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tamamita · 5 months ago
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daughterofmytribe · 1 year ago
Are the Houthis similar to the rawafidh in iraq/iraan?
I was speaking to a sister about this and we were discussing the different Rafidh/Shia groups in different countries.
The Rawafidh in Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon etc are very extreme compared to the Houthis in Yemen, they are all upon batil and have innocent blood on their hands. But this was the analysis we came up with.
The persecution of Ahlul Sunnah is Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon has been going on for a long time, and their objective is to exterminate them. They are also the minority in these countries I think except in Syria. They have a deep hatred for the sahabah and those who follow their ways.
With the Houthis in Yemen from our analysis they seem to have a different objective which is ruling over all of Yemen, and to spread their ideology. It’s not necessarily to exterminate Ahul Sunnah through mass graves. The Shia are also the minority. This isn’t saying they haven’t killed and oppressed innocent Muslims, they still have blood on their hands, but it doesn’t compare to what the Rawafidh have done and still are doing to those in Sham, and in Iran/Iraq. Either way, they all have to go, and May Allah rid our ummah of them.
I remember a story of a Saudi brother who got captured by the Houthis and they had mercy on him when he explained he was running from the regime. Since they had a common enemy they went easy on him. If this was in Syria, Iraq or Iran they wouldn’t have cared. However, if I’m not mistaken and May Allah forgive me if I am, once he started publicly speaking up against the Houthis, they weren’t so keen on him, and I think after that they arrested him. May Allah hasten his release. If anyone knows if I’m correct or if I’m mixing him up with someone else please let me know. May Allah hasten his release
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nuza3minalqabail · 1 month ago
An excerpt from a fatwa regarding marriages that take place on social media platforms, without the permission of the Wali, by Shaykh Musaid Bin Basheer Al Husayni حفظه الله
After the Shaykh explains the conditions which must be present for the marriage contract to be valid, he says:
"..The fourth is the marriage of people today. The man must seek the woman from her guardian, which is her father or her son, if she is a married woman or her paternal uncle. This means that he has wilaya/guardianship over her through lineage. Her maternal uncle from her mothers side, does not have guardianship over her from her relatives.
Do these people who permit such marriages not know the Qur'an, Sunnah, or jurisprudence, and want to support Islam? How can they do that?! Do their families accept this marriage that has no prior nor later existence?! This is not a joke. This is manipulation.
Who told you that a woman can marry herself off, and who told you that a woman must know the witnesses and the Qadhi? Who told you that she must be present at the place of the marriage contract? as Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, said. This marriage is the marriage of people today. The man must marry off (those under his) guardian.
That was Umar bin Al-Khattab, who married his daughter Hafsa and presented her to Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq, then to Uthman bin Affan, as in Al-Bukhari, where he presented the woman to the righteous people."
I do not know, nor did the people of knowledge ever know of anything similar to what is done in these satanic (social) communication platforms. This is zina, like the mut'a/zina of the Rawafidh. Unless this woman has no family, then the qadhi of the muslimeen will marry her off, or she can be married off by the people of the country if she has no parents, which must be done by the good people who are people of consultation among them, along with the presence of all the previous conditions (mentioned) in the absence of the Is la mi c Ca li p ha te.."
However, Praise be to Allah, the I sl am ic S t a t e exists in Sham and Iraq, and it has states in Muslim countries, and it is possible to contact them, and it is possible to appoint a person for such recent occuring problematic situations. I know them to be people who are concerned (about these matters) and who are more eager about the interests of Muslims than others."
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imankari · 2 years ago
Bild صالح on TikTok صالح's short video with ♬ Originalton TikTok
Die Frage lautet: Ich habe gehört dass diese Geschichte von Omar ra. dass er seine Tochter lebendig begraben hat.Ist das richtig?Bismillah wa salatu wa salam 3ala rasulillah.Das ist eine Geschichte die von #Rafawidh den Ablehnern erfunden wurde.Diese Geschichte ist nicht wahr.Diese Geschichte ist von den Feinden von Omar al Khattab radiAllahu 'anhu.Diese Geschichte hat gar keine Quelle, gar keinen Beweis.Wir haben kein einzigen Beweis, dass Omar ra. sein Tochter lebendig begraben hat.Die (falsche, erfundende) Geschichte geht so:LÜGENGESCHICHTE:Einmal saß Omar ra. mit den Sahabas und hat aufeinmal gelacht und danach geweint.Sie fragten ihn warum er das gemacht hat?Wir waren in der Djahiliyya bei den Figuren wo man anbetet und die waren aus Datteln gemacht.Wenn wir Hunger hatten, haben wir die gegessen.Darüber lache ich.Aber was mich zum Weinen gebracht hat war als ich meine Tochter dachte die ich in einem Grab lebendig begraben wollte.Aber sie hat den Staub von meinem Bart weggemacht.(falsche Lügengeschichte der Shia zu Ende)<<<Aber das ist nur ein #Märchen, das ist keine echte Geschichte von Umar ra.Es sind nur #Lügen der Rawafidh.Die erfinden so viele Geschichten die nichts mit der Wahrheit zu tun haben.Besonders über AbuBakr ra., Umar ra, Uthman ra.,wenn du nach dieser Geschichte suchst findest du sie nirgendwo(in authentischen Quellen) außer bei denen in ihren Büchern, die total falsch sind und keine Wahrheit haben.Sogar auch nichts mit Islam zu tun haben.Diese Geschichte ist Batila, Falschheit.Rawaha (Überlieferer)Jabir bin Yazid al-Ju3fiyu, wa huwa Kadhdhab(Lügner) und er ist ein bekannter Lügner der Shia Rafidha.Und wir wissen genau dass die Rawafidh nicht vertrauenswürdig sind.Warum?Weil sie Amir-al-Mumineen Umar ibn al-Khattab ra.hassen tun.Sie machen sogar Takfir (ihn zum Ungläubigen erklären) auf ihn.Dabei sagt RasulAllah saws:Der Gesandte Allahs (ﷺ) sagte: „O Ibn Al-Khattab! Bei Ihm, in dessen Händen mein Leben ist, wann immer Satan sieht, dass du einen Weg einschlägst, folgt er einem anderen Weg als deinem!“Sahih al-Bukhari, Book 78, Hadith 113.Genauso auch was den #Shiiten mit #Umar ra. passiert ist,wenn sie nur seinen Namen hören,flippen sie schon aus.Wenn sie nur hören "Amir al Muminin" sie zittern schon.Warum?Sie müssen ihm normal dankbar sein und ihm sagen jazakAllahu 'anna khairan, weil er richtig die #Majousi (Magier,Feueranbeter,Zarosht,Zarathustra,Mazdaismus,Parsismus) richtig #zerstört hat, vernichtet hat.Aber was ist sein Lohn dafür (von den Rawafidh)?Sie hassen ihn jetzt.Dass sie ihm sagen dass er #Kafir ist.Dabei hat #RasulAllah saws #Dua gemacht in #Tirmidhi:Überliefert von Ibn 'Umar: dass der Gesandte Allahs (ﷺ) sagte: "O Allah! Ehre den Islam durch den dir teuersten dieser beiden Männer: durch Abu Jahl oder durch 'Umar bin Al-Khattab." Er sagte: „Und der Liebste von ihnen war Ihm Umar.حَدَّثَنَا مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ بَشَّارٍ، وَمُحَمَّدُ بْنُ رَافِعٍ، قَالاَ حَدَّثَنَا أَبُو عَامِرٍ الْعَقَدِيُّ، قَالَ حَدَّثَنَا خَارِجَةُ بْنُ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ الأَنْصَارِيُّ، عَنْ نَافِعٍ، عَنِ ابْنِ عُمَرَ، أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم قَالَ ‏ "‏ اللَّهُمَّ أَعِزَّ الإِسْلاَمَ بِأَحَبِّ هَذَيْنِ الرَّجُلَيْنِ إِلَيْكَ بِأَبِي جَهْلٍ أَوْ بِعُمَرَ بْنِ الْخَطَّابِ ‏"‏ ‏.‏ قَالَ وَكَانَ أَحَبَّهُمَا إِلَيْهِ عُمَرُ ‏.‏ قَالَ أَبُو عِيسَى هَذَا حَدِيثٌ حَسَنٌ صَحِيحٌ غَرِيبٌ مِنْ حَدِيثِ ابْنِ عُمَرَ ‏.‏Grade:Hasan (Darussalam),Jami` at-Tirmidhi 3681,Book 49, Hadith 77.Allah awj. hat Umar ra. ausgwählt weil er Umar ra. liebt.Was wollt ihr noch?Das ist eine #Ehre dass Allah awj. ihn ausgewählt hat.Nochmal, diese Geschichte ist nicht wahr.Und wir haben viele Beweise(aus authentischen Quellen).Die erste Frau die 'Umar bin Al-Khattab geheiratet hat, war Zeinab bint Madh'un von ihr hat er #Hafsa als Tochter bekommen, unsere Mutter ra., die wir richtig lieben und die Schiiten hassen auch Hafsa ra.Dua Sheikh Abdellatif:Oh Allah versammle uns mit Hafsa, Oh Allah versammle uns mit Aisha, Oh Allah versammle uns mit Umar, versammle uns mit allen Sahabas rhm.,
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abdalazizakhtar · 3 years ago
Superstitions of Shia Rawafidh.
Shia Attributes a lie on Saydna Ali ibn Abi Talib رضیﷲ عنه that he said:
يوم السبت يوم مكر و خديعة و يوم الأحد يوم غرس وبناء، ويوم االثنين يوم سفرو طلب، ويوم الثلثاء يوم حرب ودم،و يوم الأربعاء يوم شؤم يتطير فيه الناس، ويوم الخميس يوم الدخول علي االمراء و قضاء الحوائج،ويوم الجمعة يوم خطبة و نكاح
Saturday is a day of ploy and deception. Sunday is a day of planting and building. Monday is a day of quest and journey. Tuesday is a day of war and bloodshed. Wednesday is a day of misfortune wherein people forebode. Thursday is a day of visiting the influential and fulfilling needs. And the day of Friday is a day of proposal and marriage.
[Ilal Sharai p. 199, Al Khisal 2/28, Wasail ash Shia 8/258]
Allah says in Qur'an [Surah Araf verse 131]
Behold! Their misfortune is with Allah but most of them do not know.
These foreboding permission granted to days and nights or birds and trees are the practices of Mushrikeen to which Allah and his Rasoolallah صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم condemned.
Ali ibn Talhah narrates Ibn Abbas رضیﷲ عنه said:
ال إنما طئرهم عند الله، يقول: مصائبهم عند الله ولكن أكثرهم ال يعلمون
The verse, “Behold! Their misfortune is with Allah,” implies that calamities befall them from Allah but most people do not know.
[Tafsir ibn Kathir 2/257]
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i-asifeq · 4 years ago
What Shaykh Hamad al-Ansaari said about The Rafidah (Shia)
1 – Rawafidah (Shia)
‘The Rafidah are the Munafiqoon (hypocrites) of this Ummah.��[3]
2- From the Non-Arabs
‘Indeed Rafd (the religion of the Shia) came from the non-Arabs, as for the Arabs they were not Rawafid, but after the non-Arabs had mixed with the Arabs there occurred Rawafidah amongst them.
The reason for the spread of ignorance in the 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th century amongst the Arabs caused them to be lost, and they became an easy morsel in the hand of the one who wanted them. However, when they were busy with knowledge it was not possible for anyone to divide them up and overcome them.’[4]
3 – Zaydeeyah
‘Whoever investigates the situation of the Rawafidah, will find that no one says what they say except the Kuffar. The majority of scholars make Takfeer of the Rawafidah. The Zaydeeyah are Mubtadia’(Innovators), the term is not given except to the Zaydeeyah and also whoever becomes a Shi’ee. The Zaydeeyah do not have Asaneed (chains for narrations), rather their reliance is upon books which do not have Isnaad.’[5]
4 – Rawafidah (Shia) and the Jews
‘During the seventh and eighth century you would not find except the Rawafidah (Shia) in Madina and likewise in Makkah, this is what Ibn Taymeeyah, Dhahabi and Sakhawi mention. I believe that there is no enemy of the Muslims the likes of the Rawafidah (Shia) and the Jews. The founding father of the Rawafidah was Abdullaah bin Saba and he was a Jew. Shaykh ul-Islaam wrote a chapter in the book ‘Minhaj as-Sunnah’ explaining the resemblance of the Rawafidah (Shia) to the Jews. If the leaders from the Muslims had not used politics to deal with the Rawafidah and the Jews, they would not have been secure from their cunning evil. The Rawafidah do not know anything about Islaam.’[6]
‘a – The Rawafidah took their religion from the Jews, and their attacking the Companions is attacking Islaam.
b – When the Asha’areeyah[7] affirmed seven Sifaat (Attributes) of Allaah, they did not do this because it is present in the Qur’aan, rather they affirmed them because the intellect did not oppose them, if they had affirmed them due to the Qur’aan then they would have affirmed the rest of the Sifaat.’[8]
5 – The Term ‘Rawafidah’
‘The evidence of the Ahl-ul-Hadeeth that the Ahadeeth which mention the word ‘ar-Rawafid’ are Ahadeeth which are lies, whereby this title was not applied except at the time of the Abbaseeyeen.’[9]
6 – Takfeer of the Rafidah[10]
‘Indeed when Imam Ahmad was asked about the Rafidah he answered that they were Kuffar.’
Then my father said: ‘Some of the people of knowledge have said that the Rafidah are Mubtadia’(people of Bida’)’
Then my father said: ‘This statement that they are people of Bida’ is a light statement about them, since their actions are the actions of the Kuffar and likewise are their statements.’[11]
‘The Rafidah say that Ali –Radhi Allaahu anhu– will be sent before the Day of Judgement.’ They mean in place of Isa -alayhi as-Sallaam.’[12]
[1]Brief Biography of the Shaykh
The statements here were taken from the biography of the Shaykh, which was compiled by the Shaykh’s son AbdulAwal bin Hamad al-Ansaari who is a teacher in the faculty of Hadeeth in the prestigious Islaamic University of Madina. The Collection is called: ‘al-Majmoo’ Fee Tarjama al-Allama al-Muhaddith ash-Shaykh Hamad bin Muhammad al-Ansaari -Rahimullaah- wa Seeratahi wa Aqwaalihi wa Rihlatihi’. It is a large two-volume collection of the sayings, wisdom and various biographies of the Shaykh. The statements in this translation are all from his son AbdulAwal quoting his father unless stated otherwise.
[2] For a brief exposition of the Rafidah & Shia see:
A Warning Against the Spread of the Deen of the Rawafidh (Shia) in Algeria and Other Muslim Lands – Shaykh Rabee
[3] [Vol.2 p. 477 No. 5]
[4] [Vol.2 p. 704 No.156]
[5] [Vol.2 p.498 No. 159]
[6] [Vol.2 p. 697 No.108]
[7] See: followingthesunnah
[8] [Vol.2 p. 499 No. 161]
[9] [Vol.2 p.511 No.212]
[10] – The Statements of the Scholars Regarding the Reality of the Disbelief Of the Rawafidah (Shia)
[11] [Vol.2 p.521 No.268]
[12] [Vol.2 p.523 No.279]
Compiled & translated By Abbas Abu Yahya
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sarisuhaimi · 3 years ago
#Diary—Agung Moehadji Soemo Soemadi
Yā ALLAH! Tuhan Jibrīl, Mikaīl dan Israfīl, dan Tuhan Ibrāhim, Isma’īl dan Ishāq, lindungilah ummat Islām dari kejahatan rawafidh, alawi dan semua sekutu mereka.
Yā ALLAH, isilah hati orang-orang pengecut seperti mereka dengan teror dan rasa takut.
Yā ALLAH, jadikan mereka menyalakan api permusuhan satu sama lain dan taburkan benih perpecahan di antara mereka.
Yā ALLAH, turunkan hujan rahmat dan berkah dari-Mu di hati orang-orang berimān.
Yā ALLAH, guncangkan bumi di bawah kaki musuh-musuhMu dan jadikan titik balik kemenangan bagi ummah Muhammad Shallallāhu ‘Alaihi Wassalām.
Yā ALLAH, jadikan Syari’ah-Mu dan implementasinya lebih kami cintai daripada hidup kami, anak-anak kami dan keluarga kami.
Shalawāt dan Salām bagi junjungan kami Muhammad Shallallāhu ‘Alaihi Wassalām, keluarganya dan para Sahābatnya, Allāhumma Aamiin.
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hazratsultanbahoo · 5 years ago
Unity of Muslim Ummah & Teachings of Hadrat Sultan Bahoo
Unanimous the faith of every Muslim on One Allah, His Messenger (Muhammad PBUH) as the last prophet, the Holy Quran and Sunnah/Hadith of Prophet became a binding force bringing together people of the different region as one Ummah. However, the anti-Islamic force couldn’t swallow this growing religion and unity among them considering it as a major threat towards their ideologies and religions. Muslim history is replete with glory and downfall, having difference as a healthy and creative activity, however, there was no question on differences on religious matters as are prevailing today. Instead of becoming enemies of each other they were respectful and courteous with each other but very stern for adversaries. During the period of Banu Uma-i-yah and Banu Abbas, there had been many attempts to disintegrate and disunite Muslims. Many sects grew and died. For example, Khawarij and Rawafidh were born during that time. Excellent and very sincere work of true scholars of Islam the Ummah rejected the beliefs of Khawarij, Rawafidh, and their sub-sects and Muslims remained united. In 1022, Al-Hakim Bin-Amr Allah with, the support of non-Muslims created new Mazhab(religion) called Daruzism. During early 1900 in Iran when Bahá'u'lláh claimed that God has manifested in him and founded the religion of Bahaism. Both of the above breaks from the Muslim community were not considered as major disunity among Muslims because both the followers of Druzism and Bahaism did not claim themselves as Muslims any more. One of the most recent attempts by the anti-Islam forces to disunite Muslims was the establishment of another religion within the Muslim community called Ahmedism or Qadyanism. In the meantime, tussle started between Shia and Sunni also thus creating animosity between them.
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The intellectual difference of opinion always remained among the scholars of Islam but that should not be considered as a division. For the last 13 centuries, Muslims have dominated the entire world in every field ranging from Human rights, tolerance, equality, justice, military tactics/Strategy, Science/Technology, Laws for the state, health, and education. Khilafat-e-Uthmania (Ottoman Empire) was a thorn in the eyes of anti-Islam forces. They wanted to destroy this Islamic Empire at any cost. They were trying for the last 13 centuries to destroy it but did not succeed. These forces saw the shift in focus of Muslim scholars and took full advantage of it. They planted a very dangerous seed of nationalism among Muslims. Muslims started fighting against their own Muslim brothers because of either they were not from the same region or they were speaking a different language. When the Muslim superpower, Ottoman empire (Caliphate-of-Uthmania) was fighting against the European colonial powers, the English, the Dutch, the French, the Italians, etc, at the same time they had to defend themselves from their own Muslim brothers because Ottoman forces were TURKS and were not local. To create HATE for TURKS the local so-called scholars of Islam used religion in order to get support from all local Muslims. The tactics they used to get support from local Muslims in order to destroy Caliphate was simple. Keep Muslims busy in fighting on minor issues. Make small issues as big issues and fight against those Muslims who do not accept the ideology of these local nationalist scholars. Since these nationalist scholars of Islam were fighting against Muslim Turkish Ottoman Empire the Western Christian governments loved them and supported them in their struggle. Now, these Muslims were very friendly with Kuffaar and very hard on other Muslims. After a long series of events during 1800 and early 1900, most of the Muslims countries became colonies of European governments. These so-called nationalist scholars received big rewards from their Lords in the West and they were successful in destroying the unity of Muslim Ummah while still claiming the title of "Islamic Scholars".
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Present Era Challenges
Probably, there are no other people in the world today who have been as divided as Muslims. They are divided along religious, political, ethnic, cultural, racial, linguistic, and sectarian lines. Muslims all over the world are facing brutality, hatred, and image of Islam is being portrayed as nontolerant and highly uncivilized. Whereas, tolerance, basic rights of man kinds, justice and equality was outlined by our Holy Prophet. These divisions extend further into subdivisions. Status, wealth, fame, and fortune have also created social differences among Muslims. Muslims are divided at the root into Sunnis and Shias. Sunnis are further divided into Hanafi, Maliki, Shanghai, and Hambali. Shias too are divided into Kesania, Zaidia, Imamia or Ithna ‘Ashari, Ismalia, etc. Sunnis are also divided into Ahle-hadith and Ahle-fight. In the Indian subcontinent (at least) Ahle-fiqh are further divided into Deobandis and Barelwis. Similar differences exist in other places as well. Are all these divisions and differences schools of thought as many Muslims claim? Whether or not we admit it, these differences and divisions do create physical, emotional, and psychological barriers amongst us. Muslims have left basic teachings of Islam and fall prey to the nefarious designs of enemies of Islam. Hadrat Sultan Bahoo Says: Na Main Sunni na main Shia Mera duhan to dil sariya Hoo (Neither I am Shia nor Sunni and I am fed up from both of them)
Teachings of Hadrat Sultan Bahoo:
Hadrat Sultan Bahoo has written 140 books, which are logically developed having its base on verses of Holy Quran and Hadith. These books are complete code in its essence and do not focus on only one subject matter as these are almost translation and description of Holy Quran. During research work on these Great Books we find all subjects have been covered consciously. Hadrat Sultan Bahoo has covered the unity of Ummah in his poetry vis-à-vis his other descriptive writings. He gave the lesson of love for the entire mankind, what to talk of Muslims or only one sect of Muslim only. Muslims of different sects and people of different religions including Hindus and Sikhs got benefitted from His teachings (FAIZ). So many non-Muslims embraced Islam due to truthfulness and reality of his message and his preaching are far away from Hippocratic approaches or any greed (which is presently evident in so many so-called Scholars of the present era). He mostly writes “Allah Buss Ma Siwa Allah Hawas” (Allah is enough and rests everything is greed). Allah says in the Holy Quran, the one who relied on Allah, Allah is enough for him (Verse 3 Tallaq, Chapter 28).
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saadmmuslem · 6 years ago
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يرحبون ب قاتل #المسلمين الهند في #كشمير و #كجرات ويدعون عداوتهم مع صهاينة وملالي وروافض ودواعش Welcoming murderer of Indian #Muslims in #kashmir & #gujrat while claiming enmity with zionists, rawafidh, malali & isis. #kashmirbleeds #كشمير_تنزف #explore #regram #repost #اكسبلور #ريبوست #ريغرام https://www.instagram.com/p/B1XMuAIAHsy/?igshid=x98kk375jiup
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ummuasmaa · 6 years ago
Pedang yang terhunus kepada kaum muslimin disebabkan oleh keyakinan bid’ah.
Berkata Abi Qilabah rahimahullah:
ما ابتدع الرجل بدعةً، إلا استحلال السيف
Tidaklah seseorang membuat kebid'ahan, (mengada-ngada dalam agama) kecuali dia menghalalkan untuk mengangkat pedang.
( Asy syari'ah karya AL Ajurry : (135))
Bahwa menghalalkan untuk mengangkat pedang kepada kaum muslimin muncul dari perbuatan bid'ah, dan ahlu bid'ah yang sangat ekstrim dalam perkara ini adalah orang-orang rawafidh (syi'ah), dan keburukan yang mereka lakukan terhadap umat ini tidak ada yang mengetahui kadarnya kecuali Allah.
Sebagaimana perkataan Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah rahimahullah: Sesungguhnya asal dari segala fitnah dan kejelekan adalah syi'ah dan orang-orang yang bersama mereka, kebanyakan pedang yang terhunus kepada islam adalah karena tindakan mereka, ( yaitu diawali atau disebabkan oleh mereka), dan kenyataan ini sangat nyata dizaman kita, semoga Allah menjaga kaum muslimin dari kejelekan mereka.
(Lihat kitab at-tuhaf karya syaikh Abdurrazzaq bin Abdilmuhsin Al-badr, Hal: 42)
Tim Fawaid Almisk
Penerjemah: Ustadz Imam Abu Abdillah
Artikel: Almisk.or.id
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tamamita · 7 months ago
had a random memory of this weird anti-shia interaction i had in hs and i have no one to talk about it w rn but it rlly made me question if shias are viewed this way every where.
the interaction was me asking my school acquaintance if he was sunni or shia, bc we were talking about our ethnic background and religion for whatever reason. and when i asked him if he was shia he got rllyyyyy offended and gave me a nasty look and said ‘no, bc shias are terrorists’ which was a shock to me bc i never heard someone say that about shias (and also bc i just told him my dads fam was shia and i was irreligious shia at the time lol) and i’ve heard some pretty nasty stuff about us, just never that shias are terrorists. is this a prevalent opinion or just a weird one he had?
bc this was like 10 yrs ago atp and i never seen someone say something like that after, but i also avoid muslim spaces generally and when i am involved in muslim spaces it’s always around other shias so i’m not sure if it’s just my ignorance or his lol
Shi'a Muslims are an oppressed group, and is demonized around the Sunni Islamic world on the basis of heresy and geopolitical issues. The fact is that there's no way you can please the entirety of Sunni Islamic world, due to our Rafd (rejection) of the first three and some other Sunni Islamic personalities. My assumption is that they referred to you as one due to various Shi'a Islamic resistance groups and Iran's participation in the Syrian Civil War and the Shi'ite counter-offensive against ISIS.
It's not as prevalent as other terms, since we're often accused of being magians, jews, polytheists and many other things. One particular term is the reclaimed slur "Rawafidh/Rafidha" which means One who rejects (the first three caliphs). Unfortunately, it's not only prevalent among the more conservative Sunnis, but even among the more moderate laymen.
Quite ironic given that we seem to be called terrorists, despite the fact that the overwhelming amount of massacres against Shi'as in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran and Iraq were sectarian in nature..
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daughterofmytribe · 1 year ago
I don’t think iran will get into a conflict with Saudi, most of the gulf and Middle East is controlled by the US and are all allies of one another, they can easily destroy iran if they wanted to, US has many bases in the Middle East close to iran and many ships in the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea, iran economically isn’t the best either so going to war won’t be popular and won’t really benefit them, it’s just rawafidh talk but no walk! same thing apples to their proxies, wallahu taala Alaam
Allahu Alam, nothing surprises me anymore, all I know is that victory belongs to the Muslims in the end and how we will get there things have to happen.
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ibnhvrb-blog · 8 years ago
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Anṣār al-Furqān One of the only groups of Ahlus Sunnah in Iran fighting against the filthy Rawafidh اللهم ثبت اقدامهم و سدد رميهم وانصرهم على القوم الكافرين أمين يا رب العالمين
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ericfruits · 7 years ago
The Saudis may be stretching out the hand of peace to their old foes
FROM the forecourt of the Prophet Muhammad’s mosque in Medina during the annual haj pilgrimage, which ended on September 4th, came the still, small voice of Shias praying. Saudi security guards fanned them helpfully against the heat. At the al-Baqi cemetery nearby, the resting place of many of the Prophet’s descendants, Sunni vigilantes and puritans scowled at Shia worshippers but, in contrast with previous years, they held back from beating them with sticks. And as over 2.3m Muslims perambulated around Mecca’s great black basalt stone, the Kaaba, Prince Khalid al-Faisal, the province’s governor, singled out 86,000 Iranians for a special welcome.
Change may be afoot in Saudi Arabia’s hostile relations with Shias and their champion, Iran. For decades the kingdom has been the font of Sunni Islam’s anti-Shia dogma. The media issued screeds against the rawafidh, or rejectionists, deemed beyond the pale of proper Islam. But this year the oft-troubled haj was exceptional for its inclusiveness, and for passing off with no major incident despite a 20% jump in the number of pilgrims. Iran made a point of thanking the Saudis.
On ascending the throne in 2015, King Salman bin Abdelaziz and his young son and defence minister, Muhammad, set their sights on rolling back Iran’s influence from the region by force. They waged war on Iran’s Houthi allies in Yemen, who had seized control of Sana’a, the capital. They rejected demands for compensation for the hundreds of Iranian pilgrims killed in a stampede in Mecca in 2015. The following year they beheaded Nimr al-Nimr, a rowdy Saudi Shia cleric. They cut off diplomatic relations with Iran and spearheaded a grand military alliance of Sunni states. No more of the old “comatose”, consensual politics, said Saudi officials.
Two years on, Prince Muhammad, who since June has been crown prince, may be thinking anew. Rather than confront Iran’s various satellites, he is wooing them and their Shia rulers. He has renewed ties with Iraq that had been severed 25 years ago, this month reopening borders for people and goods for the first time since 1990. He sent his chief of staff to Baghdad to sign a deal on intelligence sharing, and brought Iraqi trade delegations to Riyadh, his capital. In June he hosted Iraq’s Shia prime minister, Haider al-Abadi. In July he sat smiling in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia’s commercial capital, with one of Iraq’s fieriest Shia clerics, Muqtada al-Sadr. “Sunni hardline and Shia hardline doesn’t build nations or societies,” tweeted one Saudi minister.
The kingdom plans to open a consulate in Najaf, the spiritual capital of Shia Islam in southern Iraq, and to lay on direct flights for thousands of Saudi Shias to visit its Imam Ali shrine. “Sectarianism has to wane,” says Adel al-Jubeir, the Saudi foreign minister. “The region is calming down.” He cites the winding down of the war in Syria, and the throttling of Islamic State’s jihadist “caliphate”.
Indeed, the Saudis have shifted on Syria, too. Saudi clerics used to urge on Sunni mujahideen against the supposedly heretical Alawite clan ruling Syria with their Iranian allies. Now they have toned it down, lest they be accused of abetting terrorism. Prince Muhammad is said to have stopped backing Syria’s Sunni rebels and urged their leaders in exile in Riyadh to compromise with President Bashar al-Assad’s ghastly regime.
The Saudis are still bombing northern Yemen. But there, too, they are sounding more conciliatory and keener to make a deal. Unusually, they apologised for an air-raid on Sana’a on August 25th which killed 14 civilians. A Saudi spokesman suggested reopening Sana’a’s airport and Yemen’s largest port, Hodeida, under UN auspices.
Some Saudi officials say they want to woo back Iran’s Arab allies, putting ethnicity above religion, in order to push back Iranian influence. “The more you engage with Iraqis, the less the Iranians will come,” says one. “Iraq belongs to the Arab world.”
Some observers foresee a rapprochement between Saudi Arabia and Iran, talking of a grand bargain whereby the Saudis might recognise Iran’s pre-eminence in the north of the Middle East, including Syria, in exchange for a Saudi free hand in the Gulf states and the Arabian peninsula.
But Mr Jubeir dismisses such talk as “laughable”. “When you hear honeyed words from [President Hassan] Rouhani’s government [in Iran], we see the aggressive actions of its Revolutionary Guard,” says a Saudi official, alleging Iranian-inspired terrorist plots in Kuwait and Bahrain and lamenting Iran’s meddling in Yemen.
Any progress will be difficult. The kingdom is wary of being seen to appease Iran. For Shia-dominated Iraq’s leaders to embrace the Saudis will not be easy either. Mr Sadr was lambasted at home for meeting Prince Muhammad, just when Saudi forces were levelling Awamiya, a Shia town in eastern Saudi Arabia outraged by Mr Nimr’s execution. Some Saudis, for their part, were aghast when the prince congratulated Mr Abadi for defeating Islamic State in Mosul—and clobbering the old part of one of Sunni Islam’s greatest and most beautiful cities.
This article appeared in the Middle East and Africa section of the print edition under the headline "Sunnis and Shias: enemies no more?"
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saqrqa3d · 4 years ago
Wearing all black because I always do. I’m not on this mourning thing ya rawafidh.
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i-asifeq · 5 years ago
What Shaykh Hamad al-Ansaari said about The Rafidah (Shia)
1 – Rawafidah (Shia)
‘The Rafidah are the Munafiqoon (hypocrites) of this Ummah.’[3]
2- From the Non-Arabs
‘Indeed Rafd (the religion of the Shia) came from the non-Arabs, as for the Arabs they were not Rawafid, but after the non-Arabs had mixed with the Arabs there occurred Rawafidah amongst them.
The reason for the spread of ignorance in the 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th century amongst the Arabs caused them to be lost, and they became an easy morsel in the hand of the one who wanted them. However, when they were busy with knowledge it was not possible for anyone to divide them up and overcome them.’[4]
3 – Zaydeeyah
‘Whoever investigates the situation of the Rawafidah, will find that no one says what they say except the Kuffar. The majority of scholars make Takfeer of the Rawafidah. The Zaydeeyah are Mubtadia’(Innovators), the term is not given except to the Zaydeeyah and also whoever becomes a Shi’ee. The Zaydeeyah do not have Asaneed (chains for narrations), rather their reliance is upon books which do not have Isnaad.’[5]
4 – Rawafidah (Shia) and the Jews
‘During the seventh and eighth century you would not find except the Rawafidah (Shia) in Madina and likewise in Makkah, this is what Ibn Taymeeyah, Dhahabi and Sakhawi mention. I believe that there is no enemy of the Muslims the likes of the Rawafidah (Shia) and the Jews. The founding father of the Rawafidah was Abdullaah bin Saba and he was a Jew. Shaykh ul-Islaam wrote a chapter in the book ‘Minhaj as-Sunnah’ explaining the resemblance of the Rawafidah (Shia) to the Jews. If the leaders from the Muslims had not used politics to deal with the Rawafidah and the Jews, they would not have been secure from their cunning evil. The Rawafidah do not know anything about Islaam.’[6]
‘a – The Rawafidah took their religion from the Jews, and their attacking the Companions is attacking Islaam.
b – When the Asha’areeyah[7] affirmed seven Sifaat (Attributes) of Allaah, they did not do this because it is present in the Qur’aan, rather they affirmed them because the intellect did not oppose them, if they had affirmed them due to the Qur’aan then they would have affirmed the rest of the Sifaat.’[8]
5 – The Term ‘Rawafidah’
‘The evidence of the Ahl-ul-Hadeeth that the Ahadeeth which mention the word ‘ar-Rawafid’ are Ahadeeth which are lies, whereby this title was not applied except at the time of the Abbaseeyeen.’[9]
6 – Takfeer of the Rafidah[10]
‘Indeed when Imam Ahmad was asked about the Rafidah he answered that they were Kuffar.’
Then my father said: ‘Some of the people of knowledge have said that the Rafidah are Mubtadia’(people of Bida’)’
Then my father said: ‘This statement that they are people of Bida’ is a light statement about them, since their actions are the actions of the Kuffar and likewise are their statements.’[11]
‘The Rafidah say that Ali –Radhi Allaahu anhu– will be sent before the Day of Judgement.’ They mean in place of Isa -alayhi as-Sallaam.’[12]
[1]For a Brief Biography of the Shaykh refer to Here
The statements here were taken from the biography of the Shaykh, which was compiled by the Shaykh’s son AbdulAwal bin Hamad al-Ansaari who is a teacher in the faculty of Hadeeth in the prestigious Islaamic University of Madina. The Collection is called: ‘al-Majmoo’ Fee Tarjama al-Allama al-Muhaddith ash-Shaykh Hamad bin Muhammad al-Ansaari -Rahimullaah- wa Seeratahi wa Aqwaalihi wa Rihlatihi’. It is a large two-volume collection of the sayings, wisdom and various biographies of the Shaykh. The statements in this translation are all from his son AbdulAwal quoting his father unless stated otherwise.
[2] For a brief exposition of the Rafidah & Shia see:
A Warning Against the Spread of the Deen of the Rawafidh (Shia) in Algeria and Other Muslim Lands – Shaykh Rabee
[3] [Vol.2 p. 477 No. 5]
[4] [Vol.2 p. 704 No.156]
[5] [Vol.2 p.498 No. 159]
[6] [Vol.2 p. 697 No.108]
[7] See: following the sunnah website
[8] [Vol.2 p. 499 No. 161]
[9] [Vol.2 p.511 No.212]
[10] – The Statements of the Scholars Regarding the Reality of the Disbelief Of the Rawafidah (Shia) – Compiled by Abbas Abu Yahya
[11] [Vol.2 p.521 No.268]
[12] [Vol.2 p.523 No.279]
Compiled & translated By Abbas Abu Yahya
In Sha Allah please do share! (Lives of the Salaf)
Safar 8, 1441/October 7, 2019
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