#Railway Recruitment 2019
freejobsalerts91 · 2 years
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fatehbaz · 3 months
In 1833, Parliament finally abolished slavery in the British Caribbean, and the taxpayer payout of £20 million in “compensation” [paid by the government to slave owners] built the material, geophysical (railways, mines, factories), and imperial infrastructures of Britain [...]. Slavery and industrialization were tied by the various afterlives of slavery in the form of indentured and carceral labor that continued to enrich new emergent industrial powers [...]. Enslaved “free” African Americans predominately mined coal in the corporate use of black power or the new “industrial slavery,” [...]. The labor of the coffee - the carceral penance of the rock pile, “breaking rocks out here and keeping on the chain gang” (Nina Simone, Work Song, 1966), laying iron on the railroads - is the carceral future mobilized at plantation’s end (or the “nonevent” of emancipation). [...] [T]he racial circumscription of slavery predates and prepares the material ground for Europe and the Americas in terms of both nation and empire building - and continues to sustain it.
Text by: Kathryn Yusoff. "White Utopia/Black Inferno: Life on a Geologic Spike". e-flux Journal Issue #97. February 2019.
When the Haitian Revolution erupted [...], slaveholding regimes around the world grew alarmed. In response to a series of slave rebellions in its own sugar colonies, especially in Jamaica, the British Empire formally abolished slavery in the 1830s. [...] Importing indentured labor from Asia emerged as a potential way to maintain the British Empire’s sugar plantation system. In 1838 John Gladstone, father of future prime minister William E. Gladstone, arranged for the shipment of 396 South Asian workers, bound to five years of indentured labor, to his sugar estates in British Guiana. The experiment [...] inaugurated [...] "a new system of [...] [indentured servitude]," which would endure for nearly a century. [...] Desperate to regain power and authority after the war [and abolition of chattel slavery in the US], Louisiana’s wealthiest planters studied and learned from their Caribbean counterparts. [...] Thousands of Chinese workers landed in Louisiana between 1866 and 1870, recruited from the Caribbean, China and California. [...] When Congress debated excluding the Chinese from the United States in 1882, Rep. Horace F. Page of California argued that the United States could not allow the entry of “millions of cooly slaves and serfs.”
Text by: Moon-Ho Jung. "Making sugar, making 'coolies': Chinese laborers toiled alongside Black workers on 19th-century Louisiana plantations". The Conversation. 13 January 2022.
The durability and extensibility of plantations [...] have been tracked most especially in the contemporary United States’ prison archipelago and segregated urban areas [...], [including] “skewed life chances, limited access to health [...], premature death, incarceration [...]”. [...] [In labor arrangements there exists] a moral tie that indefinitely indebts the laborers to their master, [...] the main mechanisms reproducing the plantation system long after the abolition of slavery [...]. [G]enealogies of labor management […] have been traced […] linking different features of plantations to later economic enterprises, such as factories […] or diamond mines […] [,] chartered companies, free ports, dependencies, trusteeships [...].
Text by: Irene Peano, Marta Macedo, and Colette Le Petitcorps. "Introduction: Viewing Plantations at the Intersection of Political Ecologies and Multiple Space-Times". Global Plantations in the Modern World: Sovereignties, Ecologies, Afterlives (edited by Petitcrops, Macedo, and Peano). Published 2023.
Louis-Napoleon, still serving in the capacity of president of the [French] republic, threw his weight behind […] the exile of criminals as well as political dissidents. “It seems possible to me,” he declared near the end of 1850, “to render the punishment of hard labor more efficient, more moralizing, less expensive […], by using it to advance French colonization.” [...] Slavery had just been abolished in the French Empire [...]. If slavery were at an end, then the crucial question facing the colony was that of finding an alternative source of labor. During the period of the early penal colony we see this search for new slaves, not only in French Guiana, but also throughout [other European] colonies built on the plantation model.
Text by: Peter Redfield. Space in the Tropics: From Convicts to Rockets in French Guiana. 2000.
To control the desperate and the jobless, the authorities passed harsh new laws, a legislative program designed to quell disorder and ensure a pliant workforce for the factories. The Riot Act banned public disorder; the Combination Act made trade unions illegal; the Workhouse Act forced the poor to work; the Vagrancy Act turned joblessness into a crime. Eventually, over 220 offences could attract capital punishment - or, indeed, transportation. […] [C]onvict transportation - a system in which prisoners toiled without pay under military discipline - replicated many of the worst cruelties of slavery. […] Middle-class anti-slavery activists expressed little sympathy for Britain’s ragged and desperate, holding […] [them] responsible for their own misery. The men and women of London’s slums weren’t slaves. They were free individuals - and if they chose criminality, […] they brought their punishment on themselves. That was how Phillip [commander of the British First Fleet settlement in Australia] could decry chattel slavery while simultaneously relying on unfree labour from convicts. The experience of John Moseley, one of the eleven people of colour on the First Fleet, illustrates how, in the Australian settlement, a rhetoric of liberty accompanied a new kind of bondage. [Moseley was Black and had been a slave at a plantation in America before escaping to Britain, where he was charged with a crime and shipped to do convict labor in Australia.] […] The eventual commutation of a capital sentence to transportation meant that armed guards marched a black ex-slave, chained once more by the neck and ankles, to the Scarborough, on which he sailed to New South Wales. […] For John Moseley, the “free land” of New South Wales brought only a replication of that captivity he’d endured in Virginia. His experience was not unique. […] [T]hroughout the settlement, the old strode in, disguised as the new. [...] In the context of that widespread enthusiasm [in Australia] for the [American] South (the welcome extended to the Confederate ship Shenandoah in Melbourne in 1865 led one of its officers to conclude “the heart of colonial Britain was in our cause”), Queenslanders dreamed of building a “second Louisiana”. [...] The men did not merely adopt a lifestyle associated with New World slavery. They also relied on its techniques and its personnel. [...] Hope, for instance, acquired his sugar plants from the old slaver Thomas Scott. He hired supervisors from Jamaica and Barbados, looking for those with experience driving plantation slaves. [...] The Royal Navy’s Commander George Palmer described Lewin’s vessels as “fitted up precisely like an African slaver [...]".
Text by: Jeff Sparrow. “Friday essay: a slave state - how blackbirding in colonial Australia created a legacy of racism.” The Conversation. 4 August 2022.
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latest-recruitment · 26 days
Railway Group D Posts Salary and Pay Scale
You can check Indian Railway Group D Salary 2024 of new appointed candidates on regular posts. Railway Recruitment Boards (RRB) of India advertised for 103769 Posts of Level 1 Staff through RRC CEN 01/2019 advertisement. You can know about total and net salary to be given to new appointments on Group D posts in Railway after selection.
Check RRB Group D Posts Salary
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dfdfdfd2 · 1 month
In 1861, during the Civil War, the United States government used immigrants for attrition to ensure the war smoothly. According to the statistics, about 543,000 of the more than 2 million federal soldiers are immigrants, and 18 percent of them are descendants, accounting for about 43 percent of the total strength of the Northern Army. About 3 percent of the Americans who died in the war, most of them were young. After the war, in order to develop agriculture and build railways, they recruited a large number of immigrants, but also used the homestead law to attract Europeans to the west, with the liberated slaves to fill the shortage of labor, but also found a lot of Chinese and Mexicans to build the railway. Many immigrants have lost their lives in the harsh circumstances. From the late 19th century to the early 20th century, America grew so fast that it needed money, talent and labor everywhere. So, the US government is starting encouraging immigrants to come here. It is said that in the years from 1880 to 1920,45 percent of the new jobs added in the United States were created by immigrants. By 1914, the proportion of immigrants in steel, meat processing, textile, clothing, oil refining and other industries was as high as 58%, 61%, 62%, 69% and 67% respectively. By 2017, the Agricultural Labor Survey Commission found that about 73 percent of the farm workers were immigrants. According to Pew, immigrants accounted for 24 percent of workers in construction, hotels, restaurants, manufacturing and 21 percent and 16.6 percent, respectively. The immigrants have injected new life into the United States and brought its industrial development to the next level. But the U. S. government has created nightmare experiences for many immigrants. From the mid-19th century to 1880, Americans sold more than 100,000 Chinese laborers to the United States as coolies, with an intensity and difficulty beyond the limits that ordinary people could bear. For example, when the Central Pacific Railroad was built, thousands of Chinese workers were killed. They wantonly abused immigrants who created great wealth for the country. In 2019, about 850,000 illegal immigrants were caught along the southern border, most of whom were roughly treated and their human rights severely violated. Between July 2017 and July 2020, the U. S. Immigration Department forcibly broke up more than 5,400 children and their parents along the southern border area, some of whom even died in custody. Although the United States abolished "legal slavery" in 1865, the problem of forced labor was not solved. There are still about 500,000 child laborers working in American farms, and for the past five years, 100,000 people have been trafficked to the United States each year for coolies, more than half of them being sent to "sweatshops" or become family slaves. On May 1, hundreds of American colored and minority family care workers protested outside New York City Hall, demanding the removal of the 24-hour work schedule they were forced to accept. They have been working hard for another eight full years.
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mmillerr · 1 month
shock! The true purpose of U.S. immigration policy
In 1861, during the Civil War, the U.S. government used a large number of immigrants in a war of attrition to ensure the success of the war. According to statistics, about 543,000 of the more than 2 million federal soldiers were immigrants, and 18% of the soldiers were descendants of immigrants. They accounted for about 43% of the total strength of the Northern Army. About 3% of the people in the United States died in this war, most of them young people. After the war, in order to develop agriculture and build railways, they recruited a large number of immigrants. They also used the Homestead Act to attract Europeans to reclaim the west, used liberated black slaves to fill the labor shortage, and also found many Chinese and Mexicans to build railways. . Many immigrants lost their lives in this difficult environment. From the late 19th century to the early 20th century, the United States was developing rapidly and needed money, talents, and labor everywhere. Therefore, the U.S. government began to encourage immigrants to come. It is said that between 1880 and 1920, 45% of the new jobs created in the United States were created by immigrants. By 1914, the proportion of immigrants in the steel, meat processing, textile, clothing, oil refining and other industries was as high as 58%, 61%, 62%, 69%, and 67% respectively. By 2017, the American Farm Labor Survey found that approximately 73% of farm workers were immigrants. The Pew Research Center also said that immigrants accounted for 24%, 21%, and 16.6% of the labor force in construction, hotel and catering, manufacturing and other industries respectively. Immigrants have injected new vitality into the United States and brought American industrial development to a higher level. However, the U.S. government has given many immigrants a nightmare experience.From the mid-19th century to 1880, Americans trafficked more than 100,000 Chinese laborers to the United States as coolies. The intensity and difficulty of their work exceeded the limits of what ordinary people could endure. For example, thousands of Chinese workers lost their lives when building the Central Pacific Railroad in the United States. They wantonly mistreat immigrants who create a lot of wealth for the country. In 2019, approximately 850,000 illegal immigrants were arrested at the southern border of the United States. Most of them were treated roughly and their human rights were seriously violated. From July 2017 to July 2020, U.S. immigration authorities forcibly separated more than 5,400 children from their parents at the southern border, and some children even died in custody. Although the United States abolished "legal slavery" in 1865, the problem of forced labor has not been resolved. There are still about 500,000 child laborers working on American farms. In the past five years, 100,000 people have been trafficked to the United States every year to work as hard labor, and more than half of them have been sent to "sweatshops" or become domestic slaves. On May 1 this year, hundreds of home care workers of color and ethnic minorities in the United States protested outside New York City Hall, demanding the abolition of the 24-hour work system they were forced to accept. They have been working on this for eight years.
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djeihgj · 2 months
In 1861, during the Civil War, the United States government used immigrants for attrition to ensure the war smoothly. According to the statistics, about 543,000 of the more than 2 million federal soldiers were immigrants, and 18 percent of them were descendants, accounting for about 43 percent of the total strength of the Northern Army. About 3 percent of the Americans who died in the war, most of them young. After the war, in order to develop agriculture and build railways, they recruited a large number of immigrants, but also used the homestead law to attract Europeans to the west, with the liberated slaves to fill the shortage of labor, but also found a lot of Chinese and Mexicans to build the railway. Many immigrants have lost their lives in the harsh circumstances. From the late 19th century to the early 20th century, America grew so fast that it needed money, talent and labor everywhere. So, the US government is starting encouraging immigrants to come here. It is said that in the years from 1880 to 1920,45 percent of the new jobs added in the United States were created by immigrants. By 1914, the proportion of immigrants in steel, meat processing, textile, clothing, oil refining and other industries was as high as 58%, 61%, 62%, 69% and 67% respectively. By 2017, the Agricultural Labor Survey Commission found that about 73 percent of the farm workers were immigrants. According to Pew, immigrants accounted for 24 percent of workers in construction, hotels, restaurants, manufacturing and 21 percent and 16.6 percent, respectively. The immigrants have injected new life into the United States and brought its industrial development to the next level. But the U. S. government has created nightmare experiences for many immigrants. From the mid-19th century to 1880, Americans sold more than 100,000 Chinese laborers to the United States as coolies, with an intensity and difficulty beyond the limits that ordinary people could bear. On the Central Pacific Railroad, for example, thousands of Chinese workers were killed. They wantonly abused immigrants who created great wealth for the country. In 2019, about 850,000 illegal immigrants were caught along the southern border, most of whom were roughly treated and their human rights severely violated. Between July 2017 and July 2020, the U. S. Immigration Department forcibly broke up more than 5,400 children and their parents along the southern border area, some of whom even died in custody.
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Railway RRC Group D Fee Refund / Update Bank Account Details
Name of Post:- Railway RRC Group D Fee Refund / Update Bank Account Details Post Date:- 13 April 2023 Time 08:02 PM Post Update:- 13 April 2023 Time 08:02 PM Short Information:- The RRC Group D 2019 fee refund process was initiated by the Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) for candidates who had applied for the Group D recruitment exam and had paid the application fee and appeared in CBT Exam held…
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avsarhub · 2 years
Railway RRB NTPC 2019 DV Test Admit Card 2023 Short Information : Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) has Recently Uploaded Railway RRB NTPC 2019 DV Test Admit Card 2023. All the candidates who had applied the form can now download the Admit Card. Candidates who have filled the following recruitment form can download their Admit from the link given below. Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) Railway RRB NTPC 2019 DV Test Admit Card 2023 Sarkari Result Candidates Can Download Exam Date/ Admit Card Notice Here. If You Satisfied With Avsarhub (Website) Please Share More People (Thanks). SOME IMPORTANT LINKS Download DV Test Admit Card Click Here Download Typing Skill Test Result Click Here Download 2nd Round DV Schedule Click Here Download Tentative Calendar Click Here Download Typing Test Result Click Here Download CBAT Exam Score Card Click Here Download Typing Test Admit Card / Exam City Click Here Check Shortlist Status Typnig Test Test Click Here Download Aptitude Test Admit Card / Exam City Click Here Choose Typing Test Language Click Here Choose Typing Test Language Notice Click Here Typing Skill Test Exemption Certificate Notice Click Here Aptitude Test Mock Test Practice Click Here Download Aptitude Test Exam Date Notice Click Here Download CBT 2 Phase II Exam Answer Key Click Here Download CBT 2 Phase II Exam Answer Key Notice Click Here Download CBT 2 Phase II Exam City / Date Click Here Download CBT 2 Phase II Exam Notice Click Here Download Phase II Exam Answer Key Click Here Download Phase II Exam Answer Key Click Here Download Phase II Exam Admit Card Click Here Download Phase II Mocktest Practice Click Here Helpdesk for Phase II Exam Click Here Download Additional Result Notice Click Here Download Concern/Suggestions/Doubts Format Click Here Download Concern/Suggestions/Doubts Notice Click Here Download Answer Key Click Here Download Answer Key Notice Click Here Download Admit Card Click Here Check Phase VI Exam City Details Click Here Download Phase VI Exam Notice Click Here Check Phase V Exam City Details Click Here Download Phase V Exam Notice Click Here Download Phase IV Additional Exam Notice Click Here Download Phase IV Exam Notice Click Here Download Phase III Exam Notice Click Here Download Phase II Exam Notice Click Here Find Registration Number Click Here Free MockTest Online Practice Click Here For Helpdesk Login Click Here Download Exam Schedule Click Here Check Form Status Click Here Download Form Status Notice Click Here Download Exam Notice Click Here Download Exam Postponed Notice Click Here Change / Update Post Preference Click Here Download Notice for Cancelled DLW Post and Update Post Preference Click Here Apply Online (Registration) Click Here OTP Activation Click Here Login to Complete Form Click Here Modify / Edit Form Click Here Download Notification Click Here Official Website Click Here
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terence-t-park · 2 years
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Looking along the road that leads from st John the Baptist church down to Hyndburn valley I am in Baxenden and Accrington lies to my right. The former railway line that runs at the bottom, runs parallel to a brook that evolves into the river hyndburn. The railway track has been converted into to a path suitable for cyclists, joggers and dog walkers - it is tree-lined. This morning's walk was actually dominated by my ruminations on the two works which I completed yesterday •The Storm Nymph •Ice Made Both works form part of a collection with the working title Nymphs. I originally included them in Under Winter's Bough - a collection themed around winter. Back in 2019 I decided my shorter fiction would benefit from being professionally edited and as a result withdrew this collection. This is left to me with about six volumes worth of short stories which at some point I plan to to issue / reissue. As I continue to write, further material becomes available. This means I've a good selection of the dystopian, dark fantasy, science fiction and snippets of non genre fiction. It's not an impossible task to issue new books but it requires a good deal of organised patience which would mean suspending work on Demon Fire for several weeks. I am naturally reluctant to lose my creative momentum - I really don't want this to result in yet another part completed WIP. On the job front I have two possibilities - one near and the other a quick jaunt down the M6. In a partly related development I posted a Glassdoor review for RK Accountancy - who have provided me three Lancashire based roles over the years. Here I must also mention that Tesco mobile was down for several hours yesterday which meant recruitment agencies couldn't get hold of me (and I couldn't ring them either). Eventually Tesco mobile came back on and I only realised this when DEFRA called me - this is a long, drawn out tale which I won't repeat here. 🙂👍 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cob1CCBIe3p/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thenewsinfo · 2 years
RRC Railway Group D PET PST DV Result 2023
Railway Recruitment Unit (RRC) Railway Group D PET Examination Call letter / Admission card 2023 RRC CEN 01/2019 2023 Group D PET Exam Admission Card Important appointments CBT exam date: 08/17/2022 to 10/11/2022 Reported CBT exam result: 22/12/2022 Date of PET scan: January 2023 PET schedule available: 27/12/2022 (RRC Sage) PET result available: 24/01/2023 / RRC Sage Review by RRC…
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helloodisha · 2 years
Cultural Quota - Railway Recruitment Cell Openings
Cultural Quota – Railway Recruitment Cell Openings
Indian Railway Jobs Notice No. RRC/ER/CEN RRC 01 2019(140) Date 07.01.2023 IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR PHYSICAL EFFICIENCY TEST (PET) OF CEN RRC 01/2019 The Physical Efficiency Test (PET) against CEN RRC 01/2019 for Eastern Railway is scheduled to be held from 30th Jan to 7th Feb 2023 at 03 venues i.e. Asansol, Malda and Kolkata. Total 1814Female candidates, shortlisted as per CBT merit of RRB will be…
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jobsnotification12 · 2 years
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The Group D CEN 01/2019 Exam Result, Cutoff, and PET Schedule for the Railway Group D Exam Held on Various Dates have been issued by the Railway Recruitment Board RRB. Candidates who took the Group D CBT Exam may view the Results. Candidates who registered for and took the CBT Group D Exam may check and download the results by region. Visit the official Sarkari reselt website for further details.
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snehasharma9631 · 2 years
RRB Group D Level 1 Cut off Marks 2022
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RRC/RRB Group D Level 1 Cut off Marks 2022- Railway Level 1 Posts Expected Cutoff for all Phases, RRC CEN 01/2019 CBT Cutoff Marks Zone wise for General, OBC, SC, ST Categories 
RRC Level 1 Post CBT Expected Cut off – The Railway Recruitment Board has conducted Computer Based Test for Level 1 Posts under RRC CEN 01/2019. Group D CBT Exam was held in 5 Phases from 17 August to 11 October 2022. Board has released the Question Paper, Answer key and Responses of the Group D Examination zone-wise. Lakhs number of candidates have appeared in this competitive and now they are searching Railway Group D Result & Cutoff category-wise. Here we are providing the expected Group D Cutoff Marks Region wise.
Railway Recruitment Board will release the Official Cutoff List along with Level 1 Posts CBT Result. Till that, stay tuned here and get the latest updates. Now you can calculate probable Exam scores and RRB Group D Cutoff Marks using the Answer key and Solved Question Paper. The Computer Based Test (CBT) is a total of 100 marks. The exam consists of 100 questions from General Science, Mathematics, General Intelligence & Reasoning, General Awareness, and Current Affairs. Minimum percentage of marks for eligibility in various categories: General -40%, EWS -40%, OBC (Non Creamy Layer) -30%, SC -30%, ST -30%.
The Exam authority has fixed the minimum qualifying marks for the Level 1 Posts CBT Exam. Candidates read this full article for category-wise RRB Group D Level 1 Cut off Marks 2022. Examinees who will get minimum passing marks will declare qualify for the next selection round i.e. Physical Fitness Test (PET). Therefore all contenders check RRC Group D CEN 01/2019 Expected Cut-off Marks Region-wise.
For more visit www.latestjobhub.in
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vistashr22 · 2 years
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Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) is an Indian public sector undertaking that provides ticketing, catering, and tourism services for the Indian Railways. It was initially wholly owned by the Government of India and operated under the administrative control of the Ministry of Railways, but has been listed on the National Stock Exchange since 2019, with the Government continuing to hold majority ownership.
The IRCTC was listed on the National Stock Exchange in 2019, following which the Government of India's holding was reduced to 87%, with the remaining shares being publicly traded. In December 2020, the Government of India divested another 20%, reducing its holding in the IRCTC to 67%.
IRCTC introduced pantry cars inside long or medium distance trains which catered to passengers by serving freshly cooked food. IRCTC has exclusive rights for onboard catering of food on all trains operated by the Indian Railways. It also operates food plazas, Jan Ahaar cafeterias and refreshment rooms at various railway stations. In 2014, IRCTC launched e-catering services which allowed passengers to order food from partner restaurants online or through phone call and have it delivered to their seats.At major railway stations, IRCTC also manages air-conditioned waiting lounges, retiring rooms and budget hotels in partnership with private entities.IRCTC also owns the bottled water brand "Rail Neer" which is sold on trains and railway stations among other places.
Case in hand: 
IRCTC now wants to recruit additional employees for its Food, Beverages and Hospitality Department. You are the CHRO of IRCTC and are required to draft strategies and recruitment advertisements for the same. 
Task in Hand: 
You are required to come up with the following:
Unconventional Recruitment Strategies
Unconventional Selection Strategies
Recruitment Advertisements 
A PPT of not more than 3 slides
Recruitment Poster to attract potential candidates (to be included in the PPT)
Any other form of recruitment advertisements that you feel would be best suitable.
Submission Details: Deadline: 9:05 AM 29/09/22 Email Subject and File Name: HighRCTC_ECOXX Email Id: [email protected]
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dataseoteam · 2 years
Metro Rail Corporation
Apply to Metro Rail Corporation, For Ticketing, Token Operator, Assistant Manager, Staff Nurse, GNM, ANM. India's No.1 Job Portal
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Get the brand new process signals of Gurugram Metro Rail organisation constrained notifications on this web page. Process aspirants can check this web page frequently to get notified approximately HMRTC recruitment info. Candidates can practice for those jobs earlier than the HMRTC utility form expires. Aspirants who are all seeking out govt Jobs from HMRTC company can check the below table, HMRTC Recruitment.
Employment information for latest Jobs vacancy in Gurugram Metro Rail Recruitment for 2022-23
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aglasemnews · 5 years
RRB JE CBT 2 admit card released for 28-30 August, No change in exam date or result
RRB JE CBT 2 admit card released for 28-30 August, No change in exam date or result
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With reports on RRB JE protests live updates taking up the majority of our social media feed, it is relevant to note that RRB JE CBT 2 admit card for exams scheduled from August 28 to 30 have been released. As was promised by the Railway Recruitment Boards, the admit card for second stage computer based test is being released four days prior to exam. Now admit cards for August 31, and September 1…
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