reymuru · 1 year
RREYNN (ROM) , Rey (Sky)
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rreynn · 6 months
Doram LCP Hunting Grounds Farming
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As my comment in one of wobblywallaby's video. I shared about how I farm using doram at hunting grounds.
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Here's the important gears, if lucky enough at the black cat buff of hunting grounds, you can hit 0 cd.
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Here's the important skills and runes that made this build decent enough for farming
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vw-gti-junkie · 7 years
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Owner: @rreynn #amazing #bagged #beautiful #carporn #follow #followme #golf #gti #hot #instagood #love #mk4 #mk5 #mk6 #mk7 #pirelli #polo #r32 #smile #stance #tuning #vdub #volkswagen #vw #vwgolf #vwgti #vwgtijunkie #vwlife #vwlove #wheels
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rreynn · 6 months
Got permission to share it here. I suggested my doram build in one of WobblyWallaby Gaming youtube videos and got featured in one of his videos. He made a doram build of his own inspired by my suggestion so please check it out.
Will post my suggested build here on my page soon.
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rreynn · 6 months
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4 years of playing rom as a doram main. I want to return to posting stuffs here, maybe someday.
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rreynn · 1 year
Ragnarok M mini blog/guide p5: Tyrant (Carnage Capoeira Build) 1/1
Story time. This job made me rename my character. Inspired by LLENN from Sword art online altermative. I pick this job because its mount is a motorbike. And that motorbike can go small when doram is riding it. And it's weapon is futuristic, not for typical mmorpg. And I also randomly got that homing missile rune and hunting the other runes for that job and build went smoother than the other.
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For the stat and build. Here's mine. Max dex and agi. Rest for vit because I main doram, so I'm more into I don't want to get hurt so I'll max my defense motto. For my equipment, just my usual set of ancient equipment for skiller. I'm planning to change the armor, shoes, and that ignore def accesorry to that old equipment for gunslinger because my ignore def for that ae set is 235. And with The rage of tyrant buff that increases pen and ignore def, it can go around 255. If I change it to old synth equipment, the ignore def with buffs can go around 208. Not that bad since 200 is enough for PVE. Going above 200 will barely increase the damage.
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For skills, here's how I build mine. My playstyle don't like using take cover, I prefer smoke bomb since it has heal and can't be detected. You can play with the skill points. Just maxed does beneficial to the pistol build. Two sided coin helps for extra stat or reload tho I don't have the advanced runes for it, I just like the extra bullet it can give.
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For aesir monument, just maxed it out. Nothing with negative effect.
For advanced runes, just pick what you that can help your pkaystyle and build. I'm thinking of hunting for that rune that reloads ammo when using fallen angel and swap it with the homing missile rune. Auto adrenaline rune is there just in case. I'm not sure if its effective but hey I randomly got that so I'm not complaining. Fire on full power rune for free skill without using ammo.
For PVE carnage capoeira is the go to skill since its the upgraded desperado. Can use fallen angel since it can cast desperado (doesn't cost bullets) via advanced runes effect. But for farming, which I'm not sure if it's effective now since I don't have tier V weapon yet for the reload of 2 ammo per minute, I remove the homing missile rune since it can randomly target those nearby even its not your targeted monster. Desperado is enough for me to kill monster at the royal hunting grounds and it uses one less ammo per cast than Carnage. If you can farm using rapid shower, good for you. It only cost 1 bullet and can gain 1 bullet after cast via aesir monument effect. In lower maps where you can 1 hit with auto attack will be fine since you don't have to worry about reloding and the range wont matter since skills and auto attack have the same range. But if range is what you want, you better go using rifle.
For my oracle extract, still same with all my jobs. I also don't have any ancient relic.
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rreynn · 1 year
Ragnarok M mini blog/guide p4: Lightbringer (Knuckle Boost Build) 2/2
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For aesir monument. Maxed it out but leave the change cart node. It'll give you cart space but will lower your movement speed. You don't want that because movement speed is useful for farming specially if there's alot of players in the map. Also in dungeons or anywhere you can't ride a mount, that will make you dependent on your own movement speed. It's not that you can't but if ride a mount you can't cast skills from your 3rd job that depends on your robot like your main skill knuckle boost.
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rreynn · 1 year
Ragnarok M mini blog/guide p4: Lightbringer (Knuckle Boost Build) 1/2
My lightbringer build is not fully a knuckle boost build. I tried this job for the oversell and discount this class have. And also for refining. I don't know if I have the right skill build and I don't know if it really helps for refining but it works for me. I completed my +15 ancient equipment physical skiller set because of my refiner LB. I even made some +10 old equips and weaps to sell using it. Anyway, here it is.
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For build. Its pretty much the same as my other job since I use the same equipments with just the weapon and some old equipments that differs. Using this, I already have 233-ish ignore def. But I barely use LB in dungeons specially with the public parties. My weapon is still not +15 since I'm scared to refine weapons beyond +10. I just save zeny to buy +15 weapons on exchange.
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For stats, I maxed out Dex and Luk. The rest is on Str. Dex since knuckle boost multiplier is dex. Luk for refining passive skills, dex also contributes to those skills. And str for melee physical atk/dmg.
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For skills, here's mine. Mostly buffs and passive. Just play around it until you find what suits you. I didn't put points to that skills that gives fuel or something because it affecta the drop rate of zeny bags when farming to hunting grounds. Arm cannon for photon cannon multiplier.
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For prepare for elite, mostly buffs since LB have alot of buffs. It will take time to cast them one by one. I just leave the AI skill out of it because you can't cast AI without dropping your robot thus making the prep uncastable.
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For advanced runes, its a combination of runes for buffs, knuckle boost, arm cannon, and photon cannon.
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rreynn · 1 year
Ragnarok M mini blog/guide p3: Solar Trouvere (Raging storm build) 1/1
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Story time: my 3rd multijob, or should I say my 1st job? Bard is my 1st job on rom but switched main character to doram because of runes and events that time. This is also my first purchase of bcc to multijob to bard as a reward from my self employment/ sideline during pandemic. I purchased bard again because I like the playstyle and the equipments and runes I have before will be useful again.
Going back to the topic. This is just your usual raging storm build also known as severe rainstorm back then. Tho my skill set will be different since I adjusted it to my liking.
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For stats, I maxed Dex and Int. Dex for ranged attack and Int for extra damage from aesir (INT switch) and sp regen/mdef. And rest is for Vit for Hp and def.
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For the build. I use Lyra/Lira (not sure for the spelling) for arrow shower/raging storm multiplier with 2 Rain of Arrow card for more skill multiplier. I also use Moon Gown, but right now I only use +10 as +15 is still expensive for an f2p/semi-f2p like me (it's 1B+ zeny). Dark archer card for garments for extra skill multiplier again. My ignore def here won't reach as high as 200 like my other job since I'm not using 2 minorous card and other ancient equipment for pen and ignore def.
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For skills, change it to your liking and playstyle. For me, I use lvl 20 arrow vulcan for single target. Its useful also in pvp against chronomancer's earth field since you can't use raging storm on it. Arrow vulcan also increases your atk for some time after using it.
For aesir monument, just maxed it out since there is no degrading effect to avoid on it.
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For advanced runes here is my set. I have extra runes to use depending on the situation. Arrow dance A rune to increase arrow vulcan's damage if I'm gonna use it. That assault B rune to increase Raider song's effect. And that fate divine S rune to put 2 effects on target when using Tarrot card of fate aesir skill, useful for pvp to debuff enemy.
Sorry for making this post quite short and not detailed. Because it's pretty much it. You can even find old youtube guides about this build since this class is not popular anymore or probably dead again. But feel free to ask questions.
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rreynn · 1 year
Ragnarok M mini blog/guide p2: Stellar Hunter (arrow storm build) 2/2
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For aesir monument, I don't think there's something to avoid here so just max it out. Of course prioritize things that can buff your damage.
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For advanced runes, this A rune is my go to. Other runes here is mostly for adl. Just use what you prefer for your playstyle. This one works for me so I guess it's fine.
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rreynn · 1 year
Ragnarok M mini blog/guide p2: Stellar Hunter (arrow storm build) 1/2
Story time: There's this anniversary event that gives job change voucher. That time my 1st character is a minstrel, 2nd character is a hunter, and 3rd character is a doram(my main and only character now). That voucher don't have change to novice doram, only human novice so that time I know I have to main doram to make that voucher useful. Even rng-sus let me grab a doram's S rune with 3rd line(that makes lcp go crit) randomly.
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So after that I picked to be an archer then hunter because they told me I should try or have atleast a AA build/job. But I noticed that I'm bad as adl so here's my build. After the release of ancient equipment I centralized my equips to be a physical skiller type.
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When farming I use arrow storm in higher maps. I usually farm at royal hunting grounds in all the jobs I have because I don't like the competition at soul hunting grounds. In lower maps if I can 1 hit mobs as adl, I still play adl with the same equipment build but just using the king of beasts card. Dark archer card helps too to increase arrow storm damage.
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For stats, as mentioned, I still play adl so I max dex and luk, and the rest for agi. That agi I still have 480 aspd but without exceed break. My ignore def is around 186.5 so somehow I can do dungeons using Stellar hunter.
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For skills, here's how I build it. I don't use multi firing even I used 2 rain of arrow cards on weap because of the cast delay of the skill. Arrow storm still much stronger with less delay/spammable. I also don't use exceed break since I'm not full pledge adl and it will decrease my aspd. I also don't use warg as you can't use some skills when riding like my main skill arrow storm.
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rreynn · 1 year
Ragnarok M mini blog/guide p1: Spirit Whisperer (physical build) 2/2
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For advanced runes. This one works for me. I got lucky to get a carving knife from last events to remove one requirements for fresh tune S rune. Fresh tuna S rune to use tuna party on self for healing. I used secret game S rune so stealth skill can't be cancelled when using skills mainly used for pvp/gvg and echoing corridor. I interchange secret game S rune to that of bettle charge B rune depending on what I'll be doing.
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For oracle mirror. Mine's not that useful. I use meteorite armor and hollgrehens hammer because it doesn't need refinement to use the effect fully. Meteorite armor for stun and freeze resist and hollgrehens hammer for breaking other players' gears.
If you have questions feel free to comment. I didn't tried to explain much just to make the post short.
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rreynn · 1 year
Ragnarok M build mini blog/guide p1 : Spirit Whisperer (physical build) 1/2
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My main job. Not my first since I started playing rom on august 2019 as a bard but don't know well how the game works. Then I shifted to my 3rd character as my main and only char. Pretty much f2p. I don't use/buy bcc to grab 1% headgears or costume.
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For stat allocation I maxed dex vit then rest for agi. If you're new as a doram, you might want to prioritze dex since vit is useful on 3rd job.
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This is my current build. Not the best hg and barely having an enchants, even cards. I'm just a casual and lazy gamer. I use the other 2 ancient equipment(armor and shoes) depending on the situation. For example if I use my doram for war or pvp I usually use cd items(pardon money + fate wheel) so my ignore def barely hits 150%. I just aim to have 200% ignore def for pve.
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For skills, it really depends on your playstyle. As for me, I just change the auto skill from lunatic carrot pound to piki peck depending on the use. I can farm at royal hunting grounds using pike peck and lcp for dungeons. I use lunatic gunner(aesir skill) + natural for mvps I can't one shot and it helps to give constant damage while buffing or healing. Tuna party lvl6 can be cast on self, with stoop very useful against higher level and newer mvp. My prepare for elite is only curled beetle charge and tasty shrimp party. Max all 4th job skill but I only use cat transformation and natural rage for pve and tornado storm, dolan trick, and evil cat roar for pvp/gvg.
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You can max aesir monument as there's no self reducing effect on doram's aesir unlike light bringers reduce movement speed effect on cart on aesir.
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rreynn · 1 year
Ragnarok M character birthday roll
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rreynn · 1 year
3 yrs of ROM. Old IGN: Nekyu. New IGN: RREYNN. Still wearing the same Nine tailed cat tail since day 1
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