#RWBY Hazel
darius-1 · 6 days
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randombook4idk · 1 year
thinking about how hazel rips his jacket off and it pans to qrow who looks like is having his gay awakening in the worst possible time
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autumnsorbet · 8 months
Another Rosegarden parallel I don't know if anyone else has mentioned this but they both had it where someone had misplaced hate for them that kind of doesn't make sense if you think about it
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And it's the parallel with the main person from the villain side that was after them Neo at who's after Ruby and Hazel who was after Oscar cuz he's the next Oz
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In Hazel's case I kind of get it he was upset that I was recruited his sister and she died on a training mission but him siding with Salem who makes the Grimm that killed his sister just to go after oz still doesn't make sense
And neo who hates Ruby even though Salem again makes the Grimm and a Grimm killed roman
And it was cinder plan
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madzigness · 2 years
Adam Taurus shares a bad quality with all Salem faction villains.
Hazel. Just like Adam he was forced to join Salems forces. While Hazel later sees that he is on the wrong side of the fight and redeems himself, one thing Adam fails to do, just like Adam, he made himself believed that he was fighting for the right cause in his forced work for Salem.
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Cinder. The main thing that she and Adam shares is their hate for everyone, overconfidence, and entitlement, they both believe they deserve everyone at their feet. Also they have a similar past both were abused when young, just that the fandom likes to ignore this fact for Adam and later on goes on tirades how people that like Adam as a character down play Cinders turn to evil because of her circumstances and how she is a tragic character, but when people that like Adam as a tragic villain say the same about him they are the devil and get screamed at saying no Adam was always evil and not a tragic character him being branded at age 18, that is the oldest possible he could have been when he got the brand and that still is stretching the timeline thin, he could have been as young as 15, does not justify his hate of humans and doesn't make him a tragic character they say.
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Watts. He shares the least similarities between himself and Adam. Both are cocky/overconfident and both succeeded in overthrowing one a company/government, the other a terrorist group, just they do it in completely different ways with different goals in mind.
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Tyrian. Both of them are insane, psychologically unstable individuals that kill without remorse because they believe their cause to be the most righteous. I would believe that Tyrian is Adam spirit animal or vice versa, brothers of different mother these two are.
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Salem. Sadly, Adam doesn’t share a similarity with Salem, it would be cool if he did that would make him have something in common with all of Salems faction, I am not counting the fact both of them have armies of disposable extras at their command as similarity.
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neopoliitan · 1 year
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On the third day he returned from death like he certainly will in canon (copium), I drew Hazel for the RWBYEaster collab!
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corvanid · 1 year
Hazel: In your opinion, what's the height of stupidity?
Watts, turning to Cinder: How tall are you?
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karume-everything-else · 11 months
Flufftober 2023
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Day 24: "I wish I could spend more time with you." [Reader x Hazel] {RWBY}
Despite not being a good fighter, you were often teamed up with Tyrian. At first, you thought it was Salem being racist, given you were also a faunis. But no, you were there to try and fine-tune Tyrian's wild fighting style with a little planning. However that put a lot of strain on your relationship with Hazel.
Not that he was worried about you cheating or leaving him for Tyrian. The two of you barely saw one another unless Salem had nothing else for either of you to do.
It just rubbed you both the wrong way.
But you did have one such occasion, just relaxing against Hazel's arm. You were reading while he whittled a small wooden figure. It was peaceful, for the most part. Emerald was seeking refuge from Mercury, only able to get the silver-haired male to leave her alone when she was around Hazel specifically. His intimidating physique and the fact he was this skilled with a knife was more than enough deterrent for most people.
Unfortunately, even the sun sets in paradise as Tyrian waltzed into the room, "Well now, what a cozy scene. Shame I have to whisk [Name] away to Atlas."
You sighed, silently standing, following Tyrian to the hanger. Hazel was following you just to see you off, gently grabbing your wrist before you could board the ship. As much as Watts wanted to say something, the sneering 'gentleman' knew better than to cross Hazel.
"[Name], be careful." He stooped a little to kiss your forehead, "Don't let Tyrian get you into trouble. And don't let the people of Atlas get under your skin, you're not just a faunis."
You smiled a little warmly up at him. "I know. I just wish I could spend more time with you. If we were on a team, things would just get done."
Hazel smirked, turning away. Softly patting your shoulder before he went back into the castle. As much as Hazel would love to bring that idea up to Salem, he couldn't help but worry that it would be more trouble than it would ultimately be worth. And it wasn't as if you two didn't get some time together.
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iamafanofcartoons · 2 years
Twitter doing edits on the new Mario Trailer?
Here’s the one with RWBY and Salem vs Hazel.
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theabyssalorange · 8 months
Some rough designs for a RWBY AU I've been thinking up. Little WTCH! Watts, Tyrian, Cinder, and Hazel are teens that attend a Huntsman Academy whose Headmaster is Salem. This is a controversial academy because it focuses on how to deal with Grimm without harming them and rehabilitation for hurt Grimm. Emerald, Mercury, Roman, and Neapolitan make up the secondary team, EMRN (or Emergence) and they're friends with WTCH. Cinder is the lead of this AU.
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I swapped Watts and Neo's fairy tail because I wanted to. I also made Mercury and Neo Faunus because I wanted to (they're a cow and a cat). Their skin tones would be their canon ones (the picture editor I scribbled on these with has no skin tones). I have plenty of story ideas for this AU already! These kids are plucky and/or angsty teens with a lot of emotions!
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Hazel: You can't run anymore schnee any last wor-
Whitley: YOUR SISTER DIED BECAUSE OF YOU!!!! *Transforms into dragon knight* RAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
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supersaiyanjedi14 · 2 years
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“When she came for me, I killed her over and over again.  The longest she was gone was only a few hours, before she put herself back together.  When I couldn't lift my arms anymore, she showed me that, through her, I could have the vengeance I needed.”
At the time of his death in Atlas, two years after the Fall of Beacon, Hazel Rainart was a human male who appeared to be in his mid to late forties.  While much of his early background is unknown, the catalyst for his life would come with the death of his sister Gretchen, who lost her life during a training exercise at Beacon Huntsman Academy.  Although not initially cruel or violent, the grief-stricken Hazel blamed the institution of the academies themselves for putting her in that position, placing personal blame upon Beacon’s Headmaster Ozpin.  It was there where the immortal sorceress Salem found him.  Though Hazel initially responded violently towards her, his attempts to kill the witch proved unsuccessful due to her immortality, which, when combined with his growing nihilistic worldview, left him primed for Salem’s manipulations after pushing him to the point of exhaustion.  She convinced him that they could prevent the needless deaths of children by tearing down the Huntsman academies, in addition to giving him the opportunity to take his revenge against Ozpin in the most direct and violent way possible.  Hazel accepted the offer, loyally serving Salem as an enforcer while being kept in line through fear of her invincibility and power.
A beast of a man, Hazel stood at a towering 8 feet and was distinguished by his dark brown hair and beard, hazel eyes, and bulky muscular build, the latter heavily scarred through his frequent use of Dust infusion in battle.  Even compared to Faunus and enhanced humans, Hazel’s athletic performance levels were simply monstrous.  He possessed terrifying physical strength, casually ragdolling most of his adversaries with his grapples and sending them flying with the force of his blows.  Even without the infusion of Dust, he was able to catch Nora Valkyrie’s hammer strike with one hand before throwing her away, and a single bare-knuckle punch was enough to send Salem flying across the outside platforms of the Monstra.  Though I hesitate to classify his baseline strength level as superhuman, it is entirely possible that the aftereffects of the Dust he has injected himself with over the years has altered his body chemistry in some permanent fashion.  Despite his size and bulk, Hazel was surprisingly fast and agile, evading attacks from Qrow Branwen and dodging Salem’s magic energy strikes during their final battle with deft rolls and evasions.  However, he was definitively outpaced by Ozpin at Haven, more detrimental in that his current host body, Oscar Pine, was underdeveloped, making this feat one of pure muscle memory.  That said, Hazel was competent in the use of external propellants to enhance his mobility, using wind Dust to enhance his power jumps and cover great distance extremely quickly.
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Described by Qrow Branwen as “sheer willpower”, Hazel Rainart’s endurance and tolerance for injury was nothing short of inhuman.  Though his Semblance allowed him to ignore pain, he still had to contend with the injuries he suffered, and good God Almighty has he taken some hits.  At Haven, Hazel accidentally triggered Nora Valkyrie’s Semblance by supercharging her with electricity, giving her the strength to slam him through the outer wall of Haven’s auditorium and into the courtyard, and was shortly thereafter impaled by Weiss Schnee’s Summoned Lancer and yanked back to the arena.  This was soon followed by a flying kick from Blake Belladonna, all the while enduring the infusion of electric and fire Dust into his arms.  Despite all of this, Hazel was still on his feet and continuing to fight even into the late stages of the battle, only retreating when conclusively denied the chance to obtain the Relic.  When he defected from Salem in Atlas, Hazel injected himself with even more Dust, turning his body into a grotesque horror show of spikes and scar tissue.  In hi ssubsequent battle with Salem, he was slammed into the walls and had his face slammed repeatedly into the ground, briefly subduing him, yet followed this up by immediately seizing Salem and biting down on a fire crystal, setting the pair on fire while giving Oscar an opportunity to unleash the power stored within the Long Memory.  Though this obliterated the Monstra and killed Hazel, this last act served as a testament to his will to persevere and fight, even while he lacked the discipline of a true Huntsman.
Due to his ability to numb himself to pain, Hazel did not bother wearing protective clothing, and he instead choes to wear simple travel garb that allowed him to utilize his body to the fullest.  When the Monstra arrived in Atlas, he wore a green sleeveless vest with brown trousers, completing the outfit with heavy boots and armored gloves.  Holsters containing Dust crystals were strapped to his belt, giving him access to the tools of his elemental wrath.
RANKING: Tier 2, Peak Human Fitness
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Any long-term after-effects of the Dust Hazel injects on his body is purely speculative, and as such I cannot officially describe him as a baseline superhuman. Despite that, he was about as close as one could get, combining exceptional athletic performance with a tolerance for injury most opponents can’t even conceive.  Hazel is not only the tallest character on the show so far, but his levels of strength and endurance are, even on his worst day, comparable to the greatest heavyweight Huntsmen, and his use of Dust can make it even greater. Hazel is still mortal and does have his limitations, but considering what it took to finally kill the bastard, he is not going to go down easily no matter who he faces.
Hazel Rainart was an oddity among his peers in that he carried no weapon.  Instead, Hazel relied on his own flesh and blood fists in battle, using his body as his weapon while infusing himself with Dust.  Given his opposition to his sister attending Beacon, it is very likely that Hazel did not attend any form of combat school, possibly developing his Aura and Semblance merely out of necessity.  Despite this lack of training, Hazel was still a powerful warrior, and had clearly been in enough fights to know how to conduct himself.  When Hazel was first approached by Salem, he regularly struck her with what should have been fatal injuries, going at her for hours before collapsing from sheer exhaustion.  Though Salem’s immortality left Hazel’s efforts in vain, as well as it being entirely likely that Salem put up no fight in order to flaunt her invincibility, the simple fact that Hazel was able to power through in such a way provides a powerful glimpse into this man’s savagery and raw output.
As far as his actual means of battle was concerned, Hazel was less a martial artist and more of a brawler, utilizing simplistic yet brutal full-body movements to utilize his weight and strength to their fullest.  His basic fighting style consisted of brutally direct punches, arm sweeps, kicks, and grapples, all these movements performed with single-minded aggression aimed at overcoming the opponent as directly as possible.  When defending, he favored simple arm blocks to intercept incoming attacks, while his Semblance and Aura allowed him to simply ignore projectiles.  Though this single-mindedness made him somewhat predictable, it didn’t matter most of the time due to his sheer output being enough to either overwhelm his enemies immediately, or else get them backpedaling in retreat.  However, despite his general savagery, he was by no means crude, and often his strikes were performed with calculated control to produce the desired result.  Furthermore, Hazel was not a lumbering glacier, and could be quite mobile when forced to evade.  By keeping his range of techniques to a simple yet reliable set, Hazel could function well against just about any adversary to great effect, emphasizing different movements to adapt to the situation.  When factoring in his raw physical power, this simple general style also served as a great equalizer to make up for his lack of skill, contending with superior martial artists by being a stronger fighter.  This domineering style was heavily reinforced by his integration of Dust-based attacks, utilizing elemental fury through both active projections and enhancing his already monstrous strength.
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In terms of strategy and tactics, Hazel was an interesting case in that his conduct was radically different depending on his frame of mind in the moment.  Day-to-day, he typically composed and measured, keeping his cool and often being a voice of reason among his allies.  He eschewed violence where it was not needed, perfectly willing to call out Adam Taurus for his decision to assassinate Sienna Khan when it could have been avoided.  He proved his capacity as a strategic planner when he orchestrated Oscar Pine and Emerald Sustrai’s escape from the Monstra, even getting the drop on Salem by concealing his defection until the opportune moment.  However, in live combat, Hazel’s conduct was far more blunt and direct, and made even more erratic depending on the state of his body.  When he was clear of Dust, he was methodical and defense-oriented, holding his ground against incoming attacks and utilizing his superior strength to retaliate.  When Dust entered the picture, though, he tended to devolve into a mindless brute, catapulting himself into a violent frenzy of savage intensity.  Even while the Dust in his system enhanced his attack output and made him harder to get a bead on, it also badly undercut his self-control and left him open to retaliation.  The greatest displays of this disparity were during his participation in the Battle of Haven.  Hazel opened by sealing the auditorium closed, trapping Ozpin’s party while leaving the White Fang free to rig their bombing.  When Cinder Fall’s taunts triggered a brawl, he was attacked by Nora Valkyrie and Lie Ren, whose attacks he was able to almost casually fend off, even throwing Nora bodily across the room before immediately repelling Ren.  However, after Oscar Pine was outed as Ozpin’s latest host, Hazel’s latent grief over his sister’s death triggered a berserk outburst, stabbing electric Dust into his arms and promising to murder the two on the spot, only failing due to Qrow Branwen’s intervention.  Oscar’s attempts to talk Hazel down proved pointless, prompting Ozpin to forcibly take over Oscar’s body to fight back.  Despite unleashing a terrifying onslaught, Hazel was definitively outclassed, the wizard able to trip him up by targeting his joints and keeping him at bay with his superior agility.  Hazel managed to turn the tables with area effect Dust strikes and the aid of Leo Lionheart, even managing to overpower Qrow with a punch to the back.  Nora and Ren eventually came to Ozpin’s aid and reengaged, and while Hazel was able to subdue Ren, Nora’s Semblance allowed her to turn Hazel’s Dust against him, turning his electrocuting grapple into a supercharge that allowed her to launch him out of the building.  Hazel responded by adding fire Dust to his arms, eventually slaying Weiss Schnee’s Summoned Lancer before being knocked back by Blake Belladonna.  Ultimately, the battle was a failure, as Ruby Rose, Weiss and Blake were able to fend off Hazel, Emerald and Mercury Black long enough for Yang Xiao Long to return from the Relic vault and force a retreat.
Despite his tendency towards tactless and vengeful attitude towards Ozpin, Hazel disliked misplaced retribution and blaming others for his own failures, fully willing to take the fall for the failed mission even as Salem tortured him with summoned Grimm arms in her castle.  Obviously aware of his conduct while jacked up on Dust, Hazel likely refrained from injecting himself if he could avoid it, knowing full well the kind of monster he could become if he overloaded his body.  As such, I would argue that Hazel’s typical tactical approach was based on calculated risks and incremental escalation, starting off with his bare knuckle brawler’s style to get a feel for the opponent and working in Dust only if and as needed.  The risk came in the form of the amount of Dust injected, as every additional crystal runs the risk of degrading his composure and tactical awareness further.  Despite the disaster at Haven, Hazel remained in Salem’s good graces and joined his master in the conquest of Atlas several months later.  When the Hound captured Oscar Pine, Hazel initially welcomed the chance to torture the one he blame for Gretchen’s death, but both wizard and host managed to talk the brute down, deconstructing his defeatist outlook and encouraging him to rebel.  The final straw came when Ozpin gave Hazel the name of the Relic guardian, Jinn, as a final bid for trust, prompting him to finally turn his back on the Grimm Queen and allow Emerald Sustrai to free Oscar.  When Salem attacked Oscar’s escape party, Hazel initially pretended to keep serving her, only to return the Long Memory to Oscar and blindside her with a surprise punch after she threatened to torture Emerald for her betrayal.  His newfound conviction overriding his restraint, Hazel infused himself with numerous Dust crystals, turning himself into a terrifying physical and elemental juggernaut and boldly declaring that he would no longer insult his sister’s memory.  Hazel attacked the witch with a series of projectiles to contend with her magic powers and overpower her direct defenses, brutally slamming her into the ground and literally beating her into a pulp.  However, this act only served to aggravate Salem, and though he managed to defend from her magical energies, he was thrown against the wall and battered into submission.  However, Hazel recovered quickly and seized Salem in a bear hug, giving Oscar the opportunity to obliterate the Monstra.  Though this conclusively killed Hazel, he never faltered, his last act being to turn himself into a living funeral pyre in a final effort to put the witch down for good.
RANKING: Tier 4, Advanced Application
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Despite his ability to contend with several high-caliber Huntsmen, Hazel is not a true combat master, and his technique demonstrates a severe lack of polish.  Instead, Hazel’s effectiveness in battle is tied to his ability to supplant skill with raw performance, bullying through more developed fighting techniques with sheer brute force.  His capabilities easily qualify him as an expert fighter, but his strategies are fairly straightforward, and even as he bolsters his performance with Dust, he becomes just as undisciplined and savage.  Regardless, Hazel’s output still makes him an incredibly devastating combatant, his gambit of canceling out skill with overwhelming force usually paid off, helped along by the fact that he is an unyielding aggressor who can, will, and did go kamikaze if necessary.
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Hazel Rainart’s Semblance was a Numbing Agent that allowed him to cancel out the sensation of pain.  While this power did not make him immune to injury, it did allow him to ignore it and focus through battles without any noticeable toll on his performance.  In most situations, Hazel’s Semblance was simply a useful utility tool that helped in the field, mitigating the infirmities of pain and allowing him to persevere in his endeavors.  However, he took it to the next level with his heavy, in some ways excessive, infusion of Dust into his body.  The injection of raw Dust obviously has detrimental effects on the body, causing systems to break down and leaving agonizing pain (to say nothing of the fact that you’re literally stabbing a magic combustible crystal into yourself).  Thanks to his Semblance allowing him to ignore pain, Hazel was not held back by the agony of the Dust in his body, allowing him to not only fight as if he didn’t have sharp magic rocks sticking out of his back, but also to escalate by adding more Dust than should have been possible to do reliably.  However, Hazel was no sadomasochist who could afford to be stupid because it doesn’t hurt.  As previously discussed, Hazel was clearly aware of how fragile his composure was when jacked up on Dust, so he understood the risk of relying too heavily on his Semblance.  His gradual inclusion of Dust over time was likely a way of balancing out his Semblance’s practical benefits with the long-term risks.  Furthermore, I believe Hazel’s Semblance doubled as a regenerative healing factor, as his Aura was able to recharge at an abnormally fast rate during the Battle of Haven.  The degree of this is even more impressive considering that Hazel’s Aura had to contend with both the intrusive substance in his bloodstream and the mounting injuries he was sustaining.
As has been brought up multiple times, Hazel Rainart’s primary tools in battle were his collection of raw Dust crystals that he would inject into his body.  One of the more unorthodox and dangerous applications of the substance, the user would directly stab the Dust into their muscles, greatly enhancing their physical strength and giving them the ability to channel the properties of the specific Dust as elemental powers.  Though the full extent of his loadout is unconfirmed, Hazel is known to have carried electric, fire, earth, wind, ice, and even hard light Dust by the time of his death, his horribly scarred torso serving as a testament to how heavily he had utilized this power.  Already a physical heavyweight, Hazel’s strength was pushed to absurd superhuman levels when using his Dust, having sent both Qrow Branwen and Lie Ren catapulting through the air with a single incapacitating blow and reducing the pillars of the Haven entrance hall to splinters.  The elemental aftereffects of the Dust in question factored quite heavily into Hazel’s overall fighting style.  When using an electric infusion at Haven, he functionally turned his hands into flesh and blood tasers.  Furthermore, he could leverage his Dust as ranged projectiles, incapacitating Ren with a blast of electricity and shooting several fireballs at Salem during their final battle.  Additionally, Hazel was talented at mixing and matching the effects of different Dust types, notably combining fire and electricity at Haven and killing Weiss Schnee’s Summoned Lancer with an electric fireball.  Easily his greatest display of both his power and this combination tactic was during his final battle with Salem, utilizing the earth, fire and electric Dusts in his body to form a volatile spiked boulder that broke through Salem’s defenses and forced her to the ground.  Though he favored direct offensive applications, Hazel has been seen using his Dust for utility and defense as well.  Wind Dust allowed him to form contained tornados to traverse the battlefield, and he could use hard light Dust to form a protective barrier strong enough to resist direct hits from Salem’s energy beams.
Hazel’s use of his special abilities were surprisingly varied and flexible despite his emphasis on brute force.  Instead of utilizing his Semblance simply to run into situations with reckless abandon, he used it to maintain his composure under duress and replenish his energies.  Instead of only using his Dust to blast his opponents to pulp with nature, he utilized specific elements for specific purposes, carrying a variety of tools that he could use to adapt to and control the flow of the fight.  Where Hazel’s weaknesses manifested were when he went overboard, as his need to balance out the strain of the Dust with maintaining his Aura badly undercut his self-control, something he was clearly aware of given his reluctance to utilize more Dust than was necessary.  When he rages, he regresses to physical combat, and while his abilities still made him a terrifying juggernaut, ramping up his attack output, it also meant that he ran the risk of failing to make full use of his powers.  Furthermore, Hazel’s use of his powers could also backfire if the opponent was capable of turning his chosen elements to their own advantage.  At Haven, Hazel used his electric hands to try and subdue Nora Valkyrie, but Nora’s High Voltage allowed her to soak it up and overpower him.  Against Salem, Hazel gained a solid advantage at first, closing the distance and brutally beating her down, but her immortality and vast magical might allowed her to subvert and beat him at his own game.  For all his versatility, Hazel is bound to come up short if he is unable to overpower his opponent.  Regardless, Hazel’s last act served as a testament to how far he is willing to push his abilities to achieve victory, showing zero hesitation to igniting himself in a last ditch effort to stop Salem.
RANKING: Tier 2, Flexible Combat
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While infusing Dust into the body is not an unprecedented feat, Hazel’s Semblance gives him the power to take this capability further than any other person reasonably could.  Numbing himself to the pain of direct infusion allows him to continuously add more power and ability to himself, providing him with layers of tools that further his ability to adapt to situations, even against opponents more powerful than himself.  Like any conduit, Hazel will eventually burn out, be it through the sheer volume of Dust or his inability to maintain his composure, but his unparalleled force of will and varied used of his Dust abilities makes him so powerful and flexible that most opponents would only be able to contend. While he is resistant to going overboard on the Dust, more will be added the longer the fight drags on, and he always has the option to escalate.
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Hazel was easily one the most physically dangerous characters in the RWBY setting, and he brings with him a level of intensity and output nearly unmatched by the standards of his contemporaries.  He is a towering, heavily muscled giant who will fight to the death, a ruthless and vicious unarmed fighter who will not hesitate to snap his opponents like a twig, and he wields tremendous ethereal might in a way that only magic-based combatants have been able to replicate or surpass. However, Hazel is held back by his lack of development as a martial artist, having spent his career coasting on power rather than properly building his skill set.  Despite his physical might, Hazel does not have any significant permanent enhancements or traits.  He’s just a bodybuilder who occasionally roids himself up.  While his fighting skills are potent and strong, his lack of subtlety and polish can lean to oversights that weaker adversaries have taken advantage of, and his special powers are often reliant on the type of Dust he is using at the time, and overdosing cripples his ability to think strategically.  Hazel’s primary attribute as a fighter is the direct application of power, and his greatest difficulties have come when he cannot properly leverage that power, either when the opponent stays out of his crosshairs and keeps him at bay, or, more disastrously, when the opponent is more powerful than he is.
All that being said, Hazel’s threat level is not to be underestimated, as his reliance on power is not an oversight but a calculated risk.  Unlike Cinder Fall, Hazel does not zealously claim power for the sake of it, as he is fully aware of how that would turn him into a mindless beast.  Despite his own hypocrisy in certain areas, namely his claims about his sister despite serving everything she hated, Hazel was consistent in the use of power to achieve his ends and nothing more rather than subjugate the lesser. He only unleashed his unrestrained might when bereft of other options or personally provoked.  Whenever presented with a better alternative, both in life and battle he took it, this attitude ultimately coming to its logical extreme in his final defection from Salem.  Furthermore, Hazel is a great example of how placement in a lower tier does not translate into automatic inferiority, as he was able to overbear the definitive Tier 2 and pose a serious threat to the two quintessential Tier 1s purely on the back of his raw intensity.  His problems arise when brute strength simply isn’t enough, and if his strength fails him, he has nothing to fall back on.
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*originally posted on RoosterTeeth Community page on 03-6-21*
*all images taken from RWBY Wiki*
RWBY Combat Analysis
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conretewings · 2 years
hmmmm Hazel, Principal Bump(TOH),Rarity(mlp) and Ruby
Yay!! A four-pack deal!
Hazel ❤
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My husbando, my love, my exxtra lorge beefcake of a man oh how I miss thee. Yes he's an antagonist. No I don't care. He's a handsome accidental father figure who's deep down a wise, heartbroken man who got sucked into some fucked up stuff but who broke out of it. Omg and that voice sweet lordy cleanup on aisle 3 I'd let that man do the most sinful things to me and....oops.
Principal Bump (I know nothing about them I don't watch TOH but I'm basing this on the content you've posted)
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Rarity 🌟
I would go shopping and out to lunch with this stylish bad bitch any day
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Ruby Rose 🌹
Oh Ruby...*pats head* You...you're doing your best bless your heart darlin'.
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Thanks for sending them in! ^_^
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erros429 · 6 months
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rwby textposts pt 42! i shit yall not i have like 200 textposts saved and i have like no storage rn so i’ll be posting these more often hfskfhjsf
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corvanid · 1 year
Salem: I think we're missing something.
Hazel: Teamwork?
Watts: Cohesion?
Cinder: A general sense of what we're doing?
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rachetmath · 4 months
Jaune Revenge
Winter: Ruby we found her.
Ruby: Cinder. Everyone it's time.
Yang: Ruby no-
Ruby: I have to stop her. I am the only one.
Jaune: What?
Ruby: It has to be me.
Jaune: Who the hell- who the hell decided that?!
Ruby: She is my problem.
Jaune: I know this- oh hell no she- Ruby!
Ruby: Farewell my friend. I pray that I return.
Jaune: Oh hell-
After a minute what seemed like hours of fighting.
Cinder: Yes finally.
Ruby: *barely catching her breath*
Cinder: After all this time… you finally die Ruby R-
Cinder: *screams in pain*
Ruby: *looks behind her* Jaune. 
Jaune: *throws the gun away and slaps Ruby across her face* The f*** is wrong with you?!
Ruby Ow.
Jaune: You really think I would let you steal my prey? My kill? After all the bull**** that b**** put me through. The f***!
Ruby: Jaune I-
Jaune: I had dreams. Dreams of when I have this b**** in my sights. As her life is now in the palm of my hands. Having her beg for forgiveness has I take what little breath she has from her now feeble hands. Oh God yes… 
Ruby: …. Um
Jaune: And have you learned nothing from your people? Penny? Pyrrha? Alyx?!
Ruby: Whoa Jaune don't be–
Jaune: Stop running off somewhere, prepared to die. We do not do 1 v 1. We jump people. It is the most effective means to win. You are not built for that kind of time. There is no shame in having a squad, especially for enemies.
Ruby: But-
Jaune: Like your uncle, he sucks. He has lost a one-on-one every time since Beacon. Winter, hit him. Tyrian poisoned him. Hazel could have ended his career.  Your uncle needed two other hunters to take Tyrian in. He even required Tyrian to fight Clover. Your uncle isn't about that action. 
Ruby: Well sheesh…
Jaune: Now you excuse me- *pulls out the sword* I will finish this.
Cinder: You weakling. You piece of crap. What are you going to do to me huh? Kill me. Don't make me laugh. You don't have the- *stab in her arm* Ah! *mouths is covered*
Jaune: Oh no Fall maiden, we are just getting started. 
Cinder: *scared*
Nora: Ruby, sorry we’re late but-
Cinder: *screams in agony* My legs! My legs!
RWBY: *shock*
Jaune: Nah-nah we ain't done yet. This is for Pyrrha.*beats Cinder down*
Cinder: *yells in pain* Help me! Help me! Ruby help me! Please!
NERO: *scared*
Jaune This one's for Penny! *Stab Cinder's chest*
Cinder:  *screams*
Jaune: *healing and stabbing Cinder repeatedly* No, you gonna feel this. Yeah. Yeah!!
NPRA: *Summer and Alyx are shocked while Pyrrha and Penny fist pump*
RHAW: *Glad they never met Jaune*
Adam: Oh it was good that I didn't try to fight him on the train.
Hazel: Even though I know I can beat him…. It scares me that he could have a chance of killing me himself. 
Ironwood: Oh so he finally learned. Thank God. 
Clover: Sir please-
Ironwood: We died because of these kids, Clover, I have a right to be like this.
Cinder: No. No. Not my eye. Not my last eye, please! *screams as her eye is pulled out*
Salem: *watching from a far* Oo she will die. Not my problem.
Jaune: *exiles* 
Cinder: *dead* 
Jaune: Finally. And Oscar.
Oscar: Um… yeah-yeah what is it?
Jaune: Are you Ozpin now?
Oscar: N-no. Nope. I'm still here.
Jaune: Your girl. Your problem. I am tired of being the third wheel. The seventh wheel really.
Weiss: I mean -
Jaune: Figure out what you want in life then we'll talk.
Emerald: Oh my God I have maiden powers. I was Cinder’s last thoughts. I-
Jaune: *readies his sword*
Emerald: Jaune-Jaune calm down. We are good. We are good. Best behavior.
Jaune: You damn right b****.
Emerald: Jesus what have you been through on that island?!
Jaune: Isolation is a b****!
Cinder: *in hell and curled up in a ball*
Rogue: How was your freedom as a slave?
Cinder: Shut up. And why are you here?
Hazel: Are you serious? He left you unsupervised, and in a family where you were put through extreme work conditions to survive. 
Adam: You were a slave and the only thing he did was train you. 
Roman: He didn't even get you out. He abandoned you. He is a monster.
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karume-everything-else · 11 months
Whumptober 2023
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Day 27: Fear of Intimacy [Reader x Hazel] {RWBY}
Sometimes you couldn't help but wonder if you were actually dating Hazel, or if he was just doing this to avoid others judging him. What you two had was extremely vanilla, barely holding hands even in private. At first you thought he was just shy but...
After nearly six months something had to give.
"Hazel?" You peered into his room, "You in here?"
"Not quite."
You jumped, spinning around to see your massive lover standing behind you.
"Was there something you needed [Name]?" He moved past you in a careful manner, "Or are you just looking to get away from Watts again?"
"Both." You followed him into his room, "There's something I need to talk to you about."
"I'm listening."
"Are we even really dating?"
Hazel's eyes twitched, narrowing briefly, "Of course we are. Why do you ask?"
"Well..." You scratched the back of your head, "We don't hold hands, we don't kiss, you haven't tried making a move on me since you asked me out six months ago. And while most of that is fine on the surface, we've been busy after all. You hardly act any different from before when we were just friends... er coworkers."
"I... I just don't want you to feel pressured into anything." He shifted uncomfortably, "I'm much larger than you and it would look wrong for me to..."
Hazel faltered under your gaze. He hated conflicted, at least when it came to people he deeply cared about. And this was something he should have seen coming but he still didn't know how to express the reservations he felt.
"[Name], you already know the main reason I'm even here is because I lost my sister." He sat on his bed, "I wasn't expecting to fall in love or care about anyone here beyond basic empathy and compassion. You came along and broke my plans so much I don't know what else to do."
"So you like me but you regret that you do?" You asked, "Or you want to keep your distance now that you have me so you can try to ignore these feelings?"
"No! That's not it at all." Hazel hesitated to reach for you, "I want to be with you, I just... I worry that I'll lose you. And not in a romantic way, in a physical one. I worry that getting too close, caring too much might be the thing that doomed my sister... that might doom you."
You softened, realizing how badly he was trembling as he stretched his arms out for you. Hazel had no problem wrapping both arms tightly around you as you settled in his lap.
"I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to hurt you by being distant." He mumbled, "I was just so caught up in my worries that I forgot to actually say anything."
"It's okay big guy." You patted his arm, "This is... this is fine for now. Let me help you ease these fears, okay?"
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