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deathbind · 11 months ago
Serot's own arsenal of spells and generally how he applies necrotic magic differs from modern day Anactaci. You can clearly see the foundation he laid, but it has been over a thousand years. The order has evolved considerably in that time. There's also the fact that he was reborn at level one and has structured his skills to suit his present needs, but [hand waves]
There are different sects and roles within the Anactaci who call on the Plane of Death in different ways, but certain generalities can be relied upon. Their magic is largely geared toward what would be considered divination. They are the bridge between this life and the next, the messengers of eternity. They commune both with the souls of the dead and with spirits — chiefly spirits / entities on the Plane of Death but spirits of all types, including those like Refhremmit. Indeed, every City of Eternity has one Anactaci dedicated to communing with their patron. It is a sacred office.
Beyond that, their magic is deeply focused on the soul and the threshold between life and death. They are adept at identifying and countering curses or maladies of the soul. They are adept at identifying and addressing possessions or spiritual attachments. The skilled can manipulate the ravages of time on a body or object (a skill shared with the Manthu). The most skilled of all can leave their bodies behind to inhabit ritually prepared objects; these become the teachers of the Anactaci and keepers of the deepest mysteries.
Yes of course, they animate and preserve corpses, either directly or by calling a spirit to inhabit it. This is part of Meketi funerary rites. But, simply making dead things move is only part of their skillset. Indeed, it's the most basic part.
Anactaci are bound by sacred oaths to turn their magic to holy purpose and with a thought for balance always. However, a truly irate or unscrupulous Anactaci could do serious damage. Particularly if they are skilled. Insidious curses and nigh-undetectable possessions (i.e. slowly driving a person to madness with ill luck or nightmares; far worse curses are possible). Yanking a person's soul directly from their body, either holding it captive or causing it to become lost. Learning secrets from spirits or from souls that can utterly destroy a person. Causing them to rapidly age, turning to sun-bleached bone before their eyes, one limb at a time. Or causing them to wither, then return to their correct age, then wither, then return to their correct age — over and over until they don't know whether they're alive or dead. If capable of severing their soul from their body, they can possess others directly, influencing or totally overriding their will. They might not touch a person at all; they might sap all life from their home instead.
Fortunately, such corrupt Anactaci are rare — and swiftly dealt with.
#META / HC: WORLDBUILDING.#RE: ANACTACI#this isn't a polished meta#but I'm reading about Chosen so obvs magical abilities are on my mind#Serot's rain of blood and animate blood he learned as a ghul lord have the fucking pizzazz#but modern Anactaci are frightening in ways you don't think to fear til it's too late#or rather they have the potential to be if they forsake their oaths#which has consequences. Anactaci and Manthu both are literally bound by their oaths. those tattoos aren't merely aesthetic#but that's a discussion for another time#Serot getting angry enough to yank someone's soul directly out of their body tho . . .#he would have to be beyond incensed for that#and would feel absolutely disgusted with himself afterward. like might vomit type of disgusted#still. if Serot wasn't a moral man. he could be horrifying#he could make your blood boil you alive from the inside#he could make your own body turn against you while you're trapped inside helpless#he could keep your soul in a jar while he puppets your body#and allows you to learn whether the incorporeal can feel torment#he could call the Plane of Death into your very soul and watch it consume all life within you#and leave your body to infect anyone else nearby with the same fate#he could banish part of you to the Plane of Death so that the part of you on the Material Plane experiences that torment without reprieve#and must live from then on missing something with a searing ache that was swallowed by death itself#or he could banish you there just briefly and pull you back before you exploded. dangling you just above death like a pot of boiling oil#he could call down plagues. he could raise droves of undead their ranks replenished by their victims#he could drain life from the very earth itself#he WON'T but he COULD#well also it's gonna take time to get back to the power level he was at before dying in his first life#and frankly he doesn't want to be back at the level if he doesn't have to be#but y'know. first life. if he'd been a cruel man.
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deathbind · 11 months ago
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This post will serve as an overview for Meketi's best known orders. This is not an exhaustive list of all orders, organizations, leagues, etc. throughout Meketi history. It's only the best known and most influential with a focus on those acting in present day. Furthermore, I intend to keep these descriptions brief. More detail will come in future posts.
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The Manthu form one half of the Soshist priesthood. Soshe had many followers before Her martyrdom, and three were closer to Her than any other. To these, She taught the secret of drawing from the Plane of Life, granting them unique ability to heal and revive. These followers gathered Her ashes and still-intact heart after Her "death", and worked tirelessly to revive Her. Three days later, Soshe appeared to them. She chastised them for being so obsessed with Her physical remains, for that is merely the vessel for the soul, and regardless, She was no mere mortal. She charged them instead with safeguarding Her heart that remained: a symbol for safeguarding Her teachings. They gathered Her faithful thereafter, and formed both the priesthood and the beginnings of the faith.
During Serot's lifetime, they allied with his gathered ghul lords to heal the land of Meket after the Beetle Death. When Serot formed those ghul lords into the Anactaci, it was deemed the will of the One Above that they become part of the priesthood. This was as much to the Manthu's benefit as the Anactaci's. As drawing from the Plane of Death has consequences for the Anactaci, so does drawing from the Plane of Life have consequences for the Manthu. They become entirely locked into that plane, unable to draw from any other. They can only cast spells of creation and restoration — that which is in keeping with the nature of that plane. But over time, the Manthu become so full of life their bodies cannot contain it. Their bodies are consumed and cease to be, while their souls merge wholly with the Plane of Life. Close work with the Anactaci keeps this in balance.
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Prior to Serot, the ghul lords of Meket — and, indeed, all of Zakhara — were scattered and outcast. Some found a place in remote communities as speakers of the dead, but their connection to the Plane of Death and the way their spells reacted violently with anyone else's led the majority to mistrust. Although they experienced a surge in business during the Beetle Death, there were those who blamed them for the appearance of the kheprer. Serot's role in gathering them together to end that blight changed everything.
Now they form one half of the Soshist priesthood, and they stand as one of Meket's most respected orders. The Manthu specialize in healing, revivification, guiding the souls of the living; the Anactaci specialize in divination, necromancy, guiding the souls of the dead. They are two sides of a coin, two ends of a scale, reflections in the river water. Like the Manthu, they are locked entirely into drawing from their patron plane. They may only cast spells relating to death and decay — that which is in keeping with the nature of that plane. Also like the Manthu, this comes at cost. Their health suffers over time, their life sacrificed to their casting, until their souls are lost and their bodies become restless undead. Close work with the Manthu keeps this in balance.
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When the Nra Myetme were founded is unclear. Truly anything about them is unclear. It must surely have been after Soshe's lifetime. Some speculate they existed in a different form beforehand but were transformed by Her teachings. Whatever the case, they are firmly Soshist now, keepers of Her Eternal Heart. They truly rose to prominence during Meket's subjugation beneath the newly formed Yikarian Empire in the early 400s DR, though there are indications they existed before.
They are a secretive order. How they are organized, to whom they answer, where they make their home — all this is uncertain, though they rarely hesitate to bow to the authority of a priest. They guard the oldest of Soshist relics, rites, and holy sites, and journey far seeking what has been lost. They're among the few willing to brave the depths of the Haunted Lands. They are also known to appear where "balance must be restored". This seems most often to be where great supernatural threats are afoot. Much of the populace takes them for legends. But when their presence is marked, they are greeted with mixed respect and wariness.
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It is part of Meketi funerary rites to inter the dead with all they might need in the afterlife. Everything from clothing to wealth to weapons goes with them — whatever their relatives can afford. Unfortunately, it has happened often that a family inters something with a loved one of which they later have need. More unfortunately still, unscrupulous treasure hunters, most from abroad, have invaded the houses of eternity to steal what they can.
This led to the formation of the Guardians of the Seal. These people work closely with the Anactaci to catalogue all goods going into a house of eternity. Their records are extensive and meticulously kept, dating back over a millennium. These are not open to the public, but individuals may petition for access. Additionally, the Guardians may be entreated to recover gravegoods. Working with the priesthood, they are able to do so respectfully. The bravest and most skilled of them may even enter the oldest houses of eternity where the kheprer keep their eternal vigil. (It is rumored they share an alliance with the Nra Myetme, though this has not been substantiated.)
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Meket's prosperity has made them the target of conquest, failed and successful, many times over the centuries. Thus they were the first in Zakhara to maintain a standing army and navy. The Children of Eruti are an order of Meket's most skilled merchant captains, recognized by the Monarch. They are adept at navigating the most dangerous waters, whether the threat be piracy or weather or monsters from the deep. At times when Meket's navy is lean, they are called upon to act as privateers. Normally a lauded order, their reputation has become somewhat muddy of late. Meket's recent alliance with the Isle of Gardens has seen some pirate captains issued pardons and inducted.
Their name comes from a creation myth. It is said that there was a great snake, Eruti, who the One Above set to guard the border of Heaven. The many stars are said to be Eruti's eggs, as yet unhatched. Then Eruti became voracious and began to devour all in her path. When she tried to devour Toril, the One Above struck her down. Her body fell to Zakhara where it forms the Eruti River. Her eggs, the stars, are arranged into constellations depicting great legends that they may forever prevent her from repeating past transgressions. Now she guards the land of Meket and the boundaries between life and death. All souls sail down her lengths to the Great Sea from where they may enter Heaven. The unworthy will have their souls devoured by the great snake or else sail forever, lost on her undulating scales. Thus the Children of Eruti are so named for their ability to navigate the waters, as if favored by the snake herself, and their role in guarding the safety and sovereignty of Meket's waterways.
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The Serpent's Fangs are Meket's most elite soldiers. They are the Monarch's bodyguards, the protectors of the borders, and among the fiercest fighters in Zakhara. They say one Fang is worth thirty fighters. Their name was not given by Meketi, however, but by their enemies. They liken these ferociously effective soldiers to snakes hiding beneath the sands who kill a man with a bite before he has noticed them. They embrace the moniker readily. If they are the fangs of a snake, then that snake is Eruti, whose blood waters Meket's soil. They have sent many souls to her waters.
It is the dream of every Meketi child to join their heroic ranks, but few succeed. Their training is brutal, and has claimed the life of many an aspirant. They specialize in the bow and mounted combat. They are trained to be capable with a variety of weapons, however, and are drilled in tactics and strategy. This facet of their education is rigorous, but it is not the most grueling. What truly culls the ranks is survival training. They are taught to thrive in the harshest environments with the barest resources. They must navigate, hunt, forage, improvise tools, in groups and alone — whatever will enable them to accomplish their objective. There is no shame in failing the training, for it is enough of an accomplishment to have lived. Those who do not make it are still more effective than most soldiers and may try again if they reprove themselves.
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Details regarding the Monarch's Veil are even more scarce than those regarding the Nra Myetme. Indeed, even the Nra Myetme take them for ghost stories. It is said Monarch Khemiftreby founded them to spy on and assassinate their enemies. They have thus been passed down from monarch to monarch, always serving the interests of the throne. They say a goat can't fart in the desert without the Monarch's Veil fluttering, and one whose life has been marked is already in Eruti's coils. Most likely these are fanciful tales. Still, they persist.
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deathbind · 8 months ago
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This post will serve as an overview for some key locations in Meket. This is not an exhaustive list of all cities, towns, areas of interest, etc. in Meket. It's only a few of the most interesting still standing in present day. Furthermore, I intend to keep these descriptions brief. More detail will come in future posts.
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Nubt has served as the capital of Meket since the late -400s DR. Tradition holds that the first capital was directly on the coast and was of such splendid wealth that the walls themselves were inlaid with mother-of-pearl. Then a series of disastrous wars destroyed the city. The capital was moved to Nubt, a golden city on the banks of the Eruti River. It was here that the great Semre was born — and where they were crowned Monarch in the blood of their twin. Each subsequent monarch has sat the Sedge Throne here.
The name of the city references gold. Fitting, as it is a thriving entrepôt. Trade from all across Meket and beyond flows down the river through this city, and it consistently stands as one of the wealthiest in the nation. It was not for trade, however, that it was originally named. In far ancient days, it was the site of advancements in agriculture, particularly kole-style irrigation and hafir-style reservoirs. This, combined with rich soil and the Eruti's predictable flood patterns, ensured the city overflowed with sun-gold grain. That grain made it possible to sustain an ever-larger population — and, in time, armies to expand their borders. Many modern scholars hold that, although Nubt did not become the capital until the -400s DR, it is the true birthplace of Meket. Of course, this could be propaganda.
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WHERE THE TWO ARE ONE. — aka The Ribcage. — and The Eyrie of Eternal Flame.
The name of this cathedral is difficult to translate. It has been called "The Place Where Two Become One", "The Marriage-House of the Two Who Are One", "The Body of the One Made Two", "The One in Two Join Here", and other variations. The favored translation today is "Where the Two Are One". Of course, most Meketi simply call it The Ribcage.
It was here, just outside the capital city of Nubt, that Soshe was slated for execution. It was here that She bewailed the state of the world, yet entreated the One Above not to forsake them. In a blaze of sunfire, She was gone. Thus it was here that the Soshist Church built the first and most splendid cathedral. This was overseen by Monarch Semre themself, and it has been a tradition of each subsequent monarch to pay it lavish tithes.
It is called The Ribcage for two reasons. One: when Soshe burned, She left behind a searing, beating heart which is preserved here as the holiest relic. Two: the cathedral was intentionally designed with a great vaulted ceiling that mimicked a ribcage. While many faiths present temples, churches, cathedrals, etc. as houses of their gods, Soshism instead presents theirs as bodies of their god. It is said that Soshe, aka the One Below, is only an aspect of the One Above. This deity is beyond mortal comprehension and constraint. Soshist churches are places where the two are joined as one in perfect balance — just as the One Below rejoined the One Above when She burned. To be in a church is to be in divinity itself, in the heart of perfect balance.
Attached to The Ribcage is The Eyrie of Eternal Flame where sacred phoenixes are raised. Tradition says that a phoenix rose from Soshe's ashes. They are held to be the messengers of the One Above, soaring over the Eruti in both life and death, eternally crossing those boundaries in divine service. Birds know no borders. The priesthood looks for signs in their flames, ashes, feathers, flight, and droppings. They are also a key part of one of the greatest Soshist holy days. Every seven years, the phoenixes of the Eyrie flame en masse. Soshists from across Zakhara gather to watch their brilliant ascension and burn slips of paper inscribed with their sins in those flames. The fires rage for seven days and seven nights. Soshists fast and meditate during this period. Afterward, anointed in phoenix ash, they break their fast in a great public feast. It is tradition for the monarch to pardon a criminal at the commencement of this feast and to break bread with them.
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The Ossuary is the chief headquarters for the Guardians of the Seal. The order maintains local bases throughout Meket, and this is chief among them. Prospective members will begin their apprenticeship with their local chapter but will be sworn in here. This is also where petitions for retrieval or access to records are made. Thus it maintains a constant staff and rooms for guests, be they Guardians or petitioners. They say that at the end of the world, the Ossuary will still be open.
The Ossuary houses the bulk of their extensive records, meticulous and dating back over a millennium. In particular, it houses any relating to the monarchy or priesthood / saints. It likewise houses artifacts before they are delivered to the living or returned to the tombs where they were originally interred. It has also served as temporary storage for religious relics during times of conflict, disaster, or renovation.
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THE CITY OF ETERNITY. — and The House of Eternity
The City of Eternity is the first and most grand of Meket's necropoleis. Indeed, it is for this place that all others are named. It was originally a humble fishing village in western Meket. Then the Beetle Death sprang from the earth and consumed all in its path. This place would have been forgotten — condemned — had Serot not journeyed here seeking answers. This was the land that brought Refhremmit into existence, and by joining with that spirit, the Saint Eternal was able to bring the kheprer to heel. It was only fitting that the Anactaci should be built on this ground as well. If Nubt / The Ribcage is the homebase of the Manthu, then the City of Eternity / the House of Eternity is the homebase of the Anactaci, both built over the literal bones of the great and sacred.
Here, Meketi funeral rites as they are now took shape. Here, the ghul lords laid down their blades and took up a priest's vestments. Here, the kheprer were housed and, in time, buried. They sleep eternally beneath this soil, guarding the oldest of the houses of eternity, the Meketi tombs.
The greatest of these is the House of Eternity, for which all others are named. This is the tomb in which Serot was interred. He began the building of it near his time of death, beginning the subsequent tradition of appointing one's tomb while one still lives. Serot knew the hour of his death, however — as he also knew he would never inhabit its reflection in the afterlife. That was the intent at least: to merge completely with Refhremmit. Of course, things turned out differently; either way, he has never inhabited this hall.
Still, it stands as one of Meket's greatest landmarks. Each lSerot's identified lifetimes has been interred here upon their death. This means it has been renovated and expanded many times over the years — splendidly but carefully so as not to disturb the kheprer who are more protective of it than any other place. It is a lavish building (too lavish for Serot's tastes) and a site of frequent pilgrimage. Indeed, a few times a supplicant has fled to those halls seeking sanctuary, and the House of Eternity itself enclosed them. This is believed to be the work of Serot's soul who deemed their cause righteous, but it is known that Refhremmit's presence is most keenly felt there as well.
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RAHAZ. — and Rahaz University.
In the 400s DR, the Yikarian Empire sank its talons deep into north-eastern Zakhara, seizing Meket and a number of other city-states and smaller kingdoms. Among these was the city-state of Rahaz. This city had (and still has) a majority gnomish population and was renowned as a home of great innovators. Unfortunately, the Empire exploited their talents to build formidable siege engines. These enabled them to conquer the fortified cities of the coast and deter rebellion. Yet, rebellion still came; winning Rahaz to their side was a turning point that allowed them to beat back the Empire for good.
Rahaz returned to independence for many years afterward, though they maintained a close alliance with Meket. Then the Grand Caliphs began their own conquest of the continent, and Rahaz became one of those that merged with Meket in order to resist their advances. Gnomes are consequently the most populous race in Meket, second to humans.
But, siege engines are far from their only claim to fame. The first and oldest university in Zakhara — perhaps in all the world — was founded here in the 600s DR and operates to this day. It is also among the most prestigious on the continent, considered a bastion for intellectuals particularly in times of intolerance. Meketi always valued education, but gnomish influence revolutionized their approach. Previously, any public education came through the Soshist priesthood, and anyone wishing to pursue higher education had to be wealthy or find a wealthy patron. But, gnomes fought for a secular education system and introduced the concept of grants and scholarships.
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deathbind · 11 months ago
Anyway reincarnation isn’t really part of Soshist eschatology, but Serot’s circumstance isn’t contradictory either. They don’t view death as the end exactly. Even use of the terms “death” and “afterlife” are misleading. The word for death in Meketi is likely the same as the word for life or at least closely related. Death is merely a transition to a new type of life. The body fades but the soul, which is the person, continues on to a new phase of existence. The oddity is that Serot’s soul returns to this form of life, to a new body, with repressed memories of the past. It’s not typical but it’s not contradictory.
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