princesslocket · 5 years
Beyblade Burst x Darling In The Franxx AU
So I’ve had this idea in mind for nearly a year now and finally decided to share it with you all! I hope you all like it! ((By the way, this AU does not have a happy ending so... sorry in advance))
In this AU, the characters are all apart of The Nines. The members of The Nines are Valt Aoi, Shu Kurenai, Sisco Karlisle, Cuza Ackerman, Wakiya Murasaki, Rantaro Kiyama, and Joushua Boon.
Everyone in The Nines are all clones of another member they have never met before and all posses a unique number “name” that was given to them at the timing of their cloning. As  The Nine’s developed they were given high levels of yellow blood cells each week in order to maintain a stable health. 
When the group is finally able to go into battle as stamen and pistil’s, a new member is added to the group. The new member turn out to be Free De La Hoya.
Free is welcomed into the group with open arms, however, he doesn’t exactly return the welcome. He tends to keep to himself and only ever talks to Valt when they are alone. When the group does go to battle the members can team up with anyone of their choosing and are able to operate as both stamen and pistils. Shu and Valt tend to pair up a majority of the time, but on occasion Free and Valt pair up. ((A lot of mixed pairs happen when operating a Franxx as well as a lot of ship interactions.)) -- One by one, members start to die off. Some die from sustaining major injuries and some from being from illness’.The Nine’s are never allowed to intermix with other teams outside their facilities. As a result, no new members are ever added on after Free, which leaves The Nines at a big disadvantage when in battle.
By the end of this AU, only Free, Shu, Valt, and Sisco remain.
The Klaxosuar Princess by now, has captured the four and forces them into entering a war with VIRM. Both Sisco and Shu oppose of entering the war and are killed off by The Klaxosuar Princess on the spot, leaving Free and Valt to join the war out of fear. When Free and Valt go into battle with the rest of the Klaxosuar’s and The Klazxosuar Princess they make sure to protect each other as best as they can... Which ends up doing more harm then good. In the end a VIRM destroys their Franxx((Klaxosuar)) and Free and Valt are killed instantly. 
The war rages even without The Nine’s around until the Klaxosuar’ s are all eliminated. VIRM has won and eventually return to Earth, allowing for the next set of life to try and stop them. Which unfortunately... are the kids from Beyblade Burst S4/Gachi)) 
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