#Quora Q&A
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Quora Website Q&A Session 22nd July 2019
Quora Website Q&A Session 22nd July 2019
Q1). How can we delete no-follow backlinks for a website?
Ans1). There is no manual way of deleting backlinks as these links are not on your website and they are present on a third party website which you do not control.
You can use tools like SEMRush to disavow the backlinks, what this means tools like SEMRush notify the bots to not consider the backlinks.
Once you disavow it can take Google…
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Quora tests video answers to steal Q&A from YouTube
Quora tests video answers to steal Q&A from YouTube
[ad_1] Newly-minted unicorn Quora has even bigger ambitions than text questions-and-answers. And it’s not going to let video giants or startups disrupt its future. This week Quora began testing video answers, because sometimes it’s a lot easier to show someone how something works, the best way to complete a task, or why one thing is better than another than try to write it out for them. Users in…
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人間は進んでいないという感覚に強くストレスを感じ、 嘘でも進んでいる感覚を提示するとストレスが軽減するようです。
(26) TIL: 今日の学び - Quora
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يدعو جولدمان ساكس إلى لوحات متنوعة - تشكرونش
The Daily Crunch هو تقرير TechCrunch لأكبر وأهم قصصنا. إذا كنت ترغب في تسليم هذا إلى صندوق الوارد الخاص بك كل يوم في حوالي الساعة التاسعة صباحًا بتوقيت المحيط الهادئ ، يمكنك الاشتراك هنا. 1. تقول شركة جولدمان ساكس إنها لن تعلن عن الشركات الناشئة بدون مدير واحد على الأقل "متنوع" ؛ يجب أن تذهب أبعد من ذلك صرح الرئيس التنفيذي ديفيد سولومون لـ CNBC أنه ابتداءً من هذا العام ، لن تقوم جولدمان بعد الآن بإدراج الشركات إلى الجمهور إذا لم يكن لديها عضو واحد على الأقل "متنوع" في مجلس إدارتها. سيرى البعض ، ربما عن حق ، الإعلان أكثر قليلاً من مجرد التسويق. في النهاية ، يُنظر على نطاق واسع بالفعل إلى أنه من غير المقبول أن تعلن شركة ما عن عضو واحد على الأقل من الإناث ، ويفضل أن يكون ذلك أكثر تنوعًا من ذلك. 2. تقوم شرطة Met في لندن بالتعرف على الوجوه الحية للوجه ، في مواجهة شواغل حقوق الإنسان يأتي النشر بعد فترة متعددة من المحاكمات من قبل Met والشرطة في جنوب ويلز. يقول Met إن استخدامه للتكنولوجيا المثيرة للجدل سيكون مستهدفًا "لمواقع محددة ... حيث تشير المعلومات الاستخبارية إلى أنه من المرجح أن نقوم بتحديد مواقع الجناة الخطرين". 3. توضح Sonos كيف سيتم التعامل مع الأجهزة غير المدعومة إذا كنت تستخدم Zone Player أو Connect أو الجيل الأول من Play: 5 أو CR200 أو Bridge أو ما قبل عام 2015 Connect: Amp ، فإن Sonos لا يزال يسقط الدعم لهذه الأجهزة. ولكن على الأقل تتراجع الشركة عن قرارها المبدئي بأن النظام البيئي بالكامل الخاص بأجهزة Sonos سيتوقف عن تلقي التحديثات أيضًا. 4. تعرف على بدء تشغيل مؤتمرات الفيديو B2B الذي أصبح مجنونًا للتعارف عبر الإنترنت موقع Eyeson على الويب يرسل مكالمات فيديو "بلا تنزيلات ، لا تأخير ، بلا متاعب". ولكن عندما صادفت شركة TechCrunch مؤسسها Andreas Kröpfl في ديسمبر الماضي ، حيث كان يعمل بقوة في Startup Alley في Disrupt Berlin ، كان حريصًا للغاية على التحدث عن شيء آخر تمامًا: فيديو يرجع تاريخه. 5. تسريح العمال ضرب Q&A بدء التشغيل Quora Quora ، شركة الأسئلة والأجوبة البالغة من العمر 10 سنوات ومقرها ماونتن فيو ، تقوم بتسريح الموظفين في مكاتبها في منطقة الخليج ومنطقة نيويورك. لم يكشف الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة آدم دي أنجيلو عن حجم عمليات التسريح. 6. مع تسجيل أسهم SaaS رقما قياسيا جديدا ، تظهر أرباح شركة Atlassian أنه لا يزال هناك مجال للنمو أعلنت شركة أتلاسيان عن أرباح بعد ساعات من يوم أمس ، وسارع السوق إلى ارتفاع أسهمه بأكثر من 10٪. يستكشف أليكس فيلهلم السبب. (مطلوب عضوية أزمة إضافية.) 7. ويكيبيديا لديها الآن أكثر من 6 ملايين مقالة باللغة الإنجليزية يقول ريان ميركلي ، رئيس أركان ويكيميديا ، وهي منظمة غير ربحية تدير الموسوعة الإلكترونية ، إن هذا العمل الفذ ، الذي يأتي بعد حوالي 19 عامًا من تأسيس الموقع ، هو شهادة على "ما يمكن للبشر فعله معًا".
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7 Unconventional Lead Generation Techniques for Brick and Mortar Businesses

The whole lead generation process for physical brick-and-mortar stores is not only tedious but also laborious if you’re relying on traditional methods.
Cold emails and cold calls by scraping through local address books just don’t cut it anymore.
But, what if you could still accomplish your lead generation goals using methods that add value to your prospects?
To walk you through some of the different methodologies, we’ve curated 7 unconventional lead generation techniques for local businesses.
1.Embed know-how videos
Video marketing is the future of the internet. Video content improves SEO, increases conversion rate, generates a direct sales lead and more.
Web users spend more time watching videos. This has proven to be highly beneficial for marketers and local businesses.
Videos are an effective lead generation tool. Consider using high-quality, informative content as gated content, adding videos on landing pages, and adding CTAs at the end of the video with a related offer can help to generate leads.
Consider platforms like YoutTube and Vimeo to get millions of views every single day. YouTube is the second most popular search engine as of today.
Users get on to YouTube to find potential answers to their questions. If a video is linked to the answers at the bottom that directs them to your website, that is a potential client in the pipeline.
Forbes predicts that 90% of customers say a video helps them make decisions to buy and 64% of customers say that watching a video makes them more likely to buy a product.
Add dynamic QR Codes at the end of the videos for the potential lead to scan and are directed to your website’s top landing pages or social media handle.
Beaconstac here, for example, leverages know-how videos to educate their users on how to create PDF QR Codes. Videos serve as a great interactive tool and simplify the process on the whole for users.
For more on using video for business, check out our guide on six types of video ideas to supercharge your social media.
2. Leverage app-less marketing
Deploy QR Codes and NFC Tags to generate leads to your local business and automate your marketing strategy.
QR Codes and NFC tags are cost-effective, work out-of-the-box, and is extremely efficient in generating leads.
This allows businesses to analyze, track and retarget their consumers by engaging with third-party applications exclusively meant for analyzing and retargeting by studying their click behavior.
Macy’s, the largest retail chain in the US has deployed beacon and NFC technology to strategize an engaging shopping experience for its users.
By opting for these technologies, Macy’s has amped the customer experience by rolling out loyalty programs, an enhanced customer service, segregating the layout merchandise in their stores, and offering personalized shopping experience.
Using QR Codes and NFC Tags on print marketing medium such as flyers, brochures, OOH advertisements, incentivized coupons and offers can be leveraged to promote the product, and, in turn, effectively increase leads.
McDonald’s used QR Codes on their paper packages after learning that their customers wanted to know more about their food by sharing nutritional information about their hamburgers.
This not only instilled a blanket of trust amongst the customers but also helped the company to highly target and retarget their customers to send out personalized messages and offers.
3. AMA (Ask Me Anything)
One of the most powerful and unique techniques to generate leads to your local business is by reaching out to pioneers in the market industry for their thoughts.
Take advantage of social media channels such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and even LinkedIn to post these Q&As. Send out a planned invite to your customers and followers notifying them about the Q&A session.
The questions could either be asked by an employee or you could even leverage consumers in this case with questions to ask the expert.
Awario states that companies who engage in social selling get 199% better ROI.
DataVLT, a data analytics platform ran an AMA session on Twitter by using the hashtag #AskDVLTAnything. By keeping their hashtag unique, the company was able to gather questions from different parts of the world and answered them during the session.
4. User-generated content
User-generated content and review platforms have a powerful foothold in organic search, making them an eminent opportunity to expand your brand name and get noticed by the right consumers.
When a business encourages its consumers to leave a review behind on a third-party platform with strong SEO, they are exponentially increasing the chances of being discovered by qualified prospects in search; without paying a penny.
FinancesOnline is an online B2B solutions finder service that works purely on customer reviews and ratings. The platform segregates companies based on the maximum quality content reviews and helps consumers find the solution they need.
Google acknowledges their independent role in helping consumers what they want and seems to approve review sites in search engine results.
Businesses can also outmaneuver their competitors in high-value keyword searchers. Considering the Google/CEB study found that 71% of B2B searchers start with a generic keyword phrase, this is crucial.
5. Answer questions on Quora
Quora is a Q&A based social networking site that reaches more than 100 million users per month. Quora can be taken advantage of to build yourself as a thought-leader in your particular niche.
Quora is primarily a user-generated content platform. But with that being said, there are ways to get the formula right on Quora. Quora is best used as a method to open up communication threads as you engage and help out users who are looking for a particular solution.
By answering questions related to my niche, and offbeat content, I can categorize myself as an expert on the subject matter garnering more attention to the company. This, in turn, will help the company get more users to at least click on the link, open a loop, and get them interested in the platform.
Quora doesn’t allow overly self-promoting content to generate leads and bring in revenue. The laws of reciprocity come into light and consumers will reach out to you after establishing yourself as a trusted source on the platform.
6. Offer free trials and giveaways
Giveaways, free trials, and sample products are the ideal method for getting potential users excited and letting them use your brand’s product to have an insight into it.
Free trials of a brand’s features can hels to capture potential consumer. If the trial helps them greatly, they are more likely to purchase the product and become a customer.
Sephora offers a plethora of free giveaways and trial products for their customers. In fact, Sephora is hugely popular for its giveaways, coupons, and discounts which get consumers flocking to their website and physical stores.
This lead generation process for Sephora has been hugely successful and has helped the company to retarget their potential customers to turn into qualified leads.
Touchless buying can also be employed for businesses that have an online presence.
In addition to that, consumers who have tried free samples are the most qualified leads because they have actually reached out to try your products.
By offering free trials and giveaways, a brand can do its own selling and encourage people to buy their products in a low-pressure manner.
7. Optimize email marketing
According to a report by DemandGen, lead-nurturing emails get as much as 10X the response rate as opposed to standalone mails.
Marketing automation is one of the biggest trends in email marketing at the moment, thus generating great results for businesses. Marketing automation tools are constructively hybrid email marketing tools that connect with your CRM that automatically pushes you to send highly personalized targeted emails to leads.
Email marketing plays a massive role in content marketing success. It plays the role of the concept of direct engagement. Some of the clues to develop a successful email content to generate leads must include -
Subject line
Concise content
Integrate social media handles in the mail
Include high-quality and lightweight images in the mail to explain the content better
Incorporate a CTA at the end of the mail
There are several tools that integrate email marketing to send out timely emails with highly engaging content such as Drip, Aweber, and Constant Contact to name a few.
Drip is an end-to-end email marketing platform that gives an incomparable insight into the customers’ behavior; right from their click behavior, emails they’ve opened, and purchases made to help build a brand from email to social media.
Most users open emails from businesses they want to connect with. This makes email marketing as one of the best tools for lead generation.
Experiment what’s best for your business
As a recap, the seven unconventional lead generation tactics are -
Embed know-how videos
Leverage app-less marketing
AMA (Ask Me Anything)
User-generated content
Answer questions on Quora
Offer free trials and giveaways
Optimize email marketing
A well-thought-out established process and subsequent focused strategy to generate leads can be wholesome and have the power to grow and sustain a business.
When it comes to businesses, the agenda “one size fits all” doesn’t hold good; what might work for a SaaS company might not work very well for a grocery shop.
Although lead generation is the numero uno challenge in this present day, identifying the bottlenecks in the funnel and tweaking strategies to take a technology-first approach always helps.
About the Author

Apoorva Hegde is a Content Marketer at MobStac. Apart from writing articles and blog posts related to QR Codes and all things related to it, she enjoys simple pleasures of life like going on long walks with her dog, eating carbs all day, and alike.
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SEO Executive Program (Job-Guaranteed) - Digital Vidya
Understanding why Businesses need SEO and how to plan its implementation? Coverage: Orientation to all Digital Marketing Techniques Why and what kind of businesses need Digital Marketing? Where does SEO fit in Digital Marketing Mix? SEO success and failure Case Studies Technology Used in Implementing SEO Understand and work hands-on on technologies relevant for SEO Professionals Coverage: Understand the web technologies relevant for SEO Professionals HTML, CSS and JavaScript JavaScript libraries and frameworks, including jQuery, AngularJS, ReactJS, EmberJS, etc DOM and Dynamic HTML Normal and Progressive Rendering Lazy loading Microdata Tagging and JSON-LD Identify problems associated with page speed and correcting them Doing on-page optimization for AJAX and Javascript based websites Python script to automatically add hreflang to your XML sitemap Build ability to convince webmaster to get high-quality back-links Build ability to write & review SEO friendly Blog posts, Articles & PRs Learn how to provide quality answers on Quora for SEO related queries Build ability to present SEO Strategy to non-SEO Professionals Coverage: Email Writing Blog posts, articles and framing of Press Releases Creating presentations Handing communication on Social Media channels: Quora, blogs and Facebook Video content generation using presentation, tools like Powtoon Build hands-on experience on real business scenario Able to showcase your results to prospective companies You will be able to conduct hands-on SEO Audits of websites using various free & premium SEO Tools Coverage: Create an online presence and promote it using SEO Techniques Create a blog on WordPress and set it up for SEO Promotion Setup WordPress blog with a custom theme Install relevant plugins including author box, Disqus, Yoast SEO Create Google Data Studio Account and setup basic reports with data from GA, AdWords & Facebook Create Google Tag Manager Account and setup basic codes – GA, AdWords Re-marketing, Conversion, Facebook Pixel, Bing Ads, & LinkedIn Code Setup Google Search Console account and get website verified in GSC Setup Google Analytics account with basic configuration and filters Create Measurement Plan for website and setup custom goals in Google Analytics to measure KPIs Create regular content for the Blog and do on-page optimization On-page Optimization (Title, Meta Description, URL, Image ALT, H1 tags) Blog Optimization CTR Optimization via Google Search Console Data Internal Linking Identify errors reported by Google Search Console and resolve all types of errors (broken links, duplicate content etc.) Creation of Hierarchical Sitemap (Manual or using Screaming Frog) Creation of Robots.txt file with operators and knowledge of regular expressions Page Speed Optimization implementation via WordPress plugins Identify schema codes for a website and generate relevant code Setup canonical tags / self-referencing canonical tags Setup permanent 301 redirect via .htaccess file Social Cards for Facebook / Twitter – Identify errors, create codes Data Highlighter Tool in Google Search Console Implementation of AMP plugin in WordPress without errors reported by GSC Using Plugins for compressing images Schema Implementation on Blog pages Outreach Program for your Blog Creating and linking from Slideshare / Scribd Presentations Identifying Quora Questions and building links External Blog Submission / Commenting Listing on Aggregator Portals / Websites Creating Company Profiles YouTube video optimization with cards Maps Listing on Google, BingPlaces, Apple Maps Local Citations creation Infographics / eBooks / Case Study Submission Niche Directory Submission Creation of overall link building strategy for client Content Outreach (Sending emails for obtaining links) Ongoing Performance Tracking Deriving Insights and stating them in monthly reports Creating monthly reports in Google Data Studio / Excel with data from GSC, GA Final Presentation Audit existing websites and create SEO Proposal Pick 3 websites in different Industry vertical Perform detailed SEO Audit for each of the websites Competitor Research of Organic Traffic using SEMRush and content recommendations Backlink Audit using SEMRush and recommendations Keyword Research Ranking Analysis On-page Audit (Manual) with recommendations On-page Audit (via SEMRush) with recommendations Technical Audit using GTMetrix / Page Speed Insights with recommendations Content Audit for Website Create Proposal Plan for improving SEO results based on organization goal Create Pitch Presentation based on research – Include goals, traffic projections, revenue projections Understand the job profiles of SEO Executives Understand how to accelerate your growth as SEO Executive Understand how to crack the interviews for SEO Executives Coverage: These session will be Q & A Session with industry experts covering Jobs Profiles, Growth paths and recruitment process of SEO Executives You will understand the basics of Search Engine Optimization and its importance in your Digital Marketing mix. You will understand how SEO and Content Marketing work together to drive traffic to most online businesses & websites Coverage: 1. Introduction to SEO Understand How Search Engines Work and the basics of crawling & indexing Basic understanding of SEO including On-page, Off-page, Technical SEO Know how to conduct Keyword Research for SEO Week 2: On-page SEO 2. On Page SEO Understand the basics of HTML and SEO Tags on Web pages Basic & Advanced concepts of on-page SEO Learn how Mobile web is relevant for SEO Understand Technical SEO including Page Speed optimization 3. Off-page SEO Understand the basics of Link Building and its significance in SEO How Social Media aids your SEO Strategy Leveraging local listings, citations, maps to boost traffic to your local store 4. SEO Audit, Tools, Measurement Understand list of parameters to be checked while SEO audits Understand relevant tools used for SEO audits Understand how to do SEO performance tracking for your our websites/blogs using Search Console and Google Analytics. Understand the impact of major Google algorithm updates.
This content was originally published here.
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Quora Digital SEO Q&A Session 10th July 2019
Quora Digital SEO Q&A Session 10th July 2019
Q1). Which is a better course between mastery in digital marketing (including various social media platforms, Google Analytics, AdWords, etc.) or mastery in Google AdWords?
Ans1). Before answering this question, I will like to explain something.
If you are doing the above to help you get a job, there is not a single course which anyone in the industry acknowledges. The only thing that matters is…
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#BackLinks#Google#Google Ads#Google Adwords#Google Analytics#Google SEO#Quora#Quora Digital#Quora Digital Marketing#Quora Q&A#Quora SEO
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2018 SEO Surveys and Changes You Should Make In 2019 - News January 2019

We have witnessed some big changes in the SEO world in 2018. From big algorithm updates to mobile first indexing & changes in Google search console, there is a lot to catch up on. Search ranking and algorithm updates Speed update. Google pre-announced that they will be launching the Speed update anytime soon in January but launched it five months later in June. At first, many website owners and SEO professionals were flipping out, thinking that it will adversely affect their site ranking, but Google confirmed that this update will only affect the slowest sites. Google said it “only affect a small percentage of queries.” Medic update. Clearly the biggest search ranking algorithm update in 2018. Google launched the Medic update around August 1 & confirmed it after the SEO community took notice and approached them to get more information. At first Google shrug it off saying that it just another “broad core algorithm update” that they do multiple times a year, but this update was different as it specifically impacted health and YMYL categories. Other algorithm updates. Along with the Medic update, Google also launched March core Update and April core update. Mobile-first indexing Google started hinting that they will be going mobile first very soon....in 2016. Yeah, they were planning to go mobile first since 2016 and fully shifted to mobile first indexing in 2018. For those who are unaware of it, Google finally decided to index the internet from the view of a smartphone instead of desktop. They started sending notifications via Google Search Console to inform the site owners about this shift. Today, Google claims that almost 50% of the websites have been shifted to mobile first indexing. Here’s a Google guide on how you can prepare for mobile first indexing. SEO changes Structured data. Google is putting a lot of emphasis on structured data & schema. From speakable markup for voice search related queries, a brand new indexing API for job posting schema to image search changes, various updates to recipe markup, new job posting guidelines, Q&A schema, live stream support, datasets schema, how to, QA, FAQs schema and so much more. Other changes. Google not only introduced new schemas & API but also dropped support for the old ones like news meta tag, the standout tag and editors pick in Google news. This move was seen as an attempt to appear unbiased because all of the internet giants are facing allegation of partial treatment from a lot of publishers & users. Google’s effort around the dynamic rendering & lazy loading content and photos is an effort you’ve seen a lot around with JavaScript SEO in 2018 & will continue through 2019. Personalization. As we mentioned earlier, the two internet giants Facebook and Google were accused of misusing personal data in 2018. However, Google said that they do not use personalization that much and it is limited to showing relevant local results. “BUT” the duck duck go founder says otherwise. He explained in a long Quora post that how Google misuses your personal data and how privacy becomes a myth when you use any of the Google products or services. Google Search Console and other tools Google launched a brand new search console in 2018. Just like most of their updates, they first launched the beta version of it and then removed the beta tag and fully launched it for everyone. They also provided a way to import your old search console reports and data to the new one. Google also started showing Search Console snapshots directly in the search results for site owners. They also changed the limits and quotas on crawling and indexing within search console, removed the ability to use the public URL submission tool & provided convenience to the site owners by automatically verifying them with their Google Analytics account. Google also tested new form of domain properties for cross site reporting, added a number of reports for event listing, AMP, links, mobile usability and more. They also launched several tools in 2018, and one of the best from the lot was URL inspection tool. This wonderful tool gives a snap shot of how Google sees your page. Pretty awesome, isn’t it? They also heard the demand of the SEO community and finally allowed us to view 16 months of historical data. Not only that but they also expanded the API to provide us with 25,000 rows of data. Google local Google Posts. Google spent a lot of time polishing Google Posts. They tested many UI around Google Posts on both desktop and mobile searches and also updated the My Business Console to enable Google Posts on the web or through the mobile app. However, all these efforts from Google didn’t yield the type of results they were expecting since many local SEO experts said that the Google posts traffic and engagement level is on the decline. Google My Business. Google not only updated the GMB API several times in the past year but also updated the GMB mobile app to allow business owners to manage their listing on the go. They added more insights data, analytics, branded searches, more query data and also launched an agency dashboard as well. Mobile search and voice assistants The increasing popularity of voice assistants has made many SEOs take keen interest in voice SEO. Although Google Home is considered the smartest one out there, but the competition is neck & neck since all the tech giants like Apple, Microsoft & Amazon have their own home assistants. But we can give credit to Google home for being the first home assistant that comes equipped with a display. From an SEO perspective, we couldn’t care less about which one is the best, but rather very much interested in how we can beat the competition & secure the number one spot in voice search results. We know that featured snippets play a big role in it, and as the usage will grow, so will the SEO tactics to outrank each other. Google UI changes Google rolled out a new design for desktop searches, discover feed & more results button for mobile and did many changes to UI. They also increased and then decreased their snippet length, expanded the autocomplete predictions and started showing cameos of famous people in search results. AMP. Coming to AMP, Google released a developer preview of showing the publisher URLs in search and not the Google AMP cache URL. They also launched AMP stories in search & a bunch of other AMP features. Other big Google news In other news, Google is finally closing down Google Plus after 7 years due to many security incidents. Continuing from the last year, our client’s rankings haven’t had any major impact after rollout of these algorithm updates and continue to rise as we shift to 2019.

It’s more than an obvious fact that consumers are most likely going to rely on newer reviews than the older ones. Also, in comparison with older people, younger individuals greatly depend on reviews for a number of things. What’s so surprising in this, you would ask? A new study has not only proved these facts but has also come up with some insightful metrics indicating the year after year changes. A Local Consumer Review Survey published by BrightLocal last month, revealed that reviews are critical to the decision making process of consumers choosing goods and services from local businesses. The below screenshot indicates a strong correlation between the trends and the age of the consumer.

It’s nothing of a surprise that consumers aged 18-34 grew up in the online era. While those older than them grew up taking recommendations from friends and neighbors. However, it all comes to the same point, people still consider reviews. The only difference over the years is that they are now digitized and available online for everyone to see other than just your friends or neighbors. Key Findings of The Study 91% of 18-34 year old people trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations 40% of consumers only take into account reviews written within the past 2 weeks – up from 18% last year More consumers require multiple reviews to trust reviews 80% of 18-34 year old people have written online reviews – compared to just 41% of consumers over 55 Older consumers are more likely to be skeptical about online reviews In case you are looking for stats and in depth details, read the Full Report and for takeaway points, follow our Actionable Strategy based on the findings of the report. Keep your reviews fresh if you are planning to target younger customers. Reviews that are older than 90 days become less valid, those that are less than 2 weeks old are best and those within a couple of days are ideal. Bad reviews create a negative impact on customers, you must put in all your marketing strategies to action to turn them into good reviews. The more the reviews, more will customers believe in their authenticity. Make sure your product/service has LOTS of reviews or at least more than 10 reviews. Having No reviews is almost as bad as having bad reviews. So be open to reviews and deliver what your customers are looking for! If you’re looking for genuine reviews, we highly recommend you to check out our proprietary “Review Widget” which helps you get positive reviews on Google and Yelp. Not only that, it automatically filters out negative reviews being displayed on your website thus enabling better customer experience.

Moz has released the 2018 local search ranking factors last month & it reveals a lot about the upcoming big changes in the SEO world. If you are looking for accurate predictions, or just want to stay updated about the current trends, we recommend reading the full report. 2018 was a good year for Local SEO since we witnessed a major boost in the rankings of the local players instead of the corporates. This just solidifies the facts that no matter your size, if your site has what it takes, then there’s no denying that you can even beat the mega corporations. Keep in mind that this survey was conducted among the SEO professionals. They were asked to rank the main ranking factors. Here are some of the key findings.

Local SEO has changed drastically over the past 3 years and if you are sticking to old SEO practices, it will do more harm than good. Also, if you want your site to rank high, you will have to prefer quality-over-quantity. Be it content, backlinks, reviews or citations. It has been observed by many SEO professionals that you can manipulate the content on the knowledge graph. It mostly works for hijacking brand queries or getting clicks that you will not get normally. Also if your site is not receiving the kind of traffic that you were expecting that maybe you have to send signals to Google. What it means is that if Google gets the “hey this business is alive signal”, it might boost your rank a little. You can then use this to show a detailed report of your SEO efforts. But you will have to figure out which thing to prioritize. Because there’s a lot of things going on and there’s a good chance that your client will not understand the technical things. So you may have to break it down in simpler terms. Factors to pay attention to in 2019 An easy way to check for what Google thinks is important with internal links is to do a site search on Google, type in one of your keywords & see what comes up first. This will help you determine what Google thinks is most relevant for your keyword. And if the result is not what you expected, fix it and do a search with the same keyword again. If your business is new, you have to ensure that you have covered all these basics. Order Citations Website is up and running. Page loads quickly. High quality and relevant content Add schema to the site You are using Google My Business posts You’re responding to Questions asked via knowledge graph listing If your business is around for a while, it is going to take a lot more efforts. You can start by checking the source of the traffic, if you are paying for it, then is it converting? Are your blogs up to date. Are you regularly uploading high quality content? These are only a few of the questions that you should ask yourself about your website. Be informed that GMB categories are a major ranking factor. Therefore it is often manipulated BUT GMB related spam can be reported on Google Maps or escalated to Google via their various support channels. So if you see anyone misusing it, you should report it. The conclusion of the survey is hard to sum up but if you will pay attention to the details, you will be able to crack the secret ingredient to a successful local SEO strategy. Although, you will have to do a lot of research to revise your current plans without hurting the existing campaigns.

Google is slowly moving features and data from the old Search Console to the new one. However, not all are happy with the way data is presented within the new search console because many reports are missing from it. Although Google has promised that all the data will be available in the new version as well. Google announced via a tweet that reporting features for AMP, Index Status, Links, Manual actions, Mobile Mobile Usability, Rich Cards, and Search Analytics have been successfully moved to the new Search Console.

Here’s a table that shows which reports have been moved where and what are they called.

Takeaway: Google search console is one of the most powerful marketing tools out there. It provides you with invaluable data, so if you are not using it, then we highly recommend reading this guide on how to get your website on search console and start utilizing this powerful tool to the fullest. And if you are already using the new Search Console, the above table will help you locate old reports. Maybe it will be bit difficult to get used to the new Search Console, after using the old one for years, but as we all know, the only thing constant in digital world is change. So get used to the new interface and use it to your advantage.

It’s no secret that customer reviews are important to ALL businesses. People vale customer reviewers as much as personal recommendations. However, old reviews may not be as important as the new ones as reported in our earlier article. The freshness of the review matters a lot. So it came as no surprise when Yelp decided to update their automated recommendation software to show only fresh reviews. The software moved the older reviews to not recommended category, hence taking it away from the public eye. As a result, many business owners were shocked to see a sudden plummet in their business’s ratings. We tried to gather as much information as possible about the update, and here are our findings: Everyone was impacted by this update since it was a cross-platform update. Not all 5 star reviews were filtered, it just moved the older ones to the “Not Recommended” category. It doesn't matter if you advertised on Yelp or not or if you were Yelp Elite, everyone was similarly affected. Reviews that were on the platform for several years were filtered. For a little clarification watch this short video where Yelp explains why some reviews are filtered and some aren’t.

Takeaway: You can’t do anything about the filtered reviews. They are gone forever so you should start focusing on getting new reviews instead of getting upset over the older ones. If Yelp played an important role in your overall marketing efforts, then you should start focusing on getting new reviews from your satisfied customers. You will have to come up with creative yet simple ways to generate new reviews, like adding the link to your business’s Yelp profile into the receipt email or on the checkout page. Furthermore, you can also allow users to “check in” when they are in your location. Adding Yelp Review Widget on your site is also one underrated way to get more reviews. You can also embed some of the best reviews on your site to not only generate trust but also to prompt customers to check your business profile on Yelp. And last but not the least, keep your Yelp profile updated. Finally, we highly recommend you to check out our proprietary “Review Widget” which helps you get positive reviews on Yelp. Not only that, it automatically filters out negative reviews being displayed on your website thus enabling positive customer experience.

You may have witnessed a sudden drop in the number of subscribers on YouTube. It is because YouTube is actively removing spam subscriptions from their platform. Google said that they regularly check the authenticity of the accounts on YouTube and remove the accounts that looks suspicious. It means that they not only deactivate the spam accounts but also remove their subscription from every channel they are subscribed to. The most recent cleansing drive was performed on December 13th. So if you noticed a drop in the number of subscribers, this might be the reason why. Upon contacting, they said - “Removing spam from the platform helps ensure that YouTube remains a fair playing field for everyone and should result in higher confidence that you’re organically building a community of authentic fans”. However, Google is not keeping the channels in dark. They are showing a banner on YouTube studio & Classic Creator Studio which informs the affected channel about the removal of spam subscribers. However, Google is not keeping the channels in dark. They are showing a banner on YouTube studio & Classic Creator Studio which informs the affected channel about the removal of spam subscribers. You maybe wondering that how Google decides that which account is spam. Here’s their answer: “We use a mix of industry leading techniques and proprietary technology to identify spam on the platform. Often, these types of actions are meant to make channels look more popular than they actually are”. Google explained that it will not affect the watch time since they were spam and wouldn't have watched the videos in the first place. So you will only loose numbers of subscribers and not the number of actual viewers. Your biggest concern would be falling below the 1000 subscription threshold required to qualify for the YouTube Partner Program because that’s the only way most of the YouTubers get paid. Addressing this concern, Google stated that: “Channels that had a high percentage of spam and fall below 1,000 subscribers will no longer meet the minimum requirement for YPP and will be removed from the program. They are encouraged to reapply once they’ve rebuilt their subscribers organically. You can learn about how to apply for YPP here.” Takeaway If your subscriber count fell below the YPP 1000 minimum, then there’s nothing you can do to gain those back. You should focus on getting new subscribers instead. And to avoid this type of sudden shock in future, make sure that they are not spam from your end. If you need more information, we recommend reading this article by Google. Read the full article
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Emptying the cliptray.....
1. https://www.scmp.com/news/china/politics/article/3025135/hong-kong-risks-catastrophe-china-us-proxy-battle-global-times 2. https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2019/aug/29/china-a-new-world-order-review-are-we-conniving-with-a-genocidal-dictatorship 3. https://www.instagram.com/p/B1zZ3NFhBgJ/ 4. https://www.google.com/amp/s/wtvr.com/2019/08/30/two-more-chesterfield-schools-test-positive-for-legionella-bacteria/amp/ 5. County administrator: 2 more Chesterfield schools test positive for Legionella bacteria Vernon Freeman Jr. and Matthew Fultz 17 hours ago Falling Creek Middle 6. https://www.tumblr.com/dashboard 7. https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/liam-hemsworth-reportedly-wanted-to-reconcile-with-miley-cyrus-until-this-happened.html/ 8. https://www.eonline.com/news/1068373/jenna-dewan-robbed-after-burglar-breaks-into-her-car-in-broad-daylight 9. https://youtu.be/ecSuLdwRATI 10. https://www.google.com/search?q=are+we+human+or+are+we+dancer&oq=are+we+human+or+&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0l3.10256j0j9&client=ms-android-mpcs-us-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#wptab=s:H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgVuLRT9c3LDTNSjEyTLd4xOjJLfDyxz1hKYdJa05eY7Ti4grOyC93zSvJLKkU0uFig7KUuASkUDRqMEjxcaGI8Oxi0ktJTUsszSmJL0lMsspOttLPLS3OTNYvSk3OL0rJzEuPT84pLS5JLbLKqSzKTC5exCqRUZqbmKdQkpGqkJ2Zk5NaVKwAkQIANnbgK6gAAAA 11. Human Song by The Killers OVERVIEW LYRICS LISTEN OTHER RECORDINGS PEOPLE ALSO SEARCH FOR 1 of 5 Lyrics … Are we human? Or are we dancer? My sign is vital My hands are cold… Source: LyricFind Full lyrics Listen Play Music Spotify Deezer iHeartRadio About Artist: The Killers Released: 2008 More about Human Feedback People also ask Are we human or are we denser or dancer? Is Brandon Flowers a Mormon? Are we human or are we dancer What does it mean? Am I human or am I Dancer meaning? Top results Wikipedia › wiki › Human_(The_K... Web results Human (The Killers song) - Wikipedia "Human" is a song by American rock band the Killers. Written by and produced by the band ... was confusion and debate over the line "Are we human, or are ... Background Reception Lyrics Chart performance Music video In popular culture Track listings Quora › What-is-meant-by-the-lyric... What is meant by the lyrics “Are we human, or are we dancer?” in ... Aug 23, 2017 · Not only is this a great song, but it's an intriguing one because of Brandon Flowers's blatant disregard for grammar (and proper citation, but I'll ... What do the lyrics “are we human, or are we dancer” mean? Nov 4, 2018 What is the meaning of The Killers song 'Human' ? May 10, 2018 In the Killers' song 'Human,' is Brandon Flowers saying 'dancer ... Oct 8, 2009 Are we human, or are we dancers? Apr 16, 2019 More results from www.quora.com https://www.gigwise.com › news Killers' Brandon Flowers Settles Debate Over 'Human' Lyrics | Gigwise Oct 31, 2008 · The words in the song's chorus - “ Are we human?/ Or are we dancer?” - have left critics and fans bemused since the song debuted last month. People also search for Other recordings Human Sublime Reggae Kings · 2013 Som persones Txarango · 2012 Human Jonna Lee · 2009 More info More results Genius › K › The Killers Web results The Killers – Human Lyrics | Genius Lyrics Sep 22, 2008 · There is no message we' re receiving. Let me know, is your heart still beating? [ Chorus] Are we human or are we dancer? My ... Rolling Stone › music-news › b... Brandon Flowers Wound Up Over Misquoting of Killers' “Human” – Rolling Stone Nov 19, 2008 · “Are we human, or are we dancer,” Flowers sings, imploring that the ambiguous word is the grammatically-incorrect “dancer” and ... VIDEOSView All Video result for are we human or are we dancer PREVIEW 4:09 The Killers - Human (lyrics) YouTube · osbl30 Dec 20, 2008 Video result for are we human or are we dancer PREVIEW 4:08 Are we human or are we Dancer,lyrics "Killers" YouTube · EmilyLouise Jan 3, 2009 Video result for are we human or are we dancer PREVIEW 4:08 Killers - Human ( Are we Human or are we Dancer ) Sonnenreflexte und ... YouTube · Hexeschrumpelmei Apr 18, 2009 Video result for are we human or are we dancer PREVIEW 4:04 The Killers - Human (live) [HQ] YouTube · CSY Dec 9, 2009 Songfacts › facts › human Web results Human by The Killers - Songfacts Many of the Killers' fans have been mystified why the song's chorus ("Are we human/ Or are we dancer?"), refers to "dancer" in the singular. Some have ... AZLyrics › K › The Killers Lyrics The Killers - Human Lyrics | AZLyrics.com Cut the cord. Are we human or are we dancer? My sign is vital, my hands are cold. And I'm on my knees looking for the answer. Are we human or are we dancer ... Medium › human-the-killers-678b1... “Human” — The Killers - No Words, No Song - Medium Feb 2, 2018 · Are we human, or are we dancer?” is one of pop music's more metaphysical lyrics. They ask a question we should all think about more ... The Killers songs All These Things That I've Done All These Things That I've Done Read My Mind Read My Mind Spaceman Spaceman Mr. Brightside Mr. Brightside When You Were Young When You Were Young Somebody Told Me Somebody Told Me Bling Bling Shot at the Night Shot at the Night More results This Charming Man Alternative rock songs RELATED SEARCHES are we human or are we dancer chords are we human or are we cancer the killers human other recordings of this song are we dancing lyrics human lyrics are we human or are we hamsters are we human or are we dancer cover brandon flowers More results 2 of 5 I did my best to notice When the call came down the line Up to the platform of surrender I was broad but I was kind And sometimes I get nervous When I see an open door Close your eyes Clear your heart Cut the cord Are we human? Or are we dancer? My sign is vital My hands are cold And I'm on my knees Looking for the answer Are we human? Or are we dancer? Pay my respects to grace and virtue Send my condolences to good Give my regards to soul and romance They always did the best they could And so long to devotion You taught me everything I know Wave goodbye Wish me well You got to let me go Are we human? Or are we dancer? My sign is vital My hands are cold And I'm on my knees Looking for the answer Are we human? Or are we dancer? Will your system be alright When you dream of home tonight? There is no message we're receiving Let me know is your heart still beating? Are we human? Or are we dancer? My sign is vital My hands are cold And I'm on my knees Looking for the answer You got to let me know Are we human? Or are we dancer? My sign is vital My hands are cold And I'm on my knees Looking for the answer Are we human? Or are we dancer? Are we human? Or are we dancer? Are we human Or are we dancer? Source: LyricFind Songwriters: Brandon Flowers / Dave Brent Keuning / Mark August Stoermer / Ronnie Jr. Vannucci Human lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, Universal Music Publishing Group Show less 12. https://www.instagram.com/p/B1GL3jvFcQX/?hl=en 13. 263 likes kip_hemzy #LiamHemsworth surfing his troubles away with brother #ChrisHemsworth. #hemsworth #hemsworthbrothers #hemsworthfamily cathymorice ❤️😍😘 marvelcouples Is Chris wearing Ugg boots? AUGUST 13 14. titanium_tomlinson's profile picture titanium_tomlinson Aaron Tomlinson Lived 7 years in Chile 🇨🇱. Drums. Soccer. Have a titanium leg. AMERICA IS THE BEST!!! War Eagle 🦅 And most importantly, Follower of the Lord. ✝️ USA Women’s!!!! I love my mom Highlights Highlights Highlights Shower thought Highlights 38 posts 202 followers 324 following titanium_tomlinson 15. titanium_tomlinson's profile picture titanium_tomlinson Aaron Tomlinson Lived 7 years in Chile 🇨🇱. Drums. Soccer. Have a titanium leg. AMERICA IS THE BEST!!! 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Get proven SEO & SEM tactics – attend SMX in San Jose in 2 weeks
In 2019, A.I., voice assistants, mobile-first, video, and visual search will reshape the picture of successful search marketing. Smart marketers who want to stay sharp in the New Year are attending SMX® West in San Jose, January 30-31… less than two weeks from now.
Join us for two intense days of tactic-rich SEO and SEM sessions, inspirational Google and Bing keynotes, interactive Q&A clinics, and networking.
The SMX West program includes many opportunities to…
Boost awareness, traffic, and conversions with actionable tactics. Unlock 25+ tactic-rich sessions on the topics that matter: Mobile-first SEO, paid social, video marketing, voice assistants, dynamic rendering, ad testing, site migration, the customer journey, and more. See the complete search marketing agenda here.
Gain valuable insights from leading solution providers. YouTube, Adthena, Bing, Botify, Bruce Clay Inc., CallRail, Instapage, PureLinq, Quora, Stone Temple, and Uberall are ready to share case studies on a variety of essential search marketing topics. You’ll learn how to maximize conversions, master SEO silos, amp up your content marketing, bridge the gap between technical SEO and keyword rankings, and so much more. Check out the presenting sponsors here.
Share and connect with like-minded marketers. A networking reception (sponsored by Page Zero Media), two community meetups, and lunchtime discussions are the perfect opportunities to exchange ideas and experiences with your peers. Connect with prospective clients, partners, even future talent. See all of the networking events on tap.
Remain productive while you’re on-the-go. SMX West is a two-day show, which means you’ll spend less time out of the office but gain the same amount of actionable insights. Free WiFi empowers you to stay connected to the office, and you’ll feel well nourished with complete breakfasts, hot lunches, and delicious refreshments.
Choose your ideal pass
Pick the pass that suits your goals and budget:
All Access: The complete SMX experience — all sessions, keynotes, clinics, networking events, and amenities. Book before January 30 and save $150 off on-site rates!
All Access + Workshop (best value!): Maximize your learning with a full-day search marketing workshop on Friday, February 1. Book before January 30 and save $300 off on-site rates!
Networking: Perfect if you’re on a tight budget. Unlock sponsored sessions, networking, WiFi — even hot meals and refreshments — all for just $499 ($100 off on-site rates!).
We guarantee you’ll walk away with at least one actionable tactic that can help bring your search marketing to a new level of success in 2019.
T-minus two weeks! See you in San Jose!
Psst… Need to convince your boss? Use our helpful resources, including talking points, a price breakdown — even a templated letter!
The post Get proven SEO & SEM tactics – attend SMX in San Jose in 2 weeks appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Get proven SEO & SEM tactics – attend SMX in San Jose in 2 weeks published first on https://likesandfollowersclub.weebly.com/
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Get proven SEO & SEM tactics – attend SMX in San Jose in 2 weeks
In 2019, A.I., voice assistants, mobile-first, video, and visual search will reshape the picture of successful search marketing. Smart marketers who want to stay sharp in the New Year are attending SMX® West in San Jose, January 30-31… less than two weeks from now.
Join us for two intense days of tactic-rich SEO and SEM sessions, inspirational Google and Bing keynotes, interactive Q&A clinics, and networking.
The SMX West program includes many opportunities to…
Boost awareness, traffic, and conversions with actionable tactics. Unlock 25+ tactic-rich sessions on the topics that matter: Mobile-first SEO, paid social, video marketing, voice assistants, dynamic rendering, ad testing, site migration, the customer journey, and more. See the complete search marketing agenda here.
Gain valuable insights from leading solution providers. YouTube, Adthena, Bing, Botify, Bruce Clay Inc., CallRail, Instapage, PureLinq, Quora, Stone Temple, and Uberall are ready to share case studies on a variety of essential search marketing topics. You’ll learn how to maximize conversions, master SEO silos, amp up your content marketing, bridge the gap between technical SEO and keyword rankings, and so much more. Check out the presenting sponsors here.
Share and connect with like-minded marketers. A networking reception (sponsored by Page Zero Media), two community meetups, and lunchtime discussions are the perfect opportunities to exchange ideas and experiences with your peers. Connect with prospective clients, partners, even future talent. See all of the networking events on tap.
Remain productive while you’re on-the-go. SMX West is a two-day show, which means you’ll spend less time out of the office but gain the same amount of actionable insights. Free WiFi empowers you to stay connected to the office, and you’ll feel well nourished with complete breakfasts, hot lunches, and delicious refreshments.
Choose your ideal pass
Pick the pass that suits your goals and budget:
All Access: The complete SMX experience — all sessions, keynotes, clinics, networking events, and amenities. Book before January 30 and save $150 off on-site rates!
All Access + Workshop (best value!): Maximize your learning with a full-day search marketing workshop on Friday, February 1. Book before January 30 and save $300 off on-site rates!
Networking: Perfect if you’re on a tight budget. Unlock sponsored sessions, networking, WiFi — even hot meals and refreshments — all for just $499 ($100 off on-site rates!).
We guarantee you’ll walk away with at least one actionable tactic that can help bring your search marketing to a new level of success in 2019.
T-minus two weeks! See you in San Jose!
Psst… Need to convince your boss? Use our helpful resources, including talking points, a price breakdown — even a templated letter!
The post Get proven SEO & SEM tactics – attend SMX in San Jose in 2 weeks appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Get proven SEO & SEM tactics – attend SMX in San Jose in 2 weeks published first on https://likesfollowersclub.tumblr.com/
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Have you been fired by someone to later end up being their boss by some strange circumstance? I was the boss that did the firing. I was a manager at a video game store.
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يدعو جولدمان ساكس إلى لوحات متنوعة - تشكرونش
The Daily Crunch هو تقرير TechCrunch لأكبر وأهم قصصنا. إذا كنت ترغب في تسليم هذا إلى صندوق الوارد الخاص بك كل يوم في حوالي الساعة التاسعة صباحًا بتوقيت المحيط الهادئ ، يمكنك الاشتراك هنا. 1. تقول شركة جولدمان ساكس إنها لن تعلن عن الشركات الناشئة بدون مدير واحد على الأقل "متنوع" ؛ يجب أن تذهب أبعد من ذلك صرح الرئيس التنفيذي ديفيد سولومون لـ CNBC أنه ابتداءً من هذا العام ، لن تقوم جولدمان بعد الآن بإدراج الشركات إلى الجمهور إذا لم يكن لديها عضو واحد على الأقل "متنوع" في مجلس إدارتها. سيرى البعض ، ربما عن حق ، الإعلان أكثر قليلاً من مجرد التسويق. في النهاية ، يُنظر على نطاق واسع بالفعل إلى أنه من غير المقبول أن تعلن شركة ما عن عضو واحد على الأقل من الإناث ، ويفضل أن يكون ذلك أكثر تنوعًا من ذلك. 2. تقوم شرطة Met في لندن بالتعرف على الوجوه الحية للوجه ، في مواجهة شواغل حقوق الإنسان يأتي النشر بعد فترة متعددة من المحاكمات من قبل Met والشرطة في جنوب ويلز. يقول Met إن استخدامه للتكنولوجيا المثيرة للجدل سيكون مستهدفًا "لمواقع محددة ... حيث تشير المعلومات الاستخبارية إلى أنه من المرجح أن نقوم بتحديد مواقع الجناة الخطرين". 3. توضح Sonos كيف سيتم التعامل مع الأجهزة غير المدعومة إذا كنت تستخدم Zone Player أو Connect أو الجيل الأول من Play: 5 أو CR200 أو Bridge أو ما قبل عام 2015 Connect: Amp ، فإن Sonos لا يزال يسقط الدعم لهذه الأجهزة. ولكن على الأقل تتراجع الشركة عن قرارها المبدئي بأن النظام البيئي بالكامل الخاص بأجهزة Sonos سيتوقف عن تلقي التحديثات أيضًا. 4. تعرف على بدء تشغيل مؤتمرات الفيديو B2B الذي أصبح مجنونًا للتعارف عبر الإنترنت موقع Eyeson على الويب يرسل مكالمات فيديو "بلا تنزيلات ، لا تأخير ، بلا متاعب". ولكن عندما صادفت شركة TechCrunch مؤسسها Andreas Kröpfl في ديسمبر الماضي ، حيث كان يعمل بقوة في Startup Alley في Disrupt Berlin ، كان حريصًا للغاية على التحدث عن شيء آخر تمامًا: فيديو يرجع تاريخه. 5. تسريح العمال ضرب Q&A بدء التشغيل Quora Quora ، شركة الأسئلة والأجوبة البالغة من العمر 10 سنوات ومقرها ماونتن فيو ، تقوم بتسريح الموظفين في مكاتبها في منطقة الخليج ومنطقة نيويورك. لم يكشف الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة آدم دي أنجيلو عن حجم عمليات التسريح. 6. مع تسجيل أسهم SaaS رقما قياسيا جديدا ، تظهر أرباح شركة Atlassian أنه لا يزال هناك مجال للنمو أعلنت شركة أتلاسيان عن أرباح بعد ساعات من يوم أمس ، وسارع السوق إلى ارتفاع أسهمه بأكثر من 10٪. يستكشف أليكس فيلهلم السبب. (مطلوب عضوية أزمة إضافية.) 7. ويكيبيديا لديها الآن أكثر من 6 ملايين مقالة باللغة الإنجليزية يقول ريان ميركلي ، رئيس أركان ويكيميديا ، وهي منظمة غير ربحية تدير الموسوعة الإلكترونية ، إن هذا العمل الفذ ، الذي يأتي بعد حوالي 19 عامًا من تأسيس الموقع ، هو شهادة على "ما يمكن للبشر فعله معًا".
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How Does Quora Make Money? Quora Business Model Explained
How Does Quora Make Money? Quora Business Model Explained
Quora is a question and answer website which allows anyone to ask questions publicly or anonymously. As of now, Quora grew thanks to several rounds of investments from venture capital firms. Among those firms, Peter Thiel‘s Founders Funds and Paul Graham‘s Y Combinator. Quora now generates revenues with advertising.
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