#Raja Ampat Liveaboard
belvatoplaces · 1 year
Cruising the pristine waters of Raja Ampat was like being transported to a tropical paradise. The mesmerizing landscapes of lush islands, crystal clear lagoons and idyllic beaches were nothing short of breathtaking.
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aalexjoy · 2 years
Open trip Raja Ampat is the right choice if you are solo traveling
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A shoulder update - 4 and a half months on and almost fully mobile!
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Boat Trip Raja Ampat
Boat Trip Raja Ampat
Boat Trip Raja Ampat luxury liveaboard cruises explore one of the most beautiful archipelagos in all of Southeast Asia. Taking sailing trip by yacht, boat charter, rental phinisi Raja Ampat brings you to one of the most biodiverse places on Earth. Boat Cruising Trip In the West Papua province, the archipelago consists of over 1,500 small islands, cays and shoals surrounding the four main…
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meanderful · 1 year
It Was Manta Be…
Jo is in the building!
Welcome to the Jo-takeover! This is the part of the blog where Helen wisely decides the readers need a new perspective (hence the sisterly takeover), which, by happy coincidence, also means she gets a journalling break. So let’s pick up from where she last left…
At late notice, I decided to join Helen and Sam for a few weeks on their travels and so it was that on New Year’s Eve, I flew over most of Asia to head to the eastern most part of Indonesia—Papua. Indonesia is a vast country, so even from the capital, Jakarta, it was a four hour flight to reach our meeting point in the city of Sorong. I exited the airport in the early morning of 2nd January at the exact moment Helen and Sam stepped out of a taxi to pick me up and sweep me away to their hotel. There I met Etienne, a Swiss traveller who had been on the liveaboard with Helen and Sam and would be joining us for the next leg of the trip. Both Helen and Etienne had health issues on the liveaboard that meant they couldn’t fully dive, so the plan was to head back into Raja Ampat, with myself in tow, to absorb the underwater world.  Sam unfortunately still had his ear problems and so would be snorkelling the waters.
From Sorong, the onwards journey involved a 2-hour ferry, followed by a 1-hour boat ride—plenty of time for me to observe the sad amount of plastic debris floating in the water in this otherwise tranquil and remote setting. Eventually we reached our base for the next ten days—a group of huts built on a random strip of bare sand in the Indo-Pacific Ocean.
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Photos Above: dive team ferry crossing; speed boat to our destination
The accommodation was very basic (the most basic Helen and Sam had yet to contend with) with a grass-thatched roof that leaked during the nightly thunderstorms and a bathroom in a separate building with a leaky pipe and distinct lack of flushing toilet. But it had a veranda with a full ocean view in front and a jungle full of lively bird calls behind. All that was missing was a hammock; within one day of being on the island I had successfully negotiated the use of the spare one from the local Divemaster trainee. We hung it up in the communal space, and with that I was declared the best sister-not-in-law around. Also quintessential for our stay turned out to be the vegan chocolate spread Sam picked up in a supermarket in Sorong –a ‘lifesaver’ (Etienne’s words) to accompany the breakfast of fried bananas, occasionally served on top of boiled bananas with a side of fresh banana (safe to say, the vegan memo was picked up by our hosts).
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Photos Above: our bungalows; the dining 'room'; morning swim; golden hour
Diving Raja Ampat
We were quick to acquaint ourselves with the underwater world of Raja Ampat, which it’s fair to say, was absolutely drop dead stunning. The coral was colourful and abundant and life teamed everywhere you looked—not that I always found it easy to spot.
There were tiny pygmy seahorses the size of my fingernail and so camouflaged I could barely make them out against the pink coral. And there was a turtle sat under a rock, so big that Helen had to point twice before my vision was able to zoom out and absorb the scale of the creature. We saw electric clams flashing our torchlight back at us, and colourful urchins bimbling along on the sandy bottom. Tiny octopuses buried themselves in the sand, and orangutan crabs with spindly legs and covered in orange fluff wound themselves through the coral mesh. Black- and white-tipped reef sharks flitted in and out of the murky blue depths and two mobula rays flew overhead, silhouetted against the light of the surface. A bizarre looking wobbegong shark, looking like it’d been squashed by a roller, rested on a huge fan of coral. Huge shoals of fish encircled us as we hung weightless above the reef, watching the many individuals acting as one glittering mass.
Video Above: a few videographic snapshots of our (mindblowingly incredible) time in Raja Ampat, with huge thank yous to Etienne Cristini and Mario Kakante for letting us use their footage! And for being generally excellent humans. Music is "Daydream - Dance Remix" by Ash.
On one dive, I heard the urgent metallic tapping sound of Mario our dive guide tank-banging to get our attention, and looked over to see him literally dancing underwater—he had found a rare frogfish, coloured pink and green (and looking very much like coral to me), resting next to the reef.
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Photos Above: sisterly diving; coffee time during a surface interval; after a great dive; diving boat team; one of Raja Ampat's small villages
For those on Instagram looking to get an artistic flavour of diving Raja Ampt, I recommend Etienne’s excellent reel.
Is this the Real Life, or is this Just Mantasea?
The absolutely pinnacle of diving Raja Ampat had to be the mantastic moments with the glorious Reef Manta Rays.
My first interaction with them was on my second day of diving and involved dropping into the water on a section of reef called Manta Ridge—a cleaning station that mantas regularly drop by so that the fish that live on the reef can clean the manta’s skin. Once in the water there was a fair current, so we hooked into the rock and floated in place watching as a couple of mantas swept by us, one coming so close to me that I could feel its eye keenly observing and sizing me up.
A week later, feeling much more au fait with this whole diving thing, I requested a trip back to the mantas to absorb even more of them. Little could we imagine what waited for us.
Due to tidal patterns, we set off from the dive centre at lunchtime (an odd time to be heading out diving—normally you set off very early to be in for a chance at seeing mantas). Out in the water near Manta Ridge, we spot a few manta wingtips cresting the waves. We casually looked over—we’re in manta land so we expected to see a few on the surface. But, the more we looked, the more wingtips we saw. Was that 20, 30 mantas grouping together? Surely not, there would be no reason for them to be in a train like this. But there they were! Although itching to be in the water, we couldn’t dive in as they were swimming over deep blue through a strong current—a dangerous (and illogical) place to dive. Instead, we scrambled to put our masks and fins on and leapt into the water to float on the surface at the side of the manta train to watch many, so many mantas gliding in front, around and under us. I will happily admit I completely lost my shit at this point. I watched the back of two beasts receding into the blue, and turned around to find five of the creatures coming straight at me with their mouths open, feeding. My heart stopped, my jaw dropped, and I almost started to cry in pure awe.
Once the manta train had passed and the current swept us behind them, we clambered back on the boat and went back round for take two. Manta after manta after manta passing by—Helen later used GoPro footage filmed by Mario to estimate that there were 40–50 mantas. Un. Be. Lieveable.
After this experience, we descended down to Manta Ridge and hooked into the rock once more. Floating in the blue, watching the busy life of fish on coral reefs, I entered a meditative state, only to be interrupted by Helen enthusiastically grabbing my arm and pointing—enter mantas stage left! There were three males and one female who had swung by for a mantatory clean. Oblivious to the divers, they flew amongst and around us, one even hovering vertically and puffing out its gills right by Helen.
Fair to say, this was an experience to remember.
Video Above: the mantastic experience of snorkelling and diving with a whole load of mantas, GoPro footage courtesy of Mario
A Motley Crew
A wonderful band of people contributed to our time in Raja Ampat. In particular, I enjoyed finding my diving feet again under the guidance of Mario (divemaster and Rubik’s Cube extrordinaire) and whilst in the company of Etienne (who celebrated his 100th dive with us).
Our friend and fellow diver Bodhy nicknamed Helen the ‘Professor’ due to her seemingly inexhaustible knowledge of the underwater world. She would spend the time between dives answering all manner of questions from him and the rest of the diving squad on species of shark, behaviour of crabs, and how to determine the sex of mantas. And special mention goes to Anto also who we hope to see diving again, this time complete with a dive computer.
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Photos Above: our lovely diving buddies; exploring the island's jungle
Meanwhile Sam became something of a legend at the dive shop (‘he planned a four-month diving holiday and hasn’t dived since week one?! *dramatic gasp* Oh my god I really feel for him’). Very understandably, he decided that after one week of hanging out in the hammock, his back needed some TLC and so took himself back off to civilisation for a massage and a decent hotel room.
Towards the end of our trip, our fellow travellers headed onwards to their next destination, leaving Helen, myself, and Mario to become something of a dream team both above and below water. I’d very much enjoyed having Helen as my own personal diving mentor and as time progressed, we developed a surprisingly fluid communication style whilst diving so that poor Mario still had to observe our incessant chatter even under the waves.
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Photos Above: photobomber!; with our fab guide Mario
Onwards and Upwards
After 19 dives, our time observing the most diverse underwater ecosystem in the world was up. Helen and I packed up our kit and followed in Sam’s footsteps to be reunited with him in our next destination.
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Photos Above: it's a hard life; so long Raja Ampat and thanks for all the fish!
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aquabluservices0 · 9 months
Dive into Paradise Explore the Aqua Blu Website
In a world where wanderlust knows no bounds, the Aqua Blu website stands as a gateway to an underwater paradise that beckons adventure-seekers, marine enthusiasts, and anyone with a passion for the sea. Nestled in the virtual realm, this website is more than just a collection of web pages; it's a portal to a world teeming with vibrant marine life, exotic destinations, and luxurious experiences. In this article, we invite you to embark on a virtual journey with us as we explore the Aqua Blu website and discover the treasures it holds.
Discover Aqua Blu
The Aqua Blu website is your one-stop resource for all things related to Aqua Blu, a luxurious liveaboard yacht and a symbol of elegance on the open seas. Upon entering the website, you'll be greeted by a stunning homepage featuring a captivating image of Aqua Blu sailing through pristine waters, leaving you eager to explore more. The site's user-friendly interface ensures easy navigation, making it an enjoyable experience for all users.
A World of Experiences
Aqua Blu offers an array of unique experiences, from exhilarating diving adventures to tranquil island hopping and cultural explorations. By visiting the website, you can delve deep into the various packages and itineraries available. Whether you're a diver seeking to explore underwater realms or a traveler in search of relaxation, the Aqua Blu website provides detailed insights into each experience to help you choose the one that suits your desires.
The Vessel
The website introduces you to the majestic Aqua Blu yacht, an embodiment of luxury and sophistication. With stunning imagery and comprehensive descriptions, you can acquaint yourself with the vessel's opulent cabins, spacious decks, and world-class amenities. The Aqua Blu website ensures you have all the information you need to make an informed choice when selecting your accommodations on this floating paradise.
Destinations Unveiled
One of the most exciting aspects of the Aqua Blu website is the opportunity to explore the breathtaking destinations this yacht will take you to. Whether it's the rugged beauty of Raja Ampat, the mythical landscapes of the Spice Islands, or the enchanting world of Komodo, the website guides you through each destination. You'll find insights into the culture, wildlife, and adventures awaiting you at every port of call.
Virtual Dive
For those who yearn to explore the underwater wonders, the Aqua Blu website offers a virtual dive into the mesmerizing marine life. Engage with videos, photos, and informative content that gives you a glimpse of the thriving ecosystems beneath the sea's surface. This virtual dive helps build anticipation and whets your appetite for the real thing.
Customer Testimonials
The website features a section dedicated to customer testimonials, providing firsthand accounts of past guests' experiences. Reading these personal stories and reviews will offer you a glimpse of what you can expect when you embark on your own Aqua Blu adventure. It's a valuable resource for building confidence and excitement as you plan your journey.
Booking Your Dream Voyage
The Aqua Blu website seamlessly integrates the booking process into your online journey. With a user-friendly booking interface, you can check availability, select your preferred date, and secure your reservation with ease. The website also provides information on pricing, payment options, and any ongoing promotions, ensuring you have all the details you need to make a decision.
Stay Connected
To stay updated with all things Aqua Blu, the website offers a newsletter signup option. By subscribing, you'll receive the latest news, exclusive offers, and exciting updates directly in your inbox. It's a great way to stay connected with the Aqua Blu community and be the first to know about upcoming adventures.
The Aqua Blu website is not just a website; it's a portal to a world of underwater beauty, adventure, and luxury. With its well-designed interface, comprehensive information, and captivating visuals, it offers an immersive experience that transports you to a world of endless possibilities. Whether you're a seasoned diver or a traveler in search of a unique escape, the Aqua Blu website is your ticket to an unforgettable journey. So, why wait? Dive into paradise today by visiting the Aqua Blu website and embark on the adventure of a lifetime.
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go to the aqua blu website
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sumatratours · 10 months
Indonesia Was Named the Winner of the World's Best Diving Destination by Dive Magazine
There is no doubt about Indonesia's underwater beauty. The sea that stretches from Miangas to Rote Island and from Pulau Weh diving to Raja Ampat, are really has a charm that makes anyone amazed by its creation. In fact, diving activities such as diving have become one of the activities that are of interest to foreign tourists. This makes various diving spots in Indonesia very famous among world divers.
Of course it is no exaggeration if we, as citizens of Indonesia, are proud of the natural charm of our own country, because so far many local tourist destinations have received awards from the international level.
At the end of this year, Dive Magazine announced the list of the top 10 Best Scuba Diving Destinations at the 2021 DIVE Travel Awards. The awards consist of 108 different destinations, 245 liveabroards, and over 750 different dive centers and resorts totaling almost 17 thousand individual nominations.
The exciting and certainly proud thing is that Indonesia was named the winner. Not only that, Indonesia was even named as the winner again in the Best Scuba Diving Liveaboards category.
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sewakapal23-24 · 1 year
ayo buruan
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mrnostalgic3 · 1 year
The Key Benefits Of A Raja Ampat Liveaboard Travel
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A liveaboard trip to Raja Ampat is the best method of seeing this remote island. They'll take you to a variety of destinations, and dive up to three times a day and sleep comfortably aboard their stunning vessel!
A few of these trips include land excursions, meaning you can visit the surrounding areas after a few days on the water. There's something for everyone regardless of your level of diving experience.
1. The Most Amazing Diving Experience Ever
Raja Ampat is one of the most biodiverse dive spots in the world. This vast archipelago lies on the equator and is part of the Coral Triangle. It's home to thousands upon thousands of species of fish and dozens distinctive corals.
There are hundreds of dive spots within Raja Ampat and the region is always being discovered which means you can expect to see something new! A best raja ampat liveaboard is the most efficient way to see this diverse underwater paradise. These boats are small enough to allow you to visit more dive sites than you could independently.
There are a variety of liveaboards available in the area. They offer a range of accommodation options to meet your needs. The majority of these boats are Indonesian wooden phinisi, but you will also find steel-hulled boats.
2. Keep Off the Beaten Path
Raja Ampat is a diver's paradise, brimming with undiscovered reefs and wrecks of WWII ships as well as a plethora of large pelagics, including barracudas, horse eye jacks manta rays and sharks. With abundant nutrient-rich currents coming from both the Pacific and Indian oceans, unspoiled reefs abound in this remote region of Indonesia.
Liveaboard tours are the best way for divers to experience the vast, diverse area of Indonesia. They provide multi-destination trips that allow divers to dive at three locations and serve delicious meals on the way.
It is also possible to relax on the gorgeous boat and take in the stunning landscapes between diving. If you're lucky you might be allowed to swim on land or go jungle trekking in search of endemic birds.
3. Save Money
There are many ways to save money on your trip to Raja Ampat. But, booking a liveaboard is the most effective. These boats will transport you to some of the most renowned dive spots and will be your home for the duration of your stay.
Liveaboards are the most convenient method of exploring this vast area. They also offer the best value for dollars. They also permit you to dive more than 200 dive sites, compared to resorts that may only be able to access around 20.
A well-planned plan can save you more cash on your raja ampat cruise. A typical itinerary will include both Raja Ampat North & South and Misool.
A trip that is transitional is a great way to save money. The longer trips depart from one area and then return to the other with frequent stops in remote locations. This is an excellent alternative at the close of the season as there are plenty of these trips available.
4. Relax
A raja ampat cruise Trip is a fantastic opportunity to relax aboard a beautiful ship. It is typical to dive three or more times a day, and sometimes more, and then rest on deck in a luxurious cabin that looks as if it was designed for royalty.
On your dives will allow you to see tons of marine life such as giant seahorses such as seahorses pygmy and pygmy, as manta sharks. Additionally, you'll be able to explore unspoiled dive sites.
The best time to go diving in Raja Ampat is between November between April and May, when the weather is usually driest. This means that the water is clear and warm and visibility is also high.
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this-is-crofters · 1 year
The Key Benefits Of A Raja Ampat Liveaboard Trip
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If you're planning to visit Raja Ampat, a liveaboard excursion is the most effective option to experience this incredible island. They'll take you to multiple destinations, dive up to 3 times a day and sleep comfortably aboard their gorgeous vessel!
Most of these trips also include trips to land so that you can explore the surrounding area after spending several days on the water. There's something to suit everyone, no matter your level of diving experience.
1. The Ultimate Diving Experience
Raja Ampat is one of the most biodiverse dive areas in the world. This huge archipelago lies along the equator and forms part of the Coral Triangle. It's home to thousands upon thousands of species of fish as well as hundreds of distinctive corals.
There are hundreds of dive sites in Raja Ampat and the region is constantly being discovered and you can be sure to discover something new! The best way to appreciate the variety of this paradise for divers is on raja ampat cruise best raja ampat liveaboard best raja ampat liveaboard vessel, since these tiny vessels permit you to explore more sites than you would by yourself.
There are many different liveaboard boats operating in the area and many of them offer different accommodations to suit your needs. A majority of these are Indonesian wooden phinisi schooners although you can also find certain steel-hulled boats too.
2. Stay off the path that is not yours
Raja Ampat is a diver's paradise, brimming with undiscovered wrecks from WWII, and teeming with large pelagics, including barracudas, horse-eye jacks manta rays, sharks. This remote part of Indonesia is home to beautiful reefs that are rich in nutrients from the Indian as well as the Pacific oceans.
For divers, a liveaboard trip offers the best way to experience the vast and varied area of Indonesia. They provide multi-destination trips that allow divers to dive in up to three different places and offer delicious meals along the way.
There's also the option to relax on the gorgeous boat and soak in breathtaking landscapes between dives. You might be able to, depending on the time you travel to the region, to go on a for a jungle trek or take a dip on the beach.
3. Save Money
There are numerous ways to reduce the cost of your trip to Raja Ampat, but one of the best is by hiring liveaboards. These boats will take you to some of the most renowned dive sites and be your home throughout your stay.
Liveaboards are the most convenient way of seeing this vast area. They also offer the best value for price. You can also dive at more than 200 sites, in contrast to resorts that could have only 20.
You can save more when you raja ampat cruise by picking the most appropriate route. A typical itinerary will include both Raja Ampat North & South and Misool.
Another excellent method of saving cash is to do a transitional trip - these extended itineraries depart from one area and return to another, en route to places that aren't often visited. These are an excellent choice at the end-of-season, as there are many of them.
4. Relax
The raja ampat liveaboard trip offers an opportunity to relax on board a beautiful vessel. The typical itinerary is to dive up to three times a day (sometimes more), eat delicious meals throughout the day and then sleep on deck in a room that appears to be built for royalty!
You'll see tons of marine life, including manta giant fish, rays and pygmy seahorses during your diving excursions. Additionally, you'll be able to go to dive sites that aren't crowded.
The ideal time to dive in Raja Ampat is between November between April and May, during which the weather is dry and the water is least humid. This also means that the visibility is good and the water temperature is excellent.
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aalexjoy · 2 years
When planning a Raja Ampat trip, an extraordinary trip make sure you have plenty of time to explore
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sauvonslesjambons · 1 year
The Many Benefits Of A Raja Ampat Liveaboard Trip
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If you're planning on visiting Raja Ampat, a liveaboard excursion is the most effective method to discover this remote island. It is possible to visit several locations, dive up three times each day, and sleep onboard their ship.
Most of these trips also include land excursions so that you can explore the area around you after spending a few days on water. No matter if you're a novice or a seasoned diver, there's something to suit all!
1. Get the Best Dives
Raja Ampat is one of the most biodiverse dive zones anywhere in the world. The vast archipelago is located on the equator and forms part of the Coral Triangle. It's home to thousands upon thousands of species of fish, as well as numerous distinct corals.
Raja Ampat is home to hundreds of dive spots. The region is continually being explored, so there's always something new to discover! A raja ampat cruise is the most efficient method to explore this vast scuba paradise. These boats are small enough to allow you to discover more places than you would by yourself.
There are a variety of liveaboards available within the region. Some offer a variety of accommodations to suit your needs. The majority of these boats are Indonesian wooden phinisi, but there are also steel-hulled boats.
2. Beware of the Paths that are Not affixed
Raja Ampat is a paradise for divers, with intact reefs and WWII wrecks. The area is also the home of large pelagics, including sharks, manta Rays, barracudas and horse eye jacks. This remote area of Indonesia is home to beautiful reefs that are rich with nutrients from the Indian as well as the Pacific oceans.
For those who love diving A liveaboard tour is the ideal way to explore the vast and varied area of Indonesia. They offer multi-destination itineraries which allow divers to dive in up to three different locations and offer delicious meals along the way.
It is also possible to lounge on the beautiful boat and soak in breathtaking views in between the dives. It is possible to, depending on the time you travel to the region, to go on a for a jungle trek or even take a dip on the surface.
3. Save money
There are many ways to reduce the cost of your trip to Raja Ampat, but one of the best is hiring a liveaboard. These boats will take you to the most well-known dive sites and stay with you for the duration of your stay.
Apart from being the most convenient way to see this massive area, liveaboards provide the best value for dollars. They also allow divers to explore more than 200 dive spots, compared to resorts that may only be able to access around 20.
You can also save on your raja ampat cruise by selecting the best plan. An ideal itinerary would include both Raja Ampat North & South and Misool.
A transitional trip is another excellent way to save money. These extended trips depart from one area and return to another with frequent stops in remote locations. This is a fantastic option at the end of the season, as there are many of these trips available.
4. Relax
The raja ampat liveaboard trip offers the opportunity to relax on board a beautiful ship. Typically, you'll dive at least three times per every day (sometimes more) eating delicious meals throughout the day and then sleep on the deck in a cabin which looks like it was built for the aristocratic class!
On your dives will allow you to observe a variety of marine life including huge fish, pygmy seahorses, and manta Rays. You'll also be able discover dive spots that are unspoiled.
The best time to dive in Raja Ampat is between November between April and May, when the weather is usually driest. This means the water is clean and warm, and visibility is also high.
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Sharing Trip Raja Ampat 2023 | Sailing Diving Snorkeling Raja Ampat | Open Trip Liveaboard with Sea Safari 6 (VI) and Sea Safari 8 Luxury Phinisi.. Available for Booking - Open Trip (Sharing Trip) / Boat Charter Raja Ampat 2023 Contact Us for Information & Details SAILING TRIP INDONESIA. ID Managed by @putrawijayatours Mobile / WhatsApp : +628113054508 Email : [email protected] Website : www.sailingtripindonesia.id #rajaampat #opentriprajaampat #sailingrajaampat #liveaboardrajaampat #diverajaampat #divingtriprajaampat #divingrajaampat #indonesia #visitindonesia #wonderfulindonesia #divingtrip #sailingtrip #sailingtriprajaampat #liveaboardrajaampat #liveaboardindonesia #triprajaampat #sewakapalrajaampat #phinisirajaampat #sailingtripindonesia #sailingindonesia #sewakapalphinisi #opentriprajaampat2023 #sharingtriprajaampat #seasafaricruise #seasafariphinisi #seasafari6 #seasafari8 #rajaampatopentrip2023 #sewakapalphinisirajaampat #opentrip #crazyrich (di Sailing Trip Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmGc0ptPprr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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meanderful · 2 years
Holiday Season on the High Seas
Our New Home
Happy New Year, dearest family and friends! And for those who celebrate it, I hope you had a lovely Christmas!
We last left off just as Sam and I were finishing our time in Alor. For the first time in our Indonesia trip, we had a hard deadline—on December 21st, we would be starting a liveaboard trip in the region of West Papua to explore Raja Ampat, a huge and famously biodiverse marine national park to the very west of Indonesia. This was the only thing we had booked ahead for the entire trip as it was one of our mega bucket list items.
Sorong, the city that the liveaboard trip would start from, is just over 1,000km as the crow flies from Alor. But as both Alor and Sorong are very remote, it was a case of patching together flights to make the journey work. This meant that Sam and I had to opt for a circuitous route of four mini flights across two days, travelling in a vast loop that covered three times the direct distance.
By the end of the final flight, I had noticed with some worry that I was starting to have issues swallowing, and by the time we reached Sorong, had one night to sort out our things, and then were picked up to start our liveaboard trip, I had completely lost my voice. Not excellent omens.
A dinghy took us out into the harbour, where La Galigo, our home for the next 12 days, was moored. She was a beautiful “phinisi” style boat, a kind of traditional sailing boat from south Sulawesi that had been converted to a) now be fitted out with motors, because otherwise there was no way we’d be able to make our long route around the marine national park, and b) run as a liveaboard boat. We were given a quick walkaround and shown to our cabin and it was clear immediately that she was a pretty luxurious boat for us, with wooden panelling all over the place, an air-conned restaurant area, our cabin on the deck above with several large windows looking out to sea, flushing toilets and warm-water showers, and a large dive deck at the back of the boat for prepping all the tanks and equipment. Its usual capacity was 14 guests (though our trip only had 9) plus a grand total of 17 crew members.
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Photos Above: La Galigo; the restaurant area; our lovely cabin
The various guests slowly arrived and once everyone was on board, we slowly made our way out of the harbour as Fareez, the cruise director (i.e. coordinator, customer support, schedule planner, and general head honcho for the trip) introduced himself, and gave us a thorough briefing about the boat and the general down low on the rough outline of the trip.
Perfect Timing
That night I broke out in a full fever. It took me two days to shake it during which I was completely cabin bound (just sitting up hurt), with lovely Sam bringing me up food from the kitchen at mealtimes (though I was grateful that a covid test came up negative at least). By day 4 of the trip (Christmas Eve), I could leave my cabin and start to slowly move about the boat, just in time for a full Christmas Eve meal with all the guests and crew together in the restaurant area. The crew had decked it out in loads of decorations and the kitchen team made a huge effort with the meal so it was a joyful affair.
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Photo Above: Christmas Eve dinner!
Though Sam and I had kept apart during the days, at night we had to sleep in the same cabin so even with the window open the whole time, it felt highly unlikely that he’d get off scot free. And indeed, on Christmas day he started feeling extremely rough and by lunch, he was in bed with a fever. And so now it was my turn to ferry up meals as Sam slowly recovered over the next few days.
Needless to say, neither of us could dive. I tried on one day somewhere in the middle of the trip and managed a couple of dives, but by the next morning, my ears had major problems and I realised I’d probably tried too early in my haste to get back underwater. There was absolutely no phone signal, which meant any external communication was out of the question (always lovely to have a break). Instead, I read for many many hours and enjoyed being on the boat itself, in the middle of the ocean, surrounded by little pops of tropical green as we navigated between the many islands. And whenever the dive site was suitable, I also snorkelled, floating over the vibrant reefs, or on one occasion, becoming a “manta drone” as I circled above a large manta ray who was herself slowly circling about 7 metres below me over a cleaning station on the seabed. Somewhere around day 8, Sam started to feel more himself and we could at least hang out together and have a good old giggle about how much of a farce our once-in-a-lifetime, bucket-list-level, most-expensive-holiday-ever trip was turning out to be.
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Photos Above: view from the front of the boat looking back; sunset on board
There were a few land-based activities that Sam and I could participate in. On Christmas day morning (when I had recovered enough to walk about a bit and before Sam’s fever had hit), the two dinghies took all us guests and some of the crew on a twenty-minute journey through a maze of islets called “beehives” for their steep, limestone pinnacles. We then did a 20-minute hike (although, it was more of a climb really) up one of them, pausing at the top for the stunning view—though it was pretty cloudy that day, the turquoise waters and islets were still a sight to behold.
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Photos Above: the boat ride to our hike; arriving at our chosen beehive; on the climb up; with Sam at the top; with some of the liveaboard guests and crew (photo courtesy of Sheila); the panoramic view
Later in the trip, we also paused on Pianemo island and did the boardwalk through the jungle to reach a panoramic viewpoint looking out across the ocean and surrounding islands.
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Photos Above: Pianemo viewpoint with Fareez and some of the liveaboard guests (photo courtesy of Fareez); the view
I did eventually manage to get in the water on our final two full days, so that by the end of the trip I had managed 8 out of the total 36 dives—not bad considering how ill I’d been. It was pretty wonderful to be a) almost back to full health (aside from a lingering chesty cough) and b) back in the beloved ocean. Even after only a few days not diving, it felt like a complete joy to be back underwater, and I saw my fair share of various reef shark species, vast schools of fish (barracuda, jacks, yellow snappers), and an amazing, diverse array of coral.
A couple of days from the end of the trip, the crew spent the entire afternoon ferrying items from the boat to a tiny islet called Mioskon, which was just a small pop of jungle with one beach. After the final dive of the day, all the crew and guests were ferried over to the island, where a barbecue was in full force, plus a full banquet table set up. While a bonfire blazed, we ate sat on long cushions on the ground at the low tables. It was an impressive affair and must have taken the crew hours to orchestrate.
In the afternoon of December 31st, we arrived back in Sorong’s harbour, ready to disembark the next morning—which meant that our very final evening on the boat was also New Year’s Eve! In contrast to our disappointment of Christmas, NYE turned out great. After dinner, the entire (always extremely smiley) crew filtered into the restaurant area and did a super fun performance of a number of Indonesian folk songs. By 9pm (when all the guests were usually in bed after a long day of four dives), Sam pulled out a bottle of rum that he had thought to pick up in duty free, and we shared it with the three other guests who had stayed up plus Fareez, our cruise director. After several hours of chatting and laughter, we all made our way to the top deck of the boat to watch the new year roll in. And what an absolute spectacle it proved to be! For several hours before midnight, a fair few fireworks were consistently going off, but at midnight they increased in fervour, so that suddenly all around the harbour there were more than 100 separate firework displays happening—the scale of it was so mind boggling that we hardly knew where to look and stood transfixed turning around heads side to side. Added to this, boats across the harbour began lighting flares that shot up as red sparks into the sky, curving down over the water to be extinguished by the black-dark sea. Who would have thought that a remote city in the far west of Indonesia would be so crazy about fireworks! They didn’t abate for a full 40 minutes, easily the longest and showiest display(s) I’ve ever seen.
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Photo Above: customary blurry New Year's Eve selfie, with the midnight crew (photo courtesy of Fareez)
On New Year’s Day, we disembarked the boat and spent the rest of the day catatonically tired and therefore not doing much except getting used to being back on land (you’d think this would have been more exciting but turns out we both love being on boats, even when we’re ill). And after all, it wouldn’t be long until the next adventure—my sister Jo was set to arrive the very next day!
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bfistacom · 2 years
A Way To Get To Raja Ampat From Bali Or Jakarta - Direct And Stress-free The Rtw Guys
A Way To Get To Raja Ampat From Bali Or Jakarta – Direct And Stress-free The Rtw Guys
Are you m<a href="https://tealfeed.com/2022-the-cheese-scity isters-hd-1080p-ddtpj” target=”_blank”>beautifull aking plans a trip lets to Raja Ampat – possibly to see the herbal beauty of West Papua or to do a liveaboard diving journey? Well, there are ways to get here which can be a heck of a lot less difficult than others. Here’s a way to get to Raja Ampat from hollycar day Jakarta or Bali –…
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jollypersonpirate · 2 years
What to expect on a liveaboard diving trip
How Many Dive Sites Do You Visit On A Liveaboard?
The liveaboard dive boats go to severa sites in the course of their live in a single vacation spot and divers are given ample time to discover each web site very well.
There is no set number of dive websites that can be visited and a standard liveaboard experience includes up to 5 dives according to day which varies depending on how many locations you may be visiting as well as your interests or needs.
Why is Liveaboard Diving Special?
Many human beings keep in mind a diving liveaboard because the remaining manner to go on a dive journey, specially as a number of the most unusual diving locations are most effective to be had on liveaboards.
Some of the advantages of liveaboard diving as compared to land-based totally diving are:
You get to consume, sleep and stay on the liveaboard dive boat so there aren't any issues approximately locating an area to stay or prepare meals.
Liveaboards normally have a couple of days worth of diving which offers greater time for explorations as well as relaxation among dives. It’s not unusual for people to spend per week in paradise diving a number of the maximum pristine dive websites to be had!
You regularly can only attain those extraordinary dive locations with difficult-to-reach scuba diving web sites by means of being on a dive liveaboard.
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You have the opportunity to combine with different liveaboard experience guests which could result in lifelong friendships or even romantic relationships!
Liveaboard scuba diving provides a feel of freedom and journey that land-based dive lodges in reality do not offer.
With so many advantages, it’s no marvel why human beings love liveaboard journeys.
Liveaboard diving is considered by many skilled divers the high-quality way to experience dive vacations. Sometimes jumping aboard a dive safari is the best manner to reach remote regions like Cocos Islands in Costa Rica or the Similan Islands in Thailand. Other instances, dive charters let you discover full-size areas and dive extraordinary components of a country, like inside the Maldives or in Raja Ampat.
What is a Diving Liveaboard?
It can be referred to as liveaboard, dive safari or dive constitution, but what is it precisely? A liveaboard is a scuba diving purposely-construct boat, or an adapted current vessel that offers diving trips that normally closing longer than one night. The common period is 7 nights but you may locate each shorter and longer trips. Usually the dive boats host among 12 and 30 divers but occasion right here you can find each smaller and larger vessel. In most of the instances the diving, as well as the foods and drinks, are included inside the rate of the trip and most of the liveaboards variety between $1,000 to $2,000 in step with experience. The boats provide comfy diving deck where you may put together you gadget and typically they have got one, two or extra tenders to take divers from and to the dive websites.
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