#Ranmaru Fujieda
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boogieonthebeach · 1 year ago
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Anyways, been trying, and failing, to draw these two for some months now but i guess this is fine.
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beedok · 1 year ago
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Ranmaru Fujieda was not a 70s shoujo icon to be ignored like this.
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eternal80s90sanimeitalia · 7 years ago
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Happy Birthday Yuki Kaji! (Sept. 3)
It’s technically belated, but I was busy the whole weekend so I didn’t have time. It was a rough one. Plus, this would take a lot of work!
PART ONE: Notable Roles Part Two: Song Recommendations Part Three: Some Subbed Stuff! (mostly stuff by Raku)
Takumi - Fire Emblem Fates
This technically isn’t an anime, but Takumi has a place in my heart because of how good of a unit he was. 
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Haruyuki Arita - Accel World
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Kou Mabuchi - Ao Haru Ride
I actually strongly disliked this role from him and thought it was a bit of a miscast. I couldn’t take him seriously for this entire anime.
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Konekomaru Miwa - Ao no Exorcist
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Amata Sora - Aquarion Evol
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Silver Mask - Arslan Senki
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Kokuu - B: The Beginning
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Kousuke Kanzaki - Barakamon
This anime was so fricking funny
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Judeau - Berserk
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Rentarou Satomi - Black Bullet
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Shouto Todoroki - Boku no Hero Academia
That, that is a smile that can cure cancer.
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Wataru Asahina - Brothers Conflict
Boi, you were born 10 years late to be in this harem and you know it.
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Joshua - Carole & Tuesday
I was shocked when I heard this, but I haven’t watched Carole & Tuesday.
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Mozart - ClassicaLoid
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Finis - Code:Realize
This character design is so stupid. So is this character.
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Kanato Sakamaki - Diabolik Lovers
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Mei Narumiya - Diamond no Ace
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Soramaru Kumou - Donten ni Warau
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Walker Yumasaki - Durarara!!
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Lyon Vastia - Fairy Tail
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Hanae Ashiya - Fukigen no Mononokean
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Shuu Ouma - Guilty Crown
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Ryuuichi Naruhodou - Ace Attorney
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Ranmaru Fujieda - Haikara-san ga Tooru
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Kenma Kozume - Haikyuu!!
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Xianming Lin - Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens
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Youto Yokodera - Hentai Ouji to Warawanai Neko.
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Issei Hyoudou - High School DxD
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Kouichi Hirose - Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Do you mean “Coochie?”
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Hatano - Joker Game
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Tatara Totsuka - K
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Nishikata - Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san
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Sabito - Kimetsu no Yaiba
I’m just going to go sit and cry on the inside. It didn’t seem sad until I found out this guy’s backstory.
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Katsuhira Agata - Kiznaiver
This was a good anime.
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Takumi - Koutetsujou no Kabaneri
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Finnian - Kuroshitsuji
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Meliodas - Nanatsu no Taizai
I didn’t like this anime.
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Hayato Ozaki - Nil Admirari no Tenbin
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Shuu Maiko - Nisekoi
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Shion - No. 6
This anime was great, and Shion is awesome.
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Nobunaga Oda - Nobunaga Concerto
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Yukine - Noragami
Yukine is a good kid. I’d be mad if I worked for some broke guy too.
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Kakeru Yuiga - Norn9
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Yuuta Gamon- Occultic;Nine
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Sonic - One Punch Man
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Citron - Pokemon
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Satoru Asahina - Shinsekai yori
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Terunori Kuga - Food Wars
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Ayato Kirishima - Tokyo Ghoul
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Pipimi (Ep 6B) - Pop Team Epic
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Akina Hiizumi - Yozakura Quartet
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Souta Mochizuki - Honeyworks
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Megumu Hanemura - Zetsuen no Tempest
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Kuro - Servamp
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Takeshi Aiza - Your Lie in April
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Alibaba Saluja - Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic
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Eren Yeager - Shingeki no Kyojin
This is probably what people call his “best role”.
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ljaesch · 8 years ago
Four More Cast Members Announced for the Haikara-san ga Tōru Anime Films
Four More Cast Members Announced for the Haikara-san ga Tōru Anime Films
Four more cast members have been announced for the forthcoming anime film adaptations of the Haikara-san ga Tōru manga: Takahiro Sakurai is Tōsei Aoe Kazuya Nakai is Shingo Onijima Yuuki Kaji is Ranmaru Fujieda Asami Seto is Tamaki Kitakōji The first film, titled Gekijōban Haikara-san ga Tōru Zenpen – Benio, Hana no 17-sai, will open in Japan on November 11, 2017. The second film is titled…
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gamezonemalang · 7 years ago
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Haii Gamezoners !!! ^_^ Kali ini mimin akan mereview movie dari seri anime "Haikara-san ga Tooru" anime yang di adaptasi dari manga "Haikara-san ga Tooru" karya Waki Yamato yang sudah tayang pada tahun 1978-1979. Waaach ... :) Movie pertama berjudul " Gekijouban Haikara-san ga Tooru Zenpen – Benio, Hana no 17-sai" akan tayang perdana pada 11 November 2017 di Jepang, dan Movie kedua berjudul "Gekijouban Haikara-san ga Tooru Kouhen – Tokyo Dai Roman" direncanakan akan tayang pada musin semi 2018 nanti.
Sinopsis: Kisah Haikara-san ga Tooru mengambil setting di Tokyo pada era Taishou (1912-1926) dan mengisahkan mengenai kehidupan Benio “Haikara-san” Hanamura, seorang gadis yang kehilangan ibunya pada usia yang masih muda dan dibesarkan oleh sang ayah yang merupakan seorang petugas berpangkat tinggi di Angkatan Bersenjata Jepang. Sebagai hasilnya, dirinya tumbuh sebagai gadis tomboi, bertolak belakang dengan adat Jepang yang mengedepankan sosok feminim. Dirinya mempelajari kendo, minum sake, dan kerap berpakaian ala Barat ketimbang mengenakan kimono. Dia tidak tertarik mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah dan lebih tertarik dengan literatur. Dia juga menolak konsep perjodohan dan percaya bahwa wanita punya hak untuk meniti karir dan menikahi orang yang ia cintai.
Seiyuu yang akan hadir beserta peran mereka adalah: - Saori Hayami sebagai Benio “Haikara-san” Hanamura - Mamoru Miyano sebagai Shinobu Ijuuin - Takahiro Sakurai sebagai Tousei Aoe - Kazuya Nakai sebagai Shingo Onijima - Yuuki Kaji sebagai Ranmaru Fujieda - Asami Seto sebagai Tamaki Kitakouji - Unshou Ishizuka sebagai Mayor Hanamura - Reiko Suzuki sebagai Pembantu - Kenta Miyake sebagai Ushigorou - Shizuka Itou sebagai Kichiji
Staf yang akan mengerjakan anime ini adalah: - Sutradara: Kazuhiro Furuhashi (film pertama), Mitsuko Kase (film kedua) - Naskah: Kazuhiro Furunashi - Desainer Karakter : Terumi Nishii - Desainer Latar Belakang & Pengarah Seni: Kentaro Akiyama - Desainer Warna: Kunio Tsujita - Pengarah Fotografi: Takeo Ogiwara - Studio Pengarah Fotografi: Graphinica - Pengarah Suara: Kazuhiro Wakabayashi - Komposer Musik: Michiru Oshima - Studio Animasi: Nippon Animation
(Sumber: jurnalotaku.com)
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recentanimenews · 7 years ago
Saori Hayami, Mamoru Miyano Introduce Highlights of "Haikara-san ga Tooru" Anime Film in Video
A newly-posted trailer for the upcoming first part of the two-part all-new anime feature film Haikara-san ga Tooru (Here Comes Miss Modern) includes a short introduction by the two maim voice cast: Saori Hayami (Benio Hanamura) and Mamoru Miyano (Shinobu Ijuin). The two, who play the main couple, talk about some highlights of the film in the beginning of the clip. 
  Hayami says, "The highlight of the film is..., after all, the romance story between Benio and the second lieutenant (Shinobu). My heart skipped a beat!" Meanwhile, Miyano mentions a variety of its characters, "So many unique characters appear in the film. They are living so toughly through the turbulent period. I was impressed by that kind of poise that they had, and it gives a strength to live to us in the present day."
  The first part "Benio, Hana no Junana-sai" (Benio, Radiant 17 Years Old) will be released in Japan this
Saturday, November 11. Then the second part "Tokyo Dai Roman" (Big Romance in Tokyo) will follow
sometime in 2018. 
    はいからさんが通る:早見沙織と宮野真守のメッセージ公開 「もう胸がキュンキュンします!」 https://t.co/TXQsDcMB22
— MANTANWEB (まんたんウェブ) (@mantanweb) 2017年11月7日
       Full trailer
     Main Voice Cast:
   Benio Hamamura: Saori Hayase (Ayase Aragaki in Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai)
 Shinobu Ijuin: Mamoru Miyano (Light Yagami in Death Note)
 Tousei Aoe: Takahiro Sakurai (Rohan Kishibe in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond Is Unbreakable)
 Shingo Onijima: Kazuya Nakai (Toshiro Hijikata in Gintama)
 Ranmaru Fujieda: Yuki Kaji (Eren Yeager in Attack on Titan)
 Tamaki Kitakouji: Asami Seto (Chihaya Ayase in Chihayafuru)
    Main Visual
本ビジュアル解禁!! 紅緒をとりまく個性豊かな男性陣が勢ぞろい。じゃじゃ馬娘と彼らとの恋のゆくえはどうなる!? #はいから http://pic.twitter.com/4rt4JiQypd
— 劇場アニメ『はいからさんが通る』公式 (@haikara_anime) 2017年9月29日
    Source: Mantan Web
  © Waki Yamato, Kodansha/Movie "Haikara-san ga Tooru" Production Committee
© Waki Yamato/Kodansha
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recentanimenews · 7 years ago
See How Benio and Shinobu First Meet in "Haikara-san ga Tooru" Anime Film First Part
Comic Natalie posted a 90-second clip from the upcoming first part of the two-part all-new anime feature film based on Waki Yamato's popular shoujo manga in the mid-1970s, Haikara-san ga Tooru (Here Comes Miss Modern), introducing the accidental first encounter between the protagonist Benio Hanamura (CV: Saori Hayami) and her future fiancé Shinobu Ijuin (Mamoru Miyano).
  56-year-old Kazuhiro Furuhashi, who recently worked on Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn, is attached to write and direct the first part "Benio, Hana no Junana-sai" (Benio, Radiant 17 Years Old) to be released in Japan this Saturday, November 11. Then the second part "Tokyo Dai Roman" (Big Romance in Tokyo) directed by Mitsuko Kase (Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory) will follow sometime in 2018. 
      Full trailer
    Theme song "Yume no Hate Made" short MV performed by Saori Hayami
 (to be released as her 3rd solo single on November 8)
   Artist edition CD jacket
  Regular edition
  Anime edition
    Main Voice Cast:
   Benio Hamamura: Saori Hayase (Ayase Aragaki in Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai)
 Shinobu Ijuin: Mamoru Miyano (Light Yagami in Death Note)
 Tousei Aoe: Takahiro Sakurai (Rohan Kishibe in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond Is Unbreakable)
 Shingo Onijima: Kazuya Nakai (Toshiro Hijikata in Gintama)
 Ranmaru Fujieda: Yuki Kaji (Eren Yeager in Attack on Titan)
 Tamaki Kitakouji: Asami Seto (Chihaya Ayase in Chihayafuru)
    Main Visual
本ビジュアル解禁!! 紅緒をとりまく個性豊かな男性陣が勢ぞろい。じゃじゃ馬娘と彼らとの恋のゆくえはどうなる!? #はいから http://pic.twitter.com/4rt4JiQypd
— 劇場アニメ『はいからさんが通る』公式 (@haikara_anime) 2017年9月29日
    Source: Comic Natalie
  © Waki Yamato, Kodansha/Movie "Haikara-san ga Tooru" Production Committee
© Waki Yamato/Kodansha
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recentanimenews · 7 years ago
Listen to Saori Hayami Performing "Haikara-san ga Tooru" Theme Song in New Trailer and MV
The official website for the upcoming two-part all-new anime feature film based on Waki Yamato's popular shoujo manga in the mid-1970s, Haikara-san ga Tooru (Here Comes Miss Modern), today released a 90-second full trailer for its first part "Benio, Hana no Junana-sai" (Benio, Radiant 17 Years Old), introducing its theme song "Yume no Hate Made" (Till the End Of the Dream) performed by 26-year-old voice actress Saori Hayami (Ayase Aragaki in Oreimo), who is cast as the protagonist Benio Hanamura.
  At the same time, the voice actress' official YouTube channel also posted a 100-second short version music video for the song written/composed by 62-year-old veteran J-pop singer Mariya Takeuchi. It will be released as her third solo single from Warner Brothers Home Entertainment on November 8. 
  56-year-old Kazuhiro Furuhashi, who recently worked on Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn, is attached to
write and direct the first part to be released in Japan on November 11, 2017. Then the second part
"Tokyo Dai Roman" (Big Romance in Tokyo) directed by Mitsuko Kase (Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: 
Stardust Memory) will follow sometime in 2018. 
  Full trailer
  New poster visual
本ビジュアル解禁!! 紅緒をとりまく個性豊かな男性陣が勢ぞろい。じゃじゃ馬娘と彼らとの恋のゆくえはどうなる!? #はいから http://pic.twitter.com/4rt4JiQypd
— 劇場アニメ『はいからさんが通る』公式 (@haikara_anime) 2017年9月29日
  "Yume no Hate Made" short version music video
  CD jacket
「夢の果てまで」最新ニュース!! 竹内まりやさんに作詞・作曲いただいた前編の主題歌情報���アップされました。ジャケットやMVも解禁に。https://t.co/LjTWSksZ25 詳しくは公式HPまで。https://t.co/wteV1ySy93#はいから #早見沙織 http://pic.twitter.com/c2IZ6lWhNV
— 劇場アニメ『はいからさんが通る』公式 (@haikara_anime) 2017年9月29日
  Main Voice Cast:
   Benio Hamamura: Saori Hayase (Ayase Aragaki in Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai)
 Shinobu Ijuin: Mamoru Miyano (Light Yagami in Death Note)
 Tousei Aoe: Takahiro Sakurai (Rohan Kishibe in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond Is Unbreakable)
 Shingo Onijima: Kazuya Nakai (Toshiro Hijikata in Gintama)
 Ranmaru Fujieda: Yuki Kaji (Eren Yeager in Attack on Titan)
 Tamaki Kitakouji: Asami Seto (Chihaya Ayase in Chihayafuru)  
  Source: "Haikara-san ga Tooru" Live-action film project official website, Twitter
  © Waki Yamato, Kodansha/Movie "Haikara-san ga Tooru" Production Committee
© Waki Yamato/Kodansha
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recentanimenews · 8 years ago
"Haikara-san ga Tooru" Anime Film Teaser Introduces First Encounter Between Benio and Shinobu
The official website for the upcoming two-part all-new anime feature film based on Waki Yamato's popular shoujo manga in the mid-1970s, Haikara-san ga Tooru (Here Comes Miss Modern), today posted a 30-second teaser for its first part "Benio, Hana no Junana-sai" (Benio, Radiant 17 Years Old), introducing its main characters and the first encounter between the protagonist Benio Hanamura and her fiancé Shinobu Ijuin. The tagline is "'I Hate You." is always the Beginning of Love."
  56-year-old Kazuhiro Furuhashi, who recently worked on Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn, is attached to write and direct the first part to be released in Japan on November 11, 2017. Then the second part "Tokyo Dai Roman" (Big Romance in Tokyo) directed by Mitsuko Kase (Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory) will follow sometime 2018. 
    Poster Visual
  Main Voice Cast:
   Benio Hamamura: Saori Hayase (Ayase Aragaki in Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai)
 Shinobu Ijuin: Mamoru Miyano (Light Yagami in Death Note)
 Tousei Aoe: Takahiro Sakurai (Rohan Kishibe in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond Is Unbreakable)
 Shingo Onijima: Kazuya Nakai (Toshiro Hijikata in Gintama)
 Ranmaru Fujieda: Yuki Kaji (Eren Yeager in Attack on Titan)
 Tamaki Kitakouji: Asami Seto (Chihaya Ayase in Chihayafuru)
       Source: "Haikara-san ga Tooru" Live-action film project official website
  © Waki Yamato, Kodansha/Movie "Haikara-san ga Tooru" Production Committee
© Waki Yamato/Kodansha
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