#Rating: PG15
zazu75 · 2 years
Gilderguste is my favorite CotC ship
Gilderoy is my chosen. Auguste is an immediate fave. No, canon doesn’t exist. I write my own. And I will fix it. This is self indulgent. Mildly spicy. and after this? y’all will likely suffer more. :3
So Gilderoy works with nobility, this means that he has some knowledge of the arts, whether that’s actual art, poetry, novels, plays… the Arts (™). 
It helps him connect with clients and keep their interest for longer. Which means more business! It’s a win win. So it’s not so much of a hobby as something he does for work. Still, he enjoys it. 
He hears a lot about this one playwright. Everyone loves his works. Especially the people in the flatlands. So when he’s in Theateropolis, he hears about a play happening and decides to try and see it. 
So Gilderoy gets to the theater, there’s no one guarding the doors so he kinda. Sneak in.
Gilderoy catches the end of the play, and when Auguste comes out to take a bow, the ring flashes, so he heads out to wait and see if he can grab a client or two, especially one of the actors/actresses. Maybe even some nobility. Either way, looking for business. 
The audience start to leave, and a group of ladies gather round the door to try and catch a glimpse of the actors and actresses leaving, fawning all the while
And just their luck, Auguste comes out too! And they are fangirling so hard and he’s being so nice. 
Anyways he spots Gilderoy off the side and immediately starts flirting with him and Gilderoy flirts back. 
And Auguste leans in and they keep flirting (keep in mind everyone around them is watching) and the two of them agree to meet later at a room Auguste gives Gilderoy directions to.
And they absolutely go at it. And talk. And go at it again and talk. They're there for several hours. And Gilderoy actually makes a sale two Auguste. Two necklaces, one of which is a locket. 
And Gilderoy leaves with a bruised and maybe bloody bite mark at the junction where his neck meets his shoulder. 
And it spreads like wildfire in the rumor mill. 
A noble lady comes at Gilderoy the next day, insisting he deliver the letter to Auguste (it’s a fan letter). 
And honestly at this point Gilderoy is like “sure. I’ll deliver it. Maybe see him again ;)” because he had fun. He likes Auguste more than just a client. He’s fun to be around. 
He gets to the theater, and it’s a slow day, no plays are happening, so he makes his way to the backstage area and again, there’s no one to stop him. 
But then a man stops him and tells him it’s a bad idea to try and see Auguste.
This man’s name is Schwartz, and he is after revenge!
He tells Gilderoy that Auguste is a killer, and that he’s killed many of his fans and understudies and workers, and says that Auguste killed his wife, and that he has been seeking revenge for a very long time. 
Gilderoy insists on going to see Auguste anyway, and Schwartz accompanies him because danger!! 
Now, on screen, almost immediately, the player is shown Auguste killing an actress in front of other actors, who don’t react. 
Gilderoy, however, doesn’t walk in until the lady is being carried out, eyes closed, between two actors who, again, aren’t acting like anyone’s dead. 
And Schwartz is quick to point out it was murder, and that Auguste can get away with it because his workers worship him as a god. Because he’s so damnably famous.
But Gilderoy kind of. He didn’t see a body being carried out. He saw a lady who was out cold and saw no wounds on her.
By the time that conversation is done, Auguste has left the stage to his study.
So they chase him. 
We get there first. And Schwartz starts rummaging thru the desk and papers
Auguste arrives soon after, covered in blood. Recognizes Schwartz and they talk and it turns out, Auguste kills for inspiration. It helps him get ideas and be able to write it down.
Auguste sics some guards on Schwartz and leaves, giving absolutely no glances towards Gilderoy. 
But Gilderoy helps out in the fight because he was in the way and has no choice. 
After, they can’t find Auguste anywhere, and they part ways, Schwartz still swearing revenge. 
A few weeks/months pass, and Gilderoy has gone off to do other things and look for the other rings. He still can’t get Auguste out of his head tho. Because…. well. He has a ring. And murder is bad. And also… he’s handsome. 
He stumbles upon Schwartz in a tavern in Valore getting food and drinks and talks to him. 
Schwartz has found out where Auguste lives. It’s a big villa right outside the city, And asks if Gilderoy will join him.
Gilderoy realizes he still has the letter from the noble lady who harassed him ages ago, and he decides that yeah, he wants to come. He wants to try and talk with Auguste. He still remembers the last meeting in the study and how Auguste ignored him, after they’d clicked so well the day before. And he’s not stupid, something’s up. 
And during his travels he learned that the rings also influence their holders. So maybe… maybe the ring had some sort of influence over Auguste. He wants to know more. To either put his mind at rest or…. Try something probably stupid. He wants to find out what’s what. 
Especially since he has met with the lead actress before (Fransesca), while looking for the study, and she mentioned that Auguste isn’t interested in the fame his plays bring, yet he keeps working on them. 
So he wants to try and talk. And the letter is as good an excuse as any. 
They go to the villa and find Francesca outside with a kid.
Kid’s name is Mikhail! He’s a ray of sunshine—and he’s Francesca’s and Auguste’s kid!
Awkward moment ensues for Gilderoy in “I didn’t know he was married” but she replies with “he’s not” “oh.”
(The game is very unclear about whether they’re married or even together, tho art doodled by Mikhail shows at least a happy-ish family. So I’m going with together but it’s rocky af)
Fransesca locks them outside of the mansion, telling them to leave, and they don’t, because Schwartz is set on finding a key, and sees an abandoned house/shed near the villa and decides to search there. 
Inside, they find the keys with a diary detailing a few killings Auguste has done.
Gilderoy finds this kind of sus, because while the building does belong to the villa, it’s 1) abandoned 2) there’s no blood anywhere 3) the rest of the journal is pretty empty and there’s just it and the keys there. 
But they get the keys and go inside and they find Fransesca desperately searching for her son, who’s been told to avoid the “purple man”
Which Gilderoy finds contradictory while they’re looking for him. Because Auguste wears purple, a lot of it, and there’s drawings Mikhail did of him and Fransesca and Auguste as a family. And even some that are just him and Auguste, all in purple. 
He doesn’t get to ask however. The three find the kid soon after, and he’s been poisoned by Auguste. And Auguste takes the rest of the poison. Turns out, Fransesca has a dose of the antidote on her, inside the locket necklace she was given a day prior… the one Gilderoy recognizes he sold Auguste. 
… And she can only choose to save one of them. 
Schwartz is stricken. Horrified. He begs her to save her son, but it just makes her indecision worse, and Gilderoy is trying to calm this lady down and make Schwartz shut up to no avail. 
In the end, Francesca chooses Auguste, who, surprise! Has a second dose of the antidote. Which he takes. And then says he’s been inspired to finish his current work and leaves.
Schwartz tries to get Fransesca to give Mikhail the antidote after, as he’s still alive, but she snaps
And tries to outright kill her kid and the two men
And Gilderoy is forced to kill her to save her child. They do manage to save him, but Fransesca is dead and the kid was aware during all of what went down. 
They take the kid to a healer, and once they’re sure he’s okay, Schwartz says he’ll use his contacts to find him a new home. 
Gilderoy goes to the tavern, mostly to get drunk and maybe eat and process wtf has happened.
Because it was jarring, but so much of it didn’t make sense.
As Gilderoy sits there, drinking, Schwartz shows up and joins him. 
They talk a bit about what happened, and it segues into Schwartz asking Gilderoy about why he was there at the theater to start with, and Gilderoy explains about the letter, then how he got the letter, and Schwartz is in such disbelief because you slept with that man?? and Gilderoy is just look he's hot and he flirted with me first okay
And it goes on a bit more and Schwartz is basically teasing him at this point and Gilderoy picks up on it and is embarrassed and kinda grumbles that Schwartz isn't as focused on his grief as he makes himself out to be.
Schwartz makes it very clear that he is still grieving but he is not blind and Gilderoy is good looking and tucks a strand of hair behind Gilderoy’s ear. 
Gilderoy is speechless for all of ten seconds before he decides, yeah, okay, why not. Schwartz teases him about it, and they flirt a bit then go back to the inn to get a room. 
And it's during their time being intimate in there that Gilderoy realizes that.... Schwartz and Auguste are... very similar, physically. Under the clothes, their body types, their skin color, their... everything, is very similar.
He decides he is not sober enough to process this and to enjoy it instead.
After, he and Schwartz talk. First it’s a little bit of flirting, then it gets serious. Schwartz wants to go back and make sure Fransesca’s body is buried. And see if there’s anyone else dead and bury them. Gilderoy agrees to help. 
So the next day, they go back to the villa. And Fransesca’s body is as it is. They also find the maid who died of poisoning, still where she is. So they work on burying both. It’s a silent, sad affair. They work quietly, though Schwartz looks like he’s about to cry more than once. Gilderoy sits with him and they hold hands a few times and it seems to help Schwartz. And when he gives Gilderoy a grateful smile… well. Gilderoy gives him one back while actively trying not to blush. 
They go back to Valore, after, get drinks, kiss, and wind up in bed together again. 
Gilderoy again notes the similarities and decided not to pay any attention to them and stay in the moment instead. 
Next day, Schwartz tells Gilderoy he's heading back to the theater to try and find a way to get to Auguste. He'd be very hard to get close to, right now, buried in work. But the premiere of the new play has a date set already, a date he gives to Gilderoy and says to meet him there.
Gilderoy in the meantime starts to really think things through, because a lot of what he saw contradicted so much?
and he... finds himself in the worst situation ever. 
For starters, he finds himself pining.
Which freaks him tf out at first because he does not fall in love?? hello?? 
And it sucks. He doesn’t like the longing. And he’s longing for a murderer. Except he’s still not sure. Because the murder he saw doesn’t match with the murders he read about. And the lady’s reaction and fear over her child being lost in his own home makes no sense. 
There’s too much that doesn’t make sense, and he’s not sure how to put it together. 
And then there’s Schwartz. The man after revenge. The man he’s also longing for. And their similarities! 
It’s driving him crazy. 
So he does something crazy. 
He goes back to Auguste’s villa. 
It’s weeks later, now, and the villa has been abandoned for almost that entire time. Monsters are starting to take over, but there’s human activity too. 
Gilderoy walks around aimlessly. It’s a sunny afternoon and he’s wandering and not sure what he’s looking for. He just wants answers. And finds himself in Fransesca’s and Mikhail’s room, looking at the drawings. 
He takes one down, a hand drawn family portrait, carefully folds it and pockets it. 
Maybe… maybe he can give it to Auguste later. Or Schwartz. Or maybe even Mikhail himself. 
The sun sinks low on the horizon when he decides he’s not going to find answers and goes to leave. But he decides to stop by Auguste’s office, because maybe he’ll find something. He remembers a lot of papers there. So he heads there and—
—There's someone there. The silhouette is familiar. And his heart goes to his throat. It’s Auguste. 
And he’s both really happy and really terrified. Because did he find the man he charmed or the monster Schwartz showed him?
And something about that thought makes him blink. That’s right, all the bad things he’s seen were when Schwartz was around…
But he decides to ignore that for now and instead approaches the man. 
There’s a somber mood about him. A haunted look in his eyes. He’s soft spoken and charming and Gilderoy is not afraid. 
He moves closer. They talk. Or well, he tries to. Auguste isn’t very willing to discuss anything. So he’s not surprised when the playwright kisses him. 
He goes along with it. Because he wants it so badly. Because pining sucks and his heart hurts and this is so much easier. 
He goes along with Auguste pushing him into a bed and goes along with everything after, until they’re both spent and it’s dark out and it’s dark inside and it’s silent, just them breathing in the darkness. 
Gilderoy pulls Auguste close and Auguste presses his face over his heart and it’s everything Gilderoy has wanted for the last few weeks. 
They’re falling asleep when Gilderoy decides to ask, in a whisper, what happened with Mikhail. Auguste answers. It’s an answer that Schwartz would know, not Auguste. And Auguste seems to catch himself and tenses. But Gilderoy whispers that they’re already asleep and it’s okay and he knows Auguste doesn’t believe him but the walls come down for a while and they talk naturally. But they’re both sleepy and fall asleep. 
The next morning, Gilderoy wakes up alone. And he’s back to pining. 
It sucks. 
And he still doesn’t understand everything, or how to connect it together. 
So he goes back to working on getting the rings and gathering information and trying to do his job as a jewelry merchant, until the date of the premiere comes, and he goes to meet up with Schwartz and realizes he's still crushing on Schwartz and since when did he crush on people? ever?
but they sneak in through the theater's back door, and the play is starting, and they need to stop the man before he kills again. Schwartz seems especially desperate, probably because he's so close to his goal of revenge.
But Gilderoy grabs his hand and tells him that he won't help unless he promises him something. Schwartz asks what, and Gilderoy says he wants the opportunity to talk to Auguste. Even if they wind up having to kill him, he wants to be able to talk to him first.
Schwartz reluctantly agrees, and off they go.
They can hear the play going on as they make their way through the back to the theater to the study. They find him there, in his chair. Gilderoy tries to talk to him, but he's ignored. So Schwartz attempts to taunt the man before he attacks him 
Only for the body to hit the floor. It's not the real Auguste, but the theater manager dressed up as him. 
And it all falls in place for Gilderoy.
He figures it out.
But before he can say a word to Schwartz, the man has already rushed out. They can hear "Auguste"' voice from the stage, and they decide to make their way there.
They arrive at the finale, right as the lead actor "Auguste" is asking if a hateful blade would kill him. 
Schwartz gives Gilderoy no chance to talk and attacks the man. A fight ensues on stage, until the actor is stabbed fatally. He stays a few more lines then collapses, dead... and the audience claps, thinking it's all part of the play, and the curtains fall.
Gilderoy takes a deep breath, then, to calm himself. Turns to Schwartz and asks him if he's content now, that his play has ended. 
Schwartz's eyes widen, a pleased look comes onto his face, and he asks when he figured it out.
Gilderoy explains all the indiscrepancies he found, and how it all came together just a bit ago, and follows it with asking if they can talk now.
They talk, and Gilderoy is right, he can see beyond just what the ring is, and the person inside isn't what he's seeing, but the only way to free that person is to take the ring away, which isn't going to happen in a peaceful way.
So he talks to the entity instead, the thing that's acting in the human's place, and hears its woes and its need for blood for inspiration, and Gilderoy knows that inspiration comes in many forms, and one such form can easily be travel.
He points out that Auguste has rarely left the region, and never far, that there's so much beyond that, and he's willing to stake his life on finding a new source of inspiration for the playwright.
Enticed by the option of murdering Gilderoy, they talk more of it and make a deal, if Auguste doesn't find three new stories within a year on the road, he can kill Gilderoy and return to write that play.
So it's arranged. He takes a haitus and goes undercover to travel with the merchant, dressing down in more sensible colors for leather, and losing all of the makeup. And within weeks, he's already found a new story. He writes lots, goes through lots of paper, and gets along well with Gilderoy.
And Gilderoy keeps looking past the entity and to the human, to where the human learns to accept the demon that's inside of him. It's an extreme of his emotions, things that he had shamed himself for, and he comes to terms with it, which is something he's never done had before. 
To the point that, when Gilderoy gets the other two rings, and Sazantos comes to Gilderoy asking for the three rings to seal them, the entity possessing the human willingly gives the ring up.
This essentially kills the entity, or at least lays it dormant, and for the first time in a very, very long time, the human is free.
But the possession did leave its mark on him. He's not as unhinged as the entity was, and he doesn't have the same amount of bloodlust, but he is definitely more stabby than your average person. 
He’s a stepford smiler who Gilderoy learns to read, definitely thinks of murder as the first solution to most problems, and he's still an excellent playwright and actor.
He's also very clingy and overly affectionate to Gilderoy, who finds that he really, really likes it.
Gilderoy finds that he likes having his affections returned and likes the excess hugging and hand holding and even kissing in public, which--scandalous!
But he loves Auguste, even though he skirts around it and deflects the topic if/when asked directly. 
And Auguste… he’s not sure if Auguste feels the same way. But he has his affections, so he’s happy. 
And after that I've essentially gone with "this feral, semi-violent, stepford smiler version of Auguste joins the party in trying to get the rings back!"
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btsmosphere · 6 months
Supercharged | JJK - Masterlist
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Now Completed!!
It starts with a blow to the chest that changes your life. When your city’s most celebrated hero pays a visit, it turns out the noble Bolt has no trouble tossing lives aside. Lives that won't be missed. Lives like yours. Seven mysterious and powerful men give you another chance – one that starts to feel more like a curse the moment you meet golden boy Jungkook. The boy who wants you as far from his brothers as he can get you. Is it you he hates, or the blue lightning that now runs through your veins? And could it be his golden light that illuminates your heart when darkness threatens?
🗲pairing: jungkook x female reader 🗲overall word count: ~80k 🗲genre: angst, action, slow burn, enemies to lovers, superheroes/villains au, found family 🗲rating: pg15 🗲warnings: violence with superpowers, weapons, swearing, arguing, injury, past trauma, mentions of death (these are general warnings; chapter-specific warnings are listed per chapter)
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Character Moodboards/Bios: Jungkook | Yoongi | Hobi | V | Jimin | Jin | Namjoon | You
Supercharged Playlist
Chapter 1 - The Light Dies He’s the hero. Unfortunately for you, you’re not the villain.
Chapter 2 - Reign of Mercy There’s a whole world here, where your curse can start to bloom…
Chapter 3 - Figure it Out You become Jungkook’s problem.
Chapter 4 - We aren't Heroes, Honey A chaotic arrival turns everything on its head, and the boys are ready to let you in on their real game.
Chapter 5 - Scared of a Little Lightning With the threat of Bolt rising, so do tensions within the base.
Chapter 6 - Burn Out When things get ahead of you, your powers aren’t the only things to spill over; some truth is ready to breach the surface.
Chapter 7 - Spark to Life “We don’t have time to argue” “No, we don't”
Chapter 8 - On the Force Jungkook smiles at you for the first time (and the second).
Chapter 9 - Thank me Later Our villains get their moment in the sun (well, the fire…)
Chapter 10 - Is This Not Control? You’re forced to come to terms with the danger – and the beauty – in the way your powers burn.
Chapter 11 - Right Beside You Jungkook has you to thank, if only he knew how.
Chapter 12 - Into the Depths If you aren’t cut out to be with them, then you’ll just have to go it alone.
Chapter 13 - One of Us Jungkook doesn’t seem to be angry for the reasons you expected.
Chapter 14 - Cover Me An unprecedented strike at the heart of bangtan leaves you baring yours.
Chapter 15 - Powerless It’s time to make the fight on your terms.
Epilogue - Sweet Taste How it all boiled down.
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Updates every Sunday! To be on the taglist, send me a message, ask or comment!💜(now closed as series is completed! but comments are always still welcome)
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eoieopda · 10 months
🙏🏻 This is my first time submitting a request because I can’t stop imagining Dino helping his drunk BFF home while secretly being in love with her 🧎🏼‍♀️Please if you have time!
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summary: not all heroes wear capes, but chan would probably do so if you asked. pairing: lee chan x reader type: drabble genre: fluff au: friends to ?, pining word count: 1.4k (oops) rating: pg15 — still, minors do not have my consent to interact. cw: alcohol/drunkenness, obvi; no pronouns or gendered language is used for reader. a/n: not even remotely proofread (double oops), but i still love this down-bad doofus, so i hope you do, too!
“I’m not saying I have superpowers, but I’m not not saying it.”
Your eyes are blinking a little more slowly than usual, but the unimpressed look you fire off at Chan can’t be missed.
“Can you just —” A hiccup cuts your question in half. You frown with your whole face just to make it clear how serious you are. “Hold my hand? It’s wobbly.”
Chan knows you’re referring to the sidewalk — where you stand and sway along to music that isn’t playing — but that description fits his knees, too. 
He hopes you’re too busy pouting at him to notice the way he wipes his palms against his jeans, afraid you’ll notice how nervous you make him. You start to lean a bit too heavily to one side for his liking, though; and he thinks it’s safe to bet that you’re not noticing much of anything.
That settles it.
The second he envelopes your hand in his, you take it a step further, tugging him close enough that you can slot yourself under his arm.
“Smell nice,” you mumble from his side. “‘s that the new stuff? From the place?”
Now, Chan is the one that’s blinking slowly. He was as drunk as you were until you needed him, and despite his sobering up on a dime — which is a superpower, thank you very much — his processing speed is lagging. You nudge him with your elbow, as if that’ll make what you just said make sense.
“Ahhh!” He plays along, making a big show of realizing things. “Yes, that place. By the thing, right?”
You nod. “Exactly.” 
Behind you both, the Uber that dumped you back at your place pulls away from the curb. Three beats later, you tilt your head and cheer “goodbye” at a long-gone Kia. He feels his heart swell three sizes in chest.
“You like it?” He redirects you because he’s a little bit greedy for your praise — and also because he bought this cologne with the hope that you’d compliment it. Chuckling, he notes, “Considering how much I’m propping you up right now, you’ll probably end up smelling like me.”
When you smile and mutter, “Good,” Chan suddenly feels weightless.
It takes some concentrated effort, but he manages to guide you up the front steps to your apartment building. It takes significant concentrated effort to corral you into the elevator once you clear the threshold. You would’ve spent your night talking the doorman’s ear off, otherwise, providing a dramatic retelling of every single step you took over the last few hours. It takes everything Chan has not to laugh at the relieved sigh he gets in thanks for intervening, although it’s hardly altruistic to want your rambling to himself.
Surrounded by the metallic walls of the elevator car, you point to your joint reflection and muse, “Someone’s awful smiley this evening.”
Chan makes eye contact without having to tilt his head. His brain works overtime to churn out a response that isn’t self-incriminating, but the only thought ricocheting around his brain relates to how cute you look, nestled into him.
With a ding, your reflection is gone. The moment goes with it, and without a barrier in front, so do you — like a bat out of hell.
“Oh, my god,” you wail when your apartment door comes into view. “I thought I’d never see you again!”
Chan chases after you, arriving embarrassingly out-of-breath — and more than a little fond — just in time to watch you wrestle your keys out of your pocket. They clatter to the floor the second they’re free. You groan, bereft at the loss.
“Stay here,” he says firmly with a finger pointed because he knows you, knows you’ll take one or both of you out of commission if you don’t heed his warning. 
Your eyes cross a little bit as you stare down the barrel of it, but you listen, thankfully; and he’s able to pick up your slack without anyone receiving a concussion. He’s able to usher you into your own home without further incident, too.
Once again: superpowers.
The task of kicking your shoes off is apparently too much to ask of you, so you wander off to your bedroom without even trying. His Nikes are discarded so hurriedly that they barely hit your mat by the time he takes off after you. The second he catches up, he wins the pleasure of watching you flop backwards onto your mattress.
Funny, he thinks. His heart makes a similar thwump when you smile at him the way you are right now.
Gesturing to the feet dangling off the edge of your bed, he laughs. “Can I please help you?”
You shoot him with dual-wielded finger guns. He takes that as a yes, please, and gets to work on the triple knots you managed to install in your laces.
He hums in acknowledgment without looking up, too confounded by your drunken rope-work to take his eyes off his fingers.
Were you a sailor in a past life?
A little louder and a lot more pathetically, you whine, “Chan,” adding several seconds’ worth of the vowel sound in the process.
Chan has no option but to look up at you. As far as he’s concerned, he’s got no choice but to smile with all of his teeth, too. “You rang?”
“You’re so nice.” It’s supposed to be a whisper, he suspects, but it sounds much more like a shout. “How?”
His bemused snort is disguised by the sound of your right shoe hitting the floor.
“I mean it!” You laugh — like he’d ever doubt you — and smack your palms against your duvet for emphasis. “Like, hello? Good boy alert!”
That — well, that does something to Chan that he’s not willing to unpack right now. Instead, he shucks off your other shoe, bites back his smile, and sits back on his heels.
For a minute, the two of you stay that way: you gazing at him, him gazing right back at you. In every second that slips by in comfortable silence, he works to convince himself that the twinkle in your eye is a byproduct of the shots you took, nothing more. You’re smiling at him like that because you won’t have to sleep in your shoes tonight.
You nibble thoughtfully on your lower lip before your smile turns sheepish. “Chan?”
He’s not thinking that an angel gets its wings whenever you say his name, but he’s not not thinking that.
“The one and only,” he says with a nod, and he only cringes a little bit at his words, after the fact.
Whatever you want to say next seems to be stuck on its way out. In fact, you open and close your mouth twice to no avail. Patience is a virtue, and you are divine, so he waits there — on his knees, no less — and lets you take the lead. Your eyes flick from his face to the fidgeting fingers in your lap, then to the blank space at your side.
“It’s cold out,” you finally declare.
It’s July, but that’s neither here nor there.
“You shouldn’t have to walk home in this weather.”
The sky simply couldn’t be clearer, but Chan would take your word for it if you said that it was green.
“Maybe you should stay.”
He tries not to let the giddiness overtake him. Really, he does. He attempts to shrug nonchalantly, but it's more of a shiver than anything else, and he’s scrambling to his feet before he can chide himself for it.
You laugh — with your whole chest, no less — when he leaps into the spot beside you, settling flat on his back and grinning up at the ceiling. You’re still giggling when you mimic his graceless movements, still beaming when you turn your head to look at him. The air still feels electric, somehow, even after the laughter peters off.
A few moments pass, probably. He doesn’t notice them on their way out.
In a whisper that is actually a whisper, you say his name again, and it kicks off that wild thwump inside his chest.
“Yes?” He responds, much more quietly than his pulse in his ears.
You tug gently at the pillow under his head to draw attention to it. “You’ll probably end up smelling like me now.”
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shuadotcom · 1 year
Polaroid Love | KMG
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Summary: The prospect of meeting Mingyu’s family has you feeling a new emotion that you’ve never felt with anyone else. 
Pairing: Kim Mingyu x GN!Reader
Genres & AUs: Fluff, slice of life, established relationship au, college au
Rating: PG15
Warnings: Profanity, a make-out scene, mention of something suggestive but otherwise just fluffy
Words: 4.8k
Note: This was supposed to be posted on Mingyu’s birthday, but life happened so here it is now! Thank you to my wonderful beta @playmetheclassics​​ ily Indi mwah! 😘 This banner took me like an hour to make in canva and I’m very proud of it thank you very much. Anyway I love Mingyu 🙂
Net tag: @kflixnet​​
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“Please? It'll be fun!”
“Please? You just have to show up and talk to a couple of my family members. It's not a big deal.”
“Mingyu, no.”
“I said no, Gyu!”
A chorus of shushes is heard after your outburst, along with glares from the other library patrons. Bowing your head quickly, you whisper apologies while your boyfriend giggles from next to you. A light pinch to his thigh stops him, though.
“Ow!” Mingyu whines, rubbing the sore spot. “That hurt! You're always so mean.”
Rolling your eyes at his dramatics, you stare at your book again. “Don’t be such a baby.”
He’s about to respond when you’re interrupted by your best friend and roommate nearly colliding with your table.
“Did you guys hear!?” Jeongyeon is out of breath as she harshly whispers at you.
“Did we hear what, that you're in love with Park Jimin? The whole campus knows.” You laugh and dodge the pen she throws at you.
“No, smartass! We're going away for spring break.”
“Who is we?”
“All of us! You two, me, Soonyoung, Hansol, Junhui, everyone. Jeonghan was able to convince Seungcheol to help drive us all to the beach for the break.”
“How the hell did he accomplish that? I remember when we brought it up a few months ago, Seungcheol said he’d rather do a pop quiz every day over break before taking all of us anywhere.”
Jeongyeon shrugs. “Who knows? You know Cheol can never say no to Jeonghan.”
“How many vans do you think we'll need to get?” Mingyu asks, leaning over the table in excitement.
Jeongyeon taps her finger against her chin in thought. “Maybe two? There’ll be fifteen of us, so it depends on how many seats they have.”
“Oh, only fifteen? I would’ve thought Jimin would be coming,” you tease, watching her get flustered at another mention of her crush’s name.
“I - I don’t even know what he’s doing for the break.”
“Ask him and see if he’s free. Maybe if you're lucky, you guys will get to sit next to each other for the whole drive.” You watch Jeongyeon's eyes widen, and you can practically hear her mind running at full speed in thought. “Well, I'll leave you with that thought. I'm off to lunch.” You stand up and gather your books with Mingyu right behind you.
“Poor Noona. You’ve left her in there to stress about how she’ll ask Jimin-hyung on the trip," he chuckles, throwing an arm over your shoulders.
Rolling your eyes, you wave off his concern. “She’s fine, I promise. She’s been into him for about two years and frothing at the mouth for a chance to get closer to him. He likes her too if the way he practically drools over her whenever they are within a five-foot radius of each other is any indication. One of them needs to suck it up and ask the other out because they're torturing themselves.”
“If it’ll help, I can talk to Jungkook about it during class later and see if I can get him to mention it to him.”
“Good idea, Gyu,” you praise him, placing a kiss on his hand that’s dangling over your shoulder.
He squeezes your shoulder in response, pulling you closer to his body. “Don’t worry about it. The only thing you need to worry about is picking out an outfit.”
Skeptically you crane your neck up to look at him, brows furrowed. “For what?”
“For my family reunion.”
“I said no. I'm not going.”
“No.” You reach the cafeteria then and slip from Mingyu’s embrace. He has a class in the building next door, so you know he won’t pester you anymore for at least an hour.
“See you later, Gyu!” You blow him a kiss and slip inside before he can say anything else.
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The rest of the week is crammed with last-minute assignments, everyone making plans for spring break, and Mingyu bringing up the family reunion any chance he gets.
It's not that you don’t want to go because you dislike Mingyu's family or anything. You’ve never actually met them, which in itself is the real problem. What if they don’t like the way you look? What if they don’t think you’re good enough for Mingyu? What if they end up hating you completely?
You’re not usually one to worry too much about what people think of you, but the idea of anyone as close to Mingyu as his family not liking you fills you with an immeasurable amount of dread. You’ve been dating for nearly a year, and you care about him more than anyone else you’ve ever been with. You’re lucky enough to have been able to fall into his friend group so easily and get along with everyone, but his family is so much deeper than that. You’re not sure you can handle someone like his mom taking one look at you and deciding you’re not right for her son.
You have a few weeks before the reunion, so you figure if you can deny him enough times, he'll forget about it and stop bringing it up. So far, your plan is failing miserably, though, as every other day, he’s bringing it up in person or sending you message after message about it.
You’ll be the first to admit that you have a problem opening up and talking about your feelings. You tend to bottle your emotions up inside, keeping them tucked close to you and have been that way as long as you can remember. Because of this, you’ve yet to tell Mingyu the real reason you keep turning him down, at least not yet, not until you can gather the courage to dive into your feelings more.
It’s been a week since you’ve been trying to deter the reunion conversation with Mingyu, at times even turning down hanging out with him completely to doge the topic, citing you being too busy with assignments, which is half-true. Running from your feeling is the other half of that excuse, but he doesn’t need to know that yet.
After your last class on Friday ends, you head to the library, hoping to finish your homework before meeting Jeongyeon for dinner and starting the weekend. While you’re on the last question of your sociology assignment, a noticeable shadow appears over your table. When you glance up, Wonwoo, Mingyu’s roommate, is staring down at you with a stoic expression.
“Mingyu is very distressed.”
“And you should fix it. He's been moping around our room all day and blowing up the group chat nonstop. He keeps whining about how you won't go to his family reunion and meet his family.”
“He's a drama queen,” you mumble. Wonwoo sighs and leans over the table in front of you. Wonwoo is probably one of the guys in your large group of friends you were closest with, besides your boyfriend, of course. The tall, dark-haired man seemed intimidating and cold when you first met, but his looks are deceiving. Wonwoo is nothing but sweet and funny and has proven to be a great listener when you needed to vent when Jeongyeon or Mingyu weren’t around.
“He really likes you, you know. He doesn't shut up about you when you're not around, and it kind of makes the rest of us want to strangle him.” Wonwoo lets out a laugh and looks back at you as you avoid his gaze.
“Look, he wants you to meet his family because he's serious about you. He's only dated three other people in his whole life, and none of them met his family beyond maybe his parents and sister here and there. He never even mentioned bringing any of them around his entire family, so think about that.” He stands upright after his words, giving you one more look.
“I don’t want to pry, so I won’t ask you to tell me why you won’t go, but just know it’s more important to him than he’s probably said to you.” With that, Wonwoo sends you a wave that you feebly return before leaving you alone in your corner of the library.
The thought of just how important the reunion is to Mingyu hadn’t been something you thought about. And the knowledge of you being the only partner of his to meet his whole family has butterflies taking flight in your stomach and dread washing over you. Something new and foreign stirs in your chest at that moment, which has your mind whirling.
Quickly, you stand up and gather your things, sending a brief text to Jeongyeon to bring dinner to your shared room because you have something very important to discuss with her.
Your dorm building is just as busy as it usually is when you get inside, with students kicking soccer balls in the hallways, leaving their doors open while they blast music, or loitering in the halls and chatting. You take the stairs to the second floor to successfully dodge Joshua, who you glimpse heading into the elevator down the hall. Wonwoo had only cornered you to give you a small lecture, but you’re sure Joshua won’t hesitate to bring it up and try to press a little as to why you keep turning Mingyu down.
When you round the corner of your hall, you spot Jeongyeon already there, hanging outside your room while conversing with one of the younger men in your group of friends.
“Beat it, Chan.”
“What?” A look of surprise flashes over his face as he looks between the two of you.
“You heard me. Leave.”
“But earlier this morning Jeongyeon-noona said I could eat dinner with you guys tonight!”
“Yeah, well, Jeongyeon and I have something very important to discuss, and you're not invited.” His intense pout instantly makes you feel bad.
“Sorry, Chan,” you sigh. “I just really have to talk to her about something that’s kind of an emergency. Can we take a rain check?” You soften your tone, hoping to lessen his disappointment.
Chan glances at Jeongyeon, who shrugs. “Alright, fine,” he relents. “But you have to buy me a snack next time for being mean.”
“Deal,” you roll your eyes at both him and the smirk on his face. “I think your boyfriend needs some company anyway. Bye!” He meets your gaze, chuckling at the face you give him, which you know is one of exasperation. You wait until he’s down the hall before turning to face Jeongyeon.
“I guess you weren't joking in your text about something ‘life-changing and imperative’. What's going on?” She asks as she unlocks the door.
“Well, I haven't told you something because I just wanted to keep it to myself because I hoped it would go away soon, but Mingyu is stubborn, so it hasn't.”
“Which is exactly why you two are meant for one another.” You shoot Jeongyeon a look and snatch one of the bento boxes from her hands.
“Could you hang back on the sarcasm while I talk? And just let me get it all out first.”
“Yeah, yeah, go ahead. I'm all ears.”
You each sit on your respective beds facing each other, and you let the word vomit flow. You recount Wonwoo’s words about the family reunion to her and what he had told you about Mingyu’s past partners, and how much this all means to him. You also let out your feelings that you’ve been trying to keep to yourself - about your insecurities and worries about making a good impression and the guilt nagging at you every time you turn Mingyu down.
“This is just so important to him, and I can't even do this one thing! The thought of all of those people there judging me for my major or the way I look or the outfit I decide to wear, or literally anything about me! It's way too overwhelming, and every time I think about it, I go into panic mode, and I start to feel anxious and itchy. I’m terrified that they won’t like me, Jeongyeon.
“What if they try to tell Gyu to break up with me or something? What if we get there, and he sees me being weird and awkward, and I make a bad impression, and he decides that I’m not who he thought I was, and he wants to break up with me on his own? But then I’m so guilty about disappointing him and not going, and I feel like I lose whether I say no to him or whether I go and then fuck everything up. I just don't know what to do!” You let out a groan and flop backwards on the bed. Your forgotten dinner, now getting cold, jostles on the bed next to you.
The room is quiet for a few minutes before Jeongyeon speaks. “You love him.”
You sit up so quickly that your head starts to hurt. “What did you say?”
“I said you love him. That's why you feel so guilty and are so confused. I've known you since we were teenagers, Y/n. You are one of the most stubborn people I have ever met. When you don't want to do something, you simply don't, and you don't give it much of a second thought. Of course, you consider doing things you don’t want to for me and your other friends, but this is different!”
Jeongyeon hops off her bed to sit next to you, offering you a comforting back rub. “You feel the way you do because you love Mingyu, and you’re scared that his family won’t like you, which will break your heart, and you don’t want to lose him.”
You don’t respond to her, so she continues.
“If you want my opinion, I think you should go to the reunion. If you want to stay with Mingyu and keep this relationship going, you’ll have to meet his family eventually. You can’t hide from them forever if you stay together. Plus, I’m willing to bet he feels the same. Mingyu looks at you as if you are an actual ethereal being and like you’re the center of his world. I don’t think you have to worry about his reaction when and if you decide to tell him the truth about everything you’re feeling.”
Jeongyeon’s expression is soft as she looks at you, waiting for your response and giving you time to process everything.
Do you love Mingyu? Sure, you love spending time with him. He’s the most attentive, sweetest, kind-hearted partner you’ve ever had. He pays attention to every detail about you, whether your likes and dislikes or silly, arbitrary things. Every day with him feels like a dream, and you often wonder how the hell you got so lucky to end up with a boyfriend as amazing as Kim Mingyu.
Being with Mingyu is the happiest you’ve ever been, and the idea of loving him - of him being the first person you’ve ever been in true, genuine love with is uncharted waters for you. The mere idea of losing him leaves a gaping hole in your chest - the hypothetical of that situation alone makes your eyes water. Not hugging Mingyu? Not holding hands or sharing laughter with him? Not seeing his beautiful, perfect face in the morning as he snores just the tiniest bit? You and Mingyu haven’t been together for that long, but any world where you have a Mingyu-shaped piece missing from your life isn’t one you ever want to think about.
As if sensing you deep in thought, Jeongyeon gives you a final pat before leaving you alone. She grabs the rest of her dinner, letting you know she’ll be back later and mumbling something about “finally having a breakthrough and needing to take care of something.” You bid her farewell with a simple nod, reaching for your bento box to quiet your grumbling stomach. Eating in silence, you try to sort through the jumbled mess in your head, digesting the new thoughts and feelings you’re experiencing, all for the first stressful time.
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You stay holed up in your dorm room the rest of the weekend, thankful now more than ever that you managed to get a schedule with only weekday classes.
Mingyu, being the caring boyfriend he is, knows something is wrong on Saturday morning right away. When you wake up, you have a few texts from him, asking to see you and take you out.
His desperation to check in with you and see you are obvious, even through written words, which makes it hard to turn him away.
[Y/n] I want to be alone this weekend, okay, Gyu? I’m not feeling very social.
[Gyu💖] Are you sure? Is everything okay?
[Y/n] Yeah, I just want alone time, okay? 🙂
[Gyu💖] 🥺
[Gyu💖] Okay, baby. Whatever you want ❤️
You can practically hear the pout in his text, and it feels shitty to turn him away, but you need more time. Since Friday night, when Jeongyeon had planted the seed in your brain, you decide it would be best to avoid Mingyu just to get your thoughts in order.
Jeongyeon passes along the message to the rest of your friends that you’re fine and just need some alone time. It’s the only thing that quiets your phone and stops your various group chats from continuing to go off. Everyone is kind enough to respect your wishes though, allowing you to spend the two days drowning in your thoughts and eating almost half of your and Jeongyeon’s instant ramen stash. It was probably dramatic to hide away all weekend, but it helped you wake up on Monday with a clearer head.
“I hope you plan on talking to Mingyu today,” Jeongyeon says as you get ready for your Monday morning lecture. “I saw him yesterday when I was eating lunch, and he looked like a lost, sad puppy without you there bossing him around. All he needed was a rainstorm and a choreography routine, and he would’ve looked straight out of an early 2000s break-up song music video.”
The image makes you laugh just a little before frowning and feeling bad for leaving him hanging all weekend.
“I am, I promise. I just needed to get my shit together.”
The two of you head out across campus to your shared lecture hall. Mingyu has class is in the building on the other side of campus, so you won’t have to see him for a couple of hours, giving you plenty of time to calm your nerves.
That idea is dismissed when you get inside and spot him by your classroom door. Mingyu’s long legs allow him to reach you in an instant, gently grabbing your arm and whisking you around the corner and into the stairwell. You can already tell he’s unhappy just by the look on his face.
“Are you breaking up with me?” Is the first thing out of his mouth.
“I asked if you’re breaking up with me. I know you said you needed time alone, and Jeongyeon told us all the same thing, mentioning that you were just taking a couple of mental health days, but does that mean that you’re breaking up with me and were just taking time to think about doing it?”
“Mingyu, I-”
“Is it because I keep pressuring you to meet my family? You don't have to!”
“It's not that I just-”
“Am I too annoying? I swear I won’t bring it up again! And if there’s anything else that I do that’s too annoying or immature,  just tell me, and I'll change, I promise!"
“Mingyu, you don't understand. I just need to-”
“No, you don't understand! I really like you, okay, Y/n? I like you more than anyone I’ve ever dated. Just going two days without being around you killed me! That, on top of the fact that I couldn't even call you or see your face, made it so much worse! I just wanted to break down your door and come in and hold you in my arms even though you'd probably be yelling at me the whole time. I just hated the thought of you being unhappy, and I couldn’t do anything about it.” Mingyu looks almost near tears as he takes in a big breath.
“I don't care if you say that it's too soon, but I just need to say that I think I'm in love with you! You don't have to feel the same yet or say it back, I just needed to say it. Even if you think I'm foolish or that I don't know anything, and-”
“Kim Mingyu, I love you too!” You yank the front of his shirt and pull him closer.
“What did you just say?” Your forehead rests against his, his brown eyes wide as he gapes at you.
“I said that I love you too. That's what I was doing this weekend. I needed time to think about my feelings and figure out if I was in love with you, and I am. I felt bad about saying no to meeting your family, and I felt like such a terrible partner, and I couldn't figure out why, but I was able to think about it, and goddammit, I love you. I love you a lot, and it scares me because I don’t think I’ve ever truly been in love, but I know that I love you.”
You barely have the chance to catch your breath from your speech before Mingyu is leaning down and stealing the air left in your lungs. He presses you against the wall as your arms wind around his neck, and you sigh into the kiss, indulging in the familiar, comforting taste that is Kim Mingyu. He drags his tongue across your bottom lip, asking for entrance which you immediately grant him. The kiss easily deepens as your tongues intertwine, and his grip on your waist gets tighter. If you hadn't needed to breathe, you would've spent the rest of the day exactly the way you are.
Mingyu pulls away, allowing you to breathe, both of you panting, flushed, and smiling like idiots at each other.
“You love me,” Mingyu whispers.
“I love you.”
“Say it again,” you roll your eyes at the wonderful, wide grin he shoots you but repeat yourself, punctuating it with a quick kiss on the tiny mole on his nose.
“And I love you too.” Mingyu murmurs, nuzzling his nose against yours before capturing your lips once again. Your hands move to his hair, fingers grabbing at his soft strands.
“Ahem!” A sudden voice makes the two of you spring apart. When you glance to the doorway, you see Jeongyeon waiting, her face serious and her arms crossed. “Hey, so this is cute and all, don't get me wrong, but we have a lecture to get to like now, Y/n.”
Groaning, Mingyu peeks over his shoulder at Jeongyeon. “Fine, I'll let go.” When he turns back to you still in his arms, a different expression clouds his features. “But this evening, after your last class, I'm coming to your room, and you're all mine.” His words and the look in his eyes make your face heat up, already knowing what you have to look forward to tonight.
“O - okay,” you croak, clearing your throat. Mingyu gives you one more kiss before slipping past Jeongyeon and waving at you both down the hall.
“Ugh, please don't tell me you guys are going to have sex in our room. What about me?!”
You snap out of the trance your boyfriend left you in and side-eye your best friend. “What about you? Why don't you go do the same with Jimin while we're busy? I may have barricaded myself in our room, but I still have a way of knowing things. Like how Professor Ok caught you two making out and having quite the heavy petting session in the back of the cafeteria yesterday.” Jeongyeon’s jaw drops as her cheeks begin to turn bright red.
“How did you know that?!”
“I have my ways.” You smirk as she follows you into your lecture. Even though you were a recluse all weekend, you still checked your phone from time to time. A celebratory message from Seungkwan in your group chat with a few other nosey friends confirmed the news and everyone was relieved to finally have confirmation that Jeongyeon and Jimin had admitted their feelings for one another.
“All I know is, it's about damn time.” You practically skip to your seat, leaving Jeongyeon stuttering out an excuse behind you.
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“I'm not moving this van until you all have your seat belts on.” Seungcheol eyes all of you in the rearview mirror and waits until he hears the click of seat belts to pull out of the campus parking lot.
After much debate, all of you decide to spend the week in a hotel near the closest beach to you. Winter has officially left, and spring is now in its place, with weather warm enough for shorts and tank tops. You had all chipped in to rent a fifteen-passenger van and are leaving campus at eight in the morning, thanks to Seokmin’s nagging about getting the best spot on the sand.
Once the van starts to move, Jeongyeon turns around to the row of seats behind her and lays her head on the back of the seat. You look up from your phone to meet her gaze, already knowing what she’s going to ask.
“So, how was the reunion? I didn't get a chance to ask you since you guys got back.” You and Mingyu had gotten back from his parent's house the night before when Jeongyeon was asleep, and with the excitement of getting ready to leave this morning, the two of you hadn’t gotten much time to talk about it.
“It was really fun, actually. His family was super nice and accepting. He threw a fit at one point because his little sister and one of his cousins were attached to my hip. His mom threatened to show me any and every embarrassing picture of him she had if he didn’t stop acting like a baby and that worked.” You let out a quiet snicker, glancing at Mingyu, asleep on your shoulder.
“She was seriously so sweet, though. And the only time I embarrassed myself was when we were going into the house to help her with some of the food, and she said something along the lines of ‘When you two get married,’ which made me trip, and Gyu had to catch me before I ate dirt.”
Jeongyeon stifles a laugh, covering it with a cough. “Well, hey, at least she likes you! You were worried over nothing.”
“Yeah, you’re right. But oh! I take it Jimin had other plans for break?”
She flushes, nodding. “Yeah, he already had a trip booked with his friends, so he couldn’t come. We have a date planned for when we both get back to school, though, so I’m excited about that.” A dopey smile plays on her lips, and you coo at the gesture.
“I’m so glad you two finally admitted that you like each other!”
“Me too!” Soonyoung pipes up from next to Jeongyeon. “Do you know how annoying it was to hear Jimin gush over you in dance class every week? I swear, every time we were partnered up, his first questions were always about how you were doing and if you were seeing anyone. I can only answer back ‘fine’ and ‘no’ so many times before I lose my mind!”
“Shut it, Soonyoung! I thought you were asleep!” He ignores Jeongyeon and turns in his seat to face you.
“I hope I don’t have to hear him talk even more about how great she is! I don’t think I can stand fifty minutes of him running how mouth about how much he likes her and all the dates they go on and how good she is in bed and -”
Jeongyeon sucks her teeth, snatching his tiger plushie from his hands and hitting him over the head with it a few times. “You know all about running your mouth, don’t you?! Stop talking about my relationship!”
“I’m sorry, stop it! Y/n, get her!”
“Sorry, I can’t hear you!” Popping your earbuds in, you gesture to your now occupied ears, dramatically shrugging at your friends.
Mingyu stirs next to you, and you can’t help but brush away a stray piece of hair from his face. The commotion barely phases him as he adjusts to wrap his arms around your waist and bury his face into your neck.
Aside from Jeongyeon threatening Soonyoung’s life, everyone else is either chatting quietly with each other or sleeping, the energy low from getting up so early, but you’re nowhere near tired, still feeling full of warmth and admiration for Mingyu’s family and how well they treated you. Instead of trying to sleep, you settle for laying your head on top of Mingyu's and simply enjoying the warmth of your boyfriend the man that you are wholeheartedly in love with.
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hobeemin · 6 months
stop, kiss
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🛍️ genre(s): romance, angst, drama, fluff, college au, 90s au (based on Can’t Hardly Wait)
🛍️ pairing: joshua hong x poc (f) reader
🛍️ summary: joshua wasn’t what you called popular back in high school, in fact, he was practically invisible. what happens when he runs into his childhood crush in college after growing into his looks? awhole lot of shenanigans ensue.
🛍️ rating: pg15
🛍️ warning(s): swearing, frat parties, drinking, bullying, fights
🛍️ word count: 5.6k
🛍️ credits: shout out to @wooahaeproductions​ thank you maren for looking this over at the last minute! 💜💜💜
banner resources found here: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
🛍️ a/n: this is for the Now thats 90s SVT collab. Huge thanks to @beomcoups and @mingiblr 
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“This is it.”
Jeonghan side-eyed his friend as they walked across the grassy quad. “What are you going on about?”
Joshua swept his arms in a comprehensive motion. “This. College. It’s the start of our lives.”
“But that’s what you said when we were freshmen in high school.”
Joshua’s arms dropped as red crept up his cheeks. “Okay, but this is gonna be different. This is us being adults. Conquering obstacles–”
“–reaching goals–”
“–going the distance–”
Jeonghan closed his eyes as Joshua ran straight into a bench and flipped over, landing on his back. Instantly, the quad filled with laughter. He groaned as his vision filled with stars, trying to get his bearings. It wasn’t until a face appeared that his senses came back.
Was she an angel?
He blinked once. Then twice.
The worry on her face was replaced with relief when she noticed he was alert.
“Oh, good. You’re okay.”
“I think so,” he mumbled, trying to stand.
“Maybe we should wait for the paramedics to get here,” she mused.
Jeonghan nodded in agreement. “Someone’s calling for them right now.”
“Seriously. I’m okay!” A smile spread across his face as he began to rise. It faltered quickly as his legs wobbled.
Jeonghan grabbed his arm, guiding him to the bench.
“Sit. Now.”
“Yes, please do,” she said in agreement.
The paramedics arrived quickly, getting to work on assessing his injuries.
Honestly, he was okay. His head hurt a bit, but they were fussing over nothing. He didn’t need any more embarrassment on his first day as a college freshman. Jeonghan gave her a polite smile.
“Thanks for helping. He’s a little stubborn, but I know he appreciates it.”
“It’s alright. I’m just happy to know he’s okay,” she said with a smile.
She looked up at the sound of her name. A group of people were waving to her. She put her hand up and turned to Jeonghan.
“I have to go, but it was nice talking to you. I hope your friend feels better!”
Joshua heard the name from the stretcher, and realization crossed his face slowly. “Jeonghan!”
His friend ran over to him. “What?!”
“Was that Y/N?! As in Y/N Y/L/N?!”
“Uh, that’s a stretch. I mean, there’s a lot of Y/Ns–”
“No…I’m sure of it. That was her!”
“Humor me. What if that was her? It’s fate! We were meant to meet once more. It’s destiny–Ow!”
The stretcher dropped, making him bump his head against the bar. Jeonghan shook his head in disbelief. 
“This is gonna be a long year.”
With Jeonghan in tow, Joshua walked into the student center, looking around. By then, a few months had passed, and everyone had forgotten about his blunder on the first day of class. He thought it best to keep a low profile during the semester.
Joshua was always hopeful of running into Y/N on campus. Occasionally, he’d see her walking around, but every time he tried to speak up, he got tongue-tied, or a group of people would surround her. It seemed like he’d never get a chance.
One breezy fall afternoon, Joshua sat against a large oak tree, strumming his guitar. Jeonghan joined him moments later, dropping down next to him with a plastic bag. Reaching in, he took out some snacks, crunching on some chips while Joshua played. He hummed a few bars before taking out a small notebook. Jeonghan noticed a worn folded piece of paper fall out and scooped it up. 
“What’s this?”
Joshua yelped, trying to reach for it, but Jeonghan pulled it out of reach. With a grin, he opened it up and read the contents. His eyes widened as he turned to his friend.
“I can’t believe you still have that letter.”
His face warmed as he snatched it away, stuffing it into his pocket. “It’s not that serious, Jeonghan.”
“Oh, is it not? Cause keeping a letter you wrote countless times back in high school to a girl who didn’t know you existed is pretty strange.”
Joshua rolled his eyes before returning to his guitar, strumming the strings absentmindedly. Was he being delusional at this point? Should he just give up on his crush?
“Maybe I’ll give up. It’s stupid,” he mumbled.
Jeonghan frowned slightly, noting how Joshua’s mood had darkened. The last thing he wanted was for his friend to be down.
Joshua returned his guitar to its case and stood up. Jeonghan looked at him curiously. “You got class?”
“No,” he said, shaking his head. “I’m done for the day. I might go back to the dorm to study. I’ll see you later.”
He waved before walking off, leaving Jeonghan alone. Leaning against the tree, he sighed heavily. He had to get Joshua out of this funk somehow. 
But what to do?
Something fluttered in the corner of his eye. It was the letter from Joshua’s pocket!
An idea began to form in his mind, making him chuckle. 
Yep, this might work after all.
Y/N sat there toying with the straw from her milkshake, bored and only half listening to the conversation around the table. Honestly, did they have anything worth talking about? There had to be more to life than when the next party would be or how many kegs they could drink. Still, she humored her friends, offering a laugh now and then.
“Right, Y/N?”
She blinked, looking up from her milkshake. “Huh?”
Her friend Irene rolled her eyes before sipping her diet Pepsi. “Were you even listening?”
She shook her head as a groan surrounded the table. She shrugged sheepishly. “Sorry. What were you saying?”
Irene sighed heavily. “The party—the one the Sigma Lambdas have every fall for Halloween—is happening this Friday.”
“Oh,” Y/N said, distracted once more. “Oh, yeah. I guess I’ll come.”
“We have no choice. Plus, Mingyu is gonna be there,” Irene added.
Y/N’s nose wrinkled in distaste. “And I would care because…”
“Jeez, Y/N, get with the program. Your boyfriend is gonna be there .”
“Correction, ex-boyfriend, and that makes it all the more reason not to go.”
Irene let out a noise of exasperation. “I don’t get you sometimes. If anything, this is the perfect opportunity to go and prove you don’t need him.”
“Whatever. We’ll see how I feel,” Y/N grumbled.
It wasn’t like her friends would listen anyway. She dated Mingyu all through high school. Meeting him on her first day, they became the ‘it’ couple and were at the hip. While they seemed like the quintessential high school romance, Mingyu was relatively immature in many ways. It was too much their senior year, and Y/N called it quits. He took it so well, insulting her intelligence and saying she’d regret it, but that only solidified her decision.
Of course, this was after they promised to go to the same university together, and now she was stuck with him for another four years.
Again, she ignored her friends' discussions and stared out the window, sipping her milkshake. When three fraternity brothers from Sigma Lambda Theta walked into the cafe and approached their table, Y/N and her friends looked up with interest.
“Heard you ladies were coming to our party,” one said.
Irene nodded. “Yeah, wouldn’t miss it. Heard y’all have a lot planned.”
Seungcheol eyed Y/N curiously, nudging Soonyoung. He pointed his chin towards her. “You’re Y/N?”
Her brow lifted in interest. “I am. And you’re Seungcheol?”
“Heard a lot about you.”
“Is that a fact?” she chuckled, sipping her milkshake. “Can’t always believe what you hear.”
Seungcheol smirked with a nod. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
Soonyoung grinned. “Don’t forget to wear your best costume. Masks included.”
“What are you going as?” Y/N inquired.
The shorter of the three shook his head, rolling his eyes. “Please don’t get him started. He hasn’t shut up about it all month.”
“Jihoon, lighten up. You’re just jealous.”
Seungcheol cleared his throat, shooting the girls a smile. “Anyway. Gonna be a great time,” he shot Y/N a look. “Save me a dance?”
Y/N shrugged with a laugh. “Maybe. I like to keep my options open.”
“Sounds good to me. See y’all later.”
As the guys walked away, a glint flashed in Irene’s eye.
“What do you think about them, Y/N?”
“Them? Them who?”
Irene frowned once more, shaking her head in disappointment. “You acting clueless? The Sigma Lambdas! Isn’t Mingyu trying to pledge? Wouldn’t showing up with the frat's president as your date be funny?”
Y/N sighed in exasperation. “I’m really not trying to date right now. I’d rather focus on my studies–”
“All I hear is blah, blah, blah.”
“What do you want me to say? It’s not the end of the world. I mean, they are cute, but–” she argued.
“Whatever Y/N. If you want to be alone, that's fine, too.”
“Life isn’t always about having a boyfriend, Irene.”
“You worry about what you do, and I’ll worry about me,” Irene retorted.
Y/N stood up from the table, nearly knocking down the drinks. “I guess friendship isn’t the biggest priority either.”
Without another word, she stormed off, leaving the rest of them alone in the cafe.
The next few days passed without much drama. Even though Y/N and Irene made up, there was still some tension between them, regardless of their saying everything was okay. So many things ran through her mind that her concentration was off in class. Only one day after one of her lectures, the professor called her up as the class was leaving for her to notice.
Y/N slung one strap over her shoulder, gathered her books, and approached her professor’s desk.
“Yes, Professor?”
He pulled up a file, flipping through the papers. “I normally wouldn’t say anything, but you’ve been doing so well in class, Miss Y/L/N. Is everything alright?”
Damn it. 
She nodded her head, trying to smile. “Of course. Maybe I'm just a little burnt out this semester with my credits, but I’m okay.”
He sighed, handing over a folder to her. “I’m going to give you a chance to work on this research paper again. I know you can do better than this. I’ll accept it next Friday.”
“Alright. Thank you.”
Slipping the folder into her bag, she walked out of the classroom, her thoughts swirling. It wasn't until the last minute that she bumped into Joshua coming out of the building. She jumped with a start as her books fell to the ground. Joshua blinked, staring at her before scrambling to pick the books.
“Are you okay?”
She willed herself to smile, taking the books from him. “We have to stop meeting like this. How’s that bump on your head?”
Joshua sheepishly grinned as he rubbed the spot. 
“I'm never gonna live that down, but I'm alright.”
Now that she was in front of him, he was too nervous to speak. Did she even recognize him from high school?
Clearing his throat, he tapped her shoulder politely. Y/N turned to look at him curiously. 
“Your name wouldn't happen to be Y/N Y/L/N, right?”
Her brow quirked. “Um, yes. Why do you ask?”
She looked past Joshua with a frown. 
Mingyu was walking towards her with Seungcheol. His smile faltered as he saw Joshua standing next to her. “No fucking way…Bambi goes here!”
Joshua’s face paled upon hearing that name. Of all the people who had shown up here at this very moment…Mingyu had managed to graduate and get into a university?! 
His knees buckled as Mingyu’s hand slammed into his back in greeting. Joshua had to hold the wall to keep from dropping to the floor. Y/N’s eyes glanced from him to Mingyu in confusion.
Mingyu rolled his eyes with a laugh, nudging Seungcheol. “Dude always looked like a deer in headlights, especially when he was our mascot and got tackled.”
Seungcheol started to chuckle as Joshua attempted to back away slowly. Mingyu grabbed him by the shoulder and pulled him into a headlock, giving him a noogie. Joshua grunted, trying to loosen his grip.
“So what you doin’ talking to my girlfriend, Bambi?”
Y/N scoffed with a roll of her eyes. “Ex-girlfriend, Mingyu. And let him go, please. Let’s be adults.”
A pout formed on his face as he let Joshua go reluctantly. “Seriously? Y/N–”
“Save it,” she snapped. Her expression softened as she took Joshua’s hand into hers. “Walk me back to my dorm?”
His eyes widened in surprise. “U-Um s-sure!”
“You’re sweet.”
She smiled, barely acknowledging Mingyu and Seungcheol, as she walked out of the building with Joshua in tow, still dazed by the unfolding events.
Mingyu’s eyes narrowed, watching the pair walk off.
“That geek is gonna pay,” he mumbled, storming out of the building.
Joshua hardly touched his drink as Y/N placed it before him. She removed the wrapper around her straw and stuck it in her milkshake. Her brow quirked in interest.
“Sooo. You went to our high school?”
Joshua finally grabbed his cup and took a generous sip. “Uh huh.”
Her lips turned downward, trying to recall his face. “I don’t know why I can’t remember you.”
He shrugged, trying to shake his disappointment. “I-It’s not like you would have noticed. We didn’t run in the same circles.”
Something about that statement made her stomach drop. Sure, she’d been what you’d consider popular, but Y/N was pleasant with everyone she came across.
“What were you into back then?”
Joshua sat back as the tension slowly drifted from his shoulders. “Band, mostly marching and pep. I was in the film club and tried out for the soccer team, but…yeah.”
Y/N nodded in understanding. “You seemed to have a lot of interests. I’m surprised we didn’t run into each other.”
“Well, Y/N, we have been in the same classes since freshmen year.”
Her cheeks felt hot, and Joshua fumbled as he tried to change the subject. “I-I’m not saying it like it’s a bad thing. It’s just how life happens. Our school was big, so it’s okay.”
The relief passed her face. The last thing she wanted was for someone to recall her being self-absorbed. 
A smile formed on her lips, which he returned wholeheartedly. “Well, it’s time for new beginnings.”
After a brief silence, she looked at him and asked, “Are you good with music theory?”
His brows lifted as he nodded. “Oh yeah! I took those in high school! Do you have any questions about it?”
“Do I?” she said with a laugh. Y/N pulled out her research paper and handed it to him. “I got an extension to write a better one.”
He flipped through the pages with a hum. “I see. Do you want help? I’d be happy to give some insight.”
Y/N beamed at him. “I’d owe you a huge one!”
Joshua smiled. “That’s not necessary. How about we meet Friday night at the library to discuss the details.”
Realization dawned on her as her smile faltered. Joshua’s brows knitted.
“Is something wrong?”
“N-No, it’s just there’s this party on Friday–”
“Oh. Well, you should go.”
She sighed, falling back against the booth cushion. “That’s the problem. I really don’t want to.”
“So don’t go,” he reasoned.
“It’s not that simple–”
“It kind of is. Don’t force yourself into things just because your friends want to,” he interrupted. His eyes widened again, and red crept onto his face.
“I-I’m sorry. That wasn’t my place to say.”
Y/N let out a genuine laugh for the first time in weeks. “Honestly, that was the most honest response I’ve gotten. People always try to hide the truth.”
“Some people suck,” he said matter-of-factly.
She nibbled on her bottom lip. “Why don’t you come to the party?”
“Why not? It definitely would make my night better,” she exclaimed.
He looked at her in astonishment. Y/N sipped her milkshake, trying to cover up her bashfulness. “I mean…the more the merrier, ya know.”
“I’ll see what's going on that day,” he decided. He was not ecstatic about the invitation but didn't want to get his hopes up. Being near her was almost enough for him.
“Okay,” she said, trying to hide her disappointment.
They returned to idle chatter the rest of the time, realizing they had much more in common than each had known. He eventually said his goodbyes, promising to give her the paper back after he made any edits. Walking back to his dorm, he thought about their time together. Y/N was amazing in so many ways. Joshua would have fallen even deeper in love with her if he hadn’t already fallen madly in love.
He stopped in his tracks.
Shaking his head, he unlocked the door with a scoff. What did he know about love?
The letter.
Damn it.
That letter.
Groaning to himself, he walked inside to Jeonghan, who was reading at his desk. Jeonghan looked up from his book at his friend's expression. 
“You alright?”
Still in a daze, Joshua plopped on his bed, blinking. “Y-Yeah.”
Jeonghan hummed, going back to his book until Joshua spoke up.
“I spent time with her.”
Jeonghan placed his book down and faced Joshua with interest. “What? What happened?”
Joshua recalled the events the best he could, grimacing at the part when Mingyu appeared and his conflicting feelings about the party.
Jeonghan let it all sink in before talking. 
“Well, now you gotta go to the frat party.”
“Yeah, but Mingyu’s gonna be there.”
“So? Y/N personally invited you. It seems she wants you there, and that’s enough. Who cares what everyone will say? We’ll have fun, you’ll see.”
Joshua sighed heavily, looking up at the ceiling. He was taking a chance. This could be the start of something great or crash and burn in utter disaster.
Time to take a gamble.
When Y/N and her friends arrived, the party was in full swing. She watched as people ran around the house throwing balloons filled with water. Irene screeched, jumping in place as one splashed by her feet, nearly getting her costume wet.
“Watch it!”
Irene let out a sound of exasperation. “Do I look okay?”
Y/N fought to roll her eyes. 
“You look fine.”
Irene beamed as she twirled in the black, red, and white plaid two-piece. She adjusted the hat on her head. “We’re gonna be the popular people here. Clueless was a hit!”
Y/N adjusted the skirt on hers. She would have instead gone as Dionne, but Irene insisted she be the Cher. Arguing would have been fruitless if she wanted any attention on her, so Y/N just went with the flow. Heads indeed turned as they walked by. Seungcheol appeared out of nowhere, clearly red-faced from the alcohol. 
“You made it!”
Y/N held back the eye roll from Irene’s giggles.
Seungcheol gestured to them with the beer can in his hand. “You’ll be the girls from that movie, right?”
“Like totally!”
He grinned, setting his gaze on Y/N. “Would you like something to drink Y/N?”
Irene pushed past; a Cheshire grin spread wide. “We’d love something to drink.”
He chuckled, watching Y/N’s reaction. Y/N held back the eye roll, threatening to appear.
 “C’mon, I’ll show you where the drinks are.”
They followed Seungcheol into the kitchen. The entire counter was covered in various drinks, from malt beverages to cheap vodka, anything to get someone entirely buzzed. Mingyu stood near a silver basin, stirring the bright red liquid. He looked up, making eye contact with Y/N as he waved. Grabbing a few cups, he poured the liquid in, adding some pineapples, strawberries, and oranges. 
Y/N stared at the cup in scrutiny as Irene happily sipped on hers. 
“This is so good! What is it?”
Mingyu tapped his glass against Seungcheol’s. “We call it carat juice.”
 Y/N’s brow raised, giving him a deadpan stare. “Wow, so clever.”
“I thought so,” Mingyu answered with a smug look.
She sighed heavily, looking around for anything to get her away. 
“Just enjoy yourself tonight, Y/N. It’s the least you can do. You’re being so uptight,” Irene taunted.
What the hell was wrong with her? Irene had been doing too much lately, and Y/N was letting her ‘friend’s’ words get to her.
She chugged the drink back, trying not to cough at the alcohol burning down her throat regardless of the sweetness in the cup. She wiped her mouth off and ran towards the dance floor. Maybe sweating for a few hours would help make her numb to the whole thing.
Joshua and Jeonghan walked inside, looking around at the scenery. Very few people were wearing original costumes. Most were dressed in bedsheets as ghosts or togas.
“You sure we got the right costume?”
Jeonghan shot Joshua a look. “No one else is gonna have it.”
Suddenly, someone shouted from across the room, " I'm a dude. He’s a dude. She’s a dude. So we’re all dudes!”
A snort passed Joshua’s lips, and he waved, giving a thumbs up. Jeonghan gave him a smug look. “See?”
“Fine. This was the way to go.”
He adjusted the paper hat on his head before smoothing the striped blue and white shirt. Okay. So maybe Jeonghan's idea of being a Good Burger employee wasn’t a bad idea after all. As he got more comfortable in his skin, he opened up more to talk with the people at the party.
“Oh, you play the guitar?”
Joshua nodded as he sipped his drink. The guy slapped his back, causing his knees to buckle. “We always have a jam session in the quad in the afternoon. You should join us.”
Joshua let out an audible groan. 
Mingyu pushed through; cheeks reddened from the alcohol. Joshua tried not to recoil from the smell of his breath. Wrapping his arm around Joshua, he waved his cup, slooshing the liquid all over the floor. 
“Didn’t think you’d show up,” he slurred.
Joshua removed his arm, sidestepping away from him. “Uh. Yeah. I was invited.”
“Who’d invite you?”
“I did.”
Both men looked up as Y/N appeared, the growing crowd parting for her to pass. Joshua felt his heart still as she smiled at him. 
“I’m happy you made it, Joshua,” she said.
“T-Thanks,” he gushed out.
Y/N gave him a nod of approval. “I like your costume.”
“I like yours too,” he said with a grin.
Feeling neglected, Mingyu glanced between the two, not liking how the conversation was going. He managed to get Seungcheol’s attention. Both men nodded, and devious grins appeared. 
Y/N smiled at Joshua, cocking her head in the direction of the kitchen. “Wanna get a drink? There’s this jungle juice–”
Red liquid splashed over Joshua, covering him from head to toe. Laughter erupted around the room. Y/N looked shocked as Mingyu and Seongcheol bent over, shaking with laughter. The empty red cups were enough evidence for her.
“What the hell is wrong with you?!”
Mingyu snorted back a laugh, trying to look serious. “What? It was just a joke.”
Y/N shot Joshua with a sympathetic look as Jeonghan appeared, handing him a crumple of paper towels. Joshua tried to wipe off the liquid in vain, feeling the stickiness cover his skin. Trying to keep his cool, he walked up, heading up the stairs without a word. Y/N snarled as she punched Mingyu in the arm with a hiss. “You’re such an asshole, Mingyu!”
He shrugged, giving Seungcheol a fist bump. “Eh, what else is new.”
Shaking her head in disgust, she stormed off as everyone watched in awe. 
Joshua found himself in a bathroom upstairs, trying to avoid getting the stain out of his shirt. Luckily, he ran into Woozi, who you called Jihoon before. That frat member was kind enough to tell him about the bathroom away from the crowd while he got himself together.
“Remember not to close the door all the way. The knob sticks.”
He threw the towel into the sink. It was useless—both the stain and possibly talking to Y/N.
“Maybe it’s just not meant to be,” he mumbled to his reflection. He couldn’t go back out there. It didn't look like that. He sighed heavily and sat on the toilet seat, a dark cloud hovering over him.
Jeonghan found Y/N quickly. She sat outside, away from the smokers, attempting to get some fresh air. He stepped closer until she noticed him standing near her.
“Hi. You’re Y/N, right?”
She looked up, guarded at first, as her brow quirked. 
“Do I know you?”
Jeonghan stepped back, giving her some space. “I'm sorry. I’m Joshua's friend. You probably don't remember me, but we went to the same high school.”
“Oh,” she gave him a small smile. “Sorry, it’s just been kind of crazy tonight. What’s your name again?”
“Jeonghan,” he answered. “Listen, have you seen him? I’ve been looking for him for a while.”
“No, I was just about to go look myself.”
“He can’t be too far off. This house isn’t that big. Wanna help me find him?”
She nodded as he gave her room to walk. Just as Jeonghan turned, something fell from his pocket. Y/N paused, seeing the envelope with her name on it. She picked it up, twirling it between her hands. 
She held up the envelope before his eyes. “Why do you have something with my name on it?”
Oh shit.
Jeonghan shrugged, letting out a scoff. “I didn’t drop that.”
Y/N crossed her hands over her chest, tapping her platform boots on the deck. “Oh really? So this just magically appeared before you?”
“Are you serious?”
Her eyes narrowed, looking it over. “Well then, it’s no big deal if I open it, right?”
“Yep–wait! No!”
Jeonghan lunged forward, tripping as he tried to grab the letter. Y/N pulled it out of reach with a smug look.
“So obviously, this means a lot to you, but it has my name on it.”
“D-Don’t read it! It’s not mine to give!”
She stared at him, waving it in front of his face. “Then who did?”
Jeonghan dropped his head in defeat. “It was Joshua,” he mumbled.
“What was that?”
“It was Joshua…he wrote it.”
Her eyes widened in surprise. Suddenly, the envelope felt heavier than usual. Should she open it? Something was always there in the few times she ran into Joshua. She wasn’t sure what it was, but she felt so much at ease in the little time she spent around him. It wasn’t like with her friends. She didn’t need to put on an act.
“Should I open it?”
Jeonghan wiped off the dirt from his costume as he stood up. “Honestly, it’s up to you, but whatever you decide involves you and Josh.”
Biting her lip, she glanced from Jeonghan to the envelope before sliding her finger under the flap. The notebook paper was stained with age, and the creases were deep from constant folding. The black ink was partially smeared on the paper as the words looped along the lines.
Her eyes scanned the words, silently reading them to herself. Jeonghan watched the emotions change on her face with interest. What could she be thinking? Y/N cleared her throat as she folded the paper and placed it in her pocket.
“Excuse me.”
She ran off back inside the house. Jeonghan secretly patted himself on the back.
Joshua, you owe me.
Y/N ran up the stairs, looking for anyone familiar. Towards the end of the hall, a door was propped open. She knocked on it gently, waiting for an answer. When none came, she stepped in to see Joshua leaning against the window, eyes closed. 
His eyes fluttered open as his head turned toward his name. His jaw dropped when he saw her standing in front of him.
“Yeah. Are you okay?”
Y/N started to close the door, looking at him with concern. “Are you sure? 
Y/N jumped in surprise just as the door shut behind her. Joshua tried catching the knob to no avail. Groaning, he leaned against the counter.
Y/N violently shook the doorknob, but the stubborn door did not budge. She gave a few sharp knocks, pausing to listen for any voices.
Joshua shook his head in disappointment. “Told ya.”
“Yeah. Thanks,” she snapped, leaning on the door. 
Joshua scoffed as he stared at her in disbelief. “What’s your deal? It’s not my fault. I tried to warn you about it.” She sat against the sink with a defeated sigh, looking anywhere but at Joshua. But he didn’t warn her.
“So we’re stuck?”
“Yep. I doubt anyone will come this way. The party is loud enough they won’t hear the knocks or us.”
“Lovely,” she said, rubbing her eyes.
He glanced at her curiously. “Not to be rude, but what are you doing here?”
Y/N gave him a stern look. “Duh, looking for you.”
“Felt bad about your boyfriend spilling his drink on me?” 
She could hear the hurt in his voice. “He’s not my boyfriend, Joshua. You know that.”
“Do I? Wasn’t this some ploy to mock me?” His tone was accusatory. 
Y/N’s jaw dropped in shock. “What? No! Why on earth would you think that?”
He shrugged, fiddling with the buttons of his shirt. “I don’t know. People suck.”
“You think I’m like them?”
Joshua met her gaze, seeing the sadness in her eyes. He was projecting, and he knew it. In frustration, he ran his hands through his hair. “No. No, I never thought that. I’m sorry, Y/N.”
“It’s okay. I understand. People do suck. Maybe I was like them before, but I don’t wanna be like them anymore.”
He nodded in understanding. “That’s mature of you.”
The quiet fell between them, with only the muffled sound of the music in the background. Y/N pulled the letter out of her pocket and opened it up.
“It may sound silly, but nothing else seemed to matter when you walked into my life. I spent so much time wondering how or when I’d speak to you. If I ever shared a space with you, I’d thank the stars for this opportunity.”
Joshua felt the blood drain from his face. She had his letter! How? Why?
A small smile appeared on her face as she put the letter away. “You wrote this when we were in high school?”
Instantly, the blood rushed to his face as he tried to hide his expression. “It…embarassing enough as is. I didn’t mean–”
Her lips pressed to his, stopping him midsentence. Joshua’s eyes widened in surprise, and his limbs stiffened. It took a few moments for his brain to catch up when he finally kissed her back, wrapped his hands around her waist, and pulled her close. His heart hammered loudly, and he swore he could hear hers, too. It seemed like hours passed before they broke apart. Y/N blinked a few times, trying to catch her breath.
“I never do that.” does he mean he never would have done that?
“D-Do you regret it?”
She shook her head with a laugh. “No. No, I don’t. You’re a great kisser.”
“As are you,” he answered with a smile.
The door to the bathroom crashed open, breaking them apart. Jeonghan, Seungcheol, and Mingyu stood in the doorway in shock. 
“Thank goodness Woozi said where you were.”
Mingyu stepped forward with a snarl, pointing at them.
“So what's this?”
Y/N let out an exasperated sigh. “What are you talking about, Mingyu?”
“You two together?”
“Why do you care? We’re not, so anything I do has nothing to do with you.”
His jaw clenched as he stepped towards her. Joshua pushed himself between them as Mingyu stared hard at him.
“Bambi, move.”
“Don’t call me that, Mingyu. You’re being an ass. Stop while you’re still ahead.”
Mingyu shoved Joshua, who staggered back. Y/N grabbed Mingyu’s arm. “What is wrong with you?! Have you lost your mind?”
Mingyu yanked his arm away as Y/N was pushed back. Jeonghan and Seungcheol tried to grab Mingyu when Joshua swung, his fist connecting with his cheek with a dull thud. Mingyu fell against Seungcheol with a groan. Jeonghan looked at each man in surprise. 
“Shit. Nice job, Joshua.”
He hissed, shaking his fist, and pushed past the group, walking away. Y/N placed her hand on Jeonghan’s arm. “I’ll go.”
It didn’t take long for her to catch up with him.
“Joshua,” she called.
He stopped walking and turned towards her. Looking down at the ground, he sighed. “Sorry. I just needed to get out of there. Are you okay?”
“I’m not glass. I’m pretty tough,” she answered with a smile.
He laughed, shaking his head. “I don’t doubt it.”
Y/N paused before speaking. “I like you, Joshua, before the letter. I was just too scared to say something,” she explained.
“And now?”
Y/N felt the warmth crept into her cheeks. “I think my kiss was proof enough.”
He took her hand into his, giving it a gentle squeeze.
“I think we deserve to get ourselves some breakfast. What do you think?”
Y/N stood on her tiptoes, wrapping her arms around his neck. A grin appeared on her face. “Only if you’re treating.”
He chuckled, placing another soft kiss on her lips. “Deal.”
71 notes · View notes
hongcherry · 1 year
to fall again || k.hj
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Seeing Hongjoong thrive in his passion for creating music sparks a revelation within you. You're slowly losing your fervor for dancing, which shatters your heart more than you’d like to admit. Can Hongjoong help you regain your passion, or must he watch you say goodbye to your first love?
🩰 Pairing: musician!Hongjoong x dancer!Reader
🩰 Rating/Genres/AUs: PG15; Fluff, angst hurt/comfort; Non-idol au, established relationship
🩰 Warnings: Feelings of being unhappy in life, indication of not feeling good enough/lack of self-confidence, kissing
🩰 Word Count: 1.7k
🩰 Project: This is for @pirateeznet’s First Anniversary Project! My prompt for this was, "Fever (losing your passion and frantically trying to regain it)." Thank you for having me on board! 😉
🩰 Author's Note: This one hits close to home 🥺
ateez masterlist | main masterlist
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The TV illuminates the dark room, various colors bouncing off the walls.
The volume is low since Hongjoong is sitting at his desk in the corner of the room. He has his headset on, but you still don’t want to be too loud.
A younger version of yourself dances across the stage on the screen. You’re dressed in a pirate costume along with your peers. It was a silly dance, but you were only six at the time. You thought you looked cool and were having fun moving your body. You didn’t care about much else.
“Yes!” Hongjoong exclaims suddenly.
Your eyes tear from the TV to look at him. He turns to you with a big smile on his face. It suits him well.
“I’ve finally figured out this section of the track,” he exclaims like a child who just got his first award.
“Oh? That’s great, Joongie,” you smile.
He takes off his headset and gestures for you to come over.
You clamber off the couch and make way to his makeshift studio. Your shared apartment is a decent size, but having one bedroom means your dining room has turned into his studio space. Not that you entirely care. You don’t need to eat there; there are other places.
“Here,” he says softly and guides the headset over your head. You adjust it slightly as he carefully lowers you to sit on his lap. You nod when you’re ready.
Music begins to play in your ears. You’ve heard this track before since he’s been working on it for a while. Despite this, you listen attentively—more so when it comes to the part he’s been struggling with.
Hongjoong massages the top of your thighs as he watches the track being played. He can faintly hear it from the headset you wear, and it makes him a little anxious to hear your opinion.
Once it ends, you carefully take off the headset and set it down.
“I think you have a winner,” you say and glance behind you.
Hongjoong beams, eyes wide with hope.
“You think so?”
You nod. “It sounds amazing. I can’t wait for others to hear it too.”
“Finally,” he sighs dramatically and hugs your waist tightly. “This damn track was starting to haunt me in my dreams.”
You giggle at his reaction and lean back into his touch.
Silence fills the room as you cuddle. Happiness for Hongjoong slowly fades and becomes replaced with your own sorrow.
Seeing Hongjoong so zealous for his dream awakened your repressed thoughts. Watching your old dance videos made your heart feel heavy. It was always nice to rewatch your past self, but now it just feels bittersweet. Almost… painful.
You feel like you’ve been dancing ever since you learned how to walk. Your parents are dancers, so naturally, you picked up the hobby. Only the hobby didn’t stay a hobby.
You got small gigs at local theaters; however, that career didn’t last long. You never made it to Broadway. Although it was never your goal to do so, there was a time when you were hopeful your talent would take you somewhere.
Now, you work as a part-time dance instructor and a full-time accountant. You’re not entirely unhappy. You enjoy sharing your passion with others as well as assisting with finances.
Though lately, your mood has been sour. You feel uneasy, a smidge guilty, and dreadful whenever you are inside the dance studio. You almost feel as if you don’t belong anymore. You can tell your students are worried for you, but you brush it off as being tired.
For a while, you believed that too.
You’re just tired. Some rest will bring back that happiness and thrill you felt when teaching.
Only it hasn’t.
“Are you ready to tell me what’s wrong?” Hongjoong asks calmly.
You sigh and pull yourself away from him to stand.
Hongjoong caught on to your gloomy mood in the early stages. You gave him the same excuses you gave to your students, but after a while, he knew it was more than just being tired. There was something deeper you were feeling.
There was some time when you didn’t even know what got you so upset. But tonight, after watching hours of your old dance footage, you discovered the reason.
You were falling out of love with dance.
You didn’t feel that passion you used to feel. Witnessing Hongjoong’s excitement for making music, made you realize you don’t share that same excitement when you dance anymore.
“I—” you begin to say. Saying it out loud would make it all too real. You didn’t want to believe you didn’t love dance anymore. You didn’t want to believe you no longer found happiness in it.
Sure, people change their interests all the time. Hell, Hongjoong could decide producing music isn’t his cup of tea anymore and switch to playing tennis.
But if you admit how you feel, it’ll feel like you’ve lost a part of yourself. Dancing used to be comforting. Now, it just reminds you of what you used to have.
Hongjoong stands from the chair to come near you. He angles your chin so you’re looking at him.
“I’m here for you,” he reassures sweetly. “Whenever you need me. I’m here.”
You offer a sad smile and nod. You know he is.
“It’s not that I don’t want to tell you, I just don’t want to put it out into the world,” you explain.
He hums in understanding.
Slowly, your gaze shifts to the TV again. It’s a little difficult to see in this position, but you can still faintly hear the music being played. You recall the performance being at another competition, but this time dress like cowboys and cowgirls.
Hongjoong follows your gaze and exhales as he suddenly knows the problem.
You have this longing expression on your face that tells Hongjoong how much you miss it.
You miss being the one on stage rather than the one behind the curtains. You love teaching, but you also love performing.
Hongjoong steps away from you to pause the video.
You watch him confused. He moves to his desk again, fiddles with the keyboard, and then music plays. It’s not the same one as before, it’s slower. It’s one you haven’t heard.
“May I have this dance?” Hongjoong asks while he steps back in front of you, a hand outstretched.
“W-what?” you question, eyes glancing at his hand and then at his face.
He smiles. “Dance with me.”
“I’m not really in the mood, Joong,” you sigh.
Despite your rejection, Hongjoong’s grin doesn’t falter.
He reaches to grab your hand anyway, pulling you close and resting his other hand on your lower back.
“Then just let me hold you.”
You’re reluctant at first, but end up yielding to his request. The hand not in his hold raises to rest on his shoulder. You rest your head on his body and listen to his heartbeat.
You both stand still for some time, simply taking in the other's company as the music plays.
Eventually, Hongjoong begins shifting his weight. He’s swaying you to and fro, guiding you ever so gently to the looping track.
You don’t even realize what he’s doing until he starts adding some footwork.
One step back, you follow. One step to the left, you follow. Until he’s leading you around the room in small circles. You recall teaching him these steps one rainy afternoon. Plans for a picnic date soon detoured to ballroom lessons in the living room. After a couple of stepped-on toes, he eventually got it.
Hongjoong is a better dancer than he believes. Although you want to take ownership of that, you know he’s just a natural. Naturally born to be an artist in some way. Whether it’s through producing, singing, dancing, or fashion, he has that creative talent so many crave.
Hongjoong raises your joint hands and carefully uses his hand on your lower back to guide you into a spin. You smile at the action, following his lead and twirling under his arm.
In one swift motion after your twirl, Hongjoong wraps an arm around your back and tilts you back.
You laugh at him dipping you.
Hongjoong grins at the sound, leaning down and pressing a tender kiss on your lips.
You place a hand on the back of his neck as you return the kiss. He gradually raises you until you’re standing properly. His lips are still on yours, tongue slipping into your mouth. The kiss isn’t frantic; it’s passionate and sensual—reminding you why you fell for him in the first place.
Hongjoong pulls away and stares at you with love in his eyes. You expect him to say something thoughtful, but instead, he asks, “Can you dip me now?”
You smack his chest playfully while you laugh. Though despite the reaction you reply, “Fine.”
You raise your arm and watch as Hongjoong spins before you lean him back. You have to use more strength than him to hold him. After a few seconds, you pull him up with a grunt.
Hongjoong laughs and once stable, grabs your face in both his hands and kisses you again. You both have a goofy smile on your lips as you do. It was a silly thing to do, but at that moment, you feel happier.
For the next few weeks, Hongjoong signs you both up for various dance lessons. And when you aren’t at a lesson, he prepares another artistic activity. Be it painting or reforming clothes, he has something planned. He doesn’t tell you why, but you know he’s trying to ignite that creative passion in you. He wants you to be able to be the dancer rather than the teacher—be the artist you loved being. Although the art activities are not dance-related, they can still inspire you in some way.
Even if your passion for dance hasn’t fully come back, you believe you can find it again with Hongjoong’s help. That, or you can let it go with gentler arms.
But with each dance lesson, you’re feeling that happiness you used to feel. You’re falling in love with the artistry all over again, and along the way, you’re falling for Hongjoong even more.
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A/N: "A dancer dies twice—once when they stop dancing, and this first death is the more painful." - Martha Graham
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lveclouds · 1 year
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↬ pairing/characters: joshua x film major reader, other members may make appearances/be mentioned 
↬ genre/aus: heavy fluff, slight angst (finally i know), slight college/university au, established relationship, song au, hurt/comfort 
↬ summary: in which joshua just wants his significant other to just be with him, cut off from the world.
↬ rating(s): pg15, nc17 (see warnings) 
↬ tw: heavy swearing, slight angst (listen y’all know i can’t not write a bit of angst slkjfjdjf), kinda cheesy and very fluffy, you’ve been warned <3 joshua is an absolute sweetheart wbk, brief mentions of stress (being a uni student is a constant struggle), reader is a bit of a workaholic
↬ wc: 2.9k
↬ note: hello loves! the title of this fic comes from the song ‘disconnected’ by 5sos, which is honestly one of my favorite songs from them (esp after seeing it live in concert recently) even to this day. it’s just so cute and evokes all the emotions in me okay :(( anyways this fic was another spur of the moment idea (are y’all even surprised at this point lmao) and i decided to write for joshua, as i haven’t written anything for him yet (i do have another joshua fic in my drafts rn hehe) also yes this fic will be cheesy, you have been warned <3
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joshua eyed the macbook balanced on your lap with utter disdain, wishing he could pry the device from your hands, make you focus on him instead, but he knew his efforts would only be in vain. you had come home from a long day of classes, ranting incessantly about how cruel your professors were for assigning a shit ton of work over the course of three days no less, and he had listened attentively to every word, despite the exhaustation from comeback preparations weighing down on him. 
you had given him a quick kiss on the cheek before disappearing into his room to take a quick shower, and had come out fifteen minutes later dressed in loose, black sweatpants and one of his shirts, the latter practically a dress on your small form. 
joshua’s heart had squeezed at the sight, for seeing you in his clothes was something he’d never get used to, even after three years of dating. that fluttering feeling quickly dissipated when you plopped down next to him on the living room couch with your macbook in hand. 
“you have homework?” he had asked, trying to keeping his voice as casual as possible, and you’d simply let out a noncommittal grunt in response. “my introduction to film studies professor wants a five page analysis on the great gatsby, and it’s due on friday, which means i only have a few days to finish it.” 
joshua had bit back a retort, refraining himself from reminding you that it was only monday, for heavens sake, but decided against it. “how long is it going to take you?” your expression had gone soft, and you’d leaned over to press a soft kiss on his cheek. “two or three hours, give or take, i’ll try and finish this paper soon, and then i’m all yours, okay? just give me two or three hours.”
and because joshua knew he couldn’t deny you anything, he’d conceded. so, here he was, trying his absolute hardest to focus on a movie that didn’t really interest him in the first place, silently counting down the hours in his head. 
five minutes had turned into ten, ten into fifteen, fifteen into twenty, and so on. time trickled on slowly, and joshua had become utterly convinced that watching paint dry was more entertaining than the movie currently playing on the tv. 
he wasn’t even sure what it was about, and nothing about piqued his interest, for all he could think about was you, wearing his t-shirt and balancing that fucking macbook on your lap, eyes practically glued to the screen. 
joshua hadn’t really thought of himself as a clingy person, in fact, even the other members thought so, with hoshi pointing out how, ever since he’d started dating you, he’d practically run out of the rehearsal room once the choreographer deemed practice over, eager to get home to you. 
you had taken up permanent residence in the dorms, and the members even had one of their managers make a key for you so that you could head straight there in between or after classes to rest. joshua was surprised that management had been okay with it, among all things. 
he and the rest of the members had been extremely busy with comeback preparations, and the past few weeks had a whirlwind of activity, with arduous dance practices, album photoshoots, recording sessions in woozi’s personal studio, and so on. 
the group finally had a few days off from comeback preparations, and joshua was determined to spend all of them with you, watching those cheesy romance films you loved and maybe spending all day in bed. alas, none of that had actually come true, for you were extremely busy with school, constantly working on assignments or projects, and joshua had spent most nights sleeping alone. 
your side of the bed was constantly empty, and joshua knew you were staying up at ungodly hours at night, curled up on the couch, working on another assignment that probably wasn’t due for another few weeks. he wished he could pull you away from work, even for a second, but knowing your stubborn nature, it would take a lot for you to take a break. 
joshua tried not to pout like a child who’d just been told they couldn’t have ice cream for breakfast. he was a twenty seven year old man, for fucks sake, and pouting because his girlfriend wouldn’t pay attention to him was not good for his character, and if the members found out, they’d tease him relentlessly for weeks. 
“are you almost done?” he found himself saying, mentally patting himself on the back for keeping his voice neutral as possible, “sort of, i finished the introduction and maybe, erm, half of the analysis? i’ve written..two pages so far.” you mumbled, and joshua felt his heart sink into his chest. 
“oh.” was all he managed to say, and went back to pretending to watch his movie, resisting the urge to scream in frustration. a long stretch of silence settled between them, and joshua wracked his mind for something to say, anything to break the awkward atmosphere. 
another long beat of silence, and then, “are you mad at me?” your voice was impossibly soft, and joshua knew you well enough to note the nervousness laced within your tone. at that, his head whipped towards you, heart aching at the unsure, almost fearful look on your face, tension lining your shoulders.
“no, love, of course not, you’ve done nothing wrong.” he reassured, and nearly sighed in relief when the tension in your shoulders loosened, ever so slightly. “then why did you sound so… upset earlier?” “i did?” you nodded, fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. 
“y-yeah, a bit, i don’t think you realized though.” “i’m not upset, darling, just a bit… sad, i guess.” “sad? why? did something happen while you and the guys were preparing for the comeback?” you asked, concern furrowing your brow, and joshua felt a small smile tug at the corners of his mouth. 
“no, nothing happened, don’t worry, the guys are fine, just resting from the crazy schedule we’ve had these last few weeks.” “oh, thank god, i thought something happened. then, why are you sad?” joshua hesitated, wondering if you would laugh in his face for admitting that he had felt lonely these past few days because you’d been so focused on work and not him. 
stop overthinking everything, you idiot, this is y/n. she’s not going to laugh at you or think you’re pathetic. well, here goes nothing. “this is going to sound pathetic of me, but you’ve been so focused on work these past few days and.. i don’t know, this is the longest break i’ve had during comeback preparations that management has given us in a long time, and i guess i thought we could spend them together. but you were so determined to get your work done, and i didn’t want to bother you.” 
joshua tried to keep his voice as cheerful as possible, but the small crack in his voice at the end betrayed him, and he felt color rise to his cheeks in embarrassment. to his relief, you didn’t laugh in his face or call him pathetic. 
instead, you were looking at him with guilt written all over your face, dark eyes glinting with unshed tears, and joshua felt as if he’d been punched in the gut. “why didn’t you tell me?” you asked, and you sounded so hurt, so devastated, that he immediately wished he could take his words from earlier back. 
“i didn’t want to bother you”, he replied softly, voice ever so gentle, as if he were afraid of scaring you off. “you’re never a bother! i’m the one who shouldn’t be bothering you. you’re an idol for fucks sake, you’re constantly rehearsing and preparing to put out an album and perform on stage for thousands and thousands of people, and i’m just a struggling university student who’s constantly complaining about something trivial like shitty professors-” joshua cut you off by pressing a soft kiss to your mouth. 
“i could say the same about you, you’re never a bother to me either. and yes, i do prepare to perform for tons of people, and while it’s a lot different from being a student, you shouldn’t think of yourself that way, it breaks my heart. never think just because you’re a university student, it doesn’t make your worries or stress any less significant or important. and shitty professors isn’t a trivial matter. they can either make or break your overall experience, and i’m sorry that they’ve been throwing all these things at you. but i know you. you can get through it, and if you ever need me, i’ll be here.” 
you were a sobbing mess at this point, and joshua gently pried the laptop from your hands and set it on the coffee table. “now come here.” he whispered, opening his arms ever so slightly, and you threw yourself into them, body wracking with uncontrollable sobs, burying your face in the crook of his shoulder. 
joshua held you flush against him, wrapping his arms around your body and rubbing comforting circles on your back, murmuring reassuring words under his breath. your soft sobs filled the room, and he swore he felt his heart cleave in two at how utterly shattered you sounded. 
after your tears had subsided, joshua pulled back enough to tuck a stray piece of hair behind your ear, caressing your cheek with the pad of his thumb. “i know this is a long shot, but would you be willing to spend the rest of the night with me? that is, no movies, no music, and definitely no five page papers. you can work all you want tomorrow, but i think maybe taking a break will benefit you.” 
your shoulders slumped in defeat, and joshua couldn’t help but smile fondly at the exasperated huff you let out as you gazed longingly at your macbook. “fine, but only because i can’t say no to you.” you murmured begrudgingly. joshua let out a soft, amused chuckle, leaning down to press a soft kiss atop your head. “likewise.” 
“do you mind if i put your laptop in my room? just so that you’re not distracted by it?” you shook your head. “go ahead, i don’t really want to write that fucking paper right now. my brain is fried.” joshua chuckled, reaching out and ruffling your hair affectionately. “ok, i’ll be back.” 
he took the laptop off the table and headed towards his room, humming softly to himself. when he opened the door, jeonghan was sprawled out on his bed, scrolling idly through his phone. he looked up when joshua entered. “i thought you were spending time with y/n. having a lover’s quarrel?” jeonghan asked, the corners of his mouth curving into a mischievous smile, and joshua rolled his eyes, used to the former’s cheekiness. 
“very funny. no, we are not having a lover’s quarrel.” jeonghan sighed, shaking his head in mock disappointment. “shame, i thought something interesting was finally happening around here.” joshua snorted. “yeah, like the one time you and dokyeom went live at the same time and you practically begged carats to watch you instead of him?” 
jeonghan gave an elegant shrug, unfazed. “it’s not my fault i’m so lovable.” joshua fought the urge to throw a pillow at his friend��s head. “whatever helps you sleep at night.” he grumbled, placing your laptop on his bed before promptly exiting the room, shutting the door gently behind him. 
joshua found you right where he left you, curled up on the couch, except now, you were hugging a pillow to your chest, seemingly lost in thought. the sight made his heart ache and warm all the same. he gently kissed the top of your head as he plopped down unceremoniously next to you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. 
“penny for your thoughts?” he teased, which earned him a half-hearted glare. “what are you so lost in thought about, love?” he saw your cheeks heat at the way the endearment slipped easily off his tongue due to years of use, and fought the urge to coo at the sight. 
“nothing, just thinking about how i could’ve spent time you with you these past few days, you know, instead of brushing you off and doing work instead.” 
joshua shushed you, pulling you closer into his side. “it’s okay, i also was a little embarrassed. i mean, i didn’t want to come off as clingy.” that earned him a soft smack on the chest. “you are not clingy.” “tell that to hoshi, he thinks i’m utterly besotted, his words, not mine.” 
you glanced up at him, a teasing glint in your eyes. “well, you are, aren’t you?” joshua rolled his eyes half-heartedly. “sure, whatever helps you sleep at night, love.” you scrunched your nose at joshua in mock disgust, and he let out a soft chortle of amusement. 
a comfortable silence settled in the air, and you let out a soft sigh of contentment, resting your head on joshua’s shoulder, and he smiled, carding a hand gently through your hair, the strands like silk against his skin. joshua adored moments like these, when it was just you and him, and he could temporarily forget about any and all his worries. 
and even if the others teased him for being so besotted, then so be it. after all, joshua was used to their teasing, had been for eight years and counting. you were the first to break the silence, clearing your throat awkwardly. “not to sound like a broken record, but i really do feel guilty for completely ignoring you these past few days. if i had known you had-” 
“love,” joshua began, cutting you off gently but firmly, “like i said before, you have nothing to apologize for. your work was important, and i would’ve distracted you.” you let out a small sigh, small shoulders slumping in defeat. “still, you could’ve at least tried to take my laptop away. or something,”
joshua rolled his eyes half-heartedly. “i love you, but we both know that you would likely hiss at me if i did.” color rose to your cheeks. “n-not true.” “sure, love.” you wrinkled your nose at him in mock disgust, and joshua couldn’t help but press a gentle kiss atop your head. 
you mumbled something incoherent under your breath, but said nothing further, instead settling back into joshua’s embrace, and he allowed himself a small smile as you let your eyes flutter shut, letting out a small yawn. “tired?” he whispered, carding his hands through your soft hair, and you managed a small nod. 
“sleep, then, love. i’ll be here when you wake up.” at that ,color rose to your cheeks, and joshua bit back an amused laugh, knowing you were likely to scold him for it, and leaned back against the soft cushions of the couch, relishing in the comfortable silence that settled around the room. 
it was moments like these that joshua treasured the most, when there was nothing but you and him, just enjoying each other’s company. with you, he could let all his worries melt away, forget about concerts and comebacks, and just be himself. 
and, as much as you and him loved spending time with the other members, it was often loud and chaotic, and joshua needed the peace and quiet every now and then. he let out a content sigh, and felt exhaustation take over, and soon, his eyes fluttered shut and he entered dreamland, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. 
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a/n: no bc wtf was that ending oh my god anyways this was my first shua fic, and i hope you all liked this regardless of how terrible it is lmao also i started school again :’) if you have also started school, i hope it’s going well <3 ! (i cannot believe i’m a junior in college now wtf) also i turn 21 in like a week so there’s that lsdkfjldjf and since school is starting again, i might not have a ton of time to post fics:(( but i will still try to <3 also seungkwan is back:(( i saw the pics and videos from the concert in japan and my heart is happy:(( also scoups was there :((( i hope he recovers soon and quickly <3 wishing him all the best <3333
tagging: @hong-jisoo , @drmflm, @playmetheclassics, and anyone else who wants to read this <333
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sweetestofchaos · 2 years
Blackthorn Prolog | M.YG
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Pairing: Crown Prince Dragon!Yoongi x Crown Princess Impundulu!Keena Genre: Soulmate AU | Arranged Marriage AU | Fantasy AU | Fluff Word Count: 1.2K Warnings: Hints to arranged marriage | Swearing an oath Rating: PG15
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The Vow - Empress Min stops by Prince Yoongi’s chambers and invites him for a stroll in the garden
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a/n: Shout out to the great @sailoryooons​ for being my beta and banner maker!
Series Masterlist | Masterlist
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My Prince,
I am counting down the days until we can finally meet. I pray that you won’t regret befriending me after all this time. The palace is so alive; my trip to your nation is on the lips of every person. Mother is worried about sending me alone, I overheard her speaking with Father about granting me my very own guard. I hope it isn’t Dingani, Father’s most trusted warrior. I have never seen that man smile and he scares me.
I will admit it only to you, my prince. I hope to be by your side for a long time as we lead our nation's side by side, together. What luck has blessed my family to be considered allies to the Min Empire? May many tales be shared of our victories and joys. May the ever-bright sun continue to bathe you in its golden hues.
Well wishes, your friend, 
Princess Keena
Sitting in the window of his private room, Yoongi, the Prince of the Min empire rereads the letter in his hand and smiles. Princess Keena, his dear friend for nearly his whole life, will be at the front gates of his palace within a fortnight. A breeze sends his loose blonde strands of hair swaying around his shoulders and face, making Yoongi smile more. The black scales on his jawline catching the light and creating mini rainbows around himself. The princess’ words echo loudly in Yoongi’s mind as he looks to the blue sky above. Wispy white clouds dance and shift into bumpy bunnies and twisted tiger tails. The sun, large and bright, warms the air and Yoongi inhales the scent of azaleas and camellias thick on his tongue like honey.
A knock at the door pulls Yoongi from his thoughts and he clears his throat, calling for whoever to enter his chambers. Setting the letter in his hand back into a small rectangle shaped box covered in a beautiful mother of pearl dragon, Yoongi closes the lid softly and turns his attention to the door as it opens. Red and gold, blinds Yoongi for a moment before he is greeted by his mother, the empress’ warm smile.
“Mother, what brings you here?” Yoongi is quick to stand and offer the woman who birthed him that identical gummy smile that every bloodborne Min carries. Yoongi walks over and offers his mother his arm, happy when she slips her hand in the crook of his elbow.
“Join me in the gardens, it’s a beautiful day.”
“Yes, mother.”
“Sit, I will fix your hair.”
Yoongi allows his mother to herd him towards his dressing table and he sits before her silently. The empress stands beside Yoongi and grabs the boar hairbrush, slowly dragging it through his long blonde locks. She takes her time as she gathers Yoongi’s hair up into a topknot, fastening his sangtawan and manggeon before she places her hands on his shoulders. Her long black claws stand out against Yoongi’s blue gonryongpo.
“My son, such a handsome young fledgling you have become.” Dark eyes sparkle and Yoongi fights the heat that warms his ears and cheeks.
“Mother,” Yoongi whines and the empress laughs while giving him a tight back hug.
“I love you, my son.” The empress pulls away and Yoongi stands to his full height, once again offering his mother his arm. Yoongi leads the way to the gardens, his mother’s personal guard, Dongwook, keeping a short distance away as they walk. The air is warmer outside and Yoongi feels his neck starting to sweat almost instantly. “Indulge me, my son.”
The empress keeps her eyes on the path ahead as she walks beside Yoongi. The dogwoods are in bloom, their petals covering the ground in a soft blanket of white. Yoongi glances at his mother, waiting for her question with bated breath.
“Are you excited about the Princess’ arrival?”
Yoongi scales catch in the sunlight as he lifts his face towards the warmth, and he cannot help the grin that pulls at his lips. The empress watches his expression change with a fondness in her eyes and she laughs sweetly. 
“Have you found a suitable greeting gift?” She questions as they pass by a few servants that stop walking to bow.
“I have. I feel that Princess Keena will feel most welcome by my gift.”
“Oh?” The empress smiles and squeezes Yoongi’s arm lightly. “I am looking forward to seeing your gift. You will do well to remember that the Princess will be very far from home. We want her to feel comfortable during her time here.”
“I know, mother. I will look after the Princess well.”
The empress and Yoongi walk across a turquoise bridge that crosses over the large koi fishpond and into the pavilion. Together they sit in silence and watch the fish swim around below. The empress looks at Yoongi’s profile and reaches out, the tips of her claws running along his jawline scratching lightly against his scales. 
“You will make a fine emperor one day.”
Yoongi turns to face his mother and raises an eyebrow. His dark eyes narrow as he tries to dissect her words. A breeze blows and more of the dogwood petals ride the wind, some caught in the hair of the empress and Yoongi. The empress smiles and pulls her hand away from Yoongi’s face before she speaks again.
“Your father and I won't be around forever. Now is the time to think about settling down and starting your own-”
Yoongi shakes his head, not caring that he cut her off. He plucks a few petals from his robes and drops them into the pond before he sighs and scratches at the tip of his nose. Staring out at the water, Yoongi watches the fish below, thinking of what he would like to say next.
“The nation in the west is strong but our alliance with Princess Keena’s homeland makes us stronger. It would be foolish to think that some conflict will not arise but for now I wish not to jinx it.”
Yoongi’s dark eyes flick to his mother’s face and she nods her head softly. Yoongi clears his throat and folds his hands together in his lap, his right thumb rubbing the back of his left hand.
“When the time comes, I will fulfill my duty to the throne. You do not have to worry yourself with that thought.”
“Promise me Yoongi.”
“Pardon?” Yoongi stares at his mother confused. Promise her?
“When the time comes, you must promise me here and now that you will fulfill your duty to the throne.”
Yoongi licks his lips as the hair on the back of his neck rises. There is an air of sadness behind the empress’ words, and it worries Yoongi. Have they already picked his wife? Well, it wouldn’t be unheard of. He is a royal after all, it would be foolish for Yoongi to think he could marry for love. Princess Keena’s endless letters and words float into Yoongi’s mind. His only wish is that his lifelong friend and his future wife will be able to get along for his sake.
“To the ancient dragons who came before and watch over us, I swear it, mother.”
Yoongi’s dark eyes flash a golden hue and his mother’s do the same before she smiles and pats his hand.
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treebarkzine · 3 months
Would blood or gore be permitted in artwork and writing?
With the nature of the life series I think it would be very hard for me to ban blood and gore in its entirety- not that I want to. I expect the zine to follow a PG15 rating as a guide to the content permitted, I also trust participants to make a judgment themselves to some degree but the mod team would be willing to step in to tell someone to tone it down if necessary.
In short: yes, blood and gore are allowed but don’t go overboard. I understand this is quiet subjective but hope this provides some clarity
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joheunsaram · 2 years
Discord Discourse (knj) - 2
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summary- Kim Namjoon likes to spend time in a discord server... dedicated to him. With new friends and a budding crush, will he ever be able to truly be himself without revealing who he is?
word count- 1.2k
pairing- idol!Namjoon x fanfic writer!Reader
rating- PG15
genre- internet relationships, s2f2(maybe)lovers, angst, fluff
warnings- none
a.n.- well once again my dumbass turned a story into a series. enjoy this part! more to come <3
Thanks to the beautiful @raplinesmoon for helping me brainstorm, and @oftenderweapons and @jeonspub for beta reading!
As always feedback appreciated, a reblog and a like goes a far way. Send me an ask! 💌
Namjoon is live: Birthday!! 
You stared at the notification on your phone, your heart racing. Your legs felt numb just like your fingers – a chill going through your body. This was probably not a normal reaction to finding out that one of the people you considered your close friends was a world famous celebrity. But you couldn’t help the way your entire body wanted to cringe, throwing you back into the moment where an innocent voice chat turned into a life changing reveal.
You were a bit hesitant accepting the video chat initially, afraid that the nice guy you had a bizarre number of things in common with and flirted with occasionally would turn out to be a creep masturbating. Who knew what you saw on the screen was far more traumatizing?
It was fanfic fodder, a storyline life handed to you neatly tied with a bow. You were the main characters you wrote about, that thousands, if not millions, hoped to be. Yet, all you could have was a visceral reaction to the sheer embarrassment of your conversations with him. You had even sent him pictures of him while talking to him about all the depraved things you wanted to do. Not to mention that he had read almost all of your fics, some bordering on so explicit that you hoped no one you knew ever read them. Perhaps that’s why you were so open with him. He provided you with an outlet that your real life friends didn’t. He was safe, a faceless Dragonite icon that shared your love of philosophy and loved to read in too deep on every piece of media you encountered.
Until he was the last person you ever thought he’d be – the subject of your 3 am horny ravings, Kim Namjoon.
Perhaps if you were cooler, more confident, you would’ve turned on the camera as well, chatted with him all nonchalant like a real fanfic protagonist, but instead you blocked him after a half hearted apology. Oh god. You wondered if the rest of the band knew about your stories and if you were now going to be banned as a stalker. Would you even be able to attend one of his concerts again?
But even as you thought of those scenarios, you knew that the John you had been talking to wasn’t like that. Even the Namjoon that you knew from the vlogs and the documentaries didn’t seem like that. The message he had sent you last night on your blog proved that he still wanted to be friends.
Your earlier conversations, however, were still something you couldn’t wrap your head around. John wasn’t someone you talked to occasionally. You talked to him almost daily, about his life, his struggles. The two of you never shared many identifying details with each other, but you knew when he went to the gym, what his favourite food was, how much he hated travelling on planes, and even his kinks! Merging the image of John with Namjoon was not only difficult, it seemed impossible. How could the guy who had once sent you porn to help inspire your next smut scene be the same guy who was on the framed poster next to your bookshelf?
Clicking on the notification, you braced yourself as the video stream popped up to show the subject of your cognitive dissonance. Dressed in a grey hoodie, he spoke in Korean, showing off the art on his walls. You couldn’t help how the blood rushed to your cheeks, how your palms became clammy.
You were never one of those fans who looked out for how idols were feeling, or read too much into their expressions. But as you looked at him through the screen you wondered why he was alone last night, chatting with you for hours. His eyes seemed sunken, his dark circles visible even behind whatever filter he was using. He seemed tired and your conversations with John flooded your mind.
I wish I could just stop being me sometimes. I love my job and all the work I’ve done but sometimes it’d be nice to just disappear.
He had sent you that out of the blue on a random morning and you had assumed he was being hyperbolic. He had told you his job was draining and you had assumed he was under pressure from his boss. It was jarring to see the man who had confessed that to you and you felt a pang of empathy dissipate through your body.
Namjoon on the screen showed off his cake, his raspy voice singing happy birthday to himself and breaking you out of your reverie. For the first time, you saw him as a friend and not a celebrity. A friend sitting alone in his house singing to himself because his job required him to do so.
You sighed. What were you doing by blocking him? It wasn’t his fault that he was who he was. Other than not telling you his identity, you had no doubt that the year of conversations you had with him were genuine. He was kind and sincere, and a cloud of guilt rose inside you. You were a terrible friend. He didn’t know anything about you either.
“I have to go soon but thank you for being here with me and celebrating my birthday. I love you guys,” Namjoon said through the screen, his phone now held in his hand as he leaned back in his chair. His eyes locked onto the camera and your mouth ran dry when he smiled his perfectly dimpled smile.
“Before I go I just wanna say thank you for liking the stuff I make. I write all of these songs and lyrics for you and sometimes I can’t believe that I get to share a part of me with you all. Some of you guys have said I inspire you and you have no idea how much that means to me. So please if anything I have ever made or said or done inspires you to create something new, please, please don’t stop. Because you’re an inspiration to me too.”
Namjoon rarely spoke in English at length during his livestreams and the fact that he did now made a glimmer of hope spark inside you. Perhaps you didn’t have to lose your friendship to humiliation. Perhaps you could salvage this and be brave for once.
With shaking hands you went into discord, typing a message into your chat with Namjoon, and when you hit send you got to witness his reaction in real time for the first time ever.
On your screen you heard the loud buzz of his phone, his eyes trailing to the top of his phone before he broke into a huge grin. Your lips moved automatically, mirroring his smile.
He ended his livestream with a few finger hearts and a goodbye, and ten seconds later you had a new message.
yn: I would love to be friends if you’ll have me still john: thank god! you have no idea how happy this makes me
As you read his message, your smile grew and you forgot why you were embarrassed in the first place. Kim Namjoon was your friend, and you had never felt luckier than in that moment.
taglist -  @awhnamjoon @alpacaseoks @raplinesmoon @codeinebelle @aislinnstanaka@miscelunaaa @moonchild1 @shydestinyyouth @itsjaneeet @piecesofapril11@yoontaethings @jeonyreads @pb-n-juju @everythingaboutfangirling @jeonjungkookenthusiast1997 @lizzymizzy-blogg @namjooningera​ @notbotheredtho 
Thank you for reading this fic! If you liked it, please tell me your thoughts. I appreciate your feedback!
Please reblog and check out more stories on my masterlist <3
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btsmosphere · 2 months
Supercharged | JJK
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Chapter 14: Cover Me
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🗲summary: It starts with a blow to the chest that changes your life. When your city’s most celebrated hero pays a visit, it turns out the noble Bolt has no trouble tossing lives aside. Lives that won't be missed. Lives like yours. Seven mysterious and powerful men give you another chance – one that starts to feel more like a curse the moment you meet golden boy Jungkook. The boy who wants you as far from his brothers as he can get you. Is it you he hates, or the blue lightning that now runs through your veins? And could it be his golden light that illuminates your heart when darkness threatens? 🗲this chapter: An unprecedented strike at the heart of bangtan leaves you baring yours.
🗲pairing: jungkook x female reader 🗲word count: 5.7k 🗲genre: angst, action, eventual fluff, enemies to lovers, slow burn, superheroes/villains au, found family 🗲rating: pg15 🗲warnings: violence with superpowers, swearing, (supernatural) animal attack, injury
a/n: if this whole time the slow burn has been me leaning nearer to a candle with a lighter... now is where I finally let the flame catch🤭👀
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The one good thing to come of your escapade was, unexpectedly, quite a plethora of entertaining tales designed to make you feel better. As it turned out, most of the boys had also been just as, if not more, stupid than you on occasion.
While your body was exhausted, and smiling pulled at the cuts on your face, you couldn’t help yourself. All of you would be in bed long after the sun rose at this rate, but right now you made no complaint as you fell back against the couch with laughter. Even Yoongi, the butt of the current story, bore a begrudging grin.
“I still can’t believe it!” Jimin cackled, falling over Yoongi’s lap dramatically. In all honesty, you didn’t know how he even managed to speak around his giggles, “those innocent people just wanted to have a fun night!”
“Most of them were innocent-”
“And the non-innocent among them were terrified when the disco lights got hijacked,” you deadpanned.
Yoongi rolled his eyes.
“I was in a bad mood.”
“You heard it here: don’t mess with our Yoongi, you can’t imagine what he’s capable of,” Jin teased.
“It’s less of an abuse of power than stopping an entire highway of traffic just so the Kan CEO couldn’t get away,” Yoongi responded, eyes pointedly fixing on Jimin.
Jimin’s head snapped up, surprised by the turn towards him. His hand tightened on V’s, but the next second he scoffed a laugh.
“He deserved it!”
“That’s the reason every time one of you makes a fool of yourself,” Jin smiled. “You can be stupid and they can still deserve it.”
His eyes flicked over to you, then. While embarrassment still washed over you, it gave way to a sheepish smile, your private response.
Sinking into the warmth of the squishy sofa, a smile laced your lips, not leaving, as your friends kept laughing and poking fun. The night went on, eyes beginning to droop and laughter growing sleepy.
They had welcomed you back with understanding. It was more than you could have hoped for, some hours ago fighting for your life in the cold.
This was your home. And the man who once wanted you gone had been the one to bring you back.
Jungkook hadn’t sat beside you. After the revelations you had shared in the bathroom, perhaps your both needed some reeling space. But you noticed his eyes on you from his spot opposite, and found your smile came easily.
Though he didn’t return it, he wasn’t cold. His expression unwavering, his brows were almost imperceptibly creased with intrigue.
You only let your body’s haze of exhaustion wash through you, not trying to read closer into his demeanour. Although you may not understand him half the time, you knew one thing for sure, and for tonight, that was enough.
He still wanted you here.
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Noise drenched the space, wrenching you from sleep. Even while your eyes were still opening, your body moved without you, getting your legs under you.
Covers thrown off, the relative cold shocked you fully to your senses before another crunch shook the very walls.
Suddenly very awake, your brain whizzed through the last dizzying seconds. And didn’t land very far from the initial, sleep-crazed and panicked conclusion that you were dying.
The crunch was interrupted before it even finished ringing out, by another noise, splintering through the air. An immense thud of something hitting the ground buzzed through the floorboards beneath your feet.
Heart hammering as if trying to match the cacophony assaulting you, you sprinted for the door. You threw it open and stopped dead.
Sudden, brilliant light assaulted you. Of course it was light; you had all stayed up far too late after yesterday. So much for a rest.
But the light didn’t come from the window.
It came from the gaping hole in the ceiling.
Hardly daring blink, you let your eyes strain in shock and staggered from your doorway. A chunk of rubble sat in the hall, between yours and the others’ bedrooms. Gaping, you looked to the chasm above you, beyond which was sky.
Just then, another movement drew you back to earth.
You had never seen Namjoon with bedhead before, your scrambled brain realised as you met eyes with your bewildered leader through a doorway.
And then darkness plummeted between you.
Thunder deafened you, and you were forced to jump back from a shower of debris. Beyond the caving of the roof, a roar rumbled. Not another sound of stone or brick; it was like an animal.
You readied your hands, the only thing you could do.
The wall of wreckage settled so high you could no longer see Namjoon. But the others must be awake, too. Whatever the hell was going on, you would take it together.
A shape loomed then in the open space, blocking out the sun. Before you could make out more than a silhouette, it stomped closer, the building shuddering beneath it. Dust rained down in the thin remaining streams of sunlight.
Then, all at once, it pounced through the hole it had opened, and was filling the air with its great roar.
Rubble cracked under its feet. The floor shook. The doors rattled – before the thing lashed out an immense arm, and the wood splintered like paper.
So it had arms. And legs, poised beneath it like a predator. And teeth.
Eyes adjusting, you honed in. You didn’t like what you saw.
Unfortunately, it saw you too.
The beast’s furry head twisted your way, fixing you with eyes you would never forget. Its jaws opened, and your power surged within you at the same moment it lunged-
Then shot sideways in a blur. It fell with the crunch of its own weight, a lump of masonry disintegrating around it.
Aborting your shot at the last second, you fell back against the wall, blindly throwing your arms up as claws slashed through the air inches from you in the fall. Bricks flew, slamming dents into plaster.
You stayed there, fixed in place, gasping. Not just because of the near-miss.
You knew this beast.
A blur and Jimin was in front of you, feet skidding to a halt among the dust and smithereens. Looking up at him in shock, you found his face hardened, nostrils flaring as he glared towards the creature.
He stuck a hand under your nose, but as you took it, a lumbering shape reappeared in the corner of your eye.
Clutching your hand tighter, Jimin stepped back.
The monster whizzed around, limbs flailing. Nothing it came into contact with could put up a fight; the tv sparked as talons sliced through the centre. It fell uselessly to the ground and burst into flames behind the creature, who drew to its full height. The glinting gaze was the same, unperturbed by Jimin’s rock-solid attack.
“What is that?” Jimin hissed in horror.
You could have answered, but shock had words sticking in your throat.
Everything moved at once, the monster leaping forwards again. It forced you and Jimin apart, both diving away from the vicious claws. Its bulk smashed against the wall, but it was already scrambling up, readying a new strike.
Crawling below the kitchen table on your elbows, you looked over your shoulder in time to see the eyes swivel straight to you again. Dread overflowed in your chest.
But it got no further.
An impact knocked its head sideways, though not off-balance this time. Merely a jolt, as if dodging a fly. Growling deep in its throat, it looked around.
At the same moment, you found the form streaking through the air which had struck it. Hobi.
Uncaring for the chairs you sent crashing to the floor, you shot up from your shelter and took aim. Your electric blue took out the arm that threatened your friend.
And so it was back on you.
Thundering steps pounded closer and you were backed into the wall. Another strong blast hit it square in the chest, but only served to anger him more. Every nerve screamed at you to dodge, flee sideways, but you squared your jaw and let him run at you.
Remembering what Kuyang had told you, you hoped the same weak spot still held true on Frank. You had never actually had to use it before.
Jin’s yell of your name threw you off, tearing your eyes from the spot on Frank’s head. Flooding over the pile of rubble came the rest of your team. Jin cocked a gun by his head. Your eyes darted between the monster and your friends, the world slowing for a breath.
“No…” you whispered. Frank was almost upon you.
Jin fired. The crack of a bullet made Frank turn, the sweet spot on his head now out of sight.
Cursing, you ducked as he made impact with the wall, apparently forgetting you were ever there. Scrambling clear of his reach, you found your feet. But Frank was already moving again.
Among the mass of matted hair, you saw the tail of a dart poking from his back. A tranquilizer. While a good idea, you knew that it wouldn’t knock Frank out by a long shot. He needed strong sedation, and a lot at that. Your lab wasn’t equipped for that.
All they had done was piss him off more. Your heart thundered along with Frank’s steps as he lunged for your friends.
With a sweep of his hand, V shot up a wall of purple flames. Frank bellowed and swiped at them, unfazed by the burn. Orange fire burned thicker your end of the room, spreading from the tv to the rug, and you leapt around it, firing at the monster’s back. Anything to keep him from your brothers.
Sure enough, Frank turned, but a new shape came at him. Your heart squeezed as Hobi flew so close by – near enough to the weak spot on his head, but he didn’t know about that. Among the crashing and roaring of fire and fighting, he would never hear you. Your comms were safely tucked away in a room downstairs. This was a fight you hadn’t seen coming.
Frank’s eyes locked onto the boy coming for him. Hobi landed a solid kick and whirled away, but Frank wasn’t giving up. A slash of talons followed.
“No!” you screamed, firing with precision into Frank’s eyes.
The creature stumbled, claws fumbling wildly, but it hadn’t been enough. Hope’s form dropped hard to the floor, rolling away. He stayed there, still on the floorboards.
Jimin marched closer, a hand raised, and Frank was slammed back into the wall. Jimin flung his arm down and Frank’s face was smashed on the rubble, dropping to his knees.
With the brief distraction as cover, you raced towards Hobi. Skidding to your knees in front of him, a breath punched out of you as you saw his eyes open.
“Shit, Hobi.”
Reaching out, you circled your arm around his shoulders and hauled him to sit with your help. You winced along with him, but you had to move. A long gash ran down his chest.
“I’m… okay,” he panted.
“Bullshit,” you spat.
A new holler from the beast had you whirling to look over your shoulder. Frank held Jimin in a gargantuan fist, raising him from the ground.
“Jimin!” you cried, but your voice was drowned out in Frank's roar, and the bursts of desperate rifle fire from Jin.
V had already leapt into action, murderous purple tinting his eyes as he brought flames up around the beast, swamping him. Jimin’s eyes still burned pink, despite his immobilisation. His brows drew down in focus, and a new piece crumbled from the roof onto the monster’s skull.
Though it stumbled, the creature didn’t even fall.
“We need to get out of here,” you hissed.
Though Hobi sagged against you, you felt him nod. Easing him to rest against the wall, you stood.
A silhouette darting through the flames emerged. You had never seen V like this. His expression was clouded with dark, wild anger and he leapt for Jimin, catching hold of Frank’s arm and swinging from it.
Blazing purple circled Frank’s flesh along every inch where V made contact.
An ear-splitting howl of pain and rage ripped from the monster’s throat. Throwing his arms to the side, he tossed both V and Jimin who came flying towards you. In mid-air, Jimin caught hold of V, curling around him before they both came tumbling to the ground at your feet.
Thrashing his immense arms, Frank blundered out of the column of fire, leaving it to eat up the building behind him.
Seeing Jimin and V untangling themselves, bruised but mobile, you stepped around them.
“Get out of here,” you told them with urgency, “take Hope.”
Jimin called after you, but you were already starting forwards.
The only one left standing was Jin – where were the others? – so you had to put a stop to this before anyone else got hurt. Dashing forwards, you found Frank hadn’t made a target of you yet. He took his fury out on your house, which was quickly devolving into little more than wreckage.
A glance at Jin showed him backing away, to your relief. In the other direction, Hobi was sandwiched between Jimin and V, rushing between the violet flames to escape through the garage.
A booming roar brought you back to Frank.
The monster stomped his foot, gaping jaws wide and snarling as he lifted his arms. Claws dug into brick, tearing off a chuck of ceiling. You jumped as he sent it crashing to the ground in a fog of dust.
A wall of rubble was stacked in front of you, but Frank’s enormous foot cracked it easily as he stepped over it.
Red fire spat at your back, the heat immense. You couldn’t back up further.
Frank’s giant fist descended, grip circling a couch, the end of which was already flaming. He lifted it, flung it to the side. Removing it from his path as he advanced on you.
Below it, someone moved. Ducking underneath, heading straight for you. Next moment, the figure crashed against you, throwing you to the side with strong hands gripping your arms.
They flipped, taking the brunt of the fall to their back as you slid together among the debris.
Instantly, you were struggling against them, throwing the arms off. They let you go, and you struggled to your feet, rounding on them.
He staggered up too, reaching for your arm.
“We need to go,” he panted, “we can’t fight it.”
“I can,” you protested, shaking him off.
But he sprung forwards, grabbing you. With a startled cry, you were twisted around. His arm caught your waist, yanking you against him, placing him closest to Frank to fire a golden beam at the claws which had swiped for you.
“I thought we went over this?” Jungkook’s voice was ragged in your ear.
A new pounce from Frank sent you both diving over the rubble. You landed hard on your elbows, Jungkook’s arm on your back.
“We did,” you gasped, scrambling to right yourself, eyes never resting between Jungkook’s confusion and the looming threat of Frank. “But I mean it this time. I know how- argh!”
Frank swept a forceful kick at the table. It cracked under the force, two halves shooting into the air to crash against the kitchen cabinets.
Dropping to the floor, you rolled away from the hunk of wood as it clattered back to earth between you and Jungkook.
In the haze of dancing flames and cascading dust, thick in the air, you met Jungkook’s eyes.
“Just trust me!” you shouted, the words wrenching deep from your chest. Your chest rose and fell sharply with exertion. Frank was running again. You had had too many chances already; this had to be the one.
With one last glance back at Jungkook, you found his eyes blazing. But with determination, not anger.
“Cover me?” you called.
A sharp nod was all you needed.
Not sparing any moment to doubt, you took off. Charged straight at the beast.
Just as you trusted he would, Jungkook rushed the other way, firing gold right into Frank’s heart. Its predatory eyes followed Jungkook, while its back turned to you.
Frantic heart spurring you on, you fixed your eyes on the spot you aimed for.
And jumped.
There was no way Frank didn’t feel the human landing bodily against his back. The moment you made contact, you grabbed on fiercely, anticipating the enraged lurch of his body as he tried to throw you off.
Dangling from his shoulder, you swung a leg up, securing around his neck.
Dazzling gold knocked a fist aimed for you off-course. Jungkook had your back. You couldn’t afford to spare any attention on where the next one would come from.
Reaching up, you grabbed onto Frank’s head, fingers closing around a bony ridge that lined his monstrous skull. He shook harshly, making you cling with your every muscle as your hand fumbled over his skin.
And then you pressed down. Scrubbing your hand back and forth, the effect was almost instant.
The shaking stopped. You didn’t. This patch should knock him out for at least half an hour, you remembered.
Then Frank dropped, his entire mass hitting the ground as one. You were thrown down with him, head jerking forwards and stopping inches from the floor.
There you stayed for a long second. Just panting in the sudden stillness.
At last, you rolled off the monster’s form, bracing your landing with hands against the ground. A bit shaky from the adrenaline crashing through you, you let yourself smile, and looked up.
The place was a mess. If only you could have got to Frank sooner, it need not have escalated like this. But you had no way of telling your friends not to get involved. At least you had done it now, although the place was left a disaster scene of fire and debris.
Trying your best to ignore the crackling flames, you looked up to the figure silhouetted in front of them.
Jungkook looked back at you in total shock. His slack face was painted with a shade of bewildered horror.
“What. The hell.” He said flatly.
Huffing a laugh, you finally pushed yourself to your feet and wiped your hands on your trousers.
And found yourself knocked back by a fierce hug. The shock alone nearly swept you off your feet. As it was, you kept your ground and blinked, startled, into Jungkook’s shoulder as his arms wrapped fast around you.
It was all you could do to get your arms to stop hovering, and tentatively hold him in return. Not to mention the effort it took to ignore the frightening soar of your heart under his touch. Surely he would feel it thumping against him, with how tight he gripped you in that moment.
“You’re crazy, you know that?” he half-laughed, stirring the hair above your ear.
Forcibly shutting your gaping mouth, you chuckled, face falling forwards against his shoulder.
“So you keep saying,” you replied wryly.
Finally, you summoned the courage to ease away from him. Honestly, you were a bit worried about the speed your heart was pumping the longer you touched, but it was strangely counter-intuitive to step out of his arms.
Jungkook found you with wide eyes, and slowly lowered his hands in a mirror of yours.
With an awkward laugh, you darted your gaze away.
“Kuyang made this guy,” you nodded down to the creature. Your eyes lingered the closed eyes and tantalising teeth that had always made you shudder back in your days at the lab. “We called him Frank.”
You weren’t sure Jungkook’s eyebrows could climb any higher.
“Yeah. Bit more fun than ‘Necrus X’, I suppose,” you shrugged, and stepped to Jungkook’s side.
He kept eyeing Frank.
“How long do we have?”
“He’ll wake up in around half an hour,” you told him.
His eyebrows pulled downwards a fraction, and he glanced around the space.
“How do we kill it?”
But your focus was distracted by a pitch floating through the air, growing closer. Looking up, you found your gaze on the empty hole torn in the roof.
People were arriving.
“Let’s not stick around to try.”
Jungkook seemed to agree with you, reaching for your hand in an instant. Then he was tugging you with him, towards the stairs leading underground to the training space. You never usually had to scale piles of rubble to get there, but the world did change very fast these days.
Near the peak of the mini-mountain, you took the chance to peer up through the cracks. Blue lights flashed somewhere near, and you had never heard so many people at once in this part of town.
Soon, Jungkook’s hand was urging you on, and you jogged down the stairs side-by-side.
“Looks like we’re busted,” you worried aloud.
Jungkook sighed, but it could have been from the exertion. Your feet met the training floor and you raced away together. He kept clutching your hand. Of course, you had expected him to let go the first chance he got, and yet you found yourself holding firmly in return. Must be the need for some kind of steady comfort after that fight. Right?
“Namjoon and Yoongi cleared us out,” Jungkook was saying. You had to force yourself to tune in, wresting your mind away from the ever-present warmth of his fingers around yours.
“I guess they’re prepared for something like this. They shut down all the tech, collected some documents. Destroyed some things too. It was almost like Namjoon was... ready for this? He told me to just get everyone out.”
“But how did they find us?” you frowned.
Turning down the corridor where Namjoon’s office lay, you saw Jungkook was right. The doors all stood open, nothing but darkness beyond.
Jungkook led you both to the end of the hall. You had never been here before, but somehow it hadn’t crossed your mind to question Jungkook about where you were going. He eased to a stop beside you then, unable to help a glance over his shoulder. Just in case.
“I don’t know,” he admitted, meeting your eyes. His shoulders slumped and he frowned to himself, shaking his head. “I mean, there was the car you saw tailing you guys. Maybe there were more. They tried again, or-”
There was no way either of you could know right now. It wouldn’t change anything.
Turning himself from that line of thought completely, Jungkook dropped your hand and approached the wall. You bit your tongue, your fingers retracting straight away at the lack of his warmth. It had felt strange, standing still and yet holding hands – no, not holding hands, but… grabbing. Out of necessity.
It just hadn’t crossed his mind to let go. You ignored the fact that once upon a time, it would have been the only thing either of you thought about until you could finally be rid of the other.
Shaking your head, you almost wiped your hand on your trousers. You stopped, for some reason, and just ran your thumb over your fingers instead.
In front of you, Jungkook reach for a fire extinguisher fixed to the wall. Raising your eyebrows, you prepared to tell him that the place really was past repairing, when he pushed down on it instead.
It moved, something clicking into place out of sight. In a blink, a square had emerged in the blank wall, and Jungkook pushed it out. A panel swung inwards, revealing empty space beyond.
Lifting a leg to swing inside, Jungkook turned to you with a smirk. It was your turn to be stunned.
“That sure is helpful,” you muttered, before starting forwards.
A bright laugh came from Jungkook as he hopped down into the passage.
“Namjoon-hyung really thought of everything.”
Humming your assent, you climbed through the opening. Jungkook secured the panel back into the wall. For a moment, you were submerged in total darkness, only sensing the click of your hiding place being concealed.
A weak light filtered to life above you after a few seconds of waiting. It illuminated Jungkook, who was looking up, clearly anticipating its arrival.
“Right.” He met your eyes, and swallowed. The space here was much thinner than outside, the walls forcing you nearer. “Let’s get moving.”
Nodding rapidly, you waited for him to turn and lead you on. Once his back was safely to you, you let out a breath, feeling your heart winding down in your chest. Some adrenaline trip you had been on, huh?
“Where are we going?” you asked, hurrying after him. Something about this place made you hush your voice, however illogical that was.
“It should get us a safe distance away,” Jungkook replied over his shoulder, “Namjoon had time to give me this. We’ll head to the coordinates he sends.”
The emergency lighting in the tunnel was sparse, and as you walked you fell through light and shade. Currently in a patch of darkness, you squinted to make out a small pager screen which Jungkook held up to show you.
So you carried on. With no idea where you were, or what was going on, you probably should have been freaking out a lot more. But right now, you had a direction. Somehow, following Jungkook eased your concern. You were glad he was the one with you...
Wow, that was something you shouldn’t admit out loud. You eyed the man in front of you, as if worried he could have read your thoughts. He only kept walking.
Eventually, the passage gave way to a set of industrial-looking metal stairs. Together, your footsteps clanged gently against the comfortable quiet.
At the top, you found a door made of thick metal. A grate set into it at eye-level let in the buzz of traffic beyond – and sirens.
Ahead of you, Jungkook peered through the small gaps, before stepping back to make way for you. He met your eyes with the same concern you felt. Was it safe for you out there? Looking down at yourself, you took in your attire. Neither of you were wearing anything particularly distinctive, having been surprised at home.
“Let’s not chance it,” Jungkook interrupted your thoughts, but you could hear the frustration concealed in his voice. Neither of you much fancied sitting around doing nothing at a time like this.
Better that than blowing the whole thing up by being hasty, though. You had learned that the hard way.
The passage widened, but not enough to sit face-to-face. So, agreeing with Jungkook, you joined him and sat at his side on the top step.
It was impossible not to feel his eyes on you. Or the weight of his arms from where he had hugged you, lingering like a phantom. Having him so close only teased what you had just felt, the gentle warmth where your shoulders brushed sending ripples over your skin.
“Your face,” Jungkook spoke, “it’s better.”
Swallowing, you lifted your head from the surface of your thoughts and back into his eyeline.
Sure enough, when you lifted a hand, there was no need for the trepidation in your fingertips. No pain returned your touch. The skin was totally smooth where Monsoon had broken it yesterday.
“This lifestyle does have some perks, then,” you shrugged.
Jungkook’s smile rewarded you.
“Hey, you wouldn’t change it for the world,” he retorted jokingly, elbow nudging your arm.
You gave a small chuckle, but it soon faded into a more distant smile.
“No,” you sighed. “I really wouldn’t.”
“That… that’s good.”
You had never really heard Jungkook fumble for his words like this before. Maybe his mind was elsewhere, like yours. Although ‘elsewhere’, in your case, was directly on him; you just couldn’t tell him that. Among all this chaos, it made no sense that he was the thing dominating your mind.
“Thank you for trusting me,” you offered into the newfound quiet.
Though Jungkook let the silence stretch out a little longer, one lone siren soaring through it, he found his voice eventually.
“I should have done it sooner.”
Turning to him fully, your heart threatened to burst again with the earnestness in his eyes.
“You did it at exactly the right time,” you shook your head, adamant, “and… it’s good to know I earned it. Just about, in any case.”
You couldn’t help the joke creeping in. Giving into your cowardice, you ducked with a self-depreciating laugh from the force of his gaze. A force all too soft for you to know what to do with. When he gave you fire, you could push back with something just as solid. But here, with his defences long abandoned, all you were met with was the terrifying prospect of falling right in.
The hard edge that crept back into Jungkook's voice, surprising you with his ferocity, was almost a relief. But the spark in his eyes that trapped you in his stare wasn’t of anger. Something far from it.
“You’ve earned more than-”
His words choked off. It was only now you realised how breathless you were.
You were quickly giving in to the pull of his gravity, the words floating unsaid only dragging you in further.
Eclipsed by him as you were, you hardly registered the warbling siren that drew nearer outside, and passed by. All you could see was the way Jungkook’s eyes slipped treacherously downwards.
At the peak of the siren’s volume, he drew the smallest gasp, pushing himself away. Hands bracing on the step, he hovered, breathing harder now.
The way your heart lurched at the thought he might leave right now sealed your fate.
His eyes met yours with vaguely panicked apology. Before he even spoke, you had made up your mind.
“Sorry,” he breathed, “I shouldn’t-”
Some of the steely determination he always stirred up in you made itself known. You needed him to hear, to see how certain you were of this.
“I think you should.”
In one frozen moment, you saw the reservation flee from his eyes. Rising temptation replaced it. His own hunger terrified him, but yours matched it, always, since the beginning.
You felt the moment he gave in. Felt it in the fingertips on your jaw, the heat rushing through you- the lips on yours.
In one movement, Jungkook had allowed himself to fall, and fall he did. He surged towards you, taking your face between his hands, kissing you with a blistering urgency. The vigour in his movements drowned out all trace of caution, everything flung aside the instant you kissed him back.
He needed to feel you.
Your body sang against his, warmth erupting in your chest. Every move of his lips stirred it further. Supple, like the rest of him, their softness belied the power there which he had never hid from you.
You relished it, the exhilarating force making your head spin. And you gave back equal fire, too, grazing his lower lip with your teeth. It summoned an electric sound from his throat, a grunt that accompanied his hands roaming further, hungrily running down your back, tugging you onto him.
He tasted gold.
It was a taste you knew, from his powers when he had trained you, when he had rescued you- yet so tantalisingly new in the way he gave himself to you now, painting it in laves along your mouth.
His desperate sigh, ripped from his lungs, told you he was being ruined the same way you were from this kiss. And you weren’t ready for it to end. You had no idea how long you drank him in, surrendering like you had to no one else. Your world was lit only by the glow his every touch made bloom on your skin: his arms around you, his lips, his tongue pressing between them and making your eyes flutter back.
You had repelled each other for so long. Now, at last, you had given in to the magnetism, and you could no longer bear an inch of space between you.
Even as you split apart, panting hot across each other’s faces, you welcomed the way Jungkook kept you pressed flush against his chest. Dozens of times, you succumbed to each other’s pull again, lips colliding to indulge in a desperate one-more, becoming two and three and...
Each a brief, fruitless struggle to escape the force drawing you together.
It had been there all this time.
You drew back again, panting, in time to see a crackle of gold spark in Jungkook’s heavy-lidded eyes. It mingled with a jet of your own, reflected blue dancing with the gold in his iris.
Stiffening, you remembered all the times your power had turned him away. The way he had run from you when you last lost control. The dreadful truth he had told you last night, about what Bolt’s power had done.
But his hands only clawed over your sweater, dragging you nearer again as he stared up at you with such open eyes.
“Fuck,” his voice was raw, barely more than a ragged breath, “you were right, Y/N. They are beautiful. You’re beautiful.”
Every time, you never expected Jungkook to stun you more. Of course, he outdid himself at every turn, leaving you scrabbling for words again, as you were right now.
Eyes drinking in your gaping expression, his loosened into a grin. The lazy shift into a deep, breathy laugh was like the sun coming out. You refused to look away.
You couldn’t refuse when his arm tugged you back against his chest, though.
Flopping there with a breathless laugh of your own, you closed your eyes, pushed your face against his neck. The energy to question this, to resist what had been building, had abandoned you, and you were ready to accept it.
How could you not, when his touch made you feel like this? When you had proved yourselves to one another time and time over?
You realised it all now, as you listened to the mingled sounds of your breathing with Jungkook’s.
You realised something else, too.
The sirens had stopped.
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Thank you for reading!!! I appreciate all those lovely people who leave comments🥰💜
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eoieopda · 1 year
<whispers in your ear> Cheol x Reader where he’s her brother’s friend? 🙏
the one with seungcheol and the ruse
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pairing: choi seungcheol x jeon!reader summary: your knight’s shining armor is actually of flannel, but he gets the job done. cw: reader’s gender/sexuality are left up to interpretation, annoying ex, alcohol mention, the setting is a bar, wonwoo doesn’t actually appear but my girl lee youngji does (lmao) au: older brother’s best friend, fake dating (sort of) type: drabble (fluff-adjacent) rating: pg15 wc: 1.4 🔞 MINORS WHO INTERACT WITH ME AND/OR MY CONTENT WILL BE BLOCKED, WHETHER OR NOT THE CONTENT IS NSFW. I’M AN ADULT WRITING EXCLUSIVELY FOR OTHER ADULTS.
The similarities between you and your brother start and stop with genetic material. While you’d rather die than spend a Saturday night at home alone, Wonwoo would sooner drop dead than divorce himself from his PC just to leave his apartment. 
All things considered, it’s not much of a surprise when you roll up to the bar with your friends and find your brother’s there without him. Just the same, you’re not shocked when the cursory wave you give goes unnoticed; they’re all too busy guzzling shots to care who walks by.
All but one, that is.
The oldest, Seungcheol, lifts his pint glass in acknowledgment when he sees you come in from the cold. That gesture comes with a bonus in the form of a lazy half-smile, which almost has you tripping over your own feet. Now effectively tattooed on your brain, you still picture that lopsided grin while you cross the room to claim a booth.
Of the boys taking up space at the bar, Seungcheol is the closest to your brother — and, as a natural consequence, the closest to you. So, you tell yourself, it’s only natural that your focus keeps drifting in his way. More than that, it’s polite, checking in to make sure he’s having fun. 
Wonwoo would want that for him, after all.
More often than not, Seungcheol is too engrossed in his friends’ shenanigans to feel your casual — polite — gaze burning a hole in the side of his head. Even though he’s not looking in your direction, you find it hard to stop glancing in his. It can’t be helped; it’s always been this way. There’s only one conclusion left to draw: 
Choi Seungcheol was tailor-made to distract you.
First, it’s the fact that his hair is quite a bit longer now than when you saw him at your parents’ anniversary party a few weeks ago. The more you stare at those dark waves, the more you try to justify it to yourself. As far as you’ll admit, it has nothing whatsoever to do with how soft those tresses look; nor any desire you may or may not have to touch them and test your theory. 
No, you’re simply trying to determine what vitamins or supplements he takes to achieve that perfect shine — because whatever he’s doing is working.
When you stop gawking at his head, it’s his hands that trip you up. The way they grip Soonyoung’s biceps when the younger of the two starts wobbling, threatening to topple over onto a soju-sticky floor. The urge you feel to throw yourself at the ground and see who catches you is purely scientific, you tell yourself. 
If it’s not his body, it’s the sound he makes, laughing like a mad man with his whole chest. You have to peel your velcro gaze off of him to see what he’s laughing at: Kim Mingyu, who attempted to catch a tossed peanut in his mouth but ended up getting hit between the eyebrows.
You’d let yourself be pelted with peanuts if it made him laugh like that again — and, quite frankly, you have no excuses left to give about why that is.
Nine times out of ten, your friends are smirking when you finally turn back around because they know exactly where your eyes keep wandering — and to whom. They point out the way your cheeks and ears flame up. Each time they do, you blame it on the alcohol, though none of you believe it.
When you turn around for the tenth time, however,  they’re not smirking. Instead, they’re pushing their empty glasses your way.
“You’re on refill duty, aren’t you?” Youngji asks with a single eyebrow raised. 
You’re not, but she’s not blind. She knows how much you want to hover, and how desperately you need an excuse to do so.
Seungkwan, quick on the uptake, chugs what’s left of his cocktail. His face is still twisted from the sour syrup when he waves his now-empty glass in front of you. He says nothing, but he doesn’t have to; his narrowed eyes are menacing, and they tell you everything he’s thinking.
You sigh, put-upon, even though everyone knows you aren’t. Lips pursed tight, you keep that giddy grin to yourself as you collect the glasses and skip off towards the bar.
After giving your orders to the bartender, you glance — for the millionth time — over to your brother’s friends. The one you’re looking for is nowhere to be seen. Bravely, you do your best not to pout.
“Hey,” comes a low voice from behind you.
It’s a miracle that your head doesn’t roll with how quickly you swivel around. 
As soon as you do, your face falls. The excited flip in your stomach is swiftly replaced by a wave of nausea. Your tone is clipped and drenched in disappointment when you respond: “Can I help you?”
Your ex never could take a hint. They breeze right past that deadly look on your face, sidle up next to you at the bar until their shoulder is damn near bumping into yours. Worse, they open their mouth to speak again.
“Haven’t seen you around much lately —”
Is that not the point of breaking up with someone?
Desperate, your eyes scan the room for anyone who might notice the giant, neon exclamation point flashing above your head. Nobody you stare pointedly at feels your gaze on them, so you switch targets — again, again, again. Your brother’s friends are equally as useless as your own, it seems.
What if you tap “SOS” in morse code?
“— I’ve missed you. Missed us.”
Why didn’t you learn morse code?
You’re ready to sprint headlong out of the bar entirely when an arm — thankfully not your ex’s — drapes around your shoulders. With a quick glance up, you confirm that there’s truth to the meme: not all heroes wear capes. 
As it turns out, some heroes wear flannels, and they accessorize them with jaws clenched tightly enough to crack teeth.
“Jagi, who’s this?” 
Seungcheol’s posture relaxes just a little when he looks down at you. You swallow and keep your swooning to a minimum. There’s sweetness dripping from his tone that you want to bathe in. 
“I thought I’d met all your friends by now.”
When you let him pull you closer to his side — so close that your head can rest against his goddamn pectoral — you tell yourself that it’s just part of the bit. The affectionate smile he sends your way is part of the ruse. He’s convincing, though; you’d fall for this con, too.
You and your moon-sized eyes begrudgingly shift focus from Seungcheol to your ex, who still hasn’t taken the hint. That lovesick smile of yours is gone in an instant, giving way to the flattest affect you can muster. The sugar-laced voice you speak with is a far cry from the unblinking and unapologetic expression on your face. “I’m so sorry, but I don’t recall your name! What was it?”
Suddenly, Seungcheol unwraps his arm from around you. He seems to sense that this change-up startles you, so he winks at you while he leaning forward into the space between you and your ex; hands reaching for the drinks you’ve been waiting on.
Oh, you realize. He’s making sure you get the last word.
You swallow thickly as you reach out to take your burden off his hands. He shakes his head and beckons you with a smile, eyes softening. “C’mon, sweetheart. I’ve got these.”
You do as he says, following close behind him like a puppy, and you only stop when he does. Seungcheol looks back over his shoulder, calling out first to the bartender: 
“Can you put these on my tab? The name’s Choi.”
Then, dropping all pretense of friendliness, to your ex:
“Get home safe, eh, chingu?”
When you both resume your path to your table, you squeeze his elbow and whisper, “Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me,” he urges, shaking his head a second time. Although he’s smiling, there’s some unspoken conflict in his eyes that you can’t quite parse. You can’t ask after it, either, because he stops stalling and sighs, “That’s what pseudo-brothers are for, right?”
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shuadotcom · 2 years
Familiar Hauntings | KNJ
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⤷ Summary: You and Namjoon have worked hard to become expert paranormal investigators. You’ve successfully investigated and exorcised a number of demons and ghosts all over the world and your followers believe in you enough to keep you confident and going. That’s why when you get a call about a family with a teenage daughter experiencing traumatizing hauntings, you and your team don’t think twice about going to help.
It isn’t until you get there do you realize that you may be in over your heads when you come face to face with a familiar evil. It’s going to take more effort than you thought you’d need to get rid of this sinister force before it destroys an innocent family, and even you.
⤷ Pairing: Demonologist!Namjoon x Clairvoyant F!reader
⤷ Film/Franchise: The Conjuring
⤷ Genre/AU: Thriller, horror-ish, angst, established relationship au, supernatural au
⤷ Rating: PG15
⤷ Warnings: Demons and ghosts, violence, possessions, profanity, mention of blood, mentions of death (nothing too graphic though!)
⤷ Words: 10k
⤷ Note: Written for the Bangtan Cinema: Horror Night collab!! Thank you a million times to @the-boy-meets-evil​ for betaing this in only a few hours! You’re literally the best ❤️ And thank you to @rkivian​ for this bomb ass banner!! I asked for something spooky with Joon in glasses and Kiri delivered!! 😍
Horror is my favorite movie genre, but I quickly found out how hard it is to write 🥴 It’s a whole different set of skills that I don’t think I have down very well, but it was fun to try - especially to pay homage to my favorite horror series!
I’m trying really hard to finish up my remaining collab fics for the year because I have more writing plans for 2023 so please bear with me y’all!! 🖤
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“Ugh, that flight was so much more cramped than I remember,” Namjoon complains, rubbing his sore neck.
“Do we have enough time to grab something to eat before the hotel?” Mingyu questions.
“We have just enough time for a drive-through stop before dropping our stuff at the hotel and heading to the assignment.” Your assistant Jeongyeon reads off of her phone. “The Jacksons live fifteen minutes away so the ride won’t be too long.”
“Hey, everyone, we just landed here in the U.S. Say hi to everyone!” Jungkook, bringing up the rear of your group, catches up to walk in front of the four of you, panning the camera around. You wave, giving the camera a tired smile.
“Jeongyeon, can you tell us about the family we’ll be helping today?” When you’re all in your taxi, Jungkook turns the camera towards the woman as she’s triple checking the address for the hotel.
“The Jacksons, a family of five from New York,” she begins, barely missing a beat. “Their teenage daughter Siobhan has been experiencing what they believe to be a haunting for the past three months. She’s claiming to hear and see things that none of the family saw until a month ago. They experienced the usual: things moving when no one touched them, doors slamming, even voices in the house that aren’t any of the family members.” Jeongyeon pauses swiping the page on her tablet before continuing.
“The last month has been the most troubling. She’s been waking up with bruises and small cuts all over her body. She’s also been sleeping for days straight and the family can’t wake her up. It’s at random sometimes when she’s napping or sleeping. It’s to the point where she tries to stay up as long as she can which she can barely do anymore.”
“Do you think this thing is trying to take her body or something?” Mingyu asks you and Namjoon.
Namjoon shrugs. “It’s likely. Just hearing the story on the surface, it’s definitely something trying to possess her or take her soul. The question really is just what it is and what exactly it wants.”
“They have two other kids too - a nineteen-year-old son and a seven-year-old daughter, so they’re even more nervous that this entity will attach to them too.” When Jeongyeon reminds you of that, your nerves spike. You’ve had to help other families with multiple kids and a demon can try and possess multiple people at once. It makes this situation go from a normal emergency to an even more dire one.
Jungkook continues to prattle on to your audience about New York while you take the time to yourself to mentally prepare not only for your job but also to be mindful of the camera and your virtual audience as well.
At times, you can’t believe the way that so many people on the internet tune into your videos to watch you and Namjoon use your gifts to save people’s lives. You didn’t start online, showing people that you have the power to communicate with demons and ghosts and Namjoon didn’t become an exorcist and demonologist to be famous.
The gift of clairvoyance came to you as young as five. Sightings of ghosts started to be as normal as seeing alive people. It took a while for you to realize that everyone around you wasn’t like you - your family and friends couldn’t speak to the old woman that lived in your living room in your childhood home. No one else could hear the little girl crying in the back of your school bus in third grade; no one except you.
For years your parents were concerned for you and your sanity and you couldn’t say you blame them. Your mom stuck by you though and even today, while she doesn’t know how you even acquired this gift, she supports you. Your father, on the other hand, died a nonbeliever when you entered middle school and even though you still wish he was here today to see what you’ve done with this “disturbing part of you” as he called it, you’re surrounded by nothing but support now.
It did take years admittedly, for you to find anyone who supported you as much as Namjoon though. When you moved to Korea for college, he caught your eye immediately. Something about him was different than anyone you’ve ever met and he felt the same. It didn’t take long for you to share this part of yourself that was private. Even though you’d lost countless friends and partners because of it, Namjoon didn’t even bat an eye when you told him there was a spirit in the stairwell of his dorm building.
“I knew there was something!” He had practically yelled, nearly getting you kicked out of the library. He didn’t have the same gift as you but he could always feel the presence of things no one can see. It’s what made him obsessed with the supernatural and the afterlife, wanting to know more about the things he sensed.
It was when you were close to graduation and you’d been inseparable since your first year that he broached the idea of becoming paranormal investigators and learning how to do exorcisms. You’d never thought about it, but it made sense. Both of you felt as though you can be doing more with what you know about demons and ghosts and so you agreed.
Things fell into place after that. You learned how to do exorcisms from a friend of your mother’s in the church. Neither you nor Namjoon are religious people, so you took what you learned from there and spent another year tweaking it to fit more into what you both believe in. You still remember being laughed at by a former friend who also believed in the supernatural for wanting to do exorcisms with crystals and spells instead of the bible, but it’s what felt right to you.
You felt even more secure in that decision when you and Namjoon performed your first exorcism. A friend from your office job at the time was complaining about her cousin’s son who was acting so differently.
“Different how?” You’d asked and she explained that he’d often sleep a lot all day, have extreme mood swings, and would even talk and engage with empty rooms. He was being written off as puberty and maybe schizophrenia, but something in you disagreed.
To your surprise, the mother agreed to let you and Namjoon visit her son and see how he was doing. She was so desperate on the phone when you got her number from your co-worker. She babbled about how she felt insane at even contemplating something like possession but every doctor she’d taken him to said all of his tests were fine and there was nothing they could do.
That’s how you and Namjoon discovered a low-level demon was possessing the boy. It took you two days to gather the necessary spells and crystals to banish the demon, but with shaking hands and nervousness you still can’t quite describe, you banished the demon within the child. The sheer relief in the little boy’s eyes is still one that you can never get out of your head. He cried, his mother cried, and you cried because holy shit you just exorcised a demon out of a kid.
Namjoon retold your experiences on his blog and on a demonology Reddit forum he frequented and miraculously, someone in Busan found his post and truly believed him, messaging him, begging for his help.
That was your second exorcism. Then there was a couple in Gangnam. Then a family in Daegu. Then came the emails from Japan, and Europe and then in just three years, you and Namjoon were getting inquiries from all over the world. His blog had turned into both that and your website where people could reach out and ask for you to help their spouses, their parents, their children, and anyone that they care about that was being haunted somehow.
The two of you were busier than you could keep up with and you knew you needed more help and more equipment to be able to detect entities more effectively. That alone took another six months of research and interviews to gather a team of people you trusted and could help.
Jeongyeon was first. She was formerly an assistant to other celebrities and idols but left due to the high-maintenance attitudes. She says she loves working for you and Namjoon more than anyone else because you were just normal people who just so happened to have a following and liked helping people. You know that you’re not supposed to be overtly friendly with people who work with you, but Jeongyeon is admittedly your best friend and keeps you in line when you get too emotional or forgetful.
Jungkook and Mingyu were next. They were best friends and were fascinated by demons and what you and Namjoon do, in addition to being fans. When they saw Namjoon’s post about looking for a team to put together, they wasted no time in messaging him to meet. You only needed one additional person to help work the camera and the equipment you could finally afford to buy, but the of them were a package deal and were passionate about one day doing what you do, so you brought them on.
The five of you have been a team for the last year and you and Namjoon quickly found that you now couldn’t be nearly as successful and efficient without them.
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With your bags safely in your hotel and the group fed and sufficiently briefed on the family, you pull up to the house. The suburban neighborhood is quiet and the house in front of you is a brick two-story home. The front yard is normal, with a tree in the front and the lawn decently manicured. There’s a small garden and two cars parked in the driveway.
From the outside, the house is completely normal and no one driving by would ever suspect there’s a dark, evil cloud hanging heavily over it that you can feel as soon as you start up the walkway.
Namjoon rings the doorbell and takes your hand, already feeling how uneasy you are.
The door opens only seconds later, a couple looking expectantly at your group. “Mr. and Mrs. Jackson?” The woman nods hesitantly and you give them a smile that you hope is reassuring.
“Thank you so much for coming, please come in,” the husband says, the couple stepping aside and ushering you all into the house. The atmosphere of the home is so cold and frail compared to how warmly decorated it is with knick-knacks and family photos everywhere. Your eyes take in one particular photo showing the family of five standing in front of Cinderella’s castle at Disney, their smiles wide and jubilant.
A stark contrast to the solemn looks you were greeted with.
“Where are your children?” You ask, turning back to the parents.
“Oh, Siobhan’s upstairs. Our son and other daughter are at my mom’s while we, uh… do this.” Mrs. Jackson wrings her hands as she speaks, glancing back at her husband.
“That’s good. These things tend to work best when there are fewer people involved.” The couple shares a look at Namjoon’s words before ushering all of you into the living room. This space is also decorated with mementos and feels just as rigid.
“So, uh, how exactly will this work?” Mr. Jackson asks, glancing at you and the rest of your team.
“Well, Namjoon, Jeongyeon, and I will talk to Siobhan and get to know a little more about what’s going on. We have the information you gave us of course, but talking to her may give us a better idea as to what we’re dealing with. Jungkook and Mingyu will use some of our equipment around the house and see if they can pick up anything that may be roaming around.” You point to the two men that wave as they unpack some of their gear.
Mrs. Jackson gives everyone a watery smile before zooming in on you. “Rich and I have done a lot of research on you guys. You’ve helped a lot of people over the years and you seem to always know how to get rid of whatever is…haunting people.”
“That’s right. We do our best.”
“We were still skeptical, but we want to trust you. No one else has been able to help. We went to every church in the county and damn near the state before emailing you. They all either didn’t believe us or couldn’t do anything at all. We just want our daughter to be safe.” Her voice cracks at the end of her words and her husband pulls her into a hug.
“Mr. and Mrs. Jackson -”
“Please, call us Rich and Mona.”
Namjoon nods. “Rich and Mona, I promise you we’re going to do everything we can. We’ve had a few occasions where we’ve been up against some forces that we needed to call in reinforcements for, but we would never leave a client without help. You can count on us.”
You and the team then spread out to jump into your work. Mona leads you up to Siobhan’s room and stays in the hall as you knock.
“Come in,” The voice is quiet but you still hear it.
Siobhan Jackson is seventeen years old but looks much younger in person. She’s hunched over at her desk chair, a large sweatshirt draped on her with her laptop illuminating her tired expression as she stares blankly at it. Her curls are in a bun, tendrils of hair hanging around her face.
She looks up and meets your expression, brown eyes full of exhaustion and something else sad that you can’t quite place, but you know it’s a form of sadness. The room is stifling, something in the air filling your lungs as soon as you inhale. You don’t know what it is, but you know it’s there and you know it’s not good.
“Hi, Siobhan. I’m Y/n. This is my husband Namjoon.”
“Hi.” Her voice is soft and her tone is low.
“I suppose you know why we’re here.” She nods. “Would you mind if we asked you some questions? We’ve heard from your parents, but I’d like to hear from you.”
She nods and waves you the three of you on. You and Namjoon sit on the long ottoman at the end of her bed while Jeongyeon takes her vanity chair, tablet at the ready. Siobhan’s laptop is open to YouTube, but it’s just sitting on the homepage.
“Um, well, when we moved here, I knew something was weird in the house, especially my room. Everyone said it was just because I was homesick but I knew I was right. He popped up when I turned seventeen and was nice to me at first. It sounds weird, I know, but he was someone I could talk to since I don’t have too many friends at school.
I thought he just was lonely too and wanted someone to be friends or whatever with, but then my eighteenth birthday happened and he got mean. He’d tell me how my family doesn’t love me and how no one at school likes me and how there was nothing left for me here and why should I stick around.” Her voice cracks at these words, making you frown. The memories of a similar experience with a demon when you were her age crop up, but you will it away. You need to concentrate on Siobhan.
“Did he make any offers or propositions to you?”
“Yeah, he um, he wants me to go with him. I don’t know where, but like, he wants me to be his bride.” She says it with disgust, which is relieving. You’ve run into more people than you’d like that considered being possessed willingly or who were disillusioned into believing that their entity cared for them. Siobhan doesn’t seem to be a victim in that sense so there’s still time to save her.
“Okay. And do you know anything else about him?”
She looks visibly flustered, her tan skin turning the lightest shade of red. “Oh, yeah, um, at first he was just a voice, but then he showed up in front of me. He doesn’t look like a demon or anything. He looks a lot like my favorite singer.”
Frowning you glance at Jeongyeon who has been jotting down her words on her tablet.
“And who’s that?”
“Um, Park Jimin.” Siobhan gestures around the room and you finally notice the sheer amount of posters of the K-Pop singer on her walls.
“That’s nothing to be ashamed about. Demons are sneaky and will use anything they can to make us let our guard down. Just remember it’s all a trick and he just wants to hurt you.”
“I know. I just want him to go away.” Her shoulders sag as she picks at a stray string on her sweater sleeve.
“Of course you do,” Namjoon chimes in. “And he will. Is there anything else we need to know? Anything helps so that we can do a little more research and try to find his name.”
Siobhan looks to the ceiling, thinking of anything else to add. “Um, he’s mostly in my room. Like, he can go all over the house obviously since he keeps terrorizing everyone, but he spends most of his time in here.”
“Makes sense. You’re what he wants so he’s going to stick by you. We’ll have to draw him out and also do the banishment spell in here then.”
You and Namjoon share a look and get up, ready to go see what the rest of the team found.
“Um, Mrs. Kim?” Siobhan’s timid voice squeaks up before you’re out of the room.
“Do I have anything to do? Like I don’t know how this works.”
“You don’t need to do anything. We’ll be casting a banishment spell once we draw the demon out then we’ll cleanse the room and house when he’s gone to clear a lot of the dark aura that he’s cast. It isn’t that crazy. Most of the entities we banish go with a minimal fight. All you have to do is stay back and let us take care of it.” You hope your voice offers her some ease and it seems to work as she gives you the first smile you’ve seen since you entered her room.
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The rest of the day is spent researching and setting up equipment. Jungkook and Mingyu have EMF meters, digital thermometers, and infrared cameras around the house and they also have a few motion-activated cameras near Siobhan’s room and scattered around elsewhere.
You and Namjoon have been flipping through your archives to get a sense of who this demon is. He’s some sort of love or lust demon, wanting to make Siobhan his bride. This narrows it down, but not nearly enough to be able to pinpoint him yet. There are far more entities that desire a human soul as a partner out there than people may realize.
The majority of demons that want a human soul or vessel will play any mind games they have the power to use to manipulate their target. It’s all textbook 101 demon behavior so far, so you have to wait to catch a glimpse of something on one of the cameras around and maybe make out the demon’s form to help figure out who it is.
“So are we doing the usual thing here when we find out who this demon is?” Mingyu plops into the kitchen chair next to you, peering over your shoulder at your laptop screen.
“Likely, yes. What the family has described sounds like a normal love-hungry entity. We have to try and draw him out in Siobhan’s room, then immediately we’ll need to start a banishment spell. Depending on who it is we can decide which crystals we may need for the ritual and then go from there.”
“Do you think we’ll need anything extra?”
“Unless this demon surprises us, I don’t think so.”
You ignore the nagging feeling in your gut that something about this job feels off and chalk it up to casual nerves, opting to proceed as usual.
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Hours tick by with no movement in the house. You’ve done the most research you can and are just waiting for some signs in the house. This is the most normal part of what you do - sitting around and playing the waiting game.
When it’s nearly midnight and you’ve been in the house almost all night, you decide to call it quits and go back to the hotel until tomorrow. Sometimes the entities know when someone like you are in the house and attempt to hide their presence as long as they can, but they always make an appearance eventually.
The next morning, when you’re back in the house, you find out your hunch was correct. The various cameras you left around the house were able to pick up something walking around last night while the family slept.
“The images are hard to decipher. This is definitely not a person, but we can’t tell who or what.” Jungkook explains as he points to the shots on his screen.
The image from the motion detector camera shows a blur that’s dark, misty grey, and is tall - very tall - but you can’t make out much more. The infrared findings picked up massive cold spots moving around the house, specifically around Siobhan’s room. You stare at it, a vision clouding your mind at that moment.
It’s Siobhan, even if this is a particularly murky vision. She’s flailing around uncontrollably on the ground, looking as though she’s fighting for air. Her screams echo in your ears, loud and desperate.
“Y/n?!” Namjoon’s voice rips you from your vision as you blink, trying to clear the blur.
“You were gasping as if you couldn’t breathe and you started yelling” He’s concerned, his eyebrows scrunching up on his forehead.
You hadn’t even realized that what was happening to Siobhan in your vision was happening to you at the same time. After retelling what you saw, you feel a heavy feeling in the pit of your stomach.
“Do you think it was a warning?” Namjoon questions.
“Maybe. Clearly whatever’s in the house knows we’re here and has something to say about it.”
You mull Namjoon’s words over and realize how right he is. This entity knows more about you than you know about it at this point. It was showing you what it can do and there’s nothing you can do about it. It can take Siobhan over or harm her at any moment. Entities have infiltrated your psyche before to broadcast their twisted desires to you, but this time feels especially sinister, with unmeasurable unease washing over you.
“We don’t know his name yet but we have to try to draw him out at least. We can get him out and try to banish him with a general spell.”
Namjoon shares a skeptical look with everyone else in the room at your words. “But if we don’t know his name will it even work? You know that we need the name of the entity to for sure banish it.”
“I know, but we can’t afford to wait on when he wants to fully make himself known. He knows we’re here and isn’t happy about it so we need to at least be around him and I can probably find out myself.”
Reluctantly, everyone agrees as you start to move and prepare for the banishment. You all move fluidly, used to working together like this to prepare everything. You rifle through your bag, sifting through your crystals until you find a handful that should work.
Jungkook, Mingyu, and Jeongyeon work to set up tripods for your normal filming cameras - two in the corner pointing towards the middle of the room where Siobhan sits. Jeongyeon then makes a thick line of salt in the doorway to the bedroom and around the sills of the two locked windows.
“As soon as we draw him out, you’ll head straight for the door and shut it behind you to be safe, okay? Don’t come in here unless we tell you to.” Siobhan nods at your instructions. Given that this demon has his sights set on her, you’re having her stick around for now as you see if you can get him to so himself. I’m going to go into a meditation state so I can enter what’s called the in-between to try and see if he’s here and we just can’t see him in our world. Hopefully, he’s more likely to be spotted with you here.”
“Everyone ready?” You pose the question to the room and get collective answers of agreement.
With you in front of Siobhan, you take a deep breath and fish your aquamarine crystal out of your bag. The small blue stone has always aided in clearing your mind and letting you focus on everything in a room with you, which includes any being, whether of this world or another.
Namjoon begins reciting a summoning spell from behind you, calling the demon out into the open while you center yourself. Quickly, you fall into a standing meditation, your body feeling lighter. When you slowly open your eyes, the room around you becomes hazy as if covered in a light film. You can hear Namjoon, his voice is muffled behind you as you take in your surroundings.
At first, everything around you looks as it does normally. It’s not until your eyes land on a hand mirror on Siobhan’s desk that you see something out of the ordinary. Upon approaching it, you watch as it glows red - the telltale sign that it’s haunted.
You move to grab it, but as soon as your hand makes contact with the handle, it burns and you pull your hand back with a hiss. While holding your breath, you approach it, peering down to peek into the reflection.
All at once the sensation of ice water being poured over you hits and you reel backward. You hadn’t even noticed this familiar mirror in the room. You remember feeling the stifling feeling when you first entered the bedroom yesterday, but not once could you have guessed that this would be the source of the negativity.  
“Hey, Y/n. Long time no see.” The deep, gritty voice speaks from the mirror and it immediately has you stumbling and knocking you back from the in-between.
Your eyes pop open and you see Namjoon in front of you, looking worried.
“Siobhan, downstairs!” She scrambles up out of her chair at your words without a second thought and rushes past you. Jeongyeon holds the door open for her, then shuts it tight.
“Joon, we need to -”
The loud sound of someone clearing their throat on the other side of Siobhan’s room stops you. Everyone turns to look and sees him sitting on her desk with his legs perfectly crossed.
He looks just like the posters lining Siobhan’s wall. Same touseled dark hair, round cheeks, and soft smile but it’s not him. This demon can take the form of whatever he pleases; usually the appearance of whatever his latest victim pleases. You know this to be true because you remember this very same voice coming from the body of your teenage crush, sitting in your room when you were the same age as her. How could you have been so stupid not to put the pieces together? Sure what she’s been experiencing is typical of near possessions but you just knew the air in this house was especially foreboding and oh-so-familiar. You’d even missed the hand mirror sitting on her vanity.
“What are you doing here?” Your words are sharp and you hope they sound as vicious as they did in your head.
The demon throws his head back to laugh, and it only serves to frustrate you more. “What do you think, Y/n? I’m still looking for a bride. Would you believe after all these years, I haven’t been able to find anyone like you? But, Siobhan, well she’s different. She reminds me so much of you.” He grins at you, clearly wanting to provoke you.
Namjoon shifts behind you, his hand grabbing your arm to bring you closer.
“Y/n, do you know this demon?” You nod. You wish you didn’t. You’ve spent more than a decade pushing him out of your mind and yet here he is, as smug as he was when he haunted you in your bedroom all those years ago.
“Namjoon, get the banishing spell ready.” You hear him rustling behind you, flipping through the pages of his spellbook. “Jungkook, Mingyu, get your crystals ready - we’re going to need your help.”
“You can do whatever it is you want. You can’t get rid of me.” The demon laughs from across the room.
“I did once.”
He stands to his feet and stretches, seemingly uncaring about your words.
“Little girl, that was simply a fluke. I won’t let you cast me away again.” His red eyes bore into yours but you refuse to back down. You grip the black tourmaline crystal that always hangs around your neck, your other hand already reaching into your shoulder bag to swap out the crystals in hand.
With his spell book in hand, Namjoon sidles up next to you. Jungkook and Mingyu stand on either side of the two of you, staring back at the demon.
“This won’t take long.” You fish a flew fluorite crystals out of your bag. “Jungkook, grab your smoky quartz. Mingyu, you get your shungite. We need to get him out and keep him out.”
“What’s his name?” Namjoon asks once he’s ready.
You glare at the demon’s smug face and watch as he puts his hands in his pockets. You want to believe you can do this but his confidence is a bit jarring.
“Asmodeus.” At the sound of his name, the demon’s grin only widens, all of his sharp teeth on display now. Your husband lets out a small gasp from next to you but quickly recovers as he begins to recite the spell.
Jungkook and Mingyu join him, reciting the words after him under their breaths. Gripping your crystals, you hold them up toward the demon, repeating his name over and over again. The furniture in the room begins to wobble and an unknown wind picks up.
“Give it a rest already!” Asmodeus calls out, stumbling backward. His wings unfurl and he crouches in response, planting his feet on the carpet.
Namjoon only gets louder as do Jungkook and Mingyu. With most other demons, you and Namjoon can banish them yourselves, but you know this one. You can barely recall how you had the strength to banish him from your life at seventeen, but you’ve always accepted that you had been lucky when you did it alone after researching him, but something tells you this won’t be so easy.
“Asmodeus!” You yell sternly, rubbing the bumpy, purple-ish crystals around in your hand. The combination of the crystals along with knowing the demon’s name and the banishing spell should be enough. It should, but you can see Asmodeus is only getting seemingly more and more agitated.
He’s frowning now, eyes darting between all of you as none of you relent. The wind in the room picks up as you watch one of Siobhan’s lamps go flying across the room, whizzing in front of you.
“It’s not going to fucking work! I will be taking that girl with me!” The demon growls, eyes blazing as he flaps his wings and hovers in the air. You take a step back but continue.
Everything else happens faster than you can account for. Asmodeus crosses his arms around his body making an x-shape before uncrossing them, sending everything around the room airborne. Papers, books, and stuffed animals whirl around the room and you duck to avoid them. Jungkook grunts from your side as a shoe hits him in the leg, but he only falters for a second. When you all duck to avoid Siobhan’s nightstand smashing into the wall, Asmodeus dashes through the air across the room.
He soars over your head and you can only watch in panic as he goes careening into Jeongyeon.
“Jeongyeon!” You sprint forward, intending to grab her arm, but you’re not quick enough. You can only watch in horror as the demon crashes through the door, sending Jeongyeon flying with it as both the tattered wood and her tumble through the air and backward toward the top of the stairs. She lands back first on the door and it slides down, tumbling to the first floor.
The four of you scramble out of the room and down the stairs to her side.
“Jeongyeon?! Jeongyeon can you hear me?!” You lean down to listen to her breathe. “She’s still breathing. Someone call an ambulance!”
Mingyu quickly grabs his phone, dialing 911 next to you. Namjoon is across from you and surveys the room, the demon is nowhere to be found. The Jacksons are huddled in the entryway to the living room while Jungkook talks with them, assumedly doing damage control. An occasional cut or scrape or even getting shoved by an entity is one thing, but tumbling down a flight of stairs is another.
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“Y/n the doctor says she’ll be fine. She’s just bruised and her arm is sprained. She said she was lucky the door broke her fall. It could’ve been really bad if she’d gone down with nothing behind her.”
“Fuck, Joon I know, I just feel terrible. I should’ve known that we’d need help. He was so smug and confident - why didn’t I know that he was stronger?!”
You’re pacing outside of Jeongyeon’s hospital room. She suffered a concussion on top of the sprain, but she’ll bounce back. You glance in through the door that’s been left ajar as she talks to the doctor inside. The guilt is still strong though. Mingyu and Jungkook stayed at the house with the Jacksons. Asmodeus will only be more agitated at this point and could attempt to possess Siohan at any time. You and Namjoon will need to get back soon, but you needed to be sure Jeongyeon is alright.
Namjoon comes over and grabs your shoulders, stopping you mid-stride. “Y/n, hey, it’s okay. You couldn’t have possibly known for sure. I remember you telling me about being haunted when you were a teenager, but you couldn’t have known for sure it was him. Besides, it’s been over a decade.”
Letting out a tired whimper, you fall into his arms, burying your head in his chest. “What do we do? Do we need more help?”
“Already taken care of. Remember Yoongi?”
“Min Yoongi? The guy that you met in that demon subreddit?”
“Yeah. He’s here in the city for a friend’s wedding, but I texted him on the way and he agreed to meet us at the Jacksons’ tomorrow morning. He’s going to help us banish Asmodeus. I think with someone as knowledgeable as him we can do it. We also need to do a little more research ourselves before we get back in there and do this.”
Sighing, you lift your head to look up at him. “We have to get rid of him. I know what he’s like - I know what Siobhan is going through. We have to help her, Joon.”
Your husband gives you his infamous sweet, dimpled smile.
“Everything’ll be okay, Y/n. We’ll help her and I’m going to keep you safe, I promise.” Namjoon leans down to gently kiss you, reassurance and warmth spread through you at the softness of his lips. These moments with Namjoon almost make you feel like a normal couple living a normal life. Almost.
The doctor comes out of Jeongyeon’s room then and you pull away reluctantly.
“She’s still okay, right?” You ask as soon as she joins you in the hallway.
“She is. Her concussion isn’t too much of a concern, she just needs to take it easy. You can go in and see her if you want.” You return the doctor’s friendly smile and rush in, pulling Namjoon behind you.
“Jeongyeon!” She’s sitting up in bed, looking out the window. She looks tired, and you can see the bruising on her arm that’s not in a sling, but overall she still smiles at you. “How are you feeling?”
“I’m alright. Sore, but that’s the worst of it.”
“Well, tomorrow we’ll make sure you’re comfortable at the hotel with everything you need before heading out.”
She shakes her head, immediately shutting that down. “No way. I’m coming with you.”
“But your arm is-”
“It’s just a sprain.”
“You shouldn’t move it much.”
“I won’t! Plus, I’m ambidextrous so I can do everything else as normal.”
Frowning, you place your hand over hers. “This could get dangerous. I don’t want you to get hurt again.”
She flips her hand over to hold yours. “I knew what I was getting into when I took this job. Danger comes with the territory. I promise I’ll be fine and I can keep going.”
The two of you have a short staredown, your nervous expression meeting her reassuring one. Reluctantly, you agree with the rule that she works the camera and does not help with any of the equipment.
She agrees and it’s not long until she’s discharged and you’re able to go back to the hotel and regroup. You already know Namjoon wants to question you more about Asmodeus, but he’s kind enough to leave it be for now. You need the rest of the day to prepare for the next banishment attempt. With you being so familiar with this demon, it’s succeeded in rattling you in a way you’re not quite used to.
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Min Yoongi is only two years older than Namjoon, but he’s still had much more experience. He was lucky enough to start studying demonology earlier in his life and was able to learn exorcisms much more quickly due to an uncle that happened to do the same line of work. He and Namjoon met online a handful of years ago and have met in person a few times. Usually, they just hang out for fun but this is the first time Yoongi will be helping you with a job.
“So you've banished him before?” Yoongi questions, sitting across from you at the kitchen table. He’s met you all at the Jacksons’ home in the morning. He’d done more research on Asmodeus as did Namjoon so they’d have more knowledge, but you’d had yet to give your full personal testimonial until now.
“Yeah. Long story short, we moved into a new house when I was fifteen. It’s actually in a town not too far from here. I knew something was weird about my room the day we moved in. I remember hearing voices and feeling a presence and it all traced back to that old mirror that was under a floorboard in my room. It wasn’t until my seventeenth birthday that Asmodeus revealed himself. He was in the form of my crush at the time and -”
“Who was it?”
Jungkook interrupts your story with the question.
“Who was what?”
“Who was your crush at the time?” Jeongyeon flicks him on the shoulder and he groans. “What?!”
“This is what you want to ask?”
“Just to help visualize it!”
“It was Omarion,” you roll your eyes at him as he and Mingyu snicker from next to him. “Anyway, he was nice to me just like Siobhan, then I turned eighteen and he told me wanted me to be his bride. I refused and so he started tormenting me. Destroying our house, scaring the shit out of us. He even killed our family dog and uh - he possessed me briefly.” You gulp at the memory. “The pain of having yourself violated in the form of possession is one I can’t describe. It’s cold, it hurts, and it feels so utterly lonely. Like you’re watching everything through your own eyes but you’re trapped in an empty room that feels so claustrophobic.”
“How old is he?” Mingyu questions.
“Thousands of years old,” Namjoon answers for you, noticing how retelling this story is making you uncomfortable. “According to what I’ve found on him, he’s been doing this for centuries even. He’s a demon of greed and lust and he preys on women hoping to take them from their bodies and take them with him for eternity. Think of it like he’s a screwed-up Hades and Persephone-like situation. He seems to get banished here and there and that mirror is definitely how he gets access to our world, but that’s as far as he gets banished to and it seems to only be temporary. The mirror itself just gets passed from thrift store to thrift store, getting picked up by unsuspecting people. Siobhan found it at a Goodwill a few years ago which is when this all started for her.”
“But we want to banish him for good this time,” You say matter-of-factly. “That’s where you come in, Yoongi. We need help with the spell since we need to do a different one to get rid of him for good. We want to send him away, but make sure he can’t pop up again. He’s one of the stronger forces we’ve dealt with and we need the manpower. We also need to narrow down the right crystals - stronger ones. Once he’s gone, we’ll take the mirror back to Korea with us and store it away so he can’t even come back if he wanted to.”
Yoongi takes off the backpack he’s wearing at your words and opens it, revealing a bunch of shimmering crystals.
“I brought some that I thought could come in handy. I was researching him yesterday and think these could do the trick.” You sort through the bag, recognizing the various crystals and nodding.
“Thank you! I think we could use most of these. He’s strong but he’s certainly not unbeatable.”
“When are you doing this?” Siobhan asks from the corner of the room. She and her parents have been here the whole time listening to you all go back and forth.
“Tonight. It’s best not to wait too long since we just had this run-in. We need to stay on top of him now that he’s shown himself. We’ll get him.”
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It takes the rest of the day for everyone to prepare for the second banishment. Mingyu and Jungkook go over the spell over and over again for practice while you all prepare the basement. Asmodeus was able to leave Siobhan’s bedroom before, but if you trap him in the basement he can’t leave so easily.
You all work together to remove as much furniture from the room as you can so you don’t have any flying objects hurling at you again. With it being a bigger space, you need a few more cameras and Jeongyeon spreads the salt along the basement stairs and at the bottom to try and ensure he won’t be able to go anywhere. The basement is finished with an attached bathroom where Siobhan and Jeongyeon will take cover once Asmodeus shows himself again. The mirror sits in the middle of the room on the floor.
Wasting no time, you all get into position again, calling him out to him to show himself. He does it rather quickly but in the form of destruction.
“You can’t beat me!” Asmodeus bellow as all around the room, the ceiling and walls thump as if he’s zipping around the room punching every surface he comes in contact with. He’s going to show himself soon since he’s trapped.
“Asmodeus! Show yourself!” You scream at him, watching the ball of grey smoke bounce around the room before beelining for the mirror. Before it hits the mirror, the demon veers to the left at the last minute, knocking into Siobhan and sending her backward.
“Siobhan!” The girl flails around on the floor, gasping and scratching at the air.
“He’s possessing her! Someone put a salt circle around her now!” Yoongi directs, pointing at Siobhan’s figure. Jeongyeon acts first having been the last one with the salt and hurries to make a circle around the girl before she finally settles down, lying flat on her back for a brief moment. In the next blink, she shoots upright, head whipping around in your direction and hissing.
“Oh, fuck,” you catch Jungkook mumble from next to you.
“Recite the spell, now!” Yoongi calls, thumbing through his notebook.
Namjoon, Yoongi, Jungkook, and Mingyu surround Asmodeus, chanting in unison, crystals held out in front of them as they go.
Your feet are planted in front of the demon, watching as the gusts of wind enveloping you all turn grey and pick up faster. It doesn’t disturb the salt circle since it’s acting as an invisible wall, but you can see the demon getting increasingly agitated.
“Asmodeus! Leave this place and never return!” You bellow with as much bass as you can muster. You’re not nervous as before, only angry. Angry that you have to face this entity once more, but you will get rid of him for good.
The house shakes underneath your feet and Asmodeus roars at you, serpent tongue on full display, but you refuse to back down. He seems to sense your unwavering confidence as his eyes dart around the group. Siobhan’s shoulders slump before she starts to choke and gasp. Her eyes begin to bulge and her lips start to pale. He’s choking her from the inside out.
“No!” He’s going to kill her as he goes out - you can tell it just from the way her body is struggling for air. “Let her go!” Screeching at him, you step closer, holding out the palm-sized black jasper. Asmodeus hisses, Siobhan’s fist tightening, wheezing more.
He’s supposed to be getting weaker, not able to still have the strength to do this. Wracking your brain you try and think of something. All of the men in the room are still chanting at the demon, which is at least weakening him enough that he can’t break through the barrier, but you need to distract him. Take his attention off of hurting Siobhan long enough to allow the chance to finally send him away.
“Stop it and take me instead!” The words tumble out before you can think and it immediately catches the demon’s attention.
Blown-out pupils meet yours, studying you. “Just like that? You’re finally ready to be mine?” He asks through Siobhan’s choked tone.
You bite your tongue and nod, hoping you can convince him. Demons may be tricky, but in your line of work you’ve learned, they can be extremely gullible most of the time especially when you dangle something they want the most in front of them. Out of the corner of your eye, Namjoon stares, trying to get your attention. He’s steadfast in his words but you didn’t discuss this as a backup plan.
“Say it. Tell me you want to be my bride.”
Gripping your crystals so tight in your hand that it hurts, you mumble out the words he wants to hear. You need to let him start to possess you. That will be when the rest of his powers are the weakest and his guard will be down so he’ll finally banish away.
“Get rid of this salt circle then. And tell these idiots to stop babbling at me.”
“Do as he says!”
“But, Y/n-”
“Please, Mingyu just listen to him.” You stare at him, your eyes flickering to each one of them, Namjoon last. The only thing you can hope for is that he knows what your plan is. As soon as Asmodeus begins possessing you they need to start chanting again.
Your husband gives you a curt nod and tries to inconspicuously meet the gaze of the three other men to communicate with them as well.
On shaky legs you approach Asmodeus, the demon smirking sickly at you, waiting patiently to be released. You gingerly reach a foot out and swipe away a portion of the salt. As soon as it's gone, Siobhan’s hand comes out to grab your arm, dark eyes boring into yours.
Suddenly, her body starts to spasm, the hand gripping you tightening its hold. Her eyes roll to the back of her head as her back arches almost painfully. She lets out a scream, making you wince at the frequency, and then as quickly as it happened, it’s over. Siobhan falls to the ground in front of you, knocked out cold.
“Siobhan!” Moving to kneel, you intend to check her pulse, but you’re stopped by another grasp of your arm. When you’ve spun around, you’re finally faced with Asmodeous’ true form once again.
He’s seemingly eight feet tall, covered in what you can only describe as jet-black scales, his bat-like wings looking far bigger than they had in his fake form. Large, pointed ears pivot in your direction along with blazing red eyes and menacing teeth. The demon’s face can only be described as resembling a storybook goblin, complete with a long nose and wrinkly features. His black, spiraled horns look sharp enough to cut you as do his long, spindly fingers and pointy claws. Seeing him in front of you brings you back to the night in your room when you banished him all alone. You had nearly been in tears and ready to piss yourself, but this time, you feel a confidence you lacked then.
“Hello, my dear.” His claws trace down your arm and you have to hold your breath. “Don’t look so upset. You’re going to love it with me. Much more than with him.” Asmodeus sneers over your shoulder at Namjoon and you don’t have to see your husband’s face to know it is sure to be filled with fury.
His hands are as cold as ice and he brings both hands up to cup your face. You keep your hands at your side, fists clenched. The demon gives you one more grin as he begins. Pins and needles shoot through you in an instant, making you scream. Your eyelids flutter, but you fight to keep them open. Asmodeus’ crimson eyes almost hurt to look at as they glow as your limbs start to feel heavy.
Namjoon’s voice booms nearby, starting to recite the banishment spell. The others follow suit, their voices sounding much louder than before. The demon in front of you pulls away from you momentarily, yelling loud enough that your ears begin ringing. He closes his eyes for a split second, but it’s enough time that you can break out of the trance he attempted to put you under. Swiftly, you reach up, wrapping your arms around the demon to keep him in place. You press the black jasper into his back, making him screech again and tumble backward with you still wrapped around him.
Namjoon is at your side in a flash, followed closely by Jungkook and they work to hold him down as they speak. Mingyu and Yoongi follow, holding down the rest of him.
The demon flails underneath you all but isn’t getting away which means he’s much weaker than before. The grey, smokey wind that he emits fills the room again, whipping faster and faster. Asmodeus growls and the house shakes again. In the corner of the room, it sounds like the walls are cracking, but none of you relent.
“Asmodeus!” You yell, right in his face. “Leave this place! Forever!” You shove the black jasper into his stomach and he shrieks again. You watch as the demon underneath you begins turning into the same grey smoke that circles your head. Hist legs are first followed by the arm currently in Jungkook’s grasp.
“You lying bitch!” The demon spits at you, rage that you’ve never seen written across his ugly face. He’s only an arm, a head, and a torso at this point, and right before he starts to lose his last remaining limb, he uses the remainder of his strength to bring his hands up, claws spread out, ready to inflict damage.
You notice too late, and can only watch as he swings his hand at you.
Before he makes contact with you, Namjoon is in front of you, shielding your body from the attack and you can only watch in horror as the demon’s razer-like claws slash across Namjoon’s chest. Blood splatters out, spraying the demon right before he vanishes completely, a final shriek ringing in the air as he turns to complete smoke, which then wafts up into the air and evaporates.
The room is silent for only a second, giving you long enough to register what just happened.
“Namjoon!” The scream that leaves your lips sounds almost foreign as you scramble to your husband’s side. You roll him over, watching the blood seep from the deep slashes in his skin. He doesn’t move and his eyes don’t open but you can see his injured chest rise and fall, albeit slowly. Yanking off your sweatshirt, you press it to his wounds, attempting to stop the bleeding.
Around you, everyone is rushing. You think you hear Jungkook’s voice talking into his phone, telling whoever is on the other line the address for the Jackson’s house. Yoongi and Mingyu get to work cleansing the room and Jeongyeon gingerly wraps up the mirror, securing it in a small locked box. Tears blur your vision as you whimper his name, begging him to wake up.
Everything is white noise to you - Namjoon is your only focus. Making sure he’s okay, checking his pulse. The ambulance arrives after what feels like hours and moves you away to take him. You follow close behind, waving in Jeongyeon’s direction when she says they’ll be right behind you and the ambulance. You don’t take any notice of the way you’re shivering in your tank top as the October air fills the back of the ambulance. You’ll brave the cold to be by Namjoon’s side.
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Being in another hospital room in the same week is a record for you. Namjoon is still asleep and has been since he was attacked. The steady beep of the lifeline machine has lulled you to sleep the past two nights you spent curled up in the uncomfortable recliner by his side. Everyone has been by since he’s been admitted. Jeongyeon insisted on staying with you but you sent her back to the hotel to rest.
It’s early when you check the bedside clock, getting up from your curled position to stretch. Namjoon is still asleep when you look at him, his breathing even and quiet.
You quickly duck into the bathroom in the room to brush your teeth and wash your face. Namjoon should be waking up any time now and even after all these years, you want to look good for him.
“Hi, Y/n.” Siobhan’s voice startles you when you leave the bathroom. She, along with her parents and their other two children are all standing in the doorway of the room.
“Oh hi, how are you doing?”
“Much better. Last night was the most restful sleep we’ve had in months.”
“I’m happy to hear that.”
Siobhan surprises you by rushing over and pulling you into a hug. Her siblings follow suit and hug you as well. They’re all thanking you and all you can do is say you’re welcome. Her parents hug you next, giving you more thank yous and telling you how grateful they are.
They stay with you for a few minutes to talk about Namjoon and how he’s doing. He’s still asleep as you gaze at him, taking in his beautiful features, feeling the lurch in your heart when you think of the way he smiles at you and how he says your name.
As if noticing the shift in your mood upon talking about your husband, Mona announces it’s time to leave and they all say their goodbyes. You walk them to the door and before they leave, Siobhan turns to you once more and grabs your hand.
“Seriously, thank you again.” She says it quieter and you can hear the sincerity in her words. You squeeze her hand in return and watch as the family leaves.
After they’re gone, it’s quiet again and you feel yourself starting to feel a new sadness wash over you - the sorrow of missing and worrying for Namjoon, but that’s cut short upon arrival when you turn around.
Namjoon is struggling to sit up in bed, wincing to himself.
“Joon!” You rush over to the bed, holding a pillow behind him as he leans up, settling back.
“Hey.” Tears well as you grab his hand, bringing it up to your lips.
“You’re awake.”
“I’m awake,” he rasps. His voice sounds hoarse, so you hurry to grab the water pitcher next to the bed and pour him a cup. After you hold it to help him drink, you set the cup down and go back to holding his hand. “Was someone just here? When I was starting to come to I thought I heard other voices.”
“The Jacksons just left. They stopped by to thank us and see how you were doing. How are you feeling?”
“Exhausted. I’m ready to go home and sleep in my own bed.”
“Not so fast. You’ve been asleep for two days straight and your whole torso is wrapped in bandages. He didn’t do any fatal damage, but you lost a lot of blood.” A sniffle slips out and Namjoon notices.
“Hey, hey I’m okay though. The demon’s gone and I’m alive and you’re safe.” Even in a hospital bed with an injury of his caliber, he’s still your strong, level-headed, loving husband. As carefully as you can, you lean over the bed to kiss him. “Wait, wait, I have crusty unconscious breath!” He tries to turn his head away with minimal effort.
“Don’t care.” You murmur as your lips meet in a long, closed-mouth kiss. His lips are just as pillowy and comforting as always.
When you pull away, the two of you share a sigh.
“I’ll go let the doctors know you’re up. They’ll want to check on you and I’m sure they’ll know when we can go home.” Reluctantly, you let his hand go and head to the door.
“Hey, Y/n,” you stop when Namjoon calls your name.
“I think when we get home it’s about time we go on vacation. I think I need some time in the sun, on a beach somewhere. Far away from anything demon related.”
With a smile, you nod. “Sounds like a plan.” Your husband blows you a tired kiss on your way out and it makes your heart soar as usual.
You hum to yourself as you leave the room, heart, full of ease and love. You all haven’t taken a vacation in probably a year, so it’s something that is desperately needed.
While waiting for a nurse to return to the nurses' station, your phone beeps with an email notification.
The words are in all caps and even read loudly to your eyes. With a sigh, you open the email and skim it. Your team is needed as soon as possible in California to help a woman’s son who, as she described, is behaving “just like Regan from The Exorcist!!”
You mull over the next steps before typing out a response to the woman, informing her that you had an emergency in New York, but will attempt to get to them soon. You let her know that you’ll know for sure by end of the day and will give her more information.
Jeongyeon also receives your emails and you already know she’s going to text you soon about how you should be resting with Namjoon, but you’re prepared for her nagging. Namjoon will be disappointed that a seaside vacation will need to take a backseat for now.
As long as demons and ghosts still break through to our world, the work of a paranormal investigator is truly never done.
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jjangprince · 2 years
escalation (p.sh)
pairing(s) ➫ seonghwa x oc! (oc's name is krystal,,, pls don't ask i will always name my ocs krystal)
genre(s) ➫ romance, almost-smut, mafia au (implied)
warnings ➫ hot and bothered seonghwa, a lot of kissing, neck sucking, hickeys, mentions of sex, cussing, rated PG15
word count ➫ 2k+
synopsis ➫ seonghwa lets himself in krystal's house one early morning, only to be welcomed with a surprise.
notes ➫ this was a drabble i started in 2021 in hopes to slot it in one of my chaptered fanfictions, which well, ended up not manifesting after-all. LOL. it's a good read if u wanna envision horny-hwa i guess ... please be kind as this is my first posting here!
recommended song ➫ tally by blackpink (the rated version)
“What’s that on your neck?”
Seonghwa’s usually poised and calm voice, was no longer evident but instead replaced with a rather harsh and cold one.
Krystal jumped at the sound of his voice. She didn’t expect him to be here, not after the argument they had a couple of days ago.
She immediately pulled her hair tie off her ponytail to hide the mark lingering around her neck. To be honest, even she herself didn’t want to see it. It was just a reminder of the disgusting event that took place last night.
Seonghwa was obviously not too happy with that answer. He took a couple of strides, that were rather big because of his height, and in no time he was right in front of the elder, blocking her path to the bathroom.
“Hwa. Move. I need to use the bathroom,” a hint of desperation was clearly heard in her voice, and he of course caught it. 
Krystal was also avoiding any form of eye contact with him. When she spoke she only looked to the sides of his face and his forehead. He caught her chin and forced her to look into his eyes. 
“I said, what’s that on your neck?”
That was the final straw for Krystal. She placed her palms flatly onto his muscled chest and pushed him away from her, the close vicinity giving her a hard time to breathe. Being close to Seonghwa always made her feel things, and not being able to breathe were one of them. She just likes him too much.
“It’s nothing-“
Seonghwa didn’t gave up. He gripped onto her wrists next and pulled her body closely to his, their chests separated only by thin air.
His brows were furrowed as he put his thinking face on, inspecting the marks on her neck. Krystal would’ve thought he looked so hot right now if it weren’t for the aching pain between her thighs. 
“Wait. Is that a-“
“Seonghwa, please. I need to use the bathroom,” she muttered, tears welling up. The younger male only had one weakness in the world and it was the woman standing in front of him. He released his hold and took a step back to give her the space she needed, watching her wobble her way to the bathroom.
She didn’t make it. 
Her knees starting shaking so hard that she was having a hard time to even stand up straight. She dropped onto the ground, and a moment later Seonghwa was right next to her with a worried look on.
“Krystal, you need to tell me what happened so that I can help you-“
“-wait, is that blood?!”
The both of them looked at the blood trailing down her legs. Krystal winced and sighed. This wasn’t going to end well. Not when Seonghwa was there.
“Krystal, did someone touched you without consent?”
“No!” Defensively, she answered, face breaking into a sweat.
Seonghwa’s face fell. 
“You had sex with someone voluntarily?”
“That’s my personal choice, Hwa. It’s none of your business,” she looked away, sighing at the mess. 
He bit onto his lips, hiding his fury, - hiding his anger. Who dared to hurt his beauty and taint her with their dirty hands?
He gathered her into his arms and settled her onto the sink of the bathroom. 
“Does it hurt a lot princess?”
“It’s fine, it’s not my first time,” she mumbled reaching out for the contraceptive pills in her wallet. That was what she was why she urgently wanted to use the bathroom just now. 
Seonghwa’s eyes widen. That only meant-
“He cummed in you?”
Krystal let out a shaky laugh. “This conversation is starting to become very intimate, Hwa,” 
He raised a brow, arms still on both sides to her waist. 
“I’m serious. You guys didn’t use protection? That’s stupid, you know?”
Krystal looked down after swallowing the pill. “I know. But it wasn’t like I had a choice,” 
“W-What? I thought you said it was with consent? Krystal, princess, please. Make me understand-“
“I- I will tell you. But before that, I want to confront you about this:
I was very hurt when you kissed back that girl back at the club a couple days ago. I was really hurt. I ...”
She took a deep breath, closing her eyes, letting the tears fall free onto her pale cheeks, with Seonghwa intently watching, his beautiful eyebrows drawn close together.
“I ... haven’t done what I did last night for a long time. It’s been years, actually. But I did it because ... because I was so sad. And I thought yeah. Maybe I’m meant to be alone in this world and maybe that’s the sole purpose why I exist in this world,”
“I saved myself for you, Seonghwa, but I felt so broken when you kissed that woman back ...”
Seonghwa’s eyes were still furrowed. If anything, he felt more confused now more than ever.
“I don’t understand princess-“
“My father has been selling my body out to his clients in order to become Mafia King.”
Krystal finally said this in one breath, her chest heaving up and down.
It was dead silent from Seonghwa’s side, and she was almost afraid to look up to see what his facial expression holds. 
What would he feel? How would he react? Would be recoil away because of how disgusted he felt about her? She wouldn’t be surprised, because if its anyone, Krystal herself was the most disgusted with her own self. 
When she finally gathered the courage to look up, she finds herself in a disability to talk.
Seonghwa was looking straight at her, his eyes bloodshot and crying. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He sobbed, wiping his fallen tears hastily.
She has never seen this cold man cry. Never. Seonghwa always kept his poise and mood calm. 
“Oh my god princess, why didn’t you tell me?” He grabbed onto the back of her neck and hugged her tightly, giving Krystal and sense of comfort she never knew she could achieve. 
“Seonghwa ...” she muttered, also breaking into tears.
The sounds of their cries were deafening, but no scene was as beautiful as the one we had to witness now. Just two broken souls connecting their hearts as one, and sharing them in order for each other to survive in this cruel world.
“Fucking hell,” Seonghwa huffed before taking her by the neck. Startled, Krystal wobbled backwards into the living room and was surprised to find his lips latched onto her skin, the sound of sucking very evident in the air. She wanted to curl her toes at the sensation, it had felt so good. 
“Hwa ...” She wanted to sound stern, to ask him to stop it, but he was so good at it, and heck, she was having an even better time while he did it. She felt like she was on cloud 9.
He pulled his lips away from her neck to inspect his work of art. “I know it’s insensitive of me to do this but I can’t stand seeing an old geezer’s mark on your body. Fuck, baby, I’ll kill him on sight literally when I find out who it is,” 
Krystal nervously chuckled and bit her lips. “There’s no need for murders, Hwa,” Desperately wanting to get out of the clothes she was in from last night, she took quick steps to her bedroom. Seonghwa trailed after and this brought confusion over her mind.
“I wasn’t done,” he growled lowly, gently pulling her next to him. “There are so many of them ...” he huffed, his fingers gently trailing over the bruising spots around her neck.
“But Seonghwa ...” she whined, feeling tired. 
“Please, baby? Either this or I find out who it is and kill him right now-“
“Seonghwa! I- fine ...”
It wasn’t as if she was not enjoying what he was doing to her anyways. A vast contrast from what was happening to her last night, she actually enjoyed his butterfly kisses. 
Seonghwa’s thick lips met her neck, and she just awkwardly stood there while he did his magic. At some point she did bit the urge to melt into his arms and let out a big, fat, moan ... but ... she didn’t want to give him that type of satisfactory, though he was making it very difficult. 
She inhaled a sharp intake of breath. 
“Seonghwa-“ she warned as he neared her sensitive spot.
He smirked. “A little sensitive over here, aren’t you?” Figuring out her weak spot, he played it with his tongue over and over, driving the woman before him crazy. 
“Fuck- Seonghwa, I-“ she gasped, gripping into his biceps, her legs growing weak as her eyes rolled to the back of her head. 
He nipped onto the spot teasingly, eyeing her beautiful orgasmic face. Gently carrying her over her knees and neck, he settled her into his lap sideways and continued his assault on her neck, the elder female letting out a sigh.
“Ah- Seonghwa-“ she whined through her half-lidded eyes, grasping onto the shirt he was wearing. When he was done, she was a panting mess, and sweaty, her hair sticking on her forehead and shoulder.
“A hot mess and I didn’t even touch you down there yet, baby,” he smiled earnestly, nuzzling his nose against her neck, satisfied with his overlapping bruises over the man’s from last night. 
“I hate you,” she said through her gritted teeth, making a move to get off his lap. She could feel something poking her thighs. 
He pulled her back. “Oh yeah?” He challenged.
“Fuck, no, Seonghwa. I like you so fucking much that I’d give you a free pass to fuck me right now until I bleed out again. It’s going to be painful but at least I’ll enjoy it unlike last night,” she hissed as she said these words, immensely turning Seonghwa on.
“And what you’d call me when I fuck you?” His deep voice shook her core. 
“Come on, Krystal. I’m sure everyone has a kink when they’re having sex. What would you call me while we’re at it baby?”
Her eyes widen, gulping. Never had she wanted the earth to break into two and swallow her whole right then and there. 
“I’d call you baby, princess, my love when i’m gentle ...” he whispered down her ears, chills decorating her body.
“ ... and my slut, whore and bitch when i’m fucking your brains out,” 
“Seonghwa ...” her breath wavered as he completed his sentence.
“Come on baby tell me, what would you call me?” His tone was persuasive.
“ ... Daddy ...” she whispered, ashamed.
Seonghwa’s deep voice chuckled. It sounded heavenly to her ears. 
“What would you call me again princess? Couldn’t hear you,” 
“I’d call you Daddy, Seonghwa,” she muttered, avoiding eye contact. Her cheeks were very red now. 
“Fucking hell we’re not even at it but my cock is already hard as fuck,” he stated, voice wavering. 
“Sorry for teasing you, baby,” he gently caressed her face, carrying her from his lap and into her walk in closet. 
“I’ll leave you to yourself then. I’ll be right outside if you need anything ok, princess?” He muttered to her and smiled, earning a nod from Krystal. 
He was about to leave until he felt a tug on his shirt. 
Damn, what does she wants now? He really needed to use the bathroom. 
“Seonghwa ...” 
She stood on her tippy-toes to give him an innocent kiss. One that Seonghwa took advantage of and started to turn it into a passionate one. 
She moaned into the kiss, the vibrations transmitted from him to her. Biting her lips he thrusted his tongue into her mouth, earning a clench of fist from her side as she tried to keep up with his tempo. 
After some time they finally pulled away, breaths heavy and lips swollen red. 
“That’s enough okay, baby? Or else you’d really need to call me Daddy in a few minutes,” with that warning he left the room to fix himself up while she just stood in the middle of her closet, wondering how fast things escalated. 
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here4kpopfics · 2 years
Tangle Free | JJK
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Pairing: Jungkook x reader (could be gn if you’d like)
Genre: just tooth decaying fluff
AU: established relationship
Wordcount: 1,617
Summary: Bad days lead to you needing your boyfriend for comfort, specifically by playing with his hair.
Warnings:  Language. Ooey Gooey Love and Affection. Jungkook’s a little handsy but it’s not much.
Rating: PG15? 
AN: I had a shitty day. Jungkook did that damn video for Jimin’s birthday. I wanna play with his hair. I miss my Love Bug couple. Boom. The end. Thank you to the ever so beautiful @playmetheclassics for beta-reading and making the banner and divider @classicseffects. i love you
and as usual, please leave feedback. Either with a reblog or send me an ask. It’s greatly appreciated. 💜
Series Masterlist | Masterlist | Taglist | AskBox | Coffee?
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Today is a shitty day. One of those days where nothing seems to go accordingly. It’s not even major things going wrong. It’s the smallest detail being off or the wrong sentence leading to an unnecessary argument. Getting the wrong milk in your coffee or putting on different colored socks. Or it’s the extra two minutes it takes to find your keys getting you stuck in traffic and being twenty minutes late to work when you would’ve been five minutes early. 
So again: today is a shitty day. You rush home the second you’re off work, shoes flying off the second your door is opened, and you rip off your clothes on the way to the room, barely acknowledging your boyfriend on the couch. You change from form fitting office attire to Jungkook’s baggy shirt and a pair of his biggest sweatpants. You want to feel small and nonexistent, which is the fastest way to do it. Thankfully, he loves you in his clothes. 
Is it a turn on? 
Absolutely. But it’s really more how much he loves you that you think of him and his clothes as your safety blanket. That after a shitty day, all you want to do is be smothered in the scent and feel of him. Or you can drown in his clothes and pretend he’s holding you if he's away. He completely and totally loves the love you have for him. 
You quickly put your hair up in a ponytail, wipe off your makeup, wash your face and brush your teeth, making yourself ready for bed at 7 PM. 
Finally, you exit your room to greet Jungkook, playing an online multiplayer game with his friends. He’s wearing Bluetooth earbuds instead of the hefty priced headphones you bought him for Christmas, but you don’t hold it against him. He doesn’t want to mess up his hair. 
You grab a bottle of wine, two glasses and some random snacks, not caring if it pairs well with the wine, and head for the couch. You quietly sneak your way onto the couch, staying silent while he yells at whoever’s on the other end for their bad decision-making skills. 
There’s a brief loading screen where he looks at you with the bottle of wine in hand and a raised eyebrow, silently asking if he wants some. He nods, quickly taking in your appearance in confusion. 
After you hand him his glass, the game resumes, he takes two sips, handing you the glass back to put on the coffee table. He raises his arm, not letting go of the controller as you crawl underneath, perfectly curling up against his side. 
Your legs drape over his thigh, settling between his spread ones, and your hand slips into his hoodie’s front pocket, gently rubbing his stomach through the fabric. His head is just a few inches away from your head, placing quiet kisses in between rounds. 
You stay silent in his arms for about forty-five minutes, listening to him strategize with his friends, celebrate when they won, or groan in frustration when they would lose. It’s one of your favorite ways to spend time after a long day; him unwinding with his video games and friends, and you with just him and his proximity. 
You’re slipping into dreamland when you can suddenly feel hands moving your body around. You open your eyes to find the television off, the controller on the coffee table, and your boyfriend’s hand on your legs, lightly massaging them. 
“There you are. Come up, Love Bug, I’m all yours now.” He whispers against your scalp that’s received many kisses already tonight. You stretch your legs out as you move off him, only to crawl back on him, straddling him with legs on either side of his. His hands find their place on your hips, just above your ass, and you reach for his glasses he had you pick out for him, placing them on the couch next to you. Your hands eventually find their way into his long hair that you had begged him to keep growing out. 
You lean your forehead to his, eyes closed as you finally take your first deep breath today, shakingly letting it out with a small smile. Finally, letting the stress of the shitty day leave your mind so you can focus solely on your beautiful boyfriend that you love. 
“Hey,” he bumps your nose with his, gaining your attention back. You smile in response, bumping his nose back. 
“Everything okay, Bug? Do I need to fight someone? You know I will. Just give me a name and a place, and I’ll knock them out for you.” 
You finally let out a noise, a faint chuckle as your fingers continue running through his hair, tugging at the roots every so often. 
“I’m okay. Weird shitty day. Just needed to be near you to make it better.” You finally say, calming his worries that he’d have to fight someone. You pull your face away from him, kissing his forehead briefly. 
“And is it? Making it better?” You nod, staring at his long black hair. He has naturally straight hair, but the longer it gets, the more it starts to wave and right now, it’s at this perfectly awkward length that it wisps outward where his bangs end, and you love it. You can’t stop yourself from playing with it any chance you get. 
“So much better… ” your voice trails off as you start parting his hair, brushing it with your fingers. You bring the top half back, pinning it in place with your fingers and letting his wispy bangs flow freely. 
“Can I play with your hair, Koo?” You already know it’s a yes; he loves it just as much as you do, often falling asleep while you play because it feels so nice. “Anything you want, Bug, have at it.”
Grinning, you pull your hair out of the ponytail and place the hair tie on your wrist. He hands you the one already on his own wrist and leans forward, so you have better access to the back of the head. 
The fun thing about Jungkook’s hair is how easy it is to manipulate. To make it curl a specific way or to part it differently than what it’s used to. It adapts relatively well, and you enjoy it so much because it gives you more opportunity to play. First, you put the top half in a ponytail the way he usually has it, giggling at his little hair sprout. Then you give him pigtails, telling him he’d be adorable in a schoolgirl’s outfit. 
“I think I’d be sexy, not adorable.” You smirk at his complaint, curling the hair around your finger and holding it for a second before letting a very loose, barely there curl fall from it. 
“Hmm. Maybe adorably sexy.” You murmur, focusing on the other pigtail. He hums in response, hands sliding down to your ass and giving a squeeze as a warning. You smile, leaning back to admire the adorable pigtails, booping his nose quickly before taking the hair ties out again. 
You run your fingers through his soft locks again, admiring his healthy hair and how he relaxes further into the couch at your touch. 
“Can I try braiding it again?” 
“You have to ask?” He asks, eyes shut and a sleepy smile on his face. 
“It’s the polite thing to do.” You quip, grabbing any section you can and trying to braid any amount of hair you can. It’s still too short, but you’re silently hoping one day you can make it go past his chin. 
There was a time Jungkook hated people touching his hair. He hated the sensation of it and it took a long time for him to adjust to hair stylists constantly touching it and his friends jokingly messing it up. But even then, he only let people he trusted to touch his hair. 
After a few dates with you, you had mentioned in passing how much you loved playing with your roommate’s hair. Saying it was therapeutic to you that instead of talking about it, you could get lost in braiding his hair, tying various knots, and doing whatever you wanted with it. 
Although Jungkook knew full well there was never going to be anything between you and Danny, and ignoring that you two had only been on a handful of dates and you were still skittish about physical affection, his stupid jealousy kicked in. Jungkook wanted someone to play with his hair for the first time in his life. He specifically wanted you to run your fingers through it. 
And it quickly became a thing you only ever did with him. It was your thing together, your way of quietly reassuring each other of how much you loved and trusted one another.
Giving up on the braids, you run through his hair again, letting it settle naturally back to its original placement. He lets out a subtle whine at the loss of your fingers, making you giggle when you lean down to kiss him. 
“Thank you, Koo.” you tilt up to kiss his nose.
 “I love you.”
He hums, hands still on your lower half, pulling you forward to keep you as close as possible. 
“I love you too, Bug. We should go to bed.” You nod as he pulls you into a hug, your arms wrapping tight around him when he scoots forward, hands finding a new spot on the back of your thighs as he stands up, letting you quickly wrap your legs around his waist. You tuck your face into his neck, leaving butterfly kisses as he walks you both to bed.
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I just missed them, I hope you enjoyed 💜
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General Rules
1. You must be at least 18 years of age to join the society. 2. You must be of afro-descent to join the society. 3. You must respect all members, admin, and moderators. 4. There will be no harassment, bullying, hate, etc. We do not condone this behavior (publicly or privately,) and failure to comply will result in immediate and permanent termination of your membership. 5. Plagiarism of any kind is not allowed. If you are caught, this will result in immediate and permanent termination. 
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Member Rules
1. Upon your application date, you must have had but not limited to:
- 3 months of consistent tumblr activity - 2 original works of k-groups/artists - An active discord account 
2. If you change your url or pseudo, please notify the staff. Failure to do so will result in your work not being reblogged. 3. Inactivity within the server or tumblr may result in membership termination. To ensure you aren’t deemed inactive, you will need to abide by the following:
- Inform staff of hiatus. Note: If it will be indefinite, you may be asked to reapply in the future. - Create and share. Note: This society is for creators. Meaning you must have shared at least one work within a 6 month period in order to maintain your membership. (2 works a year)
4. We do not accept content creators who write for idols under the age of 18.  5. If you violate any rules, you will receive a strike. If you receive 3 strikes, your membership will be terminated.
**The Kpop Black Creator Society reserves the right to give strikes/terminate or to blacklist members for any reason we deem necessary and not already listed.
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Server Rules
1. All site rules apply. 2. Must be 18+ to join the society and the discord server. 3. Respect all members, mods, and admins. 4. No harassment, hate speech, bullying, or unnecessary drama. 5. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. 6. Anything that is shared in the server shall not be shared outside of the server. This includes screenshots and recordings. If any member is found to have done this, your membership will be terminated. 7. Please use the appropriate channels at all times. If you choose to opt out of the chatting channels, please do not conduct conversation within the Welcome Center, Human Resources Center, and Drop Off categories. 8. Keep NSFW conversations in those areas of the server. The password you’re looking for is ‘our kingdom’ If you choose to opt out of that role, then you must not bring anything NSFW in the SFW channels, with or without spoilers. 9. Don't post someone's personal information without permission, or their pre-written consent.  10. No sales or purchases should be made in the server. All transactions must take place in private.
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Content Rules
While we aren't an official network, we do reblog kpop-related content. To ensure we are protecting the safety of our queue team and our audience, please make sure that your content reflects the example below:
Written Content:
→ pairing: ( If there is no pairing please indicate.) → genre:  → rating: ( Our rating system: pg | pg13 | pg15 | 18+ | 21+ ) → word count: → warnings: ( Tagging all trigger and smut warnings is a must! We will not accept: trigger warning, smut warnings, explicit, etc.) Please be as thorough as possible. → ‘read more’ at or before the 500 word mark, or above any NSFW content.  → Content we do not accept, regardless of warnings: dub-con/non-con/rape | graphic depictions of gore/abuse/rape/violence/murder/etc | mentions of mental or physical abuse | explicit content that involves minors | animal abuse | pedophilia | high school aus | any type of yandere | any glorification of illnesses or sickness | incest/step-cest | culturally offensive/insensitive content | racially offensive/ insensitive content | offensive or insensitive content towards the LGBTQ+ community | glorification of any dark topics, or abuse.
Visual Content: 
Credit your sources. (Any content you obtain for the creation of your work must be credited. “Credits to the owner” or “Found on Pintrest/Google” will not be applicable.  No sasaeng content. (Make sure the fansite you are visiting has not been responsible for harassing, leaking information, or making idols feel uncomfortable.)
What we reblog: drabbles | oneshots | series | series and collab masterlist | teasers | gfx | gifs | edits | moodboards 
**We reserve the right to not reblog content for reasons being listed or not listed. This society does not send out warning messages for content not following our guidelines. We will simply not reblog the content and take disciplinary actions if necessary.
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