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allthecanadianpolitics · 2 years ago
Opponents of an expansion to a marine container port on B.C.'s South Coast held a news conference in Vancouver Wednesday to reiterate their concerns about the impact on the environment and local jobs if the project, recently approved by the federal government, goes ahead.
"There's times when we do need to say, 'No. We do need to say 'no,'" said Rueben George, a member of the Tsleil-Waututh Nation, as he pointed to his nation's territorial waters behind him from Vancouver's CRAB Park with the Port of Vancouver in the background.
The group of those publicly opposing the Roberts Bank Terminal 2 (RBT2) in Delta, B.C., about 35 kilometres south of Vancouver, is growing and now includes two unions, the International Longshore & Warehouse Union of Canada and the B.C. General Employees' Union, along with a dozen conservation organizations.
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Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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vernalloy · 9 months ago
No offense 2 the David is Amanda gamers but I think it’d be hilarious actually. >be me >hospital orderly >rbt >think I might be a girl >transition >backstory >rbt2. I’d be so pissed. Also coincidentally running into a trans man who looks exactly like you pre-transition who you’re supposed to kill. And then do.
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jcylenz · 7 years ago
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Rachel Bilson in Take Two • 1×02 Smoking Gun
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maizadmalik · 8 years ago
.."Tak payah bimbang, tak payah stress.. apa yg perlu kita buat, kita buat benda yg tak mampu kita buat.. bila kita boleh buat benda yg kita tak mampu buat, suatu hari impian kita pasti tercapai.. jgn buat buat benda yg selalu kita buat, yg mampu kita buat.. buat apa yg kita tak mampu buat, baru kita akan pecah Rekod Peribadi kita".. Mr Gary Gan, RLP President.. . . #RIZQGROUP #RIZQ #RichLegacyPlatform #RLP #DOMINATOR #NEXTLEVEL #REALBISNESREALINCOME #ALLAHUAKHBAR #GunghoRizq #RIZQRLP #AURARIZQ769 #PowerEnergiRIZQRLP #SuperbPowerHebatF139 #BisnesPatuhSyariah #PatuhSyariah #RBT #RBT2 #RichBoosterTraining #GungHo #GungHoGungHoGungHo #Formula139 #F139  #TrinegyIncome #DoublePairing #SyariahCompliance #RealtimeIncome #DailyIncome #MonthlyIncome #ActiveIncome #PassiveIncome (at Sunway Pyramid)
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jcylenz · 7 years ago
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Rachel Bilson in Take Two • 1×05 Death Becomes Him
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jcylenz · 7 years ago
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Rachel Bilson in Take Two • 1×04 Ex’s and Oh’s
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maizadmalik · 8 years ago
Ok sebab dh ramai pm abg dok tanya apa ni cikgu, tgk mcm best je cikgu share laa kt kami cikgu.. ok dont worry, abg share dgn kome.. pm or ws je abg 019-387 3783 ..ok ni abg bg sikit lg teaser boleh, full video nanti abg share kt kome link dia kt youtube n fb abg boleh.. confirm meletop!!! #RIZQGROUP #RIZQ #RichLegacyPlatform #RLP #DOMINATOR #NEXTLEVEL #REALBISNESREALINCOME #ALLAHUAKHBAR #GunghoRizq #RIZQRLP #AURARIZQ769 #PowerEnergiRIZQRLP #SuperbPowerHebatF139 #BisnesPatuhSyariah #PatuhSyariah #RBT #RBT2 #RichBoosterTraining #GungHo #GungHoGungHoGungHo #Formula139 #F139  #TrinegyIncome #DoublePairing #SyariahCompliance #RealtimeIncome #DailyIncome #MonthlyIncome #ActiveIncome #PassiveIncome
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maizadmalik · 8 years ago
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RICH BOOSTER TRAINING KALI KE-2 | RBT#2 DATE: 4 Feb 2017 (Saturday) VENUE: Pearl International Hotel, Jalan Klang Lama, Selangor Photography by: ABG ALI (017-614 7123) #AliFotoKawen #RBT #RBT2 #RichBoosterTraining #RLP #RichLegacyPlatform #GungHo #GungHoGungHoGungHo #Formula139 #F139 #TrinegyIncome #DoublePairing #PatuhSyariah #SyariahCompliance #RealtimeIncome #DailyIncome #MonthlyIncome #ActiveIncome #PassiveIncome (at Pearl International Hotel Kuala Lumpur)
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maizadmalik · 8 years ago
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Get ready tomorow!!! 💪💪💪💯💯💯 #RBT2 #RichBoosterTraining #RichLegacyPlatform #RLP #SemangatGungho #KasiPicaahh #LetsLegacy #RizqGroup #RIZQ (at Ipoh, Perak)
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maizadmalik · 8 years ago
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Sabassss...!!! 200 Peserta telah mendaftar ke Training RBT#4 yg bakal dijalankan pd 19 OGOS 2017 SABTU ini di Hotel De Palma Ampang, KL bermula jam 8pagi hingga jam 7ptg. . TARIKH TUTUP PENDAFTARAN TRAINING RBT#4... TINGGAL 3 HARI LAGI... YA TINGGAL 3 HARI LAGI... 3 HARI LAGI...!!! . JAM 12TGHR 15/08 HARI SELASA...PENDAFTARAN TRAINING RBT#4 DITUTUP... . Kpd yg SERIUS SAHAJA NAK BERJAYA DI RICH LEGACY sila daftarkan kehadiran Anda ke TRAINING YG PENUH DGN SEMANGAT GUNGHO INI...!!! . Alumni2 RBT#1...RBT#2...RBT#3 juga dijemput HADIR UTK RECHARGE ELMU...!!! . ELMU BERTAMBAH...REZEKI BERTAMBAH... . Elmu2 yg bakal disampaikan di RBT#4 ini... LEBIH POWER... LEBIH HEBAT... LEBIH LUAR BIASA... LEBIH GUNGHO... . Berbanding RBT2 yg sebelum2 ini krn MODULE TRAINING RBT#4 TELAH DI UPGRADE LEBIH MANTAP...!!! . Bawa semua Group2 Anda hadir beramai2... . MASUK PERCUMA... MASUK PERCUMA... MASUK PERCUMA... KEPADA AHLI2 SAHAJA... . www.wasap.my/60193873783 . Jommmmm...kita jumpa di sana...👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼😉
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maizadmalik · 8 years ago
*Malam Ini..Malam Ini..Malam Ini..!!!* 🌞🌞🌞☄☄☄ *Kuala Kangsar Kome..Kuala Kangsar Kome..Kuala Kangsar Kome..!!!* 📡📡📡📡📡📡📡 Ayuhhhh...!!! Sebarkan kpd Group2 Anda...Rakan2 Anda...Kenalan2 Anda...Prospek2 Anda...Saudara Mara Anda... Kita Gegarkan *Hotel Ezi Inn Kuala Kangsar 8.30mlm ini dgn FENOMENA RICH LEGACY PLATFORM...!!!* Jumpa di sana...!!! *GungHo..GungHo..GungHo..!!!* 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼 . . #RIZQGROUP #RIZQ #RichLegacyPlatform #RLP #DOMINATOR #NEXTLEVEL #REALBISNESREALINCOME #ALLAHUAKHBAR #GunghoRizq #RIZQRLP #AURARIZQ769 #PowerEnergiRIZQRLP #SuperbPowerHebatF139 #BisnesPatuhSyariah #PatuhSyariah #RBT #RBT2 #RichBoosterTraining #GungHo #GungHoGungHoGungHo #Formula139 #F139  #TrinegyIncome #DoublePairing #SyariahCompliance #RealtimeIncome #DailyIncome #MonthlyIncome #ActiveIncome #PassiveIncome
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