#Quick Access Popup
threewaysdivided · 1 year
New Desktop Dash, No Bueno
Okay so, new dash layout on desktop.
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As seems to be a common reaction: not a fan.
Let's talk about some of the issues:
1. Really visually cluttered
The new sidebar crowds out the dashboard content and the bright blue popup notifications (now at the side AND top) and create-post bar pull your eyes in different directions. There is no space for the eye to rest on anymore - it's all noise. The end result is that everything flattens - there's no focal point anymore.
It's also pretty overwhelming - even for someone like me - so I can't imagine it would be very user-friendly to someone who was photosensitive or struggled with visual overload (especially when paired with the high-contrast 'true blue' default site palette and animated icons for the changes-on-tumblr/staff-picks/trending buttons).
2. The activity pop-up now covers dashboard content
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This is really bad from a usability standpoint. In the old layout the activity pop-up used to drop down over the recommended blogs sidebar. Now it actively gets in the way of looking at core content. The dash is why we are here, burying it like this is baffling.
The search bar now drops down over the recommended blogs banner instead, but where the old design had non-critical space on each side of the dashboard to visually allow both features to pop in, this new layout is way worse for efficiency. And for what? Having a rarely-used former drop-down menu now permanently active? The old banner with quick-links for the key use-features (notes, messages, askbox) made much more design sense.
It also means that the activity pop-up gets now completely covered by the blog pop-up that opens when you click the notification, so double demerit there. 0/10.
3. It's harder to navigate to the activity page, and the new page-stretch means you can't see new notes without scrolling down
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That first bit is kind of a nitpick but cramming the 'See everything' link down at the bottom of a browser window isn't a great navigation choice. (Again, the visual signifiers and eye-direction in this new design are incredibly poor.)
That the main activity page now requires you to scroll to even see the top note due to the new display ratio is really egregious. It makes another key site feature just slightly less convenient and accessible in a very irritating way. Bad choice.
4. The new ratio pushes the Radar and Main Sponsored slot completely off-screen
This one is directed the tumblr staff: that's also a bad choice, guys. That's your main ad-slot for people loading into Tumblr so hiding it is going to hurt both your ad-impressions and your ability to promote the ad-free option. The new layout ratio also means that the in-dash ads are going to be a lot more invasively screen-filling - and let's be real most users will either add-block or leave before purchasing ad-free. I have no idea what the new layout is trying to achieve but if ad optimisation is the goal then this ain't it, chief.
To be honest I cannot comprehend the rationale for this change. I guess it's visually a bit more like Twitter... but that site is currently being demolished from the inside by poor management decisions so maybe it's not the best aesthetic to be aping.
Well then, what do?
Okay so, new dash bad. And so, in true Tumblr spirit: we complain. However, to get results we must deploy the art of kvetching productively.
If you want the old dash back (or at least, a better new-dash design that corrects some of these big weaknesses) what you should do is head over to https://www.tumblr.com/support and lodge a feedback ticket pointing out the problems. The more users who do that, the more likely you are to see an effective response.
Remember, tagging @staff and @support in posts won't fix this. There's no guarantee they'll see it among the notes barrage.
Also: please don't be rude or abusive when you lodge tickets. Whoever is manning those blogs and inboxes probably isn't the person who forced through this change. Save an intern, be polite.
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Go forth in disgruntlement to keep this hellhole a hellhome.
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fullmoonfireball · 11 months
Pikmin 2 Personality Quiz Translation
quick disclaimer: I am not especially fluent in Japanese, I'm just some shmuck trying their best, so take these translations with a grain of salt. especially since there's some i'm really unsure of here.
feel free to play along with this link! or just scroll all the way down to the "results" section at the bottom if you just want to see the descriptions
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Thank you for Accessing [This Page]
Ahh, thank you! You came right away. I'm so happy.
Hey... If you don't mind... I could examine your personality!
View Content
(note: there's some usage of katakana in the paragraph where it typically wouldn't be, notably for the pronouns 'watashi' and 'anata', so I decided to bold those.)
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Pikmin Personality Quiz
Q1: What is the most important thing in your life?
Q2: Of the following 5 colours, which do you prefer?
Q3: Who can you not say no to?
My parents
My lover
My boss
There isn't anyone (None)
Q4: What word best describes your lifestyle?
(note: these are all onomatopoeia in the original, so an exact translation would be impossible, or at least unreasonable. hopefully this does the job fine.)
Q5: You're flying in a spaceship. What happens to you next?
I crash
I sleep
I explore an undiscovered planet
I fall
I go back home
(note: "I fall" could equally be "I fail". it's hard to say with so little context, but either way it's not good.)
Q6: How much money do you have saved up?
No more than 100 yen
No more than 1000 yen
No more than 10,000 yen
No more than 100,000 yen
More than that! I'm rich!
(I'm here for translations, not currency conversions, but this would be (in USD, since I'm pretty sure most of you are American even though I'm not): $0.67, $6.67, $66.72, and $667.21 respectively. the fact this was probably made for children really shows here.)
Q7: What's your favourite game?
The leisurely Animal Crossing.
Pikmin, of course.
As expected, it's Zelda.
Obviously Mario, right?
Actually, it's none of these.
Q8: What's your favourite creature?
Pellet Posy
Iridescent Flint Beetle
Q9: What's your LEAST favourite creature?
Beady Long Legs
Titan Dweevil
Bumbling Snitchbug
(note: this quiz seems to specifically be related to the New Play Control version of Pikmin 2, so the inclusion of the Titan Dweevil isn't QUITE as spoilery as it seems on first glance)
Q10: What's your favourite place?
Valley of Repose
Awakening Wood
Perplexing Pool
Wistful Wild
Inside the Onion
Q11: During a space trip, you're met with an accident, and end up shipwrecked on an uninhabited planet. What kind of planet is it?
A jungle planet
A sandy planet
A mechanized planet
A planet of bugs
It's actually Earth
Q12: If were shipwrecked on an uninhabited planet and could only bring one thing with you, what would it be?
My secret safe
My Game Boy Advance
My passbook
A novel
Q13: If you were to start a family in the future, how many children would you have?
I don't know
A lot
Q14: How would you describe your interactions with others?
Easy to get carried away
I don't care
Q15: Seriously, how old are you?
10 or less
20 or less
40 or less
60 or less
What a rude thing to ask!
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Check your personality!
(note: if you click this button before answering all of the questions, you will get a popup saying "Q[earliest unanswered number] has not been entered.")
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Your personality is [most like]...
The President.
Your strength is that you are honest about your feelings. Your energy as a leader is undefeatable.
However, you should maybe consider other people's feelings at least a little bit.
THIS → is the perfect partner for you!
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Your perfect match is...
The President's wife.
She's straightforward about her feelings, more so than you.
She always toys with you.
However, that's because she believes in you.
→ Back
(note: I have absolutely zero confidence in that middle sentence.)
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Your personality is [most like]...
A hard-working man who loves his family. He is popular among the Pikmin for his leadership.
However, he's a bit unlucky.
THIS → is the perfect partner for you!
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Your perfect match is...
Olimar's wife.
No matter how destitute, she will always support you with great love.
There can be no secrets (such as a certain safe) between lovers or husband and wife.
You two can keep it together and not let the recession get to you.
→ Back
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Your personality is [most like]...
You're not so good at communication. People tend to misunderstand you, and have no idea what you're thinking.
Maybe you should voice your feelings more often?
THIS → is the perfect partner for you!
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Your perfect match is...
Louie's nana.
Her narrow eyes make her look like she can't see anything. But trust me, she definitely sees the real you.
Even if it's hard, please indulge her as much as you can.
→ Back
(note: another really hard phrase to translate on the partner pages, yowch. this time, it was the last line of her description.)
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Your personality is [most like]...
The Hocotate Ship.
On the outside, talkative to the point of being a blabbermouth.
But on the inside, actually a bit dry.
THIS → is the perfect partner for you!
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Your perfect match is...
Mr. Beady Long Legs.
A strong personality that will really shake your heart. Whether it's out of fear or love, your heart will keep thumping.
Once you get over these feelings, a new you awaits...... Probably.
→ Back
(note: because "さん" is gender neutral, this could equally be Ms. Beady Long Legs. hocotate ship yuri, i GUESS.)
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Your personality is [most like]...
The Pikmin.
Serious and hard-working. Your strong suit is cooperating with others. The type to thoroughly devote yourself.
But maybe you could assert yourself a little more?
THIS → is the perfect partner for you!
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Your perfect match is...
Mr. Bulborb.
It will lead you with a WILD personality.
A big maw awaits you.
Please look forward to some wild kisses.
→ Back
(note: again, could be Ms. instead)
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auberylis · 1 year
MyArtGallery 20230623 BIG UPDATE!
Hi everyone! I made a cool big update to MyAG - a free, fast-rollout gallery package for your personal neocities.org website. It is aimed at artists who value and curate their online presence and want their art to exist for more than while it's on someone's dashboard. MyAG is my contribution to the decorporativisation of the online space. And today, i made it a whole ton more usable, too - managing your online art gallery is almost as easy as tumblr now!
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Meet the brand-new editor page! Before this, it used to be a neverending stream of html forms with crap layout.. now, it's almost state-of-the art web app shit! Essentially, it takes the form of what you see when you access your actual art gallery as a visitor, but with simplified design and neutral colours, and managing tools. To edit your artworks or groups - simply click on them and select "edit" in the popup menu! A nice lil' window appears, and you can change everything about your artwork or group in it. Adding new stuff is as easy as pressing "Add new..." and filling out a couple fields, too!
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But wait.. there's more! Not only can you now delete your stuff easily (yeah, there were troubles with that) - but also, i implemented moving stuff around in a turbo-simple way! Click "move" and hover over any of the insert markers that pop up, click - and the artwork (or the group button) is moved to the desired location.
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Pretty cool, huh? Sure is, and also sure as hell feels nice to have over 1K lines of code working neatly together for the sake of art without companies! I hope someone goes ahead and cooperates with me by running this at their neocities page and reporting any issues that emerge. Want to see it live? Here's a fresh stock deployment left untouched. And my own kandi museum runs on MyAG, too!
Grab MyAG and read the manual/tutorial at project's github page! Use this shit dammit!
If you want to contact me, DM here or use one of these!
Smaller updates:
Added a settings file checker. Since some keys will be coming and some will be going, the settingsChecker.html tool-page will check your current settings.js file for missing and deprecated setting keys, and point you to a quick-fix example!
Since i finally sorted out the XML entry order, some users may end up with their gallery groups or artworks displaying backwards after they update... i added "macro tools" to the gallery editor page, and the two available tools are to reverse all images and reverse all groups. If you run into such problem while updating, simply use the needed macro tool.
Figured out a bunch of small CSS bugs - stuff is laid out a bit neater now. Pretty sure there's more to come.. *cdi mario voice* and you've gotta help us!
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gordonramsei · 1 year
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⟡  ⟡  ⟡
∘ 。⟣  briefing : fan boy behavior is my take on the fansite themes that used to be super popular in the rpc ! this theme is packed full of goodies and endless aesthetically pleasing styling opportunities ! perfect for a main , a resource blog , an rph or anything else u see fit ! please give this post a reblog and a like and take care of urself ! keep hydrated and pet a cute animal today !
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∘ 。⟣ specs :
an arched shaped header image w/ accent animated icon .
sidebar png .
three creator / admin icons that show names when hovered .
( optional ) accent hearts throughout .
offers  accessible  font  sizing  option .
offers  390px  post  sizing  .
draggable calendar window .
popup ' warning ' box .
extra link space on main w/ a quick link box .
animated askbox feature .
one  editable  link  for  u  to  use  for  whatever  .
6  editable  links  in  the  nav  tab  .
subtle  fade in tab  animation  .
complete  list  of  credits  and  inspirations  are  detailed  in  the  code  .
to view a live preview , please see the source link .
click here  to  become  a  patreon and gain access to this code  or buy the code for $5.00 usd on payhip !
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leothil · 4 months
Hiiii Frida, since you are the resident IT wiz among the blogs I follow, I wanted to ask you, are you using the tumblr unfucker at all? Or another sort of.... fixer for the site? I have tumblr unfucker through github, but it's looking a little weird now and I know less than nothing about how to get it to look right. so do you have any recommendations or what do you do?
Hi and thank you, haha! I'm using XKit Rewritten, which exists as an add-on for both Firefox and Chrome, and it's a lifesaver! Among other things it allows quick reblogging/queueing by having this popup appear when you hover over the reblog button (it also tells you if a tag goes over 140 characters):
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Whenever I use that quick-queue button it also automatically adds my queue tag so I don't have to write it in every time. It has a tag replacer system that I've used a lot this spring to replace my 911 spoilers-tag with just my regular 911-tag after some days have passed since the new episode. It allows me to reformat the timestamps on posts so they look like I prefer:
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AND it has a function to restore links to individual posts in the post's header, aka when you click the url of whoever the person on your dash reblogged the post from, you're not brought to their blog but to that specific post on their blog, without having to go through the post menu -> view previous reblog (and this was a real lifesaver in the time period when they'd removed the link to prev post but not yet added that option to the menu).
XKit also has a lot of accessibility and aesthetic options (highlight tags, paint certain blogs certain colours, dim posts you've already seen etc etc), it's a really great browser extension and improves my tumblr experience a lot!
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eworldexpo · 9 months
🚀 **MAVAS & OPPYO: Your Gateway to Digital Brilliance!**
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Click here for full access to oppyo
Hey Tumblr Fam! 🌟
Embark on a journey of online success with MAVAS & OPPYO. 🌐✨ This dynamic duo redefines the game, offering an all-in-one solution to elevate your digital presence.
✅ **Save Time & Effort:** Seamless integration means everything you need is at your fingertips. No more hassle, just results.
✨ **Bring More Growth:** Fortune 500 strategies simplified for YOU. Boost conversions, sales, and overall business growth effortlessly.
🚀 **Start Quick & Easy:** Designed for business owners like you, MAVAS is user-friendly. 24/7 support and free training ensure a smooth takeoff.
🏗️ **Build Your Online Presence:**
- Craft professional websites with drag-and-drop ease.
- Free MAVAS domain & hosting or connect your custom domain.
- Sell unlimited products with zero MAVAS fees for a limited time.
📈 **All-In-One Marketing Magic:**
- High-converting landing pages, fast video hosting, and comprehensive funnels.
- Send emails, utilize dynamic popups, and conduct A/B tests for optimal performance.
- Manage leads, customers, businesses, and teams effortlessly.
Ready to redefine success? Dive into MAVAS & OPPYO now! 🚀✨ #MAVAS #OPPYO #DigitalSuccess #OnlineBusinessGrowth
Click link to learn more
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toastsnaffler · 2 years
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soooo national geographic have prevented ppl from disabling javascript to access their paywalled 'subscriber-exclusive' articles by adding an overlay which causes the article to disappear the further u scroll down... so for fun I've typed up a quick guide (below) for how to read them for free by doing a little html/css editing! normally I wouldn't bother bc you can still access the text thru saving as a webpage or 12ft.io, but this way does have the added bonus of keeping the original page formatting + images (there's often a lot of pretty photography in nat geo... + added bonus of not seeing the annoying 'unauthorised use is prohibited' messages every other paragraph). this is probably common knowledge to a lot of ppl but just thought I'd share for any less tech-fluent mutuals! enjoy <3
how to read national geographic 'subscriber exclusive' articles for free with html/css editing ;^)
paywalls suck + piracy rules! information should be for everyone. go wild.
all instructions are for firefox but I tested on a couple other browsers (edge/opera/chrome) & it worked there too!
step 1: (open page inspector) right-click + select 'inspect' or use either of the shortcuts: ctrl + shift + i or ctrl + shift + c. or you can navigate to it by clicking on the drop-down menu in the top right corner of your browser and going to ‘more tools -> developer settings’
step 2: (removes the page lock, allowing you to scroll down) navigate to 'inspector'. underneath the head section is a line beginning '<body class="Scroll--locked...' click on this then go to 'element' + untick both 'overflow:hidden' & 'position:fixed'. alternatively, you can double click on the line and manually delete both elements.
if not using firefox: ‘inspector’ may be called ‘elements’ instead… click the line ‘<body data-interaction-type…’ then go to the styles tab below + untick 'overflow:hidden' & 'position:fixed’
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step 3: (removes the subscription popup box) – I found 2 ways of doing this, I’ll include them both:
method a: delete whole section of code starting '<div class="bp-mobileMDPlus...' by clicking on it + hitting the del button. make sure the little triangle points -> beforehand so that everything in that section gets deleted, if its expanded (pointing down) then just click it to close it first, otherwise you’ll have to delete every open line individually (specifically removes the paywall checking element. can be found easily by right-clicking the subscription box + selecting 'inspect' - the page inspector should navigate to the right line of code or near enough)
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method b – firefox only(?): navigate to 'style editor', and hide natgeo.css by clicking the eye icon (slightly quicker method but will change formatting of some other elements, e.g., banner at top)
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step 4: (removes the article overlay which causes text to fade to blank further in the article) delete the line of code '<div class="Article_Content_Overlay--gated"></div>’ by clicking on it + hitting the del button (can be found easily by scrolling down the article, right-clicking text + selecting 'inspect')
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full article should now be readable! once you know what you’re doing it only takes ~30 secs
some other notes:
any edits will be undone when you refresh the page as they’re only temporarily altering the way you view the web page - so don’t hit refresh until you've finished reading!
I did this on firefox but it should work on any browser with minimal differences in the method. I've tested on opera/edge/chrome and all have worked fine for me
if you want to read nat geo articles that are NOT ‘subscriber exclusive’ but you've run out of 'free articles': this method will work for them too - but you don't need to do step 4! (the fading article overlay seems to be subscriber-exclusive…) however just temporarily disabling javascript is faster + works fine as long as there’s no overlay:
to disable javascript on firefox type about:config into the search bar. you’ll get a warning that you’re entering advanced preferences. accept this then search for ‘javascript.enabled’ and toggle from ‘true’ to ‘false’ using the little arrow switch. refresh your article page et voila! just remember to toggle it back once you’re done. this is my go-to for reading paywalled nyt articles ;-)
idk how to do this on other browsers and cba to check. google it man
you can also use 12ft.io for nat geo! much easier but doesn’t preserve og format
disclaimer I am not some tech wizard I am just a guy with a laptop who loves piracy and hates paywalls. there are tons of alternative ways of getting around them + this probably isn’t the most elegant but it works for me so! godspeed comrades <3
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arkenforge · 2 years
New Year, New Toolkit – Public Update v0.4.1.150
Howdy folks! There’s a change in the air. after the release of the v0.4.0 and v0.4.1 updates, we got a lot (I mean, a LOOOOOT) of feedback about the changes we made. It’s safe to say that most of them were quite negative, and we agreed with a lot of it.
The current v0.4.1.0 Toolkit was designed with the wrong ideas in mind. It was a workhorse tool that could let us more easily create our content internally, and it was a tool that could allow new features to be easily added through the Hand’s simplistic menu system. There’s one major thing we didn’t design for: the user. We spent all our time building a tool for us that could do the things we wanted it to, we ended up with a UI that we could easily work with (since we designed it), but was scary and intimidating to new users, and required multiple tutorials to start understanding where to even begin.
We’ve spent the last year fixing that.
After a year of pretty solid development, we’re ready to fully unveil the new Master’s Toolkit to you. It’s got all the great new features from the v0.4.1.0 Toolkit and more, but in a form that’s much easier for all users, new and existing, to jump in and understand. We’ve assembled a collection of some of the fanciest new features below. The full patch notes will be listed after.
We’ve also assembled some tutorials for you to get started with, which can be found here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkNo24w-R8iIwUUOixmR3aS27NWbFcLRp
And finally, all active and expired trials have been reset. If you weren’t a fan of the last version of the Toolkit, feel free to jump in and give this one a look. You won’t be disappointed!
Ok, let’s dive in!
A New UI
We know, we know. “Arkenforge changing their UI? We’ve been down this road before.” And while yes, that’s true, as we mentioned above this time it’s 100% for the better!
The first thing you’ll notice is that there’s no main menu. We’ve moved to a similar system that virtually every other map builder and VTT uses – a side panel. Now all Toolkit functionality and content can be easily accessed from the side panel.
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The side panel has two tiers, with a third tier showing the available options. This design is significantly cleaner than the old design. You can easily see what’s going on, and what options you have available to you.
We’ve chopped off the Hand
The Hand was a programmer’s dream. Any option could be added to any of the menus in seconds with a single line of code. Unfortunately, each option you selected would bring up its own popup slider. If you selected something, you had no concept of what its current state was, and you couldn’t easily adjust multiple values at once. This was one of the major issues that we’ve tried to solve with this update, and we’d like to think that we’ve succeeded.
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You can now easily see the values of your selected content without needing to open up 20 different popup sliders. It’s also much easier now to see all of your available options!
The Wheel, but straightened out
As we mentioned in the post about our v0.4.0 update, the Wheel was a much beloved feature that provided an easy way to manipulate content, but became too limiting for the raft of new features that we were bringing out. We’ve now added in the Quick Access Menu, a row of buttons above your selected content that can be used for simple manipulations, and to quickly access the side panels for more advanced manipulation options.
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Each button in the menu can be enabled/disabled and reordered to best fit your needs.
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You’ll also notice a shortcut icon at the top of every side panel menu. Enabling this will provide a link to that menu in the ‘quick access menus’ section of the Quick Access Menu.
Those users from the v0.3 days may remember the widgets of old. These were simple panels that could be turned on or off as needed, that provided core functionality to the Toolkit. After two years of v0.4, we’ve brought them back :)
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Widgets can be found along the top of the screen. If you want to disable or recolour any, you’ll be able to to so from the Widget Settings panel. We’ve selected a small set of widgets for this initial release that should provide most of the functionality needed for the standard user. Those widgets are:
Map Functions
Fog of War
Time of Day
Map Levels
Player Screen
If you’d like to learn more, we have a video available here: https://youtu.be/QldOgyG7yQ8
Layer Stack
One of our most heavily requested features over the years has been a layer stack – the ability to see all content that’s been placed on the map. We’ve held out in the past due to optimisation limitations, but with our huge new Toolkit optimisations we’ve finally been able to add it in!
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On top of showing all content on your current map level, the Toolkit will even point them out for you if you hover over them! Any content here can be selected by clicking on it, and you can hold Ctrl of Shift to multi-select from the list. Finally, we’ve added a handy search bar at the top so that you can only show specific content.
New Effects System
Our Effects system in v0.4.0 was a big hit, and we’ve been really keen to expand it. The UI left quite a lot to be desired, so we’ve come up with a new system that will make managing effects on your content a breeze!
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All effects active on an object will now show in a list. You can easily view and modify the properties of any effect, and enable/disable and remove them as needed.  You may have noticed that we’ve added the ability to stack multiple of the same type of effect! This can lead to some fin behaviours, especially if multiple float effects are in play.
On top of this new system, we’ve added a whole bunch of new effects for you to play with:
Blink. Makes content appear and disappear at regular intervals
Line Scroll. Tile scroll, but for lines
Pulse, Scale up and down at regular intervals
Light Flicker. The current flicker effect for lights that you know and love
Light Blink. Blinks the light on and off, like a broken halogen light.
Sound Trigger. Triggers an assigned SFX when the trigger condition is met
MP3 Support
Another of our long-awaited features. We’re incredibly happy to say that you can finally import your own mp3 files into the Toolkit! No more conversion to OGG or Wav
These are just some of the new improvements we’ve made to the Toolkit! | Hit the link below to also read the full Patch Notes for the update! https://arkenforge.com/new-year-new-toolkit-public-update-v0-4-1-150/
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updatecrazy · 22 days
No Mans Sky update 5.11 is available to download on PS4, PS5(Version 5.011), PC, and Xbox One players. According to the official No Mans Sky 5.11 patch notes, this update update focuses on improving fishing mechanics, fixing freighter-related bugs, and addressing multiple rare crashes to ensure smoother gameplay. Apart from this, No Mans Sky version 5.11 also includes a long list of bug fixes and changes. NMS 5.011 Patch Notes (Version 5.011.000) - September 7, 2024 Fishing and Interaction Fixes Players are now alerted to new record catches. Players actively fishing are now marked as Busy for group invites. Fixed quick access issue with items stored in the Nutrient Processor while cooking. Resolved issue with fish swimming above water surface. Improved targeting of interactable objects when holding a fishing rod. Enhanced effects when releasing fish back into the water. Exo-Skiff summoning in VR now functions properly. Improved accuracy of the fishing float in rough seas. Specialist bait can now be placed in the Exo-Skiff's cold storage. Fixed a rare issue causing previous popups to block recent fish catches. Resolved issue causing a dot to appear in the starship crosshair when boarding with a fishing rod. Improved fishing line visibility in different lighting conditions. Fixed several minor audio issues during fishing. Wave audio now plays properly even far from shore. Fixed sync issues between wave audio and visuals in shallow water. Expedition and Mission Adjustments Improved clarity of objectives for multiple expedition mission steps. Adjusted catch rates for certain mission-specific fishing items. Freighter and UI Fixes Fixed a rare bug resetting player freighters during warps. Fixed an issue causing resource loss in Freighter Refiner Rooms when warping capital ships. Resolved issue preventing exit from Title selection to banner customization. Corrected incorrect labels in the freighter customization UI. Fixed an issue causing page dots to overflow for players with many unlocked titles. Fixed minor text formatting issue in procedural artifact descriptions. Starship and Water Rendering Fixes Addressed minor visual issues with Hauler-class starship wings. Resolved visual corruption in water rendering. Performance and Crash Fixes Introduced minor memory optimizations. Fixed rare crashes related to: AI starship behavior. Starship handling. Creature navigation. Icon rendering. Resolved a rare issue causing crashes when teleporting to water planets. Fixed a rare issue causing large saves to crash after loading. Previously, a major free No Man's Sky update 4.40 added a relaxed mode, overhauled inventories, revamped UI, and improved missions. Unfortunately, players are still experiencing several issues. NMS update 5.11 will fix a few of these issues. Download free No Mans Sky update 5.11 on Sony PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and Xbox One.
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zeedropcrosslister · 3 months
5 Shopify Tips to Increase Conversions
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Implement Discount or Special Offer PopupsPurpose: Entice visitors with a discount or special offer popup in exchange for their email address.Benefits: This strategy helps build an email list of potential customers, allowing for targeted email marketing campaigns.Advanced Tip: Use the collected email list to create custom audiences for Facebook ads. This can help in retargeting interested customers, improving the chances of conversion.
Enhance Quick Add-to-Cart ButtonsPurpose: Make it easier for customers to add items to their cart with a prominently displayed, easy-to-use quick add-to-cart button.Benefits: Quick add-to-cart buttons, especially as sidebars, improve the shopping experience by reducing the steps needed to make a purchase. This convenience can lead to higher conversion rates.Advanced Tip: Ensure the buttons are visually appealing and functional on both desktop and mobile devices for a seamless user experience.
Include Detailed and Descriptive Product ImagesPurpose: Provide multiple high-quality images for each product, showing different angles and uses.Benefits: Detailed images help customers better understand the product, increasing their confidence in the purchase decision.Advanced Tip: Incorporate zoom-in features and lifestyle images that show the product in real-world settings. This can help customers visualize how the product fits into their lives.
Provide Comprehensive Product InformationPurpose: Offer detailed information about each product, including materials, fit recommendations, shipping, and return policies.Benefits: Comprehensive product details can answer potential customer questions upfront, reducing hesitation and the likelihood of abandoned carts.Advanced Tip: Use bullet points for easy readability and consider adding customer reviews and FAQs to address common concerns.
Enable Real-Time Customer Support via ChatPurpose: Implement a live chat feature where customers can speak to a real person, preferably through popular messaging platforms like WhatsApp.Benefits: Real-time support makes customers feel more comfortable and reassured, which can increase trust and conversion rates.Advanced Tip: Ensure the chat service is easily accessible from all pages of your store and staffed by knowledgeable agents who can provide quick, helpful responses.
Use ZeeDrop for Quality and Fast Listings on shopofy
Purpose: Utilize ZeeDrop, a crosslisting tool, to quickly and efficiently list products on your Shopify store. Benefits: ZeeDrop allows you to create high-quality listings rapidly, saving time and effort while ensuring consistency and accuracy across your product catalog. Advanced Tip: Leverage ZeeDrop’s features to bulk upload products, synchronize inventory, and manage listings from multiple suppliers, enhancing your store's efficiency and scalability.
Implementing these strategies can significantly enhance the customer experience on your Shopify store, leading to higher conversions and increased sales.
0 notes
The Ultimate Checklist for 10x20 Trade Show Booth Setup
The Ultimate Checklist for 10x20 Trade Show Booth Setup
Setting up a 10x20 trade show booth can be a daunting task, but with the right preparation, you can create an impactful and successful display. Here’s the ultimate checklist to ensure your booth setup goes smoothly:
1. Planning and Design
Define Your Objectives
Determine the main goals for your 10x20 trade show booth: brand awareness, lead generation, product launch, etc.
Identify your target audience and tailor your booth design to appeal to them.
Booth Design
Work with a professional designer to create an engaging and functional layout.
Ensure the design aligns with your brand identity and effectively communicates your message.
Consider traffic flow to ensure visitors can easily navigate your booth.
Branding and Graphics
Create high-quality graphics that prominently display your logo and key messages.
Use consistent branding across all materials to reinforce brand recognition.
Invest in a visually striking backdrop to make your booth stand out.
Booth Elements
Choose the right furniture and fixtures: counters, tables, chairs, display cases, etc.
Ensure your booth has enough storage space for promotional materials and personal items.
Include interactive elements like touch screens or product demonstrations to engage visitors.
2. Marketing Materials
Print Materials
Design and print brochures, flyers, and business cards to hand out to visitors.
Create branded giveaways to attract more visitors to your booth.
Digital Content
Prepare a slideshow or video presentation to play on a loop at your booth.
Develop a digital lead capture form to collect visitor information efficiently.
Use clear, concise signage to highlight key information and direct visitors to your booth.
Ensure all signs are easy to read from a distance.
3. Technology and Equipment
AV Equipment
Rent or purchase high-quality audio-visual equipment: monitors, speakers, microphones, etc.
Test all equipment before the event to ensure it works properly.
Internet and Power
Arrange for reliable internet access at your booth.
Ensure you have enough power outlets and extension cords to accommodate all your equipment.
Use effective lighting to highlight your products and create a welcoming atmosphere.
Consider using LED lights for energy efficiency and flexibility.
4. Staffing and Training
Booth Staff
Select knowledgeable and personable staff to represent your brand.
Ensure staff members are trained on your products, services, and key messages.
Staff Schedule
Create a schedule to ensure your booth is always adequately staffed.
Allow for breaks to keep your staff fresh and engaged.
Staff Attire
Provide branded clothing for your staff to maintain a professional appearance.
Ensure staff attire aligns with your brand image.
5. Logistics and Setup
Arrange for the timely shipping of all booth materials to the event location.
Confirm delivery dates and times with your shipping provider.
Setup and Dismantling
Create a detailed setup plan to ensure everything is assembled correctly.
Allocate enough time for both setup and dismantling to avoid last-minute stress.
On-Site Support
Arrange for on-site support to assist with any technical or logistical issues.
Have a contact list of event organizers and service providers for quick reference.
6. Lead Generation and Follow-Up
Lead Capture
Use digital lead capture tools to efficiently collect visitor information.
Train staff on how to qualify leads and gather relevant information.
Post-Event Follow-Up
Develop a follow-up plan to contact leads after the event.
Prepare personalized emails or calls to nurture leads and convert them into customers.
For more expert tips on setting up an effective 10x20 trade show booth, visit https://popup-booth.com/. For personalized support and inquiries, contact us at [email protected].
By following this ultimate checklist, you can ensure that your 10x20 trade show booth is set up for success. Planning, design, marketing materials, technology, staffing, logistics, and lead generation are all critical components that contribute to a successful booth setup. Implement these tips to create an engaging and effective display that attracts visitors and achieves your trade show objectives.
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amit0707 · 3 months
What is Elementor Pro, and how can I use it to create websites?
Creating websites has become more accessible than ever, thanks to powerful tools like Elementor Pro, Shopify. This blog post will guide you through understanding what Elementor Pro is and how you can use it to create stunning websites effortlessly.
Understanding Elementor Pro
Definition and Overview
Elementor is a popular WordPress page builder plugin, and Elementor Pro is its premium version, packed with advanced features. Unlike the basic Elementor, the Pro version offers more sophisticated tools for professional-level website design.
Key Features
Elementor Pro stands out with its drag-and-drop editor, allowing you to build pages without any coding knowledge. The Theme Builder lets you design every part of your website, including headers and footers, while the WooCommerce Builder helps you create a fully functional eCommerce site. Additional features include a Popup Builder, advanced widgets and templates, and global widgets for consistent design across your site.
Benefits of Using Elementor Pro
The user-friendly interface makes Elementor Pro accessible to beginners. Its high customization options mean you can tailor your site precisely to your needs. Time-saving templates and responsive design capabilities ensure your site looks great on any device.
Setting Up Elementor Pro
Before you start, you need a WordPress website. To install Elementor Pro, purchase and download the plugin from the official Elementor website, then upload and activate it through your WordPress dashboard.
Initial Configuration
Once activated, navigate to the Elementor Pro dashboard to configure basic settings. Familiarize yourself with the interface to streamline your workflow.
Creating a Website with Elementor Pro
Choosing a Theme
Select a theme compatible with Elementor to maximize its potential. Themes like Astra or GeneratePress are highly recommended for their seamless integration with Elementor.
Designing the Homepage
You can start by using pre-made templates for a quick setup or design from scratch for a more personalized touch. Add and customize widgets such as text blocks, images, and buttons to create a visually appealing homepage.
Building Other Pages
Create additional pages like About, Services, and Contact by utilizing global widgets for a consistent look. This ensures elements like headers and footers remain uniform across your site.
Adding Functionality
Integrate forms for user interaction, use the Popup Builder for special announcements, and add WooCommerce for an eCommerce site. These features enhance user experience and functionality.
Advanced Customization with Elementor Pro
Theme Builder
With the Theme Builder, design and customize headers, footers, single post templates, and archive pages. This gives you full control over your site’s layout and design.
Dynamic Content
Use dynamic widgets to display personalized content based on user behavior. Integrate Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) to manage custom data efficiently.
Optimization Tips
Ensure your site is responsive, meaning it adapts to different screen sizes. Follow best practices for fast loading times, such as optimizing images and minimizing unnecessary plugins.
Best Practices and Tips
Design Tips
Maintain brand consistency by using a cohesive color scheme and typography. Use whitespace effectively to create a clean, readable layout.
SEO Optimization
Elementor Pro includes basic SEO settings, but integrating with plugins like Yoast SEO can further enhance your site’s search engine visibility.
Regularly update Elementor Pro and other plugins to keep your site secure. Implement a backup strategy to protect your data from potential loss.
Elementor Pro offers a powerful, user-friendly solution for building professional websites. Its extensive features and customization options make it suitable for both beginners and advanced users. If you’re ready to transform your website building process, start with a free trial or explore the basic plan. With Elementor Pro, creating a stunning, responsive website has never been easier.
Additional Resources
For more detailed guidance, check out Elementor Pro’s tutorials and documentation. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned web designer, Elementor Pro can help you create a beautiful, functional website tailored to your needs. Happy building. You can also buy the elementor pro plugin from here- https://delima.io/products/wordpress-elementor-pro-plugin-v3-22-0-lifetime-access
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acap-arch-printing · 4 months
Pop Up Booth Retractable Backdrop Solutions by Pop Up Trade Show Booth
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Elevate your Pop Up Booth with our innovative retractable backdrop solutions, available at popup-booth.com. These versatile banners come in three large sizes, allowing you to create impactful visual displays for trade shows, conferences, and other events. Fully customizable, they enable you to showcase vibrant full-color graphics, including company logos, slogans, or product images. Conveniently roll them into their base when not in use to prevent wrinkles and tears, making transportation hassle-free. Utilize these expansive backdrops to promote your brand effectively in various settings.
Included Components:
Custom printed retractable backdrop
Aluminum frame
Top rail and bottom adhesive strip
Height adjustable poles
Cardboard holder and carrying case
Material Choices:
13oz Indoor Vinyl: Weather-resistant and UV-protected matte vinyl
13oz Indoor Opaque Vinyl: 100% opaque, weather-resistant, and UV-protected satin vinyl
Display Polyester: Nearly opaque, flame-retardant knitted fabric (6.10oz/yd²)
Premium Opaque Polyester: 100% opaque, flame-retardant knitted fabric (7.67oz/yd²)
Design Your Custom Retractable Backdrops Online
Customize your backdrop with ease using our online design tool available at popup-booth.com. Upload logos, images, and text to create eye-catching designs tailored to your brand. Alternatively, take advantage of our free design services for professional assistance.
Booth Displays for Trade Shows with Retractable Backdrops
Our retractable backdrops are ideal for trade show booths, serving as captivating focal points to attract visitors. Showcase your brand, products, or promotional messages with ease. Visit popup-booth.com to explore our extensive collection and start designing your booth today.
Portable & Convenient
Our retractable backdrops are lightweight and portable, making them easy to transport to different events. Setup is quick and hassle-free, allowing you to focus on showcasing your brand effectively.
Easy Setup
Setting up our retractable backdrops is straightforward and requires no external tools. Simply follow the included instructions for assembly.
Frequently Asked Questions
Turnaround Time: Your Pop Up Trade Show Booth retractable backdrop will ship within 3 business days. Rush production and expedited shipping options are available for faster delivery.
Difference from Other Backdrop Stands: Our banner stand includes a base that stores and protects the banner when not in use, simplifying setup and ensuring safe storage.
Banner Materials: Choose from four durable materials suited for indoor use, each offering different levels of opacity and protection.
Setup Guide: Access step-by-step instructional videos and printable assembly instructions on our website.
Make an impact with our extra-wide retractable backdrop banner
Perfect for conferences, trade shows, lobbies, and more
Features fold-out stabilizing feet to support the stand
Prints come in various heights to suit different booth sizes
Constructed out of durable aluminum for long-lasting use
Orders include prints, hardware, and a convenient carry bag
Explore our collection and start customizing your retractable backdrop at popup-booth.com today.
请改写第九次:加上1.品牌词:Pop Up Trade Show Booth。2.加上域名:popup-booth.com。3.关键词Pop Up Booth出现在第一段。4.标题要有Pop Up Booth关键词。5.关键词Booth Trade Show必须出现一次。1和2和3和4和5加粗。ChatGPT
Pop Up Booth Retractable Backdrop Solutions by Pop Up Trade Show Booth
Elevate your Pop Up Booth with our innovative retractable backdrop solutions, available at popup-booth.com. These versatile banners come in three large sizes, allowing you to create impactful visual displays for trade shows, conferences, and other events. Fully customizable, they enable you to showcase vibrant full-color graphics, including company logos, slogans, or product images. Conveniently roll them into their base when not in use to prevent wrinkles and tears, making transportation hassle-free. Utilize these expansive backdrops to promote your brand effectively in various settings.
Included Components:
Custom printed retractable backdrop
Aluminum frame
Top rail and bottom adhesive strip
Height adjustable poles
Cardboard holder and carrying case
Material Choices:
13oz Indoor Vinyl: Weather-resistant and UV-protected matte vinyl
13oz Indoor Opaque Vinyl: 100% opaque, weather-resistant, and UV-protected satin vinyl
Display Polyester: Nearly opaque, flame-retardant knitted fabric (6.10oz/yd²)
Premium Opaque Polyester: 100% opaque, flame-retardant knitted fabric (7.67oz/yd²)
Design Your Custom Retractable Backdrops Online
Customize your backdrop with ease using our online design tool available at popup-booth.com. Upload logos, images, and text to create eye-catching designs tailored to your brand. Alternatively, take advantage of our free design services for professional assistance.
Booth Trade Show Displays with Retractable Backdrops
Our retractable backdrops are ideal for booth trade show displays, serving as captivating focal points to attract visitors. Showcase your brand, products, or promotional messages with ease. Visit popup-booth.com to explore our extensive collection and start designing your booth today.
Portable & Convenient
Our retractable backdrops are lightweight and portable, making them easy to transport to different events. Setup is quick and hassle-free, allowing you to focus on showcasing your brand effectively.
Easy Setup
Setting up our retractable backdrops is straightforward and requires no external tools. Simply follow the included instructions for assembly.
Frequently Asked Questions
Turnaround Time: Your Pop Up Trade Show Booth retractable backdrop will ship within 3 business days. Rush production and expedited shipping options are available for faster delivery.
Difference from Other Backdrop Stands: Our banner stand includes a base that stores and protects the banner when not in use, simplifying setup and ensuring safe storage.
Banner Materials: Choose from four durable materials suited for indoor use, each offering different levels of opacity and protection.
Setup Guide: Access step-by-step instructional videos and printable assembly instructions on our website.
Make an impact with our extra-wide retractable backdrop banner
Perfect for conferences, trade shows, lobbies, and more
Features fold-out stabilizing feet to support the stand
Prints come in various heights to suit different booth sizes
Constructed out of durable aluminum for long-lasting use
Orders include prints, hardware, and a convenient carry bag
Explore our collection and start customizing your retractable backdrop at popup-booth.com today.
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0 notes
popup-qa · 5 months
The Ultimate Guide: Buying a Point-of-Sale (POS) System in Qatar
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In Qatar's bustling commercial landscape, selecting the right Point-of-Sale (POS) system is pivotal for businesses aiming to streamline operations, enhance customer interactions, and drive profitability. Amidst the myriad of options available, partnering with Popup Agency ensures a seamless transition towards acquiring a tailor-made POS solution that perfectly aligns with your business needs and goals.
Understanding the Significance of a Tailored POS System:
A POS system serves as the backbone of retail and hospitality establishments, facilitating efficient transactions, inventory management, and customer engagement. Here's why investing in a customized POS system is imperative for businesses in Qatar:
Optimized Operations: A bespoke POS system is designed to suit the unique workflow and requirements of your business, ensuring smoother operations and minimizing bottlenecks.
Enhanced Customer Experience: With tailored features such as loyalty programs, personalized promotions, and quick checkout processes, your POS system becomes a catalyst for delivering exceptional customer experiences that foster loyalty and repeat business.
Data-Driven Insights: A customized POS solution offers in-depth analytics and reporting capabilities, providing valuable insights into sales trends, inventory turnover, and customer preferences. This data empowers you to make informed decisions and refine your business strategies for maximum efficiency and profitability.
Scalability and Flexibility: As your business evolves, so should your POS system. A customized solution from Popup Agency is built to scale seamlessly, accommodating growth and adapting to changing market dynamics without disruption.
Key Features of Popup Agency's Tailored POS Solutions:
Customized Configuration: Our team works closely with you to understand your business model, processes, and goals, tailoring the POS system to meet your specific needs. From retail stores to restaurants and beyond, we deliver a solution that fits like a glove.
Comprehensive Integration: Seamlessly integrate your POS system with other essential business tools and platforms such as accounting software, e-commerce platforms, and customer relationship management (CRM) systems, ensuring a cohesive ecosystem that enhances productivity and efficiency.
Mobile Accessibility: Empower your staff with mobile POS capabilities, allowing them to process transactions, access inventory data, and engage with customers from anywhere in the store or restaurant floor, delivering a seamless omnichannel experience.
24/7 Support and Maintenance: Our dedicated support team is available round-the-clock to address any queries or issues you may encounter with your POS system. Whether it's troubleshooting technical glitches or providing training for your staff, we're here to ensure your operations run smoothly.
Why Choose Popup Agency for Your POS System Needs in Qatar:
Industry Expertise: With years of experience serving businesses across various industries in Qatar, Popup Agency understands the unique challenges and requirements of the local market, enabling us to deliver solutions that drive tangible results.
Personalized Approach: We believe in forging long-term partnerships with our clients, starting with a thorough consultation to identify your needs and preferences, followed by the development and implementation of a customized POS solution that exceeds your expectations.
Proven Track Record: Our portfolio boasts a diverse range of successful POS implementations for businesses of all sizes, demonstrating our commitment to delivering high-quality solutions that deliver measurable value and ROI.
Future-Ready Solutions: In an ever-changing business landscape, we remain at the forefront of technology trends and innovations, ensuring that your POS system is equipped with the latest features and capabilities to keep you ahead of the competition.
In the dynamic business environment of Qatar, investing in a tailored POS system from Popup Agency is a strategic decision that empowers your business to thrive. By leveraging our expertise, personalized approach, and commitment to excellence, you can elevate your operations, delight your customers, and achieve sustainable growth in the digital age. Reach out to us today to embark on your journey towards POS success.
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tarikulreview · 8 months
EazyLeadz Review - $127 to $1500+ Eazy Pay Days WITHOUT Ads, A Huge Audience
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EazyLeadz Review - $127 to $1500+ Eazy Pay Days WITHOUT Ads, A Huge Audience
Works Amazing For Beginners - It’s Your Easiest, Surest & Cheapest Way To Passive Online Income & Daily ChaChing Alerts In 2024!
EazyLeadz Review - Introduction
    Welcome to my review of EasyLeadz, arecently launched system that touts itself as a "Lazy man" solution for simplified lead generation and monetization. This tool claims to empower individuals, even those with little experience, to access and profit from substantial buyer leads without the reliance on advertisements, with the ultimate goal of effortlessly boosting their businesses.
    In the quest for targeted buyers to promote affiliate products, traditional lead gathering methods are often viewed as time-consuming and challenging, potentially putting a cap on a company's earnings. EasyLeadz positions itself as a solution to this challenge in the business landscape, offering a user-friendly lead generation platform that streamlines the process, enabling users to effortlessly generate targeted traffic for their products.
    EasyLeadz goes beyond merely promising increased visibility. It asserts the potential for substantial profits by effectively promoting personal or company products. In a business environment where lead generation is a critical factor for success, EasyLeadz aims to be a convenient and effective solution, presenting a fresh and simplified approach to tapping into and capitalizing on potential customer engagement.
Eazy Leadz Review - Overview
Product Name                      : EazyLeadz
Vendor                                 : Ekeocha Roland
Front End Price                   : $17
Product Type                        : Software
Support                                 : Effective Support
Official Website                    : Get Access now
Recommended                      : Highly Recommended
Skill Level Needed               : ZERO Skill Levels
Rating                                   : 9.4 out of 10
Ready To Unlock Your Way To Steady Passive Income
& Daily ChaChing Alerts?
No Monthly Fee Required | Agency/Commercial Rights Included For FREE
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Eazy Leadz Review – Features
® Unlock 100+ DONE FOR YOU Interactive Lead Capture Forms & Popup Funnels ready to deploy in 60 seconds flat.
® Unique lead form and popup funnel strategy helps users to leverage multi-source traffic(landing pages, websites, social media, etc.) and convert them into engaged leads
® Fast & Easy To Set Up - Deploy In Under 60 Seconds Flat, no skill is required, no prior experience, not even AI prompting.
® 100% Done for you system - Lead magnet, copy, tech, delivery - we’ve LITERALLY done all the work.
® Comes with a monetization kit - we help you build your list and then show you how to make money from it - 100% beginner friendly.
® Users Can Start Getting Results Immediately.
EazyLeadz Review – Benefits
Free List Building:
EazyLeadz streamlines the process of building your list with a 100% Done For You System, ensuring accessibility even for those with minimal experience in digital marketing.
Effortlessly collect payments with 1-Click e-Store Integration, enabling the rapid monetization of your email lists.
Quick Affiliate Review Pages:
Craft affiliate review video pages within minutes, simplifying the promotion of affiliate products and commission earning.
Advanced Funnel Logic:
Leverage advanced logic branching for funnel steps, creating dynamic and personalized experiences for your audience.
Legal Utilization of Video Authority:
Legally harness the influence and authority of top video marketers, enhancing the credibility of your content.
Diverse Video Sources:
Utilize videos from multiple sources, including YouTube and Vimeo, providing flexibility and expanding content options.
Create Captivating Video Funnels:
Easily transform any video into attractive funnels, turning website visitors into active subscribers and customers.
Simple Builder:
Use the easy drag-and-drop tool to create and customize your video funnels effortlessly.
Media Library Access:
Get free access to millions of stock videos, GIFs, and images to make your video funnels visually appealing.
Funnel Analytics:
See how well your funnels are performing with helpful analytics, so you can make smart decisions to improve them.
Mobile-Friendly Pages:
Make sure your video funnels and pages look great and work smoothly on all devices, from phones to computers.
Customization Options:
Personalize your video pages to match your brand, keeping a professional and consistent online presence.
Urgency and FOMO Features:
Add timers for urgency to create a sense of missing out, encouraging more engagement and conversions.
List Management Made Easy:
Effortlessly organize and use your contact information with a simple one-click export to CSV.
Simple Sharing with Hosted Links:
Share your video funnels easily with a wider audience using free hosted links, expanding your reach.
Dashboard for Key Metrics:
Keep an eye on important performance indicators through a clear dashboard, helping you make data-driven decisions to improve your video pages.
In conclusion, EazyLeadz provides a user-friendly solution that combines simplicity, customization, and powerful features to boost your digital marketing efforts.
 Get Bonus and Coupon Code >>Click here
EazyLeadz Review– How it works?
Your Subscribers Can Start Getting Results in 3 Simple Steps
Step 1   : Choose a topic you're interested in and pick from more than 100 pre-made plans.
Step 2   : Share your plan to get a simple code that you can put on your pages, websites, or share through our social traffic tool.
Step 3   : Begin attracting and turning traffic from different places into interested leads and sales.
EazyLeadz Review – What BONUS in Ezyleadz?
How About Some Juicy FREE Bonuses Worth $9,375 ONLY For The First 99 Action Takers
(The Ball Is Now On Your Court…)
How to Add Hundreds of Subscribers Weekly
Achieving success in an online business largely depends on having an opt-in email list with quality subscribers who engage with valuable content, make purchases, or respond to affiliate offers.
However, for many marketers, the challenge lies in driving subscribers to their lists, which can be a daunting task. If you're grappling with the same issue, it's time to take a moment to relax. Here's a valuable package that provides tips on adding hundreds of subscribers to your list every week.
Free Access to My Email Writa Software
As a marketer online for over 10 years, I've written millions of emails. Let me tell you, writing emails isn't easy, even for short ones.
I want to offer you free access to my email writing software. This tool will make sure your emails grab attention and always get opened.
EazyLeadz Review – OTOS
Font End – $17
 ® Create up to 20 lead capture campaigns effortlessly.
® Explore a collection of 100+ ready-made lead form templates.
® Receive 100 Done-for-You premium lead magnets.
® Build a substantial list of up to 10,000 engaged email subscribers.
® Enjoy a swift and straightforward setup in under 60 seconds.
® Access a variety of 50+ Done-for-You theme designs.
® Incorporate urgency and FOMO with customizable timers.
® Embed campaigns seamlessly on unlimited pages, websites, or funnels.
® Employ Hello Bar, Sticky Button, and Pop-Up features for optimal engagement.
® Implement Exit Intent Technology and customize settings.
® Tap into a vast network of 5 billion social media traffic sources.
® Track key metrics through a robust analytics dashboard.
® Ensure GDPR compliance with a secure lead generation system.
® Integrate seamlessly with preferred autoresponder service providers.
® Manage local lists and export data to CSV.
® Benefit from multilingual support, covering 108 languages.
OTO 2 – $37/$47
® Construct and tailor extended lead capture pop funnels effortlessly.
® Utilize drag-and-drop simplicity to craft 20 interactive popup funnels.
® Implement lead segmentation to enhance engagement and generate 10 times more leads.
® Deliver multiple magnets efficiently through an extended funnel structure.
® Incorporate gamification strategies for heightened lead generation results.
® Easily set up complex lead funnel branches.
® Access a vast library of millions of stock videos, GIFs, and stock images.
® Deploy advanced logic branching for intricate funnel steps.
OTO 3 – $67/$97
® Unlock limitless campaigns, engaged leads, views, and traffic.
® Opt for a custom domain to elevate your branding.
® Leverage the teams feature for collaborative campaign efforts.
Become a member of the exclusive club for the latest and updated lead generation funnel assets.
Immediately acquire 50 additional Done-for-You (DFY) lead forms and magnets.
Unlock a monthly release of 5 new DFY lead forms.
Enjoy the exclusive option to request specific niches and magnets.
Access a ready-to-use affiliate marketing campaign package.
Follow a step-by-step implementation guide for seamless execution.
Benefit from pre-prepared bonuses, email sequences, and demo walkthrough.
Acquire everything necessary to unlock daily affiliate commissions.
OTO 6 – $97/$147
Achieve success as a software marketer by reselling EazyLeadz.
Offer 100 licenses at $97/$127.
Provide 1000 licenses at $127/$147.
 Get Access Now >> Click here
EazyLeadz Review – FAQ
 Q: Is EazyLeadz suitable for beginners?
Absolutely! EazyLeadz is specifically designed with beginners in mind, featuring a straightforward setup process and a user-friendly interface that requires no prior experience.
Q: Can I personalize the lead capture forms and popup funnels?
While EazyLeadz provides a variety of ready-made templates, customization options are somewhat limited. However, users can still modify certain elements to align with their branding and preferences.
Q: How quickly can I start seeing results with EazyLeadz?
Users can witness results almost immediately after deploying their campaigns. EazyLeadz is optimized for rapid engagement and conversion, allowing users to capitalize on their efforts swiftly.
Q: Is EazyLeadz suitable for advanced marketers?
While EazyLeadz primarily caters to beginners, advanced marketers can still benefit from its streamlined approach to lead generation. However, they may find themselves desiring more customization options and features tailored to their specific needs.
Q: What support options are available for EazyLeadz users?
EazyLeadz offers comprehensive support to its users, including tutorials, documentation, and direct assistance from the support team. Users can also access community forums for additional guidance and insights.
Q: Can I integrate EazyLeadz with other marketing tools and platforms?
EazyLeadz is designed for seamless integration with various marketing tools and platforms, enabling users to leverage their existing infrastructure while maximizing their lead generation efforts.
EazyLeadz Review – Conclusion
However, users should be cautious about the learning curve, relying too much on internet connectivity, and the potential costs associated with upgrades and reseller accounts. Consider your specific needs and give it a try for a while to see if EazyLeadz is the right fit for you.
Like with any tool, staying informed about updates, actively participating in the community, and making use of available resources will contribute to a more successful experience with EazyLeadz.
Thank you for taking the time to read this detailed review of EazyLeadz. I hope this thorough examination has given you useful insights to help you make a well-informed decision for your online journey.
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quid-666 · 9 months
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