon.
The Pokémon Justice Initiative would like to thank all of our activists and volunteers for some of their instrumental grassroots efforts to raise this issue to government in the first place. We can’t take full responsibility of the change, but it feels good to know we’ve done our part.
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on-the--flipside · 11 months
The power of homosexuality is keeping the leaf snail trapped 👍
And everyone told me I was being stupid
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OOC: A quick question for the PKMN IRL community…Do we need super high stakes ALL the time?
As a friend in an RP Server I’m in (the one by averagewatertypetrainer made, though I won’t tag them in this) brought up, things recently have become very much high stakes a lot of the time in PKMN IRL…too much, as it’s to the point of it being hard to get into, and others in the server agreed with that sentiment. With what I’ve been seeing, I do as well. To this I thus ask…does it have to be super high stakes all the time? As these friends of mine have said, the occasional high stakes event is fine, it helps spices things up, but the problem as they’ve said is that it’s gotten too common. Mentally draining and even able to invoke trauma, as they’ve said. In other words, it’s not fun for them as it’s too stressful in various ways, and I can imagine many others we don’t know are similar in that regard despite us not knowing them. Again, I’m not saying no more high stakes, just…not so common.
In addition to that, making high stakes stuff so common has other issues. For one, if it’s too common, you don’t get room to calm down, which can get tiresome in times. Constant action and drama causes it to loose meaning over time, in that sense. Conflict may be the soul of drama and may drive a plot, but it has to be meaningful, which is hard to do when it’s all doom and gloom. It’s not completely bleak yet, thankfully, but the same idea of it being draining enough to make it less meaningful overall applies. Sorry to say…sooner or later, it’ll be too bleak.
Again, I don’t mean to say high stakes stuff has to be done away with, it’s just too much right now. As such, I ask…can it be toned down a bit? Occasional high stakes events of various scales are fine, don’t get me wrong…it’s just that the key word is occasional. It shouldn’t be the focus, so can we please have more light hearted stuff again?
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scizor-appreciation · 4 months
What’s Pokémon smash or pass? I saw it on my timeline and am very confused what it means.
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trainer-damien · 9 months
[ closed, off-screen starter for @silver-crowned-riders and @teamtemplarofficial ]
Robbie pored over the plans he’d tried to write down one more time, making sure everything was lined up. Toppler and Sprout peeked over, not being able to read it but vaguely understanding the pictures.
Engie and Goopy kept watch, being the biggest of the group, and Mycena stared off into the streets, possibly waiting for the rest of the group to arrive—you could never tell with that thousand-yard stare, though.
Veevee paced around the back alley by the prison they’d hidden in, the Eevee’s tail swishing impatiently. His trainer—his partner—was still in there. Waiting for him. And by the dragons, he was gonna get Dami out.
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cunk-on-poke-earth · 6 months
So, why do some Pokemon only evolve with friendship? You'd think if they were happy, they'd want to stay the same?
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pikavui-cafe · 3 months
Welcome to the Pikavui Cafe Rotomblr blog!
I am Mix, the owner of Pikavui Cafe, and we here at Pikavui Cafe are happy to serve you!
This is me and my trusty friend Eevee who has been with me ever since my dream of opening this cafe and its branches all over the world.
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And now, enough about me, here is the Pikavui Cafe FAQ. Please do read it, it is very important to me that you do! All the questions you may have are answered here!
//Blog run by @winnccc! While Mix is an adult woman able to provide food to the table, the mod herself is a minor! Please don't be weird!
What is Pikavui Cafe?
Pikavui Cafe is a cafe run by Pokemon and human staff, it's a place where Pokemon and humans alike can thrive, eating and drinking together in peace.
What is served in the Pikavui Cafe?
This is our menu! Our food includes and is not limited to sandwiches, pancakes, coffees, sweets, and more!
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This is an example menu however, this is not all we serve!
The full menu can be found here in this post!
How much does a meal/drink at the Pikavui Cafe cost?
A single meal/drink at Pikavui Cafe costs 80 Golden Acorns.
Where can we find the Cafe?
Our lovely cafe is in based in many regions, you can find us in Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos, Alola, Galar, Paldea, and many more!
How can I order here?
To order a meal/drink, add what you would like from the menu to our ask box, and pay 80 Golden Acorns.
Do you accept tips?
Yes, we do! All kinds of tips would be very generous, thank you.
Is the food at Pikavui Cafe approved by the FDA?
Yes, our food and drinks are completely safe to consume! We here at Pikavui Cafe do our best to follow the safety guidelines and keep our food and beverages safe for everyone to eat!
How many Pokemon work at the Pikavui Cafe?
In our branch? Hmm, there are about 112 Pokemon working at our lovely cafe! Worry not, all 112 are being well-fed taken cared of by me and the staff at Pikavui Cafe! You can help support them by sending us Pokemon food or anything for them!
Who is the person in the banner?
That's Leah, my coworker and friend! I don't think she'll post much here on Rotomblr, but if she does, she'll talk like this!
What are the tags for the cafe?
#inquiriesandorders for asks, #pikavuiposts for regular posts, and #pikavuireblogs for reblogs! But when Leah is using this blog, she uses #leahpikavui and Ccino is a new hire, she uses #ccinocommentary and talks like this...
Is Pelipper Mail on?
Yes! You may send the Pikavui Cafe things, as long as it doesn't have the ability to harm anyone!
What about Musharna Mail/Malice?
Well, what about Musharna Mail/Malice? No, I would not like your Musharna to send me potential nightmare fuel. I would very much like to keep myself in good mental condition for the cafe!
What about magic anons?
It's on! I see no way this can possibly go wrong!
Can sapient Pokemon, eeby deebies and hybrids, and Fakemon regions interact with this blog?
All is welcome at the Pikavui Cafe!
Thoughts on people spam-liking posts?
We at the Pikavui Cafe love that Rotomblr clout, we love to hear that you love us that much! We'd love you even more if you reblog it!
What about NSFW?
Woah there, that is not appropriate for this wholesome cafe! Please do try to keep this blog SFW, any sort of funny business like that will be blocked!
And that's all for the FAQ! Thanks for reading!
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mary-inkay-cosmetics · 6 months
Arceus 🦓 has blessed 🙏 me with three perfect sons 👶👶👶 and I can't wait 🧭 to see 👀 them grow up into strong men 🕺, beautiful women 💃, or trains 🚝🚝🚝🚝🚝🚝🚝🚝🚝🚝🚝
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explorers-posting · 3 months
Noo Spinel don't lock your doors and windows that other person was joking ahahahaaa...
I will electrocute you…
Wait I shouldn’t say that on tumblr
Well *sends post*
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frostbite-yinny · 1 year
It's over now :) I only sobbed for 45 minutes!
Froslass is fine, it was a smooth progress. She is just tired and decided to sleep on top of me.
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-Credits to @jade-la-crystal
......Im not sure how to get out of this room.
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//OOC: I made a Discord for ooc chatting, plotting, brainstorming, and more
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