#RPG Tsukuru 2000
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kawaoneechan · 26 days ago
To celebrate that RPG Maker VX Ace is free¹ on Steam until the 11th, perhaps, I'mma share a question with ny'all.
Of aaaaaall the versions RPG Maker out there, which one's the best?
Here's the list I'm aware of:
RPG Tsukuru - Dante 98 (PC-98)
RPG Tsukuru - Dante 98 II (PC-98)
RPG Tsukuru - Super Dante (SNES)
RPG Tsukuru 2 (SNES, I ripped this one for The Spriter's Resource)
RPG Tsukuru 3 (PS1)
RPG Tsukuru 4 (PS1)
RPG Maker 2 (PS2, apparently in full 3D)
RPG Tsukuru GB (GBC, another one I ripped for TSR)
Uchūjin Tanaka Tarō de RPG Tsukuru GB2 (GBC)
RPG Tsukuru Advance (GBA)
RPG Maker 2000 (Windows)
RPG Maker 2003 (Windows)
RPG Maker XP (Windows)
RPG Maker VX (Windows)
RPG Maker VX Ace (Windows)
RPG Maker MV (Windows)
RPG Maker MZ (Windows)
RPG Maker Unite (Windows)
Judging visuals and features, which one would you say is best, and why?
(Wow, the later Windows releases had real useful names.)
¹: The base application is free, including the RTP and character generator. The asset packs are not.
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flareblitzedyt · 8 years ago
Desert Nightmare (RPG Maker Horror) - Part 1 | Flare Let’s Play:
Welcome to Desert Nightmare, an rpg maker horror game made in RPG Tsukuru 2000 by Kelven in German and translated into English by AznChipmunk.
"Taking place somewhere in California, the game follows Sandra Richmont, who was traveling with her parents to visit their uncle. After an argument and a bathroom stop, her parents appear to have driven off without her. Thinking that her parents plan to stay overnight in the nearest city, Dusty Creek, Sandra heads towards there. However, after meeting two others who are stranded, she realizes that they are trapped and the city has some dark secrets..."
Desert Nightmare Developer: http://www.rpg-atelier.de/index.php?site=showgamegid=474 Desert Nightmare Translator: https://rpgmaker.net/users/AznChipmunk/ Desert Nightmare Page: https://rpgmaker.net/games/917/
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nervespike · 6 years ago
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RPG Tsukuru 4 (2000)
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videogamesdensetsu · 7 years ago
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Hitoshi Yoneda / 米田 仁士 - Part 1: 1987-1993 https://twitter.com/Brise_Marine Illustrator mostly known for his work on the Phantasy Star and the Sorcerian series. Games pictured above: 1) Minelvaton Saga: Ragon no Fukkatsu / ミネルバ トン サーガ ラゴン の 復活 (Famicom - 1987) 2) Sorcerian / ソーサリアン (PC-88 - 1987) 3) Phantasy Star II / ファンタシースターII (Mega Drive - 1989) 4) Lenam - Sword of Legend / レナム (MSX2 - 1989) 5) Selected Sorcerian / セレクテッド・ソーサリアン (PC-88, PC-98, X1 Turbo - 1989) 6) Ayakashi no shiro / あやかしの城 (Game Boy - 1990) 7) Gilgamesh Sorcerian / ギルガメッシュソーサリアン (PC-98 - 1990) 8) Sorcerian / ソーサリアン (Mega Drive - 1990) 9) Silva Saga / シルヴァ・サーガ (Famicom - 1992) 10) Elnard / エルナード, AKA The 7th Saga (SFC - 1993)
Games he has worked on: Alteil / アルテイル (Browser game - 2004) card illustrations Alteil II / アルテイルII (Browser game - 2008) card illustrations Ayakashi no shiro / あやかしの城 (Game Boy - 1990) cover art Dungeon RPG Tsukuru / ダンジョンRPGツクール だんだんダンジョン (PC-98 - 1994) cover art Elemental Gearbolt / 幻世虚構 精霊機導弾 ELEMENTAL GEARBOLT (PS1 - 1997) cover art, illustrations, Original Character & Enemy Design Elnard / エルナード, AKA The 7th Saga (SFC - 1993) character Illustrations (with others) Eye of the Beholder III / アイ・オブ・ザ・ビホルダーIII (PC-98 - 1994) cover art Falcata / ファルカタ 〜アストラン・パードマの紋章〜 (PS1 - 1995) cover art, illustrations Gilgamesh Sorcerian / ギルガメッシュソーサリアン (PC-98 - 1990) illustrations Lenam - Sword of Legend / レナム (MSX2 - 1989) cover art Lunatic Dawn III / ルナティックドーンIII (PS1 - 1998) cover art Magic World Begins (Windows - 2011) chara-design for 2 magicians Meru Purana / メールプラーナ  (PS1 - 1996) cover art, illustrations Minelvaton Saga: Ragon no Fukkatsu / ミネルバ トン サーガ ラゴン の 復活 (Famicom - 1987) cover Mystic Ark / ミスティックアーク (SFC - 1995) Monster Designer Period zero / ピリオドゼロ(iOS, Android - 2016) card illustration Phantasy Star II / ファンタシースターII (Mega Drive - 1989) Cover art, illustrations Phantasy Star: The end of the Millenium / ファンタシースター 千年紀の終りに (Mega Drive - 1993) Cover art, illustrations Phantom Kingdom / ファントム・キングダム, AKA Makai Kingdom (PS2 - 2005) event illustrations x2 RPG Tsukuru Dante 98 II / RPGツクールDante98II (PC-98 - 1996) cover art Selected Sorcerian / セレクテッド・ソーサリアン (PC-88, PC-98, X1 Turbo - 1989) promotional illustrations for the 5 episodes Silent Bomber / サイレントボマー (PS1 - 1999) chara-design Silva Saga / シルヴァ・サーガ (Famicom - 1992) cover art Silva Saga II / シルヴァ・サーガ2 (SFC - 1993) cover art, chara-design Sorcerian / ソーサリアン (PC-88 - 1987) cover art, illustrations Sorcerian / ソーサリアン (Mega Drive - 1990) cover art, manual illustrations Sorcerian Original / ソーサリアンオリジナル (Windows - 2000) illustration Terra Battle / テラバトル (iOS, Android - 2014) chara-design (Jaguna, Ve'rudi, Meylia) Vandal Hearts / ヴァンダルハーツ ~失われた古代文明~ (PS1 - 1996) illustration Wizardry Online / ウィザードリィ オンライン (Windows - 2011) monster Design (with others) Wizardry: Seimei no Kusabi / Wizardry ~生命の楔~ (DS - 2009) monster Design (with others)
To be confirmed: Riftwar Saga (?)
Other video game related works: Dragon's Crown Artworks (Artbook) guest illustration Final Fantasy Gaiden: Seiken Densetsu Sound Collections (OST) illustrations Final Fantasy Gaiden: Seiken Densetsu Original Sound Version (OST) illustrations Phantasy Star Memorial Drama CD & Fanbook (book + CD) cover art Qvinta essentia (Artbook) RPGamer Vol.6 (Summer 2004) cover art Seiken Densetsu Final Fantasy Gaiden (Postcards) Valkyrie no Boken (Game books x3) cover art Xanadu (Game books x2)
Sources: http://www.mobygames.com/developer/sheet/view/developerId,130520/ Interview: http://news.merumo.ne.jp/article/genre/6049004 Alteil https://login.alteil.jp/al2CardDB/list.php Dragon's Crown (Artbook) guest illustration https://twitter.com/Brise_Marine/status/671612941947428865 Dungeon RPG Tsukuru https://twitter.com/tsuarappy/status/698848076107087873 Elemental Gearbolt https://www.famitsu.com/news/201203/26012106.html https://www.amazon.co.jp/幻世虚構・精霊機導弾-ワールドガイダンス-PlayStation-PLAYSTATION編集部-アミューズメント書籍編集部/dp/4835448332 Elnard https://twitter.com/chou_nosuke/status/777711244534951936 https://twitter.com/towel_roborevo/status/683146973176705024 Falcata https://twitter.com/eienken/status/668665654254239744 Falcom History: Legend of Illustrations http://s1026.photobucket.com/user/xcctc1985/library/13?sort=3&page=1 Final Fantasy Gaiden: Seiken Densetsu Sound Collections http://dqw.main.jp/index.php?Id=234 http://vgmdb.net/album/6300 Final Fantasy Gaiden: Seiken Densetsu Original Sound Version http://vgmdb.net/album/718 Lunatic Dawn III https://eshop.artdink.co.jp/luna_leg.html Magic World Begins https://twitter.com/Brise_Marine/status/919866168608923649 https://twitter.com/Brise_Marine/status/919866568829317121 http://www.4gamer.net/games/096/G009601/20110622026/ Meru Purana http://game.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/20080213/pssg.htm Period 0 https://twitter.com/i/web/status/796637897092956160 Phantom Kingdom http://game.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/20050214/phan.htm Qvinta essentia http://tk-nz.game.coocan.jp/sorcerian/about/book_qvinta_es.html RPGamer https://twitter.com/Brise_Marine/status/911856547982065665 https://twitter.com/Brise_Marine/status/911857287894933504 Seiken Densetsu postcards https://twitter.com/DynamiTracer/status/614815539777552384/photo/1 Seiken Densetsu 2 (Hippon Super - July 1993) https://twitter.com/nigmt/status/870227323013840898 Sekai no yōkai zen hyakka / 世界の妖怪全百科 https://twitter.com/ElectolPhin_4D/status/602922048243961856 SFX Puzzle Challenger https://twitter.com/kionovich/status/682478869308243972 Silent Bomber http://www.bandaigames.channel.or.jp/list/_vg/bom_ch.htm Sword World https://twitter.com/conayuki/status/736331964932710402 Uchūsen https://twitter.com/west_sin/status/748451715116986368 Valkyrie https://twitter.com/seitaiouji/status/522204996339646465 Warlock https://twitter.com/BARTOK_FOX/status/526997864275124224 Xanadu Game Books https://twitter.com/umdboy/status/708620138396790784
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