#Rather than keeping a wide range of “whatever” to pick at when I don't know what to do with my time
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starakex · 4 days ago
I realized something last night when, scrolling Youtube for entertainment, I got recommended a penguin video from 13 years ago. Just a guy sitting around observing penguins in the wild. I was kind of struck by how long it has been since I last just watched a nature documentary. Most animals I see today are, like, funny pet videos or passing-bys "storytime" clickbaits with added music and robot voiceovers. I just, genuinely, hadn't seen a nature documentary in years. Or I guess the term would be "given", considering our algorithm-centric web. As a kid, I'd get my hands on every animal show and book I could find. I'd look up animal facts online and ask my parents to go to zoos or museums. I remember getting really mad when the nature channel kept putting up other programming like dog training stories or extreme vet visits. I'd been taught about the concept of TV Reality shows, and the most I got from it at the time was "it's boring shows for adults with made up stories" and, more importantly, it didn't have the wildlife footage I wanted to see. But I guess I got caught up in it, in the end. I only have the subscription page active on youtube, but here I am clicking on whatever looks entertaining to fill in space instead of impatiently waiting for shark week or whatever upcoming channel animal special was announced. New age media content online basically turned into the "popular filler shows" that was getting in the way of my "animal tv" and I stopped choosing what I wanted to watch. It was kind of a sobering discovery. I looked up a bit online, picked up a David Attenborough-narrated nature documentary, and just. Man. At first it felt a little slow and silent until I realized that was always the case, quiet time to let the footage take center stage, before the internet pivoted to creating a whole business around fast-paced, short videos with aggressive audio and quick cuts and automatic skips to keep you stimulated. Took a few minutes of focused watching at first, but then I was engrossed in it for the rest of its hour long runtime. Anyways, here I am doing a huge clear of my youtube subs and carefully picking out a few good documentary channels on specific interests so "watching something" can return to being an active, curated activity again.
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lelenoir · 4 years ago
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pairings: childhood friend!dong sicheng x reader [ft. wong yukhei]
word count: 3.6k
synopsis: wherein sicheng always thought that he would spend the rest of his life with you. only to be smacked with the bitter truth.
dedicated to: engel @jenoir, the no to my noren.
inspired by: the song it's over, isn't it? from steven universe
note: hellooo finally got this out after rotting away for days hehe. anyways i hope you like it!! it'll probably be my last fic for a while since school and stuff and also my other blog. this was supposed to be a small drabble but i guess the universe had other plans KSKSK
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It was always written in his stars, always engraved in stone and he always believed that the moment he laid eyes on you he was struck by Cupid's bow and arrow. Of course, he never noticed this until later on.
It happened in your local playground. The tall---at least in his standard---five year old boy buzzing with joy as he rode his bike across the street. His hair flowed freely with the wind as he fought the urge to raise his hands up. Legs pedalling as if he was in a race against the fastest cyclists around the globe. The world blurred in his vision, pure bliss coursing through his veins. As a toddler, he didn't want that moment to end.
Unable to contain it any longer, the boy slowly let go of the handles, ghosting the rubber for a few more moments until he finally decided to let it go. For him, in his toddler state of mind, nothing could compare to the feeling he felt that moment. The street of his small childhood town zooming all around him as he let the world's breath engulf him. It looked like what Luke Skywalker saw whenever he drove a spaceship in that movie his brother always watched.
The moment only lasted for five seconds. It all happened so fast. One minute he was on top of the world, the next he was tumbling down fast. The ground hitting him hard. His hands were quick to hold on to his wounded knee as soon as he landed, eyes closed from the pain and a strong hiss leaving his lips. Tears welled up in his eyes as he watched the blood on his exposed flesh. He groaned when he tried to touch it.
"That was stupid." Three simple words. One simple statement. And you had his whole attention on you. Eyes wide from shock but you mistake it as confusion. "What you did. That was stupid." You repeated as if he was dumb. A dull look rested on your eyes as you looked down on him. It took him by surprise when he saw your extended arms in front of him. He couldn't help but gawk at the gesture. "What? Aren't you gonna take it?"
Slowly, he did. Gulping slightly as he stood up, wincing once he felt the sting of his wound. "It's just a graze. Nothing serious." You spoke up once again. His eyes looking towards your face, only to see you staring at his knee. "Do you need help walking?" You asked, finally meeting his gaze.
He was speechless. He'd never talked to anyone that wasn't his brother or his classmates. He rarely ever talked to the girls in his class, in fear of the disease his brother dubbed as cooties.
"You okay?" You quirk an eyebrow at him, making him flinch up in alertness. His hands felt slightly clammy as he clenched and unclenched them.
"Yeah…" he trailed off, voice barely a whisper. He saw you break into a smile. It shook him to the core. Especially with how intimidating you've presented yourself to be. He didn't know why but he wanted to see it again.
"So… walk?" You asked once more. It was like a switch had been turned on inside of you. Sicheng felt a bit confused on what to feel about the current change in aura as he slightly nodded his head in reply. You hummed, nodding your head once as you made your way to his fallen bike. You pulled it up with such ease. Even he had a difficult time carrying the heavy thing. You steadied the bike with your hands, walking to him as you let the bike trail next to you. "Where do you live?"
Sicheng should've felt embarrassed. After all, a girl, of all people, was walking him home. Him. It should've been the other way around. He felt like an utter loser having tears threatening to spill from his eyes while a girl carried his bike for him. He sighed, preparing himself for his brother's endless teasing.
"What's your name?" He spoke up, halfway through the walk. So far none of you thought of initiating into another conversation, basking in each other's company in the form of silence. "I'm Sicheng, Dong Sicheng."
You didn't even flinch at his question. "Y/n" you replied, eyes never leaving the path ahead until you turned your head to look at him for a second before turning back once again. "It's nice to meet you."
"It's nice to meet you too, y/n." Maybe it was his pea sized brain or just his lack of comprehension but you clearly didn't want to start a conversation. "What school do you go to? I don't think I've ever seen you around."
"I'm homeschooled." You answered. "My mom teaches me." Sicheng gaped at the revelation, never ever meeting someone like you.
"That's so cool!" He exclaimed. "I wish I was homeschooled. That way I won't have to wake up too early just to get to school."
You only hummed in reply, ready to fall back into your comfortable silence. Sicheng suddenly gasped. "That means you don't get to see other kids!" He says it like it was the biggest breakthrough of the century. "Doesn't it get very lonely?" He laid his head to the side in question.
"Not really," you shrugged, "I'm kind of used to it."
He gasped once again. "You shouldn't though."
"'Life isn't always what you expect it to be.' is what my mom told me a lot. I guess I just preferred to accept it rather than dwell on it too much." You explained, keeping your expression as undecipherable as possible. It drove five year old Sicheng's brain crazy.
"Then I'll be your friend." He declared, pointing his thumb on his chest. "Heck, I'll be your best friend!" He shouts joyfully.
Your eyes widened at his words, not really used to such enthusiasm. Still, a small smile cracked on your features once again. He didn't know if you saw it but Sicheng felt his eyes beam up at the sight of it. You nodded your head. "Okay."
A proud smile adorned the little boy's face, not minding his previous concerns as he walked alongside you. The wound still hurt from walking but his mind seemed to have flown elsewhere, its current occupation slightly numbing the pain of his nerves.
You were the coolest girl he's ever met.
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Barefaced and a little tired, you laid your body down on the grass next to him. You sighed, eyes up the stars as Sicheng took it all in. Not the night sky but you. A content smile on his features as he indulged himself with your presence.
"First day of school…" you breathed out. "I wonder how everything would turn out."
He noticed the way your fingers toyed amongst themselves, saw how your breathing slowly turned erratic. In all the years Sicheng has known you, this is the first time he's ever seen you this nervous. Tomorrow was the start of highschool for the both of you. For Sicheng, he wasn't nervous. Maybe a small bit but that was normal as first day jitters. You, on the other hand, were a different story. It was your very first time coming to school after being sheltered by your mom for so long. Sure she never intended it and it was mostly your refusal to go to school that made her teach you in the first place, but none of that helped calm your nerves.
A billion questions rang in your head. A billion possibilities playing along with it. You were in a whirlpool of your own thoughts and you were gasping for air.
Luckily, Sicheng was there to pull you out. His hand intertwining with yours as he drew circles to calm you down. He knew that always calmed you. He felt your body relax next to him. A good sign. He smiled at his small accomplishment.
"Don't worry," he tightened his hold on your palms but not to the point where it would hurt. Only to make you feel his presence more. "I'll be right here."
Highschool rolled in as normally as it could. You were nervous as you walked down the halls but you kept your face relaxed. Sicheng's presence next to you adds up to your ease as he tries to tell you as much as he can about school. Still, knowing Sicheng, he wasn't really as social and loud as he was with you. In these halls he tried to put up a mask for your sake. He smiled at unfamiliar people, nodded his head whenever they greeted him and even said a few 'hi's and 'hello's just to ease your doubt.
With that you smiled. And god he would never get tired of that sight. For a moment the two of you didn't move. For a moment it was just you and him. For a moment he let himself fall for you. He wished he could stay there with you, not a care in the world as he held on to your gaze. He thanked the stars for bringing you to him.
Sadly, even that moment had to end.
He was never one for crowds but seeing your guarded position and tense posture made him want to assure you that everything was going to be okay. He offered you an assuring smile which you returned gratefully.
The bell rang, snapping the both of you back to reality. He took your hand in his, drawing circles on it like he always did. "Your class is here. If you need me I'm right across your room." He said pointing towards the wooden door a few feet away. Just then, he enveloped both his hands around yours. "I'm always here, okay?"
You sighed in relief. A firm smile on your lips as you nodded. "Okay."
With that, he lets you go. He stepped back from you, waiting for you to walk in. You straightened up your posture before turning around. You closed your eyes, preparing yourself for whatever was on the other side of the door. Counting the seconds in your head before walking inside.
Sicheng smiled proudly at your back. He waited until you turned to your left towards the chairs before he too went on his way.
You've watched plenty of teen movies to know that you should never pick the seat in front. You looked around the unfamiliar faces of the people in the room. Some eyed you curiously while most had their head on their arms, presumably asleep. You couldn't blame them, it was the first period of the first day of school. All those times running around or sleeping in during the summer before suddenly getting thrusted into school was probably annoying.
You claimed your spot by the second to the last chair by the window. You rested your cheek on the palm of your hand as you looked out, admiring the sky and the gray roads.
"Hey there," a voice spoked up. You lifted your head to see a boy. He had a big beaming smile on his face as he settled his things on the chair next to you. "I'm Xiaojun."
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You watched him curiously, pursing your lips for a second before turning your gaze back to the window. "Y/n."
He often wondered if he could change it. Always counted the different ways, the different scenarios and outcomes everything would've led to. He spent many nights figuring out how he got to this path. This path that he desperately wanted to stray from. Alas, he could never. Life was a road barricaded by formidable iron walls. Once you step on to one path, the other one closes, locking you in.
He waited for you in the halls, by the door of your Psych class. The both of you were in college now. He shifted his footing before turning to the small window on the door, peeking for just a glimpse of you.
It felt weird. He thought to himself, watching you smile from ear to ear at whatever your classmates were saying. It felt like only yesterday when he met you. Closed off and very reserved. It felt so surreal not being the only person to have broken down your walls. For Sicheng, he wasn't jealous. The opposite actually. He felt proud. He loved seeing you with the company of others and loved the way you managed to grow.
Just then, you met his eyes. He smiled, lifting his hand up in a small wave. And there it is. That smile. The one only he could cause. The smile that was reserved only for him. He felt his heart pound in his chest.
One of your classmates pulled your focus away from him. Your features reverted to that easy smile you gave everyone else.
Sicheng felt his cheeks warm at the thought, his feet turning to rest his back on the wall next to your classroom door. He sighed, closing his eyes. He could see your smile as he did so. Flashing before his eyes like a Polaroid trapped in time. Forever displaying your face with that smile he loved so much.
The bell rang loudly across the corridors, making him jump a bit before composing himself. He felt so nervous today for some reason. Something inside him was commanding every bit of his body to leap out. He shook the nerves of his fingertips, taking the time to compose himself.
He waited for you to come out, almost bouncing in joy when you did. "You seem happy…" you tell him, "what's up?"
"Well I just finished all my assignments, got a high grade in an essay I stayed up for, and managed to get the last cheese burger at lunch today. All in all it's not a bad day." He answered cheekily. You rolled your eyes at the response but maintained a lighthearted expression. You smiled softly, the both of you maintaining a slow pace as you walked away from the door.
"Y/n!" A voice called out. You were quick to turn to the voice, Sicheng mimicking the action subconsciously. What greeted you was the sight of a tall panting boy. Sweat on the sides of his head as he tried to catch his breath. "Thank heavens I caught up to you."
Lucas lifted his head up, a playful smile on his face as he looked up at you. Sicheng felt his breath get caught on his throat. A nervous and unsettling feeling resting on the pit of his stomach. He didn't like this. Not one bit.
"Lucas! What a surprise." Sicheng snapped his head towards you, a subtle look of disbelief as he noticed your smile. It wasn't like the others and it wasn't the one that was for him. This was different. Your cheeks were tucked to the highest point below your eyes, face beaming with delight. Happier. Lucas wasn't any different either. A small yet noticeable pink dust spread all across his face. His gaze focused solely on you as if in a trance.
Lucas breathed to his nose, bowing his head a bit before returning back to you. "Are we still going on Friday?" He asked, hopeful.
Sicheng could visibly see you elate with his words. His jaw clenched subconsciously as your whole face grew brighter. No. His palms grew hotter on his sides, his heart pounding nervously as he held on to your next words.
"Sure." And just like that, he felt his heart ache. His previous mood going down in the slumps in an instant. Still, he held his head up high. His face stoic and unwavering. From afar you wouldn't have noticed the storm in his eyes.
"That's great," He heard Lucas sigh in relief. They make eye contact for a brief moment, both of them narrowing at one another before breaking it abruptly. You fail to notice the quick exchange, wrapping your arms around Sicheng's and already pulling him away.
"See you on Friday!" You called out over your shoulder.
Right. Sicheng shouldn't fret. He is your best friend. He's known you ever since you caught him that fateful day with his bicycle. Lucas stood nothing against him when it came to you. He was confident. The air around him lightened as you rested your head on whatever part of his arm you could reach.
"I missed hanging out with you." You whispered. He knew you weren't looking at him. It was a habit of yours to avoid his gaze whenever you grow sentimental. "You're my best friend yet I feel like you're worlds away from me now." You continued. "We're okay, right?"
Sicheng turned to look at you, watching your face contort to a frown. He sighed. He shifted your bodies so the two of you faced each other. He took his arm out of yours before resting both of his palms on your cheeks. "We're okay. Okay?" You smiled sheepishly at his words, nodding your head. He pushed you to his chest, hugging you tightly. You could slightly hear his heartbeat relax, making you sigh. "You're my best friend. We've been through hell and back together. I don't think anything would change that."
He's fine. He assures himself. There had been plenty of guys before Lucas. Plenty that you have downright rejected: Xiaojun from highschool, Hendery during summer and many others after. He shouldn't be worried. In the many years he has known you, he was sure the two of you would end up together. He just needed the right moment.
Sicheng was never one to wear his heart on his sleeve. In fact, you've never actually seen him romantically with a girl. But whenever you felt down in the dumps, he was sure to give his all to you. He'd wrap you up close, shower you with attention and do everything he can to make you feel better. At the same time, Sicheng was also a very emotional kid. Oftentimes it was he who cried on your shoulders and you'd be there to listen. You were each other's support system. The very rock that keeps you grounded. From childhood and now as you both walk wherever.
This was the first time it began to collapse.
He felt the air get knocked out of his lungs, watching as the scene unfolded right before his eyes; the gleeful smile on your face, the mirroring adoration in both your gazes, and finally a chaste but unconcealable kiss. The obvious buzz of love and its first stages oozing out of the two of you and Sicheng could do nothing but watch it all happen.
Friday. He never thought he would hate a day like it. The day before the relaxation of the weekends. The day you used to come to his house for a movie marathon. The day you went back to him with the happiest smile he's ever seen on you. The day he finally lost everything.
Wong Yukhei. He clicked his tongue at the name. Jealousy growing in the deepest depths of his gut, eyes green and angry. Seeing his stupid smile and the noticeable look of triumph on his features. The boy holding you close. Then he looked at you; hair a mess because of the wind with eyes as bright as the sun.
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It was impossible. A scientific improbability. Not when you still come over during the weekends. Not when you still give him that smile. Not when you hold him so close that for a moment he fools himself to thinking it was all real. Not even when he raised his glass.
He glared at the small box on his hands. Tears brimming his eyes. He felt like he just crashed his bike all over again. Only this time, you weren't there to walk him home.
"A toast," he started, the low baritone of his voice grabbing everyone's attention, "to the newly wed couple, Y/n & Lucas."
It felt painful. Perhaps, the strongest pain he's ever felt. Years ago, he never saw this coming. He was fine. He was fine with all the other men that came into your life. Mostly because he knew no one could've compared to him and the bond you shared. He knew all your favorite movies, all your pet peeves, and everything that made you scared. Yet, he wasn't the one standing by your side right now. He wasn't the groom, the man you were going to spend your life with. He wasn't that.
"It's a miracle how you've managed to put up with her." It was a joke. "Lord knows I barely could." And another one. "Still, she's a very great person." That was real. "And I'm glad she's found someone to spend the rest of her days with." He was not. "We've spent the majority of our lives together as best friends. The day you helped me with my bike was the best day of my life. Lucas, you better take care of her or else." He warned jokingly, glaring playfully at the boy as he chuckled in reply and nodded his head. Sicheng could barely hold it in. "To the Wongs!"
And that was the end. A series of cheers and holler followed right after. You smiled at him and he could do nothing but return it. He watched you turn to Lucas and beam brighter. He sighed.
He wandered out, past the crowd of overjoyed relatives and friends. He pushed the balcony doors open, letting it fall to a close. The first drops of his sorrows slipping down carelessly and he did nothing to wipe them off. The wine in his glass reflected his pitiful expression and all he could do was stare before putting it down hastily. He didn't like the sight. It was over. It was all over. Isn't it?
He felt a strong pang in his chest and he found it hard to breath. He looked over disdainfully at the floor, fist clenched to his sides.
Why can't I move on?
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postmortem-bookworm · 5 years ago
Bright - Bucky Barnes - Part Six
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Fandom: Avengers
Type: Series
Word Count: I give up keeping track
Character(s): Shuri, Natasha, Maeve, Bucky, Steve, Dora Milaje, Xavier, Logan, Rogue, Storm, Kitty, Kurt
Warning(s): Cussing, Mentions of attempted suicide (but shouldn’t be anything triggering), smut (maybe), mentions of X-Men, Steve is crushing
A/N: This picks up almost right after Black Panther, but before Bucky is awake, there is no Thanos, and everyone is alive.
Now would be a good time to mention that I have just a slapdash of different X-Men timelines and stuff thrown together.
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"You're glowing." Nat says during their next visit, the two of them are in Shuri's lab, Steve and Bucky had gone to have a guy's day, while they decided to spend time with the genius girl. Mainly because they're both do of her, and miss having another woman around, even younger than the two of them are.
"I am not." Maeve retorts as she flips through some of Shuri's designs for a new suit for the mutant.
"You are too!" Shuri giggles as she walks over to the table, hopping up on the metal beside Maeve. "You have been for a few days now."
"Is this cause of Steve? Have you decided to give him a chance?" Natasha asks with an excited edge in her tone. Maeve sighs as she closes the booklet in her hand, Natasha nudges her side as she looks at the ex-assassin.
"No, because I don't feel that way for him. He's like my brother. Also, I'm not glowing," She turns to the younger girl. "I have not been glowing," She clambers to her feet to look at the two women. "there is no glowing!" Her words are punctuated by the slap of the booklet on the table between the two grinning women.
"I think it's one of the village men." Shuri says as she glances at Natasha. "A few days ago she went home very tired, she looked worn out from something, and the next day she came back, and she was glowing, happy, without any bags under her eyes."
"Have you been paying some conjugal visits in the night, Mae?" Natasha asks as Maeve's face turns red.
"No! Oh my Lord, Nat! Wh-Why whywhywhy why would ask me that?!" Maeve stammers out as the two other women start laughing. "Wh-Wha-What is wrong with you two?! I swear to enjoy seeing me flustered!" Shuri and Natasha exchange looks before giggling again.
"We do." They say in unison as Maeve huffs, stomping her foot as her arms cross over her chest.
"It's only because we love you, Mae!" Natasha shouts as Maeve turns to stride out of the lab. "Maeve! Maeve come back!" Natasha calls as Maeve giggles, turning around to walk back in. "We'll stop. Okay?" Natasha smiles wider as soon as she sees Maeve walking back in with a fake pout.
"Indeed. My apologies." Shuri grins. "Perhaps you are glowing because you are just happier than you have been since before I've known you?" Maeve drops the pout to come hug her two friends.
"I feel very happy. I've got good friends, a nice home, and therapy is helping me a lot. I'm painting more, I'm writing more, I'm gardening more." She looks at Natasha. "Nat, I know I was so angry when you guys left me here before, but-"
"No apologies." Natasha says as she reaches up to push a burgundy lock from Maeve's bright blue eyes. "You're healthy and happy, that's all I want for you, sis."
"That and a good lay on occasion." Shuri pipes up, causing Natasha to throw her head back, laughing as Maeve turns bright pink.
"You said you'd stop!"
"My apologies, but you can't expect me to not take the opportunity lain before me!" Shuri giggles with her adorably toothy smile, and Maeve shakes her head. "Now, I will stop." She promises.
"Your promises aren't worth shit." Maeve jokes, causing Shuri to pretend to faint against the table in shock. The three of them laugh, continuing to joke around and chat until dinner in the palace, where Bucky and Steve join them once more. Once dinner is done and they all start towards the Quinjet, Maeve falls to the back of the group after tapping on Steve's shoulder.
"Yeah Doll?" He asks with bright eyes, his scruff is groomed but still not gone, she notes that she's getting a bit find of it. It suits him.
"Steve, you asked me-"
"It's a no isn't it?" He asks, cutting her off so she doesn't have to reiterate the conversation and her awkward explanation.
"It's just that, I don't feel that way for you, Stevie." She looks up at him as she fiddles with her fingers before her, rocking on her heels. "You're my brother, and one of my greatest friends. I never felt like that with you, and while that's the case, I don't want to lose what we have." Her eyes are pointed at the ground now, wavering with guilt that is visible for anyone to see. "I value our friendship more than anything, and if I lose you becau-"
"No no, stop Maeve." He grasps her shoulders, her eyes snap up to look at him. "There's no losing me. I love you, friend or more, and maybe some part of me is mistaking familial love for romantic, but I'm not leaving. You don't have to give a long speech, you don't have to worry about me badgering you, and you don't ever ever apologize for your feelings. I'm not going to guilt trip you for not liking me the way I like you. Yes, it hurts right now, and yes it will hurt for awhile, but I will not abandon you or our friendship because if this." Her eyes waver with tears as she throws her arms around his shoulders, hugging him as he wraps his arms around her, hugging her back as gently as he can.
"You're going find someone to replace this warm you feel, Steve. And that light of elation you hold for Peggy, that burns in your chest at the mere mention of her name, will be someone else's light as well. I promise. It's just not me." She whispers into his ear, before they pull apart, and Steve smiles down at her.
"You two okay?" Bucky calls as he steps back into look for them. She jerks away from Steve, wiping away a tear from her eye, and Steve chuckles.
"Yeah. Just clearing some stuff up." He shoves one hand in his pocket, throwing an arm over Bucky's shoulder as the two of them walk towards the Quinjet, and as she walks towards the landing platform, Natasha walks over to her.
"How'd it go?"
"I believe he took it rather well." Maeve answers, looking at the laughter on Steve's face, feeling his genuine content at having a response to his feelings, with just barely a hint of sadness. "Yeah," She smiles at him as he waves and smiles back. "really well."
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Two weeks later, Shuri wanders over to the two person village, her Dora Milaje guard not far behind. She finds herself grinning from ear to ear as she knocks on the mutant woman's door, which is opened by none other than Bucky, instead of Maeve. "Shuri, what can we do for you?" Maeve's voice reaches just past Bucky's shoulder, the soldier that is stooped in the door way, steps back to let the little Wakandan princess in.
"I have managed to convince my brother, to let you visit your home with an armed guard." She announces to Maeve, who drops the spatula in her hand, looking at the princess with wide eyes, reflected with terror and happiness. "We will fly you to there, and back. You may stay for a week."
"Sh-Shuri." Maeve stammers out in surprise, her tone is choked, and Shuri becomes confused. "I-I haven't been home in... Years!" She struggles to swallow as Bucky walks over to rub a big and warm hand on her back. "To suddenly go back, and to see everyone, I-I-I can't-"
"You do not have to." Shuri says in understanding, but Maeve quickly shakes her head.
"No, I want to!"
"You will not be alone. Sergeant Barnes will be accompanying you, as the part of your armed guard." Shuri's explanation causes Bucky and Maeve to exchange worried looks. "As long as you remain within range of your Kimoyo beads, and do not stray far from the manor, you should be fine. Putting nobody in danger."
"Then, all I say is... How much time do I have to pack?" Maeve asks carefully, but Bucky can practically feel the terror radiating off of her.
"You leave midday tomorrow." Shuri nods as Maeve wraps her arms around Shuri in a tight squeeze, before they part and they princess leaves.
"You gonna be alright, Darlin'?" Bucky asks as she stares at the door blankly. "Maeve?" He asks slowly as waves a hand in front of her face, causing her to jump, snapping out of whatever was making her space out.
"Hmm?" She looks at him, then smiles. "Oh, yes. I'll be fine." She stoops down to grab the spatula from the floor, then walks over to the sink to wash it. "I'm a little nervous, but extremely happy to see everyone again, well... maybe not everyone." She dries the spatula and goes over to the stove to stir the fixings in the pan, grateful that the food didn't burn. "Besides, I did say I wanted to introduce you to my family." She grins at him, a beam of happiness and warmth seems to pierce him in the chest.
"I can't wait, Darlin'." He leans against the counter beside the stove, arms crossed over his chest. "Now you know my next question, right?" She sheepishly looks up at him as he raises an eyebrow at her. "You gonna be okay to see this Logan fellow?"
"No." She speaks honestly, barely letting the question leave Bucky's lips. "But, I'll have to be. I miss everyone else too much not to go see them." Bucky pats her on the head, tussling her hair slightly, making her snack his hand, using the handle of the spatula to jab him in the side, making him chuckle. "Dinner's almost finished. Go wash up." He gives a mock salute, turns on his heel, and marches off to her bathroom as they both laugh. After dinner, she spends most of the night packing, then tossing and turning into midday the next day. After the long flight, it's nearly midnight, making Bucky and Maeve both a bit tired as the ramp lowers, and the two of them strut down it with their bags in hand. As soon as they get inside the manor, the sound of screaming makes Bucky drop his bag, hand going for his nearest gun, when a small figure of green, brown, and white blurs past him, barrelling Maeve over in an instant, the Mutant woman starts laughing.
"Ah missed you! Ah missed you, so much!" The smaller figure, a petite girl Bucky realizes, is sobbing as she hugs Maeve in a way that makes sure their skin isn't touching at all. Bucky drops his stance to pick up his bag from the hardwood floor.
"I've missed you too, Rogue. But, uh, can we get off the floor?" Maeve asks as she chuckles, the petite girl, Rogue, sniffles as she leans back on her knees.
"Sorry, Mae." Bucky walks over to help Maeve up, before he offers his metal limb to Rogue, who looks at him carefully, with hazel eyes.
"It's Vibranium. You won't hurt me." Bucky says, remembering the multiple doting conversations that Maeve had about the southernbelle. "See?" He reaches uo to remove the glove, showing the black and gold metal limb, and Rogue gapes a bit, before taking the hand he offers her again. Once on her feet, there's a poof of smoke in the hall, the smell of sulfur and rotten eggs is cloying as he turns towards it, readying to fight.
"Geez, like, Kurt, we couldn't just walk to the kitchen?" A young woman's voice meets Bucky, surprised that a blue furry boy with a pronged tail, has an arm wrapped around a smaller girl's form, her hand is waving before her nose, as if to wave off the smell.
"Zorry, Kitty, it is ezay to forget zat it doesn't smell good in small spaces." The German accident from the blue boy makes Bucky raise an eyebrow in surprise.
"Hey, guys. Look who's here." Rogue says from behind him, causing the two bickering teens to turn, before the girl squeals, dashing across the hall, right through Bucky's chest, and then throws herself into Maeve's arms. The more than Bucky looks at the two of them, the more he knows who they are, especially with how the other girl when right through him. That must be Kitty.
"Maeve, it haz been forever!" The blue German boy disappears in a puff of smoke, reappearing behind Maeve with the same stench, wrapping her in a hug as well. That must be Kurt.
"How are all my ducklings?" Maeve inquires playfully as they all part, Kurt grabs her bag from her as Kitty jumps up and down in the hall.
"Like, totally psyched that you're back! What was it like? Did you get to work with Black Widow? Oh, is Captain America dreamy? I bet he's super dreamy!" Kitty rambles as Rogue tugs Maeve from the hall, Bucky follows behind diligently.
"The Professor wants to talk with you and your friend." Rogue says, giving Bucky a friendly smile as she opens a door nearby. The office is well lit, with warm light, the smell of old books and ink hangs in the air, and Bucky is surprised to find a bald man in a wheelchair behind a heavy oak desk.
"Ah, if it isn't our very own, Blitz." The man greets, a fatherly smile on his face as the teens leave the office, shutting the door behind them.
"Blitz?" Bucky asks teasingly, causing Maeve to sheepishly rub the back of her neck.
"Codename." She explains offhandedly, before walking over to round the desk, wrapping her arms around the old man's shoulders in a hug. "Hey, Professor." She finally greets as the man hugs her back, and Bucky nods in understanding. This was her Professor, Xavier.
"You may call me Charles if you prefer." Bucky jumps as the man refers to him, before remembering that he's a telepath like Maeve. "Though not as powerful as her, thanks to her Empathy."
"Charlie," Maeve says sheepishly as she rounds to tug Bucky further into the office, the two of them sit before the desk in matching chairs, bags at their feet. "I feel like I'm in classes again, sitting in these chairs."
"You were a bright pupil. Which makes what happened to you, all the more saddening, that I never got to see you teach those you loved."
"Teach?" Bucky looks at Maeve again.
"I wanted to teach students after graduating. But, all that happened-" She shakes her head, looking up at Xavier. "I'm assuming that isn't just a simple visit, is it?" Bucky sits up straighter in the chair, hearing the firm tone in her voice.
"I'm afraid not, my dear. The past few months, Logan and Storm have been tracking a mutant with a... unique set of abilities." Xavier folds his hands before him on the desk, looking her in the eye. "As unique set of abilities as the combination of your own."
"What?" She gapes at the Professor as Bucky glances between the two of them. "Is it-"
"We are unsure. But, when Logan managed to catch her at one point, she was injured. The blood on his uniform gave us enough DNA to run a comparison. Maeve," Xavier looks down for a moment, as if processing how to explain the news. "the chromosomes are very similar. I believe that this is your biological mother." Bucky watches as the blood drains from Maeve's face, making him worry as he shifts in his seat.
"Wh-Why's that a problem?" Bucky finally inquires, making Maeve jerk in her seat, as if she forgot he was there.
"My biological parents were presumed dead after their house caught fire. I wasn't but a couple of weeks old, and the fire department was able to rescue me, but everywhere else was inaccessible because it was collapsing." She looks out the window, studying the familiar terrain of the land. "This means that all this time, my mother was-" She let's out a shaky breath. "and she just left me?"
"Darlin'," Bucky is out of his seat, squatting before her chair, taking her hands in his own. "you don't know that for sure. Maybe she wasn't aware you were alive, just like you weren't aware she was."
"But, she left me, Bucky." He reaches up to caress her cheek, wiping away a stray tear with a warm thumb.
"We'll figure out what happened." He promises, leaving her unable to do anything but nod.
"I didn't mean to upset you, my dear. But, you deserved to know the truth. I believe that we've kept too many secrets that have come to light I the wrong ways. I've much to do to reearn that trust you placed in me, that I lost." Xavier clears his throat, sounding surprisingly emotional, from what Bucky's heard, the man is often as emotional as a rock. "I will be here if you need to talk, for now, there is someone else dying to see you." As Maeve and Bucky both stand, the door to the office is thrown open, slamming against the wall like a powerful hurricane has hit it, and an african-american woman with snow-white locks walks in, eyes bright as she smiles, even her teeth are like sparkling snowflakes.
"Storm." Maeve is shaking as tears build in her eyes, before the two women meet each other half way, hugging so tight, it could practically rival the woman's hugs with Natasha.
"Blitz, I have missed you so." Storm's voice is like a cool wind, sweeping through like a breeze kissing balmy skin, and all Bucky can do is smile at the two of them. In the short time here, she's already changed. As part of the Avengers that he saw, she was often out into a little sister like roll, everyone being older than the burgundy haired young woman. But here, she's like a doting aunt and mom, and a sister in different respects. Bucky thinks he likes both equally.
"I'm sorry, it's taken me so long to come back." Maeve murmurs as she quakes in the older woman's arms, Storm presses a kiss to the crown of her hair, pulling away to cup Maeve's face in her hands, looking into her eyes.
"Never apologize for doing what you think is best for you." She pets Maeve's hair, before kissing her forehead. "Now come, you and your," She glances at Bucky, who is decked out in all black tactical gear, weapons in almost every accessable part if his body. "companion, you always did like the dangerous ones, must be tired. I'll show you to your rooms." Maeve blushes but nods as she walks over to grab her bag, but Bucky's already hefting the duffle over his shoulder, and the two of them are following Storm down the hall. It isn't long to see that Storm is leading her to her old room, the one that she had before she shared with Logan, which in passing his room, she notices the slash marks in an X in the wood door, making her frown as she follows Storm along the old teacher's corridor. "Hank and I prepared your old room as soon as we heard you were returning. I'm afraid that we can only provide a cot in there for your company."
"That's fine." Bucky answers softly, causing Storm to look over her shoulder at him, studying him for a moment, before stopping and opening the nearby door. The minute Bucky steps into this room, he can smell the stagnant scent of Maeve everywhere, as though it's seeped into the furniture and walls and floor. Seeing as she wasn't very old when she had this room, she had explained that the student's rooms were all full up when she came, so they placed her in the room as even a teen, he's unsurprised that the walls are covered in posters, though he was thinking more boy bands and less... 40's and 50's themed dancing posters. The walls are a light red, the carpet is a rich cream, and there's a fireplace roaring to fill the slightly cold room with heat. After so long in a place that only has heat and rain, he'd forgotten that it would be snowing in New York, and so had Maeve, it was getting close to Thanksgiving.
There's a cot close to the bathroom, which Bucky doesn't hesitate to walk over to, throwing himself on it in exhaustion. The two women giggle as the watch him. "So much for being an armed guard." Maeve teases as he lifts his head to look at her with narrowed eyes, before he sticks his tongue out at her, making the two women laugh once again as his head falls right back into the pillow and blanket on the cot. "I suppose you deserve a break, Bucky." She looks at Storm, whose whole body is turned toward her, her brown eyes are bright with a gleam, and a smile on her face.
"It is good to see you smiling again. When you left, you would not look at anyone. I felt so saddened that I could not help you." Storm rests a hand on Maeve's shoulder, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "Good night, dear sister."
"Good night, Storm." Maeve bids as the woman walks out, closing the door behind her, and Maeve changes out of her tactical gear in the bathroom, the full body leather suit had done little against the cold, but it was a force of habit to travel in it, incase of an attack. When she's changed into her too large plaid button down shirt and sleeping shorts, she leaves the bathroom to let Bucky in. He mumbles about a shower before bed, causing her to laugh as the door closes behind him, and as she's turning down her sheets, a loud rap on the door sounds. The sound is clue enough to who it is, making her palms sweat as she glances at the bathroom door, before crossing to the bedroom door, and slowly she opens it. Logan's demeanor hasn't changed, not that she had expected to, his hulking frame fills the doorway, his whiskey eyes are burning, his knuckles white with his fists clenched, he exudes his barely concealed rage as he looks at her. "Logan." It's one word, his name, steady despite her shaking.
"Maeve." Those whiskey eyes are burning into her, scorching as he looks her up and down, making her feel like a piece of meat, rather than safe as his gaze used to make her feel. "You left."
"You didn't come after me." She replies just as evenly.
"Didn't know you wanted me to."
"I didn't." He flinches at her cold honesty, as though he's been struck. "Logan, I hate you." She looks into his eyes with cold and calculated ruthlessness. "I hate you. You make think you have a right to be mad at me, but you haven't got any such right. You broke me. I can't stand the mere sight of you, right now. All I want to do is curl up, and hide until you leave. But, I can't do that." He takes a shaking breath, anger and sadness tinges his air, but she shakes her head. "You don't get to be angry, or sad, or anything towards me. There was never a "we" or an "us" Logan. It was just Jean. Always Jean. And then you didn't even care when Magneto-" Her voice breaks as she quivers in her place, eyes hazy with unshed tears. "I tried to kill myself, Logan. But, all you cared about what that Jean was alive. Then she died again, and you still didn't care that I was broken. The minute I started to feel again, you were gone. You ran away, not because of me, but because of fucking Jean." He swallows thickly as she reaches up to wipe her eyes. "Always Jean. So, yes I left. I wasn't going to wait for you again. Our relationship was over the minute I started, because you never loved me, you never cared more than sex." She sniffles as she looks up at him. "So, consider this the official break up. I fucking hate you, Logan. I deserve to be happy, and let's face it, you were never going to give it to me. Good-bye." She slams the door in the man's face, before turning to lean against the wood, sliding down it as she rubs her eyes with the palms of her hands, composing herself.
"I didn't mean to eavesdrop. Sound kinda travels in here." She looks up to see Bucky, dressed for bed, leaning against the doorway of the bathroom.
"That's always the disadvantage here. Old walls equal thin walls." She says un a surprisingly even voice. "Likely everyone else awake heard my speech too."
"Must make having sex seem like an orgy." Bucky chuckles, making her let out a weak laugh, before his smile falls as he pushes off the doorway. "You gonna be okay?" He asks, walking towards her.
"I don't know." He helps her to her feet, watching as she takes a deep breath of air, as if breathing fresh air for the first time in a long time. "Yes." She finally answers, letting the air out. "I'll be perfectly fine."
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hanako-theories · 5 years ago
Returning The Favor
Originally posted to AO3 under username Little-coffins, link:
Summary: Amane Yugi decided to return the favor and be a good teacher when he sees Minamoto Kous burnt hand.
Word count: 1573
A hot summer's day droned on for the students of Kamome's middle school class 3-A. The students, sweating bullets sat near limp at their desks, near tears of boredom and fatigue filling their eyes. However, leaning against his desk stood Yugi-sensei, the classes science teacher.
On the taller side, the man had short black hair and bright orange eyes, a handsome young face filled with enthusiasm for the subject, a feature not shared with his students at the moment, and strangest a of all, a thick black turtleneck and a white lab coat.
The outfit choice was on the stranger side on most days however this stood out even more so today of all days with the sun beating down at a whopping plus 35 with not a cloud insight, baking the classroom that had no functioning AC.
The man flipped through the pages, reading and explaining dutiful to the half dead students. In the middle of his sentence, he paused with a sigh. Nearer to the back sat an empty desk between two boys, one that usually held a student, however said boy had disappeared nearly an hour ago with the odd excuse of 'sorry sensei, I think I'm herneating and need to visit the nurses.'
A student who was just outside the classroom, outside at one of the windows, crouched down and staring in at him fiercely.
Turning on his heels, Yugi walked directly up to the window, unlatching it and swinging it open, narrowing missing the blonde teens head as he did so, said boy now crouched down as still as possible as if the teacher hadn't been aware of his observing presence the entire time.
"Minamoto, if you intend to stare at my like that could you at least do it in the classroom? It's too hot out here, you get heat stroke." Brows raised ge stared at the teen as he fumbled over his words.
"N-No way! I'm trying to expose you and your evil deeds!" He shouted, pointed an accusatory finger into his face.
"Right, well do you mind doing it inside? Your gonna get sick out here. Plus, why do you need binoculars? You were barely a meter away from me." Stepping out of the way he gave the teen room to step back inside through the open window.
"I-I was planning on finding a higher vantage point!" He argued, flushing red in the face.
"Well, do it inside please?" With a huff the boy climbed back inside and shifled his way back to his seat, ignored by his dozing classmates.
Yugi had noticed a bright and blood burn across his palm, and he blinked owlishly at the sight. Shaking his head lightly, he shut the window and meandered back to his desk to resume the lesson.
He'd speak to Minamoto after class.
As the finally bell rang, students sluggishly made their ways out of the room, seeing the moon already up in the lit sky, watching on above.
Watching him be a responsible teacher.
Sitting at his desk, he leaned over and pulled the back of a chair, tugging it forward in front of him, looking up to see Minamoto about to leave the class with with his friends.
"Minamoto! Come here for a moment!" Minamoto blinked at him before looking to his friends who simply shook their heads at him before exiting the room without him.
Walking towards the teacher, he stopped a few feet away, bag half slung over his shoulder and his strange umbrella poking at the floor.
He spoke.
"Yeah Sensei? Are you here to admit that your an evil supernatural and one of the seven school mysteries?" He sounded far too excited rather than nonchalant which he was likely going for.
Yugi snorted and gestured for him to sit. With an amused tone, he said "No, sorry to say Minamoto but I can't say that's why I called you over here." With a disappointed look Minamoto flopped heavily onto the chair, lip jutting out petulantly as he refused to make eye contact with his teacher.
"Mind putting your hand out for me?" He glanced at him out of the corner of his eye as he dug through his desk for his medical kit. The thing had been gathering dust for years.
"Other hand, Minamoto." He said more sternly, finally finding the kit and setting it down on the desk, before clicking it open.
"What are you doing?" The blonde boy leant forward to peer into the box, eyes widening when he sees the medical supplies.
"So, how did you manage to get that? Pretty nasty burn, second degree I'd say." He hummed, pulling tweezers from the kit, disinfectant and cotton balls.
"That ain't your business," his face flushed out of what he presumed was embarrassment, ducking his head to the side to pretend to be exceptionally interested in the wall.
Yugi chuckled slightly.
"Course, well whatever it is that isn't my business, I'd be more careful because burn scars look awful ugly, believe me." He dipped the soaked cotton against his hand, holding his wrist firmly to try and stopping the flinching from jostling the appendage too much.
"Yeah, yeah, I'll try to be more careful." He griped, glaring at hands working diligently at cleaning the wound.
Silence filled the room, one Kou found awkward, though Yugi didn't seem to share the sentiment.
Soaking another piece of cotton, Yugi spoke up again.
"Did you Tsuchigomori used to be my teacher?" Kou stared at him for a moment before his eyebrows shot into his hairline.
"Seriously? He doesn't look that old." Yugi choked on a laugh at the response, likely shaking his head.
"I'll have you know I'm only twenty five, Minamoto, I'm really not that old." He dropped the tweezers into the tray filled with the bloodied cotton.
"Whatever old man," he scoffed.
"Ruthless to your poor teacher today, aren't you?" He just simy grinned as he pulled out the gauze.
"Well, when I was in middle school here, Tsuchigomori would do this for me." Kou tilted his head, now staring up at his teacher who's eyes remained fixed on the hand he had just begun carefully wrapping.
"Why?" He inquired.
"Well, he said he was worried about me, always coming into school all beat up, covered in cuts and stuff, though recently he admitted he was definitely motivated to get me bandaged to keep me from bleeding on his furniture," he snorted to himself, tugging lightly on the bandages to make sure they were evenly snug.
"I'd loiter in his classroom afterwards to avoid going home, mostly, and he'd end up cleaning me up, make sure nothing would get infected," he hummed lightly, his face remaining light.
"Now that I think about it, ninety percent of my school life was spent bugging him. Whatever!" He tugged the bandages one last time before beginning to tie it up.
"The entire time I absolutely refused to tell him why I was coming to school like that, I was a right pain in those days." He released the boys hand and watched him experimentally flex it.
"Nonetheless, the reason I'm telling you this is to get you to be more careful, or you may become like me, puttering around teachers classrooms waiting for them to kiss my boo boos." He stood up, shucking the coat off, something Kou had never seen him do, and he caught a glimpse of pale white line from the top to the bottom of his wrists, making him star openly, eyes wide towards his teacher.
"Don't waste your time of being a kid getting hurt, scars don't look good on anyone, so being careful is just your best bet, okay? I know the reason you've got that burn is because your fiddling around with something you don't know how to use." He glanced meaningfully at the 'umbrella' resting against the teens thigh.
"Okay? Don't make me Tsuchigomori two point oh," he chuckled, crossing his arms over his chest. "Though if you do ever need help don't be afraid to ask, of course. It's my job to help you out, kid." Dumbly, Kou nodded.
"Now scram, go catch up to your brother or I'll have to listen to him whine at me for keeping you too late."
"Right..." he picked his bag back up, tossing it over his shoulder and grabbing his staff by the mid section. He began making his way to the door.
He stopped, and turned around, watching Yugi pack the kit back away and into the desk drawer before beginning to open the windows. The sun had already begun to set.
"Yugi-Sensei?" He began, unsure as to what to say next.
Looking over his shoulder, hands resting on the now open windows sill, the teacher hummed questioningly.
"Uh... Thank you, or whatever..." scratching his cheek lightly, he felt his face flush from embarrassment.
"No problem, boy!" He grinned back.
Shutting the door quietly, he smiled lightly as he traversed the empty halls, feeling the reassuring pressure of the freshly applied bandages. Perhaps Yugi wasn't that bad at all? Perhaps he was just weird and not a supernatural.
He was in the school yard when he realized the man had directly referenced his staff as the cause for his injury.
He stood ramrod straight, face flubbering, eyes wide as he spun to stare back at the school incredulously.
You have got to be kidding me!
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tellywoodtrash · 8 years ago
The kis desh q got me thinking: I believe actors like sushant and nakuul have a very wide range as opposed to harshad and maybe even barun. The latter can only echo one personality and when they sign onto projects that don't suit them, they can't make it work. That's why I think nakuul has a good future because the guy is funny, charming and charismatic. Like aditi who's talented in kis desh has become successful in TV and surbhi would be the same too. Do you think nakuul will go to big screen?
Another anon asked a question which kinda ties in to this:
What do u think of KSG? Do you think he should have focused on his television career?
Hi anons!
I think Sushant is truly an exceptional case. After SRK, he’s the only one to have found such success transitioning from TV to Bollywood. Primarily because success in Tellywood is absolutely no guarantee of success in Bollywood. The truth is Tellywood acting and Bollywood acting are two different beasts altogether. (Good) Bollywood acting is much more subtle, not as in-your-face as Tellywood. There’s only so much that can be covered up by editing/dubbing. Nakuul has shown tremendous growth as an actor from Pyaar Ka Dard to Ishqbaaz, and he’s good, but he’s Tellywood good. He’s no Sushant, who can play both Byomkesh Bakshi and MS Dhoni. But lbr, even Sushant is kinda struggling against the wave of star kids with famous surnames and backing from the big producers. Let’s see how long he manages to sustain his Bollywood career.
Also, one of, if not THE most important thing when transitioning to Bollywood, is to choose projects wisely: which Barun and KSG have simply failed to do. Barun just has sheer bad luck, having signed projects with unreliable producers who didn’t have the strength to market the films properly. Besides, you’re right; I suspect he’s rather one-note. His greatest success has come in playing this one particular role, and now he’s back trying to capitalize on the success of that. I’d like to see him attempt something really different; which is why I was looking forward to the now-scrapped Mohra/Satya Ki Kiran. It sounded like an interesting project and would have allowed him to show his range in a role that’s a departure from Arnav.
KSG, IMO, is a pretty subpar actor and all he has going for him are pretty much his abs. Also, he’s in the news more for his personal life than his acting. Having been slotted into that sex thriller eye candy niche in Bollywood, I don’t think he’s going to break out of that any time soon. I don’t think he’s even really signed anything after Hate Story 3. He’d do well to return to television as well. He’s still got quite the fanbase here who would watch whatever he chooses to come in next.
I believe the next Tellywood star to watch out for in Bollywood is Vikrant Massey (the second/better Ayaan from Qubool Hai.) He’s made his mark in quite a few Bollywood movies, like Lootera, Dil Dhadakne Do, Half Girlfriend, and is now receiving rave reviews for his performance in Konkona Sen Sharma’s directorial debut called A Death In The Gunj. He’s making smart decisions and picking the right projects - not necessarily ones where he is the lead character with the most screen-time, but roles that allow him to quietly and effectively showcase his talent.
As for Nakuul, he did have his shot in Bollywood already, with a film called Haal-E-Dil; a teenybopper love story that sank without a trace at the box office, before finding some mediocre success when it aired on TV. I don’t really see him going back and making another attempt at movies again; 1. mainly because he has it good here in Tellywood and he knows it. He’s said so in quite a few interviews. And 2. He seems to realize the potential of emerging media like web series and seems to be looking to grow in that direction. His “I Don’t Watch TV” was quite the success, and the upcoming web series from his production company, “Gangster Newton” (which I believe he’s had input in writing) looks pretty solid too. I think he’s discovered his strengths and the trajectory he wants to take his career in, and will stick to those. (Tellywood to keep himself in the game/get that $$$$$, which he then invests in projects that he is truly interested in.) Good on him; I commend him for going the unconventional route instead of just using Tellywood as a stepping stone to Bollywood, like the rest of them.
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