#Rachel’s capacity for violence and the fact everyone ELSE saw it in her while she only just confronted it last book is excellent
regallibellbright · 10 months
So I’ve been doing an Animorphs Book Club this year, and we just got through the absolute gauntlet that is Books 19-23 With Bonus Hork-Bajir Chronicles. (For those of you who are familiar with the series but not numbers, that’d be Cassie and Aftran having philosophical debates in the wilderness, the David Trilogy, and Tobias being confronted with the idea he might ACTUALLY have a relative who cares about him, only to have it cruelly yanked away.) The club-runners had mentioned that this week would be going back to comedy mode. (Poor, poor Cassie, who got ONE really fantastic book to shine in 19, one that was at least plot-critical in 4, and some good moments especially outside her POV but has mostly gotten pretty mediocre one-off comedy books for her POV so far.) Somehow, that did not prepare me for JUST HOW Wacky this book is.
… Yeah, I’m going to assume the Helmacrons aren’t going to be recurring characters with which to define Cassie’s arc going forward.
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