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ghosty-writes-23 · 1 month ago
Whispers Of Silk & Desire. - Leon S Kennedy.
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!TAGS!: NSFW Content, Mile High Club, Switch!Leon, Praise, Playful Banter, Slight Plot (It you look really hard) Eye Contact, !UNEDITED!, Fingering, Pet Names (Mistress, Princess, Love, Darling, Sweetheart) Teasing, Bareback, !CONSENT IS KEY!, Bathroom sex.
Pairing: RE6!Butler!Leon + Writer!Fem!Reader.
Rating: Mature
Summary: Y/n was sick of the burning heat of summer, so she decided to go on holiday somewhere cold where she could relax and not feel as if she was melting, and of course she brought her darling butler Leon but things spice up when they are alone together in her private airplane bathroom....
Word Count: 5k
Ghosty's Notes: I'm so sorry this has taken so long to come out, I have been dealing with some personal things and just haven't been in the right headspace to write, so this has been a really big work in progress, but I am slowly going to get back too it, I really do hope you enjoy this oneshot and I am hoping to do more in the future and even revisit some older oneshots and maybe rewrite them or even do second parts to them, so please stay tuned, also I wanted to experiment and wrote this in 3rd person, but don't sorry it is still an x-reader.
Thank you for all the support, it means alot❤️
-Ghosty :] ❤️🦝
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The sunroom was Mistress Y/n sanctuary, with high floor to ceiling window panels that gave her an almost full view of the garden that was at the back of her families estate, she had inherited it from her grandfather after he and her grandmother decided they where going to cruise the world and see where life took them since they weren’t getting any younger, that had only been a couple months ago since they had left leaving Y/n incharge.
Her grandfather had he worked in the government, he wasn’t that much into the political side of the government but more helping people and doing as much as he could for his community, he was truly loved by the people.
As Y/n flipped to the next page of her book she smelt the scent of the freshly cut roses that had been placed on her desk this morning, most likely Leon’s doing since he knew how much she loved the smell.
When she first arrived to the estate she had first met Leon at the front door, he was wearing a tailored dark navy waistcoat with a tie and a white button down undershirt, his hands where covered by a pair of white gloves and his dark blonde hair was slicked back on one side, letting his fringe cover half of his face, he held a stoic but professional look on his face when his blue eyes had meet hers for the first time, but he was polite nonetheless.
Over time you came to learn that Leon was an ex-agent having suffering a back and arm injury that left him unfit to work as an agent anymore, her grandfather had found out Leon was looking for a job and offered him a job at the estate and with the position Leon was in at the time, he didn’t argue and accepted the work, it wasn’t what Leon had in mind for a job but he was desperate for anything.  
Skipping forward to now Y/n had closed her kindle and placed it on her desk before she laid her head back in her chair and let out a soft breath as she fanned herself slightly with her hand, the heat of the room was starting to get to her, as much as she loved to sit in this room and read her book it does get almost unbearably hot in here, but just as she was about to get out of her chair and go to the kitchen to get a drink, there was a knock on her door.
“Come in.” she calls out and soon Leon enters the room, wearing his usual dark navy-blue waistcoat with matching tie, white button-down undershirt and white gloves, in his hands was a tray with what looked like an ice-cold glass of peach iced tea and some frozen grapes. Even in the blazing heat of the summer air Leon was dress impeccability, not a crease in his suit or even a drop of sweat on his forehead, it made Y/n a little jealous since she felt as if she was sitting in a sauna.
“Leon.” Y/n says with a soft exasperated sigh as she looked at the older man as he placed the silver tray on her desk. “Yes Mistress?” Leon asked giving her his full attention after placing the tray down.
“how are you so unaffected by this heat, it’s witchcraft or something.” Y/n says as she reaches forward to grab a frozen grape out of the bowl on her desk, Leon just gives her a small chuckle as he tucks the tray under his arm. “It is my duty mistress, no matter the season as one’s appearance reflects back on the estate.” Leon spoke calmly as he looked at Y/n with an also amused look on his face.
“Well, your duty to keep up appearances no matter the weather because of how it reflects back on the estate is maddening.” Y/n couldn’t help but complain but it wasn’t said with malice or hurtful intent
more like a playful jab, but suddenly her eyes lit up and a smile came onto her face. “Oh, I know that look.” Leon says with the same playful jab knowing his mistress has cooked up an idea. “I have decided something.” Y/n says after she chewed and swallowed the frozen grape that was in her mouth, causing a cold shiver to run down her spine. “and what is that you have decided?” Leon asks as he looked at her with a small smile, Y/n took her glass of ice-cold peach tea and took a sip of it, letting the cold liquid run down her throat before she answered.
“this heat is unbearable, and I refuse to suffer any longer, we are going on holiday effective immediately.” Y/n says as if she was leaving no room for argument, this caused Leon to raise an eyebrow at her suggestion or more like order. “A holiday?” Leon asked her as he was now standing beside her as he leaned back against her desk, he was a little surprised about her sudden suggestion, but a holiday did sound pretty nice at the moment. “Yes a holiday.” Y/n said matter of fact as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“I want to go somewhere colder, maybe snowing even if we are lucky we could go to antarctica.” Y/n said excitement clear in her voice as if she was imagining the cold weather and maybe even playing around with some of the penguins. “Mistress not to rain on your parade, but you need permits to go to antarctica.”  Leon says causing Y/n to pout slightly as she took another frozen grape from the pop and popped it onto her mouth.
“I just want to go somewhere where it doesn’t feel like I am slow roasting in my own house.” Y/n says with a small sigh as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, the warm air filling her lungs and causing a drop of sweat to run down her back, reminding her she could always take a cold shower.
“Well since we can’t go to antarctica so you can’t play with your penguin friends, what else do you envision for the holiday?” Leon asked as he looked at her, he could see the small pout on her face when she was told she couldn’t play with her penguin friends. Y/n could hear the faint questioning in his tone making her open one eye to look at him.
“I just want to go somewhere cold where I can be comfortable.” Y/n said, and Leon have her a small smile and nodded his head. “and I presume I am coming with you on this little holiday?” Leon asked as she nodded her head as she took a sip of her drink, that now condensation was now coating the glass.
“Of course, I think I would go insane if I was left along on a plane.” Y/n said as Leon grabbed one of the grapes out of the bowl on the desk. “Very well then, I will start looking into places that you can have your little getaway.” Leon says as he pushes himself off the desk and started to head to the sunroom door.
“good and make sure it is somewhere far enough that I can forget about this awful heat for a little while, but not to far that we will have to spend hours cooped up in an airplane.” Y/n says, and Leon nodded his head. “of course, Mistress I will make the preparations necessary before you melt entirely.” He says politely but their was a hint of playfulness in his tone.
Y/n just shooed him away before she drank the last of her drink, she couldn’t wait to get out of this heat, to not feel as if her brain was melting and her body wasn’t sticking to the back of her chair, she knew her father had a winter home in Switzerland, him and her mother where currently in New Zealand since it was summer over there and they loved the heat, sometime she shouldn’t believe how different her and her parents really where.
It had only taken Leon until the afternoon to arrange the plans for the holiday, they would be going to Y/n’s parents winter home in Switzerland so they wouldn’t have to look around for accommodation and they would both have peace and quiet, currently Y/n sitting in her comfortable leather recliner chair with a champagne flute in one had while she was reading on her kindle.
The air conditioner of the private jet had already made her forget about the sizzling heat back at the estate, it was cool on her skin making her hum softly happily. Leon was currently making some last-minute arrangements such as a vehicle and grocery delivery since there won’t be anything to eat at the house.
Finally, after him making all the arrangements Y/n felt as if a weight had been lifted off her shoulders knowing everything was sorted and prepared, but as she read her book she couldn’t help but feel a pair of eyes on her watching her. “you staring.” Y/n said not looking up from her kindle knowing it was Leon how was staring at her.
“I know.” Leon says his tone was slightly smug but also affection, looking up she gave Leon an amused look before she closed her kindle. “and why could you be possibly staring at me for.” Y/n asked him with the same amusement in her tone, they had always had this sometimes flirty back and forth with each other.
“You know why.” Leon spoke and that caused a small blush to colour her cheeks, it was no secret that she found Leon attractive she meant what woman wouldn’t, and it’s not like she haven’t fantasied about him wondering what he looked like with his hair not slicked back, or what his body looked like under the tailcoat and white button down top he is always wearing, did he have scars from when he worked as an agent like the one on his cheek, their had even been times when she thought about him taking her in her sunroom or even the kitchen counter.
Y/n knew she couldn’t have these thoughts about Leon, he was her worker employed by her grandfather to look after the estate and to take care of Y/n and it would break so many clause in his contact and the reputation her grandfather had built over the years, the news would be too scandalous and could possibly ruin everything.
But there was a part of her deep down that tried to argue with her brains reasoning, saying she is a fully grown woman with wants desires and needs, that as long as they are both consenting then what’s the problem, she pushed those thought aside and playfully pushed Leon away causing the older man to chuckle as well.
With still 6 hours left of their flight Y/n decided she would change into something more comfortable and warmer and take a little nap, so she had taken her carry-on bag to the bathroom and was starting to get changed, she had successfully gotten her sweatpants on and was pulling her shirt over her head when the door opened.
“Somebody is in he-“ she started but she soon froze when she felt arms wrap around the bare skin of her waist causing her body to tense up. When she finally pulled the shirt down her head she saw familiar dark blonde hair and a playful smile on his lips. “Leon what are you doing in here, I’m changing.” Y/n said slightly flushed as she glared at him through the mirror of the bathroom.
“Just coming to check up on you, Love.” Leon spoke as he rested his chin on her shoulder, she could feel his breath on her neck and his chest against her back, even with their clothes separating them she could feel how warm Leon’s body was. “I’m getting dressed.” Y/n said as she started to pick up her clothes she had changed out of and put them in her carry-on bag.
“I can see what sweetheart.” Leon purred softly as he left out a soft hum, his voice was a lot more husky his eyes never leaving her reflection in the mirror. Soon a soft gasp left her lips as she felt Leon’s hand go under her shirt and run down her spine, causing a shiver to go up Y/n’s spine.
She had to bite her bottom lip to prevent any noise no matter how soft or whiney it was from leaving her lips, but her eyes fluttered closed as she braced herself against the bathroom sink, trying to give herself some stability. “You’re so sensitive.” Leon softly teases as one of his hands trails down her arms and lace’s his fingers with one of her hands that is bracing herself on the counter.
“Leon.” She softly breathed his name, but Leon just smiled and took his hand out from the bottom of her shirt and moved her hair to the side, before placing a featherlight kiss on the soft skin of her neck, causing a small yelp to leave her lips. “We shouldn’t be doing this.” She tried to protest but Leon just keep leaving trails of soft kisses down her neck and to her shoulder.
“I know we shouldn’t, but I can’t help it Mistress.” Leon says and the way he called her mistress sent another shiver down her spine, Y/n knew he had to stop this before things got too out of hand but the rational side of her brain was losing the battle to her desire and want side.
Deep down she didn’t want Leon to stop and she was willing to face any consequences at that moment if it meant she could have him once and then leave this bathroom and pretend nothing happened. Deciding to just go for it Y/n turned around and wrapped her arms around Leon’s neck before she went on her tippy toes and pressed her lips to his in a soft kiss, testing the waters and giving him plenty of time to pull away.
But Leon didn’t in fact pull away or even try and break the kiss, he growled softly against her lips as he tightened his arm around her waist before he lifted her onto the counter with ease, his other hand went onto her hair from the back, Y/n back was pressed into the cold bathroom mirror.
That did nothing to cool down the heat that was burning in her body as her and Leon passionately made out, almost as if this moment had been simmering from the moment they met and is only now boiling over in hungry kisses and soft gasps and moans. But soon Leon broke the kiss and rested his forehead on hers, both of them where breathing heavily their pupils blown and their lips slightly swollen from the intensity of the kiss.
“Fuck.” Was all that left Leon’s lips causing Y/n to smile and giggle slightly as her fingers gently ran though his dark blonde hair, but before she could say anything Leon reconnected their lips but this time it was different, their was a hunger and also desperation in his kiss, as if he was devouring her like oxygen it made Y/n head spin as she kissed him back, her eyes fluttering closed as she wrapped her legs around his waist to pull his body closer to hers.
Soon Y/n’s hands fell from around Leon’s neck as she gently pushed Leon’s tailcoat off and started to unbutton his shirt, Leon didn’t protest he even helped her by shrugging his shoulders and let the cotton material fall to the floor.
Finally Y/n broke the kiss for air as she was starting to feel a little light headed, she had ever experienced a kiss that intense before it almost left her weak in the knees, a soft whine like noise left Leon’s lips when she broke the kiss as he moved his head chasing after her lips, but she stopped him when she gently placed her index finger on his bottom lip and there was a small smile on her face.
“I needed some air.” Y/n tells him as she rests her forehead against his, finally being about to catch her breath she saw the top half of Leon’s body, there where scars that littered his chest and stomach.
Some looked to be as small surface scars but there where bigger more deeper ones, some looked like blade cuts while others looked at bullet wounds, she hadn’t really knowing what type of work Leon did when he was an agent but by the looks of how nasty some of these scars where it was a little bit more then just some simple paperwork. “Do you they hurt.” Y/n asked him as she reaches up and gently touches one of the bullet scars on his chest, a solemn look came onto the older man’s face before he shook his head.
“Physically no but…” he trailed off and Y/n could already guess what he was going to say. “Mentally yes.” She finished for him and all he did was simply nod his causing her to frown slightly. “But I’m alive now aren’t I.” Leon says in a happier tone trying to lighten the once electric mood.
“Yeah.” Y/n says as she traced one of the scars on his chest with her index finger, but Leon reached down and gently took her hand and brought it up to his lips and gave it a gentle kiss. “You don’t need to worry now, it’s in the past.” He tried to reassure her as he trailed kissed from her hand and up her arm, to her shoulder and then to her neck and then her jawline.
Y/n closed her eyes as she felt Leon’s lips traveling up her body, some of the kisses where soft and sweet while the one on her bare skin where a little hard and even little nibbles, as if he was trying to leave his mark on her, his name falling from her lips as she leaned against the bathroom mirror.
“Say my name again Darling.” Leon purred against her skin as he pulled her closer to his body, his lips trailing from her jawline then her cheek and lastly the corners of her lips. Y/n fingers where back in Leon’s blonde lock gently tugging roots between her fingers, no to hard but enough to let a groan like growl from Leon as he reconnected their lips in the heated and passionate kiss.
“You drive me crazy sweetheart.” Leon groaned against Y/n lips as he broke the kiss for air, both of them where breathing heavily and blushing. “I can tell.” Y/n said in a cheeky tone as she soft bumped her nose again his in a sweet gesture only to shiver softly as a sweet moan left her lips, Leon cold gloved hand had slipped into her sweatpants and was gently teasing her folds, making her mew soft as her eyes fluttered closed.
The cold leather was warming up against her skin as her slick coated his fingerless gloved hands, Y/n could see Leon’s eyes darken with desire as he felt how wet she was, knowing his precious mistress was wet for him.
Biting her lip Y/n moved ever so slightly on the bathroom counter, her legs lazily wrapping around Leon’s waist to give him a little more room in the already small bathroom, her arms where loosely wrapped around his neck and her head rested on his shoulder.
Soft moans and whines left her lips as she felt Leon’s fingers work her, gently teasing her clit in small circles, his middle finger and ring finger carefully teasing her entrance but not entering her just yet, Y/n let out a soft whine and bumped her forehead against his shoulder as a plea for him to touch her more, to which Leon just chuckled to himself softly.
“Just wanted to have your consent first, I know I should have asked before putting my hand in your pants, but I couldn’t help myself, I know I shouldn’t take without permission but-“ Leon was cut off by Y/n giggling softly and gently placing her index finger on his lips, her heart swelling in affection at his gesture.
“its ok you can touch me.” She says giving Leon her full permission, she saw Leon’s body relax as he let out a shaky breath as soon as she said it was okay to touch her. Soon Leon buried his face in her neck breathing in her scent as he peppered kisses all over her neck and collarbone, but as Y/n’s eyes fluttered closed at the soft sensation she felt his middle finger and ring finger slowly and carefully pressed inside causing a sweet mew to leave her lips.
Y/n bit her lip to muffle her moans, even though this was a private plane it would be embarrassing if she got caught by somebody especially the pilot, it would just make future trip even more awkward. “Feel good princess.” Leon asked as he used his free hand to rub circles on her thigh as if his fingers aren’t 2 knuckles deep inside her.
Y/n nodded her head as she bit her lip harder, she didn’t touch herself to not moan loudly if she tried to talk. But when Leon curled his fingers and find the spot that made her squeal ever so slightly and clamp her thighs shut around his waist, his eyes went wide in surprise before his smile turned into a smirk, knowing he had just found her sweet spot.
“Bingo.” He mostly mumbled to himself as he started to target that area, he could feel her silk wall start to clamp around his fingers, his leather gloves now completely covered in her slick, he knew she was close as her thighs began to tremble. Y/n had put her hand over her mouth not trusting herself to bite her bottom lip hard to muffle her moan but also not to bite hard enough that her lip will start bleeding.
Y/n watched him lick her slick off his fingers before she reached up and gently tugged him down, kissing him deeply and tangling her tongue with his, she could taste herself on his lips. As the pair kissed Y/n’s hand trailed down Leon’s bare chest and came down to his belt, but she stopped herself before she broke the kiss, she looked up at him through her lashes asking for his consent.
“fuck Leon.” Y/n moaned softly as she arched her back off the bathroom mirror. “come for me mistress.” Leon spoke softly as he gently bit her neck and that was enough, Y/n buried her face in Leon’s neck and bit down on his shoulder before she came undone at his touch, her body jolting with electricity as she rid out her orgasm.
Leon let out a strangled moan as he felt her teeth bit down on the soft skin of his neck, he tried so desperately not to come right then and there. “That’s my girl.” He said as he slowly he pulled his fingers out of her quivering folds and brought them up to his lips and licked them clean, his eyes not leaving hers.
He let out another shakey breath, but Y/n could see his eyes where darken with need and lust. Leon nodded giving her his permission, carefully Y/n unbuckled his belt and pulled it from his pants, once it was free she dropped it on the bathroom ground with a soft clatter, before she reached up and undid the front button and pulled down his zipper, her hand’s trembling ever so slightly.
“You’re trembling darling, are you nervous?” Leon asked Y/n as he took her slightly trembling hands in his. “A little.” Y/n admitted a small blush colouring her cheeks, Leon used his free hand to push his pants and briefs down to mid-thigh.
His cock sprang free from its confines of his brief’s and pants, it stood at attention and Y/n could see it twitching as it had a small bead of precum on his slit, he had a small patch of dark blonde hair but it was neatly trimmed. Slowly and carefully Y/n slipped off her sweatpants, leaving no barriers between them.
She felt Leon press himself against her both of their bodies trembling with need and desire for each other. Leon slowly grinded his hips causing a soft moan to leave Y/n’s lips. “I don’t have a condom with me.” Y/n said causing Leon to curse under his breath making her think he didn’t bring one either.
“Damit it, I didn’t one either.” Leon says as he pulled away slightly, he looked at her with a slightly disappointed and sad look, Y/n felt a little frustrated at herself, but she didn’t think she would be having a moment like this on a plane especially with her butler. “There is another way.” She says quietly as she bit her bottom lip it was risky, Leon looked at her a little wide-eyed knowing what she is hinting at.
“You sure sweetheart, you know the risk right.” He said a little cautious. “I take birth control daily, and I’ve been tested in the last couple weeks, I haven’t had sex since then and if your that worried you could just pull out, just please don’t get it in my hair.” Y/n pleading her case slightly, but she didn’t want Leon to feel pressured or obligated too.
Leon was quiet for a few moments before he nodded his head, seeming to have decided. “Okay we can try it your way, but you have to promise me if it gets to much you tell me okay.” Leon said and Y/n nodded her head with a small smile on her face, it made her heart flutter at how much he seemed to care about her pleasure and feelings.
“of course.” He reassured him as she felt him gently squeeze her hips, before he reached down and grabbed his cock and gently tapped it against her folds a few times, causing a soft whine to leave her lips, her back was pressed against the cold bathroom mirror, but that didn’t matter to her since her body was on fire from Leon’s touch.
“its okay.” Y/n whispered softly, and Leon nodded before slowly and carefully pushing inside her, stretching her and causing her nails to dig ever so slightly into his shoulders, causing him to groan softly. “Leon.” His name falls from her lips in a sweet moan, she almost forgot they where in a airplane bathroom, 5000 meters in the air, her back arched ever so slightly causing Leon to grab her arms and pin them against the mirror as he pressed his chest against hers.
So their was no space between them, his cock sliding between her folds with ease as he thrusted carefully but precisely as if he was trying to find her sweet spot again. “Fuck Y/n.” Leon groaned softly his voice was ragged as he was also holding his groans and grunts back, not wanting to be too loud either.
The bathroom counter was slightly rocking under the both of them, Y/n buried her face in Leon’s neck and her legs tightened around his waist as her walls where clenching around his cock with every thrust. Her moans where muffled but Leon chuckle finding it cute that she was trying to muffle her moans. Y/n squeezed her eyes shut as she could feel her body begin to tremble again, she was close, her nails dug into his back leaving angry red marks, but she knew Leon would be looking at them in the mirror later when they finally reached the log cabin.
“so good for me love, your taking me to well.” Leon praised her as he gently squeezed her wrists in an affection gesture, he was close as well, but he was going to make sure his mistress came before he did. “Leon I’m gonna come.” Y/n warned Leon her moans where getting more high and whiney, her walls where fluttering around his cock like crazy.
“it’s okay darling, come for me.” Leon said through gritted teeth as he speed up his thrusts, causing them to go deeper, feeling as if a knot in her stomach finally snapped, Y/n let out a soft cry of his name as she came around him, leaving her extra sensitive.
“God you look beautiful when you come princess.” Leon growled lowly before she felt him spill inside of her, a deep growl leaving his lips causing her to clench around him at the sound. After a couple of minutes later Leon slowly and carefully pulled out of her and watched his cum drip from her slick folds.
“Can you grab me some tissues, so I can clean myself up.” Y/n asked him as her legs felt like jelly and if she stood up she would instantly fall onto the ground. Leon nodded and grabbed her some tissues and clean her gently, then helped her get dressed back into her sweatpants.
“Thanks.” Y/n said softly as Leon got dressed, once he was dressed he picked her up and started heading back to their seats in the plane. When they got back to their seat’s Leon had settled her on his lap and even grabbed her kindle and a blanket for if she wanted to nap, Y/n smiled softly at him as she rested her head on his chest and tossed the blanket over the both of them, she felt exhausted and their was still a few hours left on their flight.
“get some sleep mistress I’ll wake you up when we are landing.” Leon assured her seeming to be back in butler mode she gave him a small nod and closed her eyes, she felt so lucky to have Leon by her side, she felt like the luckiest girl in the world….
©Ghosty-writes-23, 2025. all rights reserved. !I DO NOT! consent to translations or replications or reproduction of my work on any other social media platforms and or make AI Bots without my explict consent and permission.
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thewxtchsgrimoire · 3 years ago
Hii! May I please request a Blackfem! Special Ops Reader x RE6 Leon one-shot where they're both undercover at a masquerade ball. While looking for a sample of the c-virus and Leon is taken aback by her dress then thrilling chaos ensues lol Thx in advance 💕
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“Alright, you know what this is about. We’re only here to locate and extract the C-VIRUS, without detection. I’m gonna assume that you understand this isn’t just about the party, Agent.” 
You roll your eyes at the DSO Agent’s voice already bossing you around through the hidden earpiece. 
“Yeah yeah, it’ll be a piece of cake, Agent Kennedy. No sweat, we’ll be long gone before anyone catches wind about it.” You respond. 
You were one of the best amongst Special Ops, which was why you were on this mission to retrieve the sample of the virus. . with Leon Kennedy. 
He was one of the best DSO agents, having much more experience dealing with things like this, especially with disasters. He never talked to anyone about it, but you knew what happened in Raccoon City all those years ago, and as much as he irked you sometimes. . 
You couldn’t help but feel for him, it was his first night on the job as a cop, just to deal with the walking dead, freakish mutants, and apparently losing someone that meant something to him. He must hold so much hurt in his heart, so much guilt, that you couldn’t help but want to whisk it away. 
But, the mission was simple. Infiltrate a masquerade ball, locate the virus, and extract it without causing any trouble or being spotted. Seemed easy enough, now that you had this famous agent on your side.
You both entered the ball separately, splitting up meant that you’d be able to cover more ground, get out of there quicker. You noticed the guards disguised as butlers packing heat when you came in, the more reason not to draw too much attention to yourselves.
“Careful, these guys down here are packing. I’m gonna try to see what I can find upstairs, meet me there when I give you the signal.” You whispered into the earpiece, giving a smile through your butterfly mask as you lifted a glass of wine from a servant’s tray, swiftly making your way through the crowd.
“Nice looking out, sweetheart. I’ll start sweeping the rooms, I’ll meet you there. Let me know if anything happens. Can’t let this thing go down to shit, this suit was fucking expensive.” 
He sighed, which makes you giggle. 
As rough and mean as he looked and tried to act, he was still a charm to be around. Then again, you spent a pretty penny on this dress too, so you had no room to talk. It would be incredibly fucked up if these guys tore it up, and you’d be beating everybody to hell and back.
After a bit of sneaking, showing a pretty, innocent smile, and avoiding the advances of tipsy guests, you made it upstairs. . no one saw you, as you had hoped. You picked up the skirt of your slim, glittery dress around your calves so you moved faster. 
“C’mon, show me what I wanna see. .” you huffed to yourself, picking a lock to the most suspicious door you’ve ever seen. And you know what they say when it comes to suspicious doors. . you’ve hit the jackpot. 
You smiled, sighing a relieved, “Yes!”, when you finally got the lock open. And there it was, a sample of the C-VIRUS, waiting for you in it’s briefcase. Finally, some good news to tell your partner. 
“Hey, I’ve found the sample, it’s located in the upstairs west wing of the mansion. I repeat, located in the upstairs west wing of the mansion.” 
“Good job, gorgeous. I’m on the way, until then, stay put. You can do that for me, right?” 
You didn’t know why, but something about what he just said made your heart flutter, a bright smile on your face as you felt the heat rise to your cheeks, giving a hum in agreement as you began to wait. 
Those few moments you’ve previously talked started to feel like forever, you started to check the clock and automatically think the worst.
Sure, Leon could take care of himself just fine, he was the best after all. But, it still made you worry about him. He shouldn’t have too much trouble, and him of all people wouldn’t have wanted to cause a ruckus.
“Whoa. . is that you, Agent?” 
You flipped around at the sound of his voice, watching him take off the plain, black masquerade mask to get a better look at you. 
Out of all the dresses, you picked one that really made you stand out. But, in a good way. It complemented your form wonderfully, covering your body in a deep, azure blue. 
Blue. . it really suit you. 
“Uh, earth to Kennedy? Is your brain still functioning, lover boy?” You teased, causing your current partner to shuffle in his steps, trying to hide the soft blush that began to bloom across his face. 
“Uh, yeah. . it’s just. .” he spoke, searching for words that couldn’t describe how ethereal you looked right now. He told himself, no, he demanded himself to not fall in love again. 
But, damn, you were starting to make it hard.
He let out a soft cough to get rid of the awkward silence in the air, shaking his head as he folded his arms. 
“You look good, you really played the part tonight. You said you found the sample?” 
You nodded, a smile across you face as you lifted the briefcase in your hand. “Yup, it’s all right here, now all we gotta do now is wait for the chopper for extraction.”
This earned an approving smile from the man as he moved closer to you, opening the case to be sure and. . to admire you. 
You knew he was one handsome man, you’re sure everyone knew that, whether he made it known or not. But, this suit he had on tonight made him look like a model on the front page of a magazine. 
He didn’t say much else, but his hands slowly rising to the sides of your face, silently asking for your permission to remove the glittery butterfly mask from your eyes, which you answered with a nod. 
Hands that were able to beat the hell out of enemies, that handled weapons with ease. . were so gentle and at ease as he untied the silk ribbons from around your head, slowly removing the mask from your face while carefully dusting the glitter from your eyes. 
Something about being this close to him, his eyes never leaving yours in a way that felt so intimate, made your heart race.
“So. . how about you and I go out for dinner some time? I know a nice little restaurant back home, it’ll be all on me.”
It surprised you that he asked you out like this, a smile rising to your face, but before you could even answer, the door was rammed in. Both of your heads flicking to the cause of the noise.
As you expected, heavily armed butlers began to rush in.
“Neither of you move!”
You sighed, “So much for in and out, where the fuck is the chopper?” 
“I swear to god, I’m going to give those idiots hell. Looks like that date will have to wait for a moment, sweetheart, it’s time to clean house.”
You smiled as both of you stood side by side, pulling out your guns. 
“You go right, I go left?” You asked, earning a smirk from the other.
“Looks like you've read my mind, gorgeous.”
This was going to be quite the night, but at least you could take that date as a reward for all your troubles. Who knew that you’d end up on a date with the, Leon S. Kennedy? 
That would be the tale of the century.
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ghosty-writes-23 · 6 months ago
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!Disclaimer!: Please be aware most if not all of my content is made for adults or 18+ people, there will be tags & warning at the start of each oneshot at the top, if you don't like it don't read it or ignore it.
(A link too the oneshots will be uploaded onto here once it has been posted, if there is no link it means its coming soon.)
Leon S Kennedy.
(DI!Husband!Leon + DI!BestFriend!Chris) A Friendly Completion
(Damnation!Husband!Leon) Kneeling Before Her Pt.2
(ID!Professor!Leon) After Office Hours.
(Damnation!Husband!Leon) Kneeling Before Her.
(RE6!Butler!Leon) Whispers Of Silk & Desire.
(Ghostface!Leon) His Precious Doll.
(Vendetta!Leon) Just Can't Let Him Go.
(RE2R!Leon) I'm Not Coming Home.
(InfiniteDarkness!Leon) Cat & Mouse.
(DI!Husband!Leon Pt.2) Let Me Be Your Inspiration.
(Emo!Boy!Leon) A Helping Hand.
(DI!Husband!Leon) I'm Home Sweetheart.
(Ghostface!Leon) His Precious Doll Face.
Ada Wong.
(Sub!Girlfriend!Ada) Take Me Home To My Heart.
(Sub!Girlfriend!Ada) Coming Home To You.
Thank you for all the support, it means alot ❤️
-Ghosty :] ❤️🦝
©Ghosty-writes-23, 2024/2025. all rights reserved. !I DO NOT! consent to translations or replications or reproduction of my work on any other social media platforms and or make AI Bots without my explict consent and permission.
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