#Rafa Caro Quintero x male reader
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writers-vlogx · 2 years ago
Tenoch Huerta is so pretty I can't breathe
and my rafa too
I can't stop thinking about his girlfriend or his boyfriend trying to convince him to let them put some makeup on him.
"rafa,amor confia en mi te vas a ver aun mas guapo"
he would need a lot of conviction and later a lot of reaffirmation of what a man he is.
but let's say you accomplish your mission and he lets you apply some eye shadow and lip gloss on it (I'm down bad for men with glitter)
then you apply the same skin care and it's just that you relax while listening to music
Rafa, Rafa, Rafa
Okay, so I fully believe that it would be a struggle getting this man to let you even get anywhere near his face, much less let you put makeup on him. I'm sorry but I don't think there would be a moment when he would be willing to let you use makeup on him. At least not without some sort of bribe.
Listen he has an image to maintain and despite him having pretty good confidence in himself, these are the 80s and it's not exactly common to walk out and see a pretty man that didn't just get lucky to have the genes.
I really do think it would take some bribe for him to indulge you, even then don't expect him to go out in public like this. He loves you to death he really does, but please understand he's got a reputation to keep up and people to deal with.
However, I can see him letting you so some skin care and maybe maybe if your lucky a touch of lipstick but only if it's through your lips, what can I say? The man is a romantic.
Now after a while of doing this over time you may actually give him some confidence to wear it if it's a quick errand to run, and let me tell you. The man will absolutely learn his colors and shades, foundation and eyeshadow. So don't worry about him bringing home the wrong color, or confusing products, he likes to pay attention to the things you apply on him. He's got you covered.
I'll tell you right now, at night this man needs so much reassurance. He's scared and ashamed. This isn't what a man should be. This isn't what he should look like. Do you really think he looks pretty? Can you really consider him a man after this.
All of these questions are things that he asks and worries that you will need to ease with the softest voice and gentle hands. At night his insecurities really do get to him, and you have to lay down with him and gently stroke his hair while staring at him, at your man. Your beautiful strong man who looks even more beautiful and strong with makeup. Just as he is. Be patient with him this is all new to him and he really does like the way he looks but baby boy needs time.
Trust me that no one would say a thing, while he may be in the business you have as much power with outside connections as you need for people to keep their mouths shut.
Also, guys, I'm taking a break as you guys saw this was posted way after my date and tbh I'm not doing so well mentally. Hopefully, I'll be back randomly and if anything else be back by May. Sorry dudes, but comments and random talks will be easier than having to post on schedule.
@hausofmamadas @yoongskook
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writers-vlogx · 1 year ago
Can I request Rafa realizing he’s in love with a male reader? Not letting the reader date because he’s jealous but also not ready to accept he’s into men so he acts all weird. Thank you ❤️
It's complicated
He liked you, okay? Fine, maybe he loved you, but so what? How could anyone not, I mean, you were so handsome, charismatic even!
Still, he would rathered be buried alive than to ever tell you that or admit it, I mean, you had been best friends for years. He didn't want to ruin all that for something that he knew most likely wasn't mutual.
These feelings he felt, it made him all messed up in the head. He tried to fill that ache with meaningless hookups and pretty girls, but it just wasn't enough. He couldn't stop overthinking. Everything he felt was weird. He felt sick, how could he even feel remotely attracted to you?
These are the 80s, so being openly gay wasn't a celebration or a walk in the park. Much less in the Latino culture that valued tradition to an almost sacred level. It was something etched into the culture itself. You couldn't grow up without it. It was something that was always there, so to realize the way his heart hurt every time he saw you out with some little zorra, and every touch a woman tainted you with; wasn't easy.
You'd bring women in and out of your life. It was a small comfort Rafael had. To know they were never permanent, just another girl to warm your bed. And that was okay with him until it wasn't. Until he noticed the same woman too often. The same girl you started to actually get close to and not just use and leave.
That's when he panicked. Who was she? What did she mean to you? Why hadn't you talked about her? And yet, as much as he wanted to ask about her, his pride stopped him. The thought of being questioned, being outed. It terrified him to think that if he asked, he might open something he can't close back down. That his conflicting feelings will be known. Rafael wonders if it's better to leave it alone. Let the woman take a step next to you in your life. Because in truth, he knew it was better to leave it as a though, an unknown 'what could have been'
Rafael was not a man who backed down, but habits and cultures are sowed deep inside our bones, and traditions are more comforting than the unknown. Maybe it was for the best. Yeah, I'm sure it was.
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writers-vlogx · 1 year ago
Heyyy are you still writing for Rafa? I had a request on my mind ✨❤️✨
Yeah! I haven't been active much, but I might give it another go, I have a break at the moment, so I have time, send any requests my way ^^
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writers-vlogx · 2 years ago
Hi can I request a Rafa x reader? Where reader was kidnap by Rafa because he loves her in he's own twisted way and reader was able to escape but got in an accident where they hit their pretty hard and when reader wakes up reader doesn't remember anything in their life like amnesia and Rafa taking advantage of it in the end.
He had tried so hard to get you to love him, tried to make you understand and even after all that you didn't want him
Why? Please tell him why? Can't you see he's trying so hard to show you he's perfect for you, with him you would never wish for anything again.
So imagine the panic that set within him when he found the window to your room wide open and you no where to be found.
You didn't know how long you had been there, but it was definitely long enough to make your legs weak. You weren't used to running this far, especially when you didn't even know in what direction to go or where the hell you were at. Thankfully the adrenaline helped you stay alert and on your feet. There was no clear sign that showed you where you were and anywhere you looked everything looked the same. Trees everywhere, it was no use trying to find a difference so you turned in the first direction you faced and just kept running straight ahead
Meanwhile, Rafael was running out of the house, and anyone within a meter of him could tell he was fuming, angry, and yelling at the sky. He had grabbed his keys on the way out and started the car, rafa knew you were weak, he knew you couldn't have gotten very far and even if you did there was nothing for miles except a long road that was rarely used. In the worst-case scenario he could just shoot anyone that tried to help you and take you back.
You kept running and just a few minutes later you came onto a road, looking around you realized just how secluded this place was, there was a single road and no one in sight, but for whatever reason God must have felt pity on your poor mortal soul because not even a minute later you could hear a car approaching and as you ran towards it, the driver may not have been paying as much attention as he should because he hit the brakes too late. All you saw was black
When Rafael found you his anger shifted from you to the poor idiot who decided to hurt his love, everything he lived for. One bullet served enough and that was that.
Now we all know he has money and resources, so let's not fool ourselves. Would he be scared? Yes absolutely but would he bring over the best doctors in the country if he needed to? Also yes. And that exactly what he did, he brought the best doctors gave them the money and told them to shut up.
They fixed you in no time, you would be walking soon enough, after all they were the best.
And nothing like a gun pointed at your head to give you some good motivation.
So when he heard there was bad news he was about as ready as he'd ever been to shoot the doctor on the spot. But Felix held him back from it, that's right Felix knew about this little obsession of rafa and the only reason he had helped him continue his...hobby, is because he produced a good worker and it seemed like when you were around, Rafa had less time to get up to "Estupideces" and "Mamadas" as Felix liked to call it.
Either way, the doctors informed rafa that you would suffer from partial memory loss, how much? They were unsure but they would know once you woke up. And so Rafa's only hope at finally being loved by you was this.
When you eventually woke up, just as the doctors said, you didn't remember running away or the accident, instead blank spaces were where those memories should have been.
Rafael had been nervous all morning when he was informed that you had woken up, he was not ready to face you if you remembered but the curiosity was eating away at him, so he slowly made his way to your room and opened the door.
When he came in he wasn't met with that cold gaze you always gave him, the lifeless eyes you had like a bird in a cage. Instead, he was met with big bright eyes full of questions, and it was true you had questions because your memories were recollections of better times, times when you worked alongside Felix and Rafael in the business, times of the first few time Rafael tried to court you. But nothing else, no rejection, no struggles, and least of all, the lovesick man you had come to meet in your months of captivity.
You asked what happened, asked how you got hurt, aksed if he was hurt.
You were worried for him, worried for your partner, for your dear friend. He answered, he also asked what you remembered, did you know who he was? Of course, you did, you spent the evening answering every single doubt he could have had.
He didn't show it but he was happy, this meant he would paint the perfect picture for you, so he lied he told you of the life he had always dreamed to have with you, the life he had tried to make for you, the life he would make for you and you believed it.
You didn't feel this love he talked about but the way he described it sounded magical, and so you promised to try to remember, try to love, he promised to make you fall in love all over again to make you see just what exactly you had before all of this.
Let's just hope he doesn't fuck it up this time right?
Authors note- I'm sorry loves but I'm trying my best to be okay, a good thing is I'm finally getting to watch the show again, and let me tell you FELIX CONTENT IS COMMING SOON AND MAYBE POSSIBLY YOU GUYS CAN ASK FOR SMUT. I'll try my best to not fuck it up since I've never written it but even if I do, I worked hard on that meal and you will eat it 😌❤️ LOVE YOU GUYS AND I WILL SEE YOU WHENEVER I FIND A GOOD FELIX IDEA BYEEEE
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writers-vlogx · 2 years ago
how do you feel about writing pregnancy, pregnant reader or parent situations
like x character finds out his significant other is pregnant
x character as a parent
Okay, so I'm making this as an adopted kid or a kid you took in, Since I don't do pregnant anything but I couldn't help making Rafa a father figure.
Rafa as a parent figure
Okay so Rafael as a parent figure could go horribly wrong and at the same time extremely right
I'm sorry to say but it would be like having two kids, just one of them has adult money to do whatever they please.
When you first were left with a kid at the door of your house in the middle of the night, you thought it was a trap. Someone has to be playing a trick on you, right?
Nop, you waited...and waited...and waited. And no one came back for him so sooner or later you realized this kid was now yours.
Well, you wanted to give it to the police, take it anywhere but here since the house of a drug dealer, and we'll know narco could not be the place for a kid to grow up in right?
But you bet Rafa was not going to let that happen. "Amor que haces despierta tan tar-" He looked at you then at the little boy sitting on your couch and back at you. You could see the man's poor brain going into overdrive trying to understand "....de quien es el chamaco...?"
Saying he was confused was an understatment, listen the man was tired. He wanted you back in bed and he needed sleep but when you told him they had left him at the front door, and you were planning to take him to the Police station. He gave the boy one look, and his heart was breaking, he couldn't do that I mean look at the kid!!
"No,no que chingaderas dices Amor es muy tarde y miralo!"
"Rafa que le miro, es un niño que no es nuestro y probablemente se perdio" silence. then he looks at the little boy he had picked up into his arms and turns to you "Pero se parece a mi no?" There he went with that stupid smile of his "Podría ser mi hijo, que tal si es mi hijo perdido?" He tried to joke but to no amusement on your part.
You only shook your head in disapproval making your way back upstairs, knowing that rafa would follow behind you and try to negotiate with you and sure enough he did. "Andale amor, le podemos decir...Roberto no?" And behind you, you could hear him talking to the kid in what you like to call his paternal voice "Si? Te quieres llamar Roberto?"
And so the staying up late, and teaching Rafa that no a toddler does not want alcohol when they cry they want milk, and no! You can't give the baby drugs, and no he cannot take after your work when he grows up! Yeah basically your days of teaching Rafael how to be a father figure started
And well it's been three years now and the kid and Rafa are, inseparable, that isn't to say yall didn't suffer problems. for the first few years, there were a lot of arguments on whether Rafael could even take care of a living thing which was proved wrong when you told him to take care of your plant for a week and it died but his excuse was that "Plants don't communicate or cry" oh right crying.
The Crying.
The one thing you could not stand and that made Rafael's murder tendencies absolute. This little boy could not cry because he was immediately being carried, fed, and changed, and he was pointing the gun at the last person who was with the baby. Because if one thing would not happen under Rafaels watch was anyone and I mean anyone hurting his little boy, or as he liked to call him "his legacy"
Best to say that after the boy came, Rafael worked even harder so the kid could be spoiled rotten. And at some point, you concluded that you won't be getting rid of him any time soon, well not that you mind anymore. Anytime the house is quiet you can't seem to be at ease anymore, fair to say the little guy squeezed his way into both of your hearts. And hey maybe it's not so bad, after all who wouldn't want a family to call their own?
Wanna be added to my tag list? Comment and let me know
@yoongskook @hausofmamadas
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writers-vlogx · 2 years ago
hello 👋 happy new year 🎉
I just wanted to let you know that I adore what you write, the way you write it! don't stop, please. I hope you went well on your finals.
I've been rewatching narcos and I have an unhealthy amount of ideas for Rafa lol let me know if you'd be interested in hearing them!
lots of love 💕
Happy new year to you all! 🎉🎉
I hope you are all ready to deal with another year of my dumbass because it's gonna be a long one!
The news on my finals is that I failed but the good news is I'll be good, as long as I try harder this semester.
Honestly, a little serious note for a sec is, while I still want to write for Rafa, I also am interested in writing for other fandoms. Now don't freak out I won't do it yet. The reason is that the whole purpose of this blog was writing about fandoms that are small, and that don't have enough content, I'm saying this because it seems that my post are only being seen when I tag them with the one Fandom I'm currently writing for, so this is my way to reach out to yall! Specifically, I put one tag that is from that Fandom so yall can go check it out!!
But regarding your ideas for Rafael ABSOLUTELY SEND THEM TO ME😌
@hausofmamadas @yoongskook
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writers-vlogx · 2 years ago
im soooo happy to find people that love rafa as much as i do 😍 i love the way you write, it feels so in character. if you could write more about him... domestic rafa, power couple running the business together, rafa spoiling the living shit out of you... idk man i just love him 😪😪😪
Domestic Rafael headcanons
Brief suggestive themes
Oh brother do I have to tell you my little gremlin ideas that have been piling up lately.
if he's free and doesn't have some crazy idea that may or may not get both of you killed, he is soft and sweet.
He's very gentle on the days that he can rest. He wakes up late in the morning and doesn't feel like getting out of bed, so he pulls you closer and cuddles you. Taking in how warm your skin is and how soft your hair feels.
Once you decide it's been enough rest, you wiggle your way out of his grasp and get up to start your day. When you come back into the room to check on him, you see him half asleep whinning and extending his arms while telling you to come back to bed.
If you A) successful get him out of bed he's your for the day, whatever you want he will give.
If you B) fail to get him up, he will pull you back in and refuse to let you leave.
Now, if he gets up and manages to make it out of the bedroom door without deciding to be a horn dog, he'll look for you, and if he can't find you he'll head to the kitchen to get breakfast started.
It is my full belief that this man likes to cook better than to be served. He would be so skilled too. Like I can see that being a secret passion he would have.
Just being able to provide for you, not only with his job but also in everyday life. He wants to show you that you made the right choice by giving him a chance. That he's worth all the things you gave up.
Grocery shopping would be another big one, listen the guy likes to cook, and more so if you tell him about a specific dish you've been craving lately. That doesn't mean he wouldn't take you with him though, dude likes doing things together and he also likes making sure to have you by his side just in case he forgets anything or if there's something specific you wanted to pick out yourself.
Another thing I think he would like to do is clean together. Listen I know it may seem boring but just imagine when yall are making the bed suddenly starting a pillow fight, or if yall are clearing the kitchen table and you have the radio on he gets all sentimental and starts dancing with you.
He's a hopeless romantic so of course hugging you and wrapping his arms around your waist if your back is turned to him. Bringing you roses from the garden you planted together. Making dates at home when you don't feel like going out and cuddling on the couch. Taking you softly and kissing every part of you until he has you pulling his hair and begging for more.
Rafael being domestic is so beautiful because it's in those moments when you are alone with him that you can really see the true him. Not a part of the cartel, not a dangerous wanted criminal, not a poor sineloan man. Just Rafael solo tu Rafael. El que no te hará arrepentirte de averlo escogido.
@yoongskook @hausofmamadas
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writers-vlogx · 2 years ago
we all know that rafa sometimes gets drunk so i have this image in my head rafa is a romantic drunk,(we all saw how he remembered the song that played when he slept with sofia, that's what i mean) my man would get drunk And have the bright idea to serenade you late as fuck
I can even see him as if he was so drunk that he go the address wrong "verga esta no es la puta casa" It would wake up the whole neighborhood, including you.
you'd be surprised, but you can't help but love this man, especially if he serenaded you, even if it's just him and his drunk friends trying to sing a song.
my man is giving everything for you in that song
You laugh at him and bring him in, lay him down on your bed, and snuggle with him.
Imagine Rafael caro quintero singing to you while drunk
Okay sometimes I feel like yall are way better at writing than me but on with the story 🥲
I can imagine yall attended a party and you decided to go home early, he tried his hardest to convince you to stay but you had to remind him that you had school the next day and that the hangover was already bad enough, any more alcohol and you would surely be blacked out by the end of the night.
So he called a cab for you and that was that, he decided to stay since he had nowhere to be tomorrow so after like 12:00 at night the man was drunk but as we know; Rafael is a romantic type of drunk so as he was whining talking about how much he loved you, he decided he wanted to show you just how much he loved you and the bright dumb idea came to his mind
He would bring you a serenata, at one in the fucking morning, really rafa??
So man's gathered his friends up after convincing them to join his cause and marched over to your house, or what he thought was your house. News flash it was not in fact your house but your neighbors house
So imagine this man, completely drunk, messy hair, and guitar in hand trying so hard to stand up straight while his friends were just in the back, some of them singing some of them laughing at him
The noise obviously woke you up, and as you walked over to your balcony window you could see him singing his heart out and probably scaring the old lady that lived there, so you decided to open your balcony window and yell over at him to ask him what does he think he's doing, don't get me wrong your not mad in fact you think it's hilarious but it's so late and at this point he'll probably wake up the whole neighborhood.
So you call over to him "Amor que estas haciendo??!" You see him turn his head towards your house, he stops singing and you can see the gears turning in his head as he realizes that he's got the wrong house
Down where rafa is at he looks up at your balcony door and just sees you smiling down at him as he whispers to himself "chingada madre, esta no es la puta casa" he was about to die of embarrassment until he saw you wave over to him, he looks behind him to see his friends already walking away laughing
So he walks over to your house, where your already waiting for him by the door "Hola amor, y tu que haces aquí? Pensé que te avias quedado en la fiesta, que paso?" You ask him as you gently guide him inside
"No es que, quería verte perdón por despertarte" he looks up at you to see if your going to scold him for waking you up, or maybe tell him how he's embarrassed you but instead he sees you smiling at him "Nah no te preocupes, estabas cantando muy bonito sabes?" You said as you laugh
He knows your lying, he's heard drunk people sing before and it isn't exactly what your making it out to be but he sees just how much you care about him, enough to protect his ego which he can admit is very sensitive then your hand grabs his wrist as you guide him upstairs to your bed "Andale vamos a dormir okay? Que mañana necesito despertar temprano okay?" You guide him to your room where you fall asleep peacefully next to him and as your about to fall asleep you hear him whisper next to you "Te amo tanto" before you feel a soft kiss being placed on your hand, Fuck you really do love him too much.
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writers-vlogx · 2 years ago
Rafa x male reader
ohhh rafa would be a fucking mess if he found himself crushing and obsessing over another man
(Rafa is a Latino man in the 80s, and he is also involved in one of the most violent businesses that exist, he is not the best dealing with liking your own sex)i can see rafa going throw a rollercoaster of emotions while feeding his obsession , yeah he doesn't understand why he wants you but hell he is not gonna let that get in his way
rafa is usually very upfront about what he wants but this is new as fuck for him so i can see him trying to persue you in an akwardly defensive way,you would need to make some moves towards him
hear me once he wrapped his head about being into men he
would kneel for you, my man can't fight how in love he is.
I see him shutting down any kind of hateful comment you get "haber pinches pendejos que vergas dijeron" he would not let anyone, including felix, give him shit he is ready to shoot anyone in the face if they disrespect you
Imagine Rafael caro quintero finding out he's gay
Okay mf's strap in because I could and will write multiple parts if I have too, also side note and I mean it, you have any idea you want me to create? Send it! I don't care how weird or stupid, funny, sad scary you might think it is send it to me! Because when I get requests like these I know that people want to see the same content I want to write, it was something I never planned to post because I thought no one wanted to see it, just goes to show if you communicate with me I'll answer back so PLEASE don't be shy, we need more representation everywhere!!
I am so sorry that was suppose to be short but now for what yall are REALLY here for
Rafael caro quintero liking men? Oh the poor man is confused, like these are the 80's and he's in the most fucking dangerous business to just wake up one day and realize "oh sh*t I like men"
He meets you through the cartel of course, working with you always leaves him feeling something...strange, he thought he just liked who you were, after all you were funny, nice company and you could get the job well done
He thought that was it for a long time, I mean you were a great business partner and a great friend too, you would always listen to him when he had any sort of problem, and would stop him from GETTING into a problem more times than he could have counted. You were always up to drink but always stopped him whether he liked it or not so he could still be coherent enough to not be absolutely wasted, and on the rare occasion he was? You always made sure he got home safe, either sending him home or taking him yourself
When he needed a place to stay your doors were always open and when he fucked up really bad, like the type of bad you don't come back from? Somehow you always found it in yourself to let him back in
You were a best friend to him, someone he could truly rely on no matter what, so why did he still feel so sad everytime you had to leave? Or angry when you wouldn't contact him for days, and absolutely enraged when he saw girls trying to hit on you at social events?
He thought he was just watching out for you, for the longest time he made the excuses of "es que quiero lo mejor para ti compadre" or "No guey es que créeme que me lo vas a agradecer luego" and "Yo sabré quien es bueno para ti, porque aquí no hay nada más que pinches zorras"
He always had a weird warm feeling in his chest when you would place your hand on his shoulder, or when you hugged him after a favor or a really tough time and god the things he did so that he could feel that touch again
I think the changing point in his feelings would hit him like a train...nah nah more like a yacht because man when he does, he just...absolutely looses his mind like I'm talking physically you can see him age like 20 years
The point of no return happened in a very drastic way and unexpected too, like I can see him just finding out about a new girl who your "messing" around with and just absolutely exploding with rage and betrayal
Let's say your over at his house, you guys are alone a couple of beers in the table and the music playing in the background when you start talking about this really pretty girl your seeing lately, nothing to serious but it's the way you talk about her and how pretty her smile is and how perfect she looks he can just feel the anger bubbling up inside him because when he sees the smile in your face he just can't stand it.
you should be talking about him that way telling HIM how handsome he is, how much you love him, and he can't stand it anymore he feels like if he sits for just one more minute he's gonna die
So he yells out something he didn't mean to say, something that only he knew. The things he wish he could say to you "Pues ya guey ya esta bueno!" No rafa shut up " "Ya no chinges guey!" No don't say anything you'll regret "No necesito estar escuchando tanta chingadera de tu parte" Shut the fuck up now don't go any further he felt so angry he grabbed at your neck slowly tightening it as he kept talking
And then it stops, all of his anger turns into dread, because he realized what he said to you honestly it would shock you, to find that he felt about you that way and it would take a lot of talking, and feeling vulnerable emotions for yall to work it out
But when he has wrapped his head around the whole ordeal and he's finally established what yall are, no one and I mean absolutely no one disrespects yall
When he first comes to Felix and explains it, he leaves very clear the fact that he will not take bullshit from anyone. Not even Felix, he talks and makes his point very clear, absolutely no one is brave enough to say anything, those that do end up dead within seconds.
His love for you however would be so gentle, having been through so much, and living with such a dangerous life he's happy to have found someone who he can rely on, and honestly if he finds that anyone said anything to you, oh he's looking for blood.
You can have the man at the palm of your hand, but please remember he's been through so much, he really needs someone who will be ever so gentle with him, and will deal with all the shit he brings along with him. It's not easy especially while being gay but your love for each other and the fact that yall are in one if not the most dangerous fields ever makes yall unstoppable. A little extra story- Rafa almost killed Felix the day he decided to call you the F slur as a "joke"
Like just imagine angry rafa being like "FELIX HIJO DE TU CHINGADA MADRE AHORA SI YA VALISTE VERGA CABRON" also "NO SE TE VUELVA A OCCURIR DECIRLE HACI A EL OH ESTA VEZ SI TE MATO GUEY" and let me tell you he never made such mistake again, when I tell you rafa is dangerous I MEAN IT.
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writers-vlogx · 2 years ago
hello! I would like to place an order for rafa. I don't know if you'll like it, but the idea came to me that the reader was shot and is on his deathbed or something similar. How would Rafa react?
Ohhhhh a little angst from time to time isn't so bad, but because I refuse to be too sad this has a happy ending also since I want everyone to enjoy it the reader can be any gender!
Imagine Rafael with a reader who is dying
He had told you many times to listen to him when he told you that a mission was too dangerous, that you could be seriously hurt
But you never listened, you always looked for a new challenge, for something exciting
Now you're stuck here with a bullet in your stomach and a twisted ankle, honestly how worse could it get?
Well that was until a guy was pointing a gun at your head, seconds away from pulling the trigger
And honestly you thought this was it, the pain was unbearable and you were most definitely sure that this was where you were going to die, the only thing stopping you from falling into the sleep you so wished to have was the thought of rafa
You couldn't imagine what his face would look like if he found you like this, he needed you as much as you needed him. You still remember the way he cried and held onto you for dear life after you had been kidnapped.
And now this, you knew you should have listened to him and now you regretted not doing it, regretted the fact that he was going to find you like this as you closed your eyes waiting for the bullet to shoot.
You heard the gun go off, and you could smell the powder, but you didn't feel anything instead you heard a
next to you and a voice you recognized too well
"HIJO DE TU CHINGADA MADRE, ESTAS BIEN AMOR?!" as the footsteps got closer and your eyes adjusted to the light you could see him more clearly now, gun in hand and blood all over him
He was hysterical, trying to stop the bleeding and holding you ever so gently "Amor escucha me porfavor soy yo, soy Rafael, estoy aqui!"
But the more you tried to focus on him the more your eyes wanted to close "No, no no no no no, abre los ojos amor, enfocate en mi haci bien sigue mirándome" as he was trying to keep you awake you could see the tears roll down his eyes "No porfavor mírame corazón, no me puedes dejar solo!" He cried into you "Eres todo para mi, porfavor no me dejes solo, te necesito" as this was happening you could hear another pair of footsteps get close and as they did you could hear him yelling over at someone to come help him, and telling everyone to retreat "EY TU, VEN A AYUDARME, Y A USTEDES YA NOS VAMOS ALGUIEN ESTA ERIDO ASI QUE RAPIDO, NOS LARGAMOS"
As you were put in the car you felt him place your head on his lap and order the guy to race to the closest hospital
"No Felix, no me importa cuanto dinero tenga que pagar, me vale cabron me vale" he was calling Felix something about how he didn't care about the money but the pain was so bad you couldn't really concentrate on his words all you could try to pull your attention towards was the warmth of his palm on your wrist which he kept there to check you still had a pulse
When you woke up again, you were in a hospital bed and you could see rafa asleep on the chair, with the same clothes still on
You felt bad at the sight of him, he had eye bags and was grabbing onto a paper which you assumed to be the hospital bill, but almost as if he had sensed you; he woke up and look over at your now awake state and immediately started asking questions while calling the nurse over
"Amor! Ya despertaste como te sientes?? No te duele nada?" You kept reassuring him that no nothing hurt and yes you were fine
When he finished fussing over your injuries he pulled you into a hug "porfavor no vuelvas a hacer eso, te lo ruego no se que haría si algo te llegara a pasar" he grabbed your face gently making you look at him, and in his eyes you could see how worried he truly looked, how scared he had felt "Es enserió, no sabes cuanto te necesito" you felt him bury his face in your neck as you played with his hair
"Okay okay, lo siento perdóname no lo vuelvo a hacer okay?" And as he took in your scent your reassured him "Y oye nunca planeo dejarte me entendiste?" You smiled even if he couldn't see it because you realized how much you truly loved him and as you held him in that moment you realized, you would do anything to stay by his side.
Okay my lovely people that is it for today!Honestly I'm so tired, I've been so stressed about exams and trying to set my blog up that my little brain is so overworked, but nonetheless I wanted to provide one last story before I'm gone for like a week? Doubt it tho knowing myself I'll still write even if it's slower also I have a yandere namor saved in my drafts would yall like to see it?
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writers-vlogx · 2 years ago
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Hi! going up a day before Christmas since I want yall to enjoy your time with your family and friends. Also coming from someone who is not in the most healthy environment at the moment I wanna imagine spending time with the characters I love so here it is ❤️❤️
Christmas with Rafael Caro Quintero 🎄
Spending Christmas with Rafa is just going all out, I'm talking inflatables, huge Christmas trees, and so many decorations
To be more precise expensive Christmas decorations, exported from Italy, crafted as one of a kind. It is my firm belief that this man loves Christmas, in fact, he is obsessed with it, after all it is the most wonderful time of the year.
He's going to go all out. He wants to be able to spend time by your side at one of the most important times of the year for him. Being able to decorate and spend time with the one he loves, making memories, laughing but more importantly enjoying each other's company.
He's going into the full holiday spirit, he'll bake cookies with you. Have snow fights, if there is snow. And end the day with hot chocolate and pan dulce while watching a movie.
Also my full belief this man makes your everyday wish come true, so if you came up to him and try to maybe get him to throw a party and serve out food for those in need believe he's getting everything done. Blankets, food, toys, music I'm talking big!
I think he'd be happy that you show so much interest because to some degree it reminded him a little of himself. Always wanted more, more than he had, more than he was. So seeing the kids excited over toys and food warmed his heart.
And okay so basically Christmas day he's getting the biggest most expensive gifts for you. He wants to show off and make you see that he can give you anything you want just name it. That expensive necklace you mentioned once? It's there. The one-of-a-kind ring you saw? Over on the left hun. Now if you got him something, this man will cry. He's going to coddle the living heck outa you. The fact that you thought about him, doesn't matter what it is, he's going to treasure it for the rest of his life.
Afterwards, he's kind of done with fancy meeting and dinners. Mention to him once that you don't feel like going and ba da Bing ba da boom, he's getting into cozy clothes and pulling you in towards him.
You're tired, he's already on the popcorn and candy, you wanna sleep? Well, how convenient, his chest is a perfect pillow. You wanna go do something that doesn't involve his VERY annoying drug-dealing friends? Hey him too, let's go skating or something.
Overall he's extra happy during the season in itself. (And extra kind, yesterday he managed to send someone to the hospital instead of an early funeral. See? kind.)
@yoongskook @hausofmamadas
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writers-vlogx · 2 years ago
Hello what are some things you don't feel comfortable writing?
What I DONT write:
No oc's
No nsfw unfortunately I'm not good at writing that but it can be suggestive
No character x character
And no gore (violence if it's minimum or canon type violence)
The obvious ones are I don't write any pedophilia, no racism, or homophobia is allowed no r*pe or sexism, basically just be a decent human being and we won't have any problems. Also, if you ask for some weird shit like that, YOU WILL BE BLOCK. If you want COMFORT for things listed here, then that's fine. It is still my decision whether i'm comfortable writing these things.
What I DO write for:
Character x reader
Yandere character x reader
Character x reader x Character
Character x trans male reader
Headcanons and crack fics
Reactions so like- how would ___ React to you trying to bake but instead burning the food
Suggestive stuff
Some shows I'll write for:
Narcos: mexico
The last of us
Spiderman across the spiderverse
Battle of Sevastopol
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hausofmamadas · 2 years ago
SKSKSKSKSKS you had me at “Rafael is a romantic type of drunk, so as he was whining talking about how much he loved you…”
BUT THEN YOU HAD ME FOR LIFE AT “ ‘Amor que estas haciendo??!’ You see him turn his head towards your house, he stops singing and you can see the gears turning as he realizes that he’s got the wrong house.” SKSKKSSKSK LIKE IMJUSTSOSORRY NO ONE CAN TELL ME THIS ISNT FUCKING CANON, NO QUESTION HE’S DONE THIS AT SOME POINT ESTE WEY
But then the fact that Reader’s just, “estabas cantando muy bonito sabes?” Like sksksksn they ain’t even mad bc how could you at este amorcito precioso🥰
we all know that rafa sometimes gets drunk so i have this image in my head rafa is a romantic drunk,(we all saw how he remembered the song that played when he slept with sofia, that's what i mean) my man would get drunk And have the bright idea to serenade you late as fuck
I can even see him as if he was so drunk that he go the address wrong "verga esta no es la puta casa" It would wake up the whole neighborhood, including you.
you'd be surprised, but you can't help but love this man, especially if he serenaded you, even if it's just him and his drunk friends trying to sing a song.
my man is giving everything for you in that song
You laugh at him and bring him in, lay him down on your bed, and snuggle with him.
Imagine Rafael caro quintero singing to you while drunk
Okay sometimes I feel like yall are way better at writing than me but on with the story 🥲
I can imagine yall attended a party and you decided to go home early, he tried his hardest to convince you to stay but you had to remind him that you had school the next day and that the hangover was already bad enough, any more alcohol and you would surely be blacked out by the end of the night.
So he called a cab for you and that was that, he decided to stay since he had nowhere to be tomorrow so after like 12:00 at night the man was drunk but as we know; Rafael is a romantic type of drunk so as he was whining talking about how much he loved you, he decided he wanted to show you just how much he loved you and the bright dumb idea came to his mind
He would bring you a serenata, at one in the fucking morning, really rafa??
So man's gathered his friends up after convincing them to join his cause and marched over to your house, or what he thought was your house. News flash it was not in fact your house but your neighbors house
So imagine this man, completely drunk, messy hair, and guitar in hand trying so hard to stand up straight while his friends were just in the back, some of them singing some of them laughing at him
The noise obviously woke you up, and as you walked over to your balcony window you could see him singing his heart out and probably scaring the old lady that lived there, so you decided to open your balcony window and yell over at him to ask him what does he think he's doing, don't get me wrong your not mad in fact you think it's hilarious but it's so late and at this point he'll probably wake up the whole neighborhood.
So you call over to him "Amor que estas haciendo??!" You see him turn his head towards your house, he stops singing and you can see the gears turning in his head as he realizes that he's got the wrong house
Down where rafa is at he looks up at your balcony door and just sees you smiling down at him as he whispers to himself "chingada madre, esta no es la puta casa" he was about to die of embarrassment until he saw you wave over to him, he looks behind him to see his friends already walking away laughing
So he walks over to your house, where your already waiting for him by the door "Hola amor, y tu que haces aquí? Pensé que te avias quedado en la fiesta, que paso?" You ask him as you gently guide him inside
"No es que, quería verte perdón por despertarte" he looks up at you to see if your going to scold him for waking you up, or maybe tell him how he's embarrassed you but instead he sees you smiling at him "Nah no te preocupes, estabas cantando muy bonito sabes?" You said as you laugh
He knows your lying, he's heard drunk people sing before and it isn't exactly what your making it out to be but he sees just how much you care about him, enough to protect his ego which he can admit is very sensitive then your hand grabs his wrist as you guide him upstairs to your bed "Andale vamos a dormir okay? Que mañana necesito despertar temprano okay?" You guide him to your room where you fall asleep peacefully next to him and as your about to fall asleep you hear him whisper next to you "Te amo tanto" before you feel a soft kiss being placed on your hand, Fuck you really do love him too much.
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