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raininglamppost · 5 months ago
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Shm - Tribe Infosheet
One of the the least understood and misunderstood Tribes of the 2nd Era, the Shm are always seen silent and unmoving, so it's not a surprise some would consider them inanimate. Are they dangerous? What do they like? Do they do the things other Tribes and humans do? All we know is they want to life their lives, and dance silently together when no one is looking.
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raininglamppost · 5 months ago
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Afft - Tribe Infosheet
The Afft are a misunderstood Tribe, the stigma of their natural style of eating painting them monsters back in the older days. Many find their heritage to be a source of deep shame, many of them refuse to feed the way their bodies demand of them, and thus life at a disadvantage in terms of energy and magic usage. Raddykill's Axton is no different in this regard, in fact he styles himself as a human, and wishes that what he was often. He hides one pair of extra arms down his sleeves, giving him a strange double-hand look, with the last pair uselessly hidden down his back. His obsession with humans no doubt belies his deeply ingrained shame of what he is and how he think others must think of him.
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raininglamppost · 5 months ago
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Ambaŭ - Tribe Infosheet
Ambaŭ are a nice Tribe, they love and respect life in all its forms, believe in free love and are more than happy to enjoy their and others bodies as a form of expressing friendships. If you can get past their flower-petal style mouths, lined with teeth (and eyes), their need to drink blood and that they're both sexes at once then they're absolutely lovely people. They work a little different and can sound a bit weird and scary when described, but if you know what the Ambaŭ are like, then you know you're always in great company. Plus they know not to take too much blood and are very polite about it.
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raininglamppost · 6 months ago
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Rilege - Tribe Infosheet
The Rilege have a complex relationship with the Lecto Tribe, something I got stuck on trying to explain well back when I was doing these and the reason I stopped working on them for a while - hopefully posting this'll help me get past it and just put it out there. It was fairly rare back in the day for Tribes to attack, and especially devour, other Tribes, but the Lecto were slow learners and had their own language so it took them a long time to realise that Rilege could be something more to them. Their past relationship of predator and prey affected their more modern relationships and parts of it still exist today, having developed into something more meaningful to both sides. Yazmina and Mad Ollie are both Rilege to be in Raddykill, Ollie being especially tall for a Rilege due to her mixed parenthood (a Rilege and Lecto being together is fairly common these days as they compliment each other, though it can get awkward for a few reasons I'll go into with the Lecto sheet). While Yazmina is tiny, loud and always wanting attention, she was also the oldest of almost a dozen siblings who she had to put her childhood aside to help raise. Meanwhile Mad Ollie was born into high society but wants nothing to do with it, wishing to be The Chill Cool Sorta Punky Girl and generally succeeding, though if surprised she may slip back into talking a bit more fancy.
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raininglamppost · 7 months ago
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Runic - Tribe Infosheet
So I started making information sheets about the various Tribes in my world setting back in January - I wanted to get them all done before starting to show them but that didn't happen. So I'll be posting what I've done so far in the hope it'll motivate me to continue these, or failing that, at least these'll be here for you to check out! Anyhow, introducing The Runic Tribe! They're just nice. It's good to just have a nice Tribe with very little bad stuff going on, they just want to create, build, fix, help and generally share affection (though have a hard time being good to themselves) - all sounds a bit too familiar... I tend to have a lot more info then attempt to condense it to fit these, a fool's folly, so I'll also include unorganised info that may or may not be covered above just in case: Character Qualities
Usually alert to surroundings but easily distracted by current mechanical problems or appreciating something they find interesting
Usually busy but don’t mind visitors and can usually find some time to help them out with something
Very benevolent, compassionate when it’s something they can help, but if it’s something they can’t do anything about they tend to become indifferent
Boldness and cautiousness vs fearfulness and rashness vary
Content to be able to work on things, they get edgy if they have nothing to do and will often take it upon themselves to start “improving” the place they’re in if left to their own devices without distract for very long
Dependable, diligent and very determined
Quite short-sighted when it comes to anything non-technical
High endurance
Very enthusiastic about working, faithful that they’ll get it working
Flexible, forging, generous, gentle and honourable
Enjoy company and letting others stay with them if needed but may get burnt out with too much socializing
All try to be humble but some do become a bit arrogant from their achievements
Can fall into self-pity if not properly balancing their lives
Being so large, Runic are naturally quite meek and find it hard to resist orders
Very organized, sometimes to the point of compulsiveness – one’s organization may be a very specific type of messiness though
High patience with work but can get restless very easily if away from it
Persuasive when they know what they’re talking about
Somewhat unreliable when it comes to social meetings as they tend to overwork and sleep in or forget about anything other than what they’re doing
Responsible – if something they made or did caused a problem, they will endeavour to fix it
Find security in life in the know-how they have, which can’t be taken away
Small tendency to be self-indulgent from stress
All strive to be thorough but if they’re taken by inspiration they may cut corners and simply forget to correct them
Very sincere and tolerant
Thrifty – Runic know what’s needed to make what they’re making, they only go beyond what’s needed if it’s requested
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raininglamppost · 6 months ago
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Vinit - Tribe Infosheet
Vinit are mysterious and trusted even less than Ataxians. They can be masters of disguise and you'd never suspect them to not even have any arms. Raddykill's Donovan Joe's disguise isn't exactly subtle; he wears multiple trench coats with the abject hope that they somehow stack his stealth and sleuth abilities. Given how he's wearing his disguise, he doesn't like being watched moving, tending to wait until no one's looking to attempt surreptitiously sidling away. But is his totally inept way of hiding in plain site  actually a total lack of skill? Or is it maybe to fool people into thinking he couldn't possibly manage anything subtle at all...?
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raininglamppost · 6 months ago
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Indigni - Tribe Infosheet
It's the excessive packrat merchants themselves, The Indigni! Using spare arms to carry possessions behind them and their stomach mouth cavity to hold their most treasured objects, (this can include small friends, pets and young) these lil guys detest the concept of loss or even risking loss. TradeMark is the only Indigni to be seen in any media so far, and he's a bit of an outlier - Vincenzo however, who is to be in Raddykill, is closer to most Indigni culturally, though still has their own quirks.
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raininglamppost · 6 months ago
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Ataxian - Tribe Infosheet
Info about the Ataxian Tribe - quite cut-off and aloof to outsiders generally. Ataxians aren't easy to trust and aren't quick to trust others. Members like Addison (an Ataxian slated to feature in Raddykill) uses their fan to change expression - that is to say, they close and open it, holding it up to their masked face, the design on the fan itself changing to display an emotive piece of face to in front of the ever-smiling mask.
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raininglamppost · 1 year ago
Hi Tumblr
I've returned to Tumblr after many a year - mostly due to seeing a buncha art I can't show appreciation for without an account here - but also it'd just be nice to have a place that isn't twitter to post my Stuff
I've been working on a horror game called FriendShapes for almost 4 years and it's extremely close to finished (needs 8 songs and more internal testing then it's gold) - as well as fleshing out the universe that almost all my games are set, as after Era 1, (the end of which is where FriendShapes is set) due to Happenings and Goings On from a future planned game, Blessed be the Damned (that I've wanted to make for 11 years) the world ends up with a whole lot of different sentient life, all with their own deals, designs and cultures
It'd be nice to just be able to share them and for it to not feel like a drop of rain in the ocean like with twitter, so yeah I'm here now and I hope I can make n show some stuff of mine that'll be cool 👋✨
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Also this is Raddy, he's my music maker mascot and is -also- a character for -another- game, Raddykill which I also wanna make (... after the next 2 games also planned) 💦
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