#REDDEST red ive ever seen in nature. more red than cardinals and tulips. red like a prize rose right when the first petals begin to open.
the-trans-dragon · 1 year
If you see black widow and it is a very very very fat round orb like a sphere that looks too goddamn big for its thin little legs
It can move SO FAST. Everything is fine. She's outside somewhere. But do not believe her if she fawns around like she is too fat and round for her tiny little legs. Not even if she keeps the act up for several solid minutes. She is lying!
They can move at the speed of light. I was watching her with my eyeballs and I have no idea where she went. (I didn't have a plan beyond "move her off my front door so my cat daisy doesn't bat her around like a catnip toy" and she is somewhere outdoors and hopefully stays out there or maybe even goes farther away from the door because she was really scary) (though for the record she. was. gorgeous.)
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