#RIP my protective layers🙏🙏
i am 19 years old and have never and will never understand the desire to have soft feet
like?? thats ur protection. soft feet means ur weak lil bitch (/j) and asphault will murder you
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omnivorousshipper · 2 months
I'm a new and very late Shobbs shipper and I just wanted to thank you for all the amazing fics you wrote for this fandom. I'm still taking my time reading all the fics, but I'm loving them so much ~ Alpha Hobbs x Omega Shaw (also mpreg) is my fave thing and you fed me so well 🙏🥰
Hello!! It's never too late to enjoy a ship! Especially one that I still love and writing for. I hope you continue finding fics you love!
And yasss! I can never get enough Alpha x Omega Shobbs! (And mpreg lol!)
The world swam as Deckard blinked away the nausea that threatened to take over him. Swallowing thickly, he forced himself to take deep breathes through his nose.
Easier said than done.
Slowly, Deckard tried to rotate his wrists but the thick layers of duct tape kept them pinned to the arms of the chair. The same sticky substance kept his legs tied to the chair legs and his mouth gagged. A band of duct tape was also wrapped around his chest, squeezing his ribs and restricting his breathing as well.
Over all, the position left his round belly exposed.
He couldn't reach down and wrap his arms around it. Nor could he curl his body around it. The need to protect his unborn child was screaming inside him and there was no way for him to act upon it.
A constant growl persisted against the tape as a last measure against his captors.
Much to their amusement.
"Man, Hobbs sure picked himself a cute omega, huh?"
The leader of the gang sneer at him, twisting hid already hideous features. He was wiry, with mismatched proportions that made his gait unsteady as he strode up to Deckard. As the man's veiny hand reached out, Deckard's eyes widened.
He wouldn't dare-!
A gentle caress ghosted against Deckard's stomach and he jerked violently. He tugged on his wrists uselessly, only to the man's credit.
"Aw, do you want your alpha, little omega?" The man crooned and gave a sickly sweet smile. Deckard continued to try and pull his body away from him, but to no avail. "I bet Hobbs treats you so nicely. He even knocked you up with a pup! An omega's dream."
All around them, the man's goons snickered.
Glaring straight into the man's eyes, Deckard silently vowed to kill the man as slowly as possible. If he wasn't seven months pregnant, he would've already been out of his bonds and torturing the man feeling up his belly.
So focused on staring into the man's eyes and trying to telepathically describe the ways Deckard wanted to kill him, Deckard didn't notice when the man's hand moved to cup his cheek.
Twitching harshly, Deckard moved his head away but the hand quickly grabbed his face. Thin fingers squeezed his cheeks with such force, Deckard swore he was receiving instant bruises.
"I wonder what an alpha like Hobbs would do if he found out his little omega smelled like another alpha," the man wondered aloud. Deckard wanted to bare his teeth. "Let's find out."
The man's rotting breath filled Deckard's nostrils and he nearly lost the battle against his nausea. The malicious spark of glee in the man's eye gleamed and the sound of his goons' amusement was suffocating.
Fear clawed up Deckard's throat as he desperately wished to be out of this situation.
He would never allow another person to touch him! He would never betray Luke like that!
Luke was his partner, his mate, the father of his child.
Deckard loved him too much to allow his captor to live after this.
Keeping the man's unrelenting gaze, Deckard continued to rotate his wrists and felt the tape loosening.
Luke could barely keep from physically and verbally ripping out his comrades' throats so much if they looked at him.
His alpha side was howling and scratching at him to draw blood. How dare someone take his mate!
It had taken a few years of rigorous courting to convince Deckard he had been genuine, but when the omega had finally smiled at him and offered his neck for a bonding bite, Luke knew he had found the one.
Deckard was the perfect partner for him. Not only did he challenge Luke, but he was able to read him through and through. Nobody else had been able to keep up with Luke in almost all areas of his life. On the field, at home, or dealing with problems from the mundane to the insane.
When Luke had first met Deckard, he hadn't wanted to hurt the omega. Until Deckard had beat his ass and thrown him out a window.
Luke should have realized that's the moment he literally fell for the omega.
But now, his mate was in trouble. His alpha was berating him for leaving his pregnant mate without protection, and couldn't help but agree. He should've been there for his mate. Then maybe a crazed criminal with a vendetta against Luke wouldn't have kidnapped Deckard.
Pressing his foot even harder against the gas pedal, Luke felt his muscles tightening with adrenaline. He needed to get to Deckard. Now.
Behind him was his backup, struggling to match his truck's pace. But Luke didn't care about them at all. He would kill the bastard that thought he could mess with Luke and his mate.
After what felt like an eternity, they finally arrived at the abandoned building they had tracked the kidnappers to. As Luke opened the door, he could hear screaming.
"Fuck! Deckard!" Luke shouted, fearing the worst.
At a full sprint, Luke slammed into the decapitated front door and splintered the door into pieces. Holding up his gun, Luke felt his heart in his throat as he surveyed the room.
Only to find several bodies lying across the floor and Deckard brutally snapping another finger of the man that had kidnapped him. Pure rage shown in Deckard's eyes as he snarled and spit at the bleeding and broken man underneath him.
"Filth like you have no right to touch me!" Deckard's words were a raw growl. "I swear to you, I will make you regret even laying eyes on me!"
With those words, a knife was plunged into the man's thigh, a high pitch scream followed it. Deckard didn't hesitate to twist the knife violently in the meat of the man's leg.
Luke could see other stab wounds already on the man. None life threatening if treated right away, but if not, he would bleed to death.
"Only my alpha is allowed to touch me!" Deckard hissed and pulled the knife out.
Before he could bring the knife down again, Luke leaped forward and wrapped his arms around Deckard.
"Easy, Deck, easy," Luke whispered into the omega's ear. At first, Deckard's body was stiff and ready to attack, but it quickly relaxed as Deckard took in his scent.
Next to the whimpering, dying man, the mates embraced each other.
Luke felt as if he was home. Deckard's body slotted against his perfectly, his belly cradled between their bodies protectively. Deckard shoved his nose against Luke's neck and breathed deeply, drinking up his scent. Luke did the same, nosing against Deckard's mating scar.
As Luke scented Deckard, he could smell traces of another alpha. The one Deckard had been torturing.
"He put his hands on me." The words weren't begging for forgiveness from Luke for allowing another to touch him. No, Deckard was beyond furious that someone had dared to think they had any right to put their disgusting hands on him and his child.
"You showed him, Deck. Let's go home," Luke soothed him.
"Not until he's dead!" Deckard snapped.
Now, Luke wasn't sure if that was the hormones talking, or Deckard's unrelenting need for revenge. Maybe both.
"This isn't healthy for the baby," Luke told him firmly. With those words, Deckard immediately deflated. "Killing several people is too much strain on your body, Deck."
"They were going to hurt my baby!"
"I know," Luke sighed. "I'm glad you're both safe. Let's get you home so you can rest."
Gently holding his arms, Luke helped Deckard to his feet. The omega purred as his arms wrapped around him. Smiling down at him, Luke began to lead him out.
But not without a swift kick to the asshole still bleeding out at their feet.
I hope you enjoyed, friend!
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mtnkat3 · 2 years
Thank You Jesus.
"Jesus take the Wheel"
"Broken Wing"
"God's Will"
"Concrete Angel"
"Wild Hearts Can't be Broken"
"Every Storm runs out of Rain"
"I'm Still Here"
"The C.H.A.M.P.I.O.N."
"You Say"
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Oh God... help me please...
I think I need an angel team right now...
But I know only in Your Will & Plans Lord will I heal from all of the trials & lessons of my life. Your time, not my own. That though I have stumbled off the cliff, with You Lord my soul has not died. Though I lay at the bottom of that very deep crevice where only You can save me. You are indeed saving me, mending all my billions of shattered pieces back together. As only You can. Mending me into the woman You Created me to be, not the sad shattered shell of a soul I slipped into. Only You know the truth of all things. That You gave me my dreams, goals, & Alll I have seen to me... for reasons that I am not grown into knowing yet. That I am learning, that I do see, but You have locked the veil for these last big lessons of rescuing myself. Because You do not want me distracted. These must happen, otherwise I am not right nor where I need be for the Blessings upon my life You wish to bestow. In this I must be the turtle & the owl. That Tijgeress sits in my hidden waterfall glen knowing & calmed. With all the many parts & layers of me I am finding my center again. My reasons for being. I wasn't far wrong, but timing... place... circumstances... I was pulled too far afield though by the adversary tricks, making me see only the parts of the whole it wished me to see. In this, I made egregiously... uncomfortable decisions.. errors.. I did things I'd never consider myself able to be doing! That. That was my long black train...🎶 So in this... go back to being my patient self. Go back to working quietly upon myself. But knowing, I desperately need counseling to fix these problems. Because I will never do such again. This I vow to You Lord. You will show me the righteous woman path. And bring me together with the mate.s of my soul. But it will not be me ...person hopping. It will be You bringing my life & that persons life into sync. Meshing them such that there's never a doubt. Please heal my mistakes... errors... with other people Lord that they know I sincerely respect them, & apologize for my errors. That the very thought of causing any... harm... it rips thru my soul like a jagged rusted dagger! I'd never ... I am the protective sort, with my last breath!.... I have learned. Now I must reconcile my soul's anguish & lessons & grow from them.
Thank You Jesus.
For every trial & life lesson.
Please, Teach me, Mold me, Guide me.
In Thy Will. Not my own.
Your humbled, shattered, bent, bowed to break, trembling, fallible daughter.
~Tijgeress kat Phoenix.
M.8.22.2022 1.34pm
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moonlight-prose · 3 years
Hey would you mind doing something for Dave York with the prompt “you were always more than just a one night” from prompt list 1. Please and thank you 🙏 😊
𝐀/𝐍: Hello darling!! I'm so sorry for this being so late. It sat in my wips for a while and I hope you like what I came up with!
𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐎𝐧𝐞
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: He finally reveals the truth after so long.
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1k
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Dave York x Reader
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Angst, minor amount of cussing.
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It was always more. The give and take between you and him. The altruistic motives that lead you to a crashing end; that turned your world into this. A mess of emotions that even you couldn’t find your way out of. But then he was there. Standing outside and holding that stupid box that you had gifted to him months before. A symbol of the relationship, is what you so stupidly called it.
And yet...you couldn’t stop the urge to meet him out there in the cover of night. Couldn’t stop how your heart twisted violently in your chest at the memory of him and you. Friends. It’s what he wanted and nothing else. Simply two people who were in close proximity to one another day in and day out. After all, how was supposed to fall in love again after just recently getting divorced.
You accepted it as just that and nothing more, but then that night happened. A time you’d rather forget, except it still hung around in the very crevices of your mind. Because how could you simply let go of the memories that haunted you. How he felt, encompassing you in his heat. The sounds he made, combing with yours until you couldn’t see past him. See past the euphoria that flooded your veins for what felt like hours.
Shutting the door, you reminded yourself to stand with reverence. To keep your gaze on anything but him, because you couldn’t handle another second of heartbreak. Couldn’t deal with the pain that came afterwards. But you made that single mistake of gazing at him, of seeing the dark lines under his eyes as he clutched onto that box like it was his lifeline. Or some version of it. He’d argue that you were his lifeline in the end of it all. The one thing he clung to in order to feel a semblance of himself.
“What do you want?” you asked, trying to focus on what he said to make you feel this small. To feel as if he’d ripped out your heart.
“I came to apologize.”
You scoffed. “It’s a little late for that, don't you think.”
“I know what I said was shitty. I didn’t mean any of it.”
Didn’t mean any of it.
Even you knew that was far from the actual truth. He had meant it. Spoken each word with a seriousness you’d never seen him have before. He said it so easily. As if he was doing nothing but reading off orders for you to carry out. No pain in his eyes; nothing but a cold emptiness that he only used to regard people he loathed with.
“Don’t lie to me.”
“I’m not lying!” he shouted.
“Yes you are!” Digging your nails into your palms, you forced yourself to gain some composure. “You were perfectly clear the night you asked me to leave Dave. Don’t pretend you didn’t mean those words.”
Get out of there. Your brain was screaming at you to leave, to get back in your house and lock the door, but you couldn’t move. Because deep down, beneath the layers of hate, of pain, you still cared for the man. And that was your fatal flaw in all of this. You had fallen in love.
“You were always more than just a one night stand.” He whispered the words, his tone bordering on desperate, and that’s when you realized how much your heart would still belong to him. How it would always belong to him.
“You don’t have to do this. Make me feel better. I’m fine.” A fucking lie and even he could tell. Because in actuality you weren’t fine. You were breaking, on the verge of shattering, and even he could see it. Could look past the armor you were insistent on wearing; to what? To protect yourself?
He stuck the box in your direction, a soft open it, falling past his lips. His eyes never left yours, because he needed to see your reaction. Needed to see the moment you realized everything you believed to be a lie was in fact the truth. You unlatched it, slowly opening it; wary of something being inside that wasn’t supposed to be there. Only to nearly drop it onto the sidewalk.
“I said those words to protect myself.” He watched your eyes fly back to his face, the disbelief clear in your eyes. “Because I didn’t know how to handle being around the person I love.”
“This is a ring Dave.”
“Yes. It is.”
Nestled within the confines of the box, lay a small diamond atop a black cushion. A small piece of jewelry that signified how he truly felt. How he’d always feel, and you began to understand why he wanted to fight against the attraction. Why he wanted to ignore the way the affection between the two of you was so prominent. It had always been there, underneath the surface but just out of reach, and now it stared you in the face.
You took it out carefully, clutching the box to your chest. “What does this mean?”
“It means I want to marry you.” He smiled, taking it from your fingers gently. “If you’ll still have me.”
The memories of that night flooded your mind once more. The way he held you, as if you would break if he gripped you too hard. How he kissed you as if he had dreamed of doing it for years. Just as you had. And through it all. Through the passion, you saw the glaring truth.
“You love me…” you breathed out.
He nodded. “I always have.”
Your answer was said so quietly you weren’t sure he heard you, but to him it sounded like you screamed it from the top of your lungs. A soft yes that sent his heart into overdrive, because he’d finally done it. Accepted the love he realized was always in front of him; just as you had.
𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐬:
@pamguini @blondekel77 @the-purity-pen @princess-and-pedro @phoenixhalliwell @mxsamwilson @justanotherblonde23 @autumnleaves1991-blog @greeneyedblondie44 @amelia-song-pond @ladylothlorien @littlebopper96
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