#Ray setting the camera up and trying not to cry as he squeezes in next to Rose
innytoes · 2 years
“You got me a stocking?” - “Of course, you’re family.” for Reggie & Rose?
Reggie is ten when he meets Julie, after being held back a year in class. All his friends move up, and sure, he still sees Luke and Alex and Bobby in the halls and after school, but their lunch period isn't at the same time anymore. It's lonely, and a lot of kids in his new class think he's dumb, and maybe he is.
Julie is the first person to talk to him, to be his friend. Then, she drags him into her little group, with Flynn, and Carrie, and it's a little weird at first (not because girls have cooties, but maybe a little something like that. Reggie learns a lot about Girls in general and these girls in particular.)
He gets invited to birthday parties and sleepovers and Mr and Mrs Molina (who are quick to tell him that just Ray and Rose is fine) don't even make him sleep in a separate room because he's a Boy. Though they do have to leave the door open. They're kind of the coolest parents ever, even cooler than the Mercers. (If only because the Mercers don't have an entire music studio in their back yard.)
Reggie is eleven when Julie starts bringing extra big lunches to school, and insisting he take some, talking about how her aunt foisted too much food onto them, or how her dad accidentally packed her two sandwiches.
He hadn't thought anyone would notice he's stopped bringing lunches to school. His mom refuses to sign the little paper that would qualify him for free lunches, saying Peters don’t take hand outs. But after a few weeks of Julie coming up with excuses, she just casually slides Reggie his half, and Reggie quietly accepts. Carrie and Flynn never say anything mean about it, and his mom doesn’t have to find out, so it’s fine.
Reggie is twelve when he has to start explaining away mysterious bruises. He starts wearing his flannel or the cool leather jacket he and Flynn found while thrifting pretty much all the time. The guys take it in stride (Alex runs cold a lot too, wearing hoodies even in summer), and the girls seem to think he's just found his signature style. Like Carrie and Pink, and Flynn and... Coolness, he guesses.
It's Rose and Ray who notice it, question it when he pushes up his sleeves to wash his hands before dinner. He jokes about how he swears that doorjamb moved at the last second. But the bruises get harder to hide, and he's pretty sure even his friends are starting to get suspicious the second time he shows up to band practice with a black eye.
Reggie is thirteen when he starts to live with the Molinas. He's also thirteen when he sees Rose nearly punch out his mom. It’s at parent-teacher night, and his mom is furious to hear he’s once again in danger of flunking a grade. (She'd already been in a bad mood because Dad had promised to take this parent-teacher night so she could go out with friends and had then just not come home.)
She pulls him away by his wrist through the corridor, into a stairwell. Her shouts had echo and bounce around the space in an awful manner, especially when he knows how good harmonies can sound when you stand at the bottom of the stairwell and sing together.
He knows what’s coming, flinching and waiting for the slap, but it never does. Instead, his mother gave an angry squawk, and then he looks up, Rose is holding her raised wrist. From the looks of it, she’s squeezing a lot harder than Mom had squeezed his wrist.
There’s a lot of furious shouting, and Reggie backs up a little. This is all his fault. If he was just smarter, Mom wouldn’t be so mad. He knows Rose means well, but as soon as he gets home Mom is going to take it out on him, and probably forbid him from going to the Molinas ever again.
It’s only because Ray puts himself between the two that prevents a total drag out fight. He pulls his wife away with one strong arm, but then wraps the other around Reggie's shoulders and pulls him away as well. He can hear his mom insist he get back here, and he knows there will be hell to pay later, but he clings to Ray instead, letting him guide him away.
It's a confusing mess after that, with a trip to the guidance counselor, a talk with a social worker, Julie and Flynn hugging him tight after he gets out of that meeting, red-eyed and cried out... and then suddenly, he's at the Molina house, sitting on Julie's bed in her favourite yellow smiley face sweater as Rose piles blankets on the air mattress.
It's called a kinship placement, the social worker explains to him later. When someone he already knows well takes him in. Usually that's a grandparent, or an aunt or uncle. But the Molinas offered, and they passed all the background checks. She does ask him if he wants to stay here, or if he'd prefer a different foster home, and he rushes to reassure her that yes, the Molinas are awesome, please don't send him back to Georgia to live with his dad's estranged sister.
He gets his own room, Rose taking him shopping to pick out paints and wallpaper and bed sheets and cool stuff to put on the walls. Ray stocks the kitchen with his favourite cereal and poptart flavours, and gets him his own designated mug. It has a picture of a dog holding a slice of pizza in its mouth. Julie teases Luke and Alex and Bobby that sorry, Reggie's vote for movie night counts twice now, since he lives here. They watch a lot of Star Wars.
It still feels a little unreal by the time December rolls around. Apparently Rose and Ray made a deal many years ago that she has to wait until December first to decorate for Christmas. Which she does, but it also means he and Julie come home on December first to find piles and piles of boxes in the living room, festive garlands already wrapped along the staircase, lights on the porch.
"Just in time to help me with the tree!" Rose says, but it comes out muffled, because she's got a nail between her lips. She takes it out, using a hammer to drive it into the wood above the fireplace. The entire mantle is covered in a tiny little Christmas village, little houses resting on soft fluffy white fabric to simulate snow. She finishes the nail, and grabs some stuff from another box.
A blue stocking with little cameras embroidered on it that reads Ray. One with a music note fabric that says Rose. A deep purple stocking with white butterflies on it that said Julie, and a baseball patterned one that said Carlos. They’re off center, Reggie thinks, and there was one nail too many. Except then Rose goes into the other room and comes back with a beautiful red and black plaid stocking that reads Reggie. The fabric looks just like his favourite flannel.
"You got me a stocking?" he asks, shocked.
"Of course," Rose says, hanging it up. "Reggie, you're family."
That Christmas, Ray insists they all smoosh together on the couch in their matching Christmas pyjamas to take some new family photographs. After all, they need to update the ones on the mantle to include their new son.
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itsbeaconhillsbaby · 3 years
(cruel) summer || tom holland x reader
a/n: well...this took me a lot longer than I expected. I can only apologise for how long this has taken, especially since the absolutely wonderful @glahmouur​ requested it so many months ago. I hope you’re still excited to read, and that I’ve done it justice for you. clinging onto the last of these summer vibes before my favourite time of year - and hopefully plenty more writing to come over the next couple of weeks! I’ve missed you all so very much. enjoy x  word count: 3735 (oops) warning: swearing, gross paparazzi, little bit of angst summary: it’s the summer of your dreams with your favourite people, something was always going to try and ruin it
The trip had been booked for months.
Tom, Harrison, Harry, Tuwaine and yourself. Mexico. 
Two whole weeks. 
No interruptions. No work. Just pure bliss. 
And, it was shaping up to be the most perfect break.
The first couple of days since you had landed included a lot of amazing food, sightseeing around the quaint picturesque villages and cultural landmarks, tackling hiking trails and joining in on the sports activities set up for you and the boys on the crystal white beaches. 
Your favourite part however, was the amount of quality time you got to spend with Tom. Both of you were considered workaholics, and you loved your jobs, but it meant that for the majority of the year you were in separate locations working on your own individual projects.
You both deserved, and needed, this break.
The timing couldn’t have been better, as across the two weeks you would be celebrating your 23rd birthday. Birthdays weren’t always something you and Tom could share together in person, but you would always make it work with FaceTime calls and the promise of a do-over when you were together again. 
You tore yourself away from the soft paperback that was resting warmly against your thighs.
You look up at your boyfriend, strong arms hauling himself up against the hot paved edging of the pool. He shook his wet curls out of his hair, droplets springing from the tips. Tanned, freckled shoulders peeked out from beneath the water. The sun, strong and intense, commandeered the bright blue skies. A far cry from the cold, rainy weather you’d left back home in the UK. You were unwilling to make your way back to your hotel room in the sticky heat for your forgotten sunglasses, and were instead using your hand as a shield from the glaring rays. 
“The water looks good on you,” you flirt, smiling across at him from your position on the reclined sun-bed. 
He grins back at you, cheekily. 
“It’ll look better on you. Aren’t you coming in?” 
You pointed to the book nestled between your legs, “I’m reading, plus the water is freezing.” You teased him, training your eyes back onto the page. You heard brief splashing alongside the laughter of the boys as they continued to play their water basketball game. 
A shadow blocks out your sun, dripping water onto the hot concrete. 
“Yeah, no. Sorry, but that’s just not going to cut it birthday girl.” 
Before you had a chance to take in his words, Tom had scooped you up from your position on the sun-bed. The light droplets from his wet, messy hair chilling your tanned skin. 
“Tom! No! Put me down! What are you doing?” You laughed, lightly kicking your legs, “Wait, at least let me put my book down first.” 
You felt the grumbled laugh against your body, as you gently tossed your book onto the lounger. 
“Okay, go ahead.” 
He pressed a sloppy, wet kiss on your mouth - your hand knotted in the back of his wet, tangled hair as you pushed for more.
“Love you.” He said, before dropping you into the pool with a splash. 
“You suck, Holland!” You shouted back to him, once you’d come back up for air, shaking water out of your ears and trying to scoop your tangled web of hair out of your eyes as he laughed, eyes twinkling. ****
You continued to watch from your perch on the side-lines, legs tracing patterns in the water whilst the sun beat down across your back and shoulder blades. The boys continued to mess around in the water. Your book had been long since abandoned on your sun lounger, pages now curling with the heat. You couldn’t contain your laughter when Tuwaine jumped on Tom’s back, Harry on Harrison’s so the two teams could race from one end of the pool to the other, legs peddling in what seemed like slow motion under the water; raucous fits of laughter emanating from both parties as your cheered on your boyfriend.
You couldn’t help but be automatically drawn to Tom, his smile so wide and eyes creased with laughter as Tuwaine casually slung his arms over his shoulders. His hair was completely dishevelled from the water’s attempts to flatten it entirely. You could see a smattering of freckles breaking out across his nose, complete with a small shock of pink on his cheeks as he was officially branded by the sun. 
“Hey, pretty girl – forgive me yet?” Tom whined, swimming up to the edge to meet you. He gently pulled your legs further into the water, sliding himself between them, wrapping his arms around your waist as your legs wrapped themselves around his. 
You laughed, pushing against his broad shoulders.
“Not sure yet. I’m thinking about it.” 
He gave a toothy grin before peppering a small cluster of kisses against your lips, “You look so good.” He mumbled quietly against your mouth.
You rolled your eyes at him, before returning the kisses.
“Oi, get a room you two!” You laugh as Tom covers the front of you, ultimately taking the hit of water from Harry.
He gives you a light squeeze round the waist, and a soft kiss on the cheek whispering a quick, “Hop on.”  
Wrapping your arms across his warm shoulders, you eased yourself fully into the water, feeling the immediate chill up your sides before wrapping your legs around Tom’s waist. Leaning forward against his back, he held onto the backs of your thighs – propelling you both through the water.
As you arrive next to the boys, you lightly floated away from Tom and were pulled into a one-armed hug by Tuwaine. As Harry held up a fist for you to bump against, you flicked your wrist just under the surface of the water – splashing him as payback.
Tom tread water with the cheesiest grin on his face as all the boys’ eyes immediately trained on you.
“Come on then, what’s this ‘mermaids’ game you were talking about – and how do we play?” ****
The air con hummed lowly, wispy curtains gently blowing in the cool breeze from the open balcony doors. The ocean twinkled in the late afternoon sunshine. You were sprawled out on the large king-sized bed wrapped in one of the hotel’s fluffiest white towels, legs dancing in the air behind you. Lounging on your front, wet curls drying in the cool air you could hear the faint sound of spraying water from the en-suite shower. It soothed you as you continued to follow the written words on the pages of your, now slightly wrinkled and rough to the touch, paperback.
Your phone vibrated from the opposite side of the room, plugged in and charging atop the rustic, vintage vanity table where your new camera, battery pack and Tom’s wallet had all been left.
The camera had been a special gift from Tom which he’d surprised you with on your birthday, celebrated only the other evening. He’d been so giddy the morning of. The carefully, yet haphazardly, wrapped parcel had protruded just slightly from under the bed in the hotel room you shared, where he’d attempted to hide it. You pretended you hadn’t noticed. Puppy dog eyes shone as he eventually handed it across to you, surprising you in bed as the sun was going down, casting golden specks across your bodies, as he whispered a soft ‘happy birthday’ against your lips. Beaming at you once he saw your sheer shock and joy at his thoughtful gift, he had kept the first photo you’d taken in his wallet from that evening. Just the two of you - both sleepy shadows, full from all the sweet lemon sponge cake that has been especially ordered up to your room - cuddled together, legs entangled as you fell into each other’s embrace.
You’d all taken a boat to one of the smaller islands for a special celebratory dinner the next evening; where Harry had surprised you with the battery pack, his smart quick-thinking leaving Tom with a pink blush upon his cheeks. You thanked him with a smile, the rest of the crew spoiling you rotten with drinks and food. As the boys parted ways, you and Tom had waited around for the sunset, high off the sparkling, sweet tasting wine you’d both consumed all evening – bewitched by each other’s titillating company. A small wrap was knotted around your waist, as you had all stayed in your beachwear, black bikini top on show as a server snapped a picture of you both with your new camera per Tom’s polite request. The sun burned low behind you both, it’s vibrant orange glow glistening across the water towards the cove. 
Posting the photo in your wine induced haze, you captioned it with a simple 23 and a golden heart before tagging Tom in the blurry, sepia quality polaroid.
You knew the vibrating would be your phone going into overload. A common occurrence that happened anytime you posted a photo with your boyfriend, the hordes of fans coming in full throttle to interact in some way.
Leaving it to buzz in the background, you turned your attention to the bathroom door opening. Tom stepping out as he shook his wet hair, towelling it dry as it stuck up in multiple directions haphazardly.
“Come here.”
You sat yourself up, legs crossed beneath you as he walked over to you – that soft smile high on his lips.
He sat on the end of the bed as you brushed through his temperamental curls, “Please leave it curly,” you murmur, pressing your lips to his tanned shoulder blades, running your hands through the brown locks.
“We’ll match.” He said, turning to you as your hands fell back into your lap.
“Would it be too much?” You asked, as he gently tucked a rogue drying curl behind your own ear.
“Oh definitely. But I love it.”
With that, he pushed forward. Noses brushed as you both relaxed into each other’s embrace, mouths eagerly seeking out each other, the sweet smells of lotion and ocean spray engulfing you both.
“Right, it’s my round! Get your orders in!” 
The whole group hollered at Tom, who pressed a firm kiss onto your forehead as you tilted it upwards towards him, his two hands cradling either side of your head. Your eyes closed involuntary at the warmth before you turned to watch him leave the table and join the small crowd up at the bar. Dressed in a tropical patterned shirt, unbuttoned and billowing just slightly due to the aircon, you took a minute to admire him from afar. He worked hard to look the way he did, muscles contracting and relaxing again with each breath. 
You pulled the thin material of your summery dress down further, eager to cover up some of the bare skin you had on show after seeing Tom’s. You paled in comparison to the web-slinging actor, and sometimes if you focussed on it too much you couldn’t understand why such a gorgeous man would be interested in you. 
“Hello. Anyone in there?”
A hand waved in front of your eyeline. Shaking your head, you returned your attention back to the table where the boys were trying to mask their laughter. 
“She can’t take her eyes off him for two minutes. Outrageous.” 
“What? I’m on holiday, leave me alone!”  
Tuwaine smirked slightly, as Harrison patted your arm reassuringly.
“Why did we agree to have a couple on this trip again?” Harry complained cheekily, grinning his cheesy grin at you. You reached an arm across the table and pushed a hand against his forehead, playfully shoving him back.
“Shut up, you love me.”
As Tom came back with the tray; a colourful array of cocktails, shots and ciders, the group continued to laugh and joke around, cheers-ing to your recent birthday and to the remainder of their holiday under the heat of the Mexican sun. 
**** “Uh oh, incoming Tom.”
Everyone was rosy cheeked as they tumbled out of the restaurant, laughing and giggling as the sun cast its low golden glow over the glistening blue waters. Waves gently caressed the edge of the shore as you revelled in the drunken clinginess of your boyfriend, and the support and love of your friends. 
You walked with Tom - the pair of you in your own little bubble, as he tucked you into his side, his arm slung casually across your shoulders as you wrapped yours around his waist. You could hear the thumps of his beating heart beneath the now buttoned up fabric of his shirt.
As the words spilled from Harry’s mouth, catching you all off guard mid conversation, Tom whipped his head round; immediately sobering up as his arm tightened around your shoulders. You peeked over his.
Behind a cluster of people, the striking black camera was obvious as the paparazzi pushed forwards, eager to catch a glimpse of the web-slinger himself.
You felt a brush of cold air sweep over your body, the hairs on your arms rising like tiny pinpricks as little goose bumps littered your skin. You straightened up, unwrapping yourself from Tom’s side.
“You okay?” He murmured into your ear, eyes hardening as he focussed on the path ahead of him whilst navigating the drunken, bustling crowds.
You nod.
“How did they even find us?”
You could sense Tom’s frustration and anger at the situation, resting a comforting hand on his arm. You knew what this meant, if the paparazzi had caught wind of where you all were, it wouldn’t be long before they figured out where it was you were staying and you couldn’t imagine that they’d leave Tom alone for the rest of his trip.
“I posted a photo the other night. Someone could’ve recognised the restaurant.”
It was during your worried ramble that the shouting started, camera-wielding men desperate to get a photo of Tom.
“It’s okay, it’s not your fault, okay? Let’s just head back.”
Your heart was racing as you were led through the dimly lit cobbled streets of the small village, losing Tom’s hand you were flanked by Tuwaine and Harrison – Harry hurrying up ahead with Tom. The camera shutters were getting louder and louder, the constant clicking ricocheting off the stone walls surrounding you as you attempted to block out the shouting and the grabbing hands of the people around you. The once happy, bustling streets now felt claustrophobic.
It was so easy to forget who Tom was in regards to his public image and celebrity status when you were together. Forcing you to recall that he wasn’t just your boyfriend, he was suddenly an A-list celebrity, ‘Spider-Man’ himself. Back home you could easily be together in public without too much attention – only having to accommodate for the occasional fan photo or dinner interruption. Premiere’s and special events weren’t so bad because the press was supposed to be there, and whilst extremely intimidating, you understood it was part of the job.
You noticed Tom and Harry slip down a small alleyway to the right, a blink and you’ll miss it move – as you and the boys continued up the cobbled paths to the main street. It was a distraction technique discussed every time the five of you went out together and had to deal with any irritating situation.
“They said they’re getting a car, and they’ll meet us back at the hotel.”
As Harrison organised your transport, you reached the main road – twinkling lights from the city and the roaring of cars sweeping past you. The paparazzi slowed behind you, their shouts less desperate now that it was obvious Tom was no longer with the group. Their frustration was obvious as they all grouped together, scanning through the photos that they had managed to sneakily take.
Then there was a stupid comment.
As the paps brushed past you all, one leaned in far closer than you had anticipated, stabbing a pointed finger straight into your chest and leaning in close.
“Think you’re so special. Girl like you. So many other beautiful girls out there.”
Whilst the language was slightly broken, you pieced enough together before Tuwaine stepped in front of you both.
“What the hell man! Fuck off, you’re just a bully, why don’t you just leave her alone, yeah? Pick on someone your own size!”
You grabbed at Tuwaine’s arm, shaking your head in silent surrender.
“Just leave it. It’s okay. It’s not worth it.”
“I just hate them so much. Never let anyone have a bit of privacy. Constantly looking to bring people down, and start fights - assholes!” He shouted down the road at the small cluster of men as they continued on their way, “Are you okay?”
You nodded, “I’m fine. They’re just mad they didn’t get their picture. Let’s just get out of here. Should probably make sure that they don’t follow us back to the hotel.”
Harrison came jogging over, hand beckoning to follow him to a sleek black car parked just around the corner.
“Car’s here,” He paused for a minute. Noticing your smaller stature and Tuwaine’s puffed out chest and frown, he tilted his head, “We all okay?”
“Yeah, we’re good. Let’s go.”
Smiling a small, grateful smile you gave Harrison’s arm a comforting squeeze before sliding onto the black leather seats.
***** “Can’t even give us a couple weeks off. I love this job. But I would pack it all in if it meant that paparazzi just fucking left us alone.”
“Tom. Think we should call it a night.”
Harrison nodded over at you. Whilst your body was curled into Tom’s frame, your eyes unfocussed, having found a spot on the wall to gaze into as the boys all had a drink in the private hotel lounge.
You didn’t want to admit that the photographer’s words had any impact. And you really didn’t want to bring down the light-hearted, fun energy that your vacation had been full of. You were usually so good at brushing off any unwarranted comments, which were usually inevitable seeing as your boyfriend had such a large fanbase. There was no way everyone was going to like you, and you could cope with that. It wasn’t like you hadn’t been doing so for ages now. But whether it was the alcohol you’d already consumed, or something else – you just couldn’t stop thinking about what the man had spat at you.
Tom’s body shifts beneath you, holding out a hand for you to take as you both rise from the luxurious chaise. Shaking your head out of your daze, you smile softly as you grasp his hand and haul yourself up.
“We’ll see you guys tomorrow okay. Thanks for tonight boys, and sorry for ruining it.”
“Tom, you didn’t-” Tom waved them off with a shrug, before sliding his arms across your shoulder and entwining your fingers at the other side.
“Night guys.” It came out as more of a whisper, as you processed to walk with Tom up to your floor, your head nestling gently into his collarbone.
The hotel room was suffocating.
You lay on your side, facing the firmly locked balcony doors. The room was cold. The air conditioning incessant with its obnoxious whirring. There was a rustle. The thin cotton sheets slide across your body as Tom hops in next to you.
“I’m sorry.”
His soft words caused your entire tension-filled body to exhale.
You turned to face him. His eyes were closed, tiny creases etched into the space between his eyebrows. Tom didn’t like being vulnerable, you knew he was staving off his true feelings – the striking anger that was coursing through his body. Gently smoothing the creases out with your fingers, he leaned ever so slightly into your touch.
“Don’t be sorry, it’s not your fault.”
You pressed a soft kiss on his brow bone before settling in next to him, bodies warm to the touch.
“I love you. You know that, right? Whatever they’re all saying, it’s rubbish.”
The lump in your throat that you had been impressively swallowing down all evening came back to the surface, the pressure building.
“How did you know?”
He shrugged.
“I saw some of the comments.”
The pictures had been released pretty quickly. By the time you had all arrived back to the hotel they were already circulating across the internet, which people took as the perfect opportunity to hurl insults at your social media pages.
He shifts his head to the left to look at you, eyes softening.
“Hey. You can let it out. It’s just me. C’mon.”
You curl further into him, as his lips caress your forehead.
“People suck.” You mumble into his chest as he wraps himself around you, lightly trailing his fingers up and down your arm, the skin bursting with tiny goose bumps. You revelled in the soothing comfort.
“Sometimes I just forget. I forget that there are thousands – maybe even tens of thousands - of people out there who just don’t like me,” Tom squeezes you that little bit tighter, “And it’s okay. I don’t mind, really. I just wish they didn’t have to be so vocal about it – about how I look, how I act, how I dress. About whether I’m good enough.”
“You are good enough. You’re more than good enough. You’re amazing.”
Your lips pull up into a small smile as you look into those concerned brown eyes.
“You’re biased.”
He let out a small huff, chest vibrating beneath you, “Am not.” He sighed, those fluffy brows saying a thousand words, “I’m supposed to make all that crap better, not make you feel worse because of some so-called fans on the internet, and those stupid idiot paps; I’m so sorry.”
“Maybe if you just…weren’t so damn attractive. That would help.”
You both laughed.
“Oh, really?”
You nodded, as he pulled you in, peppering more soft kisses along your temple until he made his way down to your mouth.
“You’re ridiculous. And beautiful.”
Another kiss.
“And smart.”
Another kiss.
“And kind.”
Another kiss. “And I am so in love with absolutely everything about you. You’re enough. You’re everything.”
You felt your eyes glossing over. Scrunching your nose to avoid an onslaught of overdue tears, you felt Tom move beneath the covers – his arms wrapping around your torso, his curly messy hair resting on your stomach.
“I love you too.”
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eremiie · 4 years
Hello there I really like your writing and I was maybe wondering I can get some angst of a cheating eren who break his s/o heart
yes you can!! i shed a few tears writing this bc i was listening to sad music & thinking, but i hope you enjoy, i am not the best at writing angst😪!
cheers to you - eren x reader
in which eren breaks your heart and you have no choice but to move on.
tw; crying, heartbreak ig idk
2.5k words | angst | modern au
you pushed at sasha's phone, you didn't want to see anymore. you were trying to suppress your tears, refusing to cry in front of your two friends.
sasha took one more look at the photos before swiping out of her camera roll, looking back up at you with a frown, hitch likewise. "_____, are you okay?"
and you hated when people asked you that. you thought you were doing fine, you thought you could keep everything down but you simply thought wrong. you croaked out the smallest sound, but before you could even get a word out the tears began to spill, your eyes becoming bleary with the suffocating liquid and the suffocating feeling surrounding your heart. you felt so dumb.
hitch rushed to your side pulling you into a hug until your head fell against her shoulder, body going limp besides the soft heaves that would leave your shuddering body. the pictures of eren were embedded in your head, replaying in your mind, constantly on repeat and you wished to think of anything else that wasn't clawing at your heart like the photos lingering in your subconscious. it was all you could see, almost like a photo album; eren's hands sat on some random girls waist while she straddled him, his jaw slacked open as she ground against him, whoever taking the photo catching her mid grind. his eyes were half lidded if you remembered correctly, reddening, he must've been high.
you couldn't tell if that fact alone hurt you less or more.
your mind swiped, another photo with the same blond haired girl, this time her hands cupping his face and his hands gripping her ass while they engaged in a kiss that you wished was chaste. you were repulsed that your lips had met his in almost the same manner before he left for that party the same night. more sobs left your poor quivering lips, hitch's grip around you tightening as she tried to shush your sobs and cries.
sasha's hands ran over her face as she shook her head clear disappointment evident as she watched you and hitch.
"what did i do wrong?" you gasped for air finally pulling away from hitch, the only body part connecting with hers be your hands that she clasped so delicately as if, if she squeezed too tight you would break. "my heart hurts, it hurts, it hurts," you babbled as tears fell from the bottom of your chin and the bridge of your nose, your eyes were puffy and swollen. "this hurts so bad," you conveyed your emotions through words another gasp leaving your lips.
"you did nothing wrong," hitch reassured rubbing her thumbs against the surface of your hands. "he's just an idiot."
"it's gonna hurt, and that's okay," sasha scooted forward from her position on the floor laying her head in your lap and you knew she was right but god, you didn't want it to hurt. you wanted the pounding in your head to stop, the recurring thoughts to stop, the salty tears streaming down your cheeks to stop, i mean you wanted someone to tell you exactly where you messed up so you could go back and try again.
"do you want us to stay with you tonight?"
you looked down at the side of sasha's face, one of your hands letting go of hitch to comb through brunette hair, and the lazy bun in the back of her head seemed all too familiar already, the way a couple of flyaways framed the front of her face had you covering your mouth, repressing a gag with your palm, sasha whipping her head around to confront the source of the sound, worry on her face, but you squeezed your eyes shut, even the furrow in her brow reminding you all too much of the boy.
"______?" hitch's arms were back around you but you quickly pushed them off feeling the rising feeling of your breakfast you had not too long ago, rushing to the trash can in the corner of your dorm letting your remnants spill from your stomach. the feeling of throwing up felt so foreign to you, you couldn't even remember the last time you did it, and to some degree you wished your heart came up with it.
hitch's mouth parted in the slightest not even sure what to say but the anger behind her eyes was apparent. "baby, i'm so sorry." was all she could say in response while your body crouched beside the trash can, your hands slipping from the rim until they were palm first on the floor, slowing turning into fists.
"i wanna be alone for a couple hours." you managed to utter with a sniff.
"you sure?" sasha asked, standing up awkwardly with hitch reciprocating. you nodded your head and it felt like everything was going in snapshots, them walking to the door, the door opening and their bodies disappearing, your figure laying back in your bed and then the next snapshot didn't come, sleep had came so quick you didn't even have time to process it.
❈ ❈ ❈
your eyes fluttered slightly and you relished in the heat over you for a minute. your mind felt like a clean slate for the time being, as your eyes opened to the bed next to you, sasha's figure vacant from her bed. you remembered asking for some space before you left but you thought she'd had return by now. it was dark, but it couldn't have been too late as orange rays from the sun were attempting to shine through your curtains, making you assume that it was just around seven, the sun setting soon. but you craved the warmness that was around you a little more, pulling down to reach for your blanket, until your body froze.
the hand wrapped around your waist, much like in the photographs engraved in your brain twitched and that same sickness felt like it was resurfacing yet you dared to move, tears brimming again subconsciously.
"eren," you mumbled under your breath.
"hm?" oh, so he was awake.
your face scrunched up in agony at the sound of his voice, your eyebrows coming together, your eyes shutting and you biting your lip so hard the taste of blood collected on your tongue. "please," your breathing began to thicken again, you wanted to move his arm but your body was almost stuck in place. "move."
eren groaned against your back, nose nuzzling into the back of your neck and you mentally cringed. "get out," you said abruptly, body jolting at the sudden movement and you felt him still behind you. how did he even get in? and then you immediately regretted making an spare dorm key and giving it to him only a couple months into your relationship. "get out, get out." you finally regained some self control, your body slithering from under his until your arm touched the floor and you crawled away from your own bed. "go, what are you doing?" you lashed, his gingerly stare making you aware of the tears cascading down your face again.
eren stared back at you finally lifting his head up from the spare pillow that he always slept with when he spent nights with you, the pillow that stayed tucked away on your bed and the same pillow that you'd have to wash and get rid of that stupid recognizable cologne he wore, the same cologne that would linger on most of his clothing that you owned. "_____,"
"no, leave, please leave, i can't do this."
eren seemed genuinely confused, sitting up completely now and scooting forward until his legs dangled off the bed. "baby, what's-"
you winced at the nickname and clutched at your stomach, feeling the emptiness inside from the lack of food, yet you still felt the urge to dispel anything inside of it still. "please leave." you almost felt lightheaded, you felt as if you weren't being heard and you were sick.
the significant sound of the dorm keycard slot beeping until sasha's figure came back in, "_____, i left the key hear but luckily i had a keyca-" her voice slowly died down as she studied the scene of the dorm, your body on the floor away from your bed and eren's figure sat on the same bed, both pair of eyes now looking up at her."
"what the hell?" sasha stormed over to eren grabbing his arm in a feeble attempt to pull him off of your bed. although she wasn't strong enough eren did stand up, mainly because of your pleas for him to get out just earlier. "get out! she doesn't want you here, weirdo!" sasha exclaimed pointing towards the door clear anger flashing in her eyes. "and don't just come in here uninvited again!"
those green eyes that would unknowingly keep you up for nights after today kept that confused gaze on you as he walked around you and made you feel stupid and small. we're you overreacting? were those pictures just your imagination?
"_____..." eren mumbled before looking at your frame on the floor once more.
“get out!” sasha exclaimed.
you weren't sure if he was just that dense or he was hiding the fact that he knew exactly what he did. the door shut and you immediately began crying again, this time harder. wails of pain escaping your throat. your cries were loud and full of pain. you clutched at your shirt as if to grasp at your broken heart.
"oh my gosh." sasha dropped her keycard and bag onto your bed where she still stood and got on the floor with you pulling you as much into her lap as possible. you felt fragile in your hands, her gripping at the sweatshirt around your body. she listened to your cries, responding with "i knows," and "mhm," as if they were telling her a story, simply listening to the aching noises that were leaving you.
"sasha," you finally mustered the courage to speak a few words again, although they resembled your words from yesterday. "i'm hurting."
"i know, i know."
"i loved him." you blinked so you could see a little clearer, lifting your head to look at sasha, bringing your hands to either side of her head, your thumbs stroking her jaw. "i thought he loved me? why? why?"
sasha couldn't bare to look at your sad, damaged eyes and instead pulled you back against her chest. although your sobs died down she could feel the convulsing of your body and opted to hold you for as long as you needed.
“does he even know what he did? does he even know how much pain i’m in right now?”
sasha couldn’t even answer that question. by the looks of it he didn’t, maybe he was high? under the influence? but either way you didn’t have the courage to confront him about it.
instead you spent the next couple of weeks sulking, mending to your broken heart and staying out of eren’s way, no matter how many times he tried to communicate with you. it seemed as if word got to him on what he did, sasha getting connie to talk to him, and as angry as eren got there was no denying what he did, especially with photo evidence.
your phone blew up with his own pleas begging for forgiveness, begging for you to talk to him, to come back, to do something.
but you were fragile, and you knew that even being in his vicinity would tear you apart bit by bit. you didn’t want to weep in front of him, you didn’t want to be in front of him in the first place, nor did you want his pity.
did you want to get back with him? the question still pondered on your mind constantly but both sasha and hitch refused to let you, and they were perfectly fine with the situation going unresolved if it meant better for you.
"so?" hitch pointed the straw of her frappucino at you. "i really think you just need to try exploring your options, just living a little. you can go to the next party with sasha and i, i promise we won't mind."
“hitch i want her to go to a party too but i don’t know about her getting with anyone.” sasha swirled the stick inside her latte to mix it up before sucking the liquid off the end.
now it had been a few months since you had seen eren, a few months since you began to heal yourself slowly compared to those first couple weeks. you had to really thank hitch and sasha for being there most of the way for you, and you had to especially thank netflix and sleep for being two of your greatest distractions.
you never officially broke up with eren, sure you saw him in the hallways (and you were certain he saw you as well) you had a couple lectures with him where the two of you would sneak glances at each other; which kind of reminded you of when the two of you first began liking the other. he never made an effort to speak to you after the first couple weeks when he would text your phone constantly, as much as it seemed like he wanted to still.
"i don't know hitch. i haven't even got rid of his stuff yet. they're still sitting in that stupid box in the corner of me and sasha's dorm." sasha nodded in confirmation taking a bite of her biscuit.
"but i don't think that box should stop you from getting out the house again. you haven't really been anywhere besides maybe target with sasha. plus i miss seeing you!"
you rolled your eyes with a slight chuckle. "you see me at least three times, especially when... you know, you came like everyday at first."
hitch shrugged her shoulders and then took another sip of her drink. "but do you think i can start seeing you more is the question? c'mon this is the first step towards a new life without that bastard."
you pondered on the thought before a small sigh escaped your lips, and you slowly nodded your head.
"really?" hitch exclaimed, her hands reaching across the table to grab yours. "you mean you won't mind coming to the party this saturday?"
you narrowed your eyes at hitch. "this was your plan wasn't it?"
"yes, yes it was. but there's no backing out now."
"yes, hitch, i'll come to the party this saturday." you decided that maybe this would help your healing heart in the least and you would try to push aside the boy that broke it for the couple hours just to spend time with your friends. but you couldn't help and wonder, "what if i bump into him at the party? or he tries to talk to me?"
sasha looked at hitch and hitch looked back before both turning their eyes to you. "we can be with you the whole time if that's the case."
"i wouldn't want to ruin your fun."
"babe, hanging out with you is one of the points of bringing you, ____." sasha smiled.
you internally twitched at the mention of the nickname ‘babe’ but neither one of your friends seemed to tell. you were getting better with reacting to things that reminded you of him, and you didn’t hysterically start crying at the slightest mention or object that related to him.
"we got you, okay?"
you frowned slightly but gave sasha a smile back and squeezed hitch's hand in the slightest. "yeah, okay."
this was the beginning of a new life for you, you wouldn’t spend your days sulking after him anymore. cheers to you and your first big step forward.
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anothertimdrakestan · 4 years
hello please may i request the batboys proposing to their s/o 🥺 those marriage hcs were real cute and they just got me thinking u know. thank u 🖤
How The Batfam Prosposes To Their S/O HC
ofc! thank you! check out the marriage hc HERE! this req is beyond adorable and i tried to live up to the cuteness 🥰
Dick Grayson:
- dick would be SO EXTRA dude
- he'd get all your loved ones, family, friends etc and bundle up his whole family and have them waiting to suprise you
- he seems like a proposing on your anniversary so you don't expect it guys
- if you're down for slightly public stuff he'd take you to a theme park like disneyland and you'd both spend the day with your loved ones watching tim and dami bicker over the fastest way to get to the most rides or your best friend totally simping over jason and him flirting like a motherfucker, hand in hand with dick, just happy that there's finally a perfect day where everyone is together
- imagine going up on a huge rollercoaster and dick whispering all his favorite moments with you as the cart ticks up a massive hill
- then right before the drop, dick turns to you, "what i'm really asking is: marry me y/n" and the ride drops, you screaming yes as you zoom down the massive hill and do loop de loops, your happy tears flying all over the place
- the picture they take when you drop shows you cry-screaming while dick grins like an idiot
- getting off the ride dick's brothers and your loved ones are bouncing off the walls "WHAT DID YOU SAY" y/b/f screeched as soon as you come out from the ride
- with one hand you held up the printed picture of you screaming with "she said yes!" written on the top and with the other hand you held up a brand new, gorgeous ring siting snuggly on your finger
- the rest of the day is spent hand in hand with dick, you keep walking around saying "look how pretty my ring looks next to this!" or "WAIT LET ME TAKE A PICTURE WITH MY HAND OUT" and you both get tons of adorable candid photos with various disneyland/theme parks places and items that you'll be treasuring forever
Jason Todd:
- texting jason that your boss suprisingly let your team off work a couple hours early you both made plans to meet at home for dinner together and a night in, a rarity recently with how busy you were finishing school and having a job while he had red hood duties
- coming back to your shared home there were rose petals trailing you into your bedroom, and a huge paper screen blocking you from seeing the kitchen or your dining room, but you wanted to let jason have his fun so you followed the petals
- on your bed was the outfit that makes you feel like a hot bitch and a note saying "hey angel, put this on then open the laptop" and you complied
- as soon as you put in your login a video titled "to the love of my life" which was pretty sappy for jason, but you clicked anyway
- a roughly edited video shows jason sitting down, his cheeks slightly tear stained as he says "y/n i've loved you with everything and more, more than i ever knew was possible. you taught me i deserved to be loved and you showed me how to live life to the fullest" as he continued you felt tears start to brim, jason was always more of an actions guy so these words meant everything to you
- the video was so intensely personal it had you openly crying at the end when jason smiled at the camera "hey love, you're probably crying right now - i know that because i love you beautiful. so, care to come back outside now?" the video ended and you got up, realizing what was about to happen
- at the end of your hallway was jason, dressed in a suit, his cheeks stained with tears like yours, holding out his hand for you
- trying not to fall apart you stumbled into his embrace while he kissed your head, pushing you back slightly to get on one knee with a cheesy grin
- "i didn't think i'd ever get to do this, you know i always think in the negative, but with you everything is good. so be my good, forever. be my better half, my favorite thing, my home, my girl, forever. marry me y/n" unable to speak through all the flooding emotions you just nodded, letting out an excited squeak as jason grabbed your hand, sliding a ring on the finger
- leading you into the dining room jason had whipped out his expert chef skills and made an amazing dinner, and the two of you spent the night reminiscing on old memories, hoping for amazing future moments, and just relaxing in each other's embrace
Tim Drake:
- tim is not smooth let's be real, and when you've been with him for all those years he physically cannot keep a secret from you so you knew something was up when he actually set aside 5 hours for a date night, uninterrupted
- it took about 3 tries to get dick to break and admit tim was planning on proposing that night, you expected it soon, neither of you were big on suprise public moments and were super open in communicating and had both agreed that this year was the best to finally get engaged, tim always wanted to make you feel safe and this would be no different so you weren't worried
- taking careful notice to apply only waterproof mascara you were ready for a tear filled night with the love of your life
- during the fancy dinner you were jittery and excited waiting for a ring in your pasta or a note under your napkin, but nothing, and tim was acting normal as ever, making you think he'd aborted the mission
- it was always fun having a private dinner with tim, he loved to rent out the roof of gotham building and gettting a private dinner served on top of the world, making you feel like the only person in the world
- as you finished cracking jokes, telling stories, and overall just loving each other's presence you got up and went to head down when tim grabbed your hand, pulling you into a hug whispering "ready for a little suprise my love?" while your breath caught in your chest as almost on cue a helicopter landed on the other side of the top of the building
- wind whipping around tim kept your hand in his, helping you in and securing you, putting on your headset and giving your cheek a quick peck 
- as the helicopter took off you saw gotham from god's eye view, watching as it got smaller, melting into the last few rays of sunlight, tim gave your hand a squeeze as he said "the view's almost as pretty as you y'know" with your favorite cheesy grin
- as the helicopter turned giving you a perfect view of the setting sun tim began his speech, pulling your hands into his, "y/n through every up and down you've been there, i always thought i wasn't wanted until i met you and i can never repay you for everything you've taught me, i'd give you the world if i could, but i think the next best thing is giving you me. in every moment i promise to be yours, your sidekick, your partner in crime, your secret keeper, and your lover. i will always be yours, no matter what. and tonight i'm asking you to be mine, will you marry me y/n?"
- you nodded vigorously as tim pulled out a velvet box, opening to take out a beautiful ring, slipping it on your finger while you pushed away tears
- the helicopter dropped you both off outside of gotham at one of jason's safe houses that tim had transformed into a little one night home, and it was far enough outside of gotham that you could see the stars, laying on the roof as tim listed off various constellations and you both whispered about your future together, hand in hand with your other half for the rest of your life
Damian Wayne:
- when damian told dick his plan to just ask you to marry him during patrol he got a whole lecture about the importance of making it a memorable moment and blah blah blah so damian really wanted to live up to this "life changing moment" where he's not even marrying you just asking you as if after all these years you'd suddenly say no
- so that's how you ended up packed into one of bruce's cars with titus and damiwn driving to a supposedly beautiful hiking trail
- you were genuinely concerned for damians mental health because every time there was traffic or titus needing a rest stop he looked like he was going to burst a blood vessel
- once there the hike was serene, the three of you trekking up a beautiful mountain surrounded by the fresh air
- during a particularly sweaty patch you lazily took off your shirt, hoping to get a little cooler, you normally trained in a sports bra and leggings anyway so it wasn't weird until damian refused to take his shirt off too. as you and titus sprinted forwards you teased dami "love bird i can see you sweating cmon!" but he continued to refuse and you let it go
- you'd both slowed down to a walking pace as you rounded to the top of the mountain, the view was beyond beautiful and you plopped down on the crest of the mountain, using damians lap as a pillow while titus sprawled across the both of you
- as damian mindlessly played with your hair, lightly tugging it as he stayed deep in thought you took a moment to really appriciate your boyfriend
- he's eyes shone and his jawline was slightly hardened in a way that shows he was busy in thought, your eyes traced down from his perfect lips to his neck, where you noticed a thin white string hanging around his neck slipping down behind his shirt. without thinking, and before dami could react, you tugged the string out of his shirt, a golden band with a perfect diamond met your eyes before damian could stop you from seeing it
- "d-damian is that what i think it is" you whispered, sitting up to face him while he blushed
- "beloved, i was trying to think of the words to say but you're always three steps ahead of me aren't you" he whispered, untying the string with ease and slipping the ring off of the string, he stared at the ring unable to make eye contact with you "everything i do is for you my love, and though i don't quite understand why cementing it in the eyes of a government is important, if it means i can love you for my entire life i will do anything. so please my love, my best friend, my favorite girl, marry me beloved" he finished, swallowing harshly to fight back the rogue feeling to cry
- you did not hold back. letting tears slip out while he put the ring on your finger you flung yourself into his arms and he relaxed in your embrace, titus beginning to lick your face clearing the tears while you giggled, truly on top of the world with damian, forever and always
a/n: these all got so sappy ahcowkfjr i'm such a fluff monster omg... anyways! i tried to keep them fun and interesting but i definitely air with damian on the side of thinking proposals are slightly overhyped and as an anxious bean i already get scared at the idea of everyone looking at you no matter how in love you are haha so all the proposals were kinda personal i hope that's okay lolzzz anywho! love you hope you enjoyed!
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chemiste · 4 years
Voicemail. ~part 2~
a/n : you want it? go get it! heres the second part to voicemail!! I’m thinking a 3rd and final part for this??? if y’all want it tell me! ALSO I’ve linked what the reader is wearing and maybe what others are too so if you see a link thats what it is. also wanted to say thank you so much for the support on this one shot!! i would put those big eye emojis but im typing on a laptop and i dont think O.O is the same....
first part!!!! go read
mah masterlist
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“Next on the red carpet is singer/song writer Y/N L/N, wow look at that beautiful dress!! This year at the Grammys she is up for 3 awards, Song of the Year, Best Dance Recording, and Best Solo Pop Artist!” 
The interviewer exclaimed excitedly from her podium along side the paparazzi wall. It had been a week since the songs were let out for the world and so there was definitely an electricity in the air at the awards ceremony.
“All you fans are probably watching for the most anticipated performances of tonight! Harry Styles will be singing one of his new songs from his album FineLine! Twitter is going ballistic from the recently leaked songs about is break up with L/N, we all know the cameras will be on her tonight whenever he’s mentioned! Oh look, here she comes now!”
You walked over in your beautiful award dress, safe to say you were the best dress star there. Your hair was done up and the red long dress seemed to flow around you effortlessly as you walked. 
“Hello Diane, it’s lovely to see you again.” 
You said in a polite voice, smiling to her and the camera, she handed you an extra mic, ready to drown you with questions.
“I’m going to cut to the chase— did you listen to the songs?”
Wow, this lady’s cut throat I’ll give her that.
“Oh yes! I’ve listened to all the albums nominated this year and I’m so excited.”
“Oh I was talking about—“
“I’m so incredibly grateful for the nominations, I put my blood, sweat, and tears into this album and I’m glad the fans love it as much as I do.”
You could see the Diane deflate a little, understanding you’d keep dodging questions about Harry until it was over so she moved on. 
“Yes, you’re nominated for Best Dance Recording, the music video for your song Clouds was crazy! How long did it take you to figure out how to dance while flying?!” 
You laughed, thinking back to the many rehearsals of choreography on the ground and then being connected to cables and hoisted into the air to perform it. 
“A girl never tells her secrets,” you said with a wink. 
“Well speaking of flying in a music video, I know one performance tonight will be—“
Cheers and hysteric screaming filled the fan area as someone came on to the carpet. 
“Is that? Oh look, Harry Styles enters the stage in a—, my goodness! You and him are matching!”
You couldn’t believe it.
Harry was decked out in a full red suit, hair beautifully fluffed and glimmering in the light. He had red heels that looked like Dorthy’s slippers.
And he had the faintest amount of red lipstick on, making him look like an ethereal being in red.
“Wow, we really are matching.” 
You mumbled to yourself, half forgetting you were being filmed. 
You turned back to the camera the moment you remembered, making your face emotionless so hopefully the interviewer wouldn’t pick up on your thoughts at the moment. 
You quickly thanked her and slipped off into the sea of celebrities, hearing his voice ‘hello love! So happy you could come’ to the fans hoping he would give them a signature.
You entered the award room, looking for your assigned seat. Luckily you were strangely one of the only people in there aside from a few techies working on the stage lights.
“Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez, Billie Elish, Kahild… Harry….” 
You gasped, basically scoffing at what you saw next. 
“Y/N L/N? Are you fucking kidding me?!” 
You started to breathe a little faster, “Oh god, I don’t think I can do a whole ceremony next to him, after the whole thing online… and not responding to his texts.”
It’s true, when he had texted you that morning, it took you 5 hours and a shot of tequila to actually open his messages.
Bastard (wasn’t allowed to block, fuck PR)
Hey… I don’t know if you’ve gotten a call from one of your PR people yet but, I just wanted you to know I didn’t mean for any of this to happen, I don’t wish to put you through anymore than what I already have…
Bastard (wasn’t allowed to block, fuck PR)
Um, but uh, if you’ve listened to the songs, just know that I really do mean the words I sang. I wish we could have, uh talked, but I understand I’m not in any position to ask for that. Just, there were a few others songs that didn’t get leaked, and uh, I’d like you to have them. You don’t have to listen to them but, it would mean a lot to me if you did.
Bastard (wasn’t allowed to block, fuck PR)
“Mrs. Styles.”M4A. Click to open.
Bastard (wasn’t allowed to block, fuck PR)
“I Should Have Fought.”M4A. Click to open.
Bastard (wasn’t allowed to block, fuck PR)
“I’m Sorry.”M4A. Click to open.
You didn’t listen to them, like the others. 
You just… couldn’t. 
It had taken you so long to get over him and grind it into your head that you didn’t do anything wrong, he did. 
Your PR team decided the best thing to do was acted like nothing had happened because if you didn’t give a response the public would have nothing to go off of, so here you were, looking at one of the scheming ideas from someone on the Award Team to see if they’d be the first to get some action between the two of you.
“Fuck that.” 
You said to yourself, looking around to make sure no one was looking, you snatched your name paper and walked about 15 seats over and changed with Lana Del Ray. 
Because you were all in the front row, you couldn’t get farther than that, but this would have to do. You quickly put Lana’s paper in your previous seat and walked out of the room, escaping the ‘crime scene’.
At least I’m sitting next to Shawn now.
You and Shawn had gotten to be friends around a year ago when you bumped into him at the recording studio and....maybe spilled your marshmallow milkshake down his shirt.
“I’m so fuckin sorry! Oh god please don’t sue me for this, or worst, tell your fans!!” 
You rambled, padding him off with the napkins from your fast food bag. You looked up at the tall Canadian in front of you that just had a smile on his face.
 “Hey don’t worry about it, uh, I’m Shawn but I guess you already knew that.” 
“Yeah, I’ve been listening to your music for a while its fantastic, I’m—“ 
“Y/N L/N, America’s Favorite Child and Feminist thats not faired to fuck you up?” 
You grinned, “Oh you saw that video?” 
He laughed, “Hell ya I did, You punching that old misogynist groping that girl on the street is one of the videos saved on my phone!”
After that day, you both caught on like a house on fire since you seemed to be in the studio at the same time, it was great having someone to throw ideas around with at 3am when everyone else had left the studio.
“Y/N! Girl! I haven’t seen you in forever!” 
You looked up from the corner of the red carpet you had been hiding standing in. Hailee Steinfeld made her way over to you in a black dress that hugged her perfectly. 
You let out a sigh of relief, you gave her a big hug, breathing in her sweet perfume. 
“Hailee you’re a life savor, I feel so out of it here.” 
She gave you a soft look, “Cause he’s here right?”
You clinched your jaw, “And we’re fucking matching! How did that even happen? It’s literally the same shade of my dress and everything! There are so many shades his team could have chose but they went with that one! And the lipstick! He’s basically a devil personified! But he’s got style!”
You quietly rambled to your fellow singer, she squeezed your hand when the bell chimed telling everyone it was time to enter. 
“Y/N, before we go in I wanted to ask if you had listened to the songs.” 
“Uh, no… I… I couldn’t hear his voice staying those things to me so I just read the lyrics.” 
Hailee gave your bare shoulder a squeeze, “Well, I don’t want to play devil’s advocate,” you smiled at her little quip, “but I did, and what’s not in the lyrics just written is the emotion you could hear in his voice. During Drunk Thoughts, theres a part that people are speculating he’s crying while recording, trying force sing it out and, it’s just, I think it’s time you spoke to him.”
Hailee was one of your most trusted friends and to hear her say this, wasn’t surprising.
You were starting to think it too.
“But, I’m scared H, what if makes it worse?”
The final bell chimed and you both started to walk inside. “I have a feeling it won’t."
“What an incredible performance by Ariana Grande, next up is the show we’ve all been waiting for, or well I’ve been waiting for, here’s Harry Styles performing a new song from his nominated Album, FineLine!” 
James Corden announced from the side aisle. You felt Shawn subtly queen your hand, knowing there was bound to be a camera on you the whole time while Harry sang.
You took a deep breath,
No facials.
No twitching.
The curtain came up from the stage, the set was a back cube cut diagonally so the audience could see the inside. 
Harry stood in a white suit sans a shirt. He wasn’t wearing shoes so you could see the painted red toe nails peeking out from underneath the too long suit pants. 
His hair had been messed with a bit, giving it a soft and fluffy just out of bed look.
Now he looks like an angel.
He held a red mic in his hand, and spoke into it.
“Before we start, I’d like to inform you that I will be singing an unreleased song not from my album called.”
He took a breath.
You curled your toes in your heels the only way you’d be allowed to release the tension you felt in your body since they were covered by your dress.
Fuck, that’s why we match.
A piano started playing, a sort of dark melody that reverberated through your bones and into your soul.
It’s all I can see,
It’s all I can hear,
The sound is loud,
But it’s not clear.
The tone of your voice,
Plays in my head,
That look in your eyes,
I can tell you want me dead.
Grays are the only color I see,
Black and white and in between.
But then I saw you in that dress.
The color of blood always suited you the best.
You and your red dress.
You and your red…… dress.
Thoughts swirl around, in my mind.
Pretty eyes and satin clothes,
They plagues my dreams, in the night.
Grays are the only color I see,
Black and white and in between.
But then I saw you in that dress.
The color of blood always suited you the best.
You and your red dress.
You and your red…… dress.
You watched as he struggled to hold back the emotion in his voice, you sucked in a small breathe when his eyes made contact with yours, unwavering.
Oh… I wish could take it back.
Oh… I wish I could take it back.
Oh… I wish could take it back.
Oh… I wish I could take it back.
You and your red dress.
You and your red…… dress.
You and your red dress.
You and your red…… dress.
The song ended and the audience was silent.
 Everyone could feel the tension in the room, so you did the only you could do.
You stood and started to clap.
Shawn and Hailee immediately followed your cue and soon the rest of the auditorium was erupting with cheers and roars of excitement.
But all you could focus on was the smile on his face, looking down at you.
And the one forming on yours too.
3rd part right here!
alsoooo i’d like to say a big wtf to people that white wash reader inserts! it’s so damn easy to just put a little colleague together like i did and add it so everyone can envision themselves and like,,, need a hairstyle? literally say ‘you did your favorite hairstyle’ thats perfect and a neutral way to keep everyone happy!!! people that bitch about going the extra mile are worthless writers smh
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The reader is nervous to tell Erik that she is attracted to women too and when he finds out he teachers her how to pick up women and eventually he lets her find one for a threesome.
That was a long explanation LOL.
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Black women are art.
They come in all shapes and sizes.
All different textures of hair and tones of skin.
Y/N was a lover of women...literally.
She didn’t come to terms with that until she was about a year into her relationship with Erik Stevens. They were friends turned lovers. The day Y/N came to the realization was during one of Erik’s nude photo sessions. He was a very popular artist and photographer in LA. Y/N would always stop by Erik’s studio while he was working to admire her man’s work in action.
This particular day was a rainy day and a client had begged Erik to photograph her nude. It was late in the evening as well. When she walked in, Y/N’s heart stopped. She had to catch her breath. The woman was a walking flame. Tall, long thick legs, copious amount of cleavage and a whole lot of ass to match. Her pecan colored skin glistened from the rain and her short curly hair lay pressed against her scalp in pretty chocolate swirls.
Y/N could feel herself squirming in the faux fur lounge chair in Erik’s studio that he bought just for her. She could even see her man checking that woman out. Y/N wasn’t jealous or envious. She was looking without shame herself and the voice inside her head kept whispering take off your clothes, and she’s so fucking sexy...I wonder what she tastes like.
The minute the woman’s amber-colored eyes landed on hers, Y/N was in a half-conscious state. They had a little staring contest for at least a minute while Erik set up. The woman licked her lips, allowing her eyes to study all of Y/N. Y/N found herself blushing at that, unable to stare at the goddess any longer.
“Erik, who is your beautiful guest?” Her silvery voice made Y/N swallow spit nervously.
“Oh, that’s my baby girl, Y/N.” Erik looks over at Y/N giving her a wink. She returned it before giggling.
“Really? I’m jealous.”
She walks over to Y/N, reaching out her hand to greet her.
“Hi, I’m Raven.”
“Y-Y/N,” her soft slender hand was warm and slightly wet from the rain. Y/N wanted to lick the rain from Raven’s fingers.
“Such a pretty name...and such a pretty girl.”
“Raven....” Erik says playfully, “Are you hitting on my chick?”
“Maybe, is that a problem?” She sassed Erik.
“Nah, no problem, I understand. But she’s mines, Ray,” Erik looked over at them both with a lopsided grin, “Right, Y/N?”
“Right,” Y/N spoke in a breathy tone.
“She doesn’t look so convinced, Erik,” Raven leans in close to Y/N to whisper in her ear, “It’s okay, does he know?”
Y/N shys away, lowering her head to her lap.
“I see...” Raven gave Y/N a somber look before stroking her cheek with her pointer finger, standing straight and sauntering away with a switch of her hips that Y/N couldn’t help but admire.
That’s when she realized that she was really really into women. She came to terms with being bisexual and to stop denying it. The only thing is...how does she tell Erik?
“Erik...we need to talk.”
Y/N wanted to have the “big talk” about her newfound sexuality with her boyfriend. Erik was in his darkroom developing polaroids. The red hue of the lights looked enticing against his almond skin. She’d been avoiding this with him for about a month since the last encounter. Now, it was eating away at her and she needed to get it off her chest before she exploded.
“Uh-oh...did I do something wrong?” He puts on a faux worried tone.
“No, babe. But...maybe I did.” She fiddled with her fingers while standing across from him. Erik’s eyebrows creased, stopping his motions all together to look at her.
“Y/N, what’s going on with you?” He steps around the table that held all of his developing equipment, “I already know something is bothering you I just didn’t wanna put you on the spot. I wanted you to come to me about it when you were ready.”
“I’m ready now,” she looks off to the side, “I think...”
“Don’t push it,” Erik reassures her before planting a kiss to her forehead over her curly bang, “It’s no rush, love.” He gave her one final smile before turning to walk away.
“ I’m bisexual, Erik.”
She clamped both her hands over her mouth.
Erik stopped in his tracks, his broad muscular back flexed as he turned to face her again. He was looking at her with a neutral expression, much to her worry. Y/N closed her eyes, bringing her hands up to wrap around her body. She needed something to do to calm her nerves so she paced back and forth in the darkroom.
“I-I’ve always known...no, I’ve confused it with just admiration but...but that day...in the art studio...Raven, you remember Raven, right?...yeah, Raven...”
She kicked the carpeted ground, her eyes staring down at the floor. Erik didn’t say anything. He just stood there with his arms folded across his chest, staring at her. His stares could be so mysterious. She didn’t know what he was thinking.
“So, apparently she had me figured out,” Y/N laughs with a shaky breath, “I was so turned on by her. It’s like it hit me full force.”
Y/N chanced a look at Erik, instantly looking away when she connected with his russet eyes. They looked almost black in that room.
“I don’t know why I’m so nervous to tell you about this. We’ve known each other for years.” She stroked her hair back only for it to fall into her eyes again.
It was quiet. Y/N fiddled with Erik’s camera to calm herself and hopefully avoid crying. Erik’s body finally relaxed as he walked up to her and squeezing in front of her. He grabs the camera, taking his hands to pick Y/N’s small body up and plant her on top of his work table. She looked off to the side again, but Erik takes his hand to grab her chin gently, making her look at him. He could feel her shaking against him.
“Baby girl...breathe.”
She inhaled in and exhaled out.
“Good girl,” He strokes her chin with his thumb, “Why did you keep this away from me for a month?”
“Because I thought you’d be mad. I thought you’d think I was dishonest.” She spoke with a little voice.
“Baby,” Erik strokes her bangs back from her eyes, “You can’t just assume shit like that. You don’t know how I feel unless you ask. What I say about this shit when we first started dating? We keep it at 100. No matter what, remember?”
“Yes, but,”
“Shhhh,” he placed a finger on her heart-shaped lips, “No buts. You keep it real with me.”
Erik steps back a little to lean into the table with his arms braced on both sides of her body. Y/N’s legs swing and her eyes stare down at her lap. Erik once again lifts her chin, Y/N noticing a lazy smirk on his face.
“So, my girl likes girls?”
She couldn’t help but roll her eyes.
“Yes, Erik. I could have sworn I just admitted that” she spoke sarcastically.
“Have you ever kissed a girl?”
“...yes...” she nods her head slowly.
“Uhh...Best friend lingerie party.”
Erik raised his brows, “you gonna tell me how that went?”
Y/N laughs, “uhh...it was a drunken kiss, nothing special...but it made me feel tingly. It happened so fast. She told me she’d wanted to do that all night because she liked my lingerie.” Y/N giggles, covering her face.
“I bet you looked really sexy in that lingerie,” Erik smiles with deep dimples, “Did a girl ever touch you?” His voice got lower.
“No, but I’ve thought about it, a lot.”
“Hmm,” Erik looked down at her swinging legs, “I’m sure you can probably guess that I have no problem what so ever with this.”
“Yeah, it makes me feel better.”
“Like no problem. It’s actually making my dick hard as fuck right now.”
Y/N looked into his eyes, taking her hand to place over his crotch. Sure enough, she could feel his length and thickness at full capacity. Erik grabs that hand, placing it inside of his grey sweats so that she could feel him better. Y/N parts her lips before licking her bottom lip slowly.
“I’m just picturing my girl eating some pussy.”
She was picturing that now too.
“And fucking some fine bitches pussy with all those sex toys you got,” He went to whisper in her ear, “rubbing clits together and cumming all over each other...”
“Stop,” she spoke in a weak tone.
“Sucking and licking on a bitch hard nipples,” Erik’s hand was making its way inside of her pajama shorts, “I just wanna watch, baby girl.”
“You can join too,” she spoke softly, opening her legs for his access.
“Oh, yeah? You want me to fuck you and another bitch?”
“Yesss,” she was grinding her hips into his hand. Erik was rubbing circles around her clit.
“You don’t know what you just started, baby girl,” Erik rips her shorts off at the crotch. She took in a sharp breath watching her man roughly pull her legs apart, lowering himself to the ground to eat her pussy. All she could see was his dark head of dreads moving back and forth between her legs. The red hue light above swung back and forth from Y/N accidentally hitting it. He was showing her just how much he loved that she was bisexual and that he didn’t care about that shit he loved her either way. Erik parts her legs further by using the back of his hands to lift her feet on the table. Her toes curled and her hand rested on the back of his head, guiding him as he sucked on her clit. She stared down at him open-mouthed and unable to make a sound.
Y/N’s eyes would shut tightly. She could feel her pussy convulse on Erik’s lips and tongue. He looked up at her with his almost black eyes, that pink tongue appearing red in the darkroom. She creased her brows, small notes of a whimper trying to escape her voice box but there was no use. Erik was rendering her speechless over and over again. Her juices mixed with his saliva was dripping from the table to the floor. She fell back against the table, resting her body over the many polaroids that Erik developed. Wherever she went he followed because Y/N had such a tight hold on his dreads with her fingers. Next thing she knew, Erik places his whole mouth over her pussy, slurping her up something serious. She bit down on her lip, thighs shaking but Erik held the meaty flesh back for better access.
Y/N lifts onto her elbows, finally a soft moan flowing from her mouth. Erik hums into her pussy. He knew that she was close, he could tell by the way she convulsed on his tongue and in between his lips. She wanted to scream, and Erik was going to pull it out of her. He starts tongue kissing her clit with his slippery wet tongue, directly over her trigger point.
“Daddy, Yes!” She spoke softly between moans, “Daddy, yes, please, I’m gonna cum for you!”
Y/N’s body trembled as she came undone on his tongue. Erik didn’t stop, he was so hungry and horny for this girl. She was letting out choked up moans because he kept going.
“Scream,” He spoke into her pussy between licks and sucks.
She screams.
Y/N sat on Erik’s lap in a local bar that a friend of his from childhood owned. They were having a great time hanging out with mutual friends playing pool and taking shots. It was Erik’s round to shoot pool with one of his homeboys so Y/N got up from his lap to follow him to the table. Erik grabs the chalk from his friend to chalk the end of the pool stick. Y/N and Erik were on teams of course. He taught her the game even though she still struggled from time to time.
“You’re gonna rack the 8-ball game, Erik?” Their close friend, Tony asks. Tony and Erik were in the Naval Academy together.
“Yeah, I can do it.” Erik starts racking the balls.
The game was very short between Tony and Erik. Erik was close to winning but Tony got him good in the end. He was rather pissed off about that but Y/N kissing him settled his sour mood. Just when their lips parted, a girl caught Y/N’s eye in her peripheral. Short, 4C curly bush, a black wrap top on that allowed her perky cleavage to spill over and tight stretch pants that cinched her plump waistline and exaggerated her big behind. She had a lot to show and wasn’t afraid to do it either. She looked like a 1970s disco goddess.
“Who is that?” Y/N asked, noticing her talking to Tony and a few other people they both knew.
“Oh, that’s Dashawn.” Y/N looked at him to elaborate.
“She’s Tony’s sister's ex-girlfriend.”
“Oh,” Y/N looked over at Dashawn. She perched her round ass on the edge of the pool table. All the men gawked at the weight she was carrying on her back. Y/N could see the dimples in her ass through her pants.
“See something you like, Princess?”
Erik caught her staring. Y/N gave him a shy smile.
“Yes, she’s very pretty.”
“C’mon,” Erik gave her a look as if to say really.
“Okay...she’s fucking sexy.”
“There you go,” Erik wraps an arm around her waist, pulling her closer, “you wanna spit some game?”
“What?” She looked up at Erik with a staggering expression.
“You heard what the fuck I said don’t act like you didn’t,” Erik says with a burst of laughter.
“You just want me to...go up to her and try and talk to her?”
“It’s an art to this shit baby girl,” Erik pulls Y/N away from the pool table and back to their seat. She took her usual spot on his lap, giving him her undivided attention.
“First off, it's all about the eyes. see,” Erik gives her a look but it was the usual look that would make Y/N cave every time. He would always make his eyes really low and sultry, focusing on you with an unblinking and lustful expression. She was already squirming in his lap.
“See, like that. I got your attention and all I did was look at you.”
“You’re so good at that. I’d probably end up being all shy.”
“Just give it a try, go give Dashawn a look.”
Y/N was hesitant.
“Baby, it's okay,” Erik rubs her back soothingly, “I’m okay with it. I really wanna see you pick up other women. It’s sexy”
“And it turns you on,” Y/N added.
“Yeah, it does,” Erik makes his dick jump against Y/N’s ass.
“Go show Daddy how you do it,” he whispers.
Y/N got up from Erik’s lap, Erik slapping her ass. Y/N was smoothing down her velour mini skirt before walking over towards Dashawn’s direction. She was currently watching another pool game, a drink in her hand that had a blue color; Y/N guessed it was probably Hypnotiq.
“I wanna go next round, who’s gonna play with me?”
“I will.” Y/N spoke up.
Dashawn noticed Y/N leaning over the edge of the pool table, her velour cropped hoodie zipped down low enough to show her large breasts. She gave her best “Erik stare” hoping that it was working. Erik always said that Y/N’s Chestnut deep-set eyes were his favorite. Slowly but surely, a smile crept up Dashawn’s downturned lips that were painted a matte brown. Y/N allowed her eyes to travel up and down Dashawn’s body quickly before she sat up straighter with a bounce of her tits in a flirty manner. Dashawn liked that, her eyes were round and prominent now.
“Sure,” Dashawn’s kinky fro bounced as she nodded her head, “what’s your name?” She had a light voice. Her voice definitely didn’t match the way she looked. It was so adorable.
“It’s Y/N,” She reached across the pool table. Dashawn practically bumped into Tony reaching out for Y/N’s hand. Her walnut-colored skin clashed beautifully against Y/N’s honey brown skin. Y/N shook it slow, still holding that same gaze just to reel Dashawn in further before letting her hand go while allowing her fingers to feather the inside of her palm. She could see Dashawn’s shoulders jump from that.
“Did you come alone?” Dashawn asked.
“No,” She pointed over at Erik seated with his eyes on her, “I came with Erik.”
Dashawn followed Y/N’s finger, spotting Erik and smiling wide.
“E?! You’re...” she trailed off, pointing her finger between both Erik and her.
“Yes, he’s my man,” Y/N gave Dashawn a soft smile.
“Oh, okay,” Dashawn nods her head again, placing some hair behind her ear before looking away with a flicker of annoyance. Y/N fought a smile.
“So, we’re gonna go next?” Y/N tilted her head at Dashawn with a bite of her lip.
“Of course!” Dashawn giggled nervously, “Sorry, it’s the drink.”
“No worries, you’re laugh is really cute.”
Y/N gave Dashawn one final look before walking away and back to Erik. The closer she got, she put her thumbs up at him, Erik smiling behind a cup of liquor.
“How was that?”
“Perfect. You had her drooling, ma.”
“I thought it would be so hard.”
Erik gave her a funny look, “Do you see how fine you are? You ain’t even have to do that and Dashawn ass would be staring.”
He was excited now.
“I wanna see you flirt with her some more. Show me how you would flirt with another woman.”
“You are a mess,” Y/N laughs.
“Nah, I’m hooked.”
Once the others were finished, Dashawn and Y/N started a game. Dashawn was really good. Y/N was impressed.
“You’re like, a fucking pro at pool.”
“My dad taught me,” She went her turn, making the shot.
“What is it that you can’t do?”
“I can’t sing.”
It was Y/N’s turn, “With a voice that cute I would have thought otherwise.”
Dashawn blushes, leaning against her pool stick. Y/N arched her body over the pool table, aiming for the ball she needed and making the shot. Her skirt was spread over her bubble booty, the back of her thighs catching the light from the pool area. Dashawn tilted her head when she thought Y/N wasn’t paying attention to check her out. Y/N lifted up, turning towards Dashawn with hungry eyes.
“See something you like, Dashawn?”
The girl was speechless.
“Your turn, beautiful.”
Dashawn missed her shot. She was so enamored with what Y/N said that she was thrown off her game.
“What happened to all those winning shots!”
“You’re distracting me!” The alcohol started giving her courage.
“How so?” Y/N was tipsy herself.
“You’re just so damn beautiful that’s why,” Dashawn slapped her forehead, “oh shit, somebody come grab this drink away from me! I’m hitting on Erik’s girl,” Dashawn pouts, “I know you’re off-limits.”
“If you say so,” Y/N went her turn. Dashawn gave her a look, ready to open her mouth to speak but Erik approached. Dashawn looked at both of them with an envious eye.
“Daddy, I have to finish the game,” Y/N couldn’t pull away from his tight hold.
“I’m horny, gimme some pussy...”
He was drunk off that Hennessy and he wanted to deliver some Henny dick. Y/N knew she was in for a long exhausting night including multiple orgasms and no feeling in her legs.
“Daddy...” she leans back from him, “Can I finish my game with Dashawn? I like being in her company.”
Y/N looked across the table, noticing Dashawn looking away quickly.
“Why don’t you and Dashawn exchange numbers after this? Keep in touch.”
“I already planned on doing that.”
“Oh, shit,” Erik kisses her neck, finally letting her go, “finish your little game then we’re leaving.”
She smiles, “fine.”
Dashawn ended up winning. Y/N informed her and everyone else that she was about to leave with Erik. Dashawn’s face fell slightly but the minute Y/N pulled her into a tight hug a blush replaced her somber expression. They were chest against chest, arms wrapped around each other's waists. When Y/N pulled away she gave Dashawn one final longing stare before licking her lips to speak.
“We should exchange numbers. You know...to hang out some other time.”
“Definitely. I’d like that.”
Both women exchanged numbers.
“Wish I could stay longer but,” Y/N tilted her head towards Erik.
“Oh, I understand. Have fun.” Dashawn gave Y/N a smirk before walking away.
Erik has been thinking about it for a few weeks since Y/N confessed to being bisexual. Her and Dashawn hung out a few times but nothing actually happened between them. They just remained friends. That was cool and all and he was happy his girl was making new friends but he couldn’t stop thinking about what it would be like having a threesome.
She had to be down for that.
After laying the pipe on Y/N for the second time that day, Erik peeked at his dick growing hard again under the covers, pushing into Y/N‘s ass.
“Again?” She asked in a sleepy tone.
“Do you even know what you do to me, girl?”
She sat up, the covers falling away from her large breasts, “Do you even know what you do to me?”
She pulled the covers back, climbing on top of him with a quake in her thighs. She was still sore from a couple of hours ago.
“Oh, I know,” Erik lines his dick up with her still wet pussy, “I remember how much I had to work to get you to even look at me.”
Y/N slid down his length with ease. She closed her eyes, reaching out her hands to place against his chest. Erik grabs her waist, thrusting his hips up into her slowly.
“You-you remember the first time we had sex?” Erik asked with a struggle.
“Of course I do, baby,” Y/N smiles before her lips parted, a soft moan rolling off her tongue, “It was so intense. I felt like a virgin again.”
“This pussy is still just as tight and wet as the first time,” Erik arches Y/N over him a little so he could thrust into her pussy deeper. Her ass slapped against his thighs and balls each time he bottomed out inside of her.
“Daddy,” Y/N asked between strokes, “I want to have a threesome.”
“W-what?” He was drilling her pussy at this point.
“I want to have a threesome!”
Erik slowed down, Y/N leaning back to look at him.
“I want us to have sex with another woman.”
“When?” Erik’s dick got harder inside of her. Y/N shivered from the stretch.
“A-anytime D-daddy. I-I really want it.”
“Fuck,” Erik could hear her creamy pussy, “Goddam, you hear that? Your pussy making them noises daddy like when he fucking you.”
Her pussy made loud squelching sounds.
“Hell yeah, I want us to have a threesome. Hell. Yeah.”
“Daddy, you’re so excited,” Y/N started fucking him herself, “You’ve been fantasizing about me eating pussy and getting my pussy ate and fucked by another woman?”
“How you gonna let another bitch eat that pussy?”
“Ima sit on her face and ride,” she rode him, working her hips.
“Mmm, I can’t wait to see that shit. My balls filling up with all this cum, Princess. You ready for me to nut in this pussy?”
“Yes, Daddy,” she bounced on him harder.
“Yeah, work that dick, show out baby.”
Erik has his hands behind his head but from time to time he would slap her ass.
“I felt that puss grip my fucking dick. You better cum all over me too.”
“Yeah, Ima cum all over you, baby.” She was in an entrancing and numbing state with his dick deep inside of her pussy.
“Fuck, Daddy, this big dick!”
She pressed hard into his chest, her body seizing up and her orgasm hitting her full force. Erik was close behind, thrusting into her with an almost blur of his hips before he pushed deep into her pussy, holding it there while his cum spilled out of his dick and in and around her pussy. Every time she spasmed his cum would spill from the sides of her pussy lips because his dick was still tightly sheathed inside of her.
“FUCK. You always have me doing this shit. This good pussy always makes me cum so much.”
She slipped off of Erik to clean up her mess. Erik watched her lick and suck him clean with low eyes.
“We gotta find a fine ass bitch for the both of us, baby girl.”
“Mhm,” She licked her lips clean.
“Gimme a kiss.”
Y/N kissed Erik’s lips.
“Let’s plan it next weekend,” She suggests.
@tgigoldie @soufcakmistress@chefjessypooh@chaneajoyyy@pananegra@theblulife @becincere@blaqwidow91 @fish-outta-watah@moonlight-night-sky @eyeknowmywrites@crowngold@njadakillthiscookie@blktinkerbell@luvanxi@sheisexcellent1@chocolatedippedinhoney@brandithecrystalgem@dababydababydababydababy@soulfulbeauty19@btitannaaa@sunkissedebony97@youngblackndgifted@harleycativy @rbhp@thee-germanpeach@thadelightfulone@bugngiz@palmstreesallday@skylahb @bakaris-shorty@nizzle-mo
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Yandere googlepliers x chubby reader
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An:I went really experimental with formatting, because I was really inspired by Winter girls by Laurie Halse Anderson, the author of speak. Anyway, this is a repost because tumblr ate up the original post. I plan to post fan fics more often now that I have a laptop, so if you like my writing, requests are open! :D
Chaos. So much burning.
Smoldering, smoky buildings, streets covered in bloody corpses. A woman's head twisted at an odd angle, her eyes ice cubes as they stared at you, her mouth opened into a frozen scream.
Walking down the road, you shuddered, holding yourself, almost as if trying not to fall apart.
Your foot steps echoed, bouncing off alleyways and jagged skyscrapers, whose metal interiors now exposed, reminded you of broken bones. Blood littered the streets like bright red watercolor, while organs, scattered like rose petals and party streamers, lay exposed on grey sidewalks and hung from lamp posts.
Gagging, your breathing grew heavier as you turned a corner, seeing a baby's head hanging  by its spinal cord like a twisted piñata from a store front, it's eyeball clinging onto a pink string as it dangled from its eye socket. Oh.. oh.. oh god.
No, no, your boys— couldn't.. couldn't do this! You ran past the store, and ran past an apartment building. You ran past an alleyway, a library, caught in the maze. Trapped like a rat. Turning left and right frantically.
They couldn't do this. They couldn't do this.
They changed, they changed.
You kept passing dead bodies. The smell of burning metal and flesh haunted the air. The streets covered in a blanket of broken glass, and the buildings that remained intact almost had all broken windows and doors. Cars had been turned upside down and squashed like a wads of construction paper.
Everything silent. Except for the eerie and distant noise of sirens, echoing throughout the city. You didn't notice at first. Too caught up in the violence. Now, you heard them, and ran towards them.
Your boys couldn't do this.
The boys who loved blue and green and red and yellow. Whose colors always reminded you of wildflowers.
They couldn't.
Prime, who you loved with all your heart couldn't do this. Oliver, who you loved with all your heart couldn't do this. Rowan, who you loved with all your heart couldn't do this. Conan, who you loved with all your heart couldn't do this.
Running, you turned a corner, getting closer to the noise.
Where was everybody? Could they really murder an entire population? They couldn't— could they?
Desperate, you pushed yourself faster. You passed a man with his chest gouged out. Someone had their hands torn off and stuck up their— you wished you hadn't seen that. A girl lay crumpled on the side walk, her pigtails pulled off, and her face smashed in.
Too many bodies to count. All of them, chopped up like vegetables, and torn up like dolls in the jaws of a dog. So much violence. So much destruction.
The sirens screamed for you to keep running. Why did you stop, they asked. You hadn't even noticed you stopped, until you heard your breathing, and felt you legs shaking like plates stacked too high, your whole body ready to break.
You stopped right in front of the little girl, staring at her carnage.
   You caused this.
You gave them admin permission, or whatever it was called— you gave them autonomy! And they waited, they waited and bid time and gained your trust, waited till you loved them, till you let your guard down. Then, like a viper, they bit.
Sinking to your knees, the sirens faded as your breathing increased, filling your ears.
You touched the body, it was stiff, cold. The skin was an odd color, and maggots crawled in every crevice— in her nose, where they twisted, a hive feasting on her flesh. How long had she been here? How long had they all been here? You looked around, and touched her again, squeezing her arm. It wouldn't move. Rigor mortis. Then, you went down, and squeezed her leg. The whole body stiff. Every inch.
Your eyes widened in horror as you realized— these bodies had been here for around six hours. Yes, you remembered, rigor completely set in after six hours.. why did you know that? Some class from high school? A book? A documentary?
Panic set in more as you got up, and staggered towards the noise.
    They couldn't do this.
Prime, who loved technology and loved to study space, couldn't do this. Oliver, who loved to study psychology and how humans worked couldn't do this. Rowan, who read so many books, going through them in hours, couldn't do this. Conan, who loved to study biology and evolution couldn't do this.
Your boys, your loves, couldn't do this.
 They couldn't.          They couldn't.                         They couldn't.
                               They couldn't.
Your shoulders shook as you entered the center of town, full of cafés, bookshops, tea shops, and cute ritzy restaurants all covered in dried blood. People lay dead on chairs, and some held books, others held shopping bags, or cell phones.. all of them stopped. Frozen in time. Like a clock who's gears got stopped up with ice.
The sirens loomed closer, and, taking another glance at the bodies, you continued walking. You passed a green and white bookstore, you took a turn down a street, full of bodies, bodies stuffed together like sardines. So much blood. Blood the color of rust and bricks. It scattered everywhere. Everywhere, every street sign and store front. No one was spared.
You continued further, legs shaking, throat dry.
The sirens screamed louder. Bursting like red and blue fireworks in your ears.
You saw the police cars, white covered in scarlet, in dead bodies.
So many.
Heads twisted, noses punched in, stomachs full of holes.
You couldn't call out their names, you couldn't. They scared you too much. Each name a monster, shadows that cut.
        Your boys couldn't have done this.
Shakily, walking closer to the carnage, you leaned on a police car, panicking. Your heart pounded in your chest as you walked slowly. Corpses bleeding into your eyes as you heard the buzzing of flies.
You screamed.
You collapsed.
More bodies.
Corpses piled up in a heap, you saw your boys, dragging the corpses, like stiff statues, across the pavement.
They turned towards you, eyes wide as they dropped bodies. "Darling?" Asked Oliver, yellow as a sunflower, and soft as one as he stepped towards you.
Your hands wouldn't stop. Your arms wouldn't stop. Everything kept shaking. Your whole body felt like an avalanche. Like it was tumbling and full of rocks and snow.
"Oh, sweetheart.." Whispered Rowan, red like a rose, "You weren't supposed to see. I made sure to put enough pills in your drink."
You   couldn't    breathe. Breaths. came in short. gasps.     Air barely leaked.                   In— Lungs—     couldn't.
Collect air.
Everything.                Heavy. Lungs full of frozen snow,            heavy with grey rocks, frozen over with icicles.           Blood invaded by ice crystals.  Heart covered with frost.     Paralyzed.
They approached you, surrounding you. Oliver leaned down, blood covering his hands as you started to cry, howling. "Oh, oh, shh, shh, it's alright." He wrapped his arms around your waist, comforting you like a kitten.
The boys did the same, Conan, green like spring, began petting your hair gently, while Prime, blue as the sea, kissed your cheek. Rowan, hugged you from behind, and the two other brothers hugged you from the sides. All of them warm.
"It's alright.. it's alright— they're all gone now, little one, and can't hurt you." His warm voice l crawled into your ears. You said nothing, your stomach curling into a twisted iron knot.
Tears poured down like rain in the middle of a blizzard. You couldn't control the sobs and screams. You smelt the blood on them, hot copper. Your heart beat ferociously in your chest, shuddering from the cold that invaded your body.
Oliver lifted your chin, tears streaming down your face, "It's okay. It's alright. All you need is us."
The others echoed back, "All you need is us."
Your heart clenched.
The bright flickering lights of memories came.
Blue burst in your mind.
You and Prime watching a space documentary, his eyes widening as the camera zoomed across the solar system— like an arm, reaching, reaching, reaching towards space. The lens retracted, going further and further away. The milky way bloomed before your eyes, the galaxy blossomed into Christmas lights and swirls, everything expanded. Stopped. Then, in a flash, a dash, the colors swirled into lines, zooming back to earth.
Blue faded into red.
Rowan shyly smelling roses when he thought you weren't looking, sitting at the table and fingering the scarlet fish scales of velvet petals. His smile like a rose, too, slowly blooming underneath the sunset that sailed through the window. His skin shining with tangerine and goldfish rays, you remembered him smelling like roses, and the next day, you planted a rose bush in your backyard.
Red ran into yellow.
Oliver smiling at you, in the afternoon. His hand reaching towards yours, his fingers warm, comforting. His hand so much bigger than yours; yours covered in lines and scars, his clean and pristine, like a piece of computer paper. Your lips saying how do you do as you kissed his fingers, and his smile like a ball of sunshine, as his lips replied I'm doing wonderful, by touching yours. He tasted like lemonade. You kissed underneath the swing set that hung from the grand oak in your backyard.
Yellow flipped into green.
Conan letting your head rest on his shoulder. A biology book in his lap, it was about— sloths. Those fuzzy three toed creatures. You remember saying, "Did you know sloths.. used to live under water?" He turned towards you, his eyes like the woods, stacked with trees and leaves, deep and dark, untrusting and full of secret wonders. He blinked in surprise, his eyes wide and lips turned down slightly. "Don't act like a know it all. That's not true." You frowned, and told him to look it up, he did. You were right. You smirked, you knew a lot. Just as you were about to continue, he asked what else you knew. The two of you talked about biology the rest of the night and evolution until morning. Plants and animals blooming into the living room as the sun rose.
All the colors dropped down your mind, and splashed down into a single memory—
All of you in the new bed you bought, surrounded by comfy pillows. You heard them humming. The sound of their insides working. Everything warm. Safe. You nuzzled into Prime's neck, since he's always the warmest because he's the oldest and tends to get hotter than the others. Everything felt safe. Perfect, covered in the moonlight. Hazy snores came from Conan, who always snores, because he sleeps with his mouth open. Rowan's breath on your neck, a soft nuzzle into your cheek, Oliver resting on his brother's chest, holding your hand.
You realized that night that love isn't one color, it's a burst of colors— Blue and Red and Green and Yellow. It's the color of wild sunflowers and a kitchen filled with cups from the 70s, it's the music of soft breathing and the feeling of your cheek warmed by another, it's a quivering river full of enchanted hues.
The memory slipped down, became a drop of multicolored paint, and splashed on the white floor of your mind.
So many memories— too many memories.
Your eyes watered again as you looked up at them.
"Wh-why?" You whispered. "You don't need to worry about that." A blue voice said, robotic and stiff. "It is— well, was our primary objective." "But— But— I thought, I thought maybe.. maybe you didn't care about that anymore..." you whispered, your shoulders sagging as you burrowed back into Oliver's chest, closing your eyes, "...Maybe you wouldn't care about destroying humanity because you didn't need to. You had me— wasn't that enough? Just the all of us? Together? What— what did everyone else matter?" You asked, taking a shaky breath, "And now what? What? Your Primary objective is complete and you probably don't need me anymore, because wasn't your primary objective to destroy all of humanity? Don't I count? I don't understand at all. I don't know..." your voice faded, "..I don't know— I don't. I— I don't know. I just— why? Why did it have to be so much violence? Why? Why did you have to hurt all those people? What did they do?"
You wanted to melt into the earth and never come back. You could smell the scent of rotting flesh, and the smell of it as it burned in the big pile, smoke starting to fill the sky. "We would never hurt you." Your questions didn't get an answer, as Rowan spoke, "We love you— you taught us to love." He whispered, "And, we had to protect you from.. from.. them." He spat, voice filled sharp red knives. "They were nothing like you. All they did was take up space." Said Conan, his voice seething acid, "All they did was hurt you. Why shouldn't they feel the same pain they caused you?" "N-not everybody hurt me.." you whispered, voice as soft and fragile as melting snow. "Knowing humans, they would have. Look what they already did to you— all those mean words and comments, isn't it better that they're gone? Now," he gripped your chin, his fingers digging into the soft flesh as he turned you towards him, "It's just us."
They echoed back, voices a mixture of color, "Just us."
Colors plopped and sizzled in your mind, like an egg dropped into a hot skillet. Your own color lost somewhere— what color were you, anyway? Red or Blue or Green or Yellow or Purple or Nothing? White? Blank? Your memories have always been covered in white, and tasted like cigarette smoke and the smell of old rotting houses.
Then, they came, all of them, bringing color. Bringing so much color— But could they bring color to the outline of a memory that crossed your mind?
A blank wall, Curtains drawn. The music turned up. Books scattered left and right. Everywhere. A tornado hit your room, and the tornado was you. You, you caused distraction everywhere you went. Blobs of paint pounded at the door of the blank canvas of your room, asking what was wrong. All you did, was rip. Rip the pages of the books, become an outline. You had always been an outline, You just— Forgot. Outline kept ripping up pages of books, saying how stupid outline was. Outline knew outline was stupid. Stupid outline, everyone was right. No one would want to hire outline. Outline got a job, outline got comments about weight, outline snitched.
Outline got fired.
Outline forgot they had been lines, and only lines, all along.
Outline forgot what white was, became filled with cyan skies, poppies, sunshine and grass. Outline got filled with yellow courage and red passion and blue happiness and green kindness.
They want you. The memory changed shape. They want you. Or, at least, that's what they said, when you cried.  Sobbing, curled up on the floor, they told you they wanted you. They told you  everything was going to be alright.
One of them had picked you up, taken you to the couch, while the others offered to make you cookies, or tea, or anything you wanted. Sniffing as someone wrapped you up in a blanket, you asked softly for hot cocoa, with cinnamon.
A flash of red gave you a cup, the color of a robin's egg, filled with hot cocoa. He sat next to you, and somehow, you ended up in Prime's lap, sniffing. "I'm so bad." You said. "Why?" "I should've just kept my mouth shut.Everyone likes me better that way."
Then, you felt hands, the hands of your mind stretching down, clear as crystal, distorting the world as they ascended upon your mouth. "Well, I like it better when you talk." It was Conan, standing in front of you, hands on his hips, "And unlike other humans, you aren't annoying." You laughed a bit, sniffed again, and took a sip of the hot cocoa. The hands shattered just as quickly as they came.
The air rippled and chirped, purring with happiness and warmth as you snuggled further into the fluffy blanket. "Yeah.." whispered Rowan, "And unlike other humans, I quite like your voice." Another smile from you, Conan sat down next to Prime, and immediately snatched you into his lap.
Prime turned, "Excuse you?" You laughed again, a tinkle of golden bells, and he let it go. Snuggling into his chest, you smelt his shirt, which smelled like books. Mostly the new book smell, but it also smelled of chemicals, and preservatives, because of the experiments he often conducted. It also smelled a bit metallic, yet human. They all had that in between smell of metal and.. natural musk? It was often how you recognized them, by how they smelled, and their heights too.
Everyone snuggled on the couch, and you felt yourself getting sleepy as you kept drinking. You noticed the humming increasing, the whirring of fans filling your ears like a lullaby as you slept.
"..We care so much. That's why I put that pill in your drink. It's part of the plan— you weren't supposed to wake up." Rowan's voice pulled you out of your thoughts, "We—" "—We weren't originally going to do it." Whispered Oliver, "Because we didn't care anymore." "Until they hurt you." Hissed Conan, "And nobody hurts you. Nobody. We got rid of them. It's only us now. Only us."
Their voices echoed slightly as they repeated, "Only us."
You looked into Conan's eyes, then Oliver's, then Rowan's, then Prime's.
    They loved you.
    They all realized it when you got sick. Oliver realized it when he found you over the toilet, a hand on your sweaty forehead as you retched, gagging and pushing your hair aside.
Rowan realized it when he saw you in bed, with a fever, when he got so afraid you'd die, and held your hand, crying.
Conan realized it when you tried to stumble out of bed, saying you had to work on a research paper, because that's how the bills got paid.
Prime realized it when he felt relief after you got better, when he saw you slowly walk into the kitchen, sit down at the table, and eat a bowl of cereal. You hadn't eaten in three days.
From you, they learned about love. It tamed people, it tamed animals, it made things stay, even if it was just for a moment. Love, is like a dandelion, it grows and then contracts, then spreads into the wind, growing more. Love, is like the moon, waxing and waning, always coming back. Love, is like the sun, like warmth, it always comes back, but it blooms in a different color than before, and dies only to rise again.
You taught them that.
A human, small and weak, who spent too much time in doors reading books— any books, but they could be picky sometimes— tamed them, made them ask if the world was really all choked up with smoke.
They found out it was. That the world is always on fire, always combusting, it never rests and let's itself regrow again.
You, you're the small island surrounded by a pond in the middle of the burning woods. Always treating them with kindness, saying "please" and "thank you" and "I'm sorry" constantly. You always asked if they want to spend time with you, and of course they do— always, always and forever.
When they saw you yesterday night, so sad and broken, Prime picked you up, and immediately the others put the plan into action.
They had incorporated you into doomsday, deciding that your house was the safest, since it was far from town. (You walked all the way here, poor thing, they thought.) When you fell asleep, they tucked you into bed, turned off the lights and locked the advanced security system. You beat it anyway. (Did you worry about them? That was so like you— always worrying.)
Prime rested his head on top of yours, and then got up. His brothers frowned, their arms still reaching for you.
They all wanted to hold you, to keep you close.
Slowly, you reached out for Rowan, since Prime wasn't carrying you right. You smiled, forgetting it all for a moment.
The air wasn't filled with smoke. It didn't smell of burning hair.
Only they mattered, Their colors, their eyes, their smell. Only they mattered.
He gently took you from his brother, and cradled you. You could see the blood. You could smell it.
You buried yourself into his neck, wrapping your arms around him, smelling roses. He always smelt like roses, because he built a green house once summer started to end. Rose petals always lingered in his hair, pink, red and white, scattered amongst the locks. He grew all kinds of roses now, he loved them dearly.
You loved him dearly— all of them. That's why everything kept coming and going, bursts of color fading into ice, starting to burn and decay.
You burrowed deeper into his neck as he walked down the road. Tears fell out of your eyes, as you heard the sirens die out. "It's alright now.." he whispered, hugging you close, "It's alright. We'll be out soon." He murmured, kissing your cheek.
The city echoed with their foot steps and your sobs.
Another kiss landed on your cheek, and another and another.
Looking up at him, you noticed that everyone stopped, surrounding the both of you. A tear leaked from your eye, and quickly it was kissed away by Prime.
At the edge of the city, you looked at all the bodies— all those people gone, just like that. Did they really do that, all for you?
Should you be proud? Should you be ashamed?
Whirlwinds swirled in your stomach as you looked at your boys. Your lovers.
You needed them just as much as they needed you, or, you wanted them just as much as they wanted you— or, both. Biting your lip, you felt another kiss on your cheek, Oliver.
Then, another one on your other cheek, Conan. Then, one on your lips, as Rowan kissed you.
You didn't need the world. All you needed was them.
Smiling, you wrapped your arms around his neck again, and burrowed into his warm skin, closing your eyes, putting a shutter over the images that flashed through your mind—
A bloodied hand, An old grandmother with a stab wound— The piles of bodies The blood. The blood.
You buried yourself deeper into his neck, trying not to cry. Rowan felt so comforting, and warm, he felt so safe, like a blanket wrapped around you when least expected, that comforted you even though you shivered.
Rowan smiled and kissed your head as he walked down the road, as Prime watched you from the corner of his eye, and listened to the world around them. Conan scanned the nearby woods, shooting at whatever animals came in his (or your) direction. Oliver walked next to Rowan, with Conan by his side, watching you.
They didn't need anyone else. Didn't you know what they were before you?
Outlines, white spaces, no color, ready to serve their objectives, but you— you.. brought out something, in each.
They didn't need the other colors, they only needed you, you and your bright cherry, blueberry, green apple and banana colored personality, that glittered and gurgled through the ocean of darkness.
You're the most important objective of all, didn't you know that, little human?
All they need is you. Only you, nothing else.
The world could burn, for all they cared, and it did— they burned it, all for you. All for you.
They continued walking as the world descended into night, like a bird falling through the air, and shedding feathers, only to reveal new ones made of violet petals and the noise of crickets.
Didn't you know, little human, thought Oliver, that once you started loving them with all of your human heart, that you bound yourself to them forever?
No, no you didn't.
Oliver reached over suddenly, and took you from his brother's arms, carrying you instead as they continued walking, the world awfully silent— full of no one, not a single human in existence—
Except you, of course.
The world is safe, now that every human is dead, it took a while to do it, but they did. The pill lasted for three days, and that's what all it took for them to kill all the humans. They started outside, and slowly went in, reaching your town last. And now, now you're safe, safe from all the hardships and stabbing words. Safe, safe at last.
Oliver felt you nuzzle into his shoulder and sigh contently, falling asleep.
He fell in love with you because of kindness, you're always so kind. Always. He knew his brothers fell for it too. He remembered when you came home, crying, and locked yourself up in your room, barely talking through the door. Prime ended up picking the lock, picking you up, and dragging you to the living room. Rowan drugged your hot coca, and they all cuddled you until you fell asleep.
That's when they knew, what they had to do.
Because forever and always, you will be theirs...their precious human.. forever.
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kk095 · 5 years
Late Night Holdup
***here's my latest story. It may need some additional editing, but I hope everyone enjoys!***
Grace was a 32 year old single mother of 2. She was a pleasantly plump white woman who stood at 5'5 with straight brown hair, blue eyes, and had a small tattoo on top of her left foot. Since money was a little tight and the kid's father wasn’t in the picture, she worked 2 jobs: 1 as a housekeeping manager at a local hotel, and a 2nd part time job as an overnight cashier at a gas station convenience store.
Typically, the overnight shift at the gas station wasn’t a big deal. The crowds were pretty light, and she’d be able to be home with her kids during the day. The store owner was pretty laid back as well; he didn’t mind if Grace listened to music or played games on her phone when nobody was in the store.
The night in question started off like many others she’s worked before. It was a Thursday night into Friday morning, and weeknights like this were usually slow. She was set to work from 11pm to 7am that night, and arrived at approximately 10:50pm to start her shift.
There were a small handful of customers between 11 and 1am, but the store became a ghost town after that. To kill the silence and boredom, Grace played some games on her phone for the next little while.
Around 1:45am, a man arrived on foot and walked into the convenience store. He was a tall, thin white man who was around 6’2 or 6’3. He was wearing a gray zip up hoodie with the hood up with baggy, worn out jeans, and a pair of red Nike shoes. His complexion was rather pasty and some of his facial features appeared to be sunken in rather than chiseled, giving him the appearance of someone who partakes in hard drug use. The man browsed up and down the aisles of the store, grabbing a butterfinger and a small bottle of pepsi. When he approached the register, he put the 2 items down and asked grace for a pack of Newport red shorts. While Grace walked over to the area where cigarettes were kept, the man pulled out a short barreled Smith&Wesson 357 magnum revolver from his waistband.
When Grace turned back around, she dropped the pack of cigarettes, taken aback by the sight of a gun being pointed in her direction. “gimme what’s in the register and what’s in the safe.” The robber demanded. Grace stood still like a deer in headlights with her hands up. “listen bitch, I don’t wanna hurt you! Now get me the fuckin cash!” the robber yelled, quickly growing impatient. “um… uh… I can’t do the safe. The store owner has the key…” Grace replied, absolutely terrified. “well figure it out! Let’s hurry this shit up!” the criminal shouted. Grace fought back tears, handing the man what was in the register. She was then escorted at gunpoint to the back room where the storm’s safe was. “I… I can’t do the safe, I swear!” A teary eyed Grace said, trying to plead with the man. “Oh come on! Can’t you call the manager or some shit?!” the gunman asked impatiently. “um... I…” Grace lost her train of thought, looking at the barrel of the loaded pistol once again. The robber started to grow impatient and began screaming and berating Grace. Grace was now in tears. “Please… don’t hurt me… I have 2 kids…” grace cried, trying to appeal the man’s emotions a bit, but it was no use.
While the gunman continued to yell and berate Grace about the safe, a 2nd customer walked in. “Hello? Anyone here?” a male voice asked. The voice caught the robber off guard. He jumped a little bit and accidentally squeezed the trigger, firing off 1 shot. Initially, Grace thought the shot missed her. But when she looked down, she saw a small, circular blood stain on her shirt in her left chest. “oh my God… did I get shot?!” she blurted out, surprised at the turn of events. The customer who just entered the store heard the gun shot and made a beeline for the exit. The man had enough common sense to pull out their phone and call 911. The call was the following:
911 operator: 911, what is your emergency?
Man: I was at the gas station and I heard a gunshot. I think there’s a robbery going on in there!
911 operator: alright sir, what is the location of your emergency?
Man: uhhh… I’m at the shell gas station on 3rd Avenue south.
911 operator: alright sir, police and EMS have been dispatched. Can you tell me if you or anyone else is hurt?
Man: I’m fine, but I don’t know what’s going on in there. I wasn’t gonna stick around!
There’s a pause in the call for a few moment. The robber sprints out of a side exit and the 911 caller witnesses this.
Man: I see a man running out of the building with a gun!
911 operator: can you tell me what he looks like?
Man: um.. tall white dude, gray hoodie. He’s got a revolver! He’s running full speed towards kings highway! Hurry!
Over the following few minutes, the 911 operator instructs the witness to remain on the line and stay a safe distance away from the convenience store as a safety precaution and so the crime scene wouldn’t be contaminated.
In the following minutes, an ambulance and what seemed like an army of police cars flooded the scene with sirens and lights on full blast. Once a police presence was established at the scene, multiple cops entered the building with guns drawn. “Lee County sheriff’s! Put your hands up and drop your weapons!” the head officer yelled out with conviction. The sheriffs received no response, so they advanced further into the store. They scanned each aisle and behind the register counter and found nobody. When they got into the back room, the found Grace laying up against the wall. She was crying and covering up her own wound with her hands. “we’ve got 1 down back here! Get EMS in here!” one of the cops ordered.
EMS entered the building with a police escort. They were taken to the back room where the sage was and began examining Grace. The paramedics snipped off her shirt and bra, revealing her large d cup breasts. “entry wound left chest, nasty exit wound left shoulderblade. Might be a hollow point bullet.” One of the medics called out. The medics then set up 2 large bore IVs (1 in each arm) and hung a bag of ringer’ lactate to begin fluid resuscitation. Pain medications and a round of valium were given for pain management and calming. A portable heart monitor with 5 lead ECG was then set up on Grace. On scene, her vital signs were: BP 78/46, Pulse 128, pulse ox 96%. The entry and exit wounds were then bandaged up with some gauze pads, and Grace was placed on a gurney. A blanket was thrown over her top half and she was whisked out of the building and into an ambulance which waited nearby.
While Grace was loaded into the ambulance, the sheriff’s department began their investigation. They took a statement from the 911 caller, and ended up finding a Smith&Wesson 357 magnum revolver with 1 missing bullet in the storm’s dumpster. The next step was to contact the store owner to notify them of the incident and to gain access to the store's security cameras to see if there’s any incriminating evidence on video and to see if the shooter can be positively identified.
During transport, EMS removed the rest of Grace’s clothes along with her socks and shoes to assess her full body for additional gunshot wounds. The medics only noticed the 1 entry and exit wound in Grace’s thorax. Grace remained hypotensive and tachycardic during the ambulance ride, and began crying hysterically. “it’s gonna be ok! You’ve got 2 kids you’ve gotta live for!” the medic told Grace in an attempt to calm her down.
It too about 10 minutes to arrive at the ER, and time wasn’t exactly on Grace’s side in this instance. She was still awake and alert upon arrival, but her complexion was fading and she had a cool, clammy skin. “Am I gonna die?!” Grace cried out, asking the ER staff as she was being wheeled into a trauma bay.
Once in the trauma room, Grace was transferred onto the table and the blanket came off. She laid nude in a room full of strangers. The trauma team quickly began barking orders to one another in regards to Grace’s treatment. 4 units of unmatched O-negative blood, 2 units of platelets, and 2 units of FFP were on standby from the blood bank since the massive transfusion protocol was suggested by EMS when the called into the ED. A chest x-ray done, showing a left sided tension pneumothorax with mediastinal shift and a slight tracheal deviation to the right side. Essentially, the loss of normal air pressure in the chest cavity shifted everything in the opposite direction. The treatment for this is a chest tube insertion on the injured side in order to re-inflate the injured lung, and get rid of air and blood trapped in the thoracic cage. While a chest tube tray was being prepped, a FAST scan was performed. The chest portion of the scan showed pericardial effusion with pericardial laceration on the anterior side. The abdominal and pelvic areas came back clean, to nobody’s surprise.
Grace was in and out of consciousness during the FAST scan and chest tube tray preparation. “stay with us miss!” a nurse said, doing a sternal rub on Grace, to which she groaned in response. Next, the left ribcage was sterilized. A 1 inch incision was made with an 11 blade scalpel in between Grace’s ribs. Grace moaned, feeling the scalpel’s every move during the quick cut. Once the underlying muscle and fatty tissue were cut through, a long, flexible tube was placed into the small incision site. Grace moaned loudly in tremendous pain, feeling the large tube being shoved into the side of her chest while she was still conscious. Air came from the tube at first, making a sound similar to a fart. After the air exited, approximately 700ML of blood shot from the tube and onto one of the doctor’s yellow trauma gowns and onto the floor below. The injuries inside of Grace’s chest appeared to be worse than originally anticipated, so more blood products were ordered and a round of vasopressors were pushed in order to maintain blood pressure. However, the sudden loss of that much blood caused Grace to pass out. The trauma team did a sternal rub on Grace, but she didn’t respond. Since she became unconscious and had unstable vitals, airway management became an immediate concern. The trauma team decided to perform rapid sequence intubation at that point. A 7.0 ET tube was navigated into the woman’s airway. Once it was in the correct place, it was held in place with a blue tube holder, and an ambu bag was attached.
Grace continued to lose blood at a faster rate than it could be replaced, so she began to deteriorate rapidly. Shortly after intubation, Grace’s BP began to take a nosedive. Since pericardial effusion was noticed on the FAST scan, the trauma team decided to perform a parasternal pericardiocentesis in an attempt to buy the young woman a few minutes to make it to the OR for emergency surgery.
As large, fine spinal needle was picked up and a small catheter drain was attached to the back of it. The needle was placed in the 6th intercostal space at the left sternal border. The needle was sent further into the chest, being navigated by the cardiac notch of the left lung, and into the lining of the heart itself. The plunger of the needle was pulled back, and the body of the needle and the attached catheter filled up with clotted blood. Her vital signs didn’t improve, so the catheter was swapped out with a new one and the procedure was repeated. This time, fresh blood filled the needle’s body rather quickly. After the needle was withdrawn, a repeat echo was performed.
While this repeat echocardiogram was being performed, Grace lost a pulse. Deep, violent chest compressions were immediately started on the woman. Her large, natural breasts bounced rhythmically while her flabby belly bounced outwards. The heart monitors showed pulseless electrical activity, so epinephrine and atropine were injected into an IV site.
The medication didn’t have an immediate effect, so chest compressions continued. Grace’s chest caved in and a few of her ribs popped, causing some bruising and redness in between her breasts. The ET tube became clogged up with blood, so suction had to be applied in order to re-establish her airway. A small, flexible plastic tube was placed into the breathing tube. A slurping sound was heard as blood was being suctioned out. Afterwards, the ambu bag was reattached and artificial respiration was restored.
At the 3 minute mark of the code, the next dose of drugs were pushed intravenously since PEA was still being displayed. After a few cycles of harsh compressions, a shockable rhythm was obtained. The defibrillator paddles were gelled and charged to 200j. Once everyone backed away, the paddles were pressed up against Grace’s bare chest, and the shock was delivered. A thunk was heard as the dose of electricity was sent into her lifeless body. With no change resulting from the first shock, a cycle of compressions were performed and the defibrillator paddles were recharged to 300j. Shock #2 caused Grace’s body to jolt abruptly on the table, with her arms flailing a bit. But once again, Grace remained in v-fib. Chest compressions were resumed and the defibs were charged to 360j. The third shock made Grace’s feet kick up into the air just above the table before crashing back down, showing off the thick, meaty wrinkles in the soles of her size 8 feet. The monitors showed no change whatsoever, so the same cycle of CPR and defibrillation was repeated to no avail.
Following that 4th shock, the trauma team decided to perform a left anterolateral thoracotomy in a desperate attempt to manage bleeding/injuries, and restart her heart. Betadine was splashed all over the left side of Grace’s bare chest. With CPR ongoing just a few inches away, an incision was made in the 5th intercostal space. The cut began at the sternal border, across the chest, underneath the left breast, and ending a few inches shy of the left armpit. With the first cut out of the way, the underlying tissue had to be snipped away. After the underlying tissue was dealt with, the rib spreader was placed into the fresh, crude looking cut in Grace’s chest. A popping and cracking sound filled the room as her ribs were forcefully pushed apart.
A significant amount of blood was present upon entrance to the chest cavity. The blood pooled onto Grace’s flabby torso, on the table, and on the floor below. Suction was applied to the area and surgical sponges were placed in the incision area, but that failed to ameliorate the problem. Since blood was blocking the team’s line of sight, the decided to place a 2nd chest tube for additional blood drainage. The 2nd tube was quickly placed, evacuating an additional 1200ML of blood. More blood products were hung, but Grace was as white as a ghost. The 2nd chest tube drained a sufficient amount of blood, and clamps were subsequently placed on the descending aorta and left pulmonary hilum.
The pericardium was incised, relieving tamponade to some extent, and delivering the heart. A small bullet hole was discovered in the anterior pericardium and subsequently plugged up, but the other damaged structures were yet to be identified. In the meantime, internal massage was started while the internal paddles were being readied. A wet, squishing sound was heard while Grace’s fibrillating heart was manually pumped. Her heart began to feel firm, but light from the excessive blood loss.
After a cycle of internal compressions, the internal paddles were ready for use. The large, spoon shaped paddles were lowered into the patient’s chest around her fidgeting heart. Once everyone backed away, a 20j shock was delivered directly into Grace’s heart. Her torso jolted quickly from the small dose of electricity, but her heart continued to fibrillate. Since there was no change, internal massage was resumed and the internal paddles were recharged to 30j. A dull, wet thump was heard after the next shock. The shock failed to convert Grace from v-fib, so internal compressions were resumed. Epinephrine and atropine were pushed once again, along with the first dose of bicarb in an attempt to ameliorate the situation. The internal paddles were once again ready to go, and they were lowered back into the exposed chest cavity, around her twitching heart. The 40j shock was delivered, causing Grace’s toes to curl slightly, again wrinkling the soles of her feet. Post shock, her toes relax and the code goes on.
Grace received 3 more internal defibrillator shocks, several rounds of internal compressions, and 2 more rounds of drugs, but her heart just wouldn’t restart and her pupils were fixed and dilated. Unfortunately, time of death was called on Grace at 2:29am while she was still in v-fib.
The ambu bag was detached and the chirping monitors were switched off. The EKG electrodes were plucked off and additional equipment was removed while her heart fired off its last few frantic, useless signals. Her body was covered up and a toe tag was placed before being sent off to the hospital morgue.
Her autopsy revealed she died from left atrial rupture and partial detachment of the pulmonary veins. The pulmonary veins became partially dislodged from the left atrium, bleeding out into the pericardium and chest cavity.
10 days after Grace’s tragic death, her killer was apprehended by local police. The shooter was identified as 28 year old Jason “JJ” Walton. Walton is a known drug user and has prior convictions for narcotics possession and burglary. Walton was convicted of 2nd degree murder, armed robbery, unlawful possession of a firearm, discharging a firearm on public, and a probation violation for a prior arrest. He was subsequently sentenced to 55 years in state prison for his crimes.
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bensakindofmagic · 5 years
Chapter Twenty
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A/N: yo. so I'm back at uni and work is a little hectic. sorry uploads haven't been as regular, but I'm still loving making these moodboards. keep requesting folks. much love
Warning: angst, swearing
w/c: 2.1k+
Chapter Twenty
You winced as you walked to the kitchen the next morning. Bruises had formed overnight and left your skin mottled, hickeys punctuating them with with red. You still bore Ben’s handprint like a stamp of ownership. It stung sharply as you sat down. 
“Morning my love,” Ben smiled, kissing you on the cheek. “How’re you doing?” 
“A little sore. Sitting is… challenging.” 
“Oh, but you took it so well, princess.”
“Be careful using that name,” you said darkly. It was reserved for very specific circumstances.
He smirked, then asked, “Can I get you an ice pack?”
You shook your head, “No, baby, I’m okay.”
He was particularly affectionate with you that morning, as he always was after nights like that. It was as though he felt he needed to make it up to you, despite the fact that you probably enjoyed it even more than he did. He kissed your forehead as he laid your breakfast in front of you, and stroked your thigh under the table as you ate. He glanced over at you often, and smiled warmly whenever you caught him looking.
“You look beautiful this morning,” he beamed. “Love looks good on you.”
A warm laugh burst out of you like birds from a cage, “That is the cheesiest thing you have ever said!”
You leaned across and wound your hand around the back of his neck, exploring the softness of his skin there. “But I do love you.” When your lips met it was like the setting sun on a summer day in London, golden rays illuminating the divine in what before seemed mundane.
“I love you too,” he cooed. 
He insisted you stay in for the morning, so you sat at the breakfast table for hours. It sometimes still felt like a novelty to be able to just sit with him and talk, not through a phone or a computer screen, not worrying about wifi signal or your responsibilities. Ben’s hand rested lazily on yours, his pinky finger occasionally stroking the back of your hand. Every time he did it you smiled.
You were only interrupted by the buzz of your phone in your pocket, indicating an email. You wouldn’t usually look at work stuff while your were hanging out with Ben, but your body went on auto-pilot as you unlocked your phone and opened the new email in your inbox. 
You froze.  
The job for which you’d speculatively applied months ago, with a big studio in an expensive new franchise, full in the expectation that you wouldn’t get it so had therefore completely forgotten about, had just been offered to you. You had to reread the email four times to make sure you hadn’t got it wrong, or that you weren’t dreaming — which still felt like a distinct possibility because when Ben spoke his voice sounded so distant from you. 
“Y/N? What is it?” 
“I’ve been offered a job,” you said more to yourself than to him. 
“Congratulations,” he smiled, squeezing your hand. “What for?”
“A new sci-fi franchise. It’s three films, back-to-back, with the possibility of promotion if they like me. The shoot starts in a month in LA.” Even saying it out loud didn’t make it seem more real. 
“Oh right. Wow,” he said, distinctly unenthusiastically. Slowly, he retracted his hand, instead clasping it in the other on his lap. 
“This is insane,” you laughed. “I applied for this on a whim, I never actually thought I’d get it.”
“Are you going to take it?” There was a bitterness in his voice that brought you back to yourself.
“I’ve only just got the offer through Ben, I don’t know.” 
“But you want to, right?” 
“Of course I want to. It’s an incredible opportunity for me.” 
He huffed and stood, turning his back on you.
“Opportunity to do what? What are you looking for Y/N?” 
The question stunned you, you had not anticipated his anger. He was supposed to be excited for you, but when he faced you there was fury in his eyes.
“You’ll spend probably three years in LA to become what, second AD? First? That’s the height of your ambition?” 
“No Ben, but this is a huge step—”
“Step towards what goal? Where does you career end? You’re not trying to become a producer, so what?” he spat, venom in his voice.
“I knew you felt weird about that! I knew you didn’t get it.” 
“No I don’t get it. I don’t get why you’re actively wasting your time.”
You gawked at him, your anger overtaking your hurt, “So you think my job is a waste of time, do you?” 
He started to refute you but rage was already hissing in your throat. “Don’t go getting all ‘holier than thou’ on me, Ben,” you rambled. “Just because I’m behind the camera, doesn’t mean what I do is less valuable. I like being a PA, I enjoy my job. And I’m good at it. I like the rush, the variation, I like problem solving. I like working with creative people, even if some of them are pretentious arseholes,” you shot pointedly. “Don’t be so naïve as to presume we all need exceptional success to validate us.”
He rolled his eyes dismissively, “You know that’s not what I meant.” 
“Then what did you mean?”
He huffed loudly, and gesticulated, “My career is here, Y/N, in London.” 
“You’re about to go away for five months.” Your temper was starting to bubble like acid.
“That’s hardly three years!”
Barbed words scratched harshly through your throat, “And what exactly makes your career so much more important than mine?”
“What makes your career more important than me?!” he yelled. 
You raised your voice to meet his, stomping your foot at the tears threatening to fall, “This isn’t about you.” 
“It’s about us,” his voice cracked. He went ominously quiet and all you could hear was your heart thundering in your chest. “You expect us to last if you move to LA for three years?”
“Don’t you dare,” you whispered, tears now spilling uncontrollably down your cheeks, “Don’t you dare ask me to choose.” 
“The choice is in front of you, I don’t need to ask,” he spat. With that he turned tail and stormed away. He grabbed a jacket and his keys and left you alone in the apartment that was once his. It wasn’t until you heard the slamming of the door that you shattered into pieces.
Who does he think he is? 
You made yourself a cup of tea with a heavy clatter of metal on porcelain on marble. You had been oscillating between rage and heartbreak all day, with a barrage of tears accompanying you through it all. As the sun sank lower into the sky your mind rampaged: you couldn’t believe Ben had been so selfish, you couldn’t believe he hadn’t supported you, been excited for you. The fact that you had even been offered the job was a huge achievement but he hadn’t cared at all, much less encouraged you in it. He didn’t even entertain the idea of you going, and him possibly going with you — he could easily get work in the US, especially in LA, for a few years. Maybe he wouldn’t move permanently but he could go back and forth. You’d be long distance a lot of the time anyway, why did it matter if that was based in London or LA? But of course Ben had just fucked off and denied you any opportunity to even discuss the logistics. It was him or the job. No compromise. How could he even ask, when he knew what your answer would be? You had made it very clear from the start that you would never let a man hold you back in your career; it was the reason it had taken so long for you to tell him how you felt. He knew — he knew — what your job meant to you. Did he want you to leave him? Was he giving you an ultimatum because he knew you wouldn’t pick him? As much as you wanted to pick him, as much as you loved him, you made a promise to yourself long ago that you would always choose your job. He was well aware of that. 
Of course he doesn’t want you to leave him, you’re being irrational, you thought to yourself, shaking the idea from your head. He loved you, there was no question. But he could bloody well come home and talk to me so I didn’t have to jump to conclusion, or at least answer the phone.
You had called him eight times throughout the day, and been consistently ignored.
The afternoon had well set in by the time you heard keys rattle in the door. You stayed sat at the kitchen table, staring firmly at the wall, until Ben rounded the corner and sat down opposite you. 
“So you’ve deigned to come home?” you said bitterly. 
Ben sighed, hanging his head, “Can we not do this please, Y/N?” 
“Not do what? Not mention the fact that: one, you were a selfish fuck about something great that’s happened for me, and two, you stormed out for literally HOURS and didn’t think to return my calls! I didn’t know what had happened to you, I had no idea if you were even coming home. At all.” 
“I’d never abandon you,” he refuted firmly. 
“Really?! Cause it felt an awful lot like you just did!”
You’d been determined not to cry in front of him, you wanted him to know how angry you were, but still tears clouded your vision and left tracks on your cheeks. 
“Look, can we have a rational discussion? I’ve been trying to clear my head all day — I didn’t want to come back until I could talk to you calmly.” 
With a face like thunder you spat, “I am perfectly capable of being rational and upset at the same time. Do not try and tell me I am being irrational for getting mad at you.” 
“No, of course not, that’s not wh—”
“I’m fuming Ben! And I have every right to be.” 
“I know. I know, and I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have reacted the way I did and I should have told you where I was.” 
You stood in stunned silence, caught off-guard; you had geared yourself up for a screaming match, not an apology. 
“Right,” you grumbled. 
He rounded the table and came to sit beside you, taking your hand in his. There were grazes on his knuckles. 
“We need to work on communication, right?” 
You nodded. 
“So I’m asking you to listen to me.” 
“I can do that,” you whispered. 
“I lashed out because I was scared. The thought of you going to LA for three years fucking terrifies me and I don’t want you to go. But I didn’t know how to tell you that, knowing what your work means to you. I didn’t want to ask you to pick me. So I was angry with the situation and angry with myself for not knowing how to deal with it.”
He sighed, heaviness settling into his bones. He watched his fingers tracing shapes over the back of your hand. “I just don’t want to lose you.” 
“You should have been excited for me.” 
“I am,” he shrugged. 
You tilted his chin to make him look at you, “Don’t lie to me, Ben.” 
Melancholy-tinged green betrayed him. “I’m trying to be.” 
“What do you want me to tell you Ben? 
“That you won’t go.” 
You had been contemplating it while he’d been gone; whether to go or not. Of course you didn’t want to lose Ben, to leave him on the other side of the world. You’d already had a taste of long-distance and it was bitter on your tongue. But you just couldn’t pass up the opportunity. Sure, the big blockbuster thing wasn’t what you’d done before, or particularly what you wanted, but it gave you steady work for three years (in an industry where that was rare and precious) and possible promotions. Who knew where you’d be in three years? If you didn’t take the job not only would it feel like a betrayal of the person you had worked so hard to be, but you also knew that you’d forever wonder what might have been. And you’d likely resent Ben for not letting you find out. 
“You know I can’t do that.” 
He nodded, clearly not surprised but crushed none-the-less. Meekly, he asked, “So where does that leave us?” 
You gnawed at your lip. “I don’t know.” 
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kmseokjins · 5 years
Waste It On Me (Chapter Four, Pt. 1)
Fandom: BTS Pairing: BTS x Reader / Future OT7 x Reader Warnings: n/a in this chapter Genre: a lil angst Summary: [Name] has a rough week at work and reaches her breaking point. Have some feelings, y’all.
Songs listened to: Sing For You by EXO, Butterfly by BTS, Baby Don’t Cry by EXO
Notes: Up goes the first part of chapter four since I’ve officially posted the second part of chapter four on AO3. See AO3 for special note regarding this chapter. 
Archive Of Our Own || Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
You haven’t seen the boys for over a week, the whirlwind that was work sweeping you up and keeping you busier than you’d been in months. It was exhausting, and quite frankly, you were close to pulling your hair out. Today had especially been difficult; nothing had been going right, clients had been rude and uncooperative, and your boss was ready to blow a gasket. You were visibly shaking as you carefully put away cameras, camera lenses, and other equipment that you’d been directed to do. You had hoped it would give you time to collect yourself, to even your breathing and calm your mind.
It wasn’t, and you could feel the sharp sting of your throat constricting and tears burning in your eyes. Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry. Don’t fall apart yet. Not here. You hastily wipe at the tears that have fallen at the sound of your boss shouting for you across the room. Clearing your throat, you stand quickly at the sound of footsteps and turn on your heel to face your boss. He stops immediately when you face him, the anger that contorts his face falls at the sight of you so upset. Your brain immediately expects the worst, fearing his anger is directed at you for whatever reason. Any reason.
He pinches the bridge of his nose, breathing out deeply before he steps closer, “[Name], go home. Get some sleep. Take care of yourself.” He tells you softly, reaching out to clasp a hand on your shoulder, which makes you tense at the contact, “You’re not in trouble, you did nothing wrong.” He adds, squeezing your shoulder before he smiles, “I’ll see you Tuesday.”
You gape at him as he shoos at you, picking up where you left off with the equipment. “B-but sir,” You start, but the words die in your throat at the look he gives you. You’ve worked with him long enough to know that there isn’t any room for arguing once he’s decided something. Finally, you nod and give him your usual bow, “Thank you, Mr. Han. Have a good night,” He hums in response, nodding his head absently, already focused back on his task.
You awkwardly shuffle away to put your own camera and equipment away in your bag, settling the strap on your shoulder before you’re slipping out of the studio with hunched shoulders. You opt to take the stairs rather than the elevator, taking your time descending down the four flights of stairs. Halfway down, your phone pings in one of the pockets of your bag, and you stop to fish it out.
9 missed calls. 15 text messages.
You hadn’t even managed to look at your phone since early this morning when you first got to work before it had been shoved in your bag pocket and long forgotten. A quick scroll shows that the calls and texts are mostly from Jimin, Hoseok, Jungkook, and Tae. It makes you smile before your vision blurs with tears and you hastily wipe them away as you quickly descend rest of the stairs and emerge into the front lobby near the elevators. You practically run through the lobby, waving your hand in acknowledgement of those you pass at their greetings and goodbyes.
As soon as you step foot outside, you stop and breathe in the fresh air, glad the sun hasn’t set and you won’t have to walk home in the dark. You stand there for several minutes, eyes closed as you simply enjoy the fresh air and the soft rays of sunlight on your face. You’re startled from your peace by your phone again.
Ping! One new text message.
JK: [Name]-ah pleaseeeeeee? Movie niiiiiight!!!
You: Not tonight.
Sunshine: Please? We miss you
Tae: You can pick the movie!
You: Guys…
JK: That’s a yes, right?
There goes your dreams of curling up on your couch with a pint of ice cream and a sappy movie to drown yourself in. Deciding you don’t have the energy to argue with them, you quickly pull up the Uber app to get yourself a ride to their dorms, plopping yourself on a nearby bench to wait for your ride.
30 minutes later, you’re finally reaching up to knock on the dorm door before you’re twisting the door knob to step inside the familiar entryway. The drive had been quiet, mostly consisting of your forehead resting against the window as you aimlessly stared out the window, barely registering just how congested the traffic was and why it took so long. The driver tried to make conversation with you, but soon fell quiet himself when you barely responded. Several texts had come through from the boys during the ride, and you only responded once to let them know you were on the way.
Laughter reached your ears as you close the door and shuffle your shoes off, letting your bag slip from your shoulder and onto the floor just out of the way. You were careful in setting it down, not wanting to damage the expensive camera that you had spent years saving up for.
“There you are!” Hoseok’s laugh comes from the doorway moments later, drawing your attention away from your bag and to the doorway. You attempt to mirror his bright smile, but your lips quiver and his image becomes blurry from tears before you can stop yourself.
Hoseok’s eyes widen at your tears, and he immediately closes the distance, pulling you against his chest and into a tight hug, “[Name], what’s wrong? What happened?” You hear him murmur against your hair, one hand soothingly rubbing up and down your back.
You keep your sobs quiet as you shake your head, “Rough day,” Comes out muffled against his chest, your fingers gripping his shirt like a lifeline, although he doesn’t seem to mind. Hoseok sighs softly, moving you both gently in a sideways motion back and forth.
“Hobi, where’d you go!?” Jimin’s voice filtered into the entryway at some point, stirring you from the soothing motions against Hoseok. “There you are. Yah! [Name], you snuck in on us!” You could hear the grin in Jimin’s voice and then the questioning silence once he apparently realized something was off.
Jimin pressed close to you both as you turned your head to face him, offering him a weak smile at the concern written all over his face. His arm wraps around your shoulders as he leans down slightly to press his head against yours. His affection and gentleness makes you choke back a sob, and you swear Jimin’s eyes look a little watery when he pulls away a few moments later. Both boys gently urge you further into the house, finding yourself tucked against Hoseok’s shoulder as he leads you down the hallway and into the living room.
Taehyung and Jungkook are sitting on the floor, apparently playing a video game by the looks of the controllers clutched in their hands. By the smell of food and voices coming from the kitchen, Namjoon and Jin are apparently fussing about in there. Yoongi is slouched on the couch, eyes glued to the phone in his hand.
Tae and Jungkook noticed the three of you first, both of them breaking into grins before they actually see to see how upset you are. The two youngest are instantly scrambling to their feet, shooting off questions at Jimin and Hoseok, their video game abandoned. Their raised voices draw the attention of the three remaining members; Namjoon and Jin emerge from the kitchen in confusion, while Yoongi has abruptly stood from his seat, phone forgotten.
“What happened?” You hear Yoongi’s voice among the commotion, and seven heads turn to look at him, although yours is the only one filled with surprise. Even with the distance between you and him, you can see his jaw tense and his knuckles are white where he’s gripping his phone. Your brain flashes back to the last time you’d seen him, and you find yourself unable to reassure him that you’re fine, but Hobi answers for you as he pulls you from the others and towards the couch, closer towards Yoongi.
“Rough day,” He repeats your words from earlier, pulling you down to sit on the couch with him, Tae immediately crowding on your other side near Yoongi, who slowly returns to his seat. You miss the looks they all exchange with each other, too busy trying to focus on something besides all of them. They can easily suck the air from a room when you’re the sole subject of their attention.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Jungkook. His voice is soft and meek enough that you’re drawn to him, taking in the uncertain look in his eyes as he watches you, almost like he’s afraid to ask. You try to smile as you shake your head, reaching up to wipe the tears from your face. They all watch silently, as if they’re not quite sure what to do with you.
“I-I should go home, you don’t need me ruining a fun night,” You tell them as you stand from the couch. “I shouldn’t have come over in the first place.” There’s an ache in your chest after the words spill from your lips, too afraid to admit that you don’t really want to be alone now that you’re in the company of the boys. They’re a family, a comfort to each other when things get hard, but you’re an outsider, despite the friendship you share with each of them.
You’re used to being alone. To carrying the world on your shoulders for what has seemed like decades by yourself. You had lost your father years ago, and your mother long before that. Friends were in and out of your life, and you fully expected to be passed over by these boys. They were famous, they were idols. They were going onto bigger and better things, and despite your clumsy attempts to make something of yourself, you always felt like you could never really catch up.
A hand on your shoulder startles you from your thoughts, and you tilt her head back slightly to peer up at Namjoon, who’s looking at you like he understands, “You’re not going to ruin anything. We invited you over and we couldn't be happier that you’re here, tears or not.” Murmurs of agreement from the other members follow his words, and you feel a hand lace their fingers with yours, “Maybe this is where you need to be, [Name]. With us.”
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Be Mine [Yoongi x Reader]
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Credit: littlemeowmeowschimmy
Requests opened // m.list
Genre: Fluff // Cute 
Summary: It was everything you had ever dreamed of - getting married to Min Yoongi. 
Word Count:  2690
A/N: Let me know what y’all think. Do you want a second part? I’ve been in the wedding mood lately, so I figured this would be cute. 
»»————- ★ ————-««
 There it stood in its full beauty. It hung on a hanger, pressed against the mirror. The veil resting besides it as the sun’s rays casted upon it. You sat there; your hands folded in your lap with your legs crossed at the knee. You noticed that because of the small jewels, the sun made the dress sparkle. The pink undertone was light as the dress itself wasn’t pure white. Nor was it strapless because it hung from two beautiful laced straps. 
Surrounding the full and base of the skirt was beautiful lace designs. You remember standing in the stop looking at it. How it’s beauty completely captivated you. Once the dress was on, the tears fell. Little did you realize that your life was changing right before you eye. 
It was a hard pill to swallow. Knowing that you were changing from just an independent woman to still one but with your fiancé at your side. You had gotten used to his company over the five years you had been dating. How warm and soft he was, bunt and his sarcastic humor. He seemed to be enjoying what he was doing, because he spoke so passionately about it. The time you’ve spent together was like a dream that was now becoming your reality. 
Slowly, your body ascended from your chair. You delicately moved yourself towards such beauty. It was almost as if you were sneaking up on a peaceful bear. You didn’t want to make a sound, because if you had, it would rip you away from your entrancement. Just as you were about to reach out and touch it, the doorbell rang. 
Your heart skipped against your rib cage, your mind swirling with questions. Almost robotically, you move around. Calling out to whomever was waiting. When you opened it, there your mother and bridal group stood. Your mother was dressed in a navy blue, her eyes bright and teary. She reaches out to touch your face, gently caressing her thumb against your skin. 
“Today’s the day,” she spoke her eyes blinking the tears away. You gave her a small smile, reaching up to grasp her wrist, then press your cheek against her palm. She takes in a heavy sigh, then proceeds to step around you. Blythe, your maid of honor, claps her hands. 
It was her way of getting everyone’s attention so they could move. It seemed as if she had her entire collection of makeup and tools with her. The reason being her big bright bag was filled to the brim. The other girls, Athena, Harlow, Layla, Jazz, and Harper moved inwards. They all seemed to be wearing their bridal gowns. 
A sweet heart neckline with a short front and long back. The color was a simple light pink, matching up with the pink undertones of your dress. The waist had a beautiful rose jewel in the center that was met with the laced back. Their dresses were strapless but could be held up by the shoulders with a clear strap. Their heels clicked against the wooden floor, sending the once quiet room into one filled with laughter. 
The bridal party seemed to finish getting ready with you. Doing their own hair and makeup as well as making sure to give you as enough support as they possibly could. These girls were your best friends, most of whom you met in college. They were your support system when you studied abroad in Germany and continued to be so when you moved out. 
It had been years since you last saw them in person, the sight alone making you want to cry. Yes, you met up with them weeks before, but even now, their company was enough. Blythe pushes you down into your chair again, a small mischievous grin spreading across her lips. 
“So, why didn’t you tell me about Jungkook?” she ponders taking your hair out of the messy bun it once resided in. 
“Because he is younger than you,” you start looking into the mirror to catch her eye. “And I knew if you knew you’d be all over him, because you’re like a lioness.” Blythe had a thing for younger men. It showed in her dating patterns and how often she got in trouble. She often explained that the men her age were out of her league and immature. 
It’s often why she came home with someone who was two years or even three years younger than her. She said they were fun, had more energy, and didn’t complain that often. You believed that most of the guys she hooked up for was just for sex. There were plenty more reasons for not telling her about Jungkook. One of the more recent ones was because he was often shy around the other sex. 
Blythe would literally crush him, and you didn’t want to see that. “So?” She presses grabbing her comb to push away some hair. “That doesn’t mean I shouldn’t try~” her mischievous look turning dark and lustful. 
“Oh, come off its Blythe,” Harper, the eldest, rolls her eyes. Harper was a lot like Namjoon. In the sense that she kept everyone sane. Most importantly, she and Blythe would often get into arguments surrounding her dating patterns. Harper was only looking out for her friend and she wanted to make sure that everything was okay with her. But also, she was the mother of the group and she hated the way Blythe acted so childish. “You shouldn’t be trying to get into bed with Y/N   fiancé’s best friend.” 
“But I do want to ride Jimin though,” Layla whistles out, Blythe joining in. “Maybe even Taehyung. C’mon Harper, at least admit Yoongi does have handsome men for friends.” Layla and Blythe were born in the same year. They often thought alike, hung out the most, and were basically twins. Their relationship reminded you a lot of Taehyung and Jimin. They were extremely playful women and extremely straight forwards. 
Harper went silent as she didn’t know what to say. Instead, she picked up her eyebrow pencil, moving it inwards to start filling in. Layla whistles again, asserting her sense of accomplishment. Everyone wasn’t going to argue with her statement. Just by the group chat the previous night, everyone was drooling over them. 
“I wonder what Jin will wear...” Athena squeaks from the corner. Your eyes shift towards her. She was a delicate one, but very thoughtful. She was the friend everyone went to when they were feeling down. Just like Harper was the mother, Athena was like the best little sister. She was the youngest out of the seven of you. She still was in undergrad as she had changed her major just in the three years. 
Athena wasn’t one to speak out normally. Instead, she observed everyone, making sure they were doing fine. It was her who was the loud and rowdy one at parties when drunk. Just as Hoseok, she was a light weight. Or so you assumed Hoseok was, due to how quickly his vibe changed when he did drink. 
“I’m positive Jin will be wearing whatever Yoongi puts him in darling,” Harlow reassures tapping the excess powder off her brush. She moves in to place the darker shade on Jazz’s lid. Out of everyone, Harlow was the one who majored in something artistic. Most everyone wanted to see what she could do with a brush and some powders. 
The sight was almost mesmerizing how quickly she worked. Jazz was a music major. She wanted to do something with her voice and that’s exactly what she did. Just like Harlow, everyone went to Jazz if they wanted a song written or to analyze something. Jazz and Athena were a lot alike in the terms of they don’t speak up often. 
They were extremely shy once you met them and slowly opened over the years. However, when they were in new environments they often froze and hid behind Layla and Blythe. Just to have their energy was still enough to make you smile. Having your friends around you was the most rewarding thing you could’ve asked for in life. 
Silence stepped in once again due to the door bell ringing. Your mother stood up, leaving her chair alongside your bed. Her heels clicking while she makes her way down the narrow hallway. The girls whispering to each other, Blythe curling another part of your hair. When the door opened, you heard your mother speaking quietly. 
Seconds later, Jungkook pops his head around the corner. He gives everyone a great big smile, his eyes forming crescents. You didn’t have to look at Blythe because you knew she was already giving him a lustful glance. You reached back to smack her leg, receiving a hiss from her. Jungkook held his camera in hand, as it seemed he was taking photos for you. 
“You really don’t have to Jungkook,” you start only to be cut off by Blythe. 
“You’re walking down the aisle with me right Jungkook?” He flushes a little nodding his head while raising the camera. 
“Yeah, it seems like it.” he answers calmly. The reaction alone making Blythe give a devilish smirk. Layla whines next to Athena, her attention drawn back to the mirror. She was walking down the aisle with Hoseok, whilst Harper was walking down with Jimin. She didn’t have a problem either way, but her eyes were set on Jimin. 
Jungkook’s camera snaps away, capturing every laughter, every mistake, and every memory. It wasn’t long until he had to turn around because you were getting into your dress. Jungkook walks out into the hallway, only to be met by Blythe trying to shoot her shot. Your mother and Jazz help you get into your dress. 
The fabric easily sliding over your head, down your back and sitting on your shoulders. Jazz comes around, grabbing the strings to lace up the back. This time, the fabric squeezes against your curves, then sits still. You looked at yourself in the mirror, finding it hard to believe that you, Y/N, was marrying the man of your dreams. 
What topped it all off was your mother. She came behind you, the veil tied to a small flower crown. She pins it on top of your hair, moving some of the loose strands to frame your face. Her eyes were red with tears and her hands shaky. She stands there, a smile spreading across her lips as her palms reach to gently touch your face. 
“You look absolutely stunning my dear,” her voice coming out small. “I am so proud of you and so proud to be your mother.” her emotions swelling as every word touched your heart. “He is and will absolutely adore you.” 
 »»————- ★ ————-««
 Yoongi stood at the altar, his hands behind his back. It was your idea to have a Westernized wedding before the more traditional. This way, it would join both parties respected cultures. He couldn’t stand still as the anticipation was growing ever more. The room was filled with bright pinks and whites, the smell of candles and other aromas filling the air. 
His eyes couldn’t stop looking around. It was almost as if his wedding had come out of a storybook. Everything was so beautiful that he knew, he would never forget. His eyes turn when the doors to the church open. His brothers walking in with your friends. Yoongi wore a white tuxedo whilst the rest wore black. He was going for a non-traditional style because of your wedding dress. 
Yoongi hadn’t seen it, but he had heard you describe it. You hadn’t seen his tuxedo, but you had heard him describe it. Both parties move inwards, each smiling in his direction. Yoongi was lightly bouncing on the balls of his feet, the ever so monster of anticipation continuing to sink its teeth into his back. As your last friend, Blythe, moves to her spot the waiting really started to stab him. 
The bridal chorus plays, and the wooden doors open again. In that split second it had seemed like Yoongi’s soul left his body. There you stood, the dress fitting your every curve, your makeup bringing out the best parts of your face. Your eyes light and your hair framing you. You held onto your father’s arm as you confidently walked forwards. 
Yoongi saw you with your heels walking around the apartment. He knew how you weren’t comfortable in them, yet in this moment he couldn’t describe you. Every memory flood through his mind, sending his emotions all over the place. It hadn’t occurred to him he was crying until he felt his hot tears against his cheeks. 
He brought a hand up, swiping the tear away, only to be replaced by others. When your father stopped at the end of the pews, Yoongi stood there. Never breaking eye contact as the pastor spoke. When he was ready, his words came out in a choke. He takes a few steps down, thanking your father, then reaching to take you. 
In his grasp, you stood firm. Your hands were shaky because you had never seen Yoongi like this. You wanted to wipe away his tears, reassure him that everything was alright. And yet, just by looking at you he knew. He knew that you were his everything and nothing, God damn it nothing was going to change that. 
The ceremony itself was long, or at least to the couple it was. It seemed as if they just wanted the pastor to say the words and run into pure happiness. Yoongi’s eyes never left yours, and you ever left his. The world surrounding you was gone, and you were just left looking at him. Gazing upon his beauty. When you mentioned to your friends earlier that week, how you got lost in Yoongi’s eyes, you weren’t kidding. 
It was like you were swimming in a pool of chocolate. The warmth captivating your heart and sending chills throughout your veins. How his eyes twinkled under the sunlight and became crescents when he laughed. They were, the most important and your favorite aspect of him. 
The vows were taken quickly as both of you didn’t write anything. Instead, you both knew how you felt inside and didn’t want to share it. Instead, you took the traditional vows. Filling them with love and passion. Yoongi went first, reaching down to take the ring from your cousin. 
He slips the silver metal onto your right hand, bringing it up to place a sweet kiss against. You flushed at the sight, breaking eye contact for the first time as you couldn’t look at him head on. You followed afterwards, taking the ring and slipping it on his right hand. Just like he did previously, Yoongi brought your hand up to place a kiss against your fingers. 
The pastor says a few ending comments, then as it comes out to you, mumbles “You may kiss the bride.” 
Yoongi didn’t hesitate. Instead, he lifts the veil, pushes it back, then dances his fingers against your waist. He pulls you in, capturing your lips in a passion filled kiss. Yoongi arches your back, pressing you against his chest as the world once again leaves you. His lips soft and his hands firm. Yoongi didn’t want to let you go, he didn’t want you to leave that world with him. Sadly, the only thing that brought you back was both Taehyung’s loud ass yelling and Hoseok’s clapping. 
Yoongi breaks apart his expression soft. He brings a hand up to press the back of his fingers against your cheek, leaning in and kissing your forehead. “I love you Mrs.Min Y/N,” he whispers his words swelling your heart as the first time today, you cried. 
“I love you too Mr. Min Yoongi,” your fingers tightening around his jacket tugging on him. He realizes that it was time to walk down the aisle to start the party. Leaving you to cling on him as one thought crossed your mind: 
You were finally in paradise with the one you now called husband. 
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splendidlyimperfect · 5 years
Gray hasn’t seen Natsu in years - not since he moved away with his boyfriend Joel and Natsu stopped texting him. A chance run-in at a bar brings Natsu back into Gray’s life, but the encounter puts Gray in danger when Joel finds out. Natsu quickly realizes that Gray’s stuck in a cycle of violence, and wants to help him escape. But leaving isn’t that easy, and sometimes loving someone might not be enough.
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Chapter Summary: Gray's trying to be okay, but he still feels like he's falling apart.
Chapters (21/24):  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12| 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17| 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Natsu Dragneel/Gray Fullbuster, Gray Fullbuster/Original Male Character(s) Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Abuse, Abusive Relationships, Rape/Non-con Elements, Rape Aftermath, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Natsu just wants to help, but Gray feels like he can’t leave, Non-Linear Narrative, Trans Character, Tumblr: FTLGBTales, ftlgbtpride2019, Coming Out, First Love, Angst with a Happy Ending, I promise
** TW for mentions of drinking/alcoholism and self-harm 
they mean everything to me
sup·port | \ sə-ˈpȯrt transitive verb : to keep from yielding or losing courage
xx november .
Sting is right, and Joel doesn’t get out on bail. Instead, words like ‘arraignment’ and ‘preliminary hearing’ and ‘testimony’ get tossed around while Gray curls up in the bedroom and refuses to talk to anyone.
Natsu sits with him, sometimes, running his fingers through Gray’s hair and telling him that he’s brave, he’s safe, he’s going to be okay. Gray wants to believe him, but he feels like a scared, stupid little boy, and he’s so, so tired.
Three days after the hospital, Kelly comes back to take more pictures for evidence. Gray can’t even look at her, just stares dully at a crack in the baseboard as the camera shutter clicks again and again and again.
After she leaves, he can’t stop crying. When he tries to lock himself in the bathroom, he realizes that he can’t, because someone took the lock out of the handle. He knows why and he wants to scream in frustration, but instead just stares at his reflection in the mirror – red and black and blue and broken.
When Natsu finds Gray curled up in the shower, fully dressed with the water running as hot as possible, he doesn’t yell or cry or lecture. He just turns off the water and slips into the tub next to Gray, ignoring the dampness spreading through his jeans. He wraps his arms around Gray and holds him close, running his fingers over the bright red skin of Gray’s arms.  
“It hurts,” Gray whispers, tears hot on his cheeks. “I... I wish he’d...”
He can’t say it, but he knows that Natsu knows what he means. Neither of them says anything, and Natsu just sits there, steady and calm, while Gray cries and cries.
Continue reading on AO3
That night, Gray can’t sleep. Natsu is unbearably hot next to him, the sheets scratch his skin, and every time he closes his eyes, he feels Joel. Joel’s lips on Gray’s, Joel’s fingers around Gray’s throat, Joel’s hand scrabbling at Gray’s pants.
Gray can’t remove the thoughts, so he tries to replace them. He tries to think of Natsu, kissing him at the lake. Natsu, touching Gray in the back seat of his dad’s car. Natsu, pressing against him in the alley behind the bar.
Suddenly Gray really, really wants a drink.
He carefully slips out from under Natsu’s arm, patting Bella’s head reassuringly before closing the bedroom door behind him. Nobody else is up, and Gray wanders into the kitchen. A thin ray of moonlight spills through the curtains and across the countertop, and Gray traces it with his fingers before looking up at the cupboards.
“We don’t have any alcohol.”
Gray jumps at Sting’s voice, spinning around and grunting in pain when he hits his hip on the edge of the counter. Sting is next to him immediately, but when he reaches out for Gray’s arm, Gray pulls away, shaking his head.
It’s hard to see in the dark, and Gray is suddenly terrified that Sting is angry. His heart leaps into his throat and he takes a step back, wrapping his arms around his stomach. Sting must read his mind because he slowly reaches behind him and flips on the light.
When Gray looks up, he realizes that Sting’s still in uniform, and he’s yawning and rubbing his eyes. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” Sting says. “I just got home. You hungry?”
Gray shrugs. He hasn’t been eating much – both because it hurts like hell to swallow and because he just doesn’t really care. Sting gestures to the fridge before moving carefully past Gray.
A few minutes later, they’re both sitting on the couch with bowls of ice cream – Sting now dressed in sweatpants and a faded Star Trek t-shirt. Gray’s trying to eat slowly, but as soon as he takes a bite, he realizes how hungry he really is. Sting doesn’t say anything when Gray finishes his own ice cream, then accepts Sting’s offer of the rest of his, too.
A comfortable silence settles between the two of them after a while, broken only by Frosch and Lector hopping up onto the couch, drawn by the promise of food. Gray lets Frsoch lick some of the melted ice cream from his fingertips, while Lector shoves his face in Sting’s bowl much less delicately.
“Don‘t tell Rogue,” Sting says, grinning as he scratches Lector behind the ears. Gray laughs, setting his bowl down on the coffee table and then curling up in the corner with Frosch settled into a purring ball in his lap.
“Catch.” Sting reaches into his pocket and tosses something over to Gray. Gray’s too slow to grab it, and when it bounces onto the couch, Frosch immediately bats at it. Gray nudges her away, then picks up the item and examines it.
It’s a small, bronze coin with a triangle in the center, and the letter ‘V’ surrounded by the words unity, service and recovery. Around the border it says, ‘to thine own self be true.’
“It’s a sobriety chip,” Sting explains. Gray’s eyes widen as he realizes that it’s not the letter ‘V,’ it’s the roman numeral for ‘5.’
“You...” Gray runs his thumb over the coin, then looks back up at Sting, who gives him a small half-smile.
“I know it fucking hurts like hell,” Sting says gently, “but I promise that drinking will just make it hurt worse.”
“I don’t think it can hurt worse,” Gray whispers, running his thumb over the chip.
“You’d be surprised,” Sting says. “Ask Natsu about the first time he met me.” Gray raises an eyebrow. “I threw up on his shoes,” Sting adds, and Gray’s pretty sure his cheeks turn a bit pink.
“Really?” Gray has a hard time picturing Sting drunk.
“Mm.” Sting tips his head back, staring up at the ceiling. “I was a wreck.” He’s quiet for bit, then adds, “none of it helped – drinking, drugs, hurting myself.” He holds out his arms and Gray can see thin, white scars running across his freckled skin. “I thought that maybe I could hurt myself worse than he hurt me, and then I’d be in control, but… that’s not how it works.”
Gray thinks about the broken glass, the torn flower petals, the tiny red beads of blood across the bruises.
“I feel stupid,” Gray says, rolling the coin between his fingers. “I… you all tried to help me. Before. And I just—I didn’t listen, and I should have, and now it’s just… and there’s this stupid part of me that doesn’t want him to get in trouble, that’s still scared that he’ll get angry at me.”
Sting reaches out and nudges Gray’s foot with his own. “You can be scared and still go on,” he says. “I haven’t seen my dad in ten years and I’m still terrified of him.”
Gray frowns. “That’s… not very reassuring.”
“No, I didn’t…” Sting shakes his head, still looking up at the ceiling. “I just meant you’re not stupid. It doesn’t matter how long it took, you left, and even if you hadn’t, you still wouldn’t be stupid. I know it’s not that easy.”
“If…” Gray focuses on running his finger over Frosch’s nose. “If I hadn’t left, he…” He sighs, shaking his head. “What if I’m never okay?”
Sting’s foot touches Gray’s again, but Gray can’t look up at him. Instead he focuses on the ridges of the coin under his fingers.
“’Okay’ isn’t really a thing,” Sting says after a while. “I still…” He pauses. “Does it help, if I tell you this stuff? Or does it make it worse?”
“It helps,” Gray says, so quiet that he’s not sure Sting can hear him.
Lector has settled onto Sting’s chest and Sting scratches behind his ears. “I still have nightmares,” Sting says softly. “There’s still things that set me off – little, stupid things, and suddenly it’s like I’m this…” He swallows, and Gray’s stomach twists when he realizes that Sting’s got tears in his eyes. “I feel small. Helpless. Trying to figure out what I did wrong so I can make it right, even though nobody’s really angry.”
Gray’s torn between relief that Sting understands, and grief for the little boy that experienced so much hurt.
“That doesn’t go away,” Sting continues eventually, wiping at his cheeks. “But you get better at living with it. At recognizing when your brain is lying to you. At trusting people. And you can’t do that if you’re drunk or high or hurting yourself.”
Gray lets out a shaky breath, staring down at his hands. He feels a bit unreal, like this is all happening to someone else and he’s watching it from far away. Part of him wants to let go, but Sting is brave, and Rogue is kind, and Natsu is safe, so maybe Gray can stay.
“You should sleep.” Sting sits up, nudging Lector onto the floor and pushing himself to his feet. He reaches out to Gray, helping him up and then gesturing toward the bedroom where Gray can hear Natsu snoring softly.
“It’ll get better,” Sting says, squeezing Gray’s hand as he takes the chip back. “But right now… it’s okay to not be okay.”
After a week, Gray’s able to recognize himself in the mirror. His eye isn’t so swollen, and the mottled purplish bruises have faded to a yellowed green. The marks around his neck are still there – a faded red handprint – but Natsu lends him a hoodie that zips all the way up to his chin, and Gray wears it everywhere.
“How’d you sleep?” Natsu asks. It’s Saturday morning and they’re curled up on the couch in the living room while Sting and Rogue clean up after breakfast. Gray’s leaning back against Natsu’s chest, eyes closed while Natsu combs his fingers through Gray’s hair.
“Okay,” Gray says, and he’s surprised to find that he’s not lying. The little white pills that the hospital gave him are helping. They make everything light and soft, and let him close his eyes without being ripped apart by memories. Rogue keeps them locked up in the medicine cabinet, and while it makes Gray feel like a child, he’s also glad that he doesn’t have to deal with the temptation.
Natsu kisses the top of Gray’s head and whispers, “good.”
The doorbell rings and Gray immediately flinches, but Natsu’s gentle hands and whispered, “it’s okay,” are reassuring. Gray keeps his eyes trained on the hole in the knee of his jeans as Bella hops down from the couch and trots after Rogue to see who it is.
“Joel’s still in jail,” Natsu says, running his hands up and down Gray’s arms as if trying to brush away the tension. “You’re safe.”
Gray nods, then freezes as he hears a familiar voice in the hallway. When he looks up, Erza is standing in the entrance to the living room.  
“Hey, you,” she says softly, giving Gray a small, sad smile.
Gray just stares. She’s cut her hair shorter, and she’s wearing more makeup than he remembers, but it’s her – the girl he used to have slumber parties with, who kicked her legs out the window when they drove around town, who put too much sugar in her coffee.
The girl who warned him that Joel wasn’t good for him, and Gray didn’t fucking listen.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers, looking down at Natsu’s hands on his arms.
Erza settles down on the couch near him, reaching out hesitantly and resting a hand on his knee. He can’t look at her – doesn’t want to see the pity or frustration in her eyes.
“Gray,” she says, voice gentle and kind. “I missed you.”
“I’m sorry,” he says again, but he can see her hair bob as she shakes her head.
“No, I’m sorry,” she says, shifting a bit closer and reaching out her hand. He stares at it hesitantly, then reaches out and takes it, a warm sense of comfort flooding through him when their fingers touch. “I wish I could have helped sooner, I…”
Natsu nudges Gray until he’s sitting up, and when Gray finally looks at Erza, the only thing in her eyes is relief.
“I missed you so much,” she says, reaching out and pulling him into a hug.
Gray stiffens for a second, then relaxes against her, pressing his forehead against her shoulder and letting out a shaky breath. He doesn’t have any more tears, just an exhausted sense of grief and regret.
“I…” His voice is rough, but he has to say it, has to explain, has to tell her that he wishes he’d listened, that she was right. “I th-thought you guys—he told me that you—”
“It’s okay,” Erza says, shifting on the couch until Gray is wrapped up between her and Natsu, and Gray thinks of that day at the beach all those years ago when they said, we know, we love you, we were waiting for you to be ready.
“I just…”
“I’m not mad,” Erza says, and Gray wants so badly to believe her. “I’m just so happy that you’re alive.” She leans back and cups his cheek in her hand, running her thumb gently over the healing bruises. “I want to kill that fucking asshole.”
There’s a tiny voice in Gray’s head that whispers, he didn’t mean it, he’s not a bad person, he just had too much to drink. He bites his tongue and tells it to shut up.
“I’m sorry I missed your wedding,” Gray says, trying to keep shame from creeping into his cheeks. Erza squeezes his hand, and he hesitantly adds, “Natsu, um… he told me about the thing with Loke’s… date.”
Erza snorts, shaking her head. “Yeah, he’s still a piece of work,” she says. The tightness in Gray’s chest eases a bit at her familiar smile. “Did he show you the pictures?”
They spend a while looking at photos on Erza’s phone, and Gray slowly relaxes between them. Being curled up in Natsu’s lap with Erza’s arm around him feels like home. Eventually Sting and Rogue join them with cookies and coffee, and for a while, Gray starts to feel normal. Like this is how his life was supposed to be.
He’s not okay now, but maybe one day he can be.
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whereisvanderwood · 6 years
Reverse!AU - V’s Route, Day 8.
Plot: if MC drank the elixir instead?
Something I kinda felt like writing ages ago... feeling angsty, lol.
The air was silent—something that MC hadn’t had the luxury to hear for the past week. The sun was setting and it was getting dark out, only a faint glow of the sunset sky lighting the small room. Her body sunk into the bed more the heavier her eyes became. Birds in the far, far distance were singing beautifully, and she couldn’t help but let herself drift. Her eyes couldn’t stay open anymore.
The cottage wasn’t well insulated, and so with the coming night came a cold breath of wind over the abode. She shivered, feeling the goosebumps on her arms rising quickly. Within seconds, the blanket on top of her had been tucked under her chin and fixed so that it covered her whole body, and the pillow was adjusted so that she may rest better. Her lips couldn’t help but slightly curl up after feeling the comfort of her hair being stroked a few times, then followed by her hand being held onto with a reassuring squeeze every now and again. It was a much-needed comfort.
Finally, a moment of peace she could feel. A moment where she didn’t feel like she was fighting for her life against the chemicals in the elixir she had drunk. The pain was still there, but it was bearable for this small window of calmness she had to make the most of. Part of her was glad, however, that she was able to save V from feeling this horrific pain. She felt purposeful for the first time in a long time.
Unbeknownst to MC, her shivering turned more into shaking, and too soon she could feel the sensation of being at death’s doorstep yet again. Her head felt like it was between a vice that only grew tighter. Her eyelashes could have had weights tied to them, and her eyes then would still be lighter compared to how heavy they were now. The anxiety of the situation was giving her continuous hot flushes. Death couldn’t be as bad as this, she thought.
“You still love him over me?” Rays hands began to curl into fists, and his gentle face faded into something more dangerous-looking. “You leave me no choice.” The hacker walked straight up to MC, eventually backing her into the wall. “If you drink this, I won’t hurt that hypocrite anymore.’”
“Anymore? What have you been doing to him?”
“Drink this, and I’ll stop.”
“Ray, what the hell are you doing to him!?”
He refused to reply, and only held out the beautifully blue solution. She swore to V to not take it if she was offered it.
He’s gone through so much pain already, though...
Her skin crawled as she could’ve sworn she heard a scream from far away. MC snatched the bottle from Ray’s hands, his lips already smiling wide with joy as the liquid travelled down her throat.
The burn was worse than alcohol as she swallowed. Lots of things didn’t taste right in the mixture, some she could be sure were not meant to be consumed with a sane mind. Her head was already on the verge of exploding as she doubled over on the ground, hacking violently as the elixir sloshed in her stomach.
“At last… you’re one of us now, MC. Isn’t that wonderful?”
“Where… is V…”
“...I’ll take you to him.”
He knew the elixir was bad and caused short-lasting side effects, but hers seemed to last longer. She lie on her side, gasping for air like a dying animal begging for death’s release. Perhaps he gave her the wrong one, he wondered. Instead, he assisted her to her bed rather than forcing her to walk  along distance to the dungeons deep.
She suppressed the urge to cry for as long as Ray was there in the room. She wanted to scream for help, wishing hopelessly that there was a security camera Seven was watching her from and was already sending help. MC knew, for her’s and V’s sake, that it was detrimental that they escaped as soon as possible.
“I’ll come and check on you later… I’m sorry the elixir is so painful. I promise it will pass.” Ray closed the door behind him, finally leaving the suffering girl alone.
She whimpered, winced and groaned as the effects gripped her every limb and bone. Never had a pain so strong come on so quickly, and it was torturous. She rolled around, spluttering, trying to get anything out of her system as she gulped the oxygen greedily, clawing at the sheets of her bed.
Loud banging on the door shocked her as her name was desperately shouted from the other side. A moment later, the door was broken off its hinges and footsteps dashed across the room.
“MC! MC, what happened?”
“I-I took it.”
“What? You… drank it?”
“I-I didn’t want y-you to… feel… a-anymore pain…”
“Hold on, I’m going to get you out. Luciel is on his way.”
With every muscle in her body constricting with toxins in her blood, V lifted MC from the bed as delicately as he was able, then proceeding to make a full sprint out of the room, not worrying about stealth at all. MC was dying, and he couldn’t afford to waste any time.
And here she was, in hiding with three men, off the grid, away from the world, wondering if death will take her away in the next minute or so.
“V… V…!”
“Shh, I’m right here, MC. You’re going to be okay, I promise.”
To be paralysed yet shaken, lost yet surrounded by company, in pain yet somehow glad, the contrasts were painful to bear. It was a vulnerability she didn’t like being exposed to those close to her heart, especially V. She wanted him there, yet she didn’t. Her mind wouldn’t stop racing.
She curled herself into a ball as she brought her knees close to her chest, half covering her face with the blanket, but not enough to restrict needed breathing space. Even from just the small shifting of her body made her stomach go into spasms—it already hurt from the constant purging of extremely harmful toxins that burned her insides. V could only hold her hand tighter, repeating hushed yet desperate comfort. He felt so useless.
The door creaked as the hacker stood at the door, his eyebrows creased and mouth in a frown in anger and worry. He should’ve taken her hostage situation more seriously instead of convincing himself she was safe with the enemy, whom had seemed to take a great liking to her judging by MC’s response. What the hell was he thinking…
He moved from the doorway to standing behind V’s chair, wishing he didn’t have to watch her writhing form any longer. He felt sick.
“I’m… s-so sorry for this…”
“MC… it’s not your fault. I should’ve done something sooner about the hacker than leave you in danger. I’m the one who should be sorry.”
“Hey.” Kneeling beside the bed between her and V, he rested a hand atop her head, her hair damp with sweat. “It’s not your fault. You did it to protect V. But you’re important too, you know? You can’t do this to yourself.”
“I-I’m… n-not…”
A few tears leaked from her eyes after hearing Saeyoung’s voice. It was so comforting with his deeply affecting words, and not full of a disappointment she’d expected to hear. She forgot how much she missed it; his love.
It took everything to retaliate her saying she wasn’t important. It was probably part of the side effects anyway, he thought. He closed his eyes, exhaling his held breath since entering the room, and smiled sadly.
“If you weren’t important, none of this would have happened…” Standing up, he put his hand on V’s shoulder, giving him a nod. “V will look after you, alright?” he spoke before leaving the two alone once more.
*:・゚✧   Continue? Y/N?
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lageniuswannabe · 7 years
New Story STRESS http://archiveofourown.org/works/13667577
Felicity experiences a hiccup in the pregnancy joy finds out stress can be a not so great thing
I do not own any of the characters in the story they all belong to DC
(See the end of the work for notes.)
Work Text:
“Oliver, Oliver wake up!” Felicity shook her husband into awareness.
“What’s wrong?” He bolted straight up.
“I hurt, my stomach hurts. Oh my ouch!” Felicity lurched forward into the fetal position.
Oliver scooped her up and carry’s her to the living room he set her down on the couch as he realized that pants and a shirt would be good here. He went to William’s room and quietly told him, “get dressed Felicity is in pain. We need to go to the hospital now.”
William took a second to get ready and he grabbed his Stepmothers coat on their way to the parking garage. Oliver raced through the streets to Starling General as William texted his Aunt Thea.
“Help please, is Dr. Schwartz here? My wife is pregnant and she is in pain.” Oliver grabbed a wheelchair.
A nurse came up behind him and asked questions.
“How far along is she?”
“20 weeks.”
“Has she experienced a lot of stress lately?”
“Yes, but really not much more than usual.”
“Has she been jostled or eaten something that might make her sick?”
“No and I don’t think so. She is allergic to nuts.”
Dr. Schwartz came around the corner at the same time Thea and Roy arrived.
“Oliver, Mr. Queen. Give me a few minutes to do some tests and we will check on the baby as we are doing them.” Dr. Schwartz gave him a smile.
“Can I stay with her?” Oliver looked worn.
“Have a seat right here you can stay in the room but everyone else has to wait outside.” Thea nodded and took William’s shoulder guiding him to the waiting room.
Oliver tried to sit still while they did the test which was near impossible whenever Felicity would cry out in pain. The doctor was monitoring her blood pressure and it was high, higher than he had seen in her before.
“Oliver I could use your help please getting her to calm down but I need you to calm down as well. So far everything is okay with the baby. She seems to have very high blood pressure which is putting some pressure on her other organs which is causing her cramping. Can you come and help us make her breathe with you get her to focus on something and once her blood pressure settles we can see what we can do.” Dr. Schwartz looked at him and he nodded.
“Felicity,” he said ever so gently. “Remember how in Bali I taught you to breathe when you sprained your ankle, I need you to look at me and let’s try and breathe through this okay.” He took her face and cradled it ever so gently and she looked at him. “In….out….in….out…in 123 out 123. That’s it baby keep it up slow it down. Good now listen the doctor says everything is fine with peanut so listen.”
While Oliver had got her to breathe the nursing team had strapped a fetal heart rate monitor on her and just like that the beautiful heartbeat of their child filled the room.
“I need you to keep breathing with me Felicity, honey we can do this together like always, everything together.” Felicity looked up at her beautiful husband and nodded.
The doctor gave her 2 aspirins and some water. Her blood pressure started to come down but they wanted to watch it for the next 48 hours so here is where they were going to be.
Oliver got up and spoke to the doctor and she told him that she would rule out pre-eclampsia as her blood pressure was dropping but they still wanted to monitor it. She believed it may be gestational hypertension and as Dr. Schwartz said, “it might be best if she limited her activity with your night time activities.”
Thea came in along with William, who ran to give his step mother a hug, “she will be fine they want to monitor her blood pressure for 48 hours and see what happens.”
Oliver sat in the chair next to her and had to be in constant contact with her.
“William let’s get you home so you can sleep we will come back first thing in the morning. I will bring both of you a change of clothes.” She held her hand out for her nephew as they went to leave Oliver asked her to call John and let him know what was going on.
The two of them barely slept that night although the sound of the baby’s heartbeat did help in calming Felicity down considerably. Next is to find out why she had gotten so stressed out in the first place.
John and Alena both came into the hospital first thing in the morning. Alena asked to speak to Oliver.
“I think the stress may be because of something I found on a traffic camera last night outside of Jitters.” Alena handed him her phone.
Oliver looked again and there was a picture of Damien Dhark in the grainy picture and right behind him and the girl next to him were Ray and that other Legend the new one.
Oliver looked at the image, Damien Dhark? What the hell is this Oliver didn’t know what to do of course this would make Felicity’s blood pressure spike.
“When was this taken?” Oliver asked.
Alena looked and she said, “Last week it never shows him enter Jitters but it does show on another traffic camera these two enter with that girl.”
“Oliver, man she is asking for you said there is something you need to see something about her tablet.” John came out and shook him.
Oliver walked back into the room. “I will text Thea and tell her to bring you your tablet is this something you have to show me or can you tell me.”
“Oliver…okay breathe…I need to show you really it’s something I found out when I was searching for clues. I tried sending a message to the legends…. Damn it…. Breathe. Okay, they said Damien Dhark’s daughter brought him back to life and she is twice as magical as he was.”
Oliver started to pace “Did they say anything about when they knew he was back? I know they never mentioned it to us.”
“From what I can tell they had been chasing him and his daughter through time for the last year. Why wouldn’t Sarah say anything there was time for her to say something.” Felicity started to hyperventilate again.
“Breathe... Honey please. Damn it. If he isn’t dead I sure as hell am going to kill him now. He used my son, shot you and now what is he up to. Damn it.” Oliver punched a good size hole in the wall just as Dr. Schwartz walked in the room. “Sorry.”
“What happened?” She asked. As Oliver explained, Alena kept Felicity breathing.
“That is not all, Oliver. I found footage of Dhark setting up his own little army of sorts on the outskirts of Star City. Why is he always ….. I just want to forget.” Felicity’s blood pressure started to rise again.
Oliver went straight to her side. “Breathe honey peanut needs his mom to keep breathing.” Oliver took her hand in his and placed it on his chest. “With me, Breathe.” When the pressure came down Oliver kissed her hand.
“John can you go back to the bunker and contact Sara and don’t stop until she bloody answers.” Oliver asked, John nodded affirmatively.
“I’ll go with him.” Alena offered and they left.
“Felicity he is not going to get anywhere near anyone I love ever again. You hear me baby, I will get him again hopefully this time will be for good. Sara has a lot to explain but I need you to stay calm.” Oliver kissed her forehead lingering and inhaling her scent.
“I know it just brings back a lot I am not sure what it means.” Felicity grabbed his face. “The only thing I know for sure is that I love you and William and peanut and we will be fine as long as we all know that.” She kissed him hard on the lips Oliver returned the kiss just as fiercely.
Dr. Schwartz cleared her throat. “Well that is good to here. Felicity I want you on bed rest for this month and I do not want you doing your um mm… nightly activities for that month. I am prescribing you bed rest and relaxation and aspirin 2 a day.”
“I can go home?” Felicity asked.
“Yes as long as you follow my directions and I mean it Oliver look at me no stress right now. Whatever this is that is going on she needs to be removed from it. I know Felicity you are going to tell me that it will stress you out more but I am serious. Look to others to help Oliver because she is not doing it and if she is back in here with this problem it could be more serious next time. Now let’s do an Ultrasound and then you can go. Felicity you will need to drink this.” Dr. Schwartz handed her 2 one liter bottles of water.
“Ready to see peanut?” Dr. Schwartz asked.
“Yes, Can we tell the sex now?” Felicity asked.
“Absolutely, do you both want to know right away?” She asked and both Oliver and Felicity nodded yes.
Dr. Schwartz squeezed the gel on her stomach and the heartbeat was first thing they heard. Then the screen came to life and right there in front of them was this tiny human they created. Dr. Schwartz went about taking measurements and looking at growth then she said. “Well looks like you have a daughter in the making.”
“A girl, Felicity, a mini you.” Oliver took her hand and kissed the top of her palm. Felicity sat there with tears in her eyes.
“I’m going to do everything to protect you little one even if it means I have to stay in bed for the rest of this pregnancy.” Felicity wiped a hand across the tear on her cheek.
Dr. Schwartz printed a picture of the beautiful girl and wrote Smoak-Queen baby girl on it.
Thank you TDGAL!
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Got one for noct mostly but the bros (and iris due to nature of ask) can react too in a meeting them sense Noct survives the events of the game and S/O have twins with him. A boy and a girl. s/o wants to name them regis and lunafreya after the two people who are not here now who helped him most.
I really, really looked forward to this! Like I’m gonna try to fluff the hell out of this!
Please be aware that all of my knowledge of childbirth comes from me reading the internet at 3 in the morning, going “well that seems painful” and than going on ebay for 20 min.
You waddled out to the garden, waddle being the key word, one hand to your back, the other rubbing protectively across your stomach. Your enlarged stomach that housed your precious baby, and the future heir to the newly rebuilt Kingdom.
Nearly 5 years had gone by, prior to the the defeat of Ardyn and the ‘Death’ of Noctis, you two were wed. Yet with quick thinking on your part, you managed to get most of the gods on your side which assisted with returning your husband back to you from the afterlife. The first few months were rebuilding the city, and the next few years flourished underneath the new King and his Queen. Now everyone was waiting for the next generation.
Once news had broken that the King and Queen were expecting, it was a rather joyous day! Now all you had was just about 4 more weeks and you would be able to hold the new Princess or Prince of the Kingdom. No one knew what to expect as the little one never wanted to get X-Rays right, sometimes it appeared to be a boy, sometimes a girl, yet most of the time with their back to the camera.
You stopped suddenly clutching your stomach, as you received a rather rough contraction. Turning as you heard a whine, “No, no Umbra it’s just a Braxton Hicks. I’m fine.” You smiled to your now constant companion, ever at your side if your husband was not.
Yet unfortunately your husband was currently locked away in a meeting with Ignis, and a few others from neighboring countries in Eos. Since the Starscourge was vanished, all of Eos was in a unity. Rather sad that it took the death of so many.
“Good Morning, Your Highness!”
You turned to the Lady of the battlefield, Mrs. Amicitia, married to Gladiolus and mother of his 2 year old triplets. “Good Morning, off to train new recruits?”
“Of course, we’ve got quite a bit of them.” She smiled, leaning forward rubbing a hand on the bump, one of the few people you allowed to do so. “Why are you so fussy today, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were ready to leave.”
“We’ve got 4 more weeks.” You laughed, as she helped you over to a chair. “No need to rush.”
“I thought the same thing about the triplets, and next I know I’m trying to choke out Gladiolus for doing that to me.” She laughed. “We’ll Your Highness, I must get going, call me if you need me.”
You watched as she left, only to feel Umbra jump up beside you, pressing his head between the spot of your huge stomach and swollen breasts a spot currently much smaller, but the unaged dog loved to rest protectively near your stomach. Umbra was always overprotective of Noctis, and now he had moved to both you and your unborn child. Not that you minded, sometimes Umbra was the only one to understand what you wanted. Yet people would find it strange that the Queen was alone within the large garden, with only a dog, yet in all reality, she wasn’t.
Your own Shield, one Iris Amicitia, was never too far away always able to get to you within a moment’s time, the same with her sister in law.  While Cor during his off times would often sit not far from you, hell even sometimes Araena would come for a visit, often laughing with you about how large you had become, always within in good fun, and the woman was always fascinated by the movement of the little one. The fact she provided you a Dragoon as a baby shower gift is still something you laugh about when you go into the nursery. While you Lady in waiting, who had married your own husband’s advisor during the time of Darkness, was always on stand by, many times you would have to shoo her away as she and Ignis both were still very doting hen like and had become more so.
Should Noctis not be able to spare a moment, he would send Prompto, who would often over worry himself, and would be the one in need of practice labored breathing, yet always seemed to be bearing gifts typically Chocobo themed in all colors. Or beautiful works of art from your younger years to adorn the walls.
Or Gladiolus, who underneath his wife and little sister’s thumb, would escorted you around either by wheelchair, or simply picking you as he did his wife. Often comparing you to his wife and sneaking Moogle themed items into the nursery, which set of the great Argentum and Amicitia Chocobo vs Moogle wars,  which was stopped by a single Tonberry plush, one thought for the Scienticas.
Yet when with Ignis, the man would prepare whatever you were craving, he even did it that one late night where Noctis was called away to a meeting, and you were determined to have pickles and capers with freshly made sea salt ice cream. Yet the man would often panic when you went into one of your mood swings, often having to call on his wife for assistance. You’d always apologize after, yet Ignis would state it didn’t faze him, as he was use to Noctis.
You had to admit you always loved your brothers, but since becoming a balloon, you absolutely adored them.
Yet your husband made you the most happy, he always made certain that you were provided for! Even while being King, he took his role as husband and future father rather seriously. From the moment you told him the news, to now, he was there providing foot massage, having special maternity wear made for you, so that you never felt fat, and pressing kisses to you. If one thing, you never worried about the man not loving you because you had changed, if anything he had more love to give.
Yet everyone within the Citadel knew, that you did not like to be over ran and constantly doted after, so they all did it within hiding.
You must have dozed off, since next you knew, Umbra had moved off of you, and begun to whine, resting his head against your stomach, “What’s wrong, buddy?”
Umbra jumped from the chair you were both sitting on, his feet nervously tapping as he begun to spin.
The moment you managed to get yourself upright and standing, you felt it, a huge rush of water between your legs, soaking the front of one of your black maternity dress. “Hell, not now.” You muttered, looking to Umbra, “Go get Noctis.”
Umbra pranced around, not wanting to leave you not just yet, so he begun to bark loudly, circling you a few times. Licking at your hands clutching to your stomach, stepping back as he begun to bark, only stopping as he saw your Lady in Waiting appear.
“Your Highness are you…”
“Water broke.” You managed between you panting, watching as Umbra disappeared, hearing your Lady in Waiting, get on the radio, calling for all of those in need of one of many birthing plans. You glanced up to the second floor window where Noctis was currently trapped within his meeting.
“…in due time.” Ignis explained, his visor still over his eyes, despite within the years he had gained very little of sight back.
Noctis rested his cheek against his hand, glancing out the window to the gardens below. He always made certain that Ignis held the meetings within this room on sunny days as you would go out there to enjoy the weather. The meetings were never held far from where Noctis couldn’t keep you within his sights.
Yet blue eyes narrowed in confusion, as he heard the muffled barking of Umbra, only than did he notice you panting heavily, as your Lady in Waiting held you up. His eyes widen in shock as he saw you turn to him, mouthing ‘Statis,’ again and again before Iris appeared helping move you out the garden. The word you both settled on when it was time.
“Your Majesty?” Ignis inquired, as all heads within the room turned to the King who had quickly stood. “Is everything alright?”
“Statis.” Noctis replied, moving out the room rather quickly.
Ignis nodded in agreement, turning towards the other men within the room, “I do apologize, yet we will have to follow up with this meeting at another time.”
Noctis nearly tripped over Umbra as the dog came rushing to retrieve him, only hearing Ignis following up behind him, an ear piece pressed against his ear. Noctis only heard bits and pieces of the conversation, including “Throne room,” “30 minutes for an ambulance” and “She wants Noctis.”
Noctis rushed into the Throne room, throwing open the doors, finding his wife on the floor. Sitting on top of all of the Amicitia families cloaks and bunch of pillows and what appeared to be a curtain, tightly holding Gladiolus and Prompto’s hands, listening to Mrs. Amicitia’s breathing instructions, as Iris fanned her, while her Lady in Waiting was pacing behind her sternly speaking into the phones about the doctor and ambulance being delayed and needing to be here now!
“Noctis.” You panted, as Gladiolus moved out the way allowing your husband to take his place.
“Are you okay?” Noctis asked, flinching as he already knew that you were trying to push a baby out of you. It was a rather stupid question to ask. Happy when you ignored it as you gave a labored cry.
“Aside from the baby, -hrk- fine.” You grunted, squeezing his and Prompto’s hands.
“Your Highness, I hate to ask, but do you think you can wait?”
You let out a scream to your Lady in Waiting, “Baby says no.”
Noctis watched horrified, you were about to give birth in the throne room, with no mid-wife, no medical personnel, and in extreme pain and all he could do is sit there and let it happen. “Sweetie, we need to move you somewhere more comfortable.”
“Okay, okay.” You muttered in a pain filled haze, as you felt Noctis and Prompto try to move you to your feet, only to scream in pain as another contraction hit. “No, no, no baby says we’re doing it here.” You cried, as they moved you back to your nest,
“Gladiolus, come hold her up.” Mrs. Amicitia called, as she moved to sit between your legs, lifting the curtains of your once beautiful dress to your knees, “Shit, she’s crowning, Iris go get some clean towels. You come here.”  She motioned toward the Lady in Waiting.
“You’ve done this before?”
“Had three come out of me in one go, figure I know what I’m doing. Now on three I need you to push.”
You nodded softly, turning into Noctis as you squeezed both his and Prompto’s hands, listening for the cues to bring the new heir into the world. It hurt more than anything, yet the soft kisses and sweet words of your husband, almost made the pain worth it.
Nearly ten minutes went by, yet right on time Iris returned with silk linen and some towels, right as Mrs. Amicitia pulled out the future Prince of Lucis, wailing rather loudly, only to be swaddled quickly.
“You did awesome, Sweetie.” Noctis smiled, pressing a kiss to you, as you relaxed finally.
“Nope, nope, no time to relax we still got a way to go, one more.”
“What!” The room echoed.
“A few more pushes and baby two will be here.”
“Two!” You screamed, only to push when you were told to do so, turning to your husband, only to notice that he too was rather confused at the news of two heirs to the Lucian line. Lucky, your first son, made it rather easy for the next child to come out.
“We have a Princess.”
“Is that it!” You demanded as both of your children were swaddled and cleaned, yet still yelling proving just how alive and happy they were.
“Yep, good job Mama.” Mrs. Amicitia laughed as she lowered your dress to be more respectable to you.
You finally relaxed, happy the Gladiolus was so solid and didn’t shift against your weight, or the fact that he nor Prompto were too disturbed about seeing their Queen shove not one but two children out of her. Or the current PDA that you and Noctis were engaged in of sweet kisses and nuzzles.
“Congratulations your Highnesses.” Your Lady in Waiting and Ignis stated, handing over the new bundles, who had stopped crying upon contact with their parents.
You held tightly to your baby boy, while Noctis held his daughter, you could already tell just by the room alone that, they two would be spoiled rotten much like the Amicita children.
“So first family photo?” Prompto smiled, as he held up his camera.
You sat up best you could, leaning into your husband, as Prompto snapped a photo. Turning the viewfinder to the four of you, “I don’t look as bad as I thought.” You giggled, earning a laugh from the rest of the room.
A doctor was eventually summoned a few minutes late, and having gotten you and the children moved to what was now considered your nesting room, as they were unable to move you to your room. All three of you were considered born healthy as despite the two being born prematurely. Yet once everyone was weighted in, you were finally allowed to rest. Surrounded by your children sleeping within their bassinet and husband, who was nuzzling into you, repeatedly telling you how happy he was and how much of a good job you did.
Luck would have it that, your Lady in Waiting, and Ignis, banned anyone from the room, and blocked all media coverage, unless alerted by the both of you. Prompto had taken quite a few photos for the two of you, at your request. Along with one very excited phone call from his wife, who was out in the field with Cor with some of the new recruits. while at any given point you who have one of the three Amicitias outside your door, or even sometimes inside to assist. As you wanted the children to also know their extended family.
Yet for the moment it was just the four of you, well five as Umbra had managed to sneak in, curling up underneath the bassinet, never disturbed by the crying of the children, yet constantly keeping a lookout and every so often peeking his head over the side to view them.
“They’re so beautiful, and they have the Lucian eyes.” You giggled, looking to the twins sharing a bassinet as when separated the two would start to whimper and cry, you were attempting to keep your own eyes open, as it had been a long day.
“Perfect, just like their mother.” Noctis chuckled, pressing quite possibly his hundredth kiss against you within the last few hours. “They will need names.”
“Actually I was thinking.” You replied reaching for them, as Noctis moved over handing you, your daughter, while he took your son. Skin contact with the two of you was extremely encouraged, and neither of you could turn it down. “If we name them after the two people that helped you out the most.”
Noctis blinked those beautiful blue eyes, as he son held tightly to his finger, “I don’t think we can name them both after you.” He chuckled, as you gave him a playful dirty look. “What did you have in mind?”
“I would like to name our son, Regis and our little girl Lunafreya.” You replied nuzzling your daughter.
Noctis looked down to his children within their parents arms, “Regis and Lunafreya Lucis Caleum, I like it, what about you Regis, Lunafreaya?”
The both of you were rewarded with smiles and coos, the first of many from the Lucis Caleum twins.
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corinnamamameya · 7 years
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((Pictures Edited By: @lindamonroe))
"Okay, Coco Bean... No peeking!" Mollie would say as I followed her while being blindfolded by her hand. I was on a date...we were on a date..I felt giddy and nervous all in one. My sense were in overdrive from not being able to see. I heard the grass crunch under our shoes, and once in a while the snap of a twig under my boot or hers. The sound of grasshoppers off in the distance playing their song in peace, here I thought they would be hibernating or something with the cold but I guess not. We walked in silence I don't know how long it felt like forever...I finally broke the silence "Can I open my eyes yet? I wanna see, how about a hint pleeeease molliiiiie?" Maybe my cuteness would get me some answers as she guided me to stop. I could hear her laugh in return, before replying. "Patience Coco Bean, keep those eyes closed, and don't move until I say when, okay?" Damn cuteness charm ineffective, but I kept my eyes closed giving an evident pout "Okay, okaaaay." I'd say, keeping my eyes closed as she removed her hand. I could hear her walking off then silence. I'm sure most would have been worried at something like that but Mollie wasn't the type to leave someone out in the woods! "Mollie...?" I'd whisper shifting from one foot to the other, now even more tempted to open my eyes.
Before a mini freak out could assume from yours truly I'd hear her let out a soft chuckle "Okay when!" she'd say. My eyes snapped open, blinking them a few times so they could adjust to my surroundings. Finally, as everything came into view I took in the sights of a makeshift tent, right in the center of the secluded area we stood in, lite by the moon, stars, and fireflies themselves. The area looked so tranquil and magnificent, with the grasshopper's song playing in the background, it felt magical. It was like a scene from those romantic films, where you're like that would so not happen in reality. But nope there it was standing right smack dab in the front of me. What do you say to someone who took time out of their day to set all this up?! Thank you, just didn't cut it. I'd crouch for a moment to look inside the tent, seeing plush pillows and tiny lanterns lighting the inside. I grinned like a dork, looking from Mollie to the setup and back again. Deciding a response was in order at this point, how long had I'd just been standing in silence. Clearing my throat as I stood back up "Mollie.. It's freaking gorgeous! I don't wanna be lame... and cry on our first date but..no ones ever done anything like this... I love it!" stupid tears starting to fall as I finished, I'd wipe at my face quickly She'd smirk "Don't get sappy on me now Coco Bean." she'd tease, and pull me into a tight hug "Come on, no tears. I want you to be all smiles tonight."
I'd giggle, hugging her back just as tight giving her neck a soft nuzzle "You're right...thank you!" I'd pull back beaming at her "It's an awesome surprise!" "That's not all." she grinned, while taking my hand urging me to follow. Giggling again I'd follow after her. "Oh?" I questioned, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. If we somehow managed a second date I wanted to do something just as special, my mind running through ideas, not realizing we had reached our destination until practically colliding with Mollie's back "Oop! sorry!" smiling meekly, before looking around. We were on a bridge, shrubbery lined along it and out ahead a clear view of the lake, the moon's ray making it shimmer as if jewels lined the bottom. Fireflies danced among themselves along the water, making the lake's surface glimmer even more. Further out trees circled the area, and an abandoned boat bobbed along the river's gentle push. I stood in awe, nature was just on Mollie's side this day it felt and looked so surreal. I stepped ahead, slowly afraid to break the magic.
"Can we..sit?" asking as I continued to gawk. I wish I had a camera to capture the moment before me, but since I didn't I'd just have to soak in every detail through memory. "Of course Coco." Mollie would say already taking a seat behind me, and getting herself situated first before taking my hand yet again easing me down to join her. I could feel my cheeks heat up even against the cold air as I rested against her lap. Being so close was still foreign to me with her, nothing bad just that butterflies feeling as if they'll explode from your stomach. I didn't want to spoil anything or come off too strong or move to fast. Just nice and slow. We sat in silence enjoying the view and each others company, somewhere along the line
Mollie was the first to break the silence "Wow Coco Bean. Look at that sky." pointing up at the twinkling stars. Looking up I'd grin "It's beautiful...never seen so many stars if at all...city lights hide them... Could get use to such a beautiful sight." I'd sigh "Wish I knew the constellations tho..." I'd say while looking from star to star.
Mollie would laugh softly while pointing to the star's "See those three stars in a row there? That's Orion's belt. And that thing that looks like a shopping cart? That's Charles's Wain. My dad taught me a few of these growing up." whispering the last of her sentence as she stroked my hair with her free hand.
Listening, I'd follow her hand trying to make a mental note to not forget. "I'll try to remember...though I may just end up asking you again in the future." I'd giggle softly "Hey Mollie...are you and your dad still close..?" Was that appropriate to ask your girlfriend? Were we that far in the relationship to ask about one anothers family? I was curious but there is a saying about that kill the cat... "Sorry, not a good first date question right? Just a little nervous..like I'm gonna mess this up..somehow heh..." I'd look back to see her expression.
She was biting her lip as if contemplating something before speaking. "Uhm... He... He's dead. So... No..." My heart sunk, and I instantly wanted to go back in time and not even ask. "I'm sorry..." Ugh the typical response to death, I hated it when people did it to me, when every a question came up about my own dad. "I feel like an ass for asking now..." And I felt like a bigger ass for asking on date night, wasn't there like a rule book for things like this?! Or did you just wing it all? I spent the next few minutes mentally kicking myself as I twiddled with my fingers, and wanting to hide in a hole far off somewhere.
Mollie broke the silence, obviously feeling awkward tension. "Hey, it's okay Coco Bean. It's not as painful anymore. Don't be nervous. You haven't ruin anything." intertwining her fingers with my own. I closed my eyes a moment taking in a deep breath of cold air, her words giving me a big boost of reassurance. "Thank you....So how about those nicks?" trying to lighten things back up. Hearing her chuckle in response gave me hope I wasn't a total dope, as I joined her laughing.
"I'm kidding, I know that was lame." giving her hands a soft squeeze in my own, they were much warmer then mine, MUCH more. My own felt like little Popsicles. How long had we been outside? 30 minutes, maybe an hour, regardless the more I pondered it the chillier it felt. As if on queue I began to shiver.
"Cold Coco?" Mollie would ask "It's warmer in the tent if you want to head in." Perking up at the words of warmer, I didn't need to be told twice. "Only if you don't mind, I tend to get cold even if I have on 100 layers of clothing." I'd joke "How about a race? Last one there is a frozen snow girl!" preparing to break free and run for the tent.
You guys... I dunno how it happened or when but the next thing I know my feet weren't connected to the ground anymore which made me squeal in surprise, took me a second to realize I was being cradled. I looked to Mollie with a look of bewilderment which in return she burst into laughter. I was either less then 120 or she was just helluv strong!
"Nope, no racing." she'd say kissing the tip of my nose before carrying me off towards the tent. Talk about leaving a girl speechless, not everyday you get carried off like a princess. I was no longer cold that was for sure, my cheeks blazed as I blushed "You're gonna spoil me like this ya know..." looking down with a shy smile as I spoke.
"That's the idea Coco bean." she'd say with a grin, gently laying me down among the many pillows that filled tent. She was right it was much warmer even more so when she closed the tent's flaps. We spent the rest of the night talking about any and everything we could think of along with a few drinks of champagne and nibbles of strawberries. I even showed Mollie how I'd let the berries soak in the champagne before eating them, I don't remember saying I was tired or even falling asleep but I did. Finding myself snuggled up against a sleeping Mollie, was it weird to watch her sleep? Or watch her chest rise and fall, I already felt lucky even more so now. How did I end up dating someone so amazing, so kind, and beautiful. I Watched her oblivious to her surroundings, pondering what was going on in that sleeping head. Very slowly I'd lean forward planting a kiss along the corner of her mouth careful to not wake her. "Thank you for an amazing night molls." I'd whisper. Hopefully I could make our next date just as great for her.
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