#Racism is inherent 2 being an american and as a white somebody i will always have ingrained thought processes i need 2 work on forever
nogchompa · 6 months
It rlly is getting genuinely scary & nervewracking 2 be transgenderedtm in public....like as a trans man theres not a day go by where somebody doesnt ask me abt my identity in some way. i can only imagine what its like out there 4 our trans sisters. trump made people more comfortable in voicing their vile, fucked up brainwashed ideas abt gender (&everything else) & its very clearly causing some insane political regression. now more than ever we need 2 find solidarity. stop assuming anything, be open 2 everyone, & fight hard 4 every trans woman u meet cuz theyre at the forefront of these latest attacks. these women are the people that the far right has in mind when deciding who 2 attack right now. i dont give a fuck what weird shit shes into, who she is, LOVE THE WOMEN AROUND U BEFORE ITS TOO LATE!!!!!
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evilelitest2 · 4 years
Why do fascists hate capitalism?
Good question.  About half the reasons they hate capitalism are the same reason most leftist do, bad people are still likely to be annoyed at a bad thing that hurts them. Here are the other reasons 
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1) Fascists don’t believe in social mobility.  Capitalism core tenant is “social mobility’, that somebody can work hard and become a billionaire, blah blah blah.  Now this focus on social mobility is and always has been mostly a lie, but even rhetorically capitalism values the notion of social advancement.  fascists do not, in fascist ideology, your birth determines your place in the world, and is part of a “natural order”.  The only way to improve yourself is through war, and even that is more fulfilling your existing destiny rather than creating your own.  Thus Fascists despises any form of social advancement outside military leadership, which is a major reason why they hate liberalism, socialism and communism, but its also a reason why they hate capitalism (though they usually prioritize the left wing ideologies first).  This is even more true for them when somebody they think is “inferior” advances ‘above their station.  Fascists aren’t aristocratic, but they hate capitalism for much of the same reason that the feudal aristocrats and monarchs hated it.  It brings change and challenges the caste system 
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(Speaking of which) 
2) On that note, capitalism is rarely…ideologically racist.  Now capitalism is racist, it promotes and enforces existing racial hierarchies, and much of the damage of colonialism can be laid at the feet of capitalism.  However capitalist ideology rarely buys directly into blood purity or “The Volk” style race theory that fascists so love.  Capitalism in the US makes it super difficult for a black man to advance compared to his white counterpart, but if a black man does manage to become a billionaire, capitalism is basically cool with it.  If you look at a demographic breakdown of the 1%, it is mostly old white men (and almost all people who at least partially inherited their wealth) but it also includes a lot of non white people and women.  its a minority and many of them come from dictatorships (Saudi Arabia, China ect) but the ‘richest people in the world club isn’t entirely monochromatic.  To leftists, this doesn’t seem especially impressive, but to fascists it is way too much diversity.  Because capitalism is at its heart…amoral, the system will keep going even if the 1% are majority non white, gay or women, but to fascists that is terrifying.  they barely tolerate capitalism because the ruling class are mostly straight white dudes, but the thought of the ruling class not overlapping with their belief in racial science to them is terrifying 
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3) Capitalism is ultimately an amoral system.  It doesn’t really believe in a larger ideology beyond “make a fuck ton of money”  and “innovate…somehow.” It does evil things because it believes that doing so will make them money, if doing the right thing will make them more money, they will.  Capitalism is just an utterly mercenary ideology, and will gladly pretend to support progressive causes if it turns a profit.  Again, leftists (rightly) aren’t big fans of this, but fascists hate it for the same reason we do honestly.  
Like you know the whole “Woke capitalism” thing that gets leftists worked up.  its doing something good but you know they don’t care and so they will abandon us the moment they feel like they can get away with it and all that.  That is how fascists feel about the racism in capitalism, they like it but because it is not ideological, they don’t trust it. 
Again this seems weird to leftists, but yes, fascists don’t like capitalism because it isn’t racist enough.  We tend to interact with capitalism more than fascism, so people often don’t realize how much worse it can get 
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4) Capitalism doesn’t care about the spiritual, except as something to sell.  ironically for all the hatred capitalism and communism have for each other, the two ideologies actually share a lot in common, they are super secular, materialist, and basically assume that everything in the world is nothing more than simply products.  Communists and capitalists disagree on what should be done with these goods, but neither of them believe there is anything beyond this world.
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Fascists utterly reject this world view, they hate it, they hate it with a thousand suns.  I know that there current image is a sort of ironic racism chanboard nonsense, but in terms of their actual beliefs, Fascists take everything super seriously.  The entire argument of Nazism is that they value symbols more than actual human life, and they are fiercely attached to various “spiritual” political issues even if they are officially atheists.  I mean capitalism doesn’t give a damn about “degeneracy” because it isn’t actually a material thing, its just an aesthetic preference, there is no like “measurement” of degeneracy.  same goes for honor, the family, purity, and their approach to art, fascism is in many ways about finding meaning in otherwise mundane things.  So at fascist rally to them is this transcendental almost religious experience, while a capitalist would be more It interested in trying to find a way to make money off it.   Fascism is a highly Romantic movement, which doesn’t play well with the cynical wordy perspective of capitalists, who believe in nothing.  
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Fascists also dislike aristocracy, but they love the myth and romance that is necessary for aristocracy and monarchy.  They basically want aristocracy of the skin.  
5) Fascists kinda…hate the idea of money.  Like Capitalism emerged from the merchant classes and is basically came about with the argument “all of your aristocratic concerns over honor, titles, and god are stupid, what matters is who has the money and how you use it”  And Fascists just hate that worldview, one of their defining traits is their love of war and conflict, in fact fascists prioritize war over almost everything else.  It has been noted by smarter men than I (I recommend Ur Fascism) that Fascism is basically a death cult, they want effectively an endless war that they can die gloriously in destroying their enemies.  
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Consistently by the way, fascists will prioritize destroying the people they see as inferior over securing their own material best interest.  Hitler probably could have run his dictatorship in Germany on his own for quite a long time and lived in luxury, but he wanted a giant war because that is what they care about.  
in fact actively seem to indulge in self destructive short term ideologies.  The Nazi economic policy was an absolute joke, with the economy serving as nothing more than something to keep the war effort going.  Stephen Miller, the most fascist like person in trump’s administration, is hyper fixated on a brutal immigration policy, even though it actually hurts the economy.  Fascists oppose freedom of movement and free trade, even though those are policies neoliberal capitalism supports.  The reason is that Fascists value the preservation of “The Volk” over profits, and would rather their people suffer than have to live alongside other races (these people are deeply stupid)
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6) Fascism doesn’t enjoy having fun.   I know for most of, our experience of capitalism is misery as we work, to earn the right to work, to earn the right to give, ourselves the right to buy, ourselves the right to live, to earn the right to die.  However the way that capitalism sells itself is basically “buy lots of shit and that will make yourself happy”.    
Fascism doesn’t really…like being happy.  As i said before, they like war, they like conflict, they like having an enemy who they can destroy.  To fascists, what matters most is how you kill and how you die, rather than enjoying life.  Fascism is about fetishistic death.  Pink Floyd was right that Fascism is almost a form of intellectual suicide.  
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If you look at Japanese fascism, there is big fixation on aesthetic purity focus, with the only thing mattering being conflict 
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7) Capitalism tends to value the urban, the industrial, and the technology, while fascists, like the Confederates before them, are enamored with the rural and the pre-industrial.  This might seem surprising, but there are a lot of fascists who are into environmentalism, Nazis Germany was one of the first states to pass laws banning animal cruelty and limiting smoking.  Fascists are really into this sort of “Clean earth, clean people’ aesthetic which always serves as the breeding ground for cruelty.
8) Capitalism tends to be leery of state control and fascists are all about that shit 
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9)Finally….we need to be frank.  A lot of the ways we talk about anti capitalism actually can fit really nicely into the antisemitic narratives that so dominated fascist thinking.  
so the Marxist says 
“Hey the entire world is controlled by a tiny elite of rich greedy parasites who are making us fight each other in order to benefit themselves”
And the Fascist says 
“Yeah….they are Jewish”
its actually really hard to depict the rich as a class without accidentally wandering into anti Jewish sentiments, because the last 2,000 years of anti Jewish racism has been about creating conspiracy theories where they secretly control the entire world.  A lot of what fascism does is taking existing issues of capitalism and being like “oh yeah…that is the fault of the Jews.  Or migrants/African Americans/Muslims/feminists ect.  Gamergate is a good example of this, they are pissed at corporations, but they blame feminists rather than you know…the inherently predatory nature of capitalism.  Many of the things we don’t like about capitalism are things they also don’t like about capitalism.  This is a major thing they do in terms of recruiting, they focus on getting people pissed at capitalism but then make it be secretly run by Jews rather than you know..Jeff Bezos.
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  (nazi properganda and below are soviet Images of capitalism ) 
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(and sometimes both) 
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This is why btw, I am less anti capitalist than most leftists, because talking to fascists makes you appreciate things about them.  Hitler was destroyed by both a communist dictatorship and a capitalist democracy working together.  
Its worth noting that while fascists do hate capitalism, they hate socialism a lot more, and tend to ally with capitalist to kill leftists, as we see from the Weimar Republic.  Fascist are often ok with certain types of corporate authoritarianism, but in the same way the left can be ok with somebody like Obama.  
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(Frank Miller’s Batman is if Libertarian and Fascism had a baby) 
The lesson I would take from this is that just because somebody hates the thing you hate, doesn’t mean they are necessarily your ally, they might in fact be even worse. Yet another reason to distrust the dirtbag left 
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rametarin · 4 years
It’s not a fun position to be in.
I’d like to clarify, again. I’m not an ethnonationalist, ethnoseparatist, white supremacist, or any of those things. I actually quite dislike them. That’s WHY it makes me mad to see overpolicing of white people or whiteness as inherently oppressive and bad, and anybody else as inherently oppressed and good.
They enshrine and put it into words and ideology that white people and other people exist and should exist on two different levels of society, and their preferred solution is to disestablish one as not existing because races and race-culture doesn’t exist, while empowering everybody else, and pretending that’s not hypocrisy. And since they later updated what they define as racism, technically, it no longer is.
You have to understand. When I was coming up in the late 80s/early 90s, the discourse on race was simple: For anyone to consider themselves by their race first, was to be a racist. The highest tier racists were Nazis, the next step beneath them were KKKlansmen, and then loosely affiliated neo-nazis beneath them, then ‘vaguely white supremacist and hostile towards non-English speakers, brown people and Asians’ people that weren’t loud, screaming hate mongerers came next. But, for a person to think of themselves separate or of themselves or their families as a member of an extant community defined by their race and background, was to be a racist. And that was socially taboo/faux pas.
At least, for white people. Of which in the US, they are/were the majority (even today) and the conversation was deliberately just broadbrush to assume it applied to white people by default.
It did not, however, apply to “oppressed minorities,” conveniently. So, if you were black, or your community/heritage didn’t speak English and wasn’t a “white country” (Latin American, basically) you could be as insular and think about the welfare and integrity of your own little microcosm and diasporic ethnostate that you wanted. One need only look at media and entertainment in the 90s geared towards keeping that spirit of separatism in the American black community to see that double standard. But it was justified and defended by, “We need this, we are under threat of racists, klansmen and hostile Southern confederate-sympathetic gentlemen every day of our lives.
And as vaguely progressive people in the 80s and 90s, yeah, we conceded that roaming bands of horrible southern monster-men were probably a thing black, Hispanic, Indigenous North American and Asian people worried about a lot and had to deal with constantly. Since the news made damned sure to publish every single instance of a hate crime against a minority, and later public school would hold special sessions to talk about such a horrible thing.
Always white-on-somebody-else, always seguing into conversations about how prevalent white supremacists and white supremacism, the actual confederate flag and [your choice of specific and purpose made white supremacist club/militia symbol here] used to be, and in many ways, still was.
At the time, common public discourse was not, “the United States is memetically a white supremacist oppressive shithole based on the very culture and roots, it’s just there are a lot of suppressive, hateful, bigoted people, most of them are in the majority demographic, and most of them are male.” The US was not considered, “white supremacist/racist” by default.
And on paper, taking the moral high ground on racism meant implicitly that you hated racial discrimination, in theory, in all forms. That included favoring people for their real or perceived racial background as well as disfavoring. So preferential treatment to hiring practices were as taboo as preferential treatment for hate crimes.
In practice, many of the same Woke Folks that today said one thing but applied it only to reprimend white people, do so today while saying, proudly, “you can’t discriminate or be racist against white people.” But at the time, they feigned, “just hating racists” to ignore any such racism, bigotry or intolerance from any other group towards whites. They might, however, recognize it if, say, black people did a hate crime towards Asians, but they did so begrudgingly. They HATED having to proactively come out and police that as racism and declare it as such, because they wanted the discourse to evolve into, “it’s ONLY and EXCLUSIVELY racism when it’s white-on-others, because ONLY whites can be racist.” But that wouldn’t be for another 25+ years.
Even that stupid, safe, classic, “haha stupid insecure white man; there’s no such thing as Reverse Racism!” line? That’s a save.
Privilege Theory existed back then, you know. it was published in the late 80s, and the radicals had been using it unofficially for decades before then. But it was a radical school and in deep, and only peeked its head out to try and make cultural headway the way radicals try to make anything radical the mainstream. It just so happened that academia at the time and society at large was not willing to accept that permutation to the racism discourse or dialog. “All white people are racist and racism is an intrinsic quality of white people, nobody else can be” was tested, like a spank on the ass.
And it almost blew the illusion. So, they ran damage control and hid for a while, putting out feelers only for those so deep down the rabbithole or so gullible they’d accept that. And they gaslight anybody that experienced dealing with a radical asshole that said shit like that by saying, “oh that’s just Patty. She’s a meaningless extremist and has no power.” Or, “Haha are you really going to take that anecdote as signs progressive people are all like that bro? omg come on. XD.” Or, “You must have misunderstood her. I know how progressivism and anti-racism can seem when you’ve been raised your whole life by society and the media to think white people are by default superior, so any taste of equality feels like you’re being singled out and discriminated against. :^)”
But the fact is, “haha there’s no such thing as ‘reverse racism’“ had two endings. If you mentioned you experienced someone saying, ‘only whites could be racist and nobody else can be,’ you’d hear either:
1.) “lol no. They were just confused. Racism is the discrimination of anybody on the basis of race! So calm down, the established definition applies to all. :^)”
2.) “there’s no such thing as reverse racism, because racism is the phenomenon of the white supremacist power structure lording and oppressing People of Color. You cannot be racist to white people if you are black, Indigenous or Hispanic, because you have no privilege and no centuries worth of oppression. Cry more.”
Way back in the day we’d SEE these glaring contradictions. And in truth? Most of us hated racism, so we stomached the glaring, disjointed bullshit. But, we ALSO grabbed up that anti-racism stick and BEAT the privilege theorist types subversivelyu hijacking the culture over the head with that anti-racism, too. You wanna claim you hate something because it’s, “racist,” AKA, involves race in the cricteria of something at all? FINE. You’re also going to hate affirmative action and when people come down on the side of not-white people specifically because they’re not-white. You will ELIMINATE race from consideration in any aspect of secular modern civic society and private enterprise and protect everybody equally on the basis of being a person. And any instance that is not the case we’ll come down on you with all the heavy handed spite we see and experience of you fuckers coming down on us, showing us off on soap boxes and sacrificing us on the altars of public socialization to shame and belittle us for the bigotry of generations passed.
You want to hit me with that stigma and smear me as some sort of white supremacist because I object to a thing, dismissing my objection and chalking it up to white supremacism? Then by god I’m going to point out the hypocrisy in the supposed “progressive far left” and their tolerance of anti-semites like Farrakhan, their tolerance towards the polygamy, misogyny and religious fundamentalist patriarchy in Islam, and how non-white communities act and think the same way to protect their own respective ‘brands,’ and the only people you seem to go after for these crimes are the white ones.
Which was fair. After all, we all just, “hate racism :^)”, right? So if you’re going to be an aggrandizing asshole and make a big to-do about castigating a lowbrow joke as a “teachable moment” that involves making every progressive woman hypersensitive and reject men based on how taboo something is to say, then that lack of forgiveness and hypersensitivity and the results of that intolerance will also apply to YOU, god damnit.
But the supposed “progressive” people would not stop. Anti-”racism” was their new toy, aka, their stick to choose their targets and seem absolutely morally right for doing it, and they were going to play that social tool down to the hilt. They did not like being beaten at their own game by being flagged and forced to acknowledge glaring instances of hate crimes in the news when groups of roaming black men found and randomly beat up gentile whites and Jews. They did not like being forced to acknowledge those. So they’d object and scowl at the people bringing them up, like, “Why are we discussing the hate crimes of black men specifically?! You have a problem with black men!?”
Because remember, they were playing the defacto ‘whites are considered default Americans’ to the hilt when it suited them, and using it against people in the discourse suited them. You could talk about generic hate crimes that appear on the newspaper, because those were just regular hate crimes. Their mentality was, if you brought up hate crimes of Asians or black people, then clearly you were just a white man motivated by spite and insecurity to even be tabulating those in the first place, and that meant your opinion and point should be disregarded. You horrible anti-black/Asian racist.
So, please bear in mind, my case is not that white people are in any way better than anybody else. I don’t think that. But by god, in an era when the supposedly progressive, far-leftist, “woke” people are running around saying Europe and North America and Australia are by default white supremacist “cultures” that need “dismantling and replacement,” and simultaneously declaring, “white people do not exist,” and “there are no ‘white countries,’ just cultures and nations without race’ while ABSOLUTELY enshrining that EVERY country in Africa, even ones that are majority Semitic or Arab, are in fact, “black countries.” Or Asian countries being Asian. Or North America as still belonging to the native inhabitants and unjustly stolen land.
I absolutely abhor the doubletalk, I absolutely abhor the mentality that ONLY white people doing things is a problem. I hate that something ISN’T a problem when another group does it, but it’s JUST an issue when white people do it.
I want consistency. If people are going to enshrine and respect the existence, difference and integrity of a black culture in the USA, that is, a culture that exists purely because the people in it have black African features and characteristics and aren’t too “light skinned” to be part of it, and in an era supposedly trying to “get over” race and racial identity, tolerate that from everybody BUT white people, tolerate the idea of a, “chocolate New Orleans” but openly say New Hampshire or Maine being so majority white is an actual problem, then yeah, I’m going to expect one of two things:
1.) The woke/progressives actively discourage black Americans from considering themselves a separate or distinct culture from mainstream America. They stop secluding and culturally isolating themselves in their own hearts and minds and just be fellow countrymen.
2.) They acknowledge, enshrine and respect the fact whites do have their own specifically white cultures of which other races cannot be part of, they’re a distinct people that have their own communities and need their own communities to remain white.
They will do neither and would prefer if white people just disappear. The same sort of disappearance that they see as so disgusting and horrible if it were to happen to literally any other group of people on planet Earth.
When a Chinese immigrant arrives to the US, takes a wife (we’ll just assume white in this instance) and miscegenates, people later chalk this up to, “being colonized in a white supremacist pressure cooker culture.” And mourn how his kids and grandkids, “wash away his culture and background with every generation.” Instead of growing the Chiense-American community. They talk about him like he was enslaved and colonized and his culture eliminated from the American fabric by some schmoozing, destructive white plague cutting it down.
They talk about white Americans like we’re just originless, rootless vermin, and no such distinctness or integrity is to be respected. If we treated other groups in the US the way we treat white people that talk about their background, distinct cultures and etc., we’d be denying them any identity but mainstream American identity. If we treated black Americans that way, we’d be calling them black supremacists every time they wanted to have any sort of civic or educational or societal or community meeting to talk about blackness and the struggles of being black.
It’s just.... absolutely disgusting and frustrating, dealing with the hypocrites, the double standards, and the people maliciously using social justice values to sell policies and top-down application of cultural values the way used car salesmen try and sell people lemons. I dislike them.
I dislike that if a white person talked about their background or group the way a black person in the US does, they’d be called out for their insularity and eurocentrism in a heartbeat, shut down, deplatformed, become an effigy of conversation about, “the growing tide of white supremacism in America.” When all they’d do is take someone like DL Hugely or Cedric the Entertainer or Bernie Mac, and make it, ‘white ethnic’.
Imagine having your racism and in-groupcentrism excused because, “THAT’S PART OF YOUR CULTURE,” and immune to criticism or critical thought. But then, that’s exactly the mentality foisted on us by dialectic materialists and Marxists.
My preferred solution to all of this isn’t to respect white community or white sovereignty or white identitarianism. My preferred solution is the complete dissolution of race as a culture or background in the New World whatsoever. The Old World, you have indigenous cultures and communities across Europe, Africa and Asia that should NOT be expected to “mix” themselves up and out to where the indigenous featues and characteristics are marginalized or ‘bred out.’ That’s where they MAKE those people. But the New World is 100% different. Space should be 100% different.
But I’m also not going to accept, “well only half of us should kill ourselves.off :^)” either. While other communities across the Western World insist on having their communities and insular, demographically concentrated, demographic-culturally-conscious people respected and accommodated, I’m going to expect parity. And not an equality that uses privilege theory ow considers population size being disproportionate as, “they need it more than you.” No. You want to respect peoples, “cultures,” and consider black a culture in the US, then by GOD you will also respect and acknowledge those of European extraction as their own culture in the US. It’s all or nothing, you don’t get to single out one group as not existing or irrelevant and say, “race doesn’t exist” one minute, and then go on about how blackess, cultural and genetic, are “very real things that affect people very much and very really.”
These people would throw public money and social services at immigrant communities, hoping they demographically grow, maintain integrity and spread their numbers- preferably to red states, where they can start turning them purple, or blue. But they’d balk and consider it racist colonization if a white community moved to Niger or Chad and did the same for their own community interests. They’d call that racial supremacism and soft apartheid.
And I absolutely hate all of this.
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therebelwrites · 7 years
[Unpaid] Karmic Invoices and Why Black People Can’t Arbitrate Karma
What happened is that for the first time in my life (or at least that I can remember at the moment), I was there to witness--firsthand--an act of racism and police brutality so great as to be worthy of protest. (Usually my presence is not dispatched to the scene until AFTER a major incident has occurred, or I’m only around the witness the more “minor”--if there is such a thing--routine incidents of racial injustice.)
Not coincidentally, this came mere days after I had mentally admonished two fellow spiritual beings for using their powers to cast spells against people so as to extract justice.
(It matters that they are Black women.)
Yet on this day, the universe saw fit to subject my eyes to such a situation that would challenge my views of what constitutes the “appropriate” use of magick, and shift my paradigm completely...
What I witnessed was an obviously innocent Black man viciously attacked by a crowd of overzealous white police officers while he was literally minding his own business--his body, and dignity, temporarily stripped--and a subsequent over-reaction of said officers even AFTER they had been told about the inherent evil nature of their actions...
(You see, it was all a game to them...As a fraternity of white men awash in blue eyes, veins and uniforms, they were absolutely invincible in their own eyes...)
And so I, of course, was implored to passionately state my peace and let the offending officers, their colleagues, and all who watched know that they were WRONG and being WATCHED by the world--and, more importantly--GOD.
And, before I could even realize what I was happening, I was suddenly overtaken by a sense of calm and I felt myself lifting my hands and--with the ferocity of an enraged mother tiger and fervor of a Southern Black preacher-- saying words that I had never uttered in my life:
May your next three generations be cursed.
But here’s where it gets interesting...
Completely taken aback by my own seemingly other-worldly actions, I came to--which is to say, my CONSCIOUS mind regained control--and I immediately tried to take back my words.
Which is to say, I reverted back into my Black, female, human-ness and did that thing that Black women always do (often to our own detriment):
I tried to protect those who were unworthy and UNDESERVING of my protection.
Which is to say, I tried to tamper with KARMA; to bend the universal laws in favor of all the unborn white babies that would comprise the white officers’ progeny.
Yet almost as soon as I tried to call back the cursed words, I was flooded with knowledge that did not come from within my own psyche:
1) An instant knowing that words such as those could never be recalled, just as a sneeze could never be retracted.
Specifically, that Black women would NEVER be in charge of such task for the very simple reason that THEY ARE TOO NICE. Black women are not spiritually or emotionally equipped to be the sole arbitrators of karma because they are too prone to self-sacrifice; creatures which can be convinced to cut the corners of spiritual retribution for the sake of seeing souls bypass the struggle and pain that they, themselves, have always known.
(It is for this reason that karma acts on its OWN will, moves according to its OWN rules, and exists SEPARATELY from GOD.)
Black women are no better equipped to divvy up karma than Black men are equipped lead the Black community out of bondage. NEITHER parties are qualified to call in the spiritual debt of their oppressors.
3) And, as though there were an old, Black woman standing right next to me, the proclamation was exclaimed inside my ears:
“Somebody gotta PAY for this stuff, chile!!!”
“Black babies fed to alligators; the assassination of Dr. King and Malcolm X and Medgar Evers and Sandra Bland and Rekia Boyd and Emmett Till and Darren Seals and...; public lynchings attended by white families seeking entertainment; lynching postcards circulated throughout the South; the ENSLAVEMENT OF AFRICANS AND NATIVE AMERICANS; the money made from Henrietta Lack’s cells; Sean Bell’s wedding; the Massacre at Wounded Knee; the East. St. Louis Race ATTACK of 1917; Kenneka Jenkins’ death; Kendrick Johnson’s organs; the Prison Industrial Complex; Chemtrails; poisoned water in Flint and St. Louis--”
[Notice how Black male leaders allow themselves to succumb to murder, whereas Black female leaders (i.e. Fannie Lou Hamer and Miriam Makeba) are more prone to accepting death via INTERNALIZED, self-generated means like cancer and heart attack. Indeed, we live and die on our OWN terms.]
And hearing this and understanding the way of the spiritual world, I let my hands fall to my sides, nodded my head in the direction of the boys in blue and calmly--too calmly--resumed my task of baking a star-shaped birthday cake for a very deserving soul. Red, white and blue icing. (Not a conscious choice on my part, but undeniably fitting in retrospect!)
And so in the wake of Dr. King’s death holiday, I vehemently ask of the U.S. government: Where should I send my invoice?
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republicstandard · 6 years
Top 10 Liberal Beliefs that are Destroying the Western World
As everyone except liberals knows, liberals are just awful. But what many people may not know is that their brainless do-gooding is quite literally destroying our civilization. Here is our list of the top ten leftist delusions that make us cringe our faces off.
10. Diversity is our strength
Although diversity can mean having lots of different skills, these skills can only usually be employed successfully if the people who use them are homogeneous. Diversity is divisive; the more differences there are, the higher the chance of arguments and conflict. We may not like to admit it, but every person on this earth has a cultural preference, racial self-interest, and genetic traits. The more fault lines that are present, the more likely problems are to occur.
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9. Homosexuality is equal to heterosexuality
Heterosexuality is the only sexuality where people can reproduce. It also allows children to have the experience of being raised by both the man and the woman who biologically created them. Homosexuality offers none of this, and so, therefore, it is not as important as heterosexuality, nor should it be feted as desirable or promoted to children. The continuation of the species and the means to do it must always be given priority.
8. Pacifism is moral
Not fighting back when your people -or those in dire need- are being invaded and killed is not moral; it is cowardly and quite frankly suicidal. Would you really not fight back if somebody was hurting your child or breaking into your home? Such thinking is nonsense, and will eventually lead to the end of your civilization. Any pacifist society that does emerge will quickly be conquered by those who are willing to fight.
7. All cultures are equal
The culture which built Cathedrals and sailing ships is far superior to the culture which only produced mud huts and spears. There is nothing wrong with admitting this statement of obvious fact. If you believe that all cultures are equal, then you are saying that stoning a woman for being raped (as they do in Pakistan) is equal to the English common law system, under which imprisonment is handed down to the rapist.
6. Real communism has never been tried
Communism has been tried in a number of countries, including the Soviet Union, Vietnam, Cuba, and China. Every single one of these countries either collapsed or had to introduce huge free market reforms in order to stave off a collapse. Central planning of an economy does not usually allow production to react quickly enough to different factors, and the absence of profit and private property means that people have nothing to gain from working hard, so the rates of innovation collapse. If you want to know what far left economics results in then look at Venezuela, where inflation is currently hovering around the 1,000,000% mark. Let us not forget the thought-policing and subjugation inherent in this so-called system of equality.
5. Ethnic minorities in the West are victims of white supremacy
Ethnic minorities in the west have an incredible opportunity to succeed. They are able to claim benefits, have an education, get a job and have a family. Nowhere else in the world are minorities offered such privileges. You remember Barack Obama, the mixed-race guy who was voted by the majority of White Americans to become President of the United States? Or Sadiq Khan, the ethnic Pakistani man who became the Mayor of London? Yeah, terrible white supremacy, right there.
4. You can’t be racist to white people
Racism is prejudice based on the factor of race. Just because a white man is wealthy, that doesn’t mean a black person cannot be racist towards him. If you don’t believe me, just look at the institutional racism taking place in South Africa directed against whites. Despite what modern liberal history books teach, white people have been the victims of countless racist attacks throughout history, ranging from the Berber slave trade of North Africa to the Haitian revolution in 1804.
3. I can be anything I want to be
Your entire biology is determined by the genes passed down to you by your parents. We are all biological beings, and are gender, race, ethnicity and IQ variation are all determined before we are even born. You cannot escape these factors, so please do not delude yourself into trying to change them. Accept the person that you are, and make the best of the existence that you have. One of the greatest strengths of past societies was the acknowledgment of boundaries and limitations.
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2. Putting off having children until later life is perfectly fine
Studies show that the best time to have children, in terms of fertility, the ability to give birth, and the likelihood of avoiding defects, is between the ages of 20 and 35. A woman’s fertility starts to decline after the age of 35, and a woman of this age only has a 15% chance per ovulation cycle of conceiving. By age the age of 45, a woman only has a 3% chance per ovulation cycle of conceiving. If you want to have more than one child, then obviously starting earlier is even more important.
1. You can’t be proud of your ancestors’ achievements. That's racist!
This belief is the one that turns a strong, grounded community into a rootless and weak one. Your ancestors fought for thousands of years so that their land and genetics would carry on to you. The only reason you exist is thanks to their efforts, so the least you can do is be thankful for them. Why anybody would be offended by somebody having pride in his or her ancestors for fighting a battle or discovering a new form of medicine or literally just being part of his or her history is quite beyond me.
from Republic Standard | Conservative Thought & Culture Magazine https://ift.tt/2vmRn94 via IFTTT
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