#RD AntiBryndin
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riddledeep · 2 months ago
So, You’re Visiting an Anti-Fairy Colony...
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A guide to Anti-Fairy colony terminology and social rules.
This post discusses non-human Anti-Fairy society, which places value in things - including relationships - that are "opposite" of what we might consider safe or moral today. As always, this worldbuilding is fictional and should not be held up as a positive role model for humans.
Class Overview: Anti-Fairies
Modern Camarilla Court
Blue Castle Layout
Colony House Layout (Moon Wolf House)
It should come as no surprise that Anti-Fairies, being bat people, live in colonies. Some travel, others stay still, and some are divided into categories such as unmarried or nursing individuals. We cover them all below!
Subcultures may vary, but traditionally, damsels can speak to other Anti-Fairies, but are forbidden to speak directly to all but the lowest-ranked Fairies.
Colonies share the creche father's family name.
Anti-Fairy society as a whole welcomes same-sex couples. They're all about living freely and partnering with whomever you like- They cannot become pregnant until their Fairy counterparts do, and it's expected someday, most people will experience the honey-lock instinct and mate with a potential stranger... possibly becoming pregnant in the process. Since the Fairies pull the puppet strings, why not live your own life wherever you can?
Honey-lock: The flood of hormones that hits an Anti-Fairy pair 3 months after their counterparts mate, driving them to find each other and mate in response).
Anti-Fairy society is very patriarchal- It always has been and likely will be far into the future. Colonies are headed by a drake - the creche father - whose duty is to look after the damsels and pups born into his colony.
Drake and damsel are gendered terms for fae
The creche father speaks for his colony. Where Fairy society is big on honesty, straightforward communication, and occasional fights to the death, Anti-Fairy society is a game of mind and politeness, not brute strength. They consider direct confrontation rude, so most avoid it when possible. Instead, low-rank Anti-Fairies will convey their feelings to more dominant members (such as a creche father or parent), who then convey that message to another individual- Likely the creche father or parent of the offender.
Anti-Fairy society draws inspiration not just from bats, but also bonobos- A social species known for turning to their mothers for education, matchmaking, and protection.
This plays into many Anti-Fairies growing up with their mothers rather than fathers. Some fathers raise the children they sire, but in a society where mating and pregnancy lie with the whims of your Fairy counterpart, families are complicated. Most children are raised by the mother and those she lives with, which may or may not include the biological sire.
In turn, children born into a drake's existing marriage - As in, those born to a damsel he's married to - are legally his to raise, whether or not he sired them.
Ex: Anti-Cosmo was born into the marriage of his mother and her legal partner, who was not his sire. Foop was born into the marriage of two honey-lock partners (Anti-Cosmo and Anti-Wanda).
Live Colony - Any colony that regularly travels the land. Most colonies fall into this category.
The term "traveling colony" is also valid, but less common.
Standing Colony - Any colony that does not regularly travel the land. The Blue Castle colony is a prime example- They stay near the government building (which was once a place of study akin to an abbey or monestary before it was repurposed).
Colonies in the Eros Nest likewise do not travel.
Half Rotation - Any colony that restricts mating choice to a few dominant individuals ("Mating" refers to mating outside the honey-lock).
In other words, it is NOT socially acceptable for servants or damsels to initiate interest in mating; they're expected to be submissive to high-ranked individuals. Traditionally, the Blue Castle is a standing colony in half rotation.
In most half rotation colonies, unmarried individuals are expected to reciprocate if approached. Rejecting the creche father is a very tense gray area; do so at your own risk. Legal marriage to another individual provides a social safety blanket where rejecting another's advances is much more acceptable.
Full Rotation - Any colony that permits all individuals to mate with any colony member of their choosing (with consent). In other words, it IS socially acceptable for servants and damsels to initiate interest.
Joining rotation as a damsel is opt-in. It is always socially acceptable to refuse in a full rotation colony.
The above four labels are applied to the following three colony types. For instance, you would describe a colony as “a full rotation traditional colony” or “a standing nursing colony.”
Traditional Colony - A colony headed by a creche father, who has a follower drake and either a king or queen (Ruling partner). Beyond the follower drake and a possible king, additional drakes are uncommon.
The majority of the colony consists of damsels. Unmarried damsels "belong" to the creche father; damsels are either in half or full rotation. Traditionally, only the creche father mates with the damsels in his colony- The follower drake is encouraged to slip away and mate with damsels (or drakes) of other colonies. Much less tension with the people you live with that way.
Anti-Fairy births are biased in favor of damsels (with a roughly 75%-25% split).
As a stereotype, creche fathers with fruit bat heritage are more welcoming of low-rank drakes. Creche fathers without fruit bat heritage are more likely to drive rival males from the colony, forcing them to join or form bachelor colonies instead.
Traditional colonies range in size, but you can expect them to fall between 8 and 200 individuals. Some colonies may be even smaller, especially if led by a less experienced creche father.
Bachelor Colony - A colony consisting only of unpartnered drakes (or drakes in long-distance relationships who have not physically settled down) - usually young - who travel together.
It’s rare for an Anti-Fairy drake to go their whole life without joining a bachelor colony. In fact, many subcultures consider such travel to be a rite of passage and/or an important stage of life and growth. If you hope to impress a mate, having travel and personal caretaking experience looks better on you than staying with your birth colony long-term... especially if you still live with Mama.
Some drakes may never settle with a non-bachelor colony. Bachelor colonies are constantly in motion; they are always live and only settle in one spot if there are only two or three individuals.
Bachelor colonies usually have 8 to 20 individuals, but groups of about 5 aren't uncommon. A colony can have as few as 2 members and still be considered a colony.
Nursing Colony - A colony consisting only of damsels, usually ones with young pups and no mate to help them. Such colonies are rare since Anti-Fairy society frowns on damsels who travel without a creche father; society encourages them to join a drake-headed colony as soon as possible. After all, they're not equipped to look after themselves!
Young damsels may travel together even when not nursing pups. If so, they're still categorized as a nursing colony... implication being it's expected at least one of them will have a baby soon enough.
Nursing colonies aren't as common in modern times as they were a few generations back, but they do exist. They most likely have between 5 and 20 damsels in their ranks.
The Creche Father - Head of an Anti-Fairy colony; often addressed as "Father" by those within the colony, though this isn't required (and some prefer personal names). If you have a favor to ask - or are here to visit someone - you should speak to the creche father so he can assess you before you go about your business. Beelining for someone else first will cause immediate tension in the colony, even if they're a relative.
The High Count is always creche father of the Blue Castle colony. The Blue Castle is a government building, so the titles go hand in hand.
- High Count Anti-Bryndin - Pictured at top with H.P. - was succeeded by High Count Anti-Cosmo. Foop is studying to take over after his father (and will presumably adopt the name High Count Anti-Poof). - Prior Foop's birth, Anti-Cosmo's heir presumptive was Talon Anti-Lunifly, who would've gone on to be High Count Anti-Westley. - Foop's inheritance is not assured. He's kept in check by the threat of losing his inheritance... Most probably, to his younger brother Smoky (Anti-Dusty). He also has several second cousins who could take over as well.
It's the creche father's duty to watch over his colony: he settles disputes, organizes meals, chooses travel routes, and leads the colony to mingle with others during migration season.
Being a sociosexual species (like bonobos), Anti-Fairies often soothe each other with physical touch (Like hugs, nuzzling, or touching a leg under the table). It's widely inappropriate for most to use violence directly towards another person. However, the creche father has a little more leeway when it comes to keeping the colony in line. Cuffing someone behind the wings or head is common, with nipping someone's wing or ear (with fangs) slightly more dramatic. Full-on violence is still rare even for a creche father, but they're expected to defend themselves - and those in their care - in a magical fight if required to do so.
He's expected to raise any pups in the colony with the same care he would as if they're his own... or perhaps as a third parent rather than a second, depending on how many people are involved in the pup's direct care.
The creche father has the right to mate with all drakes and damsels in his colony, with individual colonies outlining their own rules for opt-in and opt-out. While full rotation colonies can reject advances with little concern, it is not socially acceptable to reject the creche father if he initiates in a half rotation colony- You're his. Is that how you react to someone who takes such good care of you?
It’s also not acceptable to initiate towards the creche father... He is, after all, the most dominant individual in the colony.
Traditions are more lax in very small colonies with only a handful of members. In large colonies, traditions are expectations.
The Colony King / Queen - The king or queen is the officially acknowledged mate or ruling partner of the creche father- Presumably a legally married one, though unmarried partners are acceptable.
The king or queen may have special privileges such as emotional intimacy as well as minor responsibilities such as assisting their partner. However, they do not speak for the colony and are not held to the same expectations of duty that a creche father is.
King and queen are not royal titles. They are not inherited by birth and they do not outrank the High Count or High Countess titles- They simply indicate partnership with the creche father.
- High Countess Anti-Wanda is queen of the Blue Castle colony. During Anti-Cosmo's mysterious disappearance in "You'll Never Know," she chose a new king to rule beside until his return. - Throughout Cloudlands AU works, Foop waffles between whether he should select a king or queen as his ruling partner, as he's more interested in finding someone skilled in politics or colony management than an intimate partner to rule beside... He has his mistress Anti-Marigold for that. - In the one-shot "No Absolutes," Anti-Wanda asked Anti-Cosmo if he'd put the pups under his care to bed. Anti-Cosmo protested that their mothers could do that; after all, he was busy. Towards the end of that 'fic, Anti-Cosmo complained that the pups and many other members of the Blue Castle colony like Anti-Wanda more than him. While she may not be held to the same parental expectations, she tends to play the role better than the easily distracted Anti-Cosmo.
The Follower Drake - The follower drake is a single high-ranking male just below the creche father in authority. His role is to assist and support the creche father, especially if the creche father has no king or queen. Drakes are often shooed out of colonies due to rivalry, but the follower drake is protected from that fate and permitted to stay.
While the creche father is expected to look after young pups, the follower drake is expected to teach young juveniles life skills (such as hunting, cooking, reading, bathing on their own, or spreading bad luck). This frees up the creche father so he can continue managing the colony, but he's likely bonded close enough with the pups that they respect him.
- In Anti-Cosmo's youth, High Count Anti-Bryndin chose Anti-Buster as his follower drake. - Anti-Cosmo later climbed the ranks and was named the follower himself (under the special title First General in the Blue Castle colony). - High Count Anti-Cosmo's follower drake is his cousin, Anti-Poof Anti-Everwish.
The follower drake does NOT have the right to mate with the drakes and damsels of the colony except their honey-lock partner. However, some colonies may be more lenient with this tradition than others. When colonies mingle, follower drakes will often flirt with members of another colony under the rival creche father’s nose.
A creche father and follower drake may be intimate or non-intimate partners; relationships vary between colonies. However, someone who is treated like a mate is likely to be ranked a king, not a follower.
The position of follower drake usually requires experience with a colony. Not necessarily - After all, some drakes become creche fathers by simply starting their own colony - but a follower drake is likely the most experienced drake in the flock (barring the creche father), which reduces infighting.
Ranking Drakes - Drakes that hold high rank and are not chased out of the colony by the creche father. This is much more common in standing colonies than live colonies.
Ranking drakes are often school students, scholars, aristocrats, or politicians. Anti-Fairy World highly values architects as well as demon summoners. Mediums to the nature spirits are also people you may not want to shoo off.
The honey-lock partner of a high-ranking Anti-Fairy within the colony might be considered a ranking drake as well. If Foop joined a bachelor colony, he'd likely not be chased out because he's considered an aristocrat.
Ranking drakes are likely older or more experienced than serving drakes.
Claimed Damsels - Legally married damsels who will follow their mates to other colonies. Marriage shifts responsibility for their care to their partner and thus, they can freely withhold the "benefits" of caretaking - i.e. the sex - from their creche father.
Many damsels look forward to marriage due to many legal protections and opportunities within Anti-Fairy society.
However, rejecting a very high-ranking creche father (like the High Count) is still a wobbly gray area. Such is Anti-Fairy life.
Damsels in Rotation - Damsels the creche father permits others to mate with. They may be offered to creche fathers (or follower drakes) of other colonies as a gesture of peace and goodwill.
Consent and rejection may be socially acceptable in some cases, but cause tension in others.
A damsel living with a creche father she's related to is most likely in rotation and avoiding the creche father's advances. What's mating on rare occasion with a foreign drake in return for living in a colony where you won't be pressured into sex on the regular?
Unclaimed Damsels - Unmarried damsels of any age who stay with their birth colony (or similar caretaking colony) if their family and/or mate leave. When they come of age, they become the creche father’s concubines by default. It is usually not acceptable for anyone besides the creche father to mate with them.
- Technically, a dame named Anti-Scarlett is classed as Anti-Cosmo's concubine for one simple reason: she's unmarried and lives at the Blue Castle (for her job in politics). On paper, she's under Anti-Cosmo's care and he helps with her kids. - All other damsels on the camarilla are married (See Modern Camarilla Court).
Serving Drakes - Drakes who aren't chased from a colony, but don't hold high rank. Instead, they provide services such as childcare and food preparation. Such drakes are more common in standing colonies, but not unheard of in live colonies.
Generally, serving drakes end up in this position because they came of age to leave with a bachelor colony, but never did.
Serving drakes are the lowest-ranked individuals. They aren't typecast for any specific reason- they just didn't leave and are given the chance to pull their weight if they want to stay. In return for the food, shelter, socialization, and care they receive from the creche father, serving drakes are forbidden from mating with the colony's damsels.
Anti-Cosmo's father was a serving drake in the Blue Castle colony.
Some drakes prefer the serving lifestyle as it's low-risk and doesn't require thinking much for yourself. Other drakes are eager to start their own colony. Some do start their own while others may opt to serve for a time so they can see how a colony works in practice before setting off on their own.
Colonies with experienced members are usually more stable than those comprised of inexperienced members.
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riddledeep · 5 years ago
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Anti-Lunifly + Anti-Fairywinkle family trees (via GenoPro); click to enlarge
- Anti-Bryndin is married to Anti-Elina, as well as Anti-Florensa. He is the son of Anti-Ember and Anti-Henrie, and half-brother to Anti-Wanda’s father (Anti-Dusty Jr.)
- Anti-Cosmo’s grandmother, Anti-Miranda, lived with a civil fairy partner (Lucas) before the two were separated in the War of the Sunset Divide.
- Anti-Kanin (not listed) is Anti-Dusty Jr.’s nephew. He is the son of Anti-Kylia’s sister, and is therefore Anti-Wanda’s first cousin.
- Foop’s cousins often suck up to him (or threaten him) in the hopes of gaining political status.
Click HERE to view Cosmo’s and Wanda’s family trees
Click HERE to view the Anti-Coppertalon family tree
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