#Ralph's hatred of 'good women'
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renaultphile · 1 year ago
Good Women are not my cup of tea
Apologies in advance to @eclare1000 for this totally unsolicited follow-up ramble that no doubt strays even further from your actual question!!
I thought I would try a different tack on the 'Plymouth Brethren' reference, looking from a literary point of view and focusing on what is not said and why.
The first thing I notice is the context for this scene, Laurie opening up about his mother re-marrying.
Ralph goes into generic ‘there’s no accounting for women’ mode, and refers to his first captain finding a wife against the odds.  Laurie notices his eyes ‘contract in sudden anxiety’.  Then he drops the ‘none of my girlfriends went in for that sort of thing’.  Still no mention of his mother.  He claims ignorance on family relationships.
The only women are the ones in his ‘experiment’.  I’ve always found this whole passage strange, such a bizarre topic of conversation but in the context of avoiding other, more ‘dangerous’ (ie personal) topics, it might just make sense.
Towards the end he drops the ‘good women are not my cup of tea’ line, again in that rather strange context.  He is clearly thinking of his mother but still not wanting to say it.
We are then told, again, how keen Ralph is to close the subject and how Laurie uncharacteristically pushes for more.
Then we get ‘Give me the Nazis any day’.  Mary must have been searching for the most extreme thing a war veteran could say.  She then makes Ralph’s embarrassment at having said it very clear.
Laurie, most uncharacteristically, pushes on.
And then, after a very long and circuitous discussion, we finally get ‘She couldn’t help what she felt about it.  Her parents were Plymouth Brethren’.
After that Ralph clams up altogether, and we are told the topic never came up again, ever.
So where does that leave us? I wonder if the PB reference is meant to be a conversation-stopper, not an opener at all, to provide heat but not light.  If it is meant to be understood by readers in a superficial way, the two elements that spring to mind about PB would be impossible standards of ‘purity’ and a tendency to believe in an unforgiving God. 
But as with almost every important scene in the book, we are none the wiser what actually happened.  We know almost nothing of the incident, and Ralph’s description of his mother’s little ‘talk’ is such a caricature.  I wonder if Mary deliberately made it his grandparents to leave a little hint of doubt about what his childhood actually looked like?  Perhaps his mother wasn’t that strict?  Hard to say when we don't really know what happened. The important thing is how the young Ralph makes sense of the experience rather than the details. 
What does shine through in this scene is the extent to which Ralph finds it painful to talk about his childhood.  It’s a new piece of information for Laurie, and he immediately makes a very literal connection between ‘learning a clean life’ and the tic where Ralph touches his ‘spotless collar’.
Mary makes use of her highly intuitive narrator to again convey Ralph’s state of mind, with almost no factual information.  The more she hides, the more painful it becomes for the reader.  And it worked for me because reading back through for that passage to write this was hard!
And perhaps this is the first small hint that Laurie is someone who can make a difference to Ralph, who sees something the others don’t, and who might just be able to take him down a different path.  If Ralph will let him.
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itsalwayswellattheworldsend · 4 months ago
Book 3 Chapter 1 - An Adventure in the Wood Under the Mountains
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Ralph meets a woman in the woods and uncovers a conspiracy.
"By thine eyes I swear that this is sooth, and that there is naught else in it than this: My lady set her love, when first she set her eyes upon thee—as forsooth all women must:”
Two hours after midnight—at the time he had planned—Ralph stepped out of his tent wearing his armor and weapons, and he went to the fallen oak, where he found Redhead with a single horse. From this, Ralph knew that he was keeping to his plan of going to Utterbol. Ralph took him by the shoulder and hugged him, though he was a rough man, and Redhead knelt to him briefly, then stood and went off into the night.
Ralph quickly mounted his horse and rode carefully across the highway and into the woods, where he found no one to stop him. Although there was only starlight to see by, there was a path and the horse found it, so he made it a good distance before even the first glimmer of dawn, especially since the woods thinned some after the first mile and he found clearings here and there.
So Ralph rode until the sun was about to ride, and he was near the middle of one of those grassy clearings when he saw thicker underbrush ahead than he had seen before. So he stopped and looked around for a moment, and as he did he heard a sound even gentler than the cy of a jay in a beech-tree, and more shrill than the morning breeze moving through the woods. He sat and listened carefully, and he thought he heard the voice of a woman, and he remembered his that old, dear adventure in the Wood Perilous, for he was dreamy with eagerness and the long, lonely night. But he wasn’t sure about the voice he heard, so moved on, thinking it best not to linger.
His horse had barely taken a step before a woman came running out of the woods in front of him, coming towards him through the grass. So he immediately dismounted and went to meet her, leading his horse, and as he drew close he could see she was in poor condition. She had gathered up her skirt to run better, and her legs and feet were bare, her cap having fallen off at some point and her black hair streaming out behind her.  Her gown was torn around the shoulders and chest so that one of her sleeves hung in tatters, as if someone had grabbed it.
She ran up to him, crying out: “Help, knight, help us!” and then she fell at his feet panting and sobbing.
He bent and helped her up, and said with a kind voice: “What’s wrong, fair woman? What happened, and how can I help? Is someone chasing you?”
She stood there crying for a moment, and then took hold of his hands and said: “Oh, fair lord, please come and help my lady![1] I’m already safe, now that I’m with you.”
“Should I mount up?” he asked, moving away from her, but she held on to his hands and seemed to enjoy it. She did not say anything for a while, but stared earnestly into his face. She was a fair woman, dark and slim
 for in truth she was none other than Agatha, who was spoken of before.[2]
Ralph was somewhat embarrassed by her forwardness, and he lowered his eyes, but he could not help but notice that despite the briars and brambles of the woods she had run through, there were no scratches on her bare legs and her arm was not bruised where the sleeve was torn away.
At last she slowly, as though thinking about it, said: “Oh knight, I compel you by your oath as a knight to come help my lady! She nad I have been captured by evil men, and I fear that they will put her to shame and torture her before they take her away, for they were tying her to a tree when I escaped. They paid little attention to me as I am only a maid, and they had my lady in their hands.”
“All right,” he said, “And who is your lady?”
“She is the Lady of the Burnt Rock; and I fear that these men are the Riders of Utterbol, and that they will treat her harshly, for there is nothing but hatred between my lord and the tyrant of Utterbol.”[3]
“How many of them are there,” asked Ralph.
“Only three, fair lord, only three,” she said, “And you are so fair and strong, like the god of war himself.”
Ralph laughed: “Three to one is long odds,” he said, “but I will come with you once you let go of my hands and I can mount my horse. You should ride behind me, fair woman, as tired as you must be after the night you’ve had.”
She looked at him curiously and placed one hand on his chest. The rings of his chainmail tinkled beneath his embroidered overcoat. She said: “No, I should go on foot ahead of you, as disarrayed as I am.”
Then she let him go, but followed him with her eyes as he got himself into the saddle. She walked by the horse’s head, and Ralph wondered at how calmly she went, having just been so desperate moments before. She stepped carefully, gracefully avoiding rough patches as she went.
They went on like this through the underbrush, and the woman cautiously held aside the briars and thorns as she went, which slowed their pace even further, until they came to a pleasant place with oak trees and green grass. Here she stopped and turned to face Ralph and say something. Her voice was different than before, now no longer pleading, but filled with something like mocking and glee.
“Sir knight,” she said, ”I have something to tell you, and this is a nice place for us to talk together as it is neither too near or far from her, so I can easily find my way back to her. Now, lord, I ask that you dismount and listen to me.” With that, she sat down on the grass as the base of a great oak.
“But your lady,” said Ralph, “What about her?”
“Oh sir,” she said; “My lady will be all right. She is tied loosely enough that she can free herself if she needs to. Come down, dear lord, come down!”
But Ralph sat on his horse and furrowed his brow and said: “What is this, woman? Have you been leading me on? Where is your lady whom you wanted me to rescue? If this is a game, let me go on my way; I have an important task, and time is short.”
She stood up and came close to him, placing one hand on his knee and looking wistfully into his face. She said with a sigh: “No then, I can tell you while you sit in your saddle, then, since I think you will leave me quickly once I am done.”
Then Ralph felt bad about how he spoke to her, and she now became gentle, sweet, and alluring, and sadness tinged her voice. So he got off his horse and tied him to a tree, then went to stand by the woman as she reclined on the grass. He said: “I ask that you tell me your story and then let me go, if there is nothing I can do to help you.”
Then she said: “The first thing is that I lied about Red Rock. My lady is the Queen of Utterbol, and I am her thrall, and it is I who have led you here from the camp.”
Ralph’s face reddened in anger when he thought about how he had been dragged here and there by other people with their own goals ever since he left Upmeads. But he said nothing, and Agatha looked at him timidly, saying: "I say that I am her thrall, and I did it to serve her and because she asked me to.”
Ralph said roughly: “And Redhead, whom, I saved from torture and death; do you know him? Did you know him?”
“Yes,” she said, “I learned about you from him and the captains, and then I put words in his mouth.”
“Yes then, so he is also a traitor!”
“No, no,” she said, “He is an honest man and he loves you, and whatever he has told you, he believes it, himself. Furthermore, I tell you here and now that all he told you about the affairs of Utterbol and your fate there are true, very true.”
She jumped to her feet then and stood in front of him with her hands clasped in front of her. “I know that you are seeking the Well at the World’s End and freedom for the woman whom the Lord stole from the wild man. Now I swear by your mouth that if you go to Utterbol, it will be your undoing and you will meet a terrible fate there. Furthermore, doing so would bring terrible shame and torture to the young woman.”
“But how is she now?”
Agatha said: “She is all right, for my lady does not hate her yet, or hates her only a little. And more importantly, my lord loves her in his own way, and I think fears her somewhat. Because despite the fact that he has completely refused his advances, he has hardly threatened her, which is unheard of. Had any other woman done this, she would have known all the bitterness that leads to death in Utterbol by now.” She smiled and spoke delicately: “Many people tell me what I want to know, and that is sometimes because I take the information from them with my wits, and sometimes because I buy them with my body. Anyway, what I tell you about the young woman is the truth: though she is in danger, she would be in immediate, life-threatening danger if you were to go to Utterbol. You, who are her lover
“No,” said Ralph angrily, “I am not her lover, I merely care about her wellbeing.”[5]
“Well,” said Agatha, looking down and furrowing her brow, “when your good will towards her becomes known, she will at once be thrown into the pit of my lord’s cruelty. Yes, to tell the truth as it is, for your sake (since I don’t care about her), I hope that the lord returns to Utterbol to find her missing.”
“Yes,” said Ralph, reddening, “and is there any hope of her escaping?”
“I think so,” said Agatha. She was silent for a while, then said in a low voice: “It is said that any man who sees her loves her. Yes, and they will be her friend, even if she rejects their advances.[6] She may have already left Utterbol.”
Ralph stood silent for a while with a troubled face. Then he said: “You have not yet told me why you put on this whole charade, tricking me into escaping from the camp. Tell me your reasons so I may forgive you and be on my way.”
“I swear by your eyes that this is true, and that there is nothing else to it than this: My lady fell in love with you when she first saw you—as all women must, in truth. As for me, I had not seen you (though I told my lady that I had), until just before when we met in the woods.”
Then she sighed and with her right hand, toyed with the rip in her gown over her chest. She said: “She thought that if you were taken to Utterbol as a thrall, she might command your body, but she could not gain your love. But maybe if you found her in danger and could rescue her, you might pity her, and love might come from it as has often happened before, as my lady is a beautiful woman. Therefore I, who am my lady’s servant and thrall, and who, I ask you to remember, had not seen you, set this adventure in motion, like a minstrel’s play done in real life. Also, I spoke to my lord and told him about it, and though he laughed at my lady to me, he was content because he wanted her to completely set her heart on you, since he feared her jealousy and possible meddling in his relationship with his new love. Therefore, he set you free (in words, at least), and when he had you in his clutches at Utterbol (as he did not doubt he would) he could do whatever he needed to do to you, depending on the situation.
“In his heart, he hates you, which I could see plainly. So a little before you left the camp, the Queen and I snuck out into the woods a little way from here. There, I disarrayed both my lady and myself, as much as we needed to make the ruse believable. Then I came to you, pretending it to be by chance, so I could take you to her. If you had followed, we had a story for you, which your knighthood would tie you to, so that you would help her and take her where she needed. Eventually, this would be Utterbol, but in the meantime you would have gone to a nearby stronghold. This is the whole story, and now if you wish, you may pardon me or take out your sword and cut off my head. Indeed, I think that would be the better act.”
She knelt in front of him and put her palms together, looking up at him pleadingly. His expression darkened when he saw her like this, but at last it cleared and he said: “Woman, you would make a bad playwright, and the whole show is for nothing.[7] I would have figured out the whole trick once we reached Utterbol, and I would have hated the lady for it.”
“Yes, but by then my lady might have had enough of your love, and likely would have let you fall into the hands of the Lord. Look! I’ve saved you from this, so now you are free from the Lord and the lady and from me. And again I say that you could hardly have avoided a miserable ending for yourself and the young woman at Utterbol.”
“Yes,” said Ralph, softly, as though speaking to himself, “but I am lonely and friendless.” Then he turned to Agatha and said: “The end of all of this is that I pardon you and must go immediately, for when you two get back to camp, they’ll come after me.”
She got up from her knees and stood before him humbly and said: “No, I will repay your forgiveness by telling my lady a story which will keep us in the woods for two or three days, which we brought supplies for already.”
“I will at least thank you for that, and I believe that you will keep your word.”
“Then may I ask one gift from you? For, in truth, terrible things away me in Utterbol.”
“I’ll give it to you,” he said.
“I ask that you give me a kiss before we part.”
“I said that I would,” said Ralph, “But I must tell you that the kiss will carry little love with it.”
She said nothing, but placed her hands on his chest and turned her face up to him, and he kissed her lips. Then she said: “Knight, you have kissed a thrall and a deceitful woman, but one who will strike for you. Therefore, do not regret the kiss or your kind forgiveness.”
“What will happen to you?” he asked.
She looked at him with a steadfast expression for a moment, then said: “Farewell, may all things go well with you.” Then she turned away and walked off slowly into the woods, and he pitied her somewhat.
As he got in his saddle, he sighed to himself: “How could I help her? It’s true that she’s in a bad spot, but I can’t save everyone.” Then he shook his rein and rode on.[8]
[1] Lowercase in the original, as are the other instances here. Unsure if this chapter is an anomaly on Morris’ part, or Agatha intentionally giving less respect to her masters while they aren’t present. There may have been a long break between ending Book 2 and starting Book 3, which may have altered Morris’ writing habits (consistency is not one of his strong suits).
[2] I was going to change “fair” to “beautiful” here as I often do, but I left it to specifically illustrate the issue I run into doing that, as “fair” means both “beautiful” and “fair-skinned.” This is a good example, since Agatha is specified to have a dark complexion (even in this sentence), so it shows the ambiguity. Also, another instance of the narrative speaking to the audience.
[3] We haven’t heard of a place called “Burnt Rock,” but given that Agatha knows Ralph is unfamiliar with the area, it’s possible that it’s a total fabrication. I think that’s likely, since we were previously told that the Lord of Utterbol controls everything between Goldburg and the mountains, and everything within 100 miles north or south of Utterbol. As we’re currently in the heart of the Lord’s territory, it’s hard to believe there’s any enemy place nearby. Unless Burnt Rock is a real place, but one that is just part of the Lord’s territory.
[4] She’s definitely trying to appeal to Ralph’s ego here, but I’m not sure if the “war-god” (as it is in the original) is meant to be taken as a reference to the eastlands’ heathenness or not.
[5] Whatever you say, Ralph.
[6] See my previous notes about the use of the word “friend” in this time period. In short, a friend is an ally or someone who wants to help someone, not necessarily two people who are on equal emotional terms. Also, this might be the first time that Dorothea is referenced as someone people all fall in love with? At least explicitly and with the same terminology used for Ralph and the Lady.
[7] There’s been a running metaphor with this whole act being called a “play,” which (like most metaphors I think could be ambiguous), I changed to a clearer phrasing. Here, Ralph says she would be a poor “maker,” which is an old term for a poet, which I extended to “playwright” given the context and the historical entanglement of the two professions.
[8] A disappointing conclusion to the intrigues of Utterbol. I have a feeling that by the time he started Book 3, Morris was tired and just wanted to get on to the Well, so he tied up his other loose ends to quickly set Ralph’s course. As with most of his shortcuts, it’s reasonably justified in-world, but it’s not as interesting as it could have been. I don’t think it would have even been too much more writing to have the act play out and let Ralph realize what’s going on and escape on his own, considering how long this already chapter is. 
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postmoderntongues · 7 months ago
So are you a radfem or are you thirsting for girlcock? You are so all over with your posts are you pro-woman or pro-trans?
It has been like 2 years since I claimed the radfem label, I think they have a lot of really regressive ideas about horror and horror is my special interest as an autistic person and I really can't handle people who try to moralize fiction instead of calling their local precincts in a phone-bank situation and demanding that the untested rape kits be run or writing letters to women in prison/visiting elderly women in nursing homes, running drives for supplies for single mothers, escorting at a clinic, anything that takes more effort than going "that art that was made to be disturbing is disturbing so anybody who interacts with it or appreciates any aspect of it as art is immoral and a bad feminist". Like Yeah I like early Lucifer Valentine movies because they were a major part of my teen years and as a bulimic I relate to them in a weird way but Ive also volunteered as a clinic escort 3 times this year for a 7 hour shift in the freezing cold and last time I was in the hospital took both a girl who had never been before and was just 18 under my wing and protected her from the heroin fuckboys and also an older woman who was half-lucid I would personally go to her room when there was a meal or activity to make sure she didn't get left behind and we bonded over liking VC Andrews and she called me her "bonus granddaughter" by the time I was discharged, and then I called her twice a week until she was discharged and we lost touch. Can yall who judge me say that you've done as much? What are you actually doing for women if you are wasting time moralizing fiction?
Also i consider gender dysphoria to be a mental illness, which I personally have, I am detransitioned. I don't want people who have cocks in some of my private spaces but Im also a strong believer that we need to create 3rd sex safe spaces and cis-free spaces for trans people to be safe in. But im not "sucking girlcock" (im guessing you are a "rudefem" or whatever) by trying to be inclusive when I can be and treat everybody with dignity and basic respect regardless of their gender. I don't like making people feel bad because Im not trying to put myself in the place of the bullies who hurt me in my teens to feel better, it doesn't make me feel good to point out ways trans women don't pass or misgender them on purpose. When I feel as if I've hurt somebody's feelings, I feel bad. I don't have this hatred for trans people that a lot of the radfem community professes, another reason why I stopped identifying with the community. Again, when I was in the hospital, everybody under 20 was trans. I protected those kids FIRECLY. I corrected the old people immediately when they misgendered them ("You're so silly, Mr. Smith, Aiden is a boy, he just has a young face") and we had a lot of really great conversations about dysphoria which one of them later contact me on facebook and said I gave them the courage to detransition.
Im not trying to post "consistent" politics because I disagree with and agree with different aspects of most political issues and I don't owe anybody consistency. This is my personal vent blog Im not running for office. Ralph Waldo Emmerson wrote, "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines. With consistency a great soul has simply nothing to do. He may as well concern himself with his shadow on the wall. Speak what you think now in hard words, and to-morrow speak what to-morrow thinks in hard words again, though it contradict every thing you said to-day. — 'Ah, so you shall be sure to be misunderstood.' — Is it so bad, then, to be misunderstood? Pythagoras was misunderstood, and Socrates, and Jesus, and Luther, and Copernicus, and Galileo, and Newton, and every pure and wise spirit that ever took flesh. To be great is to be misunderstood." I think that sums it up better than I could.
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coochiequeens · 4 years ago
“I can't understand the vitriol directed at her," says the 'Harry Potter' actor.
Ralph Fiennes is wading into the heated controversy surrounding J.K. Rowling's stance on transgender rights.
The actor, who played the villainous Lord Voldemort across four Harry Potter films, expressed sympathy for the franchise author, whose comments have received widespread criticism.
”I can’t understand the vitriol directed at her," the actor told The Telegraph in an interview published Wednesday. "I can understand the heat of an argument, but I find this age of accusation and the need to condemn irrational. I find the level of hatred that people express about views that differ from theirs, and the violence of language towards others, disturbing."
Fiennes split with many of his fellow Harry Potter castmates — including stars Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint — who have reacted to the uproar by issuing statements of support for the trans community.
The controversy began in June 2020, when the author first tweeted about an op-ed piece regarding “people who menstruate" and mocked the story for not using the word "women." The tweet generated backlash, which promoted the author to repeatedly and ever more adamantly defend herself and elaborate on her views in a lengthy essay.
In essence, the author insists, "I know and love trans people," and that she's "been empathetic to trans people for decades," yet also strongly criticizes the use of hormones and surgery in young people ("Many, myself included, believe we are watching a new kind of conversion therapy for young gay people, who are being set on a lifelong path of medicalization that may result in the loss of their fertility and/or full sexual function"), fears the rights of cis women are being overlooked ("When you throw open the doors of bathrooms and changing rooms to any man who believes or feels he’s a woman, ... then you open the door to any and all men who wish to come inside"), and claims she's been subjected to online abuse for her views. Rowling's latest novel, Troubled Blood, then raised eyebrows in September as it followed a detective hunting a male serial killer who dresses as a woman.
GLAAD has countered Rowling with the following statement, among others: "It seems J.K. is good at only one thing: writing fantasy. Her misinformed and dangerous missive about transgender people flies in the face of medical and psychological experts and devalues trans people accounts of their own lives. She is sowing divisiveness in a time when real leaders are driving toward unity. And to all the trans and cisgender youth raised on her books who are now loudly speaking up in support of the trans people you know and love, you are the future and we can’t wait to read and watch the beautiful art you will create."
The Harry Potter actors have avoided the specifics of the debate, but issued statements of trans community support in reaction to the controversy.
Radcliffe has stated, "I realize that certain press outlets will probably want to paint this as in-fighting between J.K. Rowling and myself, but that is really not what this is about, nor is it what’s important right now. ... Transgender women are women. Any statement to the contrary erases the identity and dignity of transgender people and goes against all advice given by professional health care associations who have far more expertise on this subject matter than either Jo or I. ... To all the people who now feel that their experience of the books has been tarnished or diminished, I am deeply sorry for the pain these comments have caused you. I really hope that you don’t entirely lose what was valuable in these stories to you. 
 And in my opinion, nobody can touch that."
Added Watson: "Trans people are who they say they are and deserve to live their lives without being constantly questioned or told they aren’t who they say they are. I want my trans followers to know that I and so many other people around the world see you, respect you, and love you for who you are."
Chimed in Grint: “I firmly stand with the trans community and echo the sentiments expressed by many of my peers. Trans women are women. Trans men are men."
Warner Bros., which is making the third Fantastic Beasts film, co-written by Rowling, likewise put out a statement last year in response: “The events in the last several weeks have firmed our resolve as a company to confront difficult societal issues. Warner Bros.’ position on inclusiveness is well established, and fostering a diverse and inclusive culture has never been more important to our company and to our audiences around the world. We deeply value the work of our storytellers who give so much of themselves in sharing their creations with us all. We recognize our responsibility to foster empathy and advocate understanding of all communities and all people, particularly those we work with and those we reach through our content.”
Hopefully now more of the older cast members will feel comfortable to also show JK Rowling.
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auntynationalsblog · 5 years ago
Good Father or Godfather?
Why ‘The Sopranos’ is the best possible shit you could watch this quarantine.
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Okay, so as the picture depicts, The Sopranos is a male-dominated show. It definitely is, there is absolutely no denying that. While there are a few crucial female characters, out of which some are really, REALLY important to the series, the spotlights mostly belong to the men, like Tony, Chris, Paulie or Silvio (from right to left in the above image). It is also set in a time and space where most women are treated as objects and servants. The wives and girlfriends are expected to stay home and cook dinner while the men do the business. They’re expected to look pretty and accompany the men to important events, like the welcome party of a new member of the mob, or a funeral. 
But despite carrying such a high level of toxic masculinity, The Sopranos has often been cited as one of the best TV shows of all time, if not the best. I’d like to write about my perspective on why The Sopranos does indeed deserve all the credit.
The Many Lives of Tony Soprano  
The title of the blog, “Good Father or Godfather”, is inspired by the two main themes of The Sopranos. The first theme is his mob life. The story begins with Tony Soprano’s (played by the great James Gandolfini) quest for power as the skipper of the DiMeo crime family based in New Jersey. His most immediate rival is his deceased father’s (a former boss himself) brother, Corrado John “Junior” Soprano Jr. Uncle Jun and Tony’s rivalry forms the crux of the first season, as Jun battles old age and Tony’s rising influence. Technically, Tony’s job is that of a solid-waste management consultant, but we can all guess that’s not where his money comes from. 
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The second theme and some would argue that it is more important than the first theme, is his family. The Sopranos is a brilliant depiction of how a mobster with unlimited money and influence, struggles at the face of familial issues like his marriage, or the upbringing and education of his two kids, and making sure that they develop enough self-sufficiency to not follow their father’s footsteps into the mafia life. The picture below shows Anthony “A.J.” Junior Soprano, Tony, Meadow Soprano and Tony’s wife Carmela Soprano. 
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The third crucial theme is Tony’s battles with his own demons. This theme is presented through Tony’s therapy sessions with a psychiatrist, who is, in my opinion, the most indispensable character of the show - Dr. Jennifer Melfi - portrayed by Lorraine Bracco (you might remember her from the superhit mafia film Goodfellas). Tony’s relationship with the psychiatrist is arguably the most interesting relationship between any two people throughout the series, as Dr. Melfi herself struggles to come to terms with the fact that she is psychologically helping a man whose food on the table comes from gambling, prostitution, and murder. 
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The Intensity of the Characters 
The only other television show that can match the intensity and diversity of the character line-up of The Sopranos is Game of Thrones. It is hard not to develop a certain attachment to every major character of The Sopranos, and this attachment is not necessarily one of admiration and respect. The amount of contempt I have for Ralph Cifaretto (played by the bald guy from Baby’s Day Out) is unparalleled to my hatred for any other character from any other show (Ramsay Bolton and Dodd Gerhardt come close). The point being, the characters are so beautifully developed throughout the show, that there is not a single dull moment in any episode, simply because of the director’s (David Henry Chase) ability to connect us to every character. 
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While an analysis of characters, or ranking them, deserve blogs of their own, my point is that the characters are so well made, that we are likely to identify each character with someone we personally know. Silvio and Paulie might be your funny old uncles, while Christopher might be you yourself during some stage of your life. While getting arrested in the finale of season three, Silvio tells the officer that in the previous year he made bail so fast that his soup was still warm when he got home. We’ve all been in Meadow’s shoes at some point in our lives, and Tony, well, he’s a complicated guy. I’m sure you’ll see some part of yourself in the man. 
Just the Right Amount of Violence    
You might have an apprehension of dismissing The Sopranos as an ordinary action-packed TV show with guns, blood and a lot of kicks and punches. While the show obviously consists of violent scenes, it really does not overkill. 
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The only drawback might be the sound effects. The punches, to some ears, may not sound as...punches. But I am willing to let that slip because the plot keeps my mind too engaged with questions related to the story of the episode, like why the guy is being beaten up, or why was Tony betrayed, you get what I mean. 
Dramatic, but not Overdramatic 
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Lastly, one of the many reasons why The Sopranos is one of the greatest television shows ever is that it does justice to good old-fashioned TV drama. It maintains its realistic narrative. It does not spice up the plot, because the spice was never necessary for a plot which was already so deep and meaningful. It is very well-paced. It is neither too slow (the description which Breaking Bad haters use for Breaking Bad), nor does one episode cover a massive portion of the plot. The plot is not huge, it is not complicated but it is covered patiently enough, for viewers to immerse themselves in it. It does not depict unnecessary violence, or unnecessary screaming or crying like we see on Indian television. That is why this show keeps its viewers glued to the television. It just seems so real. 
James Gandolfini’s performance as Tony Soprano is said to have redefined the world of television. But it would be fair to say that he may not have managed it without a cast that has often been branded as legendary. There are six seasons and eighty-six episodes. If you pace yourself, then your quarantine would fly by. Don’t binge one season a day, there’s no pleasure in that. It’s not that type of a show. 
You can thank me later. Trust me on this recommendation. 
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erinptah · 5 years ago
Super Drags review (tl;dr Show Good)
The post where I do my best to spread the Good News, that there exists a saucy gay drag-queen magical-girl animated comedy and everyone should watch it.
Okay, not everyone -- I'll give some caveats at the end -- but definitely a heck of a lot more people than Netflix has bothered to advertise it to.
Look at this! Why did nobody tell me about this??
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What is Super Drags?
Fast facts:
It's a 1-season, 5-episode adult animated comedy series, released in November 2018
Here's the official page, with a free-to-view trailer
It packs more explicit, unashamed queerness into those 5 episodes than any other cartoon I can think of
The only possible competitor would be if you took the whole 5000-episode run of Steven Universe and pared it down to a supercut of Just The Gay Parts
This in spite of being produced in Brazil, which (in my broad understanding, as a total non-authority on the subject) is more oppressively, dangerously homophobic than the US
The original is in Portuguese
There is an English dub, fabulously voiced by contestants from RuPaul's Drag Race
It's wrapped in "for adults only!" warnings, not because the content is any less child-friendly than (say) your Bojacks Horsemen or your Ricks and Mortys, but because Brazilian authorities tried to get it shut down on the grounds of this much gay being Harmful For Children
It was (heartbreakingly) not renewed for a second season
Here's a promo video, in which the main characters (Portuguese, with subtitles) play Drag Race judges for Shangela, who ends up voicing Scarlet in English.
And here's a beautiful flashy music video of the big musical number! (Also Portuguese, no subtitles, but the melody and the visuals stand on their own.)
Plot and worldbuilding stuff!
The elevator pitch is "What if Charlie's Angels, but also drag queens, with superpowers, because magical-girl transformations?"
In this universe, all LGBTQ people have magical energy. The Big Bad is an evil magical-drag-queen nemesis who tries to drain our energy for her own purposes. It's like if Ursula from The Little Mermaid was a first-season Sailor Moon villain.
...sidenote, in case you were worried, the representation isn't "cis gay men and nobody else." There's a butch lesbian in the recurring cast, a genderfluid person (in that specific word!) as a one-off love interest, and all the ensemble scenes are wonderful collages of different races, body types, and gender presentations.
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Our heroes also fight non-magical everyday homophobes, who get written with scathing realism.
The moment I knew the show wasn't pulling any punches was in the first episode, where a newscaster complains about being Silenced by the Law of Political Correctness, then chirps "however, we have a special guest who is thankfully above the law!"
According to the reviews I've found from Brazilian viewers, it's also pitch-perfect when it comes to local queer culture, community dynamics, slang and speech patterns, even memes. All of which flies right over my head, so here's a post (with no-context spoilers) about one viewer's favorite details.
The handful of reaction posts on Tumblr have a dramatic split between "Brazilian viewers fiercely defending the show as culturally-accurate, uplifting, and brave in a terrifying political moment" and "American viewers complaining that the show is problematic because it's a comedy about drag queens with no perfect role models and lots of sex jokes."
As the Super Drags tell their nemesis (and this is also in the first episode): "How dare you try to turn the LGBTQXYZ community against each other? We do enough of that on our own!"
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In between missions, our girls work sitcom retail jobs and deal with other everyday problems. All of which are written in amazingly nuanced and thoughtful ways for a show that also features "defeating an orgy monster with a lip-sync battle."
Detailed character stuff!
Our heroes are Color Coded For Your Convenience!
The Super Drags themselves go by "she" in-uniform, and a lot of the time when out of it. Like the Sailor Starlights, only more so. I'll roll with that.
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In blue: Safira Cyan, or Ralph by day, an excitable college-age kid who's built like a football player and squees like a fangirl. (She's an anime fan in the original, and for some reason all the otaku references were replaced in the dub, but you can see them in the subtitles.)
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Ralph lives with her younger sister (they play video games together!) and their dad, comes out to them mid-series, and is very shippable with another young guy who starts out reciting the homophobic beliefs he was raised with but whose heart clearly isn't in it.
Safira's weapon is a classic magical-girl wand that casts protective force-fields. Which are shaped like condoms. Because of course.
In yellow: Lemon Chiffon, aka Patrick, the oldest of the group and generally the smartest/most strategic. In most cases, the other two treat her as the de facto team leader -- unless she pushes it too far.
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By day she's a single guy with thick thighs and thinning hair, who has some body-image insecurities on the dating scene. And this show has Things To Say about unrealistic beauty standards within the community...not to mention, about masc guys who look down on anyone too flaming or femme because straight people disapprove.
Lemon's weapon is a fluffy boa that can be used as a whip or a lasso, especially when there's a bondage joke to be made.
In red: Scarlet Carmesim, also Donizete, the loudest and most aggressive teammate with the most cutting insults, who refuses to suppress that attitude in an attempt to appease racists. (But will give it a shot when trying not to get fired.)
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Donny still lives in her religious/homophobic mom's apartment, and I'm pretty sure it's because neither of them can afford to move out. Her rock-solid sense of fierce self-confidence is the reason it doesn't bring her down.
Scarlet's weapon is a fan that she uses to throw shade. Yeah, you knew that was coming.
The Charlie to these angels is Champagne, who runs operations from a cool magitech compound and breaks the fourth wall at the end to petition for viewers' support in getting a second season.
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...we let her down, folks :(
So here's a thing. The show never draws a sharp line between "people who become drag queens because it's a way they're driven to express themselves as gay men" and "people who become drag queens because they were trans women all along." That's consistent with how South American LGBT+ culture works. (Again: best of my knowledge, not personally an authority on this, etc etc.)
Many of the characters, including Champagne, never describe themselves in ways that translate to one of our sharply-defined Anglo-USian identity categories. And I'm not going to try to impose any English labels on them here.
But I can say (in contrast to Safira, Lemon, and Scarlet), Champagne never switches out of her "drag" name/voice/presentation, not even in the most candid off-duty scenes, and still has the same bustline when naked in the tub. Make of that what you will.
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You Should Watch This Show
If you have a Netflix subscription, watch Super Drags!
If you ever do a Netflix free trial month in the future, make a note to yourself to watch Super Drags!
It's one of their original productions, so there's no risk of missing your chance because the license expired. But it's absolutely not getting the promotion it deserves. Which means potentially interested viewers won't find it, which means Netflix will think there's no interest, which means they'll keep not promoting it...etc etc etc.
No idea if there's any chance of getting it un-canceled, but maybe we can at least convince them to release it on DVD.
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And the sheer gutsiness it took for a group of Brazilian creators to produce this show in the first place -- that deserves to be rewarded with your attention.
In spite of various anti-discrimination laws that sound good on paper, the country has serious problems with homophobia, transphobia, and anti-LGBT violence (warning, article has a violent image which is only partly blurred).
Maybe the creators could've gotten a second season if they made this one softer, less sexually-explicit, more restrained...but honestly? I bet that wouldn't have helped.
Consider Danger & Eggs, an Amazon original cartoon. It was made in the US, thoroughly child-friendly, and restricts its LGBT+ representation to things like "characters go to a Pride celebration...where nobody ever names or describes the quality they're proud of."
And it didn't get renewed past the first season either.
(Note: it had a trans woman showrunner and a queer-heavy creative staff, so I blame all that restraint on executive meddling, not the creators themselves. The showrunner even liked the tweet of my review that complains about it.)
So there's something very satisfying about how Super Drags went all-out, balls-to-the-wall (sometimes literally), all the rep explicit and unapologetic, packing every 25-minute episode with all kinds of queer content that would be censored or muted elsewhere -- but here it's exaggerated and celebrated and just keeps coming.
(...as do jokes like that, and I'm not sorry.)
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Okay, there are a few legitimate reasons to not watch this show
Some caveats.
None of these things are Objectively Bad Problems that the show itself should be shamed for...but maybe they're genuinely not your cup of tea.
It does have actual Adult Content beyond "the existence of gay people." This show loves to swing barely-clothed cartoon genitalia in your face. There is, as mentioned, an orgy monster. If that kind of humor is going to bother you too much to appreciate the rest of the show, give it a pass.
I wasn't kidding about how realistic the homophobes are. Opening of the first episode has a guy trying to murder a busload of people while shouting slurs at them. If that level of hatred on-screen is gonna crush your soul, even in a show about sparkly queens flying to the rescue with dick-shaped magical weapons, don't push yourself.
Any fiction with this much crossdressing and gender-transgressing is going to hit some trans viewers in a bad way. Because trans people are such a broad group, with so many different experiences, that Every Possible Trope Involved pushes somebody's buttons. (See also: "some trans readers complain about a storyline that turns out to be drawn from a trans writer's actual life experience".) If this show goes does gender things that turn out to be personally distressing for you...or even just distressing for this specific time in your life...don't feel obligated to keep watching.
It has aggressively-sassy queer characters making jokes and calling each other things that are affectionate in-context, but would not be okay coming from straight/cis people. If you can't wrap your head around that, go watch something else.
Other Than That, Go Watch This Show
For all its big heart, big ambitions, and big gay energy, Super Drags is tiny enough that I've binged the whole show 2 times in the past 2 weeks. Thankfully, it's highly re-watchable -- lots of fun background gags and subtle foreshadowing that you don't catch on the first round.
(Pausing one last time to appreciate that a show with elements like "the high-tech robot assistant is called D.I.L.D.O." can be subtle at all, let alone be this good at it.)
I've also paged through all the fanart on Tumblr and Deviantart, looked up the single fanfic on the AO3, and started brainstorming plans to request it in Yuletide next year. Someone, please, come join me in (the English-language side of) the itty-bitty fandom for this ridiculous, glittery, over-the-top, fabulous series.
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dogsliampaynedoesntinstagram · 5 years ago
hi! just wanted to say - if you ever feel like elaborating on what you said about tess ward and lou teasdale’s podcast (?) - there’sa crowd! and it’s me! have a good day ralph ✩
Thanks anon
I feel like I should start by orienting myself a bit when it comes to beauty culture.  As an individual I am profoundly unengaged with what gets called beauty.  Politically, I think it’s important not to denigrate beauty or beauty culture or to suggest that there’s anything wrong with individuals engaging.  But I am profoundly disappointed at the lack of substantial feminist response to the compulsory nature of beauty culture.  And it’s even obvious to me (who barely undrestands any of it), how much more beauty work is expected of women now than when I was a teenager.  I think the political goal has to be making beauty culture truly optional.  And not in a meaningless faux-feminism I choose my choice isn’t that great kind of way (lets all ignore under the circumstances that are very much not of my own choosing that are part of that).  But what would it mean to have a beauty culture that was truly optional? Where there were no rewards for participating and no consequences for not participating.  Where having a face and body that changed and varied, and the full range of faces and bodies that exist, were all fundamentally OK?  And in the meantime? Given that we don’t live in that society - how do we try and change it without making it about how individual women navigate this world that none of us choose.
That’s a bit of a rant (and I already just wrote it in another post - but I started this draft before I wrote that one), but I think it’s important to understand how I responded to the podcast.  In particular, how little I know about beauty and how I think about it.
Reasonably early on in the podcast, Tess Ward started talking about her feelings about body positive instagram accounts from people who are not thin (I don’t think she was quite that explicit, but it was clear about what it means). She said that she was really into aesthetics, so she didn’t like it when people made themselves look deliberately ugly (fat), or posted from bad angles (weren’t ashamed of fat).  And then she started talking about how she was more and more into the mind and that’s why she didn’t like (fat) people taking pictures she found aesthetically unplesaing, because they reduced us to our bodies (thin people taking aesthetically pleasing pictures obviously transcend their bodies, for reasons Tess Ward was unable to explain).
Lou T, objected to some of the most outrageous parts of what she said, but was mindblowing banal about the interaction of beauty culture and the world.  She was all about how social media had opened up the world and what great work brands do.
And then after this small brush with having an opinion, the rest of the conversation was just super banal.  Occasionally they’d acknowledge that there were bad things about the ecosystem they operated in, but whenever they discussed any response (like Jamila Jamil’s raging, or disabling likes on instagram) they just said that they didn’t agree, without offering any sense on where they stood or what could change the problems they talked about.
Then towards the end there was a super basic and uninteresting discussion of make-up - including statements about how blush goes on the front of the face (I don’t swear to remember the details right) and how you had to do less with your eyes if you were going to wear a strong lipstick colour.  And I was like? There has to be something more interesting to do with make-up?
The thing is - usually I find it interesting listening to people talk about the things they’re passionate about, even if I’m not myself that interested.  And the fact that the only interesting thing about the whole podcast was how much Tess Ward felt comfortable talking about her hatred of fat people was really noticeable.
And it made me wonder how much that’s basically what Lou T’s job is.  She can’t be interested or engaged in any of the contradictions of her industry, she either is, or has become, or has to pretend to become, an image that creates no friction for brands.  (I do think it’s interesting that Tess Ward can make money and have opinions, where Lou T can’t, and expect that’s about class).  
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aboriginalnewswire · 6 years ago
Warning: The following article contains disturbing and graphic language regarding the volatile and often violent nature of religious beliefs. It is meant to illustrate how religion has been used to spread hatred and intolerance of worldwide, in a variety of faiths. This short article is meant for educational purposes only, in the hope that humanity will learn from its past and not repeat it. Please note that it is almost entirely composed of quotes from other publications. Many people believe that religion is a force for good that has brought God into their lives. But, does the record of religious belief reveal it as a force for good or evil? Christianity--The Roots of Anti-Semitism "With the wrath of an Old Testament prophet, historian Dagobert Runes (whose mother was killed by the Nazis) blamed the Christian church for the Holocaust. He wrote: "'Everything Hitler did to the Jews, all the horribly unspeakable misdeeds, had already been done to the smitten people before by the Christian churches.... The isolation of Jews into ghetto camps, the wearing of the yellow spot, the burning of Jewish books, and finally the burning of the people--Hitler learned it all from the church. However, the church burned Jewish women and children alive, while Hitler granted them a quicker death, choking them first with gas.' "Dr Runes said Christian priests and ministers still were inculcating hostility to Jews as the Third Reich arrived. "'The clergymen don't tell you whom to kill; they just tell you whom to hate,' he wrote. 'The Christian clergymen start teaching their young at the tenderest age that THE Jews killed the beloved, gentle Son of God; that God Himself, the Father, punished THE Jews by dispension and the burning of their holy city; that God holds THE Jews accursed forever....' "'For all the 2,000 years, there was no act of war against the Jews in which the church didn't play an intrinsic part. And whenever there was a trace of mercy, charity, or tolerance to be found amid the savagery, it came not from the church but from humanitarians in the civil world, as in Napoleonic France or during the American Revolution....' "'Some fancy that these brutal outrages...occurred only in the Dark Ages, as if this were an excuse. Nay, when George Washington was president, Jewish people were burning on the spit in Mexico.... Wherever there are Christian churches there is anti-Semitism.'" Source:Holy Horrors by James Haught. Judaism--4,000 Years of Massacring Neighbors "The massacre at Dueima in 1948 was perpetrated by the official Labor Zionist Israeli army, the Israel Defense Forces (Tzeva Haganah le-Israel or ZA-HAL). The account of the massacre, as described by a soldier who participated in the horror, was published in Davar, the official Hebrew daily newspaper of the Labor-Zionist-run Histadrut General Federation of workers: "'They killed between eighty to one hundred Arab men, women and children. To kill the children they [soldiers] fractured their heads with sticks. There was not one home without corpses. The men and women of the villages were pushed into houses without food or water. Then the saboteurs came to dynamite them. "'One commander ordered a soldier to bring two women into a building he was about to blow up.... Another soldier prided himself upon having raped an Arab woman before shooting her to death. Another Arab woman with her newborn baby was made to clean the place for a couple of days, and then they shot her and the baby. Educated and well-mannered commanders who were considered "good guys"...became base murderers, and this is not in the storm of battle, but as a method of expulsion and extermination. The fewer the Arabs who remain, the better.'" Source:The Hidden History of Zionism by Ralph Schoenman. Slavery by the "Good People" "In another area of human rights, many Christian clergymen advocated slavery. Historians Larry Hise notes in his book, Proslavery, that ministers 'wrote almost half of all defenses of slavery published in America.' He listed 275 men of the cloth who use the Bible to prove that white people were entitled to own black people as work animals." Source:Holy Horrors God is a Psycho "In December 1984, on Mohammed's birthday, Khomeini told his people: "'War is a blessing for the world and for all nations. It is God who incites men to fight and to kill.The Koran says, "Fight until all corruption and all rebellion have ceased." The wars the Prophet led against the infidels were a blessing for all humanity. Imagine that we soon will win the war. That will not be enough, for corruption and resistance to Islam will still exist. The Koran says, "War, war until victory!..." The mullahs with corrupt hearts who say that all this is contrary to the teachings of the Koran are unworthy of Islam. Thanks to God, our young people are now, to the limits of their means, putting God's commandments into action. They know that to kill the unbelievers is one of man's greatest missions.' "Amid all the killing, Iran also declared war on sexuality. Women were commanded to shroud themselves so completely that no lock of hair showed. Morality patrols in white jeeps cruised streets, arresting women for being 'badly veiled' and sending them to prison camps for three-month rehabilitation courses. Western magazines entering Iran went first to censors who laboriously blacked out every woman's picture except for her eyes." Source:Holy Horrors Religion is Mental Illness "Philosopher Bertrand Russell wrote: "'Religion is based...mainly upon fear...fear of the mysterious, fear of defeat, fear of death. Fear is the parent of cruelty, and therefore it is no wonder if cruelty and religion have gone hand in hand.... My own view on religion is that of Lucretius. I regard it as a disease born of fear and as a source of untold misery to the human race.'" Source:Holy Horrors NEED WE SAY MORE? RELIGION EQUALS RACISM, SEXISM, SPECIESISM, SELF-HATRED, EXPLOITATION, SLAVERY, WAR. WE THE PEOPLE OF THE EARTH ARE ONE. NO RACES, NO RELIGIONS, NO DUALITY, NO WAR. ALL BELIEFS COMPRISE DOUBTS. KNOW THE TRUTH. STOP THE KILLING!! GO BEYOND BELIEF INTO THE KNOWN! BECOME RELIGIOUSNESS. MEDITATE.
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jigpowoodza1981-blog · 6 years ago
I took my first step into the apartment and my shoes started crunching cat litter. The litter was scattered all over the kitchen floor. The dishes were growing things in the sink. I feel you on this. I look at Instagram fitness accounts and when I see people ONLY photograph/ film from that 3/4 ass angle to make their butts look bigger I immediately block or choose the "don show me this nonsense" option. It sounds extreme, but I try to not engage positively/passively with that type of content at all bc it not what I want to see or encourage.. The main one is from silicates. As they mix with glycerin it creates a paste that dries on the skin and gives you lifting, tightening, pulling effect. Other ingredients to look for are caffeine, constricts blood vessels, hyaloronic acid, anti ox dabtss neutralize free radicals and peptides trigger collagen formation to thicken the skin. If this frustrating hair removal cycle sounds all too familiar, rest assured that you are not alone. According to one women's magazine, 73 percent of females try to get rid of leg hair around three times every week [source: Goins]. That adds up to a lot of hours spent shaving. With each episode, I just love Soo Im more and more. She doesn shy away from what she truly believes in and carries herself with so much class. For this reason, it so easy to root for her as a viewer. 마산출임안마 This trope, known as wuquf al atlal, or by the ruins recurs throughout the history of Arabic poetry. In these poems, ruins are spectral and ephemeral things, that in the words of Tarafa, and fade, like the trace of a tattoo / on the back of a hand. Medieval depictions of Britain Stone Age ruins showed them as places associated with magic and Arthurian legends. 마산출임안마 Game play changes drastically once you hit Torment levels. Each torment you feel self development and understanding of your character. Im at T10 and took a long ass time from T9. This guy had her in bed within 3 dates, and suddenly stopped calling her. To make a long story short, she wooed him back. The last thing she wanted was to be dumped by this guy. Before there were shows like "Ice Road Truckers" and "A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila," there was "This is Your Life." It originally broadcast on the radio in the late 1940s and made the switch to television in the early 1950s. "This is Your Life" was reality TV because it presented the story of a real person's life and relied on the participation of real people, who were shot in front of a live audience or filmed on location. It didn't matter if the subject was Joe Schmo or Johnny Cash they were all surprised by host Ralph Edwards and his camera crew (they famously surprised Cash on stage in the middle of a concert).. That's the way it's always been for me. I've never asked, because I think it's tacky, but I would say a decent majority of POTs have gifted at the end of the meet and greet of their own volition. It is definitely an act good faith and shows some generosity and will help you stand out from other POTs.. No it's not. He's just telling her that like hey, I'm here for you. This hurts me to but I'm here for you. All of this work is very personal and comes from a more primitive place in my heart. It's steeped in pain, fear, and sometimes self hatred. Some of it is fiction built upon deeper truths I'm not yet ready to face eye to eye.
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tomioneer · 7 years ago
yyh rewatch number 11 WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY KIDS NOW
been a few days bc I am BUSY AF irl, and I made it through the dr ichigaki fight--just barely without tears--by watching with a friend. now we’re at episode 35 and watch straight through to 42, and I can’t help but blog about it because HELLOOOO, NINJA BABES
guess who’s here
it’s jin and TOUYA BITCHES
kurama recognizes them, I wonder if he's actually fought them before
I remember that hiei and kuwabara both get taken out of the fight, but can’t recall if genkai does as well
what I figured out when my friend asked why koenma knows genkai’s younger face is that since she was on a mostly human team in the past, she was probably one of the special guests at the tournament? and thus a member of a team koenma technically owned 
it’s upsetting that toguro didn’t seem to recognize his EX GIRLFRIEND.
jin speaks so quickly I can hardly understand him
it’s like merida in the new wreck it ralph trailer, just.. irish
ps JERRY FUCKING JEWELL again, for those keeping track
I’m gonna go ahead and mark yusuke and jin down as a ship now before I lose control
also, jin and touya
ship count: 8/400
I should really make a list of whose’ who in that count lol
oh yeah, here’s the medical exam, I remember it
her hair is gorgeous I would marry him if she asked
WOW she doesn’t even take kuwabara just genkai and hiei
a barrier master
and she’s just
oh man she took her coat off and I melted
epilepsy warning for this whole arc
koenma you’re a jerk
jin decides to fuck off because he doesn’t like fixed fights, bless him, he’s a terrible shinobi
demon makeup cool. not cool? the FUCKING RACIST image in the back during the explanation. I SAW that feathered headdress, togashi!!
kurama isn’t BOTHERING to attack because he’s observing
and hiei tells us why kurama is going to be fucked
jin is so done with this subterfuge bullshit
the audience is eating this up and touya speaks at last, my love, my darling, my short spiky blue beautiful man
I would kill to be able to put on makeup that perfectly, that easily
I know how kurama finishes this fight, but my friend can’t remember. I love it, this is so good.
“with his hair??” she asks, shocked
“only an amateur depends on arms and legs for victory”--kurama, with a whip coming out of his hair
“How is he controlling that?”
“With his spirit energy?”
isn’t there more behind why this guy is trying os hard? they’re not being blackmailed are they
there’s more, the patterns--
and of COURSE his reiki is sealed, and as long as he’s standing--goddamn
touya fights an immobilized kurama?
I don’t remember that!!!! son of a BITCH
“how will yusuke’s shattered team survive” asks the narrator. “This is bad” says yusuke
this is not good
I hate that kurama seemed to observe that gama’s paint was made of blood but didn’t like. pay attention to it?
friend just punned: “Touya is a cool dude”
I’m screaming she hates puns
one of the black black club just asked sakya why he is sharing “Ass space” with demons. fucking. what.
why does the committee want yusuke so dead, when they invted him? I guess that’s the whole REASON they invited him, ugh.
genkai tries to be optimistic for the first time in this series, and kiei shuts her down immediately
ohhhh the shinobi just need attention so they keep getting jobs
koto freezes to death, it’s very sad
touya somehow thinks a theif can’t keep running.. and seems to be right
“running like a baby is perfectly brave if the odds are uneven enough”--Koenma’s words of wisdom
such an inspiring leader the spirit world has
doesn’t he smudge the seal withhis own blood HEY he does
I am remembering these things seconds before it comes into play
touya’s attacks are honestly amazing
koto is a bit twisted
kurama plants something in himself, and then that’s what holds him immobile for the next guy right?? the big one yusuke kills
why doesn’t touya know who he is??? I thought, if they called him a traitor, we could ASSUME they knoew who kurama was??
why was touya blishin’?
the ICE SWORD man oh man one of my old old old old mary sues had that attack
oh yeah there it is, the arm wound, he plants it in that
“son of a frickin bitch”--yusuke urameshi
Koenma: Why do I get the feeling our most intelligent fighter is about to do something incredibly stupid?
Kurama: Let me do what I must... *does something stupid*
touya decides they’re friends now, so he wants to kill kurama painlessly
is touya fucking DEAD
oh good he’s alive
but also it’s not good
oh but okay kurama won
three more then
I know kurama vs. bakken is terrible
kurama also thinks they’re friends
faint heartbeat
ah, bakken
I hate him
“a fighter standing in the ring cannot be removed agains this will. as will cannot be determined...”
hiei is ready to go to war for his man
how is that motherfucker even a shinobi
yikes that last shot of the ep is absolutely awful
yusuke promises the audience that of he goes, it will be with a bang. I remember more of a whimper when sensui kills him.
who is that last guy on team masho? I remember bakken, and it’s clearly jin, but the third one, I can’t remember
yusuke is my BOY
I love him
this “kill the traitor” count is just. horrible
kuwabara is STILL out for the count
kick his ass baby boy
yusuke is my hero
why is uh. bakken sweating so much
mist made from his own uh. sweat. that’s pretty nasty
yusuke: I hate saunas.
I don’t remember this fight taking even this long???
yusuke has such great eyelashes
boy is already so like. pumped to fight jin. 
yusuke just used eighth grade science”you can get on your hands an knees and start begging.and maybe, just maybe, I’ll listen.”--yusuke urameshi
he’s ready to commmit murder and it’s amazing
jin didn’t even flinch
“That’s a pretty good fight”
kurama’s gorgeous and also awake
he’s making plant jokes and I hate it
look how great these kids are. 
I DID remember about ruka’s barrier thing healing hiei
no way jin can’t fight first if he does how does yusuke fight him SECOND????
“If I win my whole team’s screwed and if I lose I have to fight again.”
jin is amazing. seriously. also, can these boys get married please?
you know I’m a multi shipper right 
well that was a fun match, sad it’s over
jin is just
such a happy guy I love it
they call them brothers but really the chu thing is much closer to that
“ass space” bbc guy now claims to pull the tournament committee by his the “ass hairs”
so quick!!
kuwabara seems insistent on the fact that he is “spiritually aware” in situations where he lacks that talent to actually observe
yusuke lands exactly one punch and jin floats up to let the impact wear off
“Hey, I needed that!” says yusuke when his spirit gun is deflected by jins wind 
jin thinks he’s very funny
he’s right
why is boan lashing out at kuwabara, when she’s supposed to be TREATING HIM
somehow Jin with his irish accent--or rather, Jerry fucking jewell  with his irish accent--isn’t triggering at all lmao. maybe because this is how I prefer him
yusuke’s hero eyes, at it again
how many reigun shots does yusuke have left?
jin’s so good at fights I love him so much
“something always comes ot me at the end” say yusuke about his battle stretegy
genkai, sarcastic: you truly havbe a way with women, hiei
yusuke plans to try the spirit wave, somehow forgetting his shotgun move???
shizuru once again knows exactly what’s up
bless the kuwabara family sixth sense
it’s so weird how genkai is speaking in third person
have I mentioned how much I love Jin’s eyes? 
yusuke call shimself a freak because he enjoys fighting
okay we’re back to who the fuck risho is???
if jin’s the official captain---
oh my god I just screamed when risho revealed himself and dropped my laptop holy shit
like a gut punching, throat-tearing godawful scream. 
“IT’S YOU!!!”
oh my god I don’t reember anyting about him other than earth and rocks and how much I HATE HIM
does he fight kuwabara? yukina just showed up trying to get in to see the tournament, does she heal kuwabara for this fight?
touya comes up. does risho attack him? that would explain why I hate him
yusuke defends koto, who he doesn’t like
i love
these two children are so angry
shizuru finds yukina and recognizes her from watchign that video, bless her
girls helpin’ girls
kuwabara was never technically ruled ineligible to fight, and I hate life
ginger son, don’t do it
he is so goddamn fucking helplessly sacrificial
yukina, go inside and heal your goddamn boyfriend
yukina is looking for her brother, oh SHOCK
shizuru intimadates an entire crowd of demons
her legs oh my god
just wait kuwbara, your girl with healing powers will be there soon
kuwabara is doing his best
keiko gets hit on by a bouncer and murders him
shizuru once again takes out a demon
can kuwabara shizuru marry kino makoto please???
risho is a dick
koto is clearly a sado-masochist
ruka is just like. a fetish indulgence of the artists. I know she’s hot but how long are they going to draw this out? 
koto: I’m goign to take the ocunt now, so everybody make sure to tell me how I’m doing it wrong, okay?
START the DOUNT KOTO, he’s OUT of the ring
shizuru WRECK THEM
oh yukina has ptsd flashbacks when she runs into toguro
sakyo lets shizuru escape bless her
kuwabara prepares to sacrifice his ENTIRE FUCKING LIFE and becomes telpathic?? bless
kuwabara can’t imagine what to say to yusuke, who means so much to him, goddamnit
yukina is in the stadium, babies
oh my god
“That’s my girlfriend!”--Kuwabara Kazuma, aged fourteen
yusuke is astounded by his boy
koto isn’t counting either of them
damn kuwabara
I can’t beleive he did it that’ s an highly unlikely triumph
“She’s... really here.”
Kuwabara bonds with yukina while keikpo and keiko FINALLY talk
pls get married
t;dr I would marry shizuru in a heartbeat if I didn’t know she was meant for sailor jupiter
shoutout to @batmares!!! thank you ever so much for joining me today for the Urameshi vs. Ninja arc of the dark tournament saga!
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aminiatureworld · 3 years ago
If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about your-self and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog<333
hello i hope you’re having a wonderful day/night<3
Ahh thank you so much!❀
Hmm... random facts about me (that aren't in my About Me page lmao)
I'm 18 hours into my first read through of the Higurashi visual novel (in fact I just finished a reading session of it). It's really quite good, even the "slower" parts are really enthralling, I don't feel the need to skip the earlier parts of each arc or anything. 11/10 highly recommend.
Last year I read 142 books. My favorite new book I read was Wuthering Heights, my favorite reread was The Sunne in Splendor (or maybe the Kamisama Kiss binge half-reread), and my last favorite read was Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison. The reason was not so much the goal of the book, Ellison's wish to use shock to express the vile and horrific system of racism is perfectly valid, and even smart. Unfortunately his grotesque hatred of women made every page a slog, and I ended up rather hating it.
I've never broken a bone or got a cavity (so far, plz save my teeth), but I did get stung by a wasp on my birthday once.
Hope these weren't too irritating or boring haha. Thank you again for the ask and I hope you too have a wonderful day!
0 notes
wonderfulworldofmichaelford · 8 years ago
The Emoji Movie review
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This is it. The Emoji Movie. A film I and the rest of the world have been dreading. Today I have finally seen this film, and
 it has drained me of all will to live. This is it; I can’t live in this world any longer after having seen this movie. This has to be my last review, because I can no longer live in a world where this movie exists.
 Is it because it’s so abysmally bad as all the reviews said? Is it truly the worst animated film ever made, an utterly soulless cash grab of a movie? What could drive me to my death like this?
 The fact that
 I just
 even after seeing it, I just can’t muster up the absolutely vitriolic hatred everyone else seems to have for it. It’s not even bad. It’s not even good. It’s just
 meh. This movie is meh. And after getting so hyped up to see the worst animated film ever, this is
 disappointing. Heart-breakingly, soul-crushingly disappointing.
So, what is the story here? Well, Ralph is a villain who feels out of pl- uh, sorry, Emmet is a LEGO man who wants to conform but ju- oh, um, pardon. Joy is an emotion who
 okay, you get the idea. This film is nothing but a bald-faced, shameless ripoff of the plots of a dozen better films. The “Be yourself” message, the hero who wants to conform but learns to love being expressive, the journey to find oneself
 it has been done to death, and done a billion times better. This movie is just every animated clichĂ© ever. Fuck, the whole trailer revealed the entire plot and story arc in two minutes.
 the worst thing, aside from the plot, is the main characters
 But they aren’t even bad enough. They’re all so unbearably generic and trite. Gene is your average hero questioning his identity. He’s Ralph, he’s Emmet, he’s basically every goddamn animated protagonist for years and years, only with most of his personality excised and replaced with all the beats but none of the character. For an emoji with so many expressions beyond the one he’s supposed to have, he’s not very expressive. And even with all that, he’s just so inoffensively bland it’s hard to hate him. Hi-5 is an obnoxious comedy sidekick who contributes very little to the story and serves as a hindrance more often than not. But
 he’s still got a few good jokes in him, and while he’s absolutely obnoxious and selfish, he’s still not as awful as he could be. Jailbreak is a ripoff of all the blue-haired action girls you can imagine, shamelessly cribbing Sombra, Chloe Price, Wyldstyle, and more, just subtracting anything that makes those characters interesting
 and even then, she’s still not totally void of good moments. These three characters are who we spend time with so much, and they aren’t more than depressingly bland, generic archetypes. It hurts. Why couldn’t they just be absolutely, unlikably awful? Like, they all suck, but they just don’t suck enough!
And goddamn, is this plot filled with horrible, awful stupidity! We have Jailbreak spouting off terrible, hamfisted feminist messages by stating men take credit for things women say all the time, we have the human characters acting like words are uncool and emojis are the only worthwhile form of communication, we have the conceit that phones have firewalls and that internet trolls can just simply be deleted forever with the click of a button
 oh, if only. There’s just so much that is unbelievably stupid and pathetic and poorly done, the whole story feels like nothing but a first draft that somehow got greenlit with no corrections done. And that’s not getting in to all of the blatant product placement, such as the cringeworthy portrayal of Dropbox as some sort of heavenly safehaven, Twitter ending up being a savior, outdated meme videos playing on YouTube, and the extended Candy Crush scene.
But I wouldn’t feel like dying if there wasn’t those few things of value, those things that keep me from letting loose pure unbridled hatred as so many others have, and saving myself. For instance, the animation
 God, this film is an absolute treat for the eyes. The backgrounds, the visuals, the human characters, there is just so much visual stimulation in this film. It’s plain fun to look at, and it’s such a shame that so much talent and effort was used to make
 this. It honestly hurts worse knowing that this gorgeous film is a subpar animated comedy.
Oh, but even more depressing is that the film has some genuinely good characters. The villain, Smiler, is so absolutely blatantly villainous due to how passive-agressively nice she constantly has to be she ends up being far more likable and entertaining than the so-called heroes. It helps too that she lives in what can only be described as a cosmic horror story, a Baby’s First Lovecraft if you will: she lives in a universe controlled by a fickle teenage boy whose first reaction to even the slightest malfunction is DELETE EVERYTHING. She has every right to be as concerned to the point of madness, as even the slightest fuckup would result in the utter annihilation of her entire universe; it’s to the point where she, despite the fact that in any other movie she would have crossed a million lines, comes across as one of the most reasonable characters in the film.
Then we have Poop, the character voiced by Patrick Stewart, and a shining example of how this film wastes brilliance. Poop has maybe ten lines in the movie and a few visual jokes, but everything he says tends to be rather funny, and he even manages to squeeze in a Star Trek joke. Why didn’t he get to go on the journey instead of Hi-5? If we’re going to listen to a bunch of jokes, even shit jokes, for 80 or so minutes, at least it’s Patrick Stewart telling them.
Next are Gene’s parents, Mary and Mel. These two are, without a doubt, the funniest characters in the entire movie, due to being in a constant state of “meh.” They react to even the most intense and stressful situations with just the most hilarious indifference, and even more baffling, they get a truly beautiful and emotional scene late in the film (!!!). Yes, you read that right: there is actually a beautiful and emotional scene in this movie. This only further compounds my sadness; why was the movie not about these two? They’re the best characters! Why is the spotlight on their boring son, instead of on these two hilariously indifferent emojis who can actually pull off a genuinely tender moment?
Finally, we have Akiko Glitter, a joyous, bouncy dancer who appears in the Just Dance app. She’s sweet, she’s fun, she’s cute, she plays Wham! She’s such a kind and bouncy character! 
And at the end of her only scene she is coldly and brutally murdered by Smiler’s robots as her game is being deleted from the phone. Her death is bizarrely shocking and depressing for this film, and even worse
 we see what happens to her after being deleted. She is trapped in the garbage, continuously dancing in agony as it is all she knows how to do, her eyes dead as she goes through the motions of a job that no longer exists. And despite her  kindness to Gene and friends, Gene opts to leave her to die in the trash, not even bothering to save her when he comes to save Hi-5. And yes: she dies down there. This wonderful, fun-loving lady is left to die in a hellhole filled with garbage, trolls, and spam. Fucking Christ. If I was not depressed before, I am now.
So to sum things up, this movie has four redeeming features: evil brought on by existential dread, shit, unadulterated indifference, and the horrific death of beauty and joy. That sounds eerily like every review has painted this film, and yet
 and yet
 It really isn’t close to being that bad. Chicken Little was way worse. Doogal was way worse. There are so many movies that are absolutely, horrendously, abysmally awful, so many films unfathomably worse than this movie, that the hatred feels overblown to the point of being hollow. And I wanted so badly to hate this movie! I wanted to join in with the crowds, and cast this down as the worst animated film ever! But, I just can’t in good conscience do that, because it truly isn’t. The hatred for this movie is just a knee-jerk reaction to the soulless cash grab feel it has. And it is that, but it’s just not bad enough even with that glaringly obvious fact permeating it. I can’t even tell you if it’s so bad it’s good
 it just kind of
 exists. It has highs, it has lows, and I just can’t really sum up how I feel about it accurately

 I guess I can
 This movie is “meh.” I cannot bring myself to feel strongly about it one way or the other. And that’s why I can’t bear to live anymore; this movie let me down in the worst possible way. It just wasn’t bad enough to warrant my vitriol, or good enough to warrant my praise. This movie promised to give me at least one extreme, and I silently prayed for the other against all odds
 and it delivered nothing. It delivered a depressingly middling experience.
So farewell. This is it. The big finish. There’s only one way I can truly end my life after seeing this, and that is by calling upon the one true awful emoji film

I did it for the lulz.
I did it for the lulz.
I did it for the lulz.
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rfhusnik · 5 years ago
The Lord Of The Palace
Written By:  Larry Winslow
  I believe the truth of whether or not our words ever dignified or corrected any lifestyles in any claimed reality is usually left for only us to perceive, and then speculate about. But I also believe that most times those speculations are only our own; born in our own minds, and pondered there, yet, not often communicated to other mortals. Nevertheless, that’s not the case today. That’s not the case with what will follow now.
My name is Larry Winslow, and up until a few weeks ago I was what society’s constrictive code of acceptances refers to as a “normal guy.” But then, at the invitation of Ralph Hawk, who was at that time, unbeknownst to me, serving his last days as mayor of this city, I relocated here to “the city.”
And I had previously learned that Mayor Hawk had been actively recruiting what he determined to be artistic type individuals to resettle here. Therefore I came here, and was warmly greeted by the mayor and several of his friends. But I was dismayed to learn that the man who’d sought my relocation here would himself soon be relocating away from here; and I informed him of that fact. “Oh, you’ll be fine here,” he answered. “My friends and associates will help you become acclimated here, and I’d guess that my successor as mayor will assist you also,” he said.
And he was right! I was aided by many here in my new hometown. They helped me settle in to a nice apartment on the north side of this city’s river, and told me how I could (and should) become a part of the “artistic enclave” of newer residents who had moved here to this locality in the last few years. But, they also cautioned me that unbelievable and unexplainable events could, and already many times had occurred here. And when they gave me that warning, they weren’t lying! What follows now actually happened to me after I’d been here exactly one week. And I know it will be difficult for you to believe this, nonetheless I lived it, thus I know it’s true.
Some sort of image appeared to me on the day I’d been here a week. And it said “Come with me. I’m a phantom, but I prefer to be addressed as a lord and a protector of the palace at Versailles.”
And I decided to leave with the apparition, but then suddenly found myself staring at a golden brightness! And I knew it wasn’t the brightness of a summer long passed, yet I wished it were. And then some sort of transport device arrived, and the lord and I boarded it and were gone!
And after a brief journey we disembarked where a generation once believed itself to be substantially different from all those that had preceded it, when actually it was only slightly so. And we were back in time at a point where the liberal mindset once served a purpose for goodness as it clashed with that one conservative; that clash then producing a productive give and take which then in turn served a great nation well. Yet, we remained there for only fleeting moments, and then returned to where a modern day left wing viewpoint seeks the domination of all races and economic classes, and also the removal from office of a duly elected leader for no reason except the removers’ great thirst for power.
But then the lord of the palace spoke and said “We’re not going back and forth in time today for pleasure only. And we’ll state this unequivocally, ‘No mortal or group of mortals, whether living or deceased, nor any ism, popular today or in the past can constrain us today! Oh no! Today we live in the sunshine and freedom of “The Lords Of The Palace.”’
And then suddenly I found myself walking with my phantom friend down the Hall of Mirrors in the palace at Versailles. Oh, and I could see the morning sun filtering through the glass panels and reflecting off the mirrors! Oh, and suddenly I saw the Sun King – number fourteen of the Louies I believe. And as he and his entourage proceeded forward, they stopped to confront the lord and myself. “Sometimes I find my daily two hour preparation, which prepares me to set about my tasks of governing France to be rather tiresome” said the king.
And then I found myself wanting to warn him about what would befall his second successor, the sixteenth of the Louies, as well as thousands of other French men and French women in the 1790’s, but the lord of the palace sensed this and cautioned me not to do so. Thus, instead of doing that, I reluctantly said my goodbyes, and realized I must soon exit the hall of golden statues, crystal chandeliers, and great mirrors and panes of glass. But I was thankful I’d be gone before the days of Marat and Robespiere. Yes, I was thankful I’d be gone before many heads (and perhaps my own) would be separated from their remaining bodies at the Place de la Revolution.
But now Louis XIV and his entourage have passed us, and have proceeded down the hall. And in their wake the lord of the palace says “ That sight of people you’ll perhaps never see again walking away with backs turned is so starkly significant isn’t it? On these journeys I’ve many times had time travelers tell me of such experiences. They’ve said they’ve often watched friends or lovers whom they knew could have made their lives better simply walk away.”
“Nevertheless, it’s time to leave now Lawrence. Let’s not allow ourselves to be found stopping here eternally for only this! Let’s exit to where we can watch life be lived for merits. And through carefulness, watchfulness, and dedication to principles which have been found worthy, let’s become a part of slow but necessary changes.”
“And, as we leave, let’s promise that we’ll never allow ourselves to be guided by a hatred of the common man such as guides many in your nation’s Congress today; and let’s affirm that we’ll never someday find ourselves boasting in an outer court such as a Pharisee was once so found long ago. And let’s avoid such hatreds and boastings because, ultimately, threats and idle words leave those who were once termed ‘the salt of the earth’ to wonder if those who participate in contempt and self-praise can in honesty look into any mirror and accept as constructive the image looking back at them.”
0 notes
go-redgirl · 6 years ago
The Five 8/2/19 | Breaking Fox News News August 2, 2019
Hannity Pinned by Hannity 18 hours ago FULL SHOW UPDATE : https://youtu.be/AgA6LPbesDE
REPLY Don Quijote 1st thing I check: Juan's NOT there!! 😂😂😂🎉🎊🎇🎆
Johnny Lawrence 18 hours ago TRUMP 2020!!!! The train is moving full steam ahead 🚂đŸ‡ș🇾MAGAđŸ‡ș🇾
Maurice Belanger 18 hours ago
NO  JUAN  WOW đŸ˜źđŸ‘â€ïžđŸ’•đŸ‡șđŸ‡Ÿ
Ken Overman 17 hours ago There is no one on the Democratic side that can beat our President Donald J Trump
REPLY Maxxwell Maxxwell 18 hours ago No Juan đŸ‘ŒđŸ»
REPLY Grim Reaper  17 hours ago YES!! No Juan. It's a much better show without him.
REPLY Audrey Carroll Greg! PLEASE keep Capri and axe JuanđŸ™đŸœ
REPLY Steven Johnson 17 hours ago Obama will not Help the next DNC Candidate. Democrats are what they have always been. Fools!!
REPLY Pete Duncan 18 hours ago Trump has become everybody's Presedent.
REPLY ptsd and me 47 hensley 18 hours ago every election that i can remember  [i am 71 ] they are going to fix the inner city. in 4 years it will be the same.  stop the bs
REPLY joe moreira 18 hours ago (edited) Shes a thousand times more tolerable then jaun when she talks about dems reality in dem is rear trump2020
REPLY Tay Tollefsen Juan must go!!!!
woodstock I am so proud of our people. NO Chant just like the president asked. We are gonna win. Sorry. You can't beat integrity, honesty, hard work and loyalty. Democrats have none of that.
REPLY freethinker 45 18 hours ago President Trump the Peoples President
REPLY Lisa Noel 17 hours ago Ben. Carson will prayvfirst and then GET IT DONE .WE LOVE. TRUMPS FRIEND BEN CARSON.
REPLY mr ady and mim yay 17 hours ago Had Cummings shared the 16 billion with his residents, an average household with 4 people would have received $100'000. That would help to pay off some debts and get people back on their feet.
REPLY Lawrence Foster Lawrence Foster 18 hours ago If YOU LOOK AT ANY DIVESTATED CITY HE SAID.
REPLY Kathy Sloan 17 hours ago First - Michelle is NOT the most admired 'woman' in the country.  More FAKE polls and FAKE news.  How about doing some investigating for a change like on the video I found. 
REPLY Lee North 17 hours ago "If the Kingdom of God is within you then everywhere you go you outta leave a little bit of heaven behind" #spreadlove
REPLY Joy Jarrelson 18 hours ago No classes Trump's got 2020 vision lmfao
REPLY toneman335 17 hours ago President Trump 2020
REPLY Made In USA 15 hours ago I live in southern California, and Trump is absolutely right. The Democrats have run our great state in to the ground. I hope he keeps up this theme so we can win back the House.
REPLY Heinzy 16 hours ago Sorry I'm not American but why is M. Obama admired? Just wondering, not being insulting.
REPLY mario pena mario pena Julian Castro .. was mayor of San Antonio texas.. LATINOS and Black neighborhoods are poorest.. westside and Eastside.. LATINO for trump.. 2020 . For the private sector.. from San Antonio texas
REPLY Stephen Nguyen 16 hours ago Yeah, no stupid Juan. Thank you Fox
REPLY Nirvana 99 17 hours ago No Juan Williams đŸ„‚đŸ»
REPLY rogeliogarcia07 16 hours ago I like LIZA BOOTHE,why the 5 don't invite her to the program ?
REPLY willard fillmore 16 hours ago Obozo was the worst whatever of anyone who sat in our oval office.. He is a bold faced liar. He is a traitor and a big time pedophile..!! I would be very embarrassed to even mention his name..!!
REPLY Richard Martin 17 hours ago Barak Obama single most significant achievement was the creation and election of Donald J trump, Obama’s failures and smugness put Donald trump the 45th president of the United States đŸ‡ș🇾 in the Oval Office
REPLY Emma White 17 hours ago NO Juan, 👍, I'm watching the " Five ", this lady that took his place it's worth listening. Thanks FOX News from New York, I live in California a blue state, Where I have to keep my mind quiet.❀
REPLY Sofa Joe 17 hours ago @emilycampanio... you went to go see Guns and Roses the other night, one of your favorite songs is Night Train?... I was in love with you before but now it's official.
REPLY Mary Annette 18 hours ago Sorry about that but my Mother never forgot her eight kids.  Tragic situation.
REPLY deathvalleyalex 17 hours ago Mr President   let's focus  on the sanctuary  of California  and the sanctuary  cities  like los angeles ,  San Francisco  ,Oakland   and all the other sanctuaries  the democrats  decided were more important than taking care of americans that are ill, hungry .  jobless or. Homeless
REPLY Bad Bob 17 hours ago John Wayne had some really interesting music. He made a song called "The Hyphen". That song explained so much in understanding how to relate to an American and not an ethnic label!
REPLY Tim Schjei 17 hours ago Baltimore received 16 billion dollars in 2018. With 2 billion dollars they could have hired over 16,000 law enforcement individuals for two years, LA has 9000 sworn officers and should have 10,000 more. Where did the money go?
#1 priority of government is the safety of its citizens.
REPLY Ralph Geigner 16 hours ago OBAMAS  Regime ! Many in the Military felt him and his regime was weak leadership !  EXAMPLE ! Look at Putin's expressions, actions during interviews !    We had funding $ issues for repair parts and equipment overall !  We had Pay $ issues during his regime !  There was many issues at the VA's !   NEVER RATS !   Go ARMY
REPLY John Kidd 16 hours ago Love the deranged Dems. Waiting for Michelle and Hillary to declare before the deadline. Now that would be a cat fight.
REPLY Oceans 17 hours ago This President is completely transparent and everyday he is making huge strides in bringing America back to greatness. He knows he has a relatively short time, 4 years, to undo past disasters and give Americans something they can be proud of for generations to come. Your energy is beyond amazing  out at the crack of dawn and working hard until the midnight hour and beyond. AND not taking a penny for your work. 
How many people can say that. You are what America has needed for many years and I continue to be amazed at the monumental changes taking place in the Country you love. Read more
REPLY James Woodman James Woodman 15 hours ago Dems are the party of Globalist and anti American
REPLY Gene Lonnon 18 hours ago Bagalia starting chant for Hillary, only hope for Dims, playing out exactly as I called it 2 years ago.  Can you say brokered convention?
REPLY MCccc7 Cortes 17 hours ago Obama's Legacy First Year: hiked up prices on candy & soda,  Increased prices on automobile plates.( They had to have security at DMV, cause ppl were flipping out) You had to buy or get a free unit to watch Hump back Tv., We now have to use Curly light bulbs, Cash for Clunkers. Obama phones.  Good going Obama great Legacy! Lmao! Read more
REPLY phantom 7 cross rose 15 hours ago damn, I have to say it,  the 2 conservative babes are hot as most conservative babes are, by contrast, dem women exude hatred, very off putting, but the conservative babes make my sticker peck up😇
REPLY Jim McCarley 17 hours ago I think President Trump hates wort hogs! Ever notice you never see him with one! I never saw an article where he invited a wort hog to the oval office! You recon he ever invited a wort hog to his mansion for lunch! Oh my! I just realized "for lunch"! He hates wort hogs! He hates wort hogs!
REPLY Tietje Weaver 16 hours ago Beta males, yeah, we don't want to follow them lol
REPLY Timeless 16 hours ago
OMG! Brian is no longer a book end, but part of The Five Squad? Fox is improving and Brian looks so relaxed 😎 now. Free!
REPLY Rebecca Perez 17 hours ago
No this is not human behavior Greg... Children are suppose to be the most important person in someone's life... No... No... No... Lock him up...
Arioch IV
17 hours ago
Can we replace Juan with this woman?
Tim Schjei 17 hours ago Both the Republicans and the Democrats have been wimps since after Ronald Reagan and prior to Donald Trump.
REPLY Dave Sandlin 15 hours ago This Kevin guy is sure on some powerful crack.
REPLY JVONROCK 16 hours ago Seattle’s wayward  citizens same as those all over the west coast.   Perverted leaders still haven’t a clue. But disease has a way of cleaning.
REPLY nobodybutme1000 16 hours ago Emily looks hot...as usual.  Seems she's looking super fit too
REPLY Ron Fall 16 hours ago Terrible analagy GREG!!!!!  When you have kids then you can TALK!!!!!!! No defense of this guy no matter what.
Tom Brown 14 hours ago Can someone please tell me what the hell Michelle Oboma can do.  The only thing I remember her doing is ruining school lunches and trying to ban bacon. And lieing about how wonderful Berry was.
Andyzerg 11 hours ago Emily Compagno monologue 7:53 SPLOOSH!!
REPLY Hose Kim 9 hours ago Is Juan completely gone?
REPLY Penni Bingaman 12 hours ago If a woman would forget her child in the car, it wouldn't matter. She's be prosecuted.
REPLY Steven Johnson 17 hours ago Thoughtful opinions by all on the "Hot Car Case".
REPLY Trudi Jones 17 hours ago Juan good, but I miss Jesse
Jethro Payson 17 hours ago Being poor is not a crime.  Making money off of it, lying, and letting criminals fester is different.
Neide Durant 17 hours ago Get rid of Juan , it was a very pleasant five today !
gaspar ortega 17 hours ago Kevin you are dreaming
REPLY tkell31 14 hours ago Haha, the chunky democrat pretending that Pocahontas helps warren.  She knows it's a killer.  Hits right at her character or more accurately her lack of character.  And yeah, +1 for no Juan.
REPLY Ronnie Bishop 10 hours ago Trump will help the inner city’s if they will have enough sense to vote for him.
REPLY RayLo RayLo 17 hours ago Hot car kids case: (19:00) You DON'T forget your kids!!! I don't care what may happen to distract you!!! You DON'T forget your precious babies in the back seat!!! Did he not recover in the 8 hours he was working that he realized  'My God, I forgot the kids'???!!!
REPLY Annette Scott 59 minutes ago (edited) Liz warren milked the school system of thousands because the schools she attended as a student believed her. Dont forget this. This raises school costs on all of us.
REPLY Downunder Thunder 11 hours ago Talk about depresive talk about Obama. Talk about racial hatred talk about Obama. Lost their jobs lost their homes if your a rapper you feel these bones. Oh we miss you Obama like a rat in trap so glad he is gone will never look back!
REPLY Kelly Sebzda 17 hours ago Most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard trump doesn’t care about the inner city at all
REPLY Bea Payne 14 hours ago Trump is doing a great job keep it up.
REPLY John Lee 17 hours ago Nobody ever intends to kill their child?
Is Emily a lawyer or a hood ornament?
REPLY Dan Henry 14 hours ago Glad Juan is not there
REPLY R- Sunday 16 hours ago Did Trump throw out DEPLORABLE?!?!
REPLY MrJorjohn 13 hours ago it is a tragedy that he lost his own based on his mistake. Justice has been served by he. Himself. far worse than any criminal proceeding. Throw salt on his wounds forever.
REPLY James Smith 17 hours ago Something is going on.  I can not watch    Other news.  I am able to see you and I never choose     Watch out America something is going on already.
REPLY Tim White 15 hours ago
Love this woman that is the Dem representative......defends her party, but not so rigid that she avoids the facts.
REPLY Julie Carveth 14 hours ago Every one Obama campaigned for lost
REPLY unmolested mind 7 hours ago (edited) Fella killed his kids. kids are way to noisy to forget a car is a very small area
REPLY Steven Johnson 17 hours ago Where can I go to get a full episode of the five?
REPLY George Sanders 18 hours ago Obama did nothing in 8 years origami did but giveaway America to Europe in everybody else I thought I did nothing Obama is Antichrist helper that darn Antichrist is here and he had three major helpers, is one of them got it yet wake up in the name of God
REPLY Sally Goozee No Juan, yay!
REPLY Rayvon Hickman 15 hours ago 😂😂😂what a joke fox news
REPLY gaspar ortega 17 hours ago Trump 2020
Lili Tincher 15 hours ago Thy feel sorry for the stupid man that left his two children for their lungs to explode from the heat in the car, after forgetting to drop them off at daycare and taking them to work and forgetting them in the car?  How about feeling sorry for the children that suffered a horrible death!!!
REPLY rogeliogarcia07 16 hours ago DEMS BUNCH WIMPS.
REPLY Lisa Noel 17 hours ago The Democrats don't apparently care about old diseases that we. Irradiated along time ago . Lockjaw for stepping on rusting nails. Yellow fever Bubonic Plague. That could take out millions. Of people . A very dangerous disease.  Many others that are coming back because of illegal aliens and. Dirty cities. Clean up the dumps.
REPLY Craig Johnson 17 hours ago
lose the coffe cup. Stop supporting child grooming!
REPLY Steven Looney 17 hours ago
Fox News when Obama is elected - "It's been 3 years, he can't use George Bush as an excuse on the deficit anymore." Fox News on Trump - "These problems were there for years before he was elected." No, no bias here to see at all, move along.
REPLY Lisa Noel 17 hours ago
David Garber 17 hours ago Bad news all the way. Poor kids. Dad screwed up. Bad bad news.
Timothy Walters 17 hours ago This hot car topic , they say to put something in the back seat with your child , something you wont forget , like a phone or your purse . I can't believe it . INSANE ! You wont forget your phone but you can forget your child , or TWO of them ! This is mind numbing !
William Gleaton 18 hours ago When I was a kid in Philadelphia  in 1961 and on my mom was my only parent their fore we were poor and lived in the projects off Ridge Ave. I was surrounded by black children and their families, all that time I never experienced any kind of racist remarks or did I ever feel differently NO! . I guess my point is as children the world is amazing, full of wonder and we don't know hate, we don't know about meanness, or racism we have to be taught those things. Let's be more childlike in our hearts (what do ya say) can't hurt. ✌ Read more
REPLY fern senchisen 8 hours ago
So Obama created a bunch of democratic politicians the even he cant support? Thanks Obama.
REPLY tkell31 14 hours ago Come on, they have to attack obammy because he's too tied to Trump.  You can't attack Trump on immigration without attacking Odumbo, you cant attack Trump on inner cities without going after the cult of odumbo.
REPLY Larry L No Juan equals good show
REPLY MrJorjohn
13 hours ago i think democrats only vote because it is their duty to elect a democrat. they have no idea who they are voting for because the do no research and they care nothing for politics.. they make decisions for you the other Americans. The enlightened Americans. Illegal aliens are being let in because they know about as much as democratic voters so they also vote democratic.
REPLY Pam S 16 hours ago Oh please, Obama was not more moderate to the left, he was the stepping stone to the far left, Hillary would have been the final nail in the coffin  We would have lost this great nation.
REPLY View reply fern senchisen When Democrats and Republicans hear from the people nothing happens. Trump has no choice but to act for the people even when no one supports him. He will do what helps Americans even if he has to walk into a wasp nest.
REPLY John Kidd No appointment of Trump's will escape sleazy attacks by the Dumb Dems. Now that he's removed Ratcliffe from the DNI nomination, they think they've won. Haha, how does Trey Gowdy suit them or Jason Chaffetz, both of them would be the Dems worst nightmare. Be careful what you wish for. As usual, in opposing everything Trump does, the Dems have shot themselves  in the balls again.
Prissy Lovejoy Why do so many tv shows and videos show Trumps hair as bright red or “orange” when in actuality it’s almost completely white now.
REPLY Adrian Johnson The hot car dad is a military veteran, no? I not a parent but if so, am I being unreasonable to have slightly higher expectations of him?
REPLY max man half of the five
REPLY DominusLuna Shouldn't Caputo be on Mslsd or something
REPLY Chris Mc Not full show
REPLY Mortimer Brewster The saddest comment was about the father who left his kids in the car and they died. The middle guy (forget his name) said leave something in the backseat that you can't go without so you have to go back there and then you'll see the kids. What is so sad is that a phone or backpack would be considered my important than the children. It's tragic and I don't think the guy should go to prison (he will be forever punishing himself) but people need to put more priority on their kids than a phone. Also, learn how to drive. I wouldn't be able to forget the kids because I use my rear view mirror all the time -- I see the backseat and someone driving properly would see the backseat and the car seats.
REPLY mike Lane love it
REPLY ScootinNPootin ForUHemmroids 18 hours ago
It's funny how now NYC is begging  for the powers that be back them and want the citizens at large to also back them   I always have BUT, now when Officers across the US allow thugs to beat down an elderly woman, I draw the line.  If we have to fin for ourselves so do they.
Linda T
16 hours ago Go Trump Go!
REPLY DAT DAT 15 hours ago M.Obama happened upon fame and fortune just by marital association to the elected 44th.  Other than that, she's not qualified to be in the political field...let's get real people.
REPLY Zoukie Zouk 14 hours ago Cant stump the TRUMP.
REPLY apache pete 16 hours ago Hey Juan , just cos your Not here ... doesn't mean we miss you .. WE DON'T .. and by the way that Lumpy whale in the white dress smells of Democrap. .. just Another Swamp creature lover.
REPLY Jimmy Yeakel 17 hours ago I'm having a hard time with the "forgetting" kids in the car opinions. So, if I can prove no intent and my kids died because I forgot about them for 8 hours while I'm at work, no charges but........If I lock the kids in the car for a couple minutes to grab my dry cleaning and they don't die or suffer any physical trauma, I should be charged ?
 I'm not saying locking the kids in the car with the motor and AC running is acceptable, I'm simply saying why charge the case that caused no harm and not charge the case that resulted in death ? Essentially, your charging some one for what "might" have happened and not charging someone for something (death) that actually happened. 
Do the terms "gross negligence" and "extreme carelessness" ring a bell ? Intent was the same issue brought up Jim Comey (after rewording "gross negligence" which is chargeable with "extreme carelessness" which is not) while refusing to charge Hillary Clinton. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REPLY willard fillmore 16 hours ago
TRUMP 20/20..!!!
REPLY Crystl Fire 14 hours ago If president obama would have given all 350 million citizens in this country one million dollars, just think how great he would have left this country. INSTEAD he spend ELEVEN TRILLION dollars and got nothing for it, he would only have had to spend $350 million and got free college and free healthcare for all!!
REPLY woodstock 17 hours ago that is because there is no democrat strategy. it is just a bunch of virtue signaling driven by corporate leftists on the coasts. they want to try to remake america in the face of google, apple, the NYT etc. the problem is all the hypocrisy among them. it isn't going to happen. I believe in democrat proposals more than the people espousing them do. that is why i will vote trump. I know the difference between virtue signaling and sincerity. I will take sincerity every time and I will be voting trump for that reason.
willard fillmore 16 hours ago (edited) Wow..!! What a heartbreaking story. I pray for him and his family..!! Just having to live with such a grief driven mistake. Is going to be his life sentence.. He will suffer enough..God Bless..
REPLY The LoftCast 18 hours ago How can someone forget their children are in the car? I m sorry guys but ones children should be the most important thing on any parents mind so I disagree with what you say. It's gross negligence and the guy should face jail?
Tim Carter
16 hours ago I disagree with all of them. When you have children, you are responsible for their lives. Even if it was an accident, as they say, it warrants at least a manslaughter charge.
REPLY Glockbeard 17 hours ago Rumor is Tyrus body slammed Juan into Oblivion
REPLY MrFetusPretzel 18 hours ago "Put something in the back of the car that you can't leave there"......like your kids?smh
REPLY Crystl Fire 14 hours ago Harris can beat Trump and Michael obama can beat Trump...ROFL...LOL...LMAO...are you out of your simple mind. NO ONE CAN STAND that boyfriend of obama (michael) NO ONE!! Are these jokes living on another planet??  They must be living on uranus!!
REPLY CHRISTOPHER BOWEN 14 hours ago If I accidentally kill you am I exonerated? I didn't notice you were in front of my car.
REPLY Bolt Hayday 17 hours ago
I’m sorry but there is just too many parents killing their kids using a car. All ya gotta do is cry 😭 and say I forgot! Those were NOT newborns. And they weren’t 1st born. Forget the kids but don’t forget your sunglasses đŸ•¶ don’t forget your phone đŸ“±. Anyway an alarm should go off if the seatbelt is still plugged in the back and the vehicle is off. Or the windows roll immediately down. So simple car companies. But omg be sure we have the latest update to make ya comfortable driving!
REPLY Suzanne Arsenault 17 hours ago There must be some Republican cities that are deplorable?
REPLY Andy Greaves 17 hours ago Trump supporters are "stable geniuses!' LOL red-neck hicks!
REPLY ivy kkb 17 hours ago Trump...r u talking about yourself??? WHERE the fund goes....???
REPLY underdog ishere 18 hours ago Republican Tim Scott  of South Carolina   you never see him backing Trump.  You all watch people he will be running for President one Day 8 =12= 16 years down the road but could be after Trump Leaves.
David Pursel, Snake Hunter 18 hours ago C’mon, this has gotta be a bogus account. You can’t do any better than 480p? Are you serious?
REPLY Karen D'Asero 13 hours ago Bummer, no Jesse.
Diana is a Democrat it shows in all her response.  She’s An Anti-Trump person.
0 notes
mrmichaelchadler · 6 years ago
Don't Come Back from the Moon
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“Don’t Come Back from the Moon” murders its central metaphor with extreme prejudice, beating it into the ground until it is no longer recognizable. The gist is that the children of a small California desert town have a saying for when their fathers eventually abandon them: They refer to it as “going to the Moon.” Director Bruce Thierry Cheung cuts to shabby footage of the Moon whenever this terminology is invoked, and many, many times when it is not. Cheung sends the viewer to the Moon so many times that I began to question if Ralph Kramden had written this movie. With every trip, the concept becomes less effective, and since it registered as an empty conceit the first time it was invoked, it becomes an obnoxious tic by the tenth time.
Based on a book by Dean Bakopoulos, who also co-scripted with Cheung, “Don’t Come Back From the Moon” follows a young man whose father (James Franco), like so many other dads in the town, has abandoned his family by leaving this dead-end location for good. Franco’s Roman Smalley is onscreen about five minutes, first arguing with his wife Eva (Rashida Jones) about how the town has nothing to offer, then teaching the protagonist how to drive his vintage automobile. In the latter scene, cinematographer Chananun Chotrungroj executes the only worthwhile evocation of paternal desertion we’ll see by shooting Roman repeatedly disappearing behind the clouds of smoke kicked up by the donuts being made in the dirt by his car. Behind the wheel is his son Mickey (Jeffrey Wahlberg), who occasionally narrates the film with extraneous, unnecessary snippets of information.
It’s Mickey who repeatedly tells us about Daddies on the Moon, and not once does he make it sound like a place anybody would want to go. Late in his narration, Mickey tells us he imagines his father butt nekkid in a hot tub with beautiful Moon women. I don’t know about you, but the last thing I want to think about is the nude iteration of my Pops. But Mickey’s vision is in tune with the filmmakers’ unwillingness to delve inside the complex notions of fatherhood and whether they can be toxic. It would rather lean on male stereotypes involving fighting and virility. Making matters worse, “Don’t Come Back from the Moon” doesn’t think too highly of its female characters. The camera kind of leers at them, but not enough to be truly salacious. And the story treads dangerously close to the idea that a woman cannot raise a son successfully.
For example, Roman’s argument for uprooting his family makes a lot of sense as the town is dying and there’s no incentive to stay. Eva digs in her heels, however, and not once are we privy to her reasoning. Once Roman cruelly abandons Mickey and his younger brother, Kolya (Zackary Arthur) at a gas station (the scene is predictable but still manages to sting), Eva is reduced to drinking, staring at the TV and doing haircuts for the teenaged boys in town, one of whom she makes out with because, with no grown men around, the women in this town start auditioning for “To Catch a Predator”. “With the men gone, we became the men,” says 16-year old Mickey on the soundtrack.
Mickey has a bit of a romance with Sonya (Alyssa Elle Steinacker), whose father also went “to the Moon” and whose mother is nowhere to be found. She’s a bit wary about fully succumbing, like some of the guys, to outright paternal hatred. But she adopts the movie’s lunar metaphor, at least until her father suddenly shows up one morning. Without warning, she throws him out of the house. Never mind asking where he’s been or if he’s seen Ryan Gosling’s footprint next to a crater, she just screams “Get out!” Eventually, she discovers that her father went to Nebraska for work, and now that he’s gotten it, he wants her to move there with him. The filmmakers are so in love with their masculine viewpoint that they force Sonya to consider staying in town because she’s sweet on broke ass, aimless Mickey. Since we are not given any information, either in the visuals or in the performances, for the choices most of the characters consider making. It becomes nearly impossible to feel for anyone.
This exercise becomes so hollow that it began to feel like a PG-13 rated ABC Afterschool Special directed by Larry Clark. These are his kinds of characters—aimless, destructive and horny. But at least Clark has an eye for composition and would have leaned into this film’s numerous teenage drinking and partying scenes. Dirty old man leering aside, Clark might have made a more honest take on this material, or at the very least, one that appealed to the sense of hopelessness by way of debauchery.
But that’s just wishful directorial thinking on my part. “Don’t Come Back from the Moon” is predictable enough for us to assume that one of the male teen characters will ultimately make a run for the Moon himself. And we also know he’ll reject the trip halfway through. But notice the absence of the mother of his child in the scene where he comes back. For a movie that is supposedly about the consequences of absentee fathers, it sure has little of importance to say about the families they desert. The Moon deserves better symbolism.
from All Content http://bit.ly/2T1XQAr
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