#RRRRGH you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck
citriosis · 5 days
sometimes i forget about the Dad Stuff and then my dad does otori emu hello soundbite and i'm like. okay! guess i'll die
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playgodwithme · 9 months
[Ah. Are we connected again? Good. Apologies for any delays that may have arisen from our brief loss of connection. I'm sure you understand. Back to it, shall we?]
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"Release it." "Release it." "Release it." "Release it." "Break it." "Release it." "Release it." "Release it." "Release it." "Break it." "Release it." "Release it." "Break it." "Release it." "Release it." "Release it." "Release it." "Break it." "Release it." "Release it." "Release it." "Release it." "Release it." "Break it." "Release it." "Release it." "Break it." "Release it." "Release it." "Release it."
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[STICKS] Th- they want you to. Let go?
[STICKS] Okay. Okay! Fucking DO IT then!
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[STICKS] W-wait, that's nOT-!
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[STICKS] M-my- my- my-
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"If our protagonist is named Sticks, I think I'm gonna call our demon friend Mr. Carrot (because they are a triangle and also I think I'm clever). And I think Mr. Carrot should make like their new name and try some positive reinforcement, since punishment doesn't seem to be helping."
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[STICKS] I- I can- I can-
[STICKS] S-still fucking HURTS.
[STICKS] N-no! No. No, I can. I can deal with this. Fuck. God, you suck.
[STICKS] Rrrrgh. At least I can do this.
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[STICKS] Yeah, fuck you, pal.
[STICKS] Anyone can be fucked. Just a matter of determination.
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[STICKS] Hey, y'know what? Fuck you, too, whoever or whatever you are. "Release it" my ASS. You probably TOLD that thing to tear my arm off. Sadistic assholes.
[STICKS] I don't care.
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[STICKS] Ha! You dumbass! You have to sit and wait for mommy and daddy to give you permission to play!
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I could just walk away while you... oh god.
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[STICKS] Fuck you. Just stood up too fast. I can still walk. I'm getting out of here.
[The Plaything is trying to escape, it seems. Can't waste a good opening, can they? Well, the Demon still needs your input. What say you, Audience?]
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thatoneguy031 · 7 months
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Cheesecake's still on his grind, so he's away from his laptop right now. Might as well use this time to talk to you guys, right?
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If I have to be honest, I'm... worried, about this whole thing. Poor dude barely has an understanding of what he can do, and he wants to explore the world? I don't want to slow his roll, but for his sake and mine, I think he has to.
Like. Koops brought up a good point, a while back. It's a frickin' miracle that we caught this stupid darkness taurosshit when we did. Especially since there's a chance that Cheesecake can just like... "lose himself" apparently. He's going to do something brain-dead, attack us because it possessed him or whatever's gonna happen, and...
[Cherry let out a shuddering sigh.]
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He's going to hurt himself. We can't really afford that if we're leaving in such short time... But he's been so uptight lately. He hasn't given himself a real break in a WHILE, and he's on par with Blizzard Breath's lack of sleep. Hell, he's hacking at a tree like a lumberjack as I'm saying this-
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[Cherry jumped, hearing a Samurott-sized body tackle something in the distance with a loud thud, followed by a splash and a crashing sound.]
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Rrrrgh! C'mon, me! That's not good enough! Nothing's ever going to get done if you stay scared of taking a little bit of damage! Suck it up and go full-force next time!
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...Was. Was hacking at a tree.
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But THAT'S my problem.
He's so focused on his training that he's not really realize that he's hurting himself. He doesn't care about hurting himself, rather. I hate to sound like a weeb, but he's got to stop this at some point! Bro nearly dislocated his shoulder last week because of this same thing!
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I know I said I'd wait till we got to Sinnoh to do those contests, but like...
At what point do I step in?
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miss-tc-nova · 4 years
Mine Now - Noctis Lucis Caelum x Reader
It’s not exactly fluff and it’s not the Smarmy Fluffcoat I’ve been dying to work on, but I had to finish it. Even if it’s not perfect, I had some fun. Also, a couple bonus endings because I could. 
               I jump out of the car, eager to stretch my legs after the seemingly endless car ride. “Thank the gods!” I groan while stretching.
               “What are you complaining about?” Gladio teases. “You didn’t drive.”
               I put my hands on my hips and follow him towards the trunk. “Look, sitting in the back with two men that barely understand personal space gets cramped.”
               “I didn’t hear you complaining that time you used me as a pillow all the way to Cauthess.”
               “What can I say? Gotta adapt; when the men can’t do personal space, neither will I.” I grab a bag, sling it over my shoulder, and grab a couple chairs.
               Prompto slaps my shoulder. “Wouldn’t it be more comfortable to sleep on Noctis? He’s got less muscle.”
               “Hey!” The offended man glares at the chocobo blonde.
               I giggle. “Noctis, let’s be honest; you’ve got muscle, but look at Gladio. His arm is as big around as my head. You definitely would’ve made a better pillow.” That doesn’t make him feel any better. “Plus, you won’t flex every five minutes to turn a damn page.”
               “Can’t be all muscle,” Gladio speaks up.
               Ignis butts in. “Well nobody is napping now. Let’s get moving. It’s going to take some time to get to the haven from here.”
               He was right; it took us three hours to get to the haven and the sun was long gone by the time we got there. Once camp is put together and we’re all set for the night, it’s time to relax, maybe play some King’s Knight. I pat my pockets. “Hey, anyone seen my phone.”
               “You mean this?” Noctis asks from his chair, displaying said phone above his head, clearly playing with my settings.
               “What are you doing?!”
               Noctis stands and smirks triumphantly. “You left it in the car. You’re lucky I swiped it before we left.”
               “Thanks for grabbing it, but why are you playing with my settings?”
               I reach for my cell but Noctis pulls it out of range. “You really should pay more attention.”
               “Says the man who slept through a bandersnatch attack,” I huff. “Now can I have my phone back?”
               A mischievous grin slips over his lips. “You can have it back if you can take it from me.”
               “So now we have a bully for a king?” I jump but he clearly expects to make a game out of this. “Noctis! Give me my phone!”
               He chuckles, easily holding said device above my head. “Come on. You can reach a griffin mid-flight; you can reach your phone.”
               “You want me to use my weapons?” I growl. “I will take you out by the shins! Don’t test me!”
               “Oh really? Show me what you got?” Reaching down, I grab his leg and jerk. Noctis effectively hits the ground. “Ow!”
               “I warned you. Now gimme my phone!”
               The man sits up, rubbing the back of his head. “I wanna say that was a cheap move but I asked for it…”
               I hold my hand out for my phone but he instead takes it to pull himself up. “Give it.” The man feigns giving it back, only to resume holding it over my head. “That’s it!”
               I lunge at the King, starting a skirmish that rolls around the campsite. Nobody draws weapons; it’s a simple quarrel over a phone so there’s not going to be any murder involved…Probably.
               My hand comes up, slapping Noctis’s and freeing the phone but I didn’t exactly think it through. The phone soars through the air and I’m pretty sure I’m about to have a useless cell phone. However, Noctis catches it before it can crack on the haven floor in a stroke of luck.
               “Phew,” he sighs. Relieved, he gives me a smile, my phone sparkles in his hand then disappears, and he jams his hands in his pockets. A second later, those cobalt eyes go wide. “Oh…shit.”
               Storming towards him, I grip his jacket. “What do you mean oh shit?!”
               Hands in the air, the King watches me like he does the dangerous fiends we come across. “I, uh, I may have just ruined your phone.”
               “WHAT?!” I change my mind: murder might be involved.
               “Well magic and electronics don’t…exactly…mesh together well. The magic tends to destroy electronics…like phones.”
               As the realization dawns on me, the anger rises. I start rattling the man. “YOU RUINED MY PHONE?!”
               “It was an accident!”
               “I’M SORRY!”
               I hold my hand out, silently demanding my device. Sheepishly, the King summons the stolen phone and slips it into my grasp. Turning away from him, I hold down the power button but I’m not even getting the dead battery signal, which is crap because I know there was at least 50% battery.
               “Rrrrgh!” I hurl the phone over his head and stalk towards the campsite.
               “Where are you going?!” Not answering, I snatch up his phone from the table. Immediately, Noctis starts for me. “Ah, hey! That’s mine!”
               I put some distance between us, holding the phone out of his reach. “Not anymore it’s not; you broke my phone so this is mine now.”
               His face erupts in a shade of red and it’s an interesting sight to see Noctis becoming so flustered. “No! It’s not! I’m sorry I broke your phone but you can’t have mine!”
               Ignis slips from the tent, looking over the minor chaos of me and Noctis. “What’s going on here?”
               Prompto glances up from his camera. “Noctis broke their phone so now they’re taking his.”
               I slap Noctis’s hand away from me. “We wouldn’t be in this mess if you didn’t steal my phone and then sent it to your magical alternate dimension!”
               “Oh,” Ignis hums unbothered. Then his eyes widen. “…Oh!”
               There’s an interesting anxiousness on Noctis’s face. “Come on! Just give me my phone back!”
               “No. You broke mine and lost everything I had on it,” I retort.
               “Please! Give it back!”
               Rolling my eyes, I turn to walk away. A spoon clatters on the ground and I have only a split second to get the phone out of Noctis’s reach. “Excuse you!”
               “Give it back!”
               This turns into the second tussle of the night with the roles reversed. I may be shorter than the King but that doesn’t mean I can’t play my own game of keep away. It’s also in my favor that said man’s desperation works against him, making him far more straightforward and easier to read.
               Noctis reaches across me once again but, with my elbow against his chest, he can’t quite steal my stolen prize. I push back and the man stumbles back, foot catching on an uneven part of the haven’s stony floor and ending up on his ass.
               Grinning triumphantly, I press the home button and swipe to unlock. That’s certainly not what I expected to see after unlocking Noctis’s phone. I expected some picture of a video game scene or a picture of his friends or his fiancée; hell, I even expected a picture of a damn fish. But not this. Noctis’s wallpaper is a picture of us, me pulled against his side as we give peace signs, dirty and bruised, fresh off a hunt; but it’s us.
               Confused, I look back to Noctis who could possibly burst into flames at any moment. I show him the picture.
               “Why am I your wallpaper?” I swear I see smoke coming off him, but he doesn’t answer. “Noctis.”
               “Are you dumb, shorty?” laughs Gladio, closing his book, clearly more entertained by us. “Why else would he have you as his wallpaper?”
               It’s my turn to burn up while Noctis glares daggers.
               Ignis starts working on dinner from his make-shift cooking station. “Indeed. He’s not exactly subtle about it.”
               “Subtle enough they didn’t notice,” Prompto says. The blonde lifts his camera to snap a picture. Now I’m glaring too.
               “Are we sure they’re capable hunters?” Gladio points out.
               Ignis replies, “Just because they’re blindingly oblivious to each other’s feelings doesn’t make them terrible hunters.”
               Noctis and I, equally flushed, glance to each other. The fight’s over; I can’t even look at him without agitating the butterflies in my stomach. Turning away from him, I take a seat at the fire and fiddle with the phone, not even caring that I’m leveling up Noctis’s King’s Knight character instead of mine. Noctis retakes his seat, staring into the fire that masks how flustered he’d been.
               The night goes on far less rambunctious than it began. I’m not sure exactly what it is, perhaps those disturbed butterflies are far more addicting than I thought, but my gaze keeps trailing to Noctis. When I would’ve normally turned away to pretend I wasn’t, I just continue staring when caught. The corners of my mouth turn up and I get my confirmation of the butterflies—he returns the expression a bit bashfully.
               I can exactly say things will progress in a natural or expected way; he’s got Lunafreya after all and I shouldn’t get in the way of that. But I highly doubt I’ll turn him down if Noctis decides to make a move.
A Week Later…
               “Can I please have my phone back now?” groans the King,
               I shift in my chair, propping my feet up on his knees. “No. You’re not getting this phone back unless you get me a new one.”
               “But we don’t have any money.”
               I continue tapping away. “Sucks for you then.”
               Prompto leans closer. “If that’s your phone now, why haven’t you changed the wallpaper?”
               “Prompto!” I shout, the embarrassment rising. Getting only a glance at Noctis’s amused face, I launch myself over the back of my chair and chase down the photographer who’s now screaming ‘Sorry! I’m sorry!’ as he flees.
A Month Later…
               I pull the jingling device from my pocket. “Hello?”
               The person on the other end of the line hesitates. “Um…Yes, hello. This is Marshall Cor Leonis. I’m looking for Noctis.”
               I glance at said man. “Oh, sorry. But this isn’t his phone anymore.” Noctis frowns.
               “I see. Does he have a new phone number I could call?”
               “Nope. Sorry.”
               Before he can protest, I hang up and jam the phone back in my pocket. Not giving an explanation bothers Noctis enough for him to pester me.
               “What was that?”
               “Someone looking for you.”
               He waits expectantly, getting frustrated when I don’t give him more. “What did they want?”
               “He didn’t say. Was just looking for you. Then he asked if you had a new number but you don’t.”
               “Who was it?”
               “Some guy named Leonis.”
               His hands go to his hair dramatically. “You hung up on the Marshall?! Gimme the phone!”
               “No! It’s mine!” I step back defensively.
               “Just give it to me! I gotta call him back!”
               “It’s my phone now!”
               “Just let me call him!”
               “No!” I take off with Noctis chasing after me.
               In the distance, we hear Gladio yelling, “Get a room, you two!”
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aquarianlights · 7 years
Congrats on your school bby👏🏼👏🏼❤️ I wish I was good at school but I just can't concentrate or like even get myself to study. I know you're dealing with a lot outside of that,so how do you do it like how do you get yourself to study and actually concentrate and do so well??
Actually, tbh, I’ve never studied even once in my entire life. Because. . .well. . .I don’t know how to study. No one has ever taught me how to study. So I’m at a loss on studying. So I just don’t do it. Plus, all the stuff I’ve taken classes on so far is literally nothing more than common sense. High school was all common sense, all the courses for my AA degree have been common sense. So, albeit Idk HOW to study, I really don’t need to. Coz it’s all in my brain already. The only subject I’m bad at is math. And that’s because I have dyscalculia, meaning I have a learning disorder in math. But even that I don’t study for. I just sort of wing it on the tests and pass with a C or B, which is awfully low for me. I’m accustomed to getting A’s in all my classes and on all my assignments without any effort applied, so. . .it’s kinda startling when I get a C or a B. ._.
Anyways. . .how do I focus? Well. . .let’s just describe this situation as I have the complete opposite of ADHD/ADD. I have this crazy ability to hyper-focus on anything I choose. Doesn’t matter what it is. I can focus on things sooooooo easily. It’s like I’m unable to NOT focus. My focus is so heightened and concentrated that it doesn’t matter what the subject is. . .I can focus on it with great ease. I’m lucky in that way.
So, really, all I have to do is pay attention in class (or, in my most recent classes that have all been online, just read and watch everything required) and then I can literally do any assignment they ask me to immediately after paying attention. I was in the IB program in high school so I kind of HAD to have that kind of focusing ability.
All that. . .and I have always been really good at school. Lack of motivation is the only thing that stands in my way sometimes. So. . .honestly, I either get an A on the assignment, or I get a 0 for not turning it in. There really isn’t an inbetween for me. I tested into the IB program during high school. And the classes that weren’t offered at the IB level. . .I was forced to take AP classes instead. Coz the IB system was new then and our school was one of the first to test out the IB system. So I took IB and AP everything.
Plus, I LOVEEEEEE to learn. I mean, learning is one thing that excites me. So school is for me. I’ve always been really good at school because it’s all common sense. But. . .when I get into my core veterinary medicine classes, I’m probably going to be absolutely lost because none of that is common sense and I will actually have to LEARN something new which. . .I’ve never done before up to this point. So I’m SOMEHOW going to have to learn how to study. . .Idk how I’m gonna get through it without knowing how to study. ._. I’m definitely going to try, though. Maybe I won’t need to study if I just really pay attention in class and get some hands on practice. Rrrrgh.
Albeit I’m really good at school and am very book smart, I have NO common sense and I can’t do anything domestic. I literally almost burned my apartment in Jax down because I put something in the toaster oven that wasn’t supposed to be in there (apparently) and like. . .it caught on fire and I was calling my roommates and they were all high and didn’t know what the fuck I was talking about so I just fucking sprayed it with water and that just made everything WORSE. I was panicking like crazy so I googled how to take care of it and luckily, after taking a quick scan of the pages, I figured out I had to smother it. I mean. . .ugh. I’ve also put a packet of unopened fudge in brownies because it never said to open the packet. Haha. I’m common sense stupid. Like really. I may have a very high IQ, but I’m very literally retarded (I don’t use that word lightly) when it comes to common sense.
So I mean. . .there’s always a trade off. I bet you have wonderful common sense. c: And I bet you know how to make a bed. I’m 25 and I still can’t make a bed on my own. So uh. . .be grateful for things like that. Coz my only strength in life is my book smarts. x.x I don’t have any other useful traits. Lol. You probably have a LOT more useful traits than I do. Lmao. So, really, be thankful for the things you have. You may not be great at school, but I bet you’re really smart in other areas of life. c:
Also, that paper I got a 100 on? I’m a writer. Writing is what I do. I’ve never gotten anything less than a 100 on a paper. In high school, I got awards for my writing and I almost got a book published in 5th grade. . .but I never finished it. I never finish anything. :/ I have a hard time sticking to things because literally everything grabs my attention and then next thing I know, I’m like 15 pages deep into reading about black holes. Lmao. I got a perfect score on my state essay test and my high school teacher still uses my essays as examples for the class coz I was the best writer she’s ever had. I’m very proud of that.
I also got an opportunity in my first year of high school to go overseas and study because I had such good grades and was so smart. I never got to go because we didn’t have enough money to send me. So I missed out on that. And this isn’t really relevant but I’ve been a first chair clarinetist my whole life. Even my first year of college, I won 1st chair with my audition. I also have tons of awards for music and I have music scholarships. I was also in all-state band in my senior year of high school. I got to play with the best of the best in the state. It was AMAZING. But my school had to take us out of it early because there was a blizzard coming. It really sucked that we had to leave. I was having the time of my fucking life. . .playing with people who were actually serious about music and were really good at their instruments. As opposed to playing with a high school band made up of people who didn’t really care. I’ve played in all sorts of bands. Symphonic, Concert, Jazz, Marching, etc. I also did a lot of extra curriculars. I took tap dancing, Irish step dancing, ballet, horseback riding, piano lessons, clarinet lessons. . .just so many things. I barely had any free time as a child. 
I was also in a private catholic school from pre-k to 8th grade and it was a very difficult school to get into but I tested in. And the classes were extremely advanced. We were studying high school and college level material in middle school. So. . .I think that may have given me a jump start on being good at school. And our band was state-renowned so we got to play at Disney one time. . .and they shut down the whole park after that so that it was literally just us in the band in the park and we got to do anything we wanted. There were no lines anywhere. . .we just got free roam of the park and got to go on any ride we wanted. It was fucking amazing. The highlight of my musical career was in my first semester in college. We got to play the whole score to Star Trek: Into Darkness. And I was first chair so I got all the solos. It was absolutely amazing. Being a trekky like I am, that became the highlight of my career as a musician because I had never had so much fun playing a piece in my entire life. And I was section captain in Marching Band.
I also did a lot of other things in high school. I was secretary of the Art Club, Vice President of Foreign Language club, secretary of our music club, I was an editor and columnist for the school newspaper, envirothon, I was on the debate team for a while, and I ran track for a year. I also started my own environmental club that I was Captain of. We went out and cleaned up the roads and I gave speeches at rally’s about recycling and green options.
Needless to say, I was in the town newspaper a lot for my accomplishments. Lol. I was very involved in high school. . .and now I’ve had a solid 4.0 for the past few semesters and my GPA has never dropped below a 3.5 in my entire college career. So. . .there’s that, too.
Ahhh, I’m just really proud of my accomplishments. Haha. I did so much in high school in order to get into a good college and I’ve spent my college years trying harder to get into a good university. Idk where I’m going to start my bachelors program, though. I’m not stopping in school until I get a Ph.D. That’s been my dream since I was very little was to get a Ph.D. I’m never giving up on it.
I hope that explains at least a little to help with your question. ;A; Sorry I go off topic a lot. Lol.
AND THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE CONGRATS! n_n That made me smile. :3
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