#RSA Animation
egophiliac · 1 year
We ARE going to bring up Captain Amelia. You have good taste! GOOD TASTE I SAY! *aka I just rewatched Treasure Planet and got hit with, "Oh yeahhhhh... that explains a lot!"*
honestly, the Meg/Jasmine/Amelia trifecta tells you 90% about me as a person. (the rest is covered by Sailor Jupiter and Sailor Uranus and, uhhh, I'll stop baring my soul to the world now)
and speaking of Amelia, this is tangential, but like -- there's one Twst comic I have been kicking at for a while where I needed an RSA sports/flight teacher and, uh, well
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someday I will wrangle this stupid comic into coherency and she'll get to make an appearance (in the background of a single panel, half-obscured by a tall hat) (but I will know she's there and that's the important thing)
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trashy-panda09 · 9 months
Prince Rielle of Atlantica. Another manhwa style drawing.
Seriously when are the other rsa characters coming out??? I want to see jasmine and belle or I’ll take anyone at this point
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mashoeroom · 11 months
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Wips i'll never finish (but they're my twst ocs!!)
First pic : Cathy (heartslabyul oc)
Second pic : Aira (RSA oc)
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rsa-everything · 6 months
FRIEREN - a mockery of an anime review
(Anime only perspective) *Although, I am aware of many things in the manga*
Can an anime be 10/10 perfect score? Possibility, says yes! But time, says no! With time there will always be something better.
Should you give it a try: 99 % Yes - ( 1% no if you can't control your attention)
I finished the first season and I'm amazed at how well this story follows its main theme so well. Starting at the end of what would be the common resolution of most fantasy animes, the victory over the demon lord, Frieren delivers a storyline of how life really works, despite reaching the end of one story, another continues. And in the grand scheme of all life, the story really never ends.
You really need to watch this anime past it's opening prologue (roughly eps 1- 2)
The audience is thrown into abrupt point in the story, you don't see the party of heroes take down the demon lord or any action really. You find your hero party in it's victory parade and you are left with piecing together of what happened and how will this story continue.
Initially, what you get is an at leisure fantasy, slice of life, and a mundane world exploration But it's really an overwhelmingly spacious world building experience. Frieren, the last great mage, is roughly over a 1000 years old in the story we begin and that really correlates with her pace of life and her emotionless outlook. The story starts after 10 years of journeying with the hero's party. Frieren leaves to explore the world, but for every moment or event we watch-time easily passes by. So quickly that we reach the death of main hero of her party, Himmel. This is point where Frieren's sense of time really slows down for the audience and constant event flags stick to the story. She suddenly self realizes what she missed in a blink of an eye, because sudden rush of feelings that are resonating within her for once (IMO regret, sadness and determination *in that order*)
She decides to leave the remaining members to change herself mentally and actually live in the world before her. Of course, her habits of constant leisure are still a foundation of her deminer, but changes are subtle. Eventually the changes pick up when she reunites 20 years later with Heiter, one of her party members, again.
As I would enjoy to retell the story, I shouldn't. it's for ppl to enjoy.
Just stop reading and enjoy watching the anime. It's a masterclass of new perspective in an anime genre riddled with Isekai plot armor. (I personally enjoy that still) But if you already did watch Freiren, watch it in another language. You might find it refreshing for slight changes of context.
For the people that would like to continue:
Feieren explores the idea of what shapes your decisions currently are the actions and events from the past. Simply put, everything is a reflection of the past. I believe this is the main plot driving force of our main cast of characters. Whatever happens, no matter how small it's eventually reflected on future events. If you stop and rewatch episode(s) before the main event(s) you'll realize there's more meaning in what they do. Sure, this anime uses flash backs to explain how this came to be, but the actions are explained often with actions and dialogue from previous episodes. Frieren, the mage, is an odd ball and is questioned often as to why she does things and audience often will understand before the people she speaks with. The amount of layers of this is ridiculous and are splendid tidbits along the way for the audience. (like specific spells for really specific things that wouldn't be really that special or "useful")
Besides the superb story, the animation really doesn't get enough credit. For some reason ppl often bring up the dance scene being amazing with all it's movement in fabric, hair etc. But, looking back at previous episodes, watching the characters hair, earrings, fabric etc..., everything is so subtle that it mirrors reality. The director really knows how to make the audience focus, from cinematic angles to the unusual poses. People will joke feet *cough cough* and armpits *cough cough* but they just make a common conversion or fight more interesting. Speaking of fight scenes, the animation is also highly praised for good reason. They are just pure enjoyment and a nice refreshing change of pace when it arrives. The scenes are not only a spectacle in their own rights, but emphasize the importance of experience and skill development for both the characters and the audience. Even the dialogue during the fights really means something and everything seems to have purpose. It's wonderful that the the dialogue is calm and subdued as if the opponents are using the weight of their experience to dominate the fight.
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to be continued...
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mai-universe · 2 years
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aw what a cutie— oh he’s a little fucked up actually
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linawritesocs · 1 year
jay's union birthday ssr vignette + art!
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it's jay's bday!! :D
i remind you that i only see fake!jay as a playable character while real!jay does appear in the story, you can't play as him, so he doesn't get his own vignette. he does get mentioned though!
and here's another reminder that in the third year/graduated versions post i've mentioned that fake!jay's personality would change a lot and.. as i said, i want my characters to actually get older, so you can see him already starting to act differently in this vignette <3
also this one is a bit short bc i basically had to speedrun both writing his vignette and drawing his bday art
[ part 1 ]
[ ujasiri dorm lounge - birthday venue ]
jay: "i wonder who i will get as my presenter."
jay: "it's probably gonna be allen-senpai, isn't it.."
jay: "or maybe it will be blythe-senpai-"
???: happy birthday, jay-chan!!~ ヾ(⌒▽⌒)ノ
jay: ".. oh. it's still a speculum student, but a different one."
jay: ".. the dorm leader, to be more exact."
angel: i was chosen to be your presenter! \ (^-^) /
angel: and i promise to take my job very seriously. ( ̄ー ̄)
jay: ".. a-are all speculum students like that? maybe they're just trying to be more like their dorm leader?"
jay: "i think blythe-senpai is like.. the only exception."
jay: i-i see.. i'm happy to see you, ashley-senpai-
angel: please call me angel! (>_<) everybody calls me that and you should too~ ^‿^
jay: by the way, why do people call you that? is it like.. a nickname or something?
angel: eh, i don't know, someone came up with it and said that it suits me because i'm so kind. (• ε •)
jay: .. but what is an "angel" exactly?..
angel: i don't know, ask seth-chan about it. he came up with it and when he explained it to the other students, they agreed that it's perfect for me and i just played along. ╮(─▽─)╭
jay: .. oh, so it was his idea..
angel: but enough about me!( ̄へ ̄ ) it's your day after all! v(⌒o⌒)v♪
angel: oh, that reminds me, i have a present for you! O(≧▽≦)O
angel: to be honest, i don't know much about you, so i just picked it based on what allen-chan has told me. (╯︵╰,)
angel: here, open it! ヾ(^∇^)
jay: ".. i'm gonna be honest, i'm a little scared."
jay: ".. hm?"
jay: oh, it's a book.
jay: let me see..
jay: .. wait a second.
jay: .. i-it has another book inside of it??
jay: and it has a third book inside too..
jay: just how many-
angel: it has only seven of them, sadly. (。-_-。) i really wanted your gift to be special and i know that reading is one of your main hobbies, but i felt like just getting one book for you isn't enough..
angel: i was told that this book will have at least ten more books inside of it! (ಠ ∩ಠ) what do you mean it has only seven??
jay: all of them look very interesting though.
jay: thank you, ash- um, angel-senpai. i appreciate it.
angel: .. you like it? you really mean it?
jay: yes.
angel: ...
angel: .. i'm so happy!! ヽ(´▽`)ノ
angel: thank you so much, jay-chan! i was so worried that you won't like it.. o(╥﹏╥)o
jay: haha, it's okay, it's okay.
jay: ".. is it true? were they really worried about such a thing?"
jay: "i just can't figure them out at all."
[ part 2 ]
angel: okay, it's time for the birthday interview! ┗(^0^)┓
angel: here's the first question! ヾ(*´∇`)ノ
angel: "if you could choose one person from the royal sword academy as a sibling, who would it be?" └(★o★)┐
angel: it can't be someone from your dorm though! (◡︿◡)
jay: a sibling?..
angel: oh, oh, i bet you're gonna choose allen-chan! (σ≧▽≦)σ you two are very close after all~ (人´∀`)
jay: um, well..
jay: to be honest, when we first met, i saw him as someone completely different.. like, totally not a sibling figure..
angel: eh? what does that mean? (*°ヮ° *)
jay: n-never mind.
jay: hm.. yes, i think i know who i would choose.
angel: ohhh?? (•⊙ω⊙•) so excited!! ☆(◒‿◒)☆
jay: i think it would be roland-senpai. you know, the gardening club leader.
angel: !! really?? (⊙︿⊙)
angel: ah, it's probably because of his big brother figure vibes! ╰(◡‿◡✿╰)
jay: haha, i guess you can say so.
jay: but the thing is.. roland-senpai really is someone i can fully trust. i admire him a lot.
angel: oh?? ◉‿◉ i wonder why.. (◠‿◠✿)
jay: well, you see.. roland-senpai has not the best reputation, i agree.
jay: but he tries his best to become a better person. and even if he still has his moments of weakness, he never gives up.
jay: i don't know what he did and what kind of person he was in the past, but.. i can try to guess.
jay: and i respect him a lot for still trying to make friends and being nice to everyone even though almost all rsa students either hate him, think he's scary or just ignore him.
angel: .. oh no, now i feel bad for roland-chan.. o(;△;)o
angel: i didn't know that people hate him?? ಥ_ಥ why would they be so cruel to him?? he's such a nice and kind person!!
angel: i wish i knew about it.. i want him to feel safer here. (╯︵╰,) i heard that he used to go to nrc before transferring here. now that i think about it, it does make sense why so many rsa students dislike him..
angel: it doesn't mean that they should hate him though! they should be nicer to him! ( ⇀ ‸ ↼ )
jay: and also.. even though i said that i don't see allen-senpai as a sibling figure, i still admire him too.
jay: p-please don't tell him that though. he won't stop mentioning it all the time if he finds out.
angel: really?? how cute!! so you two really are close! ( ≧◡≦ )
jay: i just admire him for not trying to be like the other rsa students, that's all.
angel: .. huh? what do you mean by that, jay-chan? (。・_・。)
jay: allen-senpai is weird. he's really weird, he's scary, he never thinks before doing something and he gets a new crush like every week.
jay: .. but that's what makes him unique. he doesn't try to be like other rsa students, who act like stuck up royals and pretend to be better than they actually are.
jay: he just doesn't know that his flaws are.. well, flaws. he thinks it's normal to act like that. most of the time he's not doing it on purpose or with bad intentions. he just does what he thinks is right.
jay: .. b-but i would still never want an older brother like that.
angel: haha, and here i was hoping that you will say something like "even though i don't show it, i care about him a lot"!(^v^)
angel: but it's okay. i can see that you like allen-chan more than you think you do. ≖‿≖
jay: h-hey-
angel: oh, are you friends with any nrc students, by the way? (*´・v・) you do come there often after all.
jay: "most of the time i come to nrc only to tell allen-senpai to come back to rsa.."
jay: hm.. i guess so? there's this one student from savanaclaw who i didn't expect to become close with, but he's surprisingly nice even though he looks kinda scary, haha.
jay: .. there's also this one person who i also saw as my sibling figure. he was like a twin to me, to be honest.
jay: i'm not sure if i still want to be associated with him though.
angel: wait, what?? ( °□° ) what does that mean, jay-chan?? please, i need answers-
jay: next question, please.
[ part 3 ]
angel: o-okay.. ahem, if you were to join any dorm other than ujasiri, which dorm would you choose?
jay: .. i don't know.
angel: huh? really? come on, i think you would be perfect for, like, any dorm in this school, jay-chan! (人´∀`*)
angel: you're basically like a prince after all-
jay: hey, angel-senpai, am i really that popular?
jay: i don't have that many friends here, so..
angel: hm.. i heard many people say that they think you're like a perfect rsa student to them! (^▽^)
angel: sure, maybe you can be a bit awkward sometimes and you need to be more confident, but you're smart, polite and very pretty! your unique magic is so fun too! ヽ(´▽`)ノ
jay: .. interesting.
angel: sooooo, which dorm would you go with? (°⌣°) oh, may i suggest spec-
jay: no.
jay: "i've already heard enough from blythe-senpai.."
jay: "just say something already. i want them to leave me alone."
jay: ".. but i want to give an honest answer too.."
jay: um.. enaskota, maybe?
angel: ohhh, makes sense! since you're the smart and curious type and all. (✿◠‿◠)
angel: but sometimes i'm surprised to see just how much you actually don't know about this world. seriously, you look like a lost child sometimes, haha. ヾ(^∇^)
jay: .. haha, yeah, i do have those moments sometimes.
jay: "okay, that's it, i can't stay with this person in the same room. say what you want about allen-senpai, but i'd rather run to him right now."
jay: u-um, angel-senpai, don't you think it's time for the "gift of good fortune"?
jay: or do you have more questions for me?
jay: "i sure hope you don't."
angel: nope, i've only got two of them! (。´∀`)ノ
jay: "what kind of interview is that??"
angel: okay, are you ready then, jay-chan? (。◝‿◜。)
jay: i am. thank you for being my presenter, angel-senpai.
jay: "please, just throw it at me already and let me go!.."
angel: ehehe, okay!~ (σ≧▽≦)σ
angel: happy birthday, jay-chan! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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deciessomnia · 1 year
Twisted Wonderland Part 2
🕊 𓆪 ㅤ ic. dire crowley ⊱ ever so generous headmage of nrc 🕊 𓆪 ㅤ ic. mozus trein ⊱ history of magic &&. animal linguistic professor 🕊 𓆪 ㅤ ic. ashton vargas ⊱ flight &&. physical ed professor 🕊 𓆪 ㅤ ic. divus crewel ⊱ alchemy &&. science professor 🕊 𓆪 ㅤ ic. sam ⊱ mysterious s &&. witch doctor
🕊 𓆪 ㅤ ic. ambrose the 63rd ⊱ rsa's headmage 🕊 𓆪 ㅤ ic. najma viper ⊱ desert star 🕊 𓆪 ㅤ ic. neige leblance ⊱ the sweetest of dreams 🕊 𓆪 ㅤ ic. che'nya ⊱ my reality is different from yours~ 🕊 𓆪 ㅤ ic. kifaji ⊱ the royal advisor
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bultaorechwita · 5 months
Some screenshots taken before and during golden week 📸
I felt really unwell last month so I needed to look for little girls (and also ac sasha) to nourish myself🤦‍♀️😭
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Syoko and koume really match each other a lot 😅🍄👻
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A screenshot of little girls taken just before the golden week campaign started
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I didn't take a lot of screenshots during the campaign (and I only took screenshots on lolis) They are just too adorable😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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Individuals is here (but I own none of them...)
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A fairy tale featuring Passion + left-handed casts (how come 🍄syoko is so adorable despite the fact that she is oresama speaking offensive words in some circumstances)
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Welcome to Mostro Lounge (?) (I feel that reina-sama is my another favourite apart from syoko)(you two please apply for NRC although it is a boys' school)(Octavinelle: reina-sama as she is smart and acts like floyd; Diasomnia: syoko but she was once ignihyde student but she shouts like sebek too often that idia and other ignihyde students are afraid of her)(and koume perfers ramshackle dorm even though she is a diasomnia student)
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I like this loli-shota unit but I own none of their SSRs (I need risa's skill so bad)😭
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Syoko & koume again and I want to obtain noir syoko ASAP
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The tiny and evil ladies 😈🌹
That's all for my recent screenshots but...
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I didn't realized 9/5 was mirei's birthday until I login to the game (I am sorry that I couldn't prepare anything 😭 and I was drawing butter AU at that time)
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and how come the SDs appeared after the event ended are so cute 🥹
Actually during the golden week period I was struggling on whether I should continue being anime boys' idol fan or not that made me depressed since there were something that making myself uncomfortable or even cannot be accepted during these years and I tried my best to tolerate that but I really could not bear that anymore...😢 I tried to keep becoming a fan by enjoying in alternative ways such as listening to the songs and watching MVs but I really have to stop that when I think of those contents appearing sometimes that are not respectful to women which I have zero tolerance towards that 🙅‍♀️ I am frustrated on that apart from the game balance and the misleading + disturbing promotion so I decided to remove everything related to those boys' idol stuffs except my fanarts
I prefer lolis and K-pop groups (both boys and girls' groups) right now. That's all.
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witekspicsbanknotes · 9 months
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RSA / RPA / Rep. of South Africa - new banknote designs.
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kalims · 3 months
⭒ㅤwith a disney princess
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premise. surely there's been a mistake, cause there's no way someone out of place like you ended up at nrc, right? (spoiler alert: months later and they will fight whoever might drag you to rsa)
featuring. dorm leaders (from diasomnia to heartslabyul)
content. at best this might imply a female reader, given they're based of a 'princess' but I tried to take the gender vague and focused mainly on the qualities of them! mc has hair in the rapunzel part lol
note. no beta we die lol. I worked on this by group so i honestly don't remember if I accidentally gendered mc. I absolutely love idias part lmaoooo
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malleus (aurora)
ooh intimidating x soft couple.
you look way out of place in somewhere like nrc of all places, given your mother is the infamous sleeping beauty (infamous, in the college’s standards that is.) your kindness is easily taken advantage of, even if you do realize it there is always forgiveness spared for the undeserving.
said kindness was extended to the quiet malleus.
surprise no surprise. he’s impeccably drawn to the sparkling aura you seem to exclude. malleus feels as though there are traces of familiar magic always hovering around you, like its embowed into your very being. a blessing would be a better word for it.
well, he’s just curious but if he were to ever ask he’d be met with the confirmation that you were, indeed blessed by the same three fairies your mother was blessed by (minus the curse… ironically he’s quite similar to the same lady that your mother loved and looked up to.)
he’s just fascinated. something as glittery as you, shiny like gold would’ve been whisked away to his nice tower, homey. he’d tell you. almost as if making its image seem heavenly. (lowkey highkey getting your consent for kidnapping)
animals always seem to flock around you everywhere you go, they sneak around to reach you. in your dorm, during lunch, even in class. there’s either a bird on your shoulder or a squirrel making itself comfortable atop your head. its a curious sight, critters don’t really like him much.
in short they run away, humans or animals alike are both afraid of his presence it seems.
so he’s incredibly still when you nudge an adorably round bird in his palm, peering at it with cautious eyes. tense as a statue lest it flies away.
cue staring contest.
he felt incredibly accomplished that day, and immersed him in the role of making this creature like him. leaving seeds, offering it the most sought off food from the valley, literally conjuring a small home for it. everything.
malleus often asks of you to sing, perhaps its the blessing talking but its the most unique form of sound he’d ever heard in his life, the more he sings the more he wants to imbue his very being with the loveliness of your song.
always following you around like a lost puppy (lizard?) any evil that actually wants to take advantage of your unfortunate naive desire for peace and kindness is scared away. although malleus would never want your interactions to be reduced entirely because of him, he only starts looking like a demon one he figures out their motive is less than fitting for you.
“yeah, the ingredients were to complicated for me to remember—”
“oh! perhaps i can help you?”
spots the demon behind you (just your lovely giant staring them to their grave.)
“you know what i actually got it— sorry for wasting your time.” you watch them, confused as they dip.
you look to him, as though to ask what just happened but he merely casts you an oblivious glance and shrugs.
favorite past time → coddling you in his dragon form.
he was doubtful whether he should pull through in actually showing it to you, since you were already such an angel towards him. would it be a stretch if he let a selfish desire get in the way? perhaps you’d get scared if you see how large he is there—or if he’s—
idia (rapunzel)
okay that amazed smile on you was totally worth it.
wow your hair is fire.
he should have never made a comment about it in the first place because now you’re completely confused about his reference, were you living in like… in isolation? a cave? you’re a little less worse than the scarabia’s dorm leader when it comes to being oblivious.
just two idiots miscommunicating, he atleast is trying to make an effort to explain that he doesn’t mean it literally but his wording is so bad that you get absolutely nothing from what he is trying to infer.
okay your hair though.
“why is that person stuck in that square!?”
good thing ortho was near cause you almost charged towards a television and judging by the, pan!? in your grip you definitely would have smashed the screen trying to be righteous and rescue the character.
okay then. 1. don’t let you near electronics, specifically when its playing something.
you are a literal danger to his society. shivers
you’re always asking something like “what are those glowing balls on the ceiling?” those are lights… “why is that thing speaking?!” that’s a speaker… “why is it on fire?” oh that’s his hair, he doesn’t really know either it was just like that.
it does feel a little nice to get asked like that and he’d know the answer (its literally the most common knowledge ever but whtv)
EPIC! idia is now trying to figure out how resistant your hair is. its literally like, the most OP shield there is!
at first he had some reservations. like, used a knife once and was flabbergasted when it came back in half. your hair didn’t even move an inch. then he got motivated and tried a sharper sword, longer, and larger of course. he let ortho handle it cause he probably would have stabbed himself.
flinches cause the half of the sharp end came completely off and stabbed right beside his head onto the wall.
what are the limits of it?! had some doubts before using one of the tech he came up with, it could literally cut through a diamond and he isn’t sure if its entirely safe but you’re all for it cause you were always curious whether your hair could even get cut in the first place.
anyway you’re way too happy to be near a lazer that could obliterate you and its kinda infecting him. yikes.
less than happy cause the lazer literally got reflected by your hair and hit itself so it’s just gone.
on the bright side he can use you as a scapegoat (in a good way)
alright. 2. don’t enrage you unless he wants to experience getting hit by a pan really hard.
wow. he felt that for days.
maybe its the hit or he’s just feeling a little woozy whenever you’re around.
definitely the pan.
vil (mulan)
bold x shy couple
pretty x pretty defender
he’s used to people heeding his suggestions but damn, are you a stubborn one.
not only have you not listened to his propositions for becoming a more refined person (cause the way you held yourself was too.. much for him to ignore, and it bothered him for a long time until he decided to help you.) but he can respect you, he supposes. not a lot of people can stay true to themselves.
it seems like epel, the boy himself has taking a liking to you. no wonder he’s been becoming more rebellious lately.
vil would never stoop so low to purposely direct someone advice that would change their entire self, decimate their unique traits. but all he told you was out of the goodness of his heart, if you’d be less clumsy of your ways your reputation would be better for the long run.
not being respected amongst nrc is never a good thing.
still, you’re still headstrong. never too overconfident, nor cocky. just a humble soul, that’s rare so he tends to stick by you if he ever wanted an honest opinion cause people just tell him what he wants to nowadays. vil never enjoyed the biased remarks.
more often than not he enjoys making your already pretty face, prettier than it is.
finds out you’re no bark and all bite, he never even knew you could take down someone who has an advantage over you in physical terms. come on, its savanaclaw. apparently the guy had spared him an unsavory comment and (apparently, in your defense. only told him a few words, got attacked so it was self defense.)
it came a surprise to him. seeing as you’re generally relaxed in nature, your military prowess a mystery to most since you seemed content with resorting matters with peace. though you seem to lack more restraint when it comes to your close relationships.
vil scolding you in the infirmary (you don’t have a scratch, and the guy whose pride you handed back to is in some corner lamenting cause he can hear you guys.) and you just taking it.
contrary to how you first treated to each other. you seem to be more prone to his opinions, or suggestions the more you progress with each other. he admits maybe he was too outright in his manner of speaking the first time, but it only highlights the change you’d gone through with each other.
you’re the perfect doll, in a way. not in a demeaning way or anything but its so satisfying to him to use products on your face just for the sole reason that you sit so still. his absolute favorite past time is skin care together even if you mostly just follow his lead.
you and epel must be kindred spirits, once he was on his way to retire to the indoors of pomefiore. seeing as it started raining, heavy so it meant it would stay for a while. and then paused when he spotted you both sharing words.
and planting apple seeds in the rain? both of you are stained with the rain, some dirt and mud alike. and vil had never looked so mortified. so just cause you don’t protest when he cares for you doesn’t mean you’re bothered by getting dirty he guesses.
“you both… clean yourselves up, i’ll brew medicine lest you fall under the weather.” ← disappointed sigh.
kalim (jasmine)
ended up waiting for you both to finish under the covers and ushered you both to baths.
you have a tiger!
just living char x their absolute biggest stan
wow you have a tiger.
did he mention you have a tiger?
majority of nrc knows not to mess with you haha, if it’s not obvious already with the seemingly lax tiger that behaves like some sort of overgrown cat following you around and growls at someone when you aren’t looking.
then you always raise a brow at the people who tell you otherwise. “bab doesn’t bite.”
kalim is lowkey highkey their biggest fan, i mean. jamil is having the worst year of his life dragging kalim away wherever you seem to be because the first apparent instinct of the boy is to try to pet the tiger cause it’s ‘cute’.
at some point jamil had to investigate your routine throughout the day, what you do, where you go at specific times like after classes conclude to make sure kalim doesn’t cross path with you.
well, not necessarily you but rather your… tiger. which is hard, honestly. you seem to visit scarabia a lot for a reason unknown. jamil would be suspicious you’d be planning something but all you really do is stay out on the balcony with your companion.
but alas, fate would have it otherwise.
“hi,” kalim blurts before he could remember his friend’s warning. you turn, along with your… also friend who watches him closely. you blurt out a greeting back, seeing as it’s courtesy, you seem to be amused at his fascinated eyes staring at your tiger.
“want a pet?” you offer, bab making sounds of protest.
jamil almost had a heart attack seeing the two of you attached by the hip, only calming down a few weeks later. seeing as your companion wouldn’t pose as much danger as he assumed, seeing as the tiger’s protectiveness started extending to the ray of sunshine.
rich couple ig. everyone overhears your conversations and doubles over. “i had a small statue of gold made for bab, for you.” and then a; “oh, thanks. but we already have a lot at home. hmm…”
actually it’s not really the manner of being attached, more like two following you. kalim, and then your cutie pie tiger.
your reserved nature in particular greatly contrasts kalim, yapper x listener i guess. although the object of his interest was initially because of bab, he might as well be another overgrown cat of yours cause he seems to love touch.
its concerning cause bab themselves felt challenged for your affection and when they spotted kalim’s head nestled on your lap they ‘accidentally’ kick him off.
in a way you seemed untouchable, pet included. you don’t seem to mind kalim much, people might even go as far as to say you enjoy his company. occasionally the vice of his dorm as well, the three of you have this sort of aura that screams ‘don’t approach’
said aura is in the form of a very big cat.
azul (ariel)
one time you admitted to having not much friends and three heads turned towards you. face twisted incredulously.
he doesn’t know why but you looked like you went through ten stages of grief (3 more cause the 7 definitely wasn’t enough.) when you took a glance at him, during the time you were looking around, you almost went past him, actually. but then doubled back immediately.
that’s concerning.
morally suspicious (devil in disguise) x angel
azul often asks your opinions out of habit, he himself isn’t even sure when it started but he considers you a factor in decisions. though he does prefer to keep you out certain… endeavors of his away entirely, no need to concern your innocence in his doings.
as such he often uses the twins to steer you away from trouble cause you seem to have no sense for it whatsoever, whenever there’s a fight brewing instead of walking off you stride closer. curious to whatever was happening.
and, you believe too easily apparently.
jade had held you by your shoulders and directed you away from the fight before the dispute reached you and inevitably dragged you in. “why are they fighting?”
he replied. “ah, well. they inhaled an unpleasant shroom and got affected.” your mortified face spoke you believed him. human culture! you thought.
your brain should be inspected honestly. floyd told him all about the pile of stuff you had “found” in your dorm, ranging from innocent collectibles to items that brought the question of whether or not they were really yours but you didn’t really claim otherwise, just that you found em’ so no more questioning.
azul doesn’t even wanna know why you started staring at mushrooms like they were a mortal enemy of all living forms. speaking of, the three of them didn’t even consider that you could be from the sea as well. seeing as, well. you have two feet, even if they have the same.
besides the fact you’re too clumsy for your own good you sure had no fear when you leapt overboard during a field trip cause a trinket that caught your eye fell and gave the entirety of the attendants a heart attack. floyd had patted him on the back and wishes him condolences.
also the shock of the century when you emerged, pretty tail and all. holding it the trinket up like you just found it the most fascinating thing on the globe.
since then underwater dates were a thing. which took a lot of prompting honestly, you didn’t know he was a merman either, curiously asking him what kind he was. in nature, you were persistent. like a need to sate your questions so he eventually relented.
even then, it took a while before he let you see the form. ← to his fluster you seemed engrossed in this form of his. swimming around him and asking questions.
now azul also have a small pile of items hidden in a box beneath his bed, all from you. which, upon being opened would be mistaken for unused items since its literally random stuff, and a concerning favor towards forks.
oh yeah. sometimes the tweels crash your date.
you could be in his office, going about your business. chilling on his couch and playing with one of your treasures and be completely unaware of the ominous discussion ongoing within the three about anemones? contracts?
“what are you guys talking about?”
“hairstyles for azul.”
“ooh. i can brush his hair so you can style it!” pulls out a fork.
leona (belle)
“oh my sevens, WAIT—”
i was having a crisis trying to think of a dynamic so why not just, beauty x beast.
leona is less than pleased to admit he doesn’t like you much. or atleast, he used to. it was clear his feelings of you was reciprocated, based on the uninterested side glances you cast him. your type, well liked, pristine, proper, and informed reminds him all to well of what mold he was forced into. though it never really fit.
you on the other hand, just dislike him in general. more pointedly as to how he acted, too self righteous in your opinion. he sure spends a lot of time moping about how he could have been king when he’s acting like he’d be a terrible one. you’d say it to his face but even you aren’t too crude.
if you’re both looking at the bright side though, you’d probably prefer each other’s company above others. you’re quiet, perfect for napping around. he’s surprisingly true to himself, his morals aren’t too bad either.
as such, to your disdain he now naps in the library. which you had titled your own space, but he didn’t really just care.
relatively you’re a lot more cool headed than he is, you told him concerns about his laziness which he weaved through. after opening up with each other… well you know how it goes.
okay, fine. you no longer berate leona for napping at the public space, quickly shut up when he threatened you. “i’m gonna tell you the real reason ‘m here nowadays if you don’t calm down. and it ain’t the peace i’m here for.” he eyes you, and you shut up after that.
leona doesn’t know if he should be amused or annoyed at the fact that you stand up to whatever he says. ‘that’s rude,’ this. ‘are you out of your mind?’ that. at some point where he doesn’t wanna admit, leona had disliked seeing you upset (particularly towards him) that he started listening.
at others is a different story though. he will gladly watch you shut down someone else.
sometimes he makes weird remarks, like. “throw an egg at them, who knows might hatch into a chick and give them the company they’ve been lacking.” ← just bullies random people while you defend them. “what? don’t be stupid, eggs that are sold don’t hatch into chicks.”
you often lament in his arms, regretting ever coming near his sleeping frame cause next thing you know you’re subjected to prison, and you had accidentally dropped the book you were reading so even if you try to reach for it he’s pulling you back.
will reach for it if you ask tho lol.
just one look from you has him suddenly behaved tbh.
bothers your productive time by crashing it with his opposite word of productive idk im to lazy to check. more often than not tramples over your things, but always looks dead to life when you end up scolding him heavily.
also kicks out the animals that gravitate towards you for some reason, got jealous of a bird nestled in your hair once cause apparently you paid too much attention to it.
apparently told ruggie to fetch books for you when you’re running out, at that point you might actually milk the nrc library with how fast you burn through them.
“you’re not even from here, what do—”
“actually. originally from times before, they—”
riddle (cinderella)
got lectured about history, eugh.
easy to fluster x enthusiastic and sweet
how are you so nice.
you’ve got most of the population of nrc enamored with your natural charm alone, though some do tend to mock you. unfortunately they aren’t wrong, you really do fit in more at a different school like rsa with your personality.
i mean you fit the bill, kind, pretty, talks to animals.
good for you though. cause riddle would prefer a behaved student than a troublesome one anyway so he would definitely dig you lmao.
speaking of. he definitely goes to you whenever the hedgehogs are lost in the maze, or the flamingos just don't wanna step out the farther spot from the pond, somehow they love you in whatever you do.
as in, you spoke to the hedgehogs with a lower tone. almost like a coo, and he almost tells you to stop because that's the universal worse tone to talk to hedgehogs until... it nuzzles into you?!
flabbergasted, he can only watch.
sevens... you're just so pleasant to be around he could die.
at some point it felt like you were the epitome of being kind. riddle understand that the virtue was just embedded into you, letting others berate you for whatever... he even thought you were too kind for a place like nrc where the complete opposite traits are admired.
you are, but only to those who deserve it. riddle had the pleasure to spot you nitpicking a crude student and they looked like they were gonna burst into tears.
so... you knew what to say almost always. when troubled, he'd learn that it's best to talk to you cause you'd know what to say to ease his worries, when you're treated wrongly? sevens.. you also know what to say.
but, in a putting whoever in their place way?
(idk man I'm just rambling at this point lmao idk how to write a cinderella reader.)
riddle has grown accustomed to random critters breaking in the door. well, he was used to animals in the first place. or atleast thought he was when he opened a door in the dorm and almost yelled at the sight of a group of mice looking like they were having conspiracies.
a few weeks after that he knocked on doors before opening them.
was also very disturbed when you announced they were your friends.
I don't know. I feel like he'd lowkey be the type to write your name in a heart on the back of his notebook and straighten his face like: 'what in the world am I doing' but not erasing it anyways.
over time, your little 'friends' got used to him, and vice versa. at the very least he isn't screaming at their sudden visits, be it flying through the window or just popping out of something they climbed on.
who's screaming though are his dorm members, and he's found humors in the encounters.
"ah, thank you, myrcella." he nods gingerly, toward the very tiny white mice who seems to twirl around, touched by the thanks. the little thing was nice enough to carry the pen he'd been using to scribble down the main definitions he'd been copying from the textbook.
in the middle of reaching for a glass of water the door opens, riddle watches one of his residents striding in rambling. probably about to be exposed to the sight of a group of mice sleeping on top of each other atop a cushion he'd personally placed for them.
and maybe the birds. whom seemed comfortable by his small collection of plants.
"dorm leader, octavinelle stude—GAHHHH—"
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squiddy-god · 1 month
Hello!! I just read your twst x chubby S/O and I thought it was amazing! Could I request Third Years x S/O who's into crocheting and crochets them plushies or keychains as random gifts? Plus a bonus when they admit that after they graduation Night raven they want to start a small business on it after hiding it if you want >w<
Hehehehe i love this so much because i crochet! It is one of my many house husband skills, personally my favorite things to make is these little octopuses but i should really branch out lol, this reminds me of those manhwas where the mc starts a business that booms 
Cw : tooth rotting fluff, mc has a successful side hustle to make that bag, gn reader, bonus grim because i love my cat so much, my son, grims is obvi platonic, rsa mention because vil is petty
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Oh hes bragging 
His human henchman is the best because they make him cute gifts 
The skrungly
I wanna make him little kitty outfits for every occasion
Making grim cat toys and he acts like he doesn't like them at first but he literally wont sleep without the crochet tuna fish you made him 
I think he needs a little kitty bag to wear and put his stuff in (mostly tuna) 
He would taunt the others because clearly he is the most special kitty with his very cool bad and fish 
He is and i won't stand for anyone telling me otherwise, i love our bastard cat son
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Hes obsessed 
If you make him a keychain then he is adding it to his growing collection on his phone right away
I hc that hes a big fan of stuffed animals so he adores anny that you make him and they sit on his bed 
He names all of them
He helps you start the small business during school actually! At first its his suggestion to run a magicam page for all your creations 
Soon the comments are flooded with people asking if you sell, one thing leads to another and boom you now have a successful side hustle 
Rsa is honestly a big seller they love this kind of stuff
He loves everything you make him and never stops posting about his love for it
Very supportive of your small business ventures 
His favorite thing you've made him is a little bag for pens and pencils that is shaped like a playing card because he thinks its just the cutest thing in the world 
And the keychains that he gets to show off whenever he whips his phone out (often)
Some of his favorite candid photos of you are when you’re crocheting peacefully 
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Dometic bliss pt.1
Trey is,,,such an old man- he like baking and the simple domestic little things like making you coffee/tea in the morning 
He loves to watch you crochet because he thinks its very cute and wholesome to spend time when you are doing activities together that are calm 
He adores the set of frilly doilies you made him and the cute potholders are always in use
He is 100% in support of your dreams of making that bag, honestly he really thinks you should get a start now to make extra cash on the side since 7 forbid crowley pay you for the work you do
He smiles every time he sees a tart cooling on one of the doilies you made him, seeing the little pattern always makes him happy
He trades you baked good for the things you make him so i hope you enjoy sweet treats
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Cat…big kitty…
Oddly captivated by any balls or skeins of yarn that are out and about but hes fighting the urge to play with them 
He is not beating the house cat allegations 
At first hes pretty neutral on it honestly, he likes the gifts you give him because they are just his but hes not a big keychain guy, or stuffies
Then you make him a blanket and hes gone 
He claims to be neutral about it, saying he likes the gift but dont be fooled by his aloof act he sleeps with that blanket everywhere 
He is bringing it to class if he doesn't just skip the class 
It is his favorite blanket and he almost lost his shit when ruggie took it to wash it- he's kinda territorial about the blanket 
Gives 0 fucks that its some cutesy blanket with little lions on it
Also a big fan of pillows/pillow covers 
If you make him multiple blankets he loves them too but the first one is extra special to him 
Hes neutral about you starting a business during or after school/graduation because well,,,he's a whole prince,,,
You make cheka a matching blanket and leona gets a very happy letter from his brother on how much the mini lion loves it, leona rolls his eyes but is secretly very proud of you 
Regardless if you want to start the small business he is happy to support you making that bread 
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Vil in crochet clothes my beloved 
Hes charmed by your little hobby and the adorable stuffed animal you made him, a little crochet owl that sits on his vanity so he sees it when he does his makeup and night routine 
Vil does not post a lot of personal stuff on his magicam/socials, but he does wear anything you make him, he has a folder in his gallery dedicated to photos of the two of you, dates or candid photos either he took or rook took and sent to him. 
Most of these pics he's in something you crochet for him even if it's just a simple keychain it's a staple of his 
He is very supportive of your dreams of starting a business for your crochet, he admires the drive and discipline and encourages you to pursue this work 
Ironically if you start a side hustle soon to be full business, neige of all people is a big customer as he's fond of cute stuff like this 
This is where vil gets petty 
He sees a photo post of neige’s where he’s in a new outfit, not odd at all, what catches vils attention is that the cardigan and hat he's wearing is oddly similar to a piece he saw you working on for an order- anyone watching can see the twitch in vil’s eye when he sees the shoutout to you in the caption
The next 5-8 posts of vil’s are a mix of his regular posts and pictures of him in your clothes or with the keychains, all with captions along the lines of “my beautiful s/o @[your name here]”
He even posts the owl
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If you were to make him a keychain he calls it his lucky charm for hunting and always had it on him. 
Really he's just fond of anything you make him
a lot of his photos are of you when you are deep in a project and not paying attending, candid photos like this are his favorites and he looks at them often 
He really likes any little animal stuffies you make because he thinks they are just the cutest 
“Hunts” your plushies aka he will sneak up on you making them or sorting them out and act like he caught them 
He is very supportive of your business ventures, he loves to see you so passionate about wanting to eventually start a small business and be able to sell your creations 
He definitely encourages you to sell a few things in sams shop, afterall he sells anything and everything anyone could ever need
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The outfits you make grim are his faves 
He is a cat man at heart and cant help but coo over every new thing you make grim because it makes the kitty so so so cute and as a cat he was already uber SS+ cute levels 
He is also a big fan of any keychains you make him or even stuffies
The stuffies either are on his bed so he can cuddle them or they are with the rest of his game/anime figures on his shelves so its a horrific mix of like neon genesis mechs and crochet 
I think it would be funny to make him doilies to put the figures on because when hes gaming and people are like “dude why is your [super cool limited edition game figure] on a doily???” hes like “haha L+loser+lonely+my super cool s/o made them for me lvl10 affection” and is it cringe as hell? Yes. can those normies suck it because hes no longer forever alone? Also yes
They are demanding proof or it didn't happen 
Ortho is also a big fan and has a lil keychain you made hooked on him <3
idia would actually combust if you made anything themed after a game or show he watches/plays because that is SS+ max lvl affection with full hearts right there 
You have unlocked the super secret route and that is unlimited discord nitro and a new pc because he is so happy 
He also would support your business during and after school 
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Domestic bliss pt 2
Genuinely you are breaking this guy. Like he cannot take it anymore 
I feel we all can agree malleus is prone to casual proposals because hes just,,,kinda like that
He pictures a future with you by his side and you aren't making it any better by being so endearing 
When he sees you doing something as simple as sitting down and crocheting his draconic heart is filled with sweet domestic love, makes him feel like an old married couple and he can't take it lmao 
At first he's a bit weird about accepting gifts as it's a big deal in fae culture to just,,,get a gift out of nowhere
But he does accept them, he simply gives you something he sees as equal value (this is how you end up with several big ass gems)
He considers all of your gifts his most precious items, his favorites however are the following 4 gifts he has received 
A keychain that looks like his gaogao-drakon-kun tamagotchi witch he keeps on the same keychain as said virtual pet
A gargoyle plushy that he considers to be one of his most treasured gifts, in a similar light he has a plushie of your fave animal and you have a dragon plushie that match (this almost killed him)
And a little crochet bracelet that you match (he never takes it off unless he has to) 
Your desire to start a business throws him for a loop at first because in his mind you are happily by his side in the briar valley, (he is very male lead coded) but he quickly re-adjusts to account for your business plans and he is the most supportive dragon you could ever hope for 
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Old man (affectionate) 
 I like to think lilia knits and is simply overjoyed when he finds out you crochet 
You exchange little gifts 
It makes his very old fae heart happy to sit around the ramshackle fireplace and crochet/knit with you while chatting about your day/week, simple things like this make him feel like hes back in the old days with a baby silver 
He loves anything you make him and happily wears any keychains or items he is gifted
Stuffies are named and placed around his room without a hint of shame 
And he loves that you have such good goals and dreams like a business 
I like the idea of meeting general lilia and also making him something 
At first he is confused, almost indignant that you would have the gaul to give him a gift- of all people he would never accept such a token
Maybe its something simple, a granny square on the lacy side that resembles something akin to a handkerchief, something small you explain as a favor, something youd give a knight 
He claims he is disgusted by such human customs but his grip on the crochet piece is unmistakable, and the way you wake up the next morning to a small green gem-the same that adorns his armor, tells you all you need to
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violenteconomics · 3 months
Bruh the first hears crashing each other's dates tho like not even on purpose they happen to make eye contact and BAM this is now a friendship hangout
Yeah these guys are decent for RSA bozos but this is one of their besties and they're pack animals
Especially ADeuce don't separate them they will cry
the first-years cling together in rsa, which further cockblocks the LIs, but you can't even blame them because of what happened in their last school lol
the headmaster of rsa tried to put ace and deuce in separate classes and it ended with ace giving the most tsundere speech ever and deuce rocking in a little ball in the corner of the classroom and crying.
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pomefioredove · 5 months
OH MY SEVEN! PLEASE I NEED A PART 2 OF MC GETTING BOUGHT BY NBC (or maybe they get bought by rsa? By like Chenya or Neige?)
part two of the NBC ending is here! very intrigued by the idea of an RSA ending, especially since our knowledge is limited. I also kin snow white so maybe I have a little soft spot for neige.
bonus: I had to stop writing this to save another animal that got inside. second time this week.
parts 1 | 2 | 3 | kalim | 'bad' ending
summary: yuu transfers to RSA type of post: short fic characters: neige, chenya additional info: yuu is gender neutral, pretty platonic
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This entire ordeal had been nothing if not shady.
From the purpose, to the "donations", to the absence of the prefect themselves...
...And now, the grand announcement- that of which Crowley had been hyping up for days- was cancelled.
"I don't get it," Epel murmurs, walking on a sideways footpath back to the hall of mirrors. "You really think he just took all the money and ran?"
Vil huffs, the disappointment heavy in his voice. "Well, it certainly seems that way. No one's seen him all day,"
Despite the sour mood over the trio of Pomefiore students, the day is bright and sunny. Birds sang, the sun shone, even the wind carried a suspiciously merry tune with it.
"We should not give up hope so soon. Anything could happen," Rook ponders. "Who knows? The day is not over yet."
"I'm starting to wish it was," Vil says. "It's far too jovial for such an underwhelming afternoon. And the whole purpose of this walk was to clear our minds... hmph."
Epel squints ahead, taking in the way beams of sunlight seem to shine through the foliage, casting rays of gold over the usually darker campus.
"Y'know, I betcha- I-I mean, I think you might be onto something. It is unusually cheery today, isn't it?"
Vil huffs. "Wonderful. Nature itself mocks me,"
"Non, it's not the climate which has changed... it's more of a presence. Monsieur Pommette is correct," Rook says. "Something has shifted here."
Vil rolls his eyes, not exactly in the mood to be playing word games with Rook again. He shoots a glare to Epel, warning the boy not to encourage him, and a silence falls over the three.
Though... he still cannot deny that something feels aloof. Something that isn't sitting right with him...
He sighs. "Perhaps we should check on the prefect. Just in case,"
And so the three stop in their tracks and awkwardly, though hurriedly, walk to Ramshackle.
Nothing is quite amiss about the building itself, though, still, there's something hazy and dreamlike about it. A warm, golden glow that turns the rough and brittle exterior into a quaint and charming home, full of light.
"I don't like this," Epel murmurs. Vil does not respond, but he understands. He's having similar thoughts.
Just as they're about to enter, someone tall and dark steps outside.
"Crowley!" all three snap, in varying tones of voice.
The man goes stiff and, for a moment, looks as if he's about to make a run for it- though he thankfully holds his ground. "Ah- good afternoon, dear pupils. Having a... studiful day?"
"That's not a word," Vil crosses his arms and glares. "Why are you here?"
"I was... well... just discussing some things... with... the prefect..."
He sounds utterly nervous.
Vil's eyes narrow. "What are you hiding?"
Before he can answer, the door behind him opens again, and you peer outside, giving Crowley a chance to escape. "Guys?"
"Trickster! We are relieved to see you in good health!"
"Hm? Why wouldn't I be?"
Epel shakes his head. "W-well, you just haven't been around much, and we saw Crowley- hey, where'd he go?"
Vil grumbles something indistinct, massaging his temples. "That man..." he sighs. "But back to business. Are you well? What's happened?"
You look away. "Well-"
Thankfully, before you have to explain it yourself, the door opens wider, leaving the Pomefiore trio face-to-face with the one person they least expected to see.
Neige beams. "Oh, my... hello, Vil! I didn't think I'd run into you here!"
The housewarden's eyes immediately narrow, and it takes him a moment to respond. "Yes, well, as you know, I go to school here. Would anyone care to explain this?"
A voice from behind the trio echoes. "Oh, I volunteer!"
Epel squeaks and jumps (much to his embarrassment) and the other two whirl around to an ever-smiling face they can't quite recall...
"See, we're on the moving squad," Che'nya giggles, slinking back to the front door of Ramshackle. "You wanna know why? I'm sure you're just dying with curiosity, aren't you?"
"I can put the pieces together myself, thank you," Vil murmurs. "But I do have a few questions."
Che'nya opens his mouth wide again-
"-Not for you," he turns to you. "How? And why, exactly?"
You shrug, looking to Neige for help.
Which he gladly provides, of course. "Well... it was more of a school decision. We heard what was happening, and held a vote," he says, speaking tentatively while under Vil's astute gaze. "We've heard lots about how much your prefect has helped here, and how unfortunate their circumstances are, and... well..."
"A person like that just doesn't go to NRC," Che'nya snickers.
Vil glares for a moment longer, and then sighs. "Well... this is certainly a turn of bad luck for the lot of us,"
"But I can visit!" you insist.
Neige and Che'nya both nod in agreement, though the latter's placid smile makes his approval seem less genuine.
"Well," Vil says, turning to the boys beside him. "Don't you two have anything to say?"
Epel clears his throat, trying his best to sound light and formal. "I think it's... it's... I'll miss you," he sulks.
"A magnifique opportunity! Think how much you will learn, how many new people you will meet- oh, you must allow me to visit often! I could not bear to let you make all these beautiful discoveries on your own!" Rook says, dabbing the corner of his eyes with a handkerchief.
"Why am I not surprised?" Vil sighs. "Well... I suppose I have a duty to inform the others. And, perhaps..."
He pauses, his watchful gaze fixed on you.
"...We might hold a vote of our own."
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guess what
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… So Silver's VA will be voicing another gentle white/silver-haired knight 🤡
These characters are from a new Sanrio project called Fragaria Memories. “Fragaria” refers to the fun and fairy-filled world the story takes place in. The Sanrio characters themselves are the “fairies”.
Each character is a knight that serves their respective “lord” (the Sanrio characters Hello Kitty, Cinnamoroll, and Badtz-Maru, respectively) of the red, blue, and black kingdoms. There are more knights in their squadrons, which are collectively called the Red, Blue, and Black Bouquet. They have had to step up to protect their countries from an evil force.
The knight of Hello Kitty is Hallritt of the Red Bouquet. He is earnest and has a strong sense of justice. Hallritt’s personality is described to be as bright as the sun. His clothing gives me RSA uniform energy—
The knight of Cinnamoroll is Cielomort. He has a natural charisma that attracts people to him. Cielomort has developed the largest and most powerful kingdom in the past three years alone, so he’s considered a genius. His daring actions contrast his gentle demeanor, much like our Silver!
The knight of Badtz-Maru is Badobarm. He is self-sacrificing and has a strong sense of duty, but has ambitions to one day become king. Badobarm is frequently accompanied by a crocodile-shaped fairy that rests on his shoulders. The croc fairy is named Sebek/j Tama.
More characters and details will be revealed in the future; I just thought to share this for people who are fans of Silver and/or of cute anime boys in general (and seeing as this blog is primarily about TWST, I think that’s true of most of us 😂). I’ll definitely be following the project myself!
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tiyoin · 6 months
Hiii this is the first time I’ve sent in an ask so I’m a little nervous but your work especially twisted anxiety🌀 just makes me feral❤️ (also feel free to delete this if I make you uncomfortable)
But twst🌀reader being good at sing has got me in a choke hold, it feels very princess coded lol
I mean 🌀reader has grim, so they have an animal companion, they can sing🎶, they have a ‘prince’ the twst boys+yuu and they have a curse! anxiety‼️
This idea has just been giving me so much brain-rot I had to share it with you<3, and don’t forget to take care of yourself because I know how hard making & writing is so have a nice day/night
and dont worry!! im not uncomfortable in any way, and I apperciate you looking out for my comfortably, truly.
and im so glad you like twisted anxiety!!🙈
but holy shit I never thought about reader being princess coded CAUSE YOU'RE SO RIGHT???
yeah 🌀 is very closed off, not looking at people in favor of the ground, hovering around other manager yuu and the rest of the nrc squad.
but that just makes the rsa students go 👁️👁️
reader is freaked out and starting to get paranoid that everyone is watching them and that there must be something wrong with them. is there something on their face? does this uniform make them look fat? is there sweat stains on their back?? arm pits?? oh god can they see their underwear?? and they're clinging to yuu like a life line
(yuu doesn't mind because they're just happy that reader is clinging to them so yuu can keep an eye on them hehe🤭)
of course vil sets reader off to cool down because he can't have their manager bring anxiety to the rest of the performers. so they go to get food!
until they bump into an rsa student...
"oh sorry, I didn't see you there!" all while they're staring at you like this:
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reader coming back to the vdc crew with a thousand yard stare as they're clutching a churro.
going back to singing reader,
maybe they're in their little hiding place the woods just letting their feelings out. maybe they go a little too far and wonder onto RSA property (hypothetically because I dont know how far away the schools are. but if it's far... they take a magical little short cut that chenya uses to sneak on over 🤭)
or maybe rsa guys are doing a 'test of courage' and are sneaking tot he woods of nrc. MAYBE THEY'RE EVEN PLAYING A SCHOOL PRANK TO START A PRANKING WAR-
but one of you are in the wrong woods and the rsa guys hear and see you singing. while yes, 75% of the population is some kind of nobility they know that there aren't any princesses here. especially on sage island.
but maybe you are?? because you're a girl, you're singing about true love, the animals seem to like you, you're wearing a.. dress? a robe, even. and you look so good 🙈
and when they see you- oh no! you saw them first!
its like the fucking hunt from snow white HASDBIWEUFB they're chasing after you and you're literally trying not to scream or cry
oh god everything is so much more amplified. and luckily you escape and race into ramshackle like your life depend on it (because it did.)
but the rsa boys are gushing and spreading rumors of a beautiful ghostly girl who sings for her true love in the forest... BROTHER WHAT ARE WE TALKING ABOUT???
so much lore to the twisted anxiety saga, and so little motivation to map and write it all out 😔
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rena-lily · 8 days
Yall imagine an au where all the first years try to get Sebek to go to their dorm kind’ve like a trial period for like 3 days and then the dorm heads catch wind up this and then are also like hmmm that’d be interesting so they also try to convince Sebek. (They got permission from Crowley cause why not)Turns out Sebek fits very well in all of the dorms and he fits very well in a duo with each one of the first years in their dorms(trio in adeuce’s case ). Like Sebek is sometimes reprimanding Epel in Diasomnia but he’s with Epel on his distaste for the flavorless food(like be so fr atleast Lilia’s cooking has taste even if it’s bad…SHAME ON YOU) and they have a good time together(Vil firmly believes that Sebek should keep his hair down,he WILL rectify this atrocity AND ALSO WHERE WERE YOU SEBEK WHEN HE NEEDED A GOOD SINGER FOR VDC), let’s be honest Sebek is a rule followed through and through and he’s already acquainted with Riddle so he’d honestly do well in Heartslabyul especially as a trio with Adeuce as the braincell but still getting roped into their shenanigans(riddle is glad that atleast one of them knows the rules), Sebek is super athletic so Jack and him went on morning runs together a lot when he was at Savanaclaw and let’s be honest those two prob destroyed anyone that tried to challenge them together(Leona was lowkey impressed), and Ortho taught Sebek some new games while Idia occasionally showed Sebek new games(his favorite was animal crossing)(Idia guesses he doesn’t mind the freshman…BUT he’s very loud…) , surprisingly Sebek becomes friends with Floyd while in Octavinelle and manages to get out of their without getting into any contracts(Octa Trio liked him enough so they didn’t try to scam him..this is a one time thing tho!!!), and while he was in Scarabia, he got along well with Jamil(Sebek thinks he’s a cool human)(Now while Jamil doesn’t like extra work, he wouldn’t mind having an extra person to help him…and he GUESSES Sebek isn’t a bad person to hand out with)and he manages to keep Kalim out of trouble while Jamil was away but Kalim instead taught Sebek some dances(Kalim thinks Sebek is very fun).
Later on the Diasomnia trio find out and are like WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN???NO WAY(None of the housewardens informed Malleus😭) and then all of them end up fighting for Sebek and like Sebek just has like no fucking idea what’s going on. He’s just excited that so many people wanna hang out with him and he’s just like >:3. Kalim and Azul also gets in on it. Like Scarabia and Octavinelle also join in because "oh look new friend to party with" and "ah yes money" but the most important "I..I have a freshman now? *cri*"
I think a perfect ending for this is to see Sebek's skills in person. Because I believe the dorms (sans first years) are going to argue what skillset they can bring for Sebek not knowing that Sebek is absurdly and obliviously competent with most tasks. Like idk Sebek swordfighting with some random RSA prince charming and actually won something for NRC is a flex.
Cue Crowley and the other teachers fending off teachers from RSA to "STOP RECRUITING MY STUDENT" "BUT HE HAS POTENTIAL IN RSA-"
A green thunderbolt quickly shuts the mouth of the RSA professor. and now the Diasomnia trio is like “OMGGG NOT ONLY DO WE HAVE TO FIGHT THE FIRSTIES FOR SEBEK BUT NOW ALSO THE HOUSEWARDENS TF” and then they’re just fighting for Sebek’s attention . ALSO IT WOULD BE SO COOL IF SEBEK ALSO IS AQQUAINTED WITH SOMEONE IN RSA LIKE YOU AFTER THE SWORDFIGHTING THING AND THEYRE LIKE “you knowwww Sebek you should totes come to RSA” (he somehow befriended the RSA student he beat and now they have weekly hangouts)(first years are not happy about this)and then now everyone is fighting for Sebek so now the staff are trying to fend off RSA staff and students but everyone is also trying to get Sebek to join their dorms.
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