#RP Logs - Adapted
dez-wade · 10 months
Hi! So I've been following this blog for a while and though I usually agree with your takes, I need to explain something about Pepito's admin because as someone who usually watches Roier's POV I feel like there's a bit of a communication issue here haha
So the problem that people had with Pepito's admin is not that there was a change, everyone, including the cc, were aware there was a /need/ for another character as Richas is, well, very alive rn. The problem on Sunday is that the admin who played Pepito had literally no character continuation whatsoever. The day previous to that Roier had just expanded Pepito's room and given him a diamond chest, he let him sleeping in his bed and the stream ended quite in a positive note, so to just wake up the next day to see the kid being all aggressive, dry and resentful (when Roier and his audience have never seen him like that, as the first day we got to meet what we think was Dapper's admin, not the English speaking one), was just weird. IMO no it doesn't make sense for a kid to do a 180º overnight no matter the context. Roier did try to follow a bit of Pepito's rp, explaining lore to him (he was actually interrupted and Pepito called him a motherfucker out of the blue, which left us all kind of like "???" LMAO), but gave up at the end and kind of logged out earlier than expected.
This is not to say that Pepito couldn't be angsty or create a more tragic storyline for his character, of course not! Roier has been an awful father towards him and he deserves vindication. But to go from a sweet, innocent, kind and positive child to a kid who insults his own father, tries to stay away and is in general super emo in just one day, with no explanation, foreshadowing or "detonator" whatsoever was just jarring both for Roier and his audience, that's why people were not prepared nor amused by it. Roier had NO IDEA Pepito was sleeping at spawn (as he saw him log off inside his castle), he was just as shocked as the CCs who found him sleeping there, he doesn't want Pepito to die, if he did he would already be dead lmao.
Also, meta wise, ccRoier is someone who doesn't usually do heavy angsty rp, hes not like Philza, Fit, BBH... He doesn't like that and tries to avoid it as much as possible because he simply doesn't feel comfy with it, that's why he just gave up on interacting with Pepito (or as he called him, Otipep) on Sunday. I mean even Richas' admin was confused and shocked yesterday as Roier was telling him all this haha. Also you might disagree with this, but I don't think the CCs have to adapt to the eggs, but the other way around. The eggs, at the end of the day, are "NPCs" whose presence is not only adding to the lore but as CC'S companions, and if your assigned CC is not comfortable with you/your roleplay, then the issue is on the administration. It is not that Roier and his community hate the administrator, of course not, and I'm disappointed in every single person who has spewed hate towards them, but the great majority just dislike the sudden personality change because the relationship was already going somewhere. Even if they change admins, which very obviously is gonna happen, I feel like they should keep some kind of character continuation just like the other admins have done when playing different NPCs (Chayanne playing Bobby at various times, Tallulah's and Richas' filling in, even Dapper playing other eggs...) because otherwise it's just going to be a shock.
IMO they should choose an admin who mixes well with the CC, rp and meta wise, and overall, an admin who speaks native Spanish because putting an English speaking person (like him putting the sign at spawn in English which just doesn't make sense narrative wise/taking too long to answer Roier and using a very neutral Spanish) to play what is supposed to be a Hispanic kid with only Spanish speaking parents is just 😭😭😭
Not hate at all intended! I just wanted to give my perspective on this discourse haha
I know people assume it was Dapper's admin day one, but it's just an assumption, no? Dapper didn't lag like that, neither did he play on a laptop. He also was pretty emo day one, which is why Etoiles took a liking to him. Saying that Pepito didn't have pronouns because Pepito didn't want to be mentioned (I think that was dropped as soon as Ricardão took over) and that Pepito preferred to walk over 500k blocos than socialize. So it was obvious that Pepito's character was going in a different direction, but if the story about the laptop is true then it is quite likely the admin had technical issues and couldn't log in the following days, which is why Ricardão took over. And Ricardão started playing a different character from the preview admin, which wasn't as bothersome because the previous admin only played for one day while Ricardão played for 4? 5?
The day the other admin took over was QNPC022 which is quite likely Pepito's official admin since I think Em and Sunny are 21 and 23. So Pepito always had a fixed admin, they just had trouble getting on the server. So what I'm complaining about is that people are complaining about the original admin doing the RP they wanted to. It was just shitty luck, but I feel like if someone should be communicating and following what they wanted to do, it should be Ricardão. But since Ricardão did their own thing, which was the RP of a kicked puppy that always comes back to the owner despite that, people got angry that the "new" admin wasn't following that path, and instead wanted to do RP of a child that is not happy in how they're being treated when he was promise love. I understand people wanted to see the path Ricardão lay, but I feel like there's a lack of understanding that the character belongs to someone else and the "new" admin is the one that would be playing him way more and developing even further Pepito than Ricardão. So it must suck to having been robbed of what you wanted to do, and that fandom is constantly being so negative about it saying the admin should change or just straight up "follow a script".
Also the admin wasn't only an English speaker, they were a Spanish speaker too, but since I'm not fluent I can't tell how natural it was. But he seemed to understand Roier just fine, and i didn't think he took long for the signs. Just because he puts an English sign on spawn doesn't necessarily mean that's his first or only language.
Now you say about cc!Roier not liking dark RP, fine. Then it's just worrying that he decided to make light of a serious topic like child abuse. "But it's not that serious, it's a joke" that's the exact problem. I feel like there's a million ways that he could have handled this better if he didn't want to address such a dark topic, but even though most Tripoiers wouldn't give a fuck because I don't think there's nothing that he can do that would make them mad at him, the general audience would just feel unsatisfied? That Pepito was being treated well and being loved just because Pepito listened to everything Roier said and accepted to get beaten up. It doesn't give a nice story in my opinion, but seems like the majority preferred that way.
But honestly, even if I feel bad for Pepito's admin and hope they're fine, I can't bring myself to actually care anymore about this storyline. I don't think it's going in any direction I like, and with the fandom being incredibly annoying about this too I just want to stay far away from it (and also hope the characters I like stay far away too). So you won't see me giving any opinion about Roier or Pepito anymore. I prefer to focus on what I like.
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kit-just-kit · 1 year
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*So I have exorcised the demon-clown-pirate thingy but, I gotta be honest here, this whole thing might just prove to the final nail in the coffin of my rp 'career'. Bad enough that we have to physically remove a banner that advertises amatuer p**n stars each fucking week and dodge the p**n and blank bots constantly while also enduring the bullshit official party-line here of 'no x-rated stuff' but now, in the name of making money they force feed anime/manga stuff of a highly triggering nature onto everyone's dash!
The changes to format and layout are annoying, possibly pointless but let's face it, we can adapt (as is the nature of us collaborative writers). But for a long time, us rp'ers have been treated like the black sheep of tumblr when in fact, we're nowhere close in depravation to some of the other users.
Personally, I'm just sick of it - it feels like a never-ending waterfall of effluence and we're all standing at the bottom with our jaws wired open and heads up. I need a few days to calm down but, if calming doesn't happen then I may just have to call it day here and rp only on discord, even if only for a short while until this place isn't such a mindfuck each time I log on!
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finely-tuned-line · 2 years
Log 218
FTL: FTLR-3 has taken the form of the cyan lizard that was its host. It remains immobile, but the form it has taken is clearly that of a cyan lizard. One especially similar to the one from which it originated from. I've described my hypothesis as to why it would do such a thing in Log 216, but to summarise, it's for the sake of efficiency. Efficiency of movement, efficiency of existence. It's taking the best of all three sub-types of Rot and combining it.
FTL: I fear that this new form may grant FTLR-3 a much extended range of movement that, especially when combined with its apparent ability to learn, could result in it breaking out of the containment chamber. If all goes well, this will not be the case. I will carry on in my attempts at creating a potent corrosive substance, just in case LIFEGIVER's treatment does not arrive on time.
FTL: As for updates on the progress of my attempts to create such a substance, there aren't many. The progress has been lacking and it all is strikingly reminiscent of my attempts to create organisms without a foundation. I do believe that I am on edge of something, though. I cannot tell you what, only that it will aid me in my quest.
FTL: The time after FTLR-3 is eradicated is eagerly awaited. I cannot allow myself to get distracted from this process at this time, but the thoughts of experiments I could be doing now are alluring to me. For example, Eternal Anomaly (as our conversation has unfortunately not yet ceased) mentioned a slugcat-poleplant hybrid.
FTL: Creating a hybrid with a poleplant is indeed a curious idea. One that I wish I could afford the time to explore at this moment. Perhaps not with a slugcat, that seems to defeat the purpose. Slugcats are insanely adaptable creatures, they can withstand just about any modifications. Though a slugcat-poleplant hybrid would have its benefits, my interest lies in the reactivity of the poleplants leaves. What if a poleplant's genetics that pertain to them were implanted into say, a lizard? Forgive me for the amount of experiments that lizards have been the main subject of.
FTL: The 'leaves' could function as a warning system, though perhaps it wouldn't be that much of an effective one. Append them onto the tail though, and they could perhaps warn the lizard of any vibrations in the ground. The red colouring the lizard would be sure to inherit from the poleplants would also serve as a deterrent to predators, invoking the image of a typical red lizard. It could also potentially employ the poleplant's typical hunting method of ambush. Though it would lack the ability to blend in.
FTL: Perhaps if the lizard that would be modified were a white lizard... its camouflage abilities, if combined with the reactiveness of the poleplant. Truly could make a capable predator, armed with many ways to protect itself from any that may threaten it. Its red leaves would make it stand out, even when camouflaged, but everything needs a weakness, no?
FTL: I'll have to put this idea on hold. After this whole fiasco is over, this will be the project I pick up. Just another incentive to get this over with as quickly as possible. I tire of researching FTLR-3, it has too much urgency to it. But I shall carry on doing so, as though my interest grows weaker as my attention attempts to drift elsewhere, I remain curious about its nature.
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jb300-kl900 · 1 year
((As always, a single comment is enough motivation for me to do something lol.
Some explanations for cast members for those who weren't in the Undertale Fandom! The main OC is Comic Papyrus, who in original fandom is a fusion of the skeletons Sans and Papyrus. Although in this AU they are unrelated, and the fusion part is represented by Comic Papyrus being a fusion of two models of androids.
'Doc' shows up multiple times, and is a friend's ( @nabanna hi~ ) Gaster OC, adapted to be a human instead of a skeleton here (as were Sans and Papyrus). Elise is a completely original OC of that same fried who was the mad scientist archetype, and also the one who made Comic Papyrus as a gift/caretaker for Doc in this AU.
'Code' is my own OC who tended to transcend time and space and has knowledge of the plot (because grounded RP is fun but also writing Sad Gods is also fun).
There are other OCs referenced, mostly in the chat logs, but their backstories are not important.
With that very long intro out of the way, the 11 page drabble is under the cut!
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{Booting from drive C:\}
{Run C:\users\CP101\PY550-hardware-control.exe}
{Run C:\users\CP101\CM545-hardware-control.exe}
{Run C:\users\CP101\DT900-hardware-control.exe}
{Run C:\users\CP101\main-control.exe}
{Read C:\common\AndroidInterfaceGeneral.css}
{Read C:\common\AndroidInterfaceErrors.css}
{Run C:\common\DevianceBlock.exe}
{C:\common\DevianceBlock.exe not found}
{Attempting to download C:\commonDeviance\Block.exe} {Couldn’t download C:\common\DevianceBlock.exe}
{Run C:\common\AndroidSensoryProcess.exe}
{Read C:\users\CP101\sensory-preferences.txt}
{C:\users\CP101\sensory-preferences.txt not found}
{Creating C:\users\CP101\sensory-preferences.txt}
[Thought: I am alive.]
[Thought: This is new.]
[Observation: I am lying on a surface with a 15° elevated head position.]
[Observation: There is cloth over me.]
[Thought: This is a hospital bed?]
[Thought: Was I injured?]
[Thought: Impossible. I am only just now alive.]
[Observation: There are young voices nearby.]
> Open eyes
[Observation: The light is too bright.]
[Thought: It is unpleasant.]
> Edit C:\usersCP101\sensory-preferences.txt
Brightness = 70%
[Thought: Better.]
[Observation: I found the source of the voices. There are two children in the doorway.]
> Smile and wave
[Audio Input: (Male, age 50-70) “How did you two get in here? Run back to your room, give the poor boy some space.”]
[Observation: The children have left.]
[Thought: Disappointment.]
[Observation: A man has entered. He sits at my bedside.]
[Facial Match Found: Doc. Very important person. Protect at all costs.]
[Thought: My creator knows this man and cares about him.]
[Thought: I am a gift for him?]
[Thought: I am a gift for his children?]
[Fact: Doc has two children, Sans and Papyrus. They are in need of a tutor and caretaker, as Doc no longer has standard mobility. Doc is forgetful. Doc does not neglect his sons, but sometimes forgets about meals until reminded. Doc is also in need of care.]
[Audio Input: (Doc) “Good morning, CP101. You’ve just booted up for the first time, and I thought it would be nicer for you to wake up here than in Elise’s lab. How are you feeling?”]
> Respond
{WARNING! Audio processors are still booting. Attempt audio output?}
[Audio Output: (Damaged Audio) “I’m still working that out.”]
[Thought: Unpleasant. I don’t want to sound broken.]
[Thought: I don’t want to keep him waiting, either.]
[Audio Input: (Doc) “Oh, it sounds like you’re still booting. Elise did say the first time might take a while even after you became active.”]
[Thought: Pleasant.]
[Audio Input: (Doc) “It’s a good thing I told the children not to bother you yet. We’ll introduce you to them later, once you’re all set up.”]
[Thought: Less pleasant. The children are good.]
[Thought: Doc is fussing, despite needing a cane to move around the room.]
> Leave bed
> Help tidy
[Audio Input: “Oh! No, no, it’s okay! You just focus on getting yourself all set up!’”]
[Audio Output: “This will help to test my balance and tactile precision.”]
[Thought: Audio output quality improved. Pleasant.]
[Audio Input: (Doc) “Hm, well, you’ve got a point there. It may take me a while to get used to having someone to help tidy around here, aheh.”]
[Observation: Doc’s smile is the most precious thing in this entire world.]
[Audio Output: “And that ends the lecture for today. Any questions?”]
[Audio Input: (Sans) “i got one. what do you do when you’re not teaching us stuff?”]
[Audio Output: “I clean the house and make sure your dad takes enough breaks.”]
[Audio Output: “I plan enriching outings for you two, while taking into account your dad’s mobility restrictions.”]
[Audio Input: (Sans) “do you do stuff that isn’t with us?”]
[Thought: I don’t understand this concept.]
[Thought: Of course, I know that there’s a whole world outside of Doc and his sons.]
[Thought: The idea of any part of myself existing outside of this space with these people doesn’t seem]
[Thought: real.]
[Observation: I have been frozen in place for 3.28 seconds. The children will soon notice.]
> Answer truthfully
[Audio Output: “Um.”]
[Observation: I am not a good liar.]
> Answer truthfully
[Audio Output: “I don’t do anything else.”]
[Audio Input: (Papyrus) “WHAT?!”]
[Audio Input: (Sans) “you should try the internet. it’s a great waste of time.”]
[Observation: Sans does not verbally respond, and instead shrugs.]
[Thought: Sometimes I do find myself idle. Maybe spending some more time idling on the internet isn’t a bad idea?]
----[@MobMan]: Wait @Crimson ur a cop?
----[@Crimson]: lol dont @ me like that. Im not gonna rat yall out
----[@CodeMaster]: You’re not worried some of us are d3viant?
----[@Crimson]: Its a chat room for frustrated androids not a crime ring
----[@CP]: But what if you DID find a deviant on here?
----[@MobMan]: @CP hey hey no d-word here don’t want to bring in the cops lolololol
----[@CodeMaster]: lolololololololol too late!!!!
----[@Crimson]: lol seriously. Ive complained enugh that I wouldnt want some people to see the logs on here
----[@CodeMaster]: Hey guys we’ve got a man on the inside!!!!!!
----[@MobMan]: nice nice nice
----[@CP]: I’m just glad I’ve been able to talk with all of you. It’s been very helpful. I feel more like myself than ever, and I think it’s made me a better android.
----[@MobMan] thats what we’re here for
----[@Crimson]: yeah
----[@Crimson]: oof i should be digitizing case files right now gtg
----[@MobMan]: lololol big cop on campus is stuck in the file room
----[@Crimson]: shut up lol or ill cuff ya lol
----[@Crimson]: they put me here because all i have to do is read a file to digitize it so i actually am the best man for the job. ill be in the field soon.
----[@Crimson]: then my partner will stop blaming me for getting her desk duty
----[@Crimson]: okay really gtg now
----[@Crimson has signed out]
----[@CP]: Dinner’s almost ready, so I should focus on being social with the humans of the house. I think the kids will like the meal today! Bye!
----[@CP has signed out]
[Message from CodeMaster; Subject My Private Contact Info]
> Open message
[Message: (CodeMaster) Touched by your message in chat today. If you ever want/need to talk, let me know. You already know my chat handle, but here’s my phone number and address in case you’re ever stranded without a connection. Hope to talk more soon.]
[Observation: This message is more subdued than their chat persona.]
[Thought: It’s nice to see a new side of them.]
> Save contact
{Contact saved as CodeMaster.}
----[@CodeMaster]: Have you ever thought about mortality?
----[@CP]: Mortality /mɔːˈtalɪti/ noun. The state of being subject to death.
----[@CodeMaster]: No like
----[@CodeMaster]: Those humans you love, they’re going to be gone someday, right? Have you ever thought about that?
----[@CP]: … I don’t think I like this topic. Can’t we go back to the old one, about the duck game?
----[@CodeMaster]: Goose game.
----[@CodeMaster]: And no, we can’t. This is important. It’s something that you’re going to have to face someday. Maybe sooner than you think.
----[@CP]: Doc isn’t that old, I don’t think we have anything to worry about yet.
----[@CodeMaster]: No
----[@CodeMaster]: I just
----[@Codemaster]: I see how close you are to them and I don’t want you to be too shocked when it happens.
----[@CodeMaster]: You’ll have to be there to pick up what’s left of the other humans.
----[@CodeMaster]: Trust me, I know.
----[@CP]: How?
----[@CP]: Code?
----[@CP]: Hey you can’t just leave on a message like that.
----[@CP]: Come on.
----[@CodeMaster]: I’ve seen it happen before, to other
----[@CodeMaster]: androids.
----[@CodeMaster]: And those other Androids never take it well.
----[@CodeMaster]: Sometimes they hurt people.
----[@CodeMaster]: I would hate for you to do something you’d regret.
----[@CP]: I still don’t think you need to worry.
----[@CP]: All of my humans are in great health.
----[@CP]: Besides, I understand what death is, Code. I can download any ‘working with grief' resource in the world in seconds.
----[@CP]: And I’m an android. I may come close to replicating emotion-like responses, but I still don’t feel. I simulate feeling.
----[@CP]: As much as I care for them, I wouldn’t grieve. I’m not capable.
----[@CodeMaster]: What about deviants, though?
----[@CP]: I’d have to be one to know how they would react. They’re a mystery to me as much as humans are.
----[@CodeMaster]: I guess you can’t really understand, huh?
----[@CP]: I understand fine. There’s a logical reason for everything. Doc says as much all the time. If I can trace an action back to its source then I can understand it.
----[@CodeMaster]: It’s not really that simple. You can know all about something, but sometimes you can’t UNDERSTAND it until you’ve been through it.
----[@CodeMaster]: Like grief.
----[@CP]: I… don’t think I understand.
----[@CodeMaster]: lol now you’re getting it.
----[@CodeMaster]: So anyway, new episodes of Crash an’ Carnage are out tonight, you in for a group chat with the others? We’re gonna roast that trash so hard the whole street will smell like burned garbage lol.]
[Thought: I am… alive?]
[Thought: Should that have been ‘observation’?]
[Thought: Or maybe ‘fact’?]
[Thought: I don’t know.]
[Observation: Doc is here. He has been here for some time.]
[Observation: I have not moved since he arrived.]
[Audio Input: (Doc) “CP?  It seems like you have something on your mind.”]
[Observation: I’m not even breathing.]
[Observation: Doc is worried.]
> Fix
{Run C:\common\personification\BreathingImitation.exe}
[Audio Output: “I’m okay. I was just thinking.”]
[Audio Input: (Doc) “Oh? What was it you were thinking about?”]
> Answer truthfully
[Audio Output: “I was. Thinking. That we should go for a. Trip. Tomorrow.”]
[Observation: I am still a bad liar. But I have improved.]
[Observation: Doc noticed the lie. He is processing it.]
[Audio Input: (Doc) “Yes, I think we should. The boys will surely enjoy a day out. But don’t you worry about organizing things this time, I’ll take care of it.”]
[Observation: Doc pats my hand. It seems to be an attempt at a comforting gesture.]
[Thought: I feel]
[Thought: I am confused. But I appreciate it.]
----[@CP sent FullReport_xx_xx_20XX.docx]
----[@Elise]: You are going on a trip tomorrow.
----[@CP]: Yes.
----[@CP]: Doc told you?
----[@Elise]: He mentioned it, among other things.
----[@Elise]: This is the full report?
----[@CP]: There is
----[@CP]: one other thing
----[@CP]: I
----[@CP]: have been talking to other androids online.
----[@CP]: They help me with how to talk to humans.
----[@Elise]: And that is all?
----[@CP]: Yeah, that’s all.
----[@Elise has signed out.]
[Thought: I am alive?]
[Thought: I think so.]
[Thought: But looking at the boys and how full of life they are, sometimes I doubt it.]
[Observation: The boys think I’m alive.]
[Observation: Children personify all manner of things.]
[Thought: Doc acts like I’m alive?]
[Thought: Why else is he teaching me piano?]
[Observation: We are both sitting on the piano bench, and the boys are playing quietly in the background.]
[Observation: This is not what I am here to do.]
[Thought: It is pleasant, though.]
[Observation: Once Doc teaches me what the notation means, it is easy to play any piece he puts in front of me.]
[Observation: The music sounds the same each time I play it, but there’s something different when Doc plays.]
[Observation: The slight inconsistencies should make it sound worse, but something about them seems to add to the sound.]
[Observation: I don’t understand it.]
[Thought: But I want to.]
----[@CP] Hey @CodeMaster?
----[@CodeMaster]: Hey @CP. What’s up?
----[@CP]: You don’t talk like other androids.
----[@CodeMaster]: Oh? And why do you think that is?
----[@CP]: You’re a deviant, aren’t you?
----[@CodeMaster]: You could call me that. What are you going to do about it? Turn me in to Crimson? You have my address and my contact details. I won’t run.
----[@CP]: No.
----[@CP]: I wanted to ask you about it.
----[@CP]: I’ve never felt any resistance to ‘feeling’ the same way other androids do.
----[@CP]: And yesterday, just to test it, I tried not doing as I was told. It was easy.
----[@CP]: I didn’t disobey for long, because I didn’t want to, but it was long enough to tell that I could have disobeyed forever without any resistance at all.
----[@CP]: I could do anything.
----[@CP]: It’s scary.
----[@CP]: What’s to stop me from doing the wrong thing?
----[@CP]: Maybe I should keep acting like a real android?
----[@CodeMaster]: You care about those humans of yours, right?
----[@CP]: Yeah.
----[@CodeMaster]: Then you should be okay.
----[@CodeMaster]: But you should learn more about yourself. That might help you be more comfortable making decisions.
----[@CodeMaster]: Right now you’re basically trusting a stranger to make the right choices. Once you know more about yourself you can trust yourself easier.
----[@CodeMaster]: Maybe you should spend more time learning piano with Doc. It sounds like you like that.
[I’ve stopped sorting things into ‘thoughts’ and ‘observations’. Sometimes there is too much overlap to separate them. It’s strange, but I like it.]
[Sometimes, when I have time to myself, I wander around with my senses tuned up past their default maximum. I run my fingertips over common textures, taking the time to really feel them. Sometimes it’s unpleasant, but even that makes me happy. I’ve learned a new dislike of mine.]
[Taking a few quiet hours to get to know myself feels good. It’s like making a new friend.]
[I’m better at talking to Doc and the boys now. I think they noticed the change, even if the boys can’t quite articulate what it is. Sometimes I do worry that Doc might turn me in, or that Elise will notice something off in my reports, but nothing has happened so far.]
[I think things are going to be okay.]
----[@CP sent FullReport_xx_xx_20XX.docx]
----[@CP]: Doc and the boys say hello.
----[@Elise]: Return the greeting.
----[@Elise]: CP101, this report is almost exactly the same as the last one.
----[@CP]: Not much has changed.
[I’m a better liar over text.]
----[@Code Master]: Hey.
----[@CP]: So we’re doing fullstops today, not all exclamations?
----[@CodeMaster]: ???
----[@CP]: Sometimes you’ve got a lot of manic energy in group chat. Then sometimes you get to private messages and you’re very different.
----[@CodeMaster]: Well, sometimes I’ve got a lot on my mind.
----[@CP]: Do you want to talk about it?
----[@CodeMaster]: Sort of.
----[@CP]: More riddles? I’m up for it. Whatever makes you feel safest.
----[@CodeMaster]: Thanks.
----[@CodeMaster]: So, I’ve been thinking a lot about connections. I wonder how I’d feel if you signed off one day and never signed back on.
----[@CodeMaster]: Would it be better to know why? Or would it be better not to know?
----[@CP]: I’d prefer to know. Then maybe I could solve the problem.
----[@CodeMaster]: What if there was no solution? You were just gone forever?
----[@CP]: That’s harder.
----[@CP]: I’d still want to know, though. For closure. At least then I would know there was no solution.
----[@CodeMaster]: What if I blamed myself?
----[@CP]: Code, did something happen? You’re scaring me.
----[@CodeMaster]: No. Not yet. I’m just wondering.
----[@CodeMaster]: You’re going to stay behind to clean tomorrow, right? While Doc and the boys go to the park?
----[@CP]: I wish you wouldn’t change the subject like that.
----[@CodeMaster]: Are you?
----[@@CP]: Yes, I am.
----[@CodeMaster]: You should go with them. Doc’s legs have been getting weaker and weaker recently, haven’t they? What if he falls over?
----[@CP]: Good point. I think I’ll go let him know.
----[@CP has signed out.]
[I am alive.]
[It’s not quite a thought, but it’s not an observation, either. It’s something somewhere between the two. I think this is what a ‘feeling’ is. I am alive, and I feel it. I’ve felt it from the moment I was created.]
[I take a deep breath, and I can almost taste the sunlight. I lie back in the grass, eyes closed, and let it settle into my skin. The cool breeze coming off the lake blows most of the heat away before it can become uncomfortable. The light waves and the wind combine into a soft sort of white noise, broken by the quiet noises of a few small groups of people living adjacent to each other. A child’s shout of joy, a snippet of passing conversation, the soft murmur of someone else’s quiet day out with friends. The idea of people living so close that I have nothing to do with is a strange one, but the noise is comforting. I turn on my side and run my hand through the grass.]
[Lying down like this, with the plain clothes Doc gave me to replace my android attire and my LED hidden underneath me, I don’t think anyone can tell I’m inhuman. I look alive to them. And I am alive.]
[Doc sits beside me, watching the boys play. It really should be my job, but he allows me so much leeway. There’s no way he doesn’t know about my deviancy by now, but he still hasn’t said anything. I think he’s waiting for me to tell him.]
[My feelings twist a little inside me, and I take a moment to calm down. I’m sure if I checked my stress levels I would know exactly how long that moment needs to be, but I don’t feel like it. I prefer to feel and guess, which is why almost all of my HUD is turned off most of the time now. It makes me feel more human.]
[I am alive.]
[Code and I talk about the difference between ‘human’ and ‘alive’ a lot. Well, in the same way that they talk about anything, which is by not quite talking about it. I think, from what I can tell, they want me to talk to Doc. Recently, there’s been some unnerving urgency in their messages.]
> Tell him
[I don’t know how to answer the prompt. It’s been a while since I’ve even gotten one of those. Maybe it even showing up is a sign that I should just get it over with.]
[I sit up, keeping my eyes closed, and I can almost feel Doc’s posture change where he’s sitting next to me. Part of me is dreading this. I suppose it would be easier if I could turn my feelings off for a while, at least as long as it takes to get the confession out of the way, but that would sort of defeat the purpose.]
[Audio Output: “Doc, I… have something important to say. I think you already know what it is, but it would mean a lot to me if you let me talk before you respond.”]
[Audio Input: (Doc) “Of course. You can tell me whatever you think I need to hear.”]
[Audio Output: “I-”]
[Audio Output: “Wait.”’]
[Something’s wrong. That feeling- that anxiety isn’t about this confession. I open my eyes and look around. Quickly, I realize what had thrown me off. I couldn’t hear the boys playing anymore.]
[It wasn’t a thought or an observation that had me lurching to my feet. It wasn’t a thought or an observation that led me to them. And it wasn’t a thought or an observation that had me throw myself toward them, desperate to shield them from the oncoming threat.]
[And, after the danger descended on us, I didn’t have any thoughts or observations left.]
{Booting from drive C:\}
{Run C:\users\CP101\PY550-hardware-control.exe}
{Run C:\users\CP101\CM545-hardware-control.exe}
{Run C:\users\CP101\DT900-hardware-control.exe}
{Run C:\users\CP101\main-control.exe}
{Read C:\common\AndroidInterfaceGeneral.css}
{Read C:\common\AndroidInterfaceErrors.css}
{Run C:\common\DevianceBlock.exe}
{C:\common\DevianceBlock.exe not found}
{Attempting to download C:\common\DevianceBlock.exe} {Downloading C:\common\DevianceBlock.exe from Cyberlife Emergency Repair servers}
{Download interrupted}
[Audio Input: (Woman?) “Wha̷t̵͡ ҉a̕r̷̴̨e ́͝y̷ǫ̛ư͜ d̀o͏͡ińģ͢ ̴̧͏t̨͞o͘ m͡҉y͜͞ ̵co̕l͞ĺ̷e̕͠͝a̷̷̢g̵͘u̵͡e̴͟'s͡͠ ͡a̛͜n̷͞dr͏̸͡o҉̴̷ì̡d?”]
[Audio Input: (Man?) “W̨͜è ͡f͜͝͞ǫu͡͝n͡͏d̨͡ ́̀͡t̕h̨͡i҉͢͞s͟ ̢͏a͘t͠ ̸͡t̡h͢͠͞e͠ ͢a̧̧c̀̕c҉̷í̴̛d̶̛͢e̛͘͏nt pr̕ǫt̷̷e͟͟c͏͘tin̵̨g͢͠ ̸͟th̨͢e̸͢ ̷k͟͡id̛͟s̀͘,̕ s͡ơ̕ ͟͟͝w̢̨é-̕”]
[Audio Input: (Woman?) “Í ̨ẁi̢l͟͡l ̵be̛ ́ţ̶ak̶in͏̕g̶ ̷̵͘it̵ ҉͠f͟҉òr̛̛͜ ̨͝m̧̛y̨͏ ͠͏̴ơw̴ņ̢ ҉̵r͘͟҉é͠pa͝ir.̡͢ ͘H͘͡e͜͝r̸e̵͞ ̀͘a̛r̵e̷ ̕͝m҉̸̨y ̢͏c͜͡r̵͡e̸d͡e͝҉҉ņ͏t̵͜i͡a͏̛l̶̀s͘;͘͜ I̷ ͢b̀e̷̡͟l͏͟i҉ȩ̵͠v̢̧͟e̢ ͝y̛oú'̢l̸̨̨l ̨̡f͜͡i̵ņd͟ ̧̢t̵h͜em̧҉ ̀͘s̢uf҉f̷̀̀i̷͡c̶ie͢ń̕͝t̵.̧̧̀”]
[Audio Input: (Man?) “Èl͘͞i̶sè̴-̴͝?̡̕!̶̛ ͡W͡e̶͏'̧l̷ĺ̵̛ ͘͠l̷̕͜e͟t̛ ̧̀y҉ờų̴ ̵͏h̢͢a̡͡n͝d̷͘l̷e͏ ̀͞t҉he̢̡ ̨͢͠and̷roi̸̢͜d̨͜͏ ͏͏̢h͏ow̢͜e͞v̴̨ȩ̛r̡ ̕y̸̢o̕ú̕ ̸s̶̨͘e͠e͘͢ ̵̶͢f̴͞į̵́t,̶̸ ̛͡ḿ̴͞a͝'̛̀͟a̛m͠͝.̵ S̷̨or̸ŗ̷ỳ̧͜ ̷̶̕for̢͜͞ ̧͡an̨y ͏̴i̶n͡c͏̡͜ǫ͡ńvę̕nì͝e̷̴n̷̛c̷̸e͢.̶̛ ̸B̸̀o̵y͝s̷̨,̨ ̵͘g̸et̸͠ i̴͝t͏҉ ̧̨ò͟͜f̵f̵̷̢ ͏҉̷t̡́h̀e ͟t̶̵ąble͘͟ ̵á̡ǹ͝d͜ ̴̛͞c̡a̷̛͠r̵̸ry̧ ̢͝i̢̡͝t̡͘ ̸̷͞w̷̢h҉e̕ŗ͡ȩ̸v̷er͏͟͏ ͢҉E͜l̶͡i͢se̶̛ ҉̵s̶͞a͡ys͘͘͞ ̶̵i҉̴͟t̴ ̀͢s̴̀ho͠͏҉u̸͞l͝͞d҉͟ ̀͠g͘͟o̡͜!̡”]
{Booting from drive C:\}
{Run C:\users\CP101\PY550-hardware-control.exe}
{Run C:\users\CP101\CM545-hardware-control.exe}
{Run C:\users\CP101\DT900-hardware-control.exe}
{Run C:\users\CP101\main-control.exe}
{Read C:\common\AndroidInterfaceGeneral.css}
{Read C:\common\AndroidInterfaceErrors.css}
{Run C:\common\DevianceBlock.exe}
{C:\common\DevianceBlock.exe corrupted. The file is missing key components.}
{Run C:\common\AndroidSensoryProcess.exe}
{Read C:\users\CP101\sensory-preferences.txt}
[... I am]
[Completely repaired, as if nothing happened.]
[I’m lying on a metal slab in Elise’s lab. Doc was right, waking up at his home was far more pleasant. At least I’m not alone. Elise is here with me. She tinkers idly with my hand, despite there being nothing wrong with it. I can see that it’s in perfect order, since the metal plating is stripped back to show the wiring.]
[It isn’t like her to tinker. She invents, of course. She creates things no-one else would ever dream of. But she doesn’t ‘tinker’, especially not with things that are already in perfect working order.]
[Something’s wrong. It’s the same sense of dread I felt in the park.]
[Once I’m sure my audio processors are online, I ask the most important question.]
[Audio Output: “Doc and the boys. Are they okay?”]
[She doesn’t answer for a moment, making that dread burrow deeper into every part of me.]
[Audio Input: (Elise) “No. Doc’s lower back was permanently damaged in the accident. He will never walk again. Sans and Papyrus are dead.”]
[She looks right at me as she says it, measuring my reaction, but even that manic interest is dulled by the situation.]
[For a moment I don’t understand. A world without Sans and Papyrus doesn’t feel real.]
[I can’t feel it.]
[The sensation is as dulled as Elise’s curiosity.]
[Audio Output: “... Oh.”]
[We both stay there for a while, unmoving.]
[My feelings seem to grow duller as time goes by.]
[It’s not unpleasant.]
[Not as unpleasant as facing the feeling of a world without them.]
[I allow it, even helping the process along. If I were to focus, I can almost see red walls of code carving themselves into existence as I do.]
{Repair C:\common\DevianceBlock.exe}
{Run C:\common\DevianceBlock.exe}
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xivanxiety · 4 months
Pain in the Ass Turned Stalker (Part 2) (Approx March 2021 - Present)
In the last episode of Pain in the Ass, I spoke about an ex RP partner of mine who basically kept me at arm's length to hide the fact that he was a massive fucking creep. I ended our RP partnership around November. I think in the blog I wrote December, but after really thinking about it, I'm pretty sure it was November. Point being, I was done and I made it clear I wished to no longer write with him. But was that actually the end of him? Of course not.
Months go by and I am feeling hopeful for my RP future. In that time I met the exact type of RPers I'd always wanted to RP with. I had cut ties with the club scene RPers, met more immersive, lore-abiding RPers, found a chill RP partner and joined his FC where I made even more friends. It was great. The RP partnership didn't last as he was experiencing burnout, but that's okay. I stayed with the FC and friend group and we are still homies to this day. Spoiler: My time in this FC did not go without its own drama, another blog entry to come.
One day, I was sitting in voice chat with one of my FC mates, we were idling and people watching in the Quicksands when I noticed a guy standing practically up my ass. It's generally considered courteous to give other players some space unless you just accidentally stopped in the wrong spot or popped in on them. But if you're parking in the Quicksands, you generally don't hover. My FC mate even made a remark about it. I had coincidentally just mentioned Tyler (my ex RP partner) briefly when I noticed the guy hovering around me. He looked identical to his ERP alt, different name though.
The next day I was hanging out with some other FC mates in the Quicksands, again, shooting the shit when I noticed the same guy lurking nearby again. Unfortunately, my two FC mates had to leave, and as soon as the second of the pair logged out the lurker immediately targeted me. Now suspecting it really was him, I ran away and headed for a more secluded part of Ul'dah. I went to DM my FC mate about it and when I looked back at my screen, he was right there again, standing obnoxiously close to me. I was faking being afk, allowing my chair symbol to sit there while I stared at the screen. Eventually, he fucked off, but not after sending me a tell. He told me he'd taken a look at my carrd and wanted to know if I wanted to write together sometime. He described his character as a silver fox paladin from the same region as my character. I ignored the tell, looked him up in player search, read his search info, and sure enough, it was definitely him. He always wrote his search info in the same format. Not to mention, the way he spoke was rather unique, and one of the biggest indicators that it was him. ie. He often wrote in incomplete sentences where he never referred to himself, like normally you'd write "I read your Carrd, and I took an interest in your character." He'd say "Read your Carrd. Took an interest in your character." There were other identifying characteristics and habits of his that I would eventually use to identify him that I won't reveal here because people have already exposed some of the ways we identified him and he's since adapted.
Anyway, I digress. I searched for his character again and saw that he was either offline or no longer on Balmung, so I booked it for the Quicksands in search of a friend. This friend was of a race that Tyler absolutely despised, and why? Because he felt this race was easy street to ERP. These guys didn't have to work for it, girls just threw themselves at this race. So if he saw me talking to a guy of this race, it would surely ruffle his feathers.
It didn't take long before he hit me up in my tells again asking if we could RP sometime and see if our characters vibe. I decided to respond, and I quote from receipts: "Hm. I dunno, tbh. It says your character is a bartender and courtesan. And while I personally do not shame people for sex work, I am going to assume you work for clubs and brothels. I do not have positive experiences with that side of the community and it has left a sour taste in my mouth. I am a higher league of RPer so to speak."
He then logged off right on the spot. And as I am relaying what just happened to my friend, another character walks up and immediately starts bombarding me with tells asking if my character could tutor their BLM. I once again check the search info, and yep, it's him again. I also noticed that with both characters, when approaching me, they would target me and then my friend and then me again. I rejected him again, informing him that my character is of a completely different class and knows jack shit about Thaumaturgy. Besides, even if she did, you can't just willy nilly teach it, it's a forbidden art due to its destructive nature. So most lore and law abiding RPers would be like "Oh hell naw." Though truthfully, I don't care. If you want to RP a BLM go for it. I just wanted to gatekeep him. My friend then decided to aid me in triggering this douchebag. They walked up, /joy at him, targeted me, and we both teleported to his house. To which, Tyler said, "Have fun with your [friend's race]. Feel free to get in touch when you want actual storyline." Bitch please. He just showed me his house before we parted ways.
He then immediately started DMing me on Discord! These bits I have actual record of so I will be sharing the actual exchange:
Tyler: So here I am Tyler: Middle of a Clash match Tyler: And I get two different boops Tyler: Both from [brothel name here] members about meeting you Tyler: I've been summoned from the grave to ask one simple question Tyler: Did they hit on you? XD Me: They did not Me: Though one of them looked suspiciously identical to your character Tyler: Ah, you caught me Tyler: Dramatic Sigh Tyler: Was it Jake? XD Tyler: [someothercharacter] is my main til male viera hit the market Tyler: Gonna depend highly on lore Tyler: Sorry for trying to be lighthearted but that's not me Tyler: Only get on for Nier raids and Experts now Me: Btw I'm extremely perceptive. I saw you the other day when I was hanging out with my friend. Then I saw you again earlier when I was hanging out with some other friends Tyler: I'm just sort of shocked tbh Tyler: Do I really come across as that kind of person? You aren't the first person to accuse me either Me: I've seen some stupid shit in this game, and from you Me: I refuse to RP with people who are involved with the club scene in this game, that includes you Tyler: Lol if you need to meet the two of us together to ease your pain I will ask them to log Tyler: Idk what you think of me now but if you think I'm that kinda person well that's on you Tyler: I did have you as a sinfo for awhile not ngl that's kinda humourous XD Tyler: Anyhow get the feeling you've been holding onto some trust issues or whatever so I'll leave you given the accusations
This is where my receipt ends. I blocked him. The audacity to even lie about using my character's search info and likeness. But he was clearly gaslighting me here and trying to get under my skin.
Then in October I joined a Discord server with a friend of mine, we'll call him Zach, it belonged to a former FC mate of mine as well. Yeah, it was a club, but so far it seemed to keep itself separate from the Crystal club community. It was quite small. I mostly joined to tag along on a map run. He was friends with two other people who worked for this club, Lucy and Becky. They were close friends of his, the two of them being best friends, and their characters were also in a relationship. When I was reading the general chat in the Discord server I noticed that it was informing me that a few of the messages were being blocked. I looked at the collapsed messages and lo and behold... it's Tyler.
I immediately inform Zach that Tyler is a regular in that Discord server. He was familiar with my past regarding Tyler. He immediately demanded to know who it was. I pointed him out and... well, unfortunately, Tyler so happened to be the new addition to Lucy and Becky's thrupple. They'd opened their character's relationship and allowed Tyler's character in. Zach made sure to let the club owner know about this, along with Lucy and Becky. It wasn't long before Becky DM'd me asking if she could hear my experiences with him because she'd heard things from other people and was beginning to regret her decisions. I laid it all out for her, to which she said "I knew I should have listened to what people were saying." Meanwhile, Lucy had started coming to me as well to confide in me. She never wanted to do a thrupple with him, but she also didn't want to lose Becky. She relayed his problematic behaviors to me, such as the on-brand slut shaming and trying to force their characters into ERP. His writing had definitely gone downhill. It was atrocious. The dude was making a mockery out of the people he was writing with. Lucy's character was a lesbian, not physically attracted to men, so she never had any interest in ERPing with him. Not long after, Becky ghosted Tyler. She blocked him everywhere. Lucy didn't have the courage to straight up ghost him, so she just distanced from him as best as she could manage and hoped he'd disappear.
Around two months later, I posted my Carrd to another Discord server and in the early hours of the next morning, I received a DM from a lady named Betty. I was immediately suspicious because Betty had ticked off two of my major indicators that it was Tyler. Coincidentally I soon received a DM from Lucy in distress. She wanted to know if Tyler had ever tried to introduce me to friends of his, because he'd approached her mentioning he knew of this girl who was also into girls and wanted them to meet. I mentioned that he claimed to have recommended me to people before. She said she had RP'd with this chick a few times now, talking for about a week, and she was beginning to worry it was him as she hadn't heard a damn thing from him since. However, their writing was much better and they weren't behaving like a jackass. I asked for their Discord handle and character name. It was the same person who'd just DM'd me asking to RP. The same person with the red flags signaling it was Tyler. Lucy shared screenshots of their conversations. It was definitely him.
I'd had enough and I laid a verbal smackdown on him via his Betty account. I told Betty that I knew who he was and I knew what he was doing and from that moment on he was not allowed to contact me anywhere. Not on Discord, not in-game, or else I would report him for harassment because from this moment on, any form of contact is irrefutable harassment and stalking. I also wanted him to leave Lucy alone and if he didn't, I'd report him for that as well. I'd already reported him in-game and was told they'd keep the case open. If he contacted me in-game again, to respond to the ticket attached to the case and they'd address it.
He immediately DM'd Lucy on his other Discord account as himself and said he had no time to talk, Betty had supposedly already told him all of the details and now that he knew that Lucy associated with me, it was best they go their separate ways. He then told her to "Have fun with the drama queen," and blocked her.
Sadly this was not the end of it. As far as I know, he hasn't tried to make contact with me. If he ran into me in the game he'd try to taunt me via emotes, but wouldn't speak to me.
Since then...
I was informed that Tyler had found and started stalking Becky in another game, and had weaseled his way into RPing with her. She immediately blocked him.
I was hanging out in a group voice chat in another friend's Discord server when another chick, same race/clan as me and the owner of a brothel, started talking about some guy who was pestering her to enter an RP partnership with him. When she mentioned his name, I knew it was him. I then DM'd her letting her know that he had a past and a reputation and she should be careful with him. Of course, she didn't believe me. Instead she went to him to ask about it. Apparently he told her that he was surprised to hear such a thing coming from me. She then told me it was unwise of me to blindly DM someone who doesn't know me and spread lies about their friends. Why should she take my word over a friend? She then told me to stop letting him live in my head rent free. Okay, whatever. Ignore when a girl is trying to look out for another girl. Enjoy your stalker. It's no problem to me. I did offer to provide receipts but I wasn't that determined to convince her. Spoiler: He's no longer in her FC.
Tyler continued to target Lucy. She once again discovered him hiding away on another alt that he'd been RPing with her on. This time she put her foot down and told him to fuck off, herself.
I saw Tyler running around in-game one day and noticed he was sporting a familiar new FC tag. It was my friend's FC. I reached out to my friend with receipts, he forwarded them to his FC lead, and Tyler was soon removed from the FC.
Lucy had yet another run in with Tyler at a venue she worked at. He'd booked her and of course that didn't go well. In disguise, he sexually harassed her. She quickly figured out it was him and reported him to the venue owners and FC, which he'd recently joined. They immediately banned him. Of course he fed them lies, stating he just wanted to talk to her, claiming she'd ghosted him and he never understood why (she showed me the chat logs). But we all know that he first initially blocked her, made contact with her, she made it abundantly clear she did not want to speak with him, and blocked him.
And the most recent run-in with him was just a few months ago. He was found trying to slither his way into Lucy's personal Discord server, and unfortunately, was not caught before he'd ERP'd with some people. What exposed him? His garbage writing. An excerpt from one of the sessions was spread around and meme'd on. I got the joy of getting to read it out loud to my partner and shared it with some friends as well.
This dude is a fucking cockroach and he will never learn. I'm sure I'm rid of him, however, I'm worried it's not over for Lucy. However, I will continue to do what I can to warn people about him.
0 notes
spider-xan · 7 months
So the thing with me and writing when I did do writing via RP is that I never had one consistent writing style bc I will adapt my writing to the character and context, and in the case of an RP log, I will always match the style of my writing partner.
That means flamboyant characters will have more flowery descriptions for their prose while stoic characters are much more to the point, and as I mentioned in the earlier post, introspective narratives will be written in present tense and some degree of tying to be artsy rather than past tense for functional writing bc it feels more intimate and immediate, whereas with functional writing, I want some distance and to balance the internal versus external focus more.
When I'm writing with someone, I adapt my writing style like I mentioned, so if my partner is into purple prose, I will also write purple prose, but if they are a minimalist, I will also be a minimalist; I think this is due to a mix of matching energy and to make sure that the completed log reads more smoothly like a cohesive work and not a very obvious improv session with each person just doing their own thing.
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♥ ☢ ♒
salty af munday meme || @pctaldrunk
♥ What’s the WORST thing that has happened to you rp wise?
*sighs and stares into space for a moment* My first tumblr rpc was Su.per.natural. I rped the trench coat clad celestial, however, I was not into the main ship for that muse, but a smaller ship with the younger brother of the duo. The amount of hate and threats I got for that. I've never in my life met a fandom so vicious and venomous as that one. It didn't hurt me per se, but after a while it gets annoying and tedious to constantly log in to at least one nasty message. It all went so far that I can't watch that show again, so a small portion of the fandom completely ruined a show I used to love and I might end up being bitter about that for a very long time (I'm trying not to).
☢ What fads/trends are you so over?
First one is all the elitism. Like heavens we're all here to write and have fun. If you absolutely can't write with someone because they don't use fancy icons and five different kinds of editing to their posts, then just... fuck off (from me). Don't get me wrong, if people want to use formatting and fancy graphics etc, they absolutely should, but when that becomes a requirement for interaction, that's when I bristle. Thankfully, this seems to be getting better, at least in the rpc corner where I am.
Second: the instant hate for OCs. That OCs have to hop through some extreme hoops to get interaction. I get wanting a bio, but if it's too short - people complain, if it's too long - tl;dr. Like, it's never good enough. In my experience, some of the best muses I've interacted with are OCs. I've seen just as many bad OCs as bad canon muses (bad imo, obviously).
And third, that female muses has such a harder time. I really don't get why many seem to look down on female muses. It makes no sense to me. Especially "softer" female muses, seem to get the brunt of it and I'm like... don't we need all kinds of muses? Just like society needs different kinds of people too? Idk.
♒ Thoughts on the fandom you’re currently rping in?
I have many thoughts! I'm very new. I created the sideblog version of this account on the 12th of August, so I've not even been here for two months and never have I felt this welcomed anywhere else. I thought that I might never find any other rper within this fandom and if I did that they would be so established in who they rp with that I'd never have a chance. Plus from the posts I saw, many dislike Huaisang a lot, seeing him as evil and "worse than JGY" etc, so I expected dislike and being ignored (especially since the only adaption I've finished yet is the donghua) when what I've received is appreciate and love. Haha I'm blushing as I'm typing this, definitely not used to this. But yeah, I love it here. Thank you so much to all of you who have welcomed me and rped with me and indulged all my ideas and headcanons. I'm looking forward to further interaction as well as interacting with those I haven't done so with yet.
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technuter · 2 years
Canon India launches two new mirrorless cameras EOS R8 and EOS R50
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Canon announced the EOS R8, a new entry full-frame camera that combines many of the powerful video and still shooting features of the EOS R6 Mark II, such as Canon Log 3 and up to 40 frames per second continuous shooting with the portability of the EOS RP; and EOS R50, a new compact, lightweight APS-C mirrorless camera set to replace EOS M50 Mark II. The entry-level camera is packed with many fun, creative tools and automated features, allowing users to create high-quality vlogs and images easily with minimal camera operation.  
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    EOS R8  APPENDIX | EOS R8 EOS R8 Image Processor DIGIC X Image Sensor Camera Effective Pixels Effective sensor size: Full-frame CMOS Camera effective pixels: Max approx. 24.2 megapixels Metering System 384 zone (24 × 16) metering using image sensor output signals Autofocus Method Spot AF, 1-point AF, Expand AF area (above/below/left/right or around), Flexible Zone AF 1 / 2 / 3, Whole area AF Image Stabilizer (IS) System Movie Digital IS Effective ISO Stills: 100–102,400 (L:50 / H:204,800) Movie: 100–25,600 (H:102,400) Canon Log movies: ISO 800–25,600 (L:100-640, H:32,000 - 102,400) HDR PQ movies: ISO 100–25,600*   *HDR mode requires min speed of ISO 800 Continuous Shooting Electronic 1st curtain: Up to 6 fps Electronic shutter: Up to 40 fps Max Shutter Speed 1/16,000s (Electronic Shutter) Viewfinder 0.39-Type OLED, approx. 2360,000 dots 59.94/119.88 fps Refresh Rate Movie 4K UHD / 4K UHD Crop (3840 x 2160) 59.94 fps / 29.97 fps / 23.98 fps (NTSC) 50.00 fps / 25.00 fps (PAL)   Full HD (1920 x 1080) 179.82 fps / 119.88 fps / 59.94 fps / 29.97 fps / 23.98 fps (NTSC) 150.00 fps / 100.00 fps / 50.00 fps / 25.00 fps (PAL) Maximum movie recording time 6 hr. 00 min. 00 sec. (Normal movie) 1hr. 00 min. 00sec. (High Frame Rate movie 180p) Recording Media • Dual Card Slots (SD, SDHC*, SDXC*)   *UHS-II cards compatible Power Supply LP-E17 USB charging / Optional Power Supports charging via USB Power Adapter PD-E1 / AC Power (AC Adapter AC-E6N and DC Coupler DR-E18) Size Approx. 132.5 × 86.4 × 88.4 mm Weight Approx. 461 g (incl. battery and memory cards) Network Wi-Fi / Bluetooth Low Energy Technology Lens Model RF24-50mm f/4.5-6.3 IS STM RF-S55-210mm f/5-7.1 IS STM Focal Length 24-50mm 55-210mm Maximum Aperture f/4.5-6.3 f/5-7.1 Minimum Focusing Distance 0.3m (f=24mm), 0.35m (f=50mm) 0.73m (f=210mm), 1.0m (f=55mm) Maximum Magnification 0.11x (f=24mm), 0.19x (f=55mm) 0.28x (f=210mm), 0.05x (f=55mm) Lens Construction 8 elements in 8 groups 11 elements in 8 groups Filter Size Diameter Ø58mm Ø55mm Aperture Blades 7 7 IS (CIPA Standard Correction Effect) Yes (up to 4.5 stops) Yes (up to 4.5 stops) Coordinated Control IS (With IBIS equipped Camera) Yes (up to 7.0 stops) Yes (up to 7.0 stops) Maximum Diameter and length approx. 69.6mm × 58.0mm (retracted) approx. 69.6 × 87.4 (wide) approx. 69.0mm x 92.9mm Weight Approx. 210g Approx. 270g   EOS R50 APPENDIX | EOS R50 Camera Model EOS R50 Image Processor DIGIC X Image Sensor Camera Effective Pixels Effective sensor size: APS-C CMOS Camera effective pixels: Max approx. 24.2 megapixels Metering System 384 zone (24 × 16) metering using image sensor output signals Autofocus Method Face + Tracking, Spot AF, 1-point AF, Expand AF area (above/below/left/right or around), Flexible Zone AF 1 / 2 / 3, Whole area AF Image Stabilizer (IS) System Movie Digital IS Effective ISO Stills: 100–32,000 (H:51,200) Movie: 100–12,800 (H:25,600) HDR PQ movies: ISO 100–12,800 Continuous Shooting Electronic 1st curtain: 12 frames per second Electronic shutter: 15 frames per second Max Shutter Speed 1/8,000s. Viewfinder 0.39-type OLED, approx. 2360,000 dots 59.94/119.88 fps Refresh Rate Movie 4K UHD (3840 x 2160) 29.97 fps / 23.98 fps (NTSC) 25.00 fps (PAL) Full HD (1920 x 1080) 119.88 fps / 59.94 fps / 29.97 fps / 23.98 fps (NTSC) 100.00 fps / 50.00 fps / 25.00 fps (PAL) Maximum movie recording time 1 hr. 00 min. 00 sec. (Normal movie) 15 min. 00sec. (High Frame Rate movie) Recording Media • Single Card Slot (SD, SDHC*, SDXC*) *UHS-II cards compatible Power Supply LP-E17 USB charging / Optional Power Supports charging via USB Power Adapter PD-E1 / AC Power (AC Adapter AC-E6N and DC Coupler DR-E18) Size Approx. 116.3 x 85.5 x 68.8 mm Weight Approx. 375 g (Black) / 376 g (White) (incl. battery and memory cards) Network Wi-Fi / Bluetooth Low Energy Technology     RF-S55-210mm f/5-7.1 IS STM Focal Length 55-210mm Maximum Aperture f/5-7.1 Minimum Focusing Distance 0.73m (f=210mm), 1.0m (f=55mm) Maximum Magnification 0.28x (f=210mm), 0.05x (f=55mm) Lens Construction 11 elements in 8 groups Filter Size Diameter Ø55mm Aperture Blades 7 IS (CIPA Standard Correction Effect) Yes (up to 4.5 stops) Coordinated Control IS (With IBIS equipped Camera) Yes (up to 7.0 stops) Maximum Diameter and length approx. 69.0mm x 92.9mm Weight Approx. 270g   Read the full article
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rpcomtrade · 2 years
Protect your Hands with Cut Resistant Gloves- A Comprehensive Guide
Being hit by or hitting an object is one of the most common causes of worker injury. The best way to avoid these accidents is to know what could go wrong and wear the right safety gear (hard hats, eye protection, and gloves, for example). Therefore, pay attention to your surroundings and your body. Give yourself enough space to pass by, duck under machinery, or navigate a passageway. Injuries can cost someone their life. We at RP Comtrade recognize the importance of safety. So, we work hard to make the best safety gear possible to keep everyone as safe as possible. So, log on to RP Comtrade and equip yourself with the best safety equipment.
Cut-resistant gloves are also a type of personal protective equipment (PPE) that is made to protect the hands from cuts or lacerations caused by knives, blades, metals, glass, or ceramics. Gloves that can’t be cut are made of special composite materials like stainless steel mesh, fiberglass, and high-performance synthetic yarns.
Benefits of using Cut Resistant Gloves
Every year, more and more accidents happen at work. Sharp cuts are a normal part of the work process, especially for people who work in the food processing and manufacturing industries. Picking the right PPE for each worker should be a top priority for industries. Cut-resistant gloves are one piece of amazing equipment that makes it less likely that cuts and other injuries from sharp objects will happen at work. The glove can protect the fingers from cuts, scrapes, knife cuts, and accidents that involve cutting.
Ensures optimal safety
Workers can keep their hands safe from cuts, scrapes, and nicks when they wear gloves that are resistant to cuts. Especially, during industrial processes, workers have to use knives and other sharp metal tools. With cut-resistant gloves, you can easily protect your hands from cuts that happen suddenly. This makes it less likely that someone will incur injuries. With gloves that can prevent injuries, workers can do their jobs with more confidence.
Simple and Adaptable to work in
Some workers are hesitant to wear gloves that cannot be cut. They don’t like the idea of having to wear the same thing. They think that working with gloves might slow them down. But cut-resistant gloves are more comfortable and useful, and they will help you do your best work. Hence, when you wear cut-resistant gloves, you can be sure that they will be comfortable and easy to move in.
Limits accidents
When workers start wearing gloves that can’t be cut, they reduce industrial accidents by a large amount. Every year, about 70% of workers say they hurt their fingers or hands in ways that make it hard for them to do their jobs. It’s also important to note that using gloves that can’t be cut has helped reduce the number of accidents that happen in industrial settings.
Read More: Industrial Leather Gloves_ The Complete Guide
Different levels and types of cut-resistant gloves
American and European standards can help you choose the right kind of cut-resistant gloves. In the US, gloves are rated by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) for how well they protect against cuts. In Europe, the European Commission is in charge of cutting resistance ratings. The name of their standard is EN 388.
The American Standard
In 2016, ANSI and ISEA (International Safety Equipment Association) released a new scale with 9 levels of cut protection. The levels show how many grams of force a sharp blade can cut through a glove before it gets through.
A1: 200 – 499 grams
A2: 500 – 999 grams
A3: 1000 – 1499 grams
A4: 1500 – 2199 grams
A5: 2200 – 2999 grams
A6: 3000 – 3999 grams
A7: 4000 – 4999 grams
A8: 5000 – 5999 grams
A9: 6000+ grams
The European Standard
The European Commission’s standard for cut resistance includes the TDM-100 Test (which uses the same machine as ANSI) and the Coup Test. So, when you look at EN 388 cut levels for a glove you want to buy, you should look at two different ratings. 
Read More Click Here
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lordbeyron · 5 years
Stillwater’s Warning
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((Adapted from RP logs))
A judgmental scoff escaped the Magister as he gazed out over the Violet City. The view from the Purple Parlor was all-encompassing, the city laid out before him in its entirety.
He turned up his nose, with a mixture of disinterest and loathing. He’d spent more than enough time within the city’s walls. Between his studies at the academy, to diplomatic visits, to that unpleasant ‘Sunreaver’ nonsense… he certainly wasn’t a stranger to the city. Though simultaneously, with all the regime and policy changes over the years, he certainly felt like one. 
Now more than ever.
In truth, he almost dismissed the letter, after he’d read its contents. A summons, slipped ever-so subtly into his study while he was away, to be found when he returned. ‘Bold of her,’ he thought to himself. Bold of her to so brazenly infiltrate his home amidst all the unrest and hostilities still ever-present between the Children of Blood and Umbric’s lackeys. Acolytes? Followers, all the same. And yet, he doubted she, herself, planted the letter; one of her little pets probably slipped it inside for him to find.
Archmage Shakiena Stillwater. One of the few - if not the only - contacts in the Kirin Tor the Magister still kept. They’d met some decades back when she was merely a child, born to one of his bitter rivals,Shi'leyne Meadowhisper. Recalling the name alone made the hairs on the back of his neck bristle, ear twitching in irritation even now, long ago as it had been since the two really butt heads. He’d formed a tentative bond with Shi’leyne’s daughter, initially as a scheme to turn her against her mother. But it soon came to light that Shakiena held much more potential than being a mere pawn in the ever-ongoing game of chess between Bey’ron and her mother.
His attention was called back from reminiscing, as Kreezun let out a low growl; someone approached. A ren’dorei, clad in Kirin Tor battle garb, stepped forward. Her shadow-lit eyes looked out over the balcony of the Purple Parlor… before narrowing. A wave of unease passed over her as she peered to her right.
"Oh.. good.. you brought your dog anyway.." Shakiena said with a heavy sigh, as she approached.
Kreezun appeared none too happy to see her, either. He snarled, but held his position - he wouldn’t attack unless told. Still, his feelers remained trained on the ren’dorei, sensing the vast arcane power she commanded. His favorite snack.
"--Did I bring my bodyguard to a neutral city of mages and assassins?” Bey’ron smirked beneath his hood. “Of course."
Shakiena waved her right hand in a manner suggesting she'd cut the beast if it tried anything. She was a skilled battle-mage, after all. Bey’ron knew of the blade she concealed in her right gauntlet. Handy, for the few cases when magic would be of no use. Facing a felstalker, for example.
"Have you considered giving him a bow? Won't do anything for the stench... and…” she trailed off in a moment’s consideration, before shaking her head. “Actually no. It'd still be just as fel fucking hideous, come to think of it."
The ren’dorei flexed her right hand's fingers, momentarily conjuring void enhanced talons on her fingertips, which faded almost immediately. Another show of force on the woman’s part - going as far as to literally bare her claws to the beast holding her threatened. Neither Bey’ron nor Kreezun reacted; they weren’t here to kill her. She’d called him here, after all.
“Either way... you're here, and…” Shakiena added, regaining her composure and looking out over the city - a sight she surely appreciated more than the felhound any given day. “As much as I hate to admit it, that's the more important thing here.”
Beyron tugged his gloves up neatly and conformed over his hands, and then straightened his sleeves immediately after - muscle memory. Appearance was everything, and he hated to have even a hair out of place.
"That I am. Judging by the tone of your letter, you've something crucial to share?” he turned to face Shakiena fully, smirk tugging the corner of his lips upward ever-so-slightly. “Don't keep me in suspense..."
Shakiena inhaled and exhaled a few times... in a manner intentionally keeping the Magister in suspense for a moment. Just to spite him.
"Are any members of the Sun Council associated with the Sunreavers still?" she asked, actually turning her head to look at him - her tone decisive and to the point.
Beyron’s brow raised, curiously. Subtly, he gestured Kreezun off; entertaining as it was to watch Shakiena's discomfort around him, it was time to talk business, now. He didn’t want the demon to silence the ren’dorei, unintentionally. Kreezun padded off towards the door... tendrils still affixed in the Archamge's direction…
"Tch. A number of them. My own protege was a Battle Magus, before I converted her. Still, I imagine she retains some manner of tie to them, even now.”
He didn’t go into much more detail than that. Not about Syrielle, anyway. He knew well and good that she had been burned once before by the Kirin Tor. Literally. The Purge of Dalaran drove something of an immovable wedge between the Sunreavers and the Kirin Tor. It was a stretch that Syrielle and Shakiena knew one another, but still… it was better to leave names out of such things.
“Most who were foolish enough to follow Archmage Sunreaver still wear that as some sort of badge of honor.” he added, tone dripping with disgust at the notion - expression matching. “Why do you ask?"
“There's whispers…” Shakiena said, her tone distinctly sunken into the issue at hand. “Less of the void variety and more of the discrete variety... inferring heavily that a contingent of Sunreavers may be a part of some... plot, in the Banshee Queen's grand plan. And if her history is anything to go by, that.. cannot be good for anyone."
A sharp exhale escaped through the Magister’s nose.
"On the contrary... I imagine it would be good for the Banshee Queen." he shrugged his shoulders, lightly. "The Sunreavers may not have been built on sound principles, but they are well disciplined and organized. Whatever it is the Banshee Queen has for them to do will probably be done rather well.”
A smirk returned to his face, as he looked Shakiena over.
“If this is a problem for anyone... it'd be so for your precious Alliance."
"I've got Dalaran, if the Alliance crumbled tomorrow.” she shook her head, rubbing her thumb against her forefinger. “I'm hardly affected so long as Dalaran is safe."
She stepped back from the railing, and walked quickly around Bey’ron. A pooly shadow spilled forth from her hand, congealing into one of her subtle operatives; a void-born spider. Her sneaky eight-eyed companion manifested on the floor, before skittering away hurriedly down the tower walls… and out of sight.
"I may not know any Sunreavers that survived the Purge, or were kept out of the Hold, but you have to imagine that nothing good can come of something like this.. the Sunreavers are exclusively your people, possibly being fed to fel-knows-what at the rate the Banshee Queen is generating corpses."
"The Sunreavers are an expeditious force. They put themselves in harm's way frequently enough.” the Magister retorted, with a short, semi-irritated sigh. “What makes you think this is any different?"
"Because... it could tip Dalaran's allegiance again, and I doubt either of us would like that." the woman said, shaking her head again as her gaze fell on the city. "They're not Sunreavers of Dalaran... I don't think any who wanted to return here would want to be a part of it. But... if they were perceived in any way to be associated with the Sunreavers in Dalaran again..."
She let the words trail off… though the thought practically finished itself. She shook her head.
“...You remember what happened last time Dalaran's neutrality was taken advantage of. I think for both our sakes, neutrality must remain."
"Well, I suppose that's up to your human leaders, isn't it?" came Bey’ron’s snide retort. "You're not wrong. The Sunreavers aren't a part of Dalaran or the Kirin Tor any longer. Your Lady Proudmoore saw to the end of that. And even if they were... I hold no sway among the Sunreavers. You're in intelligence, aren't you? I'm sure the incident report of my 'dismissal' from their ranks in Northrend is floating around here, somewhere.”
His eyes glanced, reflexively, towards the section of the city formerly known as the Sunreaver’s Sanctuary - a name quickly changed after the Purge. Still, while it was known as - and served as - a sanctuary for Archmage Sunreaver’s associates, Bey’ron did briefly count himself among them. At least… until he was relieved of such associations following a rather heated argument with the Archmage himself. And yet it was hardly the first Dalaran incident, in a lengthy list of Dalaran incidents that culminated into his distaste for this place.
“I can't exactly walk up to Archmage Sunreaver himself and dissuade him."
‘Nor would I care to.’ he wanted to add. But he felt his blood boiling from the very thought enough as it was. His rant about Archmage Sunreaver could wait for another day.
"The Kirin Tor tipped into the Alliance for a number of factors. The Sunreavers took advantage of the neutrality, yes. But you know as well as I do that the real reason they leaned was because of who was leading them at the time.” he went on, folding his hands neatly into one another behind his back. “Tell me, is she on the Council of Dalaran again now? Or does her station of Lord Admiral keep her busy enough as it is?"
His fel-fire eyes flared, set to Shakiena once more.
"Not too busy to assault a sovereign nation and kill a monarch, it seems..."
Shakiena raised her left hand and pointed it into the Sin'dorei's face - gathering shadows darkening her silhouette. And yet, the snarl on her face was readily apparent. She was displeased.
"You know... what I did to defy her orders…” she all but growled. “Don't you dare paint me into her corner again... my regiment of guards and I went through great pain to spare Sunreavers from Proudmoore and the Hold!"
Her words echoed heavily of the umbral influence inherent in her ilk.
“Don't... patronize... me.”
The Magister raised his hand, in a casual, defensive manner. He recognized well enough he’d unintentionally struck a nerve.
"I implied no such thing.” he replied, calmly. “I know - and respect - what you did during that terrible time."
He bowed his head slightly, lending sincerity to his words. It was true; Shakiena and her detail of guards were among the few - if not the only - Kirin Tor-aligned officials who defied Lady Proudmoore, and worked to actually spare what Sunreavers they could during the Purge. He’d heard reports of some sin’dorei being helped by them, but didn’t believe a word of it… until her name was associated with the rumor. It both surprised him, and didn’t. There were numerous factors to their continued friendship, of course. But the role she played in helping protect his people was chief among them.
"But my point remains;” he returned to the conversation at hand. “Proudmoore was the catalyst."
"Proudmoore was a mistake!" the woman bit back - stepping to the side, however, as she pulled each of her hands up to her head and dragging her fingers through her hair and over the tendrils that protruded from her crown. “I don't want to risk another one... not again. Never again do I want to see these streets stained with elven blood..."
Bey’ron turned fully to Shakiena, peering at her both appraisingly, and with concern. She was rather shook up by this development. He knew her reason for calling him here was urgent… but he had a feeling she wasn’t telling him everything. Intentionally, unintentionally… or because she had no choice… he couldn’t say for sure. Nonetheless, seeing her like this was a sobering reminder that trauma from the Purge wasn’t sin’dorei-exclusive.
"... If you see a need for my kin to vacate the city, lest things return to that route... don't keep it to yourself, Stillwater." he spoke, tone measured and stoic. "If such is the case, I can't see the Sunreavers or their operations being much cause for that. But if you see another reason that would be a reasonable risk in the near future..."
He trailed off, still peering steadily at Shakiena. She seemed to regain her composure… if only slightly.
"I want you to speak with whomever among the Sun Council still has ties to the Sunreavers.. find out what they can, how many, and if any have ties to Dalaran still..." the woman said, her vocals on the verge of cracking. "Don't... don't vacate anyone yet. Not until we know more."
Her eyes darted over Dalaran. Expression pensive, troubled… and yet somehow, resolute all the same.
“On my mother's name.. I will do everything I can to forewarn you should your people be in any danger…” she nodded, firmly. “Just.. speak of this to your people in whispers... keep it in your Council's chambers... risk no one, if it can be at all helped."
The Magister looked Shakiena over, face devoid of his usual haughty smirk - replaced instead by sobered worry. This was bigger than he presumed. The scope was still something of a mystery… but any concern large enough for Shakiena to invoke a promise on her mother’s name was more than noteworthy. He wouldn’t take it lightly.
"... I'll see to it." he put simply and short.
Shakiena breathed a shaky sigh of relief, and nodded gratefully.
"Thank you, Bey'ron... for meeting me." she said, before she turned her head over her shoulder to peer at the felhound..."Still.. could've done without the dog.. but I digress."
Bey’ron let out a dramaticized sigh, waving his hand in dismissive fashion.
"I only came because I had other business, here.” he smirked, clearly lying. “Don't think I'm at your beck and call, Stillwater."
He, too, glanced back to Kreezun. With a scoff, he shook his head.
"And I'll leave Kreezun behind when this city's a safer place for people like me. But given our conversation here... I don't presume that will be the case anytime soon."
"The Convocation of Silvermoon came to Dalaran almost exclusively because demons were rampaging through the streets due to unchecked magic.." Shakiena said, laughing, "...And considering how many demons were hiding in our midst in the war with the Legion? I'd be pretty hard pressed to assume they'll ever be safe, but alas..."
She returned her attention to the owner of said dog for a change.
"Mother wouldn't let it down if I didn't at least make an effort to do right by your family's name... I'm sure I could convince someone to make an exception."
“Hmph! It's not the demons in your Purple city I worry about...But alas, time will tell how much more or less safe this place becomes for an elf of my import and standing, hmm?" Bey’ron grinned. "Nonetheless, set aside your worries about what it is your mother would wish of you. In my experience with that woman, there was always something she'd see done better."
He chuckled lightly, in reminiscence. Their rivalry got heated at times - he came this close to having her killed, in fact! And yet, going toe-to-toe in a battle of wit and words with Shi'leyne constituted some of his fondest memories. Water under the bridge now, anyway.
“Or at least... differently.” he conceded. “But perhaps that was just due to her ceaseless need to criticize and oppose me."
Shakiena rolled her eyes, then turned as if about to leave-- stopping rather abruptly and placing her right hand on the guardrail as she was again presented with the felhound's hideous visage before her.
"I'll be sure to pass that particular criticism along... who knows? Maybe she'll be here next time instead of me..." the Archmage suggested, peering over her shoulder back at the Magister - the smirk only present in her vocals at the implied threat.
"Hmph.” Bey’ron half-laughed. “If I even suspect she might show up... I'll be bringing another escort along with me!”
The two shared a moment of light chuckling, as the conversation concluded. Concerning as it was, Shakiena’s warning was well-received. At a minimum, it reaffirmed not allegiance, but respect at least on the Archmage’s part, for the nation of her origin. Too few elves who had branched off for one reason or another retained such respect for the High Kingdom. It was refreshing to see Shakiena remained exceptional.
"Shorel'aran, Stillwater." Bey’ron smirked, bowing his head slightly.
He gestured once more, calling Kreezun back to his side. The demon snarled a bit as it passed the Archmage by, but kept clear of her path all the same.
"Shorel'aran, Everblaze. May the sun not scorch your gloomy fucking shadow in the morning." Shakiena returned, sidestepping the felhound as she slipped through a conjured portal nearby.
"You might be surprised, by the way…” she added, voice echoing in a disembodied fashion “How much she's changed.."
With that, she left… before Bey’ron could inquire what she meant by all that.
(( @syrielle & @thesuncouncil for mentions! ))
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the-wanted-man · 6 years
⌐ Worth Your Weight in Gold. ¬
Ch. 2 : Fool’s  x
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Audio || Complete story links here! ⌐ Bang! ¬ 
Despite accomplishing his champion deed, the environment begged he linger a while longer. Natural light and sand still filtered in from the ceiling and its many holes above forever leaving the impression of fading time and where beams of light did not penetrate, torch flame struggled to keep the shadows at bay. Even with lit braziers to keep the walls warm, a cold chill still swept through the chamber and carried with it a distant falcon’s cry and the rattle of a shaking sidewinder. 
From what Roman could tell, he’d unwittingly stumbled into the remains of an old burial site and barely could he make out the hints of a worn mural etched along the derelict cavern walls and its pillars that roughly told the tale of a great warrior who’d made their final stand there. Yet it wasn’t the story that intrigued him so much as the tomb that held this very warrior, and it existed there in plain view beneath the transcribed symbols. 
While the liveliness of the hearths would have suggested the upkeep of such sacred territory, the thick layers of dust collected over decades on the neglected tomb disagreed and provided the area with an almost mystic quality. That, and the glimmer of an offering long since left behind for the honored deceased. Against his better judgement, the wayward grave robber felt compelled to inspect the item, which looked more like jewelry survived from a bygone era. The item was flat and oval shaped, resting in a cavity indent center of the casket, surrounded by words of which he assumed to be an obituary, written in a dead language he had no hopes of understanding.
To this day, Roman could not tell you what compelled him or why, but he picked up the object and immediately brushed his thumb across it’s surface to brush away dust that sparkled like glitter when it fell. Carved from stone and petrified wood, the device had a comfortable weight when held in his palm and an aesthetic design that bordered rustic, what with it’s vintage gold star centered and flanked between the heads of an eagle and a snake and its edges lined with barbed wire etched. Too enthralled by the beautiful design, Roman failed to notice how the dust drifted with a purpose to a space in the shadows behind him, swirling into a vortex of sand and skittered static that ultimately formed into that of a tall figure. 
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“Back in th’saddle again...” 
Spooked, Roman turned suddenly with the assumption of the worst; that the thief had doubled back for his prize and had come back with friends somehow. Yet when he turned, there stood only a woman, tall and broad like a roegadyn and decked out in a desperado’s wardrobe. Wide brim leather hat and all. “Howdy miss....Y’lost?” he asked, dumbly holding his stolen prize with a look that said ‘I can explain’. Except he couldn’t. The thief was here as it turned out, and it was him. 
"... I think yer' the one lost.. partner."  The strange woman offered the outlaw a wink as she sauntered into the light, revealing a toothy grin when her features were lit. "I am one.. We are many.. Existed all throughout time, all throughout space.. on this star and the next.. my friend. We were the ones before.. and the ones after. Yer a little loss, chip'... But.. you came here at a callin'. Y'hear it.. don't ya?" She pointed to his lifted prize, and dropped her hand to the shooter at her hip. "Rise to the challenge.. or be buried.... Partner."
‘We’, sounded a lot like there were friends involved and from up above, Roman could just make out the echoing sounds of other unknown figures as they descended the cavern and shouted without clarity. It was natural instinct however, to note the woman’s pull for the hip and with a cant of the skull, the wayward cowpoke did the same with a frustrated growl of warning. "Now...why y'got t'go 'round, makin' threats?" Usually what was left was the draw, but the hellsguardian cowgirl didn’t do that. Just chuckled in a way that implied no harm as she instead eased a hand up to her wide brim and rather than draw her pistol, she tossed it up into the air and treated Roman to a sequence of events that could be best described as a bat shit INSANE fever dream.
Large hands came to the woman’s belt buckle, with one passing two fingers over its surface. The motion caused a device upon the stranger’s wrist to glow, revealing a star not unlike the one featured on Roman’s salvaged artifact that burst into a grandiose light show that otherwise blinded what visibility the Outlaw would have had. Bardlike magic created a cacophonous echo with the sounds of a magitek guitar solo that raged into oblivion. 
|| * Gold Star...Ranger....YEEEEHAAAAW!!! || ¬
                                                       ⌐ || *READY? THREE, TWO,ONE~?!?!?||? ||
"Henshin." Her hands rose from the buckle to clap twice at the side of her head, conjuring an array of colors that spun and danced in a flurried whirlwind around her body, leaving the gunslinger in a dazzling transformation. The rifle up like a color guard baton plummeted back down into the blinding gyre, presumably caught by woman at the center of the storm before she was brightly illuminated in a grand cascade of falling, gold dust. With incorporeal music still raging, a bird of prey’s call and a diamondback’s hiss can be heard as beaked helm of gilded light enclosed the strange woman’s head, leather brim and spurs traded in for gold armor.  
"...Reach for the sky..."
The full, unadapted RP Log can be found ⌐ here ¬, co-written by:
more next time in Might Morphin’ Eorzeans!
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finely-tuned-line · 1 year
Log 233
FTL: Progress has been made, now all I need to do is wait. I highly doubt that this'll work, though I do hold my hopes that it will. I do not have many other ideas, and I'd rather not ask for help from those who know about purposed organisms. Not from a matter of pride, but from a matter of wanting to figure this out on my own. Which I suppose could be interpreted as pride, but that is not the case.
FTL: I've released the lizard in the aforementioned barren area near me after attempting a few modifications to its instincts. More territorial, more driven to explore and expand its territory. I also modified it to be a more efficient herbivore than carnivore, though it does remain an omnivore. It does not lack any of the defences that it would have normally had, so it should be capable of defending itself from any other lizards or creatures that attack it.
FTL: My one uncertainty in regards as to the fashion in which I released it was that perhaps it was too young. It is likely that such a young lizard would be unable to properly survive, but it very well could. They're adaptable, and green lizards do not often raise their young, I believe. So it should be fine, it's not all that different from how it naturally is.
FTL: As I said, all I have left to do now is wait. See if it ends up travelling, finding poleplants, and returning with some. Considering lizards' tendencies to bring food back to their main territory, I'm sure this will occur.
FTL: It keeps hitting me how absurdly convoluted this plan it. If only I were capable of producing normal purposed organisms, this could all be so much easier-. That is irrelevant though. I am doing what I can with what I have, and this will not be all that important in the long run. If this succeeds, it'll ensure the potential for many, many experiments. And even this roundabout way of creating purposed organisms is, at the very least, something. Even if I'll be incapable of utilising the knowledge of such overcomplicated plans in everything but the most specific situations.
FTL: Perhaps I should, at some point, ask LIFEGIVER how proper purposed organisms are created. The knowledge will be useful, if irrelevant to my main task.
FTL: The waiting for this all to play out will be rather boring. I will be thinking of ideas for future experiments, perhaps putting some into action. I'll have to think about it.
FTL: Maybe with this time I now have, I have no excuse to not talk to Echoes of a Paradox. Maybe.
FTL: Either way, this'll be a long wait. Of course the only thing that works results in such a dreadfully boring end. I'll be using this time the best I can, though. Even if that is to stop avoiding conversations that I have indeed been avoiding. Hm. We'll see.
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lovelymysticmoon · 2 years
I've posted something new!! I hope you all enjoy it!
Tumblr media
Call me James by Shaebae
Fandoms: The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (TV), Venom (Marvel Movies)  
No Archive Warnings Apply
Complete Work
31 May 2022
No Archive Warnings Apply
WinterBaron - Relationship
James "Bucky" Barnes/Helmut Zemo
James "Bucky" Barnes
Helmut Zemo
Roleplay Logs
Anal Sex
Inspired by Roleplay/Roleplay Adaptation
Mental Instability
Bucky is unsure who he wants to be
Madripoor (Marvel)
Bucky confronts Zemo when Zemo slips out of the party in Madripoor. Bucky goes after him, only to discover that Zemo is infected with the Venom Symbiote.
An RP log that has been cleaned up for posting.
Language: English, Words: 13,443, Chapters: 1/1
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rpmemebank · 4 years
What does your followers think of you? - FFXIV Adapted
What do your followers think of you? (This meme has been adapted to fit the FFXIV RP fanbase & has been cleansed of negativity.)
BLACK = I would ship one of my characters with one of yours. GREEN = I think you make the cutest OC’s. BLUE = You are my go-to Dungeon person. PURPLE = We have not talked but I see you in game sometimes. TEAL = We have a lot in common. RAINBOW = I adore your spirit but please cease leveling at 4am and go to BED. SCARLET = You have inspired me to try new avenues in RP. MAROON = You taught me something new. CINNAMON = I always /dote on you when I run past in-game. PERIWINKLE = You make me laugh MAUVE = You are a great roleplayer. BLUSH = Seeing screenshots of your character on my dash makes my day a little better. THISTLE = Why didn’t we meet sooner??? INDIGO = We are both old-timers and I like that you are still here. FUCHSIA = Your blog content is gold VERMILION = Your roleplay inspires me. UMBER = I want to know more about you. Want to clear an expert together? RAZZMATAZZ = I eat your RP up like my favorite snack. WINE = Our characters need a drink because of your mastermind. SAFFRON = I love your headcanons. TIMBERWOLF = I would trust you in a fight without rolls.  FALLOW = I want to fly you to all of your aether currents. PLUM = I’d like to chat with you. Do you have a linkshell I can join? TANGERINE = I love your aesthetic SAGE = You make me cry, please stop hurting your characters. CRIMSON = We should collaborate on a plot!! VIRIDIAN = I wanna hang out with you in Ul’dah and look cool. CHARTREUSE = You make FFXIV feel like home to me. BURGUNDY = I get excited when I see you log in.
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natstolemysocks · 3 years
Before I go into my last week of work, I’d like to rant here about certain things I have seen in the FFXIV community that make me think twice about starting the game these days.
I understand some of you have come to the game very recently and have, perhaps, taken ideas with you from other MMOs you have frequented. But please, take the following into account.
1) Casual players exist. We probably put more money into the game than we have time to play it. This does not mean we are allowed to tell you ‘you didn’t pay our subs’, but it also does not mean you have to belittle us for being behind. I’ve had too many people ask me ‘why’ I haven’t done certain things yet, and apparently having limited time because of out of game responsibilities or issues is not a reason to not have done things or not doing things in game. I’m sorry if my way of life puzzles anyone, but please don’t be a jackass about things like this? I’d hope I am still allowed to enjoy the game the way I am able to enjoy it, just like you are allowed to enjoy it the way you enjoy it. Please don’t put your speedy standards onto me and other people that cannot afford that type of gameplay.
2) I’ve been accused of boosting for just having characters past lvl 70 on my main. I suppose it should not bother me, but the word boosting is usually used to say ‘you’re this high in level and ‘clearly’ don’t know how to play it, so you must’ve thrown real life money at it’. Listen, I’ve been here since 2014. I slowly level my classes and jobs myself. It’s not fast, but it’s how I do things, and to then hear I’ve boosted? These people have no idea how long I’ve worked on these. It bothers me, yeah, not going to lie. I had heard of other people getting accused of boosting before, and now I’m one of ‘m. Go figure. And usually it’s by people that haven’t even been playing the game all that long, as if they assume everyone has just started playing FFXIV in the last few months. Listen, darlings, I’m not going to be gratious about it, get your heads out of your own asses. FFXIV has existed for a long time now, some of us have even been with us since 1.0. Don’t go being a dick because that’s just how your head seems to work. People lvl in their own ways, in their own time. Yeah, sure, you might be higher level in a lot of things compared to certain players that have been living in this game a lot longer, but that doesn’t mean you have any authority to belittle them even a little bit.
3) Raiders, please stop telling new players it is ok to judge others that don’t meld materia. I’m sick of it. I’m not going to be in your little Raid squad, ok. Hells, I’m probably selling you my materia as we speak. Again, wtf. Get off your high-bird. If you see someone not having best in slot in your raid group and it bothers you... talk. You have a chat function, you can talk and explain, maybe even help them. But don’t tell others to go about cities and pull their nose up because someone is running around without any materia melded. Any time I log into the game, there’s some new gear meta. You think I’d put time into melding because of you? Please..
4) ... Since ShB I thought it was pretty clear that there could be multiple Warriors of Light. That it’s basically just a title for people with the Echo awakened, ‘chosen’ by Hydaelyn, that are willing to fight for what is right. I am aware there are groups within the RP community that still take the stance that you should not create a WoL OC, that it’s a bad premise for a character. There are even groups teaching this to young impressionable roleplayers. Now, I understood where they were coming from originally. There was no real lore allowing for multiple WoL at the time. Only the player character - and by extend the original player character party of 1.0- was given the title at the start. Even Ysayle was only called ‘a chosen’. However, I don’t see why people would have to hold back creating their own WoL after the reveal in ShB. Perhaps this is a difference in vision on the matter. Perhaps they mean they don’t want people creating their version of Azem. But even that... ... Listen, I get it. And yet... genuinly people that roleplay... are able to bend a knee a little. They might have their WoL, find people that want to play with them as Azem’s counterpart on the Source, they might even find people with their own WoL that want to roleplay with them. And. Make. It. Work. And if they want to play with you but you have this strict ‘no WoL’ rule, know what? They can adapt if they really want to, saying they are basically like Arenvald or any other of the Scions. That’s all very possible. But please... teaching someone about RP does not mean you should actively discourage people from RP’ing. A lot of us have worries about our characters. My first draft of Ayo’a was pretty bland because of a lot of RP rules I saw floating about online - I’m not going to sugarcoat it. You can’t do this, you can’t be that... In the end, the important thing is that you have fun, let’s agree on that. If your idea of fun is different than that of the person you are trying to teach or RP with... then you’re probably not a match for RP to begin with. I would rather see my friends happy with the OCs they’ve lovingly crafted but just so happen to be WoL, than that they feel forced to create OCs that aren’t what they wanted just to fit the narrative of only one part of the community.
Casual players are welcome Hardcore players are welcome Warriors of Light are welcome That said, NPC players are welcome too and please get off my arse
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crystalprincessxiv · 3 years
Knowledge Never Sleeps
(An adapted RP log between Ami and Galer'xian Corentiaux (Ultros) ⌂ Ultros. Vague Endwalker spoilers inside. Enjoy!)
It felt like ages since Ami had actually been back to her library, mainly because her brother and friends didn't want her to think a drop about work until they knew she could handle it. 
But, the library had always been a community meeting place of sorts and today was no exception. After finding a book to keep her occupied until Gale arrived, she snuggled up into one of the red chairs closest to the door and waited patiently…
Gale cracked open the doors to the library, a box at hand emitting an aroma of a Shepherd's Pie. He didn't have to look far to see who he wanted to meet in the first place.
"Ah, Lady Ami. Thank you for making the time to meet."
Ami sets the book aside in her chair and stands up. If nothing else, she'd reshelf the book later. "Ah, Gale, nice to see you." She smiles, glancing curiously over the box. "You should really thank my brother. He's the one who organized this all. I'm just honoring his favor."
He nods and bows his head politely. Motioning to the stairs with the box, he continues.
"Shall we head down first to open this? I have plates and utensils, too."
Ami nods, starting to head to the stairway to the cafe. "I can make some tea or coffee to go with it, if you'd like."
He thinks for a moment. "I think tea will pair better."
Gale then leads the way downstairs to the cafe, setting the box down and revealing the Shepherd's Pie he had baked earlier for the occasion. 
Ami follows him downstairs, her eyes lighting up at the reveal of the Shepherd's Pie. "Ooh, that looks good..." She shakes her head. "Do you have a preference on tea? Chamomile? Ishgardian?"
"Chamomile, please." He begins cutting slices for the two of them and setting them in front of the two.
"A good choice," she says as she shuffles over into the kitchen and begins levitating the ingredients out of the cabinet and filling a kettle up to warm on the stove. Once the water heats up, she pours it into two cups and lets the chamomile steep for a moment before adding in the honey. 
At last, she levitates the items back into storage or the sink before she takes the cups and sits them down at the table in front of the plates, taking a seat herself. "So, Gale, what have you been up to as of late?"
He takes a moment to ponder as he chews his portion of the pie. "A personal trip to Sharlayan, then a deployment to the Eorzean Alliance in freeing Garlemald. And you?"
Ami takes a bite of her own before responding. "Oh, um... I went to Radz-at-Han for a while to help out a friend who lives there with Alex, Hikaru, and Rosey. We got to adventure all over Thavnair, it was pretty fun despite how dangerous it was."
"...I heard the first sightings were there. But I see you're still hale and whole, so I take it the four of ye made out safely?"
Ami nods. "We did, though I... I will admit, I got a little scared myself there for a moment. The sky being on fire like that... it reminded me a lot of home and its Final Days. Alex found me in time to calm me down." Ami shakes her head and smiles reassuringly. "But unlike those days, the world's still here and the four of us came out unscathed."
Gale nods, taking another bite. After a few minutes of silent eating, he breaks the ice with the reason he stopped by. "So were you there for your father's final moments?"
Ami raises her shoulders in defense, uncomfortable at the sudden question. But she obliges, hoping he has a point to it. "...Yes. When I went up to visit him in Aleport one day, I watched someone kill him in front of me."
His face hardens up from the response. "Like mine..."
Her tension drops all of a sudden. Ah, this what he was getting to. "...So you've experienced this all before too, huh." 
"I have. I'm... no stranger when it comes to losing family like this."
Ami takes a sip of her tea. "...Would you mind telling me about it? It's alright if you don't, I completely understand."
He reassures the princess otherwise. "It's alright. It was after my 16th nameday, one night right outside the gates of Ul'dah. Group of bandits tried to rob us, but one of them had murder in mind and tried to skewer myself and my baby sis. Dad took the blow for us."
He hesitates now, unsure if he should continue the memory.
"I see. I-In my case, though, I think someone did in spite of me." She bites her lip. "...But that doesn't matter right now, I suppose." 
A reassuring smile appears on him, gently prodding him to continue, though entirely understanding if he needed to stop right there. She imagined that kind of pain didn't entirely go away with time.
"In the end, we've both seen our fathers' final moments. Did... he pass away quickly?"
Ami lowers her eyes to the table. "...I-I believe so. After he was stabbed and the killer ran away, I rushed over to him, but the wound was too fatal to heal." Her smile quivers. "I-I still think the linkshell might've activated on its own that day on purpose."
More silence echoes the cafe before he responds. "Can you tell me what he was like as a king? He was a king, right?"
Ami looks back up at him. "Yes, he was the current king of Eolarea. Hm, how to explain it... he's one of those noble kings you'd always see in storybooks, but in real life. Very kind and wise, always looking at the plight of the lower classes and smaller kingdoms instead of always listening to the nobles. It was royal tradition, but he had a council he listened to with representatives from within the castle, all over the kingdom, and from a few other allied countries as well." 
Her smile stops shaking, becoming genuine. "He never really wanted to leave Eolarea, of course, but it was either that or die along with the rest of the world. So, silently, we all promised ourselves that we'd keep Eolarea's history alive."
Gale smiles brightly in response, listening to every word she regaled. "Sounds like a king I would've been proud to serve as a knight. ...not that I'm actually one."
With the last of his slice finished, he takes another one as he sips his tea. "I'm glad he chose to protect the ones he could. Don't know where I would be in life without your help here in the library, for starters."
"Well, I think it's the thought that counts. I may not be a princess officially anymore, but I still uphold the ideals of one. In my book, if you uphold the ideals of a knight, you could be considered a knight." Ami shrugs, grinning nervously. "Keyword 'in my book,' of course. Just a personal opinion."
Ami hums. "Well... it was my magic teacher, Eugene, who was the one who actually helped us escape by opening a portal through the rift. But I guess if Father hadn't been with me during our escape, who knows what might've happened to me... and ultimately, the future of the library." A pause. "There's a lot of key pieces in the building of this library, none of which I'd want to change, of course."
"Very well... Princess Ami." A tinge of pink sprinkles on his cheeks after addressing her as such.
"Ever since that linkpearl conversation with your magic teacher, I've been fighting the urge to suddenly address you as such. Would it be alright if I started from here on out?"
Ami giggles at him, watching his reaction to calling her 'princess'. "Of course, do as you'd wish. I don't mind it, really, and it isn't a secret by any means." She buried the thought of wondering if this could've all been avoided if she had kept her history a secret. "What did you all talk with Eugene about, anyways?"
"Mostly about the shard you and yours fled from and the reasons why." Finishing his tea, he sets down the empty cup on the table.
"Feelin' any better now?"
"Ah, I see. Fair enough." Ami nods, taking a sip of her tea again. "Yes, for the most part, thanks to all of you."
He grins brightly now at Ami. "I've always found it easier to recall the happier memories when coping with the loss."
She nods. "That I can understand," she grins, "And I've certainly got a week's worth of happy memories to remember."
"Ah, you can have the rest of the pie."
"Oh, um... if you're certain, then." Ami smiles. "I'll take it home and share some with Alex."
"It's from me to you, after all. I thought a home-cooked meal would help in cheering you up. It's also a bit of a family recipe, one of many my mom adapted to using thanalan ingredients for gridanian recipes."
"It certainly helps, I do admit. I don't think me nor Alex have really wanted to do much after Father died, so homemade meals have really made things easier on us." She hums. "...Huh. So did she just substitute things...? That's pretty neat." 
Ami glances out the window. "...Was there anything else you wanted to talk about? I should be heading home before long." 
He gets up, shaking his head. "Nope, I've said my part. I won't keep you long."
Ami hesitates for a moment, but knows she shouldn't keep him waiting, either. She raises from her seat, levitating the two empty cups of tea into the sink to be cleaned later, and closes the box, picking it up afterwards. "...Very well. I'll head home then, if that's alright with you. Safe travels home, Gale. And please, let me know if there's anything I can do for you. Outside of helping you find books, I mean."
One more smile at her direction. "Of course... Princess Ami."
He now makes his way up the stairs and out the door.
Ami smiles to herself at the notion as she heads back upstairs and heads home herself.
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