#Ranch View Motel
williammarksommer · 10 months
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Ranch View Motel
(Sign Removed)
Lost Highway series
Hasselblad 500c/m
Kodak Ektar 100iso
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wynndigogh · 3 months
Bring me a dream...
You stand brushing your teeth in an outdated bathroom. 
The light over the vanity appears to be from the sixties and considering the way the bulb flashes and surges every few seconds with a zz-ut-zhut sound, it may be that old as well.
The light it gives off is yellow and dull; however, you aren’t very sure you’d like a bright view of that bathroom anyway.  The tub, sink, and toilet have more rings than the Olympics logo and the faucets are pockmarked with rust.
The tiny mosaic flooring tiles are missing in random spots and the bold floral designed wallpaper, which you are sure at one time contained bright yellows, oranges and greens, is now a faded façade that is barely clinging to the walls.
You roll your eyes and spit the last of the toothpaste foam from your mouth, “Not exactly the Hilton, but a bed is a bed.”
With a sigh you exit the small washroom, opting to leave on the flickering yellow light and close the door just enough to for it to act as a nightlight.  You are single, traveling alone, and unfamiliar dark rooms are intimidating. The sliver of light from the bathroom brings you some small amount of comfort, no matter the poor quality.
You walk stiffly through the small motel room.  After two straight days of driving, with little rest, your body feels like stone.  In your overly caffeinated, yet insanely exhausted, state you are trying to remember exactly why you thought driving from Georgia to your job interview in Oregon would be a good idea.
Ah, yes, Skinwalker Ranch. 
You started watching the spooky series on the History channel months ago and have become obsessed with the thought of other-worldly portals that connect our world to places unknown.  In a misguided a-ha moment you decided to drive, instead of fly, so that you could pass through Gusher, Utah just to be close to the supposed interdimensional portals. 
You know getting on the actual ranch will be a no-go, but you want to be in the town, as close as possible to the actual ranch, just to see if anyone has tales of their own to share of extraordinary happenings in the area.
So, that is how you ended up in this rundown motel pretty much in the middle of nowhere. 
With a sigh, you pull back the old comforter on the bed, noting the dingy sheets with a shutter.  You hesitate for just a moment, contemplating if you should put leggings under your oversized tee shirt, but your tired body encourages you to tough it out.  Reluctantly, you crawl into the bed. 
Since your last coffee was only an hour ago, a desperate attempt to make it to Gusher before your heavy eyelids forced you to stop, you are a little too wired to just drift off to sleep.  So, you pull out the latest creature-feature romance novel that you’ve been reading and turn to your ear-marked page.  You will read until the caffeine-kick wears off.
The small room is quiet except for the faint zz-ut-zhut from the blinking bathroom light. 
In fact, the whole motel is as quiet as a graveyard.  You doubt any of the other rooms have occupants in them.  The parking lot was empty, and the front desk clerk seemed genuinely surprised to be checking someone into the establishment.
You twist to your left side, trying to get the aged lamp beside your bed to illuminate your book’s page.  You need to see the details clearly; the story is just getting spicy. 
The story’s heroine has been fighting a growing attraction to her Centaur field-guide, whom she hired to lead her through a dangerous forest.  A recent Trogg attack has the suppressed protagonist clinging to the Centaur’s broad equine back as he races her to safety.  The author is detailing the baritone sound of his huffs of exertion, the heated moisture coating his muscles, and how the heroine is enjoying the bouncing rhythmic friction of the chaotic ride just a little too much.
You subconsciously swallow and rub your stacked legs together out of need.  You feel a slight ache in your nether region followed by the tell-tale sign of slick starting to gather at your entrance.  You shift your position, and the bedsprings protest with a squeak and a hiss.
You flip the page in your book, and you are halfway through the first sentence at the top of the page when the thought finally registers in your tired mind, did the bed just hiss?
You lower your paperback book to scan the bed and the dimly lit room.  The fossil-age lamp beside your bed and the sliver of yellow bathroom light illuminates the area around the bed decently enough but they do little to chase away the deep shadows in the far corners of the room. 
Oh, how you hate the dark.  Ever since you were a child, you always felt like the darkness itself was watching.  Watching and waiting. 
The longer you look at the shadows of the room, the more your skin wants to crawl with goosebumps.  You know it’s silly and that it is probably just your anxiety of being alone in an unknown space, but that same feeling of being watched surfaces in the back of your mind.
However, after a moment of observation, nothing seems amiss.  With a shiver and a shake, you turn your attention back to your book.
By the middle of the page, the heroine is reaching her peak bouncing up and down on the Centaur’s back.  You are fully invested in her ride, fantasizing about riding astride the strong creature yourself.  As your mind wanders, your body reacts to the imagery.  Your nipples harden under your nightshirt and your internal temperature peaks causing you to sweat.  You throw off your covers and start to fan yourself with your book, when you hear a muted in-take of breath, like a soft gasp.
In shock and fear, you bolt into a sitting position, “Who’s there?”, you call out in panic.
Your eyes and ears strain for clues.  The only movement and sound coming from the flickering bathroom light. 
Seconds tick by, counted off by the zz-ut-zhut of the old light bulb. 
The stillness growing into an uneasy stalemate.
You shift nervously on the bed.  Preparing, waiting.  Yet, nothing happens. 
Slowly, your racing heart begins to ease.  The muscles around your eyes begin to relax as your body adjusts to burning through the last of your caffeine-high just now. 
As your eyelids grow a bit heavy, a yawn surfaces.  Your face contorts in the yawn, your eyelids shielding most of your vision.  That’s when you see it, a flash of light deep in one of the room’s shadows. 
No, that isn’t right.  It wasn’t a light, there were two.  You saw two flashes of light, almost like the blink of dual fireflies, in the corner across from you.
You quickly stifle the yawn, blinking back the reflexive tears from your eyes, and stare hard at the space.  Only, the lights don’t reappear. 
Was it your imagination?  Is your fatigued brain experiencing hallucinations? 
You focus hard on the corner, and you see something…at least, you think you do.
Is that…a shadow? 
For a moment it’s there and then, with the next blink of your eyes, it’s gone again.  Was something there?
You strain to see.  Your eyes sting with dryness and feel gritty, even as tears from your yawn leak from the corners.  You squeeze your eyes shut repeatedly, trying to lubricate them.  Surely, you’ll be able to blink away the fog that seems to be forming on your pupils, obscuring your vision.  However, no matter how many times you try, your eyes refuse to focus.  You use the heel of your free hand to rub one orbital, in a pitiful attempt to literally wipe away the opaque quality of your vision.
Deep in the corner, the shadow flickers into existence and two glowing orbs reappear.  The orbs aren’t the luminous bottoms of bugs, they are two glowing eyes staring straight at you.
For just a moment, shorter than a gasp, your heart stops.  Pausing in stillness, preparing for the surge. 
Then, with the quickness of a lightning strike, the adrenaline jolts through your system.  Your heartrate spiking, sending blood to your muscles, preparing you for fight and flight.
You instinctually shriek and fling the book in your hand at the tall form in the darkness while simultaneously rolling off the far side of the bed with a resounding thud.
“Tsk, tsk, is that any way to treat a coveted possession?”
The voice that you hear from your hiding spot beside the bed is masculine.  It has an elegant cadence with an accent you can’t place.  It sounds otherworldly, almost ethereal, and yet hollow, like it’s muffled.  The sound of a male voice inside the room with you triggers the third fear response, freeze. 
You are utterly frozen in place on the grimy carpet, your mind racing.  Who is it?  How did he get in?  What does he want?  The sound of soft footsteps interrupts the chaos storming through your mind.  The footfalls are coming closer. 
Over the lip of the mattress, you see a dark hooded figure leisurely making his way around the bed.  You just stare with wide eyes as he comes to a stop at the foot of the bed, stares down at you, and tilts his head to the side inquisitively. 
Is it panic or shock that has your back glued to the floor, your body unable to move, or is it awe?  
The man, no – that isn’t right, it can’t be right. 
The being standing over you has swirling, glowing eyes.  You watch as the color of those luminous orbs shift and twirl in tones of blue, white, violet, and gold.  They are oddly mesmerizing and unnerving at the same time.  Just as your mind starts to get those in their depths, he breaks eye contact, and you watch those shimmering rings of light trace a line down your body, lingering with interest on the peaks of your nightshirt and the exposed swatch of your lacy underwear.
After a long pause at your lacy covered apex, those shining eyes blaze white and lift to make eye contact with you, “My lady, I do believe you are in need of my assistance”.  His eloquent, ethereal voice placing emphasis on the word ‘need’. 
The bedside lamp casts enough light to reveal his face beneath the hood. His eyes aren’t just floating orbs, they are pupils set in a pair of elongated eyes, framed high and tight by steep cheek bones.  His skin, a deep velvety blue with sparkling specks that catch and reflect the light, resembling a starry night sky.  You can only see a small portion of skin around his eyes, and you understand why his voice sounds muffled, he’s wearing a mask over the lower half of his face.
You hear screaming.  It takes you a moment to realize the sound is coming from yourself.  Your voice sounds so far away, like you are having an out-of-body type of experience.
The creature…being…man, whatever he is, raises his finger to his masked mouth and issues a command, “Shhhhhhhh”.  
A glimmering tendril of some type of floating substance, ribbons out from his hand, wafting over you, and stealing your panic.  Like a drug, your body starts to feel heavy and your voice stalls in your throat.
“Allow me to help you”, his foreign accent drawls out from behind his mask.  The shapes of his swirling eyes pinching thin, in what could be a cheeky grin, as he reaches down and takes your delicate hand in his indigo colored one, pulling you to your feet, your body just obeying.
Standing toe to toe it is apparent that this being is tall, at least 6’4” because your petite frame is only reaching the top of his chest. 
You are staring up into those hypnotic eyes when you feel him grip your chin.  His fingers are tipped with dark claws, and he is careful not to stab them into the tender flesh of your face.
“Are you hurt?”, he questions behind his barrier, “Maybe I should check, eh?”
His long eyes turning cheshire-shaped from another impish grin.  You are feeling too dazed to protest when his free hand glides over your shoulders, down one of your sides, and pauses on your hip, gripping into the amp flesh.
“Who-what are you”, your words come out slow and groggy.
“Hmmmm, I am called many things by your kind, faerie, demon, Sonnaya Tuchka, Ole Lukøje, Pesochnyy chelovek, we call ourselves Zeez; however, my favorite is your tongue, what you called me when you were youngling.”
The creature pauses staring at you; your transfixed dreamy stare telling him that you were not processing his words as quickly as he is speaking.  He watches patiently as the information clicks into place in your mind, your eyes widening ever so slightly with the realization that you two have met before.
“You, my desert flower, called me The Sandman.  But, if you wish, you may call me by given name Der.”
Der’s face loses its brash flirtatiousness and takes on a more somber look, his eyes phasing more blue, as he releases your chin to run his outside of forefinger down the side of your cheek.  The action doesn’t feel intrusive or offensive, it feels more familiar…sad.
Your gaze swipes lazily across his face as your mind tries to fight through the haze clouding it.  You take in the colors and reflecting light of his skin, those enthralling eyes, and then your sight slides down to his covering.
“Why do you wear a mask?”
You watch the tall being’s shoulders shake with a huffing laugh, “Always the curious one.  You asked me the same thing when you were much smaller.” 
He lifted a claw tapping the hard mask, the sound telling you it is made of some type of hardened leather or shell of some kind, “This is the burden of my kind, if we wish to remain culturally acceptable and welcomed in our world.”
Your forehead draws together in confusion. 
Der’s eyes twinkle with mischief as he continues, “My kind’s verbalizations can be very persuasive without a filter to cushion its affects.  The other species of my world grew tired of losing partners to my kind’s talented tongues.”, he finishes with a wink.
Ah, his words are as beguiling and seductive as his eyes and the mask acts as his muzzle.  Interesting.
Maybe it’s the fact that you were nose deep in a creature-feature smut book just prior to his arrival, or the fact that you haven’t been laid in longer than you’d like to admit, but your mind betrays you.  An intrusive thought pops up out of nowhere, and your inner voice wonders just how tantalizing a sexual experience with this Zeez would be.
You feel Der’s glowing eyes on your face and, almost as if he reads your mind, the swirling vortexes of his pupils surge from a golden hue to bright white.  You watch the glowing whirlpools circle into ever deeper depths, pulling you under with their currents.
One moment you are standing in a dingey motel room with this otherworldly creature, the next you are sinking in a sea of sand.  The particles rush up your body as you sink further into the abyss.  Your nightshirt is lifted from your body and pulled away by the grit’s undertow. 
Down you slide through the bottleneck of the sandy spiral, landing carefully on a bed of dark mist.  The hooded Zeez astride above you, smiling like a cat who ate the canary, behind his thick face mask, at the sight of your topless form on display for him.
“I have waited a long time for you to ask this of me”, Der purrs in his ethereal accent.  His indigo hand reaches up and detaches the muzzle from his lower face, revealing the remainder of his deep velvet skin and a wide fanged smile framed by a delectable set of dark blue lips.
Feeling self-conscience and exposed under his blazing glare, and his smile that is barely hiding some vicious looking teeth, your arms crisscross over your breasts in a protective manner.
“I-I thought you couldn’t remove the muzzle.”
Der opens his mouth, and a tongue of sand licks the tip of one fang, "Ah, but we are not in my world, my little desert flower, we are in your inner world.  Welcome to your dreamland.”
Without his face mask filtering his essence, the full force of the Zeez’s influence slides over you making you feel heady and drunk with euphoria.  The effect steals the air right out of your lungs, causing beads of sweat to pebble across your skin, your muscles to twitch for release, and your back to arch from the cool dark mist.  With just two short sentences, his words alone have you teetering on the precipice of an orgasm. 
An unguarded moan slips past your lips causing him to chuckle.  The sound of his chuckle, much like that of sand flowing through a wooden cylinder ‘rain-stick’, is its own form of a soothing aphrodisiac.
He leans close and whispers into your ear, as your eyes flutter in ecstasy, “Hold on, my flower, I’ve waited too long for this opportunity to pluck you.”
The inner walls of your pussy twitch in rhythm to his vocal cadence.  To keep from crying out you bite hard into your bottom lip, breaking and bruising the delicate skin.
“Tsk, tsk, is that any way to treat a coveted possession?”, he growls at you in his thick accent. 
You squirm as the slick between your legs becomes so abundant that it is pushing forward, up around your clit, “You-you, sa-said that about my-my book”, you stutter as your mind’s focus splits between talking and the throbbing of the delicate nub in your apex.
Der literally purrs.  His body vibrating above yours, tickling your exposed skin, he’s so close to your ear you can feel his lips brushing the shell with each word, “I was never talking about the book, Love.”
His purring, his lips caressing your ear, along with his declaration pushes you over the edge.  Your inner walls clinch in release.  Your hands forget their mission to guard your modesty and reach out fisting his hood cowl as your body shivers in release.
Der sighs in slight disappointment.  “Next time I will need to keep the mask on until we are further along, you are delightfully sensitive.”, he chides with a salacious grin.
Your release subsides and he slides your hands from his cowl.  As you lay cool in the swirl black mist of your own dreamland, the Zeez releases the clips of his hood cloak, shedding the heavy covering and exposing a torso that you were not expecting. 
Instead of a swath of blue, speckled skin, you are shocked to see short sleek indigo fur coating his neck, the backs of his muscled arms, across his stout shoulders, and down his strong back.  The inner portions of his torso, his chiseled chest, and washboard stomach, sport that starry skin that matches his face.  A face that, now you can see, has a pair of long pointed ears on each side of its head.
Farther behind him a new astonishment swishes through the air, catching you off guard and causing you to jerk in surprise.  A long thin tail with a furry tuft at the end whips back and forth in anticipation.
You are in a state of shock and awe, staring mesmerized at the unique being above you.
“What are you?”, is what slips out of your mouth without going through your internal filter.
That same raspy chuckle of his, slides over your skin like a caress, “I am a Zeez.”
Seeing the lack of recognition, or satisfaction, on your face from his answer, he pauses a moment to rethink his approach.
“I guess your kind would most closely associate my species with your mythical Sphinxes or Manicores. We are timeless creatures with no natural end.  We originate from a cold dark desert in my world”, you watch his eyes dim a deeper hue of blue than you have noticed previously, “but that area is no longer ours.  We now live among tribes and clans of many.”
His long tail gives a sharp whip, creating a snapping sound and breaking his reverie.  Der’s eyes shift back into their golden, white tones as he stares down at you.  His fanged grin grows wide, and his purr returns tenfold.
Suddenly, you feel like a cornered mouse.  Plump and ripe for the devouring.
“You smell delicious”, he rasps out above his vibrations.
TO BE CONTINUED if you want(because it is time for me to catch some Zeez 😘)….
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@thelaundrybitch @leoandraphssoulmate @kokosworld95
Author Note: There are three points to know about this story.
1. You may be surprised to learn that Der (and his species) are a MINOR character in my main book series that I'm trying to finish. I wanted a way to expand and explain more about Zeez and this story was born.
2. The book that Der's human is reading in this story will be a vehicle that I will use to introduce other MINOR characters/species from my books as well. So, yes, you will get the read the Centaur's story too, which will feature many of my own creature creations.
3. There is SOOOO much more to Der and his human's story. I am happy to tell it if anyone is interested. The amount of detail and I have created for all the characters still amazing me. (I have no life LOL).
Eh, let's throw a 4th point in here. Der's species was born from an a scene in an actual dream I had. It may not come across as well here in this story, but in further expansions of the story, it explains that humans can only see Zeez when they are tired or sleepy.
Hence the phrase...."catching Z's".
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scionshtola · 3 months
pairing: Corisande Ymir/Y'shtola Rhul word count: 2.1k | rated: Explicit notes: another fic in the rodeo au verse, where Y'shtola is a geologist come to survey the land of the ranch that Cori works on [divider credit]
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Seated in the passenger seat of Corisande’s pickup, Y’shtola was growing increasingly desperate. 
Only a few steps outside the truck’s door was the spot where she and Corisande had first kissed beneath the starlit sky. A long way off the main road, it was the perfect place for both privacy and a picturesque view, the green and flowered countryside stretching in all directions. 
Kisses had come easily since then. Chaste brushes of their lips when Y’shtola left the ranch for the day; sweet, smiling kisses an hour or two later, their legs dangling from the bed of the truck; featherlight against her knuckles when they helped her out of the truck; deep and lingering against the door of her motel room when they saw her to her door at night. 
To Y’shtola’s dismay, they had yet to progress beyond that. It wasn’t for a lack of desire on her part, and didn’t seem to be for Corisande either—she felt their hands warm on her sides, pulling her closer, and she saw the reluctance when they pulled away from her, their hesitancy when they parted for the night. 
But they did pull away every time, their hands staying sweetly on Y’shtola’s waist or the back of her neck, leaving them both wanting. More and more Y’shtola found herself distracted by the prospect of sleeping with them. Her mind drifted to the ways they might touch her, with competent hands used to hard work, and the ways she might return the favor, with the kind of zeal she typically reserved for mapping the ground she worked on. 
She’d had a moment of shining hope earlier in the evening: she and Corisande on the picnic blanket after sharing the meal they’d packed, her legs thrown over theirs as they traded kisses, Corisande’s hand on her bare knee below the hem of her dress. Until Corisande pulled away, their cheeks warm, muttering about getting Y’shtola back to her motel before it grew too late. 
But even now, as she waited for Corisande to get in the truck, Y’shtola wasn’t completely without hope. She would simply have to be more direct. 
Corisande slid gracefully into the truck and, just as Y’shtola had hoped, leaned down to kiss her. Slow, lingering, all the time in the world in this space between the end of their date and dropping Y’shtola off at her room. 
Y’shtola seized her opportunity. She slipped her hand lightly up the back of Corisande’s neck until she could tangle her fingers in the thick curls of their hair. They responded in kind, cupping her neck gently, their thumb gliding across her jaw and, encouraged, Y’shtola pressed forward. She rose slowly to her knees on the bench seat, kissing Corisande deeply as she moved closer.
She half expected Corisande to pull back—this was already more intimate than they had yet been. Instead, she grinned into the kiss when Corisande’s hands found her waist, pulling her closer.
She wriggled her way into Corisande’s lap, uncomfortably caught between the hard leather of the steering wheel and their chest. Perhaps she could maneuver them to the other side of the cab, or onto their back—or onto her back, Corisande’s lean muscle on top—
“Y’shtola.” Corisande pulled back slightly, her fingers curling into the fabric at Y’shtola’s waist. Y’shtola paused, biting back a desperate sigh at the touch—how she longed to feel it beneath her dress, her deft hands against her skin. She waited, forehead pressed to Corisande’s, giving her time—if not space— to voice her thoughts.
But hardly a second passed before Corisande leaned forward again, chasing Y’shtola’s lips with her own. She kissed her deeply, clutching at Y’shtola’s hips until she was flush against her. 
Delighted by the turn of events, Y’shtola slipped a hand between them, plucking at the buttons of Corisande’s plaid shirt. She had undone half of them and slipped her hand inside their shirt, cupping their breast through the tank top they wore beneath, before they pulled away again.
Y’shtola sat back, ignoring the way the steering wheel pressed into her back. The setting sun cast a golden light through the partially rolled down windows, falling warmly across Corisande’s face. She pulled her hand away from their chest and cupped their cheek instead, an ache in her chest forming under their open, searching look. 
“What is it?” she asked gently, not wanting to startle her. Despite the hesitancy, there was a longing in Corisande’s expression that she did not wish to extinguish. Whatever was holding her back, they could only work through it if Corisande shared.
Corisande swallowed, and seemed to change her mind. “Nothing,” she said, her eyes darting to Y’shtola’s lips. “It’s nothing.”
Y’shtola would not let them away so easily. She curled a finger under Corisande’s chin, lifting their face to hers, a hairsbreadth of space between their lips, but did not close the gap. “Corisande,” she said, gently but firmly, and a tiny thrill trilled down her spine at the way their eyelids briefly fluttered closed, their breath quickening against her lips. “Tell me.”
“I like you,” Corisande said in a rush of breath. Her grip on Y’shtola’s waist tightened reflexively, and Y’shtola’s pulse thrummed in her body at the pressure. Every place their bodies touched was a beacon of heat against her skin, and she had to hold herself still against the urge to press closer.  “A lot.”
“I gathered that much.” An obvious admission, but it pleased her to hear it anyway. A small bloom of warmth unfurled inside her and she leaned down, rewarding them with a kiss. “I feel the same.”
“I know,” Corisande said, their tone so perfectly pleased and sincere that Y’shtola could not help but smile. She felt their own grin when she kissed them again. “I just thought—I wanted the first time we—”
Corisande cut herself off, heat blooming in her cheeks. “I was just waiting for the right moment, is all.”
Y’shtola brushed a wayward curl out of Corisande’s face. “That’s very sweet.” Romantic. A complicated tangle of emotions knotted itself in her stomach. She’d never had much time or use for romance before, not when casual sexual relationships could get the job done without any distractions from her studies. She was still growing used to the way Corisande did things—the dates after work, the walking her to her door, the slow dances under the light of the moon. Things she hadn’t even known she would enjoy until it was Corisande doing them for her. Doing them with her. 
Maybe she could return the favor. 
“I suppose I was holding out for somewhere nicer than my truck,” Corisande said, still sounding a bit sheepish, though she kept her gaze on Y’shtola. 
Y’shtola leaned forward again, not quite brushing her lips against theirs. “Do you want to kiss me, Corisande?”
Their eyes dropped to her lips as they answered. “Yes.”
The corners of Y’shtola’s lips lifted into a satisfied smile. She lowered herself into their lap, her chest flush against theirs when she pressed a kiss to the side of their neck. “Do you want to touch me?”
She couldn’t see Corisande’s expression now, but her breathily exhaled “Yes” was more than enough encouragement. Y’shtola traced the buckle of Corisande’s belt with one finger, tapping the center, and asked, “Do you want me to touch you?”
Corisande’s chest hitched before she answered. “I do.”
“Then I would say now is the right moment, wouldn’t you?” Y’shtola pressed another kiss to their neck, just to drive home her reasoning. 
She had just enough time to glimpse Corisande’s growing grin before they kissed her. The urgency that had driven Y’shtola to this moment returned, twice over, echoed back to her in the way their mouth met hers—hot and open and seeking. She resumed her earlier task, undoing the remaining buttons of Corisande’s shirt and sliding her hand beneath their tank top. She felt the quiver of their belly beneath her touch as she glided her hand over their skin, felt their gasp against her lips when she took the slight weight of their breast in her hand, rolling her palm across their nipple.
Corisande’s own hands were busy, gliding over Y’shtola’s arms, chest, waist, heat trailing in their wake that left her craving their touch on bare skin. Their fingers traced the neckline of her dress, skimming the top of her breasts. They moved down her body, cupping and kneading through her dress, lower and lower until their hands rested on her knees, thumbs running soothing circles over her skin. 
And then finally, finally, Corisande’s hands found their way beneath her skirt, moving decisively up her thighs to the join between Y’shtola’s legs. She brushed against her lightly, but before Y’shtola could admonish her for teasing, Corisande pushed her underwear aside with a touch that brought a whimper from her lips. She canted her hips, seeking more of their touch—warm, deft, sure, just as she had imagined it would be.
Corisande broke away from her mouth, trailing kisses down the side of her neck. She followed her fingers' earlier path across the neckline of Y’shtola’s dress and Y’shtola, impatient and desperate, reached down and tugged at the ties until the front of her dress fell open. She cupped her own breast, lifting it, pleased when Corisande’s head dipped lower to meet the gesture with her lips. 
A knot formed once more, the threads of Y’shtola’s pleasure coalescing into a bright, hot, point low inside her. She gripped tightly at the seat behind Corisande, holding herself up while they kissed her, touched her, the rhythm of their fingers growing faster, more urgent. A well timed flick of their tongue across Y’shtola’s nipple coincided with a brush of their palm against her clit, and the threads of her pleasure pulled taut. 
She moaned, her back arching, her fingers grasping at the leather beneath them. Corisande wrapped an arm around her waist and Y’shtola sagged against her, letting her do the work of holding her up, her hands and lips still moving against Y’shtola as she rode her climax out. 
Corisande seemed intent on building her to her peak once more—and, Y’shtola suspected, likely beyond once more. But Y’shtola’s thoughts in the previous days had involved much more reciprocal scenarios.
Y’shtola made quick work of Corisande’s belt and the button on her jeans. A soft sound escaped Corisande when Y’shtola’s fingers pressed against her center, already slick with her desire. Y’shtola fixated on the sound with a greedy desire, desperate to draw it out of her as she dipped inside her, to capture the sound with her lips as they kissed. Corisande’s head tipped against the  window behind her, eyes closed, and this was better than anything Y’shtola’s imagination had conjured—Corisande under her, soft and warm around her fingers, breath hitching in her chest, one hand clutching desperately at Y’shtola’s waist, the other creating an erratic rhythm between Y’shtola’s legs.
It was not long before Corisande came with a soft, quiet cry. Y’shtola kissed her through it, savoring the slight pain of Corisande’s fingers digging into her waist, a delicious heat pulsing within her. She kept kissing her even as she steadied, as Corisande’s hands picked up its pace—not quite as gentle or as clever as before, but just as sure, just as capable of bringing Y’shtola gasping over the edge.
After, Y’shtola rested her head on their shoulder, and a strange contentment fell over her. Not just with having sated her desire, or theirs, but also with the way they held each other, with Corisande’s lips brushing a featherlight kiss to her forehead. If they had not been cramped in the driver's seat of Corisande’s pickup, she might’ve wanted to stay in the circle of their arms a while longer. 
Y’shtola pushed herself up and leaned back as far as the steering wheel would allow. With another touch to their chin, she lifted Corisande’s face until she could meet their gaze. She had only meant to kiss them before shifting back into her own seat, but the sun had not quite finished setting, and she was caught once more by the way the light fell across them. Gold limned the curve of their cheek, their parted lips, the disarrayed splay of the hair that framed their face.
“What is it?” Corisande asked, amusement evident beneath her curiosity.
“You’re beautiful,” Y’shtola answered, a simple declaration of fact. A feeling she did not yet want to name welled in her then, more than affection or that strange contentment, more than simple want or need. 
And then Corisande smiled at her, her green eyes bright, and Y’shtola’s stomach swooped in a way she had long thought herself inured against, and it didn’t matter that she would not name the feeling, because there was no denying its presence. 
But she didn’t have to think on it for long, because Corisande leaned forward to kiss her. Y’shtola, allowing herself back in the warm circle of Corisande’s arms, met her in the middle. 
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fanficforlife · 2 years
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You stepped out of the cab in awe. A huge log house with a wraparound porch loomed in front of you. Across from the house, there were miles of fences along with three large barns and corrals. But, what really held your attention was the view past all of the buildings. Snow-covered mountains and trees surrounded the property, everywhere you looked the view was incredible.
You spun around to see the driver waiting with your bag. "Oh, sorry." After taking your suitcase from him, you paid him a hefty sum. Since you didn't have a car and the ranch was quite a ways from the city, you were expecting it. "Thank you."
"You're welcome." The older man smiled before climbing back in the car and driving off.
Okay. Do I go to the house or... Your eyes left the front door when you heard talking behind you, three cowboys saddling up horses. One of the men was already watching you and when your eyes meet, you froze. Your heart stirred from the slumber that had plagued it for the past two years.
The other cowboys, a man who looked similar to the one who caught your eye and an older one with a grey mustache who had both been trying to get his attention, followed his gaze to you. The man who looked like he could be his brother grinned and swatted the guy who was staring at you. The tall, good-looking rancher smiled. You swallowed before quickly looking away.
"You must be Violet." A strong voice sounded from the porch.
"Yes, I am."
"John." He informed. "I can get that."
"No, it's okay. I can do it." You picked up your suitcase and started up the steps but he took the bag from you when it was within reach.
"So, Rick from the motel tells me you've had cleaning jobs in the past."
"Yes, at a few different motels."
He set your bag down as you walked into the large living room which was partially open to the second floor above. "How long were you at each one?"
"Umm, I've kind of been on the road the past two months so I've worked at each one for a week or two. Before I started traveling I lived in a big house and did all of the cleaning."
"So, are you looking for a new place to settle down or would we only have you for a week or two before you move on to the next town? Unless we're your last stop before going home. Rick said you're originally from California?"
"Yes, California. I'm not going back." Your hands wrung together tightly before you took a quick, calming breath. "I've been looking for somewhere new to stay and this is without a doubt the most beautiful place I've been."
John smiled as you both looked at the view through the glass patio door. "I've lived here my whole life and I'm still not tired of it." His eyes lingered on the mountains for a few seconds before turning back to you. "Sit." He motioned to the couch while he sat on a chair across from it. "Our original housekeeper, Mrs. Sanders, was with us for seven years before she got sick and had to leave. She did the normal housekeeping tasks: the floors, dusting, laundry, beds. She was also the one who took care of my grandson, Tate, when he was younger. His mom's never been in the picture and my son was in the Navy when he was a baby. I've raised my kids but I'm not as young as I used to be and that kid can be a handful sometimes." He chuckled. "His dad's name is Kayce, he works on the ranch and lives upstairs, and so does Tate. He's seven years old so he'll be in school most of the time. The only time we will really need your help is driving him to and from school. Is that something you are okay with? And, the cleaning?"
"Yes, the cleaning is good and I'm okay with school runs and whatever else you need."
"Good. Good. Well, from what you've told me and what Rick said, the job is yours, if you want it?"
"Yes, it sounds great."
He smiled. "We can get to the paperwork later this week but I can show you to your room. Rick told you it was a live-in position, correct?"
"He did." You stood up and reached for your suitcase but he beat you to it.
He grinned and lead you through the expansive main floor, showing you the dining room and kitchen on the way. "We have a cook so you don't have to worry about that. He lives in the bunkhouse with the wranglers. Help yourself to whatever you want in the fridge and pantry. If there is something that you want food-wise, you can add it to the running grocery list hanging on the fridge. Oh, that's another job you might get. Gator, our cook, hates grocery shopping."
"No problem." You smiled as he rounded a corner and opened the first door in the hallway.
"This will be your room." He set your bag next to the bed. "My other son and daughter also live here. Their rooms are upstairs. I should probably warn you that my daughter, Beth, is pretty particular. You will be the fourth housekeeper since our original one had to leave two months ago. Beth's made a list of tasks and what days to do them, hopefully, making it a bit easier on you. I hope you like it here because I'm tired of hiring a new one every other week." He chuckled. "My oldest son, Lee, lives on the property. You might have noticed the other two houses over the hill?" You nodded. "Lee is in the one closest to the main house. The other one is the ranch foreman's house. You don't have to worry about cleaning either of those. Did you need some time to get settled or...?"
"No, I'm good. I can start now."
"Alright. I'll give you a quick tour upstairs before I head out. I'll pick up Tate from school today and do the school run tomorrow so you can get used to the house then you can take over on Monday. I'll come with you in the morning and let ya know where you're going."
"Violet, this is my son, Kayce, and my grandson, Tate."
You looked up from the clean pile of laundry you just finished folding to see John standing in the doorway of the laundry room with a cute little brown-haired boy. And, the tall, good-looking cowboy you had locked eyes with two days ago. He's even cuter up close but he's technically my boss. Plus, after everything... "Hi."
"Hi," Kayce said as his piercing brown eyes gazed into yours.
"I like your name."
"Thank you." You smiled at Kayce's son. "I like yours too."
"How did you get that scar on your face?"
Kayce gave his son a swat. "Tate."
"No, it's okay. I uh, fell off my bike when I was little."
"Ouch. I bet it hurt."
"It did." Your mind went to the night you got the scar that ran from your jaw up to your cheekbone...and how you actually got it.
"Grandpa said you're from California. Are you a transplant?"
"A transplant?"
Kayce's cheeks darkened and John stifled a grin, knowing what Tate was about to say. "Dad said a transplant is someone who moves here and tries to make it like the place they left. Rich people from California move here all the time. Are you rich? Do you want it to be like where you're from?"
"The last thing I want is for it to be like where I left." You replied quickly and Kayce's eyes searched your face. Your chest tightened. Why did I say that? And, I answered too fast. "And, umm, I'm definitely not rich." You smiled down at Kayce's son.
"So, she's one of us." Tate looked up at his dad.
Kayce's eyes surveyed your face as he smiled. "Yeah, I think she is."
Tate grinned before looking around curiously. "What are you doing?"
"Oh, I just finished folding some laundry."
"So, now what are you going to do?"
"Now I'm going to go put it away."
"Can I help?"
John and Kayce looked down at the boy with wide eyes. "You want to help put laundry away?" His grandpa asked in shock.
You smiled down at the seven-year-old. "I'm sure there are a bunch of other things you would rather do on a Saturday than put towels away."
"I wanna help. You're just going to check fences and I don't want to."
"I don't know if Violet's going to want to have to keep an eye on you, buddy. We're going to be gone for a couple hours."
"But dad, I'll be good."
John looked at you. "Feel free to say no. I know that when you were done with this you were done for the day."
"He can stay and hang out. I was actually thinking of making some cookies when I was done with this."
"Yay! I can help!"
You giggled at how excited he was, and your eyes left him and went to his dad. Heat crept across your cheeks when you found his eyes already on you.
"Alright then, I guess it's just you and me son." John clapped a hand on his son's shoulder.
"Are you sure you're okay with him getting in your way?"
You smiled. "Yes, I'm sure."
Kayce nodded. "I guess it is just us then. Do whatever she says, okay buddy?"
"I will." He left the doorway and came to your side. "Let's hurry and put this away so we can get to the cookies. Gator's a good cook but he sucks at making cookies. Do you make cake? He sucks at those too."
While Tate continued on, John left grinning. Kayce gave you a smile that made the butterflies in your stomach which had gone dormant long ago, begin to flap their wings. No. You gave your head a quick shake before picking up the laundry basket full of clean towels. "To the linen closet down the hall." Tate nodded and you followed him out of the room, answering his nonstop questions.
"So, how were your first two weeks?" Kayce asked after pouring himself a cup of coffee.
You had just finished making chocolate chip cookies and set a plate of them on the kitchen island in front of him, Lee and Beth, had both filled a mug before him and sat down. "They were really good."
He picked up a cookie as John walked in with his other son, Jamie. "And, Tate, bringing him to school and back is going okay? I'm sorry he's been hanging around you so much."
"Bringing him there and back is good." You stepped out of the way when Jamie crowded in next to his dad to get a coffee. "You don't have to apologize. I like spending time with him, he's a great kid."
"I think you might be his favorite person on this ranch." John chuckled and grabbed a cookie. "And, if this is the outcome, he can spend all his free time with you. You're a great baker."
"Thanks but Tate's the one who should get most of the praise though. He likes to do most of it. I'm just in charge of the oven."
"Great, the heir of the ranch would rather bake than ride a horse." Jamie huffed.
Kayce's smile disappeared and was replaced with a scowl. "What the hell's your problem today? If Tate wants to spend time with Violet and make cookies instead of going for a ride, he can."
Beth rolled her eyes. "He's just a kid, Jamie. Besides, Violet is the perfect little cleaning fairy, she's always done everything before she goes to pick up Tate from school. It's a good thing too because she's been helping him with his homework when he needs it. Lord knows we're all busy enough during the day. By the time we can help him, he should be in bed and sleeping already."
"We barely know anything about her and you let your son spend more time with her than he does with you."
You swallowed while your hands started wringing together.
"Seriously, what the fuck is your problem?" Kayce snapped.
John placed a hand on his youngest son's shoulder. "Kayce, why don't you go find Tate? He's out by the corrals watching the guys work with some cattle."
He took a deep breath and nodded. Before he left he walked over and placed his cup in the sink. His hand wrapped around your wrist and gave it a reassuring squeeze.
Jamie scoffed. "She's not only got her claws in your son but she's also hooked you too."
You hung your head, staring down at your hands.
"You really need to shut your fucking mouth." Kayce spun around to face his older brother. When his fingers left your skin, you immediately missed his calloused touch, but you pushed it to the back of your mind.
"Kayce." John stepped in front of him.
"Come on little brother." Beth got up and went to Kayce's side. "I have a meeting I need to get to. You can walk me to my car." She gave you a soft smile. Every morning this past week, you had taken your cup of coffee out onto the porch while you enjoyed the sun beginning to peak over the mountain tops. Beth had joined you, whether you were visiting back and forth or just relishing in the quiet before your days started. You liked her and her tell-it-like-it-is, take-no-shit attitude.
Kayce gave a small nod. As he followed his sister out, a sympathetic smile pulled at his lips, and his eyes bore into yours. You looked from him to Jamie, who was glaring at you.
"So, Violet, where are you from? And, don't say a small city in California we've never heard of. We are also still waiting for your social security number."
Lee set his mug down with a scowl on his face. "Calm down, brother."
"I umm," your hands clenched together while your heart started to race.
"Well?!" Jamie snapped and you flinched.
"Jamie, that's enough," John said firmly. "Violet, why don't we go to my office?"
Unfortunately, Jamie was hot on your heels and the second you sat down in one of the chairs across from John's desk, he attacked again. "So, you won't tell us where you're from, you won't give us your social security number so we can add you to the payroll. What about why have you only stayed at your previous positions a week or two before leaving? Are you a thief? Did you steal from them?"
"Jamie," John warned.
"She's hiding something!" His voice rose while you sat staring at your shaking hands clenched together on your lap. "Where are you from in California? Did you get into trouble there? Why are you running?"
"Jesus, Jamie." Lee sat down in the chair next to yours.
"I looked you up. There's no one named Violet Smith matching your description from California."
Your heart began to pound out of your chest. "I-I-" tears started to prick your eyes, "I've never stolen anything or done anything illegal."
"She's obviously lying! She wouldn't have given you a fake name if she wasn't hiding."
"I...I am hiding but not from the cops, not really."
"Not really?" Jamie mocked.
"Violet, who are you hiding from? Maybe we can help."
"We can help ourselves and let the cops know she's here."
"No! Please, don't. He'll kill me!"
John's brow furrowed. "Who will kill you?"
"M-my fiancé, ex fiancé." You said quietly.
"Why would your ex want to kill you?" Lee asked, his voice full of concern.
"Probably because she stole from him."
"Jamie." John's voice was harsh before taking a deep breath. "Violet?" He urged.
"He...he hurt me. He had been for two years. I couldn't go to the cops because he is one, he's a detective. His uncle is the chief of police, he has cousins who are cops. His dad is the mayor. His family's everywhere."
"Tell us their names and we'll look them up and see if you're telling the truth."
You looked at John's oldest son with scared eyes.
John observed your trembling hands, the tears streaking down your cheeks. He noticed every time you flinched when Jamie yelled. "We won't tell him you're here."
You searched your boss's face and saw nothing but the truth. "His...his name is Nick Harrington. S-Southaven." Lee held a box of tissues out and you took one.
Jamie began his search on the laptop sitting on the desk. "Southaven. Okay...the chief of police is Mike Harrington. There is a Nick Harrington." He confirmed after a couple of minutes. "The mayor is Carl Harrington. There's a Larry Harrington who's a doctor and the head of the hospital and Eric Harrington who's an attorney. Jesus. A company, Harrington Incorporated, owns practically half the town. Apartment buildings, condos, houses, business property rentals."
"No wonder you couldn't go for help." John leaned back in his chair. "They own the city."
Jamie turned the laptop towards his dad. "An engagement announcement, Nick Harrington and Violet Hawkins."
Your heart started racing even faster than it already was. "I-I've tried running away before but he found me and brought me back. I can't-I can't go back again. You don't know what he's like. He-He'll kill me. I'll leave just please, don't tell him. You don't have to pay me. I shouldn't have come here. I'm sorry. Just please, please don't tell him." You begged.
"What? No, you can't leave. You'll be safe here." Lee said.
"We won't tell him." Jamie closed the laptop. "But, I have a meeting in town in an hour so I can bring you to the bus station."
"There's no need for that, she's staying," John looked across the desk with warm eyes. "I want you to stay. Everyone here loves you, even Beth and she doesn't like anyone." He chuckled. You glanced at Jamie who gave in and sighed. "Nobody is going to tell him where you are. And, we will let you tell everyone else here when you're ready."
"Umm, okay."
"Does your family know you're here? I know you have a cell phone..."
"I don't have any family left. Nick and I moved into a new house about a year and a half ago and one of our neighbors, an older couple, knew what he was like. They helped me run away a month and a half ago. The cell phone is one of those burner ones. They have one too that we use to keep in touch with."
"So, you do have family." John smiled. Your heart warmed at the thought of your sweet neighbors. "Like Lee said, you'll be safe here, Violet. We'll add an account to ours at the bank and put it under your new name, we'll get you a debit card, and you can stay as long as you want. But, if you and Tate keep making us cookies, we're all going to gain fifty pounds." A small giggle escaped your lips.
"Maybe throw in a few healthy ones or some granola bars, muffins," Jamie said with a faint hint of a grin.
"Violet? Violet?!" Tate's voice traveled down the hall, followed quickly by him. "There you are. Can you help me with my English homework? Dad said he could but you're smarter than he is."
Kayce came in and tousled Tate's hair. "Hey, that hurt you know?"
Tate laughed and pushed his dad's hand away. "Can you help me? Please?"
You nodded. "I'll go get us some cookies."
"Can I have some milk to go with mine?"
"Get." Kayce chuckled and gave him a gentle push down the hall. "Is everything okay?" He asked when Tate was out of sight.
"Everything's good. Just finished getting payroll stuff out of the way." John pushed his chair back and stood up. "Come on Jamie. Lee and I should get back outside and you said you had some stuff you needed to get done at your office. Have fun with the homework." He smiled at you before he left with Jamie. Lee followed them, giving Kayce a playful nudge with his elbow as he passed him.
"Are you okay?" Kayce asked as he stepped closer. "I'm sorry for before. Jamie can be an asshole sometimes."
"I'm good. Jamie was just making sure I wasn't a serial killer who was going to murder everyone here."
"And, are you one?" He teased.
"No, you're safe."
"Good. Are you sure you're okay with helping Tate? It's not really in the job description. You don't have to."
"I'm sure. Like I said before, he's a great kid. I like spending time with him."
His perfect smile formed. "He likes spending time with you too."
You both laughed as Tate called you. "You're being summoned."
"It appears so."
"I might tag along since I have the rest of the day off. Maybe you can teach me a few things too." He gave you a crooked grin before stepping aside so you could walk past him.
"Would you like milk with your cookie or coffee?"
A chuckle left his lips as you walked into the kitchen. "Coffee. I can grab the milk."
You busied yourself with getting two mugs and a glass out of the cupboard before handing the glass to him. There was a comfortable silence that settled between you as you poured the drinks and went to the living room where Tate was waiting. A calmness filled you as the three of you started going over Tate's homework. Maybe I can stay here. Maybe I will be safe.
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tourguidesindia · 6 months
6 Beautiful hotels near Kalpetta which might be everything one wishes for
6 Best Resorts Near Kalpetta
So, decide certainly and well about the location, e-book your accommodations, and step into this stunning city to get an extremely good enjoy.
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1. LakeRose Wayanad Resort
Located at the scenic beaches of Karapuzha Dam, it's miles a conventional luxurious Boutique Resort that welcomes humans to rejuvenate and reinvent. It has a brilliant setting with a panoramic view of the Karapuzha Dam reservoir and the majestic Western Ghats lining the horizon. Various personalized offerings, custom menus, and masses of activities can make your visit unforgettable. Here you may additionally enjoy the magic of nature in an surroundings-pleasant format. Moreover, there are 8 luxurious rooms in Lake View respiration wall cottages. Journey through Kerala's heart: Revel in the lush landscapes of Wayanad, cruise the backwaters of Kumarakom, discover the heritage of Thrissur, and bask in the tranquility of Marari's golden sands best places to go in kerala.
2. Holiday Ashtami Resort
Holiday Ashtami Resort is one of the most inexpensive motels you can discover near Kalpetta. It is a family mission, deliberate as a collection of 3 cottages, the usage of space-saving, fee-reducing, traditional aesthetics but contemporary strategies in creation. It presents superb lodging at an affordable price with an eating place, free private parking, and a garden. One can locate numerous scenic perspectives all around this motel. All the rooms are properly provided and painted with present-day layout. The eating place of this inn has types of meals like Indian, Chinese, and others.
3. Wayanad Ranches Resort
Wayanad Ranches Resort is a couple-pleasant hotel located near Kalpetta. It is an elegantly themed villa that blends in with the woodland environment and is a home far away from home. Your life at this resort could loosen up your mind and rejuvenate your body and soul. Here, travelers can get several meals objects like South Indian meals, Mughlai, North Indian, and extraordinary continental dishes. The lush greeneries of the espresso plantation could make you feel calm and serene. You can also discover diverse categories of rooms right here that consist including Deluxe Rooms, Premium Villas, Pool Villas, and Home Villas. However, for people who love nature and its specific looks, booking a room in Wayanad Ranches Resort could be an excellent desire.
4. Hilton Cloud Resort Wayanad
Hilton Cloud Resort is located in Meppad, 9 km from Karapuzha Dam close to Kalpetta. One who might live here can revel in a scenic view of the lake. This inn provides soundproof rooms that encompass a heating machine, pay TV, andana eating location for guests’ comfort. The area setup of the hotel can please each visitor. Many humans who have been skilled in this hotel have given a high-quality overview of their group of workers.
5. The Coffee Country Resort
If you wish to have a serene place to spend your excursion, come and discover an exceptional stay with nature without compromising the posh. The eighty-acre coffee plantation has a path with a tea estate. Cottages are designed to give the treehouse feel, all of the cottages are made with Rosewood and Bamboo. Thus, in case you pick this resort even as touring Kalpetta, you will get the possibility to loosen up and experience the greenery and serenity of the city. Experience Kerala's enchantment: Stroll through the spice-scented streets of Thekkady, admire the architectural marvels in Thiruvananthapuram, escape into the mystical ambience of Munnar's tea plantations, and lose yourself in the serene backwaters of Kuttanad tourist places in Kerala.
6. Koomankolly Heritage Retreat
Koomankolly Heritage Resort is a boutique property at Thirunelli in Wayanad close to Kalpetta. It is about amidst the outstanding Brahmagiri Hills which draws many tourists to stay at this hotel. For one who's searching for a relaxing excursion, this is the region that welcomes them with plenty of facilities and a herbal surrounding all around. Moreover, Koomankolly Heritage Resort is created with a unique imagination and prescient thoughts and is a nature-based totally vacation spot that preserves and initiatives Kalpetta and Wayanad’s serene unexplored hilltops.
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Exploring the unexplored: 11 offbeat destinations in Kerala for your next Kerala journey
10 Best Ayurveda retreats in Kerala
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fleurcareil · 1 year
Central Ontario: Manitoulin Island & Bruce Peninsula - going home!
1.5hrs after leaving the motel at Thessalon, I veered south towards Manitoulin Island, the largest freshwater island in the world which is so big that it has itself over 100 interior lakes. This route is only a 20-minutes further drive than around Georgian Bay, however that excludes the ferry needed to get off the island and cross the lake to Tobermory... But I love islands & ferries and also wanted to revisit the journey I did with my parents in 2010 so this was a no-brainer. 😊
Enroute to the island, I saw a beautiful display of fall colours so I did a "U-ey" to drive back to the trees to snap a pic. 😄
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A little down the road, I had a more serious moment when I visited the MMIWG monument at Whitefish River First Nation. MMIWG stands for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, which is a recognition of the systemic abuse of Indigenous women and lack of action/care by the police. My awareness of the MMIWG plight started when I saw the red dresses hung by the REDress Project early on after arriving in Canada, and I've progressively learnt more about it over the years. When I read an article in June that a new monument was unveiled in Ontario, I added it to the places to visit on my trip.
The monument consists of a round stone symbolizing the circle of life, broken by a gap to recognize the missing people who their families desperately want closure on in order to heal. I cannot imagine how I would feel if a family member or any of my friends would go missing, especially if that then would be grossly ignored by the authorities...this is still a very current issue that needs to be addressed if we ever want to get close to reconciliation.
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Nearby, I crossed the bridge to the town of Little Current on Manitoulin Island, just in time 😁 to avoid being stuck in traffic as the bridge swung a full 180 degrees to let a sailboat pass. In winter, this is the only access to the island as the ferry on the south side stops from mid-October.
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I walked a bit along the Little Current marina boardwalk, during which I was asked by a jolly man to push his nearby brother into the water; they were fishing off the harbour and the other had caught two more fish than he had. 🤣
On my drive south, I stopped at Ten Mile Point which has a gorgeous view over the North Channel, one of the main shipping routes to Lake Superior. With blue skies, the view couldn't be any better! 🤩 There's also an Indigenous arts shop that had been recommended to me, so I bought a little dreamcatcher and birch canoe for my Christmas tree collection. 😊
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Arriving at the Kicking Mule Guest Ranch was quite an experience as I was met by a large collie and a collection of 20+ hens & roosters (plus the sheep in a corner made for quite a spectacle!). Jeff who runs the place was a great guy and showed me my adorable "blacksmith bunkie" which above all has a sky roof so that I would see the stars while lying in bed! 😍 After dinner, the guests gathered around the campfire, and although I think we preferred chatting, we did sing along with Jeff's guitar songs... needless to say that I got in bed later than expected! 😉
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In the morning, the small electric heater managed to burn off the worst of the cold, so that I had a perfect lazy morning lying in bed and then without any rush making breakfast & taking a shower...this being at the end of the trip, I knew that there was still a lot of beauty to be explored, but at the same time I really relished in taking it easy!
Finally, after 12pm, I made my way through the island roads along some interior lakes that were astonishing in their size, before I got to the famous Cup and Saucer trail hike up & along bluffs.
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The Indigenous name Michigiwadinong actually refers to the bluffs as a spearhead and spear handle, left behind by a giant trickster trying to defend himself against the Mohawks... I always like to read the stories told to explain the natural features of an area!
Although the Niagara Escarpment is typically said to run from Niagara Falls to Tobermory, it's clear that these are the same rocks, continuing at the other side of the lake on Manitoulin Island... I've hiked so many sections of the Bruce Trail along the escarpment in the last 14 years that it made me nostalgic to see these cliffs and large boulders. 😍
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The first 5k wound itself through the forest, but then the Niagara Escarpment truly showed itself with a massive drop-off and stunning views of trees and lakes. Something I could look at over and over again! 🤩
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I was standing on the cup/spear handle (the upper bluffs), and then once I turned the corner, I could see the saucer/spearhead (the lower bluffs) - neither names are very convincing though. 😂
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On the way back, I saw these big birds in a field; over 50 sandhill cranes which were making a pitstop on their flight south. They had no problem with the car being on the road quite close to them, but as soon as I got out to take a picture, they started cackling and walking further into the field. The birds clearly understand the saying; "it's not cars that hurt/kill, it's the drivers". 😆
In the evening, I had for one last time my favourite smoked cheddar sausages & roasted veggies on the BBQ, and then a few bevvies & laughter at the campfire. Was a great stay!
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Next day, I arrived early at the ferry terminal and chatted with a woman whose daughter is looking to buy a Nissan so perhaps I'll get a call one of these days... it motivated me to send my friend a write-up on the car, which she posted on her social media & quickly created a storm; so far 6 people have shown interest and I got one concrete offer already so it looks promising that I'll get it sold within a week at a reasonable price! 🤞 I do feel sad about parting with my drive as it was exactly what I had wanted when I went to buy it, and 6 years later, even after this lengthy road trip I still love everything about it! 🥰
The ferry is decorated with Indigenous themes and colourful chairs so despite the clouds I sat most of the 2 hours on deck looking over vast Georgian Bay... getting myself sunburned as I found out at night! 🙃
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Upon arrival in Tobermory, I wasn't sure what I felt like doing... this was the 5th time I've been here, so I've already visited all the must-dos (the flowerpots, the wrecks & the grotto) several times over, and it was surprisingly busy hence hard to find parking. I first walked around the little harbour and ate a tasty Tobermory Fish Taco (which is apparently a thing) on a bench, watching people go by, never boring!
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Only a short walk away, is the starting point of the 800-km Bruce Trail along the escarpment, so I visited that (nothing special really), and then did a short hike to a lookout over Little Dunks Bay. I met there some Belgians who were on holiday and together with the Dutch-born man I had met on the ferry, I ended up talking quite a bit in Dutch that day! 😄
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On the way back, I scaled the old fire tower for one last view of the endless forest... true Canadian scenery!
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I had hoped to score an icecream before jumping into the car, but then completely forgot 😅 so instead I snacked on healthier tomatoes & radish on the drive over to my B&B in Pike Bay. Sat for a glorious hour in the sun and then had deliciously grilled Georgian Bay whitefish for dinner, a treat for the last night of the road trip! 🤗
In the morning, it rained and after a hearty breakfast, it was time for the final stretch back to the GTA. The forest gave way to the rolling green fields of southwest Ontario (so different than the prairies I now know!) and traffic was steadily picking up the further south I went... I'm quite certain that I saw more cars in the last hour than in the totality of the last two weeks!! 😂😫 I'm definitely no longer used to the more agressive Ontario style of driving so will need to readjust to that for the few remaining days.
When I arrived in Dundas, I first met my friend Heather who I had given my car papers & 2nd key for safekeeping (handy to sell the car 😄) and then happily arrived at my friends Navneet & Arpita to hug them, sit down on the couch & do nothing! 🥰
I'll write one last recap of the entire trip soon, after which I'll take a little break to sort myself out before I head to Europe on the 30th September.
Wildlife: 51 sandhill cranes
SUPs: none
Hikes: one at Manitoulin Island, one at Tobermory
Distance driven from last map: 706 km
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rachelkaser · 1 year
Masonry Monday: The Case of the Lazy Lover
A rich mining tycoon’s stepdaughter apparently injures his secretary with her car. Later, the attempt to coverup the hit-and-run results in the tycoon’s murder in a staged car accident -- and his wife (the girl’s mother) is the prime suspect, until a tracker and the amnesiac secretary upend the whole case
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Who’s Who
Perry Mason’s client: Lucille Faxon Allred, an independently wealthy woman seeking divorce who police believe took a more expedient solution
The victim: Bertrand Allred, a mining tycoon who wants to both avert his divorce and force his secretary out of amnesia by any means necessary
Suspects: Patricia Faxon, Lucille’s daughter and Allred’s stepdaughter, who may be responsible for the case of amnesia Bob Fleetwood, Allred’s secretary and right-hand man, who apparently suffers memory loss after being struck by something Bernice Archer, Fleetwood’s girlfriend, who seems oddly blithe about her lover’s amnesia under the circumstances P.E. Overbrook, a retired tracker upon whose ranch Fleetwood was discovered and who also knew Allred
The Setup
A pair of women drive their car into a hedge to avoid a car parked close to the front of a driveway. In the house, the three people -- Bertrand Allred, his wife Lucille Allred and his step-daughter Patricia Faxon -- snipe at each other. Allred says he’s invited his factotum Bob Fleetwood to dinner. Pat tells him about his car being too close to the drive and Allred goes to reposition. As he pulls his car in, he sees a body half under the hedge. He picks the man up and carries him inside -- it’s Bob. When he tells the women where he found the body, Pat panics, thinking she hit Bob when she clipped the hedge. Allred says Bob is dead.
In Perry Mason’s office, Della brings him a $2,500 check from Lucille Faxon Allred. There’s a wire from Lucille as well, but the check and the wire are from different addresses. The wire simply asks him to represent Lucille or her daughter Patricia “should the need arise.” Della and Perry identify her husband as mining tycoon Bertrand Allred. Perry tells Della to deposit the check and try to call Lucille at home. Allred answers and says Lucille isn’t home. Later, Della returns with the check -- it cleared with no trouble.
Gertie rings: Bertrand Allred is here to see Perry. Allred greets Perry and Della, then asks if he’s representing Lucille. Allred says Lucille has run off with his secretary-cum-right hand Bob Fleetwood, and he asks Perry to persuade her to leave him in a more discreet fashion -- he needs Bob’s help with a business deal. Perry agrees to pass on the message should the need arise. When Allred leaves, Perry asks Della to bring in Paul -- he thinks that, whatever Lucille retained him for, she’s going to need the help.
Perry arrives at the Allred home (where the check was addressed) and meets Pat. She’s anxious and says she wants to explain everything and she’ll do whatever the lawyer tells her. She tells him about apparently hitting Bob in the hedge, with a new detail: Bob wasn’t dead, but when he came to, he apparently had amnesia. Allred refused to take him to a hospital since Pat could be charged with manslaughter if he dies, so he and Lucille spirited Bob away somewhere. She doesn’t know where Bob or her mother are, and she doesn’t trust Allred -- Lucille’s divorcing him and taking her fortune with her.
Perry suggests an alternate explanation: What if Pat didn’t hit Bob, but someone else beaned him and left him under the hedge? Pat immediately thinks he means Allred, who could also be a danger to Lucille. Perry returns to the office amidst a rain shower and meets Paul, who says Lucille is registered at a Mountain View motel, where the wire came from. Perry immediately heads back out with Paul (greeting Della briefly) to make the hour-long drive to Mountain View. They drive up the twisty mountain road to the small motel.
They approach Unit 8, and Perry lets himself in as the door is ajar. The room has twin beds, but no occupants. But they haven’t been gone long: The ice isn’t melted and there’s a pile of face powder on the dresser. Perry checks the washroom, which adjoins another unit, also recently occupied. There are only two used glasses -- so did Fleetwood and Lucille run off alone or was Allred with them? Paul checks with the manager, who says the occupants left 20 minutes ago, and Lucille called a particular number before they left. Perry tells Paul to put his men on Lucille and Bob’s scent and to trail Allred.
The Murder
Sometime later, Perry returns to the Allred home to see Lucille, safe and sound. She denies running off with Bob, but admits she was at the motel. Bob went back into his unit at 8:45 and then disappeared in her car. Pat went to pick up Lucille when Allred, who’d been visiting to keep an eye on Bob, never arrived. There’s a knock at the door -- it’s Lt. Tragg. He tells Lucille that her car was discovered at the bottom of a canyon with Bob Fleetwood in it, dead. What’s more, the car was in neutral, meaning the car’s driver got out, released the brakes and sent Bob through a guardrail. Meaning, it was murder . . . and Tragg suspects Lucille, as she left with him and returned alone, on foot.
There’s another knock on the door, and a sergeant whispers to Tragg. The lieutenant returns and solemnly tells Lucille there was a mistake. The body wasn’t Bob’s, but Allred’s. He takes Lucille in. Back in the office, Della gives Paul’s report on the autopsy: Allred received blows to the head before going over the cliff. The phone rings and it’s the man himself. Paul has found Fleetwood -- he’s at a small ranch eight miles east of the motel, still amnesiac. The ranch is owned by a man named Overbrook. Perry takes Della with him, asking if she’d like to pretend to be married.
At the ranch house, a massive German Shepherd growls at the bell. Mr. Overbrook answers and Della frantically says she’s looking for Bob Fleetwood, her “husband” who lost his memory. Perry asks Overbrook to fetch Bob and not say who they are, hoping to snap him out of his haze. A moment later, Bob Fleetwood walks out and Della immediately launches herself into him. Bob claims not to know her, but Perry asks how he can be sure. Bob is still wholly confused, but allows “Mabel” and Perry to lead him away. Perry immediately takes Fleetwood to the police, asking Tragg to note he’s cooperating this time.
Tragg says Fleetwood can remember everything up to being struck by something while walking along the hedge, but can’t remember anything after that. Lucille is brought into Tragg’s office by a matron and Tragg, returning the favor, leaves Perry alone with her. Perry tells her that her story is that Fleetwood left at 8:45, and Pat picked her up at 9:15. But Perry himself was at the motel at 9pm and knows she wasn’t there. Lucille says she panicked and ran down to the road to hitchhike, only to come back when Pat arrived. Perry asks about her marriage, and Lucille says she was going to divorce Allred. Perry posits that the DA will says she killed him to keep him from hurting her for her fortune.
The Investigation
Back in Perry’s office, Paul reports that Fleetwood’s real girlfriend, Bernice Archer, visited him in the hospital. They go to visit her apartment under a guise, but this lasts mere seconds as Bernice is quite savvy and immediately recognizes Perry Mason and that Paul is not a police officer. Perry questions her himself, asking if she was upset about Bob’s situation. Bernice says no -- Bob’s had bouts of memory loss before, and he told her he was okay. Perry thanks her for her time. Bernice is convinced Lucille is guilty, but Perry points out that many other people could have known Allred was at the motel -- including her.
Case under review, please refresh...
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bigaladventures · 2 years
Days 19-22: Boulder CO to Jackson WY ⛰️⛰️⛰️⛰️⛰️
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And so begins a series of overdue posts!
Days 19-21 - September 20-22, Boulder CO
After Rocky Mountain National Park, I spent 2 nights with my friend Sarah Jane and her adorable son Hendrix in Boulder, CO. In addition to getting to spend quality time with a dear friend, was nice to sleep inside after 4 nights of camping, and to cook in a real kitchen! 
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Before heading out of Boulder I also had the opportunity to grab a coffee with my cousin Max who I discovered via Instagram had recently moved there! It was great to reconnect, and to discover that I have family in yet ANOTHER amazing part of this country!
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Day 21 - September 22, drive to Lander WY
On day 21, I hit the road towards Grand Teton National Park, with a layover stop in a small town called Lander, Wyoming, which was a trading post along the original Oregon trail. 
Wyoming was the most dispersed state I had yet to drive through — even more than Kansas, because much of the land isn’t even developed as farmland, it is just mustard colored wide open space / grazing land for cattle dotted by painted rocks, brush, and cabins. It felt like the wild west! There were very few other cars were on the road, and it was a windy day (40 mph gusts) which made the drive a bit spooky. I practically expected a hay ball to roll by. 
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I arrived in Lander just before sundown, which I was grateful for as I had just enough time to check into my very Schitts Creek style motel and get settled. One of the challenges of traveling alone as a woman is that I have to be extra careful about my safety, and I didn’t feel totally comfortable being out and about in this unknown place after dark without enough time to get familiar with my surroundings. So I tucked into my room early and waited till morning to explore.
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Day 22 - September 23, drive to Jackson WY
When the sun was up, I made my way into town and popped into an adorable coffee shop called Rise — it was a mix of boho and ranch style chic and served up a delicious mini breakfast burrito and latte! Then I spent some time browsing in a local artists collective, and finally hit the road for Jackson mid morning. 
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The drive to Grand Teton National Park builds anticipation as the flat expanse gives way to sudden rock formations jutting up from the landscape. After I entered Bridger Teton National Forest, I turned a corner finally got my first glimpse of the Tetons.
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The Tetons are spectacularly lined up like a they are participating in a choreographed dance, each pointed peak emerging from the one next to it. From a distance they appear bluish purple, but as you get closer the colors change with the time of day. I visited a number of view points and also stopped in the town of Jackson to do a big grocery shopping before settling in at my first campground, Gros Ventre, which sits along the snake river near the southern entrance to the park. It was a beautiful campground with wildlife and great proximity to a number of sites.
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By this time I really felt like I had started to master my camp set up game! Popping up the tent was quick and easy, and I had all of the items I needed in just the right spots to avoid multiple trips to the car. After a bit of star gazing at the campfire (and experimenting with some night photography!), I turned in early ready to get up and enter the park come daybreak. 
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roomchailimited · 1 month
Road Tripping Through the USA: A Traveler’s Guide to Iconic Routes
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The United States is a land of diverse landscapes and vibrant cultures, and there’s no better way to experience this than by hitting the open road. From the rugged coastlines of the Pacific to the rolling hills of the Appalachians, road trips across the USA offer an unforgettable journey through some of the country’s most iconic routes. Whether you’re a seasoned road tripper or embarking on your first adventure, this guide will take you through some of the most famous routes, each offering unique sights and experiences.
Route 66: The Mother Road
One of the most legendary highways in the world, Route 66, offers a nostalgic journey through America’s heartland. Stretching from Chicago to Los Angeles, this iconic route is dotted with quirky roadside attractions, vintage motels, and classic diners. The journey takes you through eight states, offering a glimpse of small-town America, the vastness of the Great Plains, and the stark beauty of the Southwest deserts. Highlights include the Cadillac Ranch in Texas, the Petrified Forest National Park in Arizona, and the neon lights of the historic Route 66 sign in Los Angeles.
Pacific Coast Highway: California Dreaming
For breathtaking coastal views, the Pacific Coast Highway (PCH) is unmatched. Running along California’s rugged coastline from San Francisco to Los Angeles, this scenic drive offers stunning ocean vistas, towering cliffs, and charming coastal towns. Stops along the way include the famous Bixby Creek Bridge, the artistic enclave of Carmel-by-the-Sea, and the picturesque Big Sur region. The journey is a feast for the eyes, with endless photo opportunities and the chance to experience California’s laid-back coastal lifestyle.
Blue Ridge Parkway: Appalachian Splendor
Winding through the Appalachian Mountains, the Blue Ridge Parkway is a serene escape into nature. Spanning from Virginia to North Carolina, this scenic drive offers sweeping mountain views, vibrant fall foliage, and numerous hiking trails. The Parkway is a haven for nature lovers, with opportunities to explore the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, visit the historic Biltmore Estate in Asheville, and experience the charm of small mountain towns. This route is perfect for those seeking tranquility and a deeper connection with nature.
Great River Road: Following the Mighty Mississippi
The Great River Road follows the course of the Mississippi River, from its headwaters in Minnesota to its mouth in Louisiana. This historic route offers a journey through America’s cultural and natural heartland, passing through ten states. Along the way, you’ll encounter vibrant river towns, lush farmlands, and historic landmarks. Highlights include the lively music scene in Memphis, the historic plantations of the Mississippi Delta, and the vibrant culture of New Orleans. This road trip is a journey through the soul of America, with rich cultural experiences and stunning natural beauty.
Overseas Highway: A Tropical Escape
For a road trip with a tropical twist, the Overseas Highway in Florida is a must. Connecting the Florida mainland to the stunning Florida Keys, this route offers crystal-clear waters, coral reefs, and endless sunshine. The journey takes you over 42 bridges, including the famous Seven Mile Bridge, offering unparalleled ocean views. Key stops include the vibrant city of Key West, the natural beauty of Bahia Honda State Park, and the opportunity to snorkel or dive in the clear waters of the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary.
Conclusion: The Ultimate Road Trip Experience
Embarking on a road trip across the USA is more than just a journey; it’s an adventure that allows you to connect with the country’s diverse landscapes and cultures. Whether you choose the historic Route 66, the scenic Pacific Coast Highway, or the tropical Overseas Highway, each route offers a unique experience that will leave you with memories to last a lifetime. At Roomchai Limited, we offer customized road trip packages that cater to your preferences, ensuring that your American road trip is as seamless and enjoyable as possible. Whether you’re seeking adventure, relaxation, or cultural exploration, the USA’s iconic routes have something for every traveler.
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Why is Amarillo So Well-known? Explore the Hype!
Amarillo, Texas, a vibrant and bustling town situated in the heart in the Lone Star Condition, has received a reputation for currently being one of the most popular destinations while in the region. With its exceptional mixture of historical past, tradition, and pure elegance, it's No surprise that Amarillo is becoming a hotspot for vacationers and citizens alike. In the following paragraphs, We are going to delve into why Amarillo is Find out more so well known and discover the buzz encompassing this dynamic metropolis.
What is Amarillo ideal recognized for?
Amarillo is very best noted for its prosperous heritage and cowboy tradition. Given that the gateway towards the West, Amarillo played a substantial part in the event with the American frontier. The city's roots may be traced back again to the days with the Old West when cowboys roamed its streets. Now, Amarillo embraces its cowboy heritage with points of interest much like the American Quarter Horse Corridor of Fame and Museum, which celebrates the enduring horse breed that performed a pivotal job in shaping the region's background.
Why is Amarillo, TX popular?
Amarillo received fame for various factors. One of the most noteworthy attractions in Amarillo is Cadillac Ranch, an art installation consisting of ten common Cadillacs buried nose-1st in the bottom. This exclusive roadside attraction happens to be an iconic image of Americana and attracts site visitors from all over the globe who come to see these vibrant autos protruding from the bottom.
Another motive why Amarillo is well known is its proximity to Palo Duro Canyon State Park. Frequently called "The Grand Affordable laser hair removal Canyon of Texas," Palo Duro Canyon delivers breathtaking views and outside leisure alternatives such as climbing, camping, and horseback riding. Its pure elegance has captivated guests for years and it has put Amarillo on the map as a necessity-go to desired destination.
What is there to complete in Amarillo, Texas currently?
There are lots of matters to carry out in Amarillo, Texas, catering to a wide range of interests. Here are some preferred points of interest and routines:
Visit the large Texan Steak Ranch: Noted for its seventy two-ounce steak problem, the large Texan Steak Ranch provides a novel eating experience that's been showcased on many television reveals. Check your urge for food and see if you can conquer The huge steak!
Explore the Don Harrington Discovery Center: This interactive science museum provides fingers-on reveals and academic applications for guests of any age. Learn about Area, Power, and the purely natural earth through partaking shows and demonstrations.
Discover Route 66: As The most iconic highways in the usa, Route 66 passes by way of Amarillo. Have a travel alongside this historic route and examine the nostalgic diners, motels, and roadside sights that have grown to be synonymous with Americana.
Experience the Wonderland Amusement Park: Entertaining for The full household, Wonderland Amusement Park provides thrilling rides, live amusement, and scrumptious foodstuff choices. Invest a day Driving roller coasters and actively playing video games at this well known attraction.
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dankusner · 3 months
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Recently, Dallas journalist Daniel Kusner posted on YouTube a video unearthed from state archives. It shows two White men performing in blackface at a 1962 in-house talent show for the public safety department.
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Colonel Homer Garrison, head of the Texas Department of Public Safety from 1938 1968, was an ardent promoter of the Rangers and their image.
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were the towering Indians-man-eaters it was claimed who had so alarmed Stephen F. Austin on his first visit to Texas, and whose fight for survival brought forth the very first Rangers. 
The truck flew over the river, the same murky stream where the Native Americans had paddled their dugout canoes. 
For a few miles the trees, water, and sky dominated the view - not too different from what the Rangers of 1823 might have seen. 
Then the vista yielded to the ragged edges of a small town: a farm and ranch store, Family Dollar, Chicken Express. Bess stopped his truck at a red light. 
He pulled the brim of his hat low. It was a small gesture that seemed to span the centuries.
The Karankawas are extinct, but murderers, meth dealers, and tombstone scammers are still out there.
"The best part of the job," he said, "is you're working every day as a part of history.” 
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In 1947, Governor Beauford Jester deployed the Rangers to the Gulf Coast during an oil workers' strike. 
The workers' union claimed in a lawsuit that the Rangers-acting as "strike breakers and goons" —harassed and beat picketers. 
In 1957, a bitter and violent strike lasted for more than forty days at the Lone Star Steel Company in the East Texas town of Daingerfield. 
At least a dozen Rangers were sent, and again they said they were not taking sides. 
But Lone Star Steel was secretly picking up the tab for many of the Rangers' expenses, according to former senior captain Clint Peoples. 
Lone Star paid "for a goodly number of the meals of the Rangers," he said, and may have paid for their motel rooms. 
In exchange, the Rangers were "more or less guarding the plant, Lone Star Steel, against the people that worked there," Peoples said long after he had left the force. 
"What you're doing there, instead of enforcing the law, you are accommodating management.” 
The Starr County strike brought an additional component-race. 
Among the workers, the Rangers' reputation on the border was forged in the troubles of the early 1900s. 
Tales of Ranger transgressions against Mexicans and Mexican
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Aynesworth two prime actors in the Lucas saga, spent hours walking me through the are nah that ca Tim also grateful to friends and colleagues who provided valuable counsel. 
They include Sam Gwynne, Scott Parks, Jeff Guinn, Carlton Stowers, and the late, great Bob Compton. 
As he has done before, George Getschow-a man wiho survived both the toxins of academia and the venom of a copperhead snake-went above and beyond the norms of friendship. 
George's considerable wisdom and keen editing eye rescued me many times. 
I can't thank him enough. 
David Patterson at Stuart Krichevsky Literary Agency has been a steadfast champion and adviser for years now, and was doubly so with this book. 
Every writer should have an agent like David. At Viking, executive editor Paul Slovak took over this project at midstream with a steady, calming hand. 
I'm deeply appreciative of his astute guidance and expansive vision.
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audiocity001 · 4 months
Heritage Wheels Road Trips
There’s something undeniably magical about hitting the open road in a classic car. The blend of nostalgia, the rumble of a vintage engine, and the feel of a meticulously crafted steering wheel create an experience unlike any other. For enthusiasts of Heritage Wheels, a road trip isn’t just a journey—it’s a celebration of automotive history and a way to connect with the past. Let’s explore some of the most scenic and historically rich routes that are perfect for classic car road trips.
The Pacific Coast Highway, California
Stretching over 600 miles along California's stunning coastline, the Pacific Coast Highway (PCH) is a dream come true for classic car lovers. This iconic route offers breathtaking ocean views, rugged cliffs, and charming seaside towns. Starting from the bustling city of San Francisco, you can cruise down to the picturesque town of Carmel-by-the-Sea, with stops at the famous Bixby Creek Bridge and the Big Sur coastline. The PCH allows you to experience the diverse beauty of California while enjoying the open-air freedom that only a classic convertible can provide.
The Blue Ridge Parkway, Virginia and North Carolina
Winding through the Appalachian Mountains, the Blue Ridge Parkway is a 469-mile journey through some of the most scenic landscapes in the eastern United States. Known for its sweeping vistas, rolling hills, and vibrant fall foliage, this route is perfect for a leisurely drive in a vintage car. Highlights include the historic Mabry Mill, the lush valleys of Shenandoah National Park, and the majestic peaks of the Great Smoky Mountains. The smooth, winding roads of the Blue Ridge Parkway are ideal for showcasing the elegance and performance of classic automobiles.
The Amalfi Coast, Italy
For those who dream of an international road trip, the Amalfi Coast in Italy offers a blend of dramatic scenery and rich cultural history. This 30-mile stretch of Mediterranean coastline is renowned for its steep cliffs, colorful villages, and crystal-clear waters. Driving a classic Italian car, like a vintage Fiat or Alfa Romeo, through the narrow, winding roads of Amalfi, Positano, and Ravello provides an authentic taste of Italian glamour and romance. Each turn reveals stunning vistas and quaint towns, making it a trip to remember.
The Historic Route 66, USA
Known as the “Main Street of America,” Route 66 is an iconic road trip route that spans from Chicago, Illinois, to Santa Monica, California. Covering over 2,400 miles, this historic highway is a tribute to the American spirit of adventure. Driving a classic American car along Route 66 allows you to experience the nostalgia of roadside diners, retro motels, and vintage gas stations. Key stops include the Cadillac Ranch in Texas, the Petrified Forest National Park in Arizona, and the Santa Monica Pier.
Whether you’re cruising along the Pacific Coast Highway, winding through the Blue Ridge Parkway, exploring Italy’s Amalfi Coast, or embarking on the historic Route 66, a road trip in a classic car is a journey back in time. These routes offer more than just scenic beauty; they connect to the rich heritage of automotive history. So, fuel up your vintage beauty, grab a map, and set out on an unforgettable Heritage Wheels road trip.
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majestic1 · 5 months
Pocket-Friendly Lodging: Cheap Hotels in Scenic Payson, AZ
Nestled amidst the breathtaking landscapes of Arizona, Payson stands out as a haven for nature enthusiasts, history buffs, and adventure seekers alike. From its towering pine forests to its serene lakes and rugged trails, Payson offers a retreat from the hustle and bustle of city life. And what's more, it provides this escape without breaking the bank, thanks to its range of Cheap hotels in Payson az. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the realm of cheap hotels in Payson, uncovering the gems that provide comfort, convenience, and affordability for travelers on a budget.
Exploring Payson: A Scenic Wonderland
Before we delve into lodging options, let's take a moment to appreciate what Payson has to offer. This town, situated in central Arizona, boasts a wealth of natural beauty and outdoor activities. Tonto Natural Bridge State Park, with its stunning natural rock formations, beckons hikers and photographers. The Mogollon Rim, a dramatic escarpment cutting through the region, offers panoramic views and opportunities for camping and exploration. Meanwhile, the nearby lakes—such as Woods Canyon Lake and Willow Springs Lake—invite visitors to fish, boat, or simply relax by the water's edge.
Payson's charm doesn't end with its natural attractions. The town is rich in history, with sites like the Rim Country Museum and Zane Grey Cabin Museum providing glimpses into its past. Art galleries, local shops, and cozy cafes add to the town's appeal, making it a well-rounded destination for travelers of all interests.
The Appeal of Cheap Hotels in Payson
One of the key draws of Payson is its affordability, particularly when it comes to accommodation. Travelers seeking budget-friendly options will find a range of cheap hotels that don't compromise on comfort or convenience. These hotels cater to various preferences, whether you're looking for a cozy inn, a no-frills motel, or a family-friendly establishment with amenities for all ages.
1. The Budget Traveler's Haven: Motel 6
For travelers prioritizing affordability without sacrificing basic comforts, Motel 6 in Payson is a solid choice. Located conveniently close to major attractions and dining options, this chain motel offers clean, simple rooms at budget-friendly rates. The rooms are equipped with essentials such as comfortable beds, private bathrooms, and Wi-Fi access, making it a practical choice for travelers who spend most of their time exploring the outdoors.
2. Charming and Affordable: Majestic Mountain Inn
If you prefer a touch of charm without straying too far from your budget, Majestic Mountain Inn is a delightful option. This locally owned hotel combines affordability with a cozy atmosphere, featuring rooms that are tastefully decorated and well-appointed. Guests can enjoy amenities such as a seasonal outdoor pool, complimentary breakfast, and easy access to hiking trails and scenic viewpoints.
3. Family-Friendly Comfort: Quality Inn Payson
Traveling with family doesn't have to mean breaking the bank, especially when you choose a family-friendly hotel like Quality Inn Payson. This budget-friendly option offers spacious rooms suitable for families, along with amenities such as an indoor pool, hot tub, and complimentary breakfast. Its central location makes it convenient for exploring Payson's attractions, including nearby parks, museums, and outdoor recreational areas.
4. A Cozy Retreat: Americas Best Value Inn
For those seeking a cozy retreat after a day of outdoor adventures, Americas Best Value Inn provides a welcoming environment at affordable rates. The hotel's rooms are designed for comfort, featuring amenities like plush bedding, flat-screen TVs, and mini-fridges. Guests can relax in the outdoor courtyard or take advantage of the hotel's proximity to hiking trails, fishing spots, and local dining options.
5. Rustic Charm on a Budget: Kohl's Ranch Lodge
For a unique lodging experience that blends rustic charm with budget-friendly rates, Kohl's Ranch Lodge offers cabins and suites amidst the scenic beauty of Tonto National Forest. This historic property provides a range of accommodations, from cozy cabins with fireplaces to spacious suites with kitchenettes. Guests can enjoy outdoor activities such as horseback riding, fishing, and hiking, making it an ideal choice for nature lovers seeking an affordable escape.
Exploring Payson's Dining Scene: Affordable Eats
While staying at a budget-friendly hotel in Payson, you'll also have the opportunity to explore the town's diverse dining scene without breaking your budget. From casual diners serving hearty breakfasts to family-owned restaurants offering authentic Southwestern cuisine, Payson has options to suit every taste and budget.
Making the Most of Your Payson Adventure
In addition to affordable lodging and dining, Payson offers a range of free or low-cost activities for budget-conscious travelers. Hiking trails such as the Horton Creek Trail and the Water Wheel Falls Trail provide opportunities to immerse yourself in nature's beauty without spending a dime. Scenic drives along routes like the Rim Road Scenic Drive offer breathtaking views of the Mogollon Rim and surrounding landscapes, perfect for budget-friendly sightseeing.
Conclusion: Affordable Luxury in Payson's Scenic Oasis
As our exploration of cheap hotels in scenic Payson, Arizona, comes to a close, it's clear that affordability doesn't mean sacrificing comfort or quality. From budget-friendly motels to charming inns and rustic lodges, Payson offers a range of lodging options that cater to travelers on a budget. Combined with its natural beauty, outdoor activities, and diverse dining scene, Payson presents an ideal destination for those seeking an affordable yet enriching getaway. Whether you're exploring the trails, relaxing by the lakes, or immersing yourself in local history and culture, Payson invites you to experience its scenic oasis without breaking the bank.
Nestled at the foothills of nature's grandeur, Majestic Mountain Inn stands as a serene sanctuary, inviting guests into a world where tranquility meets luxury. Surrounded by the majestic peaks of the mountains, this inn is a haven for those seeking a respite from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
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antonio-velardo · 1 year
Antonio Velardo shares: In Search of a Crowd-Free Summer Getaway? Try These 6 Hotels. by Stephanie Rosenbloom
By Stephanie Rosenbloom A guest ranch in Wyoming, a boutique hotel in Argentina’s wine country, a revamped beachside motel in New York: Here’s where to go if you want to ditch big-city crowds. Published: July 24, 2023 at 05:00AM from NYT Travel https://ift.tt/FdMPG9D via IFTTT
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globalfilmlocations · 2 years
Fall (2022) Film Locations
Fall is a film that revolves around two close friends, Becky and Hunter, who become stranded at the top of an abandoned 2,000 ft radio tower. They are unable to descend and have little hope of being noticed by anyone passing by. Filming locations include: Motel Becky and Shiloh Hunter stayed at the Four Aces Movie Ranch motel, which is a well-known filming location that has been featured in…
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digiayush · 2 years
Resorts For Couples In Karnataka
Amazing Orchid Resort and Meeting hall, Yelahanka Bangalore Found 12 kilometers (around 7.5 miles) from Bangalore downtown district, this retreat is a fundamental 30-minute drive from Bangalore Overall Air terminal. Treat the entire family and select the hotel for all security. The cabin has its own walled yard, a full kitchen, and a lot of parlor spaces to relax and unwind.
The motel has two remarkable bistros, an outside pool, a young people’s wild activity community, and offers looking out for. Air terminal exchanges can be set up despite WIFI and on the spot stopping are free and furthermore check homestay near chikmagalur.
Taj West End
Experience the VIP treatment while remaining in this rich retreat, which marches perfectly finished gardens, an outside pool, a young people’s pool, tennis courts, a flourishing spa, and a 24-hour steward association. This resorts in bangalore for family is organized close to Bangalore Turf Club and Bangalore Golf Club. There is little need to wander from the motel when there are superb cafés on the spot — Machan serves generally speaking cooking styles, Blue Ginger has present day Asian dishes and Blue Bar serves magnificent mixed refreshments and beverages. Taj West End in this way has a choice of wonderful visitor rooms, including family-sized rooms. It offers looking out for, a youths’ play region, air terminal exchanges, and Free remote web. This eco-resort is ideally suited for those looking for quality family time and a re-appearance of nature. The retreat grounds are greatly kept, offering enormous doorways for outside relaxing and getting a charge out of family-obliging exercises like toxophilism, climbing, cycling and strolling visits, cooking classes, and that is only a touch of something bigger. There is a devoted young people’s play region (both inside and outside), tabletop games, and problems for a truly critical time span of family fun. The housing has an outer pool, a flourishing spa, family-sized visitor rooms, grill working environments, and a bistro that serves astounding South and North Indian cooking. This property is around 45 kilometers (roughly 28 miles) from Bengaluru By and large Air terminal.
Also, on the off chance that you are longing for to find out about the essential sky-bed Luxury Stay in chikmagalur, read on!
Known for its cool environment, tropical rainforest and espresso ranches, Chikkamagaluru is a city in India that attracts caffeine dears. With an Espresso Undeniable concentration and a Focal Espresso Examination Foundation, Chikkamagaluru most certainly treats its espresso game in a serious way. So while you’re there, make a point to book yourself on an espresso home visit. Past espresso, the city offers legacy and nature of genuine worth. You’d find places of refuge like Sri Bolarameshwara shelter and Kollapura Mahalakshmi haven. You can besides investigate the slope post of Ballalarayana Durga, where you’d find generally comprehensive perspectives on the Western Ghats after a fortifying outing. On the greener front, have a go at diving the Manikyadhara Falls and Sirimane Falls. With such a tremendous aggregate to see and investigate, why not book solace with a pool for you to loosen up following a day of visiting? Peer down for our quick overview of Chikmagalur resorts, India.
Honeydewwz Exoticaa Lodging and Resort
With free breakfast, welcome beverages, WiFi and ending, this retreat sure curtains different carrots to bait you in. Pick the smorgasbord supper upgrade and your victories are fundamentally set for the afternoon. Rooms are ideally suited for social events of three to four. You can see the worth in fabulous vistas of the environmental parts tolerating that you book the Nursery View Suite or Mountain View Suite. These suites merge adequate space for additional beds and for the little ones to free and check resorts in coorg for family.
Close by, you’d besides push toward an indoor pool, a children club, a steam room and grill work environments.
Signature Club Resort
Experience passionate feelings for the tasteful Mangalorean insides, Southern-style open verandahs, patios, cherry red tiles, and rich stylistic layout with a grand pool and desire green gardens the retreat brings to the table. With numerous exercises in the hotel including billiards, chess, tennis, badminton, squash, table tennis, yoga patio, and rec center there is no dull second at the retreat. With fun exercises and a wonderful remaining encounter, the hotel gives a choice to fine-feast at their multi-food eatery, chill at their bistro or simply pause for a minute or two and partake in your beverage at the bar. Require a day out with your loved ones to partake in the lavish conveniences the retreat brings to the table.
In-house Eatery and Bar Dinner and Gathering Room In-room small scale bar Sports Conveniences Yoga and rec center Pool
Beginning from INR 6,099/ -
Devanahalli, Bangalore
Brilliant Amoon Resort
Brilliant Amoon Resort is a rich hotel around Bangalore giving a dreamlike Egyptian encounter to every one of its visitors. With delightful engineering and current offices, the retreats house a stunning 66ft tall Egyptian sculpture. The rambling hotel arranged between desire vegetation and sly engineering provides you with an ideal blend of harmony and fervor. Visitors have the choice of picking their convenience as per their comfort. They can settle on various sorts of Suites and rooms with different conveniences or can essentially pick a confidential pool estate. Close by the charitable breakfast buffet in the initial segment of the day, the retreat additionally offers courageous exercises like Nature Trail, Indoor-Open air Games, Pool, Children Play Region, Gold Course spread across 9 sections of land of green land, and cricket field as well.
Indoor and Outside games Cycling Nature Trail
Beginning from INR 4,900/ -
Hoskote, Bangalore (Bangalore Castle (44kms), Tipu Ruler Summer’s Royal residence (47kms))
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