#Read Chapter 4 to see the true connection between Mara Jade and Thrawn
6 sentence tag game, thanks @hobbit0fhobbiton!
"Penelope" Chapter 5
(the founding text of my Legends based AU - where the Empire of the Hand is led by Thrawn's wife, Empress Xelarra, after his death)
Feeling Luke’s telekinetic grip on her floating form fade as she reached the floodwater’s surface, Mara took a few deep breaths and dove.  Clever of Thrawn – the transparisteel barrier around the cloning alcove would have even protected against accidental flooding of the main room, and the possibility of water damage to the fusion generator powering the cloning cylinder and computers.  He really had thought of everything.  
Nearly so, anyway, she mused as the pale blue blade of her lightsaber flickered on, and she stabbed it into the barrier.  As she worked at widening the hole, she could not help but gaze over at the spaarti cylinder, and its occupant, with a tinge of guilt.  The Grand Admiral had not been her friend by any means when she had served as the Emperor’s Hand, and their meeting ten years previously on the Chimaera had not exactly gone smoothly either, but to just cold-heartedly murder his clone, even if it was the only way to lower to floodwaters when the cortosis ore in the rocks lining the room prevented the use of lightsabers or blasters, to save themselves …
It felt wrong to her, in a way she could not really explain, not even to herself.
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