#RSV in daycare
thebabieswhisperer · 2 years
Common Daycare Illnesses: Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)
Common Daycare Illnesses: Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)
Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels.com If you have been employed in the daycare business for some time, you are aware and have potentially been exposed to some common daycare illnesses. These illnesses are mostly prevalent in the fall and winter months. The Centers for Disease Control have reported an increase in these illnesses in young children, particularly in RSV cases. Respiratory…
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confinesofmy · 2 months
my littlest cousin is very sick with some sort of upper respiratory for like the 20th time in his very short little life. 😢 it's so hard not to mentally backseat parent in a situation like this. at least his mom is always quick with the doctor's visits, that makes me feel better at least.
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blujayonthewing · 2 years
once again thinking about how never leaving the house or being around other human beings makes you actually insane but also I am living in an era of both widespread disabling plague and near universal disinterest in avoiding plague at the same time
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punkshort · 3 months
what’s it like being a mom.
Short answer? It's really weird and really hard. But also very fun and exhausting. Long explanation under the cut:
My son was hospitalized back in October for four days with RSV (turns out he has asthma, found that out the hard way) and it was terrifying. It felt like I was waiting for an adult to tell me what to do but turns out, I'm that adult? Like, what? I have to make decisions for a brand new person and hope I do the right thing? It's fucking scary man. He's fine, by the way. Daily inhaler and no issues since and he will likely grow out of it, but moments like that are certainly not what you think about when you plan to start a family. He also has a speech delay which takes so much of our time and energy. He's been in speech therapy since he was 18 months old and he's made incredible progress but it makes me a little sad when my friend who has a son 6 months younger than mine can tell her "my dinner is yucky" and mine can't. But he's getting better - in fact just as I was typing this, he came to get me for help with a toy. 4 months ago he wouldn't do that.
But on the flip side it's really fucking cool to see a blend of you and your partner and watch as he experiences things for the first time. Simple things like laughing so hard at bubbles that he falls over is so endearing I can't even explain it, stuff like that is so sweet and it reminds me to appreciate little things in life. And he's incredibly smart, it really amazes me everyday the things he can do/knows. He was 1 and already knew his abcs - he couldn't say them because of the speech delay but he had these magnetic letters and he put them all in order from memory on my living room floor and blew my mind. He knows his numbers 1-100 and he just turned 3. He remembers everything, he (tries) to repeat everything, he loves being challenged and learning something new. Just about two weeks ago, he was nervous being dropped off at daycare and a little girl in his class came forward and said "it's okay, take my hand" and he did and she led him into the room and I almost sobbed in the middle of the hallway at 9am.
I guess to sum it up: it's scary and cool at the same time. And I always assumed my mom knew everything, like she had all the answers and now that I'm a mom I've realized she had no fucking clue, she just figured it out as she went along. So if/when the time comes for you to be a parent, don't expect to know everything, because you won't. You just figure it out as things come up and try to have fun along the way.
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It's been a long two weeks. Maeve was sick. Then hubs was sick. Then Maeve got RSV from an outbreak at daycare. No one has slept well in 2 weeks. When I don't sleep I lose the ability to cope with baseline stress. Lots of menty b's happening. Lots.
This weekend I turn 31. Hubs planned a trip to the local wineries months ago to celebrate. So we left our recovering but still very germy babe with my inlaws to get some much needed time away as a couple. I miss my girl and feel guilty leaving her when she is sick but the change of pace and ability to rest is giving restoration I desperately need. The wine isn't hurting either.
I also realized how old I'm getting tonight. Moments after snapping this picture at my fav winery I told hubs we had to order dinner to go because I wasn't hungry enough to eat and I was going to fall asleep at the table. It was 5:15pm 🙃
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girlfriendsofthegalaxy · 10 months
my best friend’s eight-month-old picked up RSV at baby daycare and so far is shrugging it off no problem (no fever, no other weirdness, can breathe, etc) but do u kno who hung out with her for twenty minutes on Thursday and is now lightly delirious with fever? that’s right ur good pal girlfriendsofthegalaxy, whose immune system is not stronger than an infant’s
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p0tat0-g0ddess · 1 year
People I want to get to know better
Tagged by @vellatra! Thank you!
Last Song: Forever & Always by Written By Wolves
Favorite color: Blue!
Currently watching: MacGyver(2016) I guess? I'm not currently watching anything very much. Dipping my toes into Castle a bit as well.
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: Ssssavory?? I love sweet as well, not a big spicy person because I am white like bleached flour
Relationship status: single as a pringle and hoping to stay that way for the foreseeable future 👍
Current Obsession: Minecraft!
Last thing you Googled: "Can adults get RSV". Guess what illness is going around my daycare? :^)
Tagging @galaxythedragonshifter, @artimies6, @im-ichihime-trash, @psalmsinthedark, and @artsy-dreamer if yall wanna give it a go!
editing to tag @ldinkaofficial
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lifeinkinder · 1 year
We are headed to our 3rd doctors appointment this week, this time for Squish.
Baby girl spits up 10-20 times a day. At least once within 30 minutes of her bottle but usually more and at least twice within 2 hours of her bottle but also usually more. Plus sometimes the fun spit up in the middle of her bottle. And sometimes that fun spit up where spit up comes out of her nose. And I worry that she's aspirated.
We went to urgent care Sunday for that exact reason though they put the visit reason down as spitting up and the PA said I was just a concerned first time mom. Nah ma'am my baby went completely stiff when spit up came out her nose and she wasn't crying like she usually does and I cannot guarantee she didn't stop breathing for a few seconds. Plus the patient advisory line with her insurance told me she should be seen because of the potential that she aspirated and because I couldn't guarantee she didn't stop breathing for a few seconds. She's done the spit up coming out her nose before but never tur completely stiff not crying thing. Even where the twins are concerned, I don't generally overreact. I mean one of them is medically complex I've grown pretty familiar with when I need to be worried and when I don't.
And I know she has reflux and she's gaining weight so there's no need to be concerned. But she has so many symptoms of severe reflux and I refuse to accept that it'll just be this way for the next year or so. At least without further investigation to make sure that's all it is.
Because I switched to a low lactose formula and I feed her sitting up and she's upright for upwards of an hour after each feeding and I don't bounce or rock or jostle for at least 45 minutes and literally nothing has changed. In fact her spit up continues to get more frequent.
Little Man went to the local cardiologist today. Nothing new to report. Nothings changed since we saw his primary cardiologist 10 days ago. Local Cardiologist says full repair surgery at 3-6 months primary cardiologist says full repair at 4-8 months. So sometime between now and December he'll have open heart surgery. I'm hoping I can get his primary cardiologist to nail down a more specific timeline when he sees her in 11 days because yall that 6 month range is killer for planning purposes when I'll have to write lts plans and take fmla and figure out what to do with squish and how to balance baby in the cardiac picu and baby who is fine. Especially if his surgery happens during rsv season since she'll be in daycare and my students will be a germy mess.
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aniron48 · 2 years
If everyone will pardon me being deeply earnest on main for a minute, this is the situation parents and kids are in right now, at least in my corner of the U.S.: Flu, COVID, RSV, and a plethora of other viruses are running basically unchecked through the daycare/preschool aged population. My family has been sick with one or the other of these since before Thanksgiving. It's bad--many pediatric hospitals are running out of beds. A friend's otherwise perfectly healthy three year old was just hospitalized with RSV. Pharmacies are out of infants' and children's Tylenol and Motrin (which, by the way, are pretty much the only things you can give young kids for everything from ear infections to teething to lowering fevers, and almost every single one of the illnesses named above comes with a fever). Last week we had to take my son to the doctor because he had a virus that, in addition to congestion and fever, gave him an earache. He also had conjunctivitis. The doctor hand-wrote us a prescription for amoxicillin, because she said it's hit or miss whether pharmacies have this right now and we'd likely have to take it multiple places. She was right. Pharmacies are out of amoxicillin, the antibiotic that pediatricians prescribe for childhood infections and earaches. If I had to guess, I would imagine this is among the top prescription medications for kids of this age--it's the only thing my little guy has ever had a prescription for, for example. We have the wherewithal to take time of work (though just barely, and we're running out of leave) and drive to multiple pharmacies. Other families do not. Everyone in my family is exhausted. And last night, in the middle of the night, my son's temperature hit 101 again, with a new virus. Before he ever got over the last one. Our best guess is he got this during the seven hours he was healthy enough to go to daycare last week. We can't get a break. Please, please, please care enough about people to wear a mask in indoor public places right now. It's not just COVID.
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fosterem · 2 years
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• We now have an Home Health nurse who gives Pips a monthly RSV immunization.
• I bought a new car
• I booked a cabin up north for Thanksgiving. Just the six of us are going.
• Christmas shopping is done. I just have to do Hanukkah. I am having trouble thinking of 8, $10 or under, gifts (per kid). I don’t want junk.
• Pips’ birthday is January 1. We just recently realized it will be his golden birthday. I want to light off 1 golden firework, so need to figure out where to buy that from ✨
• The Baby calls me mama. He hollers, “MA MA”, from his crib every morning, and across the playground when I pick him up from daycare. I love my big kids, and feel secure in my role with them.. but am relishing in this place I’m in with him. The most magic boy calls me mama.
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lightandwinged · 2 years
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School pictures for 2022-2023!
I am thrilled that Sammy decided to go for the laser background. Didn’t even hesitate, as soon as he saw it was an option, he flat out told me, “I’m getting the lasers,” and that did my 90s kid heart good. His came later in the year because he was actually sick on the original picture day, but I love it.
With the twins, you can 100% tell that I bought their picture day outfits before we all sat down and chose backgrounds. Isaac wanted New York City because he is obsessed with Spider-Man, so he needed to be in front of “mine New York City,” and I accept this. Carrie chose pink flower blossoms because that is just how she do. I’m wholly pleased with their portraits and adding them to the roster of “look at my kids growing up.”
Also spring boarding off of this to talk briefly about school and sick days this year.
It’s all basically a lose-lose-lose-lose-lose situation.
If you’ve been watching the news, you’ve probably read about how kids are just all sick all the time this year and ending up in the hospital with RSV and pneumonia and the flu and Covid. Thankfully, we haven’t gotten any thing that particularly bad yet (I blame that Isaac got RSV every year until 2020 so we just know what to do immediately to keep it from settling in his lungs), but it’s a bit like Sammy’s first year at daycare with how often everyone is getting sick. The twins specifically--because their unmasked exposure to other kids has been very limited, they’re just getting every germ imaginable in a never ending cycle of boogers and coughs.
And on the one hand, yes, keep them home if they have any sort of congestion or cough, but this year, it’s to the point where doing that would mean basically pulling them out of school for the entire fall. We’ve been sending them with masks when their coughs get particularly severe, and even then, we have yet to experience a week this year where one kid wasn’t home sick several days. This week, it’s Carrie’s turn, at least partly because our kids tend to throw up when they get boogery and that’s where she is right now.
(well. Where she is right now is sleeping, which is how I know she’s feeling cruddy; she’ll be downstairs later, I’m sure, to revel in finally getting to watch TV without either of her brothers demanding that their show be the one everyone watches, which means today will be a solid 4-5 hours of Gabby’s Dollhouse)
And! And apparently a lot of parents have been dealing with calls from truant officers threatening CPS calls if they keep their kids home anymore, which is like... what? But all of these absences are apparently flagging families and nobody is going to get a doctor’s note for the cold that goes ‘round and ‘round, so parents end up sending their sick kids to school (I don’t mean just sniffly, I mean genuinely super sick), then those sick kids get sent home by the nurse but not before they’ve coughed or sneezed or touched things and gotten other kids sick.
There is legitimately no winning this year. If we all mask up, that’s awesome, but then eventually, masks do come off, and lmao at the idea of getting a healthy portion of the population to comply with mask mandates again (can you fucking imagine the bullshit drama that would cause?). Keeping kids home when they’re sick is also a great idea, but it means that kids are literally missing half the school year and then parents are getting threatened with CPS because their kids are missing school. It’s all an absolute fucking disaster.
You know what probably would have helped things? Improving school ventilation systems. You know what didn’t happen? Improving school ventilation systems.
Ugh. And I feel fairly confident that this is just for a year because it reminds me so much of Sammy’s first year of daycare, where he was sick literally all the time and had an ear infection every three weeks and I got in so much trouble at work over it, so I’m hopeful that next year won’t be like this, but UGH in the meantime.
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toffins · 2 years
callout to parents: you should let me give ur children a bat and me and them can beat u to paste for allowing rsv, covid, influenza a, norovirus, and so much more into a daycare center idc idc
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silverstars87 · 2 years
So we got unlucky. M got RSV AND Adenovirus at daycare. If output is okay and she continues to keep formula down we can go home tomorrow.
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M has been sick on and off since she started daycare in July. She came down with another respiratory virus and has had a fever since Wednesday night (controlled by Tylenol). I posted a picture of us on my BeReal today and mentioned she was sick again. I promptly received a text from one of my best friends and the conversation went like this:
Friend: How is little M doing?
Me: Poor thing is sick again! Peds ruled out all the major things (RSV/Flu/COVID) but she has a fever so we kept her home for the second day in a row. I feel so bad for her.
Friend: She is building up an immune system at a rapid rate, I'm sorry! Do you need any help? Dinner? A break for a nap?
Me (hesitates before answering honestly knowing I could use some help and adult time): I don't want you to get sick, but if you wanted to bring dinner and have a fire and hang around tonight I definitely wouldn't say no.
Friend: That's a lovely invite but we have tickets to a show tonight so we wouldn't be able to stop by.
How I wanted to respond: 😑
How I actually responded: That sounds like so much fun, enjoy!
Now look, I don't ever expect anyone to help me and Hubs in our parenting journey. We chose this knowing it would come with challenges. My friends don't have children yet and I love that they are taking their time and living their lives before they settle down.
Here's where I get irritated. So many people, including my friends who do things exactly like this, are always telling me how much help we have with M. We have literally no help aside from my inlaws who live 1.5 hours away and can only come help on an occasional weekend. My friends offer to help and when I try to actually take them up on it (which I never used to but I'm actually trying to let myself be vulnerable in that way because I need help) they never follow through. It's an empty offer. I would rather they not offer to help at all instead of extending an olive branch and then acting like I invited them over unprompted when I try to take them up on it.
The worst part is I have been consumed by this all day. I feel humiliated for even trying to accept the help. I should have just said I was fine. I keep thinking that maybe I misunderstood her but what else could she have meant. She probably expected me to just say we don't need anything. I just don't understand why even offer it if you know you can't fit it in your schedule. Sometimes being the only one with a kid is isolating.
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joanevy · 2 years
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1106222 Happy 9th Month Lucia! ☀️ Lui’s new milestones!! • stand and walk with little assistance • crawl around fast • uses mama and dada (unconsciously, but towards the right parent 😍) • eat a lot of rice 🍚 (especially with sauce) • drink water from a silly cup at daycare • survive rsv! 💪🏼 • she loves art activities! 🎨 https://www.instagram.com/p/CkpNXlUrd91/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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captivemuses · 2 years
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So my fricken daycare kids got me sick, I’m pretty sure I’ve got RSV bc I have all the same symptoms my coworker did last week and it’s been going around the building including my classroom. So I’m gonna attempt to get an ask or two done just to do something useful but otherwise I’m gonna be mostly lurking and blobbing since calling out of work tomorrow is out of the question so I gotta suck it up and just stock up on rest now.
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