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aoki553 · 1 year ago
After the 2 whole days of researching and editing The Ultimate Saiki/Asouverse diagram is finished!
This diagram connects every link between all of Asou Shuuichi-sensei's manga - thus creating one big universe. Enjoy! Some entries are just silly references, but I've decided to count them in anyway!
In case Tumblr ruins the quality, I've uploaded it on my website HTML version: https://aoki553.neocities.org/articles/saikiverse-diagram PNG version: https://aoki553.neocities.org/articles/saikiverse-diagram.png
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theminiartblog · 2 years ago
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The Gangs All Here! The Magical Girl Gang that is~!
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rajnipoetryvision · 10 months ago
Modi aayo, Mangal laayo
Modi aayo, Mangal laayo
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krwioholik · 1 year ago
Regis na wakacjach może? Jakiś takich prompt gdzie po prostu odpoczywa i czuje się staro
|| A bit of rare, Polish writing from me :) For English look below the cut! It's a rough translation by Google Translate because I'm too tired to rewrite it in another language but it did a decent job ;) ||
Świt wstawał nad bezkresem morza łuną złocistego światła a szum fal przerywały jedynie pojedyncze pokrzykiwania mew. Schodzący z wydmy wampir zatrzymał się na moment, biorąc głęboki oddech i podziwiając rozciągający się przed nim widok pustej plaży i zabarwionego złotem słońca morza. Tak, pomyślał sam do siebie, to był dobry wybór. Tu rzeczywiście da się odpocząć.
Ruszając w dół wydmy ścieżką wiodącą na plażę, wspomniał zeszłoroczne wakacje. Jedź w góry, namawiali go znajomi alpiniści, którzy przychodzili do niego regularnie po maść z arniki na bolące stopy. W górach jest inne powietrze, a i nie ma nic piękniejszego niż szczyty o poranku! Cóż, Emiel miał słabość do górskich widoków. Co więcej, w granicznych górach rosło kilka rzadkich gatunków kwiatów, których nie można było znaleźć już nigdzie indziej, a których zapas właśnie mu się kończył. Pojechał. I jakże tego żałował!
Wypoczynkowe miasto, w którym zatrzymał się za radą alpinistów, aż pękało w szwach od kuracjuszy wszelkiej maści. Nic nie pomagało wstawanie przed świtem, bo ci co ambitniejsi już i tak byli na szlakach wiodących w góry, na szczyty i do urokliwych jezior. W dzień tłumy były tam gorsze niż na rynku w Novigradzie a nocą... O, nocą to się dopiero działo! Śpiew, tańce, muzyka i odgłosy uciesznych, pijackich zabaw wszelkiej maści, które w nieprzyjemny sposób przypominały mu wstydliwe czasy młodości. Nie, Regis nie odpoczął w górach.
Biała plaża, która rozciągała się przednim gdy zszedł z wydmy była jednak pusta. Bystre oczy wampira dostrzegały co prawda i na niej pewne ruchy, były to jednak tylko kraby i przelatujące tu i ówdzie ptaki. Cisza, spokój, powiew chłodnego, morskiego wiatru. Tak, morze to był zdecydowanie lepszy pomysł.
Znajdując sobie najprzyjemniej wyglądający zakątek piasku, wampir rozłożył cienki koc na którym usiadł. Gdy słońce wstało już na dobre, wbił w piach również nieduży parasol, chroniący go od bezpośredniego dotyku promieni. Chociaż jako urodzony w tym świecie był już całkiem dobrze przystosowany do jego światła, zbyt długa i bezpośrednia ekspozycja wciąż nie była przesadnie przyjemna.
Wiatr chłodził, morze szumiało, a Regis westchnął z zadowoleniem, oparty karkiem o swoją torbę i czytając książkę, która długo się naczekała aż wreszcie się za nią zabierze.
Pierwsi ludzie zaczęli pojawiać się niecałą godzinę później. Wpierw nie przeszkadzało to wampirowi za bardzo, było ich bowiem niewielu a plaża długa i szeroka, każdy zaś wybierał dla siebie miejsce w rozsądnej odległości od innych. Jednak im wyżej słońce wschodziło na niebie, tym więcej wczasowiczów przybywało na plażę. Coraz większe grupy, już nie tylko pary czy małe rodziny z dziećmi, ale całe biwaki, których pociechy biegały we wszystkie strony obsypując się piachem, pokrzykując do siebie nawzajem w zabawach, ciągnąc matki za spódnice i domagając się a to picia, a to jedzenia, a to pączków z makiem. Co prawda marszcząc nos lecz wciąż z niejaką nadzieją, Regis próbował skupić się na książce.
Tłumy jednak nie przestawały napływać i w przeciągu może godziny plaża już praktycznie pękała w szwach. Nie było już miejsca, by siadać z dala od innych. Poniżej wampira siedziała rodzina z dwójką małych dzieci, powyżej para z nadpobudliwym psem, który nieustannie ciągnął za krótką smycz i podduszał się na obroży, nic sobie jednak z tego nie robiąc i tylko charcząc jak zarzynany zwierz węsząc w piasku. Na prawo rozsiadła się grupa znajomych ze swymi dziećmi, ewidentnie po raz pierwszy w życiu widzących piasek bo nawet po trzydziestu minutach nie były w stanie przestać się nim rzucać.
Cierpliwość Regisa kurczyła się współmiernie do wzrastającego zgiełku i hałasu. Gdy po raz czwarty strzepywał piasek z kartek książki, wykrzywił już usta w wyrazie zniesmaczenia i rosnącej frustracji. Tego, co działo się na plaży, już na pewno nie można było nazwać odpoczynkiem. Czarę goryczy przepełnił zaś denerwująco przeszywający głos obnośnego sprzedawcy, który wędrował w tę i we w tę, nawołując do zakupu kukurydzy, która swym zapachem zdradzała wampirowi raczej chciwość sprzedawcy niż zachwalaną świeżość.
Wampir otrzepał książkę po raz kolejny, schował ją do torby, zwinął koc i złożył parasol. Mimo uszu puścił już mało subtelne komentarze jego plażowych sąsiadów, radujących się z tego, że zwalnia miejsce, chociaż kły świerzbiły go żeby coś powiedzieć.
Nie warto, pomyślał sam do siebie, zakładając torbę na ramię i ruszając z powrotem w górę wydmy. Prędzej tu świra dostanę, niż odpocznę. W rzyć mi takie wakacje.
Jeszcze tego samego dnia udał się w podróż powrotną do domu, woląc być już nawet stratnym na zaliczce za wynajęty pokój niż męczyć się nie wiadomo po co, kiedy ten sposób wypoczynku ewidentnie nie był dla niego.
Mierny humor opuścił go w zasadzie dopiero gdy następnego dnia wszedł już na ścieżkę prowadzącą bezpośrednio do jego chatynki, gdy wrócił pośród swoje słoje, fiolki, wagi i mikstury. Pogoda była ładna więc zaparzył sobie herbaty, usiadł w kwietnym ogrodzie wystawiając świeżą wodę i poczęstunek dla kruków. Pobliski las szumiał cicho, gdzieś w oddali zaszczekał pies. Jako iż wszyscy jego pacjenci byli przekonani, że wyjechał, nikt nawet nie zapuszczał się w pobliże. Zamykając oczy, Regis westchnął z zadowoleniem.
Dawn was rising above the vastness of the sea with a glow of golden light and the sound of the waves was interrupted only by single calls of seagulls. Coming down the dune, the vampire paused for a moment, taking a deep breath and admiring the view of the empty beach and the golden sun-tinged sea stretching out before him. Yes, he thought to himself, it was a good choice. You can really relax here.
As he made his way down the dune path to the beach, he thought back to last year's vacation. Go to the mountains, he was urged by mountaineer friends who came to him regularly for arnica ointment for aching feet. There is a different air in the mountains, and there is nothing more beautiful than the peaks in the morning! Well, Emiel had a soft spot for mountain views. What's more, in the mountains on the border there were a few rare flowers that could not be found anywhere else, and he was running out of supplies. He drove. And how he regretted it!
The resort town where he stopped on the advice of mountain climbers was bursting at the seams with patients of all kinds. Nothing helped getting up before dawn, because those who were more ambitious were already on the trails leading to the mountains, to the peaks and to the charming lakes. During the day the crowds were worse there than in the square in Novigrad and at night… Oh, it was only at night that it happened! Singing, dancing, music, and the sounds of all sorts of fun drunken parties that unpleasantly reminded him of the embarrassing days of his youth. No, Regis didn't rest in the mountains.
The white beach that stretched out in front of him as he descended the dune, however, was empty. The vampire's keen eyes saw some movements on it, but they were only crabs and birds flying here and there. Peace and quiet, a breath of cool sea wind. Yes, the sea was definitely a better idea.
Finding the nicest-looking corner of the sand, the vampire spread out a thin blanket on which he sat down. When the sun was up for good, he also stuck a small umbrella in the sand, protecting him from the direct touch of the rays. Although born into this world he was already quite well adapted to its light, too long and direct exposure was still not overly pleasant.
The wind was cooling, the sea was roaring, and Regis sighed contentedly, leaning his neck against his bag and reading a book that he had been waiting for a long time to finally get to it.
The first people started arriving less than an hour later. At first it didn't bother the vampire too much, because there were few of them and the beach was long and wide, and everyone chose a place for themselves at a reasonable distance from the others. However, the higher the sun rose in the sky, the more vacationers flocked to the beach. More and more groups, not just couples or small families with children, but entire campsites, whose children ran in all directions, showering each other with sand, shouting at each other while playing, pulling mothers by the skirts and demanding water, food, and donuts with poppy seeds. Wrinkling his nose, but still with some hope, Regis tried to focus on the book.
The crowds, however, continued to pour in, and within an hour or so the beach was practically bursting at the seams. There was no place to sit away from others anymore. Below the vampire sat a family with two small children, above a couple with a hyperactive dog who constantly pulled on the short leash and choked on the collar, but did not care about it and just wheezed like a slaughtered animal sniffing in the sand. On the right sat a group of friends with their children, clearly seeing sand for the first time in their lives because even after thirty minutes they were unable to stop throwing it.
Regis's patience waned in proportion to the increasing tumult and noise. As he brushed the sand off the pages of the book for the fourth time, his mouth twitched in disgust and growing frustration. What was happening on the beach certainly could not be called rest. The cup of bitterness was filled with the irritatingly piercing voice of the salesman who wandered back and forth, calling for the purchase of corn, which by its smell betrayed to the vampire the seller's greed rather than the advertised freshness.
The vampire brushed the book off again, put it in his bag, rolled up the blanket, and folded the umbrella. He had already let go of the unsubtle comments of his beach neighbors who were happy to be clearing up space, though his fangs itched to say something.
Not worth it, he thought to himself as he slung the bag over his shoulder and headed back up the dune. I'd rather go nuts here than rest. Wish me such a holiday.
On the same day he went back home, preferring to lose even on the advance payment for the rented room than to suffer for some unknown reason, when this way of rest was clearly not for him.
The mediocre mood did not leave him until the next day he had already entered the path leading directly to his hut, when he returned among his jars, vials, scales and potions. The weather was nice, so he made himself some tea, sat in the flower garden, putting out fresh water and a treat for the ravens. The nearby forest rustled softly, a dog barked somewhere in the distance. Since all his patients were convinced that he had left, no one even ventured anywhere near. Closing his eyes, Regis sighed contentedly.
He was resting.
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melodyvega1967 · 3 months ago
American Born Indian - The Characters
Thought I should give a summary of the characters in the story for a refresher…
1. Jay Sharma
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The main protagonist of the series, Jay has always stood out due to his Indian background. However, things take a topsy-turvy turn when he and his mother suddenly relocate to India. In this new environment, his "Americanness" becomes the center of attention. It isn't easy for Jay to navigate this complex identity as a queer teenager of color who is now an immigrant in a country vastly different from his upbringing. Yet, with the support of his friends and family, Jay embarks on a journey of self-discovery, learning what it truly means to embrace both his American and Indian heritage simultaneously.
2. Ruchi Singh
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Ruchi's spunky and feminist spirit clashes with her parents' traditional expectations, AKA 'the perfect Indian daughter'. That means no socialising with boys, no wearing Western clothing, and definitely no pursuing her passion for playing the drums. Her newfound friendship with Jay challenges these norms, but she grapples with the desire to maintain family harmony versus embracing her individuality. Inspired by strong female figures from the books she reads and Jay's encouragement, Ruchi navigates the complex balance between tradition and personal growth, all while protecting her friends from cultural expectations threatening their growth.
3. Aravind Raichand
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From the moment Jay and Aravind first cross paths, it's evident that Jay has fallen head over heels for the reserved and studious boy seated beside him. However, Aravind isn't the 'Heartstopper' he seems to be; beneath his quiet demeanor lies secrets he's hesitant to reveal, even as his relationship with Jay evolves from best friends into something more. Aravind's trust--and his life--has been shattered in the past. Despite this, he takes baby steps towards the possibility of opening up, allowing new individuals into his life to forge fresh connections and bonds.
4. Nitara Sharma
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Nitara, Jay's diligent and compassionate mother, has made the challenging decision to honor her late husband Rushil's wishes by returning to India. However, the prospect of starting anew in her homeland proves to be far more daunting than she had ever anticipated. Despite sacrificing the relative comfort of life in New York City to care for her ailing mother, Nitara must now summon the strength to navigate the profound changes that lie ahead. As she and Jay strive to adapt—or perhaps readapt—to life in India, they will face a myriad of challenges and adjustments that will put their resilience and bond to the test.
5. Naina Suhan
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Naina, Jay's loving grandmother, is a remarkable blend of kindness and resilience. Her joy in having her daughter and grandson stay with her provides her the opportunity to be closer to them--and tougher, too. Naina has also formed deep bonds with young individuals like Aravind and Ruchi, often assuming the role of a guiding force in their lives. Despite her declining health, her influence helps them rise above the everyday challenges of adolescence. Her presence serves as a steady anchor for Jay, imparting in him a profound appreciation for his Indian heritage and the enduring values passed down through generations. Through Naina, Jay finds both a source of security and a sense of belonging in his new environment.
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drahujaclinic1 · 10 months ago
How Do You Confirm A Cryptic Pregnancy?
How do you confirm a cryptic pregnancy? -  Pregnancy, is a most awaited and incomparable happiness period of life. When a female finds her pregnancy test positive and shares this moment with her better half it is an unforgettable and emotional moment of their life. Furthermore, there is a term called Cryptic pregnancy you might have heard of, but what is it? Today we will discuss this rare condition of pregnancy and how can you confirm a cryptic pregnancy. 
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Let us understand in seconds about cryptic pregnancy. Whatever we have discussed till now Can you conclude the initial points? From where does this life-changing journey start? Yes! It starts from the day a female hears or confirms that She is pregnant.  But what if you don't get this news initially? Not even the signs of pregnancy like vomiting, dizziness,  morning sickness, etc. Yes, it is an unpredictable pregnancy with no indications. even it can go unnoticed till the 20th week. In some instances, a female may not even know they are pregnant until labour begins.  if you are worried about this condition and want to confirm the situation you can contact the best Gynecologist doctor in Chandigarh - Dr. Ruchi Rai Ahuja. She is a well-reputed, years of experience holder. She is known for her maximum customer satisfaction results.   
Do you get your period in a cryptic pregnancy? 
The most common question asked to Dr. Ruchi Rai Ahuja - 
The answer is No, A mysterious pregnancy is like a regular pregnancy, you don't get your period in this too. Even if You may have implantation bleeding or abnormal pregnancy bleeding, you can mistake it as it's your period.
How far can a Cryptic Pregnancy go unnoticed? 
How long can a pregnancy go undetected? How long can a lady go without knowing they are pregnant? A female may not know she is pregnant until the last few weeks of pregnancy. In some cases, a female may not know that they are pregnant until after the baby is born or shortly before the baby is born. This kind of pregnancy is also known as a "Secret Pregnancy" or a "Hidden Pregnancy." It is difficult to define what constitutes a mysterious pregnancy because the amount of time a woman can go without knowing she is pregnant can vary greatly from one person to another.
Only around one in 2500 pregnancies go unnoticed till delivery. In a Cryptic pregnancy, nothing causes a pregnant person to believe they are pregnant. This may be because the person does not have symptoms of pregnancy.  Experts do not know how far into a person’s pregnancy to be considered a “cryptic pregnancy.”
What are the Risks and Causes of a Cryptic Pregnancy?
It is your first experience and Not knowing the symptoms of pregnancy:
Recently gave birth
Weight gain or swollen belly
Suddenly noticing and feeling Fetal movement
Missed period
Spotting or light bleeding
How do you confirm a cryptic pregnancy?
As we have discussed cryptic pregnancy shows no symptoms at all even after the pregnancy result shows negative still after a certain period it discloses all of a sudden.  Furthermore, whether it shows symptoms or not, yes it carries some risks with itself as a normal pregnancy. So it is almost impossible to confirm a cryptic pregnancy at home or by yourself only.
It is better to talk to an OB-GYN? gynae to prevent some mishappinings and take safety measures for better health during hidden pregnancy. Even if you have a small doubt about having a cryptic pregnancy you and your fetus are probably at risk as if unknowingly you do Smoking or drinking alcohol could have caused harm to the fetus. The majority of babies born from mysterious pregnancies are underweight and small for their gestational age. Cryptic pregnancies are associated with a higher risk of preterm birth and stillbirth. 
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drvaibhavjain1980 · 10 months ago
Recovery Tips After Hip Replacement Surgery For Speedy Recovery
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Hip replacement surgery helps people who have hip pain and stiffness. It makes them feel better and move more easily. But getting better after surgery is important too. In this article, we'll talk about some Recovery Tips After Hip Replacement Surgery getting better to help you feel better faster hip recovery.
If you've had hip replacement surgery, you're in the right spot. Let's make your recovery journey smoother with some helpful tips and exercises!
Follow the Recovery Timeline
Before we talk about tips for getting better, let's understand how long it might take. Everyone's journey is different, but here's a general timeline:
Right After Surgery (Days 1-3): Focus on managing pain and avoiding problems like blood clots.
First Few Weeks (Weeks 1-6): Start doing easy exercises to get stronger and move better.
A Few Months Later (Weeks 6-12): Keep doing exercises but be careful not to overdo it.
After a Few Months (Months 3-6): Keep doing exercises and slowly start doing normal things again with your doctor's help.
Knowing where you are in this timeline can help you know what to do next.
Recovery Tips for Getting Better After Hip Replacement Surgery
Follow Your Exercises
Do the exercises your therapist or doctor tells you to do.
Doing them regularly helps you get better faster.
Example: Ruchi did her exercises every day and felt much better soon after her surgery.
Manage Your Pain
Take the medicine your doctor gives you for pain.
Use ice packs or warm pads to help with pain too.
Example: Sudeep used heat packs to feel less pain, and it really helped him.
Start Moving Slowly
Begin with easy exercises like walking or riding a stationary bike.
Do more as you get stronger, but listen to your doctor.
Example: Rajana walked a little more each day and got stronger over time.
Eat Healthy Foods
Eat foods with lots of good stuff in them to help you heal.
Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.
Example: Rakesh ate lots of fruits and veggies, which helped him feel better and have more energy.
Rest and Relax
Take breaks between exercises to let your body rest.
Try relaxing activities like deep breathing or meditation.
Example: anita rested between exercises and did yoga to relax, and it made her feel better.
Recovery Exercises
Let's exercise to get stronger and move better:
Early Exercises: Move your ankles and legs gently to avoid stiffness.
Strength Exercises: Work on exercises like lifting your leg sideways or backward.
Flexibility Exercises: Stretch your hips and hamstrings to keep them flexible.
Aerobic Exercises: Try walking, swimming, or cycling – they're good for your heart.
Balance Exercises: Practice standing on one leg or walking in a straight line to avoid falling.
Remember, every little step counts toward your recovery. Stay positive, keep going, and you'll get there!
By doing these things, you can feel better faster Recovery Tips After Hip Replacement Surgery. Remember to talk to your doctor before making any big changes to your plan. With some work and patience, you'll be back to doing the things you love before you know it!
Want to start feeling better? Talk to Dr. Vaibhav Jain for tips and guidance on hip replacement recovery. Get back to moving and enjoying life again!
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raithularuchi · 2 years ago
Raithula Ruchi, Ramagondanahalli, Whitefield, Bengaluru is one of the best without onion and garlic restaurant in Whitefield area.
It's near Ramagondanahalli bus stop. The nearest areas are Siddapura, Varthur Kodi, Ramagondannahalli.
Raithula Ruchi provides sattvic , healthy and delicious pure vegetarian food. One should try it's mini tiffin, dosa items, puri upma. They also serve millet items with lot of South Indian varieties. The Lunch plate is amazing too. They maintain pocket friendly pricing for all items. Pure vegetarian food with such a taste and quality you won't find anywhere in Bangalore I bet.
Located close to Sigma Tech park many working professionals come to the restaurant to have breakfast and lunch especially. I loved the food so much.
Adding some photos of items so that you can't stop yourself going there 😋🤩
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ruchicoin · 2 years ago
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금코인 루치  재테크코인 ruchi coin의 다양한 장점 팩트체크 
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ルーチはヒンディー語で利子を意味します。 私たちは10年間ルーチを開発し、最終的に交換システムを完成させました。
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RUCHI是印地语,意为利息。 我们开发了10年的RUCHI,终于完成了交换系统。
拥有RUCHI 货币的您现在可以在所有生活圈使用RUCHI,每月还可以获得利息。
您是名人还是企业家? 是犯人吗? 在RUCHI系统上您是数字。
我们是谁并不重要。 请放心。
0 notes
aoki553 · 2 years ago
The only reason why Kokomi isn't an idol is because she would simply be too good at it. (and because mako doesn't want her to) BUT PLEASE LISTEN
We got idols like Makoto, Kanata and Madoka who likely didn't even want to be idols in the first place. (Kanata wanted to be a comedian, while Makoto and Madoka probably have been scouted in some way due to their looks.)
They OPENLY act like clowns anytime they get the chance to!!! - Makoto talks about Kokomi 24/7 and despite being a good actor, his sis is on his mind all the time and only does what he's being told to but doesn't care THAT much about his career. - Madoka acts like she's a princess from another planet - who got the idea to make her an idol??? (skull emoji) - Kanata always tries to think of something funny to do or a prank to pull when he's supposed to be doing his job. He's so unserious about everything.
The only person that takes his career seriously is Ruchi who's got his life ruined by those blue haired idiots lmao
If Kokomi would be an idol we'd probaby have another case of Ai Hoshino jhasjkfhdsglk
She'd be the only one out of the bunch to ACT like an idol. (Hinako would wish she was her fr). Kokomi would be a great actor and bc of her gera she'd probably smash the competition easily. The only idol who she'd have an actual rivarly with would be Kanata (for obvious reasons, he's like an equal to her). They'd either be besties or one-sided rivals (would Kanata care? nah).
BUT IMAGINE THE BEEF BETWEEN HER AND MADOKA.... those girlies would be all over the news they're so iconic. They're too similar to me.
Ruchi would simply game-end himself knowing he has to deal with an another Mugami but female edition XDDDDD
tanaka would instantly stan kokomi though like... please. he def would.
21 notes · View notes
hunrising · 5 years ago
Would Harry Styles add you to his close friends list on ig?
532 notes · View notes
lucien-stan · 4 years ago
Apologies to ruchi and ruchi only for being forced to listen to me poorly translate a French poem my friend wrote for me at like 1 am. That night will haunt me for the rest of my days
3 notes · View notes
vanserraseris · 3 years ago
END OF EPILOGUE II - This is set sometime after ACOWAR but before ACOSF. Prince of Ashes is officially finished, and it was so great to share it! Thank you, Ruchi, for everything <3
holy shit oh my god okay okay its happening oh my god everyone just stay calm everybody just FUCKING CALM DOWN
in all srsness tho thank you so much for this experiences. poa was genuinely such a good and well written fic and im honored that you shared it with us :) please feel free whenever to drop by either inbox and say hi, or if you make a tumblr/discord (there is an azris server!). ilysm!!! <3
without further ado:
Prince of Ashes. Epilogue II.
Eris lifted a pale hand. Slender, unscarred fingers danced across the spines of ancient books as he walked among the small library’s mahogany shelves. The Forest House had always been lovely, with its shining marble floors and its carved wooden furniture, but the Lady of Autumn’s personal library, Eris thought, had always been the loveliest of its rooms.
When Eris was young, he would sit in one of the big cushioned chairs by the windows and stare out at the falling autumn leaves as his mother read aloud to him. It was a room that was cozy and quiet and peaceful, a room the High Lord never saw any reason to enter. The small library became a place that Eris and his brothers would run to if they needed a moment of peace. It was easy to find hope in the pages of its many books, at least when they had all been much too young to know any better.
Perhaps it had been because Beron Vanserra had never particularly liked his wife’s library that her children had all come to love it so much.
“What’s on your mind?” The Lady of Autumn asked her eldest son, her voice so soft Eris almost hadn’t heard her. She was sitting right by the stone fireplace, her skirts so close to the flames that if the forest-green fabric had been sewn in any other court, it would have been ruined by the embers.
“Treason,” Eris replied, taking an adventure novel off of the towering shelf in front of him.
“So then nothing is amiss,” Rufus mumbled from where he was sitting. Eris watched as his younger brother managed to make flipping the page of his book look obnoxious.
“Do not joke about such things.��
Eris would have rolled his eyes at his mother’s remark had he not known how much she worried over this sort of thing.
The most harmless of actions and words were punishable in Autumn, so he simply sighed as he put the book in his hands back to its proper place. “Why am I here, mother?” Eris asked, waving his hand in a vague gesture. It had been a long time, even before Amarantha’s rule, since Beron had wanted Eris in the Forest House. It was strange, Eris thought, that his father would want him there now.
“You have better things to do?” Rufus looked up from his book, raising an auburn brow at his older brother. His smile was a knowing one.
Eris glared at him, but didn’t bother replying.
His mother shifted in her seat, closing her own book gently and placing it on the low table in front of her. The golden leaf-shaped combs that held back her hair glittered in the light of the evening sun streaming into the room through the windows.
“Perhaps Beron thinks it best for all of you to be in one place, especially now that Hybern is no longer a threat.” Eris knew that was unlikely considering how all of the Vanserras in one place for more than just brief periods of time was usually disastrous.
Rufus snorted in a way that was not befitting of a prince. “Perhaps he’s worried Eris is planning a military coup, is what you mean.”
“Why?” Rufus grimaced as their mother settled her gaze on him. “Why would Beron be worried about that?”
Rufus looked troubled for a moment, choosing his words carefully before he replied. “The army is loyal to the one who leads them.” He shrugged, trying but failing at upholding an unbothered expression. “Father doesn’t really lead them. If I were constantly worrying about which of my sons was going to try and kill me in my sleep, it would definitely be the one with an entire army at his back.”
The Lady of Autumn turned her head suddenly, staring at Eris, embers flashing in her russet eyes. “Tell me you are not.”
Eris crossed his arms, “I am not.”
“You cannot,” she said rather sharply.
“It’s good to know you think I’m capable, mother.”
She clenched her jaw, straightened the wrinkles of her skirts. “The Royal Guard is loyal to the High Lord.”
And Maddox was the guard’s captain. The words remained unspoken as Eris shook his head, “I’m not planning a military coup.”
She nodded, red embers in her eyes as she spoke. “I’ve been meaning to ask something of you.” Eris stiffened. With her words, he was reminded of a time so many years ago, of a vow he’d once given, and of a promise he’d broken. The Lady of Autumn continued, “What have you done that has angered your father so very much?”Eris shook his head, his father had seemed much more irritated as of late, much more frustrated with his sons and his wife.
In the past few days he’d done a number of things that would make his father absolutely livid, but he was fairly certain the High Lord had not learned of them. He’d spoken to Lucien, which went better than Eris had expected but not as well as he’d hoped. He’d managed to read some of Beron’s private correspondence to one of the former human queens, which was troubling but not yet an immediate problem.
He’d also spent the night before last in Micah’s bed, which was an entirely selfish decision, but he’d promised himself he wouldn’t be doing something like that again. “Nothing,” he said.
“For once, Eris, you could just tell the truth.” The way she spoke reminded Eris very much of the woman from his childhood. The Lady of Autumn had belonged to one of the strongest, oldest, and most vicious families in Prythian, a fact even Eris seemed to forget.
Eris still thought she was a force of nature, but Beron had spent centuries taming her fire. He often wondered what his mother might have been like had she married someone else.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, mother.” He grabbed one of the many books off the shelf and threw himself onto the nearest armchair.
She hummed, “Then I suppose you haven’t allied yourself with the Day Court, too tired to simply wait for the crown.”
The sconces that lined the walls flared, a response to her clear displeasure. Eris rolled his eyes, “You really think I’d ally myself with that useless, self-important librarian?” To be entirely fair to both his parents, Eris had briefly considered using Lucien’s parentage to force Helion into an alliance. He had decided to never mention it to his mother.
“I think that Beron has convinced Maddox of your plans to kill us all and put yourself on the throne.” The many books rattled slightly on their shelves. “Did you know that Beron no longer cares one way or another whether Maddox brings him your head?”
“Cauldron,” Rufus muttered, setting his book on the table in a way that would surely ruin its spine. “Fucking hells.”
“I will not lose another son because of him.” The last word was nearly a snarl.
Rufus placed a gentle hand on their mother’s shoulder, “Eris will fix this.”
Eris sighed, “I am not planning to kill you all and put myself on the throne.” He couldn’t. Eris looked at his younger brothers and remembered the children that would run to grab hold of his hand, remembered the children that would sit next to him at the dinner table, remembered the children that would clamber onto Eris’s chair as he worked at his desk.
He still felt an overwhelming urge to throttle them most of the time, though. Eris wondered if they looked at him and saw the older brother who had read books to them, remembered the older brother who had taught them how to winnow, remembered the older brother who had tried to shield them from Beron’s cruelties. Eris knew Rufus did, and he sometimes felt as though Maddox and Priam did as well.
“We must kill him,” the Lady of Autumn said, sitting up in her seat.
The only sound in the room was the crackling of the fire next to them. Eris had never before heard his mother say it out loud. He always figured she’d thought about it often, but whenever Eris had mentioned it to her, she’d always asked him to speak about anything else.
“Kill the High Lord?” Rufus asked, shocked.
“This court will never mourn him,” she said, flames in her skirts. “And neither will we.”
Eris leaned closer to his mother, “I might have lied when I said I wasn’t planning anything.” He had the good sense to look slightly ashamed.
She nodded, “We must work together, with Maddox and Priam.”
Eris shook his head, “The others do not trust me.”
“They trust me,” she assured him.
“Are we really talking about treason?” Rufus ran a hand through his hair, but the expression on his face was not one of concern. He looked more surprised than anything.
“Try and keep up, Rufus, darling.” There were embers flashing in her eyes, more light to her than Eris had seen in centuries. There was a light flush on her cheeks, her hair bright as blood.
“I have not planned a kind death for him,” Eris warned. He was horrible, really, for wanting to make his father’s death as painful as possible.
“I would not have expected otherwise,” said his mother, golden flames in her eyes. Eris was certain those same golden flames were dancing in his eyes as well.
Eris smiled at her, his first genuine smile in decades, “I have waited a very long time for my vengeance.”
Eris watched as his mother lifted her shoulder in a shrug, as she returned his smile. “What is vengeance, Eris, if not justice taken by your own hand?”
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nutzo0001 · 9 months ago
Today at 3:38 PM
· HammerKoopa:
Only Droid Lives Matters, specially over the damned Jedi
Today at 3:38 PM
· zalaz alaza:
ill find em
Today at 3:38 PM
· Some_porcupine:
HammerKoopa said:
I think its a fun thread to get an insight in how agorans percieve this place
whjich one
Today at 3:38 PM
· llillilll:
tor browser sig isn't correct :|||
Today at 3:40 PM
· llillilll:
There is a MITM
Today at 3:40 PM
· Some_porcupine:
"lost it" yesterday - wrote "poems" yesterday (i guess - it has no verbs in it or nothing really happens... it is just list of words and ideas; sort of Automatic writing...)
Today at 3:40 PM
· Some_porcupine:
last three in this chapter - https://www.wattpad.com/1373573284-amorovo-srdce-kamenné-strachy-ruchy
Today at 3:41 PM
· dacookingsenpai:
llillilll said:
There is a MITM
nice browser history mate
Today at 3:42 PM
· dacookingsenpai:
Some_porcupine said:
"lost it" yesterday - wrote "poems" yesterday (i guess - it has no verbs in it or nothing really happens... it is just list of words and ideas; sort of Automatic writing...)
Today at 3:43 PM
· zalaz alaza:
heres the thing about the internet and life in general. its totally cool for punp, or anyone to hate some shit i made and still like me. thats the deal. i hate all sorts of shit my best real life pals make, theyre still my best pals
Today at 3:44 PM
· dacookingsenpai:
it will take a while, also i hope it does not get too lost in transaction (using deepl)
Today at 3:44 PM
· llillilll:
dacookingsenpai said:
nice browser history mate
that isn't how a MITM work man
Today at 3:44 PM
· zalaz alaza:
i cant help it if they are gay asf
Today at 3:44 PM
· dacookingsenpai:
llillilll said:
that isn't how a MITM work man
well it depends on the level of access you gain
Today at 3:44 PM
· zalaz alaza:
im so bummed about these photos!
Today at 3:45 PM
· llillilll:
The slap city ones?
Today at 3:45 PM
· zalaz alaza:
Today at 3:45 PM
· llillilll:
Today at 3:46 PM
· Some_porcupine:
<3 (feel like i never felt. 13 again, but instead of flamboyant or edgy (other type*), i feel emo...) (*ok, both are "special", but one was kinda Aftergifted slow burn, now it is "She saw Ramona Flowers and felt so empowered" -type) (tho idk who my Ramona Flowers of boys is... maybe Morrisey???)
Today at 3:46 PM
· dacookingsenpai:
a good MITM attack can easily compromise local credentials, some kind of MITM attacks are especially made to for example exploit vulns ( i remember heartbleed one ) or to sniff unencrypted local data (talking about LAN MITM or VPN MITM in this case). Of course a plethora of MITM attacks are targeted at other type of exfil
Today at 3:47 PM
· llillilll:
A MITM between me and the tor browser html can't access my history
Today at 3:48 PM
· dacookingsenpai:
llillilll said:
A MITM between me and the tor browser html can't access my history
yeah i wrote above about the specific case, was jus bs before anyway
Today at 3:48 PM
· llillilll:
because i am installing the tor zip with wget (and my browser doesn't have history enabled
Today at 3:49 PM
· dacookingsenpai:
once i was tinkering around with a LAN that was supposedly super restrictive, with heartbleed I caught the authoritative servers credential, was very funny
Today at 3:49 PM
· Some_porcupine:
who miss techno-optimism? +1... noe, it is more of horror and threat... instead of "where is my jetpack", it is "that jetpack will kill me if id look ba at it"
Today at 3:49 PM
· dacookingsenpai:
Some_porcupine said:
who miss techno-optimism? +1... noe, it is more of horror and threat... instead of "where is my jetpack", it is "that jetpack will kill me if id look ba at it"
you are a sort of a beat soul arent u (meaning beat generation )
Today at 3:49 PM
· Some_porcupine:
hm yes i think, thatd explain it... should have sex and drugs and polygamy harem?
Today at 3:50 PM
· llillilll:
dacookingsenpai said:
once i was tinkering around with a LAN that was supposedly super restrictive, with heartbleed I caught the authoritative servers credential, was very funny
those "invasive" firewalls have the most vulns and least usability
Today at 3:50 PM
· llillilll:
really makes you think
Today at 3:50 PM
· dacookingsenpai:
llillilll said:
really makes you think
is a perfect example of why centralization is the path to dystopy
Today at 3:51 PM
· dacookingsenpai:
Some_porcupine said:
hm yes i think, thatd explain it... should have sex and drugs and polygamy harem?
yes but (personally) no homo, not annoyed anyway
Today at 3:51 PM
· Some_porcupine:
lost generation two, but instead of war, it is "i must smile or id smack your id clobber your head to the pathway" (?)
Today at 3:52 PM
· dacookingsenpai:
precisely, this generation (broad umbrella term) is born into a sea of cinism and pessimism
Today at 3:52 PM
· Some_porcupine:
this -this (´86-present) or beatnik one XD
Today at 3:54 PM
· dacookingsenpai:
both for different reasons hah but i meant this this
Today at 3:54 PM
· Punp:
zalaz alaza said:
heres the thing about the internet and life in general. its totally cool for punp, or anyone to hate some shit i made and still like me. thats the deal. i hate all sorts of shit my best real life pals make, theyre still my best pals
It's not that the thread started off bad, it just got filled with shit takes
Today at 3:57 PM
· WhiteSnake:
The Internet is dead.
Today at 4:00 PM
· llillilll:
Today at 4:00 PM
· llillilll:
Just like god
Today at 4:00 PM
· WhiteSnake:
If you're looking for honest opinions online, in the general public, you are fuck out of luck. Agora road is lucky because it's relatively underground, but the reality is that the majority of posts that are made online are not real opinions.
Today at 4:01 PM
· Some_porcupine:
WhiteSnake said:
The Internet is dead.
thanks @WhiteSnake for birthing this idea
edit: what this post is about (skipping the foreword from user W-S who ghosted me XD)
Young people (´84 - ´14 and on) giving up on life - Life under L.S.Capitalism - "Where is my Jetpack!" (Cancelled) Futures
thanks @WhiteSnake for birthing this idea edit: what this post is about (skipping the foreword from user W-S who ghosted me XD)...
Do you remember (Now Lost) "Future"?
Parallel thread with https://8chan.moe/404/res/17276.html Example: "internet will topple down *Patriarchy*!" related: https://forum.agoraroad.com/index.php?threads/young-people-%C2%B484-%C2%B414-and-on-giving-up-on-life-life-under-l-s-capitalism-where-is-my-jetpack-cancelled-futures.6412/...
+ "cultural changes you noticed in your lifetime" thread
lost future / post-occupy nonsense world / boring dystopia
DIRECTORY of main points:
Young people (´84 - ´14 and on) giving up on life - Life under L.S.Capitalism - "Where is my Jetpack!" (Cancelled) Futures
thanks @WhiteSnake for birthing this idea edit: what this post is about (skipping the foreword from user W-S who ghosted me XD)...
Young people (´84 - ´14 and on) giving up on life - Life under L.S.Capitalism - "Where is my Jetpack!" (Cancelled) Futures
thanks @WhiteSnake for birthing this idea edit: what this post is about (skipping the foreword from user W-S who ghosted me XD)...
Young people (´84 - ´14 and on) giving up on life - Life under L.S.Capitalism - "Where is my Jetpack!" (Cancelled) Futures
thanks @WhiteSnake for birthing this idea edit: what this post is about (skipping the foreword from user W-S who ghosted me XD)...
Young people (´84 - ´14 and on) giving up on life - Life under L.S.Capitalism - "Where is my Jetpack!" (Cancelled) Futures
Nobody wants to read chat logs except glowies. Anyways I find Zoomers seemingly large lack of protest to be both a good and bad sign. It's a good sign as I found most protests since the 80s to be large virtue signaling parties that rarely change anything, making it mostly a waste of time. On...
Young people (´84 - ´14 and on) giving up on life - Life under L.S.Capitalism - "Where is my Jetpack!" (Cancelled) Futures
Nobody wants to read chat logs except glowies. Anyways I find Zoomers seemingly large lack of protest to be both a good and bad sign. It's a good sign as I found most protests since the 80s to be large virtue signaling parties that rarely change anything, making it mostly a waste of time. On...
Young people (´84 - ´14 and on) giving up on life - Life under L.S.Capitalism - "Where is my Jetpack!" (Cancelled) Futures
glam rock, "teenage rampage", creatives? (to create new future visions) Yeah, those are good- I don't mean at all to undersell or overlook the creative visions that Gen Z already has. Gen Z has a great deal of unique aphorisms, culture, etc. but it isn't understood or catalogued by older...
Young people (´84 - ´14 and on) giving up on life - Life under L.S.Capitalism - "Where is my Jetpack!" (Cancelled) Futures
glam rock, "teenage rampage", creatives? (to create new future visions) Yeah, those are good- I don't mean at all to undersell or overlook the creative visions that Gen Z already has. Gen Z has a great deal of unique aphorisms, culture, etc. but it isn't understood or catalogued by older...
Young people (´84 - ´14 and on) giving up on life - Life under L.S.Capitalism - "Where is my Jetpack!" (Cancelled) Futures
glam rock, "teenage rampage", creatives? (to create new future visions) Yeah, those are good- I don't mean at all to undersell or overlook the creative visions that Gen Z already has. Gen Z has a great deal of unique aphorisms, culture, etc. but it isn't understood or catalogued by older...
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ratabrasileira · 3 years ago
azris for the domestic asks? ily <3
OK I WILL TRY (they're so difficult to write about oh gosh)
Who reaches out to new neighbors:
None of them KKKKKKK. Maybe Eris if he needs something (he doesn't)
Who remembers to buy healthy food
Azriel. And he's the one to buy it too
Who remembers to buy junk food
Eris, lol. He has a stock of candies in his study.
Who fixes the oven when it breaks
Azriel. Eris tried once, he'll never try again
Who waters the plants/feeds their pet(s)
Eris burns the plants and feed his little dogs.
Who wakes up earlier
Azriel. It's a Illyrian thing, right?
Who makes the bed
Eris, he makes it perfectly and uses to take precious minutes trying to fix the folding of the sheets and fluffy the pillow.
Who makes the coffee
Azriel, since he's the one who get up earlier.
Who burns breakfast
Eris, but it's because he didn't control his powers and unconsciously it was burnt.
How do they let each other know they’re leaving the house
Azriel: "I'm going." Leaves and always let a shadow to see if Eris is good or need anything. When Eris isn't around he just writes on a paper where he went, but only if he remember, of couse.
Eris: "Bye, love, see you later" but just when no one is around. When Az isn't near he writes where he went and draws some hearts.
How do they greet each other when one of them gets home (i think i read this one wrongly whatever)
Az don't immediately greet; he goes to the kitchen or bathroom (idk it depends on his mood) and does his needs. When he finishes, if Eris didn't go to see him, he go kiss kiss his fire boy.
Eris, in the other hand, go straight to shadow boy. He gives him a kiss and goes to do others things. Azriel follows him.
Who brings home little gifts like flowers/chocolates more often
Azriel. Idk I think it fits his profile.
Who picks the movie for movie night
Eris. Azriel doesn't care, as long as they're together he'll enjoy it.
Their favorite kind of movie to watch
Azriel tends to like Terror or Thriller more. Eris is a sucker for Romantic Comedy.
Who first suggests a pillow fort
Eris did it once and regretted instantly. There's no fight neither competition in their relationship anymore.
Who builds the pillow fort
I'd say neither of them, but Az seems to do those things. Eris would think it to be silly, but deep down he's all soft and Az knows that.
Who tries to distract the other during the move
Eris when he gets bored (it's not that often, tho)
Who falls asleep first
Healed Azriel would fall asleep first.
Who is big spoon/little spoon
Both! It depends on their moods, but they know what each other wants, so it's something.... naturally understandable.
Ok it wasn't that hard, I actually enjoyed doing this xD
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tinyanchortriumph · 3 years ago
Its very true to say , that insurance in other words is risk management. The risk occurs with a factor called uncertainty.. Now let us  elaborate uncertainty!  We are uncertain about our income; will it rise or we will face downfall in our profession, business or job. Second but a crucial culprit is HEALTH; how will we maintain our expenses if we fall prey to unexpected illness , topped up with expensive HOSPITALISATION  ? Hereafter comes EDUCATION AND CAREER PROSPECTS of our children. Not only this , the assets we maintain for sustaining our lifestyle , HOME , CAR, TRAVEL ; all  are to be safe from the risk.
 So , taking into consideration the above-mentioned things , you can get all of them insured... Oh !  I just skipped the other miniature but actually big issues to be insured , like a BUILDING WHICH IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION , if due to any mishap they suffer ! ( don’t worry , Contractors All Risk insurance saves them). You are an employee of a company, and you met any accident or injury while working hours ; WORKMEN’S COMPENSATION INSURANCE SAVES YOU !  HOUSEHOLD and the gadgets inside your house are also insured for theft , burglary, fire ...... Your Car 🚙  , an important asset which makes you roam around the world and has different models, can also be insured .  what else ? 
SO , just give a second thought , that why there are only men -to - men talks in almost every household when Insurance topics are raised ? Why ladies are interested to listen about and purchase only cosmetics and garments ? Its just simple , they feel themselves confined to this arena only,, You won’t believe me, being a lady,  I was expecting my friend to discuss about an insurance policy , but she plainly said “ I am going to brew coffee ☕  for you , just wait for my hubby to discuss with u  darling ! “ I was taken aback, so countered her , “ why not you  also sit and listen ? “  She was indifferent , saying , “ Don’t push me in this matter, I am a fantastic person if you sell me cosmetics, but i’ll run away if the cat 🙀 of  investment confronts me..”  Anyways , explaining the whole thing to her husband , I cracked the deal and he gave me an account payee cheque ,saying proudly ,” Mam , you are a pioneer (first comer) in this taxing field of insurance, just let ur friend be friendly to these issues , so that next time she should sign the cheque to give u! If she can decide the school of her kids, she is equally capable of investing in their career plans and mediclaims too.” 
MAIL HIM AT [email protected]
signing off 
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