#Ragnar  ✖ (Headcanons)
crowsandmurder · 2 years
Ragnar Lothbrok Tags
Ragnar  ✖ (Aesthetics)
Ragnar ✖ (Thoughts)
Ragnar ✖ (Character Development)
Ragnar ✖ (Crack)
Ragnar  ✖ (Headcanons)
Ragnar  ✖ (Photos)
Ragnar ✖ (Starter Call)
C L E V E R  B E G I N N I N G S
Ragnar Sigurdsson was a clever boy who learn the Vikings way young, continuing to apply them through this teenage years. This can anything from childhood to him becoming an adult at the age of eighteen.
P L A N T  T H O S E  S E E D S
As Ragnar Lothbrok moves into adulthood and his marriage to Lagertha, he embraces life on the farm, the Viking adventures and raids, and becoming a father to his daughter and son. This can be anywhere were early adulthood until the Show Beginning.
F I G H T  A N D  T A K E  C A R E  O F  Y O U R  F A M I L Y
Ragnar Lothbrok has grown over the years, but still has some of the same priorities: family, the Viking ways, raids. But things are beginning to change, as his eldest son is able to get his arm band, and new hostilities from various enemies rise up. Eventually, he becomes to Earl of Kattegat
K  I N G  O F  T H E   D A N E S
After discovering the plot that King Horik had to kill him and his sons, Ragnar killed King Horik and became the King of Denmark. This includes any time that Ragnar is King of Denmark, and the adventures that occur during this time.
W H O  W A N T S  T O  B E  K I N G?
After being defeated by Rollo, Ragnar disappeared for ten years. Ten years later, he returns much older, and some even think that he seems crazy. This is anything that occurs after his return, right before the second half of Season Four.
D O W N  B U T   N O T  O U T
After the attempt to take on Paris again, Ragnar felt emotionally defeated after his loss to Rollo. He knows that his brother is lost to them all, having chose the Franks above his own. But, Ragnar has grown battle weary, and wants to focus on more important things. Although he is discouraged and feels defeated, he has returned to Kattegat with the others, to remain King of the Danes. This can take place any time after they return after fighting Rollo and the French in 4x10.
K I N G   I S   G O N E  B U T   N O T  F O R G O T T E N
After being defeated by Rollo and the French, Ragnar could not bear to stay in Kattegat, any longer. He was tired of being a warrior to the people, tired of being King. So, after telling his sons that he had to leave, he headed off, not knowing where he was going or if he wanted to leave. Several months later, he shows up in Hedeby, seeking out the person who he trusts more than a lot of people: Lagertha. Spending the next several years there, he entrusts her with that knowledge, knowing that she would keep his secret, unless it was dangerous to him. This takes place during his time away from Kattegat. This verse can include plotting with more than just Lagertha.
I  W A S  N O  L O N G E R  I N T E R E S T E D   I N   R U L I N G
After the events in The Last Ship, Ragnar, feeling like a failure and tired of ruling leaves Kattegat and is not seen again, for close to a decade. This verse is what happens during his time away from Kattegat.  
B L O O D   I S   T H I C K E R   T H A N   W A T E R
Ragnar Lothbrok had every intention of heading back to Wessex, after coming back to Kattegat. But, he wanted his sons to go with him. When only Ivar agreed to go, he realized that he had missed out on his sons’ lives, and that he was needed in Kattegat. Despite being away for many years, he is determined to take his throne back from his wife, and to help mold his sons into even better warriors, than they already are. This can take place anytime after the end of the 4x10 - The Last Ship and it is open ended, how much canon comes to play, any time afterwards.
M Y   D E A T H   C O M E S   W I T H O U T   A P O L O G Y
Ragnar’s time has come to an end on Midgard.  Executed by King Aelle, death found him, and Odin told his sons of his death, his sons seeking the revenge Ragnar knew they would. Despite Ragnar’s doubts and indifference to the Gods he fought in the name of for so many years, he found himself in Odin’s hall: Valhalla.
T H I S  I S   N O T   T H E   E N D
Ragnar Lothbrok thought that he had the best plan. He was going to turn himself over to Ecbert, and then Ecbert was to turn him over to King Aielle, knowing what his fate would be.  What he did not count on was that Ecbert had a plot of his own, that included using his power to reclaim Ragnar from King Aelle, before he could be executed. After being rescued, he is in debt to King Ecbert, and unsure if he will be returning to Scandinavia, or if he is happy at all, by the turn of events. This takes place after King Ecbert reclaims Ragnar from King Aelle.  Ecbert had more than just giving land to the Northman up his sleeve. Though he made his family think that he had no idea that they’d be betrayed and that Ragnar’s sons would come for him, he had Ragnar held in the tower of the Royal Villa. But, what he did not know was that Ragnar, despite his injuries and ailing statius, had escaped. There’s a variety of places that he could turn up.  He could turn up in York, in England at various spots where people are, possibly even found a way back to Scandinavia. In Season  6, he officially is in back to Kattegat and reveals himself to more and more people but has 0 desire to become King, once more.
H A U N T  M E
This one is exactly what it sounds like. It doesn’t have to be a bad haunting. Ragnar appears to various people in ghost form. Ghost may not be the proper term, but given he’s ascended to Valhalla already, draugr may not be the correct term, either. This is not something that the terminology is going to be overthought about, but there is going to be various times when he can appear to people.  
T I M E  K E E P S  G O I N G
During the course of Vikings, there has been many gaps in time, whether it be between seasons or the sometimes large time jumps that occur. This can be anytime during any of those time jumps, whether it be a short amount of time, the four years during Season Two or the ten years of time, during the middle of Season Four.
I N T O  T H E  P R E S E N T  
This is my blanket tag for Modern AU’s. These can range from College AU’s, to a modern AU, some Modern Crime, and various AU’s. This will be expanded over time, but his main modern AU is he’s a man who wound up having to get rid of a corrupt King, became King, but eventually got tired of it, and lives more of a common life, although time dependent, he is trying to get more focused on it. But, he does prefer a simpler life.  In the modern crime AU, he took over a corporation from a corrupt boss, while running an illegal business on the side. These are all adaptation dependent.  
Born in 763 a.C. to  Sigurd Hring and Alfhild Gandolfsdatter, Ragnar thought for many years that he was an only child. His mother doted on him, while his father taught him the ways of being a Viking, something that Ragnar embraced. He was interested in the gods, specifically Odin from a young age. From a young age, he believed that he was a descendant Odin and in many ways, it helped shape who he became from a young boy to the eventual King of the Danes.  
Early in Ragnar’s adolescence, he was introduced to his brother Rollo, who came to live with them. Ragnar knew that his mother did not favor Rollo in any way, likely due to the fact that his father had brought home another woman’s child.  During his adolescence, Ragnar grew to do well on all the things on the farm and in the Viking Ways.  He always strove to be the best at everything that he does, paying attention to how he processed things, while rarely losing his temper.
As a young adult, Ragnar became quite taken with shield maiden Lagertha. Her skill and the fact that it was clear she was already an excellent shield maiden for her age, appealed to him even more. Plus, there was the fact that she was beautiful. He spent a good while, doing what he could to impress her. His father pointed out that she would make a good wife, and Ragnar agreed.
Going to her home to try to profess his love for her, he killed both a bear and a large hound, then declared to her father that he had earned her hand in marriage.  During his marriage to Lagertha, he loved her deeply and still loves her even now.  Neither of them were under false pretenses of what the other was capable of and on the farm, they raised their son Bjorn and daughter Gyda. Life on the farm is something that’s extremely important to Ragnar.  His family is as important to him, as being the best warrior, he possibly can be.
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Ragnar Lothbrok Tags
Ragnar  ✖ (Aesthetics)
Ragnar ✖ (Thoughts)
Ragnar ✖ (Character Development)
Ragnar ✖ (Crack)
Ragnar  ✖ (Headcanons)
Ragnar  ✖ (Photos)
Ragnar ✖ (Starter Call)
C L E V E R  B E G I N N I N G S
Ragnar Sigurdsson was a clever boy who learn the Vikings way young, continuing to apply them through this teenage years. This can anything from childhood to him becoming an adult at the age of eighteen.
P L A N T  T H O S E  S E E D S
As Ragnar Lothbrok moves into adulthood and his marriage to Lagertha, he embraces life on the farm, the Viking adventures and raids, and becoming a father to his daughter and son. This can be anywhere were early adulthood until the Show Beginning.
Ragnar Lothbrok has grown over the years, but still has some of the same priorities: family, the Viking ways, raids. But things are beginning to change, as his eldest son is able to get his arm band, and new hostilities from various enemies rise up. Eventually, he becomes to Earl of Kattegat
K  I N G  O F  T H E   D A N E S
After discovering the plot that King Horik had to kill him and his sons, Ragnar killed King Horik and became the King of Denmark. This includes any time that Ragnar is King of Denmark, and the adventures that occur during this time.
W H O  W A N T S  T O  B E  K I N G?
After being defeated by Rollo, Ragnar disappeared for ten years. Ten years later, he returns much older, and some even think that he seems crazy. This is anything that occurs after his return, right before the second half of Season Four.
D O W N  B U T   N O T  O U T
After the attempt to take on Paris again, Ragnar felt emotionally defeated after his loss to Rollo. He knows that his brother is lost to them all, having chose the Franks above his own. But, Ragnar has grown battle weary, and wants to focus on more important things. Although he is discouraged and feels defeated, he has returned to Kattegat with the others, to remain King of the Danes. This can take place any time after they return after fighting Rollo and the French in 4x10.
K I N G   I S   G O N E  B U T   N O T  F O R G O T T E N
After being defeated by Rollo and the French, Ragnar could not bear to stay in Kattegat, any longer. He was tired of being a warrior to the people, tired of being King. So, after telling his sons that he had to leave, he headed off, not knowing where he was going or if he wanted to leave. Several months later, he shows up in Hedeby, seeking out the person who he trusts more than a lot of people: Lagertha. Spending the next several years there, he entrusts her with that knowledge, knowing that she would keep his secret, unless it was dangerous to him. This takes place during his time away from Kattegat. This verse can include plotting with more than just Lagertha.
After the events in The Last Ship, Ragnar, feeling like a failure and tired of ruling leaves Kattegat and is not seen again, for close to a decade. This verse is what happens during his time away from Kattegat.  
B L O O D   I S   T H I C K E R   T H A N   W A T E R
Ragnar Lothbrok had every intention of heading back to Wessex, after coming back to Kattegat. But, he wanted his sons to go with him. When only Ivar agreed to go, he realized that he had missed out on his sons’ lives, and that he was needed in Kattegat. Despite being away for many years, he is determined to take his throne back from his wife, and to help mold his sons into even better warriors, than they already are. This can take place anytime after the end of the 4x10 - The Last Ship and it is open ended, how much canon comes to play, any time afterwards.
Ragnar’s time has come to an end on Midgard.  Executed by King Aelle, death found him, and Odin told his sons of his death, his sons seeking the revenge Ragnar knew they would. Despite Ragnar’s doubts and indifference to the Gods he fought in the name of for so many years, he found himself in Odin’s hall: Valhalla.
Ragnar Lothbrok thought that he had the best plan. He was going to turn himself over to Ecbert, and then Ecbert was to turn him over to King Aielle, knowing what his fate would be.  What he did not count on was that Ecbert had a plot of his own, that included using his power to reclaim Ragnar from King Aelle, before he could be executed. After being rescued, he is in debt to King Ecbert, and unsure if he will be returning to Scandinavia, or if he is happy at all, by the turn of events. This takes place after King Ecbert reclaims Ragnar from King Aelle.  Ecbert had more than just giving land to the Northman up his sleeve. Though he made his family think that he had no idea that they’d be betrayed and that Ragnar’s sons would come for him, he had Ragnar held in the tower of the Royal Villa. But, what he did not know was that Ragnar, despite his injuries and ailing statius, had escaped. There’s a variety of places that he could turn up.  He could turn up in York, in England at various spots where people are, possibly even found a way back to Scandinavia. In Season  6, he officially is in back to Kattegat and reveals himself to more and more people but has 0 desire to become King, once more.
H A U N T  M E
This one is exactly what it sounds like. It doesn’t have to be a bad haunting. Ragnar appears to various people in ghost form. Ghost may not be the proper term, but given he’s ascended to Valhalla already, draugr may not be the correct term, either. This is not something that the terminology is going to be overthought about, but there is going to be various times when he can appear to people.  
T I M E  K E E P S  G O I N G
During the course of Vikings, there has been many gaps in time, whether it be between seasons or the sometimes large time jumps that occur. This can be anytime during any of those time jumps, whether it be a short amount of time, the four years during Season Two or the ten years of time, during the middle of Season Four.
Born in 763 a.C. to  Sigurd Hring and Alfhild Gandolfsdatter, Ragnar thought for many years that he was an only child. His mother doted on him, while his father taught him the ways of being a Viking, something that Ragnar embraced. He was interested in the gods, specifically Odin from a young age. From a young age, he believed that he was a descendant Odin and in many ways, it helped shape who he became from a young boy to the eventual King of the Danes.  
Early in RaVto live with them. Ragnar knew that his mother did not favor Rollo in any way, likely due to the fact that his father had brought home another woman’s child.  During his adolescence, Ragnar grew to do well on all the things on the farm and in the Viking Ways.  He always strove to be the best at everything that he does, paying attention to how he processed things, while rarely losing his temper.
As a young adult, Ragnar became quite taken with shield maiden Lagertha. Her skill and the fact that it was clear she was already an excellent shield maiden for her age, appealed to him even more. Plus, there was the fact that she was beautiful. He spent a good while, doing what he could to impress her. His father pointed out that she would make a good wife, and Ragnar agreed.
Going to her home to try to profess his love for her, he killed both a bear and a large hound, then declared to her father that he had earned her hand in marriage.  During his marriage to Lagertha, he loved her deeply and still loves her even now.  Neither of them were under false pretenses of what the other was capable of and on the farm, they raised their son Bjorn and daughter Gyda. Life on the farm is something that’s extremely important to Ragnar.  His family is as important to him, as being the best warrior, he possibly can be.
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Bjorn Ironside Tag Drop
Bjorn  ✖ (Aesthetics)
Bjorn  ✖ (Thoughts)
Bjorn  ✖ (Character Development)
Bjorn  ✖ (Crack)
Bjorn  ✖ (Headcanons)
Bjorn  ✖ (Photos)
Bjorn  ✖ (Starter Call)
P L A N T   T H O S E   S E E D S
Bjorn Ragnarsson, the only son of two parents who have made quite the names for themselves is quite the child. Along with his younger sister Gyda, he is being raised to be a strong warrior, like both of his parents.  Nathan O’Toole)
I  W A N T  T O   G O  T O   E N G L A N D
As Bjorn grows closer to adolescence and goes to get his arm ring from the Earl, he remains ever the strong-willed child. He never holds back when he has something to say and often separates his parents in a fight. He's proving to not be a child who can be swayed by anyone. He's very stubborn, and has to deal with life on the farm and losing it all, while watching his parents go through problems with the cruel Earl and problems with each other. (Nathan O’Toole)
W H O  C A N   G U E S S   T H E   P L A N S   A N D   W A Y S   O F   T H E   G O D S?
After going with his mother when she divorced his father, Bjorn has to deal with her new husband and how he treats his mother. After they get word that Ragnar needs aid, they return to Kattegat to help him. Bjorn decides to stay and over the next several years finds all sorts of adventures, battles, loves, interactions with his father, among many enemies. He stands by Ragnar's side, through it all, including the fight with Rollo. (Alexander Ludwig)
H E   I S   H I S   O W N   M A N   N O W
After Ragnar left Kattegat, Bjorn is left as the oldest of his brothers. He makes a life for himself in Kattegat, helping Aslaug out with Kattegat, all while growing older and continuing to live his life, despite wondering just what has become of his father. After his father's return, he has to deal with that and then avenge his father's death. But Bjorn still wants something bigger. He wants to explore the Mediterranean and nothing will stop him. (Alexander Ludwig)
B J O R N   L O T H B R O K
In modern times, Bjorn is the son of Ragnar Lothbrok. His father alway,s had a desire to stay in the farming business, but was forced into being a CEO of a major company, after finding out that the leader was corrupt, and it was his only way to save it. Bjorn strives to support his father and despite wanting to forge his own path, he finds himself helping his father, working with him. He never agreed with how his parents' marriage ended, but he tries to find his own way, all while supporting them, the best he can. (Alexander Ludwig)
T I M E  K E E P S  G O I N G
During the course of Vikings, there has been many gaps in time, whether it be between seasons or the sometimes large time jumps that occur. This can be anytime during any of those time jumps, whether it be a short amount of time, the four years during Season Two or the ten years of time, during the middle of Season Four.
Nathan O’Toole
Alexander Ludwig
0 notes
crowsandmurder · 6 years
Hvitserk Tags
Hvitserk  ✖ (Aesthetics)
Hvitserk  ✖ (Thoughts)
Hvitserk  ✖ (Character Development)
Hvitserk  ✖ (Crack)
Hvitserk  ✖ (Headcanons)
Hvitserk  ✖ (Photos)
Hvitserk  ✖ (Starter Call)
Hvitserk  ✖ (Verses)
V: Third Son of Ragnar [Hvitserk up until he stayed with Ivar] – Hvitserk is the second son of King Ragnar and Queen Aslaug.  As a child, he was often seen with his brothers.  As he grew older, he enjoys the things that many his age do, although he struggles with feeling in his brother’s shadow and the fact that his father disappeared. After jumping off the boat, he stays with Ivar, despite the fact that Ivar had already killed their brother Sigurd.
V: My own identity [Hvitserk Season 5 - Current Timeline] -- Staying with Ivar seemed like a good plan, at the time. Now, it seems not as much of a good plan. He fought against his brothers Ubbe and Bjorn and sided with Ivar in the Civil War, but now Ivar is King..and thinks he is a God. Hvitserk thinks his brother is crazy, but he stays. Kattegat is his home and he is trying to figure out his path. 
V: Time is Flexible [Modern] -- To be Decided
V: Everything is not as it appears [AU]  Various AU verses.
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crowsandmurder · 7 years
Bjorn Tags & Verses
Bjorn  ✖ (Aesthetics)
Bjorn  ✖ (Thoughts)
Bjorn  ✖ (Character Development)
Bjorn  ✖ (Crack)
Bjorn  ✖ (Headcanons)
Bjorn  ✖ (Photos)
Bjorn  ✖ (Starter Call)
Bjorn  ✖ (Verses)
P L A N T   T H O S E   S E E D S
Bjorn Ragnarsson, the only son of two parents who have made quite the names for themselves is quite the child. Along with his younger sister Gyda, he is being raised to be a strong warrior, like both of his parents.  Nathan O’Toole)
I  W A N T  T O   G O  T O   E N G L A N D
As Bjorn grows closer to adolescence and goes to get his arm ring from the Earl, he remains ever the strong-willed child. He never holds back when he has something to say and often separates his parents in a fight. He's proving to not be a child who can be swayed by anyone. He's very stubborn, and has to deal with life on the farm and losing it all, while watching his parents go through problems with the cruel Earl and problems with each other. (Nathan O’Toole)
W H O  C A N   G U E S S   T H E   P L A N S   A N D   W A Y S   O F   T H E   G O D S?
After going with his mother when she divorced his father, Bjorn has to deal with her new husband and how he treats his mother. After they get word that Ragnar needs aid, they return to Kattegat to help him. Bjorn decides to stay and over the next several years finds all sorts of adventures, battles, loves, interactions with his father, among many enemies. He stands by Ragnar's side, through it all, including the fight with Rollo. (Alexander Ludwig)
H E   I S   H I S   O W N   M A N   N O W
After Ragnar left Kattegat, Bjorn is left as the oldest of his brothers. He makes a life for himself in Kattegat, helping Aslaug out with Kattegat, all while growing older and continuing to live his life, despite wondering just what has become of his father. After his father's return, he has to deal with that and then avenge his father's death. But Bjorn still wants something bigger. He wants to explore the Mediterranean and nothing will stop him. (Alexander Ludwig)
B J O R N   L O T H B R O K
In modern times, Bjorn is the son of Ragnar Lothbrok. His father always had a desire to stay in the farming business, but was forced into being a CEO of a major company, after finding out that the leader was corrupt, and it was his only way to save it. Bjorn strives to support his father and despite wanting to forge his own path, he finds himself helping his father, working with him. He never agreed with how his parents' marriage ended, but he tries to find his own way, all while supporting them, the best he can. (Alexander Ludwig)
T I M E  K E E P S  G O I N G
During the course of Vikings, there has been many gaps in time, whether it be between seasons or the sometimes large time jumps that occur. This can be anytime during any of those time jumps, whether it be a short amount of time, the four years during Season Two or the ten years of time, during the middle of Season Four.
Nathan O’Toole
Alexander Ludwig
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