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The History of Ranisthan (Part 1)
It is uncertain who were the earliest residents of Raz Tapu Samal. One claim is that it's Puntiu (Pwntjw) people from the Land of Punt, a kingdom southeast of Egypt, also known as Ta Netjer, the Land of God, and who referred to themselves as Nouti people (or the Netjeri), the people of God. Their rulers supposedly were the legendary and mythical King Noynti Romi and his wife Ouru Kheriaha di-Kesromi (di-Kesromi also being the name of their capital city now known as Ksar Arrum and located on the eastern border of Zabulgarh in northwestern Ranisthan, which is officially in the realm of Queen Aditi Bintulama, a hereditary, so-called 'Gold Standard', non-ruling minor queen but militarily one of the most powerful queens in Ranisthan).
Others claim the original residents were the 'Adites under their King 'Ad-Samaw'al Binnuh bin Tulama of 'Ad. The aforementioned Queen Aditi is a direct descendant of this king, though, like with King Noynti, there were initial doubts, historically, regarding his existence.
Further suggestions point to the Afur tribe as possible initial residents of Raz Tapu Samal. The Afur are a tribe supposedly related to the Afar and Oromo (called Oromoo in Ranisthan). The ancient Afur queendom Affará Númu (aka Affura), still exists today but as the Tetrarchy of Ranifur (sometimes called Ranifour), ruled by four queens, the Furey Sisters, supposedly direct descendants of the former rulers. This is disputed by Rev. Dr. Qallitti Uuma, leader of the Waaqeffanna Church of the One God in Gallaland, Atarasar, Union of Qara, Ranisthan. Rev. Uuma (aka Orma Gurracha) dismisses the sisters' supposed lineage because they are not only white, but according to her Irish (Travellers actually much like the ancestors of the Afur tribe). However, the sisters did not claim or take the so-called Tetrathrones by force. They inherited it from their mother and aunts, and the 12 Ruling Queens, Queen Qara before them, the Mahrah Sultanate before that, has never expressed doubts regarding the Furey inheritance. The current queens have also submitted documentation, provided by archaeologists and researchers, Rev. Dr. Binyamin Navarra, Prof. I. B. D. M. Foote and Prof. Regan Szekszárd-Király (all highly respected by the political, judicial and royal rulers of Ranisthan) that support their right to the Ranifur thrones and may also link them with legendary king Noynti Romi (aka Nounte/Nouti/Noute Rom).
Rev. Uuma, who is of Oromoo heritage, thinks the Oromo were the original residents but the Oromo are not mentioned in Ranisthan history until the 19th century. She, however, thinks the Afur were Oromoo. According to research done by the three professors mentioned above, Rev. Navarra has come to the conclusion that the above-mentioned tribes were most likely related to each other but that none of them were the original residents of Raz Tapu Samal.
Prof. Navarra believed that all of the above tribes migrated to Raz Tapu Samal from the afore-mentioned Land of Punt, specifically from the region now known as Djibouti. The professor's colleagues, husband and wife egyptologists Sir Walter Bartonstone Scott-Campbell and Lady Jane "John" Patterson-Scott-Campbell, initially confirmed this. However, they soon claimed upon further research that Djibouti was not the origin city but the northwestern Arabian peninsula. The Scott-Campbells identified these people as a nomadic, Thamudic-speaking tribe, who passed through Djibouti, Oman and Yemen to Raz Tapu, where they had a long time ago established a colony, calling the island Baclanaza. Prof. Navarra rubbished this second theory. [NB. Both husband and wife were once students of Prof. Navarra and his first wife anthropologist Prof. Candida Xu Verzaubert and their friendship endured rumours of affairs between Prof. Navarra and Lady Jane, all parties knowing they were false. All her extramarital affairs were with women]. Prof. Navarra insisted that the Scott-Campbells misread a text, referring to Baclanaza as 'inland', as 'island'. The Scott-Campbells eventually altered their theories, identifying the tribe as Old Arabic speaking Nabataeans and their date of arrival on Raz Tapu as sometime between the third and sixth centuries. They claimed King Noynti Romi was their leader, saying inscriptions that said NOYTE was a misspelling of NBYT, Taymanitic inscription Nabayataya (Nabataean), and the Nouti people were really Nabataeans and of the christian faith. Prof. Navarra contradicted that though as the languages associated with King Noynti is Coptic (specifically Akhmimic) as well as Greek. Rev. Dr. Qallitti Uuma thought the egyptologist Brit and his Aussie wife should stick to field of speciality: Egypt.
Prof. Navarra, however, partly agreed with the timeline and a possible Thamud and later Nabataean occupancy of the island. He believed King Noynti (his existence was later documented and proven) and his Nouti people arrived in the island in 3rd Century. They were not Christians. They were followed by the 'Adites and then the Afur, and possibly somewhere in between, or after, the Thamuds, as supposedly evidenced by the city Mada'in Matasalih, in Moghudesh (named for a possible Thamud ruler Matasalih III or Matusalih III or Madasalih, which is also an alternative name for the city. It is however sometimes linked with with a later period, a later non-Thamud ruler and with the so-called 'twin' city of Mada'in Hagara also known as Al-Hajar, Al-Hagra or simply Hagra). The supposed Romans or Greco-Romans, described as such in all Ranisthan history books, including the revised one by Prof. Foote, with their rulers being King Malichus lll Soter and Queen Shaqeela Hagara (aka Shaqilath IV or Shaqilath Hagru), were most likely Nabataeans and may have included some Thamuds, both groups, though not Romans, representing Rome as allies and auxiliaries respectively.
King Noynti Romi (aka Nounte/Nouti/Noute Rom). The character in his name looking like a "Y" is actually pronounced as a "U", according to Prof. Navarra, which would make his name "Nounte", as inscribed on the ancient mural found in the ruins of Erum. His second name also appears as "Rom" and not "Romi", which indicates a link, Prof. Navarra thinks, to the Romani and not Rome, the latter an inconceivable conception by an ignorant few. [I. B. D. M. Foote ( 1968)]
Queen Ouru Kheriaha di-Kesromi, wife of King Nounte Rom. Like most of the queens in the history of Ranisthan and Raz Tapu, she dominated her husband and was the real ruler of Raz Tapu Samal. Prof. Navarra eventually changed his opinion and believed the 'Adites were in Raz Tapu before King Nounte's conquest and that Queen Ouru was an 'Adite, who King Nounte eventually married. Based on this, he thinks that the so-called Rape of the Ar-Razi Women (by King Nounte and his army), depicted so many times in the ruins of Erum, is really the Rape of the 'Adite Royal Women and was only perpetuated by King Nounte and members of his court and not by the army and not on the mass population. However, based on oral history provided to me [Prof. Foote] by minor, non-ruling Queen Bilqis* and to both myself and Prof. Navarra, among others, by Ranisthani Oral Historian "Mukha", Prof. Navarra is not discounting that it is Ethiopian Sabaeans, who may have been the victims of the rape, and also, that Queen Ouru may have actually been an Ethiopian Sabaean. Regardless of that, Prof. Navarra believes the entire population of Raz Tapu was connected to each other or related in some way due to an intermingling of tribes over approximately 1000 years beginning some where about 500BCE and concluding between 400 to 500CE. [I. B. D. M. Foote ( 1968)]
*NB. It should be noted that my paternal grandfather, the above-mentioned Prof. Foote was the husband of Queen Bilqis even though he was already legally married and continued to be married to my grandmother, abandoning her in Bousy Island from the late 1960's to early 1970's. He returned to her and to Bousy Island in 1972 at the beginning of the Great Evacuation in Ranisthan. Queen Bilqis was granted "tenancy" of Bousy Island in 1974 by the elderly Graend Dame Cerisse of Bat Island, who owned the island, after the death of the former tenant the so-called Queen Solms. In the next year, Queen Bilqis, after long negotiations, was allowed to buy the island for an undisclosed sum. She changed nothing about the so-called "Island of Pubs", except to stop collecting taxes from the residents and also allowing them to own instead of leasing their properties. Other than its pubs, Bousy Island is famous for its former use as a departure point for one of the ex-Nazis ratlines to Argentina, and the assasination of former Nazi GenMaj. Otmar Zar, which ended the ratlines originating there. It is also the home of former Nazi Admiral (turned British spy) Euric Erbgraf von Schauenburg-Schloss and the home of filmmaker and journalist Circe-Lutece Nepteune (second home after her marriage to Bishop Mathurin of Baileywich Island and it is also the birthplace of her former lover, author Jenny Solmos). It also supposedly my birthplace, according to my parents (though all records indicate I was born in Andulasia, Spain). My grandparents continued to lived there and my grandfather continued illegally to be the husband of my grandmother as well as Queen Bilqis (who seemed to genuinely love him and also seem to have eome sort of spell over him). By the way, she never used the title 'Queen' after her arrival in Bousy Island, though the residents continued to address her as such. In fact, none of the thirty-odd Ranisthani queens should have been using that title from before 1950 but they continued to do so for the next 25 years. [Ibi Foote (2023)]
The Most Rev. Dr. Qallitti Uuma Orma Gurracha, Archbishop of the Waaqeffanna Church of the One God, headquartered in Gallaland, Atarasar, Union of Qara, Ranisthan. She is also a certified antiquarian and self-styled 'amateur historian'.
Egyptologists Sir Walter Bartonstone Scott-Campbell and Lady Jane "John" Patterson-Scott-Campbell.
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On The Creation of The Ministry of Youth
It was very obvious to me, that our former Dutch masters, and by that, I mean the previous Dutch Colonial government, cared little, if any at all, for the children or the young people of the island. In fact, they cared little even for their own children, that is, Dutch children and the sons and daughters of Dutch nationals. It was apparent to me that an agency had to be set up to not only protect but promote the welfare of minors and young adults. The rape, abuse and murder of minors and young adults, which the Dutch had turned a blind eye to, would have to end, whether by law or by force or both. Starvation, hunger, ill-health and malnutrition would have to cease. Orphanages, children's homes and reformatories would have to be upgraded, and extra Government funding would have to be directed toward such upkeep. In light of the matriarchal society, we were about to set up, I knew we would have to especially protect our sons. Queen Qara's new republic of Ranisthan, which was admittedly an influencing inspiration to me, had already began experiencing male infanticide since setting up their strict matriarchal society after the Great Upheavsl of 1919. It was also important to turn the young people's minds away from gangs and toward education, which is, away from prisons and reformatories to schools, colleges and universities.
I was aware that such an agency or department would have to work with other ministries, like the Ministry of Education, but I didn't want to merge it with any other ministry, for fear of it being forgotten, lost, swallowed up or overshadowed by any other ministry it was merged with. Eufrosina Bella, who was one of a few people who shared my vision, wanted the Ministry merged with the Ministry of Sport and become the Ministry of Youth and Sport, an idea which I neither favored nor liked in the least. Eufrosina is a visionary like myself but our visions of the future are not convergent. Based on the inklings I am already seeing in Europe, I didn't want the Ministry of Youth to be about physicality. I was more interested in shaping minds than bodies, and not in some sort of extreme far-right nationalistic way. Although young Eufrosina wavers between leftist and rightist views and values, and never center, I definitely see her in the future settled in the furthest right. She also wanted to be the head of the new Ministry or if not, the Ministry of Sport. She cannot see it now but none of those are her forte and I wanted her somewhere else, which more suited her Mexican heritage especially as we are at war with the Mexicans even right now. I really pictured 20 year old Felisa "Fliss" Van Koord as the face of the Ministry of Youth but she was more interested in the Ministry of Education. I am very close to her mother, and her grandmother, the Commander, is my much older cousin, confidante, advisor and best friend nonetheless and regardless of the vast differences in our ages. I did not appoint Fliss to the Ministry of Education. I gave that position to a naturalized Dutch national, Dolly van Thiel, who had some experience in that area during the previous Dutch colonial governance. Instead I appointed Fliss Junior Minister in the Ministry of Youth, under her aunt Maria-Cordelia Mariner van Koord.
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Yuddha Cinna Amma Mariamman Chowtasingh-Rao-Gupta aka Princess Cina Amman
Princess Cina Amman (birth name: Yuddha Cinna Amma Mariamman Chowtasingh-Rao) was born April 30, 1920 in Newmarket, Suffolk, England. Her mother was Maharani Gaddesh Chennamma Chowtasingh, Queen of Gaddesh, in the Union of Qara, located on the northern half of the island of Raz Tapu, which had recently been renamed Ranisthan. Her father was Prime Minister Ravi T. Surya Rao, Premier of Yuddhastan (also known as Yuddha) and Chief Minister of the Confederation of Yuddha, both located on the southern half of Ranisthan.
Above: Maharani Gaddesh Chennamma, High Street, Newmarket (circa 1920)
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Professor Navarra As An Older Man (circa 1967-68)
Professor Navarra in Ranisthan at about 79 years old.
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The Twelve Queens of Ranisthan: Amirani Amara Habshiddi al-Mahrah, Emira-Queen of Dankadesh
Amirani Amara Habshiddi al-Mahrah, Amira al-Umara, Emira-Queen of Dankadesh and Supreme Commander of the Combined Armed Forces of Ranisthan. Like the other eleven queens, after 1948, she was referred to as Governor.
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Marja Derevo
Honorary Russian Consul and Trade Representative in Isla Holandesa. Was held hostage by the foreign mercenaries during the Second Isla Holandesa War [aka the Isla Holandesa Civil War] and attempted coup. Most female hostages were raped, some of these acts being photographed, others televised from a captured television station, which also served as their base. They eventually turned on some of their own local allies. No foreign invader is known to have survived the war. The Independent Non-Aligned Chinese [INC] Unit stood down, when the Ranisthan Special Forces landed, and admitted their error and changed allegiance. [The 12 Ruling Ranisthan Queens consider Isla Holandesa their proctectorate as they own most of the land there and considered the outside intrusion a threat to themselves and their businesses as well as a threat to legally elected government with whom they share mutual support. INC is based on a floating hospital moored on the northwest coast of Ranisthan and therefore also indebted to them, which explain their quick stepdown].
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Chaturjirajah Singh
Muqti Jagirdar Chaturjirajah Singh Bhonsale al-Asad, Iqtadar of the Jagir of Daksin and Dan, Raz Tupa, acknowledged progenitor of the royal Chowtasingh line of Ranisthan. All portraits of him are based on this 17th century one, done in his lifetime and one that he reputedly didn't like because the artist gave the impression that his eyes were closed. Reports that the artist was executed because of this are unproven historically and that was not the nature nor personality of Chaturjirajah Singh. It is said that the artist did a new appropriate portrait but only this one survived and the other is no longer in existence, although 19th-20th century Neo-impressionist painter and Pointillist Jules Auguste Cezar claimed to have seen it.
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