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Upcoming Series: Flavor Of Us
The Return of :
[Nickname: BEN]
[Nickname: DOME]
[Nickname: PEIPEI]
[Nickname: RANG]
[Nickname: MARWIN]
[Nickname: KONG]
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bl-bam-beyond · 5 months
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Trailer/Teaser Highlights
Premiere: Not Yet Available
Platform: Not Yet Available
MDL SYNOPSIS: Meekhun is a famous food critic. Faced with an enormous debt his mother has amassed, he has no idea how he can possibly fix it. It's hard to see if it's a blessing or a curse when he suddenly finds himself the sole inheritor of his grandfather's restaurant. The restaurant is located on a small island quickly becoming a tourist spot. If he were to sell it, the money would be more than enough to pay off what his mother owes.
Nothing is ever so easy, however. There's a caveat. Meekhun will only be permitted to sell the restaurant and the land it sits on when he runs the business for 1 year.
Meekhun's biggest headache, however, is the restaurant's chef his grandfather specified in his will.
This brings BEN and DOME (not as a couple) back together since their roles on 2 MOONS 2 as they both have support roles and each has a boyfriend in this restaurant business.
Enemies to Lovers. A Returned Lover? And more.
No release date but expected this year 2024
@absolutebl @wanderlust-in-my-soul @kingofthereblog-boysloveed
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grumpyhedgehogs · 5 years
Draw String
Summary: Vanya always wanted to be a hero.
Notes: A little idea that's been kicking around in my head for a few days. Warnings for suicide, blood, violence.
Part 2 Here.
The concert is horrifying. Somewhere under the glow and the white eyes and the stillness of her face, Vanya is screaming.
Her suit turns white and her skin burns where the cloth touches her. Her glow gets brighter, brighter, her notes coming faster, and Vanya isn’t in control of her hands. She’s never been so connected to the music and yet so adrift before. It’s like there’s someone else steering her body.
The violin turns white.
The power courses through her veins and no matter what she tries Vanya cannot escape it. She can feel it throbbing in her temples, surging to her fingertips, threading its way through her music.
All she ever wanted- attention, powers, her music- it tastes like ash in her mouth.
She can feel them coming, knows they are here in that way she always had. Their presences are pushing at the edges of her mind; they should have been warm, comforting, familial. But all they ever were was cold and judgmental and suffocating. The power inside snarls at her family and Vanya wants to cry.
She always knows when they are near; they’ve never realized when she was gone. They probably don’t understand even now, how far gone she really is. Vanya doesn’t know who it is that’s making this music, but it’s not her. It’s the white violin, guiding her hands, it’s her child self screaming for vengeance, it’s Leonard’s insidious voice twisting her lips into a smirk.
Now everyone can see her but it’s not her and Vanya wishes she’d never set foot in this concert hall.
All eyes on me- let the show begin.
Her light is blinding now, the music coming faster and faster The notes sweep her consciousness away and Vanya falls into their roiling depths, drowning. Her vision tunnels, her hearing is muffled as if by cotton in her ears. Vanya is- Vanya is falling deep, deep down inside a well which opened in her chest. She can’t see the bottom. The melody flows around her, fills her mouth when she tries to scream, flooding her lungs, smothers her gasps for help.
And the white violin plays on.
And oh, she tries, she tries- she grasps for anything, anyone who will help her drag herself back. She thinks of Five and his return, of Klaus and his fearful, dilated eyes, of Ben, sweet Ben gone forever, of Diego and his little smirk of pride when he hit a bullseye for the first time when they were six, of Luther who only ever wanted to save the world even at the expense of those he was supposed to protect.  She thinks of Allison, Allison, Allison who is staring at her with something too much like pride. Vanya screams for her sister and her music muffles it.
In another life, Vanya pulls herself together enough to complete the herculean task of dropping her bow from numb fingers. In another life, she smashes her own violin at her feet and the impact shatters the weapon into so many wooden splinters. In another life, the powers, the glow, the voice of her younger self, fade to the back of Vanya’s mind, and she collapses, grief-stricken but triumphant, into Allison’s arms.
Except this isn’t any other life. And Vanya does not do any of that.
She watches, as helpless and silent as she made her own sister, as her brothers prepare for an attack Vanya knows will be futile. She tries to call out and warn them, but she can’t push the words passed twitching lips which aren’t her own.
You’re nothing. You are worthless.
Maybe she is. She’d wished for powers, for her time in the spotlight, for the recognition of her family all her life, and now she has it Vanya can’t even get it right.
Fear clouds her thoughts and if this body were still hers her throat would constrict, her eyes would water, her muscles would lock. But the body’s arms are loose and limber, the knees bend and sway, the hair lifts in an unnatural breeze. Somewhere inside, Vanya is locked away just like Sir Reginald always wanted.
Vanya is going to watch a stranger with her own face kill her family and smile all the while.
I always wanted to be a hero.
People with powers save other people. Leonard had told her something like that once- before she knew he was Harold, before she knew he was vile. She wishes her skin would crawl at just the thought of him, but the body is calm and serene and no goosepimples rise.
But Leonard- Harold, Harold Jenkins, he’s a murderer and you killed him, what have you done? - was right about heroes.
They don’t hurt people. They save them.
But at what cost, she’d asked him then. She’d thought she’d understood then, what it cost to save the world, to be special.
Now she knew.
The well inside is deep and dark and Vanya just wants to rest. It would be so easy to curl up in this cold darkness and let the white violin play her song to say goodbye. It would be so easy to spread her hands. You guys were the heroes back in the day- you figure it out.
If they want to kill her, then by all means, kill her. Vanya honestly could not give less of a shit anymore. Literally- the violin stole that ability from her almost as soon as she collected it from the cold, dead clutches of Sir Reginald and Harold Jenkins alike. The violin covered her eyes with milky white and used her own young voice to spin the wool to yank over her head and the violin pushed her deep, deep down into this well of darkness and the violin muffled all the rest of the world until all that was left was the music.
Now she doesn’t even have that. But heroes save people. And no one has ever saved her brothers and sister, even when they so desperately, obviously need it.
If there was anything Vanya’d always wanted more than to be special, it was the ability to save her family.
So Vanya catches the tune inside of her, pulls the glow down, shrouds herself in the darkness instead of letting it suffocate her. She threads the melody through her fingers and claws her way out of the deep.
The violin shudders, tries to force her back. It would be so easy to let go of the music, let the violin twist her out of shape, stuff her down in a cage somewhere no one else could ever find her. It might even be peaceful there.
But Allison is looking at her, her brothers are looking at her, and Vanya can see them.
Vanya can save them. It would cost so very little.
Vanya looks at her sister’s wide, terrified eyes and smiles.
Tell me you’re not threatened now.
She can fix this. She knows she can fix this.
She can be the hero her family needs her to be. Just this once.
Vanya smiles at her sister, raises her bow to her own throat, and draws a crisp G sharp across her jugular.
The white violin parts from her unfeeling hands and Vanya has never been happier as she falls to the stage.
Things get hazy for a while; all she can feel is the warmth and wet at the base of her neck, cascading down her front. The floor beneath her vibrates, as if thousands of feet are stampeding by her, but the wind dies down and the light from her skin must be dimming because that overwhelming, cloying darkness is back. It’s almost enough to let her breathe easy again.
She’s lying in a pool of the same sticky, fast-cooling liquid when she opens her eyes again. Through the beautiful, domed glass ceiling of the concert hall Vanya can see the full moon. It shines just a brightly as she did, up there all alone.
Things are moving at the edges of her vision, but that moon, that ethereal, intact, glorious moon, it stares right into her, down that well Vanya was trapped in. It sees her. It sees her.
Vanya clings to the moon and lets it buoy her on an ocean of her own blood.
Then the moon’s symphony in her mind is interrupted by curls and concern and tears and oh . That’s Allison. That’s her sister.
“Va- no, oh God- don’t mov-”
“Christ! Keep her on her ba- nee- -op the blood flow-”
She wonders if the blood has reached her ear now, pouring in so she can’t hear. The moon winks at her, and her heart settles.
I did it, she wants to tell the soft brown eyes which appear above her. They block out the moon, but that’s alright because Vanya will be there soon. It will all be alright.
The stage is empty; she doesn’t have to see to know. Everyone is safe from her.
“Vanya- stay wi-”
“Oh- oh- she’s losing too mu-”
“ Move! I ca - ee- how bad it i-”
I did it , she says to Allison, and grins. Something warm dribbles from her lips to her chin. It’s probably ruining the pristine white of her suit. I saved you.
In another life, she is again collapsed into her sister’s arms, sobbing apologies and wondering if they will kill her still. In another life, Allison is hugging her, Klaus is cooing, Five is sniping at men in combat gear and gas masks, Ben is glowing and blue and here . In another life, Luther throws a woman in a suit across the stage and Diego knives a man in the back before he can even touch Vanya. In another life, silence falls and she is crying in her sister’s arms and the apocalypse doesn’t happen. In another life they end up in the parking lot of a burned out Griddy’s, clutching a thermos of stale coffee Diego digs out from underneath a car seat. In another life, Vanya falls asleep against someone’s shoulder, with someone else’s hand in hers and someone else’s fingers carding through her hair and more than one someone else singing along (badly) to the radio at two in the morning.
“Please, please-”
“Not you too, Vanya, please, not after Ben-”
(In yet another life, it is too late, and her brother wreaths them all in blue, crackling energy so they can narrowly avoid chunks of moon crashing into the concert hall.)
But in this life, something wet hits her forehead, her cheek, and Vanya opens her mouth to tell her sister to stop crying only there’s someone making this awful gurgling noise somewhere very far away that’s very distracting.
“Stay, stay, I’m sorry just stay- ”
Someone is holding her hand; she can’t actually feel it, per se, but she can flick her eyes down far enough to make out bitten nails and tattoos.
I won’t haunt you, she promises Klaus, but he won’t stop cradling her hand to his heaving chest.
There’s a face beside Allison’s now; wrinkled brow, pursed lips, a nick in the eyebrow. Diego has had his gloved palms pressed to her throat for a while now, probably. Vanya can’t tell- how long has it been? Minutes? Hours?
“I’ve got you. I’ve got you. Don’t give up on us now, you hear me?”
It doesn’t matter, Vanya tells him. It’s okay. I saved you.
Her brother’s face crumples but his hands don’t fall away. She wishes he wasn’t so stubborn.
Now everything is blurry, and not just at the edges. She can’t quite make out the moon behind Allison, can’t see the pupils of her sister or brother’s eyes. Another face joins on the other side of the blonde-red-brown- blob which used to be her sister, and only the navy and red of their familiar uniform tells Vanya it is Five.
It’s over, Five. You’re safe. You’re safe from me.
I’m the hero now Luther. I did what it took to save the world- aren’t you proud of me?
The light is so weak now; maybe the stage lights have been shut off? She doesn’t know. It doesn’t matter. What matters is that her family is safe. They’re safe. She saved them.
The darkness is closing in again, but it doesn't drag her down like an anchor underwater this time. It’s a blanket, warm and comforting against the tacky, wet substance covering Vanya’s face and hands and arms and torso. It’s nice. Soothing, even. She is so very tired.
She’s done it- she’s saved the world. It wouldn’t be so bad, now, if she rested, would it?
Vanya closes her eyes against her sister’s beloved, unseen face, and smiles as she slips into sleep.
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lajulie24 · 6 years
This is part 4 of the Bespin/ESB AU I seem to be writing now (???). Han and Leia have escaped Bespin before Breakfast with Vader, managed to jump to a moon in the Monsua Nebula without Imperial detection, and are now beginning to face the tough “what now” decisions together. Meanwhile, Luke is still worried about them... You can read the earlier segments of this here: (Part 1 - I know) (Part 2 - Jump) (Part 3 - Visions of the future)
Han did not want to be fighting with Leia again. Especially on what they’d agreed would be their last day on the moon in the Monsua Nebula.
To be fair, they weren’t fighting, exactly, not the way they had before. Nobody was denying feelings; nobody was calling each other names; nobody was putting up a false front to avoid the pain of leaving, or being left. Their secrets had been laid bare; their love for each other was clear.
They even agreed on most of the facts of their situation. There was just one critical point that had them at odds.
“Fuck, no,” Han said. “You’re not comin’ to Jabba’s. No.”
Leia’s eyes narrowed. “Since when do you get to decide? You’re going to need backup if you’re getting out of there alive.” She folded her arms. “And you’re getting out of there alive.”
Was it weird that he loved her more when she was this stubborn? But half the point of him going to pay off Jabba was to keep Han from endangering Leia more than he already had. There were no guarantees as to whether he’d make it off Tatooine with his life this time; it was bad enough already that Chewie insisted on being dragged into this.
Han breathed in deeply, then lowered his voice. “Leia.”
Her posture was still closed off, the way it had always been when they’d fought before, but her eyes were different. The unreadable sheen they’d had before, especially in the last days of Hoth—I don’t care, I don’t care, they’d insisted to him in the frozen hallways, in the medbay—was gone. And he recognized that warmth and fire they held now. He’d seen this look countless times running missions with her: come the nine hells, Leia Organa was going to get what she’d come for. Only now, he was her mission objective.
Damn it. This is why running away had been so much easier in the past. It didn’t feel better, exactly, but it made the decision for you. And if the being you’d left hated you for it, so what? You’d earned it.
“Sweetheart,” he began again. “This is my fuck up. I gotta be the one to take care of it.”
She didn’t break a smile, but her face softened a little as she shook her head. “If you’d paid him off after Yavin, you wouldn’t be in this mess. And I’d be dead four times over, at least.” Her chin was jutting out slightly, another hallmark of Leia digging in her heels.
Okay, kriff everything, I love this woman. He wasn’t going to win this argument, not today. But the thought of what Jabba might do to her—he couldn’t let her sign on to this. How were they going to get past this, decide how to go forward?
I basically have another life debt on my hands flitted through the back of his head, and that made him recall one of Chewie’s past admonitions.
He and Chewie had been arguing one time, when Han had flatly refused to admit that anything but “steady work” was tying them to the Rebellion but had made a private deal with Rieekan to work for ship parts until the cash flow situation improved. Just admit what you want, Chewie had urged him, and after he’d denied wanting anything, Chewie had ended the discussion with a simple phrase. Just remember, Cub, not deciding is also a decision.
Not deciding up to this point had probably made his problem worse, and they couldn’t stall forever, but they didn’t need to go directly to Tatooine. Han’s odds would be even worse than usual if he rolled up to Jabba’s without a plan, anyway. Between Han, Chewie, and Leia—hells, maybe kriffing Goldenrod could help, even—they could come up with a strategy for getting into Jabba’s and getting back out alive. And speaking of Chewie, Han owed him big time….
Han decided not to decide.
“All right,” he said to Leia. “Not gonna convince you.”
There was her smile, as Leia shook her head.
“’M not sayin’ yes,” he warned.
“But you’re not saying no?” she asked, her eyebrows quirking up a bit.
Han laughed softly, in spite of himself. He was never going to get the best of this woman, that was for sure. “I need you to help with a plan. And Chewie deserves a trip home before this mess.” He grinned. “Ever been to Kashyyk?”
Leia unfolded her arms, and the fire in her eyes flickered with warmth. “Don’t believe I’ve had the pleasure, Captain,” she said.
Much better way to end an argument, Han thought, as he kissed her.
Luke was at a fueling station on a tiny moon in the Senex-Juvex sector, trying to decide what to do next. Fifty clicks from the middle of nowhere, he could picture Han saying, and he smiled.
Ben had been right about one thing: Luke had this power, had tapped into the energy of the Force, but he was still struggling to figure out how best to control it. He’d reached out on the way to Bespin, hoping he would arrive in time to prevent their pain, save them from the visions he’d seen, and had confirmed that not only had Han and Leia’s fate changed without his intervention, Luke’s arrival would have dire consequences for them.
It was maddening, though; he had nothing concrete, just this undeniable feeling that he could not go to Bespin, or things would be worse. He’d pulled the ship out of hyperspace, endured an impressive amount of cursing in binary from R2 (he was unsure of the meaning of some of the names he was being called, but he knew none of them were complimentary), and managed to steer through the edge of an asteroid belt while he had R2 figure out where in the galaxy they were. There had been even more excitement as he realized he’d narrowly avoided jumping right into the Dolla system, home of an Imperial navy installation, but after a little more cursing from R2 they’d found this fuel stop.
He could try to make his way to the Alliance rendezvous and hope they would be pleasantly surprised at his arrival rather than ready to court-martial him. Although it had been almost seven weeks since the Hoth evacuation, so the odds that they were maintaining the rendezvous at the same coordinates were not great. He could return to Dagobah, let Yoda curse him for a while instead of R2, try to complete his training.
R2’s question jolted him out of his thoughts. [Where is our next destination before you deviate our course into the nearest supernova?]
Luke laughed and patted his dome affectionately, Han’s voice in his head again. Flying through hyperspace ain’t like dustin’ crops, Kid.
Then he thought of something. Han and Chewie were really leaving this time, going to pay off Jabba, and they’d definitely taken the Falcon off Hoth; he’d seen them lift off. But Leia was supposed to be with the Alliance, headed toward the rendezvous point on one of the transports. How had she ended up with them?
Luke sighed. He couldn’t go back to the Alliance or back to Dagobah until he saw for himself that Han and Leia were all right.
He reached out again. They were all right for now, happy, even. And he had a sense of where to find them.
“R2,” he said, “set a course for the Monsua Nebula.”
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officialotakudome · 4 years
New Post has been published on Otaku Dome | The Latest News In Anime, Manga, Gaming, And More
New Post has been published on https://otakudome.com/hbo-max-january-2021-slate/
HBO Max January 2021 Slate
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HBO Max has announced it’s January 2021 slate:
Spread the word, Upper Eastsiders — all six seasons of “Gossip Girl” are coming to HBO Max on January 1st. The month also brings the film premiere of Locked Down starring Anne Hathaway and Chiwetel Ejiofor, the second special episode of the Emmy®-winning drama “Euphoria,” the season four return of the beloved “Search Party,” and the two-part documentary “Tiger,” which illuminates the rise, fall and epic comeback of global golf icon Tiger Woods. Selena Gomez is back for seconds with a new season of “Selena + Chef,” and HBO Max is also serving up new episodes of “Looney Tunes Cartoons,” “Batman Beyond” and “Batman the Animated Series.”
On January 29, John Lee Hancock’s suspenseful psychological thriller “The Little Things” starring Academy Award winners Denzel Washington, Rami Malek and Jared Leto, premieres in theaters around the country and on HBO Max the same day. “The Little Things” will be available on HBO Max for 31 days from its theatrical release in the U.S. included at no additional cost to subscribers.
The third season of Italian crime drama “Gomorrah“ also joins the platform alongside both seasons of “Warrior” from Cinemax.
Catch up on the first season of the post-apocalyptic sci-fi thriller “Snowpiercer” when it arrives on HBO Max this month ahead of its Season 2 premiere on TNT. Or queue up a lineup of A-List movies including “The King of Staten Island,” the “Ocean’s” trilogy and “Ocean’s 8,” “The Notebook,” and Quentin Tarantino’s “Kill Bill: Vol 1″ & 2, “Pulp Fiction” and “Reservoir Dogs.“
And just a reminder as we get ready to ring in the new year: New and returning subscribers can sign up for a pre-paid offer and get 6 months of HBO Max at a discounted rate of $69.99 plus applicable taxes. Find out more at HBOMax.com.
Exact Dates to be Announced:
Arthur’s Law, Max Original Series Premiere
The unemployed Arthur Ahnepol (Jan Josef Liefers) ekes out a bleak existence. Drawn from the strains of his unhappy marriage and bored to death, he makes a morbid plan: he wants his obnoxious wife to die. With the money from the life insurance there’s no obstacle for a restart with his beloved mistress. But an unwritten law dominates the life of the unlucky fellow: every problem solved by Arthur has a far worse effect. And so, he sets off an avalanche of disastrous events.
The Event, Max Original Series Premiere
An unprecedented look behind the scenes of the extraordinary events created by Wolfgang Puck Catering and legendary restaurateur Wolfgang Puck. From Renegade 83, each one-hour episode will follow various members of Puck’s team as they strive to amaze clients and surpass even the highest expectations.
Locked Down, Max Original Film Premiere
Just as they decide to separate, Linda (Anne Hathaway) and Paxton (Chiwetel Ejiofor) find life has other plans when they are stuck at home in a mandatory lockdown. Co-habitation is proving to be a challenge, but fueled by poetry and copious amounts of wine, it will bring them closer together in the most surprising way.
Perfect Life (fka Vida Perfecta), Max Original Season 1 Premiere
Maria, Esther and Cristina are three women in the middle of a life crisis. They have realized that the plans they had made for themselves haven’t really gotten them the long-promised happiness they yearned for. Together, they will find alternatives and make decisions that will lead them away from what society expects from them. They will soon realize that life doesn’t necessarily have to be what they always imagined.
Possessions, HBO Max Season 1 Premiere
The series tells the story of Natalie, a young French expatriate in Israel, who is charged with the murder of her husband on their wedding night. Karim, a French diplomat in charge of helping French citizens who have to deal with the Israeli authorities, slowly falls for Natalie. He cannot figure out whether the young lady is deeply lost and vulnerable, or dangerously manipulative. Obsessed with this case, Karim dives into Natalie and her family’s mysterious past.
Selena + Chef, Max Original Season 2 Premiere
The unscripted cooking series features the multi-platinum selling recording artist, actress, producer, entrepreneur, and philanthropist as she navigates unfamiliar territory: making delicious meals while stuck at home in quarantine.
January 1: 12 oz. Mouse, Seasons 1 & 2 42nd Street, 1933 All the President’s Men, 1976 Apple & Onion, Season 1B The Autobiography Of Miss Jane Pittman, 1974 (HBO) Batman Begins, 2005 Batman Beyond Batman Beyond: The Return of the Joker, 2000 Batman: Bad Blood, 2016 Batman: Death in the Family, 2020 Batman: Hush, 2019 Batman: The Animated Series Blade, 1998 A Better Life, 2011 (HBO) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, 2005 Dog Day Afternoon, 1975 Check It Out! with Steve Brule Chinatown, 1974 Codename: Kids Next Door The Color Purple, 1985 The Conjuring, 2013 Courage the Cowardly Dog Craig of the Creek, Season 2 The Crocodile Hunter: Collision Course, 2002 (HBO) The Dark Knight, 2008 The Dark Knight Rises, 2012 Dim Sum Funeral, 2009 (HBO) Ed, Edd n Eddy El Amor No Puede Esperar (Aka Love Can’t Wait), 2021 (HBO) Happy Feet, 2006 The Electric Horseman, 1979 (HBO) Escape from New York, 1981 The Exorcist, 1973 Flashpoint, 1984 (HBO) The General’s Daughter, 1999 (HBO) Gossip Girl Green Lantern, 2011 Green Lantern: The Animated Series Gremlins , 1984 Gremlins 2: The New Batch, 1990 The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy Happily N’Ever After, 2007 (HBO) Happily N’Ever After 2: Snow White, 2009 (HBO) Happy-Go-Lucky, 2008 (HBO) He Said She Said, 1991 (HBO) Heaven Help Us, 1985 (HBO) The Infamous Future, 2018 Jay And Silent Bob Strike Back, 2001 (HBO) The Jellies Justice League Dark: Apokolips War, 2020 Kong: Skull Island, 2017 Little Con Lili, 2021 (HBO) Loiter Squad Ma, 2019 (HBO) Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior, 1983 Mad Max: Fury Road, 2015 Magic Mike, 2012 Mao Mao, Heroes of Pure Heart March of the Penguins, 2005 Margaret, 2011 (Extended Version) (HBO) Miracle On 34th Street, 1994 (HBO) Miss Firecracker, 1989 (HBO) Mulholland Dr., 2001 Mystic River, 2003 Nitro Circus: The Movie 3D, 2012 (HBO) No Country for Old Men, 2007 The Notebook, 2004 Ocean’s 8, 2018 Ocean’s Eleven , 2001 Ocean’s Thirteen, 2007 Ocean’s Twelve, 2004 Pee-wee’s Big Adventure, 1985 Piter, 2021 (HBO) The Producers, 1968 Pulp Fiction, 1994 Purple Rain, 1984 Ready Player One, 2018 Revenge Of The Nerds, 1984 (HBO) Revenge Of The Nerds II: Nerds In Paradise, 1987 (HBO) Revenge Of The Nerds IV: Nerds In Love, 2005 (HBO) Rollerball, 2002 (HBO) Se7en, 1995 Shallow Hal, 2001 (HBO) Snowpiercer, Season 1 A Star is Born , 2018 Superman: Doomsday, 2007 Superman: Man of Tomorrow, 2020 Superman Returns, 2006 Swimfan, 2002 (HBO) This Is Spinal Tap, 1984 The Three Stooges, 2012 (HBO) TMNT, 2007 Tom Goes to the Mayor The Trouble With Spies, 1987 (HBO) Underclassman, 2005 (HBO) V for Vendetta, 2005 Van Wilder: Freshman Year (Extended Version), 2009 (HBO) Walk Of Shame, 2014 (HBO) Warrior, Seasons 1 & 2 (HBO) Willard, 1971 (HBO) Worth Winning, 1989 (HBO) You Can Count On Me, 2000 (HBO)
January 2: The High Note, 2020 (HBO)
January 4: 30 Coins, Series Premiere (HBO)
January 8: Patriot’s Day, 2016 Scream, 1996 Squish, Season 1
January 9: The Alienist: Angel of Darkness, Season 2 Ben 10, Season 4A The King Of Staten Island, 2020 (HBO)
January 10: Miracle Workers, Season 2 Tiger, Two-Part Documentary Premiere (HBO)
January 12: Against The Wild, 2014 Against the Wild 2: Survive the Serengeti, 2016 Alpha and  Omega 5: Family Vacation, 2015 Alpha and Omega 6: Dino Digs, 2016 Batkid Begins: The Wish Heard Around the World, 2015 Blue Valentine, 2010 Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2, 2000 Earth Girls Are Easy, 1989 An Elephant’s Journey , 2018 The Escape Artist, 1982 Get Carter, 1971 Hecho En Mexico, 2012 Hellboy: Blood and Iron, 2007 Hellboy: Sword of Storms , 2006 Hellboy: The Dark Below, 2010 Jennifer Lopez: Dance Again, 2016 The Killing of a Chinese Bookie, 1976 The Kingdom of Dreams and Madness, 2013 La Mujer de Mi Hermano , 2005 Leapfrog Letter Factory Adventures: Amazing Word Explorers , 2015 Leapfrog Letter Factory Adventures: Counting on Lemonade , 2014 Leapfrog Letter Factory Adventures: The Letter Machine Rescue Team , 2014 Leapfrog: Numberland, 2012 Lost and Delirious, 2001 Love and Sex, 2000 Lovely & Amazing , 2002 The Man Who Would Be King, 1975 Meatballs, 1979 The Men Who Stare at Goats, 2009 A Mermaid’s Tale, 2017 Mistress, 1992 Mother’s Day, 2012 Mud, 2013 Never-Ending Man: Hayao Miyazaki, 2016 Night is Short, Walk on Girl, 2017 No Eres Tu Soy Yo, 2011 Norm of the North: King Sized Adventure, 2019 Ollie & Moon, Seasons 1 & 2 Other Parents, Seasons 1 & 2 Pinocchio, 2012 Promare, 2019 Reservoir Dogs, 1992 Ride Your Wave, 2019 Righteous Kill, 2008 Sprung, 1997 The Spy Next Door, 2010 Tender Mercies, 1983 Thanks for Sharing, 2013 Turtle Tale, 2018 The Visitor, 2008 Vixen, 2015
January 14: Search Party, Max Original Season 4 Premiere
In the new season, “Dory” (Alia Shawkat) is held prisoner by her psychotic stalker “Chip” (Cole Escola), who is determined to make Dory believe that they are best friends. Meanwhile, “Portia” (Meredith Hagner) is starring in a film about the trial, although not as herself; “Elliott” (John Early) has switched party lines to become a far-right conservative talk show host; and “Drew” (John Reynolds) is trying to escape his dark past by working as a costumed cast member in a theme park.
January 15: Stephen King’s It, 1990 One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, 1975 Poltergeist, 1982 Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- Director’s Cut, Season 1 dubbed (Crunchyroll Collection) Real Time With Bill Maher, Season 19 Premiere (HBO) Roots (Mini Series), 1977 Si Yo Fuera Rico (Aka If I Were Rich), 2021 (HBO) The Wayans Bros
January 16: Eve Kill Bill: Vol. 1, 2003 (HBO) Kill Bill: Vol. 2, 2004 (HBO)
January 19: Everwood
January 20: At Home with Amy Sedaris, Season 3 C.B. Strike, Season 1 (HBO) C.B. Strike: Lethal White, Limited Series Premiere (HBO)
January 21: Gomorrah, Max Original Season 3 Premiere
The iconic Italian crime series Gomorrah is based on Roberto Saviano’s bestselling book that examines the account of the decline of Naples under the rule of the Camorra.
 Looney Tunes Cartoons, Season 1C
In this latest batch, Taz stars in his first full-length Looney Tunes Cartoons short when he takes on Bugs Bunny in a Roman coliseum. If Bugs makes it out of the arena, there will be plenty of foes waiting to match wits with him including Elmer Fudd, a leprechaun and Cecil Turtle. Daffy and Porky continue their misadventures from skydiving to solving the mystery of Porky’s missing pants! Fan-favorites Sylvester and Tweety along with Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner also come along for the ride in these ten all-new animated episodes. It’s an all-new year with all-new Looney!
January 22: The New Adventures of Old Christine Painting With John, Series Premiere (HBO)
January 23: Don’t Let Go, 2019 (HBO) Person of Interest
January 24: Euphoria Special Episode Part 2: F*ck Anyone Who’s Not a Sea Blob, Special Episode Premiere (HBO)
January 26: Babylon 5 Real Sports With Bryant Gumbel (HBO)
January 29: ¡Animo Juventud! (Aka Go Youth!), 2021 (HBO) The Little Things
Academy Award winners Denzel Washington, Rami Malek and Jared Leto star in John Lee Hancock’s suspenseful psychological thriller “The Little Things” about two California sheriffs and their growing obsession with a suspect while embroiled in the search for a killer targeting women.
What I Like About You
January 30: The Mummy, 1999 (HBO) The Mummy Returns, 2001 (HBO) Pushing Daisies The Scorpion King, 2002 (HBO)
January 31: Axios, Season 4 Premiere (HBO)
January 7: War Dogs, 2016 (HBO)
January 24: Wonder Woman 1984, 2020
January 31: Ad Astra, 2019 After Hours, 1985 (HBO) Akeelah And The Bee, 2006 (HBO) All Is Bright, 2013 America, America, 1964 Anchors Aweigh, 1945 The Arrangement, 1969 Bee Season, 2005 (HBO) Before Sunrise, 1995 (HBO) Before Sunset, 2004 (HBO) Best Laid Plans, 1999 (HBO) Bigger Than The Sky, 2005 (HBO) Blade II, 2002 Blade, 1998 Blood Simple, 1984 (HBO) Bridge To Terabithia, 2007 (HBO) Bright Lights, Big City, 1988 (HBO) The Change-Up, 2011 (HBO) The Children, 2009 A Christmas Carol, 1938 Crash, 2005 (Director’s Cut) (HBO) David Copperfield, 1935 Days After Your Departure, 2019 (HBO) Enemy Of The State, 1998 (HBO) Everybody’s All-American, 1988 (HBO) Father’s Day, 1997 (HBO) Friday Night Lights, 2004 (HBO) Get On Up, 2014 (HBO) Guys And Dolls, 1955 High Society, 1956 Jeepers Creepers 2, 2003 (HBO) Jeepers Creepers, 2001 (HBO) Leprechaun 2, 1994 (HBO) Leprechaun, 1993 (HBO) Magnolia, 1999 (HBO) The Man With The Golden Arm, 1955 Mars Attacks!, 1996 Martha Marcy May Marlene, 2011 (HBO) Martin Lawrence You So Crazy, 1994 (HBO) New Year’s Eve, 2011 (HBO) Ocean’s Eleven, 2001 Ocean’s Thirteen, 2007 Ocean’s Twelve, 2004 On The Town, 1949 The Pelican Brief, 1993 Planet Of The Apes, 2001 (HBO) Risky Business, 1983 Semi-Pro, 2008 Some Came Running, 1958 Something Borrowed, 2011 (HBO) Splendor In The Grass, 1961 Walk The Line, 2005 (Extended Version) (HBO) When Harry Met Sally, 1989
0 notes
tuseriesdetv · 5 years
Guía de series: Estrenos y regresos de septiembre 2019
Septiembre es el mes oficial de estrenos en las networks, además de los regresos de sus series veteranas. Todos sabemos que esto ya no es tan importante como solía ser, aunque hay varias propuestas interesantes, pero el resto de cadenas y especialmente Netflix, como vais a ver, nos están regalando una buena tanda de novedades que podría parecer su propio comienzo de temporada. ¿Preparados para un mes repleto de entretenimiento de calidad?
¡Feliz septiembre!
Verde: series nuevas.
Rojo: series de las que haremos reviews semanales.
Negro: regresos de otras series.
Naranja: miniseries o series documentales.
Amarillo: tv movies, documentales, especiales o pilotos.
Morado: season finales.
Púrpura: midseason finales.
Calendario de series
2 de septiembre: 
Departure en Calle 13 
Untouchable en Hulu
A Confession (1T) en ITV
3 de septiembre: 
Mayans MC (2T) en FX
Greenleaf (4T) en OWN
The Capture (1T) en BBC One
4 de septiembre: 
The Reluctant Landlord (2T) en Sky One
Wu-Tang: An American Saga (1T completa) en Hulu
6 de septiembre: 
Titans (2T) en DC Universe
Elite (2T completa) y The Spy (1T completa) en Netflix
Scarborough (1T) en BBC One
Into the Dark (1T finale) en Hulu
9 de septiembre: 
The Deuce (3T y última) en HBO
Grand Hotel (1T finale) en ABC
10 de septiembre: Mr. Mercedes (3T) en Audience
12 de septiembre: 
The I-Land (1T completa) en Netflix
This Close (2T) en SundanceTV
Mr. Inbetween (2T) en FX
Mr. Mom (1T) en Vudu
13 de septiembre: 
Unbelievable (1T completa), Marianne (1T completa), Monarca (1T completa), Top Boy (3T completa), The Ranch (4aT) y Tall Girl en Netflix
Room 104 (3T) en HBO
Undone (1T completa) en Amazon
Temple (1T completa) en Sky One
18 de septiembre: American Horror Story: 1984 (9T) en FX
20 de septiembre: 
Criminal (1T completa), Disenchantment (2T completa) y Between Two Ferns en Netflix
Hot Date (2T) en Pop
This Close (2T finale) en SundanceTV
23 de septiembre: 
The Neighborhood (2T), Bob Hearts Abishola (1T), All Rise (1T) y Bull (4T) en CBS
Bluff City Law (1T) en NBC
9-1-1 (3T) y Prodigal Son (1T) en FOX
The Good Doctor (3T) en ABC
24 de septiembre: 
NCIS (17T), FBI (2T) y NCIS: New Orleans (6T) en CBS
This Is Us (4T) y New Amsterdam (2T) en NBC
Empire (6T y última) y The Resident (3T) en FOX
The Conners (2T), Bless This Mess (2T), Mixed-ish (1T), Black-ish (6T) y Emergence (1T) en ABC
25 de septiembre: 
Chicago Med (5T), Chicago Fire (8T) y Chicago PD (7T) en NBC
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (14T) en FXX
The Goldbergs (7T), Schooled (2T), Modern Family (11T y última), Single Parents (2T) y Stumptown (1T) en ABC
South Park (23T) en Comedy Central
26 de septiembre: 
Young Sheldon (3T), The Unicorn (1T), Mom (7T), Carol's Second Act (2T) y Evil (1T) en CBS
Superstore (5T), Perfect Harmony (1T), The Good Place (4T y última), Sunnyside (1T) y Law & Order: SVU (21T) en NBC
Grey's Anatomy (16T), A Million Little Things (2T) y How to Get Away with Murder (6T y última) en ABC
Creepshow (1T) en Shudder
27 de septiembre: 
The Politician (1T completa), Bard of Blood (1T completa), Skylines (1T completa) y In the Shadow of the Moon en Netflix
Hawaii Five-0 (10T), Magnum P.I. (2T) y Blue Bloods (10T) en CBS
American Housewife (4T) y Fresh Off the Boat (6T) en ABC
Transparent (series finale) en Amazon
29 de septiembre: 
God Friended Me (2T) y NCIS: LA (11T) en CBS
Bless the Harts (1T), The Simpsons (31T), Bob's Burgers (10T) y Family Guy (18T) en FOX
The Rookie (2T) en ABC
Godfather of Harlem (1T) en Epix
Estrenos de series
Departure (Calle 13)
Un avión de pasajeros ha desaparecido misteriosamente en el Atlántico. La investigadora Kendra Malley (Archie Panjabi; The Good Wife, Blindspot), recién enviudada, no duda en ayudar a su antiguo jefe y mentor Howard Lawson (Christopher Plummer; The Sound of Music, All the Money in the World) para descubrir qué ha ocurrido. Deberán localizar el avión y a sus posibles supervivientes, encontrar el motivo del accidente y a posibles sospechosos y evitar que vuelva a ocurrir sean cuales sean las causas. Completan el reparto Claire Forlani (Meet Joe Black, Hawaii Five-0), Kris Holden-Ried (Vikings, Lost Girl), Kristian Bruun (Orphan Black, Murdoch Mysteries), Rebecca Liddiard (Alias Grace, Frankie Drake Mysteries), Shazad Latif (Star Trek: Discovery, My Mad Fat Diary), Tamara Duarte (Longmire, Wynonna Earp), Peter Mensah (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Spartacus: Blood and Sand), Allan Hawco (Republic of Doyle, Frontier), Dougray Scott (Snatch, Hemlock Grove), Sasha Roiz (Grimm, Suits), Mark Rendall (Versailles, 30 Days of Night), Dmitry Chepovetsky (Killjoys, Regenesis), Paris Jefferson (Xena: Warrior Princess) y Tyler Fayose. Creada por Vincent Shiao (Ransom, Aftermath), escrita por Malcolm MacRury (Saving Hope) y dirigida por T.J. Scott (Orphan Black, Star Trek: Discovery). Seis episodios. Se estrenó en julio en Reino Unido. Estreno: 2 de septiembre
A Confession (ITV)
Basada en el libro del detective Steve Fulcher (2017), en el que cuenta un caso real ocurrido en 2011, nos trae a Fulcher (Martin Freeman; Sherlock, Fargo), que incumple deliberadamente el protocolo policial para atrapar a un asesino en serie, una decisión que le costará su carrera y su reputación. Le acompañan Imelda Staunton (Harry Potter, Pride), Siobhan Finneran (Happy Valley, Downton Abbey), Joe Absolom (Doc Martin, The Level), Daniel Betts (Gentleman Jack, The Crown), Jessica D'Arcy (Electric Dreams), Florence Howard, Lolly Jones, Darcy Vanhinsbergh, Faye McKeever (Trollied), Anna Wilson-Jones (Victoria, Harlots) o Dominic Tighe. Escrita por Jeff Pope (Philomena, The Widower) y dirigida por Paul Andrew Williams (Broadchurch, Strangers). Seis episodios. Estreno: 2 de septiembre
The Capture (BBC One)
El soldado Shaun Emery (Callum Turner; War & Peace, Glue) es acusado injustamente de asesinato en Afganistán y la detective Rachel Carey (Holliday Grainger; Strike, The Borgias) descubre una conspiración con pruebas manipuladas mientras intenta limpiar su nombre. Con Ron Perlman (Hellboy, Hand of God), Famke Janssen (X-Men, How to Get Away with Murder), Laura Haddock (Guardians of the Galaxy, Da Vinci's Demons), Ben Miles (The Crown, Collateral), Lia Williams (The Crown, Kiri), Sophia Brown (Clique, Marcella), Paul Ritter (No Offence, Friday Night Dinner), Adelayo Adedayo (Origin, Timewasters) y Ralph Ineson (Game of Thrones, Absentia). Escrita por Ben Chanan (Cyberbully, Blackout). Seis episodios. Estreno: 3 de septiembre
Wu-Tang: An American Saga (Hulu)
Hulu nos contará la historia real de la creación del grupo de rap y hip-hop Wu-Tang Clan, formado por jóvenes negros procedentes de malos ambientes, en Nueva York durante los años 90. Protagonizada por Ashton Sanders (Moonlight, The Equalizer 2), Dave East, Julian Elijah Martinez, Vinnie Pastore (The Sopranos, Hawaii Five-0), Shameik Moore (The Get Down, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse), Siddiq Saunderson (Messiah), T.J. Atoms, Johnell Young, Marcus Callender (Power, Eye Candy), Zolee Griggs (Adam Ruins Everything) y Erika Alexander (Insecure, Black Lightning). Creada y escrita por The RZA, líder del grupo, y Alex Tse (Watchmen). Diez episodios. Estreno: 4 de septiembre
The Spy (Netflix)
Limited series sobre el legendario espía Eli Cohen (Sacha Baron Cohen; Ali G Indahouse, Borat), que filtró información siria al ejército israelí en los años 60. Con Noah Emmerich (The Americans, Frequency), Alexander Siddig (Gotham, Game of Thrones), Hadar Ratzon Rotem (Homeland), Nassim Si Ahmed (Marseille), Yael Eitan (Hatufim) y Uri Gavriel (Fauda). Escrita y dirigida por Gideon Raff (Homeland, Tyrant). Seis episodios. Estreno: 6 de septiembre
Scarborough (BBC One)
Comedia que sigue las vidas de unos cuantos habitantes de un pueblo costero de North Yorkshire que se encuentran cada noche en un karaoke local. Protagonizada por Jason Manford (Ordinary Lies), Catherine Tyldesley (Coronation Street), Stephanie Cole (Still Open All Hours, Coronation Street), Maggie Ollerenshaw (Last of the Summer Wine, Still Open All Hours), Steve Edge (Phoenix Nights, Benidorm), Claire Sweeney (Brookside), Harriet Webb (Edge of Heaven, White Gold) y Gina Fillingham (Kiri). Creada por Derren Litten (Benidorm). Seis episodios. Estreno: 6 de septiembre
The I-Land (Netflix)
Diez personas se despiertan en una peligrosa isla sin recordar quiénes son o cómo han llegado allí. Cuando comienzan a registrar el lugar, descubren que la isla no es lo que parece. Deberán ser la mejor versión de ellos mismos o morirán enfrentándose a los retos psicológicos y físicos que se irán encontrando. El reparto está formado por Natalie Martinez (Under the Dome, Kingdom), Kate Bosworth (21, Superman Returns), Michelle Veintimilla (Gotham, Seven Seconds), Alex Pettyfer (I Am Number Four, Magic Mike), Sibylla Deen (Tyrant, The Last Ship), Kyle Schmid (Six, Copper), Ronald Peet, Kota Eberhardt (Dark Phoenix), Anthony Lee Medina (Flesh and Bone) y Gilles Geary (Spirit Warriors). Escrita y dirigida por Neil LaBute (Van Helsing, Full Circle). Siete episodios. Estreno: 12 de septiembre
Mr. Mom (Vudu)
Adaptación/continuación de la película de 1983, protagonizada por Michael Keaton, en la que un padre se queda en casa cuando su mujer vuelve a trabajar. En la serie, la hija pequeña del matrimonio, Megan (Andrea Anders; Joey, Modern Family), es ya adulta y desea volver a trabajar y que su marido (Hayes MacArthur; Angie Tribeca, Go On) críe a sus hijos. Escrita por Leslie Rathe, Mike Culbert y Mike Pellettieri y dirigida por Lauren Palmigiano (Tacoma FD). Diez episodios. Estreno: 12 de septiembre
Unbelievable (Netflix)
Basada en hechos reales e inspirada en un artículo ganador del Pulitzer, se centra en una adolescente que dice haber sido violada (Kaitlyn Dever; Last Man Standing, Booksmart) y las dos detectives que investigan el caso para descubrir la verdad. Con Toni Collette (Hereditary, United States of Tara), Merritt Wever (The Walking Dead, Nurse Jackie), Danielle Macdonald (Patti Cake$), Kai Lennox (Falling Water), Dale Dickey (Claws, Vice Principals), Austin Hébert (Detroit), Omar Maskati (Better Call Saul, Tyrant), Elizabeth Marvel (Homeland, House of Cards), Liza Lapira (Apartment 23, 9JKL) y Vanessa Bell Calloway (Shameless, Saints & Sinners). Escrita por Susannah Grant (Erin Brockovich) y dirigida por Lisa Cholodenko (Olive Kitteridge, The Kids Are All Right). Ocho episodios. Estreno: 13 de septiembre
Marianne (Netflix)
Una novelista (Victoire Du Bois; Call Me by Your Name, Mal de pierres) se da cuenta de que sus historias de terror están cobrando vida, y vuelve a su ciudad natal para hacer frente a su pasado y descubrir cómo frenar a la bruja Marianne (Mireille Herbstmeyer), la protagonista de sus pesadillas cuando era niña. Con Lucie Boujenah (Edmond), Alban Lenoir (Le semeur, Les crevettes pailletées), Tiphaine Daviot (Zone Blanche, Demi soeurs), Ralph Amoussou (De bon matin; Aide-toi, le ciel t'aidera), Bellamine Abdelmalek (Roulez jeunesse), Mehdi Meskar (Les engagés, Dans la maison), Corinne Valancogne, Patrick d'Assumçao (L'inconnu du lac, Le secret des banquises) y Pierre Aussedat (Les visiteurs). Escrita y dirigida por Samuel Bodin (Lazy Company). Ocho episodios. Estreno: 13 de septiembre
Monarca (Netflix)
Thriller sobre la corrupción, el escándalo y la violencia que rodean a las élites que se centra en una familia dueña de un imperio empresarial y la batalla que se forma cuando un miembro decide enfrentarse al sistema corrupto que su familia ayudó a crear. Protagonizada por Irene Azuela (El hotel de los secretos, Quemar las naves), Juan Manuel Bernal (Capadocia, La heredera) y Osvaldo Benavides (La bella y las bestias, A que no me dejas). Creada por Diego Gutiérrez (Without a Trace, From Dusk Till Dawn) y producida por Salma Hayek (Ugly Betty, Frida). Diez episodios. Estreno: 13 de septiembre
Undone (Amazon)
Alma tiene una nueva relación con el tiempo a partir de un accidente de coche en el que casi pierde la vida, y tratará de usar su habilidad para averiguar la verdad sobre la muerte de su padre. Con las voces de Rosa Salazar (Maze Runner, Parenthood), Angelique Cabral (Life in Pieces), Bob Odenkirk (Better Call Saul, Breaking Bad), Constance Marie (Switched at Birth, George Lopez), Daveed Diggs (The Get Down, Black-ish), Siddharth Dhananjay, Tyler Posey (Teen Wolf, Now Apocalypse) o Jeanne Tripplehorn (Big Love, Criminal Minds). Creada por Raphael Bob-Waksberg y Kate Purdy, creador y guionista de BoJack Horseman respectivamente, es una dramedia de animación con rotoscopio y fondos pintados al óleo. Ocho episodios. Estreno: 13 de septiembre
Temple (Sky One)
Thriller con tintes cómicos en el que Daniel (Mark Strong; Kingsman, The Imitation Game) trabaja como cirujano en una clínica ilegal en los túneles subterráneos de Londres. Conducido por una tragedia personal y con una moral cada vez más cuestionable, tratará a cualquier que esté dispuesto a pagar por ayuda médica fuera del sistema. Contará con la ayuda de Lee (Daniel Mays; Line of Duty, Atonement), un empleado de transportes descontento; y Anna (Carice van Houten; Game of Thrones, Valkyrie), una investigadora médica con sentimientos de culpa. Completan el reparto Catherine McCormack (Genius, 28 Weeks Later), Craig Parkinson (Line of Duty, Misfits), Marion Bailey (Vera Drake, Allied), Tobi King Bakare (Cursed), Lily Newmark (Sex Education, Cursed), Hiten Patel (Four Weddings and a Funeral, Unforgotten) y Chloe Pirrie (The Crown, The Victim). Adaptación de la noruega Valkyrien por Mark O'Rowe (Perrier's Bounty). Ocho episodios. Estreno: 13 de septiembre
Criminal (Netflix)
Procedimental policíaca que se lleva a cabo exclusivamente dentro de una sala de interrogatorios. Tendrá doce episodios, tres de ellos ambientados en Reino Unido, tres en España, tres en Alemania y tres en Francia. En cuanto al reparto español, contaremos con Carmen Machi, Inma Cuesta, Eduard Fernández, Emma Suárez, Álvaro Cervantes, Jorge Bosch, José Ángel Egido, Nuria Mencía, Daniel Chamorro, María Morales, Javi Coll y Milo Taboada. Estos tres episodios estarán escritos por Alejandro Hernández (Caníbal, El autor) y Manuel Martín Cuenca (Caníbal, El autor) y dirigidos por Mariano Barroso (Lo mejor de Eva, Todas las mujeres). En los tres episodios ambientados en Reino Unido, escritos por George Kay (Killing Eve, Stag) y dirigidos por Jim Field Smith (Wrecked, The Wrong Mans), podremos disfrutar de David Tennant, Hayley Atwell, Youssef Kerkour, Clare-Hope Ashitey, Katherine Kelly, Lee Ingleby, Nicholas Pinnock, Mark Stanley, Rochenda Sandall y Shubham Saraf. Los ambientados en Francia los escribirán Fréderic Mermoud (Moka), Antonin Martin-Hilbert (Moka, Zone Blanche) y Mathieu Missoffe (Zone Blanche) y los dirigirá Mermoud (Moka). Los tres restantes, ambientados en Alemania, estarán escritos por Bernd Lange (Requiem, Blaumacher) y Sebastian Heeg (Blaumacher) y dirigidos por Oliver Hirschbiegel (Der Untergang, The Invasion). En ellos participan Nathalie Baye, Sara Girardeau, Jérémie Renier, Margot Bancilhon, Laurent Lucas, Stéphane Jobert, Anne Azoulay y Mhamed Arezki en los franceses y Peter Kurth, Christian Berkel, Deniz Arora, Nina Hoss o Eva Meckbach, entre otros, en los alemanes. Estreno: 20 de septiembre
Bob Hearts Abishola (CBS)
Comedia multicámara sobre un vendedor de calcetines de Detroit (Billy Gardell; Mike & Molly, Young Sheldon) que sufre un ataque de corazón y se enamora de la enfermera nigeriana que le atiende (Folake Olowofoyeku, Transparent). Ella vive con sus tíos Olu (Shola Adewusi, Chewing Gum) y Tunde (Barry Shabaka Henley; The Terminal, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.) y su hijo adolescente Dele (Travis Wolfe Jr., Raven's Home). Él hará todo lo posible para que le conceda una oportunidad, desde sobornar a una enfermera para averiguar dónde está su casa hasta acosarla en la parada del autobús. Con Vernee Watson (The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air), Christine Ebersole (Royal Pains), Maribeth Monroe (Workaholics) y Matt Jones (Mom). Escrita por Chuck Lorre (The Big Bang Theory, Mom). Estreno: 23 de septiembre
All Rise (CBS)
Dramedia legal descrita como una exploración del sistema judicial y del mundo de los tribunales y centrada en las caóticas y a veces absurdas vidas de los jueces, fiscales, abogados y policías de Los Ángeles. Al frente se encuentra la nueva juez Lola Carmichael (Simone Missick; Luke Cage, Altered Carbon), una ayudante del fiscal del distrito altamente valorada que no tiene ninguna intención de relajarse en su nuevo puesto, sino que desafiará los límites y las expectativas. El reparto incluye a Marg Helgenberger (CSI), Jessica Camacho (Taken), Wilson Bethel (Hart of Dixie, Daredevil), Lindsay Mendez, Ruthie Ann Miles (The Americans) y J. Alex Brinson (Travelers). Creada y escrita por Greg Spottiswood (King, Remedy). Estreno: 23 de septiembre
Bluff City Law (NBC)
Drama legal que sigue al legendario Elijah Strait (Jimmy Smits; The West Wing, Sons of Anarchy) y a su brillante hija Sydney (Caitlin McGee; The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, Shades of Blue), que lideran una firma en Memphis especializada en los casos de derechos civiles más controvertidos mientras lidian con su complicada relación familiar, inexistente durante años pero retomada tras la inesperada muerte de la madre de Sydney. Completan el reparto Scott Shepherd (True Detective, The Young Pope), Barry Sloane (Revenge, Six), Michael Luwoye (The Gifted, She's Gotta Have It), MaameYaa Boafo (Thru 25), Stony Blyden (Hunter Street) y Jayne Atkinson (House of Cards, Madam Secretary). Escrita y producida por Dean Georgaris (The Brave, The Baker and the Beauty). Estreno: 23 de septiembre
Prodigal Son (FOX)
Malcolm Bright (Tom Payne, The Walking Dead) es el mejor psicólogo criminal porque sabe cómo piensan los asesinos, ya que su padre (Michael Sheen; Masters of Sex, Good Omens) fue uno de los mejores, un asesino en serie conocido como "el cirujano". Malcolm ayuda a la policía de Nueva York a resolver crímenes mientras lidia con unas neurosis constantes, una madre manipuladora (Bellamy Young, Scandal), una hermana demasiado normal (Halston Sage; The Orville, Crisis) y un padre homicida que aún busca conectar con él. Completan el reparto Lou Diamond Phillips (Longmire), Aurora Perrineau (Chasing Life, Into the Dark), Frank Harts (Billions, The Leftovers) y Keiko Agena (Gilmore Girls, 13 Reasons Why). Escrita y producida por Chris Fedak (Chuck, Legends of Tomorrow) y Sam Sklaver (Blunt Talk, Deception). Lee Toland Krieger (Riverdale, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina) dirigió el piloto. Producida por Greg Berlanti (Arrow, You). Estreno: 23 de septiembre
Mixed-ish (ABC)
Creada de nuevo por Kenya Barris, es una precuela de Black-ish ambientada en los años 80 y protagonizada por una versión joven de Bow (Tracee Ellis Ross), interpretada por Arica Himmell (Thanksgiving), que nos mostrará cómo es crecer en una familia interracial y mudarse de una comuna hippie a los suburbios. Mark-Paul Gosselaar (Saved by the Bell, The Passage), Tika Sumpter (Gossip Girl, The Haves and the Have Nots), Gary Cole (Veep, The Good Fight), Ethan William Childress, Mykal-Michelle Harris (Big Little Lies) y Christina Anthony (Dog Moms, Key and Peele) serán el padre, la madre, el abuelo, los hermanos y la tía de Bow. El episodio de Black-ish que servía como presentación de esta serie se emitirá en su sexta temporada. Estreno: 24 de septiembre
Emergence (ABC)
Thriller sobrenatural en el que una jefa de policía (Allison Tolman; Fargo, Downward Dog) acoge a una niña (Alexa Swinton, Billions) a la que encuentra en el lugar de un misterioso accidente y no recuerda qué ha ocurrido. La investigación les lleva a una conspiración más grande de lo que cabría imaginar relacionada con la identidad de la niña. Completan el reparto Donald Faison (Scrubs, The Exes), Clancy Brown (Carnivàle, Billions), Owain Yeoman (The Mentalist, Turn), Ashley Aufderheide (The Slap, Preacher), Robert Bailey Jr. (The Night Shift) y Zabryna Guevara (Gotham, New Amsterdam). Creada por Michele Fazekas y Tara Butters, creadoras de Kevin (Probably) Saves the World y guionistas de Agent Carter, y dirigida por Paul McGuigan (Lucky Number Slevin, Film Stars Don't Die in Liverpool). ABC encargó la serie la misma semana en que NBC descartó el piloto. Estreno: 24 de septiembre
Stumptown (ABC)
Esta adaptación de la novela gráfica del mismo nombre nos muestra a la veterana del ejército Dex Parios (Cobie Smulders; How I Met Your Mother, Friends from College), que tiene una vida amorosa complicada, deudas de juego y un hermano del que ocuparse en Portland, Oregon. Sus brillantes habilidades militares contrastan con su vida personal y con su estilo, que le acaba poniendo siembre frente a los peores criminales, y no precisamente con la ayuda de la policía. Con Tantoo Cardinal (Frontier, Godless), Cole Sibus, Adrian Martinez (No Activity, The Blacklist: Redemption), Camryn Manheim (Ghost Whisperer, The Practice) y Michael Ealy (Secrets and Lies, Almost Human). Escrita por Jason Richman (Mercy Street, Detroit 187) y producida por los autores e ilustradores de la novela. James Griffiths (Episodes, Wrecked) dirigió el piloto. Estreno: 25 de septiembre
The Unicorn (CBS)
Comedia monocámara (anteriormente iba a ser multicámara) producida y escrita por Bill Martin y Mike Schiff, creadores de Grounded for Life y guionistas de 3rd Rock from the Sun, que se centra en un viudo (Walton  Goggins; Justified, Vice Principals) que con la ayuda de sus amigos y su familia intenta superar el año más difícil de su vida, que incluye ser el padre soltero de sus dos hijas y volver al mundo de las citas, donde descubre que es un producto de alta demanda. Completan el elenco Michaela Watkins (Casual, Transparent), Rob Corddry (Ballers), Omar Benson Miller (Ballers, CSI: Miami), Maya Lynne Robinson (The Conners), Ruby Jay (Fancy Nancy, Holly Hobbie) y Makenzie Moss (Steve Jobs). Estreno: 26 de septiembre
Carol's Second Act (CBS)
Comedia multicámara sobre una madre (Patricia Heaton; The Middle, Everybody Loves Raymond) que, después de criar a sus dos hijos y haber trabajado toda la vida como profesora, decide que ha llegado el momento de enfrentarse a un nuevo reto: convertirse en doctora. El reparto de la serie lo completan Kyle MacLachlan (Twin Peaks, Desperate Housewives), Jean-Luc Bilodeau (Baby Daddy, Kyle XY), Bonnie Dennison (The Guiding Light), Ito Aghayere (The Blacklist) y Sabrina Jalees (Transparent). Creada y escrita por Emily Halpern (Booksmart, Trophy Wife) y Sarah Haskins (Booksmart, Trophy Wife) y dirigida por Pamela Fryman (How I Met Your Mother, One Day at a Time). Estreno: 26 de septiembre
Evil (CBS)
Drama procedimental de Michelle y Robert King, creadores de The Good Wife y The Good Fight, descrito por la cadena como la exploración de la batalla entre ciencia y religión. La trama sigue a un peculiar grupo formado por Kirsten Benoist (Katja Herbers; Westworld, Divorce), una psicóloga escéptica; David Dacosta (Mike Colter; Luke Cage, The Good Wife), un aspirante a cura; y Townsend (Michael Emerson, Person of Interest, Lost), un contratista corriente; que se alían para investigar posibles milagros, posesiones y demás sucesos paranormales o sin explicación lógica. Su objetivo será encontrar respuestas científicas o catalogar los eventos como sobrenaturales. Completan el reparto Aasif Mandvi (This Way Up, Shut Eye), Brooklyn Shuck (Rise) y Skylar Gray (Married; Me, Myself and I). Estreno: 26 de septiembre
Perfect Harmony (NBC)
Un antiguo profesor de música de Princeton (Bradley Whitford; The West Wing, Studio 60) acaba en un coro de la iglesia de un pequeño pueblo y se encuentra con un grupo de cantantes que están fuera de tono en varios ámbitos de la vida pero puede que formen una mezcla perfecta para reinventarse y redescubrir la felicidad cuando más la necesitan. Con Anna Camp (Pitch Perfect, True Blood), Tymberlee Hill (Search Party, Grey's Anatomy), Rizwan Manji (The Magicians, Schitt's Creek), Will Greenberg (Wrecked, Halt and Catch Fire), Geno Segers (Banshee, Pair of Kings) y Spencer Allport. Escrita y producida por Lesley Wake Webster (Life in Pieces, Go On) y dirigida por Jason Winer (Life in Pieces, Modern Family). Estreno: 26 de septiembre
Sunnyside (NBC)
Garrett Modi (Kal Penn; Designated Survivor, House M.D.) fue el concejal más joven de Nueva York. Se codeó con la élite política, acudió a las mejores fiestas y fue el orgullo de Queens, pero perdió su camino entre tanto poder y glamour y un escándalo acabó con su carrera. Ahora, un grupo de inmigrantes le contratan para que les ayude a conseguir la nacionalidad y le dan un nuevo sentido a su vida. Participan también Diana María Riva (Dead to Me, Telenovela), Joel Kim Booster (Shrill), Kiran Deol, Poppy Liu (Mercy Mistress), Moses Storm (Youth & Consequences, Arrested Development) y Samba Schutte. Escrita y producida por Penn y Matt Murray (Parks and Recreation, The Good Place). Producida también por Michael Schur (The Good Place, Parks and Recreation). Estreno: 26 de septiembre
Creepshow (Shudder)
Antología inspirada en las películas que Stephen King y George A. Romero nos regalaron en 1982 y 1987. De las doce historias que nos contarán, solamente una es de King, y estará protagonizada por Giancarlo Esposito (Breaking Bad, Once Upon a Time), Tobin Bell (Saw) y Adrienne Barbeau (The Fog). También podremos ver a David Arquette (Scream, Never Been Kissed), Tricia Helfer (Battlestar Galactica, Lucifer), Dana Gould (Stan Against Evil, I'm Dying Up Here), Jeffrey Combs (The 4400), Bruce Davison (X-Men, The Fosters), Big Boi o Kid Cudi. Creada y producida por Greg Nicotero (The Walking Dead), que también dirigirá dos de las historias. Seis episodios. Estreno: 26 de septiembre
The Politician (Netflix)
Comedia musical creada por Ryan Murphy (American Horror Story, Glee), junto a sus habituales Ian Brennan y Brad Falchuk, que nos traerá las aspiraciones políticas de un joven adinerado de Santa Barbara (Ben Platt; Dear Evan Hansen, Pitch Perfect), que tiene clarísimo desde pequeño que va a ser presidente de Estados Unidos aunque todavía esté en el instituto. Le acompañarán Jessica Lange (American Horror Story, Feud), Gwyneth Paltrow (Shakespeare in Love, Glee), Zoey Deutch (The Disaster Artist, Set It Up), Laura Dreyfuss (Glee, Dear Evan Hansen), Lucy Boynton (Gypsy, Sing Street), Bob Balaban (Condor, Gosford Park), Benjamin Barrett, David Corenswet, Laura Dreyfuss (Glee), Julia Schlaepfer, Rahne Jones, Dylan McDermott (American Horror Story, The Practice), January Jones (Mad Men, The Last Man on Earth), Judith Light (Ugly Betty, Transparent), Bette Midler (The First Wives Club, Hocus Pocus) y Theo Germaine (Work in Progress). Ocho episodios. Ya está renovada por una segunda temporada. Estreno: 27 de septiembre
Bard of Blood (Netflix)
Thriller de espionaje, adaptación de la novela de Bilal Siddiqi (2015), sobre un antiguo espía de la RAW (Emraan Hashmi) que vuelve a una misión secreta, acompañado de una analista (Sobhita Dhulipala, Made in Heaven) y otro agente durmiente (Vineet Kumar Singh), para rescatar a otros cuatro agentes capturados en Baluchistán. Así, deberá enfrentarse a su pasado y salvar a la India y a un antiguo amor. Dirigida por Ribhu Dasgupta. Ocho episodios. Estreno: 27 de septiembre
Skylines (Netflix)
Jinn (Edin Hasanovic) es un joven productor de hip-hop que firma con un sello discográfico de Frankfurt y se ve de pronto inmerso en el mundo del crimen organizado y obligado a colaborar con la policía para frenar al hermano mafioso (Erdal Yildiz) del dueño de la firma (Murathan Muslu). Creada y producida por Dennis Schanz. Seis episodios. Estreno: 27 de septiembre
Bless the Harts (FOX)
Comedia de animación sobre un grupo de sureños que no están viviendo el sueño americano. No tienen estatus ni riqueza, pero se dan cuenta de que basta con la familia, los amigos y las risas para ser feliz. Con las voces de Kristen Wiig (Saturday Night Live, The Last Man on Earth), Maya Rudolph (Saturday Night Live, Big Mouth), Jillian Bell (Workaholics, SuperMansion), Ike Barinholtz (The Mindy Project, MADtv) y Fortune Feimster (The Mindy Project, Life in Pieces). Creada por Emily Spivey (Saturday Night Live, The Last Man on Earth) y producida por Chris Miller (The Last Man on Earth, How I Met Your Mother), Phil Lord (The Last Man on Earth, How I Met Your Mother) y Seth Cohen (The Last Man on Earth). Estreno: 29 de septiembre
Godfather of Harlem (Epix)
Bumpy Johnson (Forest Whitaker; Empire, The Last King of Scotland) fue un jefe criminal que a principios de los años 60 volvió a Harlem tras pasar diez años en prisión y se alió con Malcolm X para derrocar a la mafia italiana que controlaba la zona. Con Vincent D'Onofrio (Daredevil, Law & Order: Criminal Intent), Ilfenesh Hadera (She's Gotta Have It, Show Me a Hero), Antoinette Crowe-Legacy, Nigél Thatch (Selma, Valor), Paul Sorvino (Goodfellas, Nixon), Giancarlo Esposito (Breaking Bad, Once Upon a Time), Rafi Gavron (A Star is Born, Counterpart), Kathrine Narducci (The Sopranos, Power), Kelvin Harrison Jr. (StartUp, Shots Fired), Lucy Fry (Wolf Creek, 22.11.63), Clifton Davis (Iron Fist, Madam Secretary) y Markuann Smith. Escrita por Chris Brancato (Narcos, Hannibal) y Paul Eckstein (Law & Order: Criminal Intent, First  Wave). Diez episodios. Estreno: 29 de septiembre
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jeremystrele · 6 years
Seven Incredible Tiny Eco Getaways
Seven Incredible Tiny Eco Getaways
by Lucy Feagins, Editor
The ‘Leo’ Bubbletent, overlooking Capertee Valley. Photo – Mayumi Iwasaka.
Bubbletent by day and night. Photo – Mayumi Iwasaka (left), Saeed Sourati (right).
BubbleTent Australia
Inspired by a stargazing trip to Lake Tekapo, the creator of Bubbletent returned to Australia with an idea to build accommodation ‘without a darned roof in the way.’ The Bubbletent was born, and the completely transparent home offers views in EVERY direction. The owners explain that the exact location of the Bubbletent is secret to protect the privacy and seclusion of guests, but its ‘roughly halfway between Mudgee and Lithgow, overlooking Capertree Valley’, which is home to 1/3 of all Australian bird species! There are three Bubbletents to choose from, all inflated by an eco-turbine powered by batteries and solar power.  An unprecedented opportunity to ‘experience a sunset, then the curtain of the cosmos peeling back to unveil the blanket of stars.’
Bubbletent Caper Tree Valley NSW
The Coastal Pavilions at Freycinet Lodge, designed by Liminal Studio. Photo – Dianna Snape.
Cosy inside and curving exteriors. Photo – Dianna Snape.
Tasmanian timber lines the pavilions. Photo – Dianna Snape.
Coastal Pavilions
The natural beauty of Freycinet is pretty outrageous, but somehow architecture firm Liminal Studio have matched the stunning landscape with their design of nine Coastal Pavilions at Freycinet Lodge. The self contained structures are shrouded in curved glass windows, feature Tasmanian timbers, and echo the form of the coastal granite rock formations in the National Park. Sink into an outdoor bath, and watch the light fade over Honeymoon Bay!
Coastal Pavilions at Freycinet Freycinet National Park TAS
The Blue Derby Pod Rides in Tasmania. Photo – Ben Cirulis.
Eco pods, hidden in Tasmanian bushland. Photo – Ben Cirulis.
A curved and wrapped pod, with dreamy forest views. Photo – courtesy Blue Derby Pods Ride.
A bed with a view! Photo – Adam Gibson.
Blue Derby Pods Ride
Located in the Derby Forest Reserve, these Philip Lighton Architects designed pods offer a designer experience for mountain bikers in Tasmania’s remote north-east. Nestled within the Blue Derby Mountain Bike trails network, the pods appear to float in the forest as the curved walls swoop in and embrace guests. The tiny buildings are entirely off-grid, powered by solar and local rain-water. Who knew bike riding could be SO lux!
Blue Derby Pods Ride Blue Derby Mountain Bike Trails TAS
Meet Jude! An off-grid cabin in Adelaide Hills. Photo – courtesy CABN.
Solar powered, off-grid delight! Photo – courtesy CABN.
Last week we introduced the Kangaroo Valley CABN  – and today it is South Australia’s turn! Charmingly named ‘Jude’ this Adelaide Hills CABN offers an off grid escape, less than 1.5 hours from Adelaide.
All of the CABN’s are build in the company’s South Australian factory, and installed at secluded locations across Australia where they are powered by solar. The idea behind CABN is to offer a total escape, without needing to travel for hours from a major city. Say ‘Hey Jude’ and enjoy a nature reboot, without having to trek in the bush for days to reach your destination.
CABN Adelaide Hills South Australia
The Faraway Dome, in drought stricken Warialda, NSW. Photo – courtesy Faraway Domes.
The geodesic domes offer a environmentally aware glamping experience. Photo – Faraway Domes.
Faraway Domes
We have published a short piece on the Faraway Domes in Warialda, NSW once before. These stunning moon-shaped domes are inspired by their rustic bush location, and designed by the Munsie family who run, own and built the accommodation. These geodesic domes were developed in response to the devastating drought in the area – taking an environmental approach to tourism and highlighting the beauty of the region.
The Faraway Domes Warialda NSW
Get into the wild…with In 2 The Wild! Photo – courtesy In 2 The Wild.
Minimal luxury in dreamy locations. Photo – courtesy In 2 The Wild.
In 2 The Wild
In 2 The Wild offers a suite of 10 tiny cabins, dotted in secret locations throughout NSW, with details of the exact location only revealed a few days before the scheduled booking! The off-grid huts are moveable, which helps to ensure a minimal environmental footprint. Large windows connect guests to the surrounding environment, and enjoy an opportunity to gaze at bushland rather than computer screens!
In 2 The Wild Various locations in NSW
Unshackle yourself from the business of modern life with Unyoked. Photo – Sammy Hawker.
Located outside of Melbourne and Sydney, these easy escapes are easily achievable, even for the biggest city slicker! Photo – Sammy Hawker.
Chris from Unyoked describes their approach as providing ‘a bit of a gateway drug to living more mindfully.’ And we have to agree that if any accommodation is going to make you reconsider the way you live, Unyoked might just be it!
These cabins are located within reach of Melbourne and Sydney, and offer an escape from urban life. Inspired by Japanese and Scandi design, these self-contained contemporary cabins are designed as a ‘vessel to explore and appreciate the outdoors, and try to oppose the excess of luxury hotels.’ But fear not, all the essential creature comforts including a plush queen sized bed, composting toilet, hot shower and fridge are covered!
Unyoked Outside of Melbourne and Sydney NSW and VIC
0 notes
stlouisultimate · 8 years
Meeting Minutes - SLUA Annual Meeting 2017
January 25, 2017 - Agenda
Present: Dana Gray, Allen Moentmann, Dan Schisler, Paul Rebillot, Tyler Godar, Ben Buford, Tim Duggan, Tim Monahan, Lenny Jones, Allison Gray, Sasha Mothershead, Jose Artiaga
1. Introduction & Board of Directors: Allen Moentmann, Interim President; Dana Gray, Treasurer; Dan Schisler, Secretary; Paul Rebillot, Member-at-large.  
SLUA has received and is still accepting applications for individuals interested in a (paid) administrator.  In addition to an experienced leader who can act as (unpaid) president and help SLUA grow as an organization; including geographic expansion, member growth, and community exposure.
2. SLUA Events for 2017 and Recap 2016  please note if the event is a SLUA or non-SLUA event
Men’s and Women’s Indoor Winter League (non-SLUA)
Lasts 12 weeks, playing on Monday nights at the Bud Dome between 6:30-10:30.  There are four men’s and women’s team and a mid-season reshuffle.
Men – Patrick Austermann [email protected]
Women – Laura Halfmann-Morris [email protected]
JCC Spring League – Ben Buford
Four team Co-ed league lasting 10 weeks, playing on Wednesday nights at 6:30 starting March 8.
Coordinator: Ben Buford – [email protected]
Edwardsville Elite Hat Draw
Hosted by Edwardsville High School at SIUE fields. $15 a person. Registration link in SLUA webpage.
Coordinator: Matt Nuoffer – [email protected]
Saint Louis Juniors (high school) league had 27 teams in 2016 and continues to host the annual statewide tournament.  The Missouri team won a game last year at the National Youth Tournament.  The kickoff meeting is on 1/31/17 at Guido’s at 7:00 for those involved or wanting to be involved in the league.  SLUJ unincorporated from SLUA last year but may be rejoining in 2017.
Coordinator: Tim Morris
YCC – Blake Larson, Tim Morris
Coaching Clinics
Clinics will take place in Kansas City in 2017, if interested contact Jose Artiaga – [email protected].
College Sectionals & Huck Finn
Hosted by WashU Men’s and Wash U B in 2016 at Creve Coeur
Youth Ultimate Camp - Peter Lenzini & Howie Place reporting
June one week (6-815 pm) High School Ultimate Camp (open to any returning league player, target core leadership) and July one week (830-1130 am) Grade School Ultimate Camp (open to rising 6, 7, 8, 9th graders)
*if it turns out that demand will be high enough, they can run a camp the next week as well.  
Ultimate in St. Louis Senior Olympics
Participants must be 50+, tournament / game structure will be determined based on the number of players. Taking place May 27-28 at JCC. Registration at JCC.org. SLUA to help promote event and recruit participants. SLUA will not garner any fees
Coordinator: Tim Duggan – [email protected]
Summer Leagues
Begin May 22; End Aug 7 – 12. Volunteer Captains Needed
Captains’ Meeting Tuesday, May 3, 6 pm, at TBD
Registration opens April 15, registration closes May 5
Coordinators: Budgets due April 1
Monday Coed Rec at Tower Grove
18+, 10 teams, 12 games total with 9 round robin games beginning 5/22, and 3 playoff weeks, 8/8, 8/15, 8/22.  There will be a social field rather than a social venue each week.
Chris Bethel - [email protected]
Allison Gray – [email protected]
Tuesday Recreational division at Chesterfield Park 6 teams
Chesterfield league from Tue, May 23- July 25.  2 rounds and then playoffs. Discs to be supplied.
Coordinator: Tim Monahan -  [email protected]
Wednesday Open Competitive
8, bring your own, team at Buder Park at 6:30; start date TBD
Coordinator: Buck Schneider - [email protected]
Wednesday Coed Recreation at Tower Grove Park
8 teams play at 6:30, attempting to attract younger players; may offer half off for players under 18 years old.
Lenny Jones - [email protected]
Sasha Jones - [email protected]
Thursday Coed Competitive at Tower Grove Park
8 teams play at 6:30
Coordinator: Blake Larson - [email protected]
Dana Gray Invitational Hat Draw Tourney & Picnic
Saturday June 10 at Tower Grove Park on fields SB2, SB3, SB3A, SB4 for summer league participants. Picnic at Humbolt South Pavillion. May set up temporary disc golf course during picnic.
Saturday Fall League - Darrin Speegle coordinator
Saturdays at Forest Park, dates TBD.
Coordinator: Darrin Speegle - [email protected]
Weeknight Fall League - Allen Moentmann & Chris Bethel coordinators
Brentwood Park 6:30 & 8:00, dates TBD
Chris Bethel
Allen Moentmann
3. Club Teams
Thoroughbred: Current Captain’s are Matt Francis – [email protected] and Spencer Hollenbach - [email protected]
Castle: No update.
Chalice: New mixed club team headed by Henry Sunderman and Joe Macdonald
Filthy Gorgeous: Good numbers at practices last year and attended Harvest Moon!
Contact: Allison Gray - [email protected]
4. Pick Up Games
·         6pm (DST 3/12-11/5) – Schroeder Park, Manchester, MO – Jose Artiaga
·         2pm – Lion’s Club, St. Peters, MO – coordinator unknown
·         2pm – Langenberg Fields in Forest Park – Allen Moentmann
·         6pm – Longacre Park/Everett Moody Park, Fairview Heights, IL – Christian Fili Ugaban
·         12pm – SLU – Darrin Speegle
·         6pm – Langenberg Fields in Forest Park – Bryant Scaife
·         12pm – SLU – Darrin Speegle
·         5:30pm (Summer) Langenberg Fields in Forest Park – Alex Holehouse
·         10am (Winter) Langenberg Fields in Forest Park – Alex Holehouse
·         1:30pm Langenberg Fields in Forest Park – Bryant Scaife
5. SLUA Marketing & Outreach Review & Propose
SLUA Social Media Updates
Twitter is live with 124 followers and our Facebook page now has 676 members!  
SLUA Website / IT Committee: Paul Rebillot, Allen Moetmann
SLUA continues to search for a new website platform.
6. Insurance Quotes & Fees: SLUA has Directors & Officers liability coverage annual premium $625.  Dana solicited quotes for general liability and sports medical coverage, to determine if we could get coverage & rates comparable to USAU. The USAU cost is approximately 1/3 of the quoted rates ($5,275 vs $16,132) for commercial general liability, umbrella liability & accident medical.  
Per Darrin Speegle: Last fall, USAU waived the screening for legal guardians. They even allowed a non-playing, non USAU member legal guardian to serve as chaperone. They told me that as long as a guardian is willing to provide them with contact info and indicate they will be attending the games, it is OK.
7.Volunteers Needed:
Graphic Design: design discs and t-shirts, marketing materials for leagues and tournaments.
Leadership and Community Outreach: lead ultimate clinics; teach ultimate to youth groups at schools, scouts, civic organizations, etc.  Promote ultimate at PE teachers’ conference.  Serve as team coaches/ managers.  Assist with organizing leagues and tournaments.
Field Acquisition: Fields are one of our primary challenges to maintenance and growth.  We need to look at partnering with other sports organizations to share field use.  Volunteers are needed to seek out partnership opportunities.  Field conditions are critical - don’t play on wet fields.
Accounting: assist in management of finances, offer tax advice, and keep organization appraised of new tax laws affecting the organization.
Legal Assistance: offer legal advice and representation as needed.
Information Technology: continue web development for SLUA, assist with site maintenance and support for program marketing, posting team scores of leagues and tournaments, maintenance of bulletin board.  
8. Zero Waste Initiative - we strive to create Zero Waste.  Instruct players to use reusable water bottles, beer steins, recycle, and make an effort to purchase items that will not contribute to the landfills.
0 notes
stlultimate · 8 years
Meeting Minutes - SLUA Annual Meeting 2017
January 25, 2017 - Agenda
Present: Dana Gray, Allen Moentmann, Dan Schisler, Paul Rebillot, Tyler Godar, Ben Buford, Tim Duggan, Tim Monahan, Lenny Jones, Allison Gray, Sasha Mothershead, Jose Artiaga
1. Introduction & Board of Directors: Allen Moentmann, Interim President; Dana Gray, Treasurer; Dan Schisler, Secretary; Paul Rebillot, Member-at-large.  
SLUA has received and is still accepting applications for individuals interested in a (paid) administrator.  In addition to an experienced leader who can act as (unpaid) president and help SLUA grow as an organization; including geographic expansion, member growth, and community exposure.
2. SLUA Events for 2017 and Recap 2016  please note if the event is a SLUA or non-SLUA event
Men’s and Women’s Indoor Winter League (non-SLUA)
Lasts 12 weeks, playing on Monday nights at the Bud Dome between 6:30-10:30.  There are four men’s and women’s team and a mid-season reshuffle.
Men – Patrick Austermann [email protected]
Women – Laura Halfmann-Morris [email protected]
JCC Spring League – Ben Buford
Four team Co-ed league lasting 10 weeks, playing on Wednesday nights at 6:30 starting March 8.
Coordinator: Ben Buford – [email protected]
Edwardsville Elite Hat Draw
Hosted by Edwardsville High School at SIUE fields. $15 a person. Registration link in SLUA webpage.
Coordinator: Matt Nuoffer – [email protected]
Saint Louis Juniors (high school) league had 27 teams in 2016 and continues to host the annual statewide tournament.  The Missouri team won a game last year at the National Youth Tournament.  The kickoff meeting is on 1/31/17 at Guido’s at 7:00 for those involved or wanting to be involved in the league.  SLUJ unincorporated from SLUA last year but may be rejoining in 2017.
 Coordinator: Tim Morris
 YCC – Blake Larson, Tim Morris
 Coaching Clinics
Clinics will take place in Kansas City in 2017, if interested contact Jose Artiaga – [email protected].
 College Sectionals & Huck Finn
Hosted by WashU Men’s and Wash U B in 2016 at Creve Coeur
 Youth Ultimate Camp - Peter Lenzini & Howie Place reporting
June one week (6-815 pm) High School Ultimate Camp (open to any returning league player, target core leadership) and July one week (830-1130 am) Grade School Ultimate Camp (open to rising 6, 7, 8, 9th graders)
*if it turns out that demand will be high enough, they can run a camp the next week as well.  
 Ultimate in St. Louis Senior Olympics
Participants must be 50+, tournament / game structure will be determined based on the number of players. Taking place May 27-28 at JCC. Registration at JCC.org. SLUA to help promote event and recruit participants. SLUA will not garner any fees
 Coordinator: Tim Duggan – [email protected]
 Summer Leagues
Begin May 22; End Aug 7 – 12. Volunteer Captains Needed
Captains’ Meeting Tuesday, May 3, 6 pm, at TBD
Registration opens April 15, registration closes May 5
 Coordinators: Budgets due April 1
 Monday Coed Rec at Tower Grove
18+, 10 teams, 12 games total with 9 round robin games beginning 5/22, and 3 playoff weeks, 8/8, 8/15, 8/22.  There will be a social field rather than a social venue each week.
Chris Bethel - [email protected]
Allison Gray – [email protected]
 Tuesday Recreational division at Chesterfield Park 6 teams
Chesterfield league from Tue, May 23- July 25.  2 rounds and then playoffs. Discs to be supplied.
 Coordinator: Tim Monahan -  [email protected]
 Wednesday Open Competitive
8, bring your own, team at Buder Park at 6:30; start date TBD
 Coordinator: Buck Schneider - [email protected]
 Wednesday Coed Recreation at Tower Grove Park
8 teams play at 6:30, attempting to attract younger players; may offer half off for players under 18 years old.
Lenny Jones - [email protected]
Sasha Jones - [email protected]
 Thursday Coed Competitive at Tower Grove Park
8 teams play at 6:30
Coordinator: Blake Larson - [email protected]
 Dana Gray Invitational Hat Draw Tourney & Picnic
Saturday June 10 at Tower Grove Park on fields SB2, SB3, SB3A, SB4 for summer league participants. Picnic at Humbolt South Pavillion. May set up temporary disc golf course during picnic.
 Saturday Fall League - Darrin Speegle coordinator
Saturdays at Forest Park, dates TBD.
 Coordinator: Darrin Speegle - [email protected]
 Weeknight Fall League - Allen Moentmann & Chris Bethel coordinators
Brentwood Park 6:30 & 8:00, dates TBD
Chris Bethel
Allen Moentmann
 3. Club Teams
 Thoroughbred: Current Captain’s are Matt Francis – [email protected] and Spencer Hollenbach - [email protected]
 Castle: No update.
 Chalice: New mixed club team headed by Henry Sunderman and Joe Macdonald
 Filthy Gorgeous: Good numbers at practices last year and attended Harvest Moon!
 Contact: Allison Gray - [email protected]
 4. Pick Up Games
 ·         6pm (DST 3/12-11/5) – Schroeder Park, Manchester, MO – Jose Artiaga
 ·         2pm – Lion’s Club, St. Peters, MO – coordinator unknown
·         2pm – Langenberg Fields in Forest Park – Allen Moentmann
·         6pm – Longacre Park/Everett Moody Park, Fairview Heights, IL – Christian Fili Ugaban
 ·         12pm – SLU – Darrin Speegle
 ·         6pm – Langenberg Fields in Forest Park – Bryant Scaife
 ·         12pm – SLU – Darrin Speegle
·         5:30pm (Summer) Langenberg Fields in Forest Park – Alex Holehouse
·         10am (Winter) Langenberg Fields in Forest Park – Alex Holehouse
·         1:30pm Langenberg Fields in Forest Park – Bryant Scaife
 5. SLUA Marketing & Outreach Review & Propose
SLUA Social Media Updates
Twitter is live with 124 followers and our Facebook page now has 676 members!  
 SLUA Website / IT Committee: Paul Rebillot, Allen Moetmann
SLUA continues to search for a new website platform.
 6. Insurance Quotes & Fees: SLUA has Directors & Officers liability coverage annual premium $625.  Dana solicited quotes for general liability and sports medical coverage, to determine if we could get coverage & rates comparable to USAU. The USAU cost is approximately 1/3 of the quoted rates ($5,275 vs $16,132) for commercial general liability, umbrella liability & accident medical.  
 Per Darrin Speegle: Last fall, USAU waived the screening for legal guardians. They even allowed a non-playing, non USAU member legal guardian to serve as chaperone. They told me that as long as a guardian is willing to provide them with contact info and indicate they will be attending the games, it is OK.
 7.Volunteers Needed:
Graphic Design: design discs and t-shirts, marketing materials for leagues and tournaments.
 Leadership and Community Outreach: lead ultimate clinics; teach ultimate to youth groups at schools, scouts, civic organizations, etc.  Promote ultimate at PE teachers’ conference.  Serve as team coaches/ managers.  Assist with organizing leagues and tournaments.
 Field Acquisition: Fields are one of our primary challenges to maintenance and growth.  We need to look at partnering with other sports organizations to share field use.  Volunteers are needed to seek out partnership opportunities.  Field conditions are critical - don’t play on wet fields.
 Accounting: assist in management of finances, offer tax advice, and keep organization appraised of new tax laws affecting the organization.
 Legal Assistance: offer legal advice and representation as needed.
 Information Technology: continue web development for SLUA, assist with site maintenance and support for program marketing, posting team scores of leagues and tournaments, maintenance of bulletin board.  
��8. Zero Waste Initiative - we strive to create Zero Waste.  Instruct players to use reusable water bottles, beer steins, recycle, and make an effort to purchase items that will not contribute to the landfills.
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