#Racecraft 2
presdestigatto · 2 months
easports gave carlos 95 for racecraft as if he did not have a stretch of the season when he was banging wheels w charles oscar and alex week in week out
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lokideservesahug · 5 months
Obsessed In Love
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Pairing: Yandere!Checo Pérez x gn!reader
(Slight) Yuki Tsunoda x reader
Warnings: Yandre, obsession, dark themes ofc (all kinda subtle). Badly translated Spanish
Request: Could you do yandere! Checo Perez with male reader? 👀
Notes: I'm not quite sure how to approach male readers just yet so I tried to do a gn reader instead. Pls let me know if you want something different though. This is the first time I've tried tow rite anything like this so feedback is greatly appreciated. Also if anyone wants a second part then pls let me know
Summary: You were very happy with your job- personal assistant for Sergio Pérez. Yet unbeknownst to you, being Checo's personal assistant isn't enough for him.
Part 2
You hadn't been at Red Bull Racing for long but from what you've experienced so far, it has been amazing. You came in at the start of the 2024 season as Sergio Pérez's personal assistant and its just great. All of the crew were lively and welcoming to you, especially Checo. You've been following F1 for a long time now (hence how you found out about the hardly advertised job opening) and have always admired Checo and his racecraft so it was a huge honour to work alongside him. Unsurprisingly, media days are the least strenuous for the drivers but the most difficult for the PR/media team and as someone who worked under the former but worked directly alongside a driver, you had a nice balance of stress.
You scan your paddock pass and at the familiar beeps, you start your trek to Red Bull hospitality. You decided to arrive here early today so you can get a head start on the weekend and so you can even hang around with those you don't often get time to, like the engineers etc. You walk over to your workspace and get our your ipad with the schedule for today. Looks like you'll be following Checo around from 10-12 whilst he does miscellaneous activities and jobs first thing. You check the clock next to you. 8:35. You still have a good hour and a quarter until you need to start worrying about your 'boss' coming in.
You dive into your work and begin checking emails and planning entirely for the next few races. You're engrossed in your work for what feels like hours when you hear a gentle knock on the door. "Come in." You say, whilst placing the ipad on the desk and standing up. "Oh! Checo, I must have lost track of time." You glance at the clock. 8:57. Oh, that's odd. "Good morning cariño" You smile at his warm greeting. "Morning Checo, it isn't like you to be this early. What's the occasion?" For a split second you could have sworn that he looked like he was about to protest your words but swiftly caught himself.
"I uh- just thought I'd get an early start." He gave you a half smile and you smiled at his words. "Well Mr early start, I don't think there's much to do. You'd probably be most helpful speaking to some mechanics about any further adjustments but aside from that. But you can do anything I suppose" You turn to look at him after you finish your pacing only to find him sat down on a seat in the corner of your 'office'. You go to ask him what he's doing but he leans backspace, crosses his legs and speaks before you can get any words out. The corner of his lips turn up at the tilt of his head. "What? I thought you said I could do anything?" His half sarcastic response leaves you speechless. "You won't even know I'm here querida. Unless you ask for help which I'll be happy to give." You feel your cheeks warm slightly at his words and sit down at your desk and continue as you were when he came in.
Checo was really quite helpful and by the time you had finished all you planned for the morning and much more, it was 10 o'clock.
You tidy up the miscellaneous work that manged to scatter across your desk and turn to the Mexican stood to your side. "Thank you for your help." He smiles at your words and looks at the clock behind you. "No worry querida. Any time" You feel yourself blush slightly at his words and so you look down and step away from the desk. You point out the time and ask if you should begin your duties. "You go ahead cariño, I just need to do something." Not thinking much of his words (and assuming he probably had to tie his shoe laces or send a text) you leave the door, parting with a soft "See you in the foyer in a minute."
You sit down on a plush leather sofa by the door waiting for Sergio's return to do your first job of the day. Suddenly, the door quietly opens and you hear the distant shouts of fans and the ever moving ambience of a Formula 1 race track. You turn to look at the door, already knowing who the disruptor of your momentary peace is. "Morning Max." The Dutch man nods at you and walks in your direction to place a clearly empty red bull can in the bin.
He sits down to your left and stretches out. "So, what media duties do you have today?" Max hums in thought and furrows his brows at your question. "Uhm- I think I have to film one of those what's in the box videos and then some looking at the car, meeting a few fans and then the video with Checo at the end of the day." You hum in acknowledgement at Max's words. The Red Bull YouTube video at the end of the day should be quite nice. Unsurprisingly, it features him and Checo but also Daniel and Yuki. You continue chatting, waiting for Checo until the Mexican comes through the door. You stand to greet Checo and begin walking out if the door to begin your day. He smiles at your greetings and unbeknownst to you, gives Max a harsh glare at the proximity of the two of you when he first entered.
The day seemed to breeze by and by the time it came to the last media duty, you were shocked at how late it already was. You stand to the side under a canopy, watching as the RB (both Red Bull and VCARB) drivers mess around with each other. The sight of Checo and Max having a small, futile squabble over who gets to drive however, makes you laugh softly. You turn to look at the other drivers as Checo (not that you know) turns to give you a longing glance for the millionth time today. The cameraman calls for a small break before the next segment if the video will be filmed and the drivers all let out a collective sigh of relief.
You walk to the corner of the gazebo and fetch a chilled red bull from the cooler box for Checo. You wait at the edge of the canopy, still in the shade, for Checo to give the now slightly warmer drink to him. However instead if the regular presence of a certain Pérez to your side, you instead find a short Japanese man. "Hi Yuki." The pilot grins at your words and waves slightly. "Hello Y/N, how are you today?" You continue to exchange pleasantries with the man ; you've become more acquainted recently due to him often approaching you and staying for long chats.
"So how is tha-" Yuki doenst get to finish that thought as a gruff sounding Checo cuts across him, saying your name. You turn to him and give him a small smile whilst sticking your red bull filled hand out. "Sorry it's slightly warm, I got it out a little bit ago when you stopped filming." You look from the thawed ice in the shape of your fingers to Checo's face only to find his lips pulled together in a tight line and was he glaring at something? Before you can ask what's wrong, he meets your eyes and his gaze softens.
"Thank you querida." The cameraman calls to the drivers to return to in front of the lens. Checo lingers for as long as he can at your side until you have to jokingly nudge him in the direction of the camera before he leaves with a breathy laugh.
Despite your early arrival, you get back to your office fairly late. You're one of the last people left in the red bull hospitality (aside from a few mechanics of course but they are just all superhuman). You just want to get home and collapse in your bed by the time you push your office door open but fortunately, you know that you just need to grab a few things and you'll be done for the day.
You place the ipad in the overnight charging dock (a clever little timed thing as to not waste excess energy) and grab your handbag from the floor where it lies. But your gaze catches on a red bull in the middle of the desk. Now it's not surprising in the slightest to see cans everywhere when you work for the big Asutrain company. However, this can is unlike one you've ever seen before. It's almost, glittery? You're curious as to what it is and of course where it came from.
Yet you chalk it up to it maybe being a very nice staff member or maybe even someone that has noticed you in the paddock (a certain Japanese man comes to mind before your mind shoos that away). However, you decide to try a bit of the drink. Heck you'll need at least some caffeine to make it home. You hear the ever satisfying crunch of the ring pull and when you put it to your lips it tastes divine. You almost moan at the sensation of a rich, almost Berry like taste, unlike anything you've ever tried before. You feel like you need to sit down to fully appreciate the flavour.
Wait. No. You feel like you need to sit down regardless. You feel a slight pressure in your head that you convince yourself that you're just imagining. You take another sip of the drink to try and subside the feeling. You place the half full can on your desk and go to walk rewards the door. But the door begins to look slightly fuzzy. Before you even try to make sense of what's happening, you suddenly feel yourself begin to grow weightless and fall backward.
You expect to hear a thump and be met with the hard, carpeted floor. However, you instead find yourself met with something warm and soft. Your mind , which is growing ever hazier, tries to make your head look up but you find yourself frozen, unable to move. At your attempts at mobility your hear a quiet "shhh." You groan in response trying to understand who the person (cradling you?) Is. "Shhh querida. You're safe with me. Just relax." And that's all it takes for you to drift into unconsciousness.
Please let me know if anyone would be interested in a second part!
Thank you for reading. As always, likes, reblogs and especially feedback is always welcome.
Taglist (irdk if this is anyone's thing so sorry if it's not). @nikfigueiredo @mysoulispainted @leclercings @d3kstar @hiireadstuff @a-beaverhausen @nichmeddar @lozzamez3 @stinkyjax @marymustdie @littlesatanicassholebitch @mehrmonga @insanedeathwish @ems-alexandra @a-disturbing-self-reflection @cherry-piee @minkyungseokie
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kadytimberfox · 2 months
This was the most, for lack of a better word, angry race I've ever witnessed in my years of watching motorsport. The radio chatter was like listening to an F4 race on iRacing. I don't think anyone except for maybe Lewis actually walked away from this race happy.
Piastri was not behaving like a man who just won a grand prix. The constant "thank you"s over the radio, the half-hearted trot into the arms of his mechanics. I'm laying the blame at the feet of the McLaren pit wall for giving Lando priority on the pit stop in the first place but if you're already committing to giving Lando the undercut *don't order a position swap*! If it's not Oscar's day then it's not Oscar's day, have the decency to tell him that instead of gifting him a win he doesn't feel like he earned no matter how well he drove today.
I love Lando but he's not off the hook here either. If the swap had happened immediately it still would've been painful but Oscar could probably still walk away feeling like he won on merit. Opening a 6-second gap and then nearly stopping on the straight to let him by is nothing short of complete humiliation.
And I can't even blame him!! He needs the points to close the gap to Max. I completely understand his thought process. It was just a completely shitty situation for everyone involved and it didn't even need to happen. Give Piastri first dibs on the pit stop and let them fight it out on track. Literally that simple.
And speaking of Max, boy fucking howdy did someone shit in his cereal today. I get that the team let him down on the strategy but the racecraft and the radio from the very first corner was just embarrassing. Here he is again just deciding that the runoff is his own personal race track and he can just keep the throttle pinned all the way through. I've tried fitting 3 cars smaller than these through turn 1 at Hungary and someone, usually the outside car, ALWAYS ends up in the grass or in the wall. You just can't do it.
Amazing how today was a clean McLaren 1-2 on pure pace and somehow they found a way to make it taste bittersweet to me.
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beabnormal24 · 7 months
Carlos’ future in F1: an essay
I lost the ask about Carlos’ future in F1 😭😭 but I’ll write my answer anyway (I’m so sorry).
The person who asked me said that they liked my writing so I’m going to write a whole essay for them.
No but, for real, all that I’m going to say is a product of many many talks with my boyfriend (he’s a Mechanical engineer, specialising in power train, he knows what he’s talking about) and my uncle.
Anyway, let’s go.
First option: Mercedes.
I honestly do not think it would be wise of Carlos to accept the second Mercedes seat: firstly, he would be just that, a second driver, even if probably in a less clear way than in other teams, but still a second driver.
On top of that, it is pretty obvious now that all Mercedes is looking for is someone to warm the seat for Kimi Antonelli so even if Carlos’ results would be amazing and spectacular, they would still prefer a young promise that they can build the car entirely around.
Which is exactly the reason why I think that Fernando Alonso would be a much better choice next to George, perhaps have his last 1/2 years in the sport and then retire for good (not because I think he needs to retire, it’s obvious how good he still is in the sport, what I’m saying it’s just a matter of probability).
Second option: Stake [future Audi]
It hurts me to say, but it’s probably the most probable outcome.
The thing is, Audi is looking for an experienced driver, of course, someone that can tell them exactly what they need to do to improve, someone who knows what he’s talking about because he’s good at his job and he has a particular sensitivity to the car.
And we all know that Carlos is exactly that driver, Ferrari and McLaren and Renault have frequently appreciated his skills in the matter. He knows what to look for in a car, how to look for it and how to give feedback.
On top of that, he’s a consistent driver that knows exactly how to bring the car to its limits. What I’ve always loved about Carlos is that he knows how to bring out the best from a car even if it is not built for him (Ferrari, for example, has explicitly said that they’re building the car around Charles which is plausible - do not hate Ferrari for that, every team has to decide a first driver, that’s how the sport works and that’s what the engineers need to think about the best project).
A new team like Audi will be in 2026, that will also have the slight advantage to other teams of entering the sport at the same time as new regulations, will need someone like Carlos.
Of course, not to mention the connections that he has thanks to his dad. (Do not hate on Carlos’ family under this post, everybody’s parent would try and give their sons/daughters their best options if they can. Hating on Carlos Sainz Sr for that is the most hypocritical thing you can do).
Counterpart? He would have to deal with Stake for the 2025 season and their objectively awful car, and it would kill me.
Third option: RedBull
Ah, yes but no.
Yes because I wish for him to have a good car, I wish for him to have a good team and be on the podium every weekend and have a few wins.
Him and Max have a good relationship (whoever says that Max hates him because he’s in love with Charles, what the hell is your problem? You can ship them, alright, and you can let your imagination fly, but always remember that there’s a difference between fantasy and real life, and real life is that Max does not hate anyone and in that fucking cool down room in Bahrein he appreciated Carlos’ racecraft - you can listen to the audio again and actually listen to it - and his clean overtakes on both Charles and George - not just Charles, there was George, too, if your brain fails to remind you) despite all the people insisting on their dads’ problem and all.
That’s the no part. Unfortunately, both Max and Carlos’ careers are a bit influenced by their dads, but again, we cannot hate them for that. That’s how families are, that’s how complicated human relationships are.
Parents try to give their sons the best, that’s just how it is.
Fourth option: Aston Martin
Is it an option? Yes, no, depends on what Fernando will decide to do.
But I honestly think it would be a really good choice. Aston Martin is a great team, top of the midfield, drivers can show their abilities in that kind of car, there’s no enormous drama or anything and Lance is a pretty good teammate.
Besides, if Fernando were to leave the team, they would need another driver to ‘take the lead’. Not that Lance would not be fitting, but I think Carlos would be a great option for the development of the car and for feedbacks (see previous point in Audi section).
Fifth option: Alpine
God, please, no.
(I’m already suffering enough for Esteban and Pierre, please stop).
Sixth option: Haas
See fifth option.
(Besides, I think they were planning on giving a seat to Ollie Bearman, anyway. Given the incredible result of last week, that will almost surely be the case and deservedly so).
Seventh option: Williams
See fifth option.
I love both Alex and Logan, and I hope they’ll keep Logan for the time being.
Conclusion: where do I want Carlos to go?
Carlos is an amazing driver, consistent, smart, fast, experienced.
He makes very few mistakes and he’s really intelligent, which means that he’s able to bring out the potential of a car even when it does not perform exceptionally.
Let’s all remember that he was the only non-RedBull winner last year. And no, not because they ‘sacrificed’ Charles, but because he knew exactly what to do and how to do it and when to do it - again, smart. And no, I’m not bringing down Charles by celebrating Carlos’ win. Latest news: you can celebrate different drivers without bringing down other.
(If that were the case, then you would have to kill all your siblings because how dare your parents celebrate their birthday and not yours on the same day? Please, be reasonable when you think, your brain deserves that).
Any team would be lucky to have him.
Personally, I hope for RedBull, because then he would get a chance to perform with a great car and one that adapts to his driving style (him and Max have a pretty similar setup and pretty similar preferences when it comes to the car, which would also be a great advantage for the engineering side of the team that I just cannot ignore since I study engineering myself hahah), regardless of the whole drama that usually takes place in that team.
About that, I would like to point put that RedBull comes first and foremost as a brand, not as a driving team, which means that media and public facades are a great part of its entire existence, that’s why there’s always talking around it.
That’s what they want, that’s what they need, and it’s understandable: Ferrari has its history, McLaren has its history and its ‘modernity’, RedBull has its brand.
And it’s okay because that’s how sports work in general, that’s how the world works in general.
We should just learn to differentiate between the public appearances and the actual important aspects of the sports (strategies and the mechanic and aerodynamic part of a car and the abilities of the drivers etcetera).
Realistically, I think he will probably take Valtteri/Zhou’s seat (sadly, of course, I love each and every one of them) and start at Stake for 2025 to be part of Audi for the remaining part of his career.
That’s it, that’s what I think. Thank you anon for the question, sorry if I lost it, I hope you liked my detailed answer. 💕🫶🏻
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danieldrivesfast · 3 months
Imagine if Oscar had the maturity and racecraft to know how to work with his teammate instead of blindly dive-bombing said teammate and losing touch with Max and screwing them out of a potential 1-2. He could've fought with Lando once they both cleared Max, but no. It's going to be another poor tire management race 5+ seconds behind Max. 🫠
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moistvonlipwig · 1 month
tag 9 people you want to get know better!
tagged by @jioinfocommlimited :o
last song: "the riversitter" by vienna teng. song of all time perhaps
favorite color: black ^_^
currently reading: racecraft by karen e. fields & barbara j. fields
currently watching: adventure time season 8!!! also rewatching breaking bad with @02511213942 and a couple of our high school friends hehehe
last movie: ......i think it was blithe spirit (1945, dir. david lean). wild movie
sweet spicy or savory: spicy 🌶 🌶 🌶
relationship status: i have 2 cats
current obsessions: started thinkin about mcwexler again yesterday...............big mistake 😖😖😖
tea or coffee: tea but only ever fruity herbal tea with honey & lemon. and honestly. i mostly just drink water
last thing i googled: well technically it's "weather" but the last interesting thing i googled was "how to become telescope operator"
tagging @cassphos, @02511213942, @nocticola, @occidentaltourist;
@transmascutena, @sideguitars, @all-seeing-ifer;
@cauldronofmorning, @antigonewinchester, @rhyslahey, & @spikeface !
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onboardsorasora · 2 months
Tag gammeeee. Thank you for the tag @girlsdads
rules: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs
WIPs I've touched recently include:
1. Disney Adult Daniel
2. Otaku Daniel
3. Ripe Cherries - (actual factual gasp)
4. Winter Soldier
5. Mr Seven
6. Sunlight
Tagging ummm I dont even know. No pressure tags; @racecrafting @dannyricrolled @hellohallowedhalo @metallicinterests and anyone who wants to join!
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Tbh, as both a big Ferrari and Mclaren fan, this was an amazing sprint! The start of the 2 Ferraris was so good and so exciting. The racecraft and fighting during the race was what I love about F1 and damn what a race from Piastri!! Also Lando's overtaking at the end was amazing to see! I've really missed this excitement in races lately and I'm happy it didn't stay in Singapore!
And congrats to Max for the World Championship, he has been so dominant all season, he really deserves it!
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scuderlia · 7 months
Can you do a ranking of reaction of the grid being whined on in the club ? I know that Lewis would EAT but the others....
you lowkey need to open your third eye to understand this but trust it is correct. 
Lewis (COME ON)
Nando (may have partied with Vybz Kartel before he was jailed)
Max (this man loves bunda)
Carlos (toro rosso bull riding video)
Pierre (euro fuckboy who unbuttons his shirts)
Lando (burna boy stan + pure enthusiasm)
Alex (trust me on this one)
Checo (no need to explain. you either get it or you don’t.)
Logan (miami BBL staycation)
Zhou (braids incident, pt. 2)
Lance (the mtl freak scene is wild)
Daniel (more inclined to be the one whining)
Oscar (gut feeling.)
George (Carmen carried him to this spot, but he’s still saying “blimey”)
Charles (it physically pains me to have him here believe me)
Hulk (he could. but would he?)
Kmag (ice bath content… hngh)
Valtteri (showing ass doesn’t mean you can handle a baddie)
Yuki (simply wouldn’t want to catch it)
Esteban (bruh.)
by me, @racecrafting, and an undisclosed third party consultant 
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princelancey · 1 year
Yes everything you said! The Cota thing really baffles me as well. Like how the fuck did that happen? Because let's say even if I run with the idea that Felipe would be taking Lance seat next year and that was going to be announced, there is still no way that Aston Martin would do it like this and approve of the banners. It's obvious someone put it up there for malicious reasons. Yes, I honestly want to hug Lance at the moment and tell him I think he is great haha. It also dawned upon me the past week that Aston Martin are not doing any driver videos this year, like how previous years they did it with Seb and Lance with challenges. And it isn't like Lance and Fernando are not getting along. I personally think it's purely because Lance said no because he doesn't want another outlet for the hate. No, I do think Lance has fire in him. Like also how he started the season 2 weeks after quite a big surgery and was obviously still in pain. But I do think like he has a mental block at the moment because I think after some bad weekends it's all you can think about, but then that actually makes everything worse because it is all you think about.
Someone absolutely did it maliciously and it really asks questions about the organisation at Cota, cause they also misspelled Daniel's name on the sign above the garage so doesn't look great for them :|
They have the cube like game show videos they filmed before the season and that's it, tbh I think it has more to do with the fact that neither Lance nor nando are exactly known for their love of team pr activities (if you go off what esteban said about the end of last season) so getting it all out of the way on one day probably appealed to both of them, cause like you said they clearly get on well 😅
Looking at some of the things Mike has said, the updates after Canada did not do what they hoped they would and Lance just can't deal with them as well as nando and look as much as I adore Lance I can admit the two are not the same caliber so it's not a surprise, on top of that though the team have made some shocking strategy choices for Lance & had several mechanical failures that have made it all look worse than it actually is imo. When you look at his racecraft Lance is still on it, like despite the heat and low blood pressure issues at the end of Qatar Lance put up one hell of a defense against Checo and Pierre, like that was a sexy move I loved it so much. So while the results aren't what he wants position-wise, he isn't doing "bad", I hope that gets across what I mean 😅
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op81s · 8 days
Lando doesn't like Lance or any Stroll because Lawrence block him 2 times from racing for prema (f3 and f2), just because he could, Lando wasnt in the same category as Lance, that is why carlin made a return in f2 with Lando. Also, both Strolls made subtle digs at Lando before he started in f1.
okay i understand why that would make him dislike lawrence but it's not like that was lance's fault? he was a child at the time? but i understand where you're coming from. lando was ALSO a child at the time so grudges were built.
now. the lance and lawrence might have made subtle digs at lando pre him joining f1 but lando? has made some NOT SO SUBTLE digs at lance after joining f1.
which is why it's EVER SO INTERESTING that they would both voluntarily spend time with each other? outside of f1? when lando keeps shit talking lance's racecraft? but then turning around and praising his ability at literally every other sport? and lance keeps agreeing to hang out with a man that shit talks him? does everything just slide of that man like water off a duck's back?
why are you like this? @ lance and lando.
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bimboficationblues · 9 months
I'm going to also hit you with a 🔥 le ciné
well my computer crashed and I lost an effortpost I made about the history of cinema as an engine of racecraft so I'll just boil it down to "more than other expressive medium, film has been fundamentally entangled with racism and productions of race as concept throughout its history - both in the narrative history we tell about film, and material constraints like colonial prohibitions on African cinema - encoding these values into our ways of seeing, and I don't think the medium has really reckoned with that."
anyway some actually spicy unpopular opinions that aren't just preaching to the choir (i.e. my contempt for the scoundrel Robert Zemeckis):
Oldboy is not only mid I think it is Park Chan-wook's worst film
most Hayao Miyazaki movies are overrated and his personal reputation is disproportionate to the actuality of the man
Aliens is the second worst of the original tetralogy (this assessment changes drastically if we factor in the prequels)
the horror-comedy is an underrated genre - truly wretched when done badly (basically everything Samara Weaving has been in) but really fun when done well
Brokeback Mountain is bad
Wes Anderson is overhated as a director
I think Everything Everywhere All At Once is enjoyable but I dread whatever the directors/writers make next because I think they have juvenile middlebrow sensibilities
My worst theater-going experience ever was Mamma Mia 2
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birdsean · 1 year
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Really exciting project we’re working on. #002 1997 ITR driven by Lance Stewart in the 1998 SCCA World Challenge T2 class. This was the racing modification in Gran Turismo 2, the car in the original TE37 ad, And really significant to my childhood & early interest in cars.
The chassis has just completed a 500+hr restoration by Racecraft where they were able to save a majority of the original unibody & the Prodrive* prepared roll cage. Jeff & I are going to paint it & do the livery.
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blamemma · 11 months
see the reason why I’m relaxed at any rumour of anyone other than daniel getting that seat (other than everything they’ve done and said regarding him specifically this year) is that literally no one else makes sense - they want someone with a bunch of experience that’s good and mature in their driving and doesn’t bottle good opportunities who can play more of a number 2 role to max opposed to someone trying too hard to be number 1, someone who’s a better qualifier than checo and has better racecraft than valtteri, someone who they know can handle/want both the pressure of max as a teammate and actually like the characteristics of the car the way Alex, Pierre and Checo haven’t
exactly.....all the puzzle pieces match together to create a daniel ricciardo shaped photo in that red bull car. i just think it's about unlocking and showcasing the old daniel again for red bull, stating that them putting daniel in that red bull has a strong reason, and he seems to proving that in the AT so far....to me, at this point, no one else makes sense. journalists can write article after article of lando or charles going to red bull but lando is scared of red bull i think and going up against max, and charles has made a blood sacrifice to ferrari, so it is simply never going to happen. i honestly think daniel is their best bet for now and we'll see him there for 2-3 years (hopefully more!) and it'll either be oscar or liam who then move on up into that red bull team
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mwebber · 1 year
im p confused rn lol, feel free to ignore this ofc but questions are meant genuinely.
is it the domination that you have a problem with? the lack of fight at front?
or is it more simply you want seb to keep his record(s)?
or just with verstappen winning?
i understand the first 2 and hear the 3rd a lot but just ur prev posts came a lil outta left field for me lol. i'd like to hear your thoughts, with peace and love on planet earth <3
pourquoi pas les trois... actually i think it might boil down to two main things: my frustration at the continued erasure and diminishing of seb's achievements, and my pet peeve of Total Fucking Bullshit.
it's no secret that this sport has a problem with dominating teams. and yes, you could argue that's the point--hello, it's a constructor's championship, the point is to have the best car. and red bull have built beasts the last couple of years! seriously, all my respect to the team as a whole for pulling everything together. i was and remain a red bull fan at heart despite it all, and it makes me happy from an objective standpoint to see so many elements of a team come together in harmony. red bull is a well-oiled machine at work.
but i genuinely don't think there's been this level of domination by a singular driver in a singular team since like, 2013. think: if lewis' era of domination was so much "worse" than this as the dudebros like to say, why hasn't lewis come close to beating 9 wins in a row? the main phenomenon at play is the sport's short term memory--but really, the way fans like to completely forget 2015-2018 and arguably 2019 too really frustrates me. it wasn't like 2014 hit and suddenly lewis was winning everything. nico won the 2016 wdc. seb posed a real fucking threat in 2015, and in 2017-18 the messaging from the sport was that the battle between him and lewis was, quote unquote, titanic. a battle between, quote unquote, titans of the sport. fast forward to 2020/21 and the narrative is that nothing has stood in lewis' way for the last 6 or 7 years, and that his era of domination needs to be ended for ~the good of the sport.~
so seb makes a couple mistakes, fine, but mostly gets visibly cucked by his team for years, and suddenly he's nothing. his four championships mean nothing, his 3rd most wins in the history of f1 mean nothing, he's just ferrari's next failure.
but then the narrative around max. max, who's introduced in 2021 like he's an up and coming driver intent on toppling lewis' throne. it's a great narrative, right? mercedes took red bull's ball. red bull want it back. casually ignoring how max has been in the sport since 2016, max is red bull's new young golden boy, the one who's going to lead them to victory as the youngest driver like seb already did before and wow, wait, sorry for mentioning seb in relation to success there, let's keep on reinforcing that he's an old man who needs to retire. anyway, max is someone who doesn't give a flying fuck about anyone or anything except racing! max is a beast on track! max is [checks notes] our great white hope!
let's put the racism discussion on hold, because i think people try really hard to pin him down as this like, absolutely sociopathic bigot who is the most racist person in the world, and while he's not NOT racist, i don't think the extreme conclusion ppl are reaching is true. plus this rhetoric is mostly smoke and mirrors to try and find a leftist/social justice reason to hate on him anyway. so let's get fucking real: i dislike max for the same reasons i dislike taylor sw*ft. i hate that there's this blatant marketing campaign that fans buy into and perpetuate, that these people are the greatest of their generation, that they're masters of their craft. like, what? max's racecraft is just threatening to crash people out or push them off the track, something multiple drivers have been quoted saying. that's not ruthless, that's just bad fucking driving. that's an asshole on the dvp suddenly merging into your lane without using their blinkers or checking their blindspots and forcing you to pull out your defensive driving skills from that one class in drivers ed just to avoid a massive pileup on the highway. and i'm expected to suck this guy's dick?
max wins a fraudulent championship in 2021 and proceeds, for the next two years, to basically cruise at the front. it's like the second half of 2013, except it's lasting for a YEAR AND A HALF. only this time, instead of the sport trying to diminish this stint by saying it's just the car or that the golden boy has put himself above the team, people are......... celebrating? listen, i enjoy a singapore 2013 moment as much as the next seb fan but come on. get real. if every race was singapore 2013 that would be boring. and that's what we're seeing, but that's not what fom wants us to think we're seeing. it's complete bullshit.
which leads me to my posts. oh my god, i hated the comparisons between max and seb's first championships. the circumstances could not be more different--it was fucking insulting. seb won his championship fair and square, no rulebook bending required. seb's most violent moment on track that year was in turkey with mark--but he didn't park his car on top of mark's head and walk out saying that's what you get. how could people say that seb was anything like max.
seb's 9 wins at the end of 2013 were the culmination of five years spent fighting tooth and nail for his success. even for how dominant he was in 2011, there were still other teams up there! he had to fight his own teammate for so many years! and even with displays like singapore 2013, there were races where he was fighting in the second half of the season! and now we see this current streak of wins from the last two years where everyone else has tumbled behind and perez is contractually obligated to be a doormat. (not to say that teams haven't tried--i had so much hope at the start of 2022 when ferrari showed up with that pussy monster.) so look me in the eyes and say that max has fought with everything in him just to get that #1 spot. the two of them are leagues apart, but people--the same ones who have said seb is washed--are inevitably going to say that max has beaten seb, that max is on par with the third most successful driver in the sport. it's like a slap to the face.
and so we end back with the constant retconning of seb's position in f1 history. it drives me insane. he's nothing when it comes to propping max up, and then he's the benchmark to prop max up. he's a titan of the sport, and then he's just a failure. come on. come on. i'm just tired of my favourite driver never being given the credit he deserves, and i'm tired of having this fictional story shoved down my throat that max is anything like the goats in the sport. tl;dr. get real.
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singaporesainz · 11 months
You answered an ask recently about Daniel at Rb giving Max a run for his money and I’m sorry but I disagree.
Daniel might be the teammate whose car preferences aline the most with Max and he was the only teammate Max has had to be close to him but I feel like people often forget that that was literal teenage Max, barely 2 years out of karting Max.
Daniel left RB in 2018 bc he felt he was becoming 2nd to 21year old Max. The Max who was dubbed Crashstappen that year yet beat him (yes, I know reliability but we can play the same game for Max in 2017).
And Max has only gotten better since. He finished on the podium in every race he finished in 2021 (bar Hungary where Bottas went Bowling and he dragged half a car to points). He’s won 10 races in a row this year. He hasn’t had a single off weekend (Singapore was RB messing up the set up) so far in 2023.
So, while Daniel might be better and closer to Max than his past teammates, I think Max’s sheer consistency alone beats him every day off the week. Maybe Daniel will get a win or two in on one of Max’s weaker tracks but over a whole season, I just don’t see it.
first of all, don’t apologize for disagreeing. it’s hot takes for a reason haha. and thanks for bringing in the receipts and being respectful too!!!
all valid points but when i answered saying “give max a run for his money” i was honestly only thinking about what daniel has showed us this year. i mean from testing in silverstone and putting up times that compared to max and then putting an AT in q3 and qualifying p4?? daniel has been putting in the work and i think that he’d be insane in the rb19 and whatever monster they come up with next year.
though i do stand by my statements in other asks, how max is such a masterclass racer and has— i would say— perfected his racecraft, i know that max would be a heard one to beat. i just meant that daniel would put up more of a fight in terms of points and an rbr battle than checo has. i mean in a perfect world (aka my delusion) that’s kind of what i see
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