#Raspberry cooking companions
yourfavehasautism-og · 6 months
ryna/raspberry from cooking companions is autistic!!! :33
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Ryna/Raspberry from Cooking Companions has autism!
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oribu-the-loser · 1 year
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Some older digital art I made from may this year 👍
I still like how these look 🫶
Cooking companions deserves way more attention, if you like horror & visual novels please go check it out :)
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starlightshadowsworld · 11 months
Of all the Chompettes, the two I find the most interesting are Razael and Raina.
Aka Cornbread and Raspberry.
Razael is the mysterious kid who went missing. Who seemed to have a connection with the Baba Yaga.
The one who "make her weak" and the only one of the Chompettes who have been allowed to move on.
Raina is also a mystery.
As Raspberry she's the more outwardly threathing, especially to Potato. While the rest of the Chompettes are a lot more happy and upbeat even around Potato.
And when Potato goes after and later kills the Chompettes, Raina is the only one who doesn't react.
Also there is definitely something significant about her raincoat and I have no idea what, but it is mentioned a lot.
There's also Potato cos he's a serial killer and all that but these two are definitely something.
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digitulart · 4 months
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*cooks your companions* ermmm did i just do that 🤣
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stupidlysunny · 2 months
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big ass fucking forehead
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whack-patty · 2 years
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This game has been spinning circles in my head for days, much to my very genuine surprise
Spoilers and horror visuals below the cut!!!
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I doodled that first MC design partway through the game, when the mc still just seemed like a gross n passive and silent oddball of the friend group during all the madness
Anyway mc being Literally Probably Actually Baba Yaga makes Karin's arc a lot funnier too. Frick her tho she made me so angry
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wolf-m-the-hybrid · 1 year
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Look who came in the mail today! I love Cooking Companions and I am so happy and excited about the squeal, Dread Weight. I can’t wait for what else Deer Dream Studio will create.
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lisbeth-kk · 4 months
May Prompts (19) Weather
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The Luckiest Girl in the World (chapter 19)
Summary: Rosie is heartbroken. Sherlock and John are furious and sad. An invitation from the elderly Holmes couple, brings back sweet memories, and might be just what the doctor ordered.
Nineteen Years Old
I was devastated and utterly heartbroken when David ended it with me. We’d been a couple for almost a year, and I was still so in love with him. I had failed to observe, had let sentiment cloud my mind, lulling me into a fantasy coated in pink and gold.
I wasn’t the only one affected by this. Dad muttered curses under his breath, while Papa alternated between fury and sorrow. He blamed himself for not seeing who David really was; a young man, too insecure about himself, needing female attention around the clock, which I was unwilling to give. I had my studies, homework, jiu jitsu, family, and my friends to consider as well, and I hadn’t wanted to spend every spare minute with David no matter how much I loved him. In my opinion, I couldn’t be blamed for needing to see other people, whom I also loved, and to maintain my interests. It was part of who I was. Nevertheless, I cried myself to sleep every night to the tones of Papa’s soothing violin.
The next weeks went by in a daze, though I managed to study for my upcoming exams, much thanks to the sessions in the dojo, which helped clear my mind of the fog. Finally, the last exam was history and the summer lay ahead of me like a blank canvas. Me and David’s plans for going to Dublin, were obviously abandoned. Luckily, our flight tickets and hotel reservations were refundable.
Congratulations with finishing your exam, love! Are you free to have dinner at home tonight?
Dad’s request piqued my interest, as he most likely knew it would. I had no plans and answered in the affirmative. 
The day was sunny and pleasantly warm, which I felt always was the case when I had to sit inside a poorly ventilated classroom to pour all my wisdom into the exam forms.
“Let’s go to get ice cream,” I proposed to Liwia and Leyla who accompanied me out of the old school building.
“Covent Garden?” Leyla asked.
“Covent Garden,” Liwia and I agreed.
“How are you, Bee?” Papa asked when I returned home a few hours later. 
“Not that bad actually. Glad to get the exams over with,” I said.
“Chocolate chips and raspberry,” Papa stated out of nowhere.
“You just can’t help yourself, can you?” I muttered fondly.
“I guess not,” he admitted a bit sheepishly. “Sorry, if that…”
“It’s fine, Papa,” I assured him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Is Dad cooking or is it takeaway tonight?”
“Neither. I am cooking,” he informed me, cupped my face and kissed my forehead.
“Oh! Must be a special occasion, then,” I teased.
He huffed and told me I could help instead of being sassy. I laughed, went upstairs with my school bag and changed into a pastel green dress. When I came back, Papa ordered me to make a vinaigrette and the salad. We worked in companionable silence, while classical music streamed out of the speakers.
“My compliments to the chefs,” Dad sighed contentedly when he’d all but licked his plate.
Papa and I stood and bowed, making lavish and silly gestures. The white wine made us pliant and relaxed. I hadn’t realised how much I’d missed sharing a lovely meal with my parents. In the last months, David had always been a part of it, or at least occupied a fair amount of my thoughts. And in that moment, I felt something heavy fall from my chest. I was free and had a whole summer ahead of me to do with as I pleased without having to consult David if he approved, wanted to be a part of my plans and what not.
“So, what’s all this about?” I asked.
Papa smirked, seemingly satisfied that I hadn’t been fooled about the intent of this dinner. 
“As clever as your Papa, aren’t you?” Dad praised. “I would expect no less.”
He straightened in his seat and leant forward to catch Papa’s hand. Papa nodded and turned to face me properly.
“Granny and Pops have invited us to France next week. They obviously didn’t include you because of your initial plans with…”
Papa clenched his teeth and gripped Dad’s hand tighter.
“It’s fine, Papa. I’m getting there. No need to call in the cavalry,” I assured him and stroked his arm. “Tell me more. I haven’t been there in ages.”
“When you were eleven, I think,” Dad mused.
“Twelve,” Papa corrected him, which earned him a kiss to the back of his hand from Dad and a giggle from me.
The house Papa’s Grand-Mère originally owned, had been inherited by Granny. A small villa close to Cannes. Théoule-sur-Mer was secluded and far less crowded than the more famous sites of the French Riviera. 
Being back brought treasured memories to mind. The warm and sunny weather, how Dad taught me to swim, Papa taking me snorkelling looking for exotic sea species, Pops reading The Little Prince in French, while simultaneously translating each paragraph, Granny’s coq-au-vin, quiche Lorraine and bouillabaisse. If there was any hint left of my heartbreak, it evaporated the second I dived into the crystal-clear water.
Also available on AO3
@calaisreno @totallysilvergirl @keirgreeneyes @helloliriels @raina-at
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spicedrobot · 11 months
GIVE ME THE BLOODWEAVE!!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🥵🥵🥵🍆🍆🍆💦💦💦
yessir!! I tried to keep this Act 1-centric since you're not that far in the game. <3333
Gale stirred the porridge bubbling over a low fire. He had taken on the mantle of camp cook, a position that hadn’t been delegated to him, but one he performed regardless. Most of his fellows hadn’t the skill for it, and he was always awake well before the rest. 
Dawn touched the horizon. The air still had a bite to it, the grass cold and dewed at Gale’s feet. He huddled closer to the fire and added a few spoonfuls of pulped, fresh raspberries. As he mixed, a sweet, subtly tart aroma rose, melding with the warmth of cinnamon and cloves. He smiled. Cooking was a pleasant distraction, and he was good at it, not just by his own estimation, but by those of his companions.
Well, most of them, anyway. The only one who hadn’t yet partaken was the mysterious Astarion. The man often stayed in his tent past breakfast, and he always had one excuse or another not to eat a single bite when he did grace his peers with his presence. 
It had become something of a game for Gale, trying to find something the man would eat. The porridge was a bit of a change in tactics. It was a humble dish, to be sure, but hearty, easy on the stomach, and delicious, too. Each portion would be topped with crushed, roasted almonds and fresh honey that Tav had harvested the day before.
Your move, my pale friend, Gale thought, as he called his companions to eat. 
The days passed. Gale cooked and schemed, but Astarion never ate. 
Then they found the boar. 
That night, as Gale lay awake, sleepless as always, he heard something outside his tent. Familiar voices: Tav and Astarion, one’s gasp, another’s worried swear. 
He wasn’t sure if the encounter was friendly, but as Gale reached the flaps of his tent, he froze, awestruck by what he saw. In the fire’s light, Astarion’s sharp teeth, his crimson eyes, his hunger, revealed him for what he truly was. Obvious, so obvious, in retrospect. Gale felt fearful and foolish—miffed too, truth be told. Vampires were known for their killing and cruelty. How could they trust him after he attempted to hide his true nature? 
But anger fled with a sudden thought and a cold smile. Wasn’t Gale doing the same? Though if the sleeplessness, the hunger, had anything to say about it, his own predicament would be revealed sooner than than later.
His companions seemed to have come to an understanding, so Gale laid back down and gave them privacy. He tossed and turned, longing for sleep to come. His only comfort was this: at least he now knew why Astarion had been so unwilling to eat the meals he prepared.
Gale was no stranger to hunger. He was a man of robust appetites, a gourmand, an avid reader, a lover of magic, of power. In the end, it was the latter that had gotten him into this mess. Saddled with a hunger stranger than one for blood, a hunger that could no longer be satisfied with the threads of weave that had used to feel like feasts. 
Sleep was more impossible than before. And a certain calm despair rose in its place. Listening to the sounds of the night, hour after hour, knowing respite was out of reach. Especially when his companions snored. Or when they met together in the dark. It should’ve been the quiet sighs and moans that drew his attention. But mostly, he perked at the quiet words of Tav and Astarion as they met for the vampire’s nightly sup. Astarion made it a performance as he did anything else, flirting and posturing, the act akin to a mealtime prayer. Tav was a quiet, contemplative man by nature, but Astarion sometimes managed a laugh from him. It was easy to picture Tav’s scarred smile, and the flash of Astarion’s eyes, the sharpness of teeth as they sunk into dusky, freckled skin.
What wasn’t easy to imagine was the bite itself. What did it feel like? It must hurt, though Tav never made a sound. The bloodletting was an exchange of power, an extension of trust, though they had only traveled together for a few weeks. Tav had bouts of foolhardiness, but he wasn’t stupid.
Perhaps, Astarion could be trusted. Gale had already made it clear he didn’t want to be on the menu, so to speak, but… the thought lingered. Curiosity was its own kind of hunger. 
Try as he might to ignore it, it did not let him go.
“You look ill, friend,” Gale said. He had pulled Tav to the side after breakfast, not wanting to alarm their more… suspicious companions that might take any sign of sickness as the beginnings of transformation.
“I’m okay,” Tav replied. He smiled, but it was strained. It was a look Gale knew well.
“What you’re doing for Astarion is admirable, really. But it is taking its toll on you.” 
Tav’s eyes widened, then he looked away. He watched his raven companion clean its feathers in the morning light. “You’re right, though there’s nothing to be done about it. I won’t force him to feed on animals. Astarion is stronger now. Happier.”
It wasn’t selflessness that made up Gale’s mind. He wished it was, wished that he could be more like Tav. Iron-willed… kind-hearted. It was Gale’s nature, to chase knowledge, learning well but never learning his damn lesson. 
“If you would let the burden be shared, I would be more than happy to offer my aid.”
Astarion seemed almost mystified at the prospect. Then that pretty smile, that cutting wit smoothed over his surprise. “I would be delighted to have a taste of you, darling.”
Gale rubbed his hand over his face. “Do you have to say it like that?” 
Astarion’s grin widened, and his fangs gleamed. “Yes.”
The evening’s meal had long since been stored away. Gale had retired to his tent, as agreed. He waited as his heart pound away in his chest, his ears perked for any wayward sound of approach. 
Ah, and there it was. The rustle of fabric, the chill of night air slipping in with his guest. Gale sat up quickly, wincing as Astarion gestured him to ease.
“Ssh, there’s no need to be nervous. Just lie back. Get comfortable. It’ll be over quickly.”
“How can I not be nervous? A vampire is going to put his very sharp and deadly teeth to an extremely vulnerable place on my person.” 
Astarion knelt down next to him. The flickering glow of candlelight played on his face, cutting his cheekbones into ravines. His eyes were as bright as embers. “Oh, I’ll be doing more with my teeth than just getting close.”
Gale clicked his tongue and angled his face away. After a moment, he tucked his hair behind his ear. Fully clothed and within the safety of his own tent, he felt horribly exposed. But he was getting what he wanted. An answer. Knowledge. Or a gruesome death! Which, on reflection, would solve the other problems he’d been dealing with. 
Astarion’s breath was hot against his neck. His hair was soft, ticklish. Gale felt his skin raise, blood and thoughts racing.
It hurt, just like he thought it would. Twin punctures that coalesced into a heavy ache that throbbed to the beat of his fearful heart. He fisted his fingers into Astarion’s hair, just for something to focus on, anything—until the pain lessened—until it changed. There was heat, prickling like the beginnings of sweat, a sensation, primordial but so unlike the weave. 
He groaned and immediately choked on the sound, embarrassed. Astarion’s mouth moved, not just to draw more blood, but to smile as he did so. It was enough to mortify, to keep logic centered in Gale’s mind, even as the sensation of the feeding continued to shift and grow. The heat became dizziness, exhaustion, bone deep and whole like a moonless night.
And, just as Gale began to pull at him, to fight him off, Astarion let go. The sound was obscene, a wet sucking sound as his lips parted from his neck, as if his very body had been loathe to give up its meal. 
Astarion tossed his head back, languorous upon his knees as he licked the blood from his lips. Gale watched, stunned.
“My dear,” Astarion breathed. Then he smiled his viper’s smile. “You taste awful.”
“Well, I did warn you!” Gale sputtered. He gingerly touched the bite, shivered, turned away. “I suppose a bit of thanks is too much to ask?”
“Not at all. Thank you.” Gale could picture the theatrical bow Astarion was surely doing as he spoke. “Or were you expecting a more… physical display of appreciation?”
“I would appreciate some peace and quiet now,” Gale said quickly, tugging his bedroll over him and closing his eyes.
Astarion’s chuckle rose the hairs on the back of Gale’s neck. “Of course, darling. See you in the morning.”
The rustling of the tent flaps, the brush of night air. All at once, Gale was alone. He released a shaky breath, tugged his blanket tighter. His hand stayed on the bite. He traced it with his fingers as he lie there, willing his heart to calm, his breath to even.
He felt drunk. He felt scraped clean.
Gale woke to the smell of roasting meat. He jerked to full alertness, wincing as his head and neck throbbed. He rubbed his sleeve over his cheek and realized he’d been sleeping in a pile of his own drool. 
Light and voices filtered in from the outside. Someone laughed. Tav’s raven cawed. 
It was morning. Gale had overslept… he had overslept! He still felt terrible, but it was less terrible than he had been. As he changed, he inspected the bite mark in his small hand mirror. It was just as neat as Tav’s was, though the skin surrounding was starker, more bruised. He pressed his fingers to the bite once more, then he pulled high his shirt collar and left the tent.
There was a strange sort of coziness to it. If you ignored all the potentially life-threatening ways things could go wrong—and surely would, given enough time. Gale revealed his secret. It went better than expected. Tav fed Gale artifacts, and they in turn, fed Astarion.
The vampire seemed enhanced by his new food sources, not just in battle, but in visage. His skin glowed, glass-like, his eyes shone like rubies. His nails were lacquered and as sharp as knives. His body had filled out, muscles pronounced, the harsh lines of his face easing. His smiles, however, were softer.
Gale should enjoy it, shouldn’t he? Helping just because he could. Even simple appreciation of how the… feedings were good for him too, helped him sleep. But that didn’t feel like the whole picture. He was missing something. 
And that something gnawed.
Astarion recounted a sultry story over the campfire one night. Tav laughed unexpectedly, and how Astarion did preen at the sound, just like Tav’s raven.
And that something gnawed.
Gale was not jealous. He did not love Tav nor Astarion. He barely knew them, and his romantic proclivities were… complicated, to say the least. He knew what love felt like, and it wasn’t this.
But still that something gnawed.
“Oh, darling, back already? And I thought I was supposed to be the hungry one.”
“Be quiet,” Gale said, pushing his way into Astarion’s tent. “Let’s get this over with.”
“But it’s not your night…” Astarion said lightly. Gale’s nape prickled. “Did you forget?”
Gale was hungry, no, ravenous. The artifacts weren’t enough. His sleep had grown thin and troubled. But this was not Astarion’s fault. Gale sighed. “Well, I’m here already, aren’t I?”
“Of course. Why don’t you get comfortable, and we’ll get started.”
Gale laid on Astarion’s bedroll. It smelled like him, a floral, ancient scent alongside the smell of leather and rotting leaves. He pulled his hair away from his neck and closed his eyes.
Astarion was a reassuring weight behind him. A promise of peace, short-lived though it was. When had Gale lost his fear?
He sighed at the depression of teeth. He was tender, being fed from two nights in a row. The extra sensitivity was… nice. He tried not to think about why that was, and then, minutes later, he didn’t have the capacity to care. 
Gale didn’t know when the feeding had stopped. The pressure was gone, but the sweet ache remained, pulsing along with his heart. And the ache wasn’t the only thing that lingered.
They laid, bodies pressed together. Astarion’s breath was warm against his neck. 
This was right about the time when Astarion would start with his barrage of double entendres, not really looking for anything more, Gale realized, but simply to mark the return to normalcy, or whatever served for it on this strange journey. But Astarion was quiet. His breathing was even. Not sleeping, he didn’t need to, but perhaps in stasis.
Gale allowed himself to bask in it, if only for a few minutes. Then he began to get up.
Astarion caught his wrist. Several heartbeats passed in silence. Then,
“It’s late, darling. You’re apt to wake the whole camp if you go trundling out of here in that state.”
“Well, not all of us can be delicately-footed assassins, now can we?” Gale grumbled.
“A special skill, I’m afraid.”
Gale relaxed once more into the bedroll. Astarion released his wrist, but left his hand on top of it. The touch was grounding, like the bite was grounding. 
Like Astarion was grounding.
Gale slept.
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moth-pringle · 2 years
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Cabbage - Juane
Potato - Bob
Raspberry - Patty
Bread - Frank
Onion - John
Cornbread - Pump’s dad
Karin - Carmen
Mariah - Lila
Anatoly - Kevin
Gregor - Jack
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pillow-anime-talk · 1 year
Hello! May i request 11 with Dazai and Chuuya (she/her pronouns please)
# tags: scenario; friendship; a bit of fluff; but also kind of drama and angst; love triangle; one sided love; friendzoned; study!au; reader has no idea; sfw
includes: female reader ft. osamu dazai & chuuya nakahara {bsd}
author’s note: nooo :( poor chuuya and dazai :(((
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11. “I– I like both of you…”
Chuuya – even though he didn’t have to – picked you up from your university every day, feeling obliged to make sure you returned safely to your small, two-room flat near the city center. You were studying and in your third year in your chosen field; you were also in the process of writing a thesis that would be the culmination of your whole work. Your close friend was really caring, although you tried to explain to him that you didn’t need a bodyguard at all.
But then the thought popped into your head that Chuuya was doing this on purpose to invite himself to your apartment for dinner, and while it wasn’t entirely true in the young man’s eyes, that was how you tried to explain it, giggling to yourself.
Very often, halfway or at the end, right next to the entrance to your tenement house, Osamu was waiting for you, smiling from ear to ear – your second dear friend and at the same time your former-but-regular-customer who often left you tips when you were working in a cafe as a cashier. Even though his tips were never huge, talking to him and his friendly expression always brightened your mood, even on the gloomiest and rainiest of days.
You met a red-haired man with a hat on his head one night when you were returning from a meeting with your friends from university; you drank one beer with raspberry juice and walked home late at night – on the way to the tenement house, you accidentally bumped into an older and incredibly aggressive man who immediately raised his voice at you, insulting you and ridiculing your way of being. Paralyzed, you didn’t know what to do: apologize, run away, answer rudely that he wasn’t looking ahead...? But instead, you slowly stepped back, and as he tried to grab your wrist, he was immediately pushed back, and your body was covered by the shadow of a young boy with long, fox-like hair. Your rescuer introduced himself to you by his full name and then offered to walk you home. You hesitantly agreed to this, and perhaps this moment caused Chuuya to this day to be very worried about you and your night returns – first from work during the summer, and then from university.
“... Dazai.” Your companion muttered, and the taller man just chuckled.
“Hello, Y/N.” As befits a gentleman, your other male friend took your hand in his much warmer one and then placed a short, yet tender kiss on your skin. You greeted the twenty-two-year-old, inviting him over for tea. It was just the perfect time to sit at the table, eat some sweets and drink something warm, especially since the weather outside was looking more and more like real autumn.
While climbing the stairs and opening the bright door to your place, the two men behind your back kept teasing each other with glances and gestures.
Neither Osamu, whom you charmed during your first meeting in the cafe when you painted a tiny daisy on his coffee, nor Chuuya, who you thanked for saving – probably – your life and gave him a charming paper bag full of handmade and decorated cookies, didn’t like sharing you with each other.
They both thought that your relation was much stronger and more honest than the other one – after all with Chuuya you talked about studies, cooking, wine and music. With him that you occasionally went out for a drink or to the club, had fun on the dance floor and then took a taxi back to your or his apartment, laughing a lot. However, the brown-haired detective had a different opinion. Maybe because with Osamu you had amazing adventures when he took you to the shooting range and when he helped you decorate your smol nest, while having an incredible understanding of colors and types of wood?
With one you felt incredibly safe, while the other was your cure for every, even the smallest, mental ailment. You had known each other for over two years and at that moment you really couldn’t imagine your life without this crazy boy who got drunk very quickly, or without this idiot who constantly said something about suicide and his other friends.
Seeing them with ‘their’ cups in their hands and hearing their compliments on the cupcakes you baked the day before made you feel really happy. So you quickly got up from the table and excused yourself for a moment, going to the second, very tiny room, which only contained your bed and a tiny nightstand with a lamp.
In the drawer there were two tiny packages. You grabbed them in your hands and returned to the two men who were looking at each other with hostility in their eyes.
“Umm…” You hesitantly walked towards them, holding out both of your hands. The blue bundle went to the taller man, and the green one to the slightly shorter one. “You know perfectly well how much you mean to me.” You started more confidently, trying to smile softly. “I– I like both of you…” You breathed a sigh of relief as you said the words, then blinked your eyes, trying not to get emotional. “You are equally valuable to me, although I have a slightly different relation with each of you and we support each other in completely different ways. It’s just a little thing in gratitude for everything you have done and are doing for me. Both of you. As my best friends.”
In a way, both Osamu and Chuuya were extremely happy knowing that they were so damn important to you, and the key chains in the little boxes only made them more confident of what an amazing girl, friend, soulmate you were to them. One showed an adorable, gray octopus with a huge smile and round eyes, while the other showed a chick with yellow plumage and a laughing expression. This gift really gave them a lot of joy.
On the other hand, calling them ‘friends’ and putting them on equal terms was very insulting to them. Because they were both in love with you, they couldn’t stand the thought that you would never look at them as anything other than colleagues, acquaintances or buddies. Chuuya wanted to drink wine with you on your anniversaries and other important dates, while Dazai wanted to take your hand and steal a kiss on your lips, not on the skin of your fingers.
Nevertheless, they thanked you for the gifts, and you accepted their thanks with a smile, repeating once again that they were really important to you and you were really happy that your fates were connected.
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wandabear · 1 year
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Finders Keepers (but keeps it forever) - Wanda Maximoff x Werewolf female reader
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ
ㅤ ㅤㅤ note: I'm going to leave these songs, you'll need them.
Jules is portrayed by Adelaide Kane in my mind ofc. First part - Touched - VAST. Second part - Dress - Taylor Swift
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ㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ
“Everything has changed since that first full moon. And it has been for the last months, and the worst part is it hasn't been just one full moon after another, but also an eclipse at the same time. Yeah, it wasn't the best time in my life. ㅤㅤ  
Believe me, if there is something worse than a blood full moon it is: a fucking eclipse.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
My moods have been very different, more volatile than normal and also more sensitive. My appetite increases more and more, which is not strange since my metabolism changed a lot.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
Everything was fine until this morning. I was feeling good, I felt whole again. It could be said that I could even smile. Took a long hot shower, the water running down my body. The raspberry scent of the soap seemed stronger than normal, but it was delicious. I could smell the coffee in the kitchen, surely Jules was cooking something because the smell was so damn good. I wouldn't leave her alone too long in the kitchen tho. You would think: what’s wrong with all that? It all sounds pretty nice, right?
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
My teeth started to hurt, the first time I thought maybe it was some dental infection or something. This wasn't a first time tho. A loud beep forced me to hold on to the bathroom wall, the noise of the drops hitting the floor resounded in my ears.
Falling harder, hitting the ground, it was too loud. Painful.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Seeing myself in the reflection I could notice a slight change in my eyes, remarkable. Began to slowly turn into an almost animal and primitive yellow. ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Something is brewing inside of me, something that recognizes me and I recognize as myself. It’s my eternal companion, cause once in a while, its allowed to get out, but don't mistake that for freedom.
I look at my reflection and can see that it smiles unlike me. The wolf knows that its winning and I need to know why. I need to know what's going on.
Am I the owner of my own body? Or am I just a guest? Is this my body still?
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ I can feel it. It's like the blood boiled inside me, the heat became unbearable. The pumping of the heart, pounding in my own ears. The sound of the bones breaking will only increase the horror show. From beneath you, it devours. It consumes you... Slowly. Beast talks to me, whispers to me, seducing me. Because I can't deny myself anymore, it's what I am. Jules was right about something, the wolf is inside me, all the time. And I can no longer divide the line that separates us, the wolf and me. I can't help it. I can’t control it. And I can't go back to you.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Wanda. I miss you."
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Y/N finished writing and sighed. She hesitated whether to send that e-mail or not, but as always, she just to deleted it. ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ She took her backpack and left the bedroom. Y/N looked out the window, the weather in Wyoming was turning cold and the trees were starting to turn white. But the cold was no longer a concern for her, she wasn't the same.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
They were back in Wyoming two months ago, Y/N and Jules traveled trying to find a cure or more information about who they were. Traveled all over the world, from Alexandria to the vast African savannah, from the cold forests of Wyoming to the hot South America.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Lobisón, Loup Garou, Werewolf, Úlfheðnar, Luchthonn, Rougarou. So many names that tried to identify them, to many places, too many cultures.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
But wherever they went, every book, every shaman, every person who knew about their true nature just told them that there were no cures for such a curse. Although some didn’t consider it a curse, some considered it a gift.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
A gift was a billion dollars, this was not a gift at all.ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Now living in the woods near a Native American reservation, the people recognized their nature and allowed them to stay, as long as the girls stayed away at certain times of the month.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
It was a good deal, enough to evade the hunters who were always on the lookout for supernatural creatures to kill. And even if the girls kept themselves locked up at every full moon, Hunters never ask, they'll just shoot.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“It’s coming… I can feel it.”  Jules told her as she placed a huge bowl of spaghetti in front of her, Y/N took a seat at the table. Her friend spent the afternoon making a delicious dinner, enough to calm the hunger, and the hunger of the beast within.
Even if they knew it was impossible, at least they felt less guilty.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“Thank you.” Y/N sighed.  “Sometimes I feel like it's... overwhelming. Also feel revitalized, so positive, like I can do anything.”
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“I know… But we will get through this together, those were difficult months.” Jules reached out to squeeze her best friend's hand.  “But we'll keep doing it, until this is over.”
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Y/N took some bread before starting to eat.  “I'm starting to think this isn't going to end. I don't think we'll find a cure.”
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“Me neither…” Jules smiled sadly but leaned over to take some cheese. “But it will stop, even if it means our hearts no longer beat.”
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
They ate in a comfy silence for a while until Y/N hesitated.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“I want to go back to New York.” Y/N just dropped it. That surprised Jules who just frowned somewhat worried.
“Y/N…” Jules looked at her food kinda sadly, already talked about it many times but neither seemed ready for that.  “You know it's not safe for you to come back, nor for those who loves you.”
“I know, but… Yelena sent me this.”
ㅤ ㅤㅤ
Y/n sighed deeply and reached her backpack, pulling out what appeared to be an invitation, the paper was light purple. “She's getting married, Jules. I can't leave her alone on such a day… She’s my best friend.”
Jules took the card in her hands, looking that beautiful invitation. Kate Bishop and Yelena Belova invited them to be part of the union of their love, in a beautiful golden font. Damn, she was so damn weak for romance. “It's in three weeks... I don't know... You'll be very close to the next full moon, Y/N. Like a week.”
“I know, I plan to go back before then. Just attend the wedding and that's it, I'll be back.” Y/N looked like a little puppy, asking please to say yes.
Jules just was quiet for a moment, then nodded.
“You’ll have to take care of yourself and take care of those around you. You know that a week before the full moon we get... hungry.”
“Then it’s a yes?” Y/N looked up, surprised. “Are you saying that...”
“I'm saying you should visit your friends.” The girl smiled and continued eating her spaghetti. “After all, people don't get married every day, right? You should get out of all this for a bit, just don’t bite.”
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Y/N got up, hugged and kissed her friend's head, making Jules laugh.
“You're welcome, pal, just call me if you need anything.”
“Oh no, you’re not staying here. You come with me.” Y/N sat back down to finish the food.
“Me?” Jules frowned, now more confused and worried than ever. “No, Y/N. And what am I going to do there? I don’t know anyone.”
“You’re coming with me, that’s it. If I have to war a dress or a suit to go to a wedding, you'll come with me, I said.”
“Okay, but can I choose my own dress and-” Jules said so excited, a big smile on her face, when suddenly stopped, putting her hand towards her belly. Dishes smashed to the floor, she took a deep breath.
Both girls hissed in pain at the same time, feeling a deep stitch in their bodies.
“We have to… we have to go now.” Y/N managed to say getting up slowly after the pain passed, she looked out the window seeing that the sun would go down soon. According to google, sunset would arrive in an hour.
The brunette watched as Jules opened one of the safes hidden behind a painting and took out a suitcase. They both left the house and walked in the forest for perhaps ten minutes until they found to an old abandoned cabin. ㅤㅤㅤ
The owner was dead, now that cabin was their property. The important thing was that under that cabin, below the cabin, an old basement served as a prison every full moon. After working on it for a few weeks, they managed to make sure it was strong enough to hold them.
Silver was their ally, the bars were made of iron and silver as were the chains and handcuffs that would keep them trapped all night.
Y/N took the briefcase, inside were four syringes with a liquid derived from wolfsbane and powdered silver, that would weaken them enough. On top of that, there was a gun and many silver bullets. The necessary so that if either of them crossed the line, they would use it without hesitation.
ㅤㅤㅤ Of course none would, they weren't capable. ㅤㅤㅤ
“I choose tails, you have heads…” The Boston girl announced as she tossed a coin. “Head. This time you go first.”
Y/N nodded, walking towards the cell where she would be held for the night. The claws on the walls showed the chaos of every month. Jules helped her put on each of the shackles, closing them tight.
Seeing the pain the silver chains was causing on Y/N, Jules tried to be as gentle as possible, helping her to sit on the floor.
Y/N swallowed as she felt an invisible pressure around her neck, hands and legs. So agitated, sweat began to fall down her forehead. But while the silver around her made her feel tired, it wasn't enough.
“I love you, okay?” Jules tried to calm her down, though she knew it was impossible. She took the syringe and even though her hand trembled for a moment, ended up injecting Y/N’s leg as fast as she could. “Don’t be afraid.” ㅤㅤㅤ
As soon as she finished saying that, Y/N squeezed Jules arm so harsh, that if she were human it would have broken easily.  Pain was visible on Y/N's face, those eyes filled with tears.
“It hurts…” Y/N whimpered under her breath, clenching her jaw hard. The pain she felt was so deep and blinding, how each of her muscles contracted. Her heart pounding harder than ever, that pain was too much but necessary.
“I know, luv.”  Jules just kissed her forehead, trying to comfort her.  “But this will weaken the wolf, making the night less... difficult.”
Jules moved away seeing how Y/N closed her eyes and hugged herself, trying to bear the pain. She locked the cell and threw the key a few feets away, far enough so that Y/N couldn't take it.
Y/N looked up to see how Jules locked herself too.
“Everything will be okay.” This time, she tried to make Jules feel better.
“We will.” Sighing deeply, Jules injected the liquid into her leg really harsh. There was no time to be soft, soon the moon would rise and both would give way to the beast. Jules stifled a cry of pain and just closed her eyes feeling the wolfsbane reach the bloodstream.
The silver would weaken them enough, though not too much to kill them. They both hissed and writhed in pain for a long time until exhaustion began to wear them down, barely keeping their eyes open.
“Good luck.” Jules slurred.
“Please, be safe.” Those were Y/N's last words before closing her eyes.
But the peace of mind didn’t last long.
Maybe ten minutes later they both woke up suddenly, their hearts beating so damn fast. Her hands trembled uncontrollably.
Y/N took a deep breath, the heat suffocate her little by little. While the sun hid between the mountains, the wolf woke up in that cabin.
Like every full moon, the calvary began.
ㅤㅤㅤ Feeling how each of her bones broke with a chilling synchrony, how each fiber of her skin ceased to be hers and regenerated. Break and regenerate itself.
Again. And again.
Those eyes were no longer the same, a body which no longer belonged to her. How her will was given to a more primal being.
Releasing her and demanding Y/N to release it, set it free. Feeling the depths of the true nature, her true nature, so primitive and ancient but so natural at the same time.
But as every dawn, devotion and fidelity remains in Y/N’s heart. As well as the wildness and the wiliness.   Every night her bones are breaking, howling in pain.
The brunette fell to her knees, placing hands against the floor, clinging to its coldness to calm the inner fire, but it was impossible. The human fangs grew longer and sharper, the color of Y/N’s eyes changed to a wild shade of yellow.
She watched as her fingers clawed hard, finally letting out a scream.
A scream that was followed by a long howl, welcoming her new figure. The female and human figure was left behind, the Wolf was here now. Much larger than normal, but still a big, scary, wild wolf.
The fur was dark, while Jules's was a little more gray. Both glared at each other, far from looking for a rival, they connected. Now they were a pack.
Both beasts struggled to free themselves from their bonds but it was impossible, the silver kept them locked up and the wolfsbane kept weakening them. At least all night. ㅤㅤㅤ
That was all they needed.
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The birds singing made Y/n open her eyes slowly, lying on the cold floor of the cell. She sighed deeply, feeling how her whole naked body ached in a terrifying way.
“Fuck.” She growled.
It was like the worst hangover in the world, she thought. Those were the exact words Jules told her, and she confirmed it since she was bitten.
Carefully, the brunette got up trying to take the backpack with clothes that they left the day before.
As she put on her oversized T-shirt, she heard Jules groan sleepily waking from that awful dream.
“Welcome back, princess.” Y/N waved as she opened the cell and handed some clothes to Jules, who was just covering part of her naked body with her hands. Although to be fair, she didn't care about Y/N seeing her naked or anything anymore.
After half an hour, they returned to the house dragging their feet from pain and exhaustion. The hunger they felt was enormous; the beast always wanted to satisfy the ancestral hunger but it had not been fed for a long time.
And it never would be. It just left a horrible feeling, like they hadn't eaten well for a week.
ㅤㅤㅤ The brunette noticed how Jules was stroking her forehead when she was making some grilled cheese sandwiches, so she took some pills and a glass of water and handed them to her.
“Thank you. Silver is a bitch.” Jules growled, taking a few pills at once. “But at least that way we know we're not hurting anyone.” ㅤㅤㅤ
“Hurts too much but we have to pay the price for a clear conscience.” Y/N said and they began to devour their sandwiches. You could see the pleasure on their faces, like they hadn't eaten for weeks and finally got their favorite food. ㅤㅤㅤ
“So…” Jules licked her lips after drinking some of the juice. “We're going to the Big Apple.” ㅤㅤㅤ
“Two werewolves in New York.” Y/n nodded, licking the remains of ketchup from her fingers. “This is going to be fun…” ㅤㅤㅤ
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“Where to, ladies?” Asked the taxi driver with his voice raspy due to smoking.
Y/N and Jules left JFK airport after a nearly six hour flight, but the cold air against her face made Y/N smile.
Oh, she loved New York in April.
“71 Manhattan Ave, please.”  Jules said as she put the backpack to her side.
“Expensive a bit.”  Y/N raised an eyebrow.
“New York is expensive. What? We never go anywhere.” Jules shrugged and looked out the window at the busy New York traffic. “I thought we could treat ourselves this time.”
“Yeah...we don't go to a wedding every day.” Y/N sighed and adjusted her sunglasses to enjoy the view. The trip was nice, despite the fact that it was 7 am.
“Yelena knows I'm going with you?”
“Yep, as my plus one.” The brunette whispered and remained thoughtful.
She tried not to think about the consequences of the visit. What if Wanda saw her? What if she saw Wanda with someone else? Couldn't get over it, but she had to, for Yelena. She owed her after everything she'd helped Y/N.  Couldn't leave them alone on their wedding day.
“You're worried that you're going to see Wanda, aren't you?” Oh, Jules knew her very well.
Y/N swallowed and looked down. “It worries me to know that… I don't know if I can let her go once more if I see her again.”
Jules just sighed and took her hand, squeezing it gently to show her support. “Everything will be okay, you’ll see.”
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The green-eyed girl looked at herself for a moment in the mirror, enjoying that brown color. After a whole year, her hair was much longer, a few shades darker.
ㅤㅤㅤ Wanda smiled as she saw her friend in the reflection.
“You look great.” the sokovian whispered as she finished helping Yelena put on her dress. The blonde's eyes shone when she saw how the hair was ready, tied in a beautiful way. Sure Yelena wasn't wearing white, but a nice light color was enough.
ㅤㅤㅤ “Do you think so?” Yelena gasped and looked at herself in the mirror again. “Wow... I never thought I could get married. But bitch, I look amazing.”
“I always thought that you looked more a dog person than a married person.” Natasha joked watching her from the door.
“Oh make no mistake, sestra. I am both.” They all giggled happily, especially when they saw the happiness on Yelena's face.
“And here you are… Looking more beautiful than ever.” Nat added as she reached over to hug her sister. Wanda joined in, making it the most powerful trident ever seen.
“Okay, lots of love for now, I'll go see if Clint and dad are ready.” Yelena broke away and was about to leave the room when Wanda spoke:
“Yelena… I know I said I didn't want to know...” Wanda hesitated before what she was going to ask. “Is Y/N coming?”
Yelena sighed. “I think so, I hope so… I sent her the invitation so many times but didn't have an answer. Kate sended it too.”
She just nodded and watched as Yelena closed the door behind her. Natasha and Wanda decided to adjust their own dresses and comb their hair for the beautiful moment, since they were the bridesmaids, of course.
“You still miss her, don't you?” Natasha asked with a tiny side smile, although inside she felt really guilty about that. Seeing how her best friend suffered from Y/N's absence, knowing why she left and not being able to tell Wanda about it.
“Me? Pff!” Wanda said pretending to be uninterested.  “No, no... of course not. I like Vision, he’s lovely. Remember?”
“Yep… Still, you guys are nothing… like officially together or something. Just friends, right?” Natasha teased, knowing Wanda so damn well. She knew that if Wanda liked Vision so much -or as she was in love with Y/N before- it wouldn't have taken her so long to be his girlfriend.
“Can we talk about Yelena? This is her day, not mine.”
“Sure.” Natasha nodded but when she walked past Wanda she just poked her belly with a finger.  “Liar.”
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After getting out of the taxi and walking through that beautiful entrance full of flowers, Jules turned to see Y/N. She was wearing a nice femenine black suit while the Boston girl was wearing a flowery dress.
“How do you feel?” Jules asked a little concerned, noticing Y/n's silence since they left the house.
“A bit excited.”
“Don’t worry, ‘kay? She's going to be so happy to see you.” They walked until they reached the entrance, luckily Wanda wasn't around. Only some people she knew, like Daisy, Steve, Bucky, Carol and the gang.
“You look more nervous than me.” Y/N smiled as she watched Jules move her hands, a pretty clear sign of the anxiety she felt.
“Hey, Y/N! So good to see you!” Daisy came over to hug her and then walking away to keep talking to Bobbi.
ㅤㅤㅤ “Y/N, I haven't seen you for so long!" Carol moved closer to hug her for a moment. She was wearing a black suit that looked spectacular on her, especially with her blonde hair. Carol turned to Jules, shaking her hand. "And who's this beauty? I'm Carol Danvers, I love your dress." ㅤㅤㅤ
"Thank you." Jules stammered. ㅤㅤㅤ
"Oh, don't you dare." Y/N warned the blonde and then took Jules arm to keep walking. "Stop sighing, she's a heartbreaker. Let's go."
“Don't judge me, I'm about to walk into a wedding where no one knows me, I have social anxiety and I'm a werewolf close to full moon.” Jules licked her lips, glancing at some of the guests. “I have all the bingo numbers.”
“Come on… We will eat some delicious snacks, we will dance some 90s and 2000’s bangs, you will see me depressed and gloomy when I see the love of my life. It will be fun.” Y/N nudged her and held out her arm for Jules to grab.
Sighing, Jules took her arm and they both took courage before entering the church.
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The moment Yelena saw Y/N enter the ‘bride #2’ room where she and her bridesmaids were, went over to hug Y/N so tightly. Closing her eyes, so was glad her friend was there.
“Y/N! I was afraid you wouldn't come.” The blonde moved and watched her with immense joy. “I missed you so much.”
“I missed you too.” Y/N smiled happy, kissing her forehead. “You look beautiful, blondie. I’m so happy for you…”
She turned to see the beautiful bridesmaids, Wanda and Natasha. Both wore beautiful wine-colored dresses, loose hair and a look that could kill.
That room was decorated with beautiful flowers, some drinks to make the bride feel more relaxed and everything she needed to prepare herself.
“Hey, Nat.” Y/N smiled and gave Natasha a big bear hug before pulling away. ㅤㅤㅤ "I'm glad you came." Nat smiled happy to see her.
"Yeah..." Y/N gasped looking at Wanda now. There she was, as beautiful as ever.
“Wanda…” Y/N whispered. Her heart told her that she was still alive, and that it still belonged to Wanda. An entire year without seeing her, now she was there.
“Hi, Y/N.” Although those green eyes looked excited to see her, Wanda tried to pretend and hide her emotion to show a cold face. “You looking good.”
“Thanks… you still look beautiful! That dress looks so good on you...” Those words came out of Y/N’s mouth even though she didn't even think about it.
Nat and Yelena looked at each other and walked away, knowing it was time to leave them alone before the ceremony. What Y/N didn’t know is that minutes before, Wanda noticed the presence of Jules, who was taking a seat next to Daisy Johnson.
Suddenly all the happiness to see Y/N vanished, feeling enormous jealousy. And right now she had Y/N in front of her.
“So…” Wanda raised an eyebrow.  “You’re here.”
“Yeah.” Y/N swallowed, adjusting her blazer.
“With HER.” The Sokovian emphasized that last word, clenching her jaw. Wanda shook her head, felt so upset even if this was not the time to talk about it.  “Don't you feel guilty bringing her here with you? Not even a little? Isn't that embarrassing, Y/N?”
Y/N frowned now, didn't understand what the hell Wanda meant, she was just dazed to see her again. “Wanda, what are you talking about?”
“Oh, come on!”  Wanda just let out an ironic laugh, now that they were alone she could finally explode. “You were an idiot, but now I realize that I was the idiot all that time. I can't believe you're doing this!"
“No, you don't have the right to do this! This is my friend's wedding too, and I can't believe you brought that woman here knowing that I was in love with you!” Wanda pointed at her, annoyed. “That you ghosted me! And cheated on me!”
“I didn’t ghosted you.” Y/N gasped and shook her head.  “Well, not like that, I mean…yeah, but no!”
“Oh fuck you, Y/N!” Wanda shook her head and decided to get out of there, but Y/N dared to block her way. ㅤㅤㅤ
“I mean it, Wanda, Jules is not my girlfriend. I've never cheated on you!” She took her arm gently, not wanting to hurt Wanda but enough to hold her.  “She is like my sister.”
“Umh, it's… more difficult to explain than you think but…” Y/N stammered scratching the back of her neck, she never thought she should explain who Jules was. Lie now and fast. “She’s like my sister, we share a bond… family. Not of blood, she is… beyond that.”
“You and that girl aren't together? Never were?” Wanda's eyes widened in surprise, for a moment all the anger she felt against them seemed to diminish.
At that moment Cassie Lang came into the room to tell them the brides would be arriving soon and that the bridesmaids and bestman should go to the aisle.
“Of course not.” Y/N  laughed at how ridiculous that sounded, she opened the door for Wanda to go out first.  “She's not the reason I left.”
“Oh…” Wanda sighed and smiled shyly.  “That's good because Natasha is flirting with her right now, over there.”
The Sokovian pointed towards the area where the guests were and could see how Natasha talked to Jules, clearly trying to win her over.
“Damn, that was fast.” Y/N raised an eyebrow and they both laughed. "She beat Carol."
“Sorry… I misunderstood all that. I saw you with her, leaving a coffee shop a year ago, before you left me alone. I thought you just… you left me for her.” Wanda pressed her lips together, finally confessing what she had hidden for so long.
“It's okay. I saw you with Vision too…” Y/N wrinkled her nose.
“Oh, no. Ew. He’s just a friend.” She babbled nervously.
“Good… but, umh… I was with her yes, taking care of Jules…she… had some trouble.” Y/N sighed wistfully.  “I can't talk about it here, but… walking away was the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life. To get away from you.”
“Then you never forgot me.” Wanda's beautiful green eyes sparkled.
“I could never forget you, Wanda Maximoff.” Y/N smiled. Their gazes, impossible to detach from each other, they were face to face.  “I was so in love with you.”
“… Was?”
Y/N was going to keep going when Natasha's voice brought them back to life. “They’re ready.”
Both nodded and settled on each side, Wanda walked away but not before saying:
“I'm glad she's not your girlfriend or something... but I don't forget that you ghosted me and you broke my heart.” Wanda definitely wasn't going to leave it like that. “We'll talk about this later.”
Y/N nodded and settled to the side next to Natasha and Wanda. On Kate's side were America Chavez, Cassie Lang, and Peter Parker.
The wedding march was heard, but then it was interrupted to play Yelena and Kate’s favorite song, making the moment one of the most beautiful Y/N has ever experienced.
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The party had everyone quite happy, Yelena and Kate couldn't stop laughing as the guests danced to a catchy 2000’s song.
Feeling a bit thirsty, she went to the bar to order sometrhing and noticed that Wanda was expecting the same thing. The Sokovian drummed her fingers on the wooden table, lost in her own thoughts.
Damn, she really did look beautiful in that dress.
“Hey.” Y/N stayed next to her.
“Hey.” Wanda smiled. The bartender finally handed her the cocktail and took Y/N's order.  “You alone?”
“My ‘plus one’  is with your best friend over there.” She nodded at Jules dancing with Natasha and Yelena. “She was pretty scared that no one would listen to her. Look at her now!”
“The power of a few beers.” Wanda joked. After taking their cocktails, both walked away from the dancefloor to go to the terrace. “Where did you both meet? I mean, I know you, or at least I did and… your friends were Yelena, Kate, and Natasha.”
Y/n swallowed, should she tell the truth? Why didn't she study what she should say and what not? The truth is, that Y/N didn’t expect to spend time with Wanda. She expected the Sokovian to reject and ignore her all night.
“We knew each other for a while before… I left.” Y/N looked down to see her cocktail, rather embarrassed to talk about it like it was a normal thing.
And it was noted how that affected Wanda, who seemed to be really hurt at the mention of that. "Why did not you call me? Why didn't you tell me where you were going?"
“I couldn't tell you.” Y/N begged Wanda not to continue.
Wanda snorted, shaking her head. "Sure."
"I mean it."
“Why?” Wanda persisted, she didn't want to let it go.
“Cause…” Y/N was about to spill everything but just stopped, swallowing her own words. She looked around, everyone was enjoying the party or the food. “I can't tell you here, okay?”
Wanda licked her lips, tasting the delicious cherry flavor from the drink and then leaned in to whisper:  “Is it a legal problem?”
Y/N frowned. “What?”
“The problem you left is… a legal one?” Wanda cleared her throat. “Were you running from someone?”
The brunette thought about those words for a moment, was she really running from someone or from herself?  It was a tricky question.
“Yeah. Jules and I… we were running from someone.”
“I understand.” Wanda said a bit worried, now she understood the situation better although it didn't make it less painful. “Violent situation?”
“Yeah, very violent. I didn't want to put you in danger.” Well, after all, that was true. Right?
“I'm sorry about that.” The Sokovian sighed and took Y/N's hand, squeezing it gently. “I hope you can tell me well about it later. If… we can still… hangout sometime.”
Y/N stared at Wanda for a moment. Boy, did she look as beautiful as ever. Laughter caught both of their attention, everyone was definitely having a great time. Even the grumpy Bucky who was smiling, drinking and dancing. This wasn’t time to be the brooding werewolf girl trying to stay away, was it?
“Hey... would you like to dance with me?” She finally held out her hand for Wanda to take, and smiled when the Sokovian did.
ㅤㅤㅤ “I was dying for you to ask it.”
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The door opened quickly, letting in two women devouring each other between kisses, completely desperate.
Y/N's lips searched for Wanda's in a needy way, barely separating to breathe. Her hands were quick enough to release her body and close the door behind them.
Our secret moments in your crowded room. They got no idea about me and you.
“Oh my god!” Wanda gasped, they both laughed at how ridiculously needy they were of each other.
After spending the whole night provoking each other between glances and smiles, thanks to alcohol too, both ended up kissing each other in a lonely area in the Chateau gardens.
“I wanted this so bad, detka. Every night thinking of you.” Wanda whispered, closing her eyes to surrender to the pleasure. "Only bought this dress so you could take it off."
They both dropped into the hotel bed, stripping off their clothes.
Say my name and everything just stops, I don't want you like a best friend. ㅤㅤㅤ
This was their first time together but it seemed like they had known each other forever. Caressing the exact areas to make the other melt completely.
Even if she wanted to stop, Y/N couldn't even control herself. As if she were possessed by the power of the next full moon, she devoured Wanda's lips with pleasure, desperately ran around her neck, owning her sighs.
Carve your name into my bedpost ,'cause I don't want you like a best friend.
Of course it wasn't just a product of pleasure and passion; the silent, hungry beast inside urged her to want more. To adore that woman, to love her and to go completely mad for her. Wanda was hers. ㅤㅤㅤ
Y/N sniffed Wanda's scent, closing her eyes, sighing deeply as if she were impregnated with it. As if she swore an eternal devotion to her, and what lived inside would gladly accept it.  
Don't bite her.
Don't bite her.
Don't bite her. If you love her, don’t bite her!
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ
Those words flashed through her mind over and over again. She shouldn't bite her, though that wouldn't mean spreading the werewolf venom, would it? She could only do it on a full moon. Or maybe... no. Even if the wolf wanted to bite her so bad, she would never do it.
Y/N just growled with desire, ignoring all those thoughts and letting herself lose in desire.
Every kiss, every lick, every moan was printed in Y/N’s mind, on her skin and in her heart. The way Wanda dug nails into her back as they reached their first orgasm, or their second one, or their third one or the rest of them. All of this silence and patience, hands shaking from holding back.
Say my name and everything just stops. You made your mark on me, like a golden tattoo.
That was one of the most exciting, hungry and exhausting nights that both had lived.
The agitated breathing of both, resting in bed after hours of need.
“That was amazing.” Wanda giggled happily, turning to see Y/n who didn't stop smiling either. “That was a good way to meet again...”
“It was. Damn, babe. You’re gorgeous.”  Y/N gasped, finally leaned in to give her a cute peck on the lips.
ㅤㅤㅤ Y/N knew that she was screwing up everything, it wasn't okay, she knew perfectly well that she was unleashing much worse chaos for later, only to live in the present. Still, she didn't want to get out of that beautiful moment.
They were back together, it was all that mattered.
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And although for Y/N many awakenings were terrifying, this had been the most beautiful of all in her entire damn life. Seeing Wanda snuggled against her body, smiling sleepily in the cutest way in the world. Oh, that was heaven for sure.
Now I wake up by your side. My one and only, my lifeline. I woke up just in time.
And without hesitation, Y/N would sell her soul twenty times over to awaken her entire life like this, leaving behind a chaos she had never asked for. How was she able to endure all this time without Wanda?
“Are you okay, detka?” Wanda asked curiously while she touched the brunette's belly. The morning sun tried to intrude between the curtains. “I see you're a bit thoughtful. Are you regretting this?”
“What? No! NO! Not at all!” She exclaimed desperately, but calmer when she saw how Wanda laughed.
“I’m just kidding.” She laughed and kissed Y/N’s lips. “I'm going to the bathroom, don't you dare leave.”
“I wouldn't even think about it.” Y/N smiled at her, watching as the brunette bit her bottom lip, walking fully naked to the bathroom.
“Oh, god.” Y/N sighed and dropped her head on the pillow. She glanced the phone on the nightstand. Should she...?
Didn't want to come back to life outside of this room, but she had to be responsible for her actions.
Taking a deep breath, Y/N reached for her phone and looked at the notifications.
A very cute text from Yelena and Kate, two texts from Natasha asking where the fuck she was, and two from Jules.
“I saw that you left me completely alone at the wedding (I’m so glad you did!) but thanks to the Russian redhead I was able to get home safely. (She’s taking me rn! I mean taking me home, not taking me- well, maybe later) Have some safe sex! Please, don’t bite your ex! I MEAN IT.” – from Jules, eight hours ago.
Y/N just rolled her eyes and giggled. Feeling in the clouds. Everything was back to normal for a few minutes and her chest filled with joy. Or perhaps it was the ego of wolf, knowing that soon it would be free.
Wanda came out of the bathroom and upon hearing Y/N’s giggle, she approached smiling.  “What is it, detka?”
“What is it? I have you here with me, looking so fucking hot.” Y/N smirked. “Everything is perfect.”
“Oh shut up, flirty.” The Sokovian blushed, lying down next to her again.
“You look like a goddess, Wanda Maximoff.”
Those words reached Wanda's heart, those eyes shone with pure illusion. But to break the beautiful moment, Y/N’s stomach began to growl.
“Someone’s hungry…” Wanda joked and they both laughed.  “Would you like to have breakfast together? Let me buy you something, because I don't have anything to cook here.”
Y/N narrowed her eyes, playing with her.  “Of course not, it's a hotel, dummy.”
“Oh, shut up.”
Although room service was tempting, the high prices made them both look at each other and quickly get up to take a shower together, going to the nearest restaurant. Holding hands, like two teenagers in love.
“Are you going to eat all that?” Wanda asked when she saw the amount of chicken club sandwiches Y/N ordered for herself.  
“Yeah, why?” The brunette took a bite of one of these, sometimes she forgot how much she had to eat and how surprised people were when they saw it. “I'm starving.”
“I see…” Wanda smiled tenderly, sipping some coffee.  “Okay, after an interesting night where we couldn't talk... tell me what happened to you all these months. There are some changes in you, I can tell. Besides the scars on your body.”
That took Y/N by surprise, fought not to choke on her food. “Well… like I told you, it's quite long story.”
“We have time.” Wanda raised an eyebrow. “I don't want to be annoying here but you owe me an explanation.”
Sighing, Y/N took a moment before beginning.
"The situation with Jules... well, umh… you know-”
“Cut the crap, Y/N. I’m glad to see you and the sex was amazing but you better start talking right now.”
Y/N narrowed her eyes. “Okay, no need to be all bossy!” Sighs. “The night we saw each other and had our date, I had an accident.”
This took Wanda by surprise, leaning in.  “Y/N, what? Are you okay?”
She nodded. “I had an accident which… I was slow to recover and Jules took care of me. That's when I met her.”
Wanda just remained silent. Maybe trying to make sure Y/N was telling the truth.
“That's why I couldn't call you.”
“Why didn't you do it later?” the sokovian asked skeptically.
“I wanted to! Of course I tried. I just couldn't… the guy with who I had the accident that night was a very violent person. He attacked Jules… He was after her, threatening her so we had to run...”
Not even her realized how she tried to get out of that web of lies and mixed truths.
“Sounds scary.” Wanda seemed terrified with everything she heard, but above all, she felt somewhat guilty and worried.
“You can’t imagine how much.” Y/N looked down. She had never talked about this with anyone but Jules.
“When I came to see you again, a year ago, I just… couldn't. I saw you with Vision and I saw that you were fine, I didn't want to get you in this huge trouble.” She shrugged, remembering the jealousy when she saw that stupid british guy.
“Y/N… you would never get me into anything dangerous.” Wanda took her hand and caressed it. “I know.”
Y/N swallowed, was that really true? She was the one who was really dangerous now.
“So…” Y/N decided to keep going and not sink into the guilt. “We left the city, we were traveling for a while to get rid of the… guy.”
“Wow, that sounds so sad and lonely.”
“It was…”
Wanda sighed and kissed the back of Y/N's hand, thinking about everything Y/N went through alone.  “I really missed you, a lot.”
“I missed you everyday.” Y/N confessed with immense pain, leaning over to kiss her lips one more time.
“So... knowing that you're not seeing anyone and that you still like me...” Wanda bit her lower lip. “Can we…?”
Y/N smiled tenderly. “I don’t like you, Wands, I’m still in love with you.”
Wanda finally smiled happily.  “Can we still see each other?”
And though it took her a moment to think about it, Y/N just answered with the heart and not her mind, not knowing the chaos it could bring.
“Of course.” She leaned down to kiss Wanda’s lips. “Now that I see you, I can't let you go.”
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“HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND?”  Jules yelled, shaking her head and closing her suitcase.  “I’m this close to kick your STUPID, IRRESPONSIBLE ASS!”
“Jules… please!”  
“No, Y/N. This is… This is beyond irresponsible!” She stormed into the living room angrily.
Exactly as Y/N thought, Jules hadn't taken well to the fact that she and Wanda were seeing each other again. Especially the story she made up to keep from telling her the dangerous and scary truth.
Perhaps the fact that the moon was full tonight made them both have a more explosive temper than normal.
"How long have you both been seeing each other?!"
"A week? Since we came here..."
"Y/N, you can't do this. I TOLD YOU NOT TO DO THIS!"
“Jules, come on! I can’t lie to her.” Y/N tried to follow her friend.
“YOU’RE LYING ANYWAY! SWEET SUFFERING JESUS, Y/N! I told you that this was not safe for you or for them!” She put her hands on the hips, trying to calm herself. Jules inhaled deeply, then exhaled. “Are you dating again?”
“Why is it a problem that I’m dating Wanda?” Y/N just flopped down on the sofa, utterly defeated. She felt like a scolded puppy.
“For the same reason we left. Because you're going to hurt her again! She doesn't deserve that! That girl is amazing…” Jules felt so upset with Y/N and with fate for making them suffer so much. 
“But I'm not going to hurt her, I want to be with her. I'm not going to leave her again.”
“That's much worse, Y/N!" Jules watched her like a bird of prey.
“I can do this… and be with her too, right? I can hide every full moon, we go to the woods like we will tonight. I'll rent the cabin every month...”
“Y/N…” Jules tried to talk but Y/N stopped her.
“Jules, I miss her so much. You have no idea how much it hurts." Y/N's voice broke, she brought her hand to her chest trying to calm the deep pain was feeling. The wolf didn't want to let her go either. “I can't be away, I tried to get away... but I can't do it anymore. I'd rather rip my heart out than lose her again. I love her. Jules, please, I love her.”
Jules sighed and all the anger inside vanished when she saw the tears in Y/N's eyes, she walked over to sit next to her.
“Do you feel okay knowing that you lie to her every time you see each other?” This time, her voice was sweet and calm.
“No… I feel like shit.” Y/N looked at her hands.
“Does she know all the pain you go through every month? Is she capable of choosing you knowing the danger she's into? Look… I know it's hard, I know letting her go was horrible… but you have to be honest with her. Or walk away."
Y/N didn't say anything, just kept looking down.
“You're not just exposing her to the wolf, Y/N.” Jules looked at her with sadness. “You’re exposing her to people who's going to hunt us down if they find out. Hunters are something you don't want to mess with... they'll use her to their advantage.”
The brunette just nodded. “I'll talk to her after tonight’s full moon.”
“As you need. Now we’ve to go.” Jules squeezed her shoulder and then got up from the sofa, they both took their keys and left that apartment a bit in a hurry. “I’ve paid for two more weeks... you can stay that long here while you figure it out.”
Y/N nodded and they both went downstairs, but the brunette stopped when her phone rang indicating that she had a new text.
“Detka, are you home? or free tonight? I would like to take you to a nice place.” - From Wanda, few seconds ago.
“What?” Jules asked seeing Y/N's disappointed face.
“It’s Wanda.” Y/N sighed, she was feeling so frustrated. Of course, what she wanted most was to go with Wanda on a one-of-a-kind date on a beautiful full moon, and not spend it locked up watching her best friend suffer. Turning into a dangerous monster.
Jules didn't say anything, she knew that for Y/N it was already painful enough. An 'I told you so' wouldn't help at all.
Y/N proceeded to write fast as they went downstairs.
“Hey, babe. Sorry, can’t do it tonight. I'm not home either, I'm working and I'll have to stay overnight. I'm sorry!” – Sent a few seconds ago.
Y/N sighed deeply before leaving that building, walking with her best friend to the car they rented. But what she didn't know, nor had she noticed, was that Wanda was parked in front of the house, with Y/N's favorite coffee and buns, ready to surprise her.
The sokovian saw how Y/N got into the car and took off with Jules. She looked at her phone and saw that the last text was: 'you don't know how hard it is to work here right now! I'm exhausted!"
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ Of course Y/N was lying to her again, but why?
Without hesitation, Wanda sped up to follow them and find out what the hell they were up to. Once and for all.
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Oh my. I hope you enjoyed it cause the next one is... WELL, MESSY. 🌙 I'm gonna leave the songs again here: First part - Touched - VAST. Second part - Dress - Taylor Swift
the cutest and lovely people tags ✨ : @lijo-8 , @duck-5 , @username23345 , @i-need-somebody-else , @lattayhottay16 , @germz19 , @chaeismybae , @mrns21 , @whhyyynottt , @tita001 , @dont-worry-aboutme-darling , @is-mise-rachel , @devilsanus616 @imnotasuperhero @wandanatfan @katiemay-025
Thank you for reading me, my honeybees. I'll leave you a song.
Thanks you so damn much to the people who leave a ❤️ , 🔁 and leave comments -even as an anon on my box of requests-, you make me keep writing. And you're making my life easier! 🐻ㅤ
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fatale-distraction · 2 months
Ellanasha Lavellan - Inquisitor
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Character name: Ellanasha Lavellan. Goes by Ellana or El.
Quick bio: (age/pronouns/personality) 25 at the time of the Conclave in 9:41, she/her although she isn’t particular. Romanced Solas, AUs in which she falls for Krem or Fenris after Trespasser. Ellana is kind, cheerful, and loving. She can seem flighty, but is deceptively perceptive and intelligent. Her biggest weaknesses are trusting too easily, an inability to swim, and being easily distracted. She had two mothers (both deceased) and is the youngest of eight (two older sisters, five older brothers). She’s closest to her sister Evelyn (age 30), who marries Cullen around 9:47.
Associated colours/symbols/animals: Colors: purple (violet or lavender in particular), red, green; flowers: wisteria, lavender, violets, hydrangea; animals: halla, doves
What are their hobbies/skills? Archery, reading, embroidery, riding, halla care
Is there any art they are good/bad at, or interested in trying? She’s great with fiber arts, and has always enjoyed pottery. Solas tried to teach her about frescos, but she is too easily distracted so the plaster always dried before she could actually manage to complete something.
What do they do to relax? Reading, needlepoint, or taking a nap.
What is their comfort food? Do they cook it themselves? Ellana is an abysmal cook and is not permitted anywhere near a cooking fire or an oven. Her comfort food is sweet buns covered in honey and powdered sugar. She also really enjoys a curry that Krem makes, and her favorite drinks are lavender gin and rosé.
An activity they like to do with their partner(s)/bestie(s): Reading or walking with Solas, riding or sewing with Krem, pranking or archery with Sera
Would they be able to lie their way through a card game? Ellana is the worst liar, and the worst card-player.
With no regards as to whether it exists or is realistic, what would they want as a pet/companion? She has a massive, majestic, possibly evil-incarnate grey hart named Ser Winston Fluffybottom III, Esquire. He hates every single other living creature aside from Ellana with an all-encompassing, deep-seated passion.
Do they have a night-time ritual? Does this differ if they are at their own residence vs somewhere else (e.g. camping)? Braiding her hair, washing her face and teeth, and reading before bed. She’s Dalish, so her whole life was pretty much camping, and she didn’t change much about her night-time ritual upon moving into Skyhold.
What is in their inventory? Spare bowstrings and feathers, fletching tools, elfroot (medicinal), a book, jar of bees, all-purpose balm (raspberry), flint, elfroot (smokable), spare underwear (you never know), apples, stuffed halla Krem made her, pouch of tea, wooden comb, bristle brush (for Ser Winston), extra hair pins, knife (food), knife (stab), writing case with notebook, parchment, ink, & quills.
Their preferred dress in these settings: Daily, formal, casual/bedding down. Daily, Field: Armor (pictured) Daily, Skyhold: Long dove-grey dress with long sleeves, tight bodice and full skirt, no shoes. Formal: Dark purple ball gown with silver embroidery and crystals with puffy off-the-shoulder sleeves. Bedding down, Field: chemise and underwear. Bedding down, Skyhold: the skimpiest, most see-through negligee she’s ever seen. Bought it on sight in Val Royeaux because it was so ridiculous and ended up loving it.
After the events of the Main Plot, did your OC go back home, or reunite with their people from before? Why / why not? If they did, then did they bring any new friends/partners with them? After the Exalted Council, Ellana keeps herself as busy as possible. She bounces between jobs with the Chargers, Jenny stuff with Sera, clan business in Wycome, and occasionally stops in at the estate Varric put aside for her in Kirkwall. If she’s constantly moving, she doesn’t have to stop and think, and it will be more difficult for Solas to keep tabs on her, or so she thinks.
How did your OC deal with permanent injuries/changes/trauma gained from their story, if any? She is left-handed, so the loss of her arm due to the mark was particularly devastating. She’s especially frustrated at having to learn how to write with her right hand. Varric and Dagna collaborate on the design of a prosthetic with interchangeable parts (one to hold her long bow, a dagger-arm, and a miniature crossbow), but unless she’s fighting she tends to go without any sort of prosthetic. Ellana spent a lot of time relearning how to fight and shoot.
(meme by @elvhenprince)
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slocumjoe · 1 year
could i get your take on what the companions (or just my favorite boy X6's) top 10 fave candies/foods would be in a modern AU?
anon you are in luck, because I am constantly thinking about the diets and eating habits of my blorbos
The numbered list isn't in any particular order, it's just so I don't have to manually count each point
What the companions would eat if not in a post apocalypse
Cait; Wouldn't have a taste for fancier cuisine. Eats more...hick-ish. I can say that because I was a hick with this kind of diet, growing up. Has a taste for filling, cheap, low-effort food...think lots of fast food, but "healthier" fast food. Like Chipotle, Panera, etc. Can cook, doesn't often, but will if she has a craving. Savory or tart tastes. She tends to eat lighter than you'd expect.
Blueberry brownie anything, favors dark chocolate in general
Submarine sandwiches, anything with pickles
Key lime pie
Salt and vinegar chips and thinks critics of such chips are cowards
Peach Redbull, any energy drinks though
Storebought hummus and Doritos, has been seen eating hummus with just a spoon though
Blueberry bread pudding. Simple to make, fun to eat, very comforting. Buys her bread already stale from a local bakery, has a guy to hook her up with the old shit
Seafood chowder
Sausages in any capacity. Jerky sticks, breakfast sausage, etc. Loves chorizo.
Honey buns from the gas station
Curie; Health nut, she eats like every influencer claims they eat like. Only, Curie actually eats like that. Lots of fresh foods and whole grains, little red meat. However, Curie makes a point to have foods that other health nuts would condemn, thinks its really important to not label any food as "bad." So, she balances between health nut and normal person. Her taste leans toward bright and/or sweet. Dislikes red meat.
Salmon breakfast wraps
Tropical fruit smoothies, eats so much pineapple
Iced tea, favors raspberry. Never seen without an iced tea of some kind
Halibut tacos, likes red cabbage and a fuck ton of lemon on it. Soft shells all the way
Bananas foster
Whipped brie dip, eats it with anything but loves it on apples, basically dessert
Lemon pepper grilled chicken and rice
So many salads, loves that you can just throw shit in a bowl and call it a recipe. Likes strawberries and almonds
Lemon poppyseed muffins
Shrimp and bitter melon stir fry
Danse; mixed bag. One on hand, small town diner tastes. Simple, cheap, good ol' American food. On the other, he's doomed to be a soldier in every universe he's in, so...maybe he picks up some tastes and dishes from places he's toured. Gets a weird pallate that shoots in all directions and makes you wonder what it's like in that thick skull. One day he's a good American boy with pancakes and steak, the next he's eating cake mix dry and drinking tahini from a flask.
Anything BBQ, but a pulled pork devotee
Hot coffee so heavily creamed and sugars it looks like milk. He likes the twix combo of chocolate, shortbread, and caramel flavors
Prepackaged baked goods a la Hostess, fucks up little Debbie oatmeal cookies
Apple and pecan pie
Menemen—Turkish dish, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, bell peppers, spices to taste, and (controversially) onions. Adds sausage and cheese, eats it with a fork or spoon (its meant to be eaten with bread)
Khachapuri—Georgian cheesy bread with egg. Eats with a knife and fork. (its meant to be eaten with the bread crust)
Smores pop tarts
Beef and potato stew
Rice bowl with fried egg and avocado, bonus points if it has bacon
Straight cookie dough/brownie/cake batter, usually when he's black out drunk and cannot shame himself out of eating raw egg products.
Deacon; Very childhood comfort food. Y'know, things you had as a kid, but probably grew out of a bit? Eats out of gas stations/takeout frequently. Very open flavor pallete, has tried everything he's had the chance to. Likes one-handed food, stuff you can have the other hand free for. Doesn’t really have a 'theme', has broad horizons for his diet. Likes lighter, mild flavors, though. He eats lightly and on the go a lot.
Hot/corn dogs, taste in hot dog toppings varies
Egg salad sandwiches
French fries and vanilla ice cream, classic combo
Mango sticky rice
Cornbread with any accompaniments. Likes honey or chili, thinks if you have a drink with cornbread, you ain't a real cornhead
Penne alla vodka
Cucumber salad. This could mean a salad with cucumbers, that trending Asian recipe where you cut the cumber so its springy, or eating a cucumber like a hotdog.
Fried mushrooms
Usually just drinks water but will have gator/powerade when he's working. Likes purple flavor
Captain crunch cereal, loves all cereal though. Prefers the kibble stuff to the berries. Starts philosophical debates about the morality of Trix commercials vs Lucky Charms commercials
Gage; His favorite foods reflect his upbringing. Coastal swamp cuisine, cheap and made in bulk. Take Danse's pallate and hyperlocalize it, and then lower the budget by a good amount. Things he grew up eating. Would gradually replace his favorites with pricier, 'less embarrassing' dishes, distances himself from his origins. However, takes care to not looked too loaded. Smokey and savory flavors are his thing, likes more spice than people expect.
Doberge cake, which is layered with pudding, often half-chocolate and half-lemon
Red beans and rice, with stewed pork if they could afford it
Blackened fish of any kind, liked it with cilantro-lime rice
Steak with potatoes and/or eggs
Chronic iced tea drinker like Curie, though he prefers the bitter kinds
Brussels sprouts defender and will fight for their honor
Was introduced to curry during a business meeting/outing. Could drink that shit from a glass, has it with potatoes and porkchops.
Lobster anything. This is one of those 'less embarresing' things, but he genuinely enjoys a good lobster roll. Even if he prefers a freshly-caught lobster bisque. Again, something he had growing up, something he pushes away.
Hancock; Similar to Deacon, but favors fatty, greasy food. No, it's not the drugs, that's just his metabolism. He's a skinny twink, always starving, can never put on weight. Eats as much as Danse, who is a big guy and needs more calories than most. He's really into street food and foreign dishes, won't eat at a restaurant if they speak fluent English or have good customer service. IYKYK. Very comfort food heavy, lots of "this would slap with Netflix at 2 am"
A classic oxtail, mac and cheese, and collard green take out combo
Any and all American-chinese take out, usually gets eggplant tofu with chow mein and cream cheese rangoons
"Walking tacos", those things where you open a small bag of chips and dump White People taco makings in. Probably just tips the whole thing into his mouth
Yakitori, Japanese chicken skewers, popular bar food
Bloody Mary cocktails
Pizza, will fight for the honor of pineapple. Would really be into how Brazil does pizza
Frozen yogurt and ice cream, piles with toppings
Breakfast sandwiches or wraps. Egg, meat, cheese, doesn't matter the time nor specifics.
Jam donuts, loves cherry fillings
Puppy chow/muddy buddies, chex cereal covered in chocolate and powdered sugar. Eats his weight in them if not careful
MacCready; forces himself to learn how to cook for Duncan's sake, but for himself...good God. It's horrible. Eats like garbage. Would never drink water if not to set an example. Take out, frozen food, so much candy and soda. After Duncan, broadens his horizons. Finds he really likes soups. Just throw shit in a pot and it works. Eats on a budget, so that's a life-saver. Doesn't have a preferred flavor pallete, aside from his love of candy.
Meat lover's pizza. Thinks pineapple has no place on pizza
Used to drink Mountain Dew and diet coke, replaced it with iced teas and more organic fruit juices for the sake of his teeth
Chicken soup, either from a can, or homemade. Either way, slaps. If homemade, blends veggies for a hidden veggie stock. For him, Duncan is a lot better at eating veggies, MacCready needs to trick himself.
Sour rainbow ropes
Cookie crisp cereal, thinks whoever came up with it deserved the sloppiest head. Incredible design, no notes
Cheese and sour cream chips
Famous Amos cookies
Eggo waffles
Gnocchi is God to him. Its superior to all noodles and makes your Shit In The Fridge soup 1000 times better.
Rice pudding is cheap, easy, and a surprisingly efficient sweet-tooth satisfier. Makes it with pumpkin spice mix or chocolate.
Nick; Home-cooked meals all the way. Could kill himself with cheese and die happy. Lots of easy meals and snacking so he can keep working, but will treat himself to a nice, hard-earned dinner when he has the time and energy. Likes himself the smokey, the fresh, or the sour. Probably knows all the best sub shops in the city, probably in a turf war with regulars of rival shops. Jewish delicatessens are like church to him.
Lasanga. Most of his freezer space is lasagna. Eats so much of it. He's lactose intolerant. It hurts but it hurts so good
Latkes. Fried potato things, kind of like hashbrowns, except the potato is mashed/ground instead of grated. And yes. Also pastrami. But those little potato bitches...mmmph.
Red velvet muffins with cream cheese frosting.
Fried cheese in any capacity
A prosciutto, arugula, brie, and fig sandwich
Pickled pearl onions
Cobb salad
Black coffee. Temp doesn't matter, because he's going to forget it until its room temp.
Has been known to enter fugue states and consume an absurd amount of Chicago style hot dogs
Scones or just plain bread with butter and jams
Piper; Broke college student trying to make it as a reporter. Her tastebuds are fucked, they salivate not for flavor, or texture, but for those good, good low prices. Piper's diet is almost entirely snackfood or takeout. If she ever cooks, it's for Nat. But when taking care of just herself, Piper eats from a box or bag. When she does cook, it's very simple meals. Loves her carbs and her fruit flavors
Chicken Ramen with canned chicken and frozen broccoli chucked in. Also makes this for Nat
Hot cheetos, eats with chopsticks
Spaghetti and meatballs
Fruit smoothies/smoothie bowls, blends in veggies as well for the nutrition
Coka cola and anything from Fanta, loves fruit sodas
Anything carbs and I mean that. Eats a lot of bread, pasta, cakes, potatoes...they're the sweetheart of anyone on a budget.
Buffalo cauliflower, likes it more than Buffalo chicken
Chewing gum. Fruit flavors only, hates mint gum. Likes mint elsewhere, just not in gum.
Nickle-nips and other "jelly/juice in a wax package" candies. Likes the charm of it, also, free chewing wax
Suckers/lollipops, big on hard candy in general but the stick satisfies her smoking habit.
Preston; A mix of easy depression/bulk meals and dishes from his childhood. Lots of spices, cooks with a lot of straight peppers. Tends to eat his food 'raw', not made into a dish. Again, easy and quick to eat. Also tends to buy pre-prepared stuff for the same reason, buys more fruits and veggies and just eats them straight. Doesn't care about eating healthy, he just lacks energy to cook most days.
I have no choice to explain this as it has no name. Casserole dish, layer of mashed potatoes, layer of shredded or chunked chicken, layer of white breakfast gravy or brown poultry gravy, top with drop biscuits. It's buttery, its savory, it is white as snow. Easy, cheap, one ladlefull is dinner. You'll get a few meals out of it, and it's so filling you have like, five minutes before you're stuffed. I call it gut-glue.
Dirty rice
Eggs scrambled with spinach
Veggies and hummus or ranch
Various fruits and berries such as grapes, cherries, blackberries, and oranges
Shakshouka, eggs poached in spicy tomato sauce and eaten with bread
Chicken biscuits, crackers dusted with, like, chicken bouillon? They taste like a chicken Ramen packet sneezed on a ritz
Slurpees/Icees/those syruped gas station ice drinks
Straight peppers, eats bell peppers like apples. Eats pickled jalapeños and scotch bonnets to feel something. Drinks the liquid in pickle jars instead of alcohol, or mixes it with gelatin and makes pickle jello.
X6-88; Pretensious rich asshole who eats like it. He rarely cooks for himself, probably has a personal chef or something. Maybe his work has their own restaurants, like Google. Eats mostly vegetables, but his favorite foods skew from "Dubai Influencer" to "12 year old who earned too much lawn mowing money and was let loose in a convenience store." So much sugar. Willy Wonka's factory is his idea of heaven and until it exists, he's an atheist.
Raw meats. Steak and tuna tartar, sashimi, and sushi
Braised duck with cherries
Nduja, a spicy pork sausage spread, has it with flatbreads
Oysters. Eats them all fancy in public, eats them from a tin with doritos at home
Anything from Hostess, Little Debbie, those brands. Fucking anything. However, would kill a man for any kind of Swiss roll
Chocolate milk
Gummies, very picky with brands, hates the harder kinds like Haribo. Wants his gummies soft as a marshmellow
Cadbury eggs
Milano dark chocolate cookies
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kittykatkatelol · 1 month
massive spoilers for the game + warnings for cannibalism , murder , technically torture , and spirits/ghosts who haunt MC (there is no images) - you have been warned (and if i missed smth plz tell me so i can add it !)
okay starts off in a cabin, four ppl in there with you, the MC - all young adults, maybe late teenager at youngest. Their names are Karen, Gregor, Mariah, and Anatoli (i might've be spelled those wrong tbh so sorry in advance for that-).
There is no explanation given to you as to why they are there, just that they need a place to crash (at least I don't believe an explanation was given, it's been awhile since i last watched/played). So you, MC, comply and let them stay in your cabin for a few nights. Supplying them food as well - what are you supposed to do, let them starve? hehe.
So over the next couple days, you supply these 4 a place to sleep and food. But then it starts to rain.
It floods. Everyone is stuck in this cabin until the rain can stop and the flood waters fall. But everyone is stuck for the foreseeable future. Okay, not the worst, at least there is a place to sleep and food-
yeah the food runs out fast. People start to starve. Everyone is hungry after another few nights with little dinner.
Mariah leaves the cabin in hopes to find some food - it is flooded. She doesn't come back.
But hey! MC found some meat, everyone can now have something to eat. No one is suspicious yet. No one realizes they are eating their friend, yet.
OH YEAH i forgot, the chompettes - five food products that are sentient that also live with MC in their cabin. It is unclear if the 4 visitors ever saw those sentient foods. There is Cabbage, the leader. Raspberry. Onion. Bread (the maker of awful puns and cornbreads cousin). And Potato.
The chompettes are fairly nice, Cabbage seemingly trying to keep everyone happy - possibly distracted as well, trying to keep everyone from remembering their fate.
Potato is quite different from the rest. Unlike the others, he directly helps MC. Giving them hints, telling them information about food, teaching them.
We'll come back to the chompettes later.
The remaining three are now.. different. Desperate for that meat. Begging for it. Acting, almost, possessed, their speech corrupting and their faces deforming before snapping out of it. They are still hungry.
Anatoli leaves next to try and find food and maybe even Mariah no one saw mariah's broken ghost body staring at them through the window no one saw her head in the cabinet
Anatoli doesn't come back, as expected. Gregor and Karen start to catch on when MC comes back with more meat.
Karen praises MC for it, Gregor doesn't like it but eats regardless.
Karen learns to be like MC.
She cuts Gregor's arms and legs off when MC refuses to do it at her request.
Gregor dies next.
MC and Karen eat.
Welp then Karen starts acting mega crazy and then MC locks her in the basement a few days pass and MC gets loopy cause all his foods in the damn basement where Karen is
they face off in a anime type battle and Karen becomes a turnip
in the basement on the way to Karen the three dead spirts of Anatoli, Mariah, and Gregor talk to MC - their rotting deformed spirit of bodies showing themselves to MC as they talk and wish for both Karen and MC's death.
Then the chompettes join the battle botta bing botta bomb Karen dies and joins the chompettes as a turnip
oh yeah i forgot to go back to the chompettes- WELL IM DOING IT NOW
the chompettes are basically all the souls of those who were killed INSIDE the cabin BY MC. You might be asking, why didn't Anatoli or Mariah become a chompette? Well you see, they were both outside the cabin when MC killed them (yes they killed the both of them.). But what about Gregor, he was inside when he died? Well KAREN killed Gregor, not MC. They must die by MC's hand/blade to become a chompette, so instead they all became rotting ghosts.
Those chompettes were all killed by MC inside the cabin.
And the reason Potato is so different, so helpful, was because Potato was like MC, a murderer (i cannot remember if he was also a cannibal though, i think he was.), so despite being a chompette, and literally being killed and most likely eaten by MC, Potato is their ally.
Uh more theory time that i cannot remember if it was confirmed or not, but a lot of evidence showed that it was very likely.
MC is presumed to be the Baba Yaga, uh i don't remember why, i'm sure there is reasoning, but yeah that's a thing
and the reason the 4 originally showed up at the cabin was because they were running away from a war in Ukraine. (uh bunch a lore behind that too, both the baba yaga and this were much better explained on Game Theory by MatPat if you want to hear more - MatPat touches on a lot of these topics, plus streamed the game on GTlive if you want to watch a playthrough (highly recommend))
so uh yeah this started off as the plot but then i went into actual explanations lol
i can talk for so much longer but that is the basics.
I know i keep saying its like DDLC but with cannibalism, which is kinda right but also not really. The style game is very much DDLC (the how you play ddlc, talking to ppl, the dating sim feel of it, etc) but the story is very different.
Highly recommend if you are into horror, because yes, game pretty scary imo.
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stupidlysunny · 1 month
quick little ryna mspaint doodle :3
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