#Reader x Noah Solomons
padfootdaredmetoo · 2 years
Closing Walls & Ticking Clocks is one of my favourite current series from you and I'd love a chapter where both sides of the family 'attempt' to have a peaceful dinner as a truce that eventually turns into the chaos one would expect when the Solomons + the Shelbys come together 🤭🙈 lots of love from Cass, proud of you always my friend.
Lovely Cass!
This is a whole bunch of things and it does include a dinner but most of the chaos will be in the next chapter! Hope you like where this is going. Love you ❤️
Rated: nothing explicit. The reader has an anxiety attack - not described in too much detail, but there are flashbacks to abuse, and she is comforted immediately. Mentions of losing a baby in the past, usual Shelby drama / peaky related themes
Previous parts: click here
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You watched closely as Lizzie and Tommy navigated their relationship. He’d become much more protective of her, trying to be by her side more. 
 You’d sneakily traded bits and pieces of information about you and Noah to Polly till she was tipsy enough to give you more details about what had happened to Ruby. Once finished her eyes glazed over as she looked into the fire. You knew that she put on a sunny exterior for you and the kids, but deep down she looked an awful lot like Tommy in these moments. 
There were little wrinkles on her face that you’d not previously noticed and suddenly you felt the familiar pain of knowing that nothing lasts forever. Your eyes watered slightly at the thought of losing everyone one day.  
“Time is all you have in the end.” She said darkly as if reading your thoughts. “Lizzie’s tough, she’ll be fine, love.” She followed in her usual tone. 
The next few days you felt weighed down by Lizzie’s story. Unfortunately, there was nothing for you to do other than hope and pray that things would be different. Doctors were in and out frequently, and you’d walk in step with them asking questions till Tommy would tell you off. 
The only thing that took your mind off of her, was the ever-growing threat against the family. Faceless, nameless, and motivated by revenge. No one would answer your questions or concerns.
Not knowing what else to do you called Noah. Mostly because you missed him, but also because you hoped that if Alfie had heard anything Noah would pass it along to you. The sound of his deep voice was enough to make your shoulders drop and you slid down the kitchen wall, taking a stolen cigarette out of your pocket. You started off with the code immediately, assuming anyone could be listening to your calls. 
“I got a new coat ordered, it's Red. Going to match my Red shoes.” You said in a girly tone. 
Red - things are sketchy, don't say too much. 
“I liked the green one personally. Should I come around later? ” There was a faint tone of worry in his voice that made your knees weak. 
“No, dad’s very busy. Lots of things happening with the business, you know how it can get.” You brushed him off taking a long drag of your cigarette. Wishing more than anything you could rest in his arms for a bit. 
“I miss you.” He said softly and you heard an eruption of abuse calling after him from the men in the warehouse. 
“I miss you too. Tell your dad I say hi? Might need to bring some apples around to make a pie one of these days.” 
Apples - help. 
“I’m sure he’d like that. When are you available to come around?” 
“Anytime over the next few weeks should be fine. Nothing urgent is happening with me at the moment.” Things felt very urgent. But you didn't want to worry him. 
“Just missing you both. Your dad always has so much to say.” You laughed a little remembering the brief meeting you’d had with him. 
“We miss you too, love.” 
“I’ll call you tonight.” 
“Bye.” The line went dead and you hoped he understood what you were asking for. 
You took a few breaths before getting back on your feet. You quickly opened a window and aired out the space before going up to find Lizzie. You spent the day by her side trying to make her laugh. When she’d get quiet you’d tuck in next to her and read. You found a great deal of comfort in being beside her and with the way she’d press a kiss to the top of your head or run her hand down your arm you felt she must feel the same. 
That night, faceless men started following you in your sleep leaving you with the feeling that you were being watched. The phone rang sending you out of your bed and flying down the hallway. The ringing had stopped before you reached the phone at the bottom of the stairs. Moving into Tommy’s study you assumed he’d be giving Noah a hard time like he usually did. But it was silent. Your dad’s face was emotionless and cold as he looked up from his desk. He listened to whoever was on the other end of the phone. 
“That won’t be necessary.” Swiftly he ended the call while putting out the cigarette dangling from his other hand. 
“They are going to start closing in on us. No phone calls, no one in, and no one out of the house. You hear me?” His eyes were dark and for once you understood why people were so afraid of him. You froze on the spot your brain understanding what he was trying to say, but the rest of you only registered his tone. A wave of irrational panic started to shoot through you. He never talked to you that way ever. 
“Do you hear me?” His words cut into you. “Don’t go calling Noah, just fucking forget him eh? For now. For both your sakes just fucking leave this alone.”
I fucked up. He blames me. 
Memories of your late father's hand across your cheek became harder and harder to push down. Memories of the Priest at the orphanage with his hands around your neck flooded your mind.
Suddenly he got up from his seat and instead of running you decided to drop to the floor finally breaking eye contact. You tried to push him away as he picked you up and without a word he carried your shaking body upstairs. Your mind was racing in a hundred different directions accepting your fate, you squeezed your eyes shut. You heard a door open and then you were placed on a bed, but the sheets were wrong. 
“What’s wrong with her.” Lizzie hissed and you felt her hands cradle your face. 
“I may have shouted at her,” Tommy responded in an exasperated tone. He picked you up and placed you properly next to Lizzie. 
“You shout at each other all the time?” She whispered, her cool fingers brushing the worry lines from your forehead. “Thomas,” She said in a tone that would wilt flowers. 
“I’m fine.” You whisper. You felt the two of them get you under a blanket. 
“Look, look at me.” He said softly. You shook your head, afraid to see that awful look in his eyes again. He said your name and Lizzie put her arm around you. You could tell by her sharp intake of breath that whatever she was about to say would be fatal. You opened your eyes and saw the version of him you were used to. 
“Alfie and I don't have the best track record. He’s sold us out a few times, Eh? He works for the highest bidder. The last thing I want to see is you or the boy caught up in this. I don’t want either of you hurt. I know you will blame yourself for the rest of your life if something happens to him.” 
His words started to make sense, well, they always made sense. It was the way he said it that set you off. You nodded to show that you understood.  He kissed your forehead and you made an unsuccessful effort to not jump away. The hurt in his eyes and the way Lizzie tensed up caused you to tell the truth. 
“It’s not you. My dad- the priest - I - “ You took a deep breath. “I figured I was in for a beating. Just caught me off guard. You're fine. Thank you for caring about Noah.” 
“Care is a bit much-” 
“Thomas,” Lizzie warned. He let out a sigh, something flashed in his face and you assumed it was wonder about how he ended up here. 
“What? Look, no one is putting their hands on you, certainly not me. And if anyone does I’ll kill them myself.”  
You nodded and were grateful that those words ended the evening. You held his hand until you felt like you could doze off. Lizzie had fallen asleep again and you moved her arm off of you gently before kissing Tommy good night. 
You fell asleep the moment your head touched the pillow. 
Waking up your heart sank at the thought of not seeing or speaking to Noah for an undermined about of time. Sadness quickly turned into rage at the thought of some of the girls in your class moving in on him in your absence. With a huff of defeat, you got up and stuffed your feet into your slippers. Opening the curtain you were met with a positively gorgeous sight. The forest was coated in a heavy blanket of white snow. 
Everything was pushed from your head momentarily as you ran through the house to find your parents. Loud voices were drifting up from the stairs and suddenly you were met with the whole family stuffed into the entryway. Swearing and shouting at the kids and where people's things were, the chaos only added to your high spirits. 
“What's going on?” 
“Movin' in!” Arthur boomed pulling you into a hug. The maids floated passed you to help bring everyone's things in. You naturally moved to Tommy’s side. 
“Dad! Did you see the snow!” 
“It’s hard to miss.” 
“Can we go for a walk today?” You wanted to spend time with him just to ensure everything was good between the two of you. John came close and pressed his shoulder against Tommy’s before he could answer.
“Whole pack of cars just pulled up to the gate,” John said in a hushed voice. “M’ assuming it's for her.” He nodded towards you with a small smile. 
“Why would it be for her-” Tommy stopped suddenly. “You’ve got to be kidding me.” 
Knowing that look could only mean it was Noah, you moved passed everyone to set out onto the front steps. 
It looked like the King was coming though. A whole parade of black cars rolled up and started pouring in from the gate. Without better judgment, you kicked off your slippers and tore down the steps in nothing but your nightgown and wool jumper. 
“No! -” Tommy shouted but you saw the third black car slow down and Noah got out and started towards you. Everything was pushed from your mind as you ran through the snow-covered drive. 
She jumped up and he caught her in a large embrace, twirling her around, her laugh echoing. They said nothing as he picked her up and started to carry her the rest of the way back to the house. 
“So romantic isn't it?” Esme said and Tommy resisted the urge to put a hole in the wall. 
“Young love. Can’t be stopped can it?” Lizzie said appearing out of nowhere. 
“She must have mentioned what's going on. Brought the whole fucking organization by the looks of it.” Esme responded. Lizzie looked over to Tommy, his posture made her quickly grab his arm to lean against him. 
“Not sure how they’re going to get back to London in this weather,” Polly stated the obvious with a devious smile on her face.
Noah carried her all the way up the stairs placing her on the entryway carpet. 
“What are you doing here!” She said breathlessly, her face pink. 
“Bringing Apples.” He answered easily. Her face lit up as everyone watched in confusion. Whatever it was it meant a lot to her. 
Apples? - better not be some kinky shit or ill skin him alive. Tommy thought bitterly as Alfie came into view. 
“Morning,” Alfie said looking pleased with himself.  “Word on the street says the Shelbys are back under one roof.” 
“Office,” Tommy said pulling Lizzie alongside him. Arthur and John watched Alfie closely as they all descended into the office. 
The office door closed and you looked back up at Noah still unbelieving that he was there. After carrying you all that way your flushed body was most certain of his close presence, but your mind was more stubborn. You thought maybe his dad would call if he heard anything. You didn't think he’d come all this way in a snowstorm. He kept you close and you were desperate to talk to him alone. A look that must have been obvious as Esme suddenly started herding you all into the Kitchens. 
“Long journey like that requires a hot cuppa tea!”
The three of you sat at the table while the kids ran wildly through the house. She poured glasses of whiskey and hot tea before starting her interrogation. 
“So all the way from London, that’s a long way for some tea.” 
He chuckled and took a  sip of the whiskey before answering. 
“It's excellent tea.” He smiled at you and your face turned hot. “I heard that things were getting a bit dangerous in these parts. Thought the least I could do is ask around and come to help out.” His stare was intense as you realized the full extent of what he meant. He brought everyone here to protect you. 
“Interesting and what did you hear exactly?” 
“The Changretta family was taking a special interest in the whereabouts of the family. They came to us, the day before some Irish lads told us that you were all moving back to watery lane. You called later on saying things were dangerous.” 
“And all the lads?” 
“Wasn’t sure what type of folks you had protecting the place. Figured more wouldn't be a problem.” 
“And your Da’ what’s in it for him?” 
“Ah, that I’m not quite sure of. I’d like to think that they did it because I asked. But he and Thomas always seem to have something going on between them.” 
Esme nodded satisfied with her answers. 
“So you brought men - “ 
“And guns.” 
“Men and guns, but how are the two of you going to get back to London.” 
“Figured we join in on the fun.” He shrugged. Esme let out a laugh. 
“I told you this wasn't necessary,” Tommy said in a tense voice. 
“Eh, the boy wouldn't shut up. He’s miserable when he starts. Just like his mum was.” Alfie said looking around. 
“Why help us?” Arthur asked with clenched fists.  
“Well, things are a bit different these days, no?” 
“Not different to us. Kids in love or not, we still have history, and this isn't a time to be doing business.” John said responding before Arthur could get them into trouble. 
“Irish boys are out on the street saying that the Shelby clan are moving back to Watery lane. Changretta are chasing every lead they get for information about you lot. Gave me an offer to help finish you off.” 
“And?” Tommy said cooly. 
“And I told them I’d see it done. The real question is how are we going to get back at them if we are holed up in the house?” 
“The snow -” John started. 
“-Will give us time to plan, but we’ll need to be ready once the roads clear.” 
“Again why help us?” Tommy asked. 
“I have a business offer.” Tommy knew he wouldn't give more information with everyone in the room. 
“You lot out.” He waved for everyone but Lizzie and Alfie to leave. Once the door was shut he waited for him to go on. 
“Well, this gives me a couple opportunities. To spend time with your girl and also to ask about the passages you used to transport certain goods. I’ll assume you still know some people.” 
“I’ll have it done,” Tommy said after a long moment. 
“Thomas, I’m not sure I like where this is going. He’s a fucking mess without her.” Alfie said in a low tone. 
“That makes two of us,” Tommy answered sternly. 
“If I find out this is some big play to get back at me I’ll be sure you all pay a hefty price.” 
“Trust me, this is the last thing I want her involved in."
The two men stared at each other for a long while.
“Look, we love our daughter, you love your son. For their sake let’s try to keep things as normal as possible. No business when they are around. Whether things work out or not let's just try to get along like parents would?” Lizzie was starting to feel another bout of morning sickness come on and was desperate to be back upstairs. 
“Deal.” Alfie put his hand out and they shook on it. 
Soon enough the Sitting room was packed. You were very amused at Alfie and Noah being thrown into the mix. You sat next to him and you both kept a close eye on Tommy and Alfie leaving to speak in private with the boys every time information came in. 
“Do you want to go for a walk with me?” You asked desperate for some fresh air and space to talk freely about what he’d said to Esme. 
“Not sure that’s the best idea. Don’t want you to catch a cold.” He looked around the room giving away his actual motive. 
“Sit outside on the steps for a bit?” You bargained. Somehow you both managed to slip out unnoticed and went to sit on the steps at the back door. Lots of camps were set up with big fires and people making jokes and laughing.
“So you know about these Changretta folks?” You watched his face closely as he thought about his response. 
“Not really my place, love.” He lit a cigarette and avoided your eyes. 
“Please? No one will tell me anything.” He let out a sigh and you leaned against his side, he wrapped his arm around you. 
“They are an Italian family. Apparently, John killed off a guy for dating Lizzie a while back. Things went back and forth before they had their hands full with other things. Now Luca has come back to avenge his family by taking yours out.” 
“And you are involved because of me?” You said weakly. 
“Dad’s been trying to expand business in New York for a while now, plus he wants something from Tommy.” His eyes told you it was something else. “Even without that stuff, we’d be here. Not going to leave you alone when I know I can help.” You leaned in and pressed a kiss to his lips. Enjoying the smell of cigarette smoke and the warmth of his hand on your cheek. 
“Wait - John killed someone for dating Lizzie? What - wait what do you know about my family?” 
“Erm- A fair bit, I suppose.” A dark feeling made itself present in the pit of your stomach. You mentally slapped yourself for not asking these types of questions sooner.  You looked at him sprawled on the top stair smoking his cigarette. Revisiting Tommy’s words from the night before about how Alfie had sold them out. 
What if you’d just brought the enemy into the house? What if that’s why he’s with you. 
“Our families are more friends than they are enemies. I’m not interested in business, your dad worked hard to get his life cleaned up. I respect him for not wanting you to fall into all this.” 
“Does that mean you’d leave it behind?” He leaned in closer to you and you suddenly wanted more than anything to kiss him again. 
“In a heartbeat.” He kissed your forehead before helping you up. 
Tommy sat at the table, a task that was already challenging with his family. Alfie and Noah were an interesting addition. He would never admit it but having them here wasn't as horrible as he thought it would be. Alfie was well-behaved, and for the first time, Tommy got the feeling that perhaps the two of them were getting old. 
Most of the dinner was spent harassing the two teens. Noah took on the worst of it. 
“Your dad is a right savage. He ever tell you about the time with the Russians? Savage.” 
“Alfie,” Tommy warned. 
“You should have seen them the whole lot of them acting like animals. We stole -” 
“Alfie.” He said more sternly. 
“Fine, but what about the time with the bear in the pub - that’s a right classic.” 
“Bear in the pub?” Lizzie asked as Tommy finished the last of his drink. 
“Nother time I suppose.” He scratched his beard. “Well, what about you love, what are you planning to do after school.” 
“I erm - well I was thinking of pursuing accounting. Always jobs for that and I’m good with numbers. I haven't thought about it much.” 
“Numbers, I like that. Smart girl, people like us always need clever accountants. Very sharp.”  Alfie said cheerfully and Tommy hated how she was eating up his approval. 
“If you were to be married -” 
“Alfie” Tommy growled earning a laugh from Esme. Arthur looked positively distraught over the concept, reaching for the whisky bottle. 
“We can save that for later I suppose. Hmmm well, there was how we first met - do you remember darling?” He looked over at Tommy and it wasn't unnoticed how annoyed he was. 
“What if we don't tell stories tonight, eh?” Tommy suggested tensely. Alfie thought about it for a moment before turning to Polly. 
“Are you really a gypsy queen? Does that make you sort of famous amongst your people?” He started again and Tommy was suddenly worried that they would run out of whiskey if the snow was actually going to stick for a full week. Esme seemed to find the whole thing hilarious often indulging him with stories and jokes. Tommy was grateful for her ability to keep things civil. Eventually, Arthur was looking slightly pickled and it was well past eleven. 
He locked eyes with Polly and she asked a silent question. 
Should we keep drinking, or go to bed? 
Everyone hated the dining room, this was probably the most time they’d managed to spend in it,  but moving to the kitchen was more a family-only type thing. Looking over to Lizzie answered the question well enough. She looked beautiful but exhausted. 
“Bout time for bed eh?” Polly announced. 
“Guess so. Help me with the stables?” Arthur asked you and you nodded looking slightly surprised. Which meant something was most certainly going on. There was no reason to help with the stables. 
“Francis, can you show everyone to their rooms?” Tommy asked easily. 
“Of course.” She answered. 
Tommy watched as you gave Noah a hug, he whispered something in your ear that made you smile. Then you moved into the entryway to pull your boots on. 
“Night.” Tommy nodded at Alfie. 
“Night” He nodded back. 
After helping Lizzie up to the room he went out the stables to see what the commotion was about. He followed the dark path to the stables. 
“No way. No absolutely no. How? I just - you and Lizzie. Does Esme know?!” Your voice called out as he approached the door. 
“Well, I’m sure it's been mentioned but let's not bring up the past eh?” John responded looking slightly pale. Tommy leaned against the doorway watching his two brothers attempt to lecture you. John sitting on a bucket as Arthur paced in front of you. You saw him standing there but decided to keep quiet. 
“Anyway the point is. Lots of stuff between us and the Solomons eh.” Arthur started 
“Can’t trust em” John added 
“And trust me. I know exactly what you're thinking. Oooh he’s so handsome and he smokes cigarettes and his hair's all swoopy and he’s got nice muscles. He’s all mysterious and dangerous. Swoon, maybe I could change him.” 
“You can't,” John said nodding. 
“Absolutely can’t change him.” Arthur continued. “Now he’s here because he’s done business with Tommy. Once he’s gotten what he wants and this mess is cleaned up. He’s going to be on to the next lass.” 
“You’ll be devastated.” 
“So don't even think about sleeping with him. He’s probably fuck-” Tommy watched your face pinch up similar to the way it had before you fell to the floor the night before. 
“That’s enough Arthur.” Tommy interrupted sharply. “I think she understands.” 
You nodded hiding away the hurt in your eyes. 
“How many random people have you guys killed?” You asked. 
“I don’t know about random…” John mumbled 
“Are we including the war?” Arthur asked. Tommy thought about the past and wondered if what you’d seen in your life would make you understanding of the choices he’d made. 
“Okay so let me get this straight. Lizzie was a wh-prostitute, sleeping with Tommy then John wanted to marry her - but you ruined it - Gace - the Grace was gone, then back, then passed, and then you started sleeping with Lizzie again as her boss - and then you married her when she got pregnant - then got me when Ruby passed?” 
“More or less” Tommy shrugged, seemed a bit over the top when it's all laid out like that.
“Wait till she hears about Gretta,” Arthur said quietly. 
“And all the others in between-” John added before stopping himself. 
“Do you love her?” Your voice was steady, and he knew you well enough to know you were gearing up for a fight. 
“Yes.” He answered seriously. 
“Got you so she’d stay.” He wasn't sure if it was the right thing to say. “Ruby brought us together, but I think it was meant to be from the start.”
You nodded thinking for a moment. 
“Do you think Alfie is here to kill us in our sleep?” 
“No, I think Alfie’s here because he wants a piece of  New York and wants Changretta out of the way.” 
“Do you think Noah’s with me to ruin the family?” 
“No. Alfie wouldn't send his son to his dirty work. I’m not sure of his intentions, but I don’t think they are related to the business.”
“So you think he likes me for me?” 
“I think teenage boys are awful and cruel. For his sake, he better like you for you. Or we’ll handle it.” 
“Either way you won't leave me?” Your eyes narrowed and he could tell it was difficult for you to get the words out. 
“No matter how bad I fuck up?” 
“Never.” He repeated. “That being said you can sleep in with Lizzie tonight.” 
“Was going to sleep with Pol.” 
“No.” He answered easily.
“Alright.” You said without fuss surprising him. 
“Now is there anything else you both left out?” He looked and John and Arthur.
“Well, we could be out here all night-” 
“Let’s not and say we did, eh?
They all piled back into the house and you followed Tommy up the stairs before going back to your room to change. 
After getting ready in your bathroom you noticed that your bedding had already been moved. You slowly made your way to your parent's room down the hall. Getting close to the door you heard them talking. 
“Well, how would you know what she thinks of me now?” Lizzie snapped. You decided to make your way in there to break up whatever they were arguing about. 
“Probably no different than she’s always thought of you.” He mumbled as you came into the room. 
Lizzie gave you a strange look and suddenly you thought back to how Arthur had spoken about her past. You stepped over your cot at the foot of the bed to climb up in between them. 
You placed yourself against her side and enjoyed the way she embraced you. 
“Are you frightened again?” She whispered, running her hands through your hair.
“No - well I’m not sure. I want to think Noah’s here for the right reasons.” 
“I think he is darling. Try not to stress over it.”She placed a kiss on your head and you felt better knowing what she thought. 
You considered going back to the floor but to put Tommy at ease you stayed between them dozing off. 
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wonderlanddreamer · 24 days
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Alfie Solomons x Reader
Summary: Just an all-around cutesy fun family fic based on this request. I'm so sorry this took me so long!
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The living room was a sea of chaos and laughter. Alfie Solomons and his three sons, Jacob, Levi and Noah, were engaged in an epic mock battle. Pillows were strewn about like fallen warriors, and cardboard swords clashed with imaginary foes.
Jacob, the self-appointed leader, stood atop the sofa, brandishing his makeshift sword with authority. “To arms, men! We must defend the ship from invaders!”
Levi, ever the enthusiastic six-year-old, charged forward with a pillow shield. “Aye, Captain! No pirates shall cross this line!”
Noah, the youngest at four, followed suit, his eyes wide with excitement. “I’m gonna get the treasure, Daddy!”
Alfie, playing the role of the fearsome pirate captain, let out a hearty laugh that filled the room. “Arrr, you think you can best ol’ Captain Solomons, do ye? Well, you’ll have to try harder than that!”
With a playful growl, Alfie lunged forward, swooping Noah up into his arms and spinning him around. “I’ve got you know, me heartie!”
Noah squealed with delight, waving his arms around as if trying to fly. “Put me down, Captain! I’ll tell you where the treasure is!”
Jacob, not to be outdone, leaped from the sofa with a mighty battle cry. “Charge! Rescue Noah from the clutches of the pirate!”
Levi followed, the two brothers launching a coordinated assault on their father who feigned dramatic defeat, falling to the floor with exaggerated groans. “Oh, the mighty Solomons crew has bested me! What cunning fighters you are!”
You watched from the doorway, cradling your six-month-old daughter, Rosie, who cooed happily in your arms. The boys sprawled across the floor, laughter filling the room, which made you smile. “Okay, crew. Time to tidy up on deck. Our guests will be arriving soon.”
Today was a special day, as your sister Clara and her family were visiting from the countryside. Alfie, ever the doting father, ruffled each of the boys' hair affectionately before making his way over to you. With a tender touch, he cradled the back of Rosie’s head, planting a gentle kiss on her cheek and then one on yours. You rose on your tiptoes to return the gesture with a kiss on his lips before you all busied yourselves tidying up the delightful chaos of your home.
Your family arrived a little while later, just as Alfie and the boys had renewed their game of Pirates. Clara, always the embodiment of poise and grace, stepped into the bustling household with her husband Henry and their children, Emily and James, in tow. The contrast between the two families was immediately noticeable. Emily, a ten-year-old exuding quiet confidence, and James, her shy seven-year-old brother, stood close to their parents, their eyes wide as they absorbed the lively scene around them.
Henry, a man of few words with a fondness for order, appeared slightly uneasy. His gaze lingered momentarily on the scar etched across Alfie’s face—a vivid reminder of the life Alfie had lived and the battles he had faced. Sensing her husband's discomfort, Clara, ever the diplomat, gently nudged him and offered a reassuring smile as they ventured further into the vibrant chaos.
As you ushered them into the living room, Alfie paused in his play, his gaze softening as he greeted your sister with a warm hug. "Clara, love, it's been too long. Henry, good to see you, mate," he said, extending a hand to Henry, who shook it with a polite nod.
The children exchanged tentative smiles, with Emily and James hanging back slightly behind their parents, unsure of how to navigate the exuberant energy of the Solomons boys, who had resumed their play with newfound vigor. Emily, with her neatly braided hair and a book clutched to her chest, surveyed the scene with cautious curiosity, while James, clutching a small toy car, shifted nervously from foot to foot.
“Alright, you lot, settle down for a bit,” you called out, your voice a gentle command amidst the lively chaos. The boys, though reluctant, heeded your words, collapsing onto the sofa in a tangled heap of giggles and elbows, their laughter bubbling up like an unstoppable tide.
As dinner approached, you found yourself orchestrating a delicate balance between chaos and calm. The dining table, a long, sturdy wooden piece that had witnessed countless meals and family gatherings, was set with meticulous care. Each place was adorned with simple yet elegant tableware, and the soft glow of candles flickered gently, casting a warm, inviting light across the room. The aroma of roast chicken, infused with herbs and surrounded by a medley of colorful vegetables, wafted through the air, offering a comforting contrast to the lively chatter and occasional bursts of laughter that echoed around you.
Seated at the head of the table, Alfie took it upon himself to engage Emily and James, his natural charisma shining through as he endeavored to draw them out of their shells. “So, Emily, James, you like stories, yeah? I’ve got a few good ones about treasure hunts and daring escapes that'll have you on the edge of your seat,” he announced with a grin, his eyes twinkling with mischief and a hint of challenge.
The children exchanged nervous glances, their eyes flickering between their plates and Alfie’s expectant gaze. Emily seemed both intrigued and wary. James, clutching his fork tightly, was visibly torn between curiosity and caution. Despite Alfie's best efforts, the scar that bisected his face and his naturally booming voice cast a shadow over his otherwise friendly demeanour, making the children hesitant to engage fully.
Noticing their hesitation, you leaned over to Alfie with a gentle smile, your touch on his arm a subtle cue. “Maybe start with something a bit less adventurous, love. How about the story of how you outsmarted that fox in the chicken coop?”
Alfie chuckled, a deep, warm sound that softened the edges of his rugged exterior. He nodded, shifting his approach with ease. “Ah, right, that one’s a classic. So there we were, middle of the night, and this cheeky fox thought he’d have a go at our chickens…” His voice took on a playful tone as he launched into the tale, weaving humour and suspense into his words, gradually drawing Emily and James into the story with each vivid detail. Slowly, their apprehension melted away, replaced by smiles and wide-eyed anticipation.
As Alfie wove stories with animated gestures and a playful tone, the ice continuing to thaw. Emily and James listened intently, their initial apprehension giving way to genuine curiosity. Alfie had a way of turning even the simplest story into an epic adventure, and soon the table was filled with laughter.
Meanwhile, Jacob, Levi, and Noah, ever the mischievous trio, had taken it upon themselves to share their peculiar brand of "wisdom" with their cousins. The boys, with the kind of solemnity that only children can muster, demonstrated what they deemed the "proper" way to eat peas—by launching them like tiny catapults across the table using the backs of their forks. Each pea flew through the air in a perfect arc, landing with a soft plop amidst the plates and cutlery.
Your stern look was met with their exaggerated innocence, the boys' eyes wide and faces a picture of feigned ignorance. Yet, despite your best efforts to maintain a serious demeanor, you couldn't suppress the smile tugging at the corners of your mouth. The sight was both exasperating and endearing, a reminder of the boundless creativity and joy of childhood.
Little Rosie, perched in her high chair with a perfect view of the spectacle, was utterly delighted. Her tiny hands clapped together with glee, her eyes sparkling with amusement as she watched her brothers' antics. Her giggles, a sweet and melodic sound, filled the room, providing a joyful counterpoint to the mayhem. Her laughter was infectious, and soon even the adults found themselves chuckling, the initial chaos softening into a shared moment of family warmth and connection.
As the meal progressed, conversation flowed more freely. Clara and Henry shared stories from their quiet village life, while you recounted the latest antics of the boys, each tale more outlandish than the last. Alfie, ever the storyteller, chimed in with anecdotes that had the whole table in stitches, even managing to coax a few smiles from Henry.
After dinner, the children burst forth into the garden, and their liberation from the confines of the dining table met with joyful exuberance. The garden, a sprawling oasis of lush green grass and vibrant wildflowers, was bordered by towering oak trees whose branches swayed gently in the evening breeze. The sky above was a canvas of deepening blues and purples, with the first stars beginning to twinkle against the fading light of day.
The Solomons' boys, natural leaders in mischief and adventure, quickly took charge, inviting Emily and James to join them in a spirited game of hide and seek. Their voices rang out through the crisp air, filled with excitement as they dashed across the lawn, weaving between garden furniture and disappearing into the shadows cast by the trees. Emily, her braids bouncing with each step, giggled as she found a perfect hiding spot behind a sprawling rose bush, while James, his earlier reservations forgotten, crouched behind a large oak, his eyes wide with anticipation. The children's laughter echoed like music, a joyful symphony that spoke of new friendships being forged in the twilight.
Inside the house, you and Clara worked side by side, clearing the table in a seamless rhythm born of years spent sharing chores and confidences. The clatter of cutlery and the gentle scrape of dishes against the wooden table were soothing, familiar sounds. Clara paused for a moment, surveying the room with a smile that reached her eyes. “You’ve got quite the lively crew here,” she commented, her voice tinged with both admiration and amusement. “But I can see the love in every corner of this home.”
You turned your gaze toward the window, where the scene outside unfolded like a cherished painting. There stood Alfie, his silhouette sturdy yet gentle against the dusky sky. He watched over the children with a gaze that was both protective and tender, embodying the essence of a guardian and a father. Rosie, nestled snugly against his broad chest, was a picture of contentment. Her tiny hand clutched his shirt as she nuzzled closer, lulled by the rhythmic motion of Alfie’s hand, which stroked her back with soothing, whisper-soft movements. Her eyelids fluttered, heavy with the promise of sleep, as she basked in the warmth and safety of her father's embrace.
“It’s chaotic, but it’s ours. I wouldn’t trade it for anything,” you replied to Clara, a sense of deep satisfaction and love swelling within you. The chaos was a tapestry of cherished moments, woven together by laughter, love, and the vibrant energy of family life.
Clara nodded thoughtfully, her gaze shifting to Alfie. “And Alfie... he’s really something. I think he won over Emily and James with that story about the fox,” she said, her voice soft with appreciation.
A chuckle escaped your lips as you recalled the scene at the table. Alfie’s voice, usually so commanding, had taken on a playful lilt, weaving a tale that captivated the children and drew them into his world. “He has a way about him. Once you get past the rough edges, he’s got the biggest heart,” you remarked, your voice filled with affection and pride. Alfie’s storytelling was more than just entertainment; it was a bridge that connected him to others, revealing the kindness and warmth that lay beneath his rugged exterior. As you and Clara continued to tidy up, the laughter from outside mingled with your own, wrapping your home in a cocoon of love and togetherness.
As the evening gradually drew to a close, the first stars began to twinkle against the velvet backdrop of the night sky, casting a serene glow over the garden. The children, their energy finally beginning to wane after a day filled with laughter and adventure, were coaxed back inside with gentle words and promises of bedtime stories. The transition from the lively outdoors to the comforting confines of the house was seamless, the warmth of the interior enveloping them like a soft blanket.
Upstairs, you tenderly settled Rosie into her crib, her tiny form nestled among the plush blankets. Her eyelids fluttered briefly, a sleepy protest against the pull of slumber, before she succumbed to the peaceful embrace of sleep. Her breathing slowed into a gentle, rhythmic pattern, each exhale a soft sigh of contentment. The boys, still buzzing with the remnants of their outdoor escapades, were soon tucked into their beds. Their whispered conversations, filled with the lingering excitement of the day, gradually faded into the background, replaced by the soothing cadence of their breaths as they drifted off to dreamland.
Downstairs, the atmosphere was relaxed and convivial. Alfie and Henry sat comfortably in the dimly lit living room, each nursing a glass of whiskey. The amber liquid caught the light, casting a warm glow that mirrored the camaraderie between them. Their conversation flowed with ease, the occasional burst of laughter punctuating their dialogue and breaking the stillness of the room. The day’s earlier formalities had given way to a genuine connection, a shared understanding forged over shared stories and mutual respect.
You joined Clara on the sofa, the cushions soft and inviting beneath you. A comfortable silence settled between you, punctuated only by the gentle clink of tea cups and the soft rustle of fabric as James and Emily, their energy finally spent, dozed quietly with their heads resting on Clara’s lap. The moment was a peaceful respite, a chance to reflect on the day’s events.
“It was good to see you,” you said, breaking the quiet, your voice filled with warmth and sincerity. “We should do this more often.”
Clara nodded, her smile warm and genuine, radiating the affection of a sister and friend. “Definitely. It’s nice to be reminded of what’s important,” she replied, her gaze drifting momentarily to the sleeping children, her voice laced with gratitude.
As the evening wound down, the sense of fulfillment in the air was palpable. Clara and her family prepared to leave, gathering their belongings with the unhurried pace of those reluctant to part. The visit had been more than just a gathering; it was a celebration of familial strength and the joy that could be found amidst the chaos of everyday life.
Standing at the door, Alfie clapped Henry on the back with a friendly grin, the camaraderie between them evident in the easy banter. “You take care, mate. And don’t worry, next time, I’ll have even better stories,” Alfie promised, his voice a playful rumble that hinted at future gatherings filled with laughter and tales.
Henry chuckled, finally at ease, his earlier reservations long forgotten. “I look forward to it, Alfie,” he replied, the sincerity in his voice a testament to the newfound friendship between the two.
As you waved goodbye to Clara and her family, watching them disappear into the night, you felt a profound sense of contentment. The house, though quieter now, seemed to hum with a lingering warmth, a testament to the bonds that had been strengthened and the love that had been shared over the course of the day.
Turning to Alfie, who wrapped an arm around your shoulders and drew you close, you found comfort in his familiar presence. “Well, love, I reckon that went alright in the end, didn’t it?” he mused, his voice a soft rumble that resonated with satisfaction.
You nodded, leaning into his embrace, feeling the steady beat of his heart against your side. “It did, indeed,” you agreed, your voice filled with both relief and joy.
Together, you lingered in the doorway, watching as Clara’s car taillights faded into the darkness. The night settled around you, quiet and still, a gentle reminder of the connections strengthened and the memories made. Feeling the warmth of Alfie's arm around you, a sense of calm and satisfaction washed over you, knowing that the day had brought everyone closer.
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onyourowndaisymae · 2 years
obey me masterlist
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genre guide: each fic has a clear title and/or a description/prompt before the fic itself. unlabeled pieces are presumed to be fluff, slice of life, etc, content. other content warnings (like angst) will be noted next to the name {last masterlist update: 7/21/2023}
one * means romantic
two ** means suggestive but not explicit nsfw
three *** means explicit nsfw content
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brothers as taylor swift fans (older brothers)
old man solomon headcanons
incorrect things about the human world they believe in
dateables (+ luke) playing minecraft with you
brothers playing minecraft with you
meeting and trying to impress you older sibling*
more old man solomon headcanons
presenting the brothers with friendship bracelets
comforting their partner who's struggling with a big chest* (hints of angst, hurt/comfort)
presenting the dateables (+ luke) with a friendship bracelet
"boys will be boys" shenanigans
dateables (+ luke) presenting you with a friendship bracelet in return
hand headcanons
social media headcanons
brothers as songs from noah kahan's "stick season"
road trip
old man lucifer
brothers + an mc with dyscalculia
running a bath for a stressed out simeon**
it comes at night - (post chapter 16 belphegor angst)
a lesson in hexes and curses**- reader x satan, chapter 29-12 rewrite
patience is a virtue*** - asmo birthday smut
a new tradition* - lucifer birthday cuddles
seventy-two pacts** - solomon thirst
500 follower event masterlist
the brothers dropping the rest of their roster for you*** - lucifer // mammon // levi // satan // asmo // beel // belphie
what your fav love interest says about you (except they're only the reasons i'm attracted to them)* // the sequel* (popular)
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[back to directory]
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teenagesublimefan · 1 year
✩✩ ✩✩ ✩✩ ✩✩ ✩✩
Please take a minute to read the paragraph below, Thank You :)
All Characters are organized by fandom and alphabetical order. I do not claim any owner ship of any fictional character I write for. Please read my request guidelines before requesting a character from this list. Any character I scratch out I am currently not taking requests for. It will always be x female reader unless otherwise stated.
PEAKY BLINDER'S; alfie solomons, thomas shelby SONS OF ANARCHY; kip 'half-sack' epps, jax teller TOP GUN: MAVERICK; bradley 'rooster' bradshaw, jake 'hangman' seresin, mickey 'fanboy' garcia, natasha 'phoenix' trace
THE BOYS; colby brock, jake webber, johnnie guilbert, sam golbach, zach justice
MANESKIN; damiano david, victoria de angelis
NFL; andrew beck, joe burrow, nick bosa, tj watts, travis kelce
STURNIOLO TRIPLETS; chris sturniolo, matt sturniolo, nick sturniolo (platonic only)
MISC. PERSONS [and select characters]; jenna ortega, noah kahan, santiago 'pope' garcia, tom hardy ie. james delaney
✩✩ ✩✩ ✩✩ ✩✩ ✩✩
UPDATED [2/23/24]
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Lolabee’s July Wrap-Up
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This Month’s Fic Recs
These are just a few of the fics I’ve enjoyed this month, but there are so many great and fics out there by very talented writers within this fandom! I’ve avoided repeating some of the series I highlighted last month, but I still love those too. Like last time, some of the below I still need to leave comments on but I wanted to highlight here as a start!
Please be mindful of any content warnings and I believe all fics/ blogs in this list are 18+
Javier Peña a pile of cards - @mvtthewmurdvck Senorita - @lavendertales
Joel Miller this is me trying - @swiftispunk To Hell and Back - @darkroastjoel Notch - @fuckyeahdindjarin Sleepy - @hier--soir Stay In Bed -@psychedelic-ink
Frankie Morales Life Is Good -@something-tofightfor Shared Breaths - @frenchiereading
Ezra (Prospect) Compulsion - @iamskyereads
Din Djarin Passenger by @whatsnewalycat
My Writing Throughout July
I've managed four updates this month which I am personally really happy about because this month was hectic! All of my fics are x female reader unless otherwise indicated. I’ve indicated any personal faves with a *
Javier Peña
Secret Smile - chapter three
- chapter four
-chapter five *
Frankie Morales Sing fever to the form*
Favourite July Books, TV, Music, Games and Films
Bunny - Mona Awad [book]- this became so weird though, but definitely carried through the dark academia vibes Bless the daughter raised by a voice in her head - Warsan Shire [book] - her poetry is honestly incredible The Ex Talk - Rachel Lynn Solomon [book] loved this one and there was great chemistry with the main characters
Stick Season - Noah Kahan [music] driving to work while loudly singing Dial Drunk or Homesick is both stress release and a vibe, okay? De Selby (Part 2) - Hozier [music] After one listen, this ended up on about four of my writing playlists. Hozier is just fantastic and I am so excited for his new album - I’ve decide I’m even going to get the vinyl of it.
Hijack [tv] - I am but a human being and a real-time thriller with my man, Idris? Yes, please! It was super tense and worth watching. The Lincoln Lawyer [tv] - I love a good legal show and this is really fun. I also like that they’ve expanded on Haller’s Mexican heritage in the show compared to the books and while I hate they've split the season in half, am looking forward to the new episdodes in August
Sims 4 [game] - yes I’m a simmer, no, I don’t care if you judge me for that. This franchise has had a hold on me since the first iteration and it may never stop.
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dum1s-writings · 2 years
~~~~Intro thingy I guess~~~~
Greetings from @thedum1 (⁠◔⁠‿⁠◔⁠)
I have once again decided to start a new sideblog. I just wanna try tossing my hat into the xMasc!Reader ring. I'll have main fandoms and on occasion fandoms, which will be allowed once in a while.
~Main fandoms are subject to change.~
The main fandoms will be marked with 💕
Favorite characters will be marked with 💋
Obey Me! Shall We Date? 💕
Leviathan 💋
Asmodeus 💋
Simeon 💋
Twisted Wonderland
All students and staff*
*Riddle, Epel, Idia, Neige and Rollo are my weaknesses
Miraculous Ladybug and Cat Noir 💕
Adrien Agreste/Cat Noir 💋
Nathaniel Kurtzberg/Caprikid 💋
Marc Anciel/Rooster Bold
Nino Lahiffe/Carapace
Luka Couffaine/Viperion
Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Ladybug
Alya Césaire/Rena Rouge
Kagami Tsurugi/Ryuko
Gabriel Agreste/Hawkmoth
Nathalie Sancoeur/Mayura 💋
Mystic Messenger
Yoosung Kim
Zen/Hyun Ryu
Jaehee Kang 💋
Jumin Han
707/Luciel/Saeyoung Choi 💋
Animal Crossing 💕
Apollo 💋
Julien 💋
Raymond 💋
Punchy 💋
Muffy 💋
Merengue 💋
Kicks 💋
Tom Nook
Death Note
L Lawliet
Light Yagami
Touta Matsuda 💋
Teru Mikami
Misa Amane
Naomi Misora
Kiyomi Takada
Mihael Keehl/Mello 💋
Mail Jeevas/Matt 💋
Nate River/Near
Total Drama Island/Action/World Tour
Cody 💋
Noah 💋
Lindsay 💋
Leshawna 💋
Caitlin Cooke
Nikki Wong 💋
Jude Lizowski
Wyatt Williams 💋
Jen Masterson
Jonsey Garcia
Teen Titans (2003 cartoon version)
Robin 💋
Raven 💋
Beast Boy
Red-X 💋
Bumblebee 💋
The occasional slasher
Michael Myers
Cory Cunningham
Billy Lenz
Brahms Heelshire 💋
Others to be added...maybe.
The general rules:
Fandoms will have their own rules in their own separate posts
He/Him and They/Them pronouns only
I have problems with menstruation so none of that allowed as I HATE thinking of my own
Polyamorous relationships are accepted and loved here but NO cheating 😤
No non-platonic/familial child/teen x adult
No incest of any kind
No angst without a happy ending
Piggybacking off the last rule I prefer a Top/Not Penetrated reader
No matchups 😐
No OCs as main character/reader
Piggybacking again I will allow OCs as side characters
You may see mentions of my OCs as I love them
Some characters will be OOC and I have no shame about that 🤷🏾
All fanfics will have swears except for Miraculous
I'm bad at coming up with bad guys/villains so fandoms with baddies will take place during down time/right after a fight
I am slow and easily distracted so things will come out when I remember
My target audience is me first so if I don't like how a thing is turning out it won't be published
Again....this a masculine pronoun only blog. And before I get shit on by children and the feminine pronoun users........Fuck. Off. I'm here for the gays and theys. I've been on the internet for years and there's PLENTY of shit for y'all.
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shelby-love · 5 years
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One-shots (1k words or more)
Drabbles  (below 1k words)
Headcanons (bullet point fics)
Blurbs (below 500 words)
Imagines (gif + a little blurb, around 500 words)
1.0 RULES:
Request via ask.
Always include what type of request you want me to write.
Specify because specification is very important as it helps me make your request as pleasing as possible, but try not to be too specific as I like the element of surprise.
If you want me to write something from my prompt list (click here): include the name of said character, category of the prompt and the prompt’s respective number (e.g. Jay Halstead, fluff 7). 
1.1 Note: If you don't include what type of request it is that you want me to cook up, I will choose the type myself so don't come at me if you wanted a 2K worded piece of work and instead got an imagine with 200 words!
1.2 Note: Mixing the prompt with a plot line of your own is allowed, just make sure to follow the rules (1-3). 
Unless asked for, I will be writing with the Female!reader in mind (I like to exclude any gender relation and make it so that both genders could read and enjoy).
I respond to asks when the request has been qued to post and released on Ao3.
The maximum number of request you can send is 2. I know there is an option to send them in anonymously, but I really hope you will stick to this rule. Give others a chance to submit their wishes, and don’t make the line too big with by mass requesting (I close requests after I get around 30 requests).
Requests sent during seasons I have not watched or for characters that have yet to make an appearance in the show will not be written (exceptions exist).
I write one-shots but not a whole series unless I can see/want a continuation.
Themed requests (Christmas, Valentine's Day, New Year etc.) can be only sent during that time. I don’t accept Christmas requests during the month of May. The same goes for the rest.
I have every right to delete every request that does not fit within the rules stated above, or I feel uncomfortable writing. Also, it’s important to note that I don’t have inspiration to write every request that’s sent. It’s normal to not have inspiration, and because I prefer quality to quantity, if I see that I don’t have inspiration for a request then I will not write it.
Requests will be deleted if sent while my request box is closed. I won’t answer them as I feel like there is no need. On almost every informative post (+my bio, and if you’re on PC my theme under ‘blog status’) it will say whether the request box is closed or not.
English is not my first language but without digging myself my own grave this early on I want to say that I'm proud of how much I know, given that I never speak English unless in school.
Be nice because only constructive criticism is allowed. If you spot a grammatical error or a paragraph/sentence/word etc. that doesn't make sense, let me know. But be nice!
LGBTQ+  topics/relationships (because I feel like I wouldn’t do a good job) 
Real people, send only requests for characters in my writing list
Ships or OC, send only reader inserts
NSFW (mature content stories)
Romanticized mental illnesses
S*icide scenes
R*pe scenes
2.1 Note: P*dophilia, r*pe, s*icide might be mentioned in my Chicago P.D, Fire, Med shots (or other), but I will never explicitly write about those subjects or write about anything that is about/centered around them.
2.2 Note: Explicitly written smut is a no, I will not write that. Try to refrain from requesting steamy scenes too, as I will only put them in myself were I to deem it necessary for the WIP.
Fluff/ WAFF
Fusion/ Crossover
Here is me trying to explain what kind of requests I also take [x]
2.6 Note: It’s hard to list but to make it easier for you guys, I will write about almost anything as long as it’s not on my 2.0 bullet.
Posts are usually posted between 01:00 A.M. and 05:00 A.M. CET (Central European Time).
Check schedule to see what's been qued to post.
3.1 Note: This account is NOT my work place. Everything here is written when I have time and I feel like writing. Requests that I find more interesting will most likely be written and qued to post sooner. I advise you to follow my blog, check regularly and sit tight until you see that it's qued. You can always check my navigation page and click on 'schedule'. Or simply click here.
3.2 Note: I am not a doctor nor a firefighter nor a policeman. I research whatever I can before I start writing and sometimes that takes hours. Nothing is 100% accurate (especially for events set in Chicago Med) although I hope it is.
3.6 Note: Requests are currently OPEN for all fandoms!!!
3.7 Note: Your requests do not have to be strictly romantic (Sibling!Reader or other are also (obviously) allowed).
---More shows and characters will be added through time
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✏ TV SHOWS (alphabetical order)
9-1-1 (✓)
Evan Buckley
Eddie Diaz
Bobby Nash
Howard "Chimney" Han
Simon Basset
Anthony Bridgerton
Benedict Bridgerton
Colin Bridgerton
Prince Friedrich
Kelly Severide
Matt Casey
Peter Mills
Jimmy Borelli
Christopher Herrmann
Brian “Otis” Zvonecek
Joe Cruz
Antonio Dawson
Adam Ruzek
Kevin Atwater
Jay Halstead
Hank Voight
Alvin Olinsky
Connor Rhodes
Will Halstead
Ethan Choi
Noah Sexton
Crockett Marcel
James Lanik
Blake Carrington
Jeff Colby
Liam Ridley
Michael Culhane
Guzmán Nunier Osuna
Samuel García Domínguez
Christian Varela Expósito
Leopoldo Benavent Villada (Polo)
Thomas Shelby
Arthur Shelby
John Shelby
Finn Shelby
Ada Shelby
Polly Gray
Alfie Solomons
Michael Gray (I currently cannot stand this dude)
Scott Mcall
Stiles Stilinski
Isaac Lahey
Liam Dunbar
Derek Hale
Klaus Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
Finn Mikaelson
Marcel Gerard
Rebekah Mikaelson
Number Five
Diego Hargreeves
Luther Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
Ben Hargreeves
Stefan Salvatore
Damon Salvatore (hate him)
Alaric Saltzman
Lorenzo St. John
Tyler Lockwood
Matt Donovan
Jeremy Gilbert
Katherine Pierce
Elena Gilbert (hate her even more)
Caroline Forbes
Bonnie Bennett
Benny Watts
Harry Beltik
Geralt of Rivia
See under ‘Marvel Universe’.
Oliver Wood
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Draco Malfoy
Ron Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Percy Weasley
Bill Weasley
Charlie Weasley
Neville Longbottom
Cedric Diggory
The Marauders era
James Potter
Sirius Black
Peter Pettigrew
Remus Lupin
Severus Snape
Tony Stark / Iron Man
Bruce Banner / Hulk
Steve Rogers / Captain America
Natasha Romanoff
Clint Barton / Hawkeye
Nick Fury
James Rhodes / War Machine / Iron Patriot
Bucky Barnes / Winter Soldier / White Wolf
Sam Wilson / Falcon
Scott Lang / Ant-Man
T'Challa / Black Panther
Peter Parker / Spider-Man
Stephen Strange
Peter Quill / Star-Lord
Pietro Maximoff
Edward Cullen
Carlisle Cullen
Emmett Cullen
Alice Cullen
Jasper Hale
Rosalie Hale
Jacob Black
Seth Clearwater
Embry Call
Lee Christmas
Barney Ross
Billy The Kid
Hale Caesar
Yin Yang
Toll Road
Gunnar Jensen
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gamesofmuggles · 7 years
Masterlist #1
Hello, hello, here is our masterlist. Don’t worry we are still working on new stuff and finishing old ones. We will do a second masterlist with the new post, until then mischief managed.
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Ship 1: Athelstan
Ship 2 : Ivar
Ship 3 : Folki
Ship 4 : Bjorn
Ship 5 : Ubbe & Tommen 
Ship 6 : Porrun 
Ship 7 : Bjorn 
Ship 8 : Rollo   
Ship 9 : Ivar 
Ship 10 : Margaery & Ragnar
Ship 11: Jesus & Hvitserk 
Ship 12 : Oberyn & Sigurd 
Ship 13 : Gendry 
Ship 14 : Hvitserk & Abraham 
Ship 15 : Ubbe / George Weasley / Jonas
Ship 16 : Floki / Podrick
Ship 17 : Jon Snow / Chris 
Ship 18 : Bill Weasley
Ship 19 : Ron Weasley / Athelstan
Ship 20 : Jojen Reed / Ubbe / Charlie Weasley 
Ship 21 : Ivar 
Ship 22: Obi Wan / Young Ned Stark 
Ship 23 : Anakin Skywalker / Trystane Martell 
Ship 24 : Chris (Skins) / Arthur Shelby 
Ship 25 : Rollo 
Ship 26 : Theon Greyjoy / Young Sirius Black 
ShIp 27 : Robb Stark 
Ship 28 : Jonas Noah Vasquez / Tommen Baratheon 
Ship 29 : Young Ted Lupin / William Magnusson
Ship 30 : Ragnar and Rollo 
Ship 31 : Bjorn Lothbork / Magnus Fossbaken
Ship 32 : Chris Schistad / Draco Malfoy / Gendry 
Ship 33 : Newt Scamander / Sigurd / Jon snow
Ship 34 : Sam Tarly / Luke Skywalker 
Ship 35 : Barry Allen / Naomi Campbell 
Ship 36 : Richard Hardbeck / Finn Shelby 
Ship 37 : John Shelby 
Ship 38 : Floki / Alfie Solomons / Bronn 
Ship 39 : Daario / Athelstan 
Ship 40 : Neville Longbottom / Poe Dameron / JJ 
Ship 41 : Han Solo / Alo
Ship 42 : Halfdan / Young James Potter
Ship 43 : William / Ivar
Ship 44 : Freddie / Oliver Wood
Ship 45 : Stiles Stilinski / Finn Collins / Nick
Ship 46 : Khal Drogo / Thomas Shelby / Ubbe
Ship 47 : Hvitserk
Ship 48 : Michael Gray / Seamus Finnegan / Chris Miles
Ship 49 : Joffrey Baratheon / Rollo
Ship 50 : James Cook / Young Remus Lupin
Ship 51 : Cassian
Ship 52 : Young Ragnar / George Weasley
Ship 52bis (oops) : Daenerys Targaryen / Theon Greyjoy
Ship 53 : Peeta Mellark / Arthur Shelby
Ship 54 : Bronn / Ginny Weasley
Ship 55 : Young Robert Baratheon / Obiwan Kenobi
Ship 56 : Jon Snow / Torstein
Ship 57 : Regulus Black
Ship 58 : Harry Potter / Gendry Baratheon
Ship 59 : Sirius Black
Ship 60 : Michael Gray
Dating would include :
Dating the Ragnarssons 
Dating the sensates 
Dating the stark children 
Dating Jaime Lannister
Dating the bad guys of game of thrones
Dating Harry Potter girls 
Dating Halfdan or Harald 
Dating the Skam boys
Dating the Shelby siblings
Underrated appreciation post :
post #1 post #2 post #3 GOT EDITION  post #4 HP EDITION
Imagine / Headcanon :
Vikings :
Hvitserk child : part 1   part 2
Ubbe : in a relationship 
Hvitserk : in a relationship 
Sigurd in a relationship 
Ivar in a relationship 
Bjorn : the new vikings princess : PART 1 PART 2 
Harald being his wife 
Harald Finehair as a father 
Halfdan being his wife 
Ivar x Hvitser x Reader : Killing our own blood
Being Harald/Halfdan niece and dating Ivar
Game of Thrones :
Being Theon wife
Harry Potter :
James Potter : part 1, part 2
Sherlock :
Moriarty : One dance
Hunger Games:
Cato : Love you ‘till your father’s home
Sorted into :
Sorted into Got : part 1, part 2
Sorted into Vikings
Prompt list
Prompt 1 : Ice and Fire - Bran Stark
Prompt 2 : Not a doctor - Sherlock Holmes
Prompt 3 : I’m not interested, nerd - Jasper Jordan
Prompt 4 : Could be worse? - John Murphy
Prompt 5 : Now we're quits - Ramsey Bolton
Prompt 6 : The back door - Logan
Prompt 7 : Nobody ask you to be fearless- Robb Stark 
Prompt 8 : If not now - George Weasley
The marauders:
Chapter 1
All we need to do is to wish you a good reading! Much love
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onyourowndaisymae · 8 months
works-in-progress preview
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rules: i will post some of the titles/descriptions of WIPs i have, and you all are free to send in asks or ask for snippets or info about it in return! this is a fun little way to show some of the items i have hiding in the drafts :) thank you @meggsngrits for the tag <3
my new masterlists!
new years day - solomon
diet mountain dew - asmo
smut writer!mc x obey me cast
obey me characters with earrings
obey me side characters as noah kahan songs
you should probably leave - lucifer
demon brothers hurt/comfort drabbles
obey me brothers making you friendship bracelets in return
obey me mc/oc story x reader smut (for the mc i Have Yet to Introduce...)
and many more!
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no pressure tags: @another-lost-mc, @misc-obeyme, @cosmicstarlatte, and anyone else who wants an excuse to talk about their wips!
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padfootdaredmetoo · 2 years
Current Request List!
July 26th 2022 - Completed September 10th 2022
Thank you to everyone that wrote in a request!! I have a few more things to tweak before posting my followers celebration, promise it's almost ready!
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Adopted Pt. 2 - The reader is excited to go to the fair. when she finds out Noah Solomons will be there she gets even more excited. - posted July 29th
Growing pains - Reader is the youngest of the Shelby clan and is often excluded due to her softer nature. When she gets hurt at the pub one day it quickly becomes everyone's problem to fix it and make things right. - posted July 30th
Dad? - The last Shelby is born just before the war, when Tommy comes back caring for her is one of the only things he finds peace in.
The Smallest Blinder - The boys hate having to watch over her, but more often than not she's the one that saves the day - For some reason, I missed this one - I swear that the requests hide sometimes or disappear altogether. -
Mustache - Michael's wife finds her footing when she notices a large amount of banned Opium in her pantry. Sub Michael Gray X Dom reader NSFW (I changed this one due to a moment of inspiration) - posted Aug 23rd
Quiet Working Girl - the reader is hired on to work at the Garrison, and Tommy takes an interest in her. When things start to fall apart, she's the first person he suspects. He makes a right mess of things again, but this time he's not so sure if he can fix it. - posted aug. 23rd
Stop the World - Tangerine X Reader Smut - Bullet Train movie - I sent myself this request after seeing this movie because it was so good. After years of working against each other out in the field. This time you decide its best to team up - the aftermath leaves you weak in the knees - smut - posted August 23rd
Cold - Head cannons about a woman who never smiles and how the Shelby family would interact with her. - posted Aug 29th
Never safe for work - A reader with a high sex drive, and the things Tommy does to keep up - NSFW
Red - Redhead Reader finds out she's pregnant with Tommy's babe. This follows their wonders about what their child will be like.
Ambition - The reader always wanted a big life and so did Tommy. Promises were made and the reader comes to cash in.
Betrayal - Reader is Tommy's daughter. When she gets involved with a boy from a rival family, she knows that there is a lot on the line. Unforuently for her, things don't end well, causing Tommy to recall what it was like being in love with someone who stabs you in the back. - Posted September 10th 2022
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✨Gosh these look so freaking good! Thank you again for everyone that sent in something ♥️
I also have a Captain Syverson imagine I never posted & idea for a Sherlock NSFW that I might post in there somewhere too.
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