norry-yippee · 1 month
Hey! I just finished reading the Art Thief and saw that you had read it too
Uh idk what to ask so tell me anything you found interesting about it?
I found it horrible how much he broke his relationships even after his original prison sentence. It was very interesting to see his tactics and the authors note at the end on how sly he truly is.
OH MY GOSH! I’ve been waiting for someone to want to talk to me about it for literally forever I adored that book.
I remember I first heard of the book from an episode of a podcast I listened to and became obsessed. Maybe it was because I love going art museums and galleries so much I can’t imagine ever taking a beautiful piece and making it so no one else can see it again.
I guess these are my thoughts on it? I don’t believe he is a kleptomaniac, he didn’t just steal random stuff because he liked to steal, yes stealing became an addiction like thing, something he craved and felt lost without. Even after he is released from prison he goes right back to stealing, relapsing sort of(?) but he doesn’t steal like a kleptomaniac. He takes his time in picking what he wants and uses reason when he does.
I’ve always felt bad for Anne-Katherine because I feel like the relationship was abusive in some way, not physically but she probably didn’t have a lot of options, we saw how he reacted when she took a break from him. While I don’t like her, she made poor decisions and is now living with the consequences for them even if those consequences don’t include prison like his do. And, she did assist him is the stealing never telling him to stop, he loved her a lot I feel like she has more influence in the stealing than she would probably like to think, but I don’t know her personally so don’t take my opinion as fact.
How did his mother not know? That’s the big question for me, like how could you not know your son has stashed 2 million dollars in stolen art. And then for her to burn it(!) is insane to me, I could never not even for my son, some of those works were priceless beauties. But I am a teenage girl so I’m not a trusted source when it comes to motherhood.
I think the author did a really good job at telling the story to its full truth while still giving his opinions on things. It didn’t feel biased but it felt personal.
Maybe I’m weird for being so interested on some French man stealing art for the aesthetics(a very French thing to do) but I found it insane.
Thank you for asking about it sorry for word vomiting about it!
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