#Rafael Accorinti
Libro “Virginia Wolf - El estrecho puente del arte”
Libro del día Ficha técnica libro Título: El estrecho puente del arte Autor: Virginia Woolf Año original: 1927 Idioma original: Inglés Editorial (español): Alianza Editorial Edición: 2023 (por Rafael Accorinti) Número de páginas: 160 Género: Ensayo Sinopsis: En este ensayo, Virginia Woolf reflexiona sobre la relación entre el arte y la vida. Para ella, el arte es un puente que conecta…
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adrofh · 11 years
There is nothing more beautiful than a blank paper. It may offer an overwhelming number of possibilities to create everything: a song, a book, a picture... When I thought this yesterday while I was composing a song, I went crazy for it. It is amazing how the most famous artists created their masterpieces from a simple piece of paper.
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From the ancient artists such as Mozart or Tchaikovsky to the artists of our days like Alex Turner or Noel Gallagher, all of their masterpieces began with a sheet of paper which is not different from a paper that we can find in our homes. Imagine the paper in where “The Marriage of Figaro” or “Live Forever” was written. It’s incredible how important the paper could be if you think about it. Every creation begins with an idea in our minds that needs to be materialized in a paper before the inspiration has left us. The easiest way to capture that idea is this paper which is useful to remind us how our masterpiece should be. That would be great, despite the fact we use several papers developing the work of art that only exists in our minds, by now. Probably, the mystery behind the eyes of Mona Lisa was not captured in the first piece of paper that Leonardo Da Vinci found in his study. In the same way as Noel Gallagher was not sure in the complex structure of “Around the world”. The idea needs time to grow in the mind of the artists and when I say time, I mean months or even years trying to find a better way to do the best with that song, that picture, or that novel. I must admit I was desperate many times while I was composing a song wasting and wasting thousand of papers in order to do the best song I have ever composed. This is part of the process. This is part of creation of every single work of art.
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Looking at in another way, it doesn’t really matter if you are an artist or not. A sheet of paper is also important to you. It could be an opportunity if you are signing a contract with a company or it would be an investment if you are studying for an exam or even it would be a pleasant time if you are enjoying a good book at home. It is true to say that there are more formats when you want to read than a book nowadays. Lately, it is usually to see people reading their favourite books on e-books, Ipads or any other electronic format while you are taking the bus or the sub'. It is interesting how the modern formats bring us the possibility to have several books to read where and when you want. However, there are people who resist to these electronic systems because they really like the touch of the pages of their books when they are enjoying their reading. That is the reason why people prefer the classic format in comparison with the modern ones. Personally, I think the modern formats are more important than people could think they are. During my everyday life, when people tell me they refuse the electronic systems when they want to read a book, I always warn them that it is good to have this kind of opinion for whatever reasons but I remind them the electronic format does not imply the death of thousand of trees.
To return to the main point and finalize my first essay as a columnist of this blog, I must say that every work of art is a summary of good ideas written in the paper of an artist thanks to the inspiration. Nonetheless, there is no song, book or picture that deserves the death of a tree. 
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