adaozdraws · 1 year
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I colored in an Ariella Kent redesign drawing I did a long time ago ♡
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kiwikatmochi · 10 years
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Cute little alternate universe adoptive siblings.
Fun side-note: I drew this while I was with my boyfriend and his friend, both who were studying. When my boyfriend left to go to the bathroom, his friend asked if he could know what I was drawing.
His friend: Do you mind if I ask, what are you drawing? Me: Oh, sure. Um.... Do you know Superman's son....? His friend: Yeah, I think so. Me: Okay, yeah, so I'm drawing his adoptive son, Chris Kent and- His friend: Alright, I don't know that one... Me: Oh...um...then yeah, I'm drawing his adoptive son and his daughter from a parallel universe. His friend: *blank look*
I told my boyfriend that after we were going back to his place and my boyfriend just playfully scolded me.
Boyfriend: Why couldn't you just tell him Nightwing and Supergirl? Me: Because that still might've confused him and I didn't think of it at the time!
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thewitchboy-blog · 12 years
3 ((:D))
((You just want to mess with all my feels!))
What had been a chaotic and loud battle turned silent around him as he saw the blast that tore right through her. She was half Kryptonian! That shouldn't have been possible!
And then he saw where the blast had come from, and he understood. Doctor Fate turned to him, golden helmet horrifyingly impassive after the deadly magic that had his Supergirl, his Supergirl, falling, falling, falling.
The battle, his plans, forgotten, he teleports. He catches her in his arms, still in shock that this was even a possibility, and he brings them both to the ground.
"I... Rel, I'm so sorry," his voice catches in his throat and he swallows hard, trying to clear it. She's still alive, barely. Still fighting to breath. But healing was never his strong point. He couldn't help her, and Beulah was no where near enough to get there in time. Rel, his oldest and closest friend, the girl that he might very well love, was going to die, and there was nothing he could do about it. Nothing.
"I never...I never meant for you to get hurt!" She was trying to say something, but either she couldn't speak, or her voice was lost to him. He caught both her hands, ignoring the wet heat of her blood soaking through his doublet and Breeches, staining his stockings brilliant red, and bent over her.
"I never meant for this." His voice was soft as the last of the light left her eyes. How long had it taken? How long did he cling to her as she fought a hopeless fight to live? He didn't know. It didn't matter.
He laid her out neatly, smoothing her hair out of her face, and raised a dome of stone and magic to keep her safe while he handled what had stolen her from him.
"Yours is not a death that shall go unavenged," he vowed, magic sparking and building around him with the force of his rage, with the force of his sorrow. He rose back in to the air, attacks glancing off of him or missing him entirely.
Eyes aglow, he struck them down. One by one by one they fell, heroes and villains alike, enemy or ally. Heroes were supposed to protect life not end it. His allies were supposed to protect her. They were all guilty in his eyes, sinners to his gaze.
Finally, all others laid smoking on the ground, dead, dying or merely injured, he didn't care. Finally, it was just him and the one most responsible. Finally, it was as it was always going to be. Finally it was just Klarion and Nabu, Chaos and Order.
"You killed her," the Witchboy's voice sounded dead even to his own ears.
"She was your ally, an unfortunate casualty." Nabu, emotionless as ever, replied.
"YOU KILLED HER!" Klarion's voice rose in pitch as his power flashed around him, the skies growing dark and stormy.
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Ariella Lee-Danvers-Kent Headcanons
Ariella’s first Supergirl costume, which really resembled her mom’s Superwoman costume, consisted of a sleeveless, free-flowing dress with a red ‘S’ shield on Ari’s chest that is connected to the rest of her collar and cape, which was also easily detachable and attachable to Rel’s dress, a white midriff, and a blue skirt, a pair of red gloves, white stockings, and a pair of white, slip-on shoes.
Rel's confident, carefree, optimistic and enthusiastic, bordering on reckless because of her rather sheltered upbringing, as she says and does what she wants whenever she wants, and does not care what others would think of her as she says and does what she says and does.
Ari's also extremely extroverted, almost always making a dramatic entrance, thanks to her time in the drama club, and excitedly hanging out with her friends and family whenever she gets the chance to. 
Ariella would almost always draw and doodle anything and everything she had in mind on any and all surfaces she could find such as her mom and dad’s face, arms, legs, their things, such as their mugs and bowls, the walls and floors of their house, the rooms and hallways of the Fortress of Solitude, ect. 
Sometimes she would get scolded, sometimes she wouldn’t, as her mom and dad were way too endeared by some of her drawings and doodles, usually wholesome and heartwarming drawings of her and her friends and family.
Whenever her dad was working on his experiments or on his writing, Rel would try to help him out from time to time with whatever he was working on but the thing was that she had absolutely no clue what she was doing. So she’d sit on his lap while he worked on paperwork and used her pencils, crayons, markers, and her own papers to pretend that she was working on something like he had been. 
When her dad would ask what she was working on she’d say paperwork while either making paper figures or drawing doodles with very bright crayons. And the most he would do was pat Ari on the back as his chest filled with the warmth and tears formed in his eyes, even as he’d have a serious meeting with the JLA while having his little girl sit on his lap as she doodled and coloured away on her papers, and even on his desk without a care in the world. 
Ari and her dad would also go explore the crooks and crannies of the quaint town that their family lived, with her dad reading to her the history of old buildings and abandoned houses which scattered about while Rel screamed and shrieked just as every other child when they were excited, or climbed up the trees, and then jumped off of them as if she could survive the fall, though she could, she definitely could, her dad would still leap up to catch her each and every time that she did, or jumped onto her dad's shoulder when they would play hide and seek to scare the heck out of him.
The two would also go near a creek where Ari would tell Clark stories about the friends she had made at school or around the town or the city, about her accomplishments at school and at home, about anything Rel had on her mind, really, and would almost nonstop every time someone would give him a time of day, something her dad gladly would when he needed some down time.
Ariella would more often than not hang out with her Uncle Jimmy and the two have their own set of weird, wacky adventures together where they would constantly find themselves getting transformed into different monsters, or participating in murder mysteries, or a wide variety of insane events that could easily taken place every other day.
Rel would often visit her Uncle Jimmy's place and talk to him about anything she had in her mind, all the while looking through his apartment in utter amazement as it was littered with evidence of what she saw as the most incredible life imaginable: a genie’s lamp, a time machine for one to two, a couple of concoctions capable of causing some of the most bizarre transformations, references to his time as the superhero Flamebird, Ultra-Olsen, Elastic Lad, and Turtle Boy, and a beach vacation spot in a bottle, among many, many others, Uncle Jimmy just had the good stuff. 
Even if it means getting all of the free space and time she’d need, Rel can’t get anything done when she’s all alone and with little to no opportunities to interact with people, either feeling like she wants to go back to bed or, on the off chance she chooses to do her chores, or sculpt, or paint, or sketch anyway, doing what she’s doing at a slower pace than she’d like. 
Ari doesn’t like doing things alone or going somewhere, anywhere, to do things alone, even if it’s just purchasing new art supplies, or eating at a restaurant, throwing out the trash, almost always wanting someone, anyone to go with her just to have some company who she can casually converse with as it makes mundane tasks seem so much more for fun to do.
So she sometimes either talks to her friends or her family through her headset or asks them to spend some time with her as she does what she needs or wants to do, though things such as them having conflicting schedules or them being way too introverted keep Ariella from doing that way too often.
Ariella almost always refers to herself in third person, something she took up from her mom, as a way to never forget her own name. Though this only sort of worked as The Specter messed with her memories just enough that she can only recall her name being R’E’L rather than Ariella Lee-Danvers-Kent, or Ari-El.
With no memory of what she had looked like, Ariella initially appeared to have little to no pigment in her hair, her skin, and her eyes, as well as any discernible features such as freckles, and would start to shift her looks either to match the looks of anyone and everyone she encountered and interacted with in hopes that they’d play and stay with her if she did or to try out whatever style of hair or color of hair she saw.
Ari has a habit of singing anything and everything that she does and breaking out into song whenever someone says something similar to a lyric to a song Rel had been listening to, since singing soothes her and distracts her from the harder things in life.
If Rel wasn’t humming a tune or singing a song, Ari would have a wide variety of bands and songs she would mix and match her mood on blast.
While Ari couldn’t remember having learned how to make minor and major mechanical repairs on a variety of appliances and apparatuses and how to design, build, and use them, she still could and would create numerous contraptions through her own creativity and ingenuity. 
Ariella’s hoverboard was her mom’s hoverboard when she was Supergirl that her mom had been planning to give to her as a gift when she was at least a teen, though had given it to her when she was five before she was brought back to Post-Crisis continuity to bring back Kara to Pre-Crisis continuity as proof of her promise that she would come back for her.
Ariella later reconfigured the configuration of her hoverboard to transform back and forth from being a hoverboard with yellow and black accents to being a small spaceship with yellow, black, white accents whenever she wants after Duura died as a way to keep a piece of him and her memories of traveling across space with him with her wherever and whenever she went.
Ari had learned of the different locations of portals around the universe, which she would use to take a shortcut through a timeline, the timestream, the universe, or the multiverse whenever she was on the run from bounty hunters like Lobo and police officers like any one of the Green Lantern, who were out to get R'E'L, The Destroyer of Worlds, The Demolisher of Star Systems, after she had helped Santa Claus deliver all of presents he needed to deliver every other year, as well as personally gift a lump of coal to Darkseid despite Apokolip's constantly advancing defenses.
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